00   Prolegomena. Teorija znanja i kulture. Propedeutika

001   Znanost i znanje. Organizacija intelektualnog rada

Vidi br.: HA19-00848

Vidi br.: HA19-01223

Vidi br.: HA19-00883

003   Sustavi pisanja i pisma. Znakovi i simboli. Kodovi. Grafičko predstavljanje

GRIŠČENKO, Aleksandr I.
Ješčё raz o proishoždenii kirilličeskoj bukvʹy "è" [Elektronička građa] : kirillica, glagolica ili jevrejskoe pisʹmo? / Aleksandr I. Griščenko. - Ilustr.
Ćir. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 63-68. - Rezyume ; Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad se bavi problemom podrijetla ćiriličnog slova »obrnuto e« (Э) koje se pojavilo u srpskim (rjeđe u bugarskim) pisanim spomenicima od XIII. do XIV. stoljeća; međutim, pretežno se upotrebljavalo kao nadredno slovo na kraju retka. Jedna od najpouzdanijih hipoteza pojavljivanja ovog slova jest njegovo posuđivanje iz glagoljice, posebice zbog njegove vrlo rane uporabe u istočnoslavenskoj književnosti – u Silvestrovskom zborniku s kraja 14. ili početka 15. stoljeća. U ovom se zborniku koristi u semitskom božjem imenu »El«. Boris Uspenskij pretpostavio je da je u Silvestrovskom zborniku i Slavensko-ruskom Ispravljenom Petoknjižju iz 15. stoljeća slovo »obrnuto e« imalo sakralni status i da potječe od hebrejskoga slova א »alef«, za razliku od slučajeva uporabe sličnog slova u slavenskoj književnosti Velikog vojvodstva Litve iz 15. stoljeća (uglavnom na staro rusinskom jeziku). Ovaj članak dovodi u sumnju hipotezu Uspenskoga, jer je autor pronašao i druge primjere uporabe slova »obrnuto e« (Э) u Ispravljenom Petoknjižju u riječima bez ikakvog sakralnog statusa. - The paper deals with the problem of the origin of the Cyrillic letter »backwards e« (Э) which appeared in the Serbian (less often in the Bulgarian) written monuments from the 13th–14th centuries; however, it was used overwhelmingly as the upper letter at the end of line. One of the most plausible hypotheses about the occurrence of this letter is its borrowing from the Glagolitic script, especially for its very early use in the East Slavic literature – in the Silvester’s Miscellany from the late 14th or the early 15th century. In this miscellany, it is used in the Semitic name of God »El«. Boris Uspenskij hypothesized that in the Silvester’s Miscellany and in the Slavonic-Russian Edited Pentateuch from the 15th century the letter »backwards e« had a sacral status and was derived from the Hebrew letter א »aleph«, in contrast to the usage of a similar letter in the 15th-century Slavonic literature of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (mainly in the Old Ruthenian language). This article casts doubt on the Uspenskij’s hypothesis, since the author found other usages of the letter »backwards e« in the Edited Pentateuch in words with no sacral status.
U: Slovo (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1049. - 69 (2019) ; str. 35-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slavenska grafika -- Ćirilica -- Glagoljica -- Crkvenoslavenski jezik

Načela usporedbenog paleografskog proučavanja dubrovačke i nemanjićke slavenske kancelarije sredine XIV. st. [Elektronička građa] / Kristian Paskojević. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 207-209. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Srednovjekovna ćirilička diplomatička minuskula sredinom XIV. st. je preferirano sredstvo pismovne komunikacije između Dubrovnika i susjednih slavenskih kancelarija. To poslovno pismo u ovom razdoblju već ima definirane karakteristične slovne oblike, uvelike uvjetovane poodmaklim procesom slovne koordinacije unutar linijskog ustroja, kao i ostale pismovne posebnosti zapadne ćirilice koje su naslijeđene iz duge dubrovačke tradicije ćiriličkog pisanja. Cilj ovog usporednog paleografskog istraživanja jest na osnovi dokumenata iz dvije najplodnije slavenske kancelarije ovog razdoblja na obližnjem prostoru, odnosno dubrovačke i srpske (nemanjićke), identificirati moguće razlike u istraživanim kategorijama pisma, potencijalne lokalne karakteristike pisma, kao i produbiti spoznaje o mogućim smjerovima razvoja pisma (prvenstveno identifikacija poveznica s novovjekovnim kurzivnim pismima). - Medieval Cyrillic diplomatic minuscule (a form of Cyrillic script) in the mid 14th century is the preferred means of written communication between Dubrovnik and the neighbouring Slavic chanceries. In this period, this form of Cyrillic script, used mainly in political and business purposes, already has characteristic letter shapes, largely conditioned by the advanced process of coordination within the linear system, as well as other writing peculiarities that are inherited from Dubrovnik’s long tradition of Cyrillic writing. The aim of this comparative palaeographic research is to identify, on the basis of documents from two of the most prolific Slavic chanceries of this period in the nearby area, the Dubrovnik and Serbian (Nemanjić family) ones, possible differences in the studied categories of the script, potential local characteristics of the script, as well as to deepen the understanding of the possible directions of development of the script (primarily the identification of links to later cursive Cyrillic forms).
U: Slovo (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1049. - 69 (2019) ; str. 171-209  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slavenska paleografija -- Analitička paleografija -- Diplomatička ćirilička minuskula
Nemanjići, dinastija


Vidi br.: HA19-01239

Vidi br.: HA19-01315

004   Računalna znanost i tehnologija. Računalstvo. Obrada podataka

PETKOVIĆ, Mario, informatičar
Automatsko testiranje web-aplikacija uz podršku web-drivera Geb [Elektronička građa] / Mario Petković, Sanja Čandrlić, Martina Ašenbrener Katić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 205-206. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Svakodnevnim korištenjem raznih softvera ljudi se susreću s pogreškama nastalim u procesu njihova razvoja. One mogu biti trivijalne, ali mogu biti i kritične za korištenje određenih funkcionalnosti softvera. Pogreške prilikom razvoja su neizbježne, zato se u testiranje softvera ulažu velike količine novca i vremena. No, unatoč velikom trudu i ulaganju, nemoguće je pronaći apsolutno sve pogreške prije izlaska softvera u produkciju. Pri tome nam može pomoći automatsko testiranje. U radu je prikazan proces automatskog testiranja web-aplikacija primjenom alata za automatsko testiranje: web-drivera Geb, programskog jezika Groovy i testnog frameworka Spock. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da kombinacija navedenih alata predstavlja odgovarajuće i kompletno rješenje za provedbu automatskog testiranja web-aplikacija. - Every day people encounter mistakes and bugs in software while they use it. Some of these bugs can be trivial, but some may be critical for some software functions. Since mistakes are inevitable, software testing requires a large amount of money, time and work. But despite efforts and investment, it is impossible to find all mistakes before software enters the market and production. Automatic testing can be very useful during that process. This paper presents methodology of automatic testing and its specific steps during testing of web applications, which is based on several chosen tools: Groovy programming language, Geb web driver and Spock test framework. The results have shown that this specific combination of tools presents an adequate and complete solution for automatic testing of web applications.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 185-207  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Web aplikacije -- Mrežne aplikacije -- Automatsko testiranje -- Pogreške

The empirical study [Elektronička građa] : encouraging students’ interest in software development using test-driven development / Aziz Nanthaamornphong, Stephane Bressan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract. - The supply is not matching the demand on the market for software developers. While the enrolment in undergraduate computer science courses is increasing, few students are interested in and committed to becoming software developers. It could be that students are overwhelmed by the software development methodology that they are taught. We are consequently looking for a constructivist approach to software engineering able to effectively engage learners. We empirically evaluated whether test-driven development (TDD) is able to improve the quality of both learning and of software development in the classroom. Although numerous studies have outlined the benefits and effects of TDD in the classroom, none of those studies have focused on measuring students' interest in and attitudes toward using TDD in the classroom. We present a study evaluating the impact of TDD on the engagement and focus of learners of software development in the classroom. The results illustrate that the use of TDD in the classroom encourages learners to engage and focus.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 267-274  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Računalstvo -- Softver -- Razvoj softvera -- Empirijska studija -- Studenti

KNOK, Željko
Implementation of intelligent model for pneumonia detection [Elektronička građa] / Željko Knok, Klaudio Pap, Marko Hrnčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - The advancement of technology in the field of artificial intelligence and neural networks allows us to improve speed and efficiency in the diagnosis of various types of problems. In the last few years, the rise in the field of convolutional neural networks has been particularly noticeable, showing promising results in problems related to image processing and computer vision. Given that humans have limited ability to detect patterns in individual images, accurate diagnosis can be a problem for even medical professionals. In order to minimize the number of errors and unintended consequences, computer programs based on neural networks and deep learning principles are increasingly used as assistant tools in medicine. The aim of this study was to develop a model of an intelligent system that receives x-ray image of the lungs as an input parameter and, based on the processed image, returns the possibility of pneumonia as an output. The implementation of this functionality was implemented through transfer learning methodology based on already defined convolution neural network architectures.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 315-322  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Računalni programi -- Neuronske mreže -- Pneumonija -- Dijagnostika

ERCEG, Aleksandar
Information security [Elektronička građa] : threat from employees / Aleksandar Erceg. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract. - Information security inside the organization is becoming a major issue in the modern and global world. Information accessibility and security are a major issue where user behaviour plays an important role. Information security user behaviour is becoming an increasing threat to their organization information security. Since the organization is investing in and implementing information security systems, the issue of employees’ behaviour has become increasingly important. This paper aims to show how workers treat information security and is looking upon so called “people problem”. In the research, the personal behaviour of health care professionals and workers in a Croatian production company in relation to information security was tested. Results have shown that the overall behaviour of respondents in production company is more responsible and security awareness with proper use of passwords is associated with knowledge about the importance of security application in their work. Further research is recommended.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 123-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslovni podaci -- Informacijska sigurnost -- Zdravstvo -- Lozinka -- Zaposlenici

ŠERCER, Mladen
Microreactor production by PolyJet Matrix 3D-printing technology [Elektronička građa] : hydrodynamic characterization / Mladen Šercer, Tonči Rezić, Damir Godec, Damir Oros, Ana Pilipović, Franjo Ivušić, Iva Rezić, Martina Andlar, Roland Ludwig, Božidar Šantek. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This work investigates the methodology of producing a 3D-printed microreactor from the acrylic resin by PolyJet Matrix process. The PolyJet Matrix technology employs different materials or their combinations to generate 3D-printed structures, from small ones to complex geometries, with different material properties. Experimental and numerical methods served for the evaluation of the geometry and production of the microreactor and its hydrodynamic characterization. The operational limits of the single-phase flow in the microchannels, further improvements and possible applications of the microreactor were assessed based on the hydrodynamic characterization. - U ovom je radu ispitana metodologija proizvodnje mikroreaktora iz akrilne smole pomoću PolyJet Matrix 3D ispita. PolyJet Matrix tehnologija koristi različite materijale ili kombinacije materijala radi tiskanja jednostavnih ili složenih 3D struktura različitih svojstava. korištene su Za procjenu geometrije, postupaka proizvodnje i hidrodinamičku karakterizaciju mikroreaktora upotrijebljene su eksperimentalne i numeričke metode. Na osnovi hidrodinamičke karakterizacije određene su procesne granice jednofaznog protoka u mikrokanalima, te je ispitana mogućnost daljnjih poboljšanja i primjene mikroreaktora.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 272-281  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikroreaktori -- 3D printanje -- Hidrodinamička karakterizacija -- Akrilna smola

Multiplication of medium-density matrices using TensorFlow on multicore CPUs [Elektronička građa] / Siraphob Theeracheep, Jaruloj Chongstitvatana. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Abstract. - Matrix multiplication is an essential part of many applications, such as linear algebra, image processing and machine learning. One platform used in such applications is TensorFlow, which is a machine learning library whose structure is based on dataflow programming paradigm. In this work, a method for multiplication of medium-density matrices on multicore CPUs using TensorFlow platform is proposed. This method, called tbt_matmul, utilizes TensorFlow built-in methods tf.matmul and tf.sparse_matmul. By partitioning each input matrix into four smaller sub-matrices, called tiles, and applying an appropriate multiplication method to each pair depending on their density, the proposed method outperforms the built-in methods for matrices of medium density and matrices of significantly uneven distribution of non-zeros.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 286-290  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Procesori -- Višejezgreni procesori -- Softver -- Matrice -- Multiplikacija

Proposal for a web portal managing registration for student accommodation in a dormitory [Elektronička građa] / Ivor Podunavac, Dominika Crnjac Milić, Krešimir Nenadić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Abstract. - A proposal for developing a database model and a web portal for managing registration for student accommodation in a dormitory is given in this paper. The portal has two user profiles and corresponding functionalities; they are intended for users/students and administrators, respectively. In the process of application for student accommodation in a dormitory, every student has to provide data referring to GPA, i.e. academic achievement at school, level of education, university, parents’ status, household members, the number of siblings and their school age, and household monthly income. There are also extra conditions that could ensure direct allocation of accommodation at a dormitory. After the application process deadline has expired, the administrator can either accept or decline applications. At the end of the application process, the final ranking list can be published and made accessible. Advantages of using a web portal for the dormitory accommodation election and application process are e.g. better accessibility and the fact that students are exempt from delivering the necessary application documentation personally. In that way, costs are reduced, efficiency at work is increased and the possibility of making errors when entering and processing data is significantly lower.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 75-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Baze podataka -- Web portal -- Studenti -- Studentski dom

Vidi br.: HA19-00957

Vidi br.: HA19-00971

Vidi br.: HA19-01119

Vidi br.: HA19-00915

Vidi br.: HA19-01110

Vidi br.: HA19-00966

Vidi br.: HA19-00960

Vidi br.: HA19-00977

Vidi br.: HA19-00980

Vidi br.: HA19-01116

Vidi br.: HA19-00949

Vidi br.: HA19-01134

Vidi br.: HA19-00842

Vidi br.: HA19-00887

Vidi br.: HA19-01221

Vidi br.: HA19-01325

Vidi br.: HA19-01238

Vidi br.: HA19-00982

Vidi br.: HA19-00981

Vidi br.: HA19-00935

Vidi br.: HA19-01001

Vidi br.: HA19-00932

Vidi br.: HA19-01303

Vidi br.: HA19-01326

Vidi br.: HA19-01215

Vidi br.: HA19-00817

005   Menadžment

Modeling the management process in the function of long-term goal fulfillment in Croatian companies [Elektronička građa] = Modeliranje procesa upravljanja u funkciji dugoročnog ispunjavanja ciljeva u hrvatskim poduzećima / Vedran Šupuković, Sanel Jakupović, Ibrahim Obhođaš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The issue of management process in all organizations with a pronounced hierarchical structure is extremely complex and equally abstract to both the participants themselves and all those who deal with the study of this topic. The management process involves decision-making based on appropriate economic analysis, experience, practice, micro and macro environment, and the ability of an individual manager to create a symbiosis based on all the knowledge that will ultimately lead to making an appropriate business decision. The aim of this paper is to build a presentation of the model, which in this case will improve the economic community and enrich the everyday work of companies. This will allow the ownership and management structures of a large number of inadequately structured and internally non-institutionalized companies to become active and passive managers of all business relations within the companies in which they operate, instead of active or passive observers. In this paper, a management model will be presented based on the data researched within five variables: quality of human resources, economic incentives, development perspectives, managerial capabilities of subordinates and business satisfaction. One of the aims of this paper is precisely to explore how these variables influence the business satisfaction of Croatian companies. The research was conducted in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, in all regions, on a representative sample, while representatives of the companies were surveyed. The answers obtained were analysed descriptively, through the regression model. It has been proven that the greatest influence on pleasure in business is influenced by managerial capacities, where beta coefficients is 0.367. Slightly less impact on the pleasure of doing business has the development of enterprises and incentives from the budget, while the smallest impact on the pleasure of doing business has human potential. - Pitanje procesa upravljanja u svim organizacijama s izraženom hijerarhijskom strukturom izuzetno je složeno i jednako apstraktno kako za same sudionike, tako i za sve one koji se bave proučavanjem ove teme. Proces upravljanja uključuje odlučivanje temeljeno na odgovarajućoj ekonomskoj analizi, iskustvu, praksi, mikro i makro okruženju i sposobnosti pojedinog menadžera da stvori simbiozu zasnovanu na svim saznanjima koja će u konačnici dovesti do donošenja odgovarajuće poslovne odluke. Cilj je ovog rada izgraditi prezentaciju modela, koji će u ovom slučaju poboljšati ekonomsku zajednicu i obogatiti svakodnevni rad poduzeća. To će omogućiti vlasničkim i upravljačkim strukturama velikog broja neadekvatno strukturiranih i interno neinstitucionaliziranih tvrtki da postanu aktivni i pasivni menadžeri svih poslovnih odnosa unutar poduzeća u kojima djeluju, umjesto aktivnih ili pasivnih promatrača. U ovom će radu biti predstavljen model upravljanja na temelju podataka istraženih kroz pet varijabli: kvaliteta ljudskih resursa, ekonomski poticaji, razvojne perspektive, upravljačke sposobnosti podređenih i zadovoljstvo poslovanjem. Jedan od ciljeva ovog rada upravo je istražiti kako te varijable utječu na zadovoljstvo poslovanja hrvatskih poduzeća. Istraživanje je provedeno na području Republike Hrvatske, u svim regijama, na reprezentativnom uzorku, dok su anketirani predstavnici poduzeća. Dobiveni odgovori analizirani su opisno, putem regresijskog modela. Dokazano je da najveći utjecaj na zadovoljstvo u poslovanju imaju menadžerski kapaciteti, gdje su beta koeficijenti 0,367. Nešto manji utjecaj na zadovoljstvo poslovanja ima razvoj poduzeća i poticaji iz proračuna, dok najmanji utjecaj na zadovoljstvo poslovanja ima ljudski potencijal. Dobivena beta COTA statistički je značajna jer je p - vrijednost <0,05, u sva četiri slučaja.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 21-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžment -- Modeliranje procesa -- Poduzeća -- Regresija -- Dugoročni ciljevi

Utjecaj korporativne kulture na uspješnost spajanja i preuzimanja [Elektronička građa] = The impact of corporate culture on the success of mergers and acquisitions / Zoran Wittine, Helena Bedeković, Davor Filipović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 70-71. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Spajanja i preuzimanja služe kao odgovor na tehnološki razvoj, konkurenciju i ostale nepredvidljive tržišne podražaje te čine poduzeća konkurentnijima, povećavaju efikasnost, omogućuju brzi rast i stvaraju vrijednost za dioničare. Međutim, većina spajanja i preuzimanja završi neuspjehom, a mnogi odgovori za neuspjeh leže u korporativnoj kulturi. Koju su ključni izazovi integracijskih procesa, s kakvim se problemima susreću poduzeća kod spajanja i preuzimanja zbog razlika u korporativnim kulturama poduzeća te koje su moguće solucije za rješavanje navedenih problema, problematika je kojom se ovaj rad bavi. - Mergers and acquisitions serve as a response to technological development, competition and other unpredictable market stimulations. They are increasing competitiveness and efficiency of a company, as well as enabling rapid growth and creating value for shareholders. However, most mergers and acquisitions end up as a failure, and many of the reasons for failure originate from corporate culture. What are the key challenges of integration processes, what problems do companies face with mergers and acquisitions due to differences in corporate cultures and what are the possible solutions to these problems are all the issues this paper addresses.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 55-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Integracijski procesi -- Korporativna kultura

007   Teorija komunikacija. Kibernetika

Vidi br.: HA19-00986

008   Civilizacija. Kultura. Napredak

Vidi br.: HA19-00894

030   Opća referentna djela

MLAKAR, Mirko Vid
Enciklopedika u Srbiji [Elektronička građa] : u traganju za zavodom / Mirko Mlakar.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Razvoj glavnoga dijela enciklopedike u Srbiji, onoga na srpskom jeziku, u ovome je radu predstavljen kroz izdavačka poduzeća i druge organizacije, poput kulturne ustanove Matice srpske, koje se bave proizvodnjom enciklopedičkih djela. Enciklopedičko stvaralaštvo u Republici Srbiji samo je djelomice praćeno institucionalizacijom, premda se od početka XXI. stoljeća, primjerice iz javnoga poduzeća Službeni glasnik, javljaju ideje o osnivanju enciklopedijskoga zavoda, u pravilu po uzoru na Leksikografski zavod u Zagrebu. U članku se razmatraju stajališta i postupci pojedinih poduzeća i ustanova, struke i političkih čimbenika u vezi sa središnjom enciklopedičkom institucijom. Autor ne samo da nudi elemente za ocjenjivanje nekih važnijih enciklopedičkih djela, poglavito Vojne enciklopedije (prvo izdanje 1958–69., drugo 1970–76), nego se dotiče i nekih općih metaleksikografskih i bibliografskih pitanja. Već zbog tipa djelatnosti i izdanja organizacija o kojima piše u ovom radu, autor ulazi i u područje srpske jezične leksikografije. - In this study, the development of the main current of encyclopedism in Serbia, the one in the Serbian language, is presented through publishing companies and other organisations that deal with producing encyclopedias, such as the cultural institution Matica srpska (Matrix Serbica). Encyclopedic work in Republic of Serbia is only partially accompanied by institutionalization, even though the idea of founding an encyclopedic institute modelled after the Institute of Lexicography in Zagreb (Republic of Croatia), such as the one initiated by the Službeni glasnik (Official Gazette) public enterprise, has been present since the start of the 21st century. The article deals with the views and procedures of individual companies and institutions as well as professional and political factors related to the central encyclopedic institution. Not only does the author present elements for the evaluation of some of the significant encyclopedic works, especially the Vojna enciklopedija (Military Encyclopedia; first edition 1958–1969, second edition 1970–1976), but also touches on some of the general questions of metalexicography and bibliography. Due to the type of activities and editions of organizations written about in this work, the author also examines the field of Serbian language lexicography.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 24 ; str. 7-73  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Enciklopedika -- Leksikografija -- Metaleksikografija -- Nakladništvo -- Srpski jezik

How to build an encyclopedia for the 21st century [Elektronička građa] : lessons learned from The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia / Erik Bolstad, Stig Arild Pettersen. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - After more than 100 years of existence, Norway’s Great Norwegian Encyclopedia went through a major crisis between 2010 and 2014, as the transformation to the new, digital reality became commercially unviable to the publishing house that owned it. The country’s universities came together, formed The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia Association, and created a new editorial team, which has transformed the encyclopedia into an online success with high-quality articles assessed and updated by some of Norway’s leading scholars. The partnership with academia, a purpose-made publishing software, a decentralized production model, and confidence in the original brand have been keys to building this public service encyclopedia that other, likeminded institutions across Europe can learn from. - Nakon više od 100 godina postojanja, Velika norveška enciklopedija doživjela je veliku krizu u razdoblju od 2010. do 2014. jer je tranzicija u novu, digitalnu stvarnost postala komercijalno neodrživom za njezina izdavača. Stoga je zajedničkom inicijativom norveških sveučilišta osnovano udruženje Great Norwegian Encyclopedia Association te novo uredništvo. Ono je preobrazilo enciklopediju u uspješno online izdanje s ažuriranim, visokokvalitetnim člancima koje su razmotrili i ažurirali vodeći norveški znanstvenici. Partnerstvo s akademskom zajednicom, namjenski softver, decentralizirani model proizvodnje i pozitivna reputacija izvornoga izdanja pokazali su se ključnima za izgradnju ove opće enciklopedije, čije bi iskustvo moglo biti od velike koristi za institucije sličnih namjera diljem Europe.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 24 ; str. 153-171  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Enciklopedije -- Online enciklopedije -- Akademsko partnerstvo

Vidi br.: HA19-01303

050   Serijske publikacije. Periodika

Vidi br.: HA19-01289

09   Rukopisi. Rijetka i posebno značajna djela

Osobitosti i porijeklo splitskog sakramentara [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Volarević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Vrlo dragocjen srednjovjekovni rukopisni kodeks, koji se čuva u katedralnom arhivu splitske prvostolnice, a koji je mo. Šime Marović tipologizirao ga jekao aakramentar, često je dosad bio predmetom studija raznih znanstvenika. Spoznaje o njemu i njegovim vlastitostima polako su se nadopunjavale. Kako je riječ o liturgijskoj knjizi, neobično je što je liturgijski vid ove jedinstvene knjige nedovoljno istražen. Uz zaključke do kojih se došlo dosadašnjim istraživanjem i studijama, ostalo je i mnogo otvorenih pitanja. Jedno od njih je i porijeklo Sakramentara. Dosada je bila uobičajena hipoteza da ga je vjerojatno u Split iz Bologne donio nadbiskup Bernardo. Detaljnom analizom liturgijske i kodikološke strukture Sakramentara te otkrićima njegovih iznimnih, štoviše, jedinstvenih vlastitosti, došli smo do zaključaka o porijeklu ove knjige, o liturgijskim utjecajima koji su velikim dijelom oblikovali njezin sadržaj te naposljetku i o tome kako je Sakramentar stigao do Splita. - A very valuable medieval manuscript codex, kept in the cathedral archives of the cathedral of Split, typified by mo. Šime Marović as the Sacramentary, has often been the subject of studies by various scholars. The knowledge of it and its specific features slowly complemented each other. As it is a liturgical book, it is strange that this aspect of this unique book has not been sufficiently explored. In addition to the conclusions drawn from the past research and studies, many questions remain open. One of them is the origin of the Sacramentary: so far there has been a common hypothesis that it was probably brought to Split from Bologna by Archbishop Bernardo. Through a detailed analysis of the liturgical and codicological structure of the Sacramentary, and the discoveries of its extraordinary, even unique, properties, we have come to the conclusions about the origin of this book, about the liturgical influences that have largely shaped the content, and finally how the Sacramentary itself reached Split.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 4 ; str. 492-524  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liturgije -- Kodeks -- Rimska liturgija -- Galikanska liturgija


1(091)   Povijest filozofije

Il compito della storia della filosofia secondo filosofo croato Alberto Bazala nel primo volume della sua opera Storia della filosofia [Elektronička građa] = The task of the history of philosophy according to Albert Bazala in the first volume of his book History of Philosophy / Ivan Macut.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Riassunto ; Summary. - In questo articolo stiamo esplorando il compito della storia della filosofia secondo il filosofo croato Alberto Bazala, e ciò di cui lui ha scritto nel suo importante lavoro La storia della filosofia. Dopo brevi osservazioni introduttive e nel primo capitolo un breve resoconto della vita e del lavoro di Alberto Bazala, passiamo al secondo capitolo in cui presentiamo schematicamente il lavoro di Bazala intitolato La storia della filosofia. Volume I. La storia della filosofia popolare dei greci. Il terzo, e anche il principale, capitolo affronta il compito della storia della filosofia, come lo vede Bazala, ed è diviso nei seguenti argomenti: L'importanza della storia della filosofia; il doppio compito della storia della filosofia; fattore socio-culturale; tripla interpretazione dei sistemi filosofici; critica del singolo sistema; il valore della storia della filosofia; l'importanza della storia della filosofia; problemi filosofici e, infine, la divisione della storia della filosofia. Nella conclusione del documento, descriviamo sistematicamente ed evidenziamo i punti principali dell'approccio positivo di Bazala alla storia della filosofia, e delineammo brevemente la sua relazione con la ricerca della filosofia nazionale croata. - In this paper we are talking about the task of the history of philosophy according to the Croatian philosopher Albert Bazala, which is written about in his important work History of Philosophy. After first introductory remarks and a brief account of the life and work of Albert Bazala in the first chapter, we move on to the second chapter in which we schematically present Bazala’s work entitled History of Philosophy, Volume I, History of the Folk Philosophy of Greece. The third, and also the main chapter deals with the task of the history of philosophy, as Bazala sees it, and is divided into the following topics: the importance of the history of philosophy; the double task of the history of philosophy; socio-cultural factor; triple interpretation of philosophical systems; criticism of a particular system; the importance of the history of philosophy; philosophical problems, and finally, the division of the history of philosophy. In the conclusion of the paper, we systematically present and highlight the main points of Basala’s positive approach to the history of philosophy, and briefly outline his relation to the research of national Croatian philosophy.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 4 ; str. 407-421  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijest filozofije -- Hrvatska filozofija -- Filozofski sustavi
Bazala, Albert


11/12   Metafizika. Ontologija. Kozmologija. Estetika

RELJA, Hrvoje
Značenje Bonaventurine distinkcije entis et esse [Elektronička građa] / Hrvoje Relja.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se pokazuje kako je sveti Bonaventura, kao uostalom i svi kršćanski filozofi, adoptirao pojam bitka kako bi na ontološkoj razini objasnio stvorenost stvorenja jer se metafizički uviđa da svako stvoreno biće, ukoliko je stvoreno, nužno prima svoj bitak od Stvoritelja. To posljedično zahtjeva da na osnovnoj ontološkoj razini stvoreno biće bude metafizički sastavljeno od bitka i njemu komplementarnog počela, a što Serafski naučitelj formulira kao sastavljenost od entis et esse. Iako sâm Bonaventura ne daje pobliže tumačenje naravi te navedene sastavljenosti od entis et esse ipak se ona dade, kako je u članku pokazano, deducirati iz njegovih osnovnih filozofskih i teoloških teza, koje pretpostavljaju prethodno pojmljenu osnovnu ontološku strukturu bića. Slijedom te dedukcije može se zaključiti da se Bonaventurina sastavljenost od entis et esse ne može interpretirati na način tomističke metafizike bitka, već da ju je plauzibilno shvatiti u svjetlu esencijalističke metafizike, i to kao sastavljenost na transcendentalnoj razini od dvaju realno različitih počela: od bîti, tj. potpuno definiranog/određenog/individualnog mogućeg bića, te od bitka, čina postojanja realnog konkretnog bića. - This paper shows how St. Bonaventure, as all other Christian hilosophers, adopted the notion of existence in order to explain, on the ontological level, the property of being created that belongs to all creatures, since it is metaphysically realized that every creature, in so far as created, necessarily acquires its existence from the Creator. Consequently, that fact requires that, on the basic ontological level, the creature is metaphysically composed out of existence and a principle complementary to it, which is what the Seraphic Doctor formulates as the composition out of entis et esse. Although Bonaventure himself does not give a precise interpretation of the nature of the aforementioned composition out of entis et esse, it can be, as it is shown in the paper, deduced from his fundamental philosophical and theological theses, which presuppose a previously delineated basic ontological structure of being. Following that deduction, one can infer that Bonaventure's composition out of entis et esse cannot be interpreted in the perspective of the Thomistic metaphysics of existence, but that it should be understood in the light of an essentialist metaphysics, more precisely as the composition on the transcendental level out of two distinct principles: essence, that is, a fully defined/determined/individual possible being, and existence, concrete being's act of existing.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bitak -- Metafizika -- Esencijalistička metafizika
Bonaventura, sveti


14   Filozofski sustavi i gledišta

Fra Jure Božitković - istraživač i povjesničar hrvatske filozofske baštine [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Macut.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se bavimo fra Jurom Božitkovićem u ulozi istraživača i povjesničara hrvatske filozofske baštine. Uz uvodna i zaključna promišljaja rad ima tri poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju donose se osnovni podatci o životu i radu fra Jure Božitkovića. Drugo poglavlje bavi se njegovim filozofskim stvaralaštvom u kojem smo popisali sve njegove bibliografske jedinice iz područja filozofije. Treće poglavlje sadrži razvrstavanje te kratak prikaz i analizu Božitkovićeva filozofskog opusa u cjelini, s posebnim naglaskom na istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine. Iz analize proizlazi da se Božitković najviše bavio starijom hrvatskom filozofijom, istraživao arhive franjevačkih samostana Franjevačke provincije Presvetog Otkupitelja te analizirao i predstavio filozofiju našeg znamenitog filozofa Ante Petrića, koji je sve svoje radove iz filozofije napisao i objavio na talijanskom jeziku. Zaključno se može reći da je Božitkovićevo značenje u sustavnom istraživanju i opisivanju rukopisne filozofske građe po franjevačkim samostanskim knjižnicama te u sustavnom bavljenju filozofijom Ante Petrića. - In the paper we are talking about Fr. Jure Božitković in the role of a researcher and historian of Croatian philosophical heritage. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper has three chapters. The first chapter presents the basic information about the life and work of Fr. Jure Božitković. The second part deals with his philosophical creation in which all his bibliographic records from the field of philosophy are listed. The third chapter provides classification, a short overview and analysis of his philosophical opus in general with special emphasis on the research of Croatian philosophical heritage. He especially dealt with the old Croatian philosophy, researched the archives of Franciscan monasteries of the Franciscan Province of the Most Holy Redeemer and analysed and presented the philosophy of our famous philosopher Ante Petrić who wrote and published all his philosophical works in Italian language. In conclusion we can say that the work of Božitković is significant because he systematically investigated and described the manuscript philosophical materials of Franciscan monastery libraries and because he systematically dealt with the philosophy of Ante Petrić.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 2 ; str. 226-244  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofska baština -- Arhivi
Božitković, Juraj -- Petrić, Ante
Franjevačka provincija Presvetog Otkupitelja


159.9   Psihologija

SUČEVIĆ, Mirjana
Cognitive vulnerabilities to anxiety [Elektronička građa] : a bridge between personality and symptoms / Mirjana Sučević, Ana Kurtović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 434-439. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of personality, anxiety sensitivity, intolerance of uncertainty and self-esteem on different anxiety symptoms. A total of 436 university students completed measures of personality, anxiety sensitivity, intolerance of uncertainty, self-esteem, and symptoms of panic, worry and social anxiety. Results have shown that neuroticism, conscientiousness and psychological concerns (anxiety sensitivity) predict symptoms of panic and that psychological concerns mediate the relationship between neuroticism and panic. Worry was predicted by neuroticism, prospective and inhibitory intolerance of uncertainty and self-liking, with intolerance of uncertainty mediating between neuroticism and worry. Finally, neuroticism, openness to experiences and extraversion, as well as social concerns (anxiety sensitivity), inhibitory intolerance of uncertainty and self-liking predicted social anxiety. Social concerns, inhibitory intolerance of uncertainty and self-liking mediated the effects of neuroticism and extraversion on social anxiety. Results offer support to neuroticism being a universal risk factor and anxiety sensitivity, intolerance of uncertainty and self-esteem having specific effects on anxiety symptoms. - Cilj je ovoga rada bio ispitati učinke ličnosti, anksiozne osjetljivosti, netolerancije neizvjesnosti i samopoštovanja na različite simptome anksioznosti. Uzorak je činilo 436 studenata, koji su ispunili mjere ličnosti, anksiozne osjetljivosti, netolerancije neizvjesnosti, samopoštovanja te simptoma panike, brige i socijalne anksioznosti. Rezultati su pokazali da neuroticizam, savjesnost i zabrinutost za mentalnu nedostatnost (anksiozna osjetljivost) predviđaju simptome panike, te da zabrinutost za mentalnu nedostatnost posreduje u odnosu između neuroticizma i panike. Brigu su predviđali neuroticizam, prospektivna i inhibitorna netolerancija neizvjesnosti te samosviđanje, s tim da je netolerancija neizvjesnosti posredovala između neuroticizma i brige. Konačno, neuroticizam, otvorenost za iskustva i ekstraverzija, kao i socijalna zabrinutost (anksiozna osjetljivost), inhibitorna netolerancija neizvjesnosti i samosviđanje predviđali su socijalnu anksioznost. Socijalna zabrinutost, inhibitorna netolerancija neizvjesnosti i samosviđanje posredovali su u odnosu neuroticizma i ekstroverzije sa simptomima socijalne anksioznosti. Naši rezultati podržavaju pretpostavku o tome da je neuroticizam opći rizični čimbenik, te da anksiozna osjetljivost, netolerancija neizvjesnosti i samopoštovanje mogu imati specifične učinke na simptome anksioznosti.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 419-440  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ličnost -- Anksioznost -- Simptomi anksioznosti -- Samopoštovanje -- Netolerancija neizvjesnosti -- Studenti

KOTRLA Topić, Marina
Croatian adaptation of the revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) [Elektronička građa] / Marina Kotrla Topić, Marina Perković Kovačević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 390-394. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of this research was to translate and adapt the revised version of the "Reading the mind in the eyes test" (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) to the Croatian language, and to provide preliminary data on its reliability, factor structure and convergent validity in a healthy population of Croatian students. After translation and adaptation, the Croatian version of the RMET was administered to 146 undergraduate and graduate students (84 female and 62 male participants). Together with the RMET, we administered the Emotional Empathy Scale (Raboteg-Šarić, 1993). Results show low internal consistency reliability of the Croatian adaptation of the RMET and adequate reliability measured with maximal reliability H coefficient. Confirmatory factor analysis marginally supports the unidimensional model. Convergent validity was marginally confirmed by a significant positive correlation between REMT and empathy. Additionally, we created a short version of the RMET, showing adequate fit indices, but containing only seven items. Internal consistency reliability and composite reliability for this scale were satisfactory. We propose further investigation of psychometric properties of the Croatian adaptation of the RMET with research in general, more representative population. We also propose investigating test-retest reliability, as well as discriminant validity of the test. - Cilj je ovog istraživanja prijevod i adaptacija revidirane verzije Testa čitanja misli iz očiju (Reading the mind in the eyes test, Baron-Cohen i sur., 2001) na hrvatski jezik kako bi se ispitala njegova pouzdanost, faktorska struktura te konvergentna valjanost u populaciji hrvatskih studenata urednog razvoja. Nakon prijevoda i adaptacije hrvatska je verzija Testa čitanja misli iz očiju primijenjena na uzorku od 146 studenata preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija (84 djevojke i 62 mladića). Osim Testa čitanja misli iz očiju primijenjena je i Skala emocionalne empatije (Raboteg-Šarić, 1993). Rezultati pokazuju nisku pouzdanost tipa unutarnje konzistencije te prihvatljivu pouzdanost mjerenu H-koeficijentom maksimalne pouzdanosti. Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza granično potvrđuje jednodimenzionalni model. Konvergentna valjanost granično je potvrđena kroz statistički značajnu pozitivnu povezanost Testa čitanja misli iz očiju i empatije. Naposljetku, kreirana je i kratka verzija Testa čitanja misli iz očiju koja se sastoji od svega sedam čestica zadovoljavajućih saturacija. Pouzdanost tipa unutarnje konzistencije te kompozitna pouzdanost ovoga kratkog testa su zadovoljavajuće. U budućim je istraživanjima potrebno dodatno ispitati psihometrijske značajke hrvatske verzije Testa čitanja misli u očima u općoj reprezentativnoj populaciji. Nadalje, potrebno je ispitati test-retest pouzdanost te diskriminativnu valjanost ovog testa.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 377-395  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalna kognicija -- Teorija uma -- Studenti psihologije -- Istraživanje

Decision-making styles as predictors of career decision difficulties in secondary school students with regard to gender [Elektronička građa] / Sonja Pečjak, Anja Podlesek, Tina Pirc. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 616-619. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The study aimed to examine whether students' different career decision styles predict their difficulties in deciding about their future education. We measured students' adaptive self-confident and three maladaptive decision-making styles: avoidant, panic, and impulsive, and examined how these styles are related to students' difficulties in career decision-making: internal and external conflicts, lack of information, and dysfunctional beliefs. Our sample comprised 792 final-year students from 26 Slovenian secondary schools. We used the Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ) and Adolescent Decision Making Questionnaire (ADMQ), which we adapted to the Slovenian language. The results showed that boys use self-confident and impulsive decision-making styles more often and panic decision-making style less often than girls do. Boys reported less internal conflicts, lack of information and dysfunctional beliefs. Among CDDQ scales, we found a strong correlation between Internal Conflicts and Lack of Information scale scores and moderate correlations of these two scales with External Conflicts. Correlations between ADMQ scales were low to moderate: Self-Confident Style scale score correlated negatively with scores on scales of all three maladaptive styles. The Lack of Information score was best predicted by the Panic Decision-Making Style score, the External Conflicts score by the Panic and Impulsive Decision-Making Style scores, and the strongest predictors of Dysfunctional Beliefs score was the Panic Decision-Making Style score. Having more pronounced panic style and being a girl turned out to be related to more difficulties in all domains of career decision-making. Some practical career counselling implications of these findings are discussed. - Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio ispitati predviđaju li različiti stilovi odlučivanja poteškoće u donošenju profesionalnih odluka, odnosno, poteškoće u odabiru smjera nastavka obrazovanja kod srednjoškolaca. Preciznije, ispitano je kako su samopouzdani stil i tri maladaptivna stila odlučivanja, izbjegavajući, panični i impulzivni, povezani s poteškoćama u donošenju odluka vezanih uz profesionalnu orjentaciju: internalnim i eksternalnim konfliktima, nedostatku informacija i disfunkcionalnim vjerovanjima. Uzorak se sastojao od 792 učenika završnih razreda 26 srednjih škola u Sloveniji. Korišteni su Upitnik poteškoća u donošenju profesionalnih odluka (engl. Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire; CDDQ) i Upitnik stilova odlučivanja adolescenata (engl. Adolescent Decision Making Questionnaire; ADMQ), koji su adaptirani na slovenski jezik. Rezultati su pokazali da se mladići češće nego djevojke koriste samopouzdanim i impulzivnim, a rjeđe paničnim stilom odlučivanja. Nadalje, mladići izvještavaju o nižim internalnim konfliktima, manjem nedostatku informacija i nižim disfunkcionalnim vjerovanjima. Između skala CDDQ-a pronađena je visoka povezanost skala internalnih konflikata i nedostatka informacija, a umjerena je povezanost ovih dviju skala sa skalom eksternalnih konflikata. Korelacije među skalama ADMQ-a u rasponu su od niskih do umjerenih: rezultat na skali samopouzdanog stila odlučivanja negativno je povezan s rezultatima na skalama svih triju maladaptivna stila. Panični stil odlučivanja najbolji je prediktor rezultata na skali nedostatka informacija, dok su panični i impulzivni stil odlučivanja prediktori rezultata na skali eksternalnih konflikata. Također, panični je stil odlučivanja najbolji prediktor rezultata na skali disfunkcionalnih vjerovanja. Izraženiji panični stil povezan je s većim poteškoćama u svim domenama donošenja profesionalnih odluka, osobito kod djevojaka.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 601-620  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Profesionalne odluke -- Odlučivanje -- Stilovi odlučivanja -- Srednjoškolci -- Spol

SUDIĆ, Mislav
Deontic moral reasoning task [Elektronička građa] : is moral reasoning special? / Mislav Sudić, Pavle Valerjev, Josip Ćirić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 500-502. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Domain theory suggests that moral rules and conventions are perceived differently and elicit a different response. A special procedure was designed to test this hypothesis in a laboratory setting using a deontic reasoning task. The goal was to gain insight into the cognitive and metacognitive processes of deontic reasoning from simple deontic premises. In the 3x2x2 within-subjects design, we varied rule-content (moral, conventional, abstract), rule-type (obligation, permission) and the induced dilemma (punishment dilemma, reward dilemma). Participants (N = 78) were presented with 12 laws. After memorizing a law, eight cases were presented to participants so that they make a quick judgment. Participants were tasked with punishing rule-violators, ignoring rule-conformists, and rewarding rule-supererogation. Response times (RT) and accuracy were measured for each judgment, and final confidence was measured after a set of judgments. No differences were expected between rule-types, except for superior performance for moral content and punishment dilemmas. RT correlated negatively with confidence levels, while accuracy correlated positively. Moral reasoning was more accurate than conventional and abstract reasoning, and produced higher confidence levels. Better performance was found for punishment dilemmas than reward dilemmas, likely due to the presence of a cheater-detection module; but the differences were not found in moral reasoning. Moral reasoning was also independent of rule-type, while conventional and abstract reasoning produced superior performance in obligation-type than in permission-type rules. A large drop-off in accuracy was detected for rules that allowed undesirable behaviour, a phenomenon we termed the "deontic blind spot". However, this blind spot was not present in moral reasoning. - Teorija domena pretpostavlja da se moralna i konvencionalna pravila drugačije percipiraju i rezultiraju različitim odgovorima. Osmišljena je procedura za testiranje ove hipoteze u laboratorijskim uvjetima koristeći zadatak deontičkog rasuđivanja. Cilj je bio dobiti uvid u kognitivne i metakognitivne procese deontičkog rasuđivanja polazeći od jednostavnih deontičkih premisa. Korištenjem nacrta 3x2x2 s ponovljenim mjerenjima manipulirali smo sadržajem pravila (moralna, konvencionalna, apstraktna), tipom pravila (obaveze, dopuštenja) i induciranom dilemom (dilema kažnjavanja, dilema nagrađivanja). Sudionicima (N = 78) prikazano je 12 zakona. Nakon što su zapamtili zakon, prezentirano im je osam slučajeva za koje su morali donijeti brzu odluku. Zadatak im je bio kažnjavanje prekršitelja, ignoriranje konformista i nagrađivanje supererogatornih. Mjereno je vrijeme odgovora i točnost za svaku odluku te konačna sigurnost nakon jednog niza odluka. Nisu očekivane razlike između tipova pravila, ali je očekivana bolja izvedba kod moralnih sadržaja i dilema kažnjavanja. Vrijeme je odgovora bilo negativno, a točnost pozitivno povezana s razinom sigurnosti. Moralno rasuđivanje bilo je točnije od konvencionalnog i apstraktnog te je dovelo do više razine sigurnosti. Bolja je izvedba utvrđena pri dilemama kažnjavanja u usporedbi s nagrađivanjem, vjerojatno zbog prisutnosti modula za detekciju varalica, ali te razlike nisu utvrđene pri moralnom rasuđivanju. Moralno je rasuđivanje također bilo neovisno o tipu pravila, dok su konvencionalno i apstraktno rasuđivanje doveli do bolje izvedbe pri obavezama nego dopuštenjima. Velik je pad u točnosti utvrđen za pravila koja su dopuštala nepoželjna ponašanja, što je fenomen koji smo nazvali "deontička slijepa pjega". Ipak, ova slijepa pjega nije bila prisutna pri moralnom rasuđivanju.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 483-506  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Moralno rasuđivanje -- Metakognicija -- Konvencije -- Deontička logika

MODIĆ Stanke, Koraljka
Does it hurt? [Elektronička građa] : Depends on who's asking / Koraljka Modić Stanke, Dragutin Ivanec, Luka Butić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 245-246. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper is to determine whether experimenter's professional status (Study 1) and familiarity (Study 2) affect participant's pain assessment, even when there are no other differences in the experimenter's characteristics. Both studies measured pain threshold and tolerance, and assessment of pain unpleasantness and intensity induced by thermal and electrical stimuli. In Study 1, experimenter introduced himself to participants as either a student (lower status) or an expert associate (higher status). ANOVA revealed significant and moderate to large effect of status only in thermal modality; as expected, participants tested by the higher status experimenter displayed higher thermal pain thresholds and tolerances. In Study 2, another experimenter conducted all the measurements; hers (higher) status was previously familiar to one group of students and disclosed to the other group just before the measurement. ANOVA revealed statistically significant and moderate effect of familiarity only in electrical modality; as expected, participants tested by the familiar higher status experimenter displayed higher electrical pain thresholds and tolerances. These results suggest that not only the professional status of a person measuring pain, but also individual's familiarity with it influences someone's pain assessment. With this in mind, researchers are encouraged to conduct studies that control for these factors and to include more information regarding experimenter's characteristics within their reports. - Cilj je ovoga rada bio utvrditi utječu li profesionalni status (prvo istraživanje) i poznatost (drugo istraživanje) eksperimentatora na procjenu boli sudionika, čak i kada nema drugih razlika u karakteristikama eksperimentatora. U oba su istraživanja mjereni prag i tolerancija boli te procjene neugode i intenziteta boli izazvane toplinskim i električnim podražajima. U prvom se istraživanju eksperimentator predstavio sudionicima kao student (niži status) ili kao stručni suradnik (viši status). ANOVA je pokazala značajan i umjeren do velik učinak statusa eksperimentatora samo u termalnom modalitetu; sudionici su čije je mjerenje provodio eksperimentator višeg statusa, u skladu s očekivanjima, pokazivali viši prag i toleranciju boli na toplinske podražaje. U drugom je istraživanju sva mjerenja provela eksperimentatorica čiji je (viši) status jednoj grupi studenata bio otprije poznat, dok je drugoj grupi bio otkriven neposredno prije mjerenja. ANOVA je pokazala statistički značajan i umjeren učinak poznatosti samo u električnom modalitetu; sudionici čije je mjerenje provodila prethodno poznata eksperimentatorica višeg statusa pokazivali su viši prag i toleranciju boli na električne podražaje, što je bilo očekivano. Ovi rezultati sugeriraju da na procjenu boli pojedinaca ne utječe samo profesionalni status osobe koja mjeri bol već i njihova prethodna upoznatost s njime. Imajući to na umu, istraživače se potiče da prilikom budućih istraživanja kontroliraju ove čimbenike te da u radove uključe detaljnije informacije o karakteristikama eksperimentatora.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 231-249  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bol -- Prag boli -- Tolerancija boli -- Eksperimentator

Dual processing in syllogistic reasoning [Elektronička građa] : an individual differences perspective / Predrag Teovanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 142-145. - Abstract. - The study aimed to examine several assumptions of dual process theories of reasoning by employing individual difference approach. A set of categorical syllogisms was administered to a relatively large sample of participants (N = 247) along with attached confidence rating scales, and measures of intelligence and cognitive reflection. As expected, response accuracy on syllogistic reasoning tasks highly depended on task complexity and the status of belief-logic conflict, thus demonstrating beliefbias on the group level. Individual difference analyses showed that more biased subject also performed poorer on Raven's Matrices (r = .25) and Cognitive Reflection Test (r = .27), which is in line with assumptions that willingness to engage and capacities to carry out type 2 processes both contribute to understanding of rational thinking. Moreover, measures of cognitive decoupling were significantly correlated with the performance on conflict syllogisms (r = .20). Individual differences in sensitivity to conflict detection, on the other side, were not related to reasoning accuracy in general (r = .02). Yet, additional analyses showed that noteworthy correlation between these two can be observed for easier syllogistic reasoning tasks (r = .26). Such results indicate that boundary conditions of conflict detection should be viewed as a function of both tasks' and participants' characteristics.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 125-145  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognitivna psihologija -- Inteligencija -- Individualne razlike -- Silogističko zaključivanje

TOMIĆ, Ivan, psiholog
Efekt privlačenja u vidnom radnom pamćenju [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Tomić, Matej Pavlić, Denis Vlašiček, Dragutin Ivanec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 457-460. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Temeljno obilježje vidnoga radnog pamćenja jest da preciznost dosjećanja opada porastom broja podražaja koji se pamti. Ovaj se nalaz tumači kao posljedica raspodjele ograničene količine resursa, pri čemu porastom broja podražaja koji se pamti pada količina resursa pridana svakom podražaju. Nedavna istraživanja pokazuju kako dosjećanje u zadacima vidnoga radnog pamćenja ovisi i o karakteristikama seta podražaja koji se pamti. Konkretno, u zadatku pamćenja jednostavnih vidnih karakteristika dvaju podražaja (npr. orijentacije) dosjećanje jednog podražaja karakterizira sustavna pogreška u smjeru drugog zapamćenog podražaja, tzv. efekt privlačenja. U ovom smo istraživanju željeli provjeriti koliko je ovaj efekt otporan na eksperimentalne manipulacije preciznosti pamćenja podražaja. U četiri su eksperimenta sudionici (N = 33) pamtili i dosjećali se istovremeno prikazanih orijentacija podražaja. U prvom je eksperimentu redoslijed dosjećanja odabiran po slučaju; u drugom su eksperimentu sudionici trebali samostalno birati redoslijed kojim će se dosjećati, a u trećem i četvrtom eksperimentu redoslijed dosjećanja ponovno je odabiran po slučaju, no sudionicima je na svakoj sekvenci unaprijed (eksp. 3) ili unatrag (eksp. 4) signalizirano kojeg će se podražaja najvjerojatnije morati dosjetiti prvog. Efekt privlačenja bio je vidljiv u sva četiri eksperimenta, i to pri dosjećanju obaju podražaja. Ovo istraživanje demonstrira robusnost efekta privlačenja u vidnom radnom pamćenju, što implicira da mehanizmi u podlozi tog efekta nisu podložni korekciji, odnosno da su sastavni dio temeljnih procesa kodiranja vidnih podražaja. - One of the basic characteristics of visual working memory (VWM) is that recall precision declines with the number of items to be memorised. This finding is interpreted as a consequence of the allocation of a limited pool of resources, whereby the amount of resources allocated to each item drops with each additional stimulus. Recent studies show that recall in VWM tasks also depends on the characteristics of the stimulus set which is to be memorised. Specifically, when memorising simple visual features of two stimuli (e.g. their orientations), the recall of one stimulus's features is marked by a systematic bias towards the other stimulus's features. In this study, we wanted to examine how robust this effect is to experimental manipulations of memory precision. In four experiments, participants (N = 33) memorised and recalled the orientations of two simultaneously presented stimuli. In the first experiment, the recall order was chosen at random. In the second, participants had to choose the recall order themselves. In the third and fourth experiments, recall order was again chosen at random, but participants were presented with a cue before (exp. 3) or after (exp. 4) the stimuli were displayed, which indicated which of the stimuli is most likely to be recalled first. The attraction effect was observed in all four experiments and affected the recall of both stimuli. This study demonstrates the robustness of the attraction effect in VWM, implying that the mechanisms underlying the effect are not susceptible to correction, or in other words, that it is a part of the fundamental processes of coding visual stimuli.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 441-460  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radno pamćenje -- Vidno radno pamćenje -- Efekt privlačenja -- Pamćenje -- Orijentacija

MILIĆ, Andrea
Envy - an unwanted, yet unavoidable and necessary emotion [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Milić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 371-375. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Envy is a word signifying an emotion that arises from social comparison and signals that one is outperformed by another person, or group of people, which makes one feel painful inferiority. It originates from the Latin "invidere" which means to "gaze maliciously". Yet, this emotion does not want to be communicated. It is hard to identify or admit it, partly because of a range of other negative emotions, such as hostility, resentment and rejection that accompany envious feelings. Envy may also trigger admiration that motivates one to "do better". However, subjective, historical and philosophical accounts overwhelmingly speak of its negative consequences. Not surprisingly, envy is regarded as a social taboo. Even the traditional scientific community considers envy as a "second class" emotion. It is said that envy does not meet the criteria for basic emotions. Only recently, with the paradigmatic shift in modern evolutionary psychology, a new framework was offered and started shedding light onto the emotion nobody likes to feel, think or talk about. This paper presents a review of theoretical considerations, predictions and empirical results, emerging from a relatively small amount of studies that incited a change in the conceptualization of this unwanted and seemingly inept emotion. - Zavist je emocija koja proizlazi iz usporedbe s drugima i upućuje na to da je netko bolji od nas u nečemu te donosi osjećaj bolne inferiornosti. Riječ potječe od latinske riječi "invidere", što znači "zlobno promatrati". Ipak, ta emocija često se prikriva. Teško ju je prepoznati ili priznati, djelomično stoga što osjećaj zavisti prate mnoge druge negativne emocije poput neprijateljstva i odbojnosti. No zavist može izazvati i divljenje, koje nas motivira da budemo uspješniji. Međutim, subjektivna iskustva, povijesni i filozofski zapisi svjedoče o mahom negativnim posljedicama zavisti, stoga ne čudi što se zavist smatra društvenim tabuom. Čak i tradicionalni znanstveni krugovi proglašavaju zavist "drugorazrednom emocijom", odnosno navode da se zavist ne ubraja u osnovne emocije. Tek je nedavno, zahvaljujući paradigmatskom okretu unutar moderne evolucijske psihologije, ponuđen nov okvir koji omogućava bolje razumijevanje ove emocije, koju nitko ne voli osjećati, razmišljati ili razgovarati o njoj. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj pregleda teoretskih razmatranja, predikcija i empirijskih rezultata proizašlih iz relativno malog broja istraživanja koja su izazvala promjenu u konceptualizaciji ove neželjene i naizgled beskorisne emocije.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 355-375  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Emocije -- Zavist -- Društvena usporedba -- Evolucijska psihologija

TOPLAK, Maggie E.
Estimations of competence in neurodevelopmental conditions [Elektronička građa] : a review / Maggie E. Toplak, Jonathan Weiss, Joshua Doidge, Elizabeth A. Wanstall. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 223-232. - Abstract. - Estimations of competence paradigms offer methods to help us measure how well we track our performance. Bridging across the clinical research and metacognitive research traditions, we identified the Positive Illusory Bias (PIB), metamemory and meta-reasoning paradigms for assessing estimation of competence in neurodevelopmental conditions. Overall, studies from PIB paradigms suggest that individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Intellectual Disability and Learning Disability tend to display a positive bias in their performance relative to other informants. In metamemory paradigms, individuals with these neurodevelopmental conditions tend to show more discrepancy between their subjective judgments and their memory performance relative to comparison controls, but these findings have been less consistent than for PIB. Meta-reasoning has been less well-studied across neurodevelopmental conditions. In order to advance our understanding of whether estimation of competence is a significant domain for understanding neurodevelopmental conditions, consideration must be given to conceptual models for each neurodevelopmental condition, methodological issues (paradigm selection and interpretation of self-report and subjective judgment) and developmental considerations.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 193-232  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metakognicija -- Kompetencije -- Poremećaj pažnje -- Hiperaktivnost -- Autizam -- Neurorazvojni poremećaji

WANG, Selina
Fluency and feeling of rightness [Elektronička građa] : the effect of anchoring and models / Selina Wang, Valerie Thompson. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Prilozi na str. 67-72. - Bibliografija: str. 63-66. - Abstract. - Feeling of Rightness (FOR) is a metacognitive experience accompanying people's intuitive answers that predicts the probability of subsequently changing answers (Thompson, Prowse Turner, & Pennycook, 2011). Previous research suggested FOR judgments are influenced by cues such as fluency, i.e., the ease with which an answer comes to mind. In the current paper, we examine the relationship between FOR, fluency, and answer changes; in particular, we were interested in whether answer fluency drives the effect of FOR on subsequent behaviours pertaining to answer changes. Reasoners (N = 64) in each of four experiments were asked to determine the validity of 32 syllogisms that consisted of single-model and multiple-model problems. In addition, each problem was randomly paired with a question containing either a high anchor value (80% or 90%) or a low anchor value (10% or 20%). In the first two experiments, reasoners then provided a FOR rating on a scale from 0 to 100 and indicated whether they would like to attempt to re-answer the question. The last two experiments served as the control experiments in which the FOR judgements were removed. The anchoring manipulation affected FOR judgments but not re-answer choices; it also did not affect answer fluency. Thus influencing FOR without affecting answer fluency had no effect on people's subsequent re-answer choices. In contrast, fluency was a reliable predictor of both FOR and re-answer choices. That is, when answers came to mind slowly, FORs were lower and people were more likely to choose to re-answer the problems. Thus, fluency appears to mediate the relationship between FOR and re-answer choices.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osjećaj ispravnosti -- Metakognicija -- Rasuđivanje -- Silogističko zaključivanje -- Mentalni modeli

MATA, André
Further tests of the metacognitive advantage model [Elektronička građa] : counterfactuals, confidence and affect / André Mata. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 123-124. - Abstract. - This study tested whether people have an accurate sense of how good their reasoning is, as measured by their confidence in their responses, and how good they feel after they give those responses. First, incorrect responders were unjustifiably confident in their responses. However, correct responders were even more confident, and this confidence boost was found to come from their awareness of alternative solutions that are intuitive but incorrect. An affect measure revealed the same pattern: correct responders felt better, and incorrect responders felt worse, after they solved reasoning problems, but this was only the case when post-reasoning affect was measured after participants were instructed to think of alternative solutions. Implications are discussed for the possibility of implicit error monitoring, the role of counterfactual thinking in meta-reasoning, and the use of affective measures in meta-reasoning research.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 115-124  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metakognicija -- Meta-rasuđivanje -- Samouvjerenost

Heuristic cues for meta-reasoning judgments [Elektronička građa] : review and methodology / Rakefet Ackerman. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 15-20. - Abstract. - Metacognitive research aims to explain how people regulate their effort when performing cognitive tasks, to expose conditions that support reliable monitoring of chance for success, and to provide a basis for developing improvement guidelines. The essence of the domain is that monitoring drives control: people continually self-assess their chance for success before, during, and after performing a cognitive task, and use these judgments to guide their effort-allocation decisions (e.g., whether to reconsider an answer option, change strategy, seek help, or give up). Thus, factors that underlie metacognitive judgments affect the efficiency with which people perform cognitive tasks. This paper focuses on meta-reasoning – the monitoring and control processes that apply to reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making tasks. So far, relatively little is known about heuristic cues used for inferring meta-reasoning judgments. This paper reviews the known heuristic cues and offers methodological guidelines for a critical reading of existing research and for designing high-quality studies that will advance this important domain.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metakognicija -- Rasuđivanje -- Rješavanje problema -- Heuristika

MARIĆ, Nikola
Hipoteza zamišljenog kontakta [Elektronička građa] : uloga radnog pamćenja / Nikola Marić, Jadranka Kolenović Đapo, Nermin Đapo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 267-270. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prema hipotezi zamišljenog kontakta dovoljna je samo vizualizacija socijalnog kontakta pozitivnog tona prema vanjskoj grupi kako bi došlo do promjene u negativnim stavovima. U ovom je istraživanju ispitivana uloga kapaciteta radnog pamćenja u zamišljenom kontaktu. Provedene su dvije studije. U prvoj je, kvazieksperimentalnoj studiji, pokazano da osobe koje imaju manji kapacitet radnog pamćenja imaju negativnije opise zamišljenog kontakta i negativnije stavove prema vanjskoj grupi u odnosu na osobe većeg kapaciteta radnog pamćenja. Druga, eksperimentalna studija, proširila je nalaze prve studije te je pokazano da su osobe koje su neposredno pred zamišljanje kontakta s članom vanjske grupe imale dodatno opterećenje radnog pamćenja posljedično imale negativnije opise zamišljenog kontakta i negativnije stavove prema članovima vanjske grupe nego skupina ispitanika koja nije imala dodatno opterećenje radnog pamćenja. Medijacijska analiza potvrdila je hipotezu da je (ne)mogućnost održavanja pozitivnog tona zamišljene interakcije mehanizam koji uvjetuje uspješnost zamišljenog kontakta na smanjenje negativnih stavova. Nalazi obiju studija upućuju na to da je kapacitet radnog pamćenja jedan od faktora koji uvjetuje uspješnost intervencije zamišljenim kontaktom. Dobiveni rezultati otvaraju nova pitanja o efikasnosti zamišljenog kontakta u promjenama stava. - According to the Imagined Contact Hypothesis, mental visualization of positive intergroup contact is sufficient to reduce the prejudice toward outgroup members. The role of working memory capacity in the imagined contact effect was investigated in our study. Two studies were conducted. The first, quasi-experimental study showed that participants with lower working memory capacity have more negative descriptions of the imagined intergroup contact and more negative attitudes towards outgroup members when compared to participants with higher working memory capacity. The second, experimental, study extended the results from the first study and showed that experimentally reducing working memory capacity leads to more negative descriptions of the imagined contact and more negative attitudes towards outgroup members. Mediation analysis confirmed the hypothesis that (un)ability to maintain positive tonality of imagined contact is a mechanism which causes success of imagined contact on negative attitude reduction. Results from both studies are consistent with our hypothesis that working memory capacity is one of the factors which influences the efficacy of the imagined intergroup contact intervention. The results obtained in our study open new question about the efficiency of imagined contact in attitude change.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 251-270  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radno pamćenje -- Hipoteza zamišljenog kontakta -- Socijalni kontakti -- Pozitivna korelacija -- Medijacijska analiza

BANAI, Benjamin
Kako izgleda vođa? [Elektronička građa] : Evolucijski pogled na pristranosti prema obilježjima lica vođa / Benjamin Banai, Zvjezdan Penezić.
Bibliografija: str. 559-566. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ljudsko je lice spolno dimorfna karakteristika, a morfologija lica povezana je s različitim biološkim markerima. Prilikom percepcije lica druge osobe pojedinci stvaraju dojmove o spolu, dobi, etničkoj pripadnosti, ali i emocionalnim stanjima i osobinama ličnosti te osobe. Ovaj je proces automatski, iznimno brz i uključen je u sve situacije socijalne interakcije. Brojna istraživanja upućuju na to da ljudi imaju pristranosti prema određenim fenotipima lica prilikom donošenja odluke o tome tko bi trebao biti vođa njihove grupe, bilo da je riječ o ekonomskim ili političkim grupama. U ovom će preglednom radu biti prikazani nalazi koji iz perspektive evolucijske psihologije pokušavaju razjasniti nastanak i funkciju spomenutih pristranosti. Kao glavni teorijski okviri bit će predstavljeni: evolucijska teorija vodstva, biosocijalni model kategorizacije vođa te hipoteza evolucijske kontingencije. Nadalje, bit će opisana istraživanja koja pokazuju da ljudi preferiraju vođe s licima koja izgledaju kompetentno, ovisno o kontekstu muževno ili ženstveno, te privlačno. Na koncu, bit će prikazani određeni nedostaci istraživanja u ovom području, zajedno sa smjernicama za buduća istraživanja. - Human face is a sexually dimorphic trait, and its morphology is related to various biological markers. During face perception, people make several inferences about others, such as sex, age, ethnicity, emotional state or personality traits. This process is automatic and rapid, and is included in all forms of social interactions. Some studies indicate that people have certain biases towards specific facial phenotypes during decision-making about who is the best candidate to be a group leader in an economic or political context. In this review paper, origins and functions of aforementioned biases will be discussed from an evolutionary psychological perspective. Evolutionary leadership theory, biosocial leadership categorization model and evolutionary-contingency hypothesis will be presented as the main theoretical frameworks in the field. Moreover, findings regarding bias towards perceived facial competence, masculinity-femininity and attractiveness will be described. Lastly, some limitations in the field will be addressed, together with the recommendations for future studies.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 549-566  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vođa -- Percepcija lica -- Kategorizacija vođa -- Evolucijska psihologija -- Socijalna interakcija

TUCE, Đenita
Kvaliteta obiteljskih i vršnjačkih odnosa kao odrednice samopoštovanja kod adolescenata [Elektronička građa] / Đenita Tuce, Jadranka Kolenović-Đapo, Indira Fako. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 675-679. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati doprinos varijabli obiteljskog i varijabli vršnjačkog konteksta u objašnjenju samopoštovanja tijekom rane, srednje i kasne adolescencije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 344 osnovnoškolaca, 370 srednjoškolaca te 357 studenata. Prosječna dob sudionika u skupini mlađih adolescenata iznosi M = 12.6 (SD = 0.63), u skupini srednjih adolescenata M = 16.5 (SD = 0.57), a u skupini starijih adolescenata M = 20.6 (SD = 1.17). Primijenjeni su sljedeći instrumenti: Upitnik općih podataka, Upitnik roditeljskog prihvaćanja-odbacivanja, Skala obiteljske prilagodljivosti i kohezivnosti, Upitnik kvalitete prijateljstva, Upitnik privrženosti vršnjacima – revidirana verzija i Rosenbergova skala za mjerenje samopoštovanja. Rezultati provedenih hijerarhijskih regresijskih analiza upućuju na to da set prediktorskih varijabli objašnjava 38% ukupne varijance samopoštovanja kod mlađih, 21% ukupne varijance samopoštovanja kod srednjih i 27% ukupne varijance samopoštovanja kod starijih adolescenata. Kada su u pitanju obiteljske varijable, u skupini mlađih i srednjih adolescenata značajni su prediktori samopoštovanja varijable roditeljsko prihvaćanje-odbacivanje od strane majke i obiteljska prilagodljivost i kohezivnost, a kod starijih adolescenata varijable roditeljsko prihvaćanje-odbacivanje od strane majke i oca. Od varijabli vršnjačkog konteksta kao značajan prediktor samopoštovanja u sve tri skupine adolescenata izdvojila se kvaliteta privrženosti vršnjacima. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da je pri razmatranju obiteljskih i vršnjačkih odrednica samopoštovanja kod adolescenata nužno uzeti u obzir različite oblike obiteljskih i vršnjačkih interakcija, ali i uvažavati razvojne specifičnosti pojedinih razdoblja adolescencije. - The aim of this paper was to examine the contribution of family, and peers context variables in explaining the variance of self-esteem during early, middle, and late adolescence. The research sample consisted of 344 elementary school students, 370 high school students and 357 college students. The average age of participants was M = 12.6 (SD = 0.63) for young adolescents, M = 16.5 (SD = 0.57) for middle adolescents, and M = 20.6 (SD = 1.17) for older adolescents. The following instruments were applied: General Data Questionnaire, Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale, Friendship Quality Questionnaire, Inventory of Peer Attachment-Revised and Self-esteem Scale. The results of hierarchical analyses indicate that set of predictor variables account for 38% of total variance of self-esteem in young, 21% of total variance of self-esteem in middle and 27% of total variance of self-esteem in older adolescents. With respect to family context variables, the self-esteem was significantly predicted by parental acceptance-rejection of mothers and family cohesion and adaptability in young and middle adolescents, and by perceived parental acceptance-rejection of both (mothers and fathers) in older adolescents. Considering peer context variables, in all three adolescent groups, the self-esteem was significantly predicted by perceived quality of attachment with peers. The results of this study indicate the necessity of taking into account the different forms of family and peers interactions, as well as the developmental specificities of a particular period of adolescence when considering family and peers determinants of self-esteem in adolescents.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 661-679  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Samopoštovanje -- Adolescencija -- Obiteljski odnosi -- Vršnjački odnosi

PUKLEK Levpušček, Melita
Links between academic motivation, psychological need satisfaction in education, and university students' satisfaction with their study [Elektronička građa] / Melita Puklek Levpušček, Anja Podlesek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 584-586. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Student motivation represents an important factor in their academic performance. The present study explored university students' academic motivation across the academic year and its relationship with psychological need satisfaction in the study context and academic adjustment. Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination Theory (SDT) presents a theoretical framework of this study. 124 students participated in both waves of data collection. They answered the Academic Motivation Scale, College Version (AMS-C 28) in the fall of the academic year, and seven months later they answered the question about their certainty of study choice and completed again the AMS-C 28. Additionally, they answered the items about their psychological need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, relatedness) in the current academic year and the items about their satisfaction with the study. The results showed that all forms of academic motivation (as distributed along the SDT motivational continuum) remained highly stable within one academic year. More autonomous motivational orientation related to higher perceived satisfaction of psychological needs. Furthermore, it significantly predicted students' satisfaction with the study and certainty about the study choice. When students' satisfaction of psychological needs in the current academic year was entered into the regression model, it predicted satisfaction with the study and certainty in study choice over and above the students' level of autonomous motivation. The study showed the importance of creating learning environments that respond to students' psychological study needs. - Motivacija studenata predstavlja važan čimbenik školskoga postignuća. Ovim je istraživanjem ispitana akademska motivacija studenata tijekom akademske godine i njezin odnos sa zadovoljenjem psiholoških potreba u kontekstu studiranja te s akademskom prilagodbom. Teorijski okvir ovog istraživanja predstavlja teorija samoodređenja (SDT) Decija i Ryana. U obje su točke mjerenja sudjelovala 124 studenta. Na početku akademske godine studenti su ispunili Skalu akademske motivacije, verziju za studente (AMS-C 28), a sedam mjeseci kasnije odgovorili su na pitanje o svojoj sigurnosti izborom studija te ponovno ispunili AMS-C 28. Pored toga, procijenili su stupanj zadovoljenosti psiholoških potreba (za autonomijom, kompetencijom i povezanošću) u tekućoj akademskoj godini te svoje zadovoljstvo studijem. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi oblici akademske motivacije (raspoređeni po motivacijskom kontunuumu SDT-a) tijekom akademske godine ostali vrlo stabilni. Viša autonomna motivacijska orijentacija bila je povezana s većim percipiranim zadovoljenjem psiholoških potreba te je bila značajan prediktor zadovoljstva studenata studijem i sigurnosti u izbor studija. Kada je zadovoljenje psiholoških potreba studenata u tekućoj akademskoj godini uneseno u regresijski model, predviđalo je zadovoljstvo studijem i sigurnost u izbor studija povrh autonomne motivacije studenata. Istraživanje je uputilo na važnost stvaranja okruženja za učenje koje je responsivno na psihološke potrebe studenata vezane uz studij.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 567-587  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tercijano obrazovanje -- Akademska motivacija -- Zadovoljstvo studijem -- Psihološke potrebe -- Studenti -- Regresijska analiza

OPAT Jozić, Nikolina
Manipulacija ponašanjem romantičnog partnera [Elektronička građa] : provjera psihometrijskih karakteristika instrumenata / Nikolina Opat Jozić, Jelena Ombla. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 329-331. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prema gledištu evolucijske psihologije manipulacija uključuje načine na koje ljudi namjerno pokušavaju mijenjati ponašanje drugih (Buss, 1987). Manipulativno ponašanje ima svoj razlog, svrhu ili cilj, a korištenje pojedinih taktika manipulacije ovisi o tome što želimo postići. Vrsta odnosa uvjetuje vrstu taktike koja se smatra primjerenom, a romantični su odnosi osobito bogat izvor informacija o aspektima manipulativnog ponašanja. Cilj je ovoga rada bio utvrditi psihometrijske karakteristike (konstruktnu valjanost i pouzdanost) prevedenih verzija skala taktika manipulacije (Tactics of Manipulation; Buss, 1992) i emocionalne manipulacije (Emotional Manipulation Scale; Austin, Farrelly, Black i Moore, 2007). Istraživanje je provedeno trima manjim studijama (N1 = 315, N2 = 281, N3 = 168), a sudionici su bili odrasle osobe koje su u romantičnoj vezi. Psihometrijska provjera karakteristika prevedenih i modificiranih verzija Skala taktika manipulacije (Buss, 1992) i Skale emocionalne manipulacije (Austin i sur., 2007) upućuje na to da se u oba slučaja radi o instrumentima trodimenzionalne latentne strukture i zadovoljavajuće pouzdanosti tipa unutarnje konzistencije. Prema dobivenim rezultatima emocionalna manipulacija pozitivno je, iako nisko, povezana s korištenjem taktika manipulacije. Drugim riječima, veća sklonost emocionalnoj manipulaciji podrazumjeva i sklonost korištenju taktika manipulacije. S druge strane, emocionalna inteligencija nije značajno povezana ni s emocionalnom manipulacijom ni s taktikama manipulacije. - According to evolution psychology manipulation includes manners in which people are trying to influence other people's behaviour (Buss, 1987). This influence includes specific reason, purpose or aim, depending on which tactics are being used. Type of relation influences the type of tactic that is considered to be the most appropriate one, while romantic relations offer a remarkable source of information about aspects of manipulative behaviour. The aim of this research was to determine psychometric characteristics (validity, reliability) of translated versions of Tactics of Manipulation (Buss, 1992) and Emotional Manipulation Scale (Austin, Farrelly, Black, & Moore, 2007). Research comprehended tri studies (N1 = 315, N2 = 281, N3 = 168) conducted on adult individuals in romantic relationship. Psychometric verification of translated and modified versions of Tactics of Manipulation (Buss, 1992) and Emotional Manipulation Scale (Austin et al., 2007) revealed that both instruments show three-dimensional latent structure and satisfying internal consistency reliability. According to results, emotional manipulation was in positive, although low, correlation with tactics of manipulation. In other words, a higher tendency to emotional manipulation at the same time means a tendency to use tactics of manipulation.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 313-332  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Manipulativno ponašanje -- Emocionalna manipulacija -- Taktike manipulacije -- Emocionalna inteligencija -- Romantični odnosi

Mathematics anxiety and metacognitive processes [Elektronička građa] : proposal for a new line of inquiry / Kinga Morsanyi, Niamh Ní Cheallaigh, Rakafet Ackerman. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 163-169. - Abstract. - This paper presents a proposal for a new area of investigation that connects the metacognition literature, and especially the recently developed meta-reasoning framework, with research into mathematical reasoning, mathematics learning, and mathematics anxiety. Whereas the literature on mathematics anxiety focusses on the end result of learning and problem-solving, the metacognitive approach can offer further insight by a fine-grained analysis of the stages of these processes. In particular, it provides tools for exposing students' initial assessment of tasks and test situations, the targets they set for themselves, the process of monitoring progress, and decisions to stick with or abandon a particular solution. The paper outlines various ways in which the metacognitive approach could be used to investigate the effects of mathematics anxiety on mathematics learning and problem solving. This approach could help in answering questions like: Do anxious and non-anxious learners differ in how they prepare for an exam? Are anxious students more or less prone to overconfidence than non-anxious students? What metacognitive decisions mediate maths anxious participants' tendency to give up on problems too early? Additionally, this line of work has the potential to significantly expand the scope of metacognitive investigations and provide novel insights into individual differences in the metacognitive regulation of learning and problem solving. It could also offer some practical benefits by focusing the attention of educational designers on particular components within the learning process of anxious students.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 147-169  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matematička anksioznost -- Samouvjerenost -- Meta-rasuđivanje -- Meta-kognitivni procesi -- Rješavanje problema

BEESON, Natasha
Mental models or probabilistic reasoning or both [Elektronička građa] : reviewing the evidence for and implications of dual-strategy models of deductive reasoning / Natasha Beeson, Edward J. N. Stupple, Malcolm B. Schofield, Paul Staples.
Bibliografija: str. 31-35. - Abstract. - The present paper presents an overview of contemporary reasoning research to examine the evidence for and implications of the Dual Strategy Model of Reasoning. The Dual Strategy Model of Reasoning proposes that there are two types of reasoning strategy applied in deductive reasoning - counterexample and statistical. The paper considers Mental Models Theory and The Probability Heuristics Model as candidate specifications for these respective strategies and hypotheses are proposed on this basis. The Dual Strategy Model is further considered in the context of Dual Process theory, the Dual Source Model and Meta-reasoning and implications of the synergy between these proposals are considered. We finally consider the Dual Strategy Model in the context of individual differences, and normative considerations before proposing novel hypotheses and further avenues of research which we argue require exploration in this context.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 21-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognitivna psihologija -- Mentalni modeli -- Rasuđivanje -- Metakognicija

Metacognitive feelings, conflict detection and illusion of linearity [Elektronička građa] / Vanja Putarek, Vesna Vlahović-Štetić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 188-192. - Abstract. - Studies on conflict detection have suggested that people are sensitive to conflict between their heuristic judgment and logical or probabilistic principles, but due to the inhibition failure, they do not disregard appealing heuristic answer. However, these studies were mostly conducted on syllogistic reasoning and base-rate problems. The question is whether findings about conflict detection can be applied to other materials and areas of reasoning. Current study focused on the illusion of linearity, in which people over-rely on linearity heuristic. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine whether students detect the conflict between heuristic answer and logical/mathematical principles. Participants were 113 secondary school students from Zagreb, Croatia. Data were collected using a computer program, which consisted of instructions, 20 problems (10 linear and 10 non-linear) and sociodemographic questions. Problems were presented randomly in multiple-choice format and had three offered answers (correct answer, distractor, "none of the answers"). Response time for each problem was also measured. Results demonstrated that students mostly solved non-linear problems incorrectly and in accordance with linearity heuristic. Furthermore, the analysis of metacognitive feelings of confidence and difficulty revealed that students detected conflict between heuristic answer and mathematical principles. Moreover, overriding heuristic answer and generating correct answer to non-linear problems resulted in increased response time. Comparison between metacognitive feelings and response time in linear and non-linear problems indicates the importance of processing fluency and inhibition failure in the occurrence of the illusion of linearity.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 171-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metakognitivni osjećaji -- Otkrivanje sukoba -- Iluzija linearnosti

Mogu li videoigre osnažiti kognitivne sposobnosti? [Elektronička građa] / Marina Martinčević, Andrea Vranić.
Bibliografija: str. 521-528. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Kognitivni treninzi predstavljaju intervenciju osmišljenu za unapređenje različitih aspekata kognitivnog funkcioniranja. Najučinkovitiji oblik treninga predstavljaju tzv. multimodalni treninzi, koji uključuju aktivnost više kognitivnih procesa i dovode do boljeg transfera stečenih vještina u svakodnevni život. Literatura sugerira kako se u različitoj populaciji videoigre, najpoznatiji primjer multimodalnoga treninga, mogu rabiti za unapređenje kognitivnih funkcija. S obzirom je na njihovu veliku popularnost cilj ovoga preglednog rada prikazati kognitivne mehanizme koji videoigre čine optimalnim medijem za kognitivno osnaživanje te učinke igranja različitih vrsta videoigara na kognitivne funkcije. Konkretno, u radu su prikazana različita teorijska objašnjenja učinkovitosti videoigara, mehanizmi učenja i transfera stečenih vještina. Osim toga, rad je usmjeren na tri najčešće korištene vrste videoigara u kognitivnim treninzima: ozbiljne igre, igre mentalnog treninga i komercijalne igre. Pritom se razmatra njihova učinkovitost kod različitih dobnih skupina i neuropsiholoških bolesnika. Zbog velike raznolikosti komercijalnih igara dan je prikaz dosadašnjih nalaza učinkovitosti različitih žanrova komercijalnih igara u kognitivnom osnaživanju. U posljednjem su dijelu rada dane preporuke istraživačima za daljnje provjere učinkovitosti videoigara kao oblika kognitivnog treninga. - Cognitive training is an intervention aimed at promoting various aspects of cognitive functioning. The most effective programs include the so-called multimodal training, i.e. interventions which include the activity of several cognitive processes and lead to far transfer of training-induced skills to everyday life. Video games represent a well-established example of multimodal training, leading to cognitive empowerment in various populations. Given the popularity of video games, this review aims to present: i) cognitive mechanisms required for gaming which turn video games into an optimal platform for cognitive empowerment and ii) cognitive effects of playing various types of video-games. More specifically, we review the theory behind the efficacy of video games, learning mechanisms promoted by gaming, and mechanisms of transfer. Also, we focus on the three most commonly used video games in cognitive training: serious games, brain training and commercial games, considering their effects in different age groups and neuropsychological patients. Due to the variety of commercial games, the research findings are presented via different genres of commercial games and their effects on cognitive functioning. In the last part of the paper, we give recommendations for future video game research as a form of cognitive training.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 507-528  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Videoigre -- Kognitivne sposobnosti -- Multimodalni trening

MARTINAC Dorčić, Tamara
Odrednice pomaganja žrtvi u situacijama vršnjačkog nasilja [Elektronička građa] / Tamara Martinac Dorčić, Sanja Smojver-Ažić, Barbara Rončević Zubković, Svjetlana Kolić-Vehovec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 695-699. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Iako promatrači vršnjačkog nasilja aktivno ne sudjeluju u vršnjačkom nasilju, njihove reakcije mogu odigrati važnu ulogu u zaštiti žrtve. Cilj je rada ispitati u kojoj mjeri socijalne vještine, prepoznavanje primjerenih reakcija u situacijama vršnjačkog nasilja te samodjelotvornost i subjektivne norme vezane uz zaštitu žrtve mogu predvidjeti pomaganje žrtvi. U istraživanju su sudjelovali učenici od 12 do 14 godina (M = 12.69; SD = 0.72) iz deset europskih škola (Španjolske, Malte, Velike Britanije i Irske). Od početnog uzorka 359 učenika analizirani su odgovori 226 učenika (54.9% djevojčica) koji u situacijama vršnjačkog nasilja nisu bili žrtve i/ili nasilnici te su izjavili da u situacijama vršnjačkog nasilja nastoje pomoći žrtvi (70.8%) ili da u situacijama vršnjačkog nasilja ne čine ništa, ali smatraju da bi trebali pomoći (29.2%). Sudionici su ispunjavali online upitnik u školi, uz nadzor nastavnika. Upitnik se sastojao od niza skala, konstruiranih ili prilagođenih za potrebe ovog istraživanja kojima smo ispitali ciljane varijable: Upitnik nasilnik/žrtva, Skala empatije, Skala percipiranih socijalnih vještina, Skala samodjelotvornosti u zaštiti žrtve, Skala subjektivnih normi vezanih uz zaštitu žrtve te Upitnik primjerenosti reakcija u situaciji vršnjačkog nasilja. Doprinos promatranih varijabli u objašnjenju ponašanja pomaganja žrtvi ispitan je primjenom hijerarhijske logističke regresijske analize. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitane varijable u posljednjem koraku objašnjavaju između 18% i 25% varijance pomaganja žrtvi. Prepoznavanje primjerenosti reakcija u situacijama vršnjačkog nasilja (primjerenost asertivnih reakcija i neprimjerenost agresivnih i pasivnih reakcija) te samodjelotvornost u zaštiti žrtve značajni su pozitivni prediktori pomagačkog ponašanja. - Although bystanders do not actively participate in situations of peer violence, their reactions can play an important role in protecting the victim. Therefore, this paper aims to examine to what extent social skills, recognition of appropriate reactions in peer violence situations, and self-efficacy and subjective norms related to victim protection can predict the helping behaviour. Students aged 12 to 14 (M = 12.69; SD = 0.72) from ten European schools (from Spain, Malta, UK and Ireland) participated in the study. From the initial sample of 359 students, 226 students (54.9% of girls) stated that were exclusively bystanders in bullying situations (and not victims and/or bullies). In this paper, we have focused on two groups of bystanders: those who report that they are trying to help victims in situations of peer violence (70.8%) and those who do not do anything in situations of peer violence, but think that they should help the victim (29.2%). The participants filled out an on-line questionnaire with teachers' supervision. It consisted of a series of scales, constructed or adapted for the purpose of this research: Bully/victim questionnaire, Empathy scale, Social skills scale, Self-efficacy and subjective norm for protecting the victim scale, and Questionnaire about the appropriateness of reaction in a bullying situation. Hierarchical logistic regression was conducted to check the contribution of studied variables in the prediction of helping behaviour. Results show that the examined variables explain between 18% and 25% of the variance in helping behaviour. Recognizing the appropriateness of reactions in peer violence situations (the appropriateness of the assertive, the inappropriateness of passive and aggressive reactions) and self-efficacy in victim protection are significant positive predictors of helping behaviour.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 681-700  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vršnjačko nasilje -- Pomaganje žrtvi -- Empatija -- Socijalne vještine -- Samodjelotvornost

Performance and metacognition in scientific reasoning [Elektronička građa] : the covariation detection task / Pavle Valerjev, Marin Dujmović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 109-112. - Abstract. - The aim of this study was to introduce a modified version of the covariation detection task to the meta-reasoning framework. This task has been used to assess scientific reasoning through the evaluation of fictitious experiment outcomes and hypothesis testing. The traditional covariation detection task was modified to include only the magnitude versus ratio-bias. The participants' task was to evaluate the effectiveness of an experimental manipulation in a series of fictitious experiments. Experiment 1 (N = 61) consisted of twenty covariation detection tasks. In half of the tasks, normative and heuristic responses were congruent, and for the other half they were incongruent. Experiment 2 (N = 48) had the same experimental design, however, the fictitious data was modified to increase the relative strength of the normative response. After each trial participants provided a judgment of confidence. Results confirmed that the main manipulation of congruence was successful. Participants were more accurate, faster and more confident in the congruent condition. The manipulation from Experiment 2 had a larger impact on response times than on confidence judgments and accuracy. Correct responses were faster in Experiment 2 when compared to Experiment 1, with higher confidence for correct congruent responses. Analyses by response type revealed large individual differences in the relative strength of the processes which generate normative and biased responses. Participants were faster and more confident when rationalizing in favour of their dominant response while they were slower and less confident when decoupling from that dominant response. The covariation detection task provides new valuable insight into meta-reasoning processes.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 93-113  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognitivna psihologija -- Metakognicija -- Rasuđivanje

Psychological difficulties of nursing students [Elektronička građa] : is there a difference on various levels of study? / Iva Takšić, Olivera Petrak, Lada Perković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The research of students adapting to university life, difficulties in coping with the academic demands, and personal problems students face during their study is important for a better understanding of their needs in order to prevent possible mental health problems in the student population and increase the overall quality of study. When researching the difficulties that students face, one of the important factors to be taken into account is the type of study, for instance whether they study full or part time. Since nursing students represent the largest student population at the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb, Croatia, we investigated the differences in the perceived difficulties during studying between full-time undergraduate nursing students and part-time specialist graduate nursing students, most of whom already work as professional nurses. In a sample of 231 participants, there were 143 undergraduate students with the average age of 26.38 years (90.2% females) and 88 specialist graduate students with the average age of 37.52 years (95.5% females). We examined the frequency of 62 difficulties that students may encounter during their study using a survey by the Student Counselling Centre at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. On average, nursing students perceived 12 difficulties. The most frequent difficulties all students struggle with are nervousness or tension, financial problems, fear of failure, inefficient time management, insecurity, and changes in eating habits. There is no significant difference in the total frequency of perceived difficulties between undergraduate and graduate students but we found significant differences between these two groups in the number of students who encountered particular difficulties regarding 13 issues. - Istraživanja prilagodbe i problema s kojima se susreće studentska populacija važna su za bolje razumijevanje studentskih potreba, povećanje kvalitete studiranja te poboljšanje mentalnog zdravlja samih studenata. Poteškoće s kojima se studenti najviše susreću raznolike su, a važan faktor o kojem treba voditi računa jest i sam način studiranja. Zanimala nas je razlika u problemima prilagodbe kod studenata redovnoga stručnog studija i specijalističkoga (diplomskog) studija sestrinstva, kao jednog od najbrojnijih studija na Zdravstvenom veleučilištu. Na uzorku od 231 sudionika ispitali smo učestalost pojavljivanja različitih poteškoća s kojima se tijekom studija suočavaju studenti preddiplomskog (N = 143) i diplomskog studija sestrinstva (N = 88), primijenivši anketu koju nam je ustupilo Savjetovalište za studente FFZG-a. Prosječna dob sudionika redovnoga stručnog studija iznosi 26,38 godina (21 – 47), pri čemu među njima prevladavaju studentice (90,2 %), dok je prosječna dob sudionika specijalističkoga (diplomskog) studija sestrinstva 37,52 godine (23 – 56) te isto tako prevladava ženski spol (95,5 %). Studenti sestrinstva u prosjeku navode 12 poteškoća, a najčešće su nervoza ili napetost, financijski problemi, strah od neuspjeha u studiju, neracionalna upotreba vremena te promjene u navikama hranjenja i nesigurnost. Studenti preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija znatno se razlikuju po 13 poteškoća, ali ne i u ukupnom broju poteškoća koje ih muče. Najizrazitije razlike dobivene su za probleme sa sustanarima, komunikaciju s profesorima za preddiplomske te za financijske probleme i prilagodbu režimu studiranja za diplomske studente. U slučaju poteškoća, 65,4 % studenata potražilo bi besplatnu psihološku pomoć, pri čemu znatno više studenata diplomskog studija, a na traženje pomoći spremniji su studenti s većim brojem poteškoća.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 121-131  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sestrinstvo -- Studenti -- Psihičke poteškoće -- Prilagodba

The relationship between consistency and consensuality in syllogistic reasoning [Elektronička građa] / Igor Bajšanski, Valnea Žauhar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 88-91. - Abstract. - In this study, we examined the effects of response consensuality in syllogistic reasoning on patterns of answer change by using the two-response paradigm. Participants evaluated 24 syllogistic problems previously found to differ in consensuality, including consensually correct (CC), consensually wrong (CW), and nonconsensual (NC) items. Each problem was presented two times and participants were required to provide an initial quick answer to the first presentation, to rethink the problem, and to provide their second and final response without time limits to the second presentation. Participants reported the feeling-of-rightness (FOR) following the initial response, and the final judgment of confidence (FJC) after the final response. Following the assumptions of Koriat's (2012) Self-Consistency Model of confidence, we expected higher probability of answer change for initial nonconsensual responses than for initial consensual responses. The results showed that patterns of answer change, as well as metacognitive judgments and response times, were related to item consensus and response consensuality. Nonconsensual responses were more likely to be changed than consensual responses, and the probability of answer change correlated negatively with item consensus. Faster response times and higher FORs and FJCs were obtained for consensual and consistent responses than for nonconsensual and inconsistent responses. The obtained results indicate that answer change may in part be a consequence of random fluctuations in representation sampling, or in generating evidence that supports each of the two response options.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 1 ; str. 73-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Silogističko zaključivanje -- Samouvjerenost -- Model samodosljednosti

UŠTO, Muamer
Replication of the "Asch effect" in Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] : evidence for the moderating role of group similarity in conformity / Muamer Ušto, Saša Drače, Nina Hadžiahmetović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 597-599. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In the present study, we tried to replicate a classic Asch effect in the cultural context of Bosnia-Herzegovina and to explore the potential impact of group similarity on conformity. To answer these questions Bosniak (Muslim) students (N = 95) performed classic Asch's line judgment task in the presence of five confederates (the majority) who were ostensibly either of a similar ethnic origin (in-group), different ethnic origin (out-group) or no salient ethnic origin. The task involved choosing one of three comparison lines that was equal in length to a test line. Each participant went through 18 test trials including 12 critical trials in which confederates provided an obviously wrong answer. In line with past research, the results revealed a clear-cut and powerful "Asch effect" wherein participants followed the majority in 35.4% of critical trials. More importantly, this effect was moderated by group similarity. Thus, in comparison to no salient group identity condition, conformity was maximized in the in-group majority condition and minimized in the out-group majority condition. Taken together, our results support the universal finding of "Asch effect" and provide clear evidence that similarity with the majority plays an important role in the conformity phenomenon. - U ovom smo istraživanju pokušali replicirati klasični Aschov efekt u kulturnom kontekstu Bosne i Hercegovine te ispitati potencijalni utjecaj sličnosti s grupom na konformizam. U ispitivanju su sudjelovali studenti Bošnjaci (Muslimani, N = 95), koji su, u prisutnosti pet eksperimentatorovih suradnika, koji su im bili predstavljeni kao osobe istoga etničkog podrijetla, različitoga etničkog podrijetla ili kao osobe čije etničko podrijetlo nije bilo istaknuto, proveli klasični Aschov zadatak procjene crta. Zadatak se sastojao u odabiru jedne od triju crta za usporedbu koja je bila jednake duljine kao testna crta. Svaki je sudionik prošao kroz 18 testnih pokušaja koji su uključivali 12 kritičnih pokušaja na kojima su eksperimentatorovi suradnici davali očigledno pogrešan odgovor. Očekivano, u skladu s ranijim istraživanjima, rezultati su pokazali jasan i snažan Aschov efekt, gdje su sudionici slijedili većinu u 35.4% kritičnih pokušaja. Važno je istaknuti da je ovaj efekt varirao u ovisnosti o sličnosti s grupom. Naime, u usporedbi s uvjetom u kojem grupni identitet nije bio istaknut, konformizam je bio veći u uvjetu unutargrupne većine, odnosno manji u uvjetu izvangrupne većine. Promatrano u cjelini, naši rezultati potvrđuju univerzalni nalaz Aschova efekta te nude nedvojben dokaz da sličnost s većinom igra važnu ulogu u fenomenu konformizma.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 589-599  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konformizam -- Aschov efekt -- Teorija samokategorizacije

Scenariji budućnosti - afektivne i kognitivne reakcije ljudi na informacije o budućnosti i tehničkom razvoju [Elektronička građa] / Eva Jurković, Dragutin Ivanec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 351-353. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je istraživanja bio ispitati kognitivne i afektivne reakcije ljudi na informacije o vrlo brzom tehničkom razvoju koji će se, sukladno Mooreovu zakonu o eksponencijalnom razvitku tehnike i predviđanjima stručnjaka za računalne znanosti, u bliskoj budućnosti još više ubrzati i proširiti na sve domene ljudskog života. Pitanje je koliko su ljudi spremni na te promjene i kako bi ih mogli prihvaćati ili odbijati, kako s afektivnog, tako i kognitivnog aspekta. U istraživanju su sudjelovale tri skupine sudionika (N = 197). Prva je kroz planirano predavanje dobila informacije o budućnosti tehničkog razvoja, koje su se temeljile na znanstvenim predviđanjima i promišljanjima autoriteta. Druga je skupina dobila implicitne informacije o mogućim promjenama kroz prikazivanje jednoga znanstvenofantastičnog filma. Treća je skupina bila referentna, odnosno nije dobila nikakve informacije. Kod prvih dviju skupina prikupljeni su podaci o afektu prije i poslije predavanja/filma, a kod sve tri skupine prikupljeni su podaci o percepciji budućnosti te percepciji pozitivnosti napretka. Rezultati su pokazali da su skupine koje su bile izložene informacijama o budućnosti sustavno procjenjivale budućnost negativnije nego referentna skupina. Te su razlike bile statistički značajne, ali relativno male. Pokazalo se da su i neke stabilne karakteristike iz domena ličnosti, poput optimizma i dimenzije intelekta, bile blago pozitivno povezane s percepcijom budućnosti. Rezultati impliciraju na važnost pokretanja interdisciplinarnih akademskih rasprava o mogućim utjecajima brzog razvoja tehnike na život ljudi kako bismo olakšali prilagodbu ljudi na brz razvoj koji nam predstoji. - The aim of this research was to examine the cognitive and affective reactions of people to the information about rapid technical development which will, according to Moore's law and predictions of computer science specialists, be speedily accelerated and extended to all domains of human life in the near future. It is questionable whether people are ready for these changes and how would they react on them, both from an affective and a cognitive point of view. The study involved three groups of participants (N = 197). The first received information on the future of technical development based on scientific predictions and thoughts of authority through the carefully planned lecture. The other group received implicit information on possible changes connected with rapid development by displaying a science fiction film. The third group was referential - participants did not receive any information. The data on the perception of the future and of the positivity of progress were collected in all three groups. The results showed that the groups that were exposed to information about the future systematically assessed the future more negatively than the reference group. These differences were statistically significant but relatively small. Some of the stable characteristics of the personality domain, such as optimism and the dimension of intellect, have been shown to be slightly positively associated with the perception of the future. The results imply the importance of interdisciplinary academic discussions on the potential impact of the rapid development of technology on people's lives to facilitate the adjustment of people to such development.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 333-353  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tehnologija -- Budućnost -- Razvoj -- Napredak -- Kognitivne reakcije -- Afektivne reakcije

REIĆ Ercegovac, Ina
Svjesnost u roditeljstvu majki i očeva djece različite dobi [Elektronička građa] : validacija hrvatske inačice upitnika / Ina Reić Ercegovac, Maja Ljubetić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 414-418. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je ovoga rada bio istražiti koncept svjesnosti u roditeljstvu (engl. mindful parenting) s obzirom na njegovu strukturu, povezanost s konceptom usredotočene svjesnosti (engl. mindfulness) i doživljajem roditeljstva, te ispitati razlikuju li se majke i očevi djece različite dobi u svjesnom roditeljstvu. Jedan od ciljeva ovoga istraživanja bio je validirati hrvatsku verziju Upitnika svjesnog roditeljstva (McCaffrey, 2015), za koji je autorica utvrdila da se sastoji od dva faktora – roditeljske samoefikasnosti i usmjerenosti na dijete. Stoga se u istraživanje krenulo od pretpostavke da će podaci prikupljeni na uzorku naših roditelja također potvrditi dvofaktorsku strukturu Upitnika. Također, pretpostavka je bila da će majke iskazati višu razinu svjesnosti u roditeljstvu u odnosu na očeve, da će usredotočena svjesnost biti značajan prediktor svjesnog roditeljstva, kao i pozitivno iskustvo s vlastitim roditeljima u djetinjstvu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 515 roditelja (320 majki i 195 očeva) koji su ispunili Upitnik općih podataka, Kratku skalu iskustva s vlastitim roditeljima, Skalu usredotočeno svjesne pažnje i svjesnosti, Upitnik svjesnog roditeljstva te Skalu roditeljske kompetentnosti. Rezultati su pokazali da podaci prikupljeni ovim istraživanjem bolje pristaju modelu svjesnog roditeljstva s pet faktora: usmjeravanje pažnje na dijete s prihvaćanjem, empatično razumijevanje djeteta, roditeljska samoefikasnost, roditeljska svjesnost te ne-reaktivnost. Nadalje, pokazalo se da majke više usmjeravaju pažnju na dijete te iskazuju višu razinu empatičnog razumijevanja u odnosu na očeve. Utvrđena je značajna povezanost svjesnog roditeljstva s percepcijom roditeljske kompetentnosti i zadovoljstva dok se, suprotno očekivanjima, usredotočena svjesnost na intrapersonalnoj razini nije pokazala značajnim prediktorom svjesnosti u roditeljstvu. - The aim of this study was to explore the concept of mindful parenting with regard to its structure, its relation to the concept of mindfulness and parenting experience. The study also aimed at exploring whether parents of children at different age express differences in mindful parenting. One of the aims of this study was to validate the Croatian version of the Mindfulness in Parenting Questionnaire (McCaffrey, 2015) that consists of two factors - Parental Self-efficacy and Being in the moment with a child. Therefore, we hypothesised that data collected in this research would also confirm the two-factor structure, as obtained in the original validation. Furthermore, it was hypothesised that mothers would show a higher level of mindful parenting than fathers and that mindfulness and positive experience with their own parents in childhood would be significant predictors of mindful parenting. A total of 515 parents (320 mothers and 195 fathers) participated in the study and filled out General data questionnaire, Short scale of Mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS), Mindfulness in parenting questionnaire (MIPQ) and Parenting sense of competence scale. The results showed that the five-factor model fits better to data collected in this research with factors being focusing attention to the child with acceptance, empathic understanding of the child, parental self-efficacy, parental awareness, and non-reactivity. Furthermore, it has been shown that mothers are more empathetic and more focused on the child than fathers. Finally, significant correlations between mindful parenting and dimensions of parental sense of competence were obtained. Contrary to the expectations, mindfulness as an intra-personal characteristic did not prove to be a significant predictor of mindful parenting. One of the most important predictors of all the dimensions of mindful parenting was positive experience with their own parents during childhood.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 397-418  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Roditeljstvo -- Svjesnost -- Kompetentnost -- Zadovoljstvo roditeljstvom

PIUK, Josipa
Školski uspjeh adolescenata [Elektronička građa] : uloga perfekcionizma, prilagodbe i uključenosti roditelja u školske aktivnosti / Josipa Piuk, Ivana Macuka. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 638-641. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - S obzirom na isticanje važnosti visokoga školskog postignuća u našem društvu, potrebno je ispitati kako djeca doživljavaju roditeljska očekivanja vezana uz školsku uspješnost i kako se to odražava na njihov školski uspjeh. Preciznije, cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati u kojoj mjeri sociodemografske karakteristike (spol i dob djeteta, obrazovanje roditelja), osobne karakteristike (adaptivni i neadaptivni perfekcionizam), psihološka prilagodba (ispitna anksioznost i somatizacija) te pojedini aspekti roditeljske akademske uključenosti (nadziranje, pomoć oko zadaće, komunikacija s djetetom te akademska očekivanja) pridonose objašnjenju školskog uspjeha mlađih adolescenata. Kako bi se ispitala percepcija adolescenata o razinama akademske uključenosti svojih roditelja, u sklopu je istraživanja preveden i validiran Upitnik percipirane roditeljske akademske uključenosti (engl. Perceived Parental Educational Involvement – PPEI; Carranza, You, Chhuoni i Hudley, 2009). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 273 mlađih adolescenata, učenika petog do osmog razreda osnovne škole iz Splita. Konfirmatornom je faktorskom analizom potvrđena četverofaktorska struktura Upitnika percipirane roditeljske akademske uključenosti. Korelacijske analize upućuju na pozitivan odnos roditeljske akademske uključenosti i školskog postignuća adolescenata, odnosno adolescenti koji percipiraju akademska očekivanja svojih roditelja višima ostvaruju bolji školski uspjeh. Rezultati hijerarhijske regresijske analize upućuju na značajan doprinos spola, neadaptivnog perfekcionizma i akademskog očekivanja roditelja u objašnjenju školskog uspjeha adolescenata. Pri tome su akademska roditeljska očekivanja najznačajniji prediktor školskog uspjeha adolescenata. - Given the major emphasis on the importance of high academic achievement in our society, it is necessary to examine how children perceive parental expectations related to academic success and how that reflects on their academic achievement. More precisely, the aim of this study was to examine unique contributions of sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age and parent's education), personal characteristics (adaptive and non-adaptive perfectionism), psychological adaptation (test anxiety and somatization), and certain aspects of parental academic involvement (monitoring, helping with homework, parent-child communication, and academic expectations) in explaining academic success of younger adolescents. To examine the perception of the aspects of parental academic involvement, this study contains validation of Perceived Parental Academic Involvement Questionnaire (Carranza, You, Chhuoni, & Hudley, 2009). The sample consisted of 273 young adolescents from the fifth to the eighth grade of an elementary school in Split. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed original four-factor structure of Perceived Parental Academic Involvement Questionnaire. The results obtained a positive relationship between parental academic involvement and academic achievement of adolescents. More precisely, adolescents who perceive higher academic expectations of their parents have higher levels of academic success. By using hierarchical regression analysis, the results obtained a significant contribution of gender, non-adaptive perfectionism and parental academic expectations in explaining the academic success of adolescents. In addition, the most significant predictor of adolescent's academic success was parental academic expectations.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 621-643  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Školski uspjeh -- Adolescenti -- Roditelji -- Perfekcionizam -- Ispitna anksioznost -- Somatizacija

NAČINOVIĆ Braje, Ivana
Važnost intrinzičnih i ekstrinzičnih motivatora kod odabira prvog poslodavca [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Načinović Braje, Ana Aleksić, Lucija Babok. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 106-107. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Privlačnost poslodavca utječe na želju za zapošljavanjem i radom u određenoj organizaciji pa se organizacije sve češće pokušavaju diferencirati od ostalih u sektoru te u mislima potencijalnih zaposlenika stvoriti sliku poželjnog poslodavca. Istovremeno, pojedince na akciju mogu potaknuti razni motivi, intrinzičnog i ekstrinzičnog karaktera. Svrha rada je utvrditi vrstu motivacije kojom su pojedinci vođeni u ostvarivanju vlastitih ciljeva te utvrditi ulogu pojedinih čimbenika motivacije prilikom donošenja odluke o zapošljavanju u određenoj organizaciji. Ciljevi istraživanja su sljedeći: utvrditi razinu intrinzične i ekstrinzične motivacije ispitanika, utvrditi važnost pojedinih obilježja poslodavca prilikom odabira prvog poslodavca te prikupiti saznanja o razlikama u poželjnim obilježjima poslodavca između ispitanika koji su intrinzično i ekstrinzično motivirani. Istraživanje je provedeno u dva navrata tijekom dviju godina korištenjem online anketnog upitnika na uzorku od 165 ispitanika, studenata diplomskih studija, prvostupnika i magistara koji ne mogu naći posao ili su u postupku stručnog osposobljavanja. Utvrđeno je da su ispitanici dominantno motivirani intrinzičnim motivima. Za visokoobrazovane mlade izrazitu važnost prilikom odabira prvog poslodavca imaju mogućnost za stjecanje iskustva u struci i dobri odnosi s kolegama, što dodatno potvrđuje visoku intrinzičnu motivaciju mladih u Hrvatskoj. Skupinu obilježja poslodavca od najmanje važnosti mladima predvode karakteristike organizacije – njena veličina i djelatnost. - Employer attractiveness affects employee desire for employment and work in a particular organization. Organizations increasingly make effort to differentiate themselves from others in the sector and to create the image of a desirable employer in the minds of potential employees. At the same time, individuals can engage in action due to various motives, both intrinsic and extrinsic. The purpose of this paper is to determine the type of motivation that drives individuals to achieve their own goals and to identify the role of motivating factors when making a decision about the employment in a particular organization. The objectives of the research are the following: to determine the level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of the respondents, to determine important employer features when selecting the first employer and to get an insight into differences in the desirable employer features among dominantly intrinsically and extrinsically motivated respondents. The research was conducted on two occasions over a period of two years using an online questionnaire survey on a sample of 165 respondents, mostly graduate students. Descriptive analysis revealed that the respondents were mostly intrinsically motivated. For highly educated young people the most important factors that defined employer attractiveness were the possibility to gain professional experience and good relations with colleagues. That confirmed a high level of intrinsic motivation among young people in Croatia. A group of least desirable motives was related with organizations themselves – their size and activities.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 95-108  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Intrinzična motivacija -- Ekstrinzična motivacija -- Zapošljavanje -- Prvi poslodavac -- Generacija Y

Važnost motiva za postignućem i moći za rad na rukovodećoj poziciji, plaću i intrinzičnu motivaciju za posao [Elektronička građa] / Mitja Ružojčić, Zvonimir Galić, Nataša Trojak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 286-289. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom je istraživanju vraćen fokus na dvije osobine koje su prije pojave petofaktorskog modela ličnosti, uz inteligenciju, smatrane ključnim odrednicama radnih i karijernih postignuća, motiv za postignućem i motiv za moći. Provjereno je hoće li ovi motivi predviđati tri važna radna ishoda: rad na rukovodećoj poziciji, plaću i intrinzičnu motivaciju za posao, povrh osobina petofaktorskog modela. Pri tome je rad na rukovodećoj poziciji operacionaliziran zauzimanjem posla na višim razinama organizacijske hijerarhije; plaća kao visina mjesečne neto plaće, a intrinzična motivacija za posao izmjerena je upitničkom mjerom. Istraživanje je provedeno na 160 zaposlenika različitih hrvatskih radnih organizacija, čiji su podaci prikupljeni internetskim anketnim upitnikom. Korelacijske i regresijske analize pokazale su da su motivi za postignućem i moći važna determinanta ovih radnih ishoda te ih objašnjavaju bolje od osobina petofaktorskog modela. Pri tome je motiv za postignućem bio važnija determinanta intrinzične motivacije za posao, a motiv za moći rukovodeće pozicije i plaće. Ovi nalazi pokazuju kako aspekti ličnosti koji su uže povezani s radnim kontekstom, kao što su motiv za postignućem i motiv za moći, imaju dodatnu vrijednost te bi ih se trebalo uzeti u obzir zajedno sa širokim osobinama petofaktorskog modela u svrhu što boljeg predviđanja radnih ishoda. - In this study, the focus of the research was shifted back to the two individual difference characteristics that were, before the appearance of the five-factor model, considered as key determinants of work and career outcomes next to intelligence: the achievement motive and the power motive. It was examined whether the two motives will predict three important work outcomes: occupancy of a management position, salary and intrinsic work motivation, over and above the five-factor model traits. The occupancy of a management position was operationalized as working at higher levels of organizational hierarchy and salary was operationalized as the amount of monthly net salary. Intrinsic work motivation was measured with a self-report questionnaire. The study was conducted on 160 employees of various Croatian work organizations and data was collected through an online survey. The correlational and regression analyses showed that the achievement motive and the power motive were important determinants of the work outcomes, explaining them better than the five-factor model traits. The achievement motive showed to be more important for intrinsic work motivation, whereas the power motive was more important for management position and salary. These findings show that individual difference characteristics which are more closely related to the work context, such as the achievement motive and the power motive, have considerable incremental validity and should be considered alongside the broad dimensions of the five-factor model in order to improve the prediction of work outcomes.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 271-289  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslovni uspjeh -- Motivacija -- Modeli ličnosti -- Rukovodeće pozicije

Vidi br.: HA19-00963

Vidi br.: HA19-00942

Vidi br.: HA19-00951

Vidi br.: HA19-00909

Vidi br.: HA19-00939

Vidi br.: HA19-00955

Vidi br.: HA19-00902

Vidi br.: HA19-00964

Vidi br.: HA19-00910

17   Moralna filozofija. Etika. Praktična filozofija

Dosezi supatnje kod Simone Weil [Elektronička građa] / Ante Vučković, Lidija Piskač.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sućut se nalazi u srcu religioznih, duhovnih i etičkih tradicija i poziva nas da se prema drugima ophodimo onako kako bismo htjeli da se oni ophode prema nama. To nazivamo zlatnim pravilom. Ima ljudi koji na osebujan i jedinstven način svojim životom utjelove princip sućuti. Takva je bila Simone Weil. Ovaj rad istražuje mjesta na kojima se u njezinu životu susreće supatnja: odijevanje, glad drugog čovjeka, novac, izručenost radnika mehanizmima ugnjetavanja. Potom se usmjeruje na tri razdoblja mišljenja u životu Simone Weil: marksizam i materijalizam, kršćanstvo i duhovnost te pravedno društvo. Za cijelo vrijeme S. Weil je iznimno snažno obilježena supatnjom. Rad namjerava pokazati mjesta na kojima supatnja prožima život i mišljenje Simone Weil. - Compassion is at the heart of religious, spiritual and ethical traditions and invites us to treat others as we would like others to treat ourselves.We call this the golden rule. There are people who embody the principle of compassion in a peculiar and unique way in their life. Such was Simone Weil. This paper explores the places where she experiences mutual suffering in her life: clothing, another person's hunger, money, extradition of workers to the mechanisms of oppression. It then focuses on three periods of thought in the life of Simone Weil: Marxism and materialism, Christianity and spirituality, and opinions on a just society. Throughout her time, S. Weil is extremely strongly marked by mutual suffering. The paper intends to show the places where mutual suffering pervades Simone Weil's life and opinion.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 4 ; str. 587-606  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Supatnja -- Potlačenost -- Komunizam -- Kršćanstvo
Weil, Simone


Dostojanstvo osobe u kontekstu kršćanske antropologije [Elektronička građa] = Dignity of person in context of Christian anthropology / Ana Puljić, Suzana Vuletić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Dostojanstvo predstavlja najuzvišeniju vrijednost ljudske osobe i njezinu transcendentnu vlastitost. Nastojeći što cjelovitije obuhvatiti kompleksan pojam dostojanstva, članak u svome prvom naslovu polazi od interdisciplinarnog prezentiranja dostojanstva kroz filozofsko, teološko i bioetičko utemeljenje, koja nailaze na određena vrijednosna odstupanja s obzirom na njegovu univerzalnost i normativnost. Stoga se u drugom naslovu ukazuje i na nužnost pravne zaštite ljudskog dostojanstva u sklopu neotuđivih ljudskih prava. U završnom se naslovu nastoje integrirati prethodna dva, promatrajući dostojanstvo iz perspektive kršćanske personalističke antropologije, naglašavajući proistjecanje čovjekova dostojanstva, prije svega, na temelju stvorenosti čovjeka na sliku Božju, utemeljujući ga na integralnoj antropologiji koja čovjeka promatra u holističkoj objedinjenosti duha i tijela, na temelju čega proizlazi i njegova dimenzija svetosti, koja snažno afirmira čovjekovu dostojanstvenu nepovredivost, posebnim protektivnim naglascima iz perspektive Crkvenog učiteljstva. - Dignity represents the supreme value of human being and his/her transcendental distinctiveness. Trying to cover the complex idea of dignity as fully as possible, the first part of the article starts from interdisciplinary presentation of dignity through philosophical, theological and bioethical foundation, which encounter certain value aberrations in view of its universality and normativity. Therefore, in the second part, the article points out the necessity of the person’s legal protection as part of inalienable human rights. The final part seeks to integrate the previous two, observing dignity from the perspective of Christian personalistic anthropology, emphasizing that the emergence of human dignity is primarily based on the creation of man in the image of God, founding it on the integral anthropology which observes man in the holistic unity of spirit and body. On this basis, the human dimension of holiness is also derived, which strongly affirms the inviolability of human dignity, with special protective emphases from the perspective of the Church Magisterium.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 3 ; str. 292-311  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dostojanstvo -- Osoba -- Kršćanska antropologija -- Bioetički personalizam -- Ljudska prava

VOLAREVIĆ, Marijo, svećenik
Etika odmora i kultura blagdana [Elektronička građa] = Ethics of vacation and culture of the Feast day / Mario Volarević, Ivica Žižić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak obrađuje suvremeno etičko i kulturološko pitanje kršćanskoga blagdanskog odmora. Tema se razvija na temelju kritičkog uvida u neke vidove stanja kršćanskih blagdana pod utjecajem svjetovnog moderniteta: pretvorba blagdana u praznike te ispražnjivanje blagdanskog egzistencijala uvjetovanog blagdanskom neurozom. Drugi dio članka izlaže crkveni nauk o blagdanu i blagdanskom odmoru u specifično kršćanskomu konfesionalnom i identitetskom obliku blagdanskoga svetkovanja te na njegovoj osnovi pruža tumačenje etičkog profila kršćanskog odmora kao protutežu rastućoj sekularizaciji blagdana. - The article deals with contemporary ethical and culturological issue of Christian feast day holiday. The theme is developing on the basis of a critical insight into some aspects of Christian holidays under the influence of secular modernity: converting the feast days to holidays and discharging the feast day existential due to holiday neurosis. The second part of the article presents the Church teaching about the feast day and feast day holiday in a specifically Christian confessional and identity form of feast day celebration and, on the basis of it, explicates the ethical profile of Christian holiday as a counterweight to the growing secularization of feast days.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 2 ; str. 176-195  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Blagdani -- Praznici -- Odmor -- Blagdanski egzistencijal -- Nedjelja

DOTOLO, Karmelo
Kršćanski Weltanschauung i etika kod Romana Guardinija [Elektronička građa] / Carmelo Dotolo ; prijevod s talijanskog Mladen Parlov.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Jedna od zasluga razmišljanja Romana Guardinija jest da je pridonio boljem ocrtavanju teološkog promišljanja dvadesetog stoljeća i njegova epistemološkog statusa, ponajprije u interdisciplinarnoj pozornosti i logici dijaloga. U tom smislu, hermeneutička figura Weltanschauunga čini se plodnom, sa zanimljivim razvojem: ona poziva teologiju da razmišlja o sebi i ponaša se kao intelektualni partner među ostalima, pokazujući teoretski identitet koji se može postaviti na granicu znanja koje u srcu ima razumijevanje otajstva stvarnog. Iz te perspektive religiozno iskustvo pridonosi drugačijem razumijevanju ljudskog stanja, otvarajući ga objavi kao nužnom uvjetu za pokretanje potrage za nekim važnim ključevima čitanja u tumačenju svijeta i povijesti. To donosi barem dvostruku posljedicu. Prva je tvrdnja o objavljujućoj strukturi stvarnosti u kojoj se religija pojavljuje kao poseban način nastanjivanja svijeta, u kojem se oblikuju pitanja i obzorja egzistencije. Druga je pokazatelj „kršćanske kulture“ kao radikalne i jedinstvene perspektive o čovjeku, svijetu, povijesti, koja na temelju uskrsnog događaja postaje proročanstvo smisla u sociokulturnim procesima. - One of the merits of Romano Guardini’s ideas was that he contributed to a better elaboration of the twentieth century theological thinking and its epistemological status; above all in interdisciplinary attention and the logic of dialogue. In that sense, the hermeneutic figure of Weltanschauung seems to be fruitful, with interesting development: it urges theology to think of itself and to behave as an intellectual partner among others, showing the theoretical identity that can be set to the limit of knowledge, in the heart of which there is an understanding of the mystery of the real. From this perspective, religious experience contributes to a different understanding of human condition, opening it to the revelation as a necessary prerequisite for starting a search for some important keys to reading in the interpretation of the world and history. This brings at least a double consequence. The first one is the claim of the revealing structure of reality in which religion appears as a special way of inhabiting the world, in which questions and horizons of existence are shaped. The other one is the indicator of “Christian culture” as a radical and unique perspective of man, the world and history, which on the basis of Easter event becomes the prophecy of meaning in socio-cultural processes.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 2 ; str. 163-175  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etika -- Teološko promišljanje -- Religiozno iskustvo
Guardini, Romano


Vidi br.: HA19-00825


21/29   Religijski sustavi. Religije i vjere

"Modelli" di Chiesa impostisi fino al Vaticano II (1965) [Elektronička građa] = “Models” of the Church imposed up to Vatican II / Laura Dalfollo.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sommario. - Il testo prende in considerazione l’evoluzione storica dell’autocomprensione ecclesiale avendo come punti di riferimento definizioni conciliari prese come eventi determinanti per la vita della Chiesa. La riflessione vuole essere una proposta di let-tura del passato volto alla proiezione verso il futuro, nell’evidenziare tre nuclei teo-logici permanenti e fondanti sia l’esperienza di fede, come la consapevolezza di essa, vissuta nella prassi sacramentale in comunione e forza della dimensione magisteria-le. Nessun modello che possa evincersi vuole essere esaustivo, tutt’altro, aprendosi ad una dinamica complementare, desidera dare della realtà ecclesiale una descrizio-ne capace di metterne in evidenza diversi elementi fondanti. La proposta di tale ricerca vuole mostrare la continuità misteriosa dell’Alleanza fra Dio e l’uomo compiuta in Cristo e vivente nella storia della Chiesa. Tale storia deve essere con responsabilità interpretata e rispettata per poterne coglie-re, attraverso la sfida dei modelli, le caratteristiche perenni nel loro abitare la storia degli uomini. Fino a che la Chiesa vorrà essere posseduta invece che abitata non potrà dirsi compresa, solo osservata e giudicata. L’auspicio è di mostrare come la ripresa di un’ermeneutica storico-sapienziale permetta di aprirsi alla sorpresa dell’imprevedibile di Dio.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 4 ; str. 387-406  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkva -- Crkveni modeli
Drugi vatikanski koncil


ANCONA, Giovanni
"Pitanje okoliša" u perspektivi teološke antropologije [Elektronička građa] / Giovanni Ancona.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak donosi temeljno teološko promišljanje o temi okoliša“ u kontekstu teološke antropologije. Nakon uvoda i sustavnog iznošenja ključnih teoloških doprinosa (J. Moltmann, Ch. Boureux) članak se dotiče nekih točaka koje nužno proizlaze iz teološkog promišljanja nauka o stvaranju u odnosu prema “pitanju okoliša”: ispitati odnos između čovjeka i stvorenoga svijeta (epistemološki obzor), na djelotvorniji se način usredotočiti na zamisao o stvaranju kao povijesnom i spasenjskom događaju (teološki obzor), ustrajati na pastoralnosti stvorenoga iz perspektive čovjeka (antropološki obzor), u žarište staviti zamisao o stvorenom svijetu kao daru i njegovu odnosu prema ljudskom zalaganju (kulturološki obzor), naglasiti etiku odgovornosti prema stvorenome svijetu (etičko-moralni obzor), vratiti smisao nedjeljnoga „počinka“ u kontekstu stvaranja (eshatološki obzor). - The article introduces a fundamental theological reflection on the subject of “environment”, viewed in the context of theological anthropology. Following the introduction and systematic presentation of key theological contributions (J. Moltmann, Ch. Boureux), the article addresses some of the points that necessarily arise from theological reflection on the doctrine of creation in relation to the “environmental issue”: to examine the relationship between man and the created world (epistemological vision), to more effectively focus on the idea of creation as a historical and salvific event (theological vision), to insist on the pastoral nature of the created from the perspective of man (anthropological vision), to bring into focus the idea that the created world is a gift and its relation to human endeavour (cultural vision), to emphasize the ethics of responsibility towards the created world (ethical-moral vision), to regain the sense of Sunday “rest” in the context of creation (eschatological vision).
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 368-382  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teološka antropologija -- Teologija stvaranja -- Okoliš -- Odgovornost

Božja nježnost u svim stvorenjima [Elektronička građa] : temeljna misao enciklike pape Franje Laudato sì / Dirk Ansorge.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Enciklika pape Franje Laudato sì, objavljena 2015. godine, orijentir je suvremenoga doktrinarnog učenja o stvaranju. U radu se sažimlju osnovni pojmovi teksta u sedam koraka. Polazište je pregled hitnih izazova koji kršćanska teologija o stvaranju lica doživljava u osvit 21. stoljeća. U tom kontekstu, drugi korak opisuje teološki i pastoralni cilj enciklike. Stoga sljedeći korak razjašnjava odnos između suvremenih “znakova vremena” i doktrinarnog učenja u enciklici. Četvrti korak opisuje Papin koncept sveobuhvatnog pristupa izazovima u gospodarstvu, politici i okolišu. U tom smislu, peti korak skicira Papinu kritiku tzv. „tehnokratske paradigme“. Dok šesti korak opisuje njegovu koncepciju temeljne veze i univerzalne solidarnosti svih stvorenja, posljednji korak razotkriva pojam Božje “nježnosti”, koja je ključna za Papino teološko rasuđivanje o stvaranju i njegovoj duhovnosti. - Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato sì“, published in 2015, is a landmark of contemporary doctrinal teaching on creation. The paper summarizes the basic concepts of the text in seven steps. The starting point is an outline of urgent challenges Christian theology on creation faces at the dawn of 21st century. Against this background, the second step expounds the theological and pastoral objective of the encyclical. Hence, the next step elucidates the relationship between contemporary “signs of the times” and doctrinal teaching in the encyclical. The fourth step outlines the Pope’s concept of a comprehensive approach to the outstanding challenges in economy, politics and environment. On this line, the fifth step sketches the Pope’s criticism of the so-called “technocratic paradigm”. While the sixth step expounds his conception of the fundamental link and universal solidarity of all creatures, the final step exposes the notion of God’s “tenderness” which is crucial for the Pope’s theological reasoning on creation and his spirituality.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 383-396  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teologija stvaranja -- Ekologija -- Ekonomija -- Siromaštvo
Papa Franjo -- Franciscus, papa


PETROV, Emanuel
Čovjek, crkva i društvo u porukama Ivana Pavla II. u Splitu i Solinu 1998. [Elektronička građa] / Emanuel Petrov.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - O dvadesetoj obljetnici pohoda sv. Ivana Pavla II. Hrvatskoj autor analizira Papine poruke, s posebnim naglaskom na susrete u Splitu i Solinu, želeći s vremenskim odmakom od 20 godina naći uporište i neprolazne vrijednosti za Crkvu i suvremeno hrvatsko društvo. Istine o čovjeku, Crkvi i društvu na koje Papa upozorava utemeljene su na evanđeoskoj riznici i povijesnom iskustvu te imaju neprolaznu vrijednost, a nakon dva desetljeća pozivaju na pastoralnu i društvenu inventuru. U središtu pozornosti je čovjek, njegov identitet i poslanje u Crkvi i društvu. Papa se predstavlja kao hodočasnik evanđelja, jer za njega evanđelje predstavlja divljenje nad dostojanstvom čovjeka u svjetlu objave. Tako osvijetljen identitet i s njim povezano svjedočansko poslanje čovjeka, Crkve i društva usmjereni su prema izgradnji kulture života i njegova očuvanja. Čovjek je polazišna, središnja, ali i ishodišna točka evangelizacijskih i demokratizacijskih procesa. Shodno tome, imperativ današnjice je nastavak liječenja povijesnih rana, kako bi čovjek trećeg tisućljeća, nasuprot neoliberalnom kapitalizmu i konzumerizmu, mogao ostati na čvrstom temelju kršćanskih vrednota te dao svoj doprinos istinskoj demokratizacija društva. - The author analyses the address of Pope John Paul II during the second pastoral visit to Croatia, with a special emphasis on the meetings in Split and Solin, wanting to find a foundation and the invaluable value in a 20-year time gap, for the Church and Croatian society in the turbulent times of today. The truth about man, the Church and society he warns about, is based on the evangelical treasure and historical experience; it has an impassable value and after two decades invites us for a pastoral and social inventory. In the centre of the Pope's attention is man with his identity and mission in the Church and in society. The Pope is rightly presenting himself as the pilgrim of the gospel because for him the gospel represents admiration over man's dignity in the light of the proclamation. Such illuminated identity and the associated witness testimony of man, the Church, and society are directed towards building a culture of life and preserving the same. Man is the starting, the central and the underlying point of evangelization and democratization processes. The imperative of today is the healing of historical wounds, so that man could, on the brink of the third millennium, remain opposed to the dangers of hedonism and consumerism on a solid foundation of Christian values that contribute to the true democratization of society.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 2 ; str. 266-284  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evangelizacija -- Hodočašće -- Čovjek -- Demokratizacija
Ivan Pavao II. -- Iohannes Paulus II, sanctus


Doprinos istočnoga kršćanstva razvoju teologije okoliša [Elektronička građa] / Paul Haffner.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kršćanska teologija stvaranja pridonosi rješavanju ekološke krize, kao potvrda temeljne istine da je vidljivo stvorenje božanski dar samo po sebi, „iskonski dar” koji stvara „prostor” za osobno zajedništvo. Zapravo, ispravna kršćanska ekološka teologija jest u primjeni teologije stvaranja. Pojam „ekologija” objedinjuje dvije grčke riječi, oikos (kuća) i logos (riječ): fizički okoliš ljudskog postojanja može se sagledati kao svojevrsno „prebivalište” za ljudski život. Imajući u vidu da nutarnji život Presvetoga Trojstva podrazumijeva zajedništvo, božanski čin stvaranja posve je slobodan od nužde za stvaranjem sudionika koji bi sudjelovali u tom zajedništvu. Stoga je moguće ustvrditi da je božanska zajednica pronašla svoje „prebivalište” u stvorenom kozmosu te je moguće govoriti o svemiru kao mjestu susreta u svrhu osobnog zajedništva. Ovaj članak pruža uvid u doprinos istočnoga kršćanstva teologiji okoliša. - Christian theology of creation contributes to the solution of ecological crisis, as a confirmation of the fundamental truth that the visible creature is a divine gift in itself, a “genuine gift” that creates “space” for personal communion. As a matter of fact, the correct Christian ecological theology is in the application of theology of creation. The term “ecology” combines two Greek words, oikos (house) and logos (word): physical environment of human existence can be seen as a kind of “habitat” for human life. Bearing in mind that the inner life of the Holy Trinity implies communion, the divine act of creation is absolutely free from the necessity of creating the participants who would take part in that communion. Therefore, it is possible to assert that the divine community has found its “habitat” in the created cosmos and it is possible to speak of the universe as a meeting place for the purpose of personal communion. This article provides insight into the contribution of Eastern Christianity to the theology of environment.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 341-367  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teologija stvaranja -- Crkveni oci -- Istočno kršćanstvo -- Ekologija -- Teologija

DOMAZET, Anđelko
Ekologija u novoj religioznosti [Elektronička građa] : neka zapažanja Željka Mardešića / Anđelko Domazet.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Nakana nam je prikazati problem ekologije u novoj religioznosti u razmišljanju sociologa religije Željka Mardešića. Polazeći od fenomenološke i antropološke analize svetoga u postmodernitetu, Mardešić analizira pojavu nove religioznosti i njezine društvene učinke. U tom kontekstu panoramski i sintetički obrađuje pojavu ekoloških tema u novim religijskim pokretima: od adventista i apokaliptičkih zajednica, preko skupina Eko života, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesha, Hare Krišna, Sai Babe do francuskih aumista Mandaron i velike duhovne struje New Agea. Mardešić zaključuje kako svako bavljenje društvenim učincima religije mora uključiti i religijsko otkriće ekologije u posmodernitetu. I nova religioznost i ekologija nastupaju kao kritika i ispravak pogubnih učinaka moderniteta te se zalažu za holističku antropologiju i panteistički svjetonazor. - Our intention is to show the problem of ecology in new religiosity according to the thoughts of Željko Mardešić, a sociologist of religion. Starting from the phenomenological and anthropological analysis of the sacred in post modernity, he analyzes the emergence of new religiosity and its social effects. In that context, he panoramically and synthetically deals with the emergence of ecological themes in new religious movements: from Adventists and apocalyptic communities through the groups of Eco Life, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesha, Hare Krishna, Sai Baba to the French Aumists Mandaron and great spiritual currents of the New Age. Mardešić concludes that any involvement in the social effects of religion necessarily includes religious discovery of ecology in post modernity. Both new religiosity and ecology appear as criticism and correction of the disastrous effects of modernity, and advocate for holistic anthropology and pantheistic worldview.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 455-462  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Religioznost -- Modernitet -- Ekologija -- Panteizam -- Holizam
Mardešić, Željko


PASQUALE, Gianluigi
Fede e ragione [Elektronička građa] : un'enciclica interroga il postcristianesimo / Gianluigi Pasquale.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sommario ; Summary. - L’articolo sviluppa cinque tesi innestate nella più lunga Lettera Enciclica scritta da San Giovanni Paolo II (1920-2005) esattamente a vent’anni dalla sua promulgazione (1998-2018), «Fides et ratio» inerente i rapporti intercorrenti tra fede e ragione. Alcune vennero intercettate durante il ventennio trascorso, altre sono inedite. Con la prima si ribadisce la completa autonomia della filosofia rispetto alla teologia cristiana, quale scienza della fede che pensa se stessa, motivo per il quale il sapere teologico non sposa nessun tipo di filosofia, ovvero la utilizza «qua talis». Con la seconda si ribadisce che la fede senza la «recta ratio» – oggi intorbidita e indebolita dalla società della tecnica – non potrebbe nulla senza il logos di cui si è attrezzata fin dall’inizio. Così, con la terza tesi si (di)mostra che, onde evitare che il pensiero riproducente se stesso prosegua all’infinito, essi trovi nella forma incarnata del logos – Gesù Cristo – l’unica «saturazione» del proprio ricercare. La quarta tesi rivela qualcosa che era sfuggito fino a qualche mese fa, ossia l’insistenza di «Fides et ratio» ad aprirsi ad altre culture, oltre a quella cristiana piuttosto secolarizzatasi, tipo quella indiana o asiatica, essendovi una «ratio». Con la quinta tesi, ugualmente inedita, si ravvisa che solo una «ragione etica» ovvero amicale, responsabile, fiduciale, appunto, può permettere alla fede di raggiungere quel livello rivelativo cui anela: nella persona di Gesù Cristo. - The article assumes five thesis grafted into the longest Encyclical Letter written by St. John Paul II (1920-2005) exactly twenty years after its promulgation (1998-2018), «Fides et ratio» concerning the relationships between faith and reason. Some have being discovered during the past twenty years, others are unpublished. With the first one, man underlines the complete autonomy of philosophy with respect to Christian theology, as the science of the faith that thinks of itself, the reason why theological knowledge is not linked to any kind of philosophy, which means, it uses the philosophy «qua talis». With the second it is reiterated the consciousness that faith without the «recta ratio» – today muddened and weakened by the society of technology – could do nothing without the logos it has been equipped with since the beginning. Thus, with the third thesis we (de)monstrate that, in order to prevent the reproductive thought from continuing to infinity, they find in the embodied form of the logos - Jesus Christ – the only «fulfillment» of their own research. The fourth thesis reveals something that had escaped until a few months ago, namely the insistence of «Fides et ratio» to open up to other cultures, besides the rather secularized Christian one, like the Indian or Asian one, there being a «ratio». With the fifth thesis , equally unpublished, it is recognized that only an «ethical reason» or amicable, responsible, fiducial, in fact, can allow the faith to reach that level of revelation which it longs for: in the person of Jesus Christ.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 3 ; str. 233-251  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Kršćanska teologija
Ivan Pavao II. -- Iohannes Paulus II, sanctus


Incuria et vandalismus [Elektronička građa] : sudbina arhiva augustinskog samostana sv. Jeronima u Rijeci / Marko Medved. - Fotogr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 100-103. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Augustinski samostan sv. Jeronima podignula je najstarija redovnička zajednica u Rijeci. Od početaka u 14. stoljeću, pa do ukidanja samostana 1788. godine, augustinci pustinjaci obilježili su grad i širu riječku okolicu u vjerskom, kulturnom i ekonomskom pogledu. Rad opisuje negativne posljedice jozefinističkoga zatvaranja samostana na augustinsko arhivsko gradivo, što se odrazilo i na nedovoljni historiografski interes prema povijesti te zajednice. Autor daje presjek sačuvanoga gradiva koncem pedesetih godina 20. stoljeća vraćena iz Budimpešte, od kojega je najvrjednije vrelo samostanski protokol. Navode se podatci i o arhivskom gradivu diljem Europe, iz svjetovnih i crkvenih ustanova, neophodnom za historiografsku prosudbu povijesti augustinaca pustinjaka u Rijeci. - The history of the Order of Saint Augustine in Rijeka links the city and its region with Central Europe – more particularly to Bavaria, Bohemia, Austria, Slovenia and Italy. Unfortunately, the past of the Augustinian convent of St. Jerome is mostly unknown. The Order of St. Augustine was in fact the first religious community in Rijeka. The monastery, founded by the noble families of Devin and Walsee, existed from the 14th century till 1788, when it was dissolved by Joseph II. The archive suffered two main disasters: in 1509, when the Venetians partially destroyed it, and in 1788, the year of its closure. The Augustinian archive remained partially in the State Archives in Rijeka, but the largest part of its precious holdings was displaced. However, part of the archive disappeared. Cimiotti-Steimberg, a historian from Rijeka, speaks of that fact as incuria et vandalismus (negligence and vandalism). Part of the convent’s archive returned to Croatia during the 19th century, but the Hungarian politics of centralization, led by Khuen-Héderváry, displaced again the Augustinian documents to Budapest. Finally, the 1958 restitution replaced the holdings back to Croatia. We can only partially assess the content of the archival holdings because many sources mention inventories, registries and urbaria that the convent in Rijeka once possessed. After its dissolution, the documents of a number of Augustinian fraternities disappeared. The most important of them was the Fraternity of Immaculate Conception, that convened in the Augustinian chapel and whose members were some of the most important citizens from Rijeka. The most important contribution to the archive of the Augustinian convent took place in 1958, when the Augustinian books and documents were restituted from Budapest. They have been kept in the State Archives in Rijeka ever since.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 85-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhivsko gradivo
Red sv. Augustina -- Državni arhiv u Rijeci -- Austrijska nacionalna knjižnica -- Crkva sv. Jeronima u Rijeci


Isusov govor [Elektronička građa] : orijentir biblijskome pastoralu / Ivan Šarčević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung. - U sklopu okvirne teme skupa – Sveto pismo u životu Crkve – ovaj članak donosi osnovne značajke Isusova govora koje mogu poslužiti kao smjernice svećenicima, župnicima i propovjednicima evanđelja. Članak se zasniva na koncilskoj dogmatskoj konstituciji o Božjoj objavi Dei Verbum, enciklici pape Pavla VI. o evangelizaciji Evangelii nuntiandi te naputcima pape Franje iz njegove programske pobudnice Evangelii gaudium, kao i na uvažavanju književnih formi i figura biblijskoga jezika. Sve je opet vođeno glavnom idejom da današnji svećenici, župnici, propovjednici nasljeduju Isusa u svom govoru, a posebno u homiliji – bogoštovnom činu unutar euharistije, u povlaštenom vremenu dijaloga Boga i njegova naroda. - Im Rahmen des Hauptthemas der Versammlung – Heilige Schrift im Leben der Kirche – weist dieser Beitrag die Grundzüge und Hauptmerkmale der Jesu Rede auf, die den Priestern, Pfarrern und Predigern des Evangeliums als Leitlinien dienen könnten. Dieser basiert auf der Dogmatischen Konstitution über die göttliche Offenbarung (Dei Verbum), auf dem Apostolischen Schreiben vom Papst Paulus VI. über die Evangelisierung in der Welt von heute Evangelii nuntiandi, und auf den Anweisungen vom Papst Franziskus in seinem Apostolischen Schreiben Evangelii Gaudium, so wie auf der Achtung vor den literarischen Formen und Figuren der Bibelsprache. Der rote Faden der ganzen Betrachtung ist hier die Nachfolge Christi in der Sprache und in den Reden von heutigen Priestern, Pfarrern und Predigern, besonders in der Homilie – im Wortgottesdienst innerhalb der Eucharistie, in der gnadenbegünstigten Zeit des Dialogs zwischen Gott und seinem Volk.
U: Diacovensia (Online). - ISSN 1849-014X. - 27 (2019), 3 ; str. 433-451  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Isusov govor -- Homilija -- Metafore

DŽINIĆ, Marija
Izjave stranaka i priznanja činjenica u postupku proglašenja ništavosti ženidbe [Elektronička građa] / Marija Džinić, Zdenko Ilić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U redovitom postupku proglašenja ništavosti ženidbe izjave i priznanja stranaka prvi su i temeljni dokaz utvrđivanja (ne)valjanosti sklopljene ženidbe. Aktualni Zakonik kanonskog prava u kann. 1530-1538 i kan. 1679 donosi odredbe o izjavama i priznanju stranaka te njihovoj valutaciji u svojstvu dokaznog materijala. Kako bi se što preciznije ukazalo na važnost izjava stranaka, a koje su novu dimenziju poprimile m. p. Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus, tema je obuhvaćena u širem kontekstu. U prvome dijelu članka tumači se iter ispitivanja stranaka, odnosno svrha njihova ispitivanja; ovlasti i dužnosti suca preslušatelja; način ispitivanja; dužnosti stranaka s obzirom na sudjelovanje te obvezu odgovaranja uz predviđenu mogućnost odbijanja odgovora. Drugi dio članka analizira sudsko i izvansudsko priznanje, dokaznu vrijednost izjava i priznanja te praksu Rimske rote s obzirom na problematiku. Zaključni dio posvećen je promjeni nastaloj reformom kanonskoga postupka proglašenja ništavosti ženidbe, proglašene m. p. Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus, 2015. godine. - In the ordinary contentious trial of the annulment of the marriage, confessions and declarations of the parties are the centre point of determination of validity of marriage. The Canon Law of 1983, in the cc. 1530-1538 describes the canonical norms about the declarations of the parties. The first part of the article analyses an iter of the interrogation of the parties: the purpose of the interrogation; the judge’s authority and obligations; the mode of asking questions during the trial; obligations of parties to respond to the questions; refusal of parties to respond to the questions. The second part considers different types of the interrogation of the parties as judicial and extra-judicial confession, a probative force of their confessions and declarations together and a short retrospection on the practice of Roman Rote and how the Supreme Court of the Catholic Church values the content of the answers during the canonical proceeding of the annulment of the marriage. The final part of the article analyses the changes introduced with m.p. Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus thanks to which a judicial confession and the declarations of the parties, possibly supported by witnesses to the credibility of the parties, can have the force of full proof to be evaluated by the judge, unless other elements that weaken them are present.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 4 ; str. 525-546  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkveno pravo -- Kanonsko pravo -- Ženidba -- Ništavnost ženidbe

Je li Marija bila Isusova učenica? [Elektronička građa] = Was Mary a disciple of Jesus? / Dinko Aračić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Je li Isusova Majka bila i njegova učenica? U kojem se smislu Mariju može smatrati Isusovom 'prvom i savršenom učenicom'? Na ta pitanja ovaj članak pokušava odgovoriti. U prvom su dijelu navedena novozavjetna svjedočanstva koja ne upotrebljavaju pojam 'učenica', ali predstavljaju Marijin stav koji odgovara stavu Isusovih učenika. U drugom dijelu riječ je o tome kako marijanski tekst Drugoga vatikanskog sabora i kasniji crkveni dokumenti preuzimaju patrističku temu Marijina stava Kristove učenice, koju ne poznaje tradicionalna mariologija. U završnom dijelu predstavljena je teološka dimenzija teme Marijina stava učenice i njezine primjene u pastoralu i približavanju Marijina lika današnjim vjernicima, što promiču i suvremene mariološke poruke. - Was Jesus’ Mother also his disciple? In what sense can Mary be considered Jesus’ first and perfect disciple? This article tries to answer these questions. The first part contains the New Testament testimonies that do not use the term “disciple” for Mary, but represent her attitude, which corresponds entirely to the attitude of Jesus’ disciples. The theme of the second part is how the Marian text of the Second Vatican Council and subsequent Church documents take on the patristic theme of Mary’s attitude as Christ’s disciple, a matter unknown to traditional Mariology. The final part exposes the theological dimensions of the theme of Mary’s attitude as a disciple and its application to pastoral care and bringing Mary’s image closer to today’s believers, which is advocated in recent Mariological studies.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 3 ; str. 252-269  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Isusova majka -- Mariologija -- Hodočašće u vjeri

BREMER, Thomas
Koncept autokefalije u pravoslavlju na primjeru Pravoslavne Crkve u Ukrajini [Elektronička građa] / Thomas Bremer.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tijekom 2018. i 2019. godine crkvene su se prilike u ukrajinskom pravoslavlju bitno promijenile. Uz znatnu pomoć tadašnje ukrajinske vlade, Carigradska patrijaršija jednostrano je proglasila tek stvorenu “Pravoslavnu Crkvu Ukrajine” (PCU) autokefalnom, tj. samostalnom. Ruska Pravoslavna Crkva pak smatra Ukrajinu svojim “kanonskim teritorijem” i ne priznaje PCU valjanom, nego je naziva šizmatičnom organizacijom. Reagirajući na proglašenje autokefalnosti PCU, ruska je Crkva prekinula euharistijsko zajedništvo s Carigradom. Postoji čak opasnost šizme koja bi obuhvatila cijelo pravoslavlje, u ovisnosti o tome kako će reagirati druge pravoslavne crkve. Aktualna rasprava posljedica je činjenice da u pravoslavlju ne postoji konsenzus o tome kako jedna Crkva može postati autokefalnom. U pozadini stoje ekleziološki problemi koji nisu riješeni. Pitanje autokefalnosti pravoslavna je tematika, ali i za Katoličku Crkvu i teologiju, posebno u njezinom trenutačnom položaju, važno je razmišljati o odnosu između sinodalnosti i prvenstva. - During 2018 and 2019, church circumstances in Ukrainian Orthodoxy changed significantly. With considerable assistance of that-time Ukrainian government, the Patriarchate of Constantinople unilaterally declared the newly created “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” (OCU) an autocephalous, i.e. independent. The Russian Orthodox Church, however, regards Ukraine as its “canonical territory” and does not recognize the OCU as valid, but calls it a schismatic organization. In response to the proclamation of the OCU's autocephaly, the Russian Church terminated the Eucharistic communion with Constantinople. There is even a danger of schism that would span all Orthodoxy, depending on how other Orthodox churches would react. The current debate is due to the fact that in Orthodoxy there is no consensus on how one Church can become autocephalous. Accordingly, there are ecclesiological problems in the background that have not been resolved. The issue of autocephaly is an Orthodox issue, but for the Catholic Church and theology, especially in its current position, it is important to think about the relationship between synodality and primacy.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 4 ; str. 570-586  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autokefalnost -- Ekleziologija
Pravoslavna Crkva


JURIĆ, Ivica, teolog
Kritički osvrt na poimanje apostolata u djelima Živana Bezića [Elektronička građa] / Ivica Jurić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu autor promišlja o apostolatu na temelju pisanih knjiga i članaka Živana Bezića, jednog od najplodnijih pastoralnih teologa u Hrvatskoj u drugoj polovici prošlog stoljeća. U prvom dijelu rada iznosi Bezićevo teološko-pastoralno promišljanje o značenju, povijesnoj upotrebi i temeljima apostolata. U drugom dijelu rada govori o Bezićevoj podjeli, svrsi i područjima apostolata. U trećem dijelu autor se u svjetlu suvremenih dostignuća pastoralne teologije, sa stajališta lateranske škole, kritički osvrće na Bezićevo teološko-pastoralno promišljanje apostolata, na njegovu podjelu te područja i subjekte apostolata. Pastoralni teolog Bezić apostolat promišlja u tradicionalnom duhu i sam pojam apostolata ne upotrebljava jednoznačno u svojim djelima. - In the paper the author reflects on the apostolate on the basis of the written books and articles of Živan Bezić, one of the most prolific pastoral theologians in Croatia in the second half of the last century. In the first part he presents Bezić’s theological-pastoral thoughts on the meaning, historical use and foundation of the apostolate. In the second part he speaks of the division, purpose and areas of apostolate. In the third part, in the light of contemporary achievements of pastoral theology and from the point of view of the Lateran School, the author critically refers to Bezić’s theologicalpastoral reflections on the apostolate, on its division and areas and subjects of the apostolate. Bezić, the pastoral theologian, perceives the apostolate in a traditional spirit and does not use the term itself monosemically in his works.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 2 ; str. 245-265  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Apostolat -- Pastoral -- Vjernici laici
Bezić, Živan


Leopold Bogdan Mandić, preteča duhovnog ekumenizma i važnost duhovnog ekumenizma danas [Elektronička građa] = Leopold Bogdan Mandic, the forerunner of spiritual ecumenism and the importance of spiritual ecumenism today / Ivan Macut, Lucija Sinovčić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se govori o Leopoldu Bogdanu Mandiću i duhovnom ekumenizmu i u njegovo vrijeme i danas. Rad uz uvod i zaključak ima tri poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju pod naslovom 'Ukratko o životu' autori donose osnovne podatka iz života Leopolda Bogdana Mandića. Drugo poglavlje koje je naslovljeno 'Preteča duhovnog ekumenizma', autori preko tema katolički pogled na ekumenizam u vrijeme Leopolda Mandića; želja za sjedinjenjem s Istokom te Leopold Mandić i duhovni ekumenizam žele, naravno ukratko, prikazati ekumensko 'djelovanje' Bogdana Mandića i njegovu molitvu i žrtvovanje za ekumenizam te naglašavaju važnost osobnog rada na tom području. Treće poglavlje rada govori o važnosti duhovnog ekumenizma danas u kojem se polazi od Drugoga vatikanskog sabora, pa preko pape Ivana Pavla II. i pape Franje želi naglasiti važnost duhovnog ekumenizma u suvremenom svijetu. - The paper deals with Leopold Bogdan Mandic and spiritual ecumenism both in his time and today. The work, with the introduction and conclusion, has three chapters. In the first chapter, titled “Briefly about His Life”, the authors bring basic data from the life of Leopold Bogdan Mandic. In the second chapter, which is titled “The Forerunner of Spiritual Ecumenism”, the authors discuss the themes of a Catholic view of ecumenism at the time of Leopold Mandić, the desire of Leopold Mandić to unite with the East and spiritual ecumenism, trying to portray the ecumenical "activity" of Bogdan Mandic and his prayer and sacrifice for ecumenism and to emphasize the importance of his personal work in this area. The third chapter discusses the importance of spiritual ecumenism today, starting from the Second Vatican Council, to Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis, in order to highlight the importance of spiritual ecumenism in the modern world.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 2 ; str. 147-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhovni ekumenizam;papa Franjo; -- Ekumenizam povratka -- Ispovjednik
Mandić, Leopold Bogdan -- Papa Franjo -- Franciscus, papa


PARLOV, Mladen
Nacrt ekološke duhovnosti prema enciklici Laudato sì pape Franje [Elektronička građa] / Mladen Parlov.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na tragu enciklike pape Franje Laudato sì, koja govori o brizi za Zemlju kao zajednički dom svih ljudi, autor nudi nacrt ekološke duhovnosti. Početak ispravne ekološke duhovnosti je ekološko obraćenje, koje nije drugo doli obnovljena svijest kako se iz naše vjere i susreta s Isusom Kristom treba mijenjati i naš odnos prema svijetu koji nas okružuje. Ekološko obraćenje treba pomoći vjernicima da iznova i na ispravan način razviju svijest o vlastitoj stvorenosti, o vlastitoj uronjenosti u svijet stvorenja s kojima su međusobno povezani. Ispravan ekološki stav dovest će do nutarnje ravnoteže u samom čovjeku, do solidarne ravnoteže s drugima, do prirodne ravnoteže sa svim živim bićima te do duhovne ravnoteže s Bogom. Ekološka svijest može pomoći ne samo očuvanju okoliša, što se nameće kao jedan od temeljnih ciljeva, nego i do promjene ponašanja koja može podići kvalitetu življenja, kako pojedinca tako i obitelji. Ekološka duhovnost na nov način shvaća i živi sakramente, kao sredstva spasenja i posvećenja, budući da se u sakramentima Bog služi vidljivom materijom kako bi priopćio svoju (nevidljivu) milost. Ekoduhovnost poziva na odgoj i usvajanje novih stavova u životu suvremenih kršćana, koji im trebaju pomoći na ispravan način odnositi se prema stvorenom svijetu. - In the wake of the Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato sì which talks about the Earth as a common home of all people, the author offers a draft of ecological spirituality. The beginning of true eco-spirituality is ecological conversion, which is nothing else but a renewed consciousness that from our faith and encounter with Jesus Christ we also ought to change our relationship with the world around us. Ecological conversion should help the faithful to repeatedly and correctly develop their awareness of having been created, of their own immersion into the world of creatures with which they are interconnected. Correct ecological attitude leads to internal balance of the man himself, to solidarity with others, to natural balance of all living beings and to spiritual balance with God. Ecological awareness can help not only to preserve the environment, which is one of the basic goals, but also to change the way of behaviour, which can raise the quality of life of both the individual and the family. Ecological spirituality understands and lives the sacraments in a new way, as a means of salvation and sanctification, because in the sacraments God uses the visible matter in order to communicate his (invisible) grace. Eco-spirituality calls for upbringing and adopting new attitudes in the lives of contemporary Christians which need to help them to properly treat the created world.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 397-412  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekološka duhovnost
Papa Franjo -- Franciscus, papa


GARMAZ, Jadranka
Neki elementi i načela konfesionalnosuradničkog vjeronauka [Elektronička građa] / Jadranka Garmaz, Józef Stala.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad analizira razloge, sadržaj i uvjete konfesionalne suradnje u nastavi katoličkog vjeronauka. U radu se analiziraju neki elementi koji osiguravaju uvjete za konfesionalnosuradnički vjeronauk i pokušavaju se iznjedriti neka vjeronaučna načela konfesionalnosuradničkog vjeronauka, prema primjeru i iskustvima iz SR Njemačke. U drugom dijelu članka podastiru se izazovi koji predstoje vjeronauku za praksu, institucionalnu i znanstvenu razinu kao i za mjesne vjeroučitelje. U trećem dijelu se unutar društveno-kulturnog i religijskog konteksta Republike Hrvatske vjeronauk utvrđuje kao teološko mjesto u kojem treba integrirati didaktička načela holističke i grupne nastave, sadržaje društvenog nauka Katoličke Crkve i na taj način izgraditi temelje otvorene, suradničke nastave, međureligijskog i ekumenskog karaktera, utemeljene na koncilskom učenju, na bioetičkim načelima i sadržajima društvenog nauka Katoličke Crkve. - The paper analyzes the reasons, content and terms of confessional cooperation in the teaching of Catholic religious education. The paper examines some elements that provide conditions for confessional cooperation in religious education and tries to produce some catechetic principles for confessional cooperation in religious education teaching, after the example and experiences from FR Germany. The second part of the paper presents the challenges that religious education will face regarding the practice, institutional and scientific level and local catechists. In the third part, within the socio-cultural and religious context of the Republic of Croatia, religious educa tion is defined as a theological place into which the didactic principles of holistic and group teaching as well as the contents of social teaching of the Catholic Church need to be integrated, thus building the foundations of open and cooperative teaching, of interreligious and ecumenical character, based on the Council teaching, on bioethical principles and on the contents of social teaching of the Catholic Church.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 1 ; str. 42-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konfesionalnost -- Suradnička nastava -- Vjeronauk -- Međureligijska suradnja -- Ekumenizam

PROVIĆ, Mihael
Odgoj za katoličku ekopedagogiju s posebnim naglaskom na vjerski odgoj srednjoškolaca u obrazovnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Mihael Prović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Konstantnim razvojem suvremenoga društva čovjek se sve više brine oko napretka i usavršavanja raznih tehničkih, tehnoloških i drugih disciplina, pritom ne mareći što iscrpljuje prirodne resurse, uništava prirodu i zagađuje okoliš. Katolička Crkva svojom ekopedagogijom već desetljećima, na razne načine, pokušava razvijati ekološku svijest svih svojih vjernika, posebno srednjoškolaca, kako bismo vjerskim odgojem i obrazovanjem postali svjesni opasnosti koja bi nas jednog dana mogla zadesiti zbog neodgovornog ponašanja prema prirodi, koja je osnovno i jedino stanište ljudskog roda. Autor u radu prikazuje mogućnosti ekološkog osvješćivanja srednjoškolaca preko teološkoga i pedagoškog vida vjeronaučne nastave. Referirajući se na društveno-humanistički pristup odgoja i obrazovanja, prema dokumentu Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum za predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje te opće obvezno i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, autor proučava sadržaj katoličkog vjerskog odgoja u dokumentu Plan i program katoličkog vjeronauka za četverogodišnje srednje škole, te razmatra mogućnosti i utjecaj vjeronaučne nastave pri razvijanju senzibilnosti srednjoškolaca za ekološke teme i odgovoran odnos prema očuvanju prirode, njezinih resursa i čistoće okoliša. Autor predlaže nove pedagoške principe u tumačenju uloge katoličke ekopedagogije i izbora njezinih sadržaja, ciljeva i metoda odgoja u vjeronaučnoj nastavi. - With the constant development of modern society man has been increasingly concerned about the progress and improvement of various technical, technological and other disciplines without taking into account the exhaustion of natural resources, destroying nature and polluting environment. Through her eco-pedagogy the Catholic Church has been trying for decades, in various ways, to develop ecological awareness of all her faithful, especially the secondary school students, to become aware through religious education of the dangers that might befall us because of irresponsible behaviour toward nature, which is the basic and only habitat of human race. In the paper the author presents the possibilities of ecological awareness of secondary school students through theological and pedagogical aspect of religious education teaching. Referring to the Religious Education Syllabus for the four-year secondary schools, the author, studying the content of religious education, considers the opportunities and impacts of religious education teaching in developing the sensitivity of secondary school students to ecological topics and their responsible attitude towards nature conservation, its resources and environmental cleanliness.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 437-454  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srednja škola -- Vjeronauk -- Ekologija -- Ekoteologija -- Ekopedagogija

PAŽIN, Zvonko
Oslobođenje u krsnoj i katekumenskoj liturgiji prema izvorima [Elektronička građa] = Liberation in baptismal and catechumenal liturgy in line with sources / Zvonko Pažin.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Za stare Grke slobodan je onaj čovjek koji raspolaže samim sobom, neovisno o drugima. I danas bi se možda (o)lako reklo da je slobodan čovjek koji može činiti što god ga volja u današnjem permisivnom društvu. Što je ropstvo, a što je prava sloboda? U ovom članku želi se pokazati kako se, polazeći od svetopisamskog nauka, u tradiciji Crkve krštenje promatra kao oslobođenje. Biblija predstavlja grijeh kao robovanje čovjeka Sotoni. Čovjek se po krštenju oslobađa ropstva đavlu i grijehu te postaje sluga Isusa Krista, što mu donosi vječni život. Zato krsna liturgija već od konca 2. stoljeća naglašava da se kandidat za krštenje treba prvo odreći Sotone. Tako su u tradiciji Istoka i Zapada – i u spisima crkvenih otaca i u katekumenskoj i krsnoj liturgiji – prisutni egzorcizmi, to jest otkletvene molitve nad katekumenima. Prije nego što čovjek po krštenju postane sluga Kristov, nužno se treba odreći Sotone, jer, prema Isusovoj riječi, čovjek ne može služiti dvojici gospodara. I današnja liturgija na Istoku i Zapadu ima te iste elemente: čovjek se odriče robovanja zlu i grijehu da bi postao Kristov sluga, a to znači i, uistinu, slobodan. Jer služiti strastima i grijehu znači robovati. - For the ancient Greeks a free man is the one who disposes of himself, regardless of others. Even today, we could easily say that a free man is the one who can do whatever he wants in today’s permissive society. What is slavery and what is freedom? In this article, we want to show that, starting from the Scriptural doctrine, in the tradition of the Church baptism is viewed as liberation. The Bible presents sin as man’s slavery to Satan. Christ, with his death and resurrection, defeated the devil and death. By baptism man is freed from slavery to the devil and to the sin and becomes the servant of Jesus Christ, who brings him the eternal life. That is why the liturgy, since the end of the 2nd century, has emphasized that the baptismal candidate must fi rst renounce Satan. Thus in the tradition of the East and West, and also in the records of the Church Fathers and in the catechumenal and baptismal liturgy, there are exorcisms, that is the prayers of renunciation over the catechumens. Before a man, through baptism, becomes the servant of Christ, he must renounce Satan, because, according to Jesus’ word, man cannot serve the two lords. And today’s liturgy, both in the East and the West, has the same elements: man renounces slavery to evil and sins in order to become the servant of Christ that is to become really free. To serve to passions and to sins means to be a slave.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 1 ; str. 53-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krsna liturgija -- Sloboda -- Egzorcizam
Ivan Zlatousti


PETROV, Emanuel
Pape s početka trećeg tisućljeća i njihov odnos prema smrtnoj kazni [Elektronička građa] = Popes of the beginning of third millennium and their relation to death penalty / Emanuel Petrov.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu je prikazan napredak crkvenog učenja o pitanju smrtne kazne u vrijeme trojice posljednjih papa. Premda je tek uredbom pape Franje smrtna kazna proglašena definitivno nedopustivom zbog nepovredivosti dostojanstva čovjeka i prava na život, učenje i istupi njegovih prethodnika Ivana Pavla II. i Benedikta XVI. potvrđuju jednak stav. Svakako, primjetan je razvoj shvaćanja u izmjenama članaka 2266 i 2267 Katekizma Katoličke Crkve, kako bi se bolje sačuvao i izložio dragocjeni polog kršćanskog nauka, a za koji je potrebno sazrijevanje vremena. U skladu s apostolskom konstitucijom Fidei depositum, kojom je sam Katekizam odobren 1992. godine trojica su papa u ovom pitanju vjerno stajali na braniku čovjekova dostojanstva, izlažući nauk na temelju Objave, Svetoga pisma i Crkvene predaje, nastojeći osvjetlati svjetlom vjere nove prilike i poimanja suvremenog društva. - The paper presents the progress of church teaching on the issue of death penalty at the time of the last three popes. Although it was only with the ordinance of Pope Francis that the death penalty was defi nitely declared inadmissible for the inviolability of the dignity of man and the right to life, the teaching and declarations of his predecessors John Paul II and Benedict XVI confirm the same attitude. Certainly, the development of understanding the issue is evident in the Amendments to Articles 2266 and 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, made with the aim of preserving and exhibiting the valuable deposit of Christian teaching, which takes time to mature. In accordance with the Apostolic Constitution Fidei Depositum, by which the Catechism itself was approved in 1992, the three popes have faithfully stood in defence of man’s dignity in this matter, exposing the doctrine based on the Revelation, the Scriptures, and the Church Tradition, striving to illuminate with the light of faith the new circumstances and perceptions of contemporary society.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 1 ; str. 73-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Smrtna kazna -- Pape -- Dostojanstvo -- Život
Papa Franjo -- Papa Ivan Pavao II. -- Papa Benedikt XVI.


RAGUŽ, Ivica
Poimanje teologije u Erika Petersona [Elektronička građa] / Ivica Raguž, Dino Klem.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu su predstavljeni neki aspekti misli njemačkog teologa Erika Petersona o biti, preduvjetima i ulozi teologije. U prvome dijelu rada polazi se od Petersonova kritičkog stava spram dvojice suvremenika – Rudolfa Bultmanna i njegova shvaćanja teologije koja polazi od ljudske egzistencije te Karla Bartha i dijalektičke teologije. Iz Petersonove kritike dolazi se do njegova vlastitog shvaćanja teologije, pri čemu se posebno obrađuje pojam dogme, što čini drugi dio rada. Time se nastoji odrediti zašto taj pojam zauzima središnje mjesto u njegovu poimanju teologije i koje su njegove posljedice za istu. - The paper presents some aspects of thoughts of German theologian Erik Peterson about the essence, the preconditions and the role of theology. The first part starts with Peterson's critical attitude towards the two of his contemporaries – Rudolf Bultmann and his understanding of theology which originates from human existence and Karl Barth and his dialectical theology. With Peterson's criticism, we come to his own understanding of theology which specifically deals with the term of dogma. Thereby he endeavours to determine why this term takes a central place in his understanding of theology and which the consequences for theology itself are.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 2 ; str. 201-225  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teologija -- Dogma -- Crkva -- Protestantizam
Peterson, Erik -- Barth, Karl


TOLIĆ, Željko
Razvoj franjevačke opservancije od sabora u Konstanzu do kraja pontifikata Martina V. [Elektronička građa] = Lo sviluppo dell'osservanza francescana dal Concilio di Constanza alla fine del pontificato di Martino V / Željko Tolić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Riassunto. - Franjevačka opservancija, započeta u 14. stoljeću, nastavila se razvijati i u idućem stoljeću, unatoč raznim teškoćama na koje je nailazila. Ovaj je članak podijeljen u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu, naslovljenom „Razvoj franjevačke opservancije u 15. stoljeću“, autor govori o razvoju i širenju opservantskog pokreta u Italiji, kolijevci franjevačke opservancije, zatim u Francuskoj, gdje je imala drugačiji slijed, Španjolskoj te u drugim europskim zemljama. U drugom dijelu, koji nosi naslov „Pontifikat Martina V.“, autor iznosi okolnosti izbora pape Martina V. na ekumenskom saboru u Konstanzu, kao i njegov pontifikat koji je bio od velike važnosti za razvoj franjevačke opservancije. U trećem dijelu, naslovljenom „Generalni kapituli: od Mantove do Asiza“, autor se koncentrira na zbivanja unutar franjevačkog reda, osobito na generalne kapitule – u Mantovi, Forliu, Ferrari, Casale Monferrato i, poglavito Asizu – koji su se odvijali u razdoblju od završetka ekumenskog sabora u Konstanzu do kraja pontifikata Martina V., na kojima je opservantski pokret, s ulaskom u Red „četvorice stupova“ i uz podršku spomenutog pape, stjecao sve veći ugled, kako unutar Reda tako i diljem europskog kontinenta. Reforma i željeno jedinstvo, postignuti i s oduševljenjem prihvaćeni na generalnom kapitulu u Asizu, kratko su trajali. - Il movimento d'osservanza, che nell'ordine francescano cominciava a svilupparsi nel secolo XIV, continuava anche nel secolo successivo. Con l'entrata nell'Ordine delle cosiddette „quatro colonne“ (di san Bernardino da Siena, san Givanni da Capestrano, beato Alberto da Sarteano e di san Giacomo della Marca) l'osservanza guadanava un grande impulso e, con la predicazione e lo studio teologico, due coordinamenti di cui era composta, anche un carattere diverso. Con questi due caratteri si ebbe il trasferimenti dell'osservanza dal deserto alla folla, ossia il mutamento della prima ispirazione alle masse dei fedeli, cioè nelle città dove otteneva gran rispetto dappertutto. Un grande appoggio all'osservanza nella sua diffusione, sia nell'Ordine che nelle città europee, esprimeva Martino V. che lo stesso proveniva dell''ambiente riformatore. Egli, sia con i suoi diretti interventi che attraverso le lettere, voleva che l'ordine francescano, simile agli altri ordini ecclesiastici, raggiunsse la riforma e l'unità perduta a causa di mancanza della riforma e della rilassata osservanza della Regola. Dal momento che la riforma venisse di spesso rifiutata, e la scissione tra i minori, riformati (ossrvanti) e quelli che non l'erano (conventuali), fosse sempre più profondo, Martino V convocò Capitulum generalissimum ad Assisi nell'anno 1430, dove erano promulgate Constitutiones Martinianae. Esse portavana l'uno e l'altro, la riforma e l'unità, che tutti i capitolari accettavano con gioia. Ma tutto questo ebbe poca durata, solo poco più di un mese, dato che i conventuali avevano ottenuto la bolla Ad statum, la quale li liberava dall'osservanza delle Constitutiones Martinianae e, secondo la quale, potevano vivere come già vivevano, cioè in modo prima del capitolo di Assisi.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 4 ; str. 360-386  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Opservancija -- Generalni kapitul -- Bula
Papa Martin V.
Konstanzanski sabor -- Franjevci


Razvoj štovanja sv. Josipa u Crkvi od otačkog razdoblja do Drugog vatikanskog sabora [Elektronička građa] : teološka polazišta i pobožnost = Development of worshipping St. Joseph in the Church from Church fathers to Second Vatican Council : theological starting positions and devotion / Daniel Patafta.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Među tradicionalnim katoličkim pobožnostima važno mjesto zauzima štovanje sv. Josipa. Ovo štovanje počelo je zamirati nakon Drugoga vatikanskog sabor zbog krize teologije i pučke pobožnosti, da bi u novije vrijeme počelo doživljavati svoju polaganu obnovu. U ovom radu nastoji se dati kroz izabrane tekstove iz otačkog razdoblja, kojih je vrlo malo, preko skolastičke teološke refleksije do papinskih dokumenata razvoj teološkog promišljanja i štovanja sv. Josipa od razdoblja ranog kršćanstva, odnosno otačkog razdoblja do Drugoga vatikanskog sabora. Rad prati ovaj razvoj kroz dva velika razdoblja, to je prvo razdoblje teoloških refleksija kod crkvenih otaca, napose sv. Augustina i vremena srednjeg vijeka, kad u visokoj skolastici započinje sustavno teološko promišljanje o sv. Josipu, gdje je temelje postavio sv. Toma Akvinski, a širenju pobožnosti pridonio sv. Bernardin Sijenski. Drugo je razdoblje vrijeme od početka katoličke obnove do Drugoga vatikanskog sabora, kada teološka misao pada u drugi plan, a u središte dolazi pobožnost i ističe se uloga sv. Josipa kao zaštitnika Crkve pred snažnim promjenama s kojima se Crkva suočavala u 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Teološka misao ovoga razdoblja temelji se na razvijanju skolastičkih zasada, često bez kritičkog pristupa i pod snažnim utjecajem pučke pobožnosti. Dominantnu ulogu u promicanju štovanja sv. Josipa u 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća preuzimaju pape koji u širenju štovanja sv. Josipa vide važnu duhovnu i pobožnu praksu kojom se vjernici potiču da se utječu sv. Josipu svojim molitvama kako bi zaštitio Crkvu. Umjesto zaključka doneseno je jedno promišljanje koje može biti poticaj za novu obnovu štovanja sv. Josipa u novim okolnostima u odnosu prema potrebama suvremenog društva i Crkve, a da se ne izgubi zdravi duh i velika vrijednost svetačkog lika sv. Josipa koja je stoljećima nadahnjivala katoličku duhovnost i pobožnost. - Among traditional Catholic devotions, the worship of St. Joseph occupies an important place. This worship began to fade away after the Second Vatican Council due to the crisis of theology and folly of devotion; recently it has experienced its slow renewal. In this paper, presenting the selected texts from the period of Church Fathers, through the scholastic theological reflection, to papal documents, we are trying to show the development of theological reflection and worship of St. Joseph from the period of early Christianity, to the period of Church Fathers and to the Second Vatican Council. The work itself follows this development through two great periods. The first period of theological reflection is the time of Church Fathers, especially Augustine, and the Middle Ages, the time when high scholasticism began with a systematic theological reflection on St. Joseph, when St. Thomas Aquinas laid foundations and St. Bernardino from Sienna contributed to the spread of devotion. The second period is the period from the beginning of the Catholic renewal to the Second Vatican Council, when theological thought ends up in the background and the center is devoted to the role of St. Joseph as the patron of the Church before the drastic changes that the Church faces in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The theological idea of this period is based on the development of scholastic principles, often without a critical approach and under the strong influence of popular devotions. The dominant role in promoting the worship of St. Joseph in the 19th and early 20th centuries was taken over by the Popes, who recognized an important and pious practice in spreading the worship of St. Joseph, the practice that encourages believers to recourse to St. Joseph with their prayers to protect the Church.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 3 ; str. 270-291  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katoličke pobožnosti -- Djevičanski brak -- Djevičanstvo -- Pape
Sveti Josip -- Iosephus, sanctus
Drugi vatikanski sabor


IKIĆ, Niko
Stadlerova upornost u promicanju jedinstva [Elektronička građa] : Stadlerova skica jedinstva u povodu 100. obljetnice njegove smrti = Stadler's outline of unity on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his death / Niko Ikić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U povodu stote obljetnice Stadlerove smrti (†1918.) autor se osvrće na ekumenski odnos prema pravoslavnima prvoga vrhbosanskog nadbiskupa. Autor uočava u njegovu vremenu mnoge vjetrove u prsa a ne u leđa, mnoge procese protivne radu, a ne u prilog njemu oko jedinstva Crkve, posebno u složenim crkvenim, nacionalnim i kulturnim prilikama u Bosni pri kraju 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Autor zapaža i ukazuje na veliku Stadlerovu upornost oko promicanja jedinstva Crkve i dokazuje njegova dva prilično različita pristupa istom pitanju. Prvi je tradicionalni skolastičko tridentski pristup do svoga imenovanja vrhbosanskim nadbiskupom i apostolskim promicateljem rada oko jedinstva Crkve, te drugi poslije svoga dolaska u Bosnu na zasadama ćirilo-metodske baštine. Povezano s drugim pristupom neki su Stadleru imputirali nijekanje vlastitoga crkvenog i nacionalnog identiteta, što autor pak argumentirano opovrgava. - On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Stadler’s death, the author refers to the ecumenical attitude of the First Archbishop of Vrhbosna toward the Orthodox. The author perceives that in Stadler’s time many headwinds were blowing instead of tailwinds, that there were many processes opposed and not in favour of work about Church unity, especially in a complex church, national and cultural situation in Bosnia at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. The author also notices and points to great Stadler’s persistence in promoting the Church unity and proves his two quite different approaches to the same issue. The first is a traditional scholastic Trent approach, up to his appointment as Archbishop of Vrhbosna and apostolic promoter of work about Church unity; the other one, after his arrival in Bosnia, is based on the ideas of Cyril and Methodius heritage. Related to the latter approach, some have attributed to Stadler the denial of his own ecclesiastical and national identity, which the author argumentatively denies.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 2 ; str. 125-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekumenske poteškoće -- Jedinstvo
Stadler, Josip


Svjetske konferencije ekumenskog vijeća crkava i odnos prema stvorenome (1948. - 2013.) [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Macut.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad uz uvod i nekoliko zaključnih misli ima dva poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju pod naslovom Ukratko o nastanku i radu Ekumenskog vijeća crkava u nekoliko poteza donosimo nastanak ovog važnog Vijeća na globalnoj razini te donosimo i popis svih deset svjetskih konferencija koje su održavane od 1948. do 2013. godine. Drugo poglavlje rada ima naslov Tematika odnosa prema stvorenome na svjetskim konferencijama Ekumenskog vijeća crkava. U njemu se govori o glavnim ekološkim temama, naglascima, poticajima i upozorenjima na pojedinim svjetskim konferencijama Ekumenskog vijeća crkava. Svjetska ekumenska asembleja u Seulu 1990. godine dala je odlučujući poticaj za bavljenje ekološkom tematikom, a prvi put Ekumensko vijeće crkava izravno o stvorenom svijetu i ekologiji govori na Sedmoj svjetskoj skupštini u Canberri 1991. godine. Naravno, i Osma svjetska skupština u Harareu 1998. godine, Deveta u Porto Alegreu 2006. te, naposljetku, Deseta svjetska skupština u Busanu 2013. godine bave se u jednom dijelu više ili manje istom tematikom. Pri kraju rada donijeli smo i Izjavu o klimatskoj pravdi Izvršnog odbora Ekumenskog vijeća crkava iz 2016. godine. - The work with an introduction and concluding thoughts has two chapters. In the first chapter titled “Briefly about the Creation and Work of the Church's Ecumenical Council”, we describe the beginning and development of this important ecumenical council on a global scale, and we also produce a list of all ten world conferences held from 1948 to 2013. The second chapter of the paper has the title “Themes of Relationships Created at World Conferences of the Ecumenical Council of Churches”. It speaks of the main ecological topics, accents, incentives and warnings at some of the world's conferences of the Church's Ecumenical Council. The World Ecumenical Assembly in Seoul in 1990 was a decisive incentive for ecological issues, and for the first time the Ecumenical Council of Churches directly talks about the created world and ecology at the 7th World Assembly in Canberra in 1991. Of course, the Eighth World Assembly in Harare in 1998, the ninth in Porto Alegre in 2006, and finally, the tenth World Assembly in Busan, in 2013, deal with more or less the same theme. At the end of the paper, we also issued the Climate Justice Declaration of the Executive Board of the Church's Ecumenical Council of 2016 and a short list of the chosen bibliography of the created in the edition of the same council.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 413-436  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekologija -- Teologija stvaranja -- Klimatske promjene
Ekumensko vijeće crkava


DRAGIĆ, Marko, filolog
Tijelovo u hrvatskoj katoličkoj crkveno-pučkoj kulturnoj baštini [Elektronička građa] / Marko Dragić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tijelovo (Svetkovina Presvetog Tijela i Krvi Kristove) uz Božić, Uskrs, Veliku Gospu i Sve svete najveći je katolički blagdan. U radu se daje osvrt na povijest slavljenja Tijelova i čudesa koja su se dogodila po zagovoru Presvetoga Tijela i Krvi Kristove. Svetkovina Tijelova, međutim, nije pobudila znanstveno zanimanje kod etnologa, antropologa i filologa. Zbog iznimno nedostatne literature o Tijelovu u hrvatskoj katoličkoj crkveno-pučkoj baštini u radu se navodi i interpretira pedesetak suvremenih terenskih zapisa koji su nastajali prethodnih dvadesetak godina u Republici Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Štovanje Presvetoga Tijela i Krvi Kristove u hrvatskoj katoličkoj kulturnoj baštini ogleda se u mnogim crkvama, kapelama, naseljima, župama posvećenim Presvetom Tijelu i Krvi Kristovoj, pobožnostima, molitvama, zavjetima, postu, procesijama, hodočašćima, kićenju kuća, procesijama, pučkim veseljima. Socijalnu i estetsku funkciju imaju običaji kićenja kuća, uređivanja mjesta kroz koja prolazi procesija kao i vješanja ručnih radova po prozorima, balkonima i terasama kako bi to sudionici u procesiji vidjeli. Uz Tijelovo hrvatski puk veže običaje koji imaju apotropejsku i panspermijsku funkciju te vrši određene divinacije. Ti običaji drevnoga su pretkršćanskog postanja, ali su ih Hrvati kristijanizirali. - The Feast of Corpus Christi (Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) is, along with Christmas, Easter, Assumption of Mary and All Saints Day, the greatest Catholic feast. The paper brings an overview of the history of celebration of Corpus Christi and miracles that occurred through the intercession of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. However, the Feast of Corpus Christi has not raised the scientific interest of ethnologists, anthropologists and philologists. Because of the exceptionally insufficient literature on the Feast of Corpus Christi in Croatian Catholic church-folk heritage, the paper presents and interprets around fifty contemporary field records which have emerged in the last twenty years in the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Monte Negro. The observance of the Feast of Corpus Christi in Croatian Catholic cultural heritage is reflected in many churches, chapels, villages and towns, parishes dedicated to the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, in devotions, prayers, vows, fasting, processions, pilgrimages, house decorations and folk festivals. Social and aesthetic function is reflected in the customs of house decorating, tidying up the places where the procession is passing as well as hanging the needle-works on the windows, balconies and terraces to be seen by the procession participants. Croatian folk connects the Feast of Corpus Christi with customs that have apotropaic and panspermia function and performs certain divinations. These customs are of ancient pre-Christian origin, but the Croats have Christianized them.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 1 ; str. 59-81  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Procesija -- Molitva -- Blagoslov -- Običaji -- Pučka veselja

Tolerantni dijalog između kršćanske i muslimanske vjere [Elektronička građa] / Mato Zovkić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na poziv dr. Nedžada Grabusa, muftije u Sloveniji, da se jednom temom uključi u znanstvenu konferenciju u prigodi stote obljetnice prve džamije u Sloveniji, autor je na temelju svojeg iskustva pripadnika kršćanske manjine u gradu s većinskim muslimanskim stanovništvom te na osnovi smjernica Drugoga vatikanskog sabora o dijalogu s muslimanima obradio potrebu razumskog branjena vlastite vjere bez vrijeđanja onih koji drugačije vjeruju. Potrebu razumske obrane kršćanstva izvodi iz 1 Pt 3,15-16 te Rim 12,1. Zatim ističe kako je nakon Drugoga vatikanskog apologetika postala fundamentalna teologija. U islamu se potreba razumskog pristajanja uz objavu izvodi iz K 96,1-5; 17,73-75 8,2; 13,28 i dr. Polemika s muslimanima počela je s Ivanom Damaščaninom, prenesena djelcem Tome Akvinskog „Traktat o razlozima vjere protiv Saracena“ i trajala je do sredine 20. st. Promjenu su unijeli kršćanski znanstvenici koji su živjeli među muslimanima, proučavali arapski jezik i kulturu muslimana te protumačili islamski monoteizam drugim kršćanima. Plodovi njihova zalaganja ušli su u saborske dokumente DH, NAE, GS. Muslimanski teolozi već od 9. st. tvrde da kršćani iskrivljuju evanđelje što ga je Isus primio od Boga, da je uvreda jedincatom Bogu kultno štovanje Trojstva. Za jedan od primjera dijaloškog stava muslimana autor uzima prijevod i komentar „The Study Quran“ (New York 2015.), koji su pod vodstvom profesora Nasra priredili muslimanski znanstvenici u Americi, a od bošnjačkih teologa navodi radove S. Balića, R. Hafizovića, E. Karića, F. Karčića i A. Silajdžića. Smatra da imami i svećenici u tjednim molitvenim susretima mogu vlastite vjernike dublje uvoditi u razumijevanje vjere, bez izrugivanja onih koji imaju pravo ostati drugačiji. To mogu i vjeroučitelji u konfesionalnom vjeronauku u javnim školama. - This paper was prepared as one of presentations at the Interreligious Conference in Ljubljana, 25 October 2017. It consists of three parts: Adult believers, after they have acquired sufficient knowledge of belief in divine revelation, can rationally explain it; In time of dialogue we study shared values and respect differences without mocking; From Muslims in Southeast Europe to European Islam. The author concludes: Based on my experience of living in Sarajevo as a city with an absolute Muslim majority, while striving to implement the guidelines of Vatican II in dialogue with present-day Muslims in my country and elsewhere in the world, my response to the question in the title of this presentation is positive. Yes, it is possible to defend rationally Christianity and Islam after we, as adult believers, have accepted our membership in a faith community, read our sacred books and received sufficient instruction from imams, priests and religious teachers in our own faith. This requires that we cherish the shared values as citizens in secular and plural societies and respect mutual differences. This also supposes that we do study our own faith and are open to being informed about the faith of others. We should allow each other to present ourselves as we see ourselves. In the Catholic theology of interreligious dialogue the accent has been moved from religious truth per se to human persons maintaining their human dignity and fundamental rights even if they remain different in faith, culture and political conviction.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 1 ; str. 82-104  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muslimani -- Kršćani -- Poštovanje -- Dijalog

VIDOVIĆ, Marinko
Vjera kao "znanje" o znanjima [Elektronička građa] / Marinko Vidović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Usvajajući općeprihvaćenu složenost pojmova “znanje” i “spoznaja”, autor u ovom radu pokazuje kako se ni znanje ni spoznaja ne mogu i ne smiju redukcionistički poimati u smislu njihova reduciranja samo na umni i racionalni (u)vid stvarnosti. I jedna i druga stvarnost ulaze u područje onoga što označujemo kada govorimo o integralnom ljudskom iskustvu, o uvažavanju, naime, apriorne i aposteriorne interakcije spoznavajućeg subjekta i spoznajnog/spoznatog objekta. U takvom svjetlu vjera se pokazuje kao specifično znanje navezano na pred-odluku, na stajalište koje zbilju ostavlja otvorenu transcendenciji, ustvari, konačnom smislu. Vjeru se može označiti kao specifično znanje o svim drugim znanjima, kao utemeljenje, određenje i kvalificiranje drugih znanja njihovom usmjerenošću cjelini zbilje. Do takvih uvida autor dolazi analizom teorije spoznaje i ograničenja svakoga znanja. - Adopting the generally accepted complexity of terms “knowledge” and “cognition”, the author shows in this paper that neither knowledge nor cognition can be and should be narrowly grasped in terms of their reduction only to the intellectual and rational aspect of reality. Both realities enter the area of what we designate as the integral human experience, the appreciation, i.e. the a priori and a posteriori interaction between the cognizing subject and cognitive/cognized object. In such a light, faith is shown to be a specific knowledge attached to pre-decision, to a position that leaves the reality open to transcendence, in fact, to the ultimate meaning of all. Faith can be termed as the specific knowledge about all other knowledge, i.e. as the foundation, determination and qualification of other knowledge the focus of which is the entirety of reality. The author comes to such insights by analyzing the theory of cognition and the limitations of all knowledge.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 4 ; str. 471-491  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjera -- Znanje -- Spoznaja

GRGIĆ, Miljenka
Životinje - Božje blago, a ne hrana ljudi [Elektronička građa] : zoologija u Post 1 i njezini imperativi / Miljenka Grgić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Studija izlaže zoologiju u Post 1, analizirajući ključne termine, izraze i tvrdnje. Studija pokazuje da Post 1 inzistira na statusu životinja kao živih bića, jamči im zasebni prostor u ekosustavu i povezuje njihovu svrhu i ulogu s neživom prirodom, a ne s čovjekom. Nadalje, studija otkriva da je stvaranje bogolikih ljudi u Post 1 dio Božje skrbi o životinjama. Ljudi su stvoreni bogoliki da budu dobri pastiri Božjeg blaga, da životinjama upravljaju prema božanskim zakonima i štite njihova prava i egzistenciju, a ne da njima proizvoljno gospodare. Osim toga, studija dokazuje da je ljudska zadaća u Post 1 realna i predstavlja moralni imperativ. - The study exposes the zoology of Genesis 1, analyzing the key terms, phrases and statements. The study shows that Genesis 1 insists on the prominence of animals as living beings, guarantees them a proper space in the ecosystem, and relates their purpose and role to the inanimate nature, not to humans. Further, the study reveals that the creation of humans in the image of God in Genesis 1 is a part of God’s care for animals. Humans are created in the image of God to be good shepherds of God’s animals, to tend them according to the divine laws and protect their rights and existence, and not to dominate them freely. Besides, the study demonstrates that the human task in Genesis 1 is realistic and constitutes a moral imperative.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 3 ; str. 315-340  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Životinje -- Neživa priroda -- Bogolikost -- Upravljanje -- Zaštita prirode

ČONDIĆ, Alojzije
Župna zajednica pred izazovima suvremenoga doba [Elektronička građa] = Parish community facing the challenges of modern times / Alojzije Čondić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U rastućemu kulturnom, etičkom i religioznim pluralizmu župna je zajednica pozvana posvjedočiti svoj identitet i navijestiti evanđelje. U promjenjivomu svijetu, ubrzana životnoga ritma, punog izazova i zamki, smisao župe je voditi ljude Bogu i jedne drugima osluškujući njihove nevolje, radosti i nade, jer konkretni čovjek je uvijek u središtu župne zajednice. Tradicionalnoj župi nužna je metamorfoza, jer u suvremeno doba misionarski oblik župne zajednice otvara se svima i u službi je navještaja, prenošenja i slavljenja vjere u zajednici. U skladu s tim autor razmatra utjecaj društveno-kulturnih okolnosti na razvitak župnoga pastorala, a potom predočuje pastoral i župnu zajednicu u poimanju pape Franje. Isto tako, ističe teološko-pastoralno traženje bitnoga u svijetu, a ono se temelji u otkrivanju načela utjelovljenja, u Isusu Kristu, u kojemu se zrcali smisao ljudske opstojnosti. Na kraju, služeći se metodom pastoralne ili evanđeoske prosudbe, strategiju, odnosno perspektivu župne zajednice u suvremeno doba sagledava i bistri kroz dinamičan pastoralni model triju glagola: integrirati, pratiti i prosuditi. - In a growing cultural, ethical and religious pluralism, parish community is called to witness its identity and proclaim the gospel. In a changing world of a fast paced life, full of challenges and pitfalls, the purpose of a parish is to lead people to God and to one another, listening to their troubles, joys and hopes, because the concrete man is always at the heart of parish community. The traditional parish needs a metamorphosis, because in modern times the missionary form of parish community is open to all and it is in the service of proclaiming, transmitting and celebrating faith in the community. Therefore, the author examines the influence of socio-cultural circumstances on the development of parish pastoral, and then presents the pastoral work and parish communities according to Pope Francis’ understanding. Also, he emphasizes the theological-pastoral searching for the essential in the world, which is based on the discovery of the principle of incarnation, in Jesus Christ, in whom the sense of human existence is mirrored. In the end, using the method of pastoral or evangelical judgment, he perceives and clarifies the strategy, i.e. the perspective of parish community, through a dynamic pastoral model of three verbs: to integrate, to monitor and to judge.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 4 ; str. 345-359  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pastoral -- Župna zajednica -- Suvremeno doba -- Obitelj -- Kultura

Vidi br.: HA19-01315

Vidi br.: HA19-00877

Vidi br.: HA19-00855

Vidi br.: HA19-00854

Vidi br.: HA19-00886

Vidi br.: HA19-00821

Vidi br.: HA19-00890

Vidi br.: HA19-00856

Vidi br.: HA19-00889

Vidi br.: HA19-00908

Vidi br.: HA19-00870

Vidi br.: HA19-01314

Vidi br.: HA19-00818

27   Kršćanstvo

272   Rimokatolička crkva


311   Statistika

Vidi br.: HA19-00912

Vidi br.: HA19-00934

314   Demografija

Demografska analiza stanovništva grkokatoličke župe Kričke [Elektronička građa] = Demographic analysis of Greek catholic population of Kričke / Ivo Mišur. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu će se prikazati kretanje broja vjernika grkokatoličke župe Kričke od njezina osnutka 1832. godine do druge polovice 20. stoljeća. Provest će se demografska analiza popisa stanovnika iz 1916. godine. Također će se na temelju dostupnih podataka analizirati demografsko kretanje stanovništva (začeća, rođenja, vjenčanja i smrti) u razdoblju od 1916. do 1940. godine. Za to razdoblje bit će prikazan fond imena i njegova brojnost. Na kraju će se analizirati problematika proučavanja povijesti župe kao i cijeloga Dalmatinskog vikarijata te njezina korištenja u političkim obračunima. - The paper presents the number of parishioners in the Greek Catholic Parish of Kričke since its foundation in 1832 until the second half of the 20th century. Demographic analysis of 1916 census has been carried out. Also, the demographic analysis (conceptions, births, marriages and deaths) in the period from 1916 to 1940 have been analyzed. The fund of names in the parish is also displayed. In the end, we analyze the problems of studying the history of the parish as well as of the entire Dalmatian Vicariate and its use in political calculations.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 2 ; str. 159-175  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Grkokatolici -- Unijati -- Demografska analiza -- Stanovništvo
Dalmatinski vikarijat -- Križevačka eparhija


Vidi br.: HA19-01085

Vidi br.: HA19-00908

Vidi br.: HA19-01240

316   Sociologija

SESAR, Kristina, psihologinja
Motivational determinants of sexting [Elektronička građa] : towards a model integrating the research / Kristina Sesar, Arta Dodaj, Nataša Šimić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 474-482. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Sexting, defined as the exchange of sexually explicit contents among adolescents and young adults using electronic media, has become a popular topic of interest in the wider public. This paper proposed a theoretical model to explain motivational determinants of sexting behaviour. We reviewed sexting literature to show how multiple empirical confirmed motivational factors can be modelled within our framework. By analysing empirical research, we posited a set of individual characteristics and contextual characteristics that explain sexting behaviour. We offered a systematic review of motivational determinants relevant to capture sexting behaviour and guidelines for future research in this area. We intended by this theory to organize prior research into a more theoretically satisfying approach to study sexting and to encourage researchers to expand the model and use it in future studies. - Seksting, definiran kao razmijena seksualno eksplicitnog sadržaja elektroničkim medijima među adolescentima i mladim osobama, aktualna je tema šire javnosti. U ovom je radu predložen teorijski model koji objašnjava motivacijske odrednice sekstinga. Autori su na temelju pregleda do sada provedih istraživanja prikazali kako se više empirijski potvrđenih motivacijskih čimbenika može integrirati u predloženi model. Konkretno, analizom su empirijskih istraživanja autori postavili set individualnih i kontekstualnih karakteristika koje objašnjavanju ponašanje kakvo upućuje na seksting. Predložen je sistematski pregled motivacijskih determinanti relevantnih za razumijevanje sekstinga i smjernice za buduća istraživanja u ovom području. Namjera je ovog modela organizacija rezultata do sada provednih istraživanja u teorijski prihvatljiv pristup s ciljem daljnjeg proučavanja sekstinga te poticanje istraživača na dodatni razvoj modela i njegovu primjenu u budućim istraživanjima.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 461-482  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Seksting -- Seksualnost -- Adolescencija -- Motivacija -- Teorijski modeli -- Elektronički mediji

KREAČIČ, Goranka
O obiteljskim vezama triju karlovačkih građanina iz 19. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] : Alojza Duquenoisa, Ivana Reichherzera i Franza Zihaka / Goranka Kreačić. - Ilustr. ; fotogr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 179-182. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku autorica analizira obiteljske veze pripadnika poznatih karlovačkih obitelji iz 19. stoljeća: Alojza Duquenois, Ivana Reichherzera i Franza Zihaka/Czihaka. Prva dvojica bili su licitari i voštari. Zihak je bio glazbenik i skladatelj. Sve su tri obitelji pripadale uglednomu karlovačkomu građanstvu u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća. Posebno su licitari i voštari bili još od 17. pa sve do 19. stoljeća najjači gradski sloj. U članku je moguće naći primjere zanimljive prakse, kada su se kalfe ženili za majstorove kćeri te tako nasljeđivali obrt i dr. Kroz narativ o tri karlovačka građanina u predindustrijsko vrijeme, posebnu pozornost privlači multietnički karakter grada u 19. stoljeću i podatak da su već u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća neke žene tih obitelji imale svoja zanimanja. Upravo je glazba bila povezujući element obitelji Zihak-Reichherzer s obitelji Wiesner Livadić, stoga je u članku posebna pozornost posvećena i učiteljici glazbe Katarini Reichherzer, unuci Franza Zihaka, supruzi odvjetnika i opernoga pjevača Kamila Wiesner Livadića te snahi skladatelja Ferde Wiesnera Livadića. - As a trade centre Karlovac drew from the last quarter of the 18th century individuals from various parts of the Habsburg Monarchy, whose work contributed to the town’s development. Among many newcomers were also Alojz Duquenois, a gingerbread man and wax-chandler from Carniola, Ivan Reichherzer from Varaždin and the composer Franz Zihak from Moravia. The key personality in this article is Alojz Duquenois (1765-1846), a gingerbread man, wax-chandler, town councillor, benefactor and patron of the arts who came as a settler from Carniola and already during his lifetime became an urban legend. He witnessed and participated in the most important events in town’s history of the first half of the 19th century. He became etched in the collective memory and is particularly associated with the period of French administration in Karlovac. The second individual is Ivan Reichherzer (1802-1872), from the family of gingerbread men of Varaždin, who as a journeyman arrived in Karlovac to the already well known master craftsman Alojz Duquenois and later married his only heir, Katarina Zihak/Czihak, half-sister of Duquenois’ second wife. After he was ‘retired’ in the 1830is, Duqenois dedicated himself solely town affairs. Hence, Reichherzer took over his craft. The sources from the mid-19th century mention him as the owner of several real estates which he bought, refurbished, sold and rented; hence it can be said that he was a typical representative of the 19th century bourgeoisie. The third person is Franz Zihak (died in 1850), a city organist and also a versatile musician from Bohemia: he was able to conduct and play six musical instruments (clarinet, fagot, horn, oboe, flute and violin). He was also a composer and a teacher in the first musical school in the town, which is why the music historians consider him to be the founder of the musical professionalism in Karlovac.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 157-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Građanstvo -- Voštarstvo -- Glazbenici -- Obiteljske veze

FUŠTAR, Marina
Živa komunikacija u vjeronaučnoj nastavi [Elektronička građa] = Live communication in religious education teaching / Marina Fuštar, Jadranka Garmaz.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se kroz tri poglavlja raspravlja o komunikaciji u vjeronaučnoj nastavi. U prvom se poglavlju podastiru teološki temelji komunikacije: čovjek kao biće u relaciji i dijaloški pojam Objave. U drugom se dijelu predstavlja i obrađuje pojam i vrste komunikacije, a u trećem se skiciraju dva važnija načela komunikacije školskog vjeronauka: vjerodostojnost vjeroučitelja i načelo vjernosti Bogu i čovjeku. - In this paper, in three chapters, we discuss the communication in religious education teaching. In the fi rst chapter the theological foundations of communication are presented: man as a being in relation and the dialogical concept of Revelation. In the second part the idea and types of communication are presented and discussed; in the third part we talk about two major principles of communication in school religious education: the credibility of the catechist and the principle of fi delity to God and man.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 1 ; str. 5-21  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjeronauk -- Nastava -- Komunikacija -- Objava

Vidi br.: HA19-00837

Vidi br.: HA19-00847

Vidi br.: HA19-00835

32   Politika

322   Odnosi između Crkve i države

DELIĆ, Ante, povjesničar
U misiji Sv. Stolice kod Ante Pavelića i Josipa Broza Tita [Elektronička građa] : prilog istraživanju djelovanja Giuseppea Masuccija 1941. - 1946. / Ante Delić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor na temelju relevantne literature i (ne)poznatih izvora prikazuje djelovanje Giuseppea Masuccija kao tajnika apostolskog poslanika za vrijeme Nezavisne Države Hrvatske i u prvoj godini komunističke Jugoslavije. U radu se posebno analiziraju do sada neistraženi dokumenti koji se nalaze u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu (fond Službe državne sigurnosti), a koji su rezultat rada jugoslavenskih tajnih službi za vrijeme nadzora i obrade Giuseppea Masuccija. Također, na istome mjestu nalazi se i do sada nepoznata inačica prijevoda Masuccijeva dnevnika, koja se na brojnim mjestima ne podudara s onom objavljenom 1967. u Madridu. Autor pokazuje kako se bez cjelovitog prikaza Masuccijeva djelovanja ne može ispravno zaključivati ne samo o djelovanju zagrebačkog nadbiskupa Stepinca nego ni općenito o državno-crkvenim odnosima u promatranom razdoblju. - The Vatican had never recognized the Independent State of Croatia (henceforth ISC) in accordance with its traditional policy of not giving recognition to the countries formed in war until hostilities cease and peace treaties come into effect. However, a few months after the declaration of the ISC, the Holy See sent an apostolic visitor to the Croatian Catholic episcopate in Zagreb, Dr. Ramiro Marcone, a monk from the Benedictine abbey in Montevergine, Italy. Marcone was accompanied by his secretary, Dr. Giuseppe Masucci, also a Benedictine monk. The two men lived in Zagreb until the end of the ISC in 1945 but also stayed for some time after that. In accordance with their duties, Marcone and Masucci were in contact with the archbishop of Zagreb, Alojzije Stepinac, on a daily basis and were thus well-informed about numerous issues of the time, especially those pertaining to the relationship between the Catholic Church and the government of ISC. The Catholic hierarchy headed by archbishop Stepinac, welcomed the proclamation of ISC and throughout the war expressed their belief that the Croatian people had the right to its own independent state. Abbot Marcone and his secretary Masucci acted in synergy with archbishop Stepinac. In accordance with his mission Marcone submitted reports to the Holy See while his secretary Masucci kept notes in his diary. One can observe Masucci's constant work on saving the persecuted, specially Jews from his diary (which has two different versions in Croatian translation). After the end of ISC, Masucci and Marcone were under strict surveillance and control of the secret service of the new communist regime which considered the Catholic Church an enemy of the state and openly persecuted it with the intention of destroying it. Abbot Marcone travelled to Rome on 10 July 1945 and the Yugoslav authorities denied him re-entry.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 2 ; str. 176-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katolička crkva -- Država -- Komunizam
Masucci, Giuseppe -- Stepinac, Alojzije
Sveta Stolica


323   Unutarnji poslovi. Unutarnja politika

Vidi br.: HA19-00901

33   Ekonomija. Ekonomske znanosti

FRANC, Sanja
Quintuple helix approach [Elektronička građa] : the case of the European Union = Pristup peterostruke uzvojnice : primjer Europske Unije / Sanja Franc, Deniza Karadžija. - Graf prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 98-100. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - European Union (EU) is fostering the quintuple helix approach as it recognizes sustainable development and innovation as important development priorities. The quintuple helix represents a new framework which includes new knowledge, more stakeholders with sustainable development at its center. The EU has put in place different policy measures, regulations and funds to support designing and implementation of innovation strategies and sustainable development in all Member States. The objective of this paper is twofold as it includes identifying key features of helix innovation model and its evolution over time, and exploring EU efforts to transform to the quintuple helix system. The purpose of this paper is to explain the new context of development where innovation and sustainability should be considered as key elements. Using the example of the European Union, this paper studies policies and measures that the EU has put in place in order to support innovations as well as inclusive, smart and sustainable development, which are significant parts of the quintuple helix approach. - Europska unija (EU) aktivno promiče pristup peterostruke uzvojnice prepoznajući održivi razvoj i inovacije kao važne razvojne prioritete. Potreban je novi razvojni okvir koji bi uključivao nova znanja, više dionika i mjere za održivi razvoj. EU je donijela različite mjere i propise te uspostavila fondove za podršku dizajniranju i provedbi strategija poticanja inovacija i održivog razvoja u svim zemljama članicama. Cilj ovog rada je dvojak te uključuje identifikaciju ključnih značajki inovacijskog modela uzvojnica i njegov razvoj, te istraživanje napora EU za transformaciju prema peterostrukoj uzvojnici. Svrha ovog rada je objasniti novi kontekst razvoja u kojem inovativnost i održivost treba smatrati jednim od najvažnijih elemenata. Koristeći primjer Europske unije, ovaj rad proučava politike i mjere koje je EU poduzela kako bi podržala inovacije kao i inkluzivan, pametan i održiv razvoj, a koji su okosnica modela peterostruke uzvojnice.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 91-100  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inovacije -- Održivi razvoj -- Peterostruka uzvojnica
Europska unija


Vidi br.: HA19-01116

Vidi br.: HA19-00914

Vidi br.: HA19-01091

331   Rad. Zaposlenost. Posao. Ekonomika rada. Organizacija rada

PENNINGS, Frans Jozef Lodewijk
Encouraging the growth of skills and innovation in the Netherlands [Elektronička građa] / Frans Pennings.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto. - This paper describes an example of best practice in the Netherlands with respect to promoting the innovation of enterprises. This policy consists of promoting cooperation between knowledge centres (including universities) and enterprises, enabling the enterprises and start-ups to be located in the neighbourhood of knowledge centres and assisting them in obtaining the required permits, and, if necessary, grant subsidies. This policy has proved to be very successful. Developing a training policy for all sectors of economy, on the other hand, is more difficult. This becomes even more difficult if employers and employees have opposite interests, especially if employers fear that the newly trained worker will leave their job after acquiring the new qualification or if the worker has to reimburse the subsidy. Therefore, the establishment of training funds, made available for all employers and workers who want to qualify for another job, can contribute to the growth of skills. - Autor u radu prikazuje poduzetničku praksu promicanja inovacija u Nizozemskoj. Ova se politika sastoji u unaprjeđenju suradnje između centara znanja (uključujući i sveučilišta) i poduzeća omogućavanjem smještanja poduzeća i start-upova u susjedstvu centara znanja te izdavanje potrebnih dozvola i, ako je to nužno, određenih potpora. Takva se politika pokazala iznimno uspješnom. No, čini se da je razvijanje politika obrazovanja za sve sektore ekonomije puno teže. Kada poslodavci i radnici imaju suprotne interese to postaje još teže, posebice ako se poslodavci boje da bi ih radnik koji je stekao neko obrazovanje mogao napustiti ubrzo nakon stjecanja novih kvalifikacija ili ako radnik mora poslodavcu platiti troškove obrazovanja. Zbog toga stvaranje fondova za obrazovanje koje bi mogli koristiti svi poslodavci i radnici, koji se žele prekvalificirati za obavljanje drugih poslova, može pridonijeti rastu vještina.Autor u radu prikazuje poduzetničku praksu promicanja inovacija u Nizozemskoj. Ova se politika sastoji u unaprjeđenju suradnje između centara znanja (uključujući i sveučilišta) i poduzeća omogućavanjem smještanja poduzeća i start-upova u susjedstvu centara znanja te izdavanje potrebnih dozvola i, ako je to nužno, određenih potpora. Takva se politika pokazala iznimno uspješnom. No, čini se da je razvijanje politika obrazovanja za sve sektore ekonomije puno teže. Kada poslodavci i radnici imaju suprotne interese to postaje još teže, posebice ako se poslodavci boje da bi ih radnik koji je stekao neko obrazovanje mogao napustiti ubrzo nakon stjecanja novih kvalifikacija ili ako radnik mora poslodavcu platiti troškove obrazovanja. Zbog toga stvaranje fondova za obrazovanje koje bi mogli koristiti svi poslodavci i radnici, koji se žele prekvalificirati za obavljanje drugih poslova, može pridonijeti rastu vještina. - Dieser Beitrag beschreibt ein Beispiel für bewährte Verfahren in den Niederlanden bezüglich der Förderung der Innovation von Unternehmen. Diesbezüglich fördert die niederländische Politik die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenszentren (einschließlich der Universitäten) und Unternehmen, ermöglicht, dass die Unternehmen und Startups in der Nähe von Wissenszentren ihren Sitz haben, hilft bei der Erhaltung von Genehmigungen, und, falls erforderlich, gewährt Zuschüsse. Solche Politik hat sich als erfolgreich erwiesen. Die Entwicklung der Politik der beruflichen Bildung für alle Wirtschaftssektoren ist andererseits schwieriger zu erreichen. Dies kann noch schwieriger werden, falls Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer gegensätzliche Interessen haben, insbesondere falls Arbeitgeber Angst davor haben, dass der neulich ausgebildete Arbeitnehmer nach der Erhaltung seiner Qualifikation seinen Arbeitsvertrag kündigen wird, oder falls der Arbeitnehmer den Zuschuss erstatten muss. Deshalb kann die Gründung von Ausbildungsfonds, welche sowohl für Arbeitgeber als auch für Arbeitnehmer, welche die Qualifikation für eine neue Stelle suchen, der Stärkung von Kompetenzen beitragen. - Il presente lavoro illustra la best practice nei Paesi Bassi con riferimento alla promozione dell’innovazione imprenditoriale. Tale politica riguarda la promozione della cooperazione tra i centri del sapere (incluse le università) e le imprese, cercando di situare le imprese e le start-up nelle vicinanze dei centri del sapere, assistendoli nelle attività volte all’ottenimento dei permessi richiesti e, ove necessario, con sovvenzioni. Tale politica risulta raccogliere molti successi. Lo sviluppo di una politica di formazione per tutti i settori dell’economia, d’altra parte appare più difficile. Ciò diviene ancora più complesso se i lavoratori ed i datori di lavoro hanno interessi contrapposti; in particolare, se i datori di lavoro temono che il lavoratore così formato possa poi lasciare il lavoro dopo avere acquisito nuove qualifiche oppure se il lavoratore debba rimborsare la sovvenzione. Pertanto, l’istituzione di fondi per la formazione, accessibile a tutti i datori di lavoro ed ai lavoratori, che vogliano qualificarsi per un altro impiego, può contribuire all’incremento di competenze.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 39 (2018), 4 ; str. 1955-1965  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inovacije -- Politika obrazovanja -- Vještine -- Radnici

Vidi br.: HA19-01062

Vidi br.: HA19-01087

Vidi br.: HA19-01011

Vidi br.: HA19-00952

Vidi br.: HA19-01017

Vidi br.: HA19-00852

Vidi br.: HA19-00955

Vidi br.: HA19-00851

334   Oblici organizacije i suradnje u gospodarstvu

Vidi br.: HA19-00815

Vidi br.: HA19-00814

336   Financije. Bankarstvo. Novac

Advantages and disadvantages of Raman spectroscopy in testing paper banknotes [Elektronička građa] / Gordana Jauković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - This paper presents advantages and disadvantages of Raman spectroscopy when used for testing banknotes, i.e. in case study I, 1 and 5 dinars banknotes from a private collection dating from 1876 of numismatic value were analyzed, and in case study II, 1000 dinars banknote from circulation together with its counterfeit. In both cases banknotes were analyzed by using Raman spectrometer DXR Raman microscope at the Faculty of Physical Chemistry, with a laser of wave-length 780 nm at 12 mW of power. Specters were recorded under microscope using 50X lens in a range 1800-60 cm-1. Analyses from case study I on both specimens showed spectrum characteristic for fluorescence appearance, therefore intensive signal of fluorescence covered Raman signal. In case study II, it was established that Raman spectroscopy can reliably detect a counterfeit banknote. Research, comparisons and analyses regarding original and counterfeit 1000 dinars note were performed on red banknote surfaces.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 226-229  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Numizmatika -- Novčanice -- Krivotvorenje novčanica -- Forenzika -- Tiskarske boje -- Ramanova spektroskopija

Financiranje državnih arhiva kroz programe javnih potreba u kulturi Republike Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Bukvić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 40-43. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku su prezentirani rezultati analize financiranja državnih arhiva proračunskim sredstvima namijenjenim financiranju javnih potreba u kulturi Republike Hrvatske u posljednjem desetogodišnjem razdoblju. Dane su nove spoznaje o financiranju arhivâ, što se uobičajeno navodi među ključnim čimbenicima (uz prostorne i ljudske resurse) koji utječu na stanje arhivske službe u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati analize sistematizirani su u obliku grafikona i tabličnih prikaza. Interpretirani su u širem kontekstu kretanja relativnoga udjela Ministarstva kulture u državnom proračunu Republike Hrvatske te ulaganja u programe drugih kulturnih djelatnosti. Između ostaloga, rezultati pokazuju vrstu, opseg i kontinuitet aktivnosti na koje su arhivi u sustavu javne arhivske službe stavljali naglasak, te njihovu podudarnost s osnovnim zadaćama arhivâ. Zajedno s pregledom kretanja iznosa odobrenih sredstava, takvi su podatci i jedan od pokazatelja odnosa države prema arhivskoj djelatnosti. Mogućnost praktične primjene rezultata istraživanja je u tome što daju podlogu za preispitivanje pristupa državnih arhiva u planiranju arhivskih programa, kao i metodologije financiranja od strane mjerodavnoga ministarstva. - The article presents the results of state archives financing within pro-grammes of public needs in the cultural portfolio of the Republic of Croatia during the last ten-year period. It is a contribution to the issue of state archives financing in general, which is usually listed among key factors (with spatial and human resources) that determine and condition the position of contemporary archival service in Croatia. The results are systemised in the form of graphs and tables. They are interpreted in the wider context of trends in the change of the Ministry of Culture’s proportion in the total state budget and investments in programmes of other cultural services. Inter alia, the results demonstrate which activities, to what extent and in which continuity (short-term, long-term) were in focus of state archives in Croatia, as well as how they corresponded with their core tasks. Together with an analysis of the total amount of appropriations, such data are also one of the indicators of state’s attitude towards archival service. The analysis shows that in the period 2010-2018, within public calls for financing programmes of public needs in culture, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia approved to state archives 1209 programmes in six categories: archives, international cultural cooperation, computerisation, digitisation, investment aid and preservation of immovable cultural goods. The total amount of appropria-tions for archival programmes was around 87,8 million HRK, which is 5,87% of total amount of appropriations provided for all programmes within those six categories. In the comparison with the average annual appropriations from the Ministry of Culture’s budget in all cultural services and their programmes, the average annual appropriations in the programmes of state archives were 3,43%. They depended on the Ministry of Culture’s proportion in the total annual state budget in that period.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 15-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhivi -- Kulturna politika -- Financiranje
Ministarstvo kulture


Protokoli tehničke analize u razlučivanju podcijenjenosti od niske cijene [Elektronička građa] / Vedran Šarlija, Marijana Vuraić-Kudeljan, Denis Buterin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 298-299. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Financijska tržišta bitna su sastavnica gospodarskog okruženja, a njihova kretanja često su izučavale različite interesne skupine. Premda nije moguće s potpunom sigurnošću predvidjeti kretanja na financijskim tržištima, zahvaljujući razvoju znanosti i tehnologije danas postoje analitički protokoli i alati kojima se ta kretanja ipak mogu kvantificirati, uvažavajući pritom određena ograničenja te određenu razinu rizika. Autori u radu istražuju kretanje cijene dionice grupacije Đuro Đaković d. d. te upotrebom pouzdanih pokazatelja tehničke analize izvode zaključke o budućim kretanjima trendova i budućim cjenovnim razinama u kratkom, dugom i srednjem roku, s ciljem primjene rezultata na donošenje odluka u investicijskim procesima. U svakom od promatranih razdoblja autori uočavaju prisutnost negativnog trenda. Ovakvi su rezultati začuđujući, uzme li se u obzir relativno povoljan položaj poduzeća na tržištu te njegova relativna gospodarska snaga. Ipak, analiza momentuma, indeksa relativne snage i MACD signala ukazuje na naznake slabljenja negativnog trenda u kratkom i srednjem razdoblju, dok se oporavak i porast na eventualne više cjenovne razine mogu očekivati tek u dužem roku. - Financial markets are an essential component of the economic environment, and their trends are often studied by various interest groups. Although it is not possible to predict with complete certainty the trends in financial markets, owing to the development of science and technology today there are analytical protocols and tools that can quantify these trends while respecting certain limits and a certain level of risk. The authors investigate stock price movements of the group Đuro Đaković d.d. applying reliable indicators of technical analysis, they draw conclusions on future trends and future price levels in the short, long and medium term, with the aim of applying results to decision-making in investment processes. In each of the observed periods, the authors notice the presence of a negative trend. Such results are surprising given a relatively favorable position of the company on the market and its relative economic strength. Nevertheless, the analysis of momentum, the relative strength index and the MACD signal show the signs of weakening the negative trend in the short and medium term, while recovering and increasing to more price levels can be expected in the longer term.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 287-300  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Financijska tržišta -- Dionice -- Rizik -- Tehnička analiza

BOGDAN, Siniša
Testiranje primjenjivosti Altmanovog Z-score modela za predviđanje stečaja u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] = Testing the applicability of the Altman's Z-score model for predicting bankruptcy in the Republic of Croatia / Siniša Bogdan, Suzana Bareša, Velimir Hađina. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 43-46. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Altmanov Z-score jedan je od najpoznatijih modela za predviđanje poslovnih poteškoća odnosno stečaja. Cilj ovog rada je testirati Altmanov Z-score model i utvrditi u kojoj je mjeri primjenjiv u predviđanju stečaja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Testirani ukupni uzorak sa Zagrebačke burze sastojao se od 52 poslovna subjekta, od čega 26 koji su otvorili stečaj i 26 sa stabilnim poslovanjem, te je isti promatran u ukupnom vremenskom razdoblju 2007.–2016. Budući da se testirani uzorak sastojao i od poslovnih subjekata koji ne pripadaju proizvodnom sektoru, u istraživanju je korišten Altmanov revidirani Z''-score model. Osim testiranja uspješnosti istog, u radu su se nastojali prilagoditi ponderi Z''-score modela primjenom višestruke diskriminantne analize u cilju dobivanja modela koji će biti prilagođeniji hrvatskom tržištu. Radi prisutnosti multikolinearnosti nisu sve varijable zadržane u modelu, te je dobiven model koji ima slabiju uspješnosti od Z''- score modela. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da je Altmanov Z''-score primjenjiv na hrvatskom tržištu, ali se preporuča koristiti ga kao dodatni, a nikako kao osnovni pokazatelj za predviđanje stečaja. - Altman`s Z-score model is one of the well-known financial ratios whose purpose is reflected in the possibility of predicting bankruptcy for businesses. The aim of this paper was to test Altman's Z-score model in order to determine whether the model is applicable in the bankruptcy forecasting on the example of Croatian companies. The analysed and tested sample from the Zagreb Stock Exchange was consisted of 52 companies which were divided into two samples: 26 companies which were financially stable and 26 companies that went bankrupt. Sample was observed over the time period 2007–2016 and it was consisted of businesses that do not belong only to the manufacturing sector, therefore it was used Altman's revised Z''- score model. Beside analysing its performance, authors in this paper tried to adjust the weights of the Z''- score model by applying multiple discriminant analysis in order to obtain a model that would be more tailored to the Croatian market. Due to the presence of multicollinearity, not all variables could be retained, and a model with lower performance was obtained. The results of this research indicates that Altman's Z''-score is applicable in the Croatian market, but it is recommended to use it only as an additional, not basic indicator for predicting bankruptcy.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 31-46  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Financijska analiza -- Poslovni neuspjeh -- Bankrot -- Stabilno poslovanje -- Financijski pokazatelji -- Altmanov model

Trgovačka banka d.d. Zagreb (1912-1948) [Elektronička građa] / Siniša Lajnert.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad obrađuje ustroj, poslovanje i likvidaciju Trgovačke banke d.d. Zagreb u vremenskom periodu od godine 1912., kada je zavod osnovan pod nazivom Bankovno komanditno društvo I. Kreutzer i drug u Zagrebu. Pretvorbu zavoda u dioničko društvo naziva Banka I. Kreutzer d.d. u Zagrebu godine 1920., ponovnu promjenu naziva tvrtke u Trgovačka banka d.d. godine 1938., pa sve do godine 1948., kada je završena njezina likvidacija. U vrijeme velike svjetske ekonomske krize glavni cilj i poslovno načelo rukovodstva banke bila je puna likvidnost zavoda, tako da je banka poslovala s financijskim dobitkom. U svibnju i lipnju 1941. zaplijenila je i oduzela Državna riznica Nezavisne Države Hrvatske (NDH) sve dionice Trgovačke banke koje su bile registrirane na Židove. Na taj način NDH je došla do većinskoga paketa dionica banke, pa je u zavodu postavila svojega nadzornog povjerenika. Nakon što je u studenom 1941. Tomo Kostopeč, poslovni prijatelj pravih dioničara banke židovske vjeroispovijesti za njihov račun otkupio od NDH dionice zavoda, razriješen je dužnosti postavljeni povjerenik pa je Trgovačka banka mogla nastaviti s radom. Nakon što je u ratu banka izgubila cijeli predratni dobitak, banka je 1946. ušla u postupak likvidacije, koji je završen 1948. godine. - The paper deals with the structure, business and liquidation of the Merchant Bank Ltd. in Zagreb during the period from 1912 when it was founded under the title The I. Kreutzer and Co. Bank Limited Partnership in Zagreb, the transformation of the establishment into a stock company entitled the I. Kreutzer Ltd. Bank in Zagreb in 1920, another change of the firm’s title in 1938 to The Merchant Bank Ltd. until 1948 when its liquidation was finished. At the time of the Great Depression the bank management’s main goal and business principle was the full solvency of the establishment; hence, up until the beginning of the Second World War the bank did business with profit. The following shareholders had equal shares: 1. Ignjat Kreutzer, 2. Slavko Betlheim (Belin), 3. Julije Fisher and 4. Franjo Huber. After Kreutzer died in 1938, the other three bought his shares. In the summer of 1940, Betlheim (Belin) Fischer and Huber, both as owners of all the shares and as Jews, predicted the upcoming events in the world, as well as the peril threatening to Jews in Europe and so they made an agreement to divide the majority of their shares formally and free of charge between their various gentile business friends, namely, 1. Dr. Dragan Dujmović from Zagreb, 2. Dr. Marijan Dujmović from Zagreb, 3. Jolan Forgač from Bačka Topola, 4. Dr. Vladimir Goljevšček from Zagreb, 5. Zvonimir Spalatin from Zagreb, 6. Marija Spalatin from Zagreb, 7. Dr. Pave Stanić from Kutina, 8. Stjepan Vinicky from Zagreb, 9. Dragan Vražić from Kutina and 10. Tomo Kostopeč from Dubrovnik. The total of 25 700 shares had been divided. The latter had been registered to the aforementioned names on 6 November 1940, while the rest was distributed among the same shareholders during the registration and partly also among their Jewish cousins.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 185-206  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Banke -- Bankovno poslovanje -- Dioničari -- Likvidacija
Trgovačka banka d.d. Zagreb


SULJIĆ Nikolaj, Stella
Učinci sustava osiguranja depozita na bankovni rizik [Elektronička građa] / Stella Suljić Nikolaj, Bojana Olgić Draženović, Saša Drezgić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 78-81. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Bankovna stabilnost temelji se na povjerenju deponenata u bankovne institucije i cjelokupni bankovni sustav. Jedna od bazičnih mjera koje osiguravaju navedeno je sustav osiguranja depozita kao sastavni dio sigurnosne mreže svakog financijskog sustava. Njegova važnost posebno dolazi do izražaja u uvjetima nestabilnosti i kriza, dok se u tzv. „dobrim vremenima“ podcjenjuju brojni pozitivni učinci. Ipak, sustav osiguranja depozita rezultira i negativnim posljedicama u smislu većeg preuzimanja rizika od strane banaka, smanjenja tržišne discipline, problema moralnog hazarda i negativne selekcije te problema principala i agenta. Cilj rada je ispitati učinke sustava osiguranja depozita na bankovnu stabilnost u tri razdoblja: prije globalne financijske krize, za trajanja krize i nakon krize. Bankovna stabilnost aproksimirana je mjerama bankovnog rizika (z-score, nenaplativi krediti u ukupnim kreditima). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene sve vrste kreditnih institucija (ukupno 1 453) zemalja članica EU-a i odabranih država JI Europe. Analiza je provedena dinamičkom panel analizom - GMM Arellano-Bond (AB) procjeniteljem u dva koraka. Rezultati empirijske analize ukazuju kako djelovanje sustava osiguranja depozita na bankovnu stabilnost mjerenu bankovnim rizikom ovisi o pojedinim obilježjima (karakteristikama) sustava odnosno o primijenjenom dizajnu sustava s obzirom na institucionalne, povijesne i pravne razlike među zemljama. - Bank stability is based on the depositors’ trust in banks and the entire banking systems. One of the basic measures that provides these is the deposit insurance system as an integral part of the security network of each financial system. Its importance is particularly pronounced in times of instability and crisis, while in “good times” their positive effects are underestimated. Nevertheless, the deposit insurance system has also resulted in negative consequences in terms of bank risk mitigation, reduced market discipline, moral hazard risk, negative selection and principal-agent problems. The aim of the paper is to examine the effects of the deposit insurance system on bank stability in the pre-global financial crisis period, the crisis period and the post-global financial crisis period. The bank stability is approximated by measures of bank risk (z-score, non-performing loans in total loans) and deposit volatility (total deposits and interest expense of deposits). The research has included all types of credit institutions (1453) of the EU states and some selected SE European countries. The analysis has been verified by dynamic panel data analysis - GMM Arellano-Bond (AB) estimator in two steps. The empirical analysis results indicate that the effect of the deposit insurance system on banking stability, measured by bank risks and deposit volatility, depends on the system characteristics, i.e. the applied system design, in view of institutional, historical and legal differences among countries.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 69-82  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bankovna stabilnost -- Rizik -- Sustav osiguranja depozita -- Dinamička panel analiza

Vidi br.: HA19-00899

338   Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene

The impact of adopting the euro on the Croatian economy [Elektronička građa] : what can be learned from other countries? = Utjecaj usvajanja eura na hrvatsko gospodarstvo : što se može naučiti od drugih zemalja? / Zlatko Čehulić, Rajka Hrbić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 87-89. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this paper the impact of adopting the euro in Croatia is analysed using experiences of other countries which have passed through this process in the last decade and which are comparable with Croatia in many aspects. The process of adopting a currency different from the one that has been used for more than twenty years presents a very important economic question for each country. In this period preceding to adopting the euro, there is an opportunity to analyse this process in the countries which went through it in the past. The result of this paper shows the impacts of adopting the euro in the European countries. The selected countries, which are adequate for analysing the effects of adopting the euro, are: Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. These countries have been selected for different reasons. The majority of these countries have some similarities with Croatia, which are shown in this paper via relevant economic indicators. These results are significant for Croatia and show a positive influence on the Croatian market on a long-term basis. This paper is relevant and has a practical basis both for Croatia and other countries which will go through this process in the future. - U ovom je radu utjecaj usvajanja eura na hrvatsko gospodarstvo analiziran putem iskustava drugih zemalja koje su u prošlom desetljeću već prošle kroz ovaj proces te su usporedive s Hrvatskom u mnogim aspektima. Proces usvajanja valute drugačije od one koja se koristila više od dvadeset godina predstavlja važno ekonomsko pitanje za svaku zemlju. U ovom razdoblju koje prethodi usvajanju eura leži prilika za analizu procesa u zemljama koje su kroz taj proces već prošle. Rezultat ovog rada prikazuje utjecaje usvajanja eura u europskim zemljama. Odabrane zemlje adekvatne za analizu utjecaja usvajanja eura su: Portugal, Irska, Grčka, Španjolska, Slovenija, Slovačka, Estonija, Litva i Latvija. Navedene su zemlje odabrane iz više različitih razloga. Većina ovih zemalja ima sličnosti s Hrvatskom, koje su prikazane u ovom radu putem relevantnih ekonomskih pokazatelja. Dobiveni rezultati su značajni za Hrvatsku te pokazuju dugoročno pozitivan utjecaj na hrvatsko tržište. Rad je relevantan i ima praktičnu podlogu za Hrvatsku i druge zemlje koje će prolaziti kroz ovaj proces.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 73-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Euro -- Gospodarstvo
Europska unija


Vidi br.: HA19-01118

Vidi br.: HA19-01075

Vidi br.: HA19-01006

Vidi br.: HA19-01054

Vidi br.: HA19-00895

338.48   Turizam

Vidi br.: HA19-00912

Vidi br.: HA19-00913

339   Trgovina. Međunarodni gospodarski odnosi. Svjetsko gospodarstvo

Vidi br.: HA19-01082

34   Pravo. Pravna znanost. Pomoćne pravne znanosti

ŠETIĆ, Sanja
Statut grada Pule [Elektronička građa] : kodeks iz 1500. i njegove minijature / Sanja Šetić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Riassunto. - U ovom radu obavljen je detaljan vizualni pregled mehaničkih i fizikalno-kemijskih oštećenja koja su uočljiva na iluminaciji. Na općoj razini motiva koje prikazuju minijature iščitan je stil koji je rađen u duhu sjeverno-talijanskog quattrocenta i pokazuje karakteristike ferarske sitnoslikarske škole s mletačkim utjecajem. Poseban osvrt posvećen je motivu grba i liku unutar medaljona na foliju 6v, što je dovelo do pretpostavke da je mogući naručitelj kodeksa mletački dužd Agostino Barbarigo. S obzirom na utvrđeni stil, posebno kod izrade ukrasnoga floralnog okvira i minijatura slova, uočena je sličnost s drugim minijaturama istoga razdoblja i geografskoga podrijetla te je na osnovu novijih istraživanja minijature pretpostavljena mogućnost da je iluminacija rađena u venecijanskoj radionici Maestra di Pica. Da bi se provjerila ova pretpostavka, upućeno je pismo stručnjaku za ovo područje, gospođi Lilian Armstrong, koja je to potvrdila. No, skrenula je pozornost na figuralni dio iluminacije te sugerirala da se ovdje najvjerojatnije radi o Benedettu Bordoneu, cijenjenom venecijanskom minijaturistu toga vremena. Daljnjim istraživanjem pronađene su fotografije minijatura na foliju 6v, 7r i 94r snimljene 1909., a objavljene 1911. godine. Fotografije su iznimno značajne jer su nastale u razdoblju prije restauracije u Veneciji 1936. godine. Nakon toga učinjena je vizualna usporedba sadašnjega stanja mehaničkih oštećenja sa stanjem koje je zabilježeno na ovim fotografijama te je utvrđeno da je došlo do daljnjega mehaničkog oštećivanja boje i pergamene. Na skenovima koji su snimljeni za potrebe monografije Pulski statut / Statuta Polae 2000. godine nisu vidljive razlike u mehaničkim oštećenjima boje u odnosu na današnje stanje, dok za fizikalno-kemijska oštećenja nije obavljena usporedba zbog nerealna tonaliteta boja na skenovima iz ovoga razdoblja. - A detailed visual inspection of the mechanical and physico-chemical damage observed on the illumination is published in this paper. At the general level of the motifs represented in the miniatures, a style bearing the spirit of the North-Italian quattrocento can be seen, showing the characteristics of a Ferrara school of miniature painting with Venetian influence. Special attention is given to the motif of the coat of arms and to the figure inside the locket on folio 6v, which led to the assumption that the codex was possibly commisioned by the Venetian Doge Agostino Barbarigo. Given the established style, especially in the making of the decorative floral frame and letter miniatures, similarities were observed with other miniatures of the same period and geographical origin, so that, based on recent studies of miniatures, it was assumed that the illumination was made in the Venetian workshop of Maestro di Pica. To verify this assumption, a letter was sent to an expert in the field, Mrs. Lilian Armstrong, who confirmed it. However, she drew attention to the figural part of the illumination and suggested that it was probably the work of Benedetto Bordone, an esteemed Venetian miniaturist of the time. Further research led to the discovery of photographs of miniatures on folios 6v, 7r and 94r taken in 1909 and published in 1911. The photographs are extremely significant because they were created before the 1936 restoration in Venice. Subsequently, a visual comparison of the present state of mechanical damage with the condition recorded in these photographs was made and it was determined that further mechanical damage to the paint and parchment had occurred. - Nel presente lavoro è stata eseguita un’accurata ispezione visiva dei danni meccanici nonché fisici e chimici evidenti sull’illuminazione. Al livello generale dei motivi raffigurati nelle miniature è stato individuato lo stile appartenente allo spirito del quattrocento caratteristico dell’Italia settentrionale e dimostra le caratteristiche della scuola di miniatura ferrarese con l’influsso veneziano. Un particolare riferimento è stato dedicato al motivo dello stemma e alla figura all’interno del medaglione sul foglio 6v il che ha portato all’ipotesi che il possibile committente del codice fosse stato il doge di Venezia, Agostino Barbarigo. Considerando lo stile stabilito, in particolare nella creazione della cornice ornamentata floreale e della miniatura delle lettere, è stata rilevata l’assomiglianza con altre miniature della stessa epoca e della stessa origine geografica e, in base agli studi recenti della miniatura si suppone che l’illuminazione sia stata creata nella bottega veneziana di Maestro di Pico. Per poter verificare quest’ ipotesi, è stata inviata una lettera ad un’ esperta in questo campo, alla signora Lilian Armstrong che lo ha confermato. Tuttavia però, lei ha richiamato l’attenzione sulla parte figurativa dell’illuminazione suggerendo che qui potrebbe trattarsi di Benedetto Bordone, stimato miniatore veneziano dell’epoca. Nelle successive ricerche furono ritrovate le fotografie di miniature sul foglio 6v, 7r e 94r scattate nel 1909 e pubblicate nel 1911. Le fotografie hanno un’enorme importanza dato che risalgono al periodo antecedente al restauro a Venezia nel 1936. Successivamente è stata effettuata una comparazione visiva dello stato attuale dei danni meccanici con lo stato registrato sulle foto ed è stato stabilito che in seguito ci sono stati altri danneggiamenti meccanici del colore e della pergamena.
U: Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva (Online). - ISSN 1849-1472. - 26 (2019) ; str. 73-104  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Statut -- Rukopisi -- Iluminacije -- Ferarska sitnoslikarska škola -- Mletačka minijatura

342   Javno pravo. Ustavno pravo. Upravno pravo

Vidi br.: HA19-00854

343/344   Kazneno pravo (opće i posebno)

Vidi br.: HA19-00875

348/349   Crkveno pravo. Posebne grane prava

Vidi br.: HA19-00866

35   Javna uprava. Državni ustroj. Lokalna, regionalna, središnja uprava

Vidi br.: HA19-01324

351.74   Policija

Mlada Jugoslavija [Elektronička građa] : teroristička ispostava zagrebačke policije / Mario Stipančević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; izvori: str. 151-152 ; bibliografija: str. 153-154. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Postojanje “pomoćne Bedekovićeve čete” zadužene za provođenje prljavih poslova u korist policije po nalozima beogradskih vlastodržaca zabilježeno je u svega nekoliko historiografskih tekstova i rijetkim sjećanjima sudionika zlosretnih događaja u zagrebačkom društvenom mikrokozmosu nakon uspostave šestosiječanjske dikta­ture. Prilog ima za cilj rasvijetliti istinitost spomenutih navoda. Postojanje gotovo terorističke organizacije na temelju arhivskih vrela povezano je s Omladinskim dru­štvom Mlada Jugoslavija, koje je, osim izvanjskoga i zakonitoga okvira, u svojem djelovanju skrivalo naličje provoditelja državnoga nasilja prema onodobnim politič­kim neistomišljenicima. - A certain youth society established as a police cover-up organization for carrying out acts of spying, extortion, threats, intimidation and murder of political opponents of the Yugoslav power-holders in the 1930s was rarely mentioned in historiographical texts. The components of its existence were almost completely blurred in these works, from its name, structure, membership, ideology, to its aims and actions. The article tried to overcome this by shedding light on the personality of the former director of Zagreb’s police and King Alexander’s favourite, dr. Janko Bedeković, revealing him as the initiator and the direct financier of ‘The Young Yugoslavia’ youth society – the association that under the usual guise of the state-spread organization whose intention was to promote the Yugoslav idea among the youth hid the grimy side of carrying out direct police orders in dealing with political opponents. The terror carried out by the members of ‘The Young Yugoslavia’, just like the period of Bedeković’s tenure as the head of Zagreb’s police, remained deeply rooted into the collective memory of the Croatian society of that time. The extorted criminals, bullies and swindlers protected by the membership card of that society had, under the guise of the Yugoslav idea and the fight for a unified national state, free hands to satiate their personal and morally questionable urges. This is perhaps the first occasion that their mention is based on archival sources.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 127-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politički teror -- Policija
Bedeković, Janko
Omladinsko društvo Mlada Jugoslavija


Vidi br.: HA19-01327

355/359   Vojni poslovi. Ratna vještina. Vojna znanost. Obrana. Oružane snage

Vidi br.: HA19-01218

364/365   Socijalna skrb. Sigurnost stanovanja

Psihosocijalni aspekti oboljenja od raka dojke kod mladih žena [Elektronička građa] / Anita Džombić.
Bibliografija: 64 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Psihosocijalni aspekti oboljenja od raka dojke kod mladih žena ostvaruju se unutar specifične razvojne dobi u kojoj se one nalaze. Oboljenje od raka dojke kod mladih, za razliku od starijih žena, povezano je ponajprije s izazovima prilagodbe u područjima radne karijere, partnerstva, obiteljskih planova, brige o osiguranju skrbi za djecu, reproduktivnog zdravlja, seksualnosti te slike o vlastitom tijelu. Iako u psihoonkološkoj literaturi izostaje jedinstvena definicija ove populacije, riječ je o ženama u fertilnoj, predmenopauzalnoj dobi, s gornjom kronološkom granicom do 50 godina. Dosadašnje empirijske spoznaje navode da se one percipiraju „premladima za preuzimanje uloge bolesnice”, imaju veće poteškoće psihosocijalne prilagodbe na oboljenje i nižu kvalitetu života. Imaju potrebe za cjelovitom i pravodobnom informacijskom podrškom, dok im je diskusija o reproduktivnom zdravlju, prenatalnoj edukaciji i seksualnosti od posebne važnosti na samom početku tretmana. Oboljele upućuju na nedovoljan broj programa podrške namijenjenih ovoj populaciji i iskazuju spremnost na sudjelovanje u vršnjačkim mrežama podrške. U skladu s navedeni, u radu se nastoji ukazati na specifičnosti psihosocijalnih potreba i teškoća koje ove mlade žene imaju po oboljenju od raka dojke. - Psychosocial aspects of breast cancer are found in young women within their specific developmental stages. Breast cancer in young women, in contrast to older women, is primarily related to the challenges in their careers, relationships, families, child care, reproductive health, sexuality, as well as to their own body image. Although a single definition of such population in psychooncological literature is missing, the women in question are in the fertile, premenopausal stages of their lives, and are in the age range of up to 50 years of age. Contemporary empirical knowledge has been indicating that they are perceived as “too young to take on the role of cancer patients”, they have greater difficulties in psychosocial adjustment to their illness and overall experience lower quality of life. They have a need for comprehensive information support in due time, while the discussion about their reproductive health, prenatal education and sexuality is of crucial importance at the very beginning of their treatment. These women would like to emphasize that there is an inadequate number of support programs targeted at this population and they clearly demonstrate readiness to participate in peer support networks. In accordance with the aforementioned, this paper seeks to show the specificities of psychosocial needs and issues these young women have due to their illness.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 71-79  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rak dojke -- Žene -- Psihosocijalni aspekti

Socijalna skrb u zajednici za starije osobe u socijalnom riziku [Elektronička građa] : pregledni rad / Alen Župan.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Nužnost izgradnje politika i mjera socijalne skrbi prilagođenih potrebama osobama starije životne dobi prioritet je društvenih struktura. Važno je prevenirati socijalnu isključenost starijih osoba, održavati primjereni životni standard umirovljenika, promicati međugeneracijsku solidarnost i produžiti aktivnu životnu dob. Porast broja starijih osoba u socijalnom riziku i potrebe iz kojih proizlazi njihova ovisnost o drugim osobama i općenito zajednici potiču na razvoj novih neposrednih i multidisciplinarnih izvan institucijskih modela socijalnih usluga. Važno je rano intervenirati u detekciji starijih osoba u socijalnom riziku i osigurati širu dostupnost usluga u zajednici istodobno suzbijajući siromaštvo i podupirući socijalnu uključenost ugroženih skupina te veću razinu socijalne sigurnosti starijih osoba uz poboljšanje pristupa održivim i visokokvalitetnim socijalnim uslugama, uključujući podršku procesu deinstitucionalizacije. - The necessity of creating policies and social care measures tailored to the needs of older people are the priorities of social structures. It is important to prevent social exclusion of the elderly, maintain an adequate standard of living for the retirees, promote generational solidarity and extend the active life span. The increase in the number of elderly people at social risk and the needs which result in their dependence on other people and the community in general, encourage the development of new direct and multidisciplinary out-of-institutional models of social services. It is important to intervene early in detecting older people at social risk and to ensure wider availability of community services and at the same time combat poverty, support social inclusion of vulnerable groups and support greater social security for older people, with improved access to sustainable and high quality social services, including support for the process of deinstitutionalisation.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 97-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalna skrb -- Starije osobe -- Siromaštvo -- Kvaliteta života

RACZ, Aleksandar
Stavovi pripadnika Romske populacije na području Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije o obiteljskom nasilju [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandar Racz, Veljko Kajtazi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Opći cilj postavljen hrvatskom Nacionalnom strategijom za uključivanje Roma jest poboljšati položaj romske nacionalne manjine u Republici Hrvatskoj smanjivanjem višedimenzionalnog jaza između romskog i ostalog stanovništva te na usklađen, otvoren i transparentan način postići potpuno uključivanje Roma u sve segmente društva i zajednice. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti stavove pripadnika Romske populacije s područja Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije o nasilju u obitelji te istražiti vrstu i razmjere njihove izloženosti pojedinim oblicima nasilja. Pomoćni cilj bio je istražiti uvjerenja i stavove ispitanika o prošnji među djecom te uvjerenja i stavove ispitanika o povjerenju u institucije kao mjesta prijave nasilja i pružanja zaštite žrtvi u slučajevima izloženosti obiteljskom nasilju. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom anketiranja na prigodnom uzorku od 70 ispitanika koji su bili polaznici edukacijskih radionica na temu usvajanja socijalnih vještina usmjerenih na smanjenje neprihvatljivog ponašanja kod djece i mladih u organizaciji Saveza Roma „Kali Sara” na području Grubišnog Polja i Bjelovara u siječnju 2019. godine. Podaci su obrađeni standardnim programskim paketom SPSS. Rezultati su potvrdili sve tri hipoteze istraživanja, i to: da nema razlike u incidenciji izloženosti nasilju u obitelji između pripadnika romske nacionalne manjine u odnosu na sekundarne podatke o izloženosti nasilju u obitelji kod neromske populacije u RH; da žrtve nasilja iznimno rijetko prijavljuju doživljeno nasilje u obitelji, te da romska populacija nema jasno izgrađene stavove o odnosima nasilnik – žrtva i dijeli predrasude o krivnji žrtve za doživljeno nasilje. - The overall goal of the Croatian National Roma Inclusion Strategy is to improve the position of the Roma national minority in the Republic of Croatia by reducing the multidimensional socio-economic gap between the Roma and the rest of the population and to achieve, in a harmonized, open and transparent way, full inclusion of Roma in all segments of the society and community. The main aim of the research was to investigate the views of the members of the Roma population from Bjelovar-Bilogora County on domestic violence and to investigate the type and extent of their exposure to certain forms of violence. The auxiliary goal was to investigate the beliefs and attitudes of respondents about child begging, and the beliefs and attitudes of respondents about their trust in the institutions as a place of reporting violence and providing the victims with protection in cases of domestic violence. The research was conducted on a convenient sample of 70 participants of workshops on the topic of adopting social skills aimed at reducing the unacceptable behavior of children and young people organized by the Association of Roma Kali Sara in Grubišno Polje and Bjelovar in January 2019. The data were processed by standard SPSS software package. The results confirmed all three hypotheses of the research: there is no difference in the incidence of domestic violence among members of the Roma minority in relation to the secondary data on domestic violence in the non-Roma population in the Republic of Croatia; the victims of violence rarely report violence experienced in the family and show mistrust towards institutions in the system, and that the Roma population has no clear attitudes towards the victim-aggressor relationship and shares prejudices about the victim’s fault for experiencing violence.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 61-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obiteljsko nasilje -- Romi -- Integracija
Savez Roma u Republici Hrvatskoj Kali Sara


Supervizija u domovima za starije osobe u Gradu Zagrebu [Elektronička građa] : iskustva medicinskih sestara / Lana Stijepović, Silvia Rusac.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom je radu cilj istraživanja dobivanje uvida u motive medicinskih sestara zaposlenih u domovima za starije osobe za uključivanje u superviziju, reakcije njihove radne okoline na sudjelovanje u supervizijskoj skupini te iskustvo sudjelovanja u supervizijskoj skupini. Riječ o deskriptivnom kvalitativnom istraživanju. Istraživanje je provedeno s jedanaest medicinskih sestara zaposlenih u domovima za starije osobe koje čine predstavnike svih domova u Gradu Zagrebu. Rezultati su pokazali da je dio medicinskih sestara zaposlenih u domovima za starije osobe djelomično informirano o superviziji. U skladu s time dio njih smatra superviziju sastavnim dijelom radnog procesa. Kao izvore informacija o superviziji navode primarno glavnu medicinsku sestru u domu za starije, socijalnu radnicu ili ravnateljicu u domu. Sudionice istraživanja superviziju doživljavaju kao oblik profesionalne podrške medicinskim sestrama. Kao razloge za uključivanje u superviziju navode znatiželju, poticaje drugih, profesionalnu podršku i razvoj te rješavanje problema i umanjenje stresa povezanog s poslom. Od supervizije očekuju razvoj profesionalnih i osobnih vještina te priliku za ventilaciju. Odnos nadređenih i kolega prema sudjelovanju u superviziji sudionice vide kao podršku nadređenih ili kao nedostatak podrške nadređenih te opisuju pozitivne i negativne aspekte sudjelovanja u superviziji. Medicinske sestre navode kako vide potrebu za supervizijom kao sastavnim dijelom radnog procesa. U radu su dane smjernice za praksu i uvođenje supervizije kao profesionalnog standarda u okviru stručnog usavršavanja i napredovanja svih stručnih djelatnika u domu te u svrhu jačanja kompetencija stručnjaka, ali i prevencije profesionalnog sagorijevanja. - In this qualitative research, the aim of the research is to gain insights into the motifs of nurses working in homes for the elderly to be included in supervision, their work environment responses to participation in a supervisory group and the experience of participating in a supervisory group. The study was conducted with eleven medical nurses employed in homes for the elderly who represented all the homes for the elderly in the City of Zagreb. The results showed that a part of the nursing staff employed in homes for the elderly was partially informed about supervision. Accordingly, some of them consider supervision as an integral part of the work process. As sources of information on supervision, they primarily point out the chief nurse of a nursing home, a social worker or the head of a home. Research participants perceive supervision as a form of professional support for nurses. As reasons for inclusion in supervision, they state curiosity, encouragement of others, professional support and development, problem solving and job-related stress reduction. As results of supervision they expect the development of professional and personal skills and the opportunity to vent. The attitude of the superiors and colleagues towards their participation in supervision is seen either as support from their superiors or as lack of the same, and they describe the positive and negative aspects of participation in supervision. Nurses say they see the need for supervision as an integral part of the work process. This paper gives guidelines for practice and the introduction of supervision as a professional standard in the field of professional development and advancement of all professionals working in homes for the elderly in order to strengthen their competence as experts, but also to prevent professional burnout.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 171-186  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Supervizija -- Dom za starije osobe -- Medicinske sestre -- Iskustva

Vidi br.: HA19-00843

366   Potrošnja. Zaštita potrošača

Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of consumers towards sustainability and ecological fashion [Elektronička građa] / Özgür Ceylan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - The knowledge, attitudes and behavior of consumers towards sustainability and ecological fashion were explored through a survey of 476 participants and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The attitude of participants towards sustainability was found to be positive. However, participants did not show positive behavior towards sustainability practices, meaning the positive attitude does not necessarily reflect on their behavior. Yet, participants who have positive attitudes towards environmental sustainability practices seem to reflect these attitudes relatively more toward their behavior. In addition, the knowledge level of participants was determined to be above the average in terms of ecological fashion. Their attitudes towards ecological fashion were also positive. Yet, this positive attitude, does not always reflect positively on behaviors. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the different factors that can influence consumer behavior towards sustainability, eco fashion and corresponding products, and thus will facilitate the implementation of relevant company strategies.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 3 ; str. 154-161  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Održivost -- Ekološka moda -- Potrošački stav -- Ponašanje potrošača

37   Obrazovanje

Analysis of youth professional orientation in the Republic of Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Ozren Rafajac. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 180-182. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - By using various scientific methods, including methods of survey (N=996) and methods of descriptive and inferential statistics, this research tries to explore how many young people in the Republic of Croatia need help in professional orientation and how they choose their professions. Given that only 21.9% of the respondents are completely confident in what their vocation will be, while 41.7% of them estimate they will have middle, low or very low ability to find jobs in occupations they have chosen. The research suggests that a large number of young people in the Republic of Croatia need services of professional orientation. The most important factors that motivate young people to choose a specific career are personal interest for that profession, opportunity to have fun, personal talent and an opportunity to meet new and interesting people. Interestingly, a good salary, possibility to travel and opportunity for a fast employment are only partially important factors. Although the Croatian educational system provides a satisfactory level of preparation in both, theoretical knowledge and practical skills relevant to the professions that young people want to deal with, the conducted research suggests there is a place for substantial improvements, especially in vocational education and training (VET) services that support more opportunities for learning of practical skills. - Korištenjem različitih znanstvenih metoda, uključujući metodu anketiranja (N = 996) te metode deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike, istraživanje nastoji analizirati koliko mladih ljudi u Republici Hrvatskoj treba pomoć u profesionalnoj orijentaciji i kako mladi odabiru svoja zanimanja. Budući da je samo 21.9 % ispitanika potpuno sigurno u odabiru zanimanja, dok 41.7 % ispitanika procjenjuje da će imati srednje, niske ili vrlo niske mogućnosti pronalaska zaposlenja u djelatnostima koje su odabrali, provedeno istraživanje sugerira da velik broj mladih ljudi u Republici Hrvatskoj treba usluge profesionalne orijentacije. Najvažniji faktori koji motiviraju mlade ljude u odabiru specifične karijere su osobni interes za tu profesiju, mogućnost zabave, osobni talent i mogućnost upoznavanja zanimljivih ljudi. Zanimljivo, dobra plaća, mogućnosti putovanja te prilika za brzim zaposlenjem samo su srednje važni faktori. Unatoč tome što hrvatski obrazovni sustav osigurava zadovoljavajuću razinu pripreme u teorijskim znanjima i praktičnim vještinama koje su potrebne u profesijama kojima se mladi žele baviti, provedeno istraživanje sugerira kako postoji prostor za značajna unaprjeđenja, naročito u uslugama profesionalne edukacije i treninga, koji osiguravaju prilike za usvajanje praktičnih vještina.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 163-183  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Profesionalna orijentacija -- Profesionalna edukacija -- Mladi ljudi

Djeca i mladi izbjeglice u svakodnevici austrijskih vjeroučitelja [Elektronička građa] / Viera Pirker, Jadranka Garmaz.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se istražuje vjeronauk kao mjesto koje promiče kulturu susreta povećanjem mogućnosti za interkulturalnu razmjenu, informiranje i širenje najboljih praksi integracije. U pet manjih poglavlja podastiru se rezultati religijsko-pedagoškog istraživanja sa Sveučilišta u Beču o ulozi vjeroučitelja u javnim školama s naglaskom na zajednički rad s izbjeglom djecom i mladima. U prvom poglavlju uvodi se u temu i aktualnu teologiju pape Franje o izbjeglicama. U drugom poglavlju predstavlja se projekt Sveučilišta u Beču, a u trećem se sažimlju rezultati. Četvrto i peto poglavlje nude nove perspektive glede teme. Prema istraživanju vjeronauk se dokazao kao mjesto ostvarenja dijaloga, zauzimanja za pravdu i dobrobit svakog čovjeka, koje promiče kulturu dijaloga, njeguje kulturu susreta i poboljšava kvalitetu suživota. - The paper explores religious education as a place that promotes the culture of encounter by enhancing opportunities for intercultural exchange, information and dissemination of the best practices of integration. The five smaller chapters present the results of a religious-pedagogical study from the University of Vienna on the role of catechists in public schools, with an emphasis on working together with refugee children and young people. The first chapter introduces the theme and current theology of Pope Francis on refugees. The second chapter presents the project of the University of Vienna, and the third summarizes the results. The fourth and fifth chapters offer new perspectives regarding the topic. According to the research, religious education has proved itself to be a place for dialogue, advocacy for justice and the well-being of every person, a place that promotes the culture of dialogue, nurtures the culture of encounter and improves the quality of coexistence.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 4 ; str. 607-620  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjeronauk -- Migracije -- Izbjeglice -- Interkulturalna razmjena

VIDIĆ, Tomislava
Povezanost pristupa poučavanju s percipiranom samoefikasnosti, zadovoljstvom poslom i životom te emocijama učitelja u osnovnoj školi [Elektronička građa] / Tomislava Vidić, Dubravka Miljković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 306-312. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati povezanost pristupa poučavanju sa samoefikasnosti, zadovoljstvom životom i poslom učitelja te u kojoj mjeri učitelji u osnovnoj školi doživljavaju pozitivne i negativne emocije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 254 učitelja iz osam zagrebačkih osnovnih škola. Rezultati su pokazali značajne povezanosti između pristupa poučavanja i dimenzija samoefikasnosti učitelja (angažiranost, strategije poučavanja, upravljanje razredom). Zadovoljstvo poslom značajno je povezano sa zadovoljstvom životom i pozitivnim emocijama. Negativne emocije značajno su negativno povezane sa zadovoljstvom poslom i životom. Učitelji koji imaju pristup poučavanja usmjeren na učenika statistički se značajno razlikuju od učitelja s pristupom usmjerenim na učitelja u dimenziji samoefikasnosti (strategije poučavanja) te češće doživljavaju pozitivne emocije: zainteresiranost, uzbuđenost i pozornost. Učitelji razredne nastave pokazali su veću angažiranost u odnosu na učitelje predmetne nastave. Učitelji s više od deset godina radnog iskustva statistički se značajno razlikuju od učitelja s manje godina radnoga iskustva u pristupima poučavanju i samoefikasnosti te češće doživljavaju ponos i budnost. S druge strane, učitelji s deset i manje od deset godina radnoga iskustva češće se osjećaju prestrašeno. - The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between approaches to teaching, teacher self-efficacy, life and job satisfaction and emotions. The study included 254 teachers from eight elementary schools in Zagreb. The results showed significant correlations between approaches to teaching and all three dimension of teacher self-efficacy (engagement, teaching strategies, classroom management). Job satisfaction is significantly related to the life satisfaction and positive emotions. Negative emotions are negatively related to life as well as job satisfaction. Teachers with student-centered approach, compared with those teacher-centered, have a higher self-efficacy (in the dimension teaching strategy) and are more likely to experience positive emotions: interest, excitement, and attention. Lower grades teachers demonstrated greater engagement than higher grades teachers. Teachers with more than ten years of work, compared with those less experienced, have a higher student-centered approach and a higher teacher-centered approach and are more likely to experience pride and vigilance. On the other hand, teachers with ten or less than ten years of working experience are more frightened.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 2 ; str. 291-312  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učitelji -- Samoefikasnost -- Zadovoljstvo životom -- Zadovoljstvo poslom -- Emocije

Vidi br.: HA19-00946

Vidi br.: HA19-00850

Vidi br.: HA19-00872

377   Specijalizirana nastava. Strukovno obrazovanje

Vidi br.: HA19-00963

Vidi br.: HA19-00949

378   Visokoškolsko obrazovanje. Sveučilišta. Akademski studij

Vidi br.: HA19-00845

Vidi br.: HA19-00837

Vidi br.: HA19-00936

39   Kulturna antropologija. Etnografija. Običaji. Tradicija. Način života

The psychology of clothing [Elektronička građa] : meaning of colors, body image and gender expression in fashion / Duje Kodžoman. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 85 jed. - Abstract. - We select clothes that we’re purchasing and wearing according to the meaning we believe them to have, or the messages we believe them to send. But what are psychological consequences of clothing, and how does clothing express something about the user? To assess the state of knowledge about the communicative nature of fashion, the aim of this review was to provide a concise and succinct literature overview of over twenty empirical studies of the above-mentioned concept. The psychology behind clothing is classified into 3 thematic categories in this paper: a) the meaning of colors in clothing psychology; b) the socio-psycological impact of clothing; and c) gender (in)equality regarding clothing. Finally the last chapter brings a concise study of a few recent fashion shows, brands and trends. It is doubtless that both clothing and appearance serve as an important socializing influence and a form of communication.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 2 ; str. 90-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odjeća -- Odijevanje -- Psihologija odijevanja -- Modna komunikacija

Vidi br.: HA19-00855

Vidi br.: HA19-00906

Vidi br.: HA19-00858

Vidi br.: HA19-00881

Vidi br.: HA19-01320


502/504   Ekologija. Očuvanje prirodnih resursa. Opasnosti za okoliš. Zaštita okoliša

ŠORGIĆ, Božica
Estimation of emissions of air pollutants in the Krapina-Zagorje county [Elektronička građa] / Božica Šorgić, Vladimir Kušan, Igor Tošić, Bojana Borić, Hrvoje Pandža. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract. - The Program for the protection of air quality, ozone layer, climate change mitigation and adaptation of the Krapina-Zagorje County is prepared in accordance with the Article 12 of the Air Protection Act (OG 130/11, 47/14, 61/17, 118/18). The Program sets targets and measures by priority sectors, deadlines and responsible authorities for measures implementation over a five-year period in the County. For the purpose of defining protection measures, based on available data, estimation of annual emissions of pollutants into air was performed: nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides, particles, volatile organic compounds, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane and dinitrogen monoxide from the main sectors. Emissions were estimated using the EMEP/EEA methodology and 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories methodology. Road traffic emissions were estimated using DEFRA/DECC methodology. Based on the results on estimated pollutant emissions in the County, appropriate measures have been defined for the protection and improvement of air quality.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 1 ; str. 12-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Onečišćenje zraka -- Kvaliteta zraka

MARKOVIĆ, Suzana, ekonomistica
Istraživanje zadovoljstva posjetitelja zaštićenih područja Istarske županije [Elektronička građa] / Suzana Marković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Uvod: Zaštićena područja prirode predstavljaju krhke oaze povezanosti čovjeka s prirodom u njezinu izvornom obliku u kojima je glavni cilj zaštita biološke, geološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti. Zbog sve većeg socioekonomskog razvoja, s povećanjem industrijalizacije, prometa te urbanizacije održivi turizam i briga za očuvanje prirode tek sinergijskim djelovanjem mogu umanjiti težnje za profitom kroz prekomjernu izgrađenost i posjećenost koja može negativno djelovati na zaštićeno područje (degradacija staništa, onečišćenje i sl.) i time dovesti u pitanje osnovnu svrhu postojanja. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti i analizirati stavove posjetitelja zaštićenih područja Istarske županije o kvaliteti usluge, analizirati njihovo zadovoljstvo i lojalnost, očekivanja i percepciju, te izračunati ECOSERV jaz. U tu svrhu izvršena je prilagodba ljestvice mjerenja ECOSERV (Khan 2003). Upitnik se sastoji od pet dimenzija (eko-opipljivost, povjerenje, pouzdanost, poistovjećivanje, susretljivost, opipljivost) i 29 tvrdnji te pitanja koja se odnose na sociodemografski profil ispitanika (dob, spol, obrazovanje, zanimanje, razlog dolaska, broj posjeta). Uzorak i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 137 posjetitelja u sljedećim zaštićenim područjima: Nacionalni park Brijuni, Park prirode Učka, park-šuma Šijana i Kamenjak. U istraživanju su sudjelovali samo domaći posjetitelji. Rezultati: Rezultati deskriptivne statističke analize pokazali su da postoji jaz između očekivane i percipirane kvalitete usluga, što znači da ustanove nisu ispunile očekivanja svojih posjetitelja, iako su posjetitelji ocijenili kvalitetu usluga u parkovima prirode visokom prosječnom ocjenom. - Introduction: Protected nature areas are fragile oases where people can connect with nature in its authentic form. Their main aim is to ensure the conservation of biological, geological and landscape diversity. Because of ever greater socio-economic development, with surging industrialisation, traffic and urbanisation, only through the synergistic action of sustainable tourism and nature conservation will it be possible to lessen the desire for profit which is driving over-building and over-visitation that can adversely impact protected areas (through habitat degradation, pollution etc.), thus calling into question the primary purpose of their existence. This paper aims to study and analyse the attitudes of visitors to the protected areas of Istria County on service quality. It will also analyse visitor satisfaction and loyalty, and expectations and perceptions, and calculate the ECOSERV gap, for which purpose the ECOSERV scale has been adapted (Khan, 2003). The questionnaire consists of six dimensions (eco-tangibles, assurance, reliability, responsiveness, communicativeness, tangibles) and 29 statements as well as questions relating to the socio-demographic profile of respondents (age, gender, education, job, reasons to travel, number of visits). Sample and method: Research was conducted on a sample of 137 visitors to the following protected nature areas: Brijuni National Park, Učka Nature Park, Šijana Forest Park and Kamenjak Nature Park. Only domestic visitors participated in the survey. Results: The results of descriptive statistical analysis indicate that a gap exists between expected and perceived service quality, meaning that the institutions failed to meet the expectations of their visitors, even though visitors gave high average scores to service quality in nature parks.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 265-275  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaštićena područja -- Zadovoljstvo posjetitelja -- Kvaliteta usluga -- Statistička analiza

RUNKO Luttenberger, Lidija
Natural capital preservation and sustainable management as a prerequisite for year-round tourism [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Runko Luttenberger, Ivana Gudelj. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Abstract. - Increasing number of tourists wants to experience nature and at the same time have a positive impact on nature during their tourist stay. This paper presents the relationship between the preservation of natural capital of the locality and tourist season duration, as well as destination sustainable management and longevity. Tourism greatly depends on natural world, meaning the beauty of landscapes and seascapes and man's connection with nature itself. It simultaneously depends on local natural environment and exerts an impact thereon. Conservation and sustainable management of natural capital maybe achieved in various ways. Countries are attempting to preserve natural capital and to monitor its change through regular reporting, using selected indicators. Croatia should strive to preserve its unique natural resources and devise the tools to measure own performance with due consideration of its specific feature, all with the aim of ensuring sustainable all-year tourism. Finally, the paper considers comprehensively all pressures on natural environment exerted by tourism as well as benefits for the locality of preserving domestic natural capital in a long term, while ensuring the monitoring of changes in state thereof. A 'high value, low impact' approach would bring in the growing share of affluent nature-loving tourists throughout the year, thus reducing present tourism seasonality and highly negative impact on nature, local communities and microclimate change.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 3 ; str. 60-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Prirodni kapital -- Održivo upravljanje -- Zaštita okoliša

Provedba ekološke dimenzije UN agende 2030 u EU [Elektronička građa] = Environmental implementation of UN Agenda 2030 in the EU / Goran Bandov, Nikolina Herceg Kolman, Ivo Šlaus.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Članak analizira provedbu ekološke dimenzije Agende 2030 u EU. Uvodni dio posvećen UN Agendi 2030 – zaštiti okoliša i klimatskim promjenama nudi detaljni pregled ciljeva, koji pokrivaju ekološku dimenziju Agende 2030 u užem smislu, dok naredno poglavlje posvećuje pažnju analizi provedbi tih ciljeva u EU u dokumentima, strategijama te prema indikatorima unutar godišnjih izvještaja Eurostata. Članak zaključuje kako, unatoč predanosti EU ekološkim politikama, posebno u kontekstu klimatskih promjena, dodatno značajniju pozornost treba usmjeriti na implementaciju dva elementa: proces prilagodbe klimatskim promjena i proaktivnu ulogu EU u globalnoj klimatskoj akciji. - The paper analyses the implementation of the environmental dimension of Agenda 2030 in the EU. The introductory section on UN Agenda 2030 - Environmental and Climate Change offers a detailed overview of the objectives, covering the environmental dimension of Agenda 2030 in a narrower sense, while the next section focuses on analysing the implementation of these goals in the EU through documents, strategies and indicators within Eurostat annual reports. The paper concludes that, despite the EU's commitment to environmental policies, especially in the context of climate change, further attention needs to be focused to implementing two elements: the climate change adaptation process and the proactive role of the EU in global climate action.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 47-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaštita okoliša -- Klimatske promjene -- Održivi razvoj
Europska unija


Vidi br.: HA19-01068

Vidi br.: HA19-00891

Vidi br.: HA19-01217

Vidi br.: HA19-00906

Vidi br.: HA19-00871

Vidi br.: HA19-00880

Vidi br.: HA19-00862

Vidi br.: HA19-00873

Vidi br.: HA19-00858

Vidi br.: HA19-00884

Vidi br.: HA19-00861

Vidi br.: HA19-00859

Vidi br.: HA19-01086

Vidi br.: HA19-01025

Vidi br.: HA19-00922

Vidi br.: HA19-01122

51   Matematika

A graph-based algorithm for interpersonal ties clustering in signed networks [Elektronička građa] / Sumalee Sangamuang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract. - Social ties are formed as a result of interactions and individual preferences of the people in a social network. There are two opposite types which are interpreted as friendship vs. enmity or trust vs. distrust between people. The aforementioned social network structure can be represented by a signed graph, where people are the graph’s vertices and their interactions are graph’s edges. The edges can be positive and negative signs. To determine trustworthiness, this paper considers the problem of a signed graph partitioning with minimizing the sum of the negative edge's weight and balanced size of its clusters. An efficient algorithm to solve such a problem is proposed. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms in terms of the execution times and the accuracy within the given bounds.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 275-279  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Graf algoritam -- Društvene veze -- Društvene mreže -- Particioniranje grafa

Vidi br.: HA19-00994

Vidi br.: HA19-00839

Vidi br.: HA19-00993

52   Astronomija. Astrofizika. Svemirska istraživanja

528   Geodezija

GML based manipulation of geodetic and mechanical data [Elektronička građa] / Marko Šljivarić, Milan Rezo, Nikola Kranjčić, Danko Markovinović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract. - Ever since the Rulebook on cadaster of infrastructure has been published there has been constantly growing need for efficient data manipulation. However, data manipulation has been an issue for a very long period of time. This paper will provide solution in manipulation of geodetic and mechanical data for City of Zagreb gas plant. All the solutions are given in Geography markup language, GML.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 134-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geografski označni jezik -- Geodetska mjerenja -- Obrada podataka -- Plinovod

Laserski snimak Trsatskog kaštela kao dio strategije očuvanja kulturne baštine Rijeke [Elektronička građa] = Laser scanning of Trsat castle as part of preservation strategy of Rijeka cultural heritage / Iva Mrak, Nana Palinić, Cela Matan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Kaštel (Gradina) Trsat je jedan od najpoznatijih objekata graditeljske baštine u Primorskogoranskoj županiji. U svrhu projekta obnove, Grad Rijeka je 2015. godine naručio snimak kompleksa (ukupno skoro 8000 m²). Za izradu snimka korištena je laboratorijska oprema Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Cilj rada je prikazati proces snimka, dati analizu mogućnosti kombiniranja laserskog snimka s drugim suvremenim metodama (snimanje bespilotnom letjelicom, fotomodeliranje), usporediti rezultate snimka s postojećim snimkama kompleksa, utvrditi nove podatke o kompleksu te provesti diskusiju o rezultatima i važnosti koje ovakvo kompleksno snimanje može imati za očuvanje kulturne baštine. - Trsat castle is one of the most famous heritage elements in Primorsko-goranska County. In 2015, as part of the renewal design, the City of Rijeka has commissioned the survey of the complex (almost 8000m²). The survey was done using the laboratory equipment of University of Rijeka. The aim of the paper is to illustrate the survey process, to analyze the possibility of combining laser scanning with other contemporary methods (drone survey, photo-modelling...), as well as to compare the results of the survey with the previous surveys of the complex, and to determine new data about the complex and discuss the results, especially the importance of such a complex survey for cultural heritage preservation.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 159-187  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gradina Trsat, , snimak postojećeg stanja -- Kaštel Trsat -- Lasersko snimanje -- Snimak postojećeg stanja

Proposed changes to the CROTIS topographic model for the basic package and the object entity of hydrography [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Landek, Saša Cvitković, Milan Rezo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - In 1992, the State Geodetic Administration started with the development of cartography in the Republic of Croatia. After making a certain number of studies, STOKIS (the Official Topographic-Cartographic Information System) was defined. Topographic and cartographic data models were then defined by STOKIS. According to the STOKIS guidelines, the Croatian topographic information system (CROTIS) was developed as a data model and on the basis of CROTIS, the Basic Topographic Database (TTB) was established. One thematic entity contained in CROTIS 2.0, and whose data is often used, is the object entity of Hydrography. This article will provide an insight into the need to expand/correct the TTB data model in relation to the underlying basic package and the object entity of Hydrography, all in line with international standards and the INSPIRE directive.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 51-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kartografija -- Hidrografija -- Topografski model

53   Fizika

Determining fracture resistance of structural adhesives in mode-I debonding using double cantilever beam test [Elektronička građa] = Određivanje lomne žilavosti konstrukcijskih ljepila prilikom odljepljivanja u Modu-I pomoću testa dvostruke konzole / Ivan Hlača, Marin Grbac, Leo Škec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Double cantilever beam (DCB) test is the most commonly used test for determining the fracture resistance of structural adhesive joints in mode-I debonding. Test specimens are composed of two equal plates that are glued together, and then exposed to the opening load causing crack propagation along the bonded surface. During the experiment, loadline displacement, applied force and crack length are measured continuously. Using these data, the fracture toughness of the adhesive can be computed by the procedure given in the relevant ISO standard (BS ISO 25217:2009). The calculations are based on simple beam theory and linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) equations. In this paper, we will present the standard method for performing a DCB test and the method for data processing required to obtain the adhesive fracture toughness, i.e. the critical energy release rate. Experiments are performed for SikaPower® 4720 adhesive, applied with controlled thickness between the aluminium plates (adherends). After the curing period recommended by the adhesive manufacturer, DCB specimens with piano hinges are loaded by a tensile-testing machine. Loading is applied in the displacement-control mode because when the crack starts to propagate, the applied load drops. Using the optical measurement system GOM Aramis, complete displacement field is recorded during the experiment. Displacement field is then used to obtain the actual load-line displacement of the adherends (different than the one recorded on the tensile-testing machine grips) and the position of the crack tip. After syncing the measurements from different devices, fracture toughness for the adhesive is determined and a statistical analysis performed. - Test dvostruke konzole (eng. Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test) je najčešće korišteni test za izračun lomne žilavosti u modu I kod konstrukcijskih lijepljenih spojeva. Testni uzorci se sastoje od dvije jednake pločice koje se prvo međusobno zalijepe, a zatim izlože opterećenju, što uzrokuje širenje pukotine duž ljepila. Tijekom eksperimenta kontinuirano se mjeri pomak, sila i duljina pukotine. Koristeći ove podatke, lomna žilavost ljepila se može izračunati prema postupcima navedenim u odgovarajućem ISO standardu (BS ISO 25217: 2009). Proračuni se temelje na jednostavnoj grednoj teoriji i linearno-elastičnoj mehanici loma. U ovom radu predstavit ćemo standardnu metodu za izvođenje DCB testa, a potom i metodu obrade podataka potrebnu za izračun lomne žilavosti, što odgovara kritičnoj promjeni oslobođene energije (eng. Critical Energy Release Rate). Eksperimenti su izvedeni za ljepilo SikaPower® 4720, s kontroliranom debljinom ljepila između aluminijskih pločica. Nakon razdoblja stvrdnjavanja prema preporuci proizvođača ljepila, DCB uzorci su preko zglobnog prihvata šarkama opterećeni vlačnom silom s kidalice. Opterećenje na kidalici se nanosi kontrolom pomaka, tako da pri monotonom povećanju pomaka najprije imamo povećanje opterećenja, a kada se pukotina počne širiti, naneseno opterećenje pada. Koristeći optički mjerni sustav GOM Aramis, tijekom eksperimenta mjereno je polje pomaka, koje je onda korišteno za mjerenje stvarnog pomaka aluminijskih pločica (umjesto onog zabilježenog na kidalici) i položaja vrha pukotine. Nakon sinkronizacije mjerenja različitih uređaja određena je lomna žilavost ljepila i izvršena statistička analiza rezultata.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 59-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konstrukcijska ljepila -- Test dvostruke konzole -- Mehanika loma -- Linearno elastična mehanika loma -- Lomna žilavost

EGE, Ökkeş
The eigenvalues of one-speed neutrons in a slab with forward and backward scattering [Elektronička građa] / Ökkeş Ege, Hakan Öztürk. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - The eigenvalue spectrum is studied for one-speed neutrons in a slab with forward and backward scattering. First, the transport equation describing the interaction of neutrons in a system with general geometry is given. Then, the scattering function in transport equation is chosen as the forward-backward-isotropic (FBI) scattering model. The resultant transport equation is solved using the Legendre polynomials expansion (PN method) and the Chebyshev polynomials of second kind expansion (UN method) in neutron angular flux. Then, the PN and UN moments of the equations are obtained using the properties of the Legendre and the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. Finally, the eigenvalues for various values of the collision and scattering parameters are calculated using different orders of the presented methods and they are given in the tables for comparison.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 81-85  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neutroni -- Svojstvene vrijednosti -- Eksperimentalna mjerenja

Vidi br.: HA19-00974

54   Kemija. Kristalografija. Mineralogija

Vidi br.: HA19-00893

Vidi br.: HA19-01213

55   Geologija. Meteorologija. Hidrologija

Climate change and mycotoxins [Elektronička građa] : the African experience / Stephen O. Fapohunda, Annabella A. Adewunmi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 288-290. - Abstract. - The role of climate change on mycotoxin profile and activity was reviewed. The unprecedented spread and relocation experienced by some regulated mycotoxins on food and feed items were investigated. Aspergillus species and aflatoxin, originally associated with tropical and subtropical climate characteristics of Sub-Saharan Africa are now comfortable guests in temperate zones. The same applies to Fusarium and Penicilium species, earlier thought to be strictly specific to temperate regions of Europe, now encountered in tropical Africa, with their toxins like zearalenone and trichothecenes, particularly in recent surveillance studies.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 283-290  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klimatske promjene -- Mikotoksini -- Uzgoj hrane -- Ekološke zone

ŽIC, Elvis
Podrijetlo vode i njeno značenje na planeti Zemlji [Elektronička građa] = The origin of water and its meaning for planet Earth / Elvis Žic, Dejan Vasović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je dan opis podrijetla vode na planeti Zemlji i njezino značenje u prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Analizirani su razmjeri kretanja vode na zemlji, njihove značajke, kao i glavni izvori dostupne vode na zemlji izraženi kroz postotni udio na globalnoj razini. Također je razmatran nastanak vode u Svemiru i proizvodnja kisika u ranoj fazi nastanka planeta. Fokus rada bazira se na održanju kvalitete vode dostupne na Zemlji te pojavi globalne varijabilnosti intenziteta oborina koje u zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća mijenjaju značajke velikih svjetskih površina kroz procese velikih suša i poplava. Kroz rad su opisani neki od najznačajnijih primjera eksploatacije pitkih voda u svijetu kroz površinske i podzemne rezerve vode. Analizirane su mogućnosti povećanja proizvodnje hrane za ljudske potrebe u pogledu povećanja zemljišta kroz tehnološki napredne metode te zaštita vodnih resursa uslijed klimatskih promjena. Dan je osvrt na značajke kvalitete prirodne vode u medicini i industriji, poboljšanje sanitarnih uvjeta, utjecaj ljudskog zagađenje na globalnoj razini, gospodarski rast i problem smanjenja vode, kao i globalni problem ispuštanja nepročišćenih otpadnih voda u recipijente i, posljedično, ugrožavanje flore i faune. - This paper gives a description of the origin of water on planet Earth and its importance in the past and the present. The paper presents the analysis of water flow extent on Earth, its characteristics, as well as the main sources of available water on the planet, expressed through a percentage share on a global scale. It also deals with the origin of water in the Universe, as well as the production of oxygen at the early stages of the planet’s formation. The focus of the paper is based on maintaining the quality of water available on Earth and the global variability of precipitation intensity that has changed the characteristics of large world surfaces through significant drought and flood processes over the last decades. Throughout the paper, some of the most important examples of exploitation of drinking water in the world through the surface and underground reserves of water are described. The possibilities of increasing the production of food for human needs in terms of increasing land through technologically advanced methods and the protection of water resources due to climate change are analyzed. At the end of the paper, there is a review of the characteristics of natural water quality in medicine and industry, sanitary conditions improvement, the impact of global pollution on human beings, economic growth and the problem of water scarcity, as well as the global problem of discharging untreated wastewater into the recipients and consequently endangering flora and fauna.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 141-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voda -- Kvaliteta vode -- Kvantiteta vode -- Podrijetlo vode -- Globalno zagađenje -- Klimatske promjene -- Zaštita vodnih resursa

Vidi br.: HA19-00918

Vidi br.: HA19-00999

Vidi br.: HA19-00998

57   Biološke znanosti. Fizička antropologija. Bioraznolikost

Vidi br.: HA19-01101

577   Biokemija. Molekularna biologija. Biofizika

Vidi br.: HA19-01162

578/579   Virologija. Mikrobiologija

BALI, Elif Burcu
Comparative study of inhibitory potential of dietary phytochemicals against quorum sensing activity of and biofilm formation by Chromobacterium violaceum 12472, and swimming and swarming behaviour of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 [Elektronička građa] / Elif Burcu Bali, Kübra Erkan Türkmen, Demet Erdönmez, Necdet Sağlam. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Quorum sensing (QS) and biofilm formation are important mechanisms related to antibiotic resistance of many pathogens. Alternative treatments are needed to prevent recurrent or chronic infections caused by multi-resistant pathogens. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate and compare the inhibitory potential of the dietary phytochemicals: curcumin, quercetin, apigenin, pyrogallol, gallic acid and luteolin against QS of and biofilm formation by Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472 and the swimming and swarming abilities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Anti-QS potential of the phytochemicals was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using C. violaceum via the disk diffusion assay based on violacein pigment inhibition at the subminimal inhibitory concentrations ranging from 46.87 to 750 µg/mL. The results of anti-QS and antibiofilm activities on C. violaceum demonstrated that all the phytochemicals except pyrogallol and gallic acid inhibited violacein production (from (11.0±0.1) to (88.2±0.1) %) in a concentration-dependent manner. - Međustanična komunikacija (engl. quorum sensing) i formiranje biofilma imaju važnu ulogu u mehanizmu otpornosti mnogih patogenih mikroorganizama na antibiotike. Za sprečavanje povratne i kronične upale uzrokovane višestruko otpornim patogenim bakterijama moraju se koristiti druge vrste liječenja. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati i usporediti inhibicijski učinak fitohranjiva, i to: kurkumina, kvercetina, apigenina, pirogalola, galne kiseline i luteolina na međustaničnu komunikaciju i sposobnost formiranja biofilma bakterije Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472, te pokretljivost i rojenje bakterije Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Sposobnost fitohranjiva da inhibiraju međustaničnu komunikaciju procijenjena je kvalitativno i kvantitativno metodom disk difuzije pomoću bakterije C. violaceum. Ta se metoda zasniva na inhibiciji sinteze violaceina pri subminimalnim inhibicijskim koncentracijama fitohranjiva od 46,87 do 750 µg/mL. Rezultati pokazuju da sva fitohranjiva, osim pirogalola i galne kiseline, inhibiraju proizvodnju violaceina u bakteriji C. violaceum, i to od (11,0±0,1) do (88,2±0,1) %, ovisno o koncentraciji. Osim toga, fitohranjiva su bitno (p<0,05) inhibirala formiranje biofilma, i to od (1,38±0,08) do (84,2±0,2) %.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 212-221  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fitohranjiva -- Međustanična komunikacija -- Bakterije -- Biofilm -- Antibiotici

SURESH Kesti, Sheetal
First report on biodegradation of low density polyethylene by rice moth larvae, Corcyra cephalonica (stainton) [Elektronička građa] / Sheetal Suresh Kesti, Shivasharana Chandrabanda Thimmappa. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract. - Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton), rice moth larvae were used for biodegradation of low density polyethylene (LDPE). The role of larval gut microorganisms in LDPE biodegradation was studied by force feeding the larvae with a cocktail of antibiotic solution. After force feeding, the larvae were left in contact with LDPE films. Larvae which were unfed with antibiotic solution were used as controls. Degradation rate was checked by measuring the weight loss after 20 day period of contact with LDPE films in insect rearing bottles. The DNA of both antibiotic fed and unfed larvae was isolated. There was no DNA band of antibiotic fed larvae which indicated the gut microorganisms were eliminated. Larvae fed with antibiotic digested 21 % and those which were unfed with antibiotic showed 25 % weight loss of LDPE films. We report the gut microorganisms were not solely responsible for biodegradation of LDPE. The digestive enzymes could also play a major role in digesting the plastic in insect’s gut.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 4 ; str. 79-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Corcyra cephalonica -- Rižin moljac -- Ličinke -- Polietilen -- Biodegradacija -- Biološka razgradnja

Vidi br.: HA19-01224

58   Botanika

ZIMA, Dinko
Florni sastav suhog travnjaka na području Rudine [Elektronička građa] / Dinko Zima, Edita Štefanić, Vesna Kovačević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 422-423. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Na blago valovitim istočnim obroncima Psunja razvijeni su suhi brdski travnjaci, koji predstavljaju jedan od najugroženijih oblika vegetacije, a bili su predmet ovog istraživanja. Teren je blago nagnut prema jugoistoku, južne je ekspozicije, nadmorska visina oko 400 m. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi brojnost i raznolikost samonikle vaskularne flore travnjaka na području Rudine. Floristička istraživanja vršena su 2003., 2008., 2016. i 2017. godine. Na površini od oko 2500 m2 popisane su i determinirane biljne svojte, određena njihova pripadnost porodicama, flornim elementima i životnim oblicima. Zabilježeno je 186 biljnih svojti vaskularne flore unutar 46 porodica i 134 roda. Izvršena je taksonomska, ekološka i fitogeološka analiza. Taksonomska analiza ukazuje da golosjemenjača ima 2 vrste (1,08 %), dvosupnica 155 vrsta (83,33 %), a jednosupnica 29 vrsta (15,59 %). Analiza životnih oblika pokazuje da su najviše zastupljeni hemikriptofiti sa 113 vrsta (60,75 %) i terofiti s 29 vrsta (15,59 %). U fitogeografskoj analizi dominiraju biljke euroazijskog flornog elementa sa 63 vrste (33,87 %) i biljke široke rasprostranjenosti s 38 vrsta (20,43 %). Fitocenološka analiza florističkog sastava pokazuje da ovi travnjaci čine prijelazni položaj između razreda Festuco-Brometea i Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, odnosno da pokazuju prijelazni položaj između redova Festucetalia valesiacae, Brometalia erecti i Arrhenatheretalia. - On gentle eastern slopes of Psunj, dry grasslands are developed. Dry grasslands represent one of the most endangered forms of vegetation, and were the subject of this research. The terrain is slightly sloping towards the southeast, southern exposure, altitude about 400 m. The aim of the research was to determine the abundance and variety of vascular flora of grasslands in Rudine area. Floristic research was conducted in 2003, 2008, 2016 and 2017. On the surface of about 2500 m2, a list of plant taxa has been compiled and determined by their affiliation with families, floral elements and life forms.One hundred and eighty-six vascular plants of 46 families and 134 genera were recorded. Taxonomic, ecological and phytogeological analysis was carried out. Taxonomic analysis suggests there are 2 species of gymnosperm (1.08%), 155 species of dicotyledons (83.33%), and 29 species of monocotyledons (15.59%). The analysis of life forms shows that the most represented are 113 species of hemicryptophytes (60.75%), and 29 species of terophytes (15.59%). Plants of the Eurasian floral element with 63 species (33.87%) and plants with a wide spread of 38 species (20.43%) dominate in phytogeographic analysis. The phytocenological analysis of floristic composition shows that these grasslands are a transient position between the Festuco-Brometea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea classes, that is to show the transition between Festucetalia valesiacae, Brometalia erecti and Arrhenatheretalia.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 411-424  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Suhi travnjak -- Florni sastav


60   Biotehnologija. Genetičko inženjerstvo. Produkti kloniranja

VUKUŠIĆ, Tomislava
Application of 3D food printing in meat production [Elektronička građa] / Tomislava Vukušić, Ana Pavičić, Višnja Stulić, Zoran Herceg. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Three-dimensional printing (3D) also known as additive manufacturing (AM) is a developing technology for food manufacturing, which offers novel food products with unique, complex and personalized design geometries, elaborated textures and tailored nutritional content. Today, 3D printing is being applied in military and space food, elderly food and sweets food. This technology offers a potential solution to overcome weaknesses of currently used food techniques, such as lower production efficiency and high manufacturing cost. Main aim of this review is to analyze the potential applications of 3D printing technology for meat processing including 3D printers, meat formulation and several aspects affecting the printability and post processing feasibility of 3D printed meat products. - Trodimenzionalan ispis (3D), odnosno aditivna proizvodnja (engl. Additive Manufacturing, AM), je tehnologija u razvoju koja se upotrebljava u proizvodnji hrane, a omogućava razvoj novih prehrambenih proizvoda s jedinstvenim, složenim i personaliziranim geometrijama dizajna, razrađenim teksturama i prilagođenim nutritivnim sadržajem. Danas se 3D ispis primjenjuje u proizvodnji hrane za posebne namjene (za vojnike, astronaute, starije osobe) te u konditorskoj industriji. Ova tehnologija predstavlja potencijalno rješenje za otklanjanje problema postojećih tehnika procesiranja hrane s posebnom namjenom, poput niže učinkovitosti i visokih troškova proizvodnje. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada analizirati potencijalne primjene tehnologije 3D ispisa u preradi mesa, uključujući 3D pisače, mesne formulacije i druge aspekte koji utječu na mogućnost ispisa i naknadne obrade 3D ispisanih proizvoda od mesa. - Der dreidimensionale Druck (3D) (engl. Additive Manufacturing, AM) ist eine Technologie in der Entwicklungsphase, die in der Lebensmittelproduktion eingesetzt wird und die die Entwicklung neuer Lebensmittelprodukte mit einheitlichen, komplexen und personalisierten Designgeometrien, erarbeiteten Texturen und einem angepassten Nährwertgehalt ermöglicht. Heute wird der 3D-Druck bei der Produktion von Lebensmitteln für Soldaten und Astronauten, ältere Personen und für Nachtische verwendet. Diese Technologie stellt eine potentielle Lösung für die Beseitigung von Schwierigkeiten auf, die sich aus der Verwendung von modernen Techniken der Lebensmittelprozessierung ergeben, wie zum Beispiel die geringere Effizienz und hohe Produktionskosten. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist es, die potentielle Anwendung der 3D-Drucktechnologie bei der Fleischbearbeitung zu prüfen, einschließlich der 3D-Drucker, Fleischformulationen und sonstigen Aspekte, die sich auf die Möglichkeiten des Drucks und der Nachbearbeitung der 3D gedruckten Fleischerzeugnisse auswirken. - La impresión tridimensional (3D), también conocida como manufactura por adición (en. Additive Manufacturing, AM), es tecnología en desarrollo usada en la producción de alimentos que facilita el desarrollo de nuevos productos alimenticios con geometrías del diseño singulares, complejas y personalizadas, texturas elaboradas y el contenido nutritivo individualizado. Hoy en día la impresión 3D de alimentos se usa en la producción de la comida para los soldados y astronautas, personas mayores y para los postres. Esta tecnología representa una solución potencial para eliminar las dificultades que surgen en las técnicas modernas del procesamiento de alimentos, como la baja eficiencia y los costos altos de la producción. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar las aplicaciones potenciales de la tecnología de la impresión 3D en el procesamiento de la carne, incluyendo las impresoras 3D, formulaciones de carne y otras dimensiones que pueden influir sobre las posibilidades de la imp. - La stampa tridimensionale (3D), nota anche con il nome di produzione additiva (in inglese Additive Manufacturing, AM), è una tecnologia in via di sviluppo che si utilizza nell’industria alimentare, consentendo lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti alimentari con un design dalle geometrie uniche, complesso e personalizzato, con consistenze elaborate e contenuti nutrizionali adatti caso per caso. Oggi la stampa 3D trova applicazione nella produzione di prodotti alimentari in ambiente militare e per gli astronauti, per gli anziani e per la produzione di dessert. Questa tecnologia rappresenta una potenziale soluzione per la rimozione di ogni problema che discende dall’uso di tecniche all’avanguardia del processo alimentare, come la bassa efficienza e gli alti costi di produzione. L’obiettivo principale di questo studio consiste nell’analizzare la potenziale applicazione della tecnologia della stampa 3D nella lavorazione della carne, comprese le stampanti 3D, le formule a base di carne e gli altri aspetti che incidono sulla possibilità di stampa e di ulteriore elaborazione dei prodotti di carne stampati in 3D.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 3 ; str. 262-268  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aditivna tehnologija -- 3D ispis hrane -- Ispis mesnih proizvoda -- Dizajn hrane -- Dizajnirana hrana

Aronia berry processing by spray drying [Elektronička građa] : from byproduct to high quality functional powder / Senka Vidović, Milica Ramić, Rita Ambrus, Jelena Vladić, Piroska Szabó-Révész, Aleksandra Gavarić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The main aim of this study is to analyze the solid-liquid extraction followed by spray drying as a technological pathway for utilization of aronia fruit dust, a byproduct of filter tea factory. In the current study, ultrasound-assisted extraction was applied for the production of aronia liquid feed and maltodextrin was used as a carrier and encapsulating agent. In spray drying, the influence of inlet temperature and maltodextrin type and mass fraction on process efficiency and powder properties were observed. The physical and chemical properties of the obtained powders were characterized. It was determined that the powder produced using inlet temperature 140 °C and 40 % maltodextrin with dextrose equivalent (DE) 19.7 had the most desirable characteristics. It was observed that the increase in maltodextrin mass fraction decreases the powder moisture content, hygroscopicity and the content of bioactive compounds, but increases water solubility index and particle size. The increase in dextrose equivalent of maltodextrin increases the powder hygroscopicity and water solubility index, while the increase of inlet temperature causes a decrease in moisture content of aronia powders. - Svrha je ovog rada bila ispitati mogućnost primjene kruto-tekuće ekstrakcije i sušenja raspršivanjem za dobivanje praha aronije iz prašine nastale pri proizvodnji čaja u filter vrećicama. Pri proizvodnji tekućeg ekstrakta aronije upotrebljena je ekstrakcija potpomognuta ultrazvukom, dok je maltodekstrin korišten kao inkapsulirajuće sredstvo prilikom sušenja. Ispitan je utjecaj ulazne temperature sušenja, vrste i masenog udjela maltodekstrina na učinkovitost procesa i svojstva dobivenih prahova. Također su ispitana i fizička i kemijska svojstva dobivenih prahova. Ustanovljeno je da prah aronije dobiven primjenom ulazne temperature sušenja od 140 °C i inkapsulacijom s 40 % maltodekstrina dekstroznog ekvivalenta od 19,7 ima najbolja svojstva. Povećanjem masenog udjela maltodekstrina smanjili su se udjel vlage, stupanj higroskopnosti i udjel bioaktivnih spojeva, a povećali indeks topjivosti u vodi i veličina čestica praha. Povećanjem dekstroznog ekvivalenta maltodekstrina povećala se higroskopnost praha i indeks topljivosti u vodi, a porastom ulazne temperature sušenja smanjio se udjel vlage u prahu aronije.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 513-524  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aronija -- Nusproizvodi -- Ekstrakcija -- Sušenje raspršivanjem -- Prah

BEBEK, Mario
Bioetika i autonomija osobe s invaliditetom po načelu supsidijarnosti [Elektronička građa] / Mario Bebek, Marija Brdarević.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Osobe s invaliditetom sposobne su za zapošljavanje, ali ih poslodavci ne zapošljavaju dovoljno. Te činjenice znatno utječu na njihovu kvalitetu života, kao i na samopercepciju osobe. Načelo supsidijarnosti u sklopu primijenjene bioetike može izazvati pomake na društvenoj razini i pomoći u rješavanju tog problema. Demografski su čimbenici poražavajući za kvalitetu života i rada osoba s invaliditetom. Negativni učinci krize morala u društvu upućuju na nesklad između materijalnog i duhovnog, moralnog i prevladavajućeg vrijednosnog sustava društva i pogađaju najranjivije skupine, a to su osobe s invaliditetom, i to u njihovu školovanju, radu i osobnom životu. Zajednička sinergija bioetike kao sveobuhvatnog teorijskog korektiva i učinkovite prakse jest putovanje prema autonomiji osobe s invaliditetom. Javnost mora pomoći i dopustiti osobama s invaliditetom da budu percipirane kao ravnopravni članovi društva. Pozitivan ishod nije ostvariv bez primjene načela supsidijarnosti. - People with disabilities are capable of employment, but employers do not employ them enough. These facts have a significant influence on their quality of life as well as their self-perception. The principle of subsidiarity as part of applied bioethics can cause social changes and help address this problem. Demographic factors are devastating to the quality of life and work of people with disabilities. The negative effects of the moral crisis in the society point to the disagreement between the material and spiritual, moral and prevailing value system of society and affect the most vulnerable groups, namely persons with disabilities, in their education, work and personal life. Joint synergy between bioethics and practice is a journey towards the autonomy of people with disabilities. The public has to help and allow people with disabilities to be perceived as equal members of society. A positive outcome cannot be achieved without applying the principle of subsidiarity.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 129-140  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioetika -- Osobe s invaliditetom -- Kompetencije -- Načelo supsidijarnosti -- Timski rad -- Multidisciplinarni pristup

Free radical scavenging properties and induction of apoptotic effects of FA fraction obtained after proteolysis of bioactive peptides from microalgae Synechococcus sp. VDW [Elektronička građa] / Rutairat Suttisuwan, Saranya Phunpruch, Tanatorn Saisavoey, Papassara Sangtanoo, Nuttha Thongchul, Aphichart Karnchanatat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity of bioactive peptides derived from Synechococcus sp. VDW cells cultured for 21 days. Synechococcus sp. VDW protein hydrolysates were prepared with trypsin and purified by ultrafiltration with molecular mass cut-off membranes of 10, 5 and 3 kDa. - Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je odrediti antioksidacijsku aktivnost bioaktivnih peptida izoliranih iz stanica mikroalge Synechococcus sp. VDW nakon 21 dana uzgoja. Hidrolizati proteina iz mikroalge Synechococcus sp. VDW dobiveni su pomoću tripsina, te su zatim pročišćeni ultrafiltracijom pomoću membrana veličine od 10, 5 i 3 kDa. Frakcija proteina FA molekularne mase od 3 kDa imala je najveću sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala 2,2'-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonske kiseline) (ABTS), IC50 vrijednosti od (11,5±0,3) μg/mL, i 2,2'-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazila (DPPH), IC50 vrijednosti od (13,6±0,2) μg/mL. Frakcija proteina FA razdvojena je pomoću HPLC kromatografije obrnutih (reverznih) faza u četiri podfrakcije (F1–4). Subfrakcija F4 imala je maksimalni učinak uklanjanja ABTS radikala od (3,55±0,61) %, pa je odabrana za daljnju analizu pomoću metode ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS, temeljene na sekvenciranju peptida de novo. Identificirano je pet peptida s antioksidacijskim učinkom, od kojih je najveću sposobnost uklanjanja ABTS radikala imao peptid AILESYSAGKTK. Nadalje, frakcija FA imala je snažan citotoksični učinak na stanične linije humanih karcinoma, pogotovo staničnu liniju raka debelog crijeva (SW620), pri čemu je IC50 vrijednost bila (106,6±21,5) μg/mL, no nije imala citotoksični učinak na netransformiranu staničnu liniju Wi38. Uzrokovala je početak apoptoze u staničnoj liniji SW620 nakon 24, 48 i 72 sata, s najvećom aktivnosti kaspaza 3, 8 i 9 nakon 72 sata. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se mikroalga Synechococcus sp. VDW može upotrijebiti za proizvodnju prirodnih antitumorskih lijekova.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 358-368  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Apoptoza -- karcinom -- Antioksidans -- Hidrolizat proteina -- Slobodni radikali -- Mikroalge

ŠTAFA, Anamarija
Novel approach in the construction of bioethanol-producing Saccharomyces cerevisiae hybrids [Elektronička građa] / Anamarija Štafa, Bojan Žunar, Andrea Pranklin, Antonio Zandona, Marina Svetec Miklenić, Božidar Šantek, Ivan Krešimir Svetec. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic hydrolysates requires a producer strain that tolerates both the presence of growth and fermentation inhibitors and high ethanol concentrations. Therefore, we constructed heterozygous intraspecies hybrid diploids of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by crossing two natural S. cerevisiae isolates, YIIc17_E5 and UWOPS87-2421, a good ethanol producer found in wine and a strain from the flower of the cactus Opuntia megacantha resistant to inhibitors found in lignocellulosic hydrolysates, respectively. Hybrids grew faster than parental strains in the absence and in the presence of acetic and levulinic acids and 2-furaldehyde, inhibitors frequently found in lignocellulosic hydrolysates, and the overexpression of YAP1 gene increased their survival. Furthermore, although originating from the same parental strains, hybrids displayed different fermentative potential in a CO2 production test, suggesting genetic variability that could be used for further selection of desirable traits. Therefore, our results suggest that the construction of intraspecies hybrids coupled with the use of genetic engineering techniques is a promising approach for improvement or development of new biotechnologically relevant strains of S. cerevisiae. Moreover, it was found that the success of gene targeting (gene targeting fidelity) in natural S. cerevisiae isolates (YIIc17_E5α and UWOPS87-2421α) was strikingly lower than in laboratory strains and the most frequent off-targeting event was targeted chromosome duplication. - Za proizvodnju bioetanola iz lignoceluloznih hidrolizata potreban je proizvodni soj koji dobro podnosi prisutnost inhibitora rasta i fermentacije te veliku koncentraciju etanola. Stoga smo konstruirali hibridne diploide kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae međusobnim križanjem dvaju prirodnih izolata, Yllcl 7_E5 i UWOPS87-2421. Soj Yllcl 7_E5 izoliran je iz vina kao dobar proizvođač etanola, a soj UWOPS87-2421 izoliran je iz cvijeta kaktusa Opuntia megacantha i otporan je na inhibitore koji se mogu naći u lignoceluloznim hidrolizatima. Hibridni sojevi rasli su brže od ishodnih sojeva u odsutnosti i prisutnosti octene i levulinske kiseline te 2-furaldehida, koji se često nalaze kao inhibitori rasta u lignoceluloznim hidrolizatima, a pojačana ekspresija gena YAPI povećala je preživljenje testiranih sojeva. Također, pojedini su hibridni sojevi, iako potječu od dvaju istih ishodnih sojeva, pokazali različit fermentativni potencijal u testu proizvodnje C02, što upućuje na njihovu genetičku varijabilnost koja omogućava daljnju selekciju poželjnih svojstava. Iz naših se rezultata može zaključiti da se kombiniranjem konstrukcije hibridnih sojeva i metoda genetičkog inženjerstva mogu oplemeniti i razviti novi biotehnološki relevantni sojevi kvasca S. cerevisiae. Osim toga, utvrđeno je da je uspješnost ciljanja gena u prirodnim izolatima S. cerevisiae (Yllcl 7_E5a and UWOPS87-2421 a) daleko manja nego u laboratorijskim sojevima, a najčešći aberantni događaj bio je duplikacija ciljanog kromosoma.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 5-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioetanol -- Kvasac -- Hibridni sojevi -- Lignocelulozni hidrolizat -- Fermentacija -- Inhibitori rasta

Polyphenol-based design of functional olive leaf infusions [Elektronička građa] / Željka Peršurić, Lara Saftić, Dora Klisović, Sandra Kraljević Pavelić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The beneficial properties of polyphenols are widely recognized, and polyphenol-rich olive oil, which is part of the typical Mediterranean diet, has been identified as having positive health effects. However, over the past decade, olive leaves have been discovered as an alternative polyphenol-rich source. This is particularly interesting in the context of the growing interest in functional foods, as well as in terms of the management of biological waste, including olive leaves that are left over from the production of olive oil. Previous studies on olive leaves confirmed that they have a high phenolic content, which explains their previously described strong antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral activity. Therefore, the major aim of our work is to comprehensively determine olive leaf phenolic content in cultivars Istarska bjelica, Leccino and Buža as a natural source of bioactive compounds suitable for daily consumption in the form of infusion. For this purpose, we examined the influence of olive leaf cultivar, maceration time and temperature on the phenolic composition of final infusions. Phenolic compounds were analysed by liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-QQQ). As expected, the results indicate the significant influence of not only the olive cultivar but also of maceration parameters on the qualitative and quantitative phenolic composition. The highest phenolic compound content was obtained in the infusion of Istarska bjelica leaves after 15 min of maceration. However, the Buža olive leaf infusion had the most diverse phenolic composition. Furthermore, we designed several functional olive leaf infusion mixtures with phenolic compositions adjusted based on the desired health effect. The results show the role of phenolic composition adjustment in the development and improvement of the quality of functional olive leaf infusions. - Blagotvorna svojstva polifenola su općepoznata. Utvrđeno je da maslinovo ulje, tipična namirnica u mediteranskoj prehrani, ima velik udjel polifenola te širok spektar pozitivnih učinaka na ljudsko zdravlje. Međutim, tijekom proteklog desetljeća, ustanovljeno je da i lišće maslina može biti alternativni izvor polifenolnih spojeva iz masline. To je osobito zanimljivo u kontekstu rastućeg interesa za funkcionalnu hranu, kao i iskorištenja biološkog otpada. Prethodne studije na lišću maslina potvrdile su da ima velik udjel fenola, što objašnjava njihovu dokazanu jaku antibakterijsku, antimikrobnu i antivirusnu aktivnost. Stoga je glavna svrha našeg rada bila ispitati sadržaj fenola u lišću maslina sorti Istarska bjelica, Leccino i Buža, kao prirodnih izvora bioaktivnih spojeva pogodnih za dnevnu potrošnju u obliku čaja (biljne infuzije). U tu je svrhu analiziran utjecaj sorte maslinovog lišća, vremena maceracije i temperature na fenolni sastav dizajniranih čajeva. Analiza fenolnih spojeva provedena je pomoću tekućinske kromatografije (LC) spregnute s trostrukim kvadrupolnim masenim spektrometrom (LC-QQQ). U skladu s pretpostavkama istraživanja, rezultati pokazuju znatan utjecaj sorte masline i parametara maceracije na kvalitativni i kvantitativni fenolni sastav. Najveći udjel fenolnih spojeva dobiven je u biljnoj infuziji sorte Istarska bjelica nakon 15 minuta maceracije. Međutim, biljna infuzija sorte Buža imala je najraznolikiji fenolni sastav.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 171-182  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Maslina -- Lišće masline -- Polifenoli

Vidi br.: HA19-00924

61   Medicinske znanosti

Assessment of the rationale behind the concurrent practice of conventional and computed radiography in two federal hospitals in Maiduguri, Borno state [Elektronička građa] / Moi Alhamdu, Ukeme Pius, Joseph Dlama. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Objectives: To determine the rationale behind the concurrent practice of conventional and computed radiography systems in two federal hospitals and to determine the advantages and disadvantages Methodology: Fifty-one questionnaires comprising 22 items and divided into four sections were distributed to radiologists, radiographers and intern radiographers. Analysis was carried out using the Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0. Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis with the significance level of p<0.05. Results: Most respondents (68.6%, n=35) agreed that the incidence of preference of one radiographic system over the other by referring physicians was the main rationale for the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems in their departments. Majority (88.2%, n=45) agreed that the main advantage of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems was that each radiographic system could serve as backup in the event of breakdown of one system. Majority (66.7%, n=34) agreed that the main disadvantage of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems was that it was expensive to practice and maintain both systems concurrently. Chi square value was statistically significant p<0.005. Conclusion: The major rationale was preference by referring physicians. The study revealed the advantages of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems and the provision of a backup system in the event of break down. The disadvantage of the concurrent practice of both radiographic systems is the cost of maintenance and the incidence of undue preference of one radiographic system over another. Acknowledgement: we acknowledge the management and staff of Radiology departments of the two hospitals where the study took place. - Cilj: Utvrditi razloge za istodobnu upotrebu konvencionalnog i računalnog radiografskog sustava u dvije savezne bolnice te utvrditi njihove prednosti i nedostatke. Metodologija: Radiolozima, radiološkim tehnolozima i stažistima podijeljen je 51 upitnik od 22 tvrdnje koji se sastoji od četiri dijela. Analiza je provedena primjenom Statističkog paketa za društvene znanosti (SPSS), verzija 19.0. Za testiranje hipoteze primijenjen je hi-kvadrat test s razinom značajnosti od p <0,05. Rezultati: Većina ispitanika (68,6 %, n = 35) složila se da je liječnikova preferencija jednog radiografskog sustava glavni razlog za istodobnu upotrebu obaju radiografskih sustava na njihovim odjelima. Većina (88,2 %, n = 45) se složila da je glavna prednost istodobne upotrebe obaju radiografskih sustava da svaki od njih može poslužiti kao rezervni u slučaju kvara jednog od sustava. Većina (66,7 %, n = 34) se složila da je glavni nedostatak istodobne upotrebe obaju radiografskih sustava visok trošak primjene i održavanja dvaju sustava istodobno. Vrijednost hi-kvadrata bila je statistički značajna s p <0,005. Zaključak: Glavni razlog za upotrebu obaju sustava bila je sklonost liječnika jednom od ta dva sustava. Istraživanje je otkrilo prednosti istodobne upotrebe obaju radiografskih sustava i osiguravanje rezervnog sustava u slučaju kvara. Nedostatak je istodobne upotrebe obaju radiografskih sustava trošak održavanja i neopravdana preferencija jednog radiografskog sustava u odnosu na drugi.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 121-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radiografija -- Konvencionalna radiografija -- Računalna radiografija -- Bolnice

Clinical health care indicators monitoring as an indicatior of health services quality and safety [Elektronička građa] / Amer Ovčina, Ernela Eminović, Hadžan Konjo, Azra Čamdžić, Dženana Hrustemović, Hazim Štitkovac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Continuous progress in the nursing profession has a significant impact on the quality in the process of clinical care, which brings about new challenges and tasks for nurses to invest in new knowledge and skills. The healthcare process requires a systematic team approach in the design of evidence-based tasks, good clinical practice and clinical guidelines, documented standardized phenomena and evaluated measurements and tests. Measurement instruments and statistical tests of treatment effectiveness are used to assess the quality of health care provided. For a successful measurement and analysis of the quality of clinical care, it is necessary to have standardized healthcare documentation that allows treatment and outcomes monitoring. Qualitative and safety indicators are used to assess the quality of clinical health care, which represent a means of measurement, screening or warning. Monitoring Quality and Safety Indicators in Health Care Services is used as a guide to monitoring, evaluating and improving the quality of health care, and supporting services and organizational functions. In the field of health care, we measure the total treatment, outcome of the healthcare process, patient satisfaction, unwanted events,quality of life, etc. - Kontinuirani napredak u sestrinskoj profesiji ima značajan utjecaj na kvalitetu u procesu kliničke njege, što sa sobom donosi nove zadatke i izazove za medicinske sestre da ulažu u nova znanja i vještine. Proces zdravstvene skrbi zahtijeva sustavni timski pristup u osmišljavanju zadataka utemeljenih na dokazima, dobru kliničku praksu i kliničke smjernice, dokumentirane standardizirane pojave i vrednovanje mjerenja i ispitivanja. Instrumenti za mjerenje i statistički testovi učinkovitosti liječenja koriste se za procjenu kvalitete pružene zdravstvene skrbi. Za uspješno mjerenje i analizu kvalitete kliničke njege potrebno je imati standardiziranu zdravstvenu dokumentaciju koja omogućuje praćenje liječenja i ishoda. Kvalitativni i sigurnosni indikatori koriste se za procjenu kvalitete kliničke zdravstvene njege, i oni predstavljaju sredstvo mjerenja, screeninga ili upozorenja. Praćenje pokazatelja kvalitete i sigurnosti u zdravstvenim službama koristi se kao vodič za praćenje, ocjenjivanje i poboljšanje kvalitete zdravstvene skrbi te pratećih usluga i organizacijskih funkcija. U području zdravstvene skrbi mjeri se ukupno liječenje, ishod procesa zdravstvene skrbi, zadovoljstvo pacijenata, neželjeni događaji, kvaliteta života itd.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 153-162  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvene usluge -- Zdravstvena njega -- Kvaliteta usluge -- Sigurnost -- Sestrinska praksa

MARKOVIĆ, Suzana, ekonomistica
Istraživanje razlika između percepcije i očekivanja korisnika zdravstvenih usluga primjenom modela SERVQUAL [Elektronička građa] / Suzana Marković, Irena Regent Turkalj, Aleksandar Racz. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Uvod: Kvaliteta usluga u zdravstvu sve je češće predmet različitih istraživanja. Posebno mjesto u takvim istraživanjima zauzima mjerenje kvalitete zdravstvenih usluga, pri čemu važnu ulogu ima određivanje načina na koji ih percipiraju korisnici. Cilj i metode: Primjenom prilagođenoga modela SERVQUAL u ovom radu istražena su očekivanja i percepcija 178 korisnika zdravstvenih usluga u Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju bolesti srca, pluća i reumatizma Thalassotherapia Opatija. Rezultati: Dimenzije su koje su mjerene ovim istraživanjem: opipljivost, pouzdanost, sigurnost, razumijevanje i odgovornost. Rezultati provedenoga empirijskog istraživanja potvrdili su prikladnost modela SERVQUAL za mjerenje kvalitete zdravstvenih usluga. Utvrđeno je da postoji znatan jaz između percepcija i očekivanja korisnika usluga. Jaz je bio najveći pri ocjeni opipljivosti, tj. fizičkih elemenata pružanja usluga, dok je najmanji jaz kod razumijevanja (–0,11) i sigurnosti (–0,13) te odgovornosti (–0,17), što znači da su korisnici, iako je jaz negativan, ipak dobili očekivanu uslugu. Ispitanici su bili zadovoljni ukupno primljenim uslugama (6,65/7) i boravkom te imaju povjerenje u ustanovu uz ocjenu da je zdravstvena usluga premašila očekivanja (6,28/7). Skloni su ustanovu preporučiti drugima (prosječna ocjena tvrdnje 6,65), a i sami se ponovno koristiti njezinim uslugama (6,74/7). Očekivanja, ali i percepcije, ovise i o spolu, dobi i obrazovanju. Žene imaju veća očekivanja od muškaraca, ali i bolje percipiraju kvalitetu dobivene usluge. Stariji korisnici dobivenu uslugu percipiraju kvalitetnijom od mlađih korisnika. Korisnici s višom razinom obrazovanja statistički značajnije, u odnosu na ostale ispitanike, očekuju da osoblje nađe vremena odgovoriti na njihova pitanja i da razumije njihove specifične potrebe te očekuju točnost u vremenu pružanja usluge. - Introduction: The quality of health care services is increasingly becoming the subject of different studies. A special place in such studies is taken by the measurement of the quality of health services, and by defining their perception from the users’ perspective. Objective and methods: By applying an adjusted SERVQUAL model, the expectations and perceptions of 178 health service users in Thalassotherapy Opatija were investigated. Results: Suitability of the SERVQUAL model for measuring the quality of health services has been verified. It has been found out that there is a significant gap between perception and expectation of service users. The highest gap was recorded when evaluating tangibility, i.e. physical elements of service delivery, while the lowest level was recorded when evaluating understanding (-0.11), security (-0.13) and responsibility (-0.17), which still means that the users have nevertheless received the expected service. They were satisfied with the total number of services received (6.65) and their stay as well, and it was also found out that they have confidence in the institution. On the other hand the health care services exceeded the expectations (6.28). The users tend to recommend the institution to others (6.65) and to use its services by themselves again (6.74). The results showed that female users have higher expectations than males, and that they have a better perception of the quality of provided services. The older users have better perception of provided services than the younger ones. When compared to the others, the users with a higher level of education show in terms of statistics higher expectations - they expect the staff to take some time to answer their questions, to understand their specific needs, and they also expect accuracy in service delivery.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 41-59  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvene usluge -- Kvaliteta usluga -- Statistička analiza

Naša iskustva u provođenju programa kontrole kvalitete uređaja za kompjutoriziranu tomografiju - multidisciplinarni pristup [Elektronička građa] / Katrin Nedeljko, Martina Paragi, Ardita Jahaj, Slaven Jurković, Ana Diklić, Doris Šegota, Klaudija Višković. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prema članku 33. Zakona o radiološkoj i nuklearnoj sigurnosti (NN 141/13, 39/15, 130/17, 118/18) te člancima 14., 15. i 16. Pravilnika o uvjetima i mjerama zaštite od ionizirajućeg zračenja za obavljanje djelatnosti s izvorima ionizirajućeg zračenja (NN 53/18), radiološki odjeli u Hrvatskoj koji provode dijagnostičke i intervencijske postupke u medicini upotrebom ionizirajućeg zračenja, obvezni su provoditi program osiguranja i kontrole kvalitete električnih uređaja koji proizvode ionizirajuće zračenje. Parametri koji moraju biti mjereni definirani su u Prilozima 3. do 12. koji su sastavni dio Pravilnika o uvjetima i mjerama zaštite od ionizirajućeg zračenja za obavljanje djelatnosti s izvorima ionizirajućeg zračenja (NN 53/18). U Klinici za infektivne bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljević” u Zagrebu dnevne testove provode radiološki tehnolozi, dok složenije procedure mjesečno i godišnje provode medicinski fizičari. Tijekom provođenja testova kontrole kvalitete, upotrebljava se različita oprema za evaluaciju parametara uređaja. U slučaju odstupanja od preporučenih rezultata, moraju se poduzeti korektivne mjere kako bi se ispravila odstupanja. Sve procedure moraju biti pohranjene, a izvješća upućena kompetentnim osobama i institucijama. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati multidisciplinarni pristup u provođenju programa kontrole kvalitete uređaja za kompjutoriziranu tomografiju u Klinici za infektivne bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljević” u Zagrebu od ožujka do rujna 2018. godine. Multidisciplinarni tim sastojao se od radioloških tehnologa i radiologa iz Klinike za infektivne bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljević” u Zagrebu, studenata radiološke tehnologije Zdravstvenog veleučilišta u Zagrebu i medicinskih fizičara iz Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Rijeci. Fizičari savjetuju radiološke tehnologe o tehničkim poboljšanjima kako bi postigli najbolje rezultate u provođenju svakodnevnih procedura kontrole kvalitete. - According to the Article 33 of the Act on Radiological and Nuclear Safety (Official Gazette 141/13; 39/15; 130/17; 118/18), Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Ordinance on the conditions and measures of ionising radiation protection for performing activities involving ionising radiation sources (Official Gazette 53/18), radiological departments in Croatia that conduct diagnostic and interventional procedures in medicine using X-ray units should establish a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) programme for sources of ionizing radiation. Parameters that should be measured are defined in the Annexes 3-12 of the Ordinance on the conditions and measures of ionising radiation protection for performing activities involving ionising radiation sources (Official Gazette 53/18). Daily tests are performed by radiologic technologists, while more complex procedures are conducted by medical physicists, monthly or annually. While performing QC procedures, different scanning equipment is used to evaluate device parameters. In case of deviations from the recommended results, corrective measures for irregularity correction should be applied. All procedures must be registered and reported to the competent persons and institutions. The aim of this paper is to present a multidisciplinary approach in the QC program for the computed tomography (CT) scanner at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases (UHID) in Zagreb, from March to September 2018. A multidisciplinary team consisted of radiologic technologists and a radiologist from UHID, radiologic technology students from the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb and medical physicists from the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka. Physicists advise radiologic technologists on the technical improvements in order to achieve the most efficient performance in their everyday QC procedures. All tested parameters were acceptable except for the detection of ring artefacts.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 277-286  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radiologija -- Radiološki tehnolozi -- Medicinski fizičari -- Ionizirajuće zračenje -- Kompjutorizirana tomografija -- Kontrola kvalitete -- Studenti

611   Anatomija

Vidi br.: HA19-00835

612   Fiziologija

Prostorna percepcija u inženjerskom obrazovanju [Elektronička građa] = Spatial perception in engineering education / Lidija Pletenac, Maura Jurić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Sposobnost prostorne percepcije, neophodnu u STEM1 području, pratimo kod naših studenata i prilagođavamo oblike rada potrebama studenta. Digitalizirali smo testove MRT i MCT te uveli multimedijalne nastavne materijale u e-kolegije. Slaba prostorna percepcija glavni je uzrok poteškoća pri rješavanju zadataka u prostoru na svim tehničkim kolegijima, posebno na geometrijskim. Prostorna percepcija razvija se vježbom. Rad analizira ovaj problem, daje prikaz rezultata ispitivanja (MRT i MCT) i primjene digitalnih nastavnih materijala. Analiza rezultata pokazuje poboljšanje kroz semestar. - Spatial perception abilities are necessary in STEM field, so we have been monitoring them and adapting our teaching methods to student needs. We digitized MRT and MCT tests and created new multimedia teaching materials for e-courses. Low spatial perception is the biggest problem in solving geometric tasks in space. This affects all technical courses, especially geometric ones. Spatial abilities develop with exercise. This paper analyzes this problem, gives an overview of MRT and MCT test results and describes the use of digital teaching materials.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 91-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prostorna predodžba -- Prostorna percepcija -- Studenti -- Testiranje

Vidi br.: HA19-00826

613   Higijena. Osobno zdravlje i higijena

TUŠEK, Kristina
Gender specific differences of the ethanol and nicotine toxicity verified by the use of mathematical models [Elektronička građa] Kristina Tušek, Ivana Buntak, Jaseka Gajdoš Kljusurić, Ana Jurinjak Tušek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 86-87. - Abstract. - Beside the pandemic of obesity, the binge drinking becomes a huge problem. The toxicity of consuming alcohol and smoking in the late adolescent population was examined using mathematical models. The body was divided into compartments for two different models; (i) the ethanol model (4 compartments: central compartment, muscle and fat compartment, liver compartment and gastrointestinal compartment) and (ii) the nicotine model (2 compartments: liver compartment and central compartment). Different alcohol contents simulated consumptions of 90 mL of spirits; 900 mL of beer or 600 mL of wine. Nicotine metabolism simulation was performed for three different initial doses of nicotine (light, medium and strong cigarettes). Significant differences are observed regarding the gender; where the maximum ethanol concentration is reached at 0.5 h (males: 27 mmol/dm3 and females: 33 mmol/dm3) in the gastrointestinal compartment while complete nicotine degradation in the liver takes approximately 10 h and in the central compartment 15 h, respectively. The skewness and kurtosis of the toxin concentrations showed their relation with the symmetry of the toxin retention in the body. Results show preferable positively skewed distribution which implies a shorter retention time in the organism while higher kurtosis implies higher toxin concentration.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 76-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spol -- Alkohol -- Nikotin -- Toksični učinak

Povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti i kvalitete života starijih osoba [Elektronička građa] / Nada Pjevač, Tomislav Benjak, Neda Pjevač. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je istraživanja ispitati povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti kvalitete života starijih osoba. Ispitanici su pokretni građani starije životne dobi od 70 do 90 godina (N = 100). Rezultati su dobiveni na temelju ispunjenog Indeksa osobne kvalitete života. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine s obzirom na učestalost bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću. U skupinu aktivnih svrstani su oni koje se bave tri ili više puta tjedno nekom od tjelesnih aktivnosti dulje od 30 minuta (N = 56), a u skupinu neaktivnih oni koji nisu tjelesno aktivni (N = 44). Utvrđena je niska, ali značajna pozitivna korelacija učestalosti bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću i kvalitete života na domeni zdravlja (r = 0,202; p <0,05) i kvalitete života na domeni uspješnosti (r = 0,198; p <0,05). Slijedeći preporuke Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije i rezultate niza istraživanja te dijela rezultata i ovog istraživanja koje ukazuje na znatnu povezanost učestalosti tjelesne aktivnosti i domene zdravlja kvalitete života, stalna tjelesna aktivnost mora biti neizostavna mjera primarne prevencije zaštite zdravlja starijih osoba, iako rezultati ovog istraživanje ne ukazuju na statistički značajnu povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti i ukupne kvalitete života. - The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between the physical activity and quality of life of older people. Respondents were movable, older citizens of 70-90 years (N=100). Results were obtained on the basis of the completed Quality of Life Index. Participans were divided into two groups considering the frequency of physical activities. In the 'active' group were participants who participated in some sort of physical activity two or three times a week for more than 30 minutes (n=56), and a group of inactive people included participants who were not physically active (n=44). There was a low but significant positive correlation frequency of doing physical activity and quality of life in the domain of health (r=0.202;p<0.05) and quality of life in the domain of perfomance (r=0.198;p<0.05). In keeping with the recommendations of the World health Organization, a number of research results, and the results of this research, which suggests an important connection between the frequency of physical activity and health domain of quality of life, constant physical activity must be an essential measure of primary health prevention of older people, although the results of this study do not indicate a statistically significant correlation between physical activity and overall quality of life.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 163-169  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Starije osobe -- Tjelesna aktivnost -- Kvaliteta života

BABIĆ, Nikola, psiholog
Ruminacije o pijenju alkohola kao prediktor depresivnosti i alkoholne žudnje kod osoba na bolničkom liječenju od ovisnosti o alkoholu [Elektronička građa] / Nikola Babić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 657-660. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati odnose između osjećaja srama zbog pijenja, ruminacija o pijenju, depresivnosti i alkoholne žudnje kod osoba s poremećajem upotrebe alkohola. Klinički uzorak uključivao je 71 pacijenta (60 muških) prosječne dobi 49.70 godina (SD = 9.78) na bolničkom liječenju od ovisnosti o alkoholu u Psihijatrijskoj bolnici Rab (PBR). Uz sociodemografske podatke korištene su psihologijske mjere osjećaja srama zbog pijenja, ruminacija o pijenju, depresivnosti i alkoholne žudnje. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je viši stupanj osjećaja srama zbog pijenja povezan s višim stupnjevima ruminacija o pijenju i depresivnosti. Osobe koje su više ruminirale bile su depresivnije i izvještavale o većem stupnju alkoholne žudnje, te se i depresivnost pokazala u značajnoj pozitivnoj korelaciji s alkoholnom žudnjom. U predikciji depresivnosti i alkoholne žudnje značajnim su se prediktorom pokazale samo ruminacije o pijenju. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na važnost ruminacija o pijenju za razumijevanje depresivnosti i alkoholne žudnje kod osoba na liječenju od ovisnosti o alkoholu. Budući da i depresivnost i alkoholna žudnja predstavljaju rizik od recidivizma, ovi nalazi upućuju na potrebu terapijske prorade ruminacija u svrhu povećavanja uspješnosti tretmana poremećaja ovisnosti o alkoholu. - The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between feeling of shame related to drinking, rumination about drinking, depression and alcohol craving among psychiatric inpatients with alcohol use disorder (AUD). The clinical sample included 71 inpatients (60 male) average age 49.70 years (SD = 9.78) who were hospitalized for AUD treatment disorder in Psychiatric Hospital Rab. Psychological measures included State Shame Scale, Rumination about Drinking Scale, Beck Depression Inventory and Penn Alcohol Craving Scale. The results show that shame related to drinking is associated with rumination about drinking and depression. Rumination about drinking is associated with depression and alcohol craving, and depression is associated with alcohol craving. Rumination about drinking was also significant predictor of depression and alcohol craving. The results suggest that rumination about drinking is significant for understanding depression and alcohol craving among inpatients with AUD. Since both depression and alcohol craving are significant risk factors for relapse after treatment, these finding also suggest that working through rumination as a part of the treatment could improve AUD treatment outcomes.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 645-660  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alkoholizam -- Ovisnost o alkoholu -- Sram -- Depresivnost -- Bolničko liječenje

MARINOVIĆ Glavić, Mihaela
Usporedba kvalitete života i samoprocjena zdravlja osoba starijih od 75 godina u gradu Rijeci i gradu Rovinju [Elektronička građa] / Mihaela Marinović Glavić, Denis Juraga, Vanja Vasiljev Marchesi, Lovorka Bilajac, Franka Buršić, Tomislav Rukavina. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Uvod: Kvaliteta života osoba starije životne dobi, iako povezana s tjelesnim zdravljem i funkcioniranjem, ne mora izravno ovisiti o zdravstvenom stanju pojedinca i zato novija istraživanja procesa starenja naglašavaju pojam subjektivnog zdravlja. Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi kvalitetu života i samoprocjenu zdravlja osoba starijih od 75 godina na području gradova Rijeke i Rovinja. Ispitanici i metode: Za potrebe istraživanja ispitano je 305 starijih osoba (184 žene i 121 muškarac) iz Rijeke (156) i Rovinja (149). Kao instrument je primijenjen anketni upitnik namijenjen istraživanjima koja se provode u okviru europskog projekta UHCE (Urban Health Centre Europe) za aktivno i zdravo starenje u gradu Rijeci. Rezultati: Osobe starije od 75 godina na području Rijeke i Rovinja uglavnom su zadovoljne kvalitetom života te fizičke i emocionalne tegobe karakteristične za stariju dob ne ograničavaju njihovo svakodnevno ponašanje, socijalne aktivnosti i ne utječu na njihovo psihičko zdravlje. Zaključak: Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je kvaliteta života ispitanika zadovoljavajuća, no nedostaje im socijalne podrške, odnosno ljudi kojima mogu vjerovati i s kojima se osjećaju bliskima. Njihovo subjektivno zdravlje uglavnom je zadovoljavajuće, kako tjelesno tako i emocionalno, pa je ukupna ocjena kvalitete življenja pozitivna i ne razlikuje se znatno između onih koji žive u Rijeci, kao većoj gradskoj sredini, i Rovinju, kao manjoj urbanoj sredini. - Introduction: The quality of life of the elderly, although associated with physical health and functioning, does not have to depend directly on the individual’s health condition. Therefore, newer studies of the aging process emphasize the concept of subjective health. The aim of this paper is to identify the quality of life and selfassessment of the health of people over the age of 75 in the cities of Rijeka and Rovinj. Respondents and Methods: For the purpose of research, 305 elderly persons (184 women and 121 men) from Rijeka (156) and Rovinj (149) were examined. As an instrument, a survey questionnaire was used for research carried out within the framework of the European Urban Health Center Europe for Active and Healthy Aging in the City of Rijeka. Results: People over the age of 75 in the area of Rijeka and Rovinj are mostly satisfied with the quality of their lives and physical and emotional problems, characteristic for the elderly, do not limit daily behavior, social activities and do not affect their psychological health. Conclusion: Research has shown that the quality of life of respondents is satisfactory, but lacking social support, that is, people whom they can trust and feel close to. Their subjective health is mostly satisfactory, both physically and emotionally, so their overall quality of life is positive and does not differ significantly between those living in Rijeka, the larger city center, and Rovinj as a less urban environment.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 31-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Starije osobe -- Kvaliteta života -- Zdravstveno stanje

Vidi br.: HA19-01157

Vidi br.: HA19-00887

614   Javno zdravstvo. Prevencija nesreća

MAKAR, Anita
An assessment of decision to change lifestyle in cardiovascular patients after hospitalization [Elektronička građa] / Anita Makar, Zrinka Pukljak Iričanin, Jadranka Pavić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to examine the lifestyle of cardiovascular patients with different diagnoses, as well as the willingness to change lifestyle after hospitalization. These results can significantly influence everyday nursing practice during rehabilitation and education of cardiovascular patients and increase motivation to change risk behavior. The participants of the study were the patients at the Cardiology Department of the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Krapinske Toplice (N=70). In assessing their lifestyle before the hospitalization most participants agreed with the statements „I was often tense, angry or concerned about the events in the society“ and „I was often tense, angry or worried while following the media“. Rural participants compared to those from urban areas estimated their lifestyle before hospitalization statistically as more risky. Most participants decided to change their lifestyle compared to the habits they had before hospitalization. They mostly agree with the statements related to the decision of reducing cigarette consumption and walking more. Older participants brought significantly less decisions of changing lifestyle after hospitalization. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the decision to change lifestyle in terms of gender, work activity and professional occupation. Participants with arrhythmia had a statistically significant higher value of lifestyle change compared to those who had myocardial infarction and hypertension. Participants with bypass had a statistically significant higher value of decision to change lifestyle compared to those who were hospitalized because of arrhythmia. These results are useful for identifying groups of patients where nurses need to make additional efforts to encourage motivation to change risky lifestyle. - Svrha istraživanja bila je ispitati životni stil prije hospitalizacije kod kardiovaskularnih pacijenata različitih dijagnoza, kao i spremnost na promjenu životnog stila nakon hospitalizacije. Ti podaci mogu znatno utjecati na rad medicinskih sestara tijekom rehabilitacije i edukacije kardiovaskularnih pacijenata te poticanja motivacije na promjenu rizičnih ponašanja. Sudionici istraživanja bili su pacijenti kardiološkog odjela Specijalne bolnice za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Krapinske Toplice (N = 70). U procjeni životnog stila prije hospitalizacije najviše se slažu s tvrdnjama često sam bio/la napet/a, ljut/a ili zabrinut/a zbog događaja u društvu te često sam bio/la napet/a, ljut/a ili zabrinut/a dok pratim medije. Sudionici sa sela u usporedbi sa sudionicima iz gradskih naselja procjenjuju svoj životni stil prije hospitalizacije statistički značajno riskantnijim. Većina pacijenata odlučila je promijeniti životne navike u odnosu na one koje su imali prije hospitalizacije. Najviše se slažu s tvrdnjama koje se odnose na odluku o smanjenom konzumiranju cigareta i više pješačenja. Stariji ispitanici donose značajno manje odluka o promjeni životnoga stila nakon hospitalizacije, a nema značajnih razlika u odluci o promjeni životnog stila s obzirom na spol, radnu aktivnost i stručnu spremu sudionika. Ispitanici hospitalizirani zbog aritmije imaju statistički značajno viši stupanj odluke o promjeni u usporedbi s ispitanicima s infarktom miokarda i s hipertenzijom. Ispitanici hospitalizirani zbog ugradnje premosnica imaju statistički značajno viši stupanj odluke o promjeni životnog stila u usporedbi s ispitanicima hospitaliziranima zbog aritmije. Dobiveni podaci korisni su za prepoznavanje skupina pacijenata kod kojih medicinske sestre moraju uložiti dodatne napore u stvaranju motivacije za promjenu rizičnoga životnog stila.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 25-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Životni stil -- Kardiovaskularne bolesti -- Prevencija -- Odluka o promjeni

VUKOVIĆ, Ivica-Tvrtko
The attitudes of nurses towards internship in the Republic of Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Ivica-Tvrtko Vuković, Marija Brdarević, Snježana Čukljek, Janko Babić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The internship in health care is regulated by the Rules and Regulations on Internship of Health Care Providers. One of the measures of the Croatian Institute for promoting employment of interns in health care is “Professional Training for Work Without Establishing an Employment Relationship”. The aim of this research is to determine the attitudes towards internship and to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the attitudes of currently employed nurses and those currently doing an internship. The research was conducted through the Internet, using an anonymous questionnaire containing 10 questions, out of which 8 were closed-ended and 2 open-ended questions. A total of 306 respondents were interviewed, of whom 232 were nurses and 49 nursing interns. When asked whether internship is necessary in health care, 98.4% of the respondents answered positively, with the majority of interns (75.3%) considering that there is a need for changes in internship. The results of the chi-square test suggest that there are statistically significant differences in the attitudes of employed respondents and interns in the answers to 5 questions. The interns rated their knowledge of internship worse than healthcare workers and workers in other systems. Interns associate internship with exploitation, while employed nurses mention that it reminds them of training for independent work. Most healthcare professionals would like someone close to them to have the right/obligation to do internship. By analyzing the results of the attitudes towards internship, a statistically significant difference between currently employed nurses and nursing interns was established. It is felt that youth training should be the responsibility of the employers who should provide adequate education and continuous monitoring of new workers. - Pripravnički staž u zdravstvu je reguliran Pravilnikom o pripravničkom stažu zdravstvenih radnika. Jedna je od mjera Hrvatskog zavoda za poticanje zapošljavanja pripravnika u zdravstvu „stručno osposobljavanje za rad bez zasnivanja radnog odnosa”. Cilj je ovog istraživanja istražiti stavove o pripravničkom stažu te utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika u stavovima trenutačno zaposlenih medicinskih sestara/tehničara te onih koji trenutačno obavljaju pripravnički staž. Istraživanje se provodilo putem interneta, anonimnim anketama s 10 pitanja, od toga osam pitanja s ponuđenim odgovorima te dva pitanja otvorenog tipa. Ukupno se odazvalo 306 ispitanika, od toga su 232 medicinske sestre / medicinska tehničara te 49 medicinskih sestara/tehničara pripravnika. Na pitanje smatraju li pripravnički staž potrebnim u zdravstvu 98,4 % ispitanika odgovorilo je pozitivno, pri čemu većina pripravnika (75,3 %) smatra da su potrebne izmjene pripravničkog staža. Rezultati hi-kvadrat testa govore u prilog tome da u odgovorima na pet pitanja postoje statistički značajne razlike u stavovima zaposlenih i pripravnika. Pripravnici su znanje o pripravničkom stažu ocijenili lošijim u odnosu na zaposlenike u zdravstvu i u drugim sustavima. Pripravnike pripravnički staž asocira na iskorištavanje, dok zaposlene osobe navode da ih asocira na osposobljavanje za samostalan rad. Većina zaposlenih u zdravstvu željela bi da njima bliska osoba ima pravo/obvezu odraditi pripravnički staž. Analizom rezultata stavova prema pripravničkom stažu utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika među zaposlenicima i pripravnicima. Smatra se da velika odgovornost u osposobljavanju mladih prelazi na poslodavce koji bi trebali osigurati adekvatne edukacije i stalna praćenja novih radnika.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 79-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sestrinstvo -- Pripravnički staž -- Stavovi

HARAPIN Savić, Tihana
Duration of nursing care in patients with hip fractures [Elektronička građa] / Tihana Harapin Savić, Valentina Košćak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The research regarding the duration of nursing care in patients with hip fractures was conducted at the Traumatology and Orthopedic Institute of the University Hospital Dubrava in a period of 4 months. The research was conducted on 59 patients with a diagnosis of a broken hip, that have undergone surgery. The goal of this research was to determine the differences in the duration of nursing care due to age, gender, comorbidities and postoperative day. Statistical significance in all measurements was reduced to p<0.05. The research shows connection between patient age and the duration of nursing care. The presence of comorbidity also prolongs the duration of nursing care. Shorter duration of nursing care was determined in women compared to men in all age groups, but it wasn’t of statistical significance. - Istraživanje o duljini trajanja zdravstvene njege kod bolesnika s prijelomom kuka provedeno je na Zavodu za traumatologiju i ortopediju Kliničke bolnice Dubrava u razdoblju od četiri mjeseca. Uzorak ovog istraživanja činilo je 59 bolesnika s dijagnozom prijeloma kuka u kojih je učinjen kirurški zahvat. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u duljini trajanja zdravstvene njege kod bolesnika s prijelomom kuka s obzirom na dob, spol, komorbiditete i poslijeoperacijski dan. Statistička značajnost u svim mjerenjima svedena je na p <0,05. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da vrijeme trajanja njege pokazuje značajne interindividualne razlike. Generalno gledano smanjuje se s porastom poslijeoperacijskog vremena, a povećava s dobi pacijenata kod oba spola. Dob pacijenta ima najveći utjecaj na vrijeme trajanja njege. Prisutnost komorbiditeta također produžuje vrijeme trajanja njege. Nešto niže vrijeme trajanja njege je utvrđeno kod žena u odnosu na muškarce u svim dobnim skupinama, ali te razlike nisu bile i statistički značajne.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 71-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvena njega -- Prijelom kuka -- Medicinska sestra

Evaluation and care of a polytraumatized patient [Elektronička građa] / Petra Lovrenčić, Cecilija Rotim. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Polytrauma is a simultaneous severe injury to at least two body regions where at least one injury, or a combination of multiple injuries, endangers life. The spectrum of injuries and posttraumatic disorders is extremely wide. Most commonly they include shock, hypotension due to bleeding or vital organs injury. Injuries are the leading cause of death in developed countries today, and proportion of people who experience polytrauma in the total number of the injured is 3%, with a high mortality rate of 22%. Reanimation procedures and understanding of pathophysiology have progressed remarkably, and in the last twenty years, mortality has decreased by twenty percent. Time is a very valuable factor in the treatment of a polytraumatized patient and requires initiation of injury treatment within 60 minutes of its occurrence. In the clinical approach to treatment, algorithms for the treatment of polytrauma are used to achieve the best results of treatment and to reduce posttraumatic complications. Triage is a formal process through which the condition of all the patients is evaluated right after their arrival at the Emergency Department. Triage determines the urgency of the problem and assesses the allowed and expected waiting time for the beginning of the physician’s examination and treatment of the patient. The approach to a polytraumatized patient is multidisciplinary, includes many specialties and requires continuous education and highly educated staff. High-quality skills, good communication and readiness to respond quickly and efficiently are just some of the key determinants of working with patients with life-threatening conditions. - Politrauma je istodobna teška ozljeda najmanje dviju tjelesnih regija gdje najmanje jedna ozljeda ili kombinacija više njih ugrožavaju život. Spektar ozljeda i posttraumatskih poremećaja izrazito je širok. Najčešće uključuju šok, hipotenziju zbog krvarenja ili ozljeda vitalnih organa. Ozljede su danas vodeći uzrok smrti u razvijenim zemljama, a zastupljenost politraumatiziranih u ukupnom broju ozlijeđenih iznosi 3 % uz visoku stopu smrtnosti, koja doseže 22 %. Reanimacijski postupci i razumijevanje patofiziologije iznimno su napredovali te se u posljednjih dvadeset godina smrtnost smanjila za dvadeset posto. Vrijeme je vrlo dragocjen čimbenik u zbrinjavanju politraumatiziranog bolesnika te se zahtijeva početak zbrinjavanja ozljede unutar 60 minuta od njezina nastanka. U kliničkom pristupu liječenju primjenjuju se algoritmi za zbrinjavanje politraume s pomoću kojih se žele postići što bolji rezultati zbrinjavanja i smanjiti pojava posttraumatskih komplikacija. Trijaža je formalan proces kojim se svi bolesnici procjenjuju odmah nakon dolaska u odjel hitne medicine. Trijažom se određuje hitnost problema i procjenjuje dozvoljeno i očekivano vrijeme čekanja na početak pregleda liječnika i liječenja bolesnika. Pristup je politraumatiziranom bolesniku multidisciplinaran, uključuje brojne specijalnosti te zahtijeva kontinuiranu edukaciju i visokoobrazovano osoblje. Kvalitetne vještine, dobra komunikacija i spremnost da se reagira brzo i kvalitetno samo su neke od ključnih odrednica za rad s vitalno ugroženim bolesnicima.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 93-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politrauma -- Zbrinjavanje bolesnika -- Trijaža bolesnika -- Multidisciplinarni tim

Healthy settings / Health promoting settings [Elektronička građa] / Irena Kovačević, Valentina Krikšić, Štefanija Ozimec Vulinec, Boris Ilić, Adriano Friganović, Sanja Ledinski Fičko. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In addition to genetic factors, human health is influ¬enced by many other exogenous factors: environ¬mental set-up, housing conditions, education, public services, social security, protection of people, etc. Health improvement and the creation of potentials for good health before health problems and vulner¬ability appear are the fundamental determinants of health promotion. The World Health Organization advocates health promotion and providing healthy surroundings that would allow the maximal expression of all human potentials (mental, physical, social, spiritual). The aim of this article was to examine the association of environmental factors that affect mental and physical health. By a series of public health pro¬grams, there is an attempt to preserve health from the earliest beginning of life – from its conceivement. Negative environmental factors present in the early phases of childhood may produce far-reaching consequences for the entire life. Critical groups include elderly people, homeless, migrants, persons with special needs and those living on the margin of poverty. The reorientation of the health system is necessary, so that its focus is moved toward the individual and community, and to strengthen the culture oriented to health and prevention, not to disease. The coop¬eration and linking inside the sector and with other sectors by the creation of partnerships and networks is unavoidable. There are many examples of the Healthy Cities project that contributed to the wellbeing of citizens on the level of city administration. - Na zdravlje čovjeka, osim genskih, utječu i brojni drugi vanjski čimbenici: stanje okoliša, uvjeti stanovanja, obrazovanje, javne službe, socijalna sigurnost, zaštita građana itd. Temeljne su odrednice promicanja zdravlja unaprjeđenje zdravlja i stvaranje potencijala za dobro zdravlje, prije nego što se pojave zdravstveni problemi ili ugroženost zdravlja. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija zalaže se za promociju zdravlja i osiguranje zdrave okoline koja omogućuje maksimalno ostvarenje svih ljudskih potencijala (mentalnih, fizičkih, socijalnih, duhovnih...). Cilj ovog članka bio je ispitati povezanost čimbenika okoliša koji utječu na mentalno i fizičko zdravlje. Nizom javnozdravstvenih programa pokušava se sačuvati zdravlje od najranijeg početka života – od njegova začeća. Negativni čimbenici okoliša prisutni u ranim fazama djetinjstva mogu proizvesti dalekosežne posljedice za cijeli život. Kritične skupine uključuju starije ljude, beskućnike, migrante, osobe s posebnim potrebama i one koji žive na rubu siromaštva. Preusmjeravanje zdravstvenog sustava nužno je da bi se njegov fokus premjestio na pojedinca i zajednicu te da bi se ojačala kultura orijentirana na zdravlje i prevenciju, a ne na bolest. Nužna je suradnja i povezivanje unutar sektora i drugih sektora stvaranjem partnerstva i mreža. Mnogo je primjera projekta Zdravi gradovi koji su pridonijeli boljitku građana na razini gradske uprave.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 167-181  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravlje -- Promicanje zdravlja -- Socijalna politika -- Čimbenici okoliša -- Holistički pristup

The knowledge of teachers as a key factor in providing first aid in primary schools [Elektronička građa] / Uroš Kovačič, Amela Lozić, Damjan Slabe, Andrej Starc. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Background: In addition to home, school is the second most important living environment in a child’s life. Injuries that most often occur in school and on the school playground are the primary cause for the death of children. In case of sudden health problems in schools, teachers are usually the first to be at a child’s side. We were interested in how well teachers in primary schools are familiar with first aid measures in selected health cases. Methods: Collecting of data in the framework of the descriptive method of research was conducted with an anonymous survey questionnaire using the online program 1ka. One hundred and ninety-two teachers filled in the survey questionnaire in its entirety. Results: Teachers have a lack of theoretical knowledge of first aid in life-threatening situations. In four of the nine questions on the selected first aid measures, the teachers who teach at the upper level of primary school showed statistically significantly poorer knowledge compared to the teachers who teach at the lower level of primary school. Conclusions: Teachers at the lower level who teach in the early stage of the education system displayed better theoretical knowledge of first aid. This may be the result of a difference in their educational role during the schooling of an individual pupil. While a lower-level teacher who is associating with the particular pupil all day long is involved in the general education of the pupil, the teacher at a higher-level teaches a specific subject and only has contact with a certain pupil a few hours a week. Theoretical knowledge is only a basic prerequisite for performing first aid, practical skills are required as well. It is essential that teachers in primary school renew and upgrade their knowledge of first aid, as doctrinal guidance changes and first aid knowledge is also forgotten. If teachers are responsible for the practical performance of first aid measures on an injured or suddenly ill child, the school pri. - Uvod: Uz dom, škola je druga najvažnija djetetova životna okolina. Ozljede koje se najčešće događaju u školi i na školskom igralištu glavni su uzrok smrti u djece. U slučaju iznenadnih zdravstvenih problema u školi učitelji su obično prvi koji su uz dijete. Zanimalo nas je koliko su učitelji u osnovnim školama upoznati s mjerama pružanja prve pomoći u određenim zdravstvenim slučajevima. Metode: Prikupljanje podataka deskriptivnom metodom provedeno je s pomoću anonimnog anketnog upitnika putem online programa 1ka. Upitnik su u cijelosti ispunila 192 nastavnika. Rezultati: Učitelji nemaju teoretsko znanje prve pomoći u situacijama opasnima po život. U četiri od devet pitanja o odabranim mjerama pružanja prve pomoći učitelji u višim razredima osnovne škole pokazali su statistički značajno slabije znanje u odnosu na učitelje u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Zaključci: Učitelji u nižim razredima osnovne škole koji predaju u ranom stadiju obrazovnog sustava pokazali su bolje teoretsko znanje prve pomoći. To može biti posljedica razlike u njihovoj obrazovnoj ulozi tijekom školovanja učenika. Dok učitelj u nižim razredima cijeli dan provede s učenikom i uključen je u opće obrazovanje učenika, učitelj u višim razredima predaje jedan određeni predmet i dolazi u kontakt s učenikom samo nekoliko sati tjedno. Teoretsko znanje samo je osnovni preduvjet za pružanje prve pomoći, za to su potrebne i praktične vještine. Bitno je da nastavnici u osnovnoj školi obnove i usavrše svoje znanje prve pomoći, jer se smjernice mijenjanju i znanje se prve pomoći zaboravlja. Ako su nastavnici odgovorni za pružanje mjera prve pomoći ozlijeđenom ili iznenada oboljelom djetetu, ravnatelji su odgovorni za osiguravanje uvjeta za provedbu tih mjera, uključujući i osiguranje edukacije za svoje zaposlenike.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 17-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prva pomoć -- Osnovna škola -- Učitelji -- Ozljede -- Trauma

Monitoring in the treatment of patients with aneurysmal and nonaneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage in terms of nursing care and therapy [Elektronička građa] / Mirsada Čustović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Cerebrovascular diseases together with cardiovascular and malignant diseases are the most common diseases in the developed world, regardless of the gender. They are at the third place as the cause of mortality and first as the cause of disability. Subarachnoid haemorrhage is a condition of discharging blood from cerebral arteries into the subarachnoid space within the brain. Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) has a number of etiological features, but when it comes to spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage, in 80% of the cases it is caused by the rupture of an intracranial aneurysm. Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) can be spontaneous and traumatic (post-traumatic). Also, it could be primary (direct bleeding into the subarachnoid space) or secondary (parenchymal bleeding to the subarachnoid space of the brain). Cerebral aneurysms are a local expansion in the blood vessel wall usually at the bifurcation of the artery. If cerebral artery ruptures and blood enters the subarachnoid space, the patient can have a very strong headache at the back and front part of the head. Short term memory can be affected as well. The initial assessment of patients should include: an overview of the quantitative state of mind, pupil size and reaction to light, motor and sensory function, the presence of headaches, dysfunction of cranial nerve (ptosis of the eyelids, difficulty moving eyes in all directions) blurred vision, aphasia, other neurological deficits). Several serious complications often arise after a successful operative treatment of the subarachnoid haemorrhage and aneurysm. One such complication is cerebral vasospasm, and is present in 50 to 70% of the patients. Late complications include recurrent bleeding, brain edema, chronic hydrocephalus and as most important - brain infarction. The incidence of subarachnoid haemorrhage ranges from 10-15/100 000 inhabitants. - Subarahnoidna hemoragija stanje je izlijevanja krvi iz moždanih arterija u subarahnoidni prostor duž površine mozga. Subarahnoidna hemoragija (SAH) ima brojne etiološke mogućnosti, ali kada je riječ o spontanoj subarahnoidnoj hemoragiji, u 80 % slučajeva uzrok joj je ruptura intrakranijske aneurizme. Subarahnoidna hemoragija može biti spontana i traumatska (posttraumatska). Također, može biti primarna ili sekundarna. Inicijalna procjena bolesnika uključuje: pregled kvantitativnog stanja svijesti, veličinu zjenica i reakciju na svjetlost, motoričku i senzoričku funkciju, prisutnost glavobolje, disfunkciju kranijalnih živaca (ptoza kapaka, poteškoće pomicanja očiju u svim pravcima), zamagljen vid, afaziju, ostale neurološke deficite. Nekoliko ozbiljnih komplikacija često nastaje nakon uspješne operacije subarahnoidne hemoragije i aneurizme. Jedna je takva komplikacija cerebralni vazospazam, a javlja se u 50 do 70 % pacijenata. Odložene su komplikacije: recidivirajuće krvarenje, edem mozga, kronični hidrocefalus i kao najvažnija – infarkt mozga. U monitoriranju te ovisno o nastalim komplikacijama, ali i u svim situacijama, uloga medicinske sestre prvenstveno se ogleda u praćenju vitalnih parametara i stanja svijesti te u prepoznavanju trenutaka nastanka klinički relevantne neurodeteriorijacije. Ciljevi. Prikazati ukupan broj operiranih pacijenata s potvrđenom subarahnoidnom hemoragijom na Klinici za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu u periodu od 1. siječnja 2013. do 31. prosinca 2014. Te prikazati: načine monitoriranja pacijenata od primitka u Kliniku do otpusta, stadije ishoda liječenja i indikatore kvalitete (ventilacijska pneumonija, intrahospitalne infekcije, dekubitusi) kod ispitivanog uzorka. Metode. Provedena je retrospektivna studija.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 5-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Subarahnoidna hemoragija -- Aneurizma -- Postoperativna njega -- Bolničke infekcije -- Vazospazam

REŽIĆ, Slađana
Nurse perception of nursing handover at the University Clinical Hospital in Zagreb [Elektronička građa] / Slađana Režić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Nursing handover refers to communication occurring between two shifts of nurses with the specific purpose of handing over information about patients under the nurses’ care. Several styles of nursing handover exist, whereas in Croatia written handover is legally required. Aim. The aim of the study was to examine nurses’ perception of the nursing handover: whether nursing handover improves patient safety, whether the content of the handover influences the quality of nursing care and whether the handover is important for continuity of nursing care. The aim was also to determine how the nursing handover is performed, how long it takes and whether written instructions are necessary for the nursing handover. Methods. The study was conducted between 1 October 2017 and 30 October 2017. The study was conducted on the basis of a questionnaire made specifically for this purpose. The questionnaire consisted of 14 questions. The first part of the questionnaire referred to the participants’ demographic data: years of service, age, gender, education level, workplace; the second part of the questionnaire referred to nurses’ perception of the nursing handover. Results. The questionnaire was filled in by 295 nurses. Out of this number, 40 were male and 255 female nurses. The majority of participants finished secondary education and have been working between 11 and 20 years. In most cases, nursing handover is recorded in electronic written form and also at the patient’s bedside. Over 90% of participants feel that the handover contributes to improved patient safety and quality of care. Conclusion. Nursing handover is recorded in electronic written form, as well as at the patient’s bedside on all wards that participated in the study. This form of handover ensures better continuity of care, improves patient safety and reduces loss of vital information. The need to draw up written instructions for the nursing handover was determined. - Uvod. Sestrinska primopredaja službe jest komunikacija koja se odvija između dviju smjena medicinskih sestara čija je specifična svrha predavanje informacija o pacijentima o kojima skrbe medicinske sestre. Postoji nekoliko stilova primopredaje sestrinske službe, a u Hrvatskoj je zakonski obvezna pismena primopredaja. Cilj. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj ispitati percepciju medicinskih sestara o primopredaji sestrinske službe: pridonosi li primopredaja sestrinske službe većoj sigurnosti pacijenata, utječe li sadržaj primopredaje na kvalitetu provođenja zdravstvene njege te je li primopredaja važna za kontinuitet sestrinske skrbi. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi na koji se način provodi primopredaja sestrinske službe, koliko traje te jesu li potrebne pisane upute za primopredaju sestrinske službe. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od 1. do 30. listopada 2017. Istraživanje je provedeno putem upitnika izrađenog u tu svrhu. Upitnik se sastojao od 14 pitanja: prvi dio upitnika odnosi se na demografske podatke ispitanika: godine radnog staža, godine života, spol, razina obrazovanja, mjesto rada; drugi dio upitnika odnosio se na percepciju medicinskih sestara o primopredaji sestrinske službe. Rezultati. Upitnik je ispunilo 295 medicinskih sestara i tehničara. Od toga je broja 40 muških osoba, a 255 ženskih. Najveći je broj ispitanika srednje stručne spreme i radi između 11 i 20 godina. Sestrinska primopredaja u najvećem se postotku bilježi u elektroničkom pismenom obliku te uz krevet bolesnika. Više od 90 % ispitanika smatra da primopredaja pridonosi većoj sigurnosti bolesnika te boljoj kvaliteti skrbi. Zaključak. Primopredaja sestrinske službe bilježi se u elektroničkom pismenom obliku i uz krevet bolesnika na svim odjelima obuhvaćenima istraživanjem.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sestrinstvo -- Sigurnost bolesnika -- Primopredaja bolesnika -- Smjernice za primopredaju službe

LUČAN, Jelena
Opinions of high school nursing students on integrating medical IT applications in vocational classes in Sisak-Moslavina County [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Lučan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim. To examine whether high school nursing students have a positive opinion on using medical IT applications in classes of vocational subjects Nurse in Primary Healthcare and Principles of Administration and whether students’ opinions regarding integrating medical IT applications in classes were related to their knowledge on nursing documentation and attitudes towards its use in primary healthcare. Methods. The study was conducted in the form of a cross-sectional study. In total, there were 84 participants, all students of the Viktorovac High School in Sisak, who filled in a questionnaire consisting of 37 questions. The answers were defined by the Likert rating scale. Results. Sixty-six (79%) students completely agree with the claim that using the application prior to the workplace is useful. 59 (70%) completely agree that being well-trained in using the application ensures a higher quality documenting skills. 40 (48%) students ranked their knowhow in test application as very good (knowhow sufficient for serious work with the application in primary healthcare), and 21 (25%) as excellent. Those students who ranked their knowhow as higher significantly less agree with the claim that there is no need to document nurses’ work and activities. Conclusion. High school nursing students hold positive opinions towards integrating medical IT applications in vocational subjects’ classes. Students’ opinions towards integrating medical IT applications in classes are related to their knowledge on nursing documentation and attitudes towards its use in primary healthcare. - Cilj. Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati mišljenje učenika Srednje škole Viktorovac u Sisku o primjeni medicinskoinformatičke aplikacije u nastavi stručnih predmeta Medicinska sestra u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti i Načela administracije te jesu li mišljenja učenika o integriranju medicinsko-informatičke aplikacije u nastavi povezana s njihovim znanjem o sestrinskoj dokumentaciji i stavovima prema njezinoj primjeni u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno kao presječna studija. Ukupno je sudjelovalo 84 učenika Srednje škole Viktorovac u Sisku s pomoću anketnog upitnika koji se sastoji od 37 pitanja. Odgovori se definiraju primjenom Likertove skale procjena. Rezultati. Šezdeset i šest (79 %) učenika u potpunosti se slaže s tvrdnjom da je vježbanje rada u aplikaciji prije odlaska na radilišta korisno. Da dobra uvježbanost primjene aplikacije osigurava veću kvalitetu dokumentiranja u potpunosti se slaže 59 (70 %) učenika. Svoje znanje i vještinu uporabe testne aplikacije 40 (48 %) učenika ocijenilo je ocjenom vrlo dobar (znanja i vještine sasvim dostatne za ozbiljan rad s aplikacijom u PZZ-u), a izvrsnom ocjenom ocijenio se 21 (25 %) učenik. Oni učenici koji su svoje znanje i vještine ocijenili višom ocjenom znatno se manje slažu s tvrdnjom da ne postoji potreba za dokumentiranjem sestrinskog rada. Zaključak. Učenici Srednje škole Viktorovac u Sisku imaju pozitivno mišljenje o integriranju medicinsko-informatičke aplikacije u nastavi stručnih predmeta. Mišljenja učenika o integriranju medicinsko-informatičke aplikacije u nastavi povezana su s njihovim znanjem o sestrinskoj dokumentaciji i mišljenjima o njezinoj primjeni u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 133-148  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinsko-informatičke aplikacije -- Srednjškolsko obrazovanje -- Učenici -- Mišljenje -- Primarna zdravstvena zaštita

JURIĆ, Marina, medicinska sestra
Parent satisfaction with children’s health care in the Children’s hospital Zagreb [Elektronička građa] / Marina Jurić, Franka Luetić, Štefanija Kolačko, Ana Marija Hošnjak, Nevenka Begić, Dunja Anić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim. The goal of the research is to assess parent satisfaction with children’s health care in the Children’s Hospital Zagreb and to determine whether there were differences in their assessment with regard to the clinic at which the child is hospitalized. Methods. The sample included 160 participans (parents of children hospitalized in the Clinic for Pediatric Surgery and the Pediatric Clinic in the Children’s Hospital Zagreb). As a research method an anonymous modified Picker questionnaire was used. Participation in the research was voluntary. Results. 36.9% of respondents think that their children’s health care is excellent, 43.8% think it is very good and 15% think it is good. 58.1% of parents believe that their child was frightened during hospitalization. 53.8% of respondents rated the hospital food as good, 98.8% of them said they have confidence and trust in the doctors and nurses who take care of their child. 4.4% of parents felt they were not sufficiently involved in decision-making about their child. 72.5% of children during hospitalization felt pain. Parents of children hospitalized in surgical departments have a better opinion of alleviating pain. Conclusions. 81% of respondents assesed the care of their child as very good or excellent and there is no significant difference in satisfaction with regard to the clinic at which the child is hospitalized. The variables found to have a correlation with the total satisfaction score are: a sense of confidence and trust in doctors, psychological preparation of the child, parents’ perception of participating in their child’s care, quality of the food, perception of parents about safety on the ward. - Cilj. Procijeniti stupanj zadovoljstva roditelja zdravstvenom skrbi djece u Klinici za dječje bolesti Zagreb te utvrditi postoje li statistički značajne razlike u procjeni zadovoljstva roditelja zdravstvenom skrbi djece s obzirom na kliniku pri kojoj je dijete hospitalizirano. Metode. Ispitanici su roditelji djece hospitalizirane na Klinici za pedijatriju i Klinici za dječju kirurgiju pri Klinici za dječje bolesti Zagreb (njih 160). Primijenjen je modificirani upitnik za procjenu zadovoljstva roditelja bolničkom skrbi djece prema Institutu Picker. Sudjelovanje u istraživanju bilo je dobrovoljno. Rezultati. 36,9 % roditelja smatra skrb odličnom, 43,8 % vrlo dobrom, 15 % dobrom. Da je skrb prihvatljiva smatra 3,8 % ispitanika, a jedan je ispitanik (0,6 %) skrb procijenio kao lošu. 58,1 % ispitanika smatra da je njihovo dijete bilo uplašeno tijekom boravka u bolnici. 53,8 % ispitanika bolničku je hranu ocijenilo dobrom, 98,8 % roditelja izjavilo je kako imaju pouzdanja i povjerenja u liječnike i medicinske sestre koji se brinu o njihovu djetetu. 4,4 % roditelja smatra kako nisu dovoljno uključeni u odlučivanje o skrbi o njihovu djetetu. 72,5 % djece tijekom hospitalizacije osjećalo je bol, samo je jedan roditelj (0,9 %) nezadovoljan tretiranjem boli djeteta, a ispitanici s kirurškog odjela imaju bolje mišljenje o ublažavanju boli. Zaključak. Ukupno 81 % ispitanika smatra da je skrb o njihovu djetetu vrlo dobra ili odlična te ne postoji znatna razlika u procjeni zadovoljstva s obzirom na kliniku pri kojoj je dijete hospitalizirano. Varijable su kod kojih je utvrđena povezanost s ukupnom ocjenom skrbi: osjećaj pouzdanja i povjerenja u liječnike, priprema djeteta za provođenje pretrage, osjećaj roditelja da može sudjelovati u skrbi za dijete, procjena kvalitete bolničke hrane, percepcija roditelja o sigurnosti djeteta na bolničkom odjelu.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 49-59  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvena skrb -- Djeca -- Zadovoljstvo -- Roditelji

BAKIĆ, Helena, psihologinja
Resilience and disaster research [Elektronička građa] : definitions, measurement, and future directions / Helena Bakić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 541-546. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Disasters pose a significant threat to the long-term well-being of individuals, communities and societies. Therefore, studying resilience, defined as the process of maintaining and recovering psychological well-being after adversity, is crucial for disaster preparedness and mitigation. The aims of this paper are to summarize the historical context of resilience research, present the key concepts, discuss current measurement approaches and propose future research directions. Key determinants of resilience - risk, positive adaptation and resources - are discussed with the focus on studies of adults affected by disasters. This narrative review demonstrates that research up to date has focused mostly on finding the individual characteristics that predict the absence of psychopathology or mental health disorder symptoms, while other types of resources or dynamic relations between key aspects of resilience have been neglected. Future studies should aim to include multiple measurement points, high- and low-risk groups, long-term follow-up and broader perspectives on both psychological well-being and potential resources. - Katastrofe predstavljaju značajnu prijetnju dugoročnom blagostanju pojedinaca, zajednice i društava. Stoga je proučavanje otpornosti, koja se definira kao proces održavanja i oporavka psihološkog blagostanja nakon nedaća, ključno za pripremu i ublažavanje posljedica katastrofa. Ciljevi su ovoga rada sažeti povijesni kontekst istraživanja otpornosti, opisati ključne koncepte, raspraviti sadašnje mjerne pristupe i predložiti buduće smjerove istraživanja. Ključne odrednice otpornosti – rizik, pozitivna prilagodba i resursi – opisani su s naglaskom na studije odraslih pogođenih katastrofama. Ovaj pregledni rad pokazuje da su dosadašnja istraživanja uglavnom bila usmjerena na pronalaženje individualnih osobina koje predviđaju odsutnost psihopatologije ili simptoma poremećaja mentalnog zdravlja, dok su druge vrste resursa ili dinamični odnosi između ključnih odrednica otpornosti zanemareni. Buduća bi se istraživanja trebala usmjeriti na uključivanje više mjernih točaka, uzoraka izloženih visokom i niskom riziku, dugoročno praćenje te obuhvatniji pogled na psihološku dobrobit i potencijalne resurse.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 28 (2019), 3 ; str. 529-547  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katastrofe -- Otpornost -- Pozitivna prilagodba -- Resursi

ILIĆ, Boris
Unemployment and access to health care [Elektronička građa] / Boris Ilić, Sanja Ledinski Fičko, Ana Marija Hošnjak, Irena Kovačević, Martina Smrekar, Biserka Sedić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. At the time of the global economies’ recovery from the effects of fourth major recession after the Second World War, there was a major in­crease in the unemployment rate that created a sig­nificant existential and public health challenge Aim. The aim of this study was to provide a system­atic review of available research on effects of unem­ployment on access to health care, and consequen­tially on health of the population. Methods. A systematic search of relevant, peer-re­viewed electronic databases was conducted to iden­tify systematic reviews, review articles, original re­search papers and reports for the period of past ten years. Results. 10.234 results were initially identified, five of which were included in this review. Conclusion. Significant number of studies confirms that the unemployed individuals, due to sometimes limited access to health care, have impaired health in comparison to the employed population, both in physical and mental health. Global economic change will have a stronger impact on the health of the pop­ulation in poor countries, therefore a fair and compre­hensive system of health care for the unemployed is of paramount importance for the purpose of preserv­ing the health of the population. - Uvod. U trenutku oporavka globalne ekonomije od posljedica četvrte velike recesije nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, koja se javila završetkom prve dekade 21. stoljeća – stopa nezaposlenosti posljedično je visoka te predstavlja znatan egzistencijalni i javnozdravstveni izazov. Cilj. Pružiti sistematični pregled dostupnih istraživanja o utjecaju nezaposlenosti na pristup zdravstvenoj zaštiti, kao i o posljedičnom utjecaju na samo zdravlje pojedinca. Metode. Provedena je sistematična pretraga elektroničkih znanstvenih baza za sistematične preglede, pregledne članke, originalne istraživačke radove te izvješća u periodu od posljednjih deset godina. Rezultati. Sistematičnom pretragom recenziranih baza podataka pronađeno je ukupno 10 234 članaka, od kojih je pet uključeno u ovaj pregled. Zaključak. Znatan broj studija dokazuje da su nezaposlene osobe, uslijed ograničenog pristupa zdravstvenoj zaštiti, narušenijeg zdravlja od zaposlenih, kako s fizičkog tako i psihičkog aspekta, što je posljedica negativnih učinaka koje sa sobom nosi gubitak zaposlenja. Globalne ekonomske promjene imat će snažniji utjecaj na zdravlje populacije u siromašnim državama nego u bogatima, stoga je pravedan i sveobuhvatan sustav zdravstvene skrbi za nezaposlene od iznimne važnosti u svrhu očuvanja zdravlja populacije.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 183-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvena zaštita -- Nezaposlenost -- Ekonomska kriza -- Recesija

Vidi br.: HA19-00962

Vidi br.: HA19-00960

Vidi br.: HA19-00845

Vidi br.: HA19-00961

Vidi br.: HA19-00969

Vidi br.: HA19-00810

615   Farmakologija. Terapeutika. Toksikologija

CRNKOVIĆ, Ivana, fizikalna terapeutkinja
Metode procjene tjelesne aktivnosti osoba starije životne dobi [Elektronička građa] : pregled literature / Ivana Crnković. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom radu sistematizirane su i opisane metode procjene tjelesne aktivnosti koje se najčešće primjenjuju u istraživanjima namijenjenima osobama starije životne dobi. Prije procjene razine tjelesne aktivnosti kod osoba starije životne dobi važno je provesti antropometrijska mjerenja te procjenu funkcionalnog statusa. Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti učestalo se primjenjuju, i to najčešće radi rasterećenja administracije, nižih troškova provedbe istraživanja, kao i mogućnosti obrade kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih podataka, dok je glavni nedostatak problem pouzdanosti i validacije. U novije vrijeme razvijeni su različiti sustavi monitoringa domene tjelesne aktivnosti kod ove populacije. Ova metoda monitoringa uključuje akcelerometre od kojih se najviše upotrebljava Actigraph (GT1M) koji je dostupan široj populaciji. Nedavno je razvijena i nova metoda praćenja, SenseWear Pro 3 trake za ruku (SP3), koja ne samo da inkorporira akcelerometriju u proračune potrošnje energije nego bilježi i fluks topline, galvanski otpor kože, temperaturu kože i približnu temperaturu tijela putem niza senzora koji su locirani na uređaju. DLW, tehnika uporabe vode obilježene stabilnim izotopima vodika i kisika naziva se „zlatnom normom” kao najpreciznija metoda za procjenu prosječnog utroška energije tijekom određenog perioda. - This paper systematizes and describes the methods of assessment of physical activity that are most commonly used in research intended for elderly people. Before the assessment of the level of physical activity it is important to conduct the anthropometric measurements and to evaluate the functional status of the examinees. Questionnaires on physical activity are often used for these estimates for many reasons, such as administration disburdening, lower costs for research implementation, and the ability to process quantitative and qualitative data while the main disadvantages when using the questionnaire are reliability and validation issues. More recently there have been developed various systems for monitoring the domain of physical activity in this population. This method includes accelerometers, of which the most widely used is Actigraph (GT1M), and is available to wider population. Recently, there has also been developed a new method of tracking, the SenseWear Pro 3 arm bands (SP3), which not only incorporate the accelerometer into energy consumption calculations, but also record heat flux, galvanic skin resistance, skin temperature, and approximate body temperature through a series of sensors that are located on the device. DLW technical usage of water marked with the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen is a “gold standard” and the most accurate method for assessing average energy expenditure over a period of time.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 205-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Starije osobe -- Tjelesna aktivnost -- Monitoring -- Akcelerometar

Robotika i neurofizioterapija nakon moždanog udara [Elektronička građa] / Lana Erjavec, Mirjana Telebuh, Gordana Grozdek Čovčić, Kristina Delaš.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Većina studija o robotima u neurorehabilitaciji usredotočena je na njihovu učinkovitost dajući kontroverzne rezultate. Neka istraživanja ukazuju da pacijenti nakon moždanog udara koji primaju robotski trening potpomognutog hoda u kombinaciji s fizioterapijom postižu samostalno hodanje lakše od onih koji nisu imali trening potpomognut robotom. Međutim, neka klinička ispitivanja govore u prilog manualnoj terapiji. Kritičari novijih tehnoloških pristupa ističu premali broj istraživanja učinkovitosti robotskih uređaja, visoku cijenu, nisku razinu edukacije terapeuta s robotskim uređajima, slabu dostupnost te manjak sigurnosti kod nekih modela. Istraživanja pokazuju kako roboti i ostala tehnološka sredstva koja omogućuju brže kretanje tijela nemaju ciljano djelovanje bez fizioterapeuta specijaliziranog u svojem području. S druge strane, motiviranost pacijenata, mogućnost ponavljanja pokreta, kraće trajanje terapije, dinamičnost, sposobnosti modifikacije raznih parametara, objektivnost te velika mogućnost njihova daljnjeg razvoja prednosti su suvremenih tehnologija. Roboti, kao i svi tehnološki uređaji trebali bi se promatrati kao oruđe u rukama fizioterapeuta. Robot može ublažiti sve intenzivne faze tjelesne rehabilitacije, čime se fizioterapeut može usredotočiti na funkcionalnu rehabilitaciju tijekom individualnog treninga kao i nadzor nad nekoliko pacijenata u isto vrijeme tijekom terapije uz pomoć robota. Ovim pristupom optimizira se stručnost i vrijeme fizioterapeuta, istodobno povećavajući učinkovitost rehabilitacijskog programa. Trenutačni broj istraživanja nije dovoljan za definitivni zaključak koji može govoriti za suvremene tehnologije ili protiv njih, ali uz kombiniranu primjenu manualne terapije mogu pridonijeti bržem oporavku funkcije te većoj kvaliteti pacijentova života. - Most studies on robotics in neurorehabilitation focus on its effectiveness but they provide controversial results. Research suggests that post-stroke patients who receive robot-assisted walking therapy in combination with physiotherapy achieve walking more easily than those who did not undergo robot-assisted therapy. However, some clinical trials support manual therapy. Critics of new technology approaches point out insufficient research on the effectiveness of robotic devices, high cost, low level of education of therapists working with such devices, poor availability, and lack of safety with some models. Research shows that robots and other technological devices that enable faster body movement do not achieve the targeted effect without a specialist physiotherapist in their specific field. On the other hand, the motivation of patients, possibility of movement repetition, shorter duration of therapy, dynamics, ability to modify various parameters, objectivity and great potential for further development are the advantages of modern technologies. Robots, as well as all other technological devices, should be viewed as tools in the hands of physiotherapists. The robot can alleviate all intense phases of physical rehabilitation, allowing the physiotherapist to focus on functional rehabilitation in the course of individual training, as well as on monitoring several patients simultaneously during robot-assisted therapy. This approach optimizes the physiotherapist's expertise and time, increasing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program at the same time. Current research is not sufficient for a definitive conclusion that may be inclined towards or against modern technology, but in combined use with manual therapy it can contribute to a faster recovery of the function and greater quality of the life of the patient.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 237-242  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Moždani udar -- Rehabilitacija -- Neurorehabilitacija -- Robotika

KRALJEVIĆ, Aleksandra
Stres u radu fizioterapeuta [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandra Kraljević, Melita Rukavina, Nikolino Žura. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U znanosti, stres se pojavljuje kao predmet istraživanja od tehničkih preko biomedicinskih, društvenih do humanističkih znanosti. Svako ga područje definira na svoj način, pa se u suvremenoj literaturi nalaze mnogobrojne definicije i određenja pojma stresa. Smatra se da je u suvremenom svijetu stres jedan od najvažnijih uzročnika psihofizičkih, radnih i organizacijskih problema zaposlenika. Na drugom je mjestu ljestvice zdravstvenih tegoba zaposlenih u Europskoj uniji, od toga više u žena nego u muškaraca. Jedan je od najvećih uzročnika profesionalnih bolesti i bolovanja u svijetu te je među vodećim gospodarskim problemima u razvijenim zemljama. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi najčešće izvore stresa u fizioterapeuta te ispitati odnos između stresa i sociodemografskih obilježja ispitanika. Istraživanje je provedeno na 65 fizioterapeuta zaposlenih u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Zagreb. Prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 42,8 godina. Istraživanje je provedeno primjenom Upitnika o stresorima na radnom mjestu bolničkih zdravstvenih djelatnika. Rezultati su pokazali da fizioterapeuti procjenjuju potencijalne izvore stresa nisko ili umjereno stresno. Istraživanjem korelacija između varijabli: razina stresa s dobi, ukupnim radnim stažem te radnim stažem na trenutačnom radnom mjestu, nije nađena statistički značajna povezanost. Možemo zaključiti kako razina stresa u fizioterapeuta u odnosu na sociodemografska obilježja nije statistički značajna. Na skali intenziteta stresa kao najjači su prepoznati oni povezani s organizacijom rada i financijskim ograničenjima, što odgovara i rezultatima istraživanja provedenih u svijetu. - Stress has been the focus of many research in technical, biomedical and social sciences and humanities. Every field has its own view on stress, therefore, there are many definitions of stress in contemporary literature. Stress is considered as one of the most important sources of psychophysical, work and organisational problems of employees. It is in the second place of workers̕ health problems in the EU with women being more prone to work-related stress than men. It is one of the biggest causes of professional diseases and absenteeism in the world and one of the leading economic problems in developed countries. The aim of this study is to identify the most common sources of stress in physiotherapists and examine the relationship between overall stress experience and some sociodemographic characteristic. Subjects were 65 physiotherapists from the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, of the average age of 42,8 years. We used The Occupational Stress Questionnaire for Hospital Health Care Workers. The results indicate that physiotherapists experience low to moderate levels of work-related stress. There were no significant correlations between the levels of stress, age and years of practice. We can conclude that overall stress experience and sociodemographic characteristics are not related. The most common stressors in physiotherapist are those related with work organisation and financial constraints, which is in agreement with other research on work-related stress.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 257-264  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stres -- Stres na radu -- Fizioterapeuti

Vidi br.: HA19-00923

Vidi br.: HA19-01140

Vidi br.: HA19-00970

616   Patologija. Klinička medicina

STARC, Andrej
Clinical hypnosis and female sexual dysfunction [Elektronička građa] : a case report / Andrej Starc.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstact ; Sažetak. - Background: Female sexual function comprises variable and multi-layered conditions that incorporate complex interactions of physiological, psychological, and interpersonal components. Despite the progress in understanding the neurobiology of sexual response, the definition of normal sexual response in women remains unresolved. Normal female sexual function differs from individual to individual and depends on the culture, ideology, beliefs, and other factors. Methods: We used a case report, the purpose of which is to justify further investigation into the effectiveness of hypnosis for the treatment of cervical pain during penetration, as well as orgasm disorder. Results: An orgasm was reached by masturbation performed on her by her partner, but without an orgasm by penile-vaginal penetration. The frequency of sexual intercourse has increased (3-4 times/week) in comparison to prior to therapy (once/ 2 months). Orgasm does not occur by self- and by partner masturbation every time, but sporadically; however, more frequently than before therapy. Success has been achieved with the orgasm by penile-vaginal penetration. Conclusions: Hypnotherapy may be a promising co-intervention or intervention per se for both physical and psychological symptoms. The results of hypnotherapy demonstrate that symptoms were significantly alleviated and, consequently, the quality of life improved. Symptoms of pain during sexual intercourse were not eliminated, but the patient had achieved significant control over those symptoms. - Seksualna funkcija kod žena obuhvaća promjenjiva i raznolika stanja koja uključuju kompleksne interakcije fizioloških, psiholoških i interpersonalnih komponenti. Unatoč napretku u razumijevanju neurobiologije seksualne reakcije, definicija normalne seksualne reakcije kod žena ostaje nerazjašnjena. Normalna seksualna funkcija kod žena razlikuje se od osobe do osobe i ovisi o kulturi, ideologiji, uvjerenjima i drugim čimbenicima. Metode: Primijenili smo prikaz slučaja čija je svrha opravdati daljnje istraživanje o učinkovitosti hipnoze u liječenju cervikalne boli tijekom penetracije, kao i poremećaja orgazma. Rezultati: Orgazam je postignut tijekom stimulacije partnera, ali nije postignut tijekom penetracije. Učestalost spolnog odnosa povećana je (tri do četiri puta tjedno) u usporedbi s periodom prije terapije (jedanput u dva mjeseca). Orgazam nije postignut svaki put za vrijeme masturbacije ili stimulacije partnera, već povremeno, međutim, češće nego prije terapije. Uspjeh je postignut u postizanju orgazma tijekom penetracije. Zaključak: Hipnoterapija može biti obećavajuća dodatna ili samostalna intervencija u liječenju i fizičkih i psiholoških simptoma. Rezultati hipnoterapije pokazuju da su simptomi znatno ublaženi, a time je poboljšana i kvaliteta života. Simptomi boli tijekom spolnog odnosa nisu uklonjeni, ali je pacijentica postigla znatnu kontrolu nad tim simptomima.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 105-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Seksualna disfunkcija -- Žene -- Orgazam -- Seksualni odnosi -- Bol -- Hipnoza

AVŞAR, Ercan
Detection and classification of brain tumours from MRI images using faster R-CNN [Elektronička građa] / Ercan Avşar, Kerem Salçin. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Abstract. - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a useful method for diagnosis of tumours in human brain. In this work, MRI images have been analysed to detect the regions containing tumour and classify these regions into three different tumour categories: meningioma, glioma, and pituitary. Deep learning is a relatively recent and powerful method for image classification tasks. Therefore, faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (faster R-CNN), a deep learning method, has been utilized and implemented via TensorFlow library in this study. A publicly available dataset containing 3,064 MRI brain images (708 meningioma, 1426 glioma, 930 pituitary) of 233 patients has been used for training and testing of the classifier. It has been shown that faster R-CNN method can yield an accuracy of 91.66% which is higher than the related work using the same dataset.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 337-342  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Magnetska rezonancija -- Tumor mozga -- Dijagnostika -- MRI slike -- Klasifikacija tumora

STARC, Andrej
Female sexual function as a predictor of well-being [Elektronička građa] / Andrej Starc, Borut Poljšak, Raja Dahmane, Tina Levec, Mitja Perat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstact ; Sažetak. - Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the WHO-5 Well-Being Index and variables from the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) in a large-scale sample of partnered and single women. Methods: Based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test on six claims of FSFI, a non-parametric statistical analysis was used. Results: Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. The sample included 635 female participants, aged 18 to 89 years. There was a strong link between all the six FSFI claims with marital status and number of sexual partners. The group of women who were involved in sexual intercourse in the previous 4 weeks shows higher life satisfaction (n=366; 50-100%) compared to the group (n=37; 0-49%) who were not involved in sexual intercourse in the previous 4 weeks. Even though the frequency of sexual functioning according to FSFI scores did not differ between the two groups (χ2 (1)=0.101, p=0.750), they did differ in the quality of sexual experience. Conclusions: These results extend previous findings by confirming a strong relationship between sexual well-being and overall life satisfaction within individuals. They confirm the importance of sexual satisfaction in shaping the overall quality of life not only for men but also for women. - Uvod: Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je procijeniti odnos između WHO-5 indeksa blagostanja i varijabli iz Indeksa ženske seksualne funkcije (FSFI) na velikom uzorku žena s i bez partnera. Metode: Na temelju Kolmogorov-Smirnov i Shapiro-Wilk testa na šest tvrdnji Indeksa ženske seksualne funkcije korištena je neparametarska statistička analiza. Rezultati: Statistička značajnost je postavljena na p<0,05. Uzorak je obuhvatio 635 ispitanica u dobi od 18 do 89 godina. Postojala je snažna veza između svih šest tvrdnji Indeksa ženske seksualne funkcije s bračnim statusom i brojem seksualnih partnera. Grupa žena koje je imala spolne odnose u prethodna 4 tjedna pokazuje veće zadovoljstvo životom (n = 366; 50-100%) u odnosu na skupinu (n = 37; 0-49%) koja nije imala spolne odnose u prethodna 4 tjedna. Iako se učestalost seksualnog funkcioniranja prema rezultatima Indeksa nije razlikovala između dviju skupina (χ2 (1) = 0,101, p = 0,750), postojala je razlika u kvaliteti seksualnog iskustva. Zaključci: Ovi rezultati proširuju prethodne rezultate potvrđujući snažnu vezu između seksualnog blagostanja i ukupnog zadovoljstva životom kod pojedinaca. Oni potvrđuju važnost seksualnog blagostanja u oblikovanju ukupne kvalitete života ne samo za muškarce, nego i za žene.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 217-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Seksualna disfunkcija -- Žene -- Seksualnost -- Žensko zdravlje

LEDINSKI Fičko, Sanja
Health promotion behaviors and quality of life among cancer patients [Elektronička građa] : a systematic review / Sanja Ledinski Fičko, Martina Smrekar, Ana Marija Hošnjak, Biljana Kurtović, Irena Kovačević, Vesna Konjevoda. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Background: Multiple health behavior change interventions, especially promoting the improvements in diet and exercise behaviors, have been used to ameliorate the adverse effects of cancer and its treatment. It is a well known fact that healthy lifestyle has a significant impact on cancer cases. The group of people which are at a high risk of cancer are smokers, people with low fruit and vegetable intake, people with a drinking problem and with low physical activity. In 43% of the cases the incidence of cancer can be prevented by conducting adequate measures. Aim: The aim of this study is an overview of health promotion behaviors such as non-smoking, non-alcohol abuse, physical activity, diet and body weight and their impact on quality of life among cancer patients and cancer survivors. Methods: Literature overview was made systematically. Studies that have been included in the final analysis, were analyzed through 4 steps. After reviewing the abstract, 6 full text articles were examined in more detail for eligibility and were included in the final data analysis. Results: All six articles have shown that patients with healthy lifestyle and those who are conducting health promotion behaviors have greater score on the quality of life questionnaire. Physical activity has an impact on symptoms of treatment and disease. Conclusion: This study supports the need for future research on public health view on conducting healthy lifestyle during therapy and in the remission of disease. Health promotion behaviors have great impact on quality of life among cancer patients and cancer survivors. - Uvod: U svrhu poboljšanja liječenja malignih bolesti primjenjuju se različite intervencije usmjerene unaprjeđenju zdravog načina života, posebice promicanje navika zdrave prehrane i vježbanja. Dobro je poznato da zdrav način života ima utjecaj na sprječavanje pojavnosti malignih oboljenja. Pojedinci koje unose male količine voća i povrća, zloupotrebljavaju alkohol i provode smanjenu tjelesnu aktivnost imaju povećan rizik za obolijevanje od malignih bolesti. U 43 % slučajeva incidencija malignih bolesti može se smanjiti provođenjem odgovarajućih mjera. Cilj: Cilj je pregledom literature utvrditi kako razvijene zdrave navike života kao što su tjelesna aktivnost, prehrana, adekvatna tjelesna težina te prestanak pušenja i konzumacije alkohola utječu na kvalitetu života i stopu preživljenja kod pacijenata oboljelih od malignih bolesti. Metode: U pisanju rada primijenjen je sistematični pregled literature unutar dostupnih baza podataka. Studije koje su uključene u konačnu analizu analizirane su kroz četiri koraka. Nakon pregleda sažetka, detaljnije je ispitano šest cjelovitih tekstova te su uključeni u konačnu analizu. Rezultati: Svih šest studija ukazuje na to da pacijenti sa zdravim načinom života te oni koji provode intervencije usmjerene promicanju zdravlja pokazuju bolje rezultate kroz upitnik o kvaliteti života. Također je dokazano kako tjelesna aktivnost pozitivno utječe na simptome liječenja i bolesti. Zaključak: Studija podupire potrebu daljnjih javnozdravstvenih istraživanja o provedbi zdravog načina života tijekom terapije i remisije malignih bolesti. Promicanje zdravih životnih navika ima velik utjecaj na kvalitetu života pacijenata oboljelih od malignih bolesti i njihovo preživljenje.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 87-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Maligne bolesti -- Bolesnici -- Životne navike -- Kvaliteta života -- Metodologija

MATIĆ, Nikolina, medicinska sestra
Importance of modern communication technologies in monitoring compliance of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia [Elektronička građa] / Nikolina Matić, Ivica Matić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Compliance is a term that applies to the patient’s ability to correctly follow advice and instructions regarding medications, diet, and activity. The nurse, as an important factor in the multidisciplinary team, has a special responsibility in monitoring the patient’s compliance. It is essential for patients with chronic malignancies, such as chronic myeloid leukemia, which is nowadays mostly treated successfully by continuous and regular monitoring and application of therapy. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the nurse’s communication with patients, which implies the use of information and communications technology, affects compliance. The study was conducted on a sample of 50 outpatients at the Department of Haematology of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb. The respondents used some form of modern communication for three weeks and were re-interviewed for compliance. The use of modern information technology enhances patient compliance. Those who were reminded significantly improved the regularity of their check-ups. After the intervention, the respondents considered reminders useful in encouraging them to take medicines more regularly and to attend check-ups. - Suradljivost bolesnika pojam je koji označava pridržavanje pravila, savjeta i uputa dobivenih od zdravstvenih profesionalaca, a odnose se na primjenu lijekova, prehranu, aktivnosti te redovito kontroliranje. Medicinska sestra važan je čimbenik multidisciplinarnog tima u praćenju suradljivosti bolesnika, posebice oboljelih od kroničnih malignih bolesti kao što je kronična mijeloična leukemija. Bolest se danas uspješno liječi kontinuiranim i redovitim praćenjem i primjenom terapije, a važnost sestrinskih intervencija odnosi se i na poticanje i održavanje suradljivosti. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi razinu suradljivosti bolesnika oboljelih od kronične mijeloične leukemije liječenih u KBC-u Zagreb te postojanje utjecaja modernih oblika komunikacija na suradljivost bolesnika. Istraživanje je provedeno u Klinici za unutarnje bolesti KBC-a Zagreb na uzorku od 50 pacijenata koji su bili ambulantno liječeni. Samoprocijenjeno nesuradljivi ispitanici bili su podvrgnuti modernom obliku komunikacije tijekom tri tjedna te su ponovno anketirani. Ispitanici koji su bili podvrgnuti podsjetniku znatno su popravili redovitost dolazaka na kontrolne preglede. Nakon provedene intervencije svi ispitanici smatraju da bi im bio koristan informatički podsjetnik u svrhu redovitijeg uzimanja lijekova te obavljanja kontrolnih pregleda. Primjena modernih informacijskih tehnologija unaprijedila je suradljivost bolesnika.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 149-156  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sestrinstvo -- Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija -- Suradljivost bolesnika

The importance of oral hygiene in reducing the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia [Elektronička građa] : a systematic review / Ema Buković, Biljana Kurtović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) represent a major public health problem. Inadequate oral hygiene in intensive care units has been recognized as a critical issue for the occurrence of one of these infections – ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Although literature suggests diverse oral care measures for ICU patients, the effectiveness of each is still a subject for further trials. Aim. The purpose of this paper is to determine the association between diverse oral care measures and the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia. Methods. A systematic review of literature in the PubMed database that evaluates the performance of diverse oral care measures and their impact in reducing the incidence of VAP. The keywords used as search terms were: oral hygiene, ventilator-associated pneumonia, intensive care unit and nursing. Results. Four articles in total were taken into consideration in accordance with the availability of full-text articles and years of publication between 2009 and 2019. Performance results of diverse oral care measures haven’t shown statistically significant differences, but the implementation of oral care as a preventive measure against VAP showed a significant role in lower incidence rates. Conclusion. The results of the systematic literature review confirmed the importance of oral care in lowering the incidence rate of VAP. However, significant differences have been noted between the efficiency of diverse oral care measures and the incidence rate of VAP. - Uvod. Infekcije povezane s bolničkom skrbi predstavljaju veliki javnozdravstveni problem. Neadekvatna oralna higijena u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja jedan je od rizičnih čimbenika za nastanak jedne od takvih infekcija – ventilatorom uzrokovane pneumonije. Postoje različite tehnike provođenja higijene, no efikasnost svake od njih još je uvijek područje istraživanja. Cilj. Utvrditi povezanost metoda higijene usne šupljine i pojave ventilatorom uzrokovane pneumonije. Metode. Sustavni pregled literature u bazi podataka PubMed u cilju pronalaženja članaka koji evaluiraju povođenje higijene usne šupljine i njihov utjecaj na incidenciju VAP-a. Ključne riječi upotrijebljene u pretraživanju baze: oralna higijena, ventilatorom uzrokovana pneumonija, jedinica intenzivnog liječenja, sestrinstvo. Rezultati. U obradu su uzeta četiri članka prema kriterijima dostupnosti cjelovitog teksta i godinama publikacije između 2009. i 2019. Rezultati nisu pokazali statistički vidljive razlike u incidenciji VAP-a na temelju različitih metoda održavanja oralne higijene, no implementacijom oralne higijene kao sastavne preventivne mjere VAP-a vidljiv je znatan utjecaj na smanjenje incidencije. Zaključak. Rezultati sustavnog pregleda literature potvrdili su važnost provođenja higijene usne šupljine u svrhu smanjenja incidencije VAP-a. Međutim, vidljive su razlike u efikasnosti metoda provođenja higijene u pogledu njihova utjecaja na smanjenje stope VAP-a.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 103-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oralna higijena -- Ventilatorom uzrokovana pneumonija -- Sestrinstvo -- Jedinica intenzivnog liječenja

Nurses’ knowledge of palliative care [Elektronička građa] / Zvjezdana Gvozdanović, Željka Dujmić, Ana Marija Prka, Nikolina Farčić, Harolt Placento, Mario Gašić, Sandra Lovrić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Palliative care has evolved to identify the specific needs of patients with severe and incurable diseases. An estimated 46,000 patients in the Republic of Croatia require some form of palliative care. The aim of this study is to examine nurses’ knowledge of palliative care. Methods. A cross-sectional study included 198 nurses. The survey was conducted during March and April of 2017. As a survey instrument, a 2-part questionnaire was used. The first part dealt with sociodemographic data and the second part consisted of a standardized palliative care quiz for nursing (PCQN) questionnaire. Results. Respondents gave the most correct answers in the area of pain and other symptoms control. It was found that there was no significant difference in gender, age, or seniority in knowledge of palliative care. Respondents who received informal education showed better knowledge. Conclusion. From the study conducted, we can conclude that nurses have insufficient knowledge of palliative care. - Uvod: Palijativna skrb razvila se kako bi prepoznala specifične potrebe bolesnika koji boluju od teških i neizlječivih bolesti. Procjenjuje se da u Hrvatskoj oko 46 000 bolesnika treba neki oblik palijativne skrbi. Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati znanje medicinskih sestara/tehničara o palijativnoj skrbi. Ispitanici i metode: Presječnom studijom obuhvaćeno je 198 medicinskih sestara/tehničara. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom ožujka i travnja 2017. godine. Kao instrument istraživanja upotrijebljen je anketni upitnik sastavljen od dva dijela. Prvi dio odnosio se na sociodemografske podatke, a drugi dio sastojao se od standardiziranog upitnika za procjenu osnovnog znanja o palijativnoj skrbi (PCQN). Rezultati: Ispitanici su najviše točnih odgovora dali iz područja kontrole boli i drugih simptoma. Utvrđeno je da nema značajne razlike prema spolu, dobi i radnome stažu o znanju o palijativnoj skrbi. Ispitanici koji su prošli neformalnu edukaciju pokazali su bolje znanje. Zaključak: Iz provedenog istraživanja možemo zaključiti da medicinske sestre / medicinski tehničari imaju nedostatno znanje o palijativnoj skrbi.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 157-165  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Palijativna skrb -- Medicinske sestre -- Medicinski tehničari -- Edukacija

ĐURIĆ, Želimir
Opinions of the final year secondary health care students and the final year students of the undergraduate nursing study programme about organ donation [Elektronička građa] / Želimir Đurić, Štefica Mikšić, Biljana Kurtović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim. To examine and compare the opinions of the final year secondary health care students and the final year students of the undergraduate Nursing study programme about the significance of organ donation. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 60 participants of whom 30 were undergraduate Nursing study programme students and 30 were secondary health care students. The research instrument was a questionnaire designed for the purpose of this study, which included the following groups of questions: the first group consisted of questions about the participants’ general data, while the second group contained questions about organ donation itself. Results. From the obtained results, it was determined that there is no statistically significant difference in the decision to donate organs depending on the level of education. Furthermore, the results show that both groups of participants want to donate organs and the main motivation is to rescue someone’s life. In addition, the majority of participants express the view that such behavior is a humane act. Conclusion. Education level does not affect organ donation decision making. The main motivation for deciding on donating organs is to rescue someone’s life. Organ donation is an act of humanity. In the survey, several respondents expressed negative opinion about organ donation. Therefore, it is recommended that workshops aimed at future health professionals, be organized in secondary health care schools and other educational institutions for healthcare professionals to emphasize the importance of organ donation. - Cilj. Ispitati i usporediti mišljenja učenika završne godine srednje medicinske škole i studenata završne godine preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva o važnosti doniranja organa. Metode. Provedena je presječna studija na ukupno 60 ispitanika od kojih je 30 učenika srednje medicinske škole i 30 studenata preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva. U prikupljanju podataka primijenjen je upitnik izrađen za potrebe ovog istraživanja koji je sadržavao sljedeće skupine pitanja: u prvoj skupini pitanja o općim podacima ispitanika, a u drugoj skupini pitanja o tematici doniranja organa. Rezultati. Dobivenim rezultatima utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika kod donošenja odluke o doniranju organa ovisno o stupnju obrazovanja. Nadalje, rezultati su pokazali da i učenici završne godine srednje medicinske škole i studenti završne godine preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva žele donirati organe te im je glavna motivacija spašavanje nečijeg života, a dodatno većina ispitanika izražava stav da je takvo postupanje human čin. Zaključak. Stupanj obrazovanja ne utječe na donošenje odluke o doniranju organa. Glavna je motivacija prilikom donošenja odluke o doniranju organa spašavanje nečijeg života. Doniranje organa je human čin. U istraživanju je nekoliko ispitanika izrazilo negativno mišljenje o doniranju organa. Stoga je preporuka da se u srednjim medicinskim školama i ostalim obrazovnim ustanovama za zdravstvene djelatnike organiziraju radionice koje imaju cilj budućim zdravstvenim djelatnicima ukazati na važnost doniranja organa.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 61-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Doniranje organa -- Transplantacija organa -- Učenici -- Studenti -- Stavovi

Psoriasis - the impact on an individual's mental state and quality of life [Elektronička građa] / Šárka Vévodová, Filip Havelka, Jiří Vévoda, Bronislava Grygová. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by scaly patches affecting approximately 2-5% of the population. The disease has a negative impact on quality of life and, therefore, psoriatic patients often develop depression. Our work deals with quality of life and depression in psoriasis sufferrers and strives to determine the correlation between their quality of life and depression. Methods: The research took place in the University Hospital Olomouc in 2017 and used questionnaires WHOQOL-BREF and BDI-II. 50 patients with psoriasis were chosen randomly. To process the data we used Mann-Whitney test (the level of significance = 5%) and Spearman´s correlation coefficient (the level of significance = 1%). Results: The results proved that psoriasis has a significant impact on quality of life. The scores for the overall life quality as well as for individual domains were significantly lower in psoriatic patients than in the control group (p<0.001). The degree of depression in patients with psoriasis showed statistically significant correlation in all domains of the quality of life. We proved negative correlation in the overall quality of life (rs =- 0.691**), physical condition (rs =-0.499**), social relations (rs =-0.546**), overall health (rs =-0.396**), and environment (rs =-0.386**). Conclusion: With regard to the ascertained negative correlation between psoriasis and depression and lower quality of life of the sufferers compared to the healthy population, it is essential for healthcare professionals to pay attention not only to somatic manifestations of the disease but also to the patients´ mental health. - Uvod: Psorijaza od koje boluje otprilike 2-5% stanovništva, je kronična kožna bolest koju karakteriziraju ljuskasti plakovi. Bolest ima negativan utjecaj na kvalitetu života, pa stoga osobe koje boluju od psorijaze često razviju depresiju. Naš rad bavi se kvalitetom života i depresijom kod oboljelih od psorijaze te se nastoji utvrditi povezanost između kvalitete života i depresije. Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u Sveučilišnoj bolnici u Olomoucu 2017. godine i korišteni su upitnici WHOQOL-BREF i BDI-II. 50 bolesnika s psorijazom odabrano je metodom slučajnog odabira. Za obradu podataka korišten je Mann-Whitneyev test (razina značajnosti = 5%) i Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije (razina značajnosti = 1%). Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da psorijaza ima značajan utjecaj na kvalitetu života. Rezultati za ukupnu kvalitetu života kao i za pojedinačne domene bili su značajno niži u bolesnika s psorijazom nego u kontrolnoj skupini (p <0,001). Stupanj depresije u bolesnika s psorijazom pokazao je statistički značajnu korelaciju u svim područjima kvalitete života. Dokazana je negativna korelacija u ukupnoj kvaliteti života (rs = - 0.691 **), fizičkom stanju (rs = -0.499 **), društvenim odnosima (rs = -0.546 **), ukupnom zdravlju (rs = -0.396 **) ) i okruženju (rs = -0.386 **). Zaključak: S obzirom na utvrđenu negativnu korelaciju između psorijaze i depresije i niže kvalitete života oboljelih u odnosu na zdravu populaciju, neophodno je da zdravstveni djelatnici obrate pozornost ne samo na somatske manifestacije bolesti, nego i na mentalno zdravlje pacijenata.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 187-195  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psorijaza -- Depresija -- Kvaliteta života -- Zdravstvena njega

IVETA, Vedrana
Retrospektivna analiza pojavnosti poremetnja ritma kod bolesnika sa zatajenjem srca na kardiološkom odjelu OB-a Dubrovnik [Elektronička građa] / Vedrana Iveta, Anita Miljas, Mara Županić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Srčano zatajivanje jest skup simptoma i znakova koji nastaju zbog nesposobnosti srca kao mišićne crpke u omogućavanju dostatne perfuzije tkiva i organa, kako bi se zadovoljile njihove metaboličke potrebe. To je smrtonosna i onesposobljavajuća bolest koja spada u jedan od najvećih javnozdravstvenih problema suvremene civilizacije. CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Utvrditi pojavnost i vrstu aritmija u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srčane funkcije. ISPITANICI I POSTUPCI: Provedena je retrospektivna presječna studija. U ispitivanje su uključeni hospitalizirani bolesnici s dijagnozom srčanog zatajenja nakon postavljanja kliničkog nalaza u koronarnoj jedinici Opće bolnice Dubrovnik u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2015. do 31. prosinca 2016. Podaci su prikupljeni i obrađeni na temelju uvida u povijesti bolesti i drugu dostupnu medicinsku dokumentaciju. REZULTATI : U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 96 ispitanika, od toga je 45 (46,8 %) muškaraca i 51 (53,2 %) žena (χ2 test=0,258; df = 1; P <0,611). Srednja životna dob muškaraca bila je 72,0 [17,0] godina, a žena 78,0 [10,0] (P <0,001). Od ukupnog broja ispitanika sa zatajivanjem srca s očuvanom istisnom frakcijom (HF-PEF) udio muškaraca bio je 33,3 %, a žena 66,7 %, dok je u skupini ispitanika sa zatajivanjem srca s reduciranom istisnom frakcijom (HF-REF) broj muškaraca iznosio 31 (57,4 %), a žena 42,5 % (P = 0,019). Ispitanici s HF-PEF-om statistički su značajno stariji od ispitanika s HF-REF-om (P <0,001). Ispitanici s HF-PEF-om imaju statistički značajno veće srednje vrijednosti sistoličkog (P = 0,005) i dijastoličkog tlaka (P <0,05). Najučestalija vrsta aritmije u ispitanika bila je fibrilacija atrija, potvrđena kod 46,8 % ispitanika (P <0,05). ZAKLJUČAK: Učestalost fibrilacije atrija, ventrikularnih ekstrasistola i supraventrikularnih ekstrasistola nije se statistički značajno razlikovala s obzirom na tip zatajivanja srca. - Heart failure is a collection of signs and symptoms that occur due to the inability of the heart as a muscle pump in ensuring adequate perfusion of tissues and organs, in order to meet their metabolic needs. It is a deadly and debilitating disease which is one of the biggest public health problems of modern civilization. OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and type of arrhythmia in patients with heart failure. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study. The study involved hospitalized patients diagnosed with heart failure after the clinical findings in coronary care unit of the General Hospital Dubrovnik in the period from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016. Data was collected and analyzed on the basis of access to patient medical histories and other available medical records. RESULTS: The study included 96 patients, of which 45 (46.8%) men and 51 (53.2%) women (χ2 test = 0.258, df = 1; P <0.611). The mean age of men was 72.0 [17.0] years, while in women it was 78.0 [10.0] (P <0.001). Of all respondents with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HF-PEF) the percentage of men was 33.3% and women 66.7%, while in the group of patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HF-REF), the percentage of men was 57.4 %, the percentage of women 42, 5% (P=0.019). Patients with HF-PEF were significantly older than patients with HF-REF (P <0.001). Patients with HF-PEF had significantly higher mean systolic (P=0.005) and diastolic blood pressure (P<0.05). The most common type of arrhythmia in patients was atrial fibrillation, confirmed in 46.8% of respondents (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: There is no statistically significant difference in the incidence of atrial fibrillation, supraventricular and ventricular premature beats according to the type of heart failure.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 243-255  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aritmija -- Zatajivanje srca -- Koronarna jedinica -- Zdravstvena skrb

CHAW, Hnin Thiri
Sleep apnea detection using deep learning [Elektronička građa] / Hnin Thiri Chaw, Sinchai Kamolphiwong, Krongthong Wongsritrang. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract. - Sleep apnea is the cessation of airflow at least 10 seconds and it is the type of breathing disorder in which breathing stops at the time of sleeping. The proposed model uses type 4 sleep study which focuses more on portability and the reduction of the signals. The main limitations of type 1 full night polysomnography are time consuming and it requires much space for sleep recording such as sleep lab comparing to type 4 sleep studies. The detection of sleep apnea using deep convolutional neural network model based on SPO2 sensor is the valid alternative for efficient polysomnography and it is portable and cost effective. The total number of samples from SPO2 sensors of 50 patients that is used in this study is 190,000. The performance of the overall accuracy of sleep apnea detection is 91.3085% with the loss rate of 2.3 using cross entropy cost function using deep convolutional neural network.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 261-266  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Apneja -- Otkrivanje -- Poremećaji spavanja -- Studija spavanja -- Neuronske mreže -- Snimanje bioparametara -- Polisomnografija

AYENIGBARA, Israel Oluwasegun
The urgent need for the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa [Elektronička građa] / Israel Oluwasegun Ayenigbara. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an infection that came into existence decades back; it spread across the African countries in the late 1970s, and is currently endemic across the world. HIV is a major public health problem all over the world, as it has claimed more than 35million lives. There were around 36.9 million individuals living with HIV at the end of 2017, and Sub-Saharan Africa remains the most affected by HIV infection with 1 in 25 adults (4.1%) living with the virus, accounting for 70% of the people living with HIV worldwide. Unfortunately, Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the continent with the highest cases of infections and deaths from HIV/AIDS even after the implementation of various HIV/AIDS prevention methods. Fortunately, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) offers the world a novel way of curtailing the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV if it is used as prescribed. This paper discusses the urgent need for the use of PrEP in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a review paper in which the meaning of PrEP was discussed, people who need PrEP were identified, the rationale for the use of PrEP for the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa were highlighted, and probable obstacles to the successful implementation of PrEP for the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa were also identified. It was concluded that to achieve the 90-90-90 goals set by UNAIDS to help end the AIDS epidemic in the world, PrEP offers a new and novel way for HIV prevention, and its implementation across all African countries is urgently needed for the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. - Virus humane imunodeficijencije (HIV) je infekcija koja je nastala prije nekoliko desetljeća; proširila se afričkim zemljama kasnih sedamdesetih godina I trenutno je endemska bolest širom svijeta. HIV predstavlja veliki javnozdravstveni problem u cijeloms vijetu jer je odnio više od 35 milijuna života. Krajem 2017. Godine bilo je oko 36,9 milijuna osoba koje žive s HIV-om, a subsaharska Afrika je i dalje najviše pogođena HIV infekcijom s 1 na 25 odraslih osoba(4,1%) kojižive s virusom, što čini 70% ljudi koji žive s HIV-om širom svijeta. Nažalost, subsaharska Afrika je I dalje kontinent s najvišim brojem infekcija I smrti od HIV/AIDS-a, čak I nakon provedbe različitih metoda prevencije. Srećom, preekspozicijska profilaksa (PrEP) svijetu nudi novi način ograničavanja epidemije HIV/AIDS-a, budući da je PrEP visoko učinkovit u sprječavanju HIV-a ako se koristikako je propisano. U ovom se radu raspravlja o hitnoj potrebi korištenja PrEP-a u prevenciji HIV/AIDS-a u subsaharskoj Africi. To je pregledni rad u kojem se raspravlja o značenju PrEP-a, identificirani su ljudi kojima je potreban PrEP, istaknuta je svrha primjene PrEP-a za prevenciju HIV/AIDS-a u subsaharskoj Africi te su također identificirane moguće prepreke za uspješnu provedbu PrEP-a za prevenciju HIV/AIDS-a u subsaharskoj Africi. Zaključeno je da je za postizanje ciljeva 90-90-90 koje je UNAIDS postavio kako bi se okončala epidemija AIDS-a u svijetu, PrEP nudi novi način prevencije HIV-a, a njezina primjena u svim afričkim zemljama hitno je potrebna za prevenciju. HIV/AIDS-a u subsaharskoj Africi.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 197-204  
 Elektronička verzija članka
HIV -- AIDS -- Preekspozicijska profilaksa -- Prevencija

Utjecaj aspiracije traheje na nastanak nozokomijalnih pneumonija [Elektronička građa] / Mirjana Saratlija.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Nozokomijalna pneumonija vodeća je komplikacija liječenja djece u jedinicama intenzivne medicine, sa znatnim utjecajem na njihov mortalitet i morbiditet. Nastaje u približno 8 do 28 % strojno ventiliranih bolesnika, a učestalost joj se povećava za najmanje 1 do 3 % po svakom danu trajanja strojne ventilacije. O prohodnosti dišnog puta ovisi kvaliteta disanja i izmjena plinova. Jedini je način održavanja prohodnosti dišnog puta pravodobna i učinkovita aspiracija traheje. Aspiracijom uklanjamo sekret iz dišnog puta, pospješujemo respiratornu funkciju i sprječavamo sekundarnu infekciju pluća. Aspiracija se može provoditi otvorenim i zatvorenim sustavom. Otvorenim, klasičnim sustavom aspiraciju provode dvije medicinske sestre. Zatvorenim sustavom aspirira jedna medicinska sestra, pacijent se ne odvaja od respiratora i pri tome je smanjena mogućnost unosa patogena iz vanjske okoline. Sam postupak aspiracije zatvorenim sustavom ima nekoliko koraka kojih se treba pridržavati kako bi aspiracija bila uspješna. Potrebno je odrediti pravu veličinu zatvorenog sustava u odnosu na veličinu tubusa, pravilno izmjeriti distancu i pridržavati se zadanih mjera i postupaka prilikom aspiracije. - Nosocomial pneumonia is the leading complication in the treatment of children in intensive care units, with significant impact on their mortality and morbidity. It occurs in approximately 8-28 % of mechanically ventilated patients, and the incidence is increased by at least 1-3% per each day of mechanical ventilation. Breath quality and gas exchange depend on the airway passage. The only way to maintain airway passage is timely and effective trachea aspiration. With aspiration, we remove secretion from the airway, increase respiratory function and prevent secondary pneumonia. Aspiration can be carried out by an open and closed system. An open, classic aspiration system is carried out by two nurses. Closed system aspiration is performed by one nurse, the patient is not taken off the respirator and thereby the possibility of the pathogen entering from the outside environment is reduced. Aspiration process with the closed system has several steps that need to be followed for aspiration to be successful. It is necessary to determine the right size of the closed system relative to the size of the tube, to properly measure the distance and to adhere to the set measures and procedures during aspiration.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 81-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pedijatrija -- Nozokomijalna pneumonija -- Strojna ventilacija -- Aspiracija traheje

Utjecaj bolesti na povijest - primjer epidemija [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Barišić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Povijest bolesti može se istraživati na različite načine. Istraživanje može ostati u striktno medicinskim okvirima i fokusirati se na oblik bolesti, pitanja prevencije, metode liječenja i drugo. Međutim, bolest nije samo medicinski fenomen zato što se njezine posljedice osjećaju na široj društvenoj razini. Stoga je važno uočiti na koji način bolest utječe na povijest. U radu se ovaj utjecaj promatra na primjeru triju epidemija koje su u različitim povijesnim periodima poharale različita područja. Spomenuti utjecaj promatra se kroz prizmu trajanja, geografskog dosega te pretpostavke bi li povijest bila drugačija da se bolest nije dogodila. - It is possible to study the history of the disease in many different ways. The research can stay within strictly medical frames and it can focus itself on the type of the disease, on questions of its prevention, on methods of its treatment etc. Nevertheless, since its consequences are recognizable on a broader social level, a disease isn't merely a medical phenomenon. Therefore it is very important to understand in which way a disease affects the history. This paper intends to present the examples of three epidemics which in different historical periods plagued various geographical regions. Influence of the disease is analyzed on three levels: duration of each of the epidemics; geographical prevalence and hypothesis whether some disease has changed the course of the history.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 2 ; str. 225-236  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Epidemije -- Kuga -- Tifus -- Velike boginje -- Povijesni prikaz
Napoleon I, francuski car


Važnost vježbanja kod oboljelih od dijabetesa [Elektronička građa] / Petra Šulevski, Ivna Kocijan.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Sve je veći broj oboljelih osoba od dijabetesa, kako u svijetu tako i u Hrvatskoj. Procjene govore o ukupnoj brojci od 415 milijuna oboljelih. Broj oboljelih, a posebice onih s dijagnozom dijabetesa tipa 2, upućuje na neuredan način života, odnosno loše prehrambene navike, sedentaran način života i stres. Liječenje dijabetesa provodi se pravilnom prehranom, redovitom tjelesnom aktivnošću i medikamentnom terapijom, a sve u cilju regulacije glikemije. Tjelesna aktivnost sastavni je dio liječenja dijabetesa jer se njezinim provođenjem održava odgovarajuća razina glikemije, poboljšava lipidni status te povećava osjetljivost stanica na inzulin. Ujedno se vježbanjem smanjuje potreba za inzulinom jer mišići svojom kontrakcijom pojačano troše glukozu. Dozvoljene su sve vrste tjelesne aktivnosti, ponekad uz određena individualna ograničenja, a najviše koristi polučuje ako se vježbanje provodi redovito i uz umjereni intenzitet, ali uz određeni oprez, posebice ako su prisutne komplikacije bolesti. Posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti riziku od hipoglikemije, jer se prilikom tjelovježbe smanjuje razina glukoze. Prije provođenja tjelesne aktivnosti potrebno je provjeriti razinu glukoze te tomu prilagoditi tjelesnu aktivnost ili je odgoditi u slučaju previsoke ili preniske razine. Istraživanja su pokazala da aerobne i anaerobne aktivnosti utječu na regulaciju glukoze. Prije svega, preporučuju se vježbe fleksibilnosti (iako nemaju izravan utjecaj na smanjenje glukoze) te vježbe balansa, koje smanjuju mogućnost padova. Preporučuje se 150 minuta tjedno umjerene do snažne aktivnosti.Primjerice, vježbe se mogu provoditi umjerenim intenzitetom uz 15 ponavljanja ili jakim intenzitetom uz šest do osam ponavljanja. Možemo zaključiti da je redovita tjelovježba nužna za očuvanje zdravlja i kvalitete života oboljelih od dijabetesa. - There is an increasing number of people with diabetes, both in the world and in Croatia. Estimates speak of a total of 415 million people. The number of people with diabetes, especially those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, indicates a disorderly way of life, poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and stress. The treatment of diabetes is carried out with proper nutrition, regular physical activity and medication therapy, all in order to regulate glycemia. Physical activity is an integral part of the diabetes treatment because it maintains an adequate glycemic level, improves lipid status and increases cell sensitivity to insulin. Furthermore, the need for insulin is reduced because the mechanism of muscle contraction increases glucose consumption. All kinds of physical activity are allowed, sometimes with certain individual limitations, and most benefit is expected when exercise is performed regularly with moderate intensity but with particular caution, especially if complications of the disease are present. Special attention should be paid to the risk of hypoglycaemia, as it reduces glucose levels during exercise. Before carrying out physical activity, it is necessary to check the level of glucose and adjust or postpone the activity in case of excessive or too low glucose levels. Studies have shown that aerobic and anaerobic activities affect the regulation of glucose. First of all, flexibility exercises are recommended (though they do not have a direct impact on glucose reduction), as well as balance excercises that reduce the chance of falling. It is recommended to undertake 150 minutes a week of moderate to strong activity. For example, exercises can be performed with moderate intensity at 15 repetitions or high intensity with 6 to 8 repeats. We can conclude that regular exercise is necessary to preserve the health and life quality of people affected with diabetes.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 113-119  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dijabetes tip 1 -- Dijabetes tip 2 -- Tjelovježba -- Regulacija glukoze

Vidi br.: HA19-00941

Vidi br.: HA19-00809

Vidi br.: HA19-00950

Vidi br.: HA19-00987

Vidi br.: HA19-00947

Vidi br.: HA19-01128

Vidi br.: HA19-00822

Vidi br.: HA19-00830

Vidi br.: HA19-00939

Vidi br.: HA19-01232

Vidi br.: HA19-00954

Vidi br.: HA19-00902

Vidi br.: HA19-00928

617   Kirurgija. Ortopedija. Oftalmologija

Vidi br.: HA19-00985

Vidi br.: HA19-00943

62   Inženjerstvo. Tehnika. Tehnologija

Vidi br.: HA19-00848

620   Ispitivanje materijala. Elektrane. Ekonomika energije

Analysis of thermomechanical properties of polymeric materials produced by a 3D printing method [Elektronička građa] / Adam Gnatowski, Rafał Gołębski, Piotr Sikora. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract. - A comparative analysis of the thermomechanical properties of semicrystalline and amorphous polymeric materials was carried out. Samples were produced by using a 3D printing technology on the SIGNAL printer - ATMAT. The following polymeric materials were used to make the samples: TPU-thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer, ABScopolymer acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, Nosewood, PET-ethylene terephthalate, PLA-poly (lactic acid). The research included a thermal analysis of the dynamic properties (DMTA) of manufactured materials.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 343-348  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polimerni materijali -- Termomehanička svojstva -- 3D printanje

Investigation of the mechanical performance of fiber-modified ceramic composites using finite element method [Elektronička građa] / Majid Ahmadi, Seyed Hadi Seyedin, Seyed Vahid Seyedin. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract. - Ceramic materials are widely used in impact safekeeping systems. Ceramic is a heterogeneous material; its characteristics depend considerably both on specifications of its ingredients and the material structure completely. The finite element method (FEM) can be a useful tool for strength computation of these materials. In this paper, the mechanical properties of the ceramic composites are investigated, and the mechanical performance modeling of fiber-fortified ceramic matrix composites (CMC) is expressed by the instance of aluminum oxide fibers in a matrix composite based on alumina. The starting point of the modeling is an infrastructure (primary cell) that contains a micromechanical size, the statistical analysis characteristics of the matrix, fiber-matrix interface, fiber, and their reciprocal influences. The numeral assessment of the model is done using the FEM. The numerical results of composite elastic modulus were computed based on the amount of the added fibers and the porosity was evaluated for empirical data of samples with a similar composition. Various scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were used for each sample to specify the porosity. Also, the unit cell method presumed that the porous ceramic substance is manufactured from an array of fundamental units, each with the same composition, material characteristic, and cell geometry. The results showed that when the material consists of different pores and fibers, the amount of Young’s modulus reduces with the increment of porosity. The linear correlation model of elasticity versus porosity value from experimental data was derived by MATLAB curve fitting. The experimental data from the mechanical test and numerical values were in good agreement.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 173-179  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Keramički kompoziti -- Mehanička svojstva -- Elastičnost -- Vlakna -- Toplinski stres -- Metoda konačnih elemenata

Tensile properties of polypropylene/linear low-density polyethylene/nano-titanium dioxide nanocomposites using a two-level factorial experiment [Elektronička građa] / Sajjad Daneshpayeh, Faramarz Ashenai Ghasemi, Ismail Ghasemi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract. - In this paper, a 23 factorial design analysis was used to study the parameters affecting the mechanical characteristics of polypropylene/linear low-density polyethylene/nano-titanium dioxide (PP/LLDPE/TiO2) nanocomposites, and to optimize these factors in order to predict the maximum ultimate tensile strength (UTS), elastic modulus (EM), and yield strength (YS) simultaneously. To do this, two levels of nano-titanium dioxide (TiO2), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) as the coupling agent were selected and eight experiments were conducted for every response. The most effective factors influencing the UTS, EM, and YS were found, and acceptable prediction regression models were taken. One noted that nanoparticles increased the elastic modulus. The attendance of high levels of LLDPE and SEBS resulted in a decrease in YS and UTS. Moreover, the optimum values of variables were determined by using the contour plot.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 165-172  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polipropilen -- Vlačna čvrstoća -- Modul elastičnosti -- Nanokompoziti

Vidi br.: HA19-00974

Vidi br.: HA19-01004

Vidi br.: HA19-00919

Vidi br.: HA19-01235

Vidi br.: HA19-01237

621   Strojarstvo. Nuklearna tehnika. Strojevi

The cantilever beams analysis by the means of the first-order shear deformation and the Euler-Bernoulli theory [Elektronička građa] / Dino Ključanin, Abaz Manđuka. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - The effect of the Timoshenko theory and the Euler-Bernoulli theory are investigated in this paper through numerical and analytical analyses. The investigation was required to obtain the optimized position of the pipes support. The Timoshenko beam theory or the first order shear deformation theory was used regarding thick beams where the shearing effect of the beam is considered. The study of the thin beams was performed with the Euler-Bernoulli theory. The analysis was done for stainless steel AISI-440C beams with the rectangular cross-section. The steel beams were a cantilever and stressed under varying point-centred load.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 63-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Grede -- Čelične grede -- Savijanje -- Euler-Bernoullijeva teorija -- Timošenkova teorija -- Numerička analiza

ŠOLIĆ, Sanja, inženjerka strojarstva
Cutting performance of deep cryogenic treated and nitrided HSS cutting tool inserts [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Šolić, Zdravko Schauperl, Vlado Tropša. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract. - High speed steel (HSS) is a very important industrial tool material and has been constantly improved for different wear resistance applications and cutting tools, i.e. drills, milling cutters, hobs and for the cutting tools in which the economical cutting speed is too low for choosing the carbide tools. The properties of HSS depend significantly on the parameters of the conducted heat treatment. In this paper, the influence of deep cryogenic treatment in combination with nitriding of metallurgical powder metallurgy HSS on the wear resistance was measured. Additionally, the cutting performance in a single point cutting tool machinability test at the configuration of the dry low-speed turning of steel was investigated. The results showed that deep cryogenic treatment itself, and in combination with nitriding, resulted in the reduction of the wear rate. The results of the single point cutting tool machinability test showed that deep cryogenic treated and nitrided HSS inserts performed worse than the classically heat-treated inserts and deep cryogenic treated HSS inserts exhibited approximately the same flank wear as the nitrided ones.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 213-217  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alati za rezanje -- Brzorezni čelik -- Kriogena obrada -- Otpornost

SABO, Ivan, inženjer strojarstva
Design and calculation of planetary transmission with bevel gears [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Sabo, Milan Kljajin, Mirko Karakašić, Željko Ivandić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Abstract. - In this paper, the design and calculation of planetary transmission with bevel gears for road vehicles is presented. It must transfer power to the wheels with the possibility that wheels can rotate at different speeds. The basic calculation of transmission is performed for the drive machine, where an internal combustion engine is chosen, and for the driven machine, which is a car, all forces of resistance are calculated so that the transmission needs to be overcome to move the car. Based on the standard ISO 23509:2016 norm, the calculation of geometry is performed for the input gear pair and it is defined as a hypoid gear pair. For the planetary transmission, a calculation of gear module for bevel gears is first performed, and after that, the geometry is calculated. The calculation of the stress for root stress and Hertz contact pressure is performed for all bevel gears in transmission.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 154-161  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zupčanici -- Stožasti zupčanici -- Planetarni prijenos -- Pogonski strojevi -- Cestovna vozila

SEYEDIN, Seyed Hadi
Design and construction of the pressure swirl nozzle and experimental investigation of spray characteristics [Elektronička građa] / Seyed Hadi Seyedin, Majid Ahmadi, Seyed Vahid Seyedin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract. - This paper focuses on the structure and performance of the pressure swirl nozzle and the study of liquid atomization. In this study, the atomizer has been designed and some experiments have been performed on it. Since image processing is an efficient method for measuring the size of the droplet and since it considerably reduces the total measuring time and eliminates the subjective observer’s error in sizing and counting spray drops, a digital camera has been used for capturing images and image processing has been done by the MATLAB software. The results show that by increasing the atomization air pressure, the spray angle increases and the droplet’s size decreases. It is concluded that the spray angle is a function of the atomization air pressure and orifice diameter. Moreover, when the distance from the spray centre line increases, the droplet’s average velocity decreases.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 204-212  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Raspršivač -- Mlaznica -- Veličina kapljica -- Obrada slike

RUNJE, Biserka
Estimation of process capability based on continuous and attribute data [Elektronička građa] / Biserka Runje, Živko Kondić, Amalija Horvatić Novak, Zdenka Keran. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - In the paper, a process capability and process performance analyses for continuous and attribute data are conducted by using an industry example. The inner diameter of the bearing rings is analysed by applying the normal capability analysis for the continuous data and by applying the binomial capability analysis for the attribute data. In order to quantify the process performance and process capability for continuous and attribute data, the sigma level or the process sigma is calculated. This represents an alternative method to calculating process capability indices and process performance indices.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 162-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proizvodni proces -- Sposobnost procesa -- Performanse -- Atributni podaci

LAPENKO, Oleksandr
Features of silos calculations at asymmetric wind load by using the momentless theory [Elektronička građa] / Oleksandr Lapenko, Anton Makhinko, Natalia Makhinko. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - The paper deals with the features of silos calculations as shells of rotation under asymmetric semi-uniform load. In accordance with the equation of equilibrium by using the momentless theory, the expressions for maximum value of linear longitudinal efforts in radial and meridional (longitudinal) direction and linear shearing force have been obtained. Analysis of design factor series of linear efforts and shearing force has been carried out in the paper. The opportunity of using the momentless theory to evaluate changes of linear efforts in radial direction and shearing forces has been presented. The quantitative assessment of a normal tension in laminas of silo body from the influence of maximum linear efforts and their connection with the tension from the pressure of the bulk material at the top of the capacity have been given. Full radial and contacting displacements of the capacity in the plane of cross section from the element of the wind load have been defined.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 12-15  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aerodinamika -- Silosi -- Vjetar -- Membranska teorija ljusaka

PISAČIĆ, Katarina
Finite difference solution of plate bending using Wolfram Mathematica [Elektronička građa] / Katarina Pisačić, Marko Horvat, Zlatko Botak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract. - This article describes the procedure of calculating deflection of rectangular plate using a finite difference method, programmed in Wolfram Mathematica. Homogenous rectangular plate under uniform pressure is simulated for this paper. In the introduction, basic assumptions are given and the problem is defined. Chapters that follow describe basic definitions for plate bending, deflection, slope and curvature. The following boundary condition is used in this article: rectangular plate is wedged on one side and simply supported on three sides. Using finite difference method, linear equation system is given and solved in Wolfram Mathematica. System of equations is built using the mapping function and solved with solve function. Solutions are given in the graphs. Such obtained solutions are compared to the finite element method solver NastranInCad.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 241-247  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metoda konačnih razlika -- Savijanje ploča -- Tehničke znanosti -- Računalni programi

Investigation on the influence of parameter uncertainties in the position tracking of robot manipulators [Elektronička građa] / Habib Ghanbarpour Asl, Kerim Youde Han. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Abstract. - This paper presents a novel trajectory tracking method for robot arms with uncertainties in parameters. The new controller applies the robust output feedback linearization method and is designed so that it is robust to the variation of parameters. Robustness of the algorithm is evaluated when the parameters of the system are floating over 10 percent up and down. An Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is applied for state and parameter estimation purposes. As the considered system has 8 unknown parameters while only 5 of them are independent parameters, UKF is applied only to the augmented system with independent parameters. Three types of simulations are applied depending on sensor groups – first with both position and joint sensors, second with only position sensors and third with only joint sensors. The observation of parameters in these groups is discussed. Simulation results show that when both position sensors and joint sensors are used, all the parameters and states are observable and good tracking performances are obtained. When only position sensors are used, the accuracy of the estimated parameters is reduced, and low tracking performances are revealed. Finally, when only joint sensors are applied, the lengths of robot arms are unobservable, but other parameters related to the dynamic system are observable, and poor tracking performances are given.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 16-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mehatronika -- Robotski manipulator -- Kalmanov filter

Minimum-time path planning for robot manipulators using path parameter optimization with external force and frictions [Elektronička građa] / Habib Ghanbarpour Asl. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 55 jed. - Abstract. - This paper presents a new minimum-time trajectory planning method which consists of a desired path in the Cartesian space to a manipulator under external forces subject to the input voltage of the actuators. Firstly, the path is parametrized with an unknown parameter called a path parameter. This parameter is considered a function of time and an unknown parameter vector for optimization. Secondly, the optimization problem is converted into a regular parameter optimization problem, subject to the equations of motion and limitations in angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular jerk, input torques of actuators’, input voltage and final time, respectively. In the presented algorithm, the final time of the task is divided into known partitions, and the final time is an additional unknown variable in the optimization problem. The algorithm attempts to minimize the final time by optimizing the path parameter, thus it is parametrized as a polynomial of time with some unknown parameters. The algorithm can have a smooth input voltage in an allowable range; then all motion parameters and the jerk will remain smooth. Finally, the simulation study shows that the presented approach is efficient in the trajectory planning for a manipulator that wants to follow a Cartesian path. In simulations, the constraints are respected, and all motion variables and path parameters remain smooth.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 25-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mehatronika -- Robotski manipulator -- Dinamička optimizacija

PONGRAC, Dalibor
Research of the optimal variable defects of the preventive maintenance of medicinal equipment [Elektronička građa] / Dalibor Pongrac, Živko Kondić, Veljko Kondić, Marko Horvat. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Abstract. - The article clarifies the importance of maintenance in the exploitation of a particular medical device from the aspect of maintaining its availability, reliability and overall functionality. Particularly emphasized is the role of the preventive method or procedures that have a preventive character before the problems arise in the work. Through an analysis of the most common malfunctions and causes that occur during the exploitation, a basis for objective defining and proposing principles has been created – preventive maintenance with special emphasis on preventive maintenance according to an established condition. The article also shows a numerical way of calculating the periodicity of conducting preventive examinations on a particular device.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 139-148  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinski uređaji -- Održavanje uređaja -- Dijagnostika kvarova

Vortex cooled air turning of induction-hardened raceway on the wind turbine-bearing ring [Elektronička građa] / Mladen Bošnjaković, Olivera Maglić, Dragomir Moškun, Zoran Crnac. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract. - In the turning process of hard materials with CBN cutting inserts, metalworking fluid is not advisable as it results in poorer quality of finished surface and shortening of the tool life. Dry machining, otherwise, develops excessive heat, residual stresses in the workpiece material due to thermal stress, and therefore causes possible problems of achieving tolerances on larger workpieces. During the dry turning of induction hardened raceway on the wind turbine-bearing ring of 1500 mm in diameter, problems with achieving tolerances occurred. The vortex-cooled air implementation during turning resulted in achieving designing tolerances of the workpiece, with better surface roughness and with less tool wear. The result was 50% lower cost of cutting inserts and small operating costs associated with air consumption. The vortex-cooled air implementation makes it possible to extend the tool life of CBN cutting inserts and thus higher cost-effectiveness of machining.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 230-234  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjetroturbine -- Vrtložno hlađenje zraka -- Naprezanje materijala

Vidi br.: HA19-01078

Vidi br.: HA19-01016

Vidi br.: HA19-00811

621.3   Elektrotehnika

Contrast and color balance enhancement for non-uniform illumination retinal images [Elektronička građa] / Preecha Vonghirandecha, Montri Karnjanadecha, Sathit Intajag. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract. - Color retinal images play an important role in supporting a medical diagnosis. However, some retinal images are unsuitable for diagnosis due to the non-uniform illumination. In order to solve this problem, we propose a method for improving non-uniform illumination that can enhance the image quality of a color fundus photograph suitable for reliable visual diagnosis. Firstly, a hidden anatomical structure in dark regions of the retinal images is revealed by improving the image luminosity with gamma correction. Secondly, multi-scale tone manipulation is then used to adjust the image contrast in the lightness channel of L*a*b* color space. Finally, color balance is adjusted by specifying the image brightness based on Hubbard’s specification. The performance of the applied method has been evaluated against the data from the DIARETDB1 dataset. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm performs well for correcting the non-uniform illumination of color retinal images.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 291-296  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vizualna percepcija -- Mrežnica -- Osvjetljenje -- Medicinska dijagnostika

Control of a non-holonomic mobile robot system with parametric uncertainty [Elektronička građa] / Hassan Zarabadipour, Zahra Yaghoubi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract. - In this paper, the control of a mobile robot system via a feedback linearization controller and anti-control of chaos with parametric uncertainty is researched. Anti-control is also applied to convert non-chaotic systems to chaotic ones and to create chaos dynamic. The synchronization of system errors with a chaotic gyroscope system is researched for energy reduction and performance improvement. In the other words, control effort is based on synchronizing the error system with chaos for decreasing control cost. The combination of these techniques yields high efficiency and global convergence of trajectories, even in the presence of parametric uncertainty, which has been shown by simulation. Finally, the energy of control signals is calculated and compared for showing the energy reduction.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 43-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neholonomski mobilni robot -- Robotski sustav -- Upravljanje sustavima -- Povratna sprega -- Kaos

UNCU, Nuşin
The effects of dielectric values, breast and tumor size on the detection of breast tumor [Elektronička građa] / Nuşin Uncu, Emine Avşar Aydin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract. - Although breast cancer is the second main cause of female deaths after lung cancer, early diagnosis plays a crucial role to diminish the death rate. Many techniques have been improved to detect the cancerous cells. At different microwave frequencies, the malignant cells indicate different electrical characteristics as compared to the normal cells. According to these frequencies, the breast tissue is more permeable than other tissues such as the brain and muscle. Due to this property of the breast tissue, microwaves can be used for the detection of breast cancer. In this study, the breast prototype was modelled using the CST STUDIO SUITE electromagnetic simulation software with respect to different breast size, tumor size and dielectric values tested at a range of the 0-3.0 GHz frequency. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of each factor and the interactions of factors on detecting cancer cells using the factorial analysis. The results indicate that the factors such as fat and skin permittivity, tumor and breast sizes are more effective in the detection of breast tumor. Although the effect of fibro permittivity is not significant alone, there are considerable interaction effects of a large breast size and small tumor size through low-to-high values of fibro permittivity. Furthermore, the combinations of a breast radius smaller than almost 8.5 cm with a high level tumor radius and breast radius larger than 8.5 cm with a low level tumor radius are desirable for lessening the return loss value.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 197-203  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rak dojke -- Rano otkrivanje karcinoma -- Dielektrična svojstva -- Mikrovalovi -- Faktorski dizajn

MON, Ei Ei
Evaluating biometrics fingerprint template protection for an emergency situation [Elektronička građa] / Ei Ei Mon, Sangsuree Vasupongayya, Montri Karnjanadecha, Touchai Angchuan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract. - Biometric template protection approaches have been developed to secure the biometric templates against image reconstruction on the stored templates. Two cancellable fingerprint template protection approaches namely minutiae-based bit-string cancellable fingerprint template and modified minutiae-based bit-string cancellable fingerprint template, are selected to be evaluated. Both approaches include the geometric information of the fingerprint into the extracted minutiae. Six modified fingerprint data sets are derived from the original fingerprint images in FVC2002DB1_B and FVC2002DB2_B by conducting the rotation and changing the quality of original fingerprint images according to the environment conditions during an emergency situation such as wet or dry fingers and disoriented angle of fingerprint images. The experimental results show that the modified minutiae-based bit-string cancellable fingerprint template performs well on all conditions during an emergency situation by achieving the matching accuracy between 83% and 100% on FVC2002DB1_B data set and between 99% and 100% on FVC2002DB2_B data set.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 280-285  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biometrija -- Biometrijski podaci -- Otisci prstiju -- Autentifikacija

Improving radar performance with constant envelope multi-level chirp [Elektronička građa] / Farhad Bahadori-Jahromi, Alireza Hassannejad. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - M-level Continuous Phase Chirp Modulation is considered for data transmission. In this article, we would like to propose a new approach to transmitting information with the help of multi-level wave guide signaling. The main problem with the classic chirp modulation system is that the final phase of the signal is not equal in each period to the initial phase of the next step, and this discontinuity is present in each data transmission period. The main objective of this paper is to improve the efficiency of chirp modulation, which is recommended for continuous phase multi-level scalar modulation, which results has a significant increase in system performance. In this new approach, for sending the M symbols, we use the M level to send the message. With the help of this idea, we simulate the telecommunication system and examine the probability of its bit error in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise and Rician fading.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 100-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radari -- Komunikacijski kanali -- Frekvencija -- Chirp modulacije

SINA, Alireza
Load frequency control of multi area interconnected power system using differential evolution algorithm [Elektronička građa] / Alireza Sina, Damanjeet Kaur. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract. - In this paper, Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller is designed using Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm to Load Frequency Control (LFC) in three areas of an interconnected power system. The proposed controller has appropriate dynamic response, so it increases damping in transient state in unhealthy conditions. Different generators have been used in three areas. Area 1 includes thermal non-reheat generator and two thermal reheat generators; area 2 includes hydro and thermal non-reheat generators, and area 3 includes hydro and thermal reheat generators. In order to evaluate the performance of the controller, Sim/Matlab software is used. Simulation results show that the controller designed using DE algorithm is not affected by load changes, disturbance, or system parameters changes. Comparing the results of proposed algorithm with other load frequency control algorithms, such as PSO and GA, it has been found that this method has a more appropriate response and satisfactory performance.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 323-330  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektroenergetski sustav -- Frekvencija opterečenja -- Proporcionalno integralni regulator -- Algoritmi

Online control of combine reel height in presence of farm roughness using an on-off controller [Elektronička građa] / Nadia Zendehdel, Younes Shamoradi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - Adjusting the harvesting combine reel height in presence of the farm rough surface reduces the harvest losses, prevents possible damage to the headland and increases gravel harvest. Regarding the importance of the issue, in this study, the dynamics of the reel height control system of the John Deere1055 combine was modeled and the controllability and observability of the obtained transfer function is determined in state space. After that, with the aim of cutting the stem from a suitable point, an on-off controller is designed to keep the reel height from the ground in a permitted range. At this stage, a reduced model system is used as an approximated system to design a controller. The designed controller is simulated in MATLAB. In this simulation, the roughness of the ground was considered as the control loop noise with the normal probability distribution function. The results confirm that the reel height change is kept in the specified range against the farm roughness. The laboratory sample was also constructed using an independent excitation circuit DC motor, an optical distance sensor, and a micro controller. The experimental test shows that the height control system responses to changes in surface height at an appropriate speed without any oscillation in range.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 104-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poljoprivredna mehanizacija -- Kombajn -- Sustav kontrole -- Kontroler

CAN, Erol
Power regulation by couple half wave LPWM rectifier at three-phase loads [Elektronička građa] / Erol Can. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract. - The paper presents an application of power control by couple half wave LPWM rectifiers processing at the energy distribution line. The switching method with the components of semiconductor for alternating energy control in the energy distribution line is used on alternating energy sources. In three-phase power line and load, power control and regulation are done with the proposed modulation correction index (MCI). Therefore, the simulation model of 3-phase energy distribution is established after the relationships between the energy sources and the circuit elements are determined by the circuit analysis method. The controls of the current and the voltage are done by trying at the different loads in the line at the simulation. According to the modulation correction index (MCI), currents of unbalanced loads are balanced by the proposed method on the power line. Then, the balance currents and powers that MCI provides are calculated. Finally, a power line of 15 km at length that is created by connecting the model of RLC is tested. Obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 184-191  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Električna energija -- Trofazni napon -- Naponski ispravljači -- Regulacija snage

CAN, Erol
PWM controlling of a new multi DC-DC converter circuit [Elektronička građa] / Erol Can. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract. - The design and development of DC-DC converter circuits are important for increasing and decreasing the direct current energy sources at operating the loads and systems. In this study, a multi DC-DC converter structure is described. The purpose of creating this circuit structure is to create a more effective circuit by offering a different circuit structure. For the proposed DC-DC converter, a circuit structure with five switches is created. This circuit structure is described by mathematical models according to the operation of the four parts PWMs in different time periods. After the mathematical analysis of the circuit structure, the proposed circuit and conventional circuit are operated in the Matlab Simulink. The obtained results are compared. According to the comparisons, the proposed circuit produces a higher output voltage than the traditional one and has a higher performance. Additionally, the circuit is operated for values of different loads using different switching times. Finally, voltages and currents are observed on loads.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 116-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Električna energija -- Istosmjerna struja -- Električni pretvarači -- Matematički modeli

Vidi br.: HA19-01219

Vidi br.: HA19-01227

624/625   Građevinarstvo. Građevinsko inženjerstvo i tehnika. Gradnja prometnica

CRNOJA, Anđelko
Application of a logarithmic model on a stress - deformation interdependence of the recycled tires [Elektronička građa] / Anđelko Crnoja, Željko Kos, Oleg Popov. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract. - During the last two decades, technological development has led to an extreme increase in transport and connected industries. This has significantly increased the production of automobile tires, which have their life span after which they go to waste. It is therefore necessary to extricate new products from recycled raw materials. For a product to be created, it is necessary, especially in civil engineering, to examine and determine all the properties of this material (pressure, traction, stress resistance, etc.). The results obtained by the research in this paper are mathematically processed by applying a logarithmic model. The aim of this process is to predict stress deformation in terms of tensile force. The model obtained is significant with accuracy of 87.21% and has a very high accuracy of the deformation estimation in relation to the applied stress. Independent variables were granulometric composition, binder (glue) and specific mass.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 180-183  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Automobilske gume -- Reciklirana guma -- Deformacija -- Naprezanje -- Logaritamski modeli

TRACH, Roman
Assessment of the effect of integration realisation in construction projects [Elektronička građa] / Roman Trach, Marzena Lendo-Siwicka, Katarzyna Pawluk, Nina Bilous. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract. - The aim of the article is to develop an assessment model for the effect received from the integration of enterprises during the realization of investment projects in the construction. Having analysed the existing methods of the economic effect evaluation, we came to the conclusion that it is impossible to use them completely to assess the economic effect of the integration of enterprises during the investment projects in the construction. In the case of an integrated realization of a project in the construction sector, it is the information and communication links that are combined, and not the enterprises themselves. In addition to that, not all models take into account the synergistic effect. To solve the above-mentioned problem, we analysed the advantages gained by participants during the realization of the integrated project in construction and the benefits that have the greatest impact on the synergy effect. The calculation of the effect of the information and communication system management and the innovative nature of the process of its implementation suggest that this process has a clear investment component. Consequently, the process of enterprise integration should be considered as an investment project implemented at the level of network association.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 254-259  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Građevinski projeksti -- Informacijski sustav -- Komunikacijski sustav -- Integracija

KOS, Željko
Designing plaster mortar for a high-rise building [Elektronička građa] / Zeljko Kos, Valentyn Paruta, Olga Gnyp, Leonid Lavrenyuk, Iryna Grynyova. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - The article rethinks the approach to the development of compositions of plaster mortar as the load on the plaster coating located on the 1st or 24th floor of the building differs significantly. To solve the problem within the framework of existing concepts, principles and regulatory requirements are not possible, as they are applicable to the solutions used in low-rise building. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop the scientific basis for the design of plaster mortar. In order to do that, it is necessary to analyze the processes occurring in the plaster coating when it is applied and hardened, the knowledge of the mechanism of the destruction of the "masonry - plaster coating" system, and the calculation and evaluation of stresses. The designated physical and mechanical parameters and the selected plaster mortar compositions should ensure the "work" of the system at the maximum level of such stresses.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 331-336  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Žbuka -- Naprezanje -- Mehanički parametri -- Fizički parametri -- Visokogradnja

FARENYUK, Gennadiy
The determination of the thermal reliability criterion for building envelope structures [Elektronička građa] / Gennadiy Farenyuk. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract. - The paper presents the basic methodical principles for the time analysis of the variations of envelope structures’ thermal insulation properties and for the substantiation of the thermal reliability criterion, which should allow the analysis of the actual parameters of heat losses during the operation of buildings. In the paper, the state of the envelope structures thermal failure, the concept of building thermal envelope thermal reliability and the principles of its rating are defined. The physical meaning and basic criterion of the envelope structure thermal reliability are formulated. The application of the thermal reliability criterion allows determining the probable variations in the thermal insulation properties during the building operation and, accordingly, the changes of the building energy performance over time.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 129-133  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zgrade -- Toplinska izolacija -- Toplinska ovojnica

Determination of uniaxial compressive strength of limestone [Elektronička građa] = Određivanje jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće vapnenaca / Doris Vračević, Sanja Dugonjić Jovančević, Josip Peranić, Marko Hodanić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The most used parameter in rock engineering practice is the Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS). It is often estimated on the field or trough Index-to-strength conversion factors proposed by various researchers for a specific rock type. The research presented in the paper involved field estimation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength using Schmidt rebound hammer and Point Load laboratory testing on limestone rock samples. The results of the estimated UCS were compared to the Uniaxial Compression Strength laboratory testing results on limestone specimens taken from the same location, in order to compare corresponding UCS of limestone rocks. These results can contribute to better estimation of the local design parameters, when direct determination of the UCS in the laboratory is not possible, rather than adopting the values from around the world case studies. - Najčešće korišten parametar u stijenskom inženjerstvu je jednoosna tlačna čvrstoća (UCS). Često se procjenjuje na terenu ili pomoću korelacija s indeksom čvrstoće u točki predloženih od strane različitih istraživača za određen tip stijene. Istraživanja prikazana u radu uključuju terenska ispitivanja jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće Schmidtovim čekićem i laboratorijskog ispitivanja indeksa čvrstoće opterećenjem u točki na uzorcima vapnenačkih stijena. Rezultati procijenjenih UCSa uspoređeni su s laboratorijskim ispitivanjem jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće na uzorcima vapnenaca, uzetih sa iste lokacije, kako bi se usporedili rezultati za odgovarajući UCS vapnenačkih stijena. Ovi rezultati mogu pridonijeti boljoj procjeni lokalnih projektnih parametara kada određivanje točne vrijednosti UCS u laboratoriju nije moguće, no ne i usvajanju vrijednosti dobivenih analizom slučajeva iz ostatka svijeta.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 123-140  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stijenski materijal -- Tlačna čvrstoća -- Vapnenac -- Schmidtov čekić -- Terenska identifikacija

Integralni pristup upravljanju geohazardima na području kontakta fliša i krša [Elektronička građa] = Integral approach to geohazard management at Flysch-Karst contact / Sandra Štajdohar, Sanja Dugonjić Jovančević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Na kontaktu flišne stijenske mase i vapnenaca, unutar područja središnje i sjeverne Istre te zaleđa Kvarnera evidentirani su brojni geohazardni događaji, a najznačajniji od njih su pojave nestabilnosti. U radu je dan pregled značajki područja istraživanja ključnih za pojavu ovog tipa geohazarda. Napravljen je pregled recentnih nestabilnosti i njihovih posljedica kako bi se pokazala motivacija za istraživanje, a i potreba za razvojem cjelovitog sustava upravljanja postojećim problemom. Kroz istraživanje je razvijen koncept integralnog pristupa upravljanju geohazardima, a predloženi okvir mogao bi se kroz različite mehanizme integrirati u sadašnji način funkcioniranja i smanjenje posljedica za postojeće elemente rizika. Predloženi pristup zahtijeva opsežne i mnogobrojne analize, ali određeni elementi mogli bi se implementirati bez većih zahtjeva. - At the flysh rock mass and karst contact, in the area of central and northern Istria, as well as Kvarner hinterland, numerous geohazard events have been recorded, the most significant of which the instabilities. This paper gives an overview of the research area key settings, important for this type of geohazards. A review of recent instabilities and their consequences is presented to show the research motivation, as well as the need to develop an integrated management system for managing the existing problem. The concept of an integrated approach for geohazard management has been developed through this research, and the proposed framework could be implemented into the present mode of functioning to reduce the consequences for the existing elements at risk. The proposed approach requires extensive and numerous analysis, but certain elements of this framework could be implemented without major requirements.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 107-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geohazardi -- Klizišta -- Krš -- Fliš -- Upravljanje rizikom

Laboratorijsko određivanje dinamičkih parametara jednostavne grede OMA metodom [Elektronička građa] = Dynamic parameter determination on simple supported beam using OMA / Tomislav Franković, Katarina Paparić, Ivana Štimac Grandić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je prikazana provedba dinamičkog ispitivanja čelične grede poprečnog presjeka 30 x 50 x 3,2 mm ukupne duljine 3,0 m s ciljem utvrđivanja njezinih dinamičkih parametara (frekvencija, modalnih oblika i vrijednosti prigušenja) uporabom operativne modalne analize. Glavna prednost operativne modalne analize u odnosu na eksperimentalnu modalnu analizu je mogućnost određivanja modalnih parametara ispitnog objekta bez poznavanja pobude. Pobuda se nanosila u jednoj točki grede, a dinamički odziv grede na nanesenu pobudu mjeren je pomoću jednoosnih akcelerometara osjetljivosti 100 mV/g čiji je broj i razmještaj variran tijekom provedbe ispitivanja. Prikupljanje izmjerenih podataka i njihova analiza napravljena je pomoću programskog paketa za analizu vibracija ModalVIEW. Pri određenim mjerenjima korištena je mogućnost zadavanja interpolacijskih točaka između mjernih točaka (točke u kojima se nalaze akcelerometri). Analizom odziva grede na pobudu dobivene su frekvencije fi, modalni oblici i modalna prigušenja ξi. Ispitivanjem su frekvencije i modalni oblici uspoređeni s frekvencijama i modalnim oblicima izračunatim na numeričkom modelu kojim je uvriježeno modelirati ispitani sustav. - This paper presents dynamic analysis of rectangular hollow section 30 x 50 x 3.2 mm steel beam of 3.0 m in length with the aim of determining the values of the dynamic parametres (modal frequencies, modes and modal damping) using the method of operational modal analysis. The main advantage of this method in comparison to the experimental modal analysis is the ability of getting modal parameters of a test experimental modal analysis is the ability of getting modal parameters of a test object without knowing the excitation. For the validation of experimental results, a numerical model was constructed in STAAD.Pro. The excitation on the test object was made in one specified point, and the dynamic output of the beam was measured using uniaxial accelerometers with sensitivity of 100 mV/g, which were placed in several characteristic points. Data acquisition and their analysis was conducted using vibration analysis software ModalVIEW. In some measurements, the principle of interpolation points between the measured points (points with accelerometers) has been used. Measuring the response to the excitation frequencies fi, modes and modal damping ξi were acquired (i = 1, 2,..., n where n represents the number of modes). Frequencies and modes obtained experimentally were compared to the frequencies and modes calculated on a numerical model of the beam.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 43-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čelična greda -- Dinamički parametri -- Operativna modalna analiza -- Modalni oblici -- Frekvencija -- Prigušenje

Numerical simulation of the stress-strain state of complex-reinforced elements [Elektronička građa] / Olena Krantovska, Mykola Petrov, Liubov Ksonshkevych, Matija Orešković, Sergii Synii, Nelli Іsmailovа. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract. - The article describes a developed technique of a numerical simulation of the stress-strain state of complex-reinforced elements, which allows you to create models of double-span continuous. The performed experimental and theoretical studies allowed us to carry out the testing of the developed design model and to justify the reliability of the proposed numerical simulation methodology. The results of the experimental studies were compared with those of the theoretical studies. The theoretical calculus algorithm was developed by using the finite element method. Theoretical calculations were performed by using the mathematical-graphical environment software system LIRA-SOFT and the mathematical and computer program MATLAB. On the basis of the experimental research, the iso-fields of displacements and stresses in the materials of an eccentrically compressed beam with a small bend of the slab were constructed, which collapse behind the inclined narrow strip of concrete and displacements and stresses in the materials of the eccentrically stretched beam, which is destroyed due to the yield of the upper mounting armature.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 110-115  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Građevinarstvo -- Naprezanje -- Numerička simulacija -- Računalni programi

KOS, Željko
Optimization of the structure of insulating composite materials [Elektronička građa] / Zeljko Kos, Valerii Vyrovoi, Volodymyr Sukhanov, Mykhailo Zavoloka, Aleksandr Gokhman, Iryna Grynyova. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - The article deals with the interdependent relationship between the properties of a structure and the properties of a material, which sets the task of reducing them, even they are indistinguishable, to a certain integrity. The object of research and analysis in the article is a building structure, which is seen as an open self-organized complex structural system. In the main part, the processes of the formation of structures are considered, as well as the classification of structural elements. The article concludes with structural changes related to the self-support and self-development of the network of active elements, which allow the manifestation of adaptation effects and the design-system to function during the normalized period. The importance of self-organization processes during the development and operation of construction systems allow us to attribute it to a self-organizing system. Thus, the building structure can be represented as an open and complex self-organizing system.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 57-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Građevinarstvo -- Materijali -- Izolacijski materijali -- Kompozitni materijali

KOSTYUK, Anatoliy
The stress-strain state of horizontal joints of wall panels [Elektronička građa] / Anatolii Kostyuk, Dariya Kovtunenko, Aleksei Kovtunenko. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract. - The article is devoted to the experimental and numerical research of the stress-strain state of wall panels joints from foam concrete of natural hardening. The eccentricity of the load and the quantity of indirect reinforcement meshes are adopted as factors that have a significant effect on the stress-strain state of the joint elements. The load in the experimental research and numerical simulation was applied in steps of 0.1 of the estimated value of the destructive force. Numerical modelling was carried out with consideration of the physical nonlinearity of the wall panel materials. A significant increment in the displacement of the design scheme nodes at the current loading stage was taken as a destruction criterion in numerical modelling. It is noted that the installation of indirect reinforcement meshes leads to a reduction of transverse deformations of the wall panel, but does not significantly affect the bearing capacity of the joint.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zidne ploče -- Betonska pjena -- Naprezanje

IVETIĆ Salopek, Rosanda
Zaštita čeličnih konstrukcija primjenom zaštitnih sredstava premaza [Elektronička građa] = Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems / Rosanda Ivetić Salopek. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Zaštita čeličnih elemenata bitan je proces u proizvodnji čeličnih konstrukcija. U svrhu zaštite od pojave korozije i vanjskog utjecaja okoline, sve čelične konstrukcije potrebno je zaštititi na adekvatan način. Kvaliteta antikorozivne zaštite jedan je od osnovnih uvjeta za osiguranje dugotrajnosti konstrukcije te se dobro izvedenom zaštitom produljuje njezin uporabni vijek. Tehnologija nanošenja zaštite primjenom premaza zahtjevan je proces koji traži dobro poznavanje svih koraka u zaštiti konstrukcije, od odabira sustava premaza, pripreme površine do sušenja. U radu je opisana antikorozivna zaštita čeličnih konstrukcija primjenom zaštitnih premaza, kako odabrati odgovarajući sustav premaza, šta utječe na njegov odabir, kako pripremiti površinu koja se zaštićuje te koji sustavi premaza se koriste ovisno o kategoriji atmosferske korozivnosti. - Protection of steel elements is vital in steel construction manufacturing. In order to prevent corrosion and adverse influence from the surroundings, all steel structures need to be adequately protected. One of the key elements in securing the structure durability is the quality of protection coating, which - if applied properly, prolongates structure’s expected usage. Coating technology is a process, which requires knowledge of all necessary steps of structure protection process, from surface prepping to choosing the coating system and lastly, drying. This paper describes anticorrosive protection coating systems for steel structures by focusing on key elements for selecting the adequate coating system, as well as the covering surface preparation process, depending on atmospheric corrosivity class.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 75-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čelične konstrukcije -- Korozija -- Antikorozivna zaštita -- Zaštita premazima

Vidi br.: HA19-00919

628   Tehnika javnog zdravstva. Sanitarna tehnika i uređaji. Rasvjetna tehnika

SIMONIČ, Marjana
Phosphate removal from real wastewater using maghemite beads [Elektronička građa] / Marjana Simonič. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - The present study aimed at research of phosphate adsorption onto poly(vinyl-alcohol) PVA alginate beads in comparison with maghemite modified beads from wastewater. The characterisation of material was performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction. The influence of pH and the quantity of maghemite nanoparticle was studied. The results of phosphate adsorption onto PVA-alginate beads showed 45 % of initial PO43- concentration removal from wastewater while the maghemite PVA-alginate beads showed better adsorption activity at 70 % of initial PO43- removal. The optimal dose was determined at 0.9 g of PVA-M beads (containing 0.01 g maghemite) added to the 50 mL wastewater. The efficiency of phosphate removal from wastewater was relatively low due to content of coexistent anions, including SO42−, CO32−, NO3− and Cl−, which compete with phosphate for the binding sites, hindering PO43− to form inner sphere complexes.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 21-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otpadne vode -- Pročišćavanje otpadnih voda -- Fosfati -- Maghemit

Vidi br.: HA19-01125

Vidi br.: HA19-01214

629   Tehnika vozila

Vidi br.: HA19-00991

630   Šumarstvo

A comparative evaluation of operational efficiency of wood industry using data envelopment analysis and Malmquist productivity index [Elektronička građa] : the cases of Slovenia and Croatia = Usporedna procjena operativne učinkovitosti drvne industrije Slovenije i Hrvatske primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka i Malmquistova indeksa produktivnosti / Jože Kropivšek, Ivana Perić, Andreja Pirc Barčić, Petra Grošelj, Darko Motik, Matej Jošt. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 57 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The wood industry, as a traditional sector, represents a very important part of the economy in terms of ensuring a sustainable development of society and transition to a low-carbon society in both countries studied, Slovenia and Croatia. For its further development, it is crucial to know the current position of the industry. The best way to achieve this is an analysis of financial data and international comparative evaluation of its operational efficiency. The aim of the research is to compare the relative efficiency of the wood industry using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist Productivity Index (MI), focusing on the Slovenian and Croatian wood industry sectors (C16 and C31) for a recent five-year period (from 2013-2017). With this purpose, the combined measure DEA/MI was applied. The analysis includes only the highest rated companies with more than fi ve employees, divided into 12 clusters regarding the company size. As a result, it was established that clusters CRO-C31- micro, CRO-C16-micro and SI-C16-larger have the highest operational efficiency, due to the effects of different financial indicators, especially activity and liquidity ratios. In general, within the grouped clusters regarding country and subsector, groups SI-C16 and CRO-C31 achieve the highest values for the average of weighted score of efficiency, while CRO-C16 achieves the lowest values. - Drvna industrija Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj tradicionalan je gospodarski sektor tih zemalja i vrlo važan dio gospodarstva u smislu osiguranja održivog razvoja društva i prijelaza na društvo s niskim udjelom ugljika. Za daljnji razvoj drvnoga sektora bitno je poznavati trenutačni položaj industrije, a najbolji način za to je analiza financijskih podataka i internacionalna usporedna procjena industrijske operativne učinkovitosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti relativnu učinkovitost drvne industrije uz pomoć analize omeđivanja podataka (DEA) i Malmquistova indeksa produktivnosti (MI), s naglaskom na slovenski i hrvatski drvnoindustrijski sektor (C16 I C 31) tijekom posljednjih pet godina (2013. – 2017.). Za tu je svrhu primijenjena kombinirana mjera DEA/MI. Analizom su obuhvaćene samo najbolje ocijenjene tvrtke s više od pet zaposlenih, koje su s obzirom na njihovu veličinu podijeljene na 12 klastera. Utvrđeno je da klasteri CRO-C31-mikro, CRO-C16-mikro i SI-C16-veliki zbog utjecaja različitih financijskih pokazatelja, posebice omjera aktivnosti i likvidnosti, imaju najveću operativnu učinkovitost. Općenito, unutar klastera grupiranih prema zemlji i podsektoru istraživanja, skupine SI-C16 i CRO-C31 pokazale su najviše vrijednosti za prosjek ponderirane ocjene učinkovitosti, a CRO-C16 imao je najniže vrijednosti.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 287-298  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvna industrija -- Financijska analiza -- Financijski omjer -- Malmquistov indeks

ŠEHO, Muhidin
A review on Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) [Elektronička građa] : a promising tree species for future assisted migration attempts / Muhidin Šeho, Sezgin Ayan, Gerhard Huber, Gülzade Kahveci. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 61 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) has been overused because of its valuable wood. Recently, Turkish hazel has been found only in small isolated populations, and very small populations within its natural distribution area, so it has been protected under IUCN with the status "Least Concern (LC)". Therefore, the remaining Turkish hazel populations have a critical importance. Genetic conservation of this tree species plays a key role in sustainable forest development. There have been only a few studies of single populations, but an overview including all countries is still missing. The aim of this publication is to give an overview of ecological and economic importance of Turkish hazel, which is considered as a tolerant tree species to climate change, for dry and warm conditions in Central Europe. Materials and Methods: This review paper has been prepared based on the existing literature such as reports, theses, project documents and publications related to Turkish hazel. This paper applies a literature review of the concepts of: i) Distribution and threats of Turkish hazel, ii) Ecological and economic importance, iii) Regeneration, soil demand and shading tolerance, iv) Seed, seedling, plant production and planting, v) Competitiveness in forest communities, vi) Invasiveness and hybridization, and vii) Future stand mixtures. Results and Conclusions: This review paper should interest forest practitioners and scientists in all countries who work with this important and valuable tree species under climate change. At first, an inventory of all populations in each country is needed. For this purpose, research should focus on the cultivation of convenient provenances of Turkish hazel under climate change. Next, genetic differences should be determined in the laboratory using genetic markers.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 53-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Corylus colurna L. -- Medvjeđa lijeska -- Klimatske promjene -- Ekološka važnost -- Proizvodnja drva

BRISCHKE, Christian
Abrasion resistance of thermally and chemically modified timber [Elektronička građa] = Otpornost toplinski i kemijski modificiranog drva na habanje / Christian Brischke, Neele Ziegeler, Susanne Bollmus. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Wood modification is an appropriate way of improving the natural durability and dimensional stability of wood without the use of biocides. Different thermal and chemical wood modification processes are available for this purpose, very differently affecting the structural integrity of wood. In this study, thermally modified, melamine resin treated, acetylated, furfurylated, and mDMDHEU treated wood underwent abrasion tests according to two different methods representing different loads in practice. The Taber Abraser method caused crosswise cutting into the wood surface, while the Shaker method challenged mainly the specimen edges with dynamic loads. Abrasion resistance of wood was affected by all types of cell wall modification, but the effects were strongly dependent on the type of modification and the applied load type. For characterising the suitability of wooden materials with respect to wear resistance under outdoor conditions, it is recommended to apply a set of methods rather than a single test procedure to fully reflect the loads occurring in practice. - Modifikacija drva prikladan je način poboljšanja njegove prirodne trajnosti i dimenzijske stabilnosti bez upotrebe biocida. Za tu namjenu dostupni su različiti postupci toplinske i kemijske modifikacije, ali oni vrlo različito utječu na strukturni integritet drva. U ovom su istraživanju toplinski modificirano drvo, drvo modificirano melaminskom smolom, acetilirano i furfurilirano drvo te drvo modificirano mDMDHEU-om podvrgnuti ispitivanju otpornosti na habanje, i to primjenom dviju različitih metoda koje u praksi rezultiraju različitim opterećenjima. Metoda Taber abraser uzrokovala je poprečno habanje površine drva, a metoda Shaker dinamičkim je opterećenjima uglavnom prouzročila habanje rubova uzoraka. Na otpornost drva na habanje utjecale su sve vrste modifikacija drvnih stanica, ali učinci su izrazito ovisili o vrsti modifikacije i vrsti opterećenja. Za karakterizaciju prikladnosti drvnih materijala s obzirom na otpornost na habanje u vanjskim uvjetima preporučuje se primijeniti skup metoda, što je bolje od primjene samo jedne vrste ispitivanja kako bi se u potpunosti simulirala opterećenja koja se pojavljuju u praksi.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 71-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Podovi -- Kemijska modifikacija -- Modificirano drvo -- Toplinska modifikacija

GULYÁS, Krisztina
Accelerated height growth versus mortality of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. in Hungary [Elektronička građa] / Krisztina Gulyás, Norbert Móricz, Ervin Rasztovits, Adrienn Horváth, Pál Balázs, Imre Berki. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Due to climate change, it is important to know to what extent forests will be impacted by atmospheric changes. This study focuses on the height growth response of sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) to counteracting effects of fostering and interfering changes under contrasting climatic conditions with special attention to the xeric limit zone of this species. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight sites were selected along a climatic gradient from the humid region in southwest Hungary to the continental-semiarid region in northeast Hungary where neighbouring old and young sessile oak stands were available for pair-wise comparison of height growth. While these young stands developed entirely in the significantly changed atmospheric conditions, the older trees lived only a part of their life time in such changed environment. The Ellenberg quotient (EQ) was used for describing climate aridity. Stand top height in each pair of old and young stands was measured to calculate the relative stand top height using yield tables of sessile oak for Hungary. Additionally, stand densities of old stands were measured. To demonstrate the height growth differences of old and young stands their relative stand top heights were compared as functions of EQ and stand density. Results: The relative top heights of the young stands were significantly higher than of the older stands, which means that the overall growing conditions were better in the last 30-35 years due to atmospheric changes than the mean conditions during the lifetime of old stands. Although extreme drought events associated with climate change caused reduced stand density due to periodic tree mortality at the xeric limit of sessile oak, the synergetic effect of all atmospheric changes was still sufficient enough to accelerate height growth. Conclusions: There has been an acceleration of height growth during the last decades despite the increased frequency of droughts.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Quercus petraea -- Hrast kitnjak -- Rast -- Klimatske promjene

Accelerated weathering and decay resistance of heat-treated wood reinforced polypropylene composites [Elektronička građa] = Ubrzano izlaganje polipropilenskih kompozita ojačanih pregrijanim drvom vremenskim utjecajima i otpornost na propadanje / Deniz Aydemir, Mizgin Alsan, Ahmet Can, Ertugrul Altuntas, Huseyin Sivrikaya. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this study was to determine the accelerated weathering and decay resistance of the heattreated wood reinforced polypropylene composites (HT-WPC). Polypropylene (PP) was used as a matrix and the heat-treated wood treated at 180 °C and 220 °C as reinforcement filler. The effect of three filler type, such as 40, 60 and 100 mesh, on the outdoor performance of composites was also investigated. The composites were prepared with twin screw extruder, and the test samples were obtained with compression molding. Lightness index (L*), color changes (ΔE*) and physical changes on the surface of the composites after the accelerated weathering, and decay resistance of the composites were investigated. According to the results, the effects of heat-treated wood on color changes were found to be more than its filler size, and while the filler loadings were increased from 5 % to 20 %, it was determined to increase the color changes of the composites. In scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, crack formation and deterioration on the surface of the composites were determined. In FTIR spectra, no difference was determined between the composites, and all peaks were similar to each one. The addition of heattreated wood improved the antifungal efficiency of the composite, and the mass losses decreased with the increasing of heat treatment temperature. As a result, adding heat-treated wood to PP was found to improve the outdoor performance of the HT-WPCs. - Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi otpornost na propadanje polipropilenskih kompozita ojačanih pregrijanim drvom (HT-WPC) pri ubrzanom izlaganju vremenskim utjecajima. Polipropilen (PP) upotrijebljen je kao matrica, a drvo pregrijano na 180 i 220 °C kao armaturno punilo. Ispitivan je i učinak triju vrsta punila (mreža 40, 60 i 100) na svojstva kompozita u eksterijeru. Kompoziti su pripremljeni dvostrukim vijčanim ekstruderom, a ispitni su uzorci dobiveni kompresijskim lijevanjem. Ispitivana je svjetlina (L*), promjena boje (ΔE*) i fizičke promjene na površini kompozita nakon ubrzanog izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima, kao i otpornost na propadanje kompozita. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, utvrđeno je da su učinci pregrijavanja drva na promjenu boje veći od učinka veličine punila. Nadalje, zamijećeno je povećanje promjene boje kompozita s povećanjem udjela punila od 5 na 20 %. Na snimkama dobivenim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) uočeno je stvaranje pukotina i propadanje površine kompozita. Međutim, na FTIR spektru nije ustanovljena razlika između kompozita i svi su vrhovi bili slični. Dodavanjem pregrijanog drva poboljšala se otpornost kompozita na gljive te se smanjio gubitak mase s povećanjem temperature pregrijavanja. Utvrđeno je da se dodavanjem pregrijanog drva u polipropilen (PP) poboljšavaju svojstva kompozita HT-WPC-a u eksterijeru.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 279-285  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvno-plastični kompoziti -- Pregrijano drvo -- Polipropilen -- Termoplasti

YOVI, Efi Yuliati
Addressing occupational ergonomics issues in Indonesian forestry [Elektronička građa] : laborers, operators, or equivalent workers / Efi Yuliati Yovi, Yozo Yamada. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 361-363. - Abstract. - This study addresses occupational ergonomics issues in Indonesian forestry (work conditions, workers' characteristics, occupational safety, occupational health, and job satisfaction) to acquire a comprehensive perspective in understanding the actual problems facing the operations. Direct observation, interview, questionnaires, and secondary data analyses were carried out to acquire all of the required information. A total of 191 frontline forestry workers (chainsaw operators, helpers, manual hauling workers, skidder/tractor operators, logging truck drivers, and nursery workers) participated in this study. The study shows that various techniques of forest operations (labor-intensive to semi-mechanized systems) have been applied in Indonesian plantation forests, both short and long-rotation, as well as in natural forest management. Most of the workers were non-permanent workers, who receive a low wage, work under a straight piecework system, have a high dependency on the forestry work to make a living, and exhibit poor comprehension of the concept of hazard control. The fatality rate was recorded as 1.3 deaths/106 m3 log, but this may be even higher as this rate only represents data taken from formal forestry workers. An intense physical dimension of fatigue occurs among workers involved in forest operations, with the highest prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in the upper back, lower back, neck, shoulders, and arms. This study reveals eight variables that influenced job satisfaction, i.e., wage, type of contract, accessibility, health services, living facilities, work equipment, training, and social facilities.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 351-363  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarski radnici -- Zadovoljstvo poslom -- Umor -- Nezgode na radu

TURFAN, Nezahat
Age-related changes of some chemical components in the leaves of oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) [Elektronička građa] / Nezahat Turfan, Sezgin Ayan, Esra Nurten Yer, Halil Barış Özel. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 58 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: This study presents the analysis of photosynthetic pigments, proline, total soluble protein, total amino acids, glucose, sucrose, total soluble sugars, total amount of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration in the leaf samples collected from oriental beech trees, which are naturally spread in Kastamonu Province, Turkey, with differing ages, enzyme activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Material and Methods: The research was carried out on oriental beech trees (Fagus orientalis L.) of different ages located at 1300 m high elevation in Ahlat Village of Kastamonu Province, Turkey. Oriental beech trees of different ages (≥25, ≥50, ≥100, ≥200 and ≥600 years-old) constituted the material of this study. In leaf samples taken from trees of different ages, photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid), proline, total soluble protein, total amino acid, glucose, sucrose, total soluble sugars, the amount of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, MDA, H2O2 concentration, enzyme activities of APX, CAT and SOD, as well as the relationship between the total content of C, N and H elements and the tree ages were studied. Results: As a result of the research conducted, significant differences were determined in terms of chlorophyll, total phenolic compound, flavonoid, glucose, amounts of sucrose, nitrogenous compounds, proline, total soluble protein, MDA, H2O2 concentrations, and the activities of APX, CAT and SOD in the leaves of oriental beech trees with differing ages. The highest content of chlorophyll a was found to be in the youngest age group of ≥25 years. Total chlorophyll is low in young trees and high in middle-aged, old and very old trees.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 117-124  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Orijentalna bukva -- Fagus orientalis Lipsky. -- Lišće -- Kemijski sastav -- Starost stabala

PERIĆ, Ivana, inženjerka drvne tehnologije
Analysis of implementation of integrated information systems in Croatian wood processing industry [Elektronička građa] = Analiza primjene integriranih informacijskih sustava u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji / Ivana Perić, Petra Grošelj, Andrea Sujova, Miljan Kalem, Krešimir Greger, Jože Koprivšek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - It can be said that Integrated Information Systems (IIS) are a fundamental operating tool in modern business systems and form the basis of successful company management. The goal of our research was to determine the IT level of business operations in Croatian wood processing industry and to assess how significant it has been in enhancing its business performance. A survey method was used to collect data, which resulted in gathering predominantly small and medium-sized companies. Our results indicate an average use of IIS modalities among surveyed companies. Using cluster analysis, three types of companies were identified with respect to the degree of system implementation. Analysis of financial benefits of the IIS implementation did not find any statistically significant relationship. However, subjective impressions on non-financial indicators show that companies in all three clusters see the greatest benefit of IIS in the improved inventory efficiency and sales efficiency. - Možemo reći da su integrirani informacijski sustavi (IIS) temeljni operativni alat u modernim poslovnim sustavima i čine osnovu uspješnog upravljanja poduzećem. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu informatizacije poslovanja u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji i ocijeniti koliko je ona važna za poboljšanje poslovnih rezultata poduzeća. Za prikupljanje podataka primijenjena je anketna metoda, koja je rezultirala odzivom pretežito malih i srednjih poduzeća. Naši rezultati upućuju na osrednju upotrebu modaliteta unutar IIS-a u anketiranim poduzećima. Klasterskom su analizom identifi cirana tri tipa poduzeća s obzirom na stupanj integracije sustava. Analiza fi nancijskih koristi implementacije IIS-a nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. Međutim, subjektivni dojmovi o nefi nancijskim pokazateljima govore da poduzeća u sva tri klastera vide najveću korist IIS-a u poboljšanju učinkovitosti upravljanja zalihama i poboljšanju učinkovitosti prodaje.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 129-139  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Integrirani informacijski sustavi, ERP -- Drvoprerađivačka industrija -- Poslovna učinkovitost -- ERP sustav

Analytical analysis of distribution of bending stresses in layers of plywood with numerical verification [Elektronička građa] = Analiza raspodjele naprezanja u slojevima furnirske ploče pri savijanju, s računskom provjerom / Andrzej Makowski. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The study presents methods for accurate estimation of bending stresses in the 3-point flexural bending test of plywood, i.e. a wood-based laminate with an alternate crosswise ply configuration. The characteristic bending strength (MOR) and mean modulus of elasticity (MOE) of standard beech plywood was determined using European Standard bending tests EN 310. Correlations were determined between empirically determined bending moduli of the plywood and material moduli of the veneer layer. Calculations were conducted based on the classical plate theory for thin panels comprising the theory of elasticity including the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis. Rigidity of individual layer was established theoretically in the axial configuration of transformed rigidity matrix values. Numerical laminate models were developed and simulation tests were conducted. Results of experimental and analytical studies were verified using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Analyses were performed in two plywood cross-band arrangement variants. An analysis of the distribution of stresses in individual layers of plywood used an analytical and numerical method assuming the plywood specimen to be a rhombic-anisotropic material. It was found that the bending load capacity of plywood depends on the configuration of individual layers (veneers). Values of stresses originating from bending do not only depend on the distance of the considered plywood layer from the middle layer but also on stiffness in the direction of operating stresses. Bending strength varies in individual directions of the plywood panel. Therefore, the distribution of stresses in individual layers differs from that resulting from the stress distribution for homogeneous isotropic materials. Results are presented in the form of tables, bitmaps, graphs and photographs. The tests were conducted based on the BFU-BU-18 standard beech plywood thickness of 18 mm. - U radu se opisuju metode točne procjene naprezanja pri testu savijanja furnirske ploče u tri točke, tj. pri savijanju laminata na bazi drva s naizmjenično okomito postavljenim slojevima. Karakteristični modul loma (MOR) i srednja vrijednost modula elastičnosti (MOE) standardne furnirske ploče od bukovine utvrđeni su prema EN 310. Uočena je povezanost između empirijski određenih modula na savijanje furnirskih ploča i modula na savijanje slojeva furnira. Izračuni su provedeni na temelju klasične teorije za tanke ploče, koju čine teorija elastičnosti i Kirchhoff-Loveova hipoteza. Krutost pojedinog sloja utvrđena je teorijski u aksijalnoj konfiguraciji izmijenjenih vrijednosti matrice krutosti. Razvijeni su računski modeli laminata i provedena su simulacijska ispitivanja. Rezultati eksperimentalnih i analitičkih ispitivanja potvrđeni su metodom analize konačnih elemenata (FEM). Analize su provedene na dvije vrste furnirskih ploča s okomito usmjerenim slojevima furnira. Za analizu raspodjele naprezanja u pojedinim slojevima furnira furnirske ploče primijenjena je analitička i računska metoda, uz pretpostavku da je uzorak furnirske ploče rombo-anizotropni materijal. Utvrđeno je da kapacitet savijanja furnirske ploče ovisi o konfiguraciji pojedinih slojeva (furnira). Vrijednosti naprezanja koje proizlaze iz savijanja ne ovise samo o udaljenosti promatranog sloja od srednjeg sloja furnirske ploče, već i o krutosti u smjeru naprezanja. Čvrstoća na savijanje u pojedinim smjerovima furnirske ploče varira. Stoga se raspodjela naprezanja u pojedinim slojevima razlikuje od raspodjele naprezanja za homogene izotropne materijale. Rezultati su prikazani uz pomoć tablica, grafova i fotografi ja. Ispitivanja su provedena na standardnoj furnirskoj ploči od bukovine debljine 18 mm BFU-BU-18.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 77-88  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Furnirska ploča -- Furniri -- Raspodjela naprezanja -- Računska analiza

GÜRGEN, Ayşenur
Application of artificial neural network to predict the effect of paraffin addition on water absorption and thickness swelling of MDF [Elektronička građa] = Primjena umjetne neuronske mreže za predviđanje utjecaja dodatka parafina na upojnost vode i debljinsko bubrenje MDF-a / Ayşenur Gürgen, Derya Ustaömer, Sibel Yildiz. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this study, water absorption and thickness swelling values of medium density fiberboard (MDF) were modelled by artificial neural networks (ANN). MDF panels were produced with different rates of paraffin (0.0-control, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 %) at different press temperatures (170 and 190 °C). After conditioning of MDF, water absorption (WA) and thickness swelling (TS) of samples were carried out at specific intervals within 24 hours. Then, the data obtained from these experiment were modelled using ANN. Paraffin addition rate, press temperature and immersion time in water were used as the input parameters, while WA and TS values of MDF were used as the output parameters. After training of ANN, it was found that correlation coefficients (R) were close to 1 for training, validation, test and all data set. Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean square error (MSE) were determined as 2.94 % and 0.57, respectively, for all data sets. As a result of this study, the use of proposed ANN model may be recommended to predict the water absorption and thickness swelling of panels instead of complex and time-consuming studies such as empirical formulas. - U istraživanju je modelirana upojnost vode i debljinsko bubrenje ploče vlaknatice srednje gustoće (MDF ploče) uz pomoć umjetnih neuronskih mreža (ANN-a). MDF ploče proizvedene su uz dodatak različitih količina parafi na (0,0 – kontrola, 0,5; 1 i 1,5 %) pri različitim temperaturama prešanja (170 i 190 °C). Nakon kondicioniranja MDF ploče, mjerena je upojnost vode (WA) i debljinsko bubrenje (TS) uzoraka u određenim intervalima unutar 24 sata. Zatim su ti podatci modelirani uz pomoć ANN-a. Kao ulazni parametri poslužili su količina parafi na, temperatura prešanja i trajanje namakanja uzoraka u vodi, dok su WA i TS vrijednosti MDF ploče korištene kao izlazni parametri. Nakon provedbe ANN-a utvrđeno je da su koeficijenti korelacije (R) za provedbu, validaciju, ispitivanje i sve skupove podataka blizu 1. Srednja apsolutna pogreška (MAPE) i srednja kvadratna pogreška (MSE) za sve su skupove podataka iznosile 2,94 % i 0,57. Kao rezultat ovog istraživanja može se preporučiti uporaba predloženog ANN modela za predviđanje upojnosti vode i debljinskog bubrenja ploča umjesto složenih i dugotrajnih studija poput empirijskih formula.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 247-255  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetna neuronska mreža -- Upojnost vode -- Debljinsko bubrenje -- MDF ploča -- Parafin

Assessing cable tensile forces and machine tilt of winch-assisted forwarders on steep terrain under real working conditions [Elektronička građa] / Thomas Holzfeind, Christian Kanzian, Karl Stampfer, Franz Holzleitner. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 295-296. - Abstract. - Winch-assisted forwarders are now commonly accepted as an innovative alternative for extracting wood on challenging terrain. In order to assess safety risks, it is necessary to know the tensile forces in the steel wire rope and their interaction with the machine tilt under real working conditions. In this study, the tensile force and the machine tilt of two winch-assisted forwarders (John Deere 1210E and Komatsu 840TX) were observed for about 15 work hours without delays on two different stands in Austria. The tensile force data and the machine tilt data were separated by work elements. The mean tensile force ranged from 18.1 kN for unloading up to 56.8 kN for loading activities. During the measurements, the cable tensile force exceeded 50% of the minimum breaking strength (MBS) only twice. The maximum observed tensile force was 174.5 kN or 82.7% of the MBS, respectively, which led to a failure of the steel cable. For the machine tilt, a maximum of 80% was measured during loading and driving during loading. John Deere 1210E was operated 31% of the productive work time above the manufacturers tilt limit. For Komatsu 840TX, the manufacturers’ maximum tilt limit was exceeded only twice. The study also showed that peaks with an amplitude of up to 50 kN can occur within a few centiseconds, which highlights the need of high measurement rates, when measuring cable tensile force of winch-assisted machinery. The detailed analysis of the peaks showed that 90% of the pit-to-peak amplitudes ≥20 kN occurred during driving activities. Only 10% of pit-to-peak amplitudes ≥20 kN were measured during loading activities, although loading took about 43.5% of the productive work time. As such, the study results confirm that amplitudes of peaks in tensile force, and hence safety risks, are significantly higher during driving than during loading.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 281-296  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sječa stabala -- Nagib terena -- Vitlo -- Vučna sila

Assessment and comparison of machine operators' working posture in forest thinning [Elektronička građa] / Matija Landekić, Stipe Katuša, David Mijoč, Mario Šporčić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Due to technological progress and improvement of working processes, significant changes in the field of health protection and safety at work have occurred in the forestry sector. Accordingly, this paper presents the assessment and comparison of the working posture for operators of three different types of forest machines: chainsaw, forwarder and harvester. Materials and Methods: The analysis was carried out from an ergonomic point of view using ErgoFellow 3.0 software, i.e. two ergonomic methods: Ovako Working Posture Analyzing System (OWAS) and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Field measurements and data collection were carried out during the summer of 2017, when different wood harvesting technologies were applied within the same forest stand. The operators’ body posture was recorded during effective work by a video camera and was taken as a relevant comparison factor of different types of forest machines and three observed operators. From the video recordings, the working body postures were defined in accordance with the snapshot method with the aim of obtaining an equal number of observations for all three operators of forest machines. Results and Conclusions: The results of the analysis of the working posture for operators of all three types of forest machines show that, in terms of the level and type of their impact on the worker, the work of the chainsaw operator is more demanding and much more risky than that of the harvester or forwarder operators. The comparison of the two risk categorization methods, from the aspect of the working posture, shows that the REBA method has higher risk ratings than the OWAS method for all three types of forest machines. The need to implement preventive measures established in Scandinavian countries and to define the guidelines for future research of the working postures of forest machine operators is presented in the discussion of this paper.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 29-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarski radnici -- Radni proces -- Postura -- Zaštita na radu -- Radni strojevi

SUZUKI, Yasushi
Assessment of broad-leaved forest stand management [Elektronička građa] : stock densities, thinning costs and profits over a 60-year rotation period / Yasushi Suzuki, Tetsuhiko Yoshimura. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 373-375. - Abstract. - There are many broad-leaved forests in Japan that were formerly managed for charcoal production, which have been abandoned for decades. Appropriate thinning can revitalize these forests if the cost balance of the management is positive. Two critical elements are the construction of spur roads to facilitate mechanized harvesting operations and management planning that considers stand properties such as the growing stock, species, and tree size distribution. We surveyed three abandoned former broad-leaved coppice stands; one coastal, one cool temperate and one warm temperate. The stock in all three stands exceeded 300 m3 ha-1, two- to three-fold the official forest registry data estimates. The dominant species in terms of tree numbers are Castanopsis sieboldii, Pieris japonica, and Quercus glauca. Medium-sized trees involve those well suited for firewood, i.e., Quercus acuta, Quercus glauca, Quercus serrata, etc. Each plot contained a few large trees that potentially have a high market value, e.g., Cinnamomum camphora, Zelkova serrata, Abies firma, etc. The average income from harvested trees was estimated to be 10200 JPY (Japanese Yen) m-3, whereas the thinning costs would be 3200 to 5400 JPY m-3, with the additional spur road construction costs. The management cost balance of a broad-leaved stand in a 60 year rotation was evaluated with both Net Present Value (NPV) (for interest rates of 1, 2, 3, and 4%) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). This balance was compared with that of a typical plantation stand of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) and of a fast-growing plantation stand of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata). The estimated NPVs were largest for the fast-growing plantation stand, second largest for the typical plantation stand, and lowest for the broad-leaved stand with a NPV interest rate of 1 + %.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 365-375  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarenje šumama -- Napuštene šume -- Šume širokog lišća -- Procjena troškova

SALEM, Mohamed Z. M.
Assessment of efficacy and effectiveness of some extracted bio-chemicals as bio-fungicides on wood [Elektronička građa] = Procjena učinkovitosti i djelotvornosti ekstrahiranih biokemikalija kao fungicida za drvo / Mohamed Z. M. Salem, Safa Abd El-Kader Mohamed Hamed, Maisa M. A. Mansour. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 71 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The present study investigates in-vitro the antifungal activity of two extracts (ethyl ether extracts of Schinus terebinthifolius ripened fruits and Pinus rigida heartwood) and two essential oils (Thymus vulgaris and Origanum majorana leaves) against two species of fungi; Trichoderma harzianum and Aspergillus niger. The results clearly show that O. majorana oil and P. rigida wood extract had the highest activity against both fungi and were chosen for the application on four wood species; Weeping-Wreath Wattle (Acacia saligna), Beech (Fagus sylvatica), Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) and Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida). Additionally, their impact on the wood structure was examined by FTIR, SEM and colorimetry. The study suggests that O. majorana oil appears to show the best results and could be used as friendly bio-fungicides to protect wood objects without changing their structures. - U studiji je opisano istraživanje in vitro protugljivičnog djelovanja dvaju ekstrakata (etil eterskih ekstrakata iz zrelog ploda drva Schinus terebinthifolius i iz srži drva Pinus rigida) i dvaju esencijalnih ulja (iz lišća drva Thymus vulgaris i iz drva Origanum majorana) na dvije vrste gljiva, Trichoderma harzianum i Aspergillus niger. Rezultati jasno pokazuju da su ulje O. majorana i ekstrakt drva P. rigida imali najjače protugljivično djelovanje na obje vrste gljiva te su zato odabrani za primjenu na četiri vrste drva: drvu akacije (Acacia saligna), drvu bukve (Fagus sylvatica), drvu crnog oraha (Juglans nigra) i drvu bora (Pinus rigida). Ujedno je uz pomoć FTIR-a, SEM-a i kolorimetrije ispitan utjecaj tih ekstrakata i ulja na strukturu drva. Istraživanje pokazuje da su najbolji rezultati postignuti uljem iz lišća drva O. majorane i da se ono može upotrijebiti kao ekološki biofungicid za zaštitu drvenih predmeta, bez promjene strukture drva.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 337-350  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biofungicidi -- Drvo -- Esencijalna ulja -- Ekstrakti -- Protugljivično djelovanje

VUSIĆ, Dinko
Biomass yield and fuel properties of different poplar SRC clones [Elektronička građa] / Dinko Vusić, Davorin Kajba, Ivan Andrić, Ivan Gavran, Tin Tomić, Ivana Plišo Vusić, Željko Zečić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 236-237. - Abstract. - The goal of the research was to determine the biomass yield and fuel properties of ten different poplar clones. The research was conducted in an experimental plot established in Forest Administration Osijek, Forest Office Darda, in the spring of 2014. The layout of the plot consisted of three repetitions per clone with 40 plants per repetition in spacing 3x1 m. Based on the DBH distribution, in the early spring of 2018, one sample tree of an average DBH per repetition was selected, thus forming a sample of 30 trees. Average survival rate of the investigated trees after four vegetation periods was 74.54 ±13.85% ranging from 52.08% (Koreana) to 91.67% (SV885 and SV490). Average DBH of the sample trees was 8.2 ±1.9 cm, height 9.3 ±1.8 m and root collar diameter 10.7 ±1.9 cm. Moisture content in fresh state (just after the felling) ranged from 51.6% (Hybride 275) to 55.9% (SV885). Bark content averaged 18.4%, from 15.4% (Baldo) to 21.1% (V 609). Average nominal density of the sampled trees amounted to 383.5 ±35.9 kg/m3. Bark ash content was on average ten times higher (6.44 ±0.65%) than wood ash content (0.64 ±0.07%) resulting in average ash content of 1.7 ±0.1% (taking the bark content into account). The clone SV490 showed the highest biomass yield with 15.8 t/ha/year, while the lowest biomass yield was recorded for the clone Hybride 275 with 2.8 t/ha/year. High inter-clonal productivity variation stresses the importance of selection work to find the most appropriate clones with the highest productivity potential for the given area where the poplar SRC plantations are to be established. Due to high initial moisture content, if direct chipping harvesting systems are preferred, wood chips could be efficiently used in CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plants that operate on the principle of biomass gasification (where a gasifier is coupled to a gas engine to produce electric power and heat).
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 231-238  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Topola -- Biomasa -- Biogorivo

SHUKLA, Shikhar
Chemical and application properties of some solvent and water based coatings on wooden substrate [Elektronička građa] = Kemijska svojstva i primjena premaznih materijala na bazi vode i organskih otapala na drvu / Shikhar Shukla, Krishna K. Pandey, Kishan Kumar V. S. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Wood finishes are used extensively to improve the aesthetic value and protect wood products from moisture. These organic coatings generally contain volatile organic compounds (VOC) as solvents that evaporate when the coatings cure over the surface. Due to strict legislations against these hazardous VOCs, the buyers across the globe are shifting towards products finished with water borne coats. Two of the most commonly used wood coatings in India are polyurethane and nitrocellulose (NC) lacquer. This paper aims at comparing these two wood coatings with their water borne counterparts. The study was conducted on the wood substrate of Melia dubia. Chemical characterization of the cured coats was attempted through FTIR spectroscopy. Physical appearances in terms of gloss and film thickness were also studied. Bands of urethane, urea and nitric groups were identified, which helped in understanding the changes in chemical structure of the finishes after curing. The thickness of the organic coatings was significantly higher than that of their water-borne counterparts. Gloss of water based coatings was observed to be lesser than that of their organic solvent based counterparts in either coating material. In case of lacquer, the reduction was up-to 33 %. whereas in case of PU, gloss dropped down by about 54 %. - Premazni se materijali primjenjuju na drvu kako bi se očuvao njegov estetski izgled i drvni proizvodi zaštitili od vlage. Organski premazni materijali u osnovi sadržavaju hlapljive organske spojeve (HOS) kao otapala koja isparavaju dok premazni materijal otvrdnjava na površini drva. Zbog strogih propisa o tim opasnim hlapljivim organskim spojevima kupci diljem svijeta prelaze na vodene premazne materijale. Dva najčešće upotrebljavana premazna materijala za drvo u Indiji jesu poliuretanski i nitrocelulozni (NC) lak. Cilj rada bio je usporediti ta dva premazna materijala s istim premaznim materijalima na bazi vode. Istraživanje je provedeno na drvu Melia dubia. Kemijska karakterizacija otvrdnutih premaza provedena je primjenom FTIR spektroskopije. Također su proučavani sjaj i debljina fi lma. Identifi cirane su skupine uretana, ureje i nitratne skupine koje su pridonijele razumijevanju promjena u kemijskoj strukturi premaza nakon otvrdnjavanja. Debljina premaza na bazi organskih otapala bila je znatno veća od debljine premaza na bazi vode. Uočeno je da je sjaj premaza na bazi vode manji od sjaja premaza na bazi organskih otapala. Za NC lak to je smanjenje bilo do 33 %, a sjaj PU laka smanjio se za oko 54 %.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 107-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvo -- Premazni materijali -- Zaštitni premazi -- Zaštita od vlage -- Poliuretan

CAKIROGLU, Evren Osman
Comparison of birch and beech wood in terms of economic and technological properties for plywood manufacturing [Elektronička građa] = Usporedba ekonomskih i tehnoloških svojstava brezovine i bukovine za proizvodnju furnirske ploče / Evren Osman Cakiroglu, Aydin Demir, Ismail Aydin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to investigate the use of birch wood, one of the most important wood species used in the plywood industry, especially in Europe, the Nordic countries, Poland, Belarus and Russia as an alternative to beech wood. For this purpose, comparison was made of their economic and technological properties. In five-ply plywood manufacturing, beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) and birch (Betula pendula) veneer sheets were used with melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) and urea formaldehyde (UF) resins. Some mechanical properties such as shear strength, bending strength and modulus of elasticity of plywood panels were conducted according to EN 314-1 and EN 310, respectively. Mean mechanical strength obtained for birch plywood panels was quite above the limit values specified in the related standards. When taking into consideration the annual increment of beech and birch trees in 1 ha and the time they need to reach suitable diameters for the manufacturing of rotary cut veneers, it was calculated that birch trees provide 2.46 times more physical harvesting than beech trees. - U radu je istraživana uporaba brezovine kao jedne od najvažnijih vrsta drva koja se upotrebljava kao alternativa bukovini za proizvodnju furnirskih ploča, posebice u Europi, u nordijskim zemljama, Poljskoj, Bjelorusiji i Rusiji. Za potrebe rada uspoređivana su njihova ekonomska i tehnološka svojstva. U proizvodnji furnirske ploče od pet slojeva upotrijebljeni su listovi furnira od bukovine (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) i brezovine (Betula pendula), koji su slijepljeni ljepilom na bazi melamin-urea-formaldehidnih (MUF) i urea-formaldehidnih (UF) smola. Ispitana su mehanička svojstva furnirskih ploča prema normi EN 314-1 i EN 310, i to čvrstoća na smicanje, čvrstoća na savijanje i modul elastičnosti. Dobivene srednje vrijednosti čvrstoće brezovih i bukovih furnirskih ploča bile su znatno iznad graničnih vrijednosti navedenih u normama. Kada se u obzir uzme godišnji prirast bukve i breze na 1 ha šume i vrijeme potrebno za postizanje odgovarajućih promjera za proizvodnju ljuštenih furnira, izračunano je da breza osigurava 2,46 puta više raspoložive količine za sječu od bukve.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 169-174  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Breza -- Bukva -- Ekonomska usporedba -- Tehnološka svojstva -- Furnirska ploča

Comparison of surface quality and tool-life of glulam window elements after planing [Elektronička građa] = Usporedba kvalitete površine i životnog vijeka alata pri blanjanju lameliranih elemenata za prozore / Michal Dobrzynski, Kazimierz A. Orlowski, Michal Biskup. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The quality of the surface of wooden elements, that have been planed, has a crucial importance in the whole production process, since the obtained effects affect the quality of wooden surface after finishing (painting). The occurrence of defects is usually the reason for qualifying a workpiece as scrap or for requiring additional work. This paper presents the selected results of research of the effect of the cutting tool wear on the surface quality of elements after planing. Research experiments were conducted on the SCM Superset Class machine tool. Glulam elements of pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) were researched. The raw material samples (semi-finished products), 6 m long before planing, had been machined by suppliers also by planing. These workpieces were selected according to the plant requirements, e.g. their moisture content, straightness, and other defects. This paper presents the measuring results of surface roughness and some examples of surface profiles, as well as the dependence of total length of the planed elements on the type of blade material. From an economic point of view, the results showed that the use of solid carbide blades were more cost effective. - Kvaliteta površine drvenih elemenata obrađenih blanjanjem ima presudnu važnost u cjelokupnome proizvodnom procesu jer kvaliteta blanjanja utječe na kvalitetu površine drva nakon završne obrade (nakon bojenja). Zbog nastalih grešaka elementi za prozore najčešće se kvalificiraju kao škart ili se moraju obaviti dodatni poslovi radi uklanjanja tih grešaka. U radu su prikazani odabrani rezultati istraživanja utjecaja zatupljenja alata na kvalitetu površine elemenata nakon blanjanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na stroju SCM Superset Class. Kao uzorci odabrani su lamelirani elementi od borovine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Uzorci lameliranih elemenata (poluproizvoda), duljine 6 m, već su prije eksperimentalnog blanjanja kod dobavljača također obrađeni blanjanjem. Ti su elementi selektirani prema zahtjevima tehnološkog procesa, npr. prema sadržaju vode, ravnosti i postojećim greškama drva. U radu su navedeni rezultati mjerenja kvalitete površine elemenata, kao i neki primjeri profila površine te ovisnost ukupne duljine oblanjanih elemenata o vrsti materijala oštrice alata. Rezultati su pokazali da je s ekonomskog stajališta isplativija uporaba alata s oštricama od tvrdog metala.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Blanjanje -- Borovina -- Prozorski okviri -- Kvaliteta površine

ILIEV, Boris
Compliance of preschool chair dimensions [Elektronička građa] = Usklađenost dimenzija stolica za djecu predškolske dobi / Boris Iliev, Danijela Domljan, Zoran Vlaović. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The proper growth and development of children is conditioned by many factors. One of the most overlooked prerequisite is the proper posture of the body in a seated position, which could be disrupted by the incorrectly dimensioned chairs used in kindergartens. To authenticate dimensions of preschool chairs in relation with contemporary European Standard 1729-1:2015, the research has been conducted in 14 public kindergartens in three European countries: Republic of Croatia, Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Bulgaria. The results lead to the conclusion that a small number of chairs fulfil dimensional requirements. From the obtained data of the analysed chairs used by preschool children, certain deficiencies can be identified. The stated findings could be the basis for new suggestions and improvements of outdated furniture design with the aim to improve relevant regulations, standards and guidelines in order to present new preschool furniture quality parameters related to contemporary needs of children in kindergartens to the local authorities, furniture manufacturers and investors. - Pravilan rast i razvoj djece uvjetovani su mnogim čimbenicima. Jedan od često previđanih preduvjeta pravilnog razvoja jest ispravno držanje tijela u sjedećem položaju, što može dovesti do pogrešnog dimenzioniranja stolica na kojima djeca sjede u dječjim vrtićima. Kako bi se dokazala usklađenost dimenzija stolica namijenjenih djeci predškolske dobi sa suvremenom europskom normom EN 1729-1:2015, istraživanja su provedena u 14 javnih dječjih vrtića u tri europske države: Republici Hrvatskoj, Republici Sjevernoj Makedoniji i RepubliciBugarskoj. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da samo mali broj stolica u cijelosti ispunjava dimenzijske zahtjeve. Iz dobivenih podataka analiziranih stolica kojima se koriste djeca predškolske dobi mogu se identifi cirati određeni nedostatci. Navedeni zaključci mogu biti osnova za nove prijedloge i poboljšanja dizajna zastarjelog namještaja te bi trebali biti usmjereni na poboljšanje relevantnih propisa, standarda i smjernica kako bi se lokalnim vlastima, proizvođačima namještaja i investitorima predstavili novi parametri kvalitete namještaja za djecu predškolske dobi, što se ponajprije odnosi na suvremene potrebe djece u vrtićima.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 175-182  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca -- Predškolska dob -- Namještaj -- Vrtići -- Funkcionalnost

MALÁ, Denisa
Consumer perception of environmentally sustainable products of Slovak wood processing enterprises [Elektronička građa] = Korisnička percepcija ekološki održivih proizvoda slovačkih drvoprerađivačkih poduzeća / Denisa Malá, Mariana Sedliačiková, Josef Drábek, Denis Jelačić, Martina Minárová. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - To provide environmentally sustainable development of a wood processing enterprise, it is necessary to implement environmentally sustainable products. The study focuses on identifying the factors of consumer perception of environmentally sustainable wood processing products and recommends how to ensure such product development. The main objective of the research was to survey the perception of environmentally sustainable wood processing products by consumers and to identify the factors that consumers take into account when making purchasing decisions. The survey was conducted by the method of questionnaire, addressing 754 adult inhabitants of Slovakia. The results revealed that the most frequently indicated reason for purchasing environmentally sustainable wood processing products was that they had a positive impact on health. The most commonly identified reason why consumers do not buy these products was their high price. The survey results should help understand the needs of consumers with regard to the environmental aspects of wood processing products, and thus ensure better satisfaction of their environmental needs. - Kako bi se osigurao održivi razvoj drvoprerađivačkog poduzeća, u proizvodnju je potrebno uvesti ekološki održive proizvode. U fokusu istraživanja ovog rada bilo je identificiranje čimbenika korisničkih percepcija o ekološki održivim drvnim proizvodima i davanje preporuka za osiguranje razvoja takvih proizvoda. Glavni je cilj istraživanja bio metodom anketiranja korisnika utvrditi što oni razumijevaju pod pojmom ekološki održivih drvnih proizvoda i utvrđivanje onih čimbenika koje kupci uzimaju u obzir pri donošenju odluke o kupnji. Anketa je provedena metodom upitnika, pri čemu su anketirane 754 odrasle osobe s boravištem u Slovačkoj. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je najčešći razlog za kupnju ekološki održivih drvnih proizvoda to što oni pozitivno utječu na zdravlje. Ono što su ispitanici najčešće naveli kao razlog da ne kupe određeni proizvod jest njegova visoka cijena. Rezultati istraživanja trebali bi pomoći u razumijevanju potreba korisnika drvnih proizvoda s obzirom na ekološki aspekt proizvoda, a time pridonijeti i boljem zadovoljavanju njihovih ekološki motiviranih potreba.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 407-418  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Okoliš -- Održivi razvoj -- Drvoprerađivački proizvodi -- Drvoprerađivačka industrija

Coppice forest management planning and the regeneration potential of pure and mixed oak coppice forests in North Macedonia [Elektronička građa] / Pande Trajkov, Tomislav Dubravac, Vladimir Tanovski, Ljupco Nestororvski, Kiril Sotirovski, Zdravko Trajanov. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Coppicing is the most widely used silvicultural system in North Macedonia and coppice forests together with shrubs cover cca. 69% of the forest cover area. Pure and mixed stands of oak coppice forests alone cover about 50% of the total forest area subject to current Forest Management Plans. In general, coppices are routinely managed, especially when coppicing as a system is planned to be continued. However, sustainability can be threatened if attention is not paid regarding the age of trees/stands and the presence of undesired tree species. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) quantitative and qualitative aspects of planned management activities in oak coppices throughout the country, (2) the resprouting potential of over-mature oak coppices, and (3) their potential for generative regeneration. Materials and Methods: We analyzed all official forest management plans in the country, in order to assess planned activities and the methods of management. Additionally, 21 experimental plots were set in order to determine the resprouting potential of over-mature (85 to 95 years) coppices of Quercus petraea and Q. frainneto which previously have been subject of clear-cutting. We took a total count of sprouts on all experimental plots, while generative regeneration seedlings were counted on 4 schematically positioned subplots in each experimental plot. Sprouts and generative seedlings were categorized by height. Results and Conclusions: According to the data from forest management plans, coppicing is planned to remain as a management system on 401,636 ha, of the total of 450,975 ha of oak coppice forests. Indirect conversion to high forests is planned on 39,137 ha, while direct conversion with substitution is planned for 10,202 ha. In field trials, resprouting was registered on only 38% of the stools.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 165-172  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Upravljanje šumama -- Hrast lužnjak -- Obnova šuma

Cost analysis of innovative biomass harvesting systems for young dense thinnings [Elektronička građa] / Dan Bergström. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract. - The objective was to analyze three innovative harvesting systems for early thinnings and compare forest-to-industry supply costs. FlowConv consists of a harvester equipped with an innovative continuously cutting, accumulating and bunching head (the FlowCut head), a forwarder and a truck to transport loose tree-parts. FlowFix consists of a harvester equipped with the same cutting head but also a bundling unit (the Fixteri system), plus a forwarder and roundwood truck for biomass transport. FlowCin consists of a new conceptual biomass harvester (the Cintoc system) equipped with the same cutting head and a second crane to pass the cut trees from the front of the machine to a bundling unit at the back, plus the same forwarding and trucking units as in the FlowFix system. Empirical data were used to assess the FlowConv system’s performance, while the FlowFix and FlowCin systems’ performance was simulated. Results indicate that supply costs of the FlowCin system would be 6–10% and 24–29% lower than those of the FlowFix and FlowConv systems, respectively. Thus, it would be more suitable to be equipped with an innovative cutting head, which is up to 100% more efficient than the current commercially available options. Key features of the Cintoc-based system (which minimize possible waiting times during operation) include its buffering cradle and delivery of biomass acquired in two cutting crane cycles to the intermediate delivering crane. The apparent superiority of the FlowCin system is consistent with previous conclusions regarding developments needed to maximize the cost-effectiveness of harvesting young dense stands.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 221-230  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioenergija -- Biomasa -- Ogrjevno drvo -- Sječa stabala -- Kombajni -- Inovativni sustavi

SHAFIE, Masoud
Eco-friendly laminated strand lumber from date palm rachis [Elektronička građa] : analysis of mechanical properties by Taguchi design of experiment = Ekološki prihvatljiva uslojena drvonitna građa od lisnih osi palme datulje : analiza mehaničkih svojstava Taguchi metodom pripreme istraživanja / Masoud Shafie, Hamid Zarea-Hosseinabadi. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This study was performed to use date palm rachis, as a low value bio-waste, in the manufacture of a high value added eco-friendly structural composite lumber. Taguchi design of experiments was applied to analyse the effect of raw material and product parameters on the mechanical properties of laminated strand lumber from date palm rachis. The results indicate that the composite exhibits similar or superior strength properties compared to solid lumber and engineered products from wood or other lignocellulosic material for building sector. Taguchi design of experiments was assessed as a powerful and cost effective technique to obtain optimal levels for maximizing the mechanical properties of the environmentally-friendly composite. Maximum values for the mechanical properties of date palm rachis-based LSL were obtained from a combination of 20 mm product thickness, 10 % resin content, 4mm strand thickness, and 850 kg/m3 product density. Product thickness with an 81.3 % contribution and strand thickness with an 80 % contribution have the highest effects on the flatwise stiffness and compression strength perpendicular to grain, respectively. - Ovo je istraživanje provedeno na konstrukcijskoj kompozitnoj građi proizvedenoj od lisnih osi palme datulje. Te su lisne osi odabrane kao biootpad male vrijednosti da bi se dobila građa visoke dodane vrijednosti. Taguchi metoda pripreme istraživanja primijenjena je kako bi se analizirao utjecaj sirovine i svojstava proizvoda na mehanička svojstva uslojene drvonitne građe (LSL) od lisnih osi palme datulje. Rezultati pokazuju da kompoziti imaju sličnu ili bolju čvrstoću nego masivno drvo i građevinski proizvodi od drva ili od ostalih lignoceluloznih materijala. Taguchi metoda pripreme istraživanja ocijenjena je kao pouzdana i isplativa tehnika za dobivanje optimalnih mehaničkih svojstava ekološki prihvatljivih kompozita. Najveće vrijednosti mehaničkih svojstava LSL-a od lisnih osi palme datulje dobivene su za proizvod debljine 20 mm, sa sadržajem smole od 10 %, debljine vlakana 4 mm i gustoće 850 kg/m3. Najveći utjecaj na krtost plohe i čvrstoću na tlak imaju debljina proizvoda, s 81,3 %, i debljina vlakana, s 80 % utjecaja.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 359-367  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Uslojena drvonitna građa -- Mehanička svojstva -- Biootpad -- Konstrukcijska kompozitna građa -- Taguchijeva metoda

RÉDEI, Károly
Ecology and management of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) in Hungary [Elektronička građa] / Károly Rédei, Marianna Takács, Tamás Kiss, Zsolt Keserű. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) was one of the first forest tree species introduced and acclimated from North America to Europe in the 17th century. Although native to North America, black walnut is now naturalized and widely planted throughout Europe. In Hungary, this species has played an important role in forest management. Black walnut can grow on various sites, but careful site selection and well-planned management practices are needed to produce successful plantations. Due to the increasing interest in black walnut growing in many countries this study complied with the aim of giving a summary on the base of research and improvement connected with the species over the past decades. Materials and Methods: Black walnut produces a well-closing, favourably differentiated stand structure in consequence of the great genetic diversity of single trees. It utilizes well the leaks of the tending cuttings. In this manner, because of its quick height growth, the systematic, individual selective method can be favourably combined with more frequent stem number reduction. The objective of tending should be to produce a high proportion of good quality saw logs from stands of yield class I, II, III and IV, and some other smaller-dimension industrial wood from stands of yield class V and VI. Conclusions: In Hungary, black walnut is one of the most valuable exotic tree species, mainly because of its wood excessively used in furniture industry. Black walnut is used in furniture industry both as solid wood and veneer. This species is among the most expensive furniture woods in the world due to its appealing surface figure and colour. Its wood is also used for making musical instruments, turned and carved ornaments, statues and marquetry. Black walnut stands are to be important in carbon sequestration, soil stabilization, and water quality protection as well.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 187-191  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Orah -- Crni orah -- Juglans nigra L. -- Gospodarenje

Effect of accelerated weathering test on selected properties of bamboo, Scots pine and Oriental beech wood treated with waterborne preservatives [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj ubrzanog izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima na svojstva bambusa, drva bora i drva bukve obrađenih zaštitnim sredstvima na bazi vode / Elif Topaloglu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 55 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper investigates the changes in density, compression strength parallel to grain, static modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity of untreated (control) and waterborne-treated bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) specimens subjected to accelerated weathering using an accelerated weathering chamber for 672 hours. Wolmanit-CB (CCB), tanalith-E (Tan-E), amine copper quat-1900 (ACQ) and boric acid-borax (BB) were used as waterborne preservatives. The retention value of bamboo specimens was lower than that of wood specimens due to the difference in anatomical structure of bamboo. The value of density, compression strength parallel to grain, static modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity of treated bamboo and wood were generally higher than those of untreated specimens after accelerated weathering. ACQ treatment generally provided the best protection against weathering in all mechanical tests for both bamboo and wood specimens, while CCB treatment provided an effective protection against weathering in compression strength for Oriental beech. BB treatment provided the least protection against weathering for bamboo and wood specimens compared to other waterborne preservatives. - U radu je istraživana promjena gustoće, čvrstoće na tlak u smjeru vlakanaca, modula loma i modula elastičnosti neobrađenih (kontrolnih) uzoraka i uzoraka obrađenih zaštitnim sredstvima na bazi vode nakon 672 sata ubrzanog izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima u komori. Kao zaštitna sredstva na bazi vode primijenjeni su Wolmanit-CB (CCB), tanalith-E (Tan-E), aminski bakreni quat-1900 (ACQ) i borna kiselina – boraks (BB). Zbog razlike u anatomskoj građi retencija uzoraka bambusa bila je manja od retencije uzoraka drva. Nakon ubrzanog izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima vrijednosti gustoće, čvrstoće na tlak u smjeru vlakanaca, modula loma i modula elastičnosti uzoraka bambusa i drva obrađenih zaštitnim sredstvima na bazi vode bile su veće od vrijednosti neobrađenih uzoraka. Zaštitno sredstvo ACQ u osnovi je osiguralo najbolju zaštitu pri izlaganju vremenskim utjecajima, što se pokazalo u svim mehaničkim ispitivanjima uzoraka bambusa i drva, dok je zaštitnim sredstvom CCB postignuta odgovarajuća zaštita bukova drva od vremenskih utjecaja glede čvrstoće na tlak. Zaštitno sredstvo BB pokazalo je najmanju sposobnost zaštite uzoraka bambusa i drva pri izlaganju vremenskim utjecajima od ostalih zaštitnih sredstava na bazi vode.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 391-398  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvo -- Zaštitni premazi -- Vremenski utjecaji -- Bambus -- Mehanička svojstva

LATIBARI, Ahmad Jahan
The effect of chip size and alkaline pre-hydrolysis conditions on following soda pulping of hornbeam wood [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj veličine sječke i uvjeta alkalne predhidrolize na natronski postupak proizvodnje celuloze od grabovine / Ahmad Jahan Latibari, Abdulrahim Mohebalian, Ajang Tajdini, Shadman Pourmosua. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The impact of chip size and hydrolysis temperature on changing chemical composition of hornbeam wood and following soda pulping is investigated. Three chip sizes, two temperatures (60 and 90 °C) and 120 minutes retention time in pre-hydrolysis step were selected. After pre-hydrolysis treatment, the sample was divided into two portions; one third was used for chemical analysis and the other two thirds for soda pulping. The reference soda pulping conditions were used on either treated or untreated chips. The influence of pre-hydrolysis was determined measuring cellulose and lignin content, residual alkali and the hemicelluloses removal. The lignin and cellulose content were marginally increased and the hemicellulose removal was higher at larger chip size. Total yield and rejects, kappa number and strength properties of the unbleached pulp were measured using corresponding Tappi standard test methods. The pulping total yield and rejects of the treated chips varied between 30.31 % and 48.14 % and 0.83 % to 7.31 %, respectively. The reject from soda pulping of untreated chips was 24.16. Prehydrolysis treatment reduced the tensile index, but the tear index was only marginally improved. - U radu je istražen utjecaj veličine sječke i temperature hidrolize na promjene kemijskog sastava grabovine te naknadni natronski proces proizvodnje celuloze. Za predhidrolizu su odabrane tri veličine sječke, dvije temperature (60 i 90 °C) i retencijsko vrijeme od 120 minuta. Uzorak je nakon predhidrolize podijeljen na dva dijela, pri čemu je jedna trećina iskorištena za kemijsku analizu, a ostale su dvije trećine upotrijebljene za natronski postupak proizvodnje celuloze. Referentni uvjeti natronskog postupka primijenjeni su na predtretiranoj i netretiranoj sječki. Utjecaj predhidrolize određen je mjerenjem sadržaja celuloze i lignina, količine zaostale lužine i izdvajanja hemiceluloza. Sadržaj celuloze i lignina samo je neznatno porastao, dok je izdvajanje hemiceluloza bilo veće za sječku većih dimenzija. Ukupan prinos vlakana i udio neadekvatnih vlakana, kappa broj i čvrstoća nebijeljene natronske celuloze određeni su u skladu s odgovarajućim Tappi standardima. Ukupan prinos vlakana i udio neadekvatnih vlakana za netretiranu su drvnu sječku iznosili 30,31 i 48,14 %, odnosno 0,83 do 7,31 %. Udio neadekvatnih vlakana dobivenih natronskim postupkom netretirane sječke iznosio je 24,16 %. Predhidrolizom je smanjen vlačni indeks, uz neznatno poboljšanje indeksa kidanja.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 329-336  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hemiceluloza -- Kemijski sastav -- Celuloza -- Predhidroliza -- Celuloza -- Grabovina

ISTEK, Abdullah
The effect of mat layers moisture content on some properties of particleboard [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj sadržaja vode u slojevima ploče iverice na njezina svojstva / Abdullah Istek, Ufuk Aydin, Ismail Ozlusoylu. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this study, the effect of mat moisture content on the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard was investigated. The experimental boards were produced by using 40 % softwood, 45 % hardwood chips, and 15 % sawdust. The formaldehyde resin/adhesive was used in three-layers (bottom-top layer 12 %, core layer 8 %). Multi-opening press was used during manufacturing the experimental particleboards. The physical and mechanical properties of boards obtained were identified according to the TS-EN standards. The optimum core layer moisture content was determined as 6 % and 7 % according to the results, whereas the moisture content of bottom and top layers was 14 %. Under these moisture content conditions, the bending strength was found to be 13.3 N/mm², the modulus of elasticity in bending 2466 N/mm², and internal bonding strength 0.44 N/mm². The optimum bottom-top layer moisture content was determined to be between 13 % and 15 % and 6.5 % for the core layer. - U radu je istraživan utjecaj sadržaja vode u slojevima ploča od sitnjenog drva na njihova fizička i mehanička svojstva. Istraživane su ploče proizvedene od iverja mekog drva u udjelu 45 %, iverja tvrdog drva u udjelu 15 % i drvne prašine u udjelu 15 %. Ploče su se sastojale od tri sloja u kojima je upotrijebljena formaldehidna smola/ljepilo (u vanjskim slojevima 12 %, u središnjim slojevima 8 %), a prešanje je obavljeno višeetažnom prešom. Fizička i mehanička svojstva ploča određena su prema TS-EN normama. Iz dobivenih je rezultata utvrđen optimalan sadržaj vode u središnjem sloju od 6 i 7 %, dok je konstantni sadržaj vode u vanjskim slojevima iznosio 14 %. Pri tim sadržajima vode dobiveni su ovi rezultati: čvrstoća na savijanje 13,3 N/mm2, modul elastičnosti 2466 N/mm2 i međuslojna čvrstoća 0,44 N/mm2. Utvrđeno je da je optimalan sadržaj vode u vanjskim slojevima između 13 i 15 %, a u središnjem sloju 6,5 %.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 221-228  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvne ploče -- Ploča od usitnjenog drva -- Sadržaj vode -- Fizička svojstva -- Mehanička dvojstva

MEDVED, Sergej
Effect of pine (Pinus Sylvestris) bark dust on particleboard thickness swelling andinternal bond [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj dodatka prašine napravljene od borove kore na debljinsko bubrenje i čvrstoću raslojavanja ploča iverica / Sergej Medved, Eugenia Mariana Tudor, Marius Catalin Barbu, Vladimir Jambreković, Nikola Španić. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Increasing demand for wood resulted in competition between different branches of wood-based production. High intensity production, like the production of wood-based panels, is forced to look for other lignocellulosic resources. Bark is a possible source for wood-based panel industry, especially for particleboards. Bark chips were crushed into bark dust, which were used for the production of single-layer particleboards. The share of bark dust was 0 %, 0.5 %, 1 %, 5 % and 10 %. The boards were tested on thickness swelling (immersion in water, exposure to humid conditions) and internal bond. The highest internal bond was determined in the particleboard with 1 % bark share. Thickness swelling of boards with added bark was higher compared to boards without bark. The highest swelling was observed in boards with 10 % bark dust (immersion in water) or 5 % (humid conditions). Bark based boards absorbed less water. - Sve veća potražnja drva pojačala je konkurenciju među različitim granama proizvodnje na bazi drva. Proizvodnje velikog kapaciteta kao što je proizvodnja ploča na bazi drva prisiljene su tražiti i druge lignocelulozne resurse za svoju proizvodnju. Jedan od mogućih izvora za proizvodnju drvnih ploča, posebno ploča iverica, jest drvna kora. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja sječka proizvedena od kore usitnjena je u drvnu prašinu koja je iskorištena za proizvodnju jednoslojnih iverica. Udio usitnjene kore u pločama bio je 0; 0,5; 1; 5 i 10 %. Ispitano je debljinsko bubrenje proizvedenih ploča (nakon potapanja u vodi, nakon izlaganja vlažnim uvjetima) te čvrstoća raslojavanja. Najveća čvrstoća raslojavanja utvrđena je za ploču ivericu s 1 % udjela kore. Debljinsko bubrenje ploča s dodatkom kore bilo je veće od bubrenja ploča bez dodatka kore. Najveće debljinsko bubrenje zabilježeno je u ploča s 10 % usitnjene kore (nakon potapanja u vodi) ili s 5 % usitnjene kore (nakon izlaganja vlažnim uvjetima). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da ploče iverice proizvedene s dodatkom usitnjene kore upijaju manje vode.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 141-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iverica -- Usitnjena kora -- Upijanje vode -- Debljinsko bubrenje -- Čvrstoća raslojavanja

The effect of polypropylene tree shelters on growth and survival of pedunculate oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.) [Elektronička građa] / Boris Liović, Željko Tomašić, Tomislav Dubravac, Robert Licht, Matej Turk. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: The declining and dieback of lowland oak forests as the result of global climate change, as well as the attack of various pathogenic organisms, industrial pollution, and other negative effects reduce acorn yield and will continue to do so in the future. As a result of this fact, the areas on which artificial regeneration will be applied by planting seedlings will have to be increased. The artificial regeneration process is more expensive than the natural one, so protection measures need to be applied to minimize the loss of young seedlings. Materials and Methods: Experimental plots were set up in the forest area of Spačva Basin. A completely randomized block design experiment in four repetitions was used, in which four variants of planting and protection of oak seedlings were examined. We tested polypropylene tree shelters and hydrophilic superabsorbent based on maize starch. Heights of the plants were measured by measuring tape, and survival was registered by numbering of dead and living plants. For statistical purposes, we have used analysis of variance (repeated measure ANOVA), which allows us to prove statistically significant difference between morphological traits of studied variants. Results: Two years after planting, the lowest level of survival was found in unprotected seedlings (79.5%), while tree shelters provided the best conditions for seedlings survival (88.75%). In the case with the hydrophilic granules Zeba the result is slightly worse. When analyzing average height in a particular case, significantly higher plants are recorded in cases where the polypropylene tree shelters are used. The average height, with tree shelters (128.27 cm), is more than three times higher than the unprotected seedlings (37.97 cm).
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 89-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrast lužnjak -- Quercus robur L. -- Sadnice -- Polipropilen

MANIA, Przemysław
The effect of thermo-mechanical treatment of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) on its sorption and physicomechanical properties [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj termo-mehaničke obrade mosobambusa (Phyllostachys pubescens) na njegovu sorpciju i fizičko-mehanička svojstva / Przemysław Mania, Jerzy Majka, Magdalena Zborowska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to examine some properties of heat-treated (200 °C) and densified (treated) bamboo. Density (ρ), equilibrium moisture content (EMC), sorption hysteresis (H), swelling (S), and Brinell hardness (HB) were examined and compared with untreated bamboo (Phyllostachys sp.) and common oak (Quercus robur L.). The density of heat-treated bamboo (ρ = 1170 kg/m3) was higher than that of untreated bamboo (ρ = 850 kg/m3) and oak wood (ρ = 670 kg/m3). The sorption isotherms were parameterized with the Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer (GAB) model. Treated bamboo showed lower EMC than untreated bamboo and oak wood in the entire hygroscopic range. The swelling anisotropy index of treated bamboo was the lowest (1.09). The mean HB of treated bamboo (HB=132 MPa) was significantly higher than that of oak and untreated bamboo. - Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti neka svojstva toplinski obrađenoga (200 °C) i ugušćenog (obrađenog) bambusa. Ispitivana je gustoća bambusovih uzoraka (ρ), ravnotežni sadržaj vode u njima (EMC), histereza sorpcije (H), bubrenje (S) i tvrdoća prema Brinellu (HB), a dobivene su vrijednosti uspoređene s neobrađenim uzorcima bambusa (Phyllostachys sp.) i drvom hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.). Pokazalo se da je gustoća toplinski obrađenog bambusa (ρ = 1170 kg/m3) veća od gustoće neobrađenih uzoraka bambusa (ρ = 850 kg/m3) i uzoraka hrastovine (ρ = 670 kg/m3). Izoterme sorpcije parametrirane su modelom Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer (GAB). Obrađeni su uzorci bambusa imali niži ravnotežni sadržaj vode od neobrađenih, kao i od uzoraka hrastovine, i to u cijelom rasponu higroskopnosti. Indeks bubrenja obrađenog bambusa bio je najniži (1,09). Srednja vrijednost tvrdoće prema Brinellu obrađenog bambusa (HB = 132 MPa) bila je značajno veća od tvrdoće prema Brinellu hrastovine i neobrađenog bambusa.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 265-272  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bambus -- Toplinska obrada -- Dinamička sorpcija pare -- Sadržaj vode -- Sorpcijska svojstva -- Bubrenje

The effect of using alum mordant in wild cherry bark dyestuff for the production of UV resistant colored paper [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj aluminijskog fiksatora u bojilu od kore divlje trešnje na proizvodnju obojenog papira otpornoga na UV svjetlost / Ayhan Gençer, Ahmet Can, Aysun Mustak, Ülkü Burcu Gitti. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Depending on the use of wood in the forest industry, wood bark is mostly peeled and used as fuel. The ash and smoke left from the burned bark causes environmental pollution. The most environmentally friendly method for waste disposal is to convert waste into a valuable commodity. In this study, cherry tree bark was used as a dyestuff in paper production. Wild cherry (Cerasus avium L.) bark was boiled with water and KOH. The purpose of using KOH is to increase the solubility of the bark compounds. The chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP) was dyed using the dyestuff. The alum mordant is used to fi x the dyestuff. Paper can be exposed to external influences (mechanical, physical and biological) depending on the place of use. One of these effects is sunshine. When paper is exposed to direct or indirect sunlight, paper changes its color. Depending on the place of use, it is expected that the color of the paper will not be affected by the sunlight or that it will provide long-term strength after the application. Accelerated weathering test was chosen to measure the UV resistance of the dyestuff. The results have shown that the mordant has a significant effect on the fixation of dyestuff. After a total of 150 hours of weathering test, the color change was observed to be the lowest in the paper samples to which alum mordant was added to the dyestuff. - Ovisno o uporabi drva u drvnoj industriji, kora drva uglavnom se ljušti i služi kao gorivo. Pepeo i dim od spaljene kore onečišćuju okoliš. Najprikladnija ekološka metoda za zbrinjavanje otpada jest njegovo iskorištavanje u proizvodnji novih proizvoda. U ovom je istraživanju kora trešnjina drva upotrijebljena kao bojilo u proizvodnji papira. Kora divlje trešnje (Cerasus avium L.) kuhana je u smjesi vode i KOH. Zadaća KOH jest povećanje topljivosti spojeva u kori drva. Celuloza dobivena kemi-termomehaničkim postupkom (CTMP-om) obojena je uz pomoć bojila. Aluminijski fiksator upotrijebljen je za fiksiranje bojila. Papir može biti izložen vanjskim mehaničkim, fizičkim i biološkim utjecajima, ovisno o mjestu uporabe. Jedan o tih utjecaja je i Sunčeva svjetlost. Papir mijenja boju kada je izložen izravnoj i neizravnoj Sunčevoj svjetlosti. Pretpostavka je da o mjestu uporabe ovisi hoće li Sunčeva svjetlost utjecati na boju papira te hoće li papir zadržati čvrstoću tijekom dulje uporabe. Za mjerenje UV otpornosti bojila odabrano je njegovo ubrzano izlaganje vremenskim utjecajima. Prema rezultatima, utvrđeno je da fiksator ima znatan utjecaj na fiksiranje bojila. Nakon 150 sati izlaganja ustanovljena je najmanja promjena boje na uzorcima papira obojenim bojilom koje sadržava aluminijski fiksator.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 383-390  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kora drva -- Divlja trešnja -- Celuloza -- Kemitermomehanički postupak -- Aluminijski fiksator -- Obojeni papir -- Vremenski utjecaji

Effect of veneer drying process on some technological properties of polystyrene composite plywood panels [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj procesa sušenja furnira na tehnološka svojstva kompozitnih uslojenih drvnih ploča vezanih polistirenom / Hasan Ozturk, Aydin Demir, Cenk Demirkir, Gursel Colakoglu. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of study was to determine the effect of veneer drying process on some technological properties of polystyrene composite plywood panels. For this reason, 2 mm-thick rotary cut veneers were obtained from beech (Fagus orientalis, Lipsky), Alder (Alnus glutinosa subsp. Barbata) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) logs. The veneers obtained from three different wood species were divided into two groups to produce polystyrene composite plywood (PCP) and traditional plywood. While PCP was produced both air dried (at 20 °C) and oven dried (at 110 °C), the veneer sheets for production of traditional plywood were dried at 110 °C until reaching 7 % equilibrium moisture content. Two different types of polystyrene with high density (30 kg/m3) and low density (16 kg/m3) were used as bonding material for PCP panel production. The urea-formaldehyde adhesive was used as a bonding material for traditional plywood panels. Bonding shear strength, bending strength, modulus of elasticity and density of plywood and polystyrene composite plywood panels were investigated. It was found that the technological properties observed in the study of composite plywood panels manufactured with natural dried veneers gave similar results compared to those of composites produced with technical dried veneers. - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj procesa sušenja furnira na tehnološka svojstva kompozitnih uslojenih drvnih ploča vezanih polistirenom. Ljušteni furniri debljine 2 mm pripremljeni su od trupaca drva bukve (Fagus orientalis, Lipsky), drva johe (Alnus glutinosa subsp. Barbata) i drva običnog bora (Pinus sylvestris L.). Furniri od tri različite vrste drva podijeljeni su u dvije skupine kako bi se proizvela kompozitna uslojena ploča vezana polistirenom (PCP) i tradicionalna uslojena ploča. Za proizvodnju PCP ploča rabljeni su furniri sušeni na zraku (na 20 °C) i u sušioniku (na 110 °C), a za proizvodnju tradicionalne uslojene ploče upotrijebljeni su furniri sušeni pri 110 °C sve do postizanja ravnotežnog sadržaja vode od 7 %. Kao vezivo za PCP ploče uporabljene su dvije vrste polistirena – polistiren velike gustoće (30 kg/m3) i polistiren male gustoće (16 kg/m3). Za proizvodnju tradicionalne uslojene ploče kao vezivo je služilo urea-formaldehidno ljepilo. Istraživani su smična čvrstoća lijepljenog spoja, čvrstoća na savijanje, modul elastičnosti te gustoća uslojene i kompozitne uslojene ploče vezane polistirenom. Utvrđeno je da kompozitne uslojene drvne ploče proizvedene od prirodno sušenih furnira imaju slična promatrana tehnološka svojstva kao i kompoziti proizvedeni od tehnički sušenih furnira.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 369-376  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Furnir -- Drvne ploče -- Uslojene ploče vezane polistirenom -- Sušenje furnira -- Mehanička svojstva -- Stiropor

SOLGI, Ahmad
Effects of ground-based skidding on soil physical properties in skid trail switchbacks [Elektronička građa] / Ahmad Solgi, Ramin Naghdi, Eric K. Zenner, Petros A. Tsioras, Vahid Hemmati. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 347-349. - Abstract. - Effective skid-trail design requires a solid understanding of vehicle-soil interactions, yet virtually no data exist on the effects of harvest traffic on soils in the switchback curves common in mountainous terrain. We contrast for the first time the effect of skidding on dry bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, and microporosity in the straight segments of the skid trail and in various positions within switchbacks of differing trail curvature (deflection angle) on different slope gradients. Treatment plots with three replications included combinations of two classes of curvature (narrow = high deflection angle, 60–70°; wide = low deflection angle, 110–130°) and two categories of slope gradient (gentle = ≤20%; steep = >20%). The Cambisol soil was sampled in control and trafficked areas both before and after three passes with a rubber-tired skidder. After only three passes, significant effects were seen for dry soil bulk density (+), total porosity (–), macroporosity (–), and microporosity (+), with steady trends from undisturbed controls to straight segments to wide curves to narrow curves. Soil damage increased gradually and consistently toward the apex of the curve, particularly in narrow curves on gentle slopes. Our results establish that curvature and switchback position are important factors affecting soil compaction in ground skidding. The strong observed effects of even low harvest traffic volume on soil physical properties in curves indicate that the degree of soil compaction in skid trails may be underestimated in areas with numerous switchbacks, the placement of which within a skid trail system may require careful consideration on mountainous terrain.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 341-350  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumsko tlo -- Nagib terena -- Vozila -- Klizanje vozila -- Zbijanje tla

KURT, Rıfat
Estimating modulus of elasticity (MOE) of particleboards using artificial neural networks to reduce quality measurements and costs [Elektronička građa] = Procjena modula elastičnosti (MOE) iverica uz pomoć umjetnih neuronskih mreža radi smanjenja opsega i troškova kontrole kvalitete / Rıfat Kurt, Selman Karayilmazlar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - There are a large number of costs that enterprises need to bear in order to produce the same product at the same quality for a more affordable price. For this reason, enterprises have to minimize their expenses through a couple of measures in order to offer the same product for a lower price by minimizing these costs. Today, quality control and measurements constitute one of the major cost items of enterprises. In this study, the modulus of elasticity values of particleboards were estimated by using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and other mechanical properties of particleboards in order to reduce the measurement costs in particleboard enterprises. In addition to that, the future values of modulus of elasticity were also estimated using the same variables with the purpose of monitoring the state of the process. For this purpose, data regarding the mechanical properties of the boards were randomly collected from the enterprise for three months. The sample size (n) was: 6 and the number of samples (m): 65 and a total of 65 average measurement values were obtained for each mechanical property. As a result of the implementation, the low Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) performance measures of the model clearly showed that some quality characteristics could easily be estimated by the enterprises without having to make any measurements by ANN. - Tvrtke u proizvodnji imaju velik broj troškova, a cilj im je proizvesti kvalitetne proizvode po što pristupačnijoj cijeni. Stoga nizom mjera nastoje smanjiti proizvodne troškove, ali ponuditi jednako kvalitetan proizvod po nižoj cijeni. Danas su kontrola i provjera kvalitete jedna od glavnih stavki troškova poduzeća. U ovom su istraživanju procijenjene vrijednosti modula elastičnosti i drugih mehaničkih svojstava iverice primjenom umjetnih neuronskih mreža (ANN) kako bi se smanjili troškovi kontrole kvalitete. Osim toga, uz pomoću istih varijabli procijenjene su buduće vrijednosti modula elastičnosti radi praćenja stanja procesa. S tim ciljem poduzeće je tri mjeseca nasumično prikupljalo podatke o mehaničkim svojstvima ploča. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od šest ploča i za svako mehaničko svojstvo dobiveno je ukupno 65 prosječnih mjernih vrijednosti. Kao rezultat implementacije modela, mjerenja su jasno pokazala da tvrtke mogu lako procijeniti neka obilježja kvalitete iverice uz pomoć niske srednje apsolutne pogreške (MAPE), srednjega apsolutnog odstupanja (MAD) i srednje kvadratne pogreške (MSE), bez bilo kakvih mjerenja.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 257-263  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iverica -- Modul elastičnosti -- Umjetne neuronske mreže -- Kontrola kvalitete

SOLGI, Ahmad
Evaluation of different best management practices for erosion control on machine operating trails [Elektronička građa] / Ahmad Solgi, Ramin Naghdi, Eric R. Labelle, Farshad Keivan Behjou, Vahid Hemmati. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 324-325. - Abstract. - Ground-based mechanized forest operations often lead to increased runoff and soil loss on unbound forest roads and machine operating trails, which in turn can impede the technical trafficability of machines and cause negative impacts on the environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of three Best Management Practice (BMP) treatments used to control erosion occurring on machine operating trails. The treatments included water bar, water bar and hardwood brush (H-brush), and water bar and softwood brush (S-brush). For a more comprehensive assessment of both brush treatments, two levels of brush thickness were tested; 0.5 m and 1.0 m. Results indicate that the most effective BMP treatments were the water bar and softwood brush followed by the water bar and hardwood brush and finally the least effective was the water bar. The average runoff rates and soil loss from the machine operating trails with the water bar treatment (52.64 l per plot, 8.49 g m-2) were higher than runoff and soil loss at the trails protected with hardwood brush (23.75 l per plot, 4.5 g m-2), and the trails protected by the hardwood brush had higher runoff and soil loss compared to trails covered by softwood brush (15.83 l per plot, 2.98 g m-2). Furthermore, results of this study showed that regardless of the treatment, the amount of runoff and soil loss decreased consistently as the thickness of the brush mat increased. Overall, erosion control techniques similar to either H-brush or S-brush that provide direct soil coverage should be used for erosion control, and final selection should be based on costs, availability of material, or landowner objectives.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 319-326  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Erozija tla -- Zaštita tla

AKYÜZ, İlker
Factors affecting consumer-based brand equity from the perspective of Turkish consumers [Elektronička građa] = Čimbenici koji utječu na tržišnu vrijednost proizvoda iz perspektive turskih potrošača / İlker Akyüz, Bahadır Çağrı Bayram, Nadir Ersen. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper contributes to the consumer-based brand equity literature by researching what brand equity means for Turkish consumers and by defining factors that, from their perspective, affect Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE). According to our literature review, although some important cross-cultural studies about CBBE can be found, some aspects of this topic require further research. The target population of the study is households in the Western Black Sea Region. This region was chosen because it is a manageable size, geographically close to the researchers, and statistically representative of the Turkish people. Turkish panel furniture (PF) brands were chosen as the sample, and a stratified sampling method was used to determine the questionnaires sample size. Data were analysed in SPSS, incorporating statistical tests such as factor analysis, correlation analysis and chi-square tests. Factors that affected CBBE were marketing activities, perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association and price. - Zahvaljujući provedenom istraživanju značenja vrijednosti robne marke za potrošače u Turskoj, ovaj rad pridonosi obogaćivanju literature o tržišnoj vrijednosti robne marke. Uzimajući u obzir perspektivu potrošača u Turskoj, defi nirani su čimbenici koji utječu na tržišnu vrijednost robne marke (CBBE). Iz pregleda literature može se vidjeti da još postoje određeni aspekti područja tržišne vrijednosti robne marke koje treba dodatno istražiti premda su objavljene neke važne studije s tog područja. Ciljna populacija u ovom istraživanju bila su kućanstva u Zapadnoj crnomorskoj regiji, koja je odabrana jer je odgovarajuće veličine, zemljopisno je bliska istraživačima i statistički je reprezentativna za populaciju Turske. Za uzorke su odabrani proizvodi turskoga pločastog namještaja (PF), a za određivanje veličine uzorka primijenjena je metoda stratifi ciranog uzorkovanja. Podatci su analizirani u SPSS-u upotrebom statističkih testova kao što su faktorska analiza, korelacijska analiza i χ2-testovi. Čimbenici koji su utjecali na tržišnu vrijednost robne marke bili su marketinške aktivnosti, percipirana kvaliteta, prepoznatljivost marke, udruživanje robnih marki i cijena.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 115-127  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tržišna vrijednost -- Namještaj -- Robne marke -- Ponašanje potrošača -- Pločasti materijali

ZOR, Mustafa
Finite element analysis of heat treated wood filled styrene maleic anhydride (SMA) copolymer composites [Elektronička građa] = Analiza kompozita od kopolimera stirena i anhidrida maleinske kiseline (SMA) punjenih pregrijanim drvom metodom konačnih elemenata / Mustafa Zor, Murat Emre Kartal, Douglas J. Gardner. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The computer aided three dimensional static analyses of the specimens was done by using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and obtained data was compared with actual test data. The aim of this study is to compare the deformation/stress analyses with FEM analysis results of styrene maleic anhydride (SMA) copolymer composites. The heat treated wood/SMA copolymer composites were produced from different loadings (from 10 to 30 wt. %) of heat treated and untreated eastern white pine wood flours (Pinus strobus L.). All formulations of wood flour/SMA copolymer composites were produced by melt compounding through injection molding. The deformation/stress results obtained from the experimental solutions are very close to the results obtained from the numerical solutions (SAP2000 V17). As a result, it can be said that it is beneficial to use the FEM in the engineering design approach after the data obtained by the experimental solutions as meaningful values after application of the FEM. - Računalom potpomognuta trodimenzionalna statička analiza uzoraka provedena je metodom konačnih elemenata (FEM). Dobiveni su podatci uspoređeni sa stvarnim ispitnim podatcima. Cilj rada bio je usporediti analizu deformacija/naprezanja s rezultatima FEM analize kompozita od kopolimera stirena i anhidrida maleinske kiseline (SMA). Kompoziti od pregrijanog drva i SMA kopolimera bili su izrađeni s različitim udjelom (od 10 do 30 % težine) drvnog brašna od pregrijanoga i nepregrijanog drva američkog borovca (Pinus strobus L.). Sve formulacije kompozita od drvnog brašna i SMA kopolimera bile su izrađene injekcijskim prešanjem. Rezultati deformacija i naprezanja dobiveni eksperimentalno vrlo su slični rezultatima dobivenim računskim putem (SAP200 V17). Može se zaključiti da je analiza metodom konačnih elementa, kombinirana s eksperimentalno dobivenim podatcima, korisna u inženjerskom projektiranju.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 43-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvno-plastični kompoziti -- Metoda konačnih elemenata -- Kopolimeri stirena -- Kompoziti

ČOMIĆ, Dragan Ratko
Forest estates/organisational units ranking model - the MRG model [Elektronička građa] / Dragan Ratko Čomić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: The fact that new organizational concepts require comparison and ranking of some business entities, implies the analogy that, in forestry, ranking should create the basis for differentiation of Forest Estates (FE) (seen as profit centers) according to their capability to allocate funds from rent for the utilization of forests and forest land. In this sense, it was necessary to determine the basic criteria and variables, and then to create the model for FE ranking on the basis of ecological and production potentials, and business results (economic indicators). The main idea was to create a model that can be used primarily by forest owners (which are, in certain countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro, mainly governments) and by public forest enterprises. The proposed models may serve to all other scientific, professional, research and other institutions, as the starting point for further research and as suggestions for possible improvements of the proposed solutions. Materials and Methods: The research was carried out within the project "Differential rent in the Republic of Srpska forestry". Total sample for the survey was 44 interviewed parties, with 118 questionnaires filled in. The methods of classification, content analysis, desk research, analysis, synthesis and comparison were used. In the concrete application of the Forest Estates/Organisational Units Ranking Model (hereinafter MRG Model; Model rangiranja šumskih gazdinstava, in Bosnian), the following methods were used: brainstorming, focus groups, survey, desk research method, Pareto analysis, modelling and induction. The statistical methods used were descriptive statistics and rank correlation. By using these methods and by combining them, a new model for forest estates ranking was created.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 39-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Šumski posjedi -- Najamnina -- Rangiranje -- MRG modeli

Heavy metals content in foliar litter and branches of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L. observed at two ICP forests monitoring plots [Elektronička građa] / Srđan Stojnić, Marko Kebert, MIlan Drekić, Zoran Galić, Lazar Kesić, Aleksandar Tepavac, Saša Orlović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Due to the ability to uptake and accumulate heavy metals (HM) in their aboveground tissues, trees may be used for phytoremediation purposes, but also as bioindicators of environmental pollution. The aims of the present study were: a) to investigate the content and temporal variation of the studied HMs in different plant organs during the period of intensive leaf falling (September-October), in two species from genus Quercus; b) to evaluate the observed HMs content relative to plausible ranges of element concentration in foliar litter, as recommended by ICP Forests Foliar Co-ordinating Centre (IFFCC). Material and Methods: The contents of zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) were assessed in the litterfall (i.e. leaves and branches) of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L. grown at two ICP Forests Level II monitoring plots (Fruška Gora and Odžaci, Serbia). Plant material was sampled during September-October 2018 and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results: Comparing the content of investigated HMs in foliar litter and branches of Q. robur and Q. petraea, notably higher concentrations of Mn and Fe have been observed in the foliage of both species, whereas Zn and Cu concentrations were higher in collected branch material of both of the above-mentioned tree species. The results further showed that, when compared to plausible ranges of element concentrations in foliar litter, given by ICP Forests Foliar Co-ordinating Centre (IFFCC), average concentrations of Fe and Zn in the leaves were within suggested limits, whereas certain concentrations of Mn and Cu exceeded the proposed ranges. Furthermore, the content of the studied HMs in plant material of both Quercus species significantly varied during sampling period.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 151-157  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Hrast lužnjak -- Hrast kitnjak -- Teški metali -- Monitoring

Impact of heat treatment on the quality of tree-of-heaven wood [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj toplinske modifikacije na kvalitetu drva pajasena / Ioannis Barboutis, Vasiliki Kamperidou. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle is a deciduous, fast-growing species that can tolerate extreme climatic conditions and is particularly invasive. In the framework of climate change, and the imperative need for carbon greenhouse gases sequestration, this species could acquire increasing importance through its utilization in the construction of wood based products and structures, due to its satisfying properties combined with its fast growth. This study determines for the first time the influence of thermal treatment, under different conditions (190 ºC, 210 ºC, 230 ºC for 2 hours), on some crucial physical, hygroscopic and mechanical properties of wood, in an attempt to improve its intense hygroscopic nature and not so desirable colour. Thermal treatment affected the dimensional stability and water absorbing capacity of wood in a positive way, decreasing EMC, swelling (tangential–radial) and adsorption percent, compared to untreated wood. The anisotropy of wood was decreased only to a small extent. The total surface colour differences (ΔΕ*), prior and after treatment, ranged between 0.48 and 54.57, and appeared to be well correlated with treatment temperature. Only the most intensive treatment influenced negatively the modulus of rupture and impact bending strength of wood, while the elasticity and compression strength of treated wood were proved to be similar to those of untreated wood. Tree-of-heaven could benefit from a mild or medium intensity heat treatment process, in order to be modified to an aesthetically pleasing wood with enhanced hygroscopic nature and properties, facilitating its use in cabinetry and in variable indoor and outdoor non-structural applications. - Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle listopadna je, brzorastuća i invazivna vrsta drva koja je otporna na ekstremne klimatske uvjete. S gledišta klimatskih promjena i nužne potrebe za sekvestracijom stakleničkih plinova, ta bi vrsta drva zbog svojih svojstava, u kombinaciji s brzim rastom, mogla steći sve veće značenje u graditeljstvu. Ovim se istraživanjem prvi put utvrđuje utjecaj toplinske modifikacije pri različitim temperaturama na ključna fizička i mehanička svojstva drva radi smanjenja njegove higroskopnosti i dobivanja poželjnije boje. Toplinska modifikacija pozitivno je utjecala na dimenzijsku stabilnost te na smanjenje upijanja vode, ravnotežnog sadržaja vode, bubrenja (tangentno – radijalno) i adsorpcije u usporedbi s nemodificiranim drvom. Anizotropnost drva samo se neznatno smanjila. Ukupna promjena boje (ΔE*) površine drva prije i nakon toplinske modifikacije bila je u rasponu od 0,48 do 54,57 i pokazala je dobru korelaciju s temperaturom modifikacije. Samo je modifikacija s najvišom temperaturom negativno utjecala na modul loma i čvrstoću na udar, dok su elastičnost i čvrstoća na vlak toplinski modificiranog drva bili podjednaki kao i nemodificiranog drva. Slab ili umjeren postupak toplinske modifikacije može modificirati drvo pajasena u estetski ugodno drvo poboljšanih svojstava i smanjene higroskopnosti te time olakšati i proširiti njegovu uporabu u proizvodnji namještaja i nenosivih elemenata u graditeljstvu.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 351-358  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pajasen -- Toplinska modifikacija -- Higroskopnost -- Čvrstoća

Improving the performance and quality of processes by applying and implementing Six Sigma methodology in furniture manufacturing process [Elektronička građa] = Poboljšanje izvedbe i kvalitete procesa proizvodnje namještaja primjenom metodologije Six Sigma / Ľubica Simanová, Andrea Sujová, Pavol Gejdoš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The main aim of this paper is to illustrate the application of selected methods and procedures in the implementation of the Six Sigma Methodology in the furniture manufacturing processes, specifically in the wood veneer pressing, to verify the application and to evaluate the benefits of using selected methods and procedures through a series of step DMAIC process improvement. The application of selected methods and tools within the Six Sigma Methodology, such as DPMO, efficiency and sigma levels, project charter, histogram of mistakes caused by the application of the adhesive, the SIPOC plot mapping process, reaction plans, Ishikawa diagram and control diagrams bring the system and clarity of measurable results into project management for process improvement and process change. The benefits of their use are the cost savings and performance improvement processes. - Glavni je cilj ovog rada prikazati provedbu odabranih metoda i postupaka pri primjeni Six Sigma metodologije u proizvodnji namještaja. To se posebice odnosi na provjeru primjene i procjenu prednosti korištenja odabranih metoda i postupaka pri prešanju furnira unutar niz koraka za poboljšanje DMAIC procesa. Primjena odabranih metoda i alata u sklopu metodologije Six Sigma, kao što su DPMO, učinkovitost i sigma razine, projektna povelja, histogram grešaka uzrokovanih primjenom ljepila, proces mapiranja SIPOC, reakcijski planovi, Ishikawa dijagram i kontrolni dijagrami, uvodi sustav i jasnoću mjerljivih rezultata u upravljanje projektima radi poboljšanja i promjene procesa. Prednosti njihove uporabe jesu smanjenje troškova i poboljšanje proizvodnog procesa.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 193-202  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Namještaj -- Proizvodnja -- Six sigma model -- Kvaliteta -- Upravljanje projektima

ŽULJ, Ivan, inženjer drvne tehnologije
Influence of air humidity variation on strength of rotary welded dowel joints of pinewood [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj promjene vlažnosti zraka na čvrstoću kružno zavarenih spojnih elemenata od borovine / Ivan Žulj, Ivica Grbac, Ivica Župčić. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - A rotary welded joint is a combination of wood in which chemical and physical reactions occur due to friction. During the welding process, heat is generated which softens and melts the wood structure. In this way, interlocked wood fibres in the lignin melt are created within the joint. As the welded joint cools down, it becomes a tight weld. The paper describes the research based on studying the impact of individual factors on the welded joint. Outcome variables are the average ring width, the water content in the wood, and the influence of different humidity levels on the strength of rotary welds. Samples were subjected to the influence of different humidity levels achieved by air conditioning, magnesium chloride and sodium chloride. Absolutely dry samples exhibited the lowest embedded force values (the average embedded force value for heartwood amounted to 1901 N and for sapwood 1920.36 N), while the air conditioned samples (the average embedded force value amounted to 2649.06 N; for sapwood 2679.6 N and for heartwood 2619.6 N). The samples exposed to sodium chloride (the average embedded force value amounted to 2907.7 N; for sapwood 2766.07 N and for heartwood 3049.33 N) exhibited the highest embedded force values. This paper presents a descriptive statistical analysis of the strength of rotary welded dowels in the pine base. The aim of the study was to research the influence of different air humidity levels on the embedded force of Scots pine rotary welds. As the air relative humidity and temperature change during the daily application of the product (which affects the moisture content in the wood), the knowledge on the influence that humidity and water content in the wood exert on the welded joint strength turns out to be of great importance for its use. - Kružno zavareni spoj jest spoj drva u kojemu se zbivaju kemijsko-fizikalne reakcije pod utjecajem trenja. Tijekom procesa zavarivanja stvara se toplina, zbog koje struktura drva omekša i rastali se, pa se te drvna vlakanca u talini lignina međusobno isprepletu. Pri hlađenju zavarenog spoja nastaje čvrsto zavareni spoj. U radu je opisano istraživanje utjecaja pojedinih čimbenika na zavareni spoj, u sklopu kojega su promatrani sadržaj vode u drvu te utjecaj različite vlažnosti zraka na čvrstoću kružno zavarenih spojeva. Uzorci su izlagani zraku različite vlažnosti, što je postignuto njihovim kondicioniranjem te solima magnezijeva i natrijeva klorida. Apsolutno suhi uzorci pokazali su najniže vrijednosti izvlačne sile (prosječna vrijednost te sile za srž iznosila je 1901 N, a za bjeljiku 1920,36 N), a zatim slijede klimatizirani uzorci (prosječna vrijednost izvlačne sile iznosila je 2649,06 N; za bjeljiku 2679,6 N, a za srž 2619,6 N). Uzorci izloženi natrijevu kloridu pokazali su najviše vrijednosti izvlačne sile (njezina prosječna vrijednost iznosila je 2907,7 N; za bjeljiku 2766,07 N, a za srž 3049,33 N). U radu je prikazana deskriptivna statistička analiza čvrstoće moždanika kružno zavarenih u borovinu. S obzirom na to da se pri svakodnevnoj uporabi proizvoda mijenja relativna vlažnost zraka i temperatura (što utječe na promjene sadržaja vode u drvu), poznavanje utjecaja vlažnosti zraka i sadržaja vode u drvu na čvrstoću zavarenog spoja vrlo je važno za njegovu primjenu.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 299-306  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Borovina -- Masivno drvo -- Zavarivanje drva -- Sadržaj vode -- Moždanik -- Izvlačna sila

Influence of finishing materials on viscous elastic properties of wooden structures [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj premaznih materijala na viskoelastična svojstva drvenih elemenata / Darius Albrektas, Elvyra Revuckaitė, Vaida Dobilaitė, Milda Jucienė. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this study, the effect of finishing process on the mechanical properties of oak and pine wood elements were investigated. A special test stand was used for this purpose. Specimens were divided into subgroups, the resonance frequency of the specimens was determined (when they vibrate in mode of a theoretic isotope beam), and the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and damping coefficient were estimated. It was determined that MOE of oak and pine specimens was 8415-10570 MPa and 8220-14104 MPa, respectively, while damping coefficients were 0.014-0.019 r. u. and 0.013-0.026. Afterwards, some specimens were varnished (pentaftal varnish was used), while the specimens from others subgroups were oiled (water-based outdoor wood oil was used) and after each processing step, the viscous elastic properties of the specimen were recorded. The specimens were finished four times – first, one side was finished in two layers, and then the other side. For the determination of elastic properties of the finishing materials, films were prepared separately. The fi lm formation was carried out by casting liquid on a smooth, siliconised surface of a test panel. The tensile test was carried out using the universal testing machine. It was established that MOE of films varied in the range of 4-7 MPa. After the varnishing process, the MOE of oak and pine elements decreased by 5 % and 7 %, respectively, while the damping coefficient decreased (in varnish case) by 60 %. The impact of oil on viscous elastic properties of the specimens was quite marginal. - U radu je istraživan utjecaj procesa površinske obrade na mehanička svojstva hrastovine i borovine. Za istraživanje je pripremljeno posebno postolje. Uzorci su podijeljeni u dvije podskupine, utvrđena je njihova rezonantna frekvencija (kada vibriraju u modu teorijskog snopa izotopa) te su procijenjeni modul elastičnosti (MOE) i koeficijent prigušenja uzoraka. Utvrđeno je da je MOE uzoraka od hrastovine 8415 – 10 570 MPa, uzoraka od borovine 8220 – 14 104 MPa, a koeficijent prigušenja iznosio je 0,014 – 0,019 r. u., odnosno 0,013 – 0,026. Nakon toga dio uzoraka je lakiran (upotrijebljen je pentaftalni lak), a uzorci iz druge podskupine premazani su uljem (uljem na bazi vode za vanjsku primjenu). Nakon svakog procesa obrade uočena su viskoelastična svojstva uzoraka. Uzorci su premazani ukupno četiri puta – najprije je u dva sloja premazana jedna, a zatim druga strana uzoraka. Za određivanje elastičnih svojstava premaznih materijala posebno su pripremljeni filmovi, i to nalijevanjem premaznog materijala na glatku, silikoniziranu površinu ispitne ploče. Vlačno ispitivanje obavljeno je na univerzalnom uređaju za mehanička ispitivanja. Utvrđeno je da MOE filmova varira u rasponu od 4 do 7 MPa. Nakon lakiranja MOE hrastovih elemenata smanjio se za 5 %, borovih elemenata za 7 %, a koeficijent prigušenja na lakiranim uzorcima smanjio se za 60 %. Ulja su neznatno utjecala na viskoelastična svojstva uzoraka.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 89-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrastovina -- Borovina -- Modul elastičnosti -- Koeficijent prigušenja -- Premazni materijali

Influence of layered structure of composite timber floor boards on their hardness [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj strukture slojeva na tvrdoću višeslojnih podnih obloga / Piotr Borysiuk, Izabela Burawska-Kupniewska, Radosław Auriga, Grzegorz Kowaluk, Paweł Kozakiewicz, Marcin Zbiec. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The possibility of using composite elements of flooring pine veneers with knotholes for the production of supporting layers has been determined. This assessment was made on the basis of the Brinell hardness measurement of the face layer of five-layer composites with empty spots in their structure imitating knotholes of various diameters (10, 20 and 50 mm). The dependencies obtained from empirical determinations were supported by numerical analysis. It was found that it is possible to use veneers with defects (empty spots) with a diameter of up to 20 mm to produce composites of three and more layers of wood (counting from the face layer). The anatomical section of the exposed wood on the face (radial cross-section, tangential section) of the layered composite does not affect the obtained hardness values. - Ispitivanjem je potvrđena mogućnost uporabe furnira od borova drva s rupama od kvrga kao srednjeg sloja u proizvodnji višeslojnih podnih obloga. Ta je procjena napravljena na temelju mjerenja tvrdoće prema Brinellu gaznog sloja peteroslojne podne obloge s rupama različitih promjera (10, 20 i 50 mm) unutar strukture obloge koje simuliraju rupe od kvrga. Ovisnosti dobivene iz empirijskih rezultata potkrijepljene su računskom analizom. Utvrđeno je da je za proizvodnju podnih obloga od tri i više slojeva (brojeći od gaznog sloja) moguće upotrijebiti furnire s greškama (s neispunjenim rupama) promjera do 20 mm. Anatomski presjek izloženog drva na licu višeslojne podne obloge (radijalni i tangentni presjek) ne utječe na vrijednosti tvrdoće.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 399-406  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Borovina -- Furnir -- Podne obloge -- Tvrdoća

ŽIVKOVIĆ, Vjekoslav, inženjer drvne tehnologije
Influence of natural surface ageing on bonding quality of thermally modified oak and beech wood [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj prirodnog starenja površine na kvalitetu lijepljenja toplinski modificiranog drva hrasta i bukve / Vjekoslav Živković, Gustav Gabrek, Goran Mihulja. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the influence of natural surface ageing in indoor conditions on bonding quality of thermally modified wood used in structural laminated products. Two unmodified and thermally modified wood species were used for the experiment: oak and beech. Samples were planed and glued with MUF adhesive 2 hours, 1, 2, 6, 10, and 18 days after planing. Properties of laminated beech and oak beams, namely shear strength, delamination and contact angle, were measured in order to detect 1) suitability of wood species for lamination process and 2) influence of extended storage time after planing on properties of laminated wood. Generally, both native and thermally modified beech exhibited better results of shear strength and delamination and had lower contact angles compared to oak and thermally modified oak. Results of the delamination test (total delamination) indicate time dependence of surface ageing. Both unmodified and thermally modified beech may be successfully laminated at least up to 2 days after planing, whereas neither oak nor thermally modified oak are suitable for lamination process due to excessive delamination. Results of delamination may be related to contact angle measurements. Shear strength of glue lines did not show any influence on natural surface ageing. However, whereas beech and thermally modified beech samples exhibited almost the same values of the shear strength regardless of the duration of surface ageing, there is an obvious difference in shear strength of oak and thermally modified oak samples. - U radu je prikazan utjecaj prirodnog starenja površine zbog stajanja u interijeru na kvalitetu lijepljenja toplinski modificiranog drva. U pokusu su korištene dvije nemodificirane i toplinski modificirane vrste drva: hrast i bukva. Uzorci su blanjani i lijepljeni MUF ljepilom 2 sata, 1, 2, 6, 10 i 18 dana nakon blanjanja. Mjerena su svojstva lameliranih bukovih i hrastovih gredica, njihova čvrstoća na smik, delaminacija i kontaktni kut kako bi se ustanovila (1) prikladnost vrste drva i postupka modifikacije za proces lameliranja te (2) utjecaj produljenog vremena skladištenja nakon blanjanja na svojstva lameliranog drva. Općenito, i prirodna i toplinski modificirana bukovina pokazale su bolje rezultate smične čvrstoće i manju sklonost delaminaciji, kao i niže kontaktne kutove nego hrastovina i toplinski modificirana hrastovina. Rezultati ispitivanja delaminacije (potpune delaminacije) upućuju na ovisnost površinskog starenja o vremenu. I nemodificirana i toplinski modificirana bukov-ina mogu se uspješno lamelirati najmanje dva dana nakon blanjanja, dok ni hrastovina ni toplinski modificirana hrastovina zbog sklonosti prekomjernoj delaminaciji nisu prikladne za lameliranje. Rezultati delaminacije mogu biti povezani s mjerenjima kontaktnog kuta. Čvrstoća lijepljenja na smik nije uvjetovana prirodnim starenjem površine. Međutim, dok su nemodificirani i toplinski modificirani uzorci bukve imali gotovo jednake vrijednosti čvrstoće lijepljenja na smik bez obzira na trajanje površinskog starenja, bila je očita razlika u smičnoj čvrstoći hrastovih nemodificiranih i toplinski modificiranih uzoraka.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 273-278  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modificirano drvo -- Delaminacija -- Smična čvrstoća -- Starenje površine -- Lijepljenje

Insect species damaging industrial wood in Western Black Sea Region of Turkey [Elektronička građa] = Vrste kukaca koje oštećuju industrijsko drvo u Zapadnoj crnomorskoj regiji u Turskoj / Mesut Yalçın, Çağlar Akçay, Cihat Taşçıoğlu, Beşir Yüksel. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Insect species collected in log depots in Western Black Sea Region of Turkey were identified. The study covered two years, 2015 and 2016, in 21 log depots in seven provinces (Duzce, Bolu, Zonguldak, Bartin, Karabuk, Kastamonu and Sinop). The study area was divided into three sub regions and each sub region was analyzed for insect species, their prevalence and intensities. Overall, four orders, 22 families, 74 genera and 57 species were described in log depots of the study area. Sub region 1 (Düzce-Bolu) showed the highest diversity in terms of insect species and sub region 2 (Zonguldak-Bartin) had the lowest diversity. Dorcus parallelipipedus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) and Rhagium inquisitor Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) were found in all provinces studied. Based on wood species analysis, Scots pine wood had the highest diversity in insect species, followed by fi r, oak and beech. The study also described some important wood-destroying insect species from the families Anobiidae, Buprestidae and Cerambycidae. Buprestis dalmatina (Mannerheim, 1837) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), Leptura aurulenta (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Stictoleptura scutellata (Fabricius, 1781) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), all wood-destroying insect species, were identified for the first time in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. - U sklopu istraživanja identifi cirane su vrste kukaca koje su prikupljene na stovarištima trupaca u Zapadnoj crnomorskoj regiji u Turskoj. Studija se provodila tijekom dvije godine, 2015. i 2016., na 21 stovarištu u sedam pokrajina (Duzce, Bolu, Zonguldak, Bartin, Karabuk, Kastamonu and Sinop). Područje istraživanja bilo je podijeljeno u tri podregije u kojima su analizirane vrste kukaca, njihova prevalencija i intenzitet. U skladištima trupaca na istraživanom su području ukupno opisana četiri reda, 22 porodice, 74 roda i 57 vrsta kukaca. U podregiji 1. (Düzce-Bolu) primijećena je najveća raznolikost vrsta kukaca, a u podregiji 2. (Zonguldak-Bartin) zabilježena je najmanja raznolikost. U svim istraživanim pokrajinama pronađeni su Dorcus parallelipipedus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) i Rhagium inquisitor Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Na temelju analize različitih vrsta drva zaključeno je da je borovina imala najveću raznolikost vrsta kukaca, a slijedile su jelovina, hrastovina i bukovina. U studiji su također opisane neke važne vrste kukaca koji razaraju drvo, a pripadaju porodicama Anobiidae, Buprestidae and Cerambycidae. Kukci vrsta Buprestis dalmatina (Mannerheim, 1837) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), Leptura aurulenta (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) i Stictoleptura scutellata (Fabricius, 1781) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) također razaraju drvo i prvi su put zabilježeni u Zapadnoj crnomorskoj regiji u Turskoj.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 183-191  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stovarište trupaca -- Drvo -- Kukci -- Štetnici

Investigation of friction coefficients of veneers as a function of fibre direction and moisture content [Elektronička građa] = Istraživanje faktora trenja između furnira kao funkcije smjera protezanja vlakanaca i sadržaja vode / Beate Buchelt, André Wagenführ. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - During the manufacture of veneer based moulded parts, veneers move against one another. Friction is caused due to this movement. Different conditions, such as gluing or fibre direction, could influence the friction coefficients and thus the moulding process. For a better understanding of the manufacturing process of veneer based moulded parts, it is important to know which parameters influence friction and friction coefficients. In this paper, results of friction investigations are presented. Thereby the moisture content of the used veneers was varied as well as the fibre direction. Considering the manufacture conditions, the investigations were also conducted with glue-coated veneers. The results prove an influence of fibre direction but this influence depends on moisture content. - Tijekom proizvodnje furnirskih otpresaka furniri se gibaju jedan nasuprot drugome. Zbog toga gibanja nastaje trenje. Različiti uvjeti kao što su lijepljenje i smjer protezanja vlakanaca mogu utjecati na faktor trenja, a time i na proces izrade otpresaka. Za bolje razumijevanje procesa proizvodnje furnirskih otpresaka važno je znati koji čimbenici utječu na trenje i faktor trenja. U ovom su radu prezentirani rezultati istraživanja trenja između furnira. Varirani su sadržaj vode upotrijebljenih furnira, kao i smjer protezanja vlakanaca. Uzimajući u obzir i proizvodne uvjete, istraživanje se provodilo i s furnirima premazanim ljepilom. Rezultati su potvrdili utjecaj smjera protezanja vlakanaca, ali taj utjecaj ovisi o sadržaju vode u furniru.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Furnir -- Trenje -- Koeficijent trenja -- Drveni otpresci -- Otpresak

Investigation of temperature fields in the air environment above wood subjected to thermal degradation [Elektronička građa] = Ispitivanje temperaturnih polja u zraku iznad drva podvrgnutoga toplinskoj razgradnji / Elena Pivarčiová, Štefan Barcík, Jaroslava Štefková, Emil Škultéty. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The paper deals with the visualization of thermal fields above the sample body while observing thermal loading of wood. Via holographic interferometry, thermal fields were visualized in a non-contact manner and the values were recorded in 0, 3, 7 and 15 minutes or earlier in case of degradation. In real time, the ongoing processes were recorded in the thermal boundary layer above the surface of sample bodies in dimensions of 43 mm × 40 mm × 10 mm of beech wood in three different directions: longitudinal, radial, tangential cut. The temperatures of isothermal curves above the heated samples and coefficients of heat transfer α were determined by a quantitative analysis of holographic interferograms. The heat transfer coefficient α ranged within 4.6-7.4 W/m2K. The simulation of heat transfer for the selected samples was prepared by the Fluent programme. Consequently, the measured values from the experiments were compared with the calculated values. There is a correlation between the measured and calculated values. - Rad se bavi vizualizacijom toplinskih polja iznad površine uzorka tijekom zagrijavanja drva. Uz pomoć holografske interferometrije toplinska su polja beskontaktno vizualizirana nakon 0, 3, 7 i 15 minuta ili ranije u slučaju degradacije drva. U stvarnom vremenu zabilježeni su procesi u graničnome toplinskom sloju iznad površine uzorka od bukova drva dimenzija 43 mm × 40 mm × 10 mm u tri različita smjera: uzdužnome, radijalnome i tangencijalnome. Temperature izotermalnih krivulja iznad zagrijanih uzoraka i koeficijenti prolaska topline α određeni su kvantitativnom analizom holografskih interferograma. Koeficijent prolaska topline α kretao se u rasponu od 4,6 do 7,4 W/m2K. Simulacija prijenosa topline za odabrane uzorke napravljena je uz pomoć Fluent programa. Slijedom toga, vrijednosti izmjerene u istraživanju uspoređene su s izračunanim vrijednostima. Utvrđena je korelacija između izmjerenih i izračunanih vrijednosti.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 319-327  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bukovina -- Temperaturna polja -- Interferogram -- Holografska interferometrija -- Koeficijent prolaska topline

Long-term financial analysis of the Slovenian wood industry using DEA [Elektronička građa] = Dugoročna financijska analiza slovenske drvne industrije primjenom metode DEA / Jože Kropivšek, Petra Grošelj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Long-term financial analysis is an important tool for assessing the financial position of a company and/or sector. The aim of the research was to analyze selected financial indicators of the Slovenian wood industry in sub-sectors C16 (wood processing – except furniture) and C31 (manufacture of furniture) for the last 10 years (from 2007-2016). The efficiency evaluation was performed by DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) window analysis. Other comparisons between two sub-sectors were performed by analysis of time series of financial indicators and by t-test. We have analyzed 40 financial indicators, 15 of which in more detail. Some models, analyzed by DEA method, show relative deterioration in efficiency in the years 2007-2010, but in most cases efficiency has increased in recent years. With this, we have proven that the efficiency of both sub-sectors is improving. For all models, the performance of the sub-sector C16 is better than that of C31. It has been proven by t-test that the difference between these two sub-sectors is statistically significant, as differences of more than half of the financial indicators between the two sub-sectors are statistically significant. Therefore, improvements in profitability ratios at the company’s level should be done and appropriate measures within the sectoral economic policies should be taken to achieve the conditions needed for greater efficiency and success. - Dugoročna financijska analiza važan je alat za procjenu financijskog stanja poduzeća i/ili sektora. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati odabrane financijske pokazatelje slovenske drvne industrije posljednjih deset godina (2007. – 2016.) u podsektorima C16 (prerada drva – osim namještaja) i C31 (proizvodnja namještaja). Procjena učinkovitosti provedena je primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka (DEA – Data Envelopment Analysis). Ostale usporedbe dvaju podsektora obavljene su analizom vremenskih serija financijskih pokazatelja i t-testom. Analizirano je 40 financijskih pokazatelja, od kojih 15 detaljno. Neki modeli analizirani DEA metodom pokazuju relativno pogoršanje učinkovitosti u razdoblju 2007. – 2010., ali se u većini modela učinkovitost tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina povećala. Time je dokazano da se učinkovitost obaju podsektora poboljšava. Za sve je modele učinak podsektora C16 bolji od učinka podsektora C31. Primjenom t-testa dokazana je statistički značajna razlika između dva promatrana podsektora jer su razlike statistički značajne za više od polovice financijskih pokazatelja koji se odnose na ta dva podsektora. Stoga je potrebno poboljšati omjer profitabilnosti na razini poduzeća i uvesti odgovarajuće mjere u sklopu sektorskih ekonomskih politika kako bi se postigli uvjeti za veću učinkovitost i uspjeh.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 61-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvna industrija -- Financijska analiza -- Financijski pokazatelji

Modeling latent heat fluxes of water in logs during their freezing [Elektronička građa] = Modeliranje latentnih toplinskih tokova vode u trupcima tijekom zamrzavanja / Nencho Deliiski, Natalia Tumbarkova. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper suggests a methodology for mathematical modelling and research of two interconnected problems: 2D non-stationary temperature distribution in logs subjected to freezing and change in the latent heat fluxes of the free and bound water in logs during the freezing process. For the purpose of this methodology, a 2-dimensional mathematical model has been created, solved, and verified for the transient non-linear heat conduction in logs during their freezing at convective boundary conditions. The model includes a mathematical description of the specific latent heat fluxes, qLHv-fw and qLHv-bw, formed by the freezing of the free and bound water in the logs, respectively. The paper presents solutions of the model with explicit form of the finite-difference method in the calculation environment of Visual Fortran Professional and its verification in accordance with our own experimental studies. The paper presents the results of simulation analysis of 2D non-stationary temperature distribution in the longitudinal section of pine log with a diameter of 0.24 m, length of 0.48 m, and moisture content above the hygroscopic range during its 30-hour freezing in a freezer at the temperature of the processing air medium of approximately –30 °C. The change in the latent heat fluxes qLHv-fw and qLHv-bw during the log freezing is presented, visualized, and analyzed. - Predložena je metodologija za matematičko modeliranje i istraživanje dvaju međusobno povezanih problema: dvodimenzionalne nestacionarne raspodjele temperature u smrznutim trupcima i promjene u protoku latentne topline slobodne i vezane vode u trupcima tijekom zamrzavanja. Za realizaciju metodologije izrađen je i provjeren dvodimenzionalni matematički model za nelinearno provođenje topline u trupcima tijekom zamrzavanja pri konvekcijskim rubnim uvjetima. Model obuhvaća matematički opis specifi čnih latentnih tokova topline qLHv-fw i qLHv-bw, koji nastaju zamrzavanjem slobodne i vezane vode u trupcima. U radu su prikazana rješenja modela s eksplicitnim oblikom metode konačnih razlika u računalnom sučelju Visual Fortran Professional i njegova provjera prema vlastitim eksperimentalnim istraživanjima autora. Predstavljeni su rezultati simulacijskog istraživanja dvodimenzionalne nestacionarne raspodjele temperature u uzdužnom presjeku borovih trupaca promjera 0,24 m, dužine 0,48 m i sadržaja vode iznad higroskopskog raspona tijekom 30 sati smrzavanja u zamrzivaču, pri temperaturi zraka oko –30 °C. Također su prezentirane i analizirane promjene protoka latentne topline qLHv-fw i qLHv-bw tijekom zamrzavanja trupaca.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 157-167  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Borovina -- Trupci -- Zamrzavanje -- Latentni izvori topline -- Dvodimenzionalni matematički model

MUSIĆ, Jusuf
Modelling bark thickness of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) [Elektronička građa] / Jusuf Musić, Ahmet Lojo, Besim Balić, Aida Ibrahimspahić, Admir Avdagić, Jelena Knežević, Velid Halilović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Bark thickness and its share in the volume of roundwood are the most important characteristics of the bark, particularly in the process of timber harvesting, and during scaling of processed logs. Therefore it is very important to have at disposal relatively accurate data regarding these characteristics of bark for particular tree species. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the thickness of the bark and its share in the volume of roundwood of Norway spruce. Materials and Methods: The research was carried out in the area of the Canton 10 of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it encompassed 393 trees of Norway spruce from 10 cm to 115 cm of thickness at breast height. Measuring of the mean diameter and double thickness of bark was conducted by section method. In total, 4,647 diameters and bark thicknesses were measured in different relative lengths of stems or in average 10.6 measurements per one stem. Results: As an optimal model for the evaluation of double thickness of the bark of Norway spruce depending on mean diameter of roundwood the function with designated determination coefficient of 0.7142 was selected. The obtained results have confirmed the previously defined relations of investigate characteristics, which are as following: a) with the increase of mean diameter of roundwood (section) double bark thickness is increased from 9.26 mm (thickness class 12.5 cm) to 31.65 mm (thickness class 92.5 cm); b) with the increase of mean diameter of roundwood the share of bark in its volume decreased from 14.26% (thickness class 12.5 cm) to 6.73% (thickness class 92.5 cm). Conclusions: By the actual method of estimating bark thickness or the share of bark in the volume of roundwood of Norway spruce in the forestry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina a significant error was created which increases with the increase of mean diameter.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 125-135  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obična smreka -- Picea abies Karst. -- Debljina kore

Modelling stand variables of beech coppice forest using spectral sentinel-2A data and the machine learning approach [Elektronička građa] / Azra Čabaravdić, Besim Balić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Coppice forests have a particular socio-economic and ecological role in forestry and environmental management. Their production sustainability and spatial stability become imperative for forestry sector as well as for local and global communities. Recently, integrated forest inventory and remotely sensed data analysed with non-parametrical statistical methods have enabled more detailed insight into forest structural characteristics. The aim of this research was to estimate forest attributes of beech coppice forest stands in the Sarajevo Canton through the integration of inventory and Sentinel S2A satellite data using machine learning methods. Materials and Methods: Basal area, mean stand diameter, growing stock and total volume data were determined from the forest inventory designed for represented stands of coppice forests. Spectral data were collected from bands of Sentinel S2A satellite image, vegetation indices (difference, normalized difference and ratio vegetation index) and biophysical variables (fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, leaf area index, fraction of vegetation cover, chlorophyll content in the leaf and canopy water content). Machine learning rule-based M5 model tree (M5P) and random forest (RF) methods were used for forest attribute estimation. Predictor subset selection was based on wrapping assuming M5P and RF learning schemes. Models were developed on training data subsets (402 sample plots) and evaluations were performed on validation data subsets (207 sample plots). Performance of the models was evaluated by the percentage of the root mean squared error over the mean value (rRMSE) and the square of the correlation coefficient between the observed and estimated stand variables. Results and Conclusions: Predictor subset selection resulted in a varied number of predictors for forest attributes and methods with their larger contribution in RF (between 8 and 11).
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 137-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bukove šume -- Šumske sastojine -- Spektralne varijable -- Satelitske snimke

RUKOMOJNIKOV, Konstantin Pavlovich
Modernization of harvesting and processing head [Elektronička građa] / Konstantin Pavlovich Rukomojnikov, Sergei Vladimirovich Vedernikov, Victoriia Olegovna Kuptcova. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: The article is devoted to the reduction of energy consumption necessary for delimbing. Materials and Methods: Branch delimbing method includes feeding the tree trunk through the ring formed by the delimbing knives and simultaneous reciprocator movement of the delimbing knives along the axis of the processed trunk. The distinctive feature of the construction is the presence of the beater unit comprising a pusher and a piston mounted inside a sealed housing. Results: As a result of the suggested construction the force of the beater impact of the delimbing knife is increased. Using this method, the branches are removed not only due to the force generated when the knives come in contact with branches pushed by feed rolls moving the trunk, but also due to extra beater stress affecting the delimbing knife. The use of the aforesaid method and the construction of the mechanism allows to reduce energy consumption necessary for the delimbing process. Conclusions: The design of harvesting and processing head proposed in this article can be used in the design and manufacture of logging machines and mechanisms. The technical solution may be an interesting advance of the delimbing process when processing trees, especially when cutting big branches or when cutting forces are temporarily higher than average force values.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 181-185  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Harvester -- Modernizacija

New silvicultural treatments for conifer peri-urban forests having broadleaves in the understory [Elektronička građa] : the first application in the peri-urban of Xanthi in northeastern Greece / Elias Milios, Kyriaki Kitikidou, Kalliopi Radoglou. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: In Greece, forest practice did not develop special silvicultural treatments for planted conifer peri-urban forests where broadleaf trees appear as natural regeneration in the understory. The aims of this study are: a) to analyze the new proposed selective silvicultural treatments for the planted peri-urban forest of Xanthi and for analogous planted conifer forests, where broadleaf trees are naturally established in the understory b) to check the research hypothesis that the new selective silvicultural treatments exhibited higher intensity in terms of the basal area of cut trees, compared to that of traditional treatments in the studied peri-urban forest. Materials and Methods: In the traditional treatments, in the pine overstory cuttings, apart from the dead trees, mainly the malformed, damaged, suppressed and intermediate trees were cut. In the lower stories, the goal of the thinning was the more or less uniform distribution of broadleaf trees. In the proposed selective treatments, the main aim of pine cuttings is to release the broadleaf formations growing in the lower stories, while the treatments of the broadleaf trees will be a form of “positive selection” thinning. Plots were established in areas where the two types of treatments were going to be applied. In each plot, tree measurements and a classification of living trees into crown classes took place. After the application of the treatments the characteristics of cut trees were recorded. Results: In the established plots, before the cuttings (and thinning), total basal area was not statistically significantly different between the two types of treatments. In selective treatments, the basal area of all cut trees was statistically significantly higher than that of the results of traditional treatments. In the broadleaf cut trees there were statistical differences in the ratios of dominant, intermediate and suppressed trees between the two silvicultural approaches.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 107-116  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prigradske šume -- Crnogorične šume -- Uzgoj -- Selekcija

Outbreak of Orthotomicus erosus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) on aleppo pine in the Mediterranean region in Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Milan Pernek, Nikola Lacković, Ivan Lukić, Nikola Zorić, Dinka Matošević. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 61 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Orthotomicus erosus, Mediterranean pine engraver, is widely distributed across the Mediterranean and southern Europe, Asia and North Africa. It is considered as secondary pest found on recently dead or felled trees, but can also attack weakened living trees. In high population levels this species can attack healthy trees and cause their dieback. Severe outbreaks occur after dry periods, or after fire in adjoining stands in warmer parts of the Mediterranean region, while this scenario has never happened in Croatia up to now. Bark beetles are important forest pests which have already been researched and discussed in relation to climate change, indicating that the predicted increase in temperature would lead to higher survival rates and faster development, thus directly influencing their population dynamics. Increase in temperature may stimulate changes in insects’ rate of development, voltinism, population density, size, genetic composition, extent of host plant exploitation, longitudinal and latitudinal distribution. Since climate conditions might have changed in the last few years as predicted in the Mediterranean region, the aim of our research is to document the first outbreak with high population levels of O. erosus in Croatia. Materials and Methods: The extent of dieback was evaluated by counting trees with dieback symptoms on diagonal transects plotted through each of 33 forest management sections of Marjan Forest Park (Split). Trunk sections from several trees with early stage symptoms were collected for further laboratory analysis, which consisted of incubation phase and subsequent morphological identification. During regular yearly surveys in forests of Croatia, the pest was observed on several sites and damages were recorded for both years 2017 and 2018. The records were entered into a map using QGIS version 3.2.1-Bonn. Spatial data was downloaded from DIVA-GIS server.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 19-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alepski bor -- Štetnici -- Potkonjaci -- Coleoptera

SEDLAR, Tomislav
Physical properties of juvenile and mature sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) wood from Medvednica region [Elektronička građa] = Fizička svojstva juvenilnoga i zrelog drva gorskog javora (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) s područja Medvednice / Tomislav Sedlar, Tomislav Sinković, Jelena Trajković, Marin Hasan, Iva Ištok, Bogoslav Šefc. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Physical properties play an important role in predicting wood quality. The aim of this study was to investigate radial variations in physical properties of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) wood, to determine the border between juvenile and mature wood and to compare them with analogous variations in beech wood. Radial variation of density in absolutely dry condition, maximum density, nominal density, longitudinal, radial, tangential and volumetric shrinkage, maximum moisture content and annual ring width on five sycamore maple trees from Medvednica region in Croatia were determined. Observing the trend curves and comparing average values of physical properties, different zones in the cross section of the trunk were determined. In the first zone, from the pith to about 30th annual ring, more rapid changes in physical properties occurred. It is followed by transitional zone, which ranges roughly from 30th to 40th annual ring. After 40th annual ring, less pronounced changes in measured physical properties occurred. Sharp boundary between juvenile and mature wood zones could not be determined. According to the results, the first zone is considered to be juvenile wood, while mature wood starts after the 30th annual ring. - Fizička svojstva drva imaju važnu ulogu u predviđanju njegove kvalitete. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti radijalne varijacije fizičkih svojstava drva gorskog javora (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), utvrditi granicu između juvenilnoga i zrelog drva te ih usporediti s odgovarajućim varijacijama u drvu bukve. Utvrđene su radijalne varijacije gustoće u apsolutno suhom stanju, gustoća pri maksimalnom sadržaju vode, nominalna gustoća, longitudinalno, radijalno, tangentno i volumno utezanje, maksimalni sadržaj vode i širina godova u drvu pet stabala gorskog javora s Medvednice u Hrvatskoj. Iz dobivenih krivulja i usporedbe prosječnih vrijednosti fizičkih svojstava drva utvrđene su različite zone na poprečnom presjeku debla. U prvoj zoni, od srčike do približno 30. goda, vidljive su znatnije promjene fizičkih svojstava drva. Slijedi prijelazna zona, koja se otprilike proteže od 30. do 40. goda. Nakon 40. goda promjene fizičkih svojstava drva manje su vidljive. Oštru granicu između zona juvenilnoga i zrelog drva nije moguće odrediti. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata pretpostavljeno je da je prva zona juvenilno drvo, a nakon 30. goda počinje zrelo drvo.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 19-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gorski javor -- Fizička svojstva -- Radijalne varijacije

BORZ, Stelian Alexandru
Physical strain, exposure to noise and postural assessment in motor-manual felling of willow short rotation coppice [Elektronička građa] : results of a preliminary study / Stelian Alexandru Borz, Nicolae Talagai, Marius Cheţa, Diana Chiriloiu, Alex Vinicio Gavilanes Montoya, Danny Daniel Castillo Vizuete, Marina Viorela Marcu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 386-387. - Abstract. - Biomass for energy production and other bioproducts may be procured from various sources including willow short-rotation coppice (WSRC). Management of WSRCs involves several operations, including harvesting, which accounts for the greatest cost share and, if conducted motor-manually, it can expose the workers to noise, uncomfortable work postures and high cardiovascular loads. In this study, we evaluated the productivity, physical strain, exposure to noise, and postural risk index of workers operating in motor-manual felling of WSRC using a set of automatic dataloggers. Productivity of felling operations was rated at 0.07 ha/h, which is in line with the results reported by other studies. Cardiovascular load was rated at cca. 35% of the HRR, indicating a medium to heavy work experienced by the feller, with a greater contribution of tasks involving movement. Exposure to noise (LEX,8h = 95.19) exceeded the limit value set by the European legislation (87 dBA) and it could increase as a function of the engine utilization rate, which was 68% in this study, advocating for mandatory wearing of protective equipment. Postural risk index was evaluated at 191.11% for the worker handling the brush cutter and at 192.02% for the manual assistant indicating rather reduced risks, but also the need to evaluate how the dynamic work of the upper limbs would affect the workers’ health. While this work stands for a preliminary case study, the procedures described may be successfully used to easily collect long-term data in such operations.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 377-388  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarski radnici -- Izloženost buci -- Fizički napori -- Postura -- Kardiovaskularno opterećenje -- Zaštita na radu

WENTZEL, Maximilian
Physico-mechanical properties of thermally modified Eucalyptus nitens wood for decking applications [Elektronička građa] = Fizička i mehanička svojstva toplinski modificiranog drva Eucalyptus nitens za vanjske podne obloge / Maximilian Wentzel, Óscar González-Prieto, Christian Brischke, Holger Militz. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Eucalyptus nitens is a fast growing plantation species that has a good acclimation in Spain and Chile. At the moment it is mainly used for pulp and paper production, but there is a growing market for solid wood products made from this species. Thermal modification offers a good alternative to produce high quality material to manufacture products with high added value. This study used unmodified and thermally modified E. nitens wood from Spanish and Chilean plantations to elaborate external decking and examine if it complies with the necessary properties to be a competitive product. A process similar to ThermoWood® was applied at the following temperatures: 185 °C, 200 °C and 215 °C. For each modification and for an unmodified specimen mass loss, volumetric swelling, anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) were determined. Brinell hardness, dynamic hardness, screw and nail withdrawal resistance, and abrasion resistance according to the Shaker method and the Taber Abraser method were also determined. According to this study, thermally modified E. nitens from both countries showed high potential to be used as decking material, particularly when modified at 200 °C. - Eukaliptus nitens brzo je rastuća plantažna vrsta koja se dobro prilagodila klimi u Španjolskoj i Čileu. Trenutačno se uglavnom iskorištava za proizvodnju celuloze i papira, ali sve je veće tržište proizvoda izrađenih od masivnog drva te vrste. Toplinskom modifikacijom dobiva sa dobra alternativa za proizvodnju visokokvalitetnih proizvoda s visokom dodanom vrijednošću. U ovom je istraživanju kao materijal za vanjske podne obloge upotrijebljeno nemodificirano i toplinski modificirano drvo E. nitens sa španjolskih i čileanskih plantaža te je ispitana njegova sukladnost sa svojstvima potrebnima za postizanje konkurentnosti. Primijenjen je postupak sličan procesu ThermoWood®, i to pri temperaturama 185, 200 i 215 °C. Za svaki modificirani i nemodificirani uzorak određen je gubitak mase, volumno bubrenje, učinak smanjenja bubrenja (ASE) i ravnotežni sadržaj vode (EMC). Određene su i tvrdoća prema Brinellu, dinamička tvrdoća, otpornost na izvlačenje vijaka i čavala te otpornost na habanje prema metodama Shaker i Taber abraser. Na temelju ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da su toplinski modificirani uzorci drva E. nitens iz obje zemlje pokazali visok potencijal za uporabu u obliku vanjskih podnih obloga, posebice ako su modificirani pri 200 °C.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 235-245  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvo -- Eukaliptus -- Bubrenje -- Tvrdoća -- Otpornost na habanje

Polyglycerol- and sucrose-based green polyurethane adhesives for veneering [Elektronička građa] = Zelena poliuretanska ljepila za furniranje na bazi poliglicerola i saharoze / Mariusz L. Mamiński, Anna Romanowska. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Veneering of particleboard with ABS foil and natural oak veneer was performed using polyglycerol- and sucrose-based polyurethane adhesives. Bonding strength between veneer and underlying board was determined according to EN 312 standard. Developed adhesive formulations exhibited bonding strengths between coating material and underlying board exceeding the surface soundness of particleboard (cohesive failure between 50 % and 100 %). Higher adhesion was found for natural oak veneers. Reactivity of the studied adhesives was comparable to those for commercial adhesives used in furniture industry. It has been demonstrated that biobased polyols can be considered environmentally benign and efficient components of polyurethane adhesives for furniture industry. - Furniranje ploča od usitnjenog drva ABS folijama i hrastovim furnirom provedeno je uz primjenu poliuretanskih ljepila na bazi poliglicerola i saharoze. Čvrstoća lijepljenja furnira na ploču određena je prema normi EN 312. Razvijenim formulacijama ljepila postignute su veće čvrstoće lijepljenja između prevlake i ploče nego što je međuslojna čvrstoća ploče od usitnjenog drva (kohezijski lom između 50 i 100 %). Veća adhezija zabilježena je na hrastovim furnirima. Reaktivnost ispitivanih ljepila bila je usporediva s komercijalnim ljepilima koja se upotrebljavaju u industriji namještaja. Utvrđeno je da se polioli na prirodnoj bazi mogu smatrati ekološki prihvatljivim komponentama poliuretanskih ljepila za industriju namještaja.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 229-233  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poliglicerol -- Poliol -- Poliuretan -- Saharoza -- Furniranje

Productivity of a portable winch system used in salvage logging of storm-damaged timber [Elektronička građa] / Ebru Bilici, Güryay Volkan Andiç, Abdullah Emin Akay, John Sessions. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 317-318. - Abstract. - Storm damages result in serious losses in many regions, primarily by stem breakage or blowdown. Extraction of storm-damaged trees often requires more difficult than normal skidding activities due to obstacles created during the storm. In this study, the productivity of a portable winch was evaluated as a possible alternative to recover storm-damaged timber. Field measurements were conducted in the Alabarda Forest Enterprise Chief located near the city of Kütahya in western Turkey, where storm damage often occurs during the winter season. The time study was implemented in two slope classes (35% and 55%) and two skidding distances (40 m and 60 m). All timber was skidded uphill. A regression mode was developed that related productivity to log volume, ground slope and skidding distance. The highest percentage of total cycle time was observed for skidding logs to the landing. The highest productivity (3.96 m3/hour) was found at the shorter skidding distance (40 m) and the lower ground slope (35%). Statistical analyses indicated that productivity was most highly affected by log volume, followed by skidding distance and ground slope. Larger log loads increased productivity, while both longer skidding distances and steeper slopes reduced productivity.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 311-318  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Štete od oluje -- Izvlačenje drva -- Vitlo

NICOLESCU, Valeriu-Norocel
Regeneration and early tending of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stands in the north-west of Romania [Elektronička građa] / Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu, Cornelia Buzatu-Goanță, Debbie Bartlett, Nicolae Iacob. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), a North American-originating tree species of major importance in Romania, in extreme site conditions such as sand dunes. In this respect, a Research and Development (R&D) project has been carried out in Carei-Valea lui Mihai Plain (north-west of Romania) since 2016. Materials and Methods: Three sub-compartments were selected in IV Valea lui Mihai Working Circle, Săcueni Forest District: two pure natural regenerations by root suckers of black locust at different ages (sub-compartments 3B and 52A%) and a mixed black locust - black cherry stand (sub-compartment 23D). Biometrical measurements and analyses as well as biomass estimations were performed. A thorough statistical analysis using the data on initial, extracted and residual trees/stands was also performed. Results: The main outputs of the project are as follows: (1) Black locust was established naturally by root suckers and the stocking of newly established stands can be as high as 50,000 suckers·ha-1; (2) The initial growth of black locust regeneration is quick and the young regeneration can close the canopy in 1-2 years, resulting in an appropriate dune fixation and wind erosion control; (3) The young pure or mixed black locust-dominated stands are left untended until the first cleaning-respacing (mean diameter 5-6 cm), when the stand shows high stocking/density and a wide variation in tree size. This intervention is from below, heavy (intensity over 25% by number of trees or basal area) and of negative selection type, removing mostly low Kraft’s class, dead or dying, and defective trees. Conclusions: This R&D project has shown the high potential of black locust to establish naturally by root suckers after a low coppice cut and stump removal, as well as the fast initial growth of regenerated black locust.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 97-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Robinia pseudoacacia L. -- Obični bagrem -- Regeneracija

FEDYUKOV, Vladimir Ilich
Research into dendro-acoustic properties of introduced clones' wood as material for manufacturing musical instruments [Elektronička građa] / Vladimir Ilyich Fedyukov, Ekaterina Yurevna Saldaeva, Maria Sergeyevna Chernova, Vasilii Yuryevich Chernov. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Studies of the physical-mechanical and acoustic properties of maple wood as a potential material for musical instruments manufacturing are extremely scarce. Related to this, dendro-acoustic studies of maples introduced by geographic origin are of great practical importance in order to create target plantations with predicted technical quality of wood. Materials and Methods: Maples from abroad introduced by geographic origin into the Botanical Garden of the Volga State University of Technology of the Republic of Mari El of Russia were used for the research. For comparison, the Norway maple of local origin (Acer platanoides L.) was selected. The studies were carried out by the frequency-amplitude method for determining Young's dynamic modulus and the acoustic constant of sound emission according to the criterion of academician N. Andreyev. Results: It was revealed that there are differences in the density and dendroacoustic indices of maple wood of local origin and maple trees introduced by geographic origin. Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) turned out to possess the largest acoustic constant characterizing the resonant properties of wood. Introduced maple trees, plane-tree maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and sugar maple (Acer saccharinum L.) are only slightly inferior in terms of this indicator. Conclusions: The dendroacoustic properties of maple wood are generally much lower than that of resonant spruce. Consequently, the acoustic role of maple wood in the back plates of the violin and other string instruments is completely different than that of the top plate made from the resonant material of coniferous species. To reveal this difference in more detail, comparative studies and dendroacoustic identification of maple wood in blanks and musical instruments with different levels of acoustic characteristics are necessary.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 173-179  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javor -- Javorovo drvo -- Dendro-akustična svojstva -- Modul elastičnosti -- Brzina zvuka -- Muzički instrumenti

Selected environmental impacts of forest harvesting operations with varying degree of mechanization [Elektronička građa] / Eric R. Labelle, Kevin J. Lemmer. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 255-257. - Abstract. - Climate change affects forest ecosystems, impacting timber production and eco-services. Conversely, sustainable forest management has been identified as a means to help mitigate carbon dioxide emissions, a greenhouse gas and contributor to climate change, while also maximizing multiuse benefits through close-to-nature silviculture. In this study, a life cycle assessment was performed on forest harvesting operations at three research sites to provide real-world understanding of the selected environmental impacts associated with harvesting systems typical of Germany: motor-manual (chainsaw and forest tractor), semi-mechanized (single-grip harvester, chainsaw, and forwarder), and fully-mechanized (single-grip harvester and forwarder). Environmental impact categories assessed included greenhouse gas emissions, particulate matter emissions, and non-renewable energy consumption. Results from the three research sites were estimated on a machine basis. The semi-mechanized system resulted in the lowest environmental impact, the majority of which was attributed to felling and processing operations. Next, the environmental impacts were estimated for a complete rotation period and compared amongst the different harvesting systems. According to results, semi-mechanized harvesting systems had the lowest impact over the full rotation period as well as for thinning treatments when compared to motor-manual and fully-mechanized systems. The fully-mechanized system performed the best for final felling treatments. Considering variability between the research sites as well as the system boundary assessed, a diversified approach to harvesting operations may be considered, integrating semi-mechanized and fully-mechanized systems for different treatments throughout the rotation period.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 239-257  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Utjecaj na okoliš -- Emisija stakleničkih plinova -- Održivo šumarstvo

SHEGELMAN, Ilya Romanovich
Simulation modeling of truck load of skidding tractors with a grapple for chokerless skidding [Elektronička građa] / Ilya Romanovich Shegelman, Pavel Vladimirovich Budnik, Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Baklagin. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 308-310. - Abstract. - The objective of the present study is to define mass distribution laws for a bundle of trees using the methods of statistical simulation modeling in order to calculate chokerless skidding tractors lift capacity. For that purpose a statistical simulation model has been developed to generate forest taxation data necessary for complete filling of skidding tractor grapple. The following samples have been obtained from the regions of the European North of Russia based on the model: masses of bundles of trees that can be placed in grapple and values of vertical component of normal load applied to skidding tractor grapple. Minimum values for masses of bundles may vary in the range of 40–87% from the average value. Maximum values may vary in the range of 8–55% from the average value. The difference between the maximum and minimum masses of bundle values increased with increasing the capacity grapple and decreased with increasing the distance from the butt to grapple. We have determined the dependence of bundle mass variation and values of vertical component of normal load applied to skidding tractor grapple on capacity grapple for the regions of the European North of Russia. The studies have allowed determining recommended values for chokerless skidding tractors lift capacity. The analysis of specifications of various models of skidding tractors has shown that clambunk skidders have deficient marginal lift capacity.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 297-310  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Izvlačenje drva -- Traktori za vuču -- Simulacijski model -- Statističko modeliranje

Site index and volume growth percentage determination for privately owned uneven-aged stands of Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex along the Croatian Adriatic Coast [Elektronička građa] / Alen Berta, Tom Levanič, Denis Stojsavljević, Vladimir Kušan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Although organized forestry has existed in Croatia for more than 250 years, this mostly entailed state forests. During the last decade, Extension Services have started to support the development of forest management plans for privately owned forests. Lately, FMPs have been developed for nearly 3/4 of privately owned forests in Croatia. During the creation of those plans, yield tables and normal models for state-owned forests, primarily even-aged stands with long-time management, were used because similar data was not developed for uneven-aged and poorly managed forests. This research encompasses privately owned forests in the Croatian Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean regions where holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) are the prevailing species in forest stands. The main goal was to determine site indices revealed in the analysis of yearly radial increments and to create relevant yield tables. Materials and Methods: In this study, 1286 oak trees were cored to the centre on 377 locations spread in privately owned forests in Croatian Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean regions. The ratio of trees and locations was approximately 3:1 for Q. pubescens. Some cored trees were more than two centuries old. After the standard sample preparation for dendrochronological analysis, cores were scanned, and tree-ring widths were determined. In total, ring width for over 67,000 rings was determined and measured. Results: Based on the data dispersion of cumulative tree increments at 40 years of age, 2 site index classes for Q. ilex and 3 for Q. pubescens were created based on k-means clustering. Prodan’s growth function was fitted to the created clusters to determine the site’s “model” tree. For the model trees, the percentage of volume growth was calculated. For easier field site index determination, height curves based on field data for each site index were calculated.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 65-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Privatno vlasništvo -- Hrast medunac -- Hrast crnika -- Indeks rasta -- Dendrokronologija

Stress and strain analysis of plywood seat shell [Elektronička građa] = Analiza naprezanja i deformacije furnirskog otpreska sjedala / Seid Hajdarević, Murčo Obućina, Elmedin Mešić, Sandra Martinović. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this paper, the stress and strain analysis of common laminated wood seat shell is performed. Experimental stiffness evaluation is conducted by measuring displacement of the point on the backrest, and experimental stress analysis is carried out by tensometric measuring at the critical transition area from the seat to the backrest. Finite element analysis is carried out layer by layer with a “2D linear elastic model” for orthotropic materials. Good matching is found between numerical and experimental results of displacement. It is also shown that the results of the principal stress in the measurement points of the seat shell compare favourably with experimental data. The applied in-plane stress analysis of each individual veneer is not applicable for interlaminar stress calculations that are a significant factor in curved forms of laminated wood. Curved forms of laminated wood products require more complex numerical analysis, but the method can be used to achieve approximate data in early phase of product design. - U radu je provedena analiza naprezanja i deformacija uobičajenog otpreska sjedala. Eksperimentalna procjena krutosti napravljena je mjerenjem pomaka točke na naslonu sjedala, a eksperimentalna analiza naprezanja obavljena je tenzometrijskim mjerenjem na kritičnom prijelazu između sjedala i naslona. Analiza metodom konačnih elemenata provedena je sloj po sloj 2D linearnim elastičnim modelom za ortotropne materijale. Dobivena je dobra podudarnost računskih i eksperimentalnih rezultata pomaka. Također je potvrđeno da su rezultati glavnog naprezanja u mjernim točkama furnirskog otpreska sjedala usporedivi s eksperimentalnim podatcima. Odabrana analiza naprezanja u ravnini svakoga pojedinačnog furnira nije primjenjiva za izračun interlaminarnih naprezanja, koja su važan čimbenik zakrivljenog oblika uslojenog drva. Naime, takvi oblici uslojenog drva zahtijevaju složeniju računsku analizu, no metoda se može primijeniti za postizanje približnih podataka u ranoj fazi projektiranja proizvoda.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 51-59  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otpresak -- Uslojeno drvo -- Naprezanje -- Deformacija -- Tenzometrija

CRISTEA, Valentin
Structural features of old growth forest from South Eastern Carpathians, Romania [Elektronička građa] / Valentin Cristea, Ștefan Leca, Albert Ciceu, Șerban Chivulescu, Ovidiu Badea. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Romania’s forests are of globally significant value due to their natural characteristics, as similar forests in some other parts of the world have been lost forever. These types of forests, so-called "virgin" and "quasi-virgin (old growth)" forests, are also identified in the Buzau Mountains, which are part of the Eastern Carpathians in Romania (Curvature Region). Materials and Methods: To study and understand the structure and dynamics of primeval forest, four permanent one-hectare research plots were installed in the Penteleu Mountains, part of the Buzau Mountains. All trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 80 mm were measured and their main dendrometric characteristics (DBH, height and social position) registered. The forest structure was analysed by fitting different theoretical distribution functions (beta, gamma, gamma 3P, gamma 3P mixt, loglogistic 3p, lognormal 3P and Weibull 3p). The structural homogeneity of the permanent research plots was tested using the Camino index (H) and Gini index (G). Results: For the smaller DBH categories, Norway spruce was relatively shorter in height, but with increasing DBH, the heights of Norway spruce exceeded those of European beech. Stand volume varied between 615 and 1133 m3 per hectare. The area of maximum stability where we encountered the lowest tree height variability was recorded between the 60 cm and 100 cm diameter categories. The Lorenz curve and the Gini index indicated that the studied stands have high structural biodiversity. Conclusions: The results showed that the studied forests have an optimal structural diversity, assuring them a higher stability and multifunctionality. Thus, these forests are models for managed forests.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 159-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Šumske sastojine -- Raznolikost sastojina -- Starost sastojina

Surface roughness and wettability of surface densified heat-treated Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) [Elektronička građa] = Hrapavost i stupanj kvašenja ugušćene površine pregrijane smrekovine (Picea abies L. Karst.) / Nadir Ayrilmis, Mirko Kariz, Jin Heon Kwon, Manja Kitek Kuzman. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Surface roughness and wettability of the heat-treated and then surface densified spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) wood were measured to determine the effect of densification and heat-treatment on wood surface properties. The process of heat-treatment with an initial vacuum was performed in a vacuum chamber on oven dried lamellas with dimensions of 630 mm (longitudinal direction) x 45 mm (tangential direction) x 25 mm (radial direction). The lamellas were heat-treated at four different temperatures which were 170 °C, 190 °C, 210 °C and 230 °C. Control specimens were not exposed to heat-treatment. The lamellas were first heated to 100 °C, the creation of a vacuum taking 30 min at this temperature, and then heated to the desired temperature, and treated at this constant temperature for 3 h. The lamellas were then cooled down by using coils with cold water inside the chamber. Surface densification of lamellas with compression from 22 mm to 15 mm thickness was made by press platens heated at 150 °C and held in that position for 60 s. After the 1 min, the heated platen was cooled to 90 °C, whilst the specimen remained under compression to minimize immediate spring back. The total time of compression was 2 min (30 s closing, 60 s pressing and approx. 30 s cooling). In the treatment groups, the optimum treatment temperature on the one-side densified wood specimens was found to be 170 °C based on the surface roughness and wettability values. Surface densification significantly decreased the surface roughness of the wood specimens. The surface quality of wood can be improved when the wood is exposed to the heat-treatment and then surface densification. - Cilj istraživanja bio je izmjeriti hrapavost i stupanj kvašenja površine pregrijane i površinski ugušćene smrekovine (Picea abies L. Karst.) kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj ugušćivanja i pregrijavanja na svojstva površine drva. Proces pregrijavanja s početnim vakuumom proveden je u vakuumskoj komori na apsolutno suhim lamelama dimenzija 630 mm (uzdužni smjer) × 45 mm (tangentni smjer) × 25 mm (radijalni smjer). Lamele su pregrijane na četiri različite temperature: 170 °C, 190 °C, 210 °C i 230 °C. Kontrolni uzorci nisu bili pregrijani. Lamele su najprije zagrijane na 100 °C i pri toj je temperaturi za postizanje vakuuma bilo potrebno 30 min. Uzorci su nakon toga zagrijani na željenu temperaturu koja je konstantno održavana tri sata. Potom su lamele ohlađene uz pomoć hladne vode koja se nalazila u spiralnim cijevima unutar komore. Ugušćivanje površine lamela s 22 mm na 15 mm debljine provedeno je prešanjem zagrijanim pločama na temperaturi 150 °C u trajanju 60 s. Nakon jedne minute zagrijana je ploča ohlađena na 90 °C, dok je uzorak ostao pod pritiskom kako bi se umanjio trenutačni povrat. Ukupno vrijeme prešanja iznosilo je 2 min (30 s zatvaranje, 60 s prešanje i oko 30 s hlađenje). Na temelju vrijednosti hrapavosti i stupnja kvašenja utvrđeno je da je optimalna temperatura za jednostrano ugušćivanje ploče 170 °C. Ugušćivanjem površine znatno se smanjila hrapavost površine uzoraka drva. Zaključeno je da se kvaliteta površine drva može poboljšati pregrijavanjem i ugušćivanjem površine.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 4 ; str. 377-382  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Smrekovina -- Pregrijavanje -- Hrapavost površine -- Stupanj kvašenja -- Ugušćivanje

AHMADI, Mohammad
Thermal stability of woodfibers produced from recycled medium density fiberboards [Elektronička građa] = Toplinska stabilnost drvenih vlakana proizvedenih od recikliranih srednje gustih ploča vlaknatica / Mohammad Ahmadi, Bita Moezzipour, Aida Moezzipour. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this study, thermal stability of fibers obtained from recycled MDF was investigated and compared with virgin fibers by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Two different methods, including electrical heating and hydrothermal treatment, were used for recycling the MDF wastes. Electrical heating method was performed at two different times (2 and 4 min) and hydrothermal method was done at three different temperatures (105, 125 and 150 °C). Chemical structure of wood fibers was also studied. TGA and DSC analysis showed higher weight loss of recycled fibers as compared to virgin fibers in a similar degradation region, which means that thermal stability of recycled fibers is lower than virgin fibers. In fact, thermal behavior of recycled fibers was medium between wood and UF resin. DSC analysis showed two exotherms at around 340 and 475 °C. The transition at around 340 °C in fibers thermogram was considered to be due to polysaccharides thermal deterioration and the exotherm at 475 °C was related to lignin carbohydrate complex deterioration. The results of chemical structure analysis showed that lignin and hemicellulose content of recycled fibers was significantly lower than that of virgin fibers, which resulted in decreased thermal stability. - U ovom je istraživanju proučavana toplinska stabilnost vlakana dobivenih od recikliranih MDF ploča te je uz pomoć termogravimetrijske analize (TGA) i diferencijalne skenirajuće kalorimetrije (DSC) uspoređena s izvornim vlaknima. Za recikliranje otpadnih MDF ploča primijenjene su dvije različite metode – električno zagrijavanje i hidrotermička obrada. Metoda električnog zagrijavanja provedena je tijekom dva različita vremenska trajanja (2 i 4 min), a hidrotermička metoda provedena je pri tri različite temperature (105, 125 i 150 °C). Proučavana je i kemijska struktura drvnih vlakana. Analize TGA i DSC pokazale su veći gubitak mase recikliranih vlakana u usporedbi s izvornim vlaknima u sličnoj fazi razgradnje, što znači da je toplinska stabilnost recikliranih vlakana niža od toplinske stabilnosti izvornih vlakana. Zapravo, toplinsko ponašanje recikliranih vlakana nalazi se između drva i UF smole. DSC analizom dobivena su dva egzotermna pika na oko 340 i 475 °C. Prijelaz na oko 340 °C u termogramu pripisuje se propadanju polisaharida, a egzotermna reakcija na 475 °C posljedica je propadanja spojeva ugljikohidrata i lignina. Rezultati analize kemijske strukture pokazali su da je sadržaj lignina i hemiceluloze u recikliranim vlaknima znatno manji od njegova sadržaja u izvornim vlaknima, što je rezultiralo smanjenjem toplinske stabilnosti.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 2 ; str. 149-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Toplinska stabilnost -- Reciklirana vlakna -- MDF ploče -- Električno zagrijavanje -- Hidrotermička metoda

Use of variators in applying the cost calculation methodology in small and medium furniture enterprises based on changes in human body dimensions [Elektronička građa] = Primjena varijatora korištenjem metodologije izračuna troškova u malim i srednjim tvrtkama za proizvodnju namještaja na temelju promjena dimenzija ljudskog tijela / Marek Potkány, Miloš Hitka, Silvia Lorincová, Lucia Krajčírová, Peter Štarchoň. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 52 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Based on the research of anthropometric measures of Slovak adult population, it can be observed that during the last 25 years, anthropometric data have been rising by about 4.5-5 % in most analysed characters. As data on human body dimensions changes, the requirements for material consumption and production time, expressed by the rate of labour cost, are changing. In this context, sustainable profitability of the company can be achieved through each segment of a value chain. One of these segments is the product and its price, which is based on costs allocated in the system of full or variable costing. As the value of quantiles characteristics of anthropometric characters was used to create ergonomic, health and construction norms and standards in the furniture industry, it is necessary to review the adequacy of existing standard-size single bed. Since the dimensions of single bed are standardised, 200 cm x 90 cm or 200 cm x 100 cm, it is clear that due to the secular trend of anthropometric measure of a man, the dimensions are currently inadequate. This paper presents the use of variators when applying the most commonly used absorption costing in small and medium furniture enterprises. It shows the costs involved, when the input parameters are changed. - Na temelju istraživanja antropometrijskih mjera slovačke populacije odraslih možemo primijetiti da su se u posljednjih 25 godina antropometrijski podatci o većini analiziranih značajki povećali oko 4,5 – 5 %. Kako su se mijenjale dimenzije ljudskog tijela, tako se mijenjala i potrošnja materijala te vrijeme proizvodnje, što je izraženo udjelom troškova rada. U tom kontekstu održiva se profitabilnost tvrtke može postići putem svakog dijela lanca vrijednosti. Dio lanca vrijednosti čine proizvod i njegova cijena, koja se temelji na troškovima dodijeljenima u sustavu potpunih ili varijabilnih troškova. Budući da je vrijednost kvantitativnih antropometrijskih značajki iskorištena pri izradi ergonomskih, zdravstvenih i konstrukcijskih normi u industriji namještaja, potrebno je razmotriti adekvatnost dimenzija postojećega standardnog kreveta. S obzirom na to da su standardizirane dimenzije kreveta za jednu osobu 200 cm x 90 cm ili 200 cm x 100 cm, jasno je da zbog sekularnog trenda čovjekovih antropometrijskih mjera današnje mjere standardnog kreveta više nisu adekvatne. U članku se prikazuje primjena varijatora u najčešće korištenim metodama ukupnih troškova u malim i srednjim poduzećima za proizvodnju namještaja. Također se prikazuju troškovi pri promjeni ulaznih parametara.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 1 ; str. 27-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inovacija -- Izračun -- Namještaj -- Mala i srednja poduzeća

FAKHARI, Mohammad Ali
Using wood-shred, rice-straw and brush-wood-dams with planting seedlings to runoff and erosion control in a forest road fill slope [Elektronička građa] / Mohammad Ali Fakhari, Majid Lotfalian, Ataollah Hosseini, Abdulvahed Khaledi Darvishan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 337-339. - Abstract. - This study aimed to investigate the effects of two types of natural geotextiles, including wood shred (WS), rice straw (RS) and the biomechanics method of brush wood dam (BWD) with planting seedlings of Alnus glutinosa and Salix alba on runoff, soil loss and fill slope. The effects were compared with those obtained from control treatment. A total of 36 plots (2×4m) with three replicates in the direction of gradient to fill slope of a forest road in northern Iran was considered. Soil moisture, canopy cover of seedlings, vegetation coverage, runoff, sedimentation and erosion were measured in plots during 12 months. BWD and WS played an effective role in reducing runoff by 57% and 73%, respectively. By using RS and WS, the sediment concentration was decreased by 23% and 11%, respectively, while by using BWD it increased by 58%. RS (24.16%) and BWD (7%) had the greatest and smallest impact on reducing vegetation coverage, respectively. BWD (33%) and RS (27%) had the highest and lowest canopy cover of seedlings, respectively. Results showed that both RS (22.23%) and A. glutinosa (4.96%) had the greatest effects on increasing soil moisture. Comparison between the planted species and the control treatment (with no seedlings) showed that S. alba was effective in reducing runoff (46.22%), while A. glutinosa was effective in reducing erosion (66.89%) and sediment concentration (53.52%). Finally, interactions between conservation treatment and planting of seedlings played a more effective role in controlling runoff and erosion. Therefore, the application of conservation treatments together with planting of seedlings is recommended in order to provide better soil conservation and restoration of fill slope.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 327-339  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumske ceste -- Nagib terena -- Erozija tla -- Geotekstil -- Biomehaničke metode

KOZARIĆ, Ljiljana
Vibracije križno lameliranih drvenih međukatnih panela [Elektronička građa] = Vibrations of cross-laminated timber floors / Ljiljana Kozarić, Martina Vojnić Purčar, Smilja Živković. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu su ispitane vibracije peteroslojnih međukatnih križno lameliranih drvenih panela visine 14 cm izazvane ljudskim djelovanjem. Analizirana su tri međukatna panela identičnih visina, ali s različitim kombinacijama debljine lamela u križnim slojevima variranjem njihovih raspona. Navedeni su bitni kriteriji što ih pri projektiranju treba zadovoljiti međukatna konstrukcija da bi se osiguralo njezino prihvatljivo ponašanje u uvjetima dinamičkog opterećenja. Izračun efektivne krutosti na savijanje panela obavljen je Gamma metodom, K-metodom i Kreuzingerovom analogijom. Analitički je određena osnovna frekvencija vibriranja svakog panela, kao i maksimalni progib zbog jedinične statičke sile, a dobiveni su rezultati uspoređeni s vrijednostima dobivenim modalnom i statičkom analizom u programskom paketu Ansys. Svi su dobiveni podatci uspoređeni s važećim kriterijima i selektirani su paneli koji ispunjavaju kriterije sa stajališta graničnog stanja uporabivosti. Rezultati su pokazali da su analizirani međukatni paneli raspona do 4,5 m prihvatljivi sa stajališta adekvatnoga dinamičkog ponašanja pri ljudskom djelovanju. Rezultati su također pokazali da su kombinirani kriterij i kriterij maksimalnoga dopuštenog progiba zbog jedinične statičke sile znatno stroži od kriterija minimalne vrijednosti osnovne frekvencije vibriranja. - This paper investigates the vibrations caused by human action of five-layer cross-laminated timber panels with a height of 14 cm. Analysis is made of three floor panels of identical height, but with different combinations of thicknesses of the laminas in cross-layers, varying their spans. The longitudinal layers of the panels have better physical and mechanical characteristics than transverse layers. The relevant criteria to be observed in floor construction at the designing stage are specified in order to ensure acceptable behavior regarding the dynamic load. Limit values are also given. As it is very difficult to determine the threshold of human acceptability, since vibrations that someone finds disturbing do not have to be disturbing for others, the relevant criteria used in the work has been chosen on the basis of the highest representation in the literature: Natural Frequency Limit, Unit Load Deflection Limit and the Combined Criterion. Calculation of the effective bending stiffness of the panel was performed using Gamma method, K-method and Kreuzinger analogy. The natural frequency of each panel was determined analytically, and so was the maximum deflection due to unit static force and the obtained results were compared with the values obtained by modal and static analysis in the Ansys software package. All the obtained data were compared with the valid criteria, and panels that meet the criteria in terms of the serviceability limit state were selected. The results showed that the analyzed floor panels of the span up to 4.5 m are acceptable in terms of adequate dynamic behavior related to human action according to all criteria. Also, the results showed that the Combined Criterion and the Unit Load Deflection Limit are significantly stricter due to the unit static force compared to the Natural Frequency Limit.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 307-312  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Križno lamelirano drvo -- Međukatna konstrukcija -- Vibracije -- Dinamičko opterećenje

LA Hera, Pedro
What do we observe when we equip a forestry crane with motion sensors? [Elektronička građa] / Pedro La Hera, Daniel Ortiz Morales. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 279. - Abstract. - Forestry machines have the power to efficiently move very heavy loads, but they are not very smart at communicating information, especially information regarding motion. Understanding how a system produces motion is one of the main stepping stones towards the world of automation. However, to acquire motion data requires sensor hardware that is not largely available in forestry machines today. As a result, at the moment there is no motion data analysis for forestry machines. Therefore, the objective of this article is to present this data, and discuss how we can use such data in regards to technology development. To this end, we have equipped a commercial forestry machine with state-of-the-art sensors and a data acquisition unit. Our aim is to understand what possibilities exist for automation, when we analyze how machine operators control forestry cranes. Among our objectives is to show how motion data can: a) give a better comprehension of the way forestry operators control cranes, b) be useful to analyze crane motion patterns, and c) show additional information that can be estimated via mathematical algorithms. The topics we cover only touch the surface of future applications, where sensor data analysis will be able to team up with other technologies to improve operator’s work, including automation, decision making, motion optimization, and operators’ training, just to mention some.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 40 (2019), 2 ; str. 259-280  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Dizalica -- Senzori pokreta -- Hidraulika

ĐODAN, Martina
Which Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) provenances provide the best productivity in the hilly area of Croatia? [Elektronička građa] / Martina Đodan, Tomislav Dubravac, Sanja Perić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Recently raised questions on adaptability of native tree species to climate changes pointed to Douglas-fir as a species suitable for rapid reforestation and increase of stand resistance. The first results on provenance research need to be confirmed in later stages of stand development, so the paper answers the following two questions: (i) are there differences in growth of 14 Douglas-fir provenances still in the fifth decade of stand development, and (ii) which provenances should be used and which omitted from further use in the hilly area of Croatia? Materials and Methods: Productivity of 14 provenances was evaluated on the basis of height, diameter at breast height and volume in the 46th year after planting. Growth dynamics was also statistically analysed using a repeated measure analysis of variance, for which purpose we partially used published data from the 2010. Results: The analysis excluded Castle Rock and Shady Cove (Oregon) provenances due to their low values of all analysed growth indicators, as well as Castle Rock, Elma and Hvidilde provenances due to their high values. Average values of tree volume ranged from 0.53 m3 (Shady Cove) to 2.05 m3 (Castle Rock), while the tallest trees belonged to Elma provenance (29.6 m). Conclusions: Different growth dynamics of provenances were confirmed for later development stage, so further monitoring is still required. Clear guidelines for the selection of provenances for practical forestry distinguish provenances from lower altitudes of the State of Washington, Denmark and Bulgaria as the most productive. Shady Cove and Salmon Arm provenances are not advised to be used in the future.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 9-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duglazija -- Pošumljavanje -- Visina stabala

SREBROVA, Katerina
Widespread distribution of the sycamore seed bug Belonochilus numenius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) throughout the Republic of North Macedonia [Elektronička građa] / Katerina Srebrova, Sterja Nacheski, Kiril Sotirovski. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: The sycamore seed bug, Belonochilus numenius (Say, 1831), was recorded for the first time in Europe in 2008, with finds in that same year in two separate locations in Spain and two in France. Since then, it has been reported to be present in 17 European countries. Once it reached Europe, the fast spread and establishment of this species was facilitated both by the increased plant trade and the relative frequency of plane trees (Platanus x acerifolia, P. orientalis and P. occidentalis) planted on a wide scale across the continent due to their popularity as urban and peri-urban trees. Materials and Methods: In the summer of 2019 we inspected urban, peri-urban and natural populations and groups of plane trees throughout North Macedonia, on a total of 44 sites, looking for presence of nymphs and adults of this insect on seed balls. We collected specimens and related data and made identification based on specific external characteristics typical of B. numenius. Results: We report the first record of B. numenius in the Republic of North Macedonia from July 2019, from P. x acerifolia in Skopje. Furthermore, after inspecting plane trees throughout the country we report the presence of this insect in 29 cities and towns, 3 peri-urban and in 1 natural population of P. orientalis. Conclusions: From the widespread distribution of this insect species, we conclude that it has entered the territory of North Macedonia many years prior, very likely soon after first records in Serbia in 2011 and Bulgaria in 2012, but has since been overlooked.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 145-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Platane -- Štetnici -- Belonochilus numenius -- Invazivne vrste

ĐODAN, Martina
Windthrow resistance of Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./ Karst.) forest cultures [Elektronička građa] : preliminary results / Martina Đodan, Sanja Perić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 70 jed. - Abstract. - Background and Purpose: Forest damage by wind is an important cause of economic loss in commercial forestry in the Republic of Croatia, as well as in many other European countries. Thus, windthrow resistance of trees represents a significant issue. Spruce forest cultures have shown the lowest resistance to windthrow so far. Nevertheless, there is not much insight into the relationship between trees and stand resistance to wind in the region. The objectives of this paper are to: (i) provide first evidence of the relation between tree characteristics prior to storm event in completely destroyed stands in comparison to slightly damaged stands, (ii) to evaluate the need to consider tree resistance to winds during thinnings, (iii) to evaluate if there is a need for windthrow stability assessment prior to replacement interventions. Materials and Methods: The paper investigates three individual cases of spruce forest cultures on three localities in the hilly part of Central Croatia in the fifth decade of age. Two of three stands were completely destroyed by the storm event during the year 2013. The experiment was established in the spring of 2010 using randomised block design with three replications. Based on total tree height (H) and diameter at breast height (DBH) the following parameters were calculated: wood volume (V), basal area (B) and slenderness coefficient. Descriptive statistics and correlation analyses were made in STATISTICA 8.2. Results: The results show overstocking, unfavourable structure and unfavourable slenderness coefficients (>80:1) in both cultures which were completely destroyed by wind. The correlation among variables revealed a significant relationship for all localities (p<0.05) when slenderness coefficient was compared with B and V (negative), but there was no correlation with H. Conclusions: Research supported the claim that slenderness coefficient and stand structural analysis can be good predictors of damages caused by wind.
U: South-east European forestry (Online). - ISSN 1849-0891. - 10 (2019), 1 ; str. 77-88  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Obična smreka -- Picea abies Karst. -- Vjetar -- Otpornost na vjetar -- Pošumljavanje

CVETANOVIĆ, Slobodan, ekonomist
Wood industry trade competitiveness of selected countries of Southeast Europe [Elektronička građa] = Trgovinska konkurentnost drvne industrije u zemljama jugoistočne Europe / Slobodan Cvetanović, Miroljub Nikolić, Dušan Cvetanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The paper examines the trade competitiveness of the wood industry as a whole and some of its parts (Cork and wood, Cork and wood manufactures and Furniture and parts) of fi ve countries of South Eastern Europe (Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Bosnia & Herzegovina) by using six indicators (Revealed Comparative Advantage – RCA, Index of Trade Performance – RCA2, Competitiveness Growth Index – RCA1, Michaely Index – MI, Index of Contribution to the Trade Balance – CTB and Grubel-Lloyd Index – GLI) in the period 2000-2015. On the basis of the results obtained, it was concluded that the wood industry of these countries observed as a whole has great export potential and that it significantly participates in their processing industry. The results of the survey show that companies from the wood industry viewed as a whole are competitive on the domestic market. However, this cannot be said of the international competitiveness of the timber industry of these countries. To be specific, the production of cork and wood from Bulgaria and Serbia, cork and wood manufactures excluding furniture from Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia, as well as furniture and parts manufacturers from Bulgaria do not have a competitive advantage in the international market. By combining the values of six competitiveness indicators, it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in the competitiveness of the wood industry of the countries observed. It can also be concluded that the degree of wood processing has a positive impact on their export competitiveness, this impact not being statistically significant, and that the level of finalization of production did not have a positive impact on the competitiveness of the wood industry of the selected countries of Southeastern Europe. - U radu se istražuje trgovinska konkurentnost drvne industrije pet zemalja jugoistočne Europe (Srbije, Hrvatske, Bugarske, Rumunjske te Bosne i Hercegovine), i to u cjelini i po dijelovima (pluto i drvo, proizvodi od pluta i drva, namještaj i dijelovi za namještaj). Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 2000. do 2015. uz pomoć šest pokazatelja konkurentnosti (utvrđene komparativne prednosti – RCA, indeksa neto poslovanja – RCA2, indeksa rasta konkurentnosti – RCA1, Michaely indeksa – MI, indeksa doprinosa trgovinskoj bilanci – CTB i Grubel-Lloyd indeksa – GLI). Iz dobivenih je rezultata zaključeno da drvna industrija navedenih zemalja, promatrana u cjelini, ima velik izvozni potencijal i da značajno sudjeluje u njihovoj prerađivačkoj industriji. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su poduzeća iz sektora drvne industrije, promatrana u cjelini, konkurentna na domaćem tržištu. Međutim, to se ne može reći i za međunarodnu konkurentnost drvne industrije tih zemalja. Konkretno, proizvodnja pluta i drva iz Bugarske i Srbije, proizvodi od pluta i drva iz Bugarske, Srbije i Hrvatske, kao i namještaj i dijelovi za namještaj iz Bugarske nemaju konkurentsku prednost na međunarodnom tržištu. Kombiniranjem vrijednosti šest pokazatelja konkurentnosti utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u konkurentnosti drvne industrije promatranih zemalja. Također se može zaključiti da stupanj obrade drva ima pozitivan utjecaj na njihovu izvoznu konkurentnost, ali taj utjecaj ipak nije statistički značajan. Nadalje, uočeno je da stupanj finalizacije proizvodnje nije pozitivno utjecao na konkurentnost drvne industrije promatranih zemalja jugoistočne Europe.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 70 (2019), 3 ; str. 209-219  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvna industrija -- Trgovinska konkurentnost -- Pokazatelji trgovinske konkurentnosti

Vidi br.: HA19-01321

631/635   Upravljanje seoskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvom. Poljoprivreda. Agronomija. Hortikultura

AYINDE, Opeyemi Eyitayo
Analysis of determinants of maize price variations in Nigeria (1978 - 2014) [Elektronička građa] / Opeyemi Eyitayo Ayinade, Ifedotun Victor Aina, Kayode Ayinade. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 243-244. - Summary. - Skyrocketing prices of food staples such as maize can lead to inefficient agricultural production and definitely have detrimental effects on the economic, social, and political growth of any country. Most studies on maize in Nigeria are focused on the increasing consumption or competitiveness, very few address the determinants of maize price change as a panacea for the increase of productivity. Filling this gap requires a study on the various factors that contribute to the variations in the price of maize. In this study, secondary data were used. The study used descriptive statistics tools to analyze the pattern of price variations and changes in the production of maize over a period of 36 years in Nigeria. Also, various factors affecting price variation of maize were examined. It was recommended that the positive and significant impact of country’s population to maize price change should serve as an impulse to encourage investment in agricultural sector of Nigeria in order to ensure food security in the country. Also, the government should use the inflation measures to regulate prices of maize in the country.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 237-234  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kukuruz -- Proizvodnja kukuruza -- Cijena

Classification of Turkish safflower oils based on their fatty acid and sterol profiles using multivariate techniques [Elektronička građa] / Asli Yorulmaz, Asli Yildirim, Aydin Ünay. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 264-265. - Abstract. - The aim of the current study was to classify Turkish safflower oils based on sterol and fatty acid composition. For this purpose, 37 samples from five different safflower varieties (Dinçer, Linas, Remzibey-05, Balcı and Olas) grown in the same agricultural and environmental conditions were obtained. Seeds were evaluated for their oil, water and ash content. Oils of seeds were extracted by solvent extraction and oils were analyzed for their sterols and fatty acids. Results have shown that Linas and Olas varieties’ oil contents were significantly higher than others’. There were clear differences in fatty acid compositions of various cultivars. Remzibey-05 and Olas varieties were different from others by their higher oleic and relatively lower linoleic acid ratios. Total sterol contents of oils ranged among 2700-3626 mg/kg and the main phytosterol was β-sitosterol covering 43.27-48.16 % of the total sterols.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 259-265  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šafran -- Ulje šafrana -- Masne kiseline -- Steroli

AINA, Ifedotun Victor
The effect of population growth on the agricultural production in Nigeria (1961-2013) [Elektronička građa] / Ifedotun Victor Aina, Abraham Falola, Pamela Jessika Amoussou, Mery Ayoola Oni, Tolulope Aribisala. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 235-236. - Summary. - As of 2000, the total population estimate of Nigeria stood at about 124 million people, this number increased to 170 million in the year 2012, which shows a growth rate of 3.8% between 2000 and 2012. This figure provides an indication that the Nigerian population is among the fastest-growing populations in the world, on the other hand, food production increases marginally, at a rate lower than the population growth rate. This paper examined the effect of the Nigerian population on agricultural production over a period of 53 years. Descriptive analysis was used to analyse the pattern and the trend of agricultural production. Granger causality and Ordinary Least Squares were used to examine the relationship between agricultural production and population growth. It was recommended that there is a need for the government to support innovative ways for increasing agricultural production, to meet the demand of the increasing population of the country. There is a need for research bodies to improve production to match the country’s increasing population, so sustainable development could be achieved. In order for agricultural production to meet the increasing population demand, there is a need for the development of improved high-yield, disease-resistant varieties coming from certified nurseries where the varieties can be traced. There is a need for innovative processes through which agricultural products and processing methods can be learned through extension services by the general population, so as to reduce malnutrition and poverty in the country.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 230-236  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poljoprivredna proizvodnja -- Stanovništvo -- Rast stanovništva

Environment impact of a concentrated solar power plant [Elektronička građa] / Mladen Bošnjaković, Vlado Tadijanović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract. - More recently, there has been an increasing interest in the use of concentrated solar thermal energy for the production of electricity, but also for the use in cogeneration and trigeneration. In this sense, the increasing use of solar thermal energy in urban areas is expected, and its impact on the environment is inducing an increasing interest. The paper analyses the impact of concentrated solar power technology (linear Fresnel, parabolic trough, parabolic dish, and central tower) on the environment in terms of water consumption, land use, wasted heat, emissions of gases, emissions of pollutants that include the leakage of heat transfer fluid through pipelines and tanks, impact on flora and fauna, impact of noise and visual impact. The impact on the environment is different for different concentrated solar power technologies and depends on whether thermal energy storage is included in the plant. Water is mainly used for cooling the system, but also for cleaning the surface of the mirror. To reduce water consumption, other cooling technologies (e.g. air cooling) are being developed. The available data from the literature show large variances depending on the size of the plant, geographic location and applied technology.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 68-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Solarne elektrane -- Utjecaj na okoliš

BARAČ, Željko
Influence of an uneven surface on the vibration occurrence affecting the tractor operator [Elektronička građa] / Željko Barač, Ivan Plaščak, Tomislav Jurić, Pavo Baličević, Vinko Duvnjak, Mladen Jurišić, Goran Heffer, Monika Marković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract. - The paper presents a study of the influence of an uneven surface and number of tractor hours on vibration that is transmitted to the operator's hand-arm system during operation. The study was conducted on the asphalt, gravel and grass traversal during 2015 and 2016. The results indicate that the movement of a tractor on different agrotechnical surfaces generates vibrations of varying intensity that affect the hand-arm system of the operator. The highest vibration values were recorded on the asphalt, while the least vibrations were measured on the grass. The measured maximum vibration values are lower than the permissible 5 m·s−2 in the direction of all three axes, making it possible to assume that they are not harmful to the health of the operator.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 192-196  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poljoprivredna mehanizacija -- Traktori -- Vozači traktora -- Vibracije -- Agrotehničke površine -- Zaštita na radu

PERŠIĆ, Martina
Kriteriji kvalitete biljnog materijala i eteričnog ulja primorskog smilja (Helichrysum italicum (Roth.) G. Don) [Elektronička građa] / Martina Peršić, Karla Leko, Slavica Dudaš.
Bibliografija: str. 429-430. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Primorsko smilje (Helichrysum italicum (Roth.) G. Don) kserofitna je biljna vrsta prirodno prisutna u divljoj populaciji na području Mediterana, na krševitim i sušnim terenima. Još od davnina smilje je poznato kao ‘’biljka koja ne vene’’ i veoma je cijenjeno zbog svoje široke primjene u narodnoj medicini. Antimikrobno, antivirusno, protuupalno, antioksidativno, regenerativno, insekticidno i repelentno djelovanje eteričnog ulja i hidrolata tema je brojnih istraživanja posljednjeg desetljeća. Upravo kemijski sastav eteričnog ulja i karakteristike biljnog materijala imaju direktan utjecaj na cijenu otkupa smilja. U istraživanju je provedeno anketiranje proizvođača i otkupljivača smilja i prikupljene informacije o kriterijima kvalitete biljnog materijala i eteričnog ulja smilja. Prikupljeni podaci pokazali su da su osnovni kriteriji kvalitete biljnog materijala kontrolirani uvjeti uzgoja, a glavni parametri kvalitete eteričnog ulja kemijski sastav, odnosno udio α-pinena i neril acetata. - Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum) is a xerophytic plant species naturally present in the wild population of Mediterranean on karst and dry terrains. Since ancient times, the immortelle has been known as a “non-vein plant” and is highly valued due to its wide application in folk medicine. Antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, regenerative, insecticidal and repellent properties of essential oil and hydrolates are a frequent subject of recent research. The chemical composition of the essential oil and characteristics of plant material have a direct effect on market price. This research was conducted by a survey of producers and buyers of immortelle plant material and essential oil with the aim to gather information on the quality criteria of plant material and essential oil. The collected data showed that the basic criteria for quality determination of plant material are controlled growing conditions and the main parameters affecting the price of the essential oil are chemical composition, i.e. the content and ratio of α-pinene and neryl acetate.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 425-431  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Primorsko smilje -- Mediteransko bilje -- Biljni materijal -- Destilacija -- Hidrolat -- Otkup

BARTOL, Ana-Marija
Mikrobiološka ispravnost kuhinjske soli na tržištu [Elektronička građa] / Ana-Marija Bartol, Nevijo Zdolec, Mirna Mrkonjić Fuka, Lidija Kozačinski. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Kako je sol sastojak većine prehrambenih proizvoda, odličan konzervans, a najvećim dijelom začin za dosoljavanje gotovo svakog jela, cilj istraživanja ovog rada bio je ustanoviti mikrobiološku ispravnost kuhinjske soli plasirane na hrvatsko tržište. Mikrobiološke analize provedene su na deset uzoraka soli različitih domaćih i stranih proizvođača, a uzorkovani su u maloprodaji. Uzorci soli su prema nacionalnim mikrobiološkim kriterijima za hranu pretraženi na ukupni broj aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija i ukupni broj plijesni. Niti jedan pretraženi uzorak morske, kamene soli, himalajske soli i cvijeta soli nije bio sukladan propisanim kriterijima. - Since salt is the main ingredient of most food products, excellent conservative properties, and most of all, the spice for adding to almost every kind of food, the aim of this study was to establish the microbiological safety of kitchen salt on the Croatian market. Microbiological analyzes were carried out on ten samples of salt various domestic and foreign producers, sampled in retail. Samples of salt were tested according to national microbiological criteria for the total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, and the total number of moulds. Not a single analyzed sample of sea salt, rock salt, Himalayan salt and flower of salt was consistent with the prescribed criteria. - Da Salz der Hauptbestandteil der meisten Lebensmittelprodukte ist, ausgezeichnete konservierende Eigenschaften besitzt und vor allem als Gewürz verwendet wird, das fast allen Arten von Lebensmitteln zugegeben wird, bestand das Ziel dieser Studie darin, die mikrobiologische Sicherheit von Kochsalz auf dem kroatischen Markt zu ermitteln. Mikrobiologische Analysen wurden an 10 Salzproben verschiedener in- und ausländischer Hersteller durchgeführt, die im Einzelhandel gesammelt wurden. Die Salzproben wurden nach nationalen mikrobiologischen Kriterien auf die Gesamtzahl der aeroben mesophilen Bakterien und die Gesamtzahl der Schimmelpilze getestet. Keine der analysierten Proben von Meersalz, Steinsalz, Himalaya-Salz und Salzblume entsprach den vorgeschriebenen Kriterien. - Dado que la sal es el ingrediente en la mayoría de los productos alimenticios, un conservante excelente y, sobre todo, la especie para casi cada tipo de comida, el fin de este trabajo fue determinar la seguridad microbiológica de la sal común en el mercado croata. Los análisis microbiológicos fueron hechos en 10 muestras de sal de diferentes productores, tanto nacionales como extranjeros, y las muestras fueron tomadas en la venta al por menor. Las muestras fueron analizadas de acuerdo con los criterios microbiológicos nacionales para la comida para determinar el número total de las bacterias aerobias mesófilas y de número total de los moldes. Ninguna de las muestras de la sal marina, sal triturada, sal del Himalaya ni la flor de sal fue de acuerdo con los criterios prescritos. - Poiché il sale da cucina è presente nella maggior parte dei prodotti alimentari, è un ottimo conservante e viene usato per insaporire quasi ogni pietanza, questo studio aveva come obiettivo quello di accertare l’idoneità microbiologica del sale da cucina in commercio in Croazia. L’analisi microbiologica ha riguardato dieci di campioni di sale di differenti produttori nazionali e stranieri. Il procedimento di campionatura è avvenuto nei punti vendita al dettaglio. Secondo i criteri microbiologici nazionali per gli alimenti, l’analisi ha accertato il numero complessivo di batteri mesofili aerobici e il numero complessivo di muffe nei campioni di sale esaminati. Neanche uno dei campioni di sale marino, salgemma, sale himalayano e fior di sale presi in considerazione è risultato conforme ai criteri prescritti.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 4 ; str. 410-417  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kuhinjska sol -- Plijesni -- Aerobne mezofilne bakterije -- Mikrobiološka kvaliteta

ADDISU Damtie, Yilebes
Socio-economic contributions of small-scale plantations in Ethiopia [Elektronička građa] / Yilebes Addisu Damtie, Mandefrot Amare. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Abstract. - In order to enhance the attention given by farmers, government and concerned bodies, the socio-economic contributions of small-scale plantations should be studied. This study identified the socio-economic benefits of small-scale plantations in the Godera Woreda of Gambella Region, Ethiopia. Data were collected through questioners and key informant interviews from 208 farmers and 8 key informants. Descriptive statistics and a regression model were used to analyse the data. The results of the study revealed that of the average 1.72 ha of land possessed by small-scale farmers 0.81 ha was used for tree plantations. The main types of plantations were coffee, eucalyptus, banana and avocado. The mean annual production was 645 kg, 290 kg and 271 kg for coffee, banana and avocado, respectively. Small-scale farmers earned a mean of 4675.56 Birr from plantations which was 32.37 % of the total income. The Woreda government gained 365,022 Birr royalty payment during 2015/16.The regression results show income from plantations significantly affects the annual income of small-scale farmers (β = 0.436, p <0.01). Access to basic services, land use change, expenditures, population growth, employment opportunities, and migration are social changes supported by small-scale plantations. The availability of a favourable environment, extension service, land, and peace are opportunities of plantations. In contrast, challenges of small-scale plantations are disease, low prices for product, lack of improved plantation varieties, shortage of land, lack of demand, climate change and rainfall reduction, lack of government support, and high transportation costs. It is recommended to strengthen the small-scale plantations for better positive socio-economic contributions of the sector through supporting the opportunities and management of identified challenges.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 4 ; str. 84-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Plantažni uzgoj -- Poljoprivrednici -- Doprinosi

ŽIDAK, Nenad
Urban gardening - an integrative approach [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Židak, Nidžara Osmanagić Bedenik. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract. - This paper opens the following question: Is urban gardening a fashion trend, utopia or our future? The aim is to examine the literature and practice to find the answers to the above question respecting the integrative approach. The goal is to compare those three aspects of urban gardening searching for the dominant one. Methodology is based on The World Café Method with participants who are experts from the fields of biology, chemistry and geography. Research results show that the future aspect of urban gardening has a primary and dominant role, although the aspects of fashion and utopia deliver interesting impulses provided by interdisciplinary approach. The contribution of the paper is multidimensional. On the theoretical level, it provides an overview of urban agriculture and gardening. On the empirical level, it reflects complexity of urban gardening and its importance for the future.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 27-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urbano vrtlarstvo -- Održivost -- Interdisciplinarni pristup

Vidi br.: HA19-01151

Vidi br.: HA19-00921

636/639   Stočarstvo i uzgoj životinja. Proizvodi domaćih životinja i divljači. Pčelarstvo. Držanje i uzgoj kukaca. Lovstvo. Ribarstvo. Ribogojstvo

Clean label rješenje za kontrolu bakterije Clostridium botulinum u kuhanom mesu [Elektronička građa] : studija slučaja / Matthew McCusker. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Bakterija Clostridium botulinum može biti prisutna u proizvodima od sirovog i kuhanog mesa s rokom trajanja duljim od 10 dana koji se čuvaju u hladnjaku, a za koje se ne može jamčiti strogo održavanje hladnog lanca. Ova studija slučaja opisuje ispitivanje novog sustava označavanja prehrambenih proizvoda clean label, Rosal XB, koji je osmislila tvrtka Kerry Taste & Nutrition za sprječavanje germinacije spora C. botulinum u kuhanim proizvodima od mesa peradi. Proizvodi su inokulirani neproteolitičkim sojevima C. botulinum i pakirani u modificiranoj atmosferi (MAP). Pohranjeni su u uvjetima koji oponašaju hladni lanac, a u odgovarajućim vremenskim intervalima ispitivani su na rast C. botulinum. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se u ispitivanim uvjetima može postići rok trajanja proizvoda od 25 dana, bez opasnosti rasta C. botulinum. - Die Bakterie Clostridium botulinum kann in Produkten aus rohem und gekochtem Fleisch vorkommen, die eine Haltbarkeitsdauer von über 10 Tagen haben und im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt werden und für welche die strenge Aufrechterhaltung der Kühlkette nicht gewährleistet werden kann. In dieser Fallstudie wird die Untersuchung des neuen Systems für die Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln Clean Label, Rosal XB, beschrieben, das von der Firma Kerry Taste & Nutrition zur Verhinderung der Sporengermination von C. botulinum in gekochten Geflügelprodukten entwickelt wurde. Die Produkte wurden mit nicht proteinspaltenden Stämmen der Bakterie B. botulinum geimpft und unter Schutzatmosphäre verpackt (MAP). Sie wurden unter solchen Bedingungen aufbewahrt, die eine Kühlkette nachahmen und wurden in entsprechenden Zeitintervallen in Bezug auf das Wachstum der Bakterie C. botulinum untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass unter den geprüften Bedingungen eine Haltbarkeit des Produkts von 25 Tagen erreicht werden kann, ohne die Gefahr des Wachstums der Bakterie C. botulinum. - La bacteria Clostridium botulinum puede encontrarse en los productos de carne cruda y de carne cocida con la fecha de caducidad más de 10 días, mantenidos en la nevera y para los que no se puede garantizar el mantenimiento estricto de la cadena de frío. Este trabajo describe la investigación del nuevo sistema del etiquetado de los productos alimenticios de etiqueta limpia, Rosal XB, que ha diseñado la empresa Kerry Taste & Nutrition para la prevención de la germinación de las esporas de C. botulinum en los productos cocidos de carne de aves de corral. Los productos son inoculados con cepas proteolíticas C. botulinum y envasados en atmósfera modificada (MAP). Se almacenan en condiciones que imitan la cadena de frío y fueron probados por crecimiento de C. botulinum en intervalos de tiempo apropiados. Los resultados muestran que es posible lograr la fecha de caducidad del producto hasta 25 días en las condiciones investigadas, sin arriesgar el crecimiento de C. botulinum. - Il batterio Clostridium botulinum può essere presente in prodotti di carne cruda o cotta la cui durabilità è superiore a 10 giorni che sono conservati in frigorifero e per i quali non può essere garantita la manutenzione rigorosa della catena del freddo. Questo caso di studio descrive il test di un nuovo sistema di etichettatura di prodotti alimentari clean label, Rosal XB, ideato dalla ditta Kerry Taste & Nutrition per prevenire la germinazione delle spore del C. botulinum in prodotti di carne di pollame cotta. I prodotti sono inoculati con ceppi non proteolitici del C. botulinum e confezionati in atmosfera modificata (MAP). Sono stati immagazzinati in condizioni che imitano la catena del freddo ed esaminati a intervalli appropriati per la crescita del C. botulinum. I risultati dello studio mostrano, che nelle condizioni testate, la durabilità del prodotto può raggiungere 25 giorni senza rischio di crescita del C. botulinum.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 3 ; str. 304-310  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Zdravstvena ispravnost -- Bakterije -- Clostridium botulinum -- Rok trajanja

Clean label solution for the control of Clostridium botulinum in cooked meats [Elektronička građa] : a case study / Matthew McCusker. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary. - Clostridium botulinum bacteria may be of concern in raw and cooked refrigerated meat products with a shelf-life greater than 10 days, for which strict cold-chain management cannot be guaranteed. This case study describes the testing of a new proprietary clean-label system from Kerry Taste & Nutrition, Rosal XB, for the inhibition of C. botulinum spore germination in a number of cooked poultry products. Products were inoculated with non-proteolytic strains of C. botulinum under modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) conditions. They were stored under simulated cold-chain conditions and assayed for C. botulinum growth at appropriate intervals. Research results demonstrated that under the test conditions, products can achieve a shelf-life of 25 days, without the risk of C. botulinum growth.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 3 ; str. 311-315  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Zdravstvena ispravnost -- Bakterije -- Clostridium botulinum -- Rok trajanja

DOVČ, Alenka
Consumption foodstuffs originating from exotic animals [Elektronička građa] / Alenka Dovč.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Exotic animals such as Iberian pigs, zebras, kangaroos, ostriches, camels, crocodiles, pythons, and some others can be, lately more often, found on the menus of Western European restaurants. In third world countries such food can be found in street sales. Despite the stringent regulations in force in the EU, there is also an illegal market for listed foods which, in this case, represent a significant risk to the health of consumers, and trade in those foods threatens the welfare of animals, traded and domestic because different diseases could be transmitted from imported animals or foodstuffs originating from them. The meat of exotic animals is distinguished by its specific characteristics compared to that of domestic animals, and those are highlighted in this article, and mention is made of the consumption of numerous insects, common in some countries. Consuming certain foods, from the standpoint of the average European consumer, is even of questionable deliciousness (balut) or ethics (blood of venom snake). - Sve češće se na jelovnicima restorana u Zapadnoj Europi mogu naći jela podrijetlom od egzotičnih životinja poput iberijske svinje, deve, zebre, klokana, noja, deve, krokodila pitona, ali i nekih drugih. U zemljama trećeg svijeta takva se hrana može naći u uličnoj prodaji. Unatoč strogim zakonskim propisima koji su na snazi u EU, postoji i ilegalno tržište navedenim namirnicama koje, u tom slučaju, predstavljaju značajnu opasnost po zdravlje konzumenata, a njihovom trgovinom ugrožava se dobrobit životinja kojima se trguje, ali i domaćih na koje se uvezenim životinjama ili namirnicama podrijetlom od njih, mogu prenijeti različite bolesti. Meso egzotičnih životinja odlikuje se određenim specifičnostima u odnosu na meso domaćih životinja te su one u ovome radu istaknute, a spominje se i konzumacija brojnih insekata, koja je uobičajena u nekim zemljama. Konzumiranje određenih namirnica, sa stanovišta prosječnog europskog konzumenta upitne je ukusnosti (balut) ili etičnosti (krv zmija otrovnica). - Auf den Speisekarten der Restaurants in Westeuropa treten immer häufiger Gerichte auf, die von exotischen Tieren stammen, wie z.B. vom Iberischen Schwein, Kamel, Zebra, Känguru, Strauß, Krokodil, Phyton, usw. In Drittländern werden solche Gerichte im Straßenverkauf angeboten. Trotz der strengen gesetzlichen Vorschriften, die in der EU in Kraft sind, gibt es einen illegalen Markt für die genannten Lebensmittel, der in diesem Fall eine erhebliche Gefahr für die Gesundheit der Verbraucher darstellt. Darüber hinaus gefährdet der Handel mit den genannten Lebensmitteln das Wohl der Tiere, sowohl derjenigen mit welchen man handelt als auch der einheimischen Tiere, die durch die eingeführten Tiere oder durch Lebensmittel, die von solchen Tieren stammen, mit diversen Krankheiten angesteckt werden können. Das Fleisch der exotischen Tiere zeichnet sich durch bestimmte Besonderheiten im Vergleich zum Fleisch der einheimischen Tiere aus, was in diesem Artikel besonders hervorgehoben wird. Erwähnt wird auch der Verzehr von zahlreichen Insekten, der in einigen Ländern üblich ist. Der Verzehr von bestimmten Lebensmitteln hat vom Aspekt des durchschnittlichen europäischen Verbrauchers einen fraglichen Geschmack (Balut) oder wirft ethische Fragen auf (Blut von Giftschlangen). - En los menús de los restaurantes de la Europa Occidental puede encontrarse más a menudo los platos provenientes de los animales exóticos como el cerdo ibérico, el camello, la cebra, el canguro, los avestruces, el cocodrilo, el pitón y otros. En los países del tercer mundo este tipo de comida puede comprarse en las calles. A pesar de las regulaciones legales estrictas vigentes en la UE, existe el mercado ilegal de los alimentos antes mencionados que plantea un peligro significativo para la salud de los consumidores y también está amenazando el bienestar tanto de los animales comercializados como de los animales domésticos que pueden infectarse por diferentes tipos de enfermedades a través de los animales o alimentos importados. La carne de los animales exóticos tiene ciertas especificidades en comparación con la carne de los animales domésticos, destacados en este trabajo. También está mencionado el consumo de numerosos insectos, lo que es común en algunos países. El consumo de ciertos alimentos, desde el punto de vista del consumidor medio europeo, es de la exquisitez (el balut) y de la ética cuestionable (la sangre de las serpientes venenosas). - Sempre più spesso, nei menù dei ristoranti dell’Europa occidentale è possibile trovare cibi provenienti da animali esotici come il maiale iberico, il cammello, la zebra, il canguro, lo struzzo, il coccodrillo, il pitone ed altri. Nei paesi del terzo mondo, questo cibo è normalmente venduto per le strade. Nonostante la rigida legislazione europea, esiste un mercato illegale di questo tipo di alimenti che, proprio per questo, rappresentano un pericolo per la salute dei consumatori. Il commercio di tali alimenti, inoltre, minaccia il benessere degli animali, sia di quelli oggetto del commercio, sia di quelli nostrani ai quali, mediante i capi esotici importati o mediante i cibi derivanti da questi stessi animali, possono essere trasmesse varie malattie. La carne degli animali esotici vanta certe specificità rispetto a quella degli animali nostrani, messe in evidenza in quest’articolo. Si fa anche menzione della consumazione di varie specie d’insetti che in certi paesi è consueta. Il consumo di certi cibi, tuttavia, dal punto di vista del consumatore medio europeo, può essere problematico sia per quanto riguarda l’aspetto del gusto (il balut), sia per una questione di natura etica (il sangue dei serpenti velenosi).
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 5 ; str. 475-480  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Egzotične životinje -- Meso -- Konzumiranje mesa -- Legalna trgovina -- Ilegalna trgovina

MIKUŠ, Tomislav
Grizenje repova [Elektronička građa] : rizik po dobrobit i zdravlje svinja te propusti europskih politika / Tomislav Mikuš, Marta Kiš, Ornella Mikuš. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Unatoč mnogim suvremenim iskoracima u tehnologiji uzgoja svinja, grizenje repova i dalje predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih problema dobrobiti i zdravlja životinja. Ovaj poremećaj u ponašanju svinja uzrokuje velike ekonomske gubitke kroz troškove liječenja ozlijeđenih životinja, produljenje tova, smrtnosti, klaoničkog odbacivanja trupova zbog apscesa te potencijalnog prijenosa drugih bolesti u stadu. Apscesi koji se pojavljuju kao posljedica grizenja osim ekonomskog predstavljaju i javno-zdravstveni rizik za potrošače. Kako bi umanjili potencijalne rizike, uzgajivači svinja i dalje posežu za zabranjenom praksom rutinskog skraćivanja repova, no ovim zahvatom se problem ne rješava već samo umanjuju simptomi. Iako EU posjeduje jedan od najstrožih regulatornih okvira o dobrobiti životinja u svijetu, zbog ekonomskog značaja proizvodnje svinja na praksu skraćivanja repova još se uvijek u potpunosti ne primjenjuje propisana legislativa. To najbolje oslikava činjenica kako najveće zemlje članice proizvođači svinja u EU imaju i najviši postotak rutinski skraćenih repova. Stoga će u budućnosti zajedničke europske politike trebati konkretnije mjere i aktivnosti u zaštiti dobrobiti i zdravlja svinja, a značajnu ulogu u provedbi procjene dobrobiti na farmama svinja svakako treba imati i veterinarska inspekcija koju će na nove uloge trebati sustavno pripremiti. - Pig production is the most important animal production sector in the EU, and the tail biting is still one of the most important problems of welfare and health. This behavioral disorder causes large economic losses through the medical costs for injured animals, prolonged rearing time, mortality, discarding of carcasses (or parts of carcasses) due to abscesses and finally due to potential transfer of other diseases. Abscesses, which develops because of tail biting besides economic risk, can also present a public health risk for consumers. In order to reduce potential risks, pig breeders still routinely dock tails (although forbidden by legislation), but this operation does not solve the problem but only reduce the symptoms. Although the European Union (EU) owns one of the most stringent regulatory frameworks on animal welfare in the world, due to the economic importance of pig production, the docking of tails is one issue on which the EU is turning its head. This is best illustrated by the fact that the largest pig producers Member States in the EU also have the highest percentage of routinely docked tails. Therefore, in the future, the common EU policies will need more concrete measures and activities to protect pig welfare and health. Significant role in that implementation of welfare assessment on farms and slaughterhouses shall certainly belong to the veterinary inspection, which will need to be systematically upgraded for this new role. - Trotz der zahlreichen modernen Fortschritte in der Technologie der Schweinezucht stellt das Schwanzbeißen nach wie vor eines der bedeutendsten Probleme für das Wohl und die Gesundheit der Tiere dar. Diese Verhaltensstörung bei Schweinen verursacht enorme wirtschaftliche Verluste infolge der Behandlungskosten der verletzten Tiere, der Verlängerung des Mastzeitraums, der Sterberate, der Elimination der Tierkörper aufgrund von Abszessen in Schlachtbetrieben und der potentiellen Gefahr einer Übertragung der Krankheit innerhalb der Herde. Die infolge des Beißens auftretenden Abszesse stellen neben einem wirtschaftlichen auch ein öffentlich-gesundheitliches Risiko für die Verbraucher dar. Um die potentiellen Risiken zu minimieren, greifen Schweinezüchter auch weiterhin nach der verbotenen Praxis der routinemäßigen Amputation der Schwänze. Mit diesem Eingriff wird aber nicht das Problem gelöst sondern lediglich die Symptome gelindert. Obwohl die EU über eines der strengsten Regelwerke in Bezug auf das Wohl der Tiere weltweit verfügt, kommt wegen der wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Schweinezucht, die vorgeschriebene Legislative auf die Praxis der Schwanzkürzung immer noch nicht zur Anwendung. Dies spiegelt sich am besten in der Tatsache wider, dass bei den EU-Schweinezüchtern der höchste Anteil an gekürzten Schwänzen verzeichnet wird. Daher wird es notwendig sein, dass die gemeinsame europäische Politik in Zukunft konkrete Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten zum Schutz des Tierwohls und ihrer Gesundheit ergreift. Eine relevante Rolle bei der Bewertung des Wohls der Tiere in den Zuchtbetrieben sollte in jedem Fall auch die Tierarztinspektion haben, die sich systematisch auf ihre neue Rollen vorbereiten sollte. - A pesar de los avances tecnológicos modernos en la cría de cerdos, la mordedura de colas sigue siendo uno de los problemas más importantes para el bienestar y la salud de los cerdos. Este trastorno de conducta de cerdos causa grandes pérdidas económicas por el costo de tratamiento de animales lesionadas, prolongación del cebado, la mortalidad, el rechazo de los canales en el matadero por la presencia de abscesos y la posible transferencia de otras enfermedades dentro de la manada. Los abscesos que aparecen como la consecuencia de la mordedura no son solamente el riesgo económico, sino también un riesgo para la salud pública de los consumidores. Para disminuir los riesgos potenciales, los criadores de cerdos siguen con la práctica prohibida de cortar las colas, aunque por este procedimiento no se elimina el problema sino disminuyen los síntomas. Aunque la UE tiene uno de los marcos regulatorios más estrictos en el mundo para el bienestar animal, teniendo en cuenta la importancia económica de la producción de los cerdos, la legislación prescrita todavía no se implementa en su totalidad en cuanto a la práctica de cortar las colas. Esto se ilustra mejor por el hecho de que los países miembros productores porcinos más grandes en la UE tienen el mayor porcentaje de colas cortadas de manera rutinaria. Por eso, en el futuro, las políticas europeas comunes necesitarán medidas y actividades más concretas para proteger el bienestar y la salud de los cerdos, y un papel importante en la implementación de las estimaciones de bienestar de los cerdos en las granjas también debería tener la inspección veterinaria, que deba prepararse sistemáticamente para nuevos encargos. - Nonostante i tanti recenti progressi nel settore dell’allevamento dei suini, la morsicatura della coda (caudofagia) continua a rappresentare uno dei problemi più significativi per il benessere e la salute degli animali. Questo disturbo comportamentale dei suini causa grandi perdite economiche in termini di spese per la cura dei capi feriti, di prolungamento dell’ingrasso, di mortalità, di rigetto delle carcasse per ascesso e di potenziale trasmissione di altre malattie al resto del bestiame. Gli ascessi che si verificano come conseguenza della morsicatura, oltre che un rischio economico, rappresentano anche un rischio per la salute pubblica dei consumatori. Per ridurre i rischi potenziali, gli allevatori di maiali continuano ad adottare quella prassi vietata consistente nel taglio della coda alla nascita; quest’intervento, però, invece di risolvere il problema, ne riduce soltanto i sintomi. Anche se l’Unione europea ha una delle normative più rigide del mondo in materia di benessere degli animali, data l’importanza economica della produzione suina, sulla pratica illegale del taglio della coda s’è chiuso un occhio non applicando la legislazione prevista. Quanto detto è perfettamente illustrato dal fatto che i Paesi che producono il maggior numero di suini d’Europa hanno anche il maggior numero d’interventi di taglio della coda. Per questo motivo, in futuro la politica comunitaria dovrà adottare misure più concrete a tutela del benessere e della salute dei maiali, ed un ruolo primario nella valutazione del benessere degli animali nelle fattorie dovrebbe essere svolto dall’ispettorato veterinario che dovrà sistematicamente preparasi ad assumere un nuovo ruolo.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 3 ; str. 295-303  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Grizenje repova -- Sigurnost hrane -- Europska politika

MARUŠIĆ, Nives, inženjerka prehrambene tehnologije
Influence of different pig genotype on aroma, colour and fatty acid composition of smoked dry-cured ham [Elektronička građa] / Nives Marušić Radovčić, Ivna Poljanec, Petra Vidinski, Katarina Novina, Helga Medić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different genotypes of pigs ((Landrace x large Yorkshire) x Duroc (LYD) and Black Slavonian (BS) pig) on the colour, fat content and fatty acid composition of smoked dry-cured ham and identify volatile aroma-active compounds. The fat content was determined by applying the Smedes method and the composition of fatty acids by using the gas chromatography, while volatile aroma-active compounds were investigated by using the headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Different genotypes of pigs did not show a statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in total fat content, but there was a difference in the proportion of individual fatty acids. We identified a total of 103 volatile compounds belonging to the following groups of chemical compounds: 19 aromatic hydrocarbons, 17 aliphatic hydrocarbons, 17 ketones, 15 phenols, 14 aldehydes, 11 alcohols, 5 acids, 2 terpenes and 1 sulphur compound. The most abundant chemical groups of compounds in samples of smoked dry-cured ham from LYD pigs were aldehydes, phenols and aromatic hydrocarbons, while the most abundant chemical groups of compounds in samples of smoked dry-cured ham of BS genotype were phenols, aldehydes and alcohols. - Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti utjecaj različite pasmine svinja (tropasminski križanac (landras x veliki jorkšir) x durok (LYD) i crna slavonska (CS) svinja) na boju, udio masti i sastav masnih kiselina u dimljenom pršutu te odrediti hlapive spojeve arome. Udio masti određen je metodom po Smedesu, sastav masnih kiselina određen je metodom plinske kromatografije, dok su hlapivi spojevi arome određeni mikroekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi (SPME) i plinsko kromatografsko-masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS). Iako različita pasmina svinja nije pokazala statistički značajnu razliku (p>0,05) u ukupnom udjelu masti, zabilježena je statistički značajna razlika u udjelima pojedinih masnih kiselina. Identificirano je ukupno 103 hlapiva spoja arome, a pripadaju sljedećim grupama kemijskih spojeva: 19 aromatskih ugljikovodika, 17 alifatskih ugljikovodika, 17 ketona, 15 fenola, 14 aldehida, 11 alkohola, 5 kiselina, 2 terpena, 2 estera i 1 spoj sa sumporom. U uzorcima dimljenog pršuta LYD genotipa, najzastupljenije grupe spojeva bile su: aldehidi, fenoli i aromatski ugljikovodici dok su u uzorcima dimljenog pršuta CS najzastupljenije grupe spojeva bile: fenoli, aldehidi i alkoholi. - Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Wirkung von verschiedenen Schweinegenotypen ((Landrasse- x Yorkshire) x Duroc (LYD) und schwarzes slawonisches (CS) Schwein)) auf die Farbe, den Fettanteil und die Fettsäurezusammensetzung von geräucherten Rohschinken zu bestimmten und die flüchtigen Aromainhaltsstoffe zu identifizieren. Der Fettanteil wurde durch die Anwendung der Smedes-Methode bestimmt, die Zusammensetzung der Fettsäuren anhand der Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie, während die flüchtigen Aromainhaltsstoffe unter Verwendung der Headspace-Festphasenmikroextraktion (HSSPME) und der Gaschromatographie mit Massenspektrometrie untersucht wurden (GC-MS). Obwohl unterschiedliche Schweinegenotypen keinen statistisch signifikanten Unterschied (p>0,05) im Gesamtfettanteil gezeigt haben, gab es jedoch einen Unterschied im Anteil der einzelnen Fettsäuren. Es wurden insgesamt 103 flüchtige Aromainhaltsstoffe identifiziert, die den folgenden Gruppen von chemischen Verbindungen zugeordnet werden können: 19 aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe, 17 aliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffe, 17 Ketone, 15 Phenole, 14 Aldehyde, 11 Alkohole, 5 Säuren, 2 Ester und 1 Schwefelverbindung. Die am häufigsten vorkommenden Gruppen von chemischen Verbindungen im geräucherten Rohschinken von LYD-Schweinen waren Aldehyde, Phenole und aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe, während die am häufigsten vorkommenden Gruppen von Verbindungen in geräuchertem Rohschinken des Genotyps CS Phenole, Aldehyde und Alkohole waren. - El fin de este trabajo fue determinar el impacto de diferentes razas de cerdos (el híbrido de tres razas (el Landrace x la raza de cerdo yorkshire grande) x el Duroc (LYD) y el Cerdo Negro de Eslavonia (CS)) sobre el color, el contenido de grasas y la composición de los ácidos grasos en el jamón curado ahumado y determinar los compuestos aromáticos volátiles. El contenido de grasas fue determinado por el método Smedes, la composición de los ácidos grasos fue determinada por la cromatografía de gases y los compuestos aromáticos volátiles fueron determinados por la microextracción en fase sólida (SPME) y por la cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas, GC-MS. Aunque las razas de cerdos diferentes no mostraron las diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0,05) en el contenido total de grasas, fue determinada la diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el contenido de varios ácidos grasos. Fueron identificados 103 compuestos aromáticos volátiles en total, pertenecientes a siguientes grupos de compuestos químicos: 19 hidrocarburos aromáticos, 17 hidrocarburos alifáticos, 17 cetonas, 15 fenoles, 14 aldehídos, 11 alcoholes, 5 ácidos, 2 terpenos, 2 ésteres y 1 compuesto de azufre. En las muestras del jamón ahumado del genotipo LYD, los grupos de compuestos más representados fueron: aldehídos, fenoles e hidrocarburos aromáticos, mientras en las muestras del jamón ahumado CS los compuestos más representados fueron: fenoles, aldehídos y alcoholes. - Questa ricerca ha voluto stabilire l’impatto di diverse razze suine - incrocio di tre razze: landrace x grande bianco o Yorkshire x duroc (LYD) e maiale nero di Slavonia (CS), sul colore, sulla percentuale di grassi e sulla composizione degli acidi grassi nel prosciutto crudo affumicato, oltre ad individuare i composti volatili dell’aroma. La percentuale di grassi è stata stabilita mediante il metodo d’analisi secondo Smedes, la composizione degli acidi grassi è stata accertata mediante la gascromatografia, mentre i composti volatili dell’aroma sono stati accertati mediante la tecnica della microestrazione in fase solida (SPME) e la gascromatografia accoppiata alla spettrometria di massa (GC-MS). Sebbene le differenti razze suine non abbiano mostrato una differenza statisticamente rilevante (p>0,05) riguardo alla percentuale totale di grassi, è stata registrata, invece, una differenza statisticamente rilevante riguardo alle percentuali di singoli acidi grassi. Circa i composti volatili dell’aroma, ne sono stati identificati 103 in totale, appartenenti ai seguenti gruppi di composti chimici: 19 idrocarburi aromatici, 17 idrocarburi alifatici, 17 chetoni, 15 fenoli, 14 aldeidi, 11 alcoli, 5 acidi, 2 terpeni, 2 esteri e 1 composto con lo zolfo. Nei campioni di prosciutto crudo affumicato del genotipo LYD è stata accertata una maggior presenza dei seguenti gruppi di composti: aldeidi, fenoli e idrocarburi aromatici. Nei campioni di prosciutto crudo affumicato del genotipo CS, invece, è stata accertata una maggior presenza dei seguenti gruppi di composti: fenoli, aldeidi e alcoli.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 6 ; str. 548-561  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Suhomesnati proizvodi -- Dimljeni pršut -- Pasmina svinja -- Aroma -- Udio masti -- Masne kiseline

Kontrola antibiotika u mesu i mesnim proizvodima u Europskoj Uniji [Elektronička građa] / Nina Bilandžić, Ivana Varenina, Ines Varga, Božica Solomun Kolanović, Đurđica Božić Luburić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - U veterinarskoj medicini danas je u primjeni više od 400 veterinarskih lijekova koji se koriste u tri glavne svrhe, u liječenju mikrobnih infekcija, prevenciji infekcija te kao promotori rasta u svrhu postizanja bržeg prirasta životinja. Ostaci lijekova u mesu i mesnim proizvodima mogu imati brojne negativne učinke na zdravlje potrošača, od reakcija preosjetljivosti do kancerogenog, mutagenog ili teratogenog učinka, poremećaja normalne crijevne flore te razvitak bakterijskih sojeva rezistentnih na antibiotike. U Europskoj Uniji (EU) najveći proizvođači mesa su Španjolska, Italija, Njemačka, Poljska, Francuska i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo koji ujedno imaju i najveću prodaju lijekova. Najveće količine prodanih lijekova utvrđene su za tetracikline, peniciline i sulfonamide čija je zajednička prodaja na razini EU u 2015. godini iznosila 69,6 %, a u Hrvatskoj 76,7 %. Članice EU prema Direktivi Vijeća 96/23/EZ provode kontrolu ostataka veterinarskih lijekova prema nacionalnim planovima praćenja ostataka lijekova (NPPR) u životinjama koje se koriste za proizvodnju hrane. U kontroli ostataka lijekova koriste se orijentacijske i potvrdne metode. Najčešće se primjenjuje tekućinska kromatografija u kombinaciji s tandemskom spektrometrijom masa. Danas je prioritet razvoj učinkovitih osjetljivih multimetoda koje omogućavaju istovremenu analizu ostataka različitih porodica antibiotika. Svake godine Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) sumira rezultate NPPR članica EU u zajednički izvještaj. Ukupan broj nesukladnih rezultata antibiotika u uzorcima mesa u 2015. i 2016. godini bio je 250 odnosno 195. Utvrđeno je najviše nesukladnih rezultata na tetraciklinske antibiotike. U EU je uspostavljena koordinirana i cjelovita kontrola veterinarskih lijekova neophodna za visoku razinu zaštite zdravlja potrošača. Sustav propisa baš kao i analitičke metode se neprestano nadograđuju i razvijaju. - Today, more than 400 drugs in veterinary medicine are used in three main purposes, in the treatment of microbial infections, infection prevention, and growth promoters in order to achieve a faster animal growth. Residues of medicines in meat and meat products can have a number of negative effects on consumer health, ranging from hypersensitivity to cancerous, mutagenic or teratogenic effects, normal intestinal flora disorders, and antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. In the European Union (EU), the largest meat producers are Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, France and the United Kingdom, which also have the largest drug sales. The largest quantities of drugs sold were found for tetracyclines, penicillins and sulphonamides whose combined sales at EU level in 2015 were 69.6 % and in Croatia 76.7 %. EU members under Council Directive 96/23/EC carry out control of residues of veterinary drugs according to national residue monitoring plans (NRMP) in animals used for food production. Screening and confirmatory methods are used to control of drug residues. Most commonly, liquid chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectrometry is used. Today, priority is the development of effective multimethods that allow simultaneous analysis of residues of different antibiotic families. Every year, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) summarizes the results of the NRMP of the EU Member States in a joint report. The total number of non-compliant antibiotic results in meat samples in 2015 and 2016 was 250 and 195, respectively. The highest number of non-compliant results was found for tetracyclines. A coordinated and comprehensive control of veterinary medicines is established in the EU necessary for a high level of consumer health protection. The system of regulations just as well as analytical methods are constantly being upgraded and developed.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 3 ; str. 279-294  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarski lijekovi -- Antibiotici -- Meso -- Kontrola antibiotika

KERI, Ana Marija
Kvaliteta kokošjih jaja iz konvencionalnog i alternativnih sustava proizvodnje [Elektronička građa] / Ana Marija Keri, Zlata Kralik. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti kvalitetu jaja iz kaveznog i alternativnih sustava proizvodnje. Napravljena je komparacija kvalitete jaja iz tri sustava držanja: konvencionalnog (obogaćeni kavezi) i dva alternativna sustava proizvodnje (volijere i podni uzgoj na dubokoj stelji). U pokusu su korištene nesilice hibridne linije Isa Brown, koje su bile u 69. tjednu proizvodnje. Nesilice su hranjene komercijalnom krmnom smjesom. Nasumičnim odabirom uzorkovana su jaja za potrebe analize kvalitete i svježine (masa jaja i masa osnovnih dijelova u jajetu, indeks oblika, čvrstoća i debljina ljuske, visina bjelanjka, HJ, boja žumanjka, pH bjelanjka i pH žumanjka). Kvaliteta jaja određena je na ukupno 74 jaja od čega je 27 jaja od nesilica držanih na dubokoj stelji (DS), 25 komada od nesilica držanih u volijerama (VO) i 22 komada jaja od nesilica držanih u obogaćenim kavezima (OK). Analizom rezultata utvrđeno je da sustavi držanja kokoši nesilica ne utječu (P>0,05) na indeks oblika, masu žumanjka i visinu bjelanjka, dok statistički značajan utjecaj imaju na masu jaja, masu bjelanjka i ljuske, debljinu i čvrstoću ljuske, boju žumanjka, HJ, pH bjelanjka i pH žumanjka, udjele osnovnih dijelova u jajima (P<0,05). - The quality of hens eggs from conventional and alternative production systems The aim of this paper was to compare egg quality from cage and alternative production systems. A comparison of the quality of eggs from three production systems was made: conventional (enriched cages) system and two alternative production systems (aviaries and floor-breeding on deep litter). The experiment was conducted on hybrid line Isa Brown hens which were in the 69th week of production. The hens were fed with commercial feed mixture. Eggs were sampled by random selection for analysis of quality and freshness (egg weight and weight of basic parts in egg, shape index, strength and thickness of shell, albumen height, Haugh units, yolk color, pH of albumen and pH of egg yolk). The quality of eggs was determined on a total of 74 eggs, out of which 27 eggs were from deep litter (DS), 25 eggs from hens kept in aviaries (VO) and 22 eggs from hens kept in enriched cages (OK). Analysis of the results found that production systems do not affect (P>0.05) the shape index, yolk weight and albumen height, while there is a significant influence on weight of eggs, albumen and shell, shell strength ant thickness, yolk color, Haugh units, pH of albumen and yolk, and share of basic parts in eggs (P<0.05). - Die Qualität der Hühnereier aus konventionellen und alternativen Haltungssystemen Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Qualität von Eiern aus der Käfighaltung und aus alternativen Haltungssystemen zu vergleichen. Es wurde ein Vergleich der Qualität von Eiern aus drei Haltesystemen vorgenommen: konventionelles System (angereicherte Käfige) und zwei alternative Haltesysteme (Volieren und Bodenhaltung auf Tiefstreu). Das Experiment wurde mit Legehennen der Hybridlinie Isa Brown durchgeführt, die sich in der 69. Haltungswoche befanden. Die Legehennen wurden mit einer kommerziellen Futtermischung gefüttert. Für die Analyse der Qualität und Frische (Eigewicht und Gewicht der wichtigsten Eibestandteile, Formindex, Stärke und Dicke der Schale, Eiweißlänge, Haugh Einheiten, Eigelbfarbe, pH-Wert von Eiweiß und pH-Wert des Eigelbs) wurden die Eier zufällig ausgewählt. Die Qualität der Eier wurde an insgesamt 74 Eiern bestimmt, von denen 27 Eier aus von Legehennen stammen, die auf Tiefstreu gehalten wurden (DS), 25 Eier von Legehennen in Volieren (VO) und 22 Eier von Legehennen in angereicherten Käfigen (OK). Die Analyse der Ergebnisse ergab, dass das Haltungssystem den Formindex, das Eigelbgewicht und die Eiweißlänge nicht beeinflusst (P>0,05), während es das Gewicht von Eiern, Eiweiß und Schale, die Stärke und Dicke der Schale, die Eigelbfarbe, die Haugh-Einheiten, den pH-Wert von Eiweiß und Eigelb und den Anteil der Grundbestandteile von Eiern (P <0,05) erheblich beeinflusst. - Qualità delle uova prodotte da galline allevate nei sistemi d’allevamento convenzionale e nei sistemi alternativi Questo studio è stato condotto per confrontare la qualità delle uova prodotte da galline allevate nei sistemi d’allevamento in gabbia e nei sistemi alternativi. La comparazione ha riguardato la qualità delle uova ottenute da galline allevate secondo tre sistemi differenti: uno convenzionale (in gabbie “arricchite”) e due alternativi (voliere e allevamento a terra con lettiera profonda). L’esperimento ha coinvolto galline ovaiole della linea ibrida Isa Brown alla 69° settimana di produzione, alimentate con mangime commerciale. La campionatura, operata con scelta casuale, è servita per analizzarne la qualità e la freschezza delle uova (massa dell’uovo, massa delle sue parti fondamentali, indice della forma, durezza e spessore del guscio, altezza dell’albume, HJ, colore del tuorlo, pH dell’albume e pH del tuorlo). La qualità delle uova è stata definita su 74 in totale, di cui 27 da galline allevate a terra con lettiera profonda (LP), 25 da galline allevate in voliera (VO) e 22 da galline allevate in gabbie “arricchite” (GA). Dall’analisi dei risultati discende che i sistemi d’allevamento delle galline ovaiole non incidono (P>0,05) sull’indice della forma, sulla massa del tuorlo e sull’altezza dell’albume, mentre è statisticamente significativo il loro impatto sulla massa dell’uovo, sulla massa dell’albume e del guscio, sullo spessore e la durezza del guscio, sul colore del tuorlo, sull’HJ, sul pH dell’albume e sul pH del tuorlo e, per finire, sul rapporto tra le parti fondamentali dell’uovo (P<0,05). - Calidad de los huevos de gallina de los sistemas de producción convencional y alternativo El fin de este trabajo fue comparar la calidad de los huevos de los sistemas de producción en jaula y alternativos. Fue hecha la comparación de los huevos de tres sistemas: el sistema convencional (jaulas enriquecidas) y dos sistemas alternativos de la producción (pajareras y sistema de criadero de cama profunda). El experimento fue llevado a cabo con la línea híbrida de gallinas ponedoras Isa Brown, en la semana 69 de producción. Las gallinas ponedoras fueron alimentadas con la mezcla de pienso comercial. Los huevos fueron muestreados por selección aleatoria para el análisis de la calidad y frescura (la masa de huevo y la masa de las partes básicas del huevo, el índice de forma, la firmeza y el espesor de la cáscara de huevo, la altura de la albúmina, la unidad Haugh, el color de la yema, el pH de la albúmina y el pH de la yema). La calidad de los huevos fue determinada para 74 huevos en total, de los cuales 27 fueron de las gallinas ponedoras de los criaderos de cama profunda (DS), 25 fueron de las gallinas ponedoras de las pajareras (VO) y 22 huevos fueron de las gallinas ponedoras de las jaulas enriquecidas (OK). El análisis de los resultados mostró que los sistemas de la producción de las gallinas ponedoras no influyen (P>0,05) sobre el índice de forma, la masa de la yema y la altura de la albúmina mientras tienen la influencia estadísticamente significante sobre la masa de los huevos, la masa de la albúmina y de la cáscara, sobre la firmeza y el espesor de la cáscara, el color de la yema, sobre la unidad Haugh, el pH de la albúmina, el pH de la yema y sobre las partes básicas del huevo (P<0,05).
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 1 ; str. 88-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jaja -- Proizvodnja jaja -- Kvaliteta jaja -- Nesilice -- Obogaćeni kavezi

LJUTIĆ, Daniel
Kvaliteta mljevenog mesa s područja grada Zagreba [Elektronička građa] / Daniel Ljutić, Mladenka Malenica, Greta Krešić, Tina Lešić, Sanja Kolarić Kravar, Lidija Dergestin Bačun, Jelka Pleadin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati kvalitetu mljevenog mesa dostupnog na području grada Zagreba te ocijeniti sukladnost ovih proizvoda s obzirom na zahtjeve propisane za mljeveno meso Uredbom (EU) br. 1169/2011 o informiranju potrošača o hrani. U istraživanju su korišteni pretpakirani uzorci mljevenog mesa (n = 42) nabavljeni u maloprodajnoj mreži s područja grada Zagreba, podijeljeni u tri kategorije ovisno o vrsti mljevenog mesa: goveđe mljeveno meso (n = 12), svinjsko mljeveno meso (n = 13) te miješano svinjsko i goveđe mljeveno meso (n = 17). Parametri kvalitete mljevenog mesa ispitani su primjenom standardnih akreditiranih metoda: udio kolagena (HRN ISO 3496:1999), udio ukupnih bjelančevina (HRN ISO 937:1999) i udio ukupnih masti (HRN ISO 1443:1999). Analizom dobivenih rezultata utvrđeno je da ukupno devet uzoraka (21%) nije udovoljavalo zahtjevima propisanim Uredbom po pitanju omjera kolagena i bjelančevina ili udjela masti, odnosno da ti proizvodi nisu imali vjerodostojne informacije na deklaracijama odnosno nazive vrste mljevenog mesa. Utvrđene nepravilnosti upućuju na nužnost sustavnih kontrola kvalitete mljevenog mesa dostupnog na tržištu. - The aim of this study was to examine the quality of minced meat available in the City of Zagreb and to assess the conformity of these products with respect to the requirements laid down for minced meat by Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers. The study used pre-packaged minced meat samples (n = 42) obtained from a retail network in the City of Zagreb, divided into three categories depending on the type of minced meat: minced beef (n = 12), minced pork (n = 13) and mixed minced pork and beef (n = 17). Meat quality parameters were tested using standard accredited methods: collagen content (HRN ISO 3496: 1999), total protein content (HRN ISO 937: 1999) and total fat content (HRN ISO 1443: 1999). An analysis of the results obtained revealed that a total of nine samples (21%) did not meet the requirements laid down in the Regulation in terms of collagen to protein ratio or fat content, ie that these products did not have credible information on the declarations or names of the type of minced meat. The irregularities identified indicate the need for systematic controls on the quality of minced meat available on the market. - Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand darin, die Qualität von Hackfleisch zu prüfen, das in der Region der Stadt Zagreb erhältlich ist, und die Konformität dieser Produkte im Hinblick auf die Anforderungen für Hackfleisch zu bewerten, die in der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1169/2011 betreffend die Information der Verbraucher festgelegt sind. An der Untersuchung haben Proben von vorgepacktem Hackfleisch (n = 42) teilgenommen, die im Kleinhandel in der Zagreber Region besorgt wurden, eingeteilt in drei Kategorien, abhängig von der Sorte des Hackfleischs: Rinderhackfleisch (n = 12), Schweinehackfleisch (n = 13) und gemischtes Schweine- und Rinderhackfleisch (n = 17). Die Qualitätsparameter des Hackfleischs wurden anhand von standardisierten akkreditierten Methoden geprüft: Kollagenanteil (HRN ISO 3496:1999), Gesamteiweißanteil (HRN ISO 937:1999) und Gesamtfettanteil (HRN ISO 1443:1999). Bei der Auswertung der gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurde festgestellt, dass insgesamt neun Proben (21%) die Anforderungen aus der Verordnung in Bezug auf das Verhältnis zwischen Kollagen und Eiweiß oder Fettanteil nicht erfüllten, bzw. dass diese Produkte auf der Produktkennzeichnung über keine glaubwürdigen Informationen, bzw. die Bezeichnung der Fleischsorte im Hackfleisch verfügen. Die ermittelten Abweichungen weisen auf die Notwendigkeit von systematischen Qualitätskontrollen von Hackfleisch hin, das auf dem Markt erhältlich ist. - El fin de este trabajo fue investigar la calidad de la carne picada disponible en la ciudad de Zagreb y calificar la conformidad de estos productos con los requisitos prescritos para la carne picada por el Reglamento (UE) No 1169/2011 sobre la información alimentaria facilitada al consumidor. Fueron usadas las muestras de carne picada preenvasadas (n=42) compradas en una red minorista en la ciudad de Zagreb, divididas en tres categorías según el tipo de carne picada: la carne de res picada (n = 12), la carne de cerdo picada (n = 13) y la carne picada mezcla de cerdo y res (n = 17). Los parámetros de calidad de carne picada fueron investigados por los métodos acreditados estándar: el contenido de colágeno (HRN ISO 3496:1999), la proporción de proteína total (HRN ISO 937:1999) y la proporción de grasas total (HRN ISO 1443:1999). El análisis de los resultados obtenidos demostró que un total de 9 muestras (21%) no cumplieron con los requisitos prescritos por el Reglamento en cuanto a la proporción de colágeno a proteína o la proporción de grasa, es decir esos productos no tuvieron informaciones creíbles en el producto, o sea no tuvieron indicados los tipos de carne picada. Las irregularidades determinadas indican que existe la necesidad de controles sistemáticos de la calidad de la carne picada disponible en el mercado. - La presente ricerca aveva lo scopo di testare la qualità della carne macinata in vendita nel territorio della città di Zagabria e di valutare la conformità di questi prodotti rispetto ai criteri stabiliti per la carne macinata dal Regolamento (UE) n. 1169/2011 relativo alla fornitura d’informazioni sugli alimenti ai consumatori. Nella ricerca sono stati esaminati campioni preconfezionati di carne macinata (n = 42) acquistati nella rete di vendita al dettaglio del territorio della città di Zagabria, suddivisi in tre categorie in base alla tipologia di carne macinata: carne macinata bovina (n = 12), carne macinata suina (n = 13) e carne macinata mista suina e bovina (n = 17). I parametri che definiscono la qualità della carne macinata sono stati testati mediante l’applicazione dei seguenti metodi standard accreditati: percentuale di collagene (HRN ISO 3496:1999), percentuale di proteine totali (HRN ISO 937:1999) e percentuale di grassi totali (HRN ISO 1443:1999). Dall’analisi dei risultati ottenuti, nove campioni in tutto (21%) non hanno soddisfatto i criteri prescritti nel Regolamento per quanto riguarda il rapporto tra collagene e proteine totali o grassi totali. È stato altresì accertato che le etichette di questi campioni non contenevano informazioni credibili né l’indicazione dei tipi di carne macinata. Le irregolarità accertate rimandano alla necessità di sistematici controlli sulla qualità della carne macinata in vendita sul mercato.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 6 ; str. 586-593  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mljeveno meso -- Kvaliteta mesa -- Patvorenje -- Kolagen -- Mesne bjelančevine -- Udio masti -- Informiranje potrošača

KAIĆ, Ana, agronomka
Mekoća konjskog mesa [Elektronička građa] / Ana Kaić, Klemen Potočnik. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Među brojnim svojstvima koje povezujemo s kakvoćom konjskog mesa, jedno od najkompleksnijih je svakako njegova mekoća. Iako svojstvo mekoće ima važnu ulogu u sveukupnoj prihvaćenosti i kakvoći konjskog mesa percipiranoj od strane potrošača ono je još uvijek nedovoljno istraženo. Pri tome svakako treba uzeti u obzir da je mekoća mesa pod utjecajem odvijanja brojnih strukturnih i biokemijskih promjena koje se ugrubo mogu podijeliti na one vezane uz sadržaj i svojstva vezivnog tkiva, sadržaj intramuskularne masti, dužinu sarkomere i degradaciju miofibrilarnih proteina. Njihove interakcije su kompleksne i dodatno ovisne o hlađenju, električnoj stimulaciji, načinu vješanja polovica, mehaničkom omekšavanju mesa, zrenju, korištenju različitih marinada te uvjetima tijekom termičke obrade. Izuzev toga, svakako treba uzeti u obzir sustav uzgoja, pasminu, spol, dob i anatomsku lokaciju. Istraživanja bi svakako trebala uzeti u obzir prethodno navedeno te se intenzivnije usmjeriti prema novim spoznajama i popularizaciji kakvoće konjskog mesa. - Tenderness of horsemeat Tenderness is, without doubt, one of the most complex among the numerous traits associated with horsemeat quality. Even though tenderness is an important factor in the overall acceptance and quality of horsemeat perceived by consumers, it requires further investigation. It should be taken into account that meat tenderness is influenced by numerous structural and biochemical changes that can be classified as those related to the amount and quality of connective tissue, intramuscular lipid content (marbling), sarcomere length, and myofibrillar protein degradation. Their interactions are complex and additionally dependent on cooling, electrical stimulation, carcass hanging, mechanical tenderisation of meat, aging, use of different marinades, and conditions during the thermal treatment. The tenderness of meat is additionally influenced by livestock production system, breed, gender, age, and anatomic location. Further research should take into account all of the above mentioned factors and more intensely focus on new insights and the promotion of horsemeat quality. - Zartheit von Pferdefleisch Von den vielen Eigenschaften, die mit der Qualität von Pferdefleisch in Verbindung gebracht werden, ist eines der komplexesten mit Sicherheit seine Zartheit. Obwohl die Zartheit eine bedeutende Rolle für die allgemeine Akzeptanz und die Qualität von Pferdefleisch unter den Verbrauchern hat, ist diese Eigenschaft immer noch nicht ausreichend untersucht. Hier sollte jedoch bedacht werden, dass die Zartheit von Fleisch durch zahlreiche strukturelle und biochemische Veränderungen beeinflusst wird, die in Verbindung mit dem Inhalt und den Eigenschaften des Bindegewebes, der Zusammensetzung des intramuskulären Fettes, der Sarkomerlänge und der Degradierung der myofibrillären Proteine in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Ihre Wechselwirkungen sind komplex und hängen zusätzlich von der Kühlung, der elektrischen Stimulation, der Hängemethode der Hälften, der mechanischen Verbesserung der Zartheit von Fleisch, der Reifung, der Verwendung diverser Marinaden und den Bedingungen während der thermischen Behandlung ab. Außerdem sollten das Zuchtsystem, die Rasse, das Geschlecht, Alter und die anatomische Position berücksichtigt werden. Die Untersuchungen sollten in jedem Fall die erwähnten Parameter berücksichtigen und sich stärker auf neue Erkenntnisse und die Popularisierung der Qualität von Pferdefleisch konzentrieren. - La morbidezza della carne equina Tra le numerose proprietà che associamo alla qualità della carne equina, una delle più complesse è senz’altro la sua morbidezza. Sebbene essa svolga un ruolo importante nella generale accettazione e nella qualità della carne equina percepita dai consumatori, questa proprietà non è ancora sufficientemente analizzata. A questo proposito occorre considerare che la morbidezza della carne è certamente condizionata dallo svolgersi di tutta una serie di processi strutturali e biochimici che possono essere grosso modo suddivisi tra quelli legati al contenuto e alle proprietà del tessuto connettivo, quelli legati al contenuto dei grassi intramuscolari, quelli legati alla lunghezza del sarcomero e quelli legati alla degradazione delle proteine miofibrillari. Le loro interazioni sono complesse e dipendono, inoltre, dal raffreddamento, dalla stimolazione elettrica, dal modo di appendere le mezzane, dall’ammorbidimento meccanico della carne, dalla maturazione, dall’uso di varie marinature e dalle condizioni esistenti durante il trattamento termico. A parte ciò, va certamente considerato anche il sistema d’allevamento, la razza, il sesso, l’età e la locazione anatomica. Le ricerche dovrebbero prendere in considerazione quando detto e rivolgersi con maggiore intensità verso le nuove conoscenze e verso la popolarizzazione della qualità della carne equina. - Ternura de la carne de caballo Entre las numerosas características en relación con la calidad de la carne de caballo, una de las más complejas es su ternura. Aunque la ternura tiene un papel importante en la aceptación general y en la calidad de la carne de caballo percibida por parte del consumidor, todavía está insuficientemente investigada. Hay que tomar en cuenta que la ternura de la carne está bajo la influencia de numerosos cambios estructurales y bioquímicos, divididos en los relacionados con el contenido y las características del tejido conectivo, el contenido en grasa intramuscular, la longitud del sarcómero y la degradación de proteínas miofibrilares. Sus interacciones son complejas y además dependientes de la refrigeración, estimulación eléctrica, de la manera de colgar las canales, el ablandamiento mecánico, la maduración, el uso de diferentes adobos y de diferentes condiciones durante el procesamiento térmico. Además, hay que considerar el sistema de cría, la raza, el sexo, la edad y la posición anatómica. Las investigaciones deberían estudiar lo antedicho y dar un enfoque más intensivo a los nuevos conocimientos y a la popularización de la calidad de la carne de caballo.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 1 ; str. 71-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konjsko meso -- Kakvoća mesa -- Mekoća mesa

Physicochemical characteristics of Croatian royal jelly [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Flanjak, Ljiljana Primorac, Ilijana Vukadin, Marin Kovačić, Zlatko Puškadija, Blanka Bilić Rajs. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 270-271. - Abstract. - Due to its high nutritive value, royal jelly usage is increasing, both in human nutrition in native form and as bioactive component in other products (dietary supplements, medicines). The database and regulations on royal jelly characteristics are established in several countries, but not in Croatia. Physicochemical characteristics: moisture, protein content, pH value, total acidity, carbohydrate composition and 10-HDA content in 13 Croatian royal jelly samples were determined with the aim of getting insight to quality of royal jelly produced in Croatia. The obtained results showed that regarding 10-HDA content, one of the most important quality parameter, all samples fulfilled the international standard for royal jelly specifications. Moisture of three samples was higher than prescribed (69.5%, 76.3% and 72.0%, respectively) while one sample had slightly lower protein content than minimum 11% prescribed in international standard. Sucrose content in two royal jelly samples was higher than 3%. Statistically significant correlations were obtained between moisture and protein content, 10-HDA and total acidity as well as between fructose and glucose content. The results of this study will contribute to creation the database of Croatian royal jelly physicochemical characteristics and thus help in setting the royal jelly quality criteria at national level.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 266-271  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matična mliječ -- Fizičko-kemijska svojstva -- Kvaliteta

Povezanost mesnatosti s intenzitetom rasta crnih slavonskih svinja [Elektronička građa] / Đuro Senčić, Danijela Samac, Zvonko Antunović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Istraživanje je provedeno na crnim slavonskim svinjama koje su tovljene 190 dana u poluotvorenom sustavu držanja i hranjene krmnom smjesom te zelenom lucernom po volji. Nakon tova svinje su podijeljene u dvije skupine (A i B) prema veličini dnevnih prirasta. Svinje iz skupine A imale su prosječan dnevni prirast od 0,520 kg, a svinje iz skupine B imale su prosječan dnevni prirast od 0,420 kg. Svinje su nakon klanja disecirane prema metodi Weniger i sur. (1963.) Crne slavonske svinje s većim intenzitetom prirasta (veći dnevni prirast) u odnosu na one s manjim intenzitetom prirasta, za isto vrijeme tova, imaju veću živu masu, veću masu hladnih polovica, duže polovice, deblju leđnu slaninu i manji udjel mišićnog tkiva u polovicama. Postoji značajna povezanost (r) između veličina dnevnog prirasta i analiziranih pokazatelja klaoničke kvalitete svinja. - The research was carried out on Black Slavonian pigs that were fattened for 190 days in a semiopen system. They were fed fodder mixture and green alfalfa ad libitum. After fattening, the pigs were divided in two groups (A and B), according to their daily gains. The average daily gain of pigs in Group A was 0.520 kg, whereas the average daily gain of pigs in Group B was 0.420 kg. After slaughter, the pigs were dissected according to Weniger et al. (1963.) Compared to the pigs with lower growth intensity within the same fattening period, the Black Slavonian pigs with higher growth intensity (higher daily gains) had higher live weight, higher cold carcass weight, longer carcass length, thicker back fat and lower muscular tissue share in carcasses. There is a significant correlation (r) between daily gains and the analysed indicators of slaughter quality of pigs. - Die Untersuchung wurde an schwarzen slawonischen Schweinen durchgeführt, die 190 Tage in halboffenen Haltungssystemen gehalten und mit Viehfutter und Luzerne nach Wahl gefüttert wurden. Nach der Mast wurden die Schweine nach dem Tageszuwachs in zwei Gruppen unterteilt (A und B). Die Schweine aus der Gruppe A hatten einen durchschnittlichen Tageszuwachs von 0,520 kg und die Schweine aus der Gruppe B einen durchschnittlichen Tageszuwachs von 0,420 kg. Die Schweine wurden nach dem Schlachten nach der Methode von Weniger und Part. seziert (1963). Die schwarzen slawonischen Schweine mit einer größeren Zuwachsintensität (größerer Tageszuwachs) haben im Vergleich mit den Schweinen mit einer kleineren Zuwachsintensität, während der gleichen Mastzeit, eine größere Masse, eine größere Masse der kalten Hälften, längere Hälften, einen dickeren Rückenspeck und einen geringeren Anteil des Muskelgewebes in den Hälften erreicht. Es besteht ein relevanter Zusammenhang (r) zwischen dem Tageszuwachs und den analysierten Parametern der Schlachtqualität der Schweine. - La investigación fue hecha en los cerdos negros de Eslavonia cebados por 190 días en el sistema de cría semi-extensivo con la mezcla de pienso y el alfalfa verde a voluntad. Después del cebado los cerdos fueron divididos en dos grupos (A y B) según la ganancia diaria. Los cerdos del grupo A tuvieron la ganancia diaria promedia de 0,520 kg y los cerdos del grupo B tuvieron la ganancia diaria promedia de 0,420 kg. Después de la matanza los cerdos fueron diseccionados según el método Weniger et al. Los cerdos negros de Eslavonia con la intensidad de ganancia más alta (la ganancia diaria más alta) tuvieron durante el cebado el peso vivo más alto, la masa de los canales más alta, los canale más largos, el tocino trasero más grueso y la proporción del tejido muscular en los canales más baja en comparación con los cerdos con la intensidad de ganancia más baja. Hay una correlación significativa (r) entre los valores de ganancias diarias y los indicadores de calidad de matadero de los cerdos analizados. - Lo studio è stato condotto su maiali neri di Slavonia ingrassati per 190 giorni in allevamenti semi aperti e alimentati con mangime e con erba medica a volontà. Dopo l’ingrasso, i maiali sono stati suddivisi in due gruppi (A e B) in base all’entità degli incrementi giornalieri. I maiali del gruppo A hanno fatto registrare un incremento giornaliero medio di 0,520 kg, mentre quelli del gruppo B hanno fatto registrare un incremento giornaliero medio pari a 0,420 kg. Dopo la macellazione, i maiali sono stati dissezionati secondo il metodo Weniger e coll. (1963). I maiali neri di Slavonia con una crescita più intensa (maggiore incremento giornaliero) rispetto a quelli con un’intensità di crescita minore, a pari durata del periodo d’ingrasso, hanno fatto registrare una massa viva superiore, una maggiore massa delle mezze carcasse fredde, mezze carcasse più lunghe, un maggior spessore per quanto riguarda il grasso dorsale e una minore percentuale di tessuto muscolare nelle mezze carcasse. Esiste un significativo legame (r) tra l’entità dell’incremento giornaliero e gli indicatori di qualità dei maiali macellati esaminati.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 5 ; str. 481-485  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Crne slavonske svinje -- Dnevni prirast -- Intenzitet rasta -- Mesnatost

MIKUŠ, Tomislav
Procjena dobrobiti ličke pramenke na farmi GEA-COM d.o.o. [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Mikuš, Lidija Kozačinski, Željka Cvrtila, Luka Pajurin, Dina Jelenčić, Mario Živković, Silvio Vince, Ana Shek Vugrovečki, Ivona Žura Žaja, Daniel Špoljarić, Gordan Mršić, Maja Popović, Branimira Špoljarić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - U svijetu se uzgaja preko milijardu ovaca, a većina se njih drži u ekstenzivnim uvjetima, odnosno provode barem dio godine na pašnjacima bez posebno bliskog kontakta s ljudima. Dobrobit ovaca od iznimnog je značaja za kvalitetu njihovog mesa te je stoga vrlo važno procijeniti dobrobit tijekom proizvodnje pouzdanim i lako provedivim metodama. U ovom je radu dobrobit ovaca procijenjena uz pomoć mobilne aplikacije AWIN protokola za procjenu dobrobiti ovaca na farmi tvrtke GEA-COM d.o.o. te je prikazano nekoliko pokazatelja dobrobiti temeljenih na životinjama. Tijekom razdoblja istraživanja dobrobit ovaca u navedenom uzgoju poboljšavala se, a glavni su razlozi tome promjene u načinu držanja i hranidbe ovaca (puštanje na ispašu i dodatak koncentrata) koji su doveli do više razine dobrobiti pojedinačnih životinja, a posljedično i cijelog stada. - Application of AWIN welfare assessment protocol for sheep on the GEA-COM Ltd. farm There are over one billion sheep reared in the world, most of which are kept in extensive conditions. They spent at least a few months during the year on pastures without particularly close contact with humans. The welfare of sheep is of utmost importance for the quality of their meat, and therefore it is very important to assess the welfare of sheep with reliable and feasible methods. In this paper, sheep welfare was evaluated with mobile application of the AWIN Welfare Assessment Protocol for Sheep at the farm owned by GEA-COM Ltd. Authors present several animal-based indicators regarding individual animals troughout the time of the study. During the period of the research, the welfare of sheep was improved, and the main reasons for this were the changes in the way in which the sheep were reared. Letting the flock out for grazing and adding concentrate supplements in their feed lead to higher level of welfare on individual animal level, and consequently raised the welfare level of the entire flock. - Beurteilung des Wohlbefindens der Schafsrasse Lička pramenka im landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb GEA-COM d.o.o. Weltweit werden über eine Milliarde Schafe gezüchtet, die unter extensiven Bedingungen gehalten werden, bzw. sie verbringen zumindest einen Teil des Jahres auf der Weide, ohne einen besonders nahen Kontakt zu den Menschen. Das Wohlbefinden der Schafe hat eine sehr große Bedeutung für die Fleischqualität.. Daher ist es sehr wichtig, das Wohlbefinden während der Zucht anhand von zuverlässigen und leicht umsetzbaren Methoden zu beurteilen. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Wohlbefinden der Schafe anhand der mobilen Applikation des AWIN-Protokolls für die Bewertung des Wohlbefindens der Schafe im landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb der Firma GEA-COM d.o.o. bewertet. Dabei wurden einige Parameter des Wohlbefindens von Tieren dargestellt. Während des untersuchten Zeitraums hat sich das Wohlbefinden der Schafe unter den genannten Zuchtbedingungen verbessert, vorwiegend infolge der Änderung der Haltungsbedingungen und der Fütterung (intensivere Beweidung und Zugabe von Konzentraten), was zur Steigerung des Wohlbefindens einzelner Tiere, somit auch der ganzen Herde geführt hat. - La evaluación del bienestar de la raza Pramenka de Lika en la granja GEA-COM d.o.o. Hay más de mil millones ovejas criadas en el mundo y la mayoría de ellas está en las condiciones de ganadería extensiva, es decir una parte del año están en los pastos sin contacto con los humanos. El bienestar de las ovejas es de suma importancia para la calidad de la carne y por eso es importante evaluar su bienestar durante la producción por los métodos fiables y fáciles de implementar. En este trabajo el bienestar de las ovejas fue evaluado por la aplicación móvil del protocolo AWIN para la evaluación del bienestar de las ovejas en la granja de la empresa GEA-COM d.o.o. y fueron mostrados varios indicadores del bienestar basados en los animales. Durante el período de la investigación el bienestar de las ovejas en la crianza mencionada se mejoró y las razones principales fueron los cambios en la manera de criar y alimentar las ovejas (comida en el pasto y la añadidura del concentrado) que llevaron al nivel más alto del bienestar de animales individuales y, como consecuencia, del rebaño entero. - Valutazione del benessere degli ovini di razza lička pramenka (pramenka della Lika) nello stabilimento zootecnico della GEA-COM d.o.o. Nel mondo si allevano oltre un miliardo di pecore, la maggior parte delle quali viene mantenuta in condizioni d’allevamento estensivo, ossia le greggi trascorrono almeno una parte dell’anno nei pascoli senza alcuno stretto contatto con gli uomini. Il benessere degli ovini è estremamente importante per la qualità delle loro carni; è, dunque, molto importante valutare il benessere dei capi durante il processo produttivo mediante un metodo affidabile e di facile attuazione. In questo studio, il benessere degli ovini dello stabilimento zootecnico della società GEA-COM d.o.o. (S.r.l.) è stato valutato mediante l’applicazione mobile del protocollo AWIN riguardante la valutazione del benessere degli ovini. Il protocollo ha evidenziato alcuni indicatori del benessere basati sullo stato degli animali. Durante il periodo di osservazione, il benessere delle pecore nel suddetto stabilimento zootecnico è andato migliorando. Le principali ragioni di questo miglioramento sono state individuate nelle variazioni apportate al modo di tenere e nutrire i capi (lasciandoli liberi di pascolare e integrandone l’alimentazione con concentrati), il che ha portato a un miglioramento del benessere di ogni singolo capo e, di conseguenza, dell’intero gregge.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 2 ; str. 180-185  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ovce -- Lička pramenka -- Dobrobit životinja

Sastav masnih kiselina slavonske šunke soljene s krupnom morskom i sitnom kamenom soli [Elektronička građa] / Krešimir Mastanjević, Dragan Kovačević, Nives Bušić, Dunja Čeple, Tina Lešić, Jelka Pleadin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Cilj rada je bio procijeniti utjecaj različitih vrsta soli (krupne morske (KMS) i sitne kamen soli (SKS)) na sastav masnih kiselina slavonske šunke. Određivanje sastava masnih kiselina je provedeno na kraju proizvodnog procesa. Nakon ekstrakcije masti pomoću standardiziranog Soxhlet postupka, metilni esteri masnih kiselina analizirani su pomoću plinske kromatografije sa plameno-ionizacijskom detekcijom (GCFID). Određen je sastav masnih kiselina s obzirom na skupine zasićenih (SFA), mononezasićenih (MUFA) i polinezasićenih (PUFA) masnih kiselina, kao i omjeri n-6/n-3 te PUFA/SFA. Rezultati određivanja sastava masnih kiselina slavonske šunke soljenih s KMS i SKS pokazuju da je oleinska kiselina (C18:1n9) najdominantnija masna kiselina iz skupine MUFA (43,43 i 43,44%), najzastupljenija SFA kiselina bila je palmitinska kiselina (C16:0) (23,67 i 23, 21%), a PUFA linolna kiselina (C18:2n-6c) (9,74 i 10,48%). Vrsta soli je statistički značajno (p <0,05) utjecala na sastav masnih kiselina slavonske šunke. Omjeri PUFA/SFA (0,29 - 0,32) i n-6/n-3 (19,60 - 19,88) za uzorke slavonske šunke soljene s KMS i SKS u skladu su s ranije objavljenim podacima za različite hrvatske i europske pršute i šunke. - Fatty acids composition of Slavonian Ham salted with coarse sea and fine rock salt The aim of the paper was to evaluate the influence of different types of salt (coarse sea salt (CSS) and fine rock salt (FRS)) on the composition of fatty acids in Slavonian ham. The determination of fatty acid composition was carried out at the end of the production process. After the extraction of fat using the standardised Soxhlet method, fatty acid methyl esters were analysed using the gas chromatography with flame ionization detection method (GC-FID). The composition of fatty acids was determined with respect to groups of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids, as well as ratios of n -6/ n-3 and PUFA/SFA. The results obtained by determining the fatty acid composition of Slavonian ham cured with CSS and FRS revealed that oleic acid (C18: 1n9) was the most dominant fatty acid from the MUFA group (43.43 and 43.44%), with palmitic acid (C16: 0) being the most dominant among SFA acids (23.67 and 23.21%) and linoleic acid (C18: 2n-6c) being the most dominant among PUFA acids (9.74 and 10.48%). The influence of the type of salt on the fatty acid composition of Slavonian ham was statistically significant (p <0.05). The PUFA/SFA (0.29 - 0.32) and n-6 / n-3 (19.60 - 19.88) ratios for Slavonian hams cured with CSS and FRS corresponded with previously published data for different Croatian and European prosciuttos and hams. - Zusammensetzung der Fettsäuren beim slawonischen Schinken, der mit grobem Meersalz und feinem Steinsalz gesalzen wurde Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Auswirkung von diversen Salzsorten (grobkörniges Meersalz und feines Steinsalz) auf die Zusammensetzung von Fettsäuren beim slawonischen Schinken zu untersuchen. Die Zusammensetzung der Fettsäuren wurde am Ende des Produktionsverfahrens ermittelt. Nach der Fettextraktion nach der Soxhlet –Methode wurden die Fettsäuremethylester anhand der Gaschromatographie mit einem Flammenionisationsdetektor (GC-FID) analysiert. Die Zusammensetzung der Fettsäuren wurde in Bezug auf die Gruppe der gesättigten (SFA), einfach gesättigten (MUFA) und mehrfach ungesättigten (PUFA) Fettsäuren sowie in Bezug auf das Verhältnis n-6/n-3 und PUFA/SFA festgelegt. Die Ergebnisse der Festlegung der Zusammensetzung der Fettsäuren beim slawonischen Schinken, der mit grobkörnigem Meersalz und mit feinem Steinsalz behandelt wurde, zeigen, dass aus der MUFA-Gruppe die Oleinsäure (C18:1n9) am dominantesten ist (43,43 und 43,44%), aus der Gruppe der SFA Säuren die Palmitinsäure (C16:0) (23,67 und 23, 21%), und von den PUFA Fettsäuren die Linolsäure (C18:2n-6c) (9,74 und 10,48%) am häufigsten vorkommen. Die Salzart hatte eine statistisch relevante (p <0,05) Auswirkung auf die Zusammensetzung der Fettsäuren beim slawonischen Schinken. Das Verhältnis PUFA/SFA (0,29 - 0,32) und n-6/n-3 (19,60 - 19,88) bei den Proben des slawonischen Schinkens, der mit grobkörnigem Meersalz und feinem Steinsalz behandelt wurde, entspricht den früher gewonnenen Ergebnissen für diverse kroatische und europäische Schinken und Rohschinken. - La composizione degli acidi grassi del prosciutto cotto di Slavonia salato con sale marino grosso e con salgemma fine Lo studio si propone di valutare l’impatto di diversi tipi di sale (sale marino grosso e salgemma fine) sulla composizione degli acidi grassi del prosciutto cotto di Slavonia. La composizione degli acidi grassi è stata determinata al termine del processo produttivo. Una volta estratto il grasso mediante il procedimento standardizzato Soxhlet, gli esteri metilici degli acidi grassi sono stati analizzati mediante la gascromatografia con rivelatore a ionizzazione di fiamma (GC-FID). La composizione degli acidi grassi è stata determinata rispetto alle categorie dei grassi saturi (SFA), monoinsaturi (MUFA) e polinsaturi (PUFA) e dei rapporti n-6/n-3 e PUFA/SFA. I risultati della determinazione della composizione degli acidi grassi del prosciutto cotto di Slavonia salato con sale marino grosso e con salgemma fine hanno mostrato che l’acido oleico (C18:1n9) è l’acido grasso più dominante nella categoria MUFA (43,43 e 43,44%). Tra gli acidi SFA è stato l’acido palmitico (C16:0) ad essere risultato il più rappresentato (23,67 e 23, 21%), mentre tra gli acidi PUFA è stato l’acido linoleico (C18:2n-6c)(9,74 e 10,48%). Anche il tipo di sale impiegato per la salatura ha inciso in maniera statisticamente significativa (p <0,05) sulla composizione degli acidi grassi del prosciutto cotto di Slavonia. I rapporti PUFA/SFA (0,29 - 0,32) e n-6/n 3 (19,60 - 19,88) per i campioni di prosciutto cotto di Slavonia salato con sale marino grosso e con salgemma sono risultati in sintonia con i dati pubblicati in precedenza per alcune varietà di prosciutti crudi e cotti originari della Croazia e dell’Europa. - La composición de los ácidos grasos del jamón de Eslavonia salazonado por la sal marina gruesa y la sal de piedra El fin de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia de diferentes tipos de sales (la sal marina gruesa (SMG) y la sal de piedra triturada (SPT)) sobre la composición de los ácidos grasos del jamón de Eslavonia. Después de la extracción de la grasa por el método Soxhlet, los ésteres metílicos de los ácidos grasos fueron analizados por la cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama (GC-FID). Fue determinada la composición de los ácidos grasos en relación con los ácidos grasos saturados (SFA), los ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) y los poliinsaturados (PUFA), junto con las proporciones n-6/n-3 y PUFA/ SFA. Los resultados de la determinación de la composición de los ácidos grasos del jamón de Eslavonia salazonado por la SMG y la SPT muestran que el ácido oleico (C18:1n9) es el ácido graso dominante en el grupo MUFA (43,43 i 43,44%), el ácido graso SFA más común fue el ácido palmítico (C16:0) (23,67 i 23, 21%) y entre los PUFA el ácido linoleico (C18:2n-6c) (9,74 i 10,48%). El tipo de sal tuvo la influencia estadísticamente importante (p <0,05) sobre la composición de los ácidos grasos del jamón de Eslavonia. Las proporciones PUFA/SFA(0,29 - 0,32) y n-6/n-3 (19,60 - 19,88) para las muestras del jamón de Eslavonia salazonado por la SMG y la SPT fueron de acuerdo con los datos publicados para diferentes tipos de jamones croatos y europeos.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 1 ; str. 62-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Suhomesnati proizvodi -- Slavonska šunka -- Masne kiseline

Sensory diversity of a traditional Slovenian dry-cured sausages (Suha klobasa) [Elektronička građa] / Lea Demšar, David Lesar, Mateja Lušnic Polak, Tomaž Polak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Suha klobasa is a popular dry-cured sausage that is produced practically everywhere in Slovenia. The aim of this study was to investigate the main characteristics of Suha klobasa produced by different manufacturers across five different informal regions of Slovenia. Products from 31 producers, as households (11), small workshops (15) or industrial plants (3) were analysed for pH value, moisture, protein, fat, and ash, as well as for their sensory parameters, according to assessments of four profiles: appearance, texture, smell and aroma. Technological production procedures were evaluated on the basis of a survey. In average Slovenian Suha klobasa pork is used, also Suha klobasa is characterized by slow ripening and smoking or without smoking but overgrown with mould. It is always filled in a small diameter casings (32-34 mm) of the pig small intestine or permeable casings, formed in two equal-length-halves and on one side (open side) looped around, often with a wooden stick. According to the regions of Slovenia, several types of Suha klobasa can be distinguish that are defined by sausage length and surface colour, mosaic and porousness on the one hand, and acid, smoke, mould, rancid smell/aroma on the other. Suha klobasa originated from different manufacturing practices differ in visual characteristics of product (size, equality and mould), in cross-section (mosaic, porousness and glassines), and texture (hardness, toughness and integrity) but not in olfactory and aroma profile. - Suha klobasa je popularna trajna kobasica koja se proizvodi gotovo svuda u Sloveniji. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti glavne značajke suhe klobase različitih proizvođača iz pet neslužbenih regija Slovenije. Proizvodi 31 proizvođača, odnosno domaćinstva (11), manjih gospodarstva (15) i industrijskih postrojenja (3), analizirani su na pH, vlagu, bjelančevine, masti i pepeo te senzorska svojstva, prema procjenama četiri značajke: izgled, tekstura, miris i aroma. Tehnološki proizvodni postupci ocjenjivani su na temelju ankete. Za suhu klobasu najčešće se upotrebljava svinjetina, a obilježavaju je sporo zrenje i dimljenje ili uporaba plemenitih plijesni bez dimljenja. Uvijek se puni u ovitke od svinjskog tankog crijeva ili propusne ovitke malog promjera (32-34 mm), a oblikuje se u dvije polovice jednake duljine koje su na jednoj strani (otvorena strana) presavijene, najčešće uporabom drvenog štapa. Ovisno o regiji Slovenije, možemo razlikovati nekoliko vrsta suhe klobase koje su, s jedne strane, određene duljinom kobasice i bojom površine, mozaikom i poroznošću te, s druge strane, kiselošću, dimom, plijesni i neugodnim mirisom/aromom. Iako se suhe klobase koje potječu iz različitih proizvodnih praksi razlikuju po vizualnim značajkama proizvoda (veličina, ujednačenost oblika i prisustvo plijesni), presjeku (mozaik, poroznost i sjaj) i teksturi (tvrdoća, žilavost i cjelovitost), njihovi se olfaktorni i aromatični profili ne razlikuju. - Die Trockenwurst ist eine bekannte Dauerwurst, die fast überall in Slowenien hergestellt wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden die wichtigsten Eigenschaften der Trockenwurst von diversen Herstellern aus fünf nicht offiziellen Regionen Sloweniens untersucht. Die Produkte von 31 Herstellern, bzw. landwirtschaftlichen Haushalten (11), kleineren Bauernhöfen (15) und Industrieanlagen (3) wurden in Bezug auf den pHWert, die Feuchtigkeit, den Eiweiß-, Fett- und Ascheanteil sowie sensoriche Eigenschaften anhand einer Bewertung von 4 Merkmalen untersucht: Aussehen, Textur, Geruch und Aroma. Die technologischen Herstellungsverfahren wurden anhand einer Umfrage bewertet. Für die Herstellung der Trockenwurst wird am häufigsten Schweinefleisch verwendet. Das Herstellungsverfahren kennzeichnen eine langsame Reifung und Trocknung sowie der Einsatz von Edelschimmel ohne Räucherung. Sie wird immer in ein dünnes Schweinedarm oder durchlässige Därme mit einem geringen Durchmesser (32-34 mm) abgefüllt. Sie wird in zwei gleich lange Hälften geformt, die an einer Seite (der offenen Seite) gefaltet werden, meistens durch Einsatz eines Holzstocks. Abhängig von der Region Sloweniens können wir mehrere Sorten der Trockenwurst unterscheiden, die auf der einen Seite durch die Länge der Wurst und die Farbe der Oberfläche, das Mosaik und die Porosität bestimmt werden und auf der anderen Seite durch den Säuregrad, Rauch, Schimmel und unangenehmen Geruch/Aroma. Obwohl die Trockenwürste, die aus unterschiedlichen Herstellungspraxen stammen, nach ihren visuellen Eigenschaften (Größe, ausgewogene Form und Anwesenheit von Schimmel), dem Durchmesser (Mosaik, Porosität und Glanz) und der Textur (Härte, Zähigkeit und Kompaktheit) unterschieden werden, gibt es zwischen ihren olfaktorischen und aromatischen Profilen keine Unterschiede. - El salchichón es el embutido curado popular producido casi en todas partes de Eslovenia. El fin de este trabajo fue investigar las características principales del salchichón suha klobasa de diferentes productores de cinco regiones no oficiales de Eslovenia. En los productos de 31 productores, es decir de hogares (11), granjas pequeñas (15) y plantas industriales (3), fueron analizados los pH, la humedad, las proteínas, la grasa, las cenizas y las características sensoriales, según las evaluaciones de cuatro características: la apariencia, la textura, el olor y el aroma. Los procesos tecnológicos de producción fueron evaluados a base de la encuesta. Para el salchichión suha klobasa se usa más a menudo la carne de cerdo, caracterizado por la maduración y el ahumado lentos o por el uso de las moldes nobles sin el ahumado. Siempre tiene el recubrimiento de la tripa del intestino delgado porcino o los recubrimientos permeables del diámetro pequeño (32-34 mm), es formada de dos partes de longitudes similares, doblada por un lado (la parte abierta) normalmente usando un palo de madera. Dependiendo de la región de Eslovenia, es posible distinguir varios tipos de la salchicha suha klobasa, que están determinados por la longitud y el color de la superficie, el mosaico y la porosidad por un lado y por la acidez, el humo, las moldes y el olor/aroma desagradable por otro lado. Aunque las salchichas de diferentes prácticas de producción se diferencian por las características visuales del producto (el tamaño, la uniformidad de la forma y la presencia de moldes), el corte transversal (mosaico, porosidad y el brillo), y la textura (la dureza, a resistencia y la integridad), sus perfiles olfativos y aromáticos no se distinguen. - La suha klobasa è una salsiccia secca molto popolare la cui produzione è largamente diffusa in Slovenia. La finalità di questa ricerca consiste nell’indagare le principali caratteristiche delle suhe klobase di diversi produttori provenienti da cinque regioni “ufficiose” della Slovenia. I prodotti di 31 produttori, 11 provenienti da aziende a conduzione familiare, 15 da piccoli stabilimenti e 3 da grandi impianti industriali sono stati analizzati riguardo al pH, all’umidità, alle proteine, ai grassi e alle ceneri e riguardo alle proprietà sensoriali secondo la valutazione di quattro caratteristiche: aspetto, consistenza, odore e aroma. I processi tecnologici di produzione sono stati valutati sulla base di un questionario. Per la produzione della suha klobasa prevale l’uso della carne suina. Il suo processo produttivo è caratterizzato da una lenta stagionatura e dall’affumicatura oppure dall’uso di muffe nobili senza affumicatura. Per fare la salsiccia si usa sempre il budello naturale suino (intestino tenue) o un budello sintetico permeabile di piccolo diametro (32-34 mm) che si modella in due metà d’identica lunghezza, incurvate nella parte aperta di solito con l’uso di una bastone di legno. A seconda della regione slovena di provenienza, possiamo distinguere differenti tipologie di suha klobasa, alcune caratterizzate dalla lunghezza della salsiccia e dal colore della sua superficie, dal tipico mosaico e dalla porosità, altre caratterizzate dall’acidità, dall’affumicatura, dalla muffa e dal profumo/aroma sgradevole. Sebbene le suhe klobase derivanti da differenti prassi produttive si differenzino per le peculiarità visive del prodotto (grandezza, uniformità della forma e presenza di muffe), per la sezione al taglio (mosaico, porosità e lucentezza) e per la consistenza (durezza, tigliosità e integrità), i loro profili olfattivi e aromatici non si differenziano.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 6 ; str. 562-574  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Tradicionalni proizvodi -- Kobasice -- Trajne kobasice -- Proizvodne prakse -- Senzorska svojstva

Toxicogenic fungi and the occurrence of mycotoxins in traditional meat products [Elektronička građa] / Manuela Zadravec, Ksenija Markov, Jadranka Frece, Irena Perković, Željko Jakopović, Tina Lešić, Mario Mitak, Jelka Pleadin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 278-282. - Abstract. - During ripening, the surface of dry traditional meat products (TMPs) becomes overgrown by fungi of the Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp. and Eurotium spp. whose spores mostly come from the environment in which the ripening chambers are placed. Certain fungi species is often responsible for the occurrence of toxic compounds termed the mycotoxins, among which of the outermost importance in connection with meat products are aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and ochratoxin A (OTA). Besides, some other mycotoxins such as citrinin (CIT), cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and sterigmatocystin (STC) can also be present, but their impact on the quality and safety of meat products, and therefore also on human health, has still not been fully clarified. As control and prevention of toxicogenic fungi growth are key factors to the prevention of mycotoxin presence in dry-cured TMPs, levels of mycotoxin contamination, mycotoxin-producing mould species and factors of relevance for mycotoxin production, such as climate, should be determined.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 272-282  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Suhomesnati proizvodi -- Gljivice -- Mikotoksini -- Tradicionalni proizvodi

Upotreba, značaj i kontaminanti u začinima i začinskom bilju u proizvodnji toplinski neobrađenih mesnih proizvoda [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Gross-Bošković, Danijela Stražanac, Darja Sokolić, Sandra Petričević, Tanja Bogdanović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Začini imaju snažno antimikrobno i antioksidativno djelovanje koje je različito i ovisi o koncentraciji i vrsti aktivnih komponenti. Zahvaljujući ovim učincima začini produžuju trajnost proizvoda sprječavajući rast i razmnožavanje patogenih bakterija koji uzrokuju kvarenje hrane, stoga je sve veća svjesnost potrošača o njihovim učincima dovela do veće upotrebe začina u proizvodnji hrane umjesto primjene kemijskih konzervansa. U posljednje vrijeme primjena začina u proizvodnji toplinski neobrađenih mesnih proizvoda sve je značajnija i učestalija, iako, povijesno gledano, upotreba začina i začinskog bilja upravo za ovakvu svrhu nije nepoznata. Začini se dodaju u tehnološkim fazama proizvodnje toplinski neobrađenih mesnih proizvoda zbog poboljšanja mirisa, okusa i probavljivosti pri čemu se, ovisno o vrsti proizvoda i interakcijama drugih fizikalno-kemijskih komponenti tijekom pojedinih faza proizvodnje, formira aroma kao prepoznatljiva odlika finalnog mesnog proizvoda. Sa stajališta zakonodavstva i sigurnosti hrane definirane su najveće dopuštene količine pojedinih kontaminanata za određene vrste začina, kao i maksimalne razine ostataka pesticida, kako bi se osigurala njihova ispravnost, kao i sigurnost konačnog proizvoda. - Spices have a strong antimicrobial and antioxidant effect that is different and depends on the concentration and the type of active compounds. Due to these effects, spices prolong durability of the products by preventing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that cause food spoilage. Therefore, increasing consumer awareness on their effects led to greater use of spices in the production of food instead of using chemical preservatives. Recently, the use of spices in the production of heated unprocessed meat products become more and more popular, although historically, the use of spices and herbs for this purpose is not unknown. Spices are added in the technological stages of production of heat-untreated meat products due to flavor, taste and digestibility, depending on the type of product and the interactions of other physical-chemical components during certain production phases. They form aroma as a recognizable characteristic of the final meat product. Based on the legislation and food safety requirements, the maximum levels of certain contaminants are defined for certain types of spices, as well as the maximum residue levels of pesticide, to ensure their safety and the safety of final product. - Gewürze haben eine starke antimikrobielle und antioxidative Wirkung, die sich je nach Konzentration und Art der Wirkstoffe unterscheidet. Dank dieser Wirkung verlängern Gewürze die Haltbarkeit der Produkte, indem sie das Wachstum und die Vermehrung pathogener Bakterien verhindern, die zum Verderb von Lebensmitteln führen. Dieses zunehmende Bewusstsein der Verbraucher über deren Auswirkungen hat zu einer stärkeren Verwendung von Gewürzen anstatt von chemischen Konservierungsstoffen in der Nahrungsmittelproduktion geführt. In der letzten Zeit ist die Anwendung von Gewürzen bei der Herstellung von nicht wärmebehandelten Fleischprodukten bedeutender und häufiger, obwohl historisch gesehen, die Verwendung von Gewürzen und Kräutern nur für diesen Zweck nicht unbekannt ist. Gewürze werden in den Herstellungsstufen der nicht wärmebehandelten Fleischprodukte zur Verbesserung des Aromas, Geschmacks und der Verdaulichkeit hinzugefügt, wobei, abhängig von der Art der Produkte und den Wechselwirkungen von physikalisch-chemischen Komponenten in bestimmten Herstellungsphasen, das Aroma die erkennbare Eigenschaft des fertigen Fleischprodukts ist. Vom Standpunkt der Gesetzgebung und der Lebensmittelsicherheit wurden für bestimmte Gewürzsorten die zugelassenen Höchstmengen bestimmter Schadstoffe sowie die zugelassenen Höchstmengen der verbliebenen Pestizide festgelegt, die die Sicherheit der Gewürze und des Endprodukts sicherstellen. - Las especias tienen un fuerte efecto antimicrobiano y antioxidante, diferente y dependiendo de la concentración y el tipo de los componentes activos. Gracias a estos efectos, las especias extienden la durabilidad de los productos previniendo el crecimiento y la reproducción de las bacterias patógenas que causan el deterioro de los alimentos, por lo que la creciente conciencia de los consumidores sobre sus efectos ha llevado a mayor uso de las especias en la producción de los alimentos en vez del uso de los conservantes químicos. Últimamente el uso de las especias en la producción de los productos cárnicos sin tratamiento térmico es cada vez más importante y frecuente aunque, históricamente, el uso de las especias y de las hierbas está conocida precisamente para este uso. Las especias se añaden durante las fases del proceso tecnológico de la producción de los productos cárnicos sin tratamiento térmico para refinar el aroma, el sabor y para mejorar la digestibilidad, dependiendo del tipo del producto y de las interacciones físico-químicas de otros componentes durante cada fase del proceso tecnológico, mientras tanto se forma el aroma como una característica reconocible del producto final cárnico. Desde el punto de vista de la legislación y de la seguridad alimentaria, están definidas las cantidades máximas permitidas de ciertos contaminantes para diferentes tipos de especias y también el límite máximo de plaguicidas para asegurar su seguridad y la seguridad del producto final. - Le spezie hanno un potente effetto antimicrobico e antiossidante di tipo diverso che dipende dalla concentrazione e natura delle sostanze attive. Per merito di questi effetti le spezie prolungano la durata del prodotto impedendo la crescita e la riproduzione di batteri patogeni che causano deterioramento degli alimenti. La consapevolezza dei consumatori sempre più grande dei loro effetti ha portato a un maggiore uso di spezie nella produzione alimentare sostituendo conservanti chimici. Recentemente, l’uso delle spezie nella produzione di prodotti a base di carne non trattata termicamente sta diventando sempre più frequente, anche se, visto storicamente, l’uso di spezie ed erbe da condimento a questi fini non è una cosa sconosciuta. Le spezie sono aggiunte durante certe fasi tecnologiche della produzione di prodotti a base di carne non trattata termicamente per migliorare il loro profumo, spore e digeribilità che secondo il tipo di prodotto e delle interazioni con gli altri componenti fisico-chimici durante particolari fasi della produzione, formano uno specifico tipo di aroma come caratteristica riconoscibile del prodotto di carne finale. Per quanto riguarda la legislazione in materia di sicurezza alimentare sono definite le quantità massime consentite di alcuni contaminanti per determinati tipi di spezie come anche i livelli massimi di residui di antiparassitari, per garantire la loro adeguatezza e la sicurezza del prodotto finito.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 4 ; str. 379-409  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Toplinski neobrađeni mesni proizvodi -- Začini -- Sigurnost hrane

Yolk colour of eggs from different housing systems [Elektronička građa] / Jasna Bertoncelj, Anja Gašperlin, Mojca Korošec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Eggs are nutrient-dense food with high biological value. They are a good source of protein, essential fatty acids and amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The colour of egg yolks is one of the important factors used to evaluate eggs’ quality and is affected by the composition of poultry feed, mostly the pigment content, laying hens housing system and also genetic effects. In this study the colour of egg yolks from eggs produced in different housing systems was evaluated. DSM colour fan, Minolta chromameter and the AOAC method for determination of total carotenoid content were used. The results showed that there are differences in egg yolks colour according to the type of housing system. The most noticeable differences were detected between organic and caged eggs. Organic egg yolks were the brightest and contained the least carotenoids, while cage egg yolks were the darkest, with the highest content of carotenoids. The colour of egg yolks was also evaluated with sensory analysis. The sensory panel consisted of young consumers – students, who ranked the samples according to the intensity and likeness of the yolk colour. The students gave preference to orange-yellow colour of egg yolk. Results of the short questionnaire about consumption and purchase of eggs showed that participating students do not consume eggs often. The most important criterion for the purchase is egg production system, where free-range or barn eggs with more intense colour are preferred. - Jaja su nutritivna hrana visoke biološke vrijednosti. Dobar su izvor proteina, esencijalnih masnih kiselina i aminokiselina, vitamina i minerala. Boja žumanjka je jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika koji se koristi za ocjenu kvalitete jaja, a na njega utječe sastav hrane za perad, uglavnom sadržaj pigmenta, sustav uzgoja kokoši nesilica i genetski učinci. U ovom istraživanju ocijenjena je boja žumanjka iz jaja proizvedenih različitim metodama uzgoja kokoši nesilica. Korišteni su DSM lepeza s paletom boja, Minolta kromametar i AOAC metoda za određivanje sadržaja ukupnih karotenoida. Rezultati su pokazali da postoje razlike u boji žumanjka jaja prema metodi uzgoja kokoši. Najočitije razlike utvrđene su između jaja iz ekološkog uzgoja i jaja iz kaveznog uzgoja. Žumanjci jaja ekološkog uzgoja bili su najsvjetliji i sadržavali su najmanje karotenoida, dok su žumanjci jaja iz kaveznog uzgoja bili najtamniji, s najvećim sadržajem karotenoida. Boja žumanjka jaja također je ocijenjena senzorskom analizom. Senzorni panel činili su mladi potrošači - studenti koji su uzorke svrstali prema intenzitetu i sviđanju boje žumanjka. Studenti su dali prednost narančasto-žutoj boji žumanjaka. Rezultati kratkog upitnika o potrošnji i kupnji jaja pokazali su da uključeni studenti jaja ne konzumiraju često. Najvažniji kriterij za kupnju su sustav proizvodnje jaja, preferiraju se jaja iz slobodnog ili podnog uzgoja s intenzivnijom bojom. - Eier sind nahrhafte Lebensmittel von hohem biologischem Wert. Sie sind eine gute Quelle von Eiweiß, essentiellen Fettsäuren und Aminosäuren, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen. Die Eigelbfarbe ist einer der wichtigsten Faktoren für die Beurteilung der Qualität von Eiern und wird von der Zusammensetzung der Geflügelfuttermittel, hauptsächlich dem Gehalt an Pigmenten, dem Zuchtsystem von Legehennen und den genetischen Auswirkungen beeinflusst. In dieser Studie wurde die Farbe des Eigelbs untersucht, das mit verschiedenen Hühnerzuchtmethoden hergestellt wurde. Zur Bestimmung des Gesamtcarotingehalts wurden der Farbfächer der Firma DSM, das Minolta-Farbmessgerät und die AOAC-Methode verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass es Unterschiede in der Farbe des Eigelbs in Abhängigkeit von der Methode der Hühnerzucht gibt. Die offensichtlichsten Unterschiede wurden zwischen Eiern aus dem ökologischem Anbau und Eiern aus der Käfigaufzucht festgestellt. Das Eigelb aus dem ökologischen Anbau war am hellsten und enthielt den geringsten Anteil an Carotinen, während das Eigelb aus der Käfigzucht am dunkelsten war und den höchsten Gehalt an Carotinen aufwies. Die Eigelbfarbe wurde darüber hinaus durch eine sensorische Analyse bewertet. Das Team für die sensorische Bewertung bestand aus jungen Verbrauchern - Studenten, die die Proben nach Intensität und Ähnlichkeit der Dotterfarbe klassifizierten. Die Studenten bevorzugten die orange-gelben Eidotter. Die Ergebnisse eines kurzen Fragebogens zum Verzehr und zum Kauf von Eiern haben gezeigt, dass die betroffenen Studenten Eier nicht häufig konsumieren. Das wichtigste Kriterium für den Kauf ist das Eiproduktionssystem, bevorzugt werden Eier aus der Freiland- oder Bodenzucht mit einer intensiveren Farbe. - Los huevos son un alimento con el valor biológico muy alto. Son un fuente de proteínas, de los ácidos grasos esenciales y de los aminoácidos, de las vitaminas y de los minerales. El color de la yema es uno de los factores más importantes para la evaluación de la calidad de los huevos y le afecta el alimento de los aves, en su mayoría el contenido del pigmento, el tipo de la cría de las gallinas ponedoras y los efectos genéticos. En este trabajo fueron evaluados los colores de las yemas de los huevos de diferentes tipos de cría de la gallinas ponedoras. Fue usada la guía de DSM con el abanico de color de yema, el medidor de croma Minolta y el método AOAC para determinar la deposición total de los carotenoides. Los resultados mostraron que existen las diferencias en el color de la yema de los huevos en relación con el método de la cría de las gallinas. Las diferencias más evidentes fueron determinadas entre los huevos de la cría ecológica y de la cría en jaula. Las yemas de los huevos de la cría ecológica fueron las menos saturadas y depositaron la menor cantidad de carotenoides, mientras las yemas de los huevos de la cría en jaula fueron las más saturadas, con el depósito de carotenoides más alto. El color de la yema de los huevos también fue analizado por la evaluación sensorial. El panel sensorial fueron los consumidores jóvenes - los estudiantes que clasificaron las muestras según la intensidad y según su gusto del color de la yema del huevo. Los estudiantes dieron la prioridad al color naranja-amarillo de la yema. Los resultados del cuestionario corto sobre el consumo y la compra de los huevos mostraron que los estudiantes participantes no consumen los huevos a menudo. El criterio más importante para la compra son el sistema de producción de los huevos y son preferidos los huevos de la cría libre o de la cría en suelo con el color más saturado. - Le uova sono un alimento nutriente dall’alto valore biologico. Sono una buona fonte di proteine, acidi grassi essenziali e amminoacidi, vitamine e minerali. Il colore del tuorlo dell’uovo è uno dei fattori più importanti nella valutazione della qualità dell’uovo stesso. Esso è influenzato sia dalla composizione del mangime per pollame (in particolare dal contenuto di pigmenti), dalla tecnica d’allevamento delle galline ovaiole e da affetti genetici. In questo studio è stato valutato il colore del tuorlo di uova provenienti da galline ovaiole allevate secondo differenti metodi. Per condurre questo studio ci si è serviti della mazzetta di colori DSM, del colorimetro Minolta e del metodo AOAC atto a stabilire il contenuto dei carotenoidi totali. I risultati hanno dimostrato che esistono differenze nel colore del tuorlo in base al metodo d’allevamento delle galline. Le maggiori differenze sono state accertate tra le uova di galline allevate secondo il metodo biologico e le uova di galline allevate in gabbia. I tuorli delle uova provenienti da allevamento biologico sono risultati più chiari e meno ricchi di carotenoidi, mentre i tuorli delle uova di galline allevate in gabbia sono risultati più scuri e col maggiore contenuto di carotenoidi. Il colore del tuorlo è stato sottoposto anche ad analisi sensoriale. Per l’occasione è stato creato un panel test formato da giovani consumatori – studenti che hanno classificato i campioni in base all’intensità e al gradimento del colore del tuorlo. Gli studenti hanno preferito i tuorli dal colore giallo-aranciato. I risultati del breve questionario sulla consumazione e l’acquisto di uova hanno dimostrato che gli studenti coinvolti non sono frequenti consumatori di uova e che il principale criterio per l’acquisto è il metodo d’allevamento delle galline ovaiole. Sono preferite, infatti, le uova dal colore più intenso provenienti da allevamenti all’aperto o a terra.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 4 ; str. 378-385  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jaja -- Proizvodnja jaja -- Kvaliteta jaja -- Žumanjci -- Boja žumanjka -- Karotenoidi -- Kromametar -- Senzorska analiza

Zaštita zemljopisnog podrijetla „Visočke pečenice“ [Elektronička građa] : put do brenda / Amir Ganić, Munevera Begić, Emir Patković, Amir Čaušević, Marina Krvavica, Dragan Brenjo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - „Visočka pečenica“ je trajni suhomesnati proizvod dobiven od najkvalitetnijih dijelova goveđeg mesa (but, leđa sa slabinskim dijelom, plećka i podslabinski dio), suho soljen isključivo kuhinjskom soli i hladno dimljen i sušen. Proizvodnja ovog tradicionalnog proizvoda ima višestoljetnu tradiciju. Karakteristična je za šire područje općine Visoko, smještene u centralnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Proizvod odlikuje posebna tehnologija proizvodnje karakteristična za navedeno područje, kao i vrhunska kvaliteta. Posebno je interesantna i komercijalno značajna „Visočka pečenica“ koja se proizvodi od dugog leđnog mišića uključujući i slabinski dio (m. longissimus dorsi) tzv. „Visočka zarebnica“. U periodu nakon ratnih događanja u Bosni i Hercegovini, uvidjevši priliku za brzu zaradu, na tržištu se pojavljuje određeni broj mesoprerađivača koji nude plagirane suhomesnate proizvode, deklarirajući ih kao „Visočka pečenica“, nanoseći pri tome ogromnu štetu ugledu i reputaciji ovog proizvoda. U tom pogledu, osnovano je udruženje mesoprerađivača s područja općine Visoko „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica i suđuka), koje je podnijelo zahtjev prema Agenciji za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine za dodjelu oznake zemljopisnog podrijetla za „Visočku pečenicu“. Stoga su u ovome radu prikazani podaci neophodni u procesu zaštite „Visočke pečenice“ oznakom zemljopisnog podrijetla u Bosni i Hercegovini, a u kasnijoj fazi i u Europskoj uniji. - „Visočka pečenica“ is permanent charcuterie obtained of high quality parts of beef (haunch, back with the lumbar part, shoulder, and flank), dry salted only with kitchen salt and cold smoked and dried. This traditional product has a centuries-old tradition of manufacturing. Production of this product is typical for wide area of Visoko county, located in the central part of Bosnia and Hercegovina. This product is characterised by high quality and by specific technology of manufacturing typical for mentioned area. „Visočka pečenica“ is particularly interesting and commercially important, it is made of second dorsi muscle including loin (m. longissimus dorsi), also known as „Visočka zarebnica“. In the after-war period in Bosnia and Hercegovina, came sudden realization to earn fast money, so some of the meat processors tried to sell plagiarized meat products under the name of „Visočka pečenica“, that move made damage to the name and reputation of this product. Because of that, association of meat processors from Visoko county „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica and suđuka) was founded , they requested from Agency for food safety of Bosnia and Hercegovina to be assigned with the protected geographical indication for „Visočka pečenica“. Therefore, in this paper are presented information essential for protection of „Visočka pečenica“ with the protected geographical indication in Bosnia and Hercegovina and in the advanced stage in European Union. - Die „Visočka pečenica“ ist ein haltbares trockengepökeltes Fleischprodukt, das aus den besten Rindfleischteilen hergestellt wird (Hüfte, Rücken mit Lendenteil, Schulter und Bereich unterhalb der Lende). Sie wird trocken und ausschließlich mit Speisesalz gepökelt und wird kalt geräuchert und getrocknet. Die Herstellung dieses traditionellen Produktes hat eine lange Tradition. Sie ist charakteristisch für den breiteren Raum der Gemeinde Visoko im zentralen Teil von Bosnien und Herzegowina. Das Produkt zeichnet sich durch eine für die Region charakteristische spezielle Produktionstechnologie sowie durch höchste Qualität aus. Besonders interessant und kommerziell relevant ist die „Visočka pečenica“, die aus dem langen Rückenmuskel und dem Lendenteil (m. longissimus dorsi) hergestellt wird, die so genannte „Visočka zarebnica“. In der Zeit nach den Kriegsereignissen in Bosnien und Herzegowina sehen einige die Möglichkeit für einen schnellen Gewinn. Auf dem Markt erscheint eine Reihe von Fleischverarbeitern, die plagiierte trockengepökelte Fleischprodukte anbieten, die als „Visočka pečenica“ deklariert werden, was dem Ruf und dem Ansehen dieses Produkt einen erheblichen Schaden zufügt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde die Vereinigung der Fleischverarbeiter der Gemeinde Visoko „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica und suđuka) gegründet, die der Agentur für Lebensmittelsicherheit von Bosnien und Herzegowina einen Antrag für die Zuteilung der geographischen Herkunft für die „Visočka pečenica“ gestellt hat. Daher wurden in dieser Arbeit die Angaben dargestellt, die für den Schutz der „Visočka pečenica“ mit der geographischen Herkunftsbezeichnung in Bosnien und Herzegowina, später auch in der Europäischen Union, benötigt werden. - La “carne rostizada de Visoko” es un producto cárnico crudo-curado de las partes de carne de res de la calidad más alta (la pierna de ternera, el lomo con la falda, el pecho y el flanco), salado en seco solamente por la sal de cocina, ahumado en frío y curado. La producción de este producto tradicional tiene una tradición larga. Es característica para la área más amplia del municipio de Visoko, situado en la parte central de Bosnia y Herzegovina. Le distinguen la tecnología de producción especial, característica para la área mencionada, junto con la más alta calidad. La “carne rostizada de Visoko” es interesante y comercialmente importante y está hecha del músculo largo de la espalda, incluyendo la parte de la falda (m. longissimus dorsi), llamada “filete de lomo de Visoko”. En el período posterior a la guerra en Bosnia y Herzegovina, viendo la oportunidad para la ganancia rápida, en el mercado ha aparecido cierto número de productores de carne que ofrecen productos cárnicos imitados, declarados como la “carne rostizada de Visoko”, causando un daño enorme a la reputación y al prestigio de este producto. Tomando eso en cuenta, fue creada una asociación de los productores de carne del área del municipio de Visoko “ViPS” (La carne rostizada de Visoko y el sucuk), que aplicó a Agencia de Seguridad Alimentaria de Bosnia y Herzegovina para obtener la indicación geográfica para la “carne rostizada de Visoko”. Por eso en este trabajo fueron presentados los datos necesarios en el proceso de la protección de la “carne rostizada de Visoko” por la indicación geográfica en Bosnia y Herzegovina, y en fases siguientes también en la Unión Europea. - La salsiccia secca „Visočka pečenica“ è un prodotto a base di carne conservabile per lungo tempo ottenuto da parti della carne di manzo di migliore qualità (coscia, schiena inclusa la parte lombare, spalla e filetto), salata a secco esclusivamente con il sale da cucina, affumicata a freddo e essiccata. La produzione di questo prodotto tradizionale vanta una storia plurisecolare. È un prodotto caratteristico per la grande area del comune di Visoko, che si trova nella parte centrale della Bosnia ed Erzegovina. Il prodotto si distingue per una speciale tecnologia di produzione caratteristica della suddetta zona e per la sua eccellente qualità. Il tipo di „Visočka pečenica“, particolarmente interessante e commercialmente significativo, prodotto con il muscolo della schiena inclusa la parte lombare (m. longissimus dorsi), è cosiddetta „Visočka zarebnica“. Nel periodo successivo alla guerra in Bosnia e Erzegovina, un certo numero di produttori, rendendo si conto dell’opportunità di rapido guadagno, offrivano al mercato prodotti a base di carne essiccata plagiati dichiarandoli come salsicce „Visočka pečenica“, causando enormi danni alla reputazione e prestigio di questo prodotto. Per tali motivi, è stata costituita un’associazione di agricoltori della zona del comune di Visoko „ViPS“ (Visočka pečenica e suđuk), che ha presentato all’Agenzia per la sicurezza alimentare della Bosnia ed Erzegovina la richiesta per l’assegnazione della denominazione di origine protetta per la salsiccia „Visočka pečenica“. Per questo motivo nel presente lavoro sono riportati i dati necessari per il processo di protezione della „Visočka pečenica“ con l’indicazione di origine geografica protetta in Bosnia e Erzegovina e in una fase successiva nell’Unione europea.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 4 ; str. 386-396  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Visočka pečenica -- Mesni proizvodi -- Suhomesnati proizvodi -- Tradicionalni proizvodi -- Zemljopisno porijeklo -- Brend

Vidi br.: HA19-01097

Vidi br.: HA19-01209

Vidi br.: HA19-01208

Vidi br.: HA19-01186

Vidi br.: HA19-01162

Vidi br.: HA19-01171

Vidi br.: HA19-01200

Vidi br.: HA19-01181

Vidi br.: HA19-00888

636.09   Veterinarska znanost

65   Komunikacijska i prijevozna industrija. Računovodstvo. Poslovno upravljanje. Odnosi s javnošću

TUPA, Jiri
Industry 4.0 and business process management [Elektronička građa] / Jiri Tupa, Frantisek Steiner. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract. - Production companies are adopting new methods for the improvement of their managing production processes. The cost, quality and time are still key important attributes for process improvement. This is reason why the Business Process Management (BPM) is the core of management in different areas, e.g., quality management, sustainability management. The new technologies based on Internet of Things and Services, SMART solutions, and the concept Industry 4.0 are opening new possibilities of BPM implementation. This theoretical paper deals with a review of new trends in BPM and a presentation of the possibilities of core technologies for Industry 4.0 in phases of BPM applications.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 349-355  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Industrija 4.0 -- Upravljanje procesima -- Učinkovitost -- Menadžment rizika

655   Grafička industrija. Tiskarstvo. Izdavaštvo. Knjižarstvo

MORIĆ, Marko
The influence of pre-treatment by priming on the CMY reproduction quality printed with ElectroInk [Elektronička građa] / Marko Morić, Igor Majnarić, Klaudio Pap, Slaven Miloš. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract. - In order to achieve high-quality colour prints by using an electrophotography printing machine, it is necessary to prepare the printing substrate. Additional treatment may be needed to achieve the better substrate surface tension for optimally attaching the liquid electrophotography ink to the fine art paper. To ensure good adhesion of the ink to the printing substrate, a pre-treatment by application of surface tension regulating fluids (priming) may be used. In this paper, we will determine the possibility of realization of the CMY prints and the possibility of achieving an increased range of tone value in electrophotography digital printing. Based on the results, the new possible values of reproduced CMY tones will be determined so that a higher print quality can be achieved. The application of primers changes the optical properties of the paper printing substrate, which directly affects the colour reproduction. An additional 100 % increase of primer application will result in total colour changes of ΔEC (0,5g/m2 & 1g/m2) = 0,06, ΔEM (0,5g/m2 & 1g/m2) = 0,42, ΔEY (0,5g/m2 & 1g/m2) = 0,08. In this scenario, 1 g/m2 application of primer will produce the most intense full tones and therefore the highest quality prints for all three ElectroInk process colours.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 305-310  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Offset tisak -- Digitalni tisak -- Tisak u boji -- Elektrofotografija

The influence of printing, lamination and high pressure processing on spot color characterisation [Elektronička građa] / Renata Tomerlin, Mario Tomiša, Damir Vusić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract. - The food industry has recognized the important role that multi-layered, flexible packaging materials play and it uses them extensively within the packaging processes. Trends within food processing and packaging continuously encourage manufacturers to develop new technologies which extend a product’s shelf-life. The samples that were the subject of research described in this paper are retort stand-up pouches made of multi-layered flexible material, the layers of which have been bonded with a laminating process that aims to both extend a product’s shelf-life and stability, permitting the final processing of the finished product under aggressive regimes. It is intended that packaging, when subjected to graphic reproduction and high pressure processing, shall remain unchanged in all aspects, in particular the visual aspect that is the subject of the research. The samples were printed on polyester film (PET) using a rotogravure printing technique and laminated on aluminum (Al), oriented polyamide (OPA) and finally on inner polypropylene (PP) layers. The sample was monitored for the Vegeta Blue spot colorimetric difference in the CIE L*a*b* space throughout the individual graphic reproduction phases and the final high pressure processing (HPP) of the finished product. The goal is to determine the size of the spot color colorimetric difference (ΔE*) in relation to the defined formula and the established standard. On the basis of measured results, guidelines and recommendations for the correction and quality assessment of spot color reproduction throughout the entire process were defined, with the goal to minimize any deviation to the lowest possible level.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 218-225  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ambalaža -- Grafička reprodukcija -- Kolorimetrija -- Obrada visokim tlakom

Near-infrared spectroscopy and hidden graphics applied in printing security documents in the offset technique [Elektronička građa] / Vilko Žiljak, Jana Žiljak Gršić, Denis Jurečić, Tonči Jeličić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - The method of mixing pigments for the printing technology is expanded with the addition of dual states in security graphics. Near-infrared spectroscopy of colorants used in the offset technique has brought about the concept of targeted design by a selective use of colorants that are visible in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. High-security documents have been observed in the NIR light based on twin colorants which are differentiated according to their NIR absorption in the range from 800 to 1000 nm. New procedures have been developed based on the innovative creation of documents with hidden information. Two graphics are combined with mutating screen elements. A mathematical definition of the new printing screen and an algorithm in PostScript are given. The designer plans and creates graphics, which originate from the twin colorants, by using the INFRAREDESIGN® method. The dual design was investigated using visual and infrared cameras for the forensic area. The components of colorants are determined by the spectroscopy of light absorption with filters in the visual and NIR spectrum.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 311-314  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tisak -- Bliska infracrvena spektroskopija -- Offset tisak -- Sigurnosna grafika

Vidi br.: HA19-00816

656   Prijevozne i poštanske usluge. Organizacija i kontrola prometa

TOMIĆ, Ivana, inženjerka prometa
Analiza mogućnosti unaprjeđenja sigurnosti prometa kod mladih vozača [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Tomić, Ivica Barišić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 389. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prometne nesreće svakodnevna su pojava i u njima stradava velik broj ljudi. Procjene su Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije da će do 2030. godine smrtno stradavanje u prometnim nesrećama postati peti uzrok smrtnosti. Danas su prometne nesreće prvi uzrok stradanja mladih u dobi od 10 do 25 godina. Neiskustvo, prekomjerno samopouzdanje, velika brzina, korištenje opojnih droga i alkohola samo su neki od uzroka koji utječu na prekomjeran broj prometnih nesreća mladih vozača. Sve češće se postavlja pitanje koliko su uopće mladi vozači dobro educirani o sigurnosti u cestovnom prometu te koliko je njihovo znanje u trenutku dobivanja vozačkih dozvola. U radu je dana analiza stanja sigurnosti prometa s naglaskom na mlade vozače te pregled mjera primjenom kojih bi se dugoročno moglo poboljšati stanje sigurnosti mladih vozača na hrvatskim prometnicama. - Traffic accidents, unfortunately, are an everyday occurrence and they affect a large number of people. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2030 deaths in traffic accidents would become the fifth cause of mortality. Today, traffic accidents are the number one cause of death of 10 to 25 year olds. Inexperience, over-confidence, high speed, use of narcotics and alcohol are just some of the attributes that affect the overwhelming number of traffic accidents of young drivers. The question is whether young drivers are educated about road safety and how much knowledge they possess at the moment of obtaining a driving license. The paper presents an analysis of traffic safety conditions with emphasis on young drivers and an overview of measures to improve the long-term safety of young drivers on Croatian roads.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 375-390  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prometna sigurnost -- Cestovni promet -- Mladi vozači -- Prometne nesreće

Analiza poštanskog tržišta u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Dora Naletina, Ante Vuletić, Luka Meštrović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 312-314. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tržište poštanskih usluga, kako u Republici Hrvatskoj, tako i u većini ostalih svjetskih država, prolazi kroz velike promjene kao posljedica sve češćeg korištenja elektroničke komunikacije te supstitucije poštanskih usluga. Napredak tehnologije utječe i na promjene ponašanja korisnika, kao i na njihova očekivanja u vezi s kvalitetom i brzinom usluge. U Republici Hrvatskoj djeluju gotovo svi na svjetskoj razini prepoznati pružatelji usluga paketne distribucije, a njihov je cilj da u što kraćem vremenu i uz što višu razinu kvalitete usluge isporuče pošiljku primatelju. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati stanje na poštanskom tržištu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Posljednjih godina sve je izraženiji utjecaj supstitucije poštanskih usluga elektroničkim, što se ogleda u padu obujma pismovnih pošiljaka. S druge strane raste broj distribuiranih paketa kod većine poštanskih operatora u zemljama članicama i to zahvaljujući rastu elektroničke trgovine. Navedeni trendovi nisu zaobišli ni hrvatsko poštansko tržište na kojem su se također korisnici okrenuli češćoj online kupovini, što je potenciralo trend rasta dostavljenih paketa. Temeljem provedene analize zaključuje se kako unatoč uspostavi potpune liberalizacije hrvatskog poštanskog tržišta i dalje dominira nacionalni operator, Hrvatska pošta d. d., no on pod utjecajem promjena na tržištu poslovanje više ne temelji isključivo na tradicionalnim poslovima, već širi svoju ponudu dodatnim uslugama. - In Croatia, as in almost all other countries of the world, the postal services market has been going through big changes that are the consequence of the growing use of electronic communication and the fact of the postal services being substituted by it. Technological advancement also influences the changes in the behaviour of users and their expectations regarding the quality and the speed of the service provided. Almost all of the world-renown package distribution service providers whose goal is to deliver the parcels as quickly and as efficiently as possible operate in the Republic of Croatia. The goal of this paper is to analyse the state of affairs on the postal market in the Republic of Croatia. Over the last years, postal services have been increasingly substituted with electronic services, as evidenced by fewer letters being sent by the post. On the other hand, the number of the distributed parcels has been growing, due to the development of e-commerce. These trends are also present on the Croatian postal market, where buyers have become increasingly oriented towards online shopping, resulting in more packages being delivered. Based on the conducted analysis, the conclusions are drawn that, despite of the fact that the Croatian postal market has been completely liberalized, the market is still dominated by the national operator Hrvatska pošta d.d. However, under the influence of the market changes, the operator expands its offer by providing additional services and not just relying on the traditional business activities.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 301-315  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poštanske usluge -- Paketna distribucija -- Liberalizacija

BUNTAK, Krešimir
Internet of things and smart warehouses as the future of logistics [Elektronička građa] / Krešimir Buntak, Matija Kovačić, Maja Mutavdžija.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract. - Innovations and market changes in warehouse and logistics systems force the adaptation and transformation of the existing business model into a business model based on modern technology. With the development of the Internet, RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology and sensors, new innovations are being created that allow the improvement of the existing mode of activity. Implementation of the new technology brings along a number of challenges that organizations must find an adequate response to. However, warehouse systems are not the only affected by the new technologies. The development of technology and technological innovations enable organizations to develop sustainability. Sustainable development is imperative due to increasing awareness of the need for environmental protection. The supply chain can also be managed much more efficiently if sensors that collect information of customer habits and process performance are implemented. Given the accelerating development of Industry 4.0 and the opportunities offered by newly developed technology, this paper provides an overview of current developments in the implementation of Industry 4.0 technological innovations in logistics.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 248-253  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Logistika -- Skladišta -- Pametne tehnologije -- Lanci opskrbe -- Internet

Problem parkiranja u centru Grada Krka s prijedlozima varijantnih rješenja [Elektronička građa] / Damir Pilepić, Josip Sigurnjak, Arianna Čučuković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je prikazana problematika parkiranja u Gradu Krku. Povećanje broja vozila na cestama ima za posljedicu smještaj odnosno parkiranje vozila. Taj problem najviše se odražava u velikim gradovima i gradovima smještenim na obali u kojima se za vrijeme ljetnih mjeseci povećava populacija u vidu turista koji dolaze u velikom broju. Grad Krk predstavlja jedno od najznačajnijih turističkih odredišta istoimenog otoka i kao takvo privlači sve veći broj turista na svojem području. Porast broja vozila koja ulaze u sam centar grada u potrazi za parkirnim mjestom, pogotovo u ljetnim mjesecima, rezultira prometnim zagušenjem, što ima za posljedicu onečišćenje zraka vozilima koja proizvode ispušne plinove, a porast buke negativno utječe i na lokalno stanovništvo. Za rješavanje problematike parkiranja u Gradu Krku predlažu se tri varijante kojima se povećavaju parkirališni kapaciteti za parkiranje vozila u centru grada. U navedenim varijantama garažno-parkirni objekt predstavlja glavni predmet rješavanja problema parkiranja, gdje se uz izgradnju navedenog objekta i uklanjanjem postojećih parkirnih mjesta povećavaju parkirališni kapaciteti. Cilj rada je da se kroz predložene varijante rješenja prikažu pozitivni učinci rješavanja problema parkiranja u Gradu Krku koje se očituje u rasterećenju prometnica u samom centru grada od vozila koja su u potrazi za parkirnim mjestima. Posljedica je smanjenje prometnih zagušenja, a time se smanjuje i onečišćenje zraka i utjecaj buke na lokalni okoliš, što ima pozitivne učinke na kvalitetu života za lokalno stanovništvo. Svrha rada je prikazati problematiku parkiranja jednog grada i način na koji se navedeni problem može riješiti, uzevši u obzir raspoloživi prostor i pravila odvijanja prometnih tokova na području grada. - This paper presents parking issues in the City of Krk. Increasing the number of vehicles on the roads results in vehicle accommodation or parking. This problem is most evident in big towns and cities on the coast, where during the summer months the population increases because of tourists who come in large numbers. The City of Krk is one of the most important tourist destinations of the homonymous island and as such, it attracts more and more tourists in the area. The increasing number of vehicles enter the centre of the city in search of a parking space, especially in summer months, causing traffic congestion which results in air pollution from vehicles producing exhaust gases and in increased noise, all of which negatively affects the local population. In this paper three variants are proposed in order to address the parking problem in the City of Krk, by increasing the parking capacity of the vehicles in the centre of the city. In these variants, the garage-parking facility is the main object of the parking problem, where the parking facilities are expanded with the construction of the before mentioned facility and the removal of the existing parking lots. The aim of the paper is to present the proposed solutions to produce positive effects of the parking problem in the City of Krk. The solution is reflected in the relocation of roads in the very centre of the city from the vehicles that are looking for parking places which has the effect of reducing traffic congestion and thus decreasing the air pollution and having a lesser impact of noise on the local environment. It also has positive effects on the quality of life for the local population. The purpose of this paper is to show the issue of parking in a city and how this problem can be solved taking into account the available space and rules of traffic flow in the area of the city.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 359-373  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Parkiranje -- Parkirna mjesta -- Garažno-parkirni objekti

Vidi br.: HA19-01233

658   Poslovni menadžment, upravljanje, administracija. Organizacija poslovanja

Big data for product innovation in manufacturing [Elektronička građa] : evidence from a large-scale survey / Jasna Prester, Mihaela Jurić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija:. - Abstract. - The article analyses big data usage in the Croatian manufacturing sector. Big data usage is still low but present. We analysed the influence of six sources of big data and their influence on share of returns generated by new products using two step OLS regression analysis. The results are robust but they show that some sources have positive and some have negative effects on share of returns generated by new products. Based on the most recent research of scholarly papers we define big data and show a clear research gap by linking big data and innovation. That is, only six papers deal with big data and innovation. In five papers big data comes from social media data, and in the remaining one paper they use data from sensors but predominantly to reduce cost or support the product. Therefore, we contribute by closing this research gap of linking big data and innovation.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 36-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veliki podaci -- Proizvodnja -- Inovacije

PAJIĆ, Marija Antonija
Consumer behaviour factors and contemporary trends on the luxury goods market [Elektronička građa] = Čimbenici ponašanja potrošača i suvremeni trendovi na tržištu luksuzne robe / Marija Antonija Pajić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 115-117. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Regardless of the economic crisis all over the world, the market of luxury goods thrives continuously. The research aims to provide an extensive overview of the theoretical background of this occurrence and contemporary trends, analyse the consumer behaviour factors in buying luxury goods and the effect of online shopping as a form of digitalisation on the sales of luxury goods, with particular emphasis upon the sale of luxury handbags. The methods were consisted of an overview of relevant scientific and expert literature, reports of market experts for the luxury goods markets and official statistic databases. Research resulted in detecting digitalisation as the biggest change and trend of luxury industry. Online sales and revenues of luxury goods’ continuous growth indicates that digitalisation and its tools such as online shopping are an important consumer behaviour factor, affecting the sales of luxury goods, including luxury handbags, to a significant extent. - Unatoč gospodarskim krizama, tržište luksuzne robe kontinuirano prosperira. Cilj istraživanja je pružiti opsežan teorijski pregled ove pojave te pregled suvremenih trendova, analizirati čimbenike koji utječu na ponašanje potrošača luksuzne robe i utjecaj internet prodaje kao aspekta digitalizacije na prodaju luksuzne robe, s posebnim naglaskom na prodaju luksuznih torbica. Metode istraživanja obuhvaćale su pregled relevantne znanstvene i stručne literature, izvješća stručnjaka za tržište luksuzne robe i službenih statističkih baza podataka. Istraživanje je utvrdilo da je digitalizacija najveća promjena i najveći trend luksuzne industrije. Kontinuiran porast internet prodaje i prihoda luksuzne robe pokazuje da su digitalizacija i digitalni alati poput internet prodaje važni čimbenici kupovine potrošača, značajno utječući na prodaju luksuzne robe, uključivo i prodaju luksuznih torbica.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 101-117  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Luksuzna roba -- Potrošači -- Ponašanje potrošača -- Internet prodaja -- Društveni mediji

Leadership and conflict management in production organisations [Elektronička građa] / Jerko Glavaš, Veljko Kondić, Iva Balić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - Conflicts between different interests are inevitable in every business organization. Therefore, it is not surprising that the number and intensity of conflicts is sometimes very high. Conflict resolution is a skill without which managers can hardly succeed in their business. The subject of research in this paper is conflict management from a technical and economic point of view. The paper defines and analyzes the notion of leadership, that is, elements and dimensions of leadership, the notion of leader, and theoretical approaches to leadership. In addition to the above, the concept of conflict, more specifically its type, levels of conflict, consequences and causes, and techniques of conflict resolution have been defined and analyzed. An online survey (based on the LinkedIn Business Social Network) was conducted to determine how individuals in a production organization respond and resolve conflicts as well as the results of the same. Based on theoretical scientific approach, the conducted research and the analysis of the results, conclusions and recommendations are given, as well as key questions for future research.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 356-362  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžment -- Upravljanje -- Konflikti -- Vodstvo

BREČIĆ, Ružica
Primjena društveno odgovornog marketinga u poslovanju malih i srednjih poduzeća [Elektronička građa] = Social responsible marketing in the business of small and medium-sized enterprises / Ružica Brečić, Hrvoje Bradica, Mihovil Anđelinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 17-20. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ciljevi rada su utvrditi dimenzije i analizirati stupanj razvoja društveno odgovornog marketinga (DOM-a) malih i srednjih poduzeća (MSP-a) u Hrvatskoj te ispitati čimbenike koji utječu na vlasnike/menadžere MSP-a prilikom primjene DOM-a. Primijenjeno je kvalitativno istraživanje putem dubinskih intervjua (n=16), analize bilješki s terena, internetskih stranica poduzeća te izvješća poduzeća vezanim uz DOM. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali kako su vlasnici/menadžeri MSP-a u RH većinom upoznati s pojmom i definicijom DOM-a, ali kako je primjena takvog poslovanja još u začecima. DOM-a je u najvećoj mjeri usmjeren prema potrošačima, zaposlenicima i lokalnoj zajednici, dok se ostale interesno-utjecajne skupine (dobavljači, konkurencija, okoliš, vladine organizacije i mediji) spominju tek od strane nekoliko ispitanika. MSP-a se međusobno razlikuju prema stupnju razvoja društveno odgovornog marketinga i dijele se u tri skupine: poduzeća koja minimalno odgovaraju principima DOM-a, poduzeća koja imaju poseban tim unutar svoje organizacije zadužen za smišljanje i provedbu takvih aktivnosti te poduzeća koja su svoje djelovanje utemeljila na principima održivosti i slijede ih u svakoj svojoj odluci i akciji. - The aim of this study is to determine the size and level of development of socially responsible marketing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and to analyse factors that affect the application of such behaviour. 16 in-depth interviews with owners / managers from different activities of SMEs were conducted. Results show that they are acquainted with the concept of socially responsible marketing, but that the application in most companies is still in its infancy. Socially responsible marketing activities are mainly directed towards consumers, employees and the local community, while the secondary stakeholders (suppliers, competition, environment, Government organization and media), are mentioned only by a few of the surveyed SMEs. Companies differ according to the degree of development of socially responsible marketing: a) a minimum correspond to the principles of socially responsible marketing; b) have a special team responsible for devising and implementing activities, and c) their actions founded on the principles of sustainability and follow them in all their decision and action. The most important factors for the implementation of socially responsible marketing in SMEs are: vision of the owners / managers of SMEs; company size and activity.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 5 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Marketing -- Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Menadžeri

Usvojenost zelenog marketinga među mladim potrošačima u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Davor Širola, Anabela Rosandić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 236-237. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Posljednjih godina globalne promjene koje se događaju u okolini i u društvu dovode do sve veće svijesti pojedinaca o potrebi očuvanja okoliša, a time i očuvanja vlastite kvalitete života. Povećanjem ekološke svijesti dolazi do stvaranja novog segmenta potrošača, tzv. zelenih potrošača, koji se zalažu za proizvode koji nemaju negativne utjecaje na okolinu u kojoj živimo. Nastankom zelenih potrošača stvaraju se i oblikuju aktivnosti koje se mogu nazvati zelenim marketingom, što podrazumijeva proizvode koji uzimaju u obzir njihov utjecaj na okoliš i društvo. Empirijsko istraživanje u sklopu rada provedeno je primjenom teorije planiranog ponašanja s ciljem utvrđivanja varijabli koje predstavljaju prediktore spremnosti na kupnju i uporabu ekoloških proizvoda i usluga prvenstveno u mlađe populacije. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju da su stavovi zabrinutosti za okoliš, znanje o tematici ekologije i svijest o važnosti očuvanja okoliša statistički značajno povezani s namjerama kupnje i uporabe ekoloških proizvoda i usluga, dok subjektivne norme nemaju statistički značajnu povezanost. Veća zabrinutost za okoliš utvrđena je kod žena te kod starijeg dijela ispitanika. - Recent global changes in our environment and society, implicate the need for more awareness about the importance of sustaining the environment, and consequently our own life quality. The increase of ecological consciousness leads towards the new segment of the so-called green consumers who prefer products and service without or with less negative effects on our living environment. The appearance of this group of consumers has enabled the development of a new marketing approach called the green marketing, lately known as the sustainable marketing as well. The green marketing favours production and consumption that consider their implication for the environment and society. The empirical research of this study is based on the application of a model of planned behaviour in order to establish the variables which are best predictors of intentions of young consumers (in the first place) regarding buying and using environmental friendly products and services. The results implicate that attitude of concern regarding our environment, knowledge about the environment and the awareness about the importance of preserving the environment are statistically significant predictors of buying intentions, while subjective norm has proven as a not statistically significant predictor. Additionally, the result shows that female respondents are more concerned about sustaining the environment, as well as the older age groups.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 7 (2019), 1 ; str. 223-238  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zeleni marketing -- Svijest o okolišu -- Teorija planiranog ponašanja -- Potrošači

Vidi br.: HA19-01110

Vidi br.: HA19-01178

Vidi br.: HA19-00815

Vidi br.: HA19-00896

Vidi br.: HA19-01046

66   Kemijska tehnologija. Kemijska i srodne industrije

TOMIĆ, Tatjana, inženjerka kemijske tehnologije
Application of complex instrumental techniques, spectroscopy and chromatography, for the analysis of biofuels and biomass [Elektronička građa] / Tatjana Tomić, Jelena Parlov Vuković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract. - Biofuels are environmentally friendly alternative fuels produced from animal and plant raw materials. They have great significance due to limited availability of crude oil and increased ecological requirements. The development of biofuels is followed by the development of new and more efficient analytical procedures for monitoring the composition and physical-chemical properties. This paper presents the application of chromatographic and spectroscopic methods in the analysis of different types of biofuels. The results of the determination of the hydrocarbon composition and functional groups important for the application of biofuels as blending components are shown. In this paper, it has confirmed the possibility of using NMR spectroscopy, HPLC and IC chromatography in biofuel and biomass analysis.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 3 ; str. 53-59  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biomasa -- Biogorivo -- Kromatografija -- Spektroskopija

Determination of essential nutrients and cadmium in the white quinoa and amaranth seeds [Elektronička građa] / Amra Bratovcic, Edita Saric. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - Micronutrients are trace elements required in very small amounts in the diet. Metals such as copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) are essential nutrients that are required for various biochemical and physiological functions. Cadmium, which is considered as systemic toxicant that is known to induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of exposure, has been also determined. Therefore, in this paper the concentrations of Cu, Fe, Zn and Cd have been determined in the white quinoa and amaranth by ICP-MS analysis. Concentrations of all examined metals were higher in the amaranth. This research has shown that amaranth and white quinoa could be good sources of essential micronutrients. The concentration of cadmium in amaranth was very close to maximum permitted concentration in food.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 135-139  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kvinoja -- Amarant -- Mikronutrijenti -- Hranjivi sastojci -- Kadmij -- Bakar -- Cink -- Željezo

ŠABIĆ, Monika
Evaluation of biodegradability and environmental impact of biowaste leachate [Elektronička građa] / Monika Šabić, Dajana Kučić Grgić, Marija Vuković Domanovac. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract. - As the world’s population and urbanization have significantly increased in the past few decades, the generation of municipal solid waste has accelerated on global scale. The biowaste disposal, which is an integral part of municipal waste, leads to leachate production. These kinds of wastewater are characterized by complex composition with very high concentrations of organic and inorganic pollution substances and toxicity, which may have harmful impact on the environment. This study investigated the physico-chemical and biological characterization of leachate from biowaste. The experiments were conducted in batch performance with initial concentration of leachate, expressed as chemical oxygen demand, 12.21 ± 0.46 g O2/L and pH value 4.05 ± 0.13. Obtained results showed that leachate from biowaste have high value of chemical oxygen demand, toxicity and low pH. Overall efficiency of the process of aerobic biodegradation was 89 %. The abundance of viable bacterial cells and development of activated sludge flocs during the experiment confirmed the biodegradability of leachate from biowaste.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Procjedne vode -- Biootpad -- Biorazgradnja

DEMIR, Didem
Green synthesized silver nanoparticles loaded PVA/Starch cryogel scaffolds with antibacterial properties [Elektronička građa] / Didem Demir, Seda Ceylan, Gülşah Gül, Zeynep İyigündoğdu, Nimet Bölgen. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract. - In this study, Polyvinyl alcohol/Starch (PVA/Starch) cryogel scaffolds were combined with antibacterial silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), and the antimicrobial properties of composite scaffolds were determined for potential in tissue engineering applications. The porous PVA/Starch scaffolds were prepared by cryogelation technique. The nanoparticles were prepared by green synthesis from Aloe barbadensis leaf extract and characterized. The antibacterial, antifungal and antiyeast properties of AgNPs and AgNPs loaded PVA/Starch cryogel scaffolds were investigated. The highest antimicrobial activity of composite scaffold was found against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Based on our studies, the results indicate that biodegradable, biocompatible and antimicrobial AgNPs loaded PVA/Starch scaffolds have potential to be used at an infection site in tissue engineering applications.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srebrne nanočestice -- Antimikrobna aktivnost -- Zelena sinteza

ERGÜT, Memduha
Heterogeneous Fenton-like decolorization of Procion Red MX-5B with iron-alginate gel beads as an effective catalyst [Elektronička građa] / Memduha Ergüt, Ayla Özer. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract. - In the present study, iron-alginate gel beads (Fe-Alg gel beads) were synthesized by the entrapment method and subsequently, the prepared gel beads were characterized by FTIR, SEM, and EDX analysis methods. The characterization studies showed that Fe-Alg gel beads were of spherical morphology and iron was successfully entrapped in alginate. Subsequently, the synthesized Fe-Alg gel beads were used as a heterogeneous catalyst for the decolorization of a hazardous azo-dyestuff, Procion Red MX-5B (PR MX-5B), with Fenton-like decolorization. The effects of process parameters such as initial pH, H2O2 concentration, initial dye concentration and catalyst concentration on Fenton-like decolorization were investigated. For Fenton-like decolorization of PR MX-5B, the optimum process parameters were determined to be pH: 3.0, 20 mµ of H2O2 concentration, 50 mg/L of initial dye concentration, and 5.0 g/L of catalyst concentration, respectively. The reaction kinetics was well fitted to second order reaction kinetics. As a result, the synthesized gel beads have a high color removal efficiency for PR MX-5B dye from an aqueous solution.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 4 ; str. 297-304  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dekolorizacija -- Katalizatori -- Alginatna zrnca -- Fentonov proces

KAN, Yuhe
Influence of D-amino acids in beer on formation of uric acid [Elektronička građa] / Yuhe Kan, Zhikun Zhang, Kunhao Yang, Mengru Ti, Yongqi Ke, Li Wu, Jingkui Yang, Yujian He. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Excessive intake of beer could increase serum uric acid levels, leading to high risk of gout, which was previously attributed to high purine content in beer. Recent reports that purine-rich vegetables and bean products do not cause higher uric acid levels do not support this theory. Why excessive intake of beer could increase a high risk of gout has been unclear. Other factors affecting the accumulation of uric acid in the blood have been explored. Beer contains relatively high levels of D-amino acids due to the racemization of L-amino acids induced by food processing. D-amino acid was catalyzed by D-amino acid oxidase to produce H2O2, which is further oxidized in the presence of Fe2+ to produce hydroxyl radicals, resulting in DNA damage and formation of a large amount of purine bases, which are oxidized to uric acid by a series of enzymes. Some food ingredients, such as vitamins and I–, prompt D-amino acids to form uric acid. D-amino acids in beer are one of the key factors responsible for the increase in uric acid levels. The biological response of D-amino acids could explain gout occurrence in beer drinkers. - Prekomjerna konzumacija piva može dovesti do povećanja koncentracije mokraćne kiseline u serumu, čime se povećava rizik nastanka uričnog artritisa (gihta), što se prethodno dovodilo u vezu s velikim udjelom purina u pivu. Međutim, novija istraživanja pokazuju da konzumacija povrća bogatog purinima i grahorica ne povećava koncentraciju mokraćne kiseline, što opovrgava tu tvrdnju. Još uvijek nije objašnjeno zašto povećana konzumacija piva može povećati rizik nastanka gihta, pa su ispitani drugi uzročnici nakupljanja mokraćne kiseline u krvi. Pivo sadržava relativno velike koncentracije D-aminokiselina koje nastaju racemizacijom L-aminokiselina tijekom prerade hrane. Katalizom pomoću D-aminokiselinske oksidaze iz D-aminokiselina nastaje H2O2, čijom oksidacijom u prisutnosti Fe2+ nastaju hidroksilni radikali. Pritom dolazi do oštećenja DNA i nastanka purinskih baza u većoj količini, iz kojih djelovanjem različitih enzima nastaje mokraćna kiselina. Neki dodaci hrani, kao što su vitamini i ioni joda, potiču nastanak mokraćne kiseline iz D-aminokiselina. D-aminokiseline u pivu imaju ključnu ulogu u povećanju koncentracije mokraćne kiseline. Biološka uloga D-aminokiselina može objasniti pojavu gihta kod osoba koje učestalo konzumiraju pivo.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 418-425  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pivo -- Mokraćna kiselina -- D-aminokiseline -- Oštećenje DNA -- Hidroksilni radikali -- Giht

Micro- and nano-encapsulation in food industry [Elektronička građa] / Amra Bratovcic, Jasmin Suljagic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 119-121. - Summary. - Encapsulation can be defined as a process of entrapping one substance within another substance producing particles with diameters of a few nm to a few mm. The entrapped material is usually a liquid, but may be a solid or a gas. The main reason of using encapsulation is the fact that some nutrients do not remain in the food for a significant amount of time or may react with the other food components causing undesirable effects. It is possible to use micro- and nanoencapsulation techniques. The first one, microencapsulation, is a technology that can improve the retention time of the nutrient in the food and allow controlled release at specific times, during food consumption or in the intestinal gut (microencapsulation of vitamin). Nanoencapsulation has the potential to protect sensitive bioactive food ingredients from unfavourable environmental conditions, enhance solubilisation, improve taste and odour masking, and enhance bioavailability of poorly absorbable function ingredients. In this review, some relevant aspects of encapsulation methodologies, coating materials and their uses in food technology were discussed.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 113-121  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prehrambena industrija -- Mikrokapsuliranje -- Nanokapsuliranje

Performance assessment of a novel pyramid photobioreactor for cultivation of microalgae using external and internal light sources [Elektronička građa] / Zahra Khoobkar, Farshid Pajoum Shariati, Ali Akbar Safekordi, Hossein Delavari Amrei. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 42 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The cultivation of Chlorella sp., the most abundant microalga in the Persian Gulf, took place in a novel pyramid photobioreactor (PBR), a modified version of plate PBR, consisting of four completely separate equal-volume chambers. In this study we used two light sources incident in each chamber: light-emitting diode (LED) at various wavelengths (red, white and blue) of 108 µmol/(m2·s) photosynthetic photon flux density as internal lighting, and the same photon flux density for external white lighting. PBR served to study the effects of light sources on chlorophyll a production, maximum specific growth rate (µmax), biomass productivity rate (rp) and photon performance. The results showed that the highest chlorophyll a production was obtained under red LED illumination. The highest values for rp, µmax and photon performance were obtained under white light. - Novi piramidalni fotobioreaktor, modificirana verzija pločastog fotobioreaktora, koji se sastoji od četiri zasebne komore jednakih volumena, upotrijebljen je za uzgoj alge Chlorella sp., nazastupljenije mikroalge u Perzijskom zaljevu. U istraživanju su korištena dva izvora svjetlosti: vanjsko, bijelo svjetlo gustoće toka fotona od 108 osvjetljavalo je sve četiri komore, dok je unutarnje svjetlo iste gustoće toka fotona te različitih valnih duljina (crveno, bijelo i plavo) osvjetljavalo tri od četiri komore. Praćeni su slijedeći parametri: utjecaj izvora svjetlosti na proizvodnju klorofila a, maksimalna specifična brzina rasta (gmax), brzina proizvodnje biomase (rp) i fotosintetska učinkovitost. Rezultati pokazuju da je alga proizvela najviše klorofila a nakon izlaganja crvenom LED svjetlu. Najveće vrijednosti rp i te najveća fotosintetska učinkovitost postignute su pod utjecajem bijelog svjetla.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 68-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikroalge -- Fotosinteza -- Fotobioreaktori -- Izvor svjetlosti

MA, Yudi
Silica-lipid hybrid microparticles as efficient vehicles for enhanced stability and bioaccessibility of curcumin [Elektronička građa] / Yudi Ma, Qiang Wang, Dantong Wang, Juan Huang, Rui Sun, Xinyu Mao, Yuan Tian, Qiang Xia. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Curcumin is an active ingredient with multiple functions, but its application is often restricted due to its poor water solubility, weak stability, and consequently low bioaccessibility. Based on this, the aim of this work is to develop a new vehicle to overcome these restrictions. Here we developed a curcumin-loaded nanoemulsion and then curcumin-loaded silica-lipid hybrid microparticles through emulsification and vacuum drying, respectively. The loading of curcumin in the nanoemulsion and microparticles was (0.30±0.02) and (0.67±0.02) %, respectively. FTIR and XRD analyses of microparticles revealed that curcumin was encapsulated in porous, amorphous silica. In vitro antioxidant activities showed that the encapsulation would not affect the antioxidant activity of curcumin. In vitro simulated digestion indicated that nanoemulsion and microparticles had higher curcumin bioaccessibility than the control group. The storage stability of microparticles remained the same during 6 weeks in the dark at 4, 25 and 40 °C. Moreover, the microparticles had a better chemical stability than nanoemulsion under the light. The cell viability was over 80 % when the concentration of nanocarriers was less than 45 μg/mL. Hence, the microparticles could be a promising means to load curcumin and improve its solubility, light stability and bioaccessibility. - Kurkumin je aktivni sastojak koji ima višestruku ulogu, no njegova je uporaba ograničena zbog slabe topljivosti u vodi i stabilnosti, a time i slabe biološke raspoloživosti. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila osmisliti kako zaobići ta ograničenja. Postupkom emulgiranja dobivena je nanoemulzija s kurkuminom, a nakon toga sušenjem u vakuumu hibridne mikročestice nanoemulzije u silicijevom dioksidu. Udjel kurkumina u nanoemulziji bio je (0,30±0,02) %, a u mikročesticama (0,67±0,02) %. FTIR i XDR analizom utvrđeno je da je kurkumin u mikročesticama inkapsuliran u poroznom amorfnom silicijevom dioksidu. Antioksidacijska aktivnost kurkumina in vitro nije se smanjila nakon inkapsulacije. Simulacijom probave in vitro utvrđeno je da je biološka raspoloživost kurkumina u nanoemulziji i mikročesticama bila veća nego u kontrolnom uzorku. Stabilnost mikročestica ostala je ista tijekom 6 tjedana skladištenja u mraku pri temperaturama od 4, 25 i 40 °C. Osim toga, pokazalo se da su pri izlaganju svjetlosti, mikročestice imale bolju kemijsku stabilnost od nanoemulzije. Pri koncentraciji nanoemulzije manjoj od 45 μg/mL preživljavanje stanica bilo je veće od 80 %. Stoga možemo zaključiti da mikročestice mogu poslužiti kao nosači kurkumina te poboljšati njegovu topljivost, stabilnost pri izlaganju svjetlosti te biološku raspoloživost.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 319-330  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kurkumin -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Biološka raspoloživost -- Skladištenje -- Silicijev dioksid -- Lipidi

CALEGARI, Gabrielle Cristina
Sulfonated (1→6)-β-d-glucan (lasiodiplodan) [Elektronička građa] : preparation, characterization and bioactive properties / Gabrielle Cristina Calegari, Vidiany Aparecida Queiroz Santos, Aneli M. Barbosa-Dekker, Cleverson Busso, Robert F. H. Dekker, Mário Antônio Alves da Cunha. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Sulfonated derivatives of lasiodiplodan (LAS-S) with different degrees of substitution (1.61, 1.42, 1.02 and 0.15) were obtained and characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermal and solubility analyses. Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic potential were also assessed. The sulfonation was confirmed by FTIR analysis with specific bands at 1250 cm–1 (S=O, strong asymmetrical stretching vibration) and at 810 cm–1 (C-O-S, symmetrical vibration associated with the C-O-SO3 group) in the sulfonated samples. SEM demonstrated that sulfonation promoted morphological changes on the surface of the biopolymer with heterogeneous fibrillary structures appearing along the surface following chemical modification. LAS-S showed high thermal stability, with mass loss due to oxidation at temperatures close to 460 °C. Sulfonation increased the solubility of LAS, and in addition, increased the antimicrobial activity, especially against Candida albicans (fungicidal) and Salmonella enterica Typhimurium (bacteriostatic). Native lasiodiplodan (LAS-N) showed higher OH˙ removal capacity, while LAS-S had higher ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) potential. LAS-N and LAS-S did not demonstrate lethal cytotoxicity against wild and mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Samples with higher degree of substitution (1.42 and 1.61) showed lower potential to induce oxidative stress. - U radu su proizvedeni sulfonirani derivati β-D-glukana iz gljive Lasiodiplodia theobromae MMPI, nazvani lasiodiplodan (LAS-S), s različitim stupnjevima supstitucije (1,61; 1,42; 1,02 i 0,15), te su okarakterizirani pomoću FTIR spektroskopije i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Ispitani su toplinska svojstva, topljivost, te antimikrobni, antioksidacijski i citotoksički učinak derivata. Uspješnost sulfonacije provjerena je FTIR analizom, pri čemu su dobivene specifične vrpce na 1250 cm-1 (S=O, jaki signal za asimetričnu vibraciju rastezanja dvostruke veze) i 810 cm-1 (C-O-S, signal za simetričnu vibraciju povezan s prisustvom C-O-SO3 skupine) u sulfoniranim uzorcima. SEM analizom je potvrđeno da sulfonacija pospješuje morfološke promjene na površini biopolimera, uz pojavu heterogenih fibrilarnih struktura na površini nakon kemijske modifikacije. Sulfonirani je lasiodiplodan imao veliku toplinsku stabilnost, a zbog oksidacije pri gotovo 460 °C opažen je gubitak mase.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 490-502  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sulfonacija -- Egzopolisaharidi gljiva -- Antimikrobna aktivnost -- Polisaharidi

Vidi br.: HA19-00811

Vidi br.: HA19-00930

663   Industrijska mikrobiologija. Industrijska mikologija. Industrija vrenja. Industrija pića. Industrija opojnih sredstava

BULJAT, Ana Maria
Applicability of foam mat drying process for production of instant cocoa powder enriched with lavender extract [Elektronička građa] / Ana Maria Buljat, Tamara Jurina, Ana Jurinjak Tušek, Davor Valinger, Jasenka Gajdoš Kljusurić, Maja Benković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 54 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The foam mat drying process is a simple and economical alternative to spray and freeze drying. It is considerably cheaper due to rapid drying at low temperatures, preservation of nutritional quality and easy reconstitution. Basic principle of the process is conversion of a liquid or a semi-liquid foodstuff to foam and thin layer drying of the foam. This study explores the possibility of the foam mat drying for production of instant cocoa powder enriched with lavender (Lavandula × hybrida L.) extracts. The aqueous extraction of lavender was optimized using Taguchi orthogonal array design. Extracts obtained under optimal conditions were added to a mixture of egg white, cocoa powder, sugar and gelatine. Mixtures were blended for 4 min to obtain stable foam which was dried at three different temperatures (t=50, 60 and 70 °C) and milled into a powdered product. Drying rates were obtained from the experimental data using nonlinear model estimation. Flow properties, bulk density, particle size distribution, reconstitution and sensory properties of the final product were also assessed. Based on the obtained data, the drying process was best described by Page’s drying model. Samples dried at lower temperature (t=50 °C) exhibited the best powder flow and reconstitution properties. Sensory analysis resulted in similar findings: powder samples dried at lower temperatures had better appearance, colour and taste. The obtained data confirm the suitability of the foam mat drying for the production of instant cocoa powder enriched with lavender extract. - Postupak sušenja u pjeni jednostavna je i ekonomična zamjena za sušenje raspršivanjem i zamrzavanjem. Zbog brzog sušenja pri niskim temperaturama, očuvanja nutritivne kvalitete i jednostavne rekonstitucije ta je metoda jeftinija. Osnovno načelo procesa je pretvorba tekuće ili polutekuće prehrambene namirnice u pjenu i njezino tankoslojno sušenje. U ovom se radu istražuje mogućnost primjene sušenja u pjeni za proizvodnju instant kakao prahova obogaćenih ekstraktima lavande (Lavandula × hybrida L.). Proces ekstrakcije lavande optimiran je primjenom Taguchijeve metode. Vodeni ekstrakti lavande, dobiveni pri optimalnim uvjetima, dodani su u smjesu bjelanjka, kakao praha, šećera i želatine. Smjese su miješane 4 minute kako bi se dobila stabilna pjena, koja je zatim sušena na temperaturama od 50, 60 i 70 °C i samljevena u prah. Brzine sušenja određene su na osnovi eksperimentalnih podataka dobivenih primjenom modela nelinearne regresije. Također su procijenjena sljedeća svojstva: tečenje, nasipna gustoća, raspodjela veličine čestica, te rekonstitucijska i senzorska svojstva konačnog proizvoda.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 159-170  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kakao -- Sušenje u pjeni -- Lavanda -- Instant prah -- Modeliranje

Aspen Plus simulation strategies applied to the study of chitin bioextraction from shrimp waste [Elektronička građa] / David Gómez-Ríos, Grace Navarro, Paola Monsalve, Rolando Barrera-Zapata, Rigoberto Ríos-Estepa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Chitin is an aminopolysaccharide of industrial interest commonly obtained from shrimp processing waste through chemical or biotechnological means. Current environmental concerns offer a stimulating perspective for chitin bioextraction with lactic acid bacteria since a considerable reduction in the use of corrosive and pollutant products is possible. Nevertheless, the efficiency of this bioprocess is still a matter of discussion. In this work, the experimental studies of chitin bioextraction from Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) waste with a mixed culture of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are used in process simulation using Aspen Plus software for the analysis of the potential application of a bioprocess on plant scale. The experimental results of characterization in shake flasks and 1-litre bioreactor indicated that 50 h of fermentation with the mixed culture of lactic acid bacteria was enough to extract more than 90 % of minerals and proteins from the shrimp waste. The use of experimental parameters in the simulation allowed a reliable representation of the bioprocess yielding normalized root mean square values below 10 %. Simulation was used for the assessment of the impact of the raw material variability on the production costs and gross margin. In this regard, the gross margin of the operation ranged from 42 to 52 % depending on the raw material composition and product yield. - Hitin je aminopolisaharid od industrijskog značaja, koji se obično dobiva obradom otpada iz proizvodnje kozica kemijskim i biotehnološkim putem. U novije se vrijeme zbog brige za okoliš sve više provodi bioekstrakcija hitina pomoću bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja, radi smanjenja uporabe korozivnih i onečišćujućih sredstava. Usprkos tome, i dalje se vodi rasprava o učinkovitosti tog bioprocesa. U ovom je radu ispitana bioekstrakcija hitina iz otpada iz proizvodnje atlantske bijele kozice (Litopenaeus vann¬amei) s pomoću miješane kulture bakterija Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus i Streptococcus thermophilus Simulacijom pomoću kompjuterskog programa Aspen Plus ispitana je mogućnnost industrijske primjene bioprocesa. Rezultati pokusa na tresilici i u jednolitrenom bioreaktoru pokazali su da za ekstrakciju više od 90 % mineralnih tvari i proteina iz otpada iz proizvodnje kozica treba 50 sati fermentacije s pomoću miješane kulture mliječno-kiselih bakterija. Primjena je eksperimentalnih parametara u simulaciji omogućila pouzdan prikaz bioprocesa s normaliziranim korijenom srednje kvadratne pogreške manjim od 10 %. Simulacija je upotrijebljena za procjenu utjecaja sastava sirovine na troškove proizvodnje i bruto maržu. Ovisno o sastavu sirovine i prinosu bruto marža je iznosila između 42 i 52 %.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 238-248  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hitin -- Bioekstrakcija -- Bioprocesi -- Bakterije -- Računalni programi

ADEOLA, Abiodun Aderoju
Assessment of some attributes of unripe cooking banana (Cardaba Musa ABB), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and orange fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) flour blends for use as complementary feeding [Elektronička građa] / Abiodun Aderoju Adeola, Oluwatebiloba Margaret Solola, Olalekan Apata, Ehimen Rita Ohizua. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 73-75. - Summary. - This study assessed the nutrient composition, physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of flour blends prepared from cooking banana, pigeon pea and orange fleshed sweet potato flour blends for use as complementary food. Fourteen blends were generated using the simplex centroid mixture design. All data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and the mean values were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The protein, crude fibre, crude fat, ash and carbohydrate of the blends were significantly (p≤0.05) different with values ranging from 10.60-21.65%, 0.36-1.24%, 1.2-1.43%, 0.77 – 2.25% and 65.86 -75.36%, respectively. There was no significant (p≤0.05) difference in the moisture content, total carotenoid content and pH value of the blends. The L* value (40.77 to 45.25) showed no significant (p≤0.05) difference while the redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) value were significantly (p≤0.05) different with values ranging from 2.32 – 4.59 and 11.88 – 15.88 respectively. There was a significant (p≤0.05) difference in the bulk density (0.73 – 0.78 g/ml), water absorption capacity (122.05-178.10%), swelling power (6.21 – 8.48%) and solubility (3.77-7.30%) values. Gruels obtained from the flour blends had sensory scores of above 6.00 (on a 9-point Hedonic scale), signifying high acceptability for all the sensory attributes evaluated.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 67-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komplementarna hrana -- Hranjive tvari -- Funkcionalna svojstva -- Osjetilna svojstva

MISHRA, Birendra Kumar
Biofunctional attributes and storage study of soy milk fermented by Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus helveticus [Elektronička građa] / Birendra Kumar Mishra, Subrota Hati, Sujit Das, Jashbhai B. Prajapati. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 42 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Different soybean products are considered as traditional functional food among the Mongolian population in Northeast India. In the present study, the effect of different flavours (mango, orange, vanilla and white rose), inoculation rates of Lactobacillus rhamnosus K4E (KX950834) and Lactobacillus helveticus K14 (KU644578), and mass fractions of skimmed milk and sugar on the acceptability of soy yoghurts was studied. Physicochemical (pH, titratable acidity) and microbial analyses (total bacterial, total coliform, yeast and mould count) were conducted, and organoleptic (aroma, taste, colour, mouthfeel, texture and overall acceptability) and biofunctional properties (angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and biotransformation of isoflavones) were evaluated during storage up to 10 days under refrigeration conditions (6–8 °C). Panellists preferred white rose soy yoghurt more than other flavours. The pH was from 5.65 to 4.20, the titratable acidity (expressed as mass fraction of lactic acid) was from 0.33 to 0.51 % and total Lactobacillus count ranged from 6.81 to 8.69 log CFU/mL during storage. The ACE inhibitory activity increased from 21.17 % on day 0 to 81.03 % on day 5, followed by a decrease of the activity after 10 days (38.85 %). The antioxidant activity was the highest on day 5 (87 %). White rose soy yoghurt had the highest antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes, followed by Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli. RP-HPLC analysis showed that after 18 h, the production of soy isoflavone aglycones genistein and daidzein in yoghurt was 87.3 and 58.4 %, respectively. - Različiti proizvodi od soje smatraju se tradicionalnom funkcionalnom hranom za mongolsku populaciju na sjeveroistoku Indije. U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj dodatka različitih aroma (mango, naranča, vanilija i bijela ruža), stupnja inokulacije bakterijama mliječno-kiselog vrenja Lactobacillus rham¬nosus K4E (KX950834) i Lactobacillus helveticus K14 (KU644578) i masenih udjela obranog mlijeka i šećera na senzorne značajke sojinog jogurta. Tijekom deset dana skladištenja u hladnjaku pri 6-8 °C ispitivana su fizikalno-kemijska (pH-vrijednost, titracijska kiselost), mikrobiološka (ukupni broj bakterija te broj koliformnih bakterija, kvasaca i plijesni), organoleptička (aroma, okus, boja, punoća, tekstura i ukupna prihvatljivost) i biofunkcionalna (inhibicija proizvodnje angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima, antioksidacijski i antimikrobni učinak, biotransformacija izoflavona) svojstva jogurta. Najbolje je ocijenjen jogurt s aromom bijele ruže, čija je pH-vrijednost tijekom skladištenja bila od 5,65 do 4,20, titracijska kiselost (izražena kao maseni udjel mliječne kiseline) od 0,33 do 0,51 % i ukupni broj bakterija vrsta Lactobacillus od 6.81 do 8,69 log CFU/mL. Inhibicija se angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima povećavala tijekom skladištenja s početnih 21,17 % na 81,03 % izmjerenih tijekom petog dana skladištenja, a zatim smanjivala sve do 38,85 % nakon desetog dana. Najveća je antioksidacijska aktivnost zabilježena tijekom petog dana skladištenja (87 %).
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 399-407  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sojin jogurt -- Fermentacija -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Antimikrobni učinak -- Izoflavoni -- Lactobacillus sp.

Biopreservation of fresh strawberries by carboxymethyl cellulose edible coatings enriched with a bacteriocin from Bacillus methylotrophicus BM47 [Elektronička građa] / Yulian Tumbarski, Radosveta Nikolova, Nadezhda Petkova, Ivan Ivanov, Anna Lante. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Bacteriocins are a large group of antimicrobial compounds that are synthesized by representatives of the genus Bacillus and lactic acid bacteria. They are used extensively in the food industry as biopreservatives. Incorporated in the composition of edible coatings, bacteriocins can reduce microbial growth and decay incidence in perishable fruits, thus improving product shelf-life and commercial appearance. The present study aims to investigate the effect of edible coatings of 0.5 % carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) enriched with a purified bacteriocin from Bacillus methylotrophicus BM47 on the shelf-life extension of fresh strawberries. During storage at 4 °C and 75 % relative humidity for 16 days, the measurements of mass loss, decay percentage, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), pH, organic acids, total phenolic and anthocyanin contents and antioxidant activity were made. The results demonstrate that the application of edible coatings with 0.5 % CMC and 0.5 % CMC with bacteriocin (CMC+B) led to a significant decrease of mass loss in the treated strawberries compared to the uncoated fruit. After the 8th day of storage, significant reductions in decay percentage along with the absence of fungal growth in CMC+B-coated fruit were observed in comparison with the CMC-coated and control strawberries. During the second half of the storage period, CMC and CMC+B treatments reduced TSS amount in the coated fruit compared to the control, but did not affect the increase of TA and decrease of pH values that are normally associated with postharvest changes. The CMC and CMC+B coatings did not prevent the decrease of ascorbic acid, and total phenolic and anthocyanin contents during cold storage. - Bakteriocini obuhvaćaju veliku grupu antimikrobnih spojeva što ih sintetiziraju bakterije roda Bacillus i one mliječno-kiselog vrenja, a imaju vrlo široku primjenu kao biološki konzervansi u prehrambenoj industriji. Uklopljeni u jestivu prevlaku, bakteriocini mogu usporiti rast mikroorganizama i truljenje lako pokvarljivog voća, čime se produljuje trajnost i povećava komercijalna vrijednost plodova. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati učinak jestive prevlake s 0,5 % karboksimetil-celuloze obogaćene pročišćenim bakteriocinom iz soja bakterije Bacillus methylotrophicus BM47 na produljenje trajnosti svježih jagoda. Tijekom skladištenja pri 4 °C i relativnoj vlažnosti od 75 % tijekom 16 dana, praćeni su sljedeći parametri: gubitak mase plodova, postotak trulih plodova, ukupni udjel topljive suhe tvari, titracijska kiselost, pH-vrijednost, udjeli organskih kiselina, fenolnih spojeva i antocijanina te antioksidacijska aktivnost. Rezultati pokazuju da se primjenom jestivih prevlaka s 0,5 % karboksimetil-celuloze i smjese 0,5 % karboksimetil-celuloze i bakteriocina bitno smanjio gubitak mase tretiranih jagoda, u usporedbi s netretiranim plodovima. Nakon osmog dana skladištenja primijećen je bitno manji postotak trulih plodova uz izostanak pojave plijesni na voću tretiranom smjesom 0,5 % karboksimetil-celuloze i bakteriocina, u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom i onim tretiranim samo karboksimetil-celulozom.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 230-237  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jagode -- Biološko konzerviranje -- Bakteriocin -- Jestive presvlake

RODRIGUES, Tábita Veiga Dias
Carotenoid production by Rhodotorula mucilaginosa in batch and fed-batch fermentation using agroindustrial byproducts [Elektronička građa] / Tábita Veiga Dias Rodrigues, Thalita D. Amore, Erika Carvalho Teixeira, Janaina Fernandes de Medeiros Burkert. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Carotenoids are natural pigments that can be produced through biotechnological processes. However, the costs are relatively high and can be minimized by using lower-cost substrates as alternative nutrient sources. The fed-batch fermentation is one of the techniques used to obtain a high biomass concentration and/or maximum production. Thus, the aim of this work is to produce carotenoids in batch and fed-batch fermentation with the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa CCT 7688 using agroindustrial byproducts in the culture medium. Carotenoid production was increased using experimental designs, which modified the concentration of the agroindustrial medium. In batch production the highest concentrations of total carotenoids (1248.5 μg/L) and biomass (7.9 g/L) were obtained in the medium containing 70 g/L sugar cane molasses and 3.4 g/L corn steep liquor at 25 °C and 180 rpm in 168 h, demonstrating an increase of 17 % when compared to the standard yeast malt medium (1200 μg/L). In the fed-batch production, different feeding strategies were tested with 30 g/L sugar cane molasses and 6.5 g/L corn steep liquor, reaching a total carotenoid production of 3726 μg/L and biomass concentration of 16 g/L. Therefore, the strategy of the fed-batch process resulted in an increase in the carotenoid production of approx. 400 % compared to that in the batch process (740.3 μg/L). Thus, the R. mucilaginosa strain has the potential to produce carotenoids in agroindustrial medium. - Karotenoidi su prirodni pigmenti koji se mogu proizvesti pomoću biotehnoloških procesa. Međutim, troškovi su njihove proizvodnje relativno visoki, no mogu se smanjiti primjenom jeftinih alternativnih izvora hranjiva. Uzgojem s pritokom supstrata postižu se visoke koncentracije biomase i/ili najveći prinos. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila proizvesti karotenoide šaržnom fermentacijom i uzgojem s pritokom supstrata s pomoću kvasca Rhodotorula mucilaginosa CCT 7688 u podlozi s nusproizvodima agroindustrije. Proizvodnja je poboljšana primjenom eksperimentalnog dizajna, pomoću kojeg je optimirana koncentracija nusproizvoda agroindustrije u podlozi. Najveće koncentracije ukupnih karotenoida (1248,5 μg/L) i biomase (7,9 g/L) u šaržnom postupku dobivene su primjenom podloge od 70 g/L melase šećerne trske i 3,4 g/L kukuruznog ekstrakta pri 25 °C i 180 rpm tijekom 168 h, što je 17 % više nego u standardnoj podlozi s ekstraktima kvasca i slada (1200 μg/L). Tijekom uzgoja s pritokom supstrata ispitani su različiti načini prihranjivanja supstrata s 30 g/L melase šećerne trske i 6,5 g/L kukuruznog ekstrakta, te su postignute najveće koncentracije karotenoida od 3726 μg/L i biomase od 16 g/L. Uzgojem s pritokom supstrata dobiveno je otprilike 400 % više karotenoida, u usporedbi sa šaržnom fermentacijom (740,3 μg/L). Stoga je zaključeno da se kvasac R. mucilaginosa može upotrijebiti za proizvodnju karotenoida u podlozi od agroindustrijskog otpada.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 388-398  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Karotenoidi -- β-karoten -- Kvasac -- Kukuruzni ekstrakt -- Melasa šećerne trske -- Fermentacija

MOHAMAD, Roiaini
Changes of phytosterols, rheology, antioxidant activity and emulsion stability of salad dressing with cocoa butter during storage [Elektronička građa] / Roiaini Mohamad, Baizura Aya Putri Agus, Norhayati Hussain. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Addition of phytosterols and antioxidants to food may provide additional health benefits to consumers. Their stability in a food matrix may decrease during storage. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to formulate a salad dressing with cocoa butter and determine its phytosterol stability, antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties during storage. The cocoa butter was extracted using a supercritical CO2 extraction (green technology) and added to the formulated salad dressing (containing different ratios of cocoa butter and soybean oil). The salad dressing with 30 % cocoa butter (the most stable emulsion) was selected for storage study at 4 and 30 °C. However, values of physicochemical parameters and mass fractions of phytosterols, total phenolic compounds (determined using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) in the salad dressing with 30 % cocoa butter decreased during storage (from day 0 to 28) and increased with the temperature increase, probably due to the oxidation of oil. Thus, the most desirable storage temperature for salad dressing was 4 °C. An excellent stability of the salad dressing with 30 % cocoa butter at different storage temperatures for 28 days offers a potential application in food industries for production of salad dressing with cocoa butter enriched with phytosterols. - Dodatak fitosterola i antioksidansa hrani može pozitivno utjecati na zdravlje potrošača, međutim, tijekom duljeg skladištenja ti spojevi gube stabilnost. Stoga je svrha ovog istraživanja bila pripremiti salatni preljev s kakao maslacem optimalnog sastava i odrediti stabilnost fitosterola i fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike preljeva tijekom skladištenja. Kakao maslac ekstrahiran je iz zrna kakaa pomoću superkritičnog C02 (zelena tehnologija) i dodan u salatni preljev (pripremljen s različitim omjerima kakao maslaca i sojinog ulja). Salatni preljev s 30 % kakao maslaca (najstabilnija emulzija) odabran je za ispitivanje stabilnosti tijekom skladištenja pri 4 i 30 °C. Vrijednosti fizikalnokemijskih parametara te maseni udjeli fitosterola, fenola (određenih pomoću Folin-Ciocalteu reagensa) i 2,2-difenil-l-pikrilhidrazila (DPPH) smanjivali su se s porastom vremena skladištenja (od 0 do 28 dana), a rasli s porastom temperature, najvjerojatnije uslijed oksidacije ulja. Stoga je zaključeno da je najpoželjnija temperatura skladištenja salatnog preljeva 4 °C. Dobra stabilnost salatnog preljeva koji sadržava 30 % kakao maslaca pri različitim temperaturama tijekom 28 dana omogućuje njegovu primjenu u proizvodnji salatnih preljeva obogaćenih fitosterolima.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 59-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fitosteroli -- Kakao maslac -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Sojino ulje -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva

HUANG, Li-Hsin
Development of a transgenic Flammulina velutipes oral vaccine for hepatitis B [Elektronička građa] / Li-Hsin Huang, Hao-Yeh Lin, Ying-Tzu Lyu, Chiau-Ling Gung, Ching-Tsan Huang. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Orally administered fungal vaccines show promise for the prevention of infectious diseases. Edible mushrooms are deemed appropriate hosts to produce oral vaccines due to their low production cost and low risk of gene contamination. However, their low expression level of antigens has limited the potential development of oral vaccines using mushrooms. The low expression level might result from impurity of the transgenic mycelia since dikaryotic mycelia are commonly used as transformation materials. In this study, stable transgenic hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) in Flammulina velutipes transformants was obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, followed by fruiting and basidiospore mating. The formation of HBsAg was detected by western blot analysis. The expression levels of HBsAg in transgenic F. velutipes fruiting bodies were (129.3±15.1), (110.9±1.7) and (161.1±8.5) ng/g total soluble protein. However, the values may be underestimated due to incomplete protein extraction. Two of the four pigs in the experimental group produced positive anti-HBsAg-specific IgG after being fed the HBsAg transgenic F. velutipes fruiting bodies for 20 weeks, while no anti-HBsAg antibody was detected in the control group. One of the positive pigs had HBsAg titres of 5.36 and 14.9 mIU/mL in weeks 10 and 14, respectively, but expression faded thereafter. The other positive pig displayed HBsAg titres of 9.75, 17.86 and 39.87 mIU/mL in weeks 14, 18 and 20, respectively. The successful immunogenicity in pigs fed transgenic F. velutipes fruiting bodies demonstrated the potential of using the fungus as an oral vaccine. - Oralna primjena cjepiva dobivenih iz gljiva obećavajuća je za prevenciju zaraznih bolesti. Jestive gljive smatraju se prikladnim domaćinom za proizvodnju cjepiva zbog malih troškova proizvodnje i malog rizika kontaminacije gena. Međutim, zbog slabe ekspresije antitijela gljive imaju limitirani potencijal za razvoj oralnih cjepiva. Niska razina ekspresije gena vjerojatno je posljedica nečistoće transgenih micelija, budući da se za transformaciju uglavnom koriste miceliji dikariona. U radu je transformacijom gena iz gljive Flammulina velutipes pomoću bakterije Agrobacterium dobiven stabilni antigen hepatitisa B (HBsAg). Zatim je uslijedilo formiranje plodišta i klijanje bazidiospora. Metodom Western blot potvrđeno je formiranje HBsAg. Razine ekspresije HBsAg u plodištima gljive F. velutipes bile su: (129,3±15,1), (1 10,9±1,7) i (161,1±8,5) ng po gramu ukupnog topljivog proteina. Međutim, te vrijednosti mogu biti i veće, jer u radu nije postignuta potpuna ekstrakcija proteina.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 105-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hepatitis B -- Oralno cjepivo -- Transgene gljive -- Flammulina velutipes -- Bakterije -- Agrobacterium

ELIJAH, Aniekpeno Isaac
Effect of extraction variables on the proximate composition of coconut milk [Elektronička građa] : a response surface approach / Aniekpeno Isaac Elijah, Victor Ephraim Edem, Item Victor Udohabasi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 228-229. - Abstract. - To our knowledge, there seem to be no report on the effect of extraction variables on the proximate composition of coconut milk. In this study, response surface methodology (RSM) with a central composite design (CCD), consisting three factors (extraction time, extraction temperature and coconut meat particle size) was used to study the effect of process conditions on the proximate compositions of coconut milk. Results revealed that process variables significantly (p<0.05) affected the proximate compositions of coconut milk. The R2 values of ash, fibre and carbohydrate were 0.9244, 0.8822 and 0.8876 respectively, while that of fat and protein where 0.6048 and 0.6866, respectively. Results also indicated that moisture, ash, fat, protein, fibre and carbohydrate contents of coconut milk ranged from 75.40 to 81.97%, 1.03 to 4.3 %, 62.70 to 78.39%, 6.33 to 32.16%, 0.05 to 0.15% and 2.25 to 60.0%, respectively. The optimum conditions obtained for extraction of coconut milk with a desirability index of 75.30% were 16.27 min extraction time, 40 °C extraction temperature and <1617 μm particle size of coconut meat. The estimated amount of moisture, ash, fat, protein, fibre and carbohydrate were; 79.03, 3.48, 73.82, 25.45, 0.16 and 29.34% respectively.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 222-229  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kokosovo mlijeko -- Ekstrakcija -- Sastav -- Metodologija odgovora površine

ABROL, Ghan Shyam
Effect of maturation on wild apricot vermouth of different treatments [Elektronička građa] / Ghan Shyam Abrol, Vinod Kumar Joshi, Darko Velić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 200-201. - Summary. - Wild apricot vermouths (WAV) of different sugar levels (8, 10 and 12 °Brix), different alcohol levels (15, 17 and 19%) and spice levels (2.5 and 5%) were prepared. The product was matured for six months and evaluated for physico- chemical characteristics at 0, 3 and 6 months of maturation. In general, ethyl alcohol content decreased in wild apricot vermouth of all treatments during maturation for six months, in proportion to their initial values. The decrease in TSS was revealed with the advancement of the storage period of six months. A similar trend was observed for total sugars with the advancement of the ageing period. The amount of reducing sugars, however, increased with the prolongation of the maturation period. The total esters content in WAV increased with the advancement of the ageing period, irrespective of their alcohol content. However, the volatile acidity showed a very little increase during ageing but remained non-significant among the different treatments. Total phenols content in WAV decreased by both the ageing period of six months and an increase in alcohol level. A non-significant increase in the titratable acidity with an ageing period was observed in all the WAV having different alcohol levels. The effect of spice extract levels added in the preparation of WAV showed that with the advancement of storage period total esters increased from 246.8 to 272.8 mg/L and 252.8 to 280.6 mg/L for WAV having 2.5 and 5% spices content, respectively. In brief, an overview of the entire results revealed that there was an interactive effect of alcohol level, the sugar level and the spice extract during maturation of wild apricot vermouth. It can be concluded that the maturation of WAV exerted a favourable effect on physico-chemical properties of wild apricot vermouth and is thus, considered desirable.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 195-201  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vermut -- Divlja marelica -- Ekstrakti začina -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Osjetilna kvaliteta

RAKO, Ante, agronom
Effect of sheep's milk composition on strength and syneresis of rennet-induced milk gel during lactation [Elektronička građa] / Ante Rako, Milna Tudor Kalit, Samir Kalit. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study investigates the effects of raw sheep’s milk composition on the strength and syneresis of obtained gels throughout the lactation. Casein, fat and total solids content, as well as ionic calcium mass fraction significantly (p<0.05) increased during lactation. As lactation progressed, milk formed firmer gel with higher syneresis ability. Increasing casein to fat ratio in sheep’s milk significantly increased (p<0.05) gel strength and syneresis. On the other hand, gel strength and syneresis were significantly reduced as a result of increased fat content in sheep’s milk. Ionic calcium mass fraction affected gel strength but not syneresis. Neither gel strength nor syneresis were affected by casein and urea content or by somatic cell count in sheep’s milk. Correlation coefficients between milk components and gel strength, as well as syneresis, were significant (p<0.01, p<0.05) but never higher than 0.35. - Svrha je rada bila istražiti utjecaj sastava ovčjeg mlijeka na čvrstoću i sinerezu sirnog gruša tijekom laktacije. Udjeli kazeina, mliječne masti i suhe tvari te masene frakcije ionskog kalcija značajno (p<0,05) su se povećale tijekom laktacije. Tijekom laktacije sirni je gruš bio čvršći i imao veću sposobnost sinereze. Povećanjem omjera kazeina i mliječne masti u ovčjem mlijeku bitno (p<0,05) se povećala čvrstoća i sinereza sirnog gruša. Uslijed povećanja udjela mliječne masti u ovčjem mlijeku, bitno (p<0,01, p<0,05) se smanjila čvrstoća i sinereza sirnog gruša. Maseni udjel iona kalcija u ovčjem mlijeku bitno (p<0,05) je utjecao na čvrstoću, ali ne i na sinerezu sirnog gruša. Udjel kazeina, koncentracija uree kao te broj somatskih stanica u ovčjem mlijeku nisu utjecali na čvrstoću i sposobnost sinereze sirnog gruša. Koeficijenti korelacija između sastojaka mlijeka i čvrstoće i sinereze sirnog gruša bili su značajni (p<0,01, p<0,05), ali njihove vrijednosti nisu prelazile 0.35.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 426-433  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ovčje mlijeko -- Laktacija -- Sinereza -- Sirni gruš

DADI, Debebe Worku
Effect of ultrasound-assisted extraction of Moringa stenopetala leaves on bioactive compounds and their antioxidant activity [Elektronička građa] / Debebe Worku Dadi, Shimelis Admassu Emire, Asfaw Debella Hagos, Jong Bang Eun. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Moringa stenopetala is a multipurpose plant having high nutritional and medicinal values. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of time and temperature of ultrasound-assisted extraction on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities of M. stenopetala leaf extract. The ultrasound-assisted extraction took place at each of 30, 40 and 50 °C for 10, 20 and 30 min. The study also included the analysis of the interaction effects of time and temperature on the total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, antioxidant activity (ABTS and DPPH assay), FRAP and chelating activity. The highest total phenolic content, expressed in mg gallic acid equivalents per g dry mass, was 46.6 and total flavonoid content, expressed in mg catechin equivalents per g dry mass, was 20.4 at 40 °C for 20 min. Under the same conditions, the highest antioxidant activities evaluated by DPPH, ABTS and FRAP, expressed in mg Trolox equivalents per g dry mass, were 336.5, 581.8 and 133.3 respectively, and chelating activity, expressed in mg EDTA equivalents per g dry mass, was 28.4. The lowest amounts of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities were observable when the extraction occurred at 50 °C for 30 min, followed by the extraction at lower temperature (30 °C) for shorter time (10 min). The morphological analysis of the residues obtained after extraction using scanning electron microscope indicated that there was a higher ultrasonic destruction of the structural components of the sample at longer extraction time. Therefore, ultrasound-assisted extraction at a temperature of 40 °C for 20 min is the best time-temperature combination to extract bioactive compounds from M. stenopetala leaves. - Moringa stenopetala je višenamjenska biljka s izraženim nutritivnim i terapeutskim svojstvima. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj vremena i temperature ekstrakcije potpomognute ultrazvukom na izdvajanje bioaktivnih spojeve i antioksidacijsku aktivnost ekstrakta lista biljke M. stenopetala. Ekstrakcija je provedena pri temperaturama od 30, 40 i 50 °C tijekom 10, 20 i 30 minuta. Ispitan je i međusobni utjecaj vremena i temperature ekstrakcije na ukupne udjele fenola i flavonoida, antioksidacijsku aktivnost (mjerenu pomoću ABTS, DPPH i FRAP metoda) i sposobnost keliranja Fe2+ iona. Nakon 20 min ekstrakcije pri 40 °C dobiven je najveći udjel ukupnih fenola u suhoj tvari, izražen kao ekvivalent galne kiseline, i to 46,6 mg/g, te najveći udjel ukupnih flavonoida u suhoj tvari, izražen kao ekvivalent katehina, i to 20,4 mg/g. Pri istim je uvjetima izmjerena najveća antioksidacijska aktivnost ekstrakata, izražena kao ekvivalent Troloxa u suhoj tvari, i to 336,5 mg/g prema DPPH metodi, 581 ,8 mg/g prema ABTS metodi i 1 33,3 mg/g prema FRAP metodi. Sposobnost keliranja, izražena u ekvivalentima EDTA u suhoj tvari, bila je 28,4 mg/g.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 77-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Moringa stenopetala -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Bioaktivni spojevi -- Ekstrakcija potpomognuta ultrazvukom

Flocculation and expression of FLO genes of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mezcal strain with high stress tolerance [Elektronička građa] / Israel Vergara-Álvarez, Francisco Quiroz-Figueroa, María Concepción Tamayo-Ordóñez, Amanda Alejandra Oliva-Hernández, Claudia Patricia Larralde-Corona, José Alberto Narváez-Zapata. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Mezcal is a distillate produced by spontaneous fermentation of the must obtained from stalks of Agave spp. plants that are cooked and pressed. Agave must contains a high amount of fructose and phenolic compounds, and fermentation usually occurs under stressful (and uncontrolled) environmental conditions. Yeasts capable of growing under such conditions usually display advantageous biological and industrial traits for stress tolerance such as flocculation. In this study, seven Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from mezcal must were exposed to temperatures ranging between 10 and 40 °C, and to different sugar sources (fructose or glucose). Yeasts grown in fructose increased their stress tolerance, determined by colony count in a microdrop assay, under low temperature (10 °C) compared to the growth at 40 °C on solid cultures. The most stress-tolerant mezcal strain (Sc3Y8) and a commercial wine (Fermichamp) strain, used as control, were grown under fermentation conditions and exposed to long-term temperature stress to determine their performance and their potential for flocculation. Compared to glucose, fermentation on fructose increased the metabolite accumulation at the end of culture, particularly at 40 °C, with 2.3, 1.3 and 3.4 times more glycerol (8.6 g/L), ethanol (43.6 g/L) and acetic acid (7.3 g/L), respectively. Using confocal microscopy analysis, we detected morphological changes such as aggregation and wall recognition at the level of budding scars in yeast, particularly in the Sc3Y8 strain when it was exposed to 40 °C. The analysis confirmed that this mezcal strain was positive for flocculation in the presence of Ca2+ ions. Analysis of FLO1, FLO5 and FLO11 gene expression implicated in flocculation in both Saccharomyces strains showed a strong transcriptional induction, mainly of the FLO5 gene in the mezcal Sc3Y8 strain. - Mezcal je destilat koji se proizvodi spontanom fermentacijom mošta dobivenog kuhanjem stabljika biljke Agave spp. i prešanjem dobivene smjese. Mošt agave sadržava velike količine fruktoze i fenolnih spojeva, a fermentacija se najčešće odvija pri stresnim i nekontroliranim uvjetima. Kvasci koji mogu rasti u takvim uvjetima obično imaju povoljna biološka i industrijska svojstva koja ih čine otpornijim, poput svojstva flokulacije. U ovom je radu sedam sojeva kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae izoliranih iz mošta agave izloženo temperaturama od 10 do 40 °C i uzgojeno u podlogama u prisutnosti fruktoze ili glukoze. Brojanjem kolonija u tzv. „microdrop“ testu potvrđeno je da su kvasci koji su rasli u podlozi s dodatkom fruktoze imali veću otpornost na stres uzrokovan niskom temperaturom (10 °C), u usporedbi s kvascima uzgojenim pri 40 °C. Soj kvasca koji je najbolje podnio stres (Sc3Y8) i komercijalni vinski kvasac (Fermichamp) uzgojeni su u tekućoj podlozi za fermentaciju i dugotrajno izloženi toplinskom stresu, radi određivanja njihove sposobnosti flokulacije. Tijekom fermentacije u podlozi s fruktozom povećalo se nakupljanje metabolita na kraju procesa, osobito pri 40 °C, te je proizvedeno 2,3 puta više glicerola (8,6 g/L), 1,3 puta više etanola (43,6 g/L) i 3,4 puta više octene kiseline (7,3 g/L) nego tijekom fermentacije u podlozi s glukozom. Pomoću konfokalnog mikroskopa utvrđene su morfološke promjene u kvascu, kao što su agregacija stanica i prisutnost ožiljaka na stijenci nastalih uslijed pupanja kvasca, osobito u soju Sc3Y8 izloženom temperaturi od 40 °C. Potvrđeno je da ovaj soj kvasca za proizvodnju pića mezcal flokulira u prisutnosti iona kalcija. Analizom ekspresije gena FLO1, FLO5 i FLO11 uključenih u regulaciju flokulacije potvrđeno je da je došlo do indukcije transkripcije u oba soja kvasca S. cerevisiae, naročito gena FLO5 u soju Sc3Y8.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 544-553  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alkoholna pića -- Kvasac -- Fermentacija -- Mezcal -- Mošt agave

Green extraction techniques of bioactive components from cocoa shell [Elektronička građa] / Nika Pavlović, Martina Jakovljević, Maja Miškulin, Maja Molnar, Đurđica Ačkar, Stela Jokić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 19-20. - Abstract. - The aim of this study was to demonstrate that certain types of extraction techniques can give extracts with various bioactive components in different concentrations. Four green extraction techniques were used in this study: supercritical CO2extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, cold atmospheric plasma extraction and extraction using deep eutectic solvents. Those modern techniques gave better yields of bioactive components and showed better antioxidant activity of obtained extracts than classical Soxhlet extraction. The bioactive components in obtained extracts were quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Supercritical CO2extraction gave the highest yields for theobromine content, while ultrasound-assisted extraction with 50% aqueous ethanol solution gave the highest caffeine yields during 30 min of extraction, 35 Hz and 60 °C. The extraction with deep eutectic solvent mixture of choline chloride: oxalic acid and 50% pure H2O at room temperature during 180 min of extraction time gave the highest total phenol content while the same mixture under the same conditions, but during longer extraction time (360 min), gave the highest antioxidant activity. Cocoa shell (CS), due to its nutritional value and bioactive components, has a potential to become a desirable raw material in a large spectrum of functional and pharmaceutical products.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 11-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kakao -- Zeleni ekstrakt -- Bioaktivne komponente

RONG, Junhui
Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on multi-armed magnetic graphene oxide composite [Elektronička građa] : improvement of loading amount and catalytic activity / Junhui Rong, Zijuan Zhou, Yun Wang, Juan Han, Chunmei Li, Wenli Zhang, Liang Ni. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study, a novel type of multi-armed polymer (poyltehylene glycol, PEG) magnetic graphene oxide (GO) composite (GO@Fe3O4@6arm-PEG-NH2) has been synthesized as a support for immobilization of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) for the first time. The loading amount of HRP was relatively high (186.34 mg/g) due to the surface of carrier material containing a large amount of amino groups from 6arm-PEG-NH2, but degradation rate of phenols was also much higher (95.4 %), which is attributed to the synergistic effect between the free HRP (45.4 %) and the support material of GO@Fe3O4@6arm-PEG-NH2 (13.6 %). Compared with the free enzyme, thermal, storage and operational stability of the immobilized HRP improved. The immobilized HRP still retained over 68.1 % activity after being reused 8 times. These results suggest that the multi-armed magnetic composite has good application prospect for enzyme immobilization. - U ovom je radu po prvi puta sintetiziran novi tip zvjezdastog kompozita polietilen glikola (PEG) s grafen oksidom (GO@Fe3O4@6arm-PEG-NH2), te je upotrijebljen kao podloga za imobilizaciju peroksidaze iz hrena. Udjel peroksidaze iz hrena na kompozitu bio je relativno velik (186,34 mg/g) zbog velikog broja amino skupina iz 6arm-PEG-NH2 prisutnih na površini nosača. Brzina razgradnje fenolnih spojeva bila je bitno veća (95,4 %) zbog sinergijskog učinka slobodne peroksidaze (45,4 %) i podloge (13,6 %). Nakon imobilizacije povećala se toplinska stabilnost, te su se produljili vrijeme trajanja i iskoristivost enzima u usporedbi sa slobodnim enzimom. Imobilizirana peroksidaza je zadržala više od 68,1 % aktivnosti i nakon što je upotrijebljena osam puta. Rezultati pokazuju da se zvjezdasti magnetizirani kompozit može uspješno primijeniti za imobilizaciju enzima.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 260-271  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hren -- Grafen oksid -- Polimeri -- Peroksidaza -- Sinergijski učinak

PUGLISI, Roberto
In vitro assessment of the antioxidant properties of aqueous byproduct extracts of Vitis vinifera [Elektronička građa] / Roberto Puglisi, Alex Severgnini, Aldo Tava, Marina Montedoro. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Aqueous extracts were obtained at low temperature with the Naviglio technology from grapevine stalks (Merlot), marc (Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon) and leaves (Merlot) as typical byproducts of winemaking industry, and their properties were evaluated cytofluorometrically on human dermal fibroblasts. Leaf extracts had the greatest total phenolic ((47.6±3.5) mg/g) and proanthocyanidin ((24.2±0.1) mg/g) contents compared to the others. The preliminary colorimetric MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay individuated two consecutive non-toxic volume fractions of each extract (from 0.8 to 12.8 %) that were adopted for three cytofluorometric tests. The first cell membrane test did not evidence any harmful effects against plasma membranes at the two non-toxic volume fractions. The second mitochondrial membrane test showed a decreased (p<0.01) percentage of cells ((15.7±8.3) vs (32.5±1.3) %) with active polarized mitochondrial membranes at the higher non-cytotoxic volume fractions of extracts from Cabernet Sauvignon marc in response to 4.5 mM H2O2, and from Merlot stalks (p<0.05) at 1.5 mM H2O2 ((49.3±6.1) vs (64.6±2.4) %) and without H2O2 ((89.7±2.4) vs (96.9±1.8) %), compared to the controls submitted to the same H2O2 concentration. Conversely, mitochondrial activity of leaf extracts significantly (p<0.05) increased ((96.3±1.8) and (96.4±1.4) %) after treatment with 0.5 mM H2O2 at both non-cytotoxic volume fractions compared to control ((88.2±1.1) %). Finally, as evidenced by the third oxidative status test, stalk extracts did not evidence relevant effects on the cellular oxidative state, while the extracts of marc and leaves demonstrated significantly medium (p<0.05) to highly (p<0.001) positive effects following exposure to H2O2 ranging from 0.5 to 4.5 mM, compared to controls. - Tekući ekstrakti stabljika vinove loze (sorte Merlot), komine (sorata Merlot i Cabernet Sauvignon) i lišća (sorte Merlot), uobičajenih nusproizvoda proizvodnje vina, dobiveni su pri niskoj temperaturi pomoću ekstraktora Naviglio. Njihova su svojstva ispitana metodom protočne citometrije na humanim kožnim fibroblastima. Ekstrakti lišća imali su najveći udjel ukupnih fenola ((47,6±3,5) mg/g) i proantocijanidina ((24,2±0,1) mg/g). U preliminarnom su kolorimetrijskom ispitivanju bojanjem pomoću 3-[4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il]-2,5-difeniltetrazolijevog bromida (tzv. MTT test) izdvojena dva volumna udjela svakog od ekstrakata (u rasponu od 0,8 do 1 2,8 %) koja nisu imala toksični učinak, a ti su ekstrakti zatim korišteni u tri citometrijska testa. U prvom testu nije zamijećen štetni učinak ekstrakata na citoplazmatsku membranu. U drugom je testu utvrđen manji (p<0,01) postotak stanica s aktivnom polariziranom mitohondrijskom membranom ((15,7±8,3) % u usporedbi s (32,5±1,3) % u kontrolnom uzorku) nakon njihovog izlaganja ekstraktima komine sorte Cabernet Sauvignon uz dodatak 4,5 mM H202.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 119-125  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vinova loza -- Ekstrakti -- Antioksidacijska svojstva -- Mitohondrijska membrana

Influence of different hydrocolloids on dispersion of sweet basil seeds (Ocimum basilicum) in fruit-flavoured beverages [Elektronička građa] / Thanushree Prabhuswamy, Kathiravan Tamilselvan, Maria Leena Michael, Jeyan Arthur Moses, Anandharamakrishnan Chinnasamy. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 42-43. - Abstract. - Sweet basil seeds (Ocimum basilicum) are a rich source of dietary fiber. Considering the importance of dietary fiber on human health and the rising market demand for functional beverages, an attempt was made to develop fruit-flavoured beverages with basil seeds suspension. Different hydrocolloids like carrageenan, xanthan gum, gelatin and gum arabic were used at 0.02, 0.3, 1 and 2% w/v, respectively, to understand the stability of dispersed sweet basil seeds in fruit-flavoured beverages. The developed beverage samples were analyzed for colour (L*, a*, b*), zeta potential (Z), viscosity and relevant organoleptic qualities. Results showed that beverage composition with xanthan gum had Z value of -34.1 mV and viscosity of 232.6 cP, provided better stability for the dispersion of basil seeds. The hydrocolloids gelatin and xanthan gum showed a slight variation in colour values. Beverages containing 0.3% w/v xanthan gum were found to be the best formulation for the production of fruit-flavoured beverages with uniformly suspended basil seeds.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-43  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bosiljak -- Pića -- Hidrokoloidi -- Zeta potencijal

Innovative nonthermal technologies [Elektronička građa] : chlorophyllin and visible light significantly reduce microbial load on basil / Egle Paskeviciute, Zudyte Bernadeta, Zivile Luksiene. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Due to the high amount of biologically active compounds, basil is one of the most popular herbs. However, several outbreaks have been reported in the world due to the consumption of basil contaminated with different food pathogens. The aim of this study is to apply nonthermal and ecologically friendly approach based on photosensitization for microbial control of basil which was naturally contaminated with mesophils and inoculated with thermoresistant food pathogen Listeria monocytogenes 56Ly. The obtained data indicate that soaking the basil in 1.5·10-4 M chlorophyllin (Chl) for 15 min and illumination with light for 15 min at 405 nm significantly reduced total aerobic microorganisms on basil by 1.3 log CFU/g, and thermoresistant L. monocytogenes 56Ly from 6.1 log CFU/g in control to 4.5 log CFU/g in the treated samples. It is important to note that this treatment had no impact on enzymatic activity of polyphenol oxidase and pectinesterase. Results obtained in this study support the idea that photosensitization technique with its high selectivity, antimicrobial efficiency and nonthermal nature can serve in the future for the development of safe nonthermal and environmentally friendly preservation technology for different fruits and vegetables. - Bosiljak je jedna od najpopularnijih začinskih biljaka zbog velikog udjela biološki aktivnih spojeva. Međutim, u svijetu je zabilježeno nekoliko epidemija uzrokovanih konzumacijom bosiljka kontaminiranog raznim patogenim bakterijama. Svrha je ovoga rada bila primijeniti netermički i ekološki prihvatljiv postupak fotosenzibilizacije za mikrobiološku kontrolu bosiljka, prirodno kontaminiranog mezofilnim bakterijama te inokuliranog termorezistentom patogenom bakterijom Listeria monocytogenes 56Ly. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je nakon uranjanja bosiljka u otopinu klorofilina koncentracije od 1,5·10^(-4) M tijekom 15 min i izlaganja vidljivoj svjetlosti valne duljine od 405 nm tijekom 15 min bitno smanjen broj ukuphih aerobnih mikrooganizama, i to za 1,3 log CFU/g, te termorezistentne L. monocytogenes 56Ly, i to sa 6,1 log CFU/g u kontrolnom uzorku na 4,5 log CFU/g u tretiranim uzorcima. Bitno je naglasiti da ovaj postupak nije utjecao na aktivnosti polifenol oksidaze i pektin esteraze. Dobiveni rezultati potkrijepljuju ideju da bi se u budućnosti fotosenzibilizacija, zbog svoje velike selektivnosti, antimikrobnog učinka i netermičkog djelovanja, mogla upotrijebiti za razvoj sigurnog, netermičkog i ekološki prihvatljivog postupka konzerviranja različitih vrsta voća i povrća.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 126-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bosiljak -- Fotosenzibilizacija -- Antimikrobna obrada

MIKLAVČIČ Višnjevec, Ana
An integrated characterization of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) grown in the North Adriatic Region [Elektronička građa] / Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Alenka Baruca Arbeiter, Matjaž Hladnik, Ajda Ota, Mihaela Skrt, Bojan Butinar, Marijan Nečemer, Marin Krapac, Dean Ban, Milena Bučar-Miklavčič, Nataša Poklar Ulrih, Dunja Bandelj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) has favourable horticultural properties including adaptation to arid conditions, abiotic and biotic stresses, as well as positive impact on human health. The present study describes the characterization of genetic diversity of the germ­plasm of jujube from the Istrian peninsula, the determination of important chemical compounds, antioxidative properties in relation to antibacterial and antifungal activities of jujube fruit extracts, and the determination of nutritional properties of jujube fruit. The results of the genetic analysis showed that most of the samples from the Istrian peninsula belong to two recently introduced varieties, 'Li' and 'Lang', and the most widespread local variety 'Navadna žižola'. The local variety has smaller fruit than the ‘Li’ and ‘Lang’ varieties, with thick and fleshy mesocarp. Chemical analysis indicated that fruits of the local variety contained a valuable source of dietary fibre ((9.7±0.6) g/100 g) and were rich in minerals such as (in g/100 g dry mass): potassium (829±51), calcium (177±11) and phosphorus (129±19). Aqueous extracts showed slight antibacterial activity, while ethanol extracts had higher mass fractions of phenolic compounds (expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE), 5.8-8.7 mg/g) than the aqueous extracts, but did not show antimicrobial activity. Compounds other than phenolic compounds in jujube fruit may be more biologically active. Based on the results of these analyses, the local Istrian jujube variety is a promising candidate for cultivation potential. - Žižula (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) ima dobra hortikulturna svojstva, koja uključuju prilagodbu uvjetima suše, abiotskim i biotskim stresovima, te pozitivan utjecaj na zdravlje ljudi. U ovom je istraživanju opisana genska raznolikost germplazme žižule s istarskog poluotoka, te su određeni važni kemijski spojevi, antioksidacijski, antibakterijski i protugljivični učinak ekstrakata plodova žižule te njihova hranjiva svojstva. Rezultati analize gena pokazuju da većina uzoraka s istarskog poluotoka pripada dvjema nedavno introduciranim sortama, 'Li' i 'Lang', te najrasprostranjenijoj lokalnoj sorti Domaća žižula'. Lokalna sorta ima sitnije plodove od sorata 'Li' i 'Lang', s tanjim i mesnatijim mezokarpom. Kemijska je analiza pokazala da su plodovi lokalne sorte vrijedan izvor vlakana ((9,7±0,6) g/100 g), te da su bogati mineralima poput kalija ((829±51) g/ 100 g suhe tvari), kalcija ((1 77±1 1 ) g/ 1 00 g suhe tvari) i fosfora ((129±19) g/ 100 g suhe tvari). Vodeni su ekstrakti imali blagu antibakterijsku aktivnost, dok su etanolni ekstrakti imali veće masene udjele fenolnih spojeva (5,8-8,7 mg/g), izražene kao ekvivalent galne kiseline (GAE), od vodenih ekstrakata, no nisu imali antimikrobnu aktivnost. Osim fenolnih spojeva, i ostali spojevi u plodu žižule mogu imati veću biološku aktivnost. Na osnovi rezultata ovih analiza smatramo da lokalna istarska sorta žižule ima potencijal za uzgoj.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 17-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Žižula -- Fenolni spojevi -- Antioksidacijska svojstva -- Prehrambena svojstva -- Antimikrobna aktivnost -- Genetička raznolikost

JANNATUL, Ferdouse
Methionine and glycine stabilize mitochondrial activity in sake yeast during ethanol fermentation [Elektronička građa] / Ferdouse Jannatul, Yuki Kusaba, Yuki Fujimaru, Yuki Yamamoto, Hiroshi Kitagaki. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Addition of amino acids to fermentation media affects the growth and brewing profiles of yeast. In addition, retaining mitochondrial activity during fermentation is critical for the fermentation profiles of brewer’s yeasts. However, a concrete mechanism linking amino acids in fermentation media with mitochondrial activity during fermentation of brewer’s yeasts is yet unknown. Here, we report that amino acids in fermentation media, especially methionine (Met) and glycine (Gly), stabilize mitochondrial activity during fermentation of sake yeast. By utilizing atg32Δ mutant sake yeast, which shows deteriorated mitochondrial activity, we screened candidate amino acids that strengthened the mitochondrial activity of sake yeast during fermentation. We identified Met and Gly as candidate amino acids that fortify mitochondrial activity in sake yeast during fermentation. To confirm this biochemically, we measured reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in sake yeast fermented with Met and Gly. Yeast cells supplemented with Met and Gly retained high ROS levels relative to the non-supplemented sake yeast. Moreover, Met-supplemented cells showed a metabolome distinct from that of non-supplemented cells. These results indicate that specific amino acids such as Met and Gly stabilize the mitochondrial activity of sake yeast during fermentation and thus manipulate brewing profiles of yeast. - Dodatak aminokiselina u fermentacijsku podlogu utječe na rast i aktivnost kvasca, a zadržavanje aktivnosti mitohondrija tijekom alkoholnog vrenja je kritično za aktivnost pivskog kvasca. Međutim, mehanizam djelovanja aminokiselina u fermentacijskoj podlozi i njihov utjecaj na aktivnost mitohondrija pivskog kvasca tijekom vrenja još uvijek nije poznat. U ovom radu smo utvrdili da aminokiseline u fermentacijskoj podlozi, osobito metionin i glicin, stabiliziraju aktivnost mitohondrija kvasca tijekom proizvodnje pića sake. Pomoću mutanta atg32△, koji ima narušenu aktivnost mitohondrija, istražili smo aminokiseline koje povećavaju aktivnost mitohondrija kvasca tijekom vrenja. Identificirali smo metionin i glicin kao aminokiseline koje bi mogle povećati aktivnost mitohondrija kvasca tijekom proizvodnje pića sake. Da bismo to potvrdili, izmjerili smo količinu reaktivnih oblika kisika u kvascu nakon vrenja u podlozi s metioninom i glicinom. Kvasac koji je fermentirao u podlozi s metioninom i glicinom zadržao je relativno veliku količinu reaktivnih oblika kisika u usporedbi s kvascem koji je fermentirao u podlozi bez dodatka aminokiselina.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 535-543  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kvasac -- Sake -- Etanol -- Vrenje -- Aminokiseline -- Mitohondriji

Microencapsulation of red sorghum phenolic compounds with esterified sorghum starch as ecapsulant materials by spray drying [Elektronička građa] / Adriana García-Gurrola, Susana Rincón, Alberto A. Escobar-Puentes, Alejandro Zepeda, Fernando Martínez-Bustos. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties are highly sensitive molecules, which limits their application. In response, extruded esterified starch has been proposed as efficient encapsulating material. In this work, we aim to describe the encapsulation of red sorghum phenolic compounds by spray drying using extruded phosphorylated, acetylated and double esterified sorghum starch as wall material. Their respective encapsulation yields were 77.4, 67.4 and 56.8 %, and encapsulation efficiency 91.4, 89.7 and 84.6 %. Degree of substitution confirmed esterification of the sorghum starch and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed the significant chemical and structural changes in the extruded esterified starch loaded with phenolic compounds. Microcapsules from phosphorylated sorghum starch showed the highest endothermic transition (173.89 °C) and provided a greater protection of the phenolic compounds during storage at 60 °C for 35 days than the other wall materials. Extruded esterified sorghum starch proved to be effective material for the protection of phenolic compounds due to its high encapsulation efficiency and stability during storage. - Fenolni spojevi imaju antioksidacijska svojstva, ali su vrlo osjetljive molekule, što ograničava njihovu upotrebu. Iz tog razloga je kao učinkovit materijal za njihovu inkapsulaciju predložen ekstrudirani esterificirani škrob. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila opisati metodu inkapsulacije fenolnih spojeva izoliranih iz crvenog sirka sušenjem raspršivanjem pomoću ekstrudiranog fosforiliranog, acetiliranog te dvostruko esterificiranog škroba iz bijelog sirka. Prinosi inkapsulacije bili su 77,4; 67,4 i 56,8 %, a učinkovitost 91,4; 89,7 i 84,6 %. Stupanj supstitucije potvrdio je esterifikaciju škroba, a Fourierovom transformacijom crvenog spektra (FTIR) dokazano je da je došlo do bitnih kemijskih i strukturnih promjena u ekstrudiranom škrobu s fenolnim spojevima. Mikrokapsule od fosforiliranog škroba imale su najveću endotermnu tranziciju (173,89 °C) i omogućile bolju zaštitu fenolnih spojeva pri skladištenju na 60 °C tijekom 35 dana nego ostali inkapsulacijski materijali. Dokazano je da je ekstrudirani esterificirani škrob bijelog sirka dobar za zaštitu fenolnih spojeva jer ima veliku učinkovitost inkapsulacije i stabilnost tijekom skladištenja.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 341-349  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sirak -- Fenolni spojevi -- Mikroinkapsulacija -- Esterifikacija -- Ekstruzija

INKANUWAT, Aurachorn
Nitric oxide synthesis inhibition and anti-inflammatory effect of polypeptide isolated from chicken feather meal in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages [Elektronička građa] / Aurachorn Inkanuwat, Romteera Sukaboon, Onrapak Reamtong, Pravit Asawanonda, Ake Pattaratanakun, Tanatorn Saisavoey, Papassara Sangtanoo, Aphichart Karnchanatat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Nitric oxide (NO) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of inflammation and has been implicated in endotoxin-induced tissue injury. Chicken feather meal is a rich source of amino acids that may serve as a peptide hydrolysate to inhibit NO activity. Anti-inflammatory hydrolysates of chicken feather meal were prepared and fractionated into five samples based on molecular mass. - Dušikov oksid ima ključnu ulogu u mehanizmu nastanka upalnog procesa te uzrokuje ozljedu tkiva. Brašno od perja kokoši bogato je aminokiselinama te može poslužiti za inhibiciju sinteze dušikovog oksida kao hidrolizat peptida. Pripremljeni su hidrolizati brašna od perja s protuupalnim svojstvima, koji su razdvojeni u pet skupina prema molekulskoj masi. Najmanja je frakcija (<0,65 kDa) najbolje inhibirala sintezu dušikovog oksida, a da nije djelovala citotoksično na stanice mikrofaga RAW 264.7. Daljnjim razdvajanjem dobivene su subfrakcije u količinama dovoljnim za provedbu analize aminokiselinskog slijeda metodom Q-TOF LC-MS/MS ESI. Peptid SNPSVAGVR (885,97 Da) i odgovarajući čisti sintetizirani peptid inhibirali sintezu dušikovog oksida (IC50=(55,2±0,2)) u makrofagu RAW 264.7, a da nisu imale citotoksični učinak. Rezultati dobiveni pomoću metoda RT-PCR i kvantitativne RT-PCR pokazuju da dobiveni peptid SNPSVAGVR smanjuje ekspresiju upalnih citokina iNOS, TNF-α, COX-2 i IL-6 u stanicama RAW 264.7 stimuliranim pomoću lipopolisaharida. Time je potvrđeno da se peptidi iz proteina brašna od perja mogu primijeniti kao dodatak funkcionalnoj hrani ili nutraceuticima, a za smanjenje upalnih procesa.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 200-212  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dušikov oksid -- Protuupalni učinak -- Brašno od perja -- Polipeptidi -- Lipopolisaharidi -- Makrofagi

NWAIWU, Ogueri
Optimization of ozone decomposition time and its effect on physicochemical and bacteriological quality of table water [Elektronička građa] / Ogueri Nwaiwu, Vincet Ifeanyi Ibekwe. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 133-134. - Abstract. - Ozone is widely used in water disinfection and the concentration needed for the effective microbial elimination depends on the water source. In many bottled water producing industries, products containing ozone are quarantined after application to allow decomposition into diatomic oxygen molecules and oxygen atoms in order to eliminate any toxic effect. A process optimization was carried out to determine the ozone decomposition time in a table water producing factory in southern Nigeria. To this end, bottled water products injected with the ozone were collected from a bottling line immediately after production and monitored for ozone decomposition. Parameters like total dissolved solids, temperature and pH were determined and bacteriological analyses for total bacteria count and presence of Pseudomonasand coliforms were carried out. It was found that the ozone half-life was under 30 minutes and was no longer detectable after two and a half hours. For all analyzed stored products, the pH was in the range of 7.0-7.06, while the temperature was between 23 and 25 °C. The total dissolved solids ranged from 0.05 to 0.09 mg/mL, and there was no significant difference (p>0.05) for the bottled products stored for 24 or 48 hours after the production. No bacteria weredetected. The shorter quarantine period allows quicker distribution and highlights the importance of ozone decomposition testing for the process optimization, especially if equipment or water source change over time.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 131-134  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voda -- Flaširana voda -- Fizičko-kemijska svojstva -- Kvaliteta vode -- Bakterije -- Ozon

Physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of a probiotic beverage produced from different mixtures of cow's milk and soy beverage by Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 and yoghurt culture [Elektronička građa] / Edina Šertović, Zlatan Sarić, Miroljub Barać, Irena Barukčić, Aleksandar Kostić, Rajka Božanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper is to determine nutritive, functional, microbiological and sensory properties of probiotic beverages produced from different volume ratios of cow's milk and soy beverage (25:75, 50:50 and 75:25). Pure cow’s milk and soy beverage served as control samples. Fermentation was performed at 43 °C by a combined culture consisting of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 and yoghurt culture. Viable counts of La5 strain in the produced beverages ranged from 7.52 to 8.20 log CFU/mL, which is above the probiotic minimum (106 CFU/mL). Lactic acid was the most prevalent organic acid in all samples (660.1 to 1003.0 mg/100 mL). The fatty acid profiles of fermented beverages were as follows: the mass fraction of saturated fatty acids was 22.2–82.7 %, of unsaturated fatty acids 22.3–77.8 % and of polyunsaturated fatty acids 15.5–65.9 %. The main soy sugars were transformed well (80 % stachyose and 50 % raffinose conversion) into lactic acid during fermentation. Functional probiotic beverages were successfully produced from different volume ratios of cow's milk and soy beverage by L. acidophilus La5 and yoghurt culture. Mixing cow's milk with soy beverage significantly improved the sensory properties of the product, especially its smell, taste and colour. The acceptability test showed good acceptance by potential consumers of all fermented beverage samples except for the sample made from 100 % soy beverage. In the end, the obtained results represent a good basis for optimisation of the ideal volume ratios of cow's milk and soy beverage for production of fermented beverages characterised by good viability of probiotic bacteria as well as by good functional, nutritive and sensory characteristics. - Svrha je ovoga rada bila odrediti hranjiva, funkcionalna, mikrobiološka i senzorska svojstva probiotičkih napitaka proizvedenih od smjese kravljeg mlijeka i sojinog napitka u različitim omjerima (25:75, 50:50 i 75:25). Kao kontrolni uzorci korišteni su kravlje mlijeko i sojin napitak. Fermentacija je provedena na 43 °C s pomoću mješovite kulture sastavljene od klasične jogurtne kulture i probiotičkog soja Lactobacillus acidophilus La5. Broj živih stanica soja La5 kretao se između 7,52 i 8,20 log CFU u mL proizvedenog napitka, što je iznad probiotičkog minimuma (106 CFU/mL). Mliječna kiselina je bila najzastupljenija organska kiselina u svim uzorcima (660,1 do 1003,0 mg/100 mL). U fermentiranim napicima bilo je 22,2-82,7 % (m/m) zasićenih i 22,3-77,8 % (m/m) nezasićenih masnih kiselina, od čega njih 15,5-65,9 % višestruko nezasićenih. Glavni šećeri iz sojinog napitka većim su dijelom fermentirali u mliječnu kiselinu (stupanj konverzije: 80 % stahioza, 50 % rafinoza). Funkcionalni probiotički napici uspješno su proizvedeni iz smjese kravljeg mlijeka i sojinog napitka u različitim omjerima fermentacijom s pomoću jogurtne kulture i L. acidophilus La5. Dodavanjem sojinog napitka kravljem mlijeku znatno su poboljšana senzorska svojstva krajnjeg proizvoda, pogotovo miris, okus i boja. Ispitivanjem je utvrđeno da potencijalni potrošači dobro prihvaćaju sve napitke, osim fermentiranog sojinog napitka.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 461-467  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kravlje mlijeko -- Sojin napitak -- Lactobacillus acidophilus -- Probiotici -- Fermentacija

MHATRE, Sveeta V.
Proteinaceous pancreatic lipase inhibitor from the seed of Litchi chinensis [Elektronička građa] / Sveeta V. Mhatre, Amita A. Bhagit, Raman P. Yadav. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - A study of the pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of a protein from the seed of Litchi chinensis was carried out. Protein was isolated by 70 % ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by dialysis. Lipase inhibitory activity of the protein was evaluated using both synthetic (p-nitrophenyl palmitate) and natural (olive oil) substrates. Protein at the final concentration of 100 µg/mL was able to inhibit 68.2 % pancreatic lipase on synthetic substrate and 60.0 % on natural substrate. Proteinaceous nature of the inhibitor was determined using trypsinization assay. Pancreatic lipase inhibitory protein was sensitive to 0.05 % trypsin treatment with the loss of 61.9 % activity. IC50 of this proteinaceous pancreatic lipase inhibitor was 73.1 µg/mL using synthetic substrate. This inhibitory protein was sensitive to pH, with the highest inhibitory activity at pH=8.0 and the lowest at pH=3.0. Protein was further analyzed using 10 % non-reducing sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and, interestingly, it showed the presence of a single band of (61±2) kDa when stained with Coomassie brilliant blue. The isolated protein was finally crystallized to see its homogeneity by batch crystallization method. Crystals were well formed with distinct edges. The isolated protein showed good pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity. - U radu je ispitana inhibicija lipaze (enzima kojega luči gušterača) pomoću proteina izoliranog iz sjemenki azijske trešnje (Litchi chinensis). Protein je izoliran taloženjem pomoću amonijevog sulfata i dijalizom. Inhibicija lipaze u prisutnosti proteina ispitana je na sintetičkom (pnitrofenil palmitat) i prirodnom (maslinovo ulje) supstratu. Protein je pri koncentraciji od 100 ug/mL inhibirao 68,2 % lipaze na sintetičkom i 60,0 % na prirodnom supstratu. Svojstva inhibitora ispitana su tripsinizacijom. Protein je bio osjetljiv na dodatak 0.05 % tripsina, pri čemu je izgubio 61,9 % aktivnosti. Njegova IGO vrijednost na sintetičkom supstratu bila je 73,1 gg/mL. Također je bio osjetljiv na promjenu pH-vrijednosti, te je najveću aktivnost imao pri pH=8,0, a najmanju pri pH=3,0. Osim toga, protein je ispitan pomoću poliakrilamidne gel elektroforeze u nereducirajućim uvjetima uporabom 10 %-tne otopine natrijevog dodecil sulfata. Nakon obrade bojilom Coomassie brilliant blue zamijećena je prisutnost samo jedne proteinske vrpce od (61±2) kDa. Izolirani je protein naposljetku kristaliziran šaržnom kristalizacijom radi ispitivanja njegove homogenosti. Kristali su bili dobro formirani, s jasno definiranim rubovima. Protein je pokazao dobru aktivnost inhibicije lipaze.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 113-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Azijska trešnja -- Litchi chinensis -- Sjemenke voća -- Lipaza -- Proteini -- Pretilost

Recent advances in D-lactic acid production from renewable resources [Elektronička građa] : case studies on agro-industrial waste streams / Maria Alexandri, Roland Schneider, Kerstin Mehlmann, Joachim Venus. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 67 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The production of biodegradable polymers as alternatives to petroleum-based plastics has gained significant attention in the past years. To this end, polylactic acid (PLA) constitutes a promising alternative, finding various applications from food packaging to pharmaceuticals. Recent studies have shown that D-lactic acid plays a vital role in the production of heat-resistant PLA. At the same time, the utilization of renewable resources is imperative in order to decrease the production cost. This review aims to provide a synopsis of the current state of the art regarding D-lactic acid production via fermentation, focusing on the exploitation of waste and byproduct streams. An overview of potential downstream separation schemes is also given. Additionally, three case studies are presented and discussed, reporting the obtained results utilizing acid whey, coffee mucilage and hydrolysate from rice husks as alternative feedstocks for D-lactic acid production. - U posljednje vrijeme proizvodnja biorazgradivih polimera privlači veliku pažnju kao alternativa plastici. Polimer mliječne kiseline pri tom naviše obećava, a može se primijeniti u različite svrhe, od pakiranja hrane do proizvodnje farmaceutskih proizvoda. Novija istraživanja pokazuju da D-mliječna kiselina ima ključnu ulogu u proizvodnji polimera mliječne kiseline otpornog na toplinu. Istovremeno, za smanjenje troškova proizvodnje treba koristiti obnovljive izvore. Svrha je ovog revijalnog prikaza sažeti trenutno stanje u proizvodnji D-mliječne kiseline pomoću fermentacije, s naglaskom na iskorištenje otpada i nusproizvoda. Također je dan prikaz modela protočnog razdvajanja. Osim toga, opisani su rezultati obrade kisele sirutke, pulpe sjemenki kave i hidrolizata rižinih ljuski kao alternativnih sirovina za proizvodnju D-mliječne kiseline.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 293-304  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječna kiselina -- D-mliječna kiselina -- Polimeri mliječne kiseline -- Fermentacija -- Agroindustrijski otpad -- Obnovljivi izvori

Selection of thermotolerant Corynebacterium glutamicum strains for organic acid biosynthesis [Elektronička građa] / Martyna Leszczewicz, Piotr Walczak. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In recent years, Corynebacterium glutamicum has been considered as producer of many valuable chemical compounds. Among them, organic acids such as L-lactic and succinic acids are the most important ones. It is known that the wild-type C. glutamicum grows well in the temperature range between 25 and 37 °C. Above 40 °C, the biomass growth usually abruptly stops; however, the bacteria remain metabolically active. High temperature affects the metabolic activity of C. glutamicum cells and can lead to changes in the composition and quantity of the fermentation products. Therefore, in a series of subsequent selection steps, we tried to obtain prototrophic strains capable of growing at 44 °C from the culture of homoserine auxotroph C. glutamicum ATCC 13287. During selection, we used complex and mineral media containing succinic and citric acids. As a result, we obtained 47 clones able to grow at elevated temperature. Moreover, the estimated optimal growth temperature for several of them was about 40 °C or higher. Under oxygen limitation conditions, C. glutamicum strains produce organic acids. Regardless of the tested clone, L-lactic acid was the main product. However, its concentration was the highest in the cultures performed at 44 °C. The elevated temperature also affected the biosynthesis of other organic acids. Compared to the parental strain, the concentration of acetic acid increased, and of succinic acid decreased in the cultures of thermotolerant strains. Strain RCG44.3 exhibited interesting properties; it was able to synthesise 27.1 g/L L-lactic acid, with production yield of 0.57 g/g, during 24 h of fermentation at 44 °C. - U novije se vrijeme sojevi bakterije Corynebacterium glutamicum koriste kao proizvođači mnogih vrijednih kemijskih spojeva, među kojima su najznačajnije organske kiseline, poput L-mliječne i sukcinske kiseline. Poznato je da divlji tip bakterije C. glutamicum uspješno raste pri temperaturama od 25 do 37 °C. Pri temperaturama višim od 40 °C porast biomase obično naglo prestaje, no bakterija ostaje metabolički aktivna. Visoke temperature utječu na metaboličku aktivnost stanica bakterije C. glutamicum i uzrokuju promjene u sastavu i količini produkata fermentacije. Stoga smo u nizu selektivnih koraka iz kulture auksotrofa C. glutamicum ATCC 13287 koji raste na podlozi što sadržava homoserin sintetizirali prototrof, koji može rasti i pri 44 °C. Tijekom selekcije upotrijebljene su kompleksne i mineralne podloge s dodatkom jantarne i limunske kiselinu. Dobiveno je 47 klonova koji mogu rasti pri povišenim temperaturama, a optimalna je temperatura rasta bila 40 °C ili više. U uvjetima nedostatka kisika sojevi bakterije C. glutamicum proizvode organske kiseline, i to najviše L-mliječne kiseline, bez obzira na ispitani klon. Njezina je koncentracija bila najveća u kulturi uzgojenoj pri 44 °C.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 249-259  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Termotolerantne bakterije -- Corynebacterium glutamicum -- Fermentacija -- L-laktat -- Sukcinat -- Acetat

Survival of spray-dried Rhodotorula mucilaginosa isolated from natural microbiota of murta berries and antagonistic effect on Botrytis cinerea [Elektronička građa] / Alexandra González-Esparza, Juan Carlos Gentina, Kong S. Ah-Hen, Roxana Alvarado, Joaquín Stevenson, Erika Briceño, Osvaldo Montenegro. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study is to evaluate the survival rate and effective antagonistic activity against Botrytis cinerea, responsible for grey mould on harvested fruits and vegetables, of yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, isolated and identified from the natural microbiota of murta (Chilean guava) berries, after spray drying at different inlet air temperatures, mass per volume ratio of encapsulating agent (maltodextrin) and feed flow rates. The 100 % survival of the yeast was obtained after spray drying with 18 % maltodextrin at 130 °C inlet temperature and a feed flow rate of 9.25 mL/min. The dried yeast obtained under such conditions had the highest antagonistic activity in vitro and in vivo on apples, which showed that spray drying is a valid method to produce active dried cells of R. mucilaginosa that can be used for biocontrol of grey mould spoilage. It was also found that the encapsulating agent maltodextrin improved the in vitro antagonistic activity of R. mucilaginosa. - Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati preživljavanje i antagonističku aktivnost kvasca Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, izoliranog iz prirodne mikrobiote bobica čileanske guave, na plijesan Botrytis cinerea, uzročnika sive plijesni na voću i povrću, nakon sušenja raspršivanjem pri različitim uvjetima kao što su: ulazna temperatura, udjel inkapsulirajućeg sredstva (maltodekstrin) i pritok supstrata. Stopostotno preživljavanje kvasca postignuto je nakon sušenja raspršivanjem s 18 % maltodekstrina pri ulaznoj temperaturi od 130 °C i pritoku supstrata od 9,25 mL/min. Suhi kvasac dobiven pri tim uvjetima imao je najveće antagonističko djelovanje in vitro i in vivo na jabukama, čime je potvrđeno da je sušenje raspršivanjem prikladna metoda proizvodnje aktivnih suhih stanica kvasca R. mucilaginosa koje se mogu primijeniti za biokontrolu kvarenja sivom plijesni. Također je potvrđeno da maltodekstrin kao inkapsulirajuće sredstvo poboljšava in vitro antagonističku aktivnost kvasca R. mucilaginosa.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 222-229  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kvasac -- Dehidracija -- Siva plijesan -- Fitopatogena plijesan -- Guava -- Voće

Ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from mango (Mangifera indica cv. Chok Anan) peel and its inhibitory effect on enzymatic browning of potato puree [Elektronička građa] / Chotika Jirasuteeruk, Chockchai Theerakulkait. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Enzymatic browning is a serious quality deterioration of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Recently, consumers and fruit and vegetable industrial processors have demanded the use of natural antibrowning agents to replace the use of chemicals. Mango (Mangifera indica cv. Chok Anan) peel was prepared in the form of mango peel liquid nitrogen powder. This included extraction by ultrasound or ultrasound combined with stirring. The total phenolic content of mango peel liquid nitrogen powder extract (further in the text: mango peel extract) was the highest after the extraction for 15 min using ultrasound followed by stirring for 15 min. The browning value of potato puree treated with mango peel extract was lower, while its L* value and the hue angle were larger than of samples treated with ascorbic or citric acids during storage for 6 h. Mango peel extract had a competitive inhibitory effect on potato polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which was larger than either ascorbic or citric acid. Its IC50 value was 0.3 mg/mL. Mangiferin, protocatechuic and gallic acid found in mango peel extract had high inhibitory effect on potato PPO, making mango peel a potential natural source of enzymatic browning inhibitor. - Enzimsko posmeđivanje ozbiljno narušava kakvoću svježe rezanog voća i povrća. U novije vrijeme, potrošači i prerađivači voća i povrća zahtijevaju da se umjesto kemijskih spojeva koriste prirodni inhibitori posmeđivanja. Iz praha kore ploda manga (Mangifera indica cv. Chok Anan) tretirane tekućim dušikom izdvojeni su polifenoli, i to ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom i ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom i miješanjem. Najveći ukupni udjel fenola u ekstraktu praha kore manga dobiven je ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom i miješanjem tijekom 15 min. Pri skladištenju se pirea od krumpira tretiranog prahom kore manga nakon 6 sati smanjilo njegovo posmeđivanje, dok su se svjetlina (L*) i kut promjene boje povećali u usporedbi s uzorcima pirea od krumpira tretiranim askorbinskom ili limunskom kiselinom. Ekstrakt praha kore manga imao je veći inhibicijski učinak na polifenolnu oksidazu u krumpiru nego askorbinska i limunska kiselina. Njegova vrijednost IC50 bila je 0,3 mg/mL. Mangiferin, protokatehinska i galna kiselina iz ekstrakta kore manga imali su jak inhibicijski učinak na polifenolnu oksidazu u krumpiru, pa je zaključeno da se kora manga može upotrijebiti kao prirodni inhibitor enzimskog posmeđivanja.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 350-357  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mango -- Fenolni spojevi -- Polifenolna oksidaza -- Krumpir

Valorisation of whey and buttermilk for production of functional beverages [Elektronička građa] : an overview of current possibilities / Irena Barukčić, Katarina Lisak Jakopović, Rajka Božanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 86 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Whey and buttermilk are the main by-products of the dairy industry, both having excellent nutritional properties. Buttermilk contains a unique component, the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). MFGM contains bioactive compounds with positive health effects like antitumour or cholesterol-lowering impact. Whey proteins are found in whey and are a source of bioactive peptides acting positively on coronary, gastrointestinal, immune and nervous systems. Yet, buttermilk and whey are insufficiently utilized in functional food production. Various technological solutions have been studied in order to increase the production of foods based on whey and/or buttermilk whereby the production of beverages appear to be most acceptable from the economic and technological point of view. Thus, the aim of this paper is to give an overview of current knowledge about the possibilities of creating whey and/or buttermilk beverages. - Sirutka i mlaćenica su najzastupljeniji nusproizvodi mljekarske industrije, a odlikuju se izvrsnim hranjivim svojstvima. Mlaćenica sadržava jedinstveni sastojak, a to je membrana masne globule mlijeka (engl. milk fat globule membrane - MFGM), koja sadržava biološki aktivne spojeve s pozitivnim zdravstvenim učincima, poput antitumorskog djelovanja ili sposobnosti snižavanja koncentracije kolesterola. Sirutka sadržava proteine sirutke koji su značajan izvor bioaktivnih peptida s pozitivnim učincima na krvožilni, gastrointestinalni, imunološki i živčani sustav čovjeka. Unatoč tomu, ni sirutka ni mlaćenica nisu dovoljno iskorištene u proizvodnji funkcionalne hrane. Dosad su istražene brojne tehnološke mogućnosti radi povećanja proizvodnje hrane na bazi sirutke i/ili mlaćenice, pri čemu se proizvodnja napitaka, kako s ekonomskog tako i s tehnološkog aspekta, pokazala najprihvatljivijom. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila pružiti pregled dosadašnjih spoznaja o mogućnostima proizvodnje napitaka od sirutke i/ili mlaćenice.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 448-460  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sirutka -- Mlaćenica -- Napitci -- Bioaktivni peptidi

Volatile composition, colour, and sensory quality of spirit-based beverages enriched with medicinal fungus Ganoderma lucidum and herbal extract [Elektronička građa] / Sonja P. Veljović, Nikola S. Tomić, Miona M. Belović, Ninoslav J. Nikićević, Predrag V. Vukosavljević, Miomir P. Nikšić, Vele V. Tešević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The multicomponent mixtures consisting of herbs and fungi are commonly used for the production of alcoholic beverages with potential health-promoting effects in many Asian countries. The medicinal fungus Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most important fungi used for spirit production. Although this fungus affects the aromatic complexity of spirits, only a small number of studies have focused on investigating the influence of G. lucidum on the aromatic profile and colour of spirits. The aim of the research is to evaluate the influence of adding G. lucidum and herbal extract on final concentrations of volatile compounds and sensory quality of several distillates. In this study, distillates (grain, plum, grape and wine) were used to produce new spirit-based beverages with the fungus G. lucidum only, or with the fungus and herbal extract. Fifty-nine aroma compounds were identified by GC-MS. The aromatic profiles were strongly influenced by the primary aromas of the distillates, but the addition of G. lucidum and herbal extract enriched the volatile fraction of distillates with a range of ethyl esters, with a fruity and floral fragrance. Higher alcohols, 1-propanol, 2-isobutanol and isoamyl alcohol, were the most abundant volatile compounds in the analyzed distillates and spirits. The lightness of distillates was from 60.7 to 63.6, and with the addition of Ganoderma it significantly decreased to the range from 43.6 to 50.5. The addition of the fungus also increased the intensity of red and yellow colours. The Ganoderma spirits scored very highly in sensory evaluation (17.6–18.3), significantly better than the spirits without any additions (16.1–16.9). - Višekomponentne smjese koje se sastoje od biljaka i gljiva u velikom broju azijskih zemalja koriste se u proizvodnji alkoholnih pića s potencijalnim funcionalnim svojstvima. Medicinska gljiva Ganoderma lucidum jedna je od najvažnijih gljiva koja se koristi u proizvodnji alkoholnih pića. Iako ova gljiva utječe na složenost arome alkoholnih pića, samo je mali broj studija ispitao utjecaj gljive G. lucidum na profil arome i boju alkoholnih pića. Svrha je istraživanja bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka G. lucidum i biljnih ekstrakata na koncentraciju hlapljivih tvari i senzornu kakvoću nekoliko destilata. U ovom istraživanju, destilati žita, šljiva, grožđa i vina korišteni su u proizvodnji novih vrsta jakih alkoholnih pića s dodatkom gljive G. lucidum i biljnog ekstrakta. Pomoću plinske kromatografije spregnute s masenom spektrometrijom identificirano je 59 aromatskih spojeva. Na aromatske profile snažno su utjecale primarne arome destilata, ali i dodatak G. lucidum i biljnog ekstrakta, koji su obogatili hlapljive frakcije destilata nizom etilnih estara, voćnog i cvjetnog mirisa. Viši alkoholi, 1-propanol, 2-izobutanol i izoamil alkohol, bili su najzastupljeniji hlapljivi sastojci ispitanih destilat i alkoholnih pića. Svjetlina destilata bila je 60,7-63,6, a s dodatkom gljive G. lucidum bitno se smanjila, na 43,64-50,5. Dodatak gljive također je povećao intenzitet crvene i žute boje analiziranih pića. Senzorna kakvoća jakih alkoholna pića s dodatkom G. Lucidum ocijenjen je visokom ocjenom (17,6-18,3), značajno boljom od one destilata korištenih za njihovu pripremu (16,1-16,9).
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 408-417  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alkoholna pića -- Aroma -- Hlapljive tvari -- Biljni ekstrakti -- Ganoderma lucidum

VIDMAR, Mateja
White hop shoot production in Slovenia [Elektronička građa] : total phenolic, microelement and pesticide residue content in five commercial cultivars / Mateja Vidmar, Veronika Abram, Barbara Čeh, Lea Demšar, Nataša Poklar-Ulrih. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Harvesting of white hop shoots might be justified if they can be shown to be beneficial to human health. The aim of the present study is to determine the effects of hop cultivars and year of production on total phenolics, antioxidant potential, microelements and pesticide residues. Biomass per plant was highly variable among the cultivars (3.1-7.1 g dry mass per plant) and depended on hop cultivar and year (2009-2011). Total phenolics as chlorogenic acid equivalents (CAE) on dry mass basis varied from 0.60 to 1.80 mg/g, and showed significant effects across hop cultivar and year. The radical scavenging activities of the samples collected in years 2010-2012 ranged from 11 to 19 μg CAE. - Berba bijelih izdanaka hmelja mogla bi biti opravdana ako bi se dokazalo njihovo pozitivno djelovanje na zdravlje ljudi. Svrha je ovoga rada bila odrediti utjecaj kultivara i godine uzgoja hmelja na ukupni udjel fenola, antioksidacijski potencijal, te udjele mikroelemenata i ostataka pesticida. Biomasa biljaka bitno se razlikovala ovisno o kultivaru (3,1-7,1 g suhe tvari biljke) i godini uzgoja (2009.-2001.). Ukupni maseni udjel fenola, izražen u ekvivalentima klorogene kiseline u suhoj masi, bio je od 0,60 do 1,80 mg/g, ovisno o kultivaru i godini uzgoja. Sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala uzoraka ubranih u razdoblju od 2010. do 2012. iznosila je od 11 do 19 µg ekvivalenata klorogene kiseline. Reduktivna sposobnost ispitana FRAP metodom bila je <0,01; a bitni utjecaj kultivara (pC≤0,05) i godine uzgoja (py≤0,05) opažen je samo u uzorcima iz 2012. godine. U bijelim izdancima kultivara hmelja Humulus lupulus ‘Dana’ ispitana je prisutnost tragova mikroelemenata i potencijalno aktivnih spojeva zaostalih nakon primjene pesticida. Udjel je cinka u suhoj masi izdanaka hmelja bio vrlo malen (4 mg/kg), a u tlu ga je bilo ispod granice detekcije. Udjel bakra je u izdancima također bio vrlo malen (2,3 mg/kg), dok ga je u tlu bilo 100 mg/kg, što je ispod kritične razine (300 mg/kg). Udjeli svih 182 aktivnih sastojaka iz ostataka pesticida upotrijebljenih u prethodnim sadnjama bili su ispod granica detekcije. Iz rezultata možemo zaključiti da bijeli izdanci hmelja imaju bolja antioksidacijska svojstva od šišarki i lišća hmelja, te da ne sadržavaju ostatke pesticida.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 525-534  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hmelj -- Kultivari hmelja -- Fenolni spojevi -- Antioksidacijski potencijal -- Mikroelementi -- Pesticidi

TOPIĆ Božič, Jelena
Yeasts and wine colour [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Topić Božič, Dorota Korte, Lorena Butinar, Branka Mozetič Vodopivec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 299-302. - Abstract. - Historically, yeasts from the genus Saccharomyces have been conventionally used in the production of wine and other fermented beverages. Traditionally, their main role has been the transformation of sugars into ethanol, however, research has shown that yeasts also influence wine aroma, texture, flavour and colour. In lieu of this, non-Saccharomyces yeasts, which have been considered as spoilage yeasts in the past, have been exploited as potential wine starters because they can improve the sensorial characteristics of wines. Because they are considered to be poor fermenters, mixed fermentations with Saccharomyces yeasts are applied either in a form of co-inoculation or sequential fermentation. Among wine characteristics, colour of red wines has special importance because it is the first wine characteristic perceived by the consumers. Red wine colour stems from anthocyanins, located in the grape skins that are extracted to grape must during maceration/fermentation. Various technological strategies in the winemaking process have already been employed to improve wine colour. One of them is yeast-mediated colour improvement employing a careful selection of yeast starters that can promote the synthesis of stable colour pigments pyranoanthocyanins from anthocyanins. The two most known groups of pyranoanthocyanins are vinylphenolic pyranoanthocyanins and vitisins. In comparison to anthocyanins they are less susceptible to pH, SO2 bleaching and oxygen presence. Their concentration in the wines differs according to the yeast strain used and the type of fermentation applied. Furthermore, wine colour can also be influenced by the cell wall adsorption capability of yeasts. Numerous studies have shown the positive influence of a careful selection of non-Saccharomyces yeast in promoting stable pigments synthesis in the production of wine.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 291-302  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kvasac -- Vino -- Boja vina -- Pigment

Vidi br.: HA19-00931

Vidi br.: HA19-00927

664   Proizvodnja i konzerviranje krutih prehrambenih proizvoda

Air source heat pump assisted drying for food applications [Elektronička građa] : a mini review / Sandra Budžaki, Jozo Leko, Kristina Jovanović, Jožef Viszmeg, Ivo Koški. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 128-130. - Abstract. - Drying as one of the oldest food preservation processes is also the most energy demanding process. Nowadays, when conventional energy sources are declining, reduction/rationalization of energy consumptions in industrial processes is of great importance. One of the more successful ways of saving energy and make the process energy efficient is the integration of heat pumps within the existing technological processes. Heat pump systems are successfully used for different applications such as heating and cooling, and drying as well. In addition, the quality of final dried product is a priority that can be accomplished by heat pump assisted drying systems. This paper presents up-to-date survey in the field of air source heat pump assisted drying of food: fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 122-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sušenje hrane -- Čuvanje hrane -- Hrana -- Toplinske pumpe

KOKINA, Mariia
Characterization, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of essential oils and their encapsulation into biodegradable material followed by freeze drying [Elektronička građa] / Mariia Kokina, Ana Salević, Ana Kalušević, Steva Lević, Milan Pantić, Dejan Pljevljakušić, Katarina Šavikin, Mark Shamtsyan, Miomir Nikšić, Viktor Nedović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The study assessed the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of commonly used and commercially available essential oils as an alternative to synthetic preservatives. The plant sources were as follows: lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), bergamot (Citrus bergamia) and peppermint (Mentha piperita). The antioxidant activity of essential oils was tested by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2´-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) methods. The microdilution broth susceptibility assay revealed that lavender and bergamot essential oils were more efficient in inhibiting the bacterial growth than other tested oils, with the minimum inhibitory concentration of 5 μg/mL. This study also reports the successful implementation of an electrostatic extrusion technique for encapsulating essential oils into alginate beads, which enables the essential oils to maintain their free radical scavenging ability over time. - U istraživanju je ispitan antimikrobni i antioksidacijski učinak uobičajenih i komercijalno dostupnih eteričnih ulja, kao alternativa sintetičkim konzervansima. Upotrijebljeni su sljedeći biljni izvori: lavanda (Lavandula angustifolia), čajevac (Melaleuca alternifolia), bergamot (Citrus bergamia) i paprena metvica (Mentha piperita). Antioksidacijska aktivnost eteričnih ulja ispitana je pomoću 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) i 2,2′-azinobis (3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonska kiselina) (ABTS). Mikrodilucijska metoda pokazala je da su eterična ulja lavande i bergamota bila učinkovitija u inhibiciji rasta bakterija od drugih ispitanih ulja, uz minimalnu inhibicijsku koncentraciju od 5 μg/mL. U radu se također opisuje uspješnost primjene elektrostatske ekstruzije za inkapsulaciju eteričnih ulja u alginatne kuglice, što omogućuje zadržavanje sposobnosti neutralizacije slobodnih radikala eteričnih ulja tijekom vremena.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 282-289  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Eterična ulja -- Alginat -- Prirodni konzervansi -- Hlapljivost -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Antibakterijska aktivnost

Effect of biofermentation with taxifolin on physicochemical and microbiological properties of cold-smoked pork sausages [Elektronička građa] / Sonata Gustiene, Gintare Zaborskiene, Anita Rokaityte, Reda Riešute. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of taxifolin on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of cold-smoked pork sausages produced using different commercial starter cultures with Leuconostoc carnosum and with a mixture of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus. Ultra performance liquid chromatography analysis demonstrated that after 181 days of storage total taxifolin content was the highest in samples with taxifolin and L. carnosum (60 %), compared to the first day of storage. The sausages with taxifolin and the mixture of P. pentosaceus and S. xylosus (56 %) followed next. Taxifolin improved the hygienic quality of sausages without significant effect on the growth of lactic acid bacteria. The accumulation of biogenic amines, including histamine and putrescine, was more effectively reduced in sausages inoculated with the taxifolin and P. pentosaceus and S. xylosus mixture. Using this mixture, the rate of lipolysis and lipid oxidation were effectively slowed down. - Svrha je ovoga rada bila procijeniti utjecaj taksifolina na fizikalno-kemijska i mikrobiološka svojstva hladno dimljenih svinjskih kobasica proizvedenih fermentacijom pomoću različitih starter kultura s bakterijom Leuconostoc carnosum ili s vrstama Pediococcus pentosaceus i Staphylococcus xylosus. Tekućinska je kromatografija ultravisoke djelotvornosti (UPLC) pokazala da je ukupan udjel taksifolina nakon 181 dana skladištenja bio najveći u uzorcima kobasica s dodatkom taksifolina i L. carnosum (60 %), u usporedbi s prvim danom skladištenja, a zatim u kobasicama s taksifolinom i smjesom bakterija P. pentosaceus i S. xylosus (56 %). Taksifolin je poboljšao higijensku kakvoću kobasica, bez bitnog utjecaja na rast bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja. Povećanje udjela biogenih amina, uključujući histamin i putrescin, bitno je smanjeno u kobasicama inokuliranim taksifolinom i bakterijama P. pentosaceus i S. xylosus. Pomoću te smjese uspješno su usporene lipoliza i oksidacija lipida. Uzorci inokulirani taksifolinom i L. carnosum imali su najveću sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala ((77,4±1,3) %) na prvi dan skladištenja (p<0,05 u svim uzorcima). Smjese za kobasice koje su sadržavale taksifolin i starter kulture bolje su vezale slobodne radikale nego smjese kojima je dodan samo taksifolin. Taksifolin i starter kulture bitno su utjecali na parametre boje (L*, a* i b*) ispitanih smjesa i konačnih proizvoda tj. kobasica (p<0,05 u svim uzorcima).
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 481-489  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kobasice -- Biofermentacija -- Taksifolin -- Mikrobiološka svojstva -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva

BRKIĆ Bubola, Karolina
Effect of different clarification methods on volatile aroma compound composition of virgin olive oil [Elektronička građa] / Karolina Brkić Bubola, Marina Lukić, Igor Lukić, Olivera Koprivnjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study investigates the effect of industrial scale filtration of fresh monovarietal virgin olive oil from Buža and Istarska bjelica cultivars on their volatiles, total phenols and sensory characteristics, and compares the oil samples clarified by filtration with those clarified by natural sedimentation/decantation after six months of storage. Filtration had a different effect on volatiles from the oil samples obtained from different cultivars. In the oil from Buža cultivar immediately after filtration only the amount of (Z)-2-pentenol slightly increased, but in Istarska bjelica the oil filtration affected eight compounds (the amount of hexanal, (E)-2-pentenal, (Z)-3-hexenal, (Z)-2-pentenol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol increased, while of hexyl acetate, (E)-2-penten-1-ol and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol decreased). In fresh filtered oil from Buža cultivar a slight decrease of total phenols was observed, while in those from Istarska bjelica the decrease was sharp, causing a decrease in the pungency and bitterness. Sedimentation/decantation had advantages over oil filtration of both cultivars, due to improved effect on the preservation of the sensory profile and the level of total phenols. Tentative aroma profiles based on odorant series obtained from the odour activity values were compared to the actual olive oil sensory profiles. These results could have a high level of applications in the olive oil industry for the optimization of the technology for obtaining monovarietal virgin olive oil with preserved specific and typical sensory characteristics, but also may serve experts to choose an appropriate virgin olive oil clarification method prior to analysis of volatile compounds. - U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj filtracije svježih sortnih djevičanskih maslinovih ulja Buže i Istarske bjelice u industrijskom mjerilu na sastav hlapljivih tvari, ukupnih fenola te senzorska svojstva, a uzorci ulja izbistreni filtracijom uspoređeni su s onima koji su izbistreni prirodnom sedimentacijom/dekantacijom nakon šest mjeseci skladištenja. Filtracija je različito utjecala na sastav hlapljivih tvari uzoraka ulja dobivenih od različitih sorata. U ulju sorte Buža je nakon filtracije lagano porastao samo udjel (Z)-2-pentenola, dok se u ulju Istarske bjelice promijenio udjel osam spojeva nakon filtracije (udjeli heksanala, (E)-2-pentenala, (Z)-3-heksenala, (Z)-2-pentenola i (Z)-3-heksen-1-ola su porasli, dok su se udjeli heksil acetata, (E)-2-penten-1-ola i (E)-2-heksen-1-ola smanjili). U svježe filtriranom ulju sorte Buža opaženo je blago smanjenje udjela ukupnih fenola, dok je u ulju sorte Istarska bjelica to smanjenje bilo izraženo, što je uzrokovalo smanjenje intenziteta pikantnosti i gorčine ulja.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 503-512  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Maslinovo ulje -- Djevičansko maslinovo ulje -- Industrijska filtracija -- Sedimentacija -- Dekantiranje -- Hlapljive tvari

FADIMU, Gbemisola Jamiu
Effect of drying methods on the sorption isotherms of plantain flour [Elektronička građa] / Gbemisola Jamiu Fadimu, Lateef Oladimeji Sanni, Abdul-Razaq Adesola Adebowale, Olajide Paul Sobukola, Petral Bola Abdulsalam-Saghir, Semiu Abolore Rasaq, Monilola Kudirat Adenekan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 155-156. - Abstract. - The demand for plantain flour has increased in recent years due to its health benefits and industrial applications, however, there is dearth of information on the effect of drying methods on the sorption isotherm of plantain flour. In the present study, moisture sorption properties for unripe plantain flour using four drying methods at temperatures 27 °C, 37 °C and 42 °C were determined for water activity 0.10 to 0.80. The data generated were modelled using Peleg, GAB, Oswin, BET and Langmuir. The results revealed that the Equilibrium Moisture Contents decreased with an increase in temperature at all the water activities considered. Also, moisture isotherms of the plantain flour were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by temperature. The coefficient of determination (R2) for the used models ranged from 0.640 and 0.986 and Peleg was the most appropriate for the adsorption isotherm of plantain flour out of all the models. The monolayer moisture content of the flour also showed that all the unripe plantain flours could be stored for longer periods at all the temperatures studied, as their Mo falls within acceptable range for storage.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 149-156  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brašno -- Brašno zelene banane -- Sorpcijske izoterme -- Sušenje

The effect of natural antioxidants on quality and shelf life of beef and beef products [Elektronička građa] / Olaf K. Horbańczuk, Marcin A. Kurek, Atanas G. Atanasov, Mladen Brnčić, Suzana Rimac Brnčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 84 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Oxidation processes are the major cause of deterioration of meat quality and shelf life of meat products, leading to negative changes in nutritive value and in sensory and physicochemical properties of meat. Until now, the synthetic antioxidants like butylated hydroxyl anisole have been commonly used to prevent oxidation, which however may cause potential human health risks and increase toxicity of the product. However, natural antioxidant can be the alternative solution for this problem since plants and plant materials are rich in bioactive compounds (as natural antioxidants) with potential health beneficial effects. Moreover, the interest of consumers in using natural products is still increasing. There is an expectation of replacing synthetic antioxidants and preservatives by natural ones. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to provide information on the effect of natural antioxidants from vegetables and fruits like olives, pomegranate or grapes, and herbs and spices like rosemary, oregano, sage, black cumin or turmeric, rich in bioactive compounds on quality and shelf life of beef and beef products. - Oksidacijski procesi su glavni razlog kvarenja mesa i kraće trajnosti mesnih proizvoda i uzrokuju nepoželjne promjene hranjive vrijednosti te senzorskih i fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava mesa. Dosad su se za sprječavanje oksidacijskih procesa najčešće koristili sintetski antioksidansi poput butil-hidroksianisola (BHA), koji mogu predstavljati rizik za zdravlje ljudi te povećati toksičnost proizvoda. Međutim, prirodni antioksidansi mogu riješiti taj problem jer su biljke i biljni materijal bogati bioaktivnim spojevima (prirodnim antioksidansima) koji mogu pozitivno utjecati na zdravlje. Nadalje, zanimanje potrošača za prirodne proizvode i dalje je u porastu, pri čemu se očekuje da se sintetski antioksidansi i konzervansi zamijene prirodnim. Svrha je ovog preglednog rada prikazati učinak prirodnih antioksidanasa, i to povrća i voća kao što su masline, nar i grožđe, ali i ljekovitog bilja i začina poput ružmarina, origana, kadulje, kima i crnog kima ili kurkume, bogatih bioaktivnim spojevima, na kakvoću i trajnost goveđeg mesa i njegovih prerađevina.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 439-447  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Goveđe meso -- Mesni proizvodi -- Prirodni antioksidansi -- Kakvoća mesa -- Trajnost mesa

The effect of sous-vide cooking parameters, chilled storage and antioxidants on quality characteristics of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in relation to structural changes in proteins [Elektronička građa] / Jana Cropotova, Revilija Mozuraityte, Inger Beate Standal, Kari Cecilie Aftret, Turid Rustad. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the present study is to assess the influence of different sous-vide time-temperature regimes and use of two types of commercial antioxidants (rosemary extract and rosmary extract with ascorbyl palmitate) on quality parameters of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) during chilled storage. The mackerel fillets were treated with the antioxidants, exposed to sous-vide cooking at 70 and 80 °C for 10 and 20 min, and further stored for 1, 3, 9 and 15 days at (0±1) °C. Changes in dry matter and ash, cook loss, protein oxidation and solubility, as well as texture parameters in sous-vide cooked mackerel during storage, were assessed by application of multiple regression analysis. It was revealed that duration of chilled storage had the highest contribution to the decrease in cook loss due to a possible reabsorption of water released during cooking by unfolded proteins. At the same time, this parameter increased protein carbonylation in mackerel samples, resulting in a decreased protein solubility due to aggregation of proteins and subsequent toughening of the fish muscle. However, the use of antioxidants has shown to be highly efficient in decreasing the protein carbonylation in the analysed fish samples. - Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila utvrditi utjecaj kuhanja u vakuumu (sous vide) pri različitim temperaturama te dodatka dvaju komercijalnih antioksidanasa (ekstrakta ružmarina i smjese ekstrakta ružmarina i askorbil palmitata) na kakvoću atlantske skuše (Scomb¬er scombrus) tijekom hladnog skladištenja. Fileti skuše tretirani su antioksidansima i kuhani u vakuumu 10 ili 20 min pri 70 ili 80 °C, te skladišteni 1, 3, 9 ili 15 dana pri (0±1) °C. Pomoću višestruke regresijske analize praćene su promjene u udjelu suhe tvari i pepela, kalo, oksidacija i topljivost proteina te promjene u teksturi kuhanih fileta skuše kuhanih tijekom skladištenja. Zaključeno je da dulje vrijeme hladnog skladištenja najviše smanjuje kalo, vjerojatno jer denaturirani proteini ponovno apsorbiraju vodu koju su otpustili tijekom kuhanja. Istovremeno se povećala karbonilacija proteina u uzorcima skuše, čime se smanjila topljivost proteina te povećala čvrstoća mišića ribe. Međutim, utvrđeno je da se dodatkom antioksidansa karbonilacija proteina u ispitanim uzorcima smanjila.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 191-199  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Atlantska skuša -- Scomber scombrus -- Kuhanje u vakuumu -- Antioksidansi -- Hladno skadištenje -- Karbonilacija proteina

The effect of thermal processing on the reduction of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone cereal content [Elektronička građa] / Jelka Pleadin, Jurislav Babić, Ana Vulić, Nina Kudumija, Krunoslav Aladić, Maja Kiš, Vesna Jaki Tkalec, Mario Škrivanko, Marica Lolić, Drago Šubarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 50-51. - Abstract. - Fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEN) often contaminate cereals and cereal by-products. Certain thermal processing methods used in the food industry show promising results in terms of reduction of cereal contamination with mycotoxins. In order to establish the degree of DON and ZEN reduction in naturally contaminated cereals (maize, wheat and oat), this study investigated the effects of cooking, roasting and extrusion cooking, performed at different temperatures (100 – 220 °C) and for a different length of time (10 – 30 min) on these mycotoxins concentrations. Before and after the treatment, cereal samples were analysed for DON and ZEN concentrations using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In comparison to cooking, which achieved only a negligible mean mycotoxin reduction (of up to 8% for DON and 11% for ZEN), roasting and extrusion cooking resulted in a significantly more pronounced mycotoxin reduction (of up to 40% for DON & 46% for ZEN and of up to 75% for DON & 80% for ZEN, respectively) (p <0.05). The results show similar effects of thermal processing on all of the studied cereals (p >0.05), suggesting that extrusion cooking can be considered as an effective thermal method capable of reducing mycotoxin content in cereals.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 44-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Žitarice -- Termička obrada -- Mikotoksini

OLAPADE, Abiodun Adekunle
Evaluation of blends of wheat (Triticum aestivum) flour and African walnut (Tetracarpidium conophorum) flour in biscuit production [Elektronička građa] / Abiodun Adekunle Olapade, Magdalene Omoneka Abu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 249-250. - Abstract. - The use of underutilized crops has been the focus of recent research in developing countries like Nigeria because of inadequacy of protein supply in diets. In attempt to improve the use of underutilized crops, biscuit samples were produced from flour blends containing different combinations of African walnut flour and wheat flour. The 100% wheat flour served as control. The African walnut and wheat flours were mixed in ratios 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60 and 50:50%. The proximate composition, functional and pasting properties of the blends as well as physical and sensory properties of the biscuits were determined The results showed the increase in the level of protein, ash, fat and moisture content of the blends with increasing levels of walnut flour. The bulk density, water absorption and swelling power of the blends reduced, while oil absorption capacity, emulsion capacity and least gelation concentration increased with increasing levels of walnut flour. Variations exist in the pasting properties of the blends. The diameter of the biscuits increased with increase in the level of walnut flour, hence the spread ratio increased from 3.52 to 6.56. There were significant differences between the biscuit samples in terms of aroma, taste and appearance. However, biscuit sample with inclusion level of 30% walnut flour compared favourably with the control in terms of sensorial quality.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 245-250  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pšenica -- Afrički orah -- Brašno -- Biskviti -- Kakvoća hrane

MAKINDE, Folasade Maria
The evaluation of nutritional composition and functional and pasting properties of wheat flour-coconut flour blends [Elektronička građa] / Folasade Maria Makinde, Ayobami Opeyemi Eyitayo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 28-29. - Abstract. - The feasibility of partially replacing wheat flour with coconut flour in baked products was investigated. Matured coconut (Cocos nucifera) endocarp was grated for the extraction of milk, dried, milled,and pulverized. Five blends of composite flour were prepared by combining wheat flour with 10% to 50% of partially defatted coconut flour,respectively. The 100% wheat flour served as control. The samples were analysed for proximate, mineral, functional,and pasting properties using standard procedures. The proximate analysis indicated 5.52 % moisture, 23.6% protein, 11.14% fibre, 5.4% fat, 5.21% ash,and 49.1% carbohydrate for coconut flour. The ranges of the proximate composition forthe flour blends were:moisture (4.79-5.55%), protein (14.9 -19.1%), fibre (0.44 -5.12%), fat (2.9 -5.3%), ash (0.68-2.13%), carbohydrate (62.7-76.2%),and energy (315.26-335.28 kCal). The values for moisture, protein, fat, fibre,and ash increased with the increasing levels of coconut substitution,except for carbohydrate and energy contents. There were significant differences (p≤0.05) in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron,and zinc concentrations of the samples. The range of values obtained for these parameters was1.32-2.59 mg/kg, 2.60-3.83 mg/kg, 12.10-16.89 mg/kg, 12.40-18.50 mg/kg,0.50-1.22 mg/kg and 0.30-1.23 mg/kg, respectively. The ranges of functional properties were:loosed bulk density (0.28-0.49 g/mL),packed bulk density (0.44-0.75 g/mL), pH (5.77-6.57), swelling capacity (3.89-6.56%), water absorption capacity (0.89-3.97 ml/g),oil absorption capacity (1.26-3.20 ml/g),and gelation (12.0-18.0%). The pasting characteristics showed significant differences betweenthe100% wheat flour and coconut substituted samples. The results revealed modifications in nutritional, functional,and pasting properties in blends containing fractions of partially defatted coconut flour,which suggeststheir application in diverse food products.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 21-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brašno -- Kokos -- Pšenica -- Pečeni proizvodi -- Prehrambena svojstva

Evaluation of the chemical composition and functional properties of gari from Liberia [Elektronička građa] / Wasiu Awoyale, William K.C. Kawalawu, Robert Asiedu, Busie Maziya-Dixon, Adebayo Abass, Michael Edet. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 166-167. - Summary. - The regular use of local cassava varieties and the exclusion of the fermentation step in the processing of gari in Liberia may affect the composition and properties of gari, hence the need to evaluate its chemical composition and functional properties. Gari samples were randomly collected from markets (35) and processing centers (24) in Rivercess, Grand Bassa, Bomi, Margibi, Sinoe, Gbarpolu, Montserrado, and Grand Capemount Counties, and packaged in airtight polythene bags prior to laboratory analyses using standard methods, and the data generated analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS Version 21). The results showed that the chemical composition of the gari samples is moisture content 6.40%; cyanogenic potential 20.70 mg HC/kg; pH 5.38; starch content 62.05%; fat content 2.77%; ash content 1.20%; total titratable acidity (TTA) 0.01 g/100 mL; and protein content 1.05%. The functional properties of the gari samples is water absorption capacity 525.13%; oil absorption capacity 175.59%; least gelation concentration 6.13%; dispersibility 39.48%; bulk density 65%; swelling power (SWP) 8.04%; and solubility index 14.96%. Peak viscosity is 165.60 RVU; trough viscosity 149.10 RVU; breakdown viscosity 16.50 RVU; final viscosity 251.02 RVU; setback viscosity 101.92 RVU; peak time 6.48 min; and pasting temperature 50.82 °C. All the chemical composition and functional properties were significantly (p <0.05) affected by the products except for ash, TTA, and protein contents as well as the SWP (p >0.05). The addition of moringa leaf powder, groundnut paste, roasted coconut chips, and milk powder increased the fat and protein contents of the gari compared to the non-enriched products.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 157-167  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Manioka -- Kemijski sastav -- Funkcionalna svojstva

TSOUKO, Erminda
Extraction of phenolic compounds from palm oil processing residues and their application as antioxidants [Elektronička građa] / Erminda Tsouko, Maria Alexandri, Keysson Vieira Fernandes, Denise Maria Guimarães Freire, Athanasios Mallouchos, Apostolis A. Koutinas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The side streams derived from the palm oil production process, namely palm kernel cake, palm pressed fibre, palm kernel shells and empty fruit bunches, were evaluated as sources of phenolic compounds. Among these streams, kernel cake had the highest total phenolic content (in mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per g of dry sample) with a value of 5.19, whereas the empty fruit bunches had the lowest value (1.79). The extraction time and liquid-to-solid ratio were investigated to optimize the phenolic extraction. Kernel cake exhibited the highest total phenolic content (5.35 mg/g) with a liquid-to-solid ratio of 40:1 during 20 min of extraction. The main phenolic compounds of the extracts deriving from all byproduct streams were also identified and quantified with HPLC-DAD. Pyrogallol, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid and ferulic acid were the main compounds found in kernel cake extracts. Empty fruit bunch and pressed fibre extracts were also rich in 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, while pyrogallol was the predominant compound in kernel shell extracts. All extracts showed antioxidant activity as it was indicated from the results of DPPH analysis and subsequently tested in sunflower oil aiming to prolong its shelf life. The addition of 0.8 % kernel cake extract increased the induction time of sunflower oil more than 50 %. According to the results obtained in this study, kernel cake extracts could be considered as a value-added co-product with a potential application as antioxidants in the food industry. - Nusproizvodi proizvodnje palminog ulja, i to pogača od palminih sjemenki, palmina vlakna, ljuske palminih sjemenki i prazni grozdovi palminog ploda, upotrijebljeni su za ekstrakciju polifenolnih spojeva. Među tim nusproizvodima je pogača od palminih sjemenki sadržavala najviše ukupnih fenolnih spojeva, i to 5,19 mg u g suhe tvari, izraženih kao ekvivalent galne kiseline, dok je najmanje imao prazni grozd palminog ploda, i to 1,79 mg/g. Radi optimiranja ekstrakcije fenola ispitani su sljedeći parametri: vrijeme ekstrakcije i omjer tekuće i krute tvari. Najveći ukupni udjel fenola od 5,35 mg/g pri omjeru tekuće i krute tvari od 40:1 tijekom ekstrakcije od 20 min imala je pogača od palminih sjemenki. Pomoću HPLC-DAD metode određeni su glavni fenolni spojevi iz nusprodukata proizvodnje palminog ulja. Pogača od palminih sjemenki sadržavala je najviše pirogalola, te 4-hidroksibenzojeve, galne i ferulinske kiseline. Prazni grozdovi palminog ploda i palmina vlakna bili su bogati hidroksibenzojevom kiselinom, dok je pirogalol bio dominantan sastojak ekstrakta ljuski palminih sjemenki. Svi su ekstrakti imali oksidacijsku aktivnost, koja je potvrđena DPPH analizom, te ispitana dodatkom ekstrakta suncokretovom ulju radi produljenja roka trajanja. Dodatkom 0,8 % ekstrakta pogače od palminih sjemenki povećalo se indukcijsko vrijeme suncokretovog ulja za više od 50 %. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je pogača od palminih sjemenki nusproizvod s dodanom vrijednošću koji se može upotrijebiti kao antioksidans u prehrambenoj industriji.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 29-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Palmino ulje -- Nusproizvodi -- Fenolni spojevi -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Indukcijsko vrijeme -- Suncokretovo ulje

Food packaging materials with polyphenols as active compounds [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Jakobek.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Packaging is the basis for good preservation of food quality and food safety. A relatively new type of packaging is active packaging, which attracts attention due to its many positive features. Especially interesting materials for active packaging are biodegradable materials. Not only can these materials play the role of the carrier of the active component, but they are also more rapidly degradable and edible, which gives additional positive properties. Natural compounds such as polyphenolic compounds can be added to the packaging materials as an active compound. Although the addition of polyphenols to the active packaging is in the research phase, it is evident from the results so far that such materials have the potential for commercial use in food packaging. The aim of this paper is to briefly describe the use of polyphenolic compounds as active ingredients in active packaging. - Ambalaža je osnova dobrog očuvanja kvalitete i sigurnosti hrane. Relativno novija vrsta ambalaže je aktivna ambalaža koja privlači pažnju zbog brojnih pozitivnih značajki. Posebno zanimljivi materijali za izradu aktivne ambalaže su biorazgradivi materijali. Ovi materijali ne samo da mogu igrati ulogu nosača aktivne komponente u aktivnoj ambalaži, već su i brže razgradljivi i jestivi, što ovoj ambalaži daje dodatna pozitivna svojstva. Prirodni spojevi poput polifenolnih spojeva mogu se dodati u ambalažni materijal kao aktivni spojevi. Iako je dodavanje polifenola aktivnoj ambalaži u fazi istraživanja, iz dosadašnjih rezultata vidljivo je da takvi materijali imaju potencijal za komercijalnu upotrebu u pakiranju hrane. Cilj ovog rada je ukratko opisati uporabu polifenolnih spojeva kao aktivnih spojeva u aktivnoj ambalaži. - Die Verpackung ist die Grundlage für die Erhaltung der Qualität und der Sicherheit von Nahrung. Zu den verhältnismäßig neueren Verpackungen gehört die aktive Verpackung, die wegen ihrer zahlreichen positiven Eigenschaften große Aufmerksamkeit erweckt. Besonders interessante Werkstoffe für die Herstellung von aktiven Verpackungen sind biologisch abbaubare Werkstoffe. Diese Werkstoffe spielen nicht nur die Rolle des Trägers der aktiven Komponente in der aktiven Verpackung sondern können schneller abgebaut werden und sind essbar, wodurch diese Verpackung zusätzliche positive Eigenschaften erhält. Natürliche Verbindungen wie Polyphenolverbindungen können dem Verpackungsmaterial als aktive Stoffe zugesetzt werden. Obwohl sich die Zugabe von Polyphenolen zur aktiven Verpackung in der Untersuchungsphase befindet, geht aus den bisherigen Ergebnissen hervor, dass solche Werkstoffe für den gewerblichen Gebrauch bei der Lebensmittelverpackung verwendet werden könnten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Verwendung von Polyphenolverbindungen als aktiven Verbindungen in aktiven Verpackungen zu beschreiben. - El embalaje es la base de la buena calidad y de la seguridad de comida. Un tipo de embalaje relativamente reciente es el empaque activo que llama atención por tener muchas características positivas. Materiales para la producción del empaque activo especialmente interesantes son materiales biodegradables. Estos materiales además de ser portadores de componentes activos en el empaque activo, también degradan rápidamente y son comestibles, lo que añade a las características positivas de este tipo de embalaje. Los compuestos naturales como polifenoles pueden ser añadidos al material de embalaje como compuestos activos. Aunque la añadidura de los polifenoles al empaque activo está en la fase de investigación, los resultados hasta ahora muestran que estos materiales tienen un potencial comercial para el uso en el envasado de alimentos. El fin de este trabajo es describir brevemente el uso de los polifenoles como compuestos activos en el empaque activo. - L’imballaggio è fondamentale per preservare la qualità e la sicurezza del cibo. C’è un tipo d’imballaggio relativamente nuovo che attira su di sé l’attenzione per i numerosi aspetti positivi che lo contraddistinguono. Tra i materiali utilizzati per la produzione d’imballaggi “attivi”, destano particolare interesse i materiali biodegradabili. Si tratta di materiali che non soltanto possono ricoprire il ruolo di portatore dei componenti attivi nell’imballaggio “attivo”, ma sono anche più rapidamente biodegradabili e commestibili, conferendo a questo tipo d’imballaggio ulteriori proprietà positive. I composti organici come quelli polifenolici possono essere aggiunti al materiale da imballaggio come composti attivi. Anche se l’aggiunta dei polifenoli agli imballaggi “attivi” è ancora in fase sperimentale, dai risultati sinora ottenuti si evidenzia il loro potenziale uso commerciale nel confezionamento alimentare. Lo scopo di questo studio consiste nel descrivere sinteticamente l’uso dei composti polifenolici come composti attivi negli imballaggi di tipo “attivo”.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 5 ; str. 469-474  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost hrane -- Ambalaža -- Polifenoli -- Biorazgradiva ambalaža -- Jestiva ambalaža -- Aktivna ambalaža

AYODELE, Idowu Michael
Functional and pasting properties of wheat/tigernut pomace flour blends and sensory attributes of wheat/tigernut pomace flour meat pie [Elektronička građa] / Idowu Michael Ayodele, Adeola Abiodun Aderpju, Oke Emmanuel Kehinde, Amusa Ayodeji Joseph, Omoniyi Saheed Adewale. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 34-36. - Summary. - This study investigated the functional and pasting properties of wheat and tigernut pomace flour blends, as well as the sensory attributes of the meat pie obtained from the composite flour. Tigernut pomace flour was substituted for wheat flour in the amount of 2 –10%. Unsubstituted wheat flour served as the control. The composite blends were analysed for functional and pasting properties. The sensory attributes of the meat pie obtained from the composite flour were also determined. Bulk density, water absorption capacity, swelling power, and the solubility index of the blends ranged from 0.70 -0.75 g/mL, 0.62 -0.96%, 4.06 -4.47 g/g, and 2.45 -13.7% respectively. Peak, trough, breakdown, final, and setback viscosities, peak time, and pasting temperature ranged from 113.6 -135.9 RVU, 76.7 -90.2 RVU, 36.0 -45.8 RVU, 170 -183.7 RVU, 91.0 -93.6 RVU, 5.07 -6.03 min, and 88.4 -90.0 RVU respectively. In terms of appearance, the meat pie samples prepared from tigernut-substituted flour blends did not show significant difference (p <0.05) from the control sample. The control sample had the highest overall acceptability, although samples from the composite blends were also found to be acceptable. Hence, tigernut pomace flour could be substituted for wheat at the amount of 10% to produce an acceptable meat pie.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 30-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pšenično brašno -- Tigernut brašno -- Kompozitne smjese -- Funkcionalna svojstva

DIRIM, Safiye Nur
Functional properties of parsley fortified homemade Turkish noodles (Erişte) [Elektronička građa] / Safiye Nur Dirim, Gülşah Çalişkan Koç. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 95-96. - Abstract. - Turkish noodle is a staple traditional dish in the Turkish cuisine and generally made out of wheat flour, egg, salt and vegetable oil. The aims of this study were to improve the formulation of Turkish noodles by the addition of minced parsley (2, 4, 6 and 8% weight), to improve their functional properties and swelling volume, to determine the effect on the physical properties (moisture content, water activity, and colour) and chemical composition (vitamin C, total chlorophyll, total carotenoid, and protein content) of the homemade plain and fortified Turkish noddle dough (FHTD) and the fortified homemade Turkish noodles (FHTN), to determine the traditional and microwave cooking characteristics and to indicate consumer preferences of FHTN with fresh parsley. The results showed that the amount of addition of fresh parsley caused a significant increase in the moisture content values of FHTD (31.59-36.08%) (P<0.05). The vitamin C, total chlorophyll and total carotenoid contents of the FHTD and FHTN were improved with the addition of fresh parsley. The traditionally cooked FHTN have got higher water absorption (30.25-38.90g) and swelling volume values (237.50-267.50%) than microwave cooked FHTN (WA=29.03–34.77g, SV=240.00-265.00%) (P<0.05). The noodles containing 2% parsley had the highest rating compared to both plain and other samples.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 88-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turski rezanci -- Peršin -- Senzorska analiza -- Funkcionalna svojstva

BLAŽIĆ, Marijana
Impact of pumpkin seed oil and coffee treatment on the characteristics of semi-hard cheese [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Blažić, Elizabeta Kralj, Marija Agičić, Irena Perković, Ivana Kolić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 172-173. - Summary. - Semi-hard cheese was made from fresh domestic cow milk and treated with pumpkin seed oil and coffee during its ageing. The energy value and composition of the cheese were examined by determining the content of dry matter, minerals, proteins, fat, caffeine and fatty acids. During the ageing period, the cheese was dipped into a sweet, freshly-prepared, high-quality coffee drink and coated with a mixture of milled coffee grains and cold pressed pumpkin seed oil to improve the sensory properties of the cheese, but also to improve its nutritional value. It is considered that treated cheese could have greater nutritional and pro-health properties then untreated cheese, due to nutritional and healing properties of pumpkin seed oil and coffee used during the maturation period. Pumpkin seed oil contains carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, and important unsaturated fatty acids, while coffee is rich in antioxidants and helps in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and high cholesterol. To determine the impact of the treatment, the fatty acid and caffeine contents were determined by the GC-FID and the UPLC-DAD method. The cheese treated with pumpkin seed oil and coffee had a higher amount of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and a lower amount of saturated fatty acids (SFA) than the untreated cheese. The proportions of long-chain UFA, such as the C18:2n6c (Omega 6) and the C18:3n3 (Omega 3), were higher in the treated cheese than those in the untreated cheese, as well as the C20:1, the C22:2 and the C24:1, which were not detected in the untreated cheese. Caffeine concentration in the treated cheese was 33.08 mg/L.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 168-173  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir -- Sazrijevanje -- Masne kiseline -- Bučine sjemenke -- Kofein

ADETUNJI, Charles Oluwaseun
Influence of chitosan edible coating on postharvest qualities of Capsicum annum L. during storage in evaporative cooling system [Elektronička građa] / Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, John Olusegun Ojediran, Juliana Bunmi Adetunji, Stephen Olumuyiwa Owa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 64-66. - Summary. - Chitosan is a biopolymer edible coating which can act as physical barrierwhen coated on fruits and efficiently alter their internal atmosphere and delay the ripening process. This study evaluates the usage of chitosan (CH) as edible coating to extend the shelf life of green bell pepper. Physiochemical and microbial analysis of the green bell pepper was conducted during evaporative coolant structure storage (ECS). The effect of chitosan coating on green bell pepper significantly delayed a loss in firmness, weight loss, and vitamin C content and inhibited the growth of heterotrophic bacteria, mesophilic bacteria, yeast and mould during the five weeks of storage. On the whole, this study established that edible coating from chitosan could form a natural and permanent replacement to the chemically preservatives used for postharvest management of green bell pepper.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 59-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kitozan -- Paprika -- Jestivi premaz -- Prirodni konzervansi

LEBOŠ Pavunc, Andreja
Influence of dehydrated wheat/rice cereal matrices on probiotic activity of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12® [Elektronička građa] / Andreja Leboš Pavunc, Lenkica Penava, Jasmina Ranilović, Jasna Novak, Martina Banić, Katarina Butorac, Emilija Petrović, Vesna Mihaljević-Herman, Krešo Bendelja, Ana Savić Mlakar, Ksenija Durgo, Blaženka Kos, Jagoda Šušković. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Three novel dehydrated wheat/rice cereal functional products with an addition of well documented probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12® (BB-12®) were developed in Podravka factory for the infants older than 4 months: instant rice cereal, instant rice cereal with fruits and instant wheat cereal with vanilla. Notably, the number of viable BB-12® cells in each of the novel products was higher than the required minimal number of probiotic cells per gram of product (106 CFU/g) during the storage period of 106 weeks. Therefore, BB-12® strain recovery and genome stability were evaluated by strain-specific polimerase chain reaction and amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting analysis. Further aim was to evaluate the influence of these three different cereal food matrices on specific probiotic properties of BB-12® strain in vitro. Applied food matrices positively influenced the survival in the simulated conditions of the gastrointestinal tract and antagonistic activity against undesirable microorganisms, while no influence on auto- and coaggregation ability of B. animalis ssp. lactis BB-12® was observed. Adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins and intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells together with antibacterial activity emphasized competitive pathogen exclusion from Caco-2 cells by probiotic strain BB-12®. - U pogonu tvrtke „Podravka“ razvijena su tri nova funkcionalna proizvoda na bazi dehidriranih pahuljica od pšenice i riže, uz dodatak jednog od najbolje okarakteriziranih probiotičkih sojeva Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12® (BB-12®), namijenjena dojenčadi starijoj od 4 mjeseca: instant pahuljice od riže, instant pahuljice od riže s voćem i instant pahuljice od pšenice s vanilijom. Pritom je broj živih probiotičkih stanica BB-12® u pojedinom funkcionalnom proizvodu bio veći od minimalnog preporučenog broja probiotičkih stanica po gramu proizvoda (106 CFU/g) tijekom 106 tjedana skladištenja. Nadalje, ispitan je utjecaj prehrambenih matriksa triju novih proizvoda na specifična probiotička svojstva BB-12® in vitro. Preživljavanje i genetička stabilnost soja BB-12® ispitani su lančanom reakcijom polimeraze umnažanjem specifičnih početnica za soj, te AFLP (engl. amplified fragment length polymorphism) analizom. Primjenjeni prehrambeni matriksi pozitivno su utjecali na preživljavanje probiotičkog soja u simuliranim uvjetima gastrointestinalnog trakta i na njegovo antagonističko djelovanje prema nepoželjnim mikroorganizmima, ali nisu imali učinak na svojstva auto- i koagregacije. Adhezija probiotičkog soja BB-12® na proteine ekstracelularnog matriksa i intestinalne epitelne Caco-2 stanice te njegova antibakterijska aktivnost upućuju na mogućnost kompetitivne ekskluzije patogena.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 147-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Probiotici -- Bifidobacterium -- Dehidrirane pahuljice


OLALUSI, Ayoola Patrick
Influence of drying temperature and pretreatment on the drying characteristics and quality of dried cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) apple slices [Elektronička građa] / Ayoola Patrick Olalusi, Oluwakemi Erinle. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 102-103. - Abstract. - This study evaluated the mineral content, browning extent, proximate content, the sensory analysis in the yellow variety of cashew apple slices, for both fresh and after being subjected to pretreatment, at three different drying temperatures. Fresh cashews were harvested, sliced into 7 mm thickness, pretreated by dipping the slices into ascorbic acid and dried at the temperature of 45 °C, 55 °C and 65 °C using the hot air convective dryer at a constant air velocity of 0.8 m/s. During the drying the weight loss was measured initially at an interval of every 30 minutes for the first five hours and later at an hour hour interval. The analysis of minerals content (magnesium and calcium) and proximate analysis which included pH, color, vitamin C content, and tannin content was carried out. In addition, sensory evaluation for taste, texture, aroma, appearance and overall acceptability was carried out according to the 9-point hedonic scale using raw cashew apple as a control. For each of the plots for the drying curves from the mechanical drying test, they are mostly in the failing rate period. The results showed that the moisture loss from the cashew slices increased with increase in drying temperature and time of drying. It was observed that drying temperature has an influence on the proximate content, browning extent and mineral content of the cashew slices. An increase in temperature leads to high losses of vitamin C, less browning effect and high losses of tannin. The result of the sensory evaluation revealed that the pretreated sample dried at a temperature of 55 °C was the most acceptable.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 97-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Indijski oraščić -- Sušenje -- Osjetilna procjena -- Minerali

Influence of gum arabic enriched with GABA coating on oxidative damage of walnut kernels [Elektronička građa] / Asghar Ebrahimzadeh, Farhad Pirzad, Hamidreza Tahanian, Morteza Soleimani Aghdam. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Because of the higher content of unsaturated fatty acids (UNSFA) and phenolics, walnut kernels are vulnerable to oxidative rancidity and browning due to unfavorable postharvest handling procedures. This study investigates the impact of gum arabic coating enriched with γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on oxidative rancidity and browning of kernels during storage at 20 °C. The results showed that the walnut kernels coated with gum arabic (5 %) enriched with GABA (0.1 mM) exhibited lower oxidative rancidity and browning, manifested by lower peroxide value and malondialdehyde accumulation along with higher whiteness index. Moreover, kernels had higher UNSFA/SFA ratio as a response to lower lipoxygenase activity and H2O2 accumulation. The reduced oxidative browning in coated kernels was accompanied with lower polyphenol oxidase and higher phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity leading to higher accumulation of phenolics and increased DPPH• scavenging capacity. Based on our findings, gum arabic coating (5 %) enriched with GABA (0.1 mM) may have a commercial potential for maintaining nutritional quality of walnut kernels. - Jezgra oraha je zbog velikog udjela nezasićenih masnih kiselina i fenolnih spojeva osjetljiva na oksidacijska oštećenja poput užeglosti i posmeđivanja, koja mogu nastati nepažljivim rukovanjem nakon berbe. U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj omotača od gume arabike obogaćenog γ-aminomaslačnom kiselinom na sprečavanje pojave užeglosti i posmeđivanja jezgri oraha tijekom skladištenja na 20 °C. Rezultati pokazuju da je jezgra oraha u omotaču od 5 %-tne gume arabike obogaćenom s 0,1 mM γ-aminomaslačne kiseline bila manje osjetljiva na oksidacijska oštećenja, što je vidljivo iz manjih vrijednosti peroksidnog broja i akumulacije malondialdehida, te većeg stupnja bjeline. Osim toga, jezgre oraha su zbog smanjene aktivnosti lipoksigenaze i manje akumulacije H2O2 imale veći omjer nezasićenih i zasićenih masnih kiselina. Uz smanjen intenzitet oksidacijskog posmeđivanja, u tretiranim se orasima aktivnost polifenolne oksidaze smanjila, a fenilalanin-amonij-lijaze povećala, što je dovelo do povećanja koncentracije fenolnih spojeva i pojačanog uklanjanja DPPH radikala. Na temelju ovih rezultata može se zaključiti da bi se omotač od 5 % arapske gume obogaćen s 0,1 mM γ-aminomaslačne kiseline mogao komercijalno upotrijebiti za očuvanje hranjive vrijednosti jezgre oraha.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 554-560  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Orah -- Jezgra oraha -- Oksidacijsko oštećenje -- Y-aminomaslačna kiselina -- Guma arabika -- Hranjiva vrijednost

KOS, Ivica
The influence of meat batter composition and sausage diameter on microbiota and sensory traits of artisanal wild boar meat sausages [Elektronička građa] / Ivica Kos, Ana Zgomba Maksimović, Marija Zunabović­Pichler, Sigrid Mayrhofer, Konrad J. [Johann] Domig, Mirna Mrkonjić Fuka. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study, the influence of meat batter composition and sausage diameter on the development of microbiota and sensory traits of traditional, spontaneously fermented wild boar meat sausages are evaluated. This research also demonstrates how principal component analysis (PCA) can be used to relate product sensory properties to particular microbial genotype and to select potential starter or adjunct culture. Generally, similar microbiological results were obtained in all types of products. The undesirable microbiota was either not detected at any sausage production stage or its number decreased below the detection limit in ripened sausages. The low growth rate of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was consistent with the obtained pH and slow acidification rate. Although no differences in the composition of LAB species were noticed between sausage types (50S=50 % wild boar meat in small casing, 50L=50 % wild boar meat in large casing, 100S=100 % wild boar meat in small casing), a clear separation based on LAB genotypes could be observed. Upon quantitative descriptive analysis, significant differences in sensory attributes between sausage types were established. According to the PCA, the overall acceptability traits of sausages are closely linked to one Leuconostoc mesenteroides genotype (LM_4). Of all tested technological properties, LM_4 strains showed remarkable acidification ability, lowering the pH from pH=5.41 to 3.74, and pronounced proteolytic activity on skimmed milk as well as antagonistic activity against Staphylococcus aureus (DSM 20231) and Brochothrix thermosphacta (LMG 17208). Lipolytic and haemolytic activities were not detected, and all analyzed strains were susceptible to tested antibiotics and possessed no biogenic amine genes. - U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj sastava mesnog nadjeva i promjera kobasica na razvoj mikrobiote i senzornih osobina tradicijskih, spontano fermentiranih kobasica od mesa divlje svinje. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje kako se analizom glavnih komponenata mogu povezati senzorna svojstva proizvoda s određenim sojem bakterija, te za selekciju potencijalnih starter kultura. Općenito govoreći, nakon mikrobioloških analiza svih vrsta proizvedenih kobasica dobiveni su slični rezultati. Niti u jednoj fazi proizvodnje kobasica nije detektirana neželjena mikrobiota ili je njezin broj u zrelim kobasicama bio ispod granice detekcije. Niska stopa rasta bakterija mliječne kiseline bila je u skladu s dobivenim pH-vrijednostima i sporom stopom zakiseljavanja. Iako nisu uočene razlike u sastavu vrsta bakterija mliječne kiseline između različitih tipova kobasica (50S=50 % mesa divlje svinje u tankom ovitku, 50L=50 % mesa divlje svinje u debelom ovitku, 100S= 100 % mesa divlje svinje u tankom ovitku), moglo se opaziti jasno odvajanje na osnovi genotipova pojedinih bakterija. Kvantitativnom opisnom analizom utvrđene su bitne razlike u senzornim značajkama različitih vrsta kobasica.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 378-387  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kobasice -- Senzorska analiza -- Bakterije mliječne kiseline -- Mikrobiota

OLATIDOYE, Olawale Paul
The influence of roasting conditions on volatile flavour compounds in raw and roasted cashew kernels (Anacadium ocidentale) grown in Nigeria [Elektronička građa] / Olawale Paul Olatidoye, Taofik Akinyemi Shittu, Samuel Olusegun Awonorin, Emmanuel Sunday Akin Ajisegiri. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 9-10. - Abstract. - The use of inappropriate temperature-time combinations during the roasting of nuts could lead to quality defects, such as burnt taste, short shelf-life, rancidity, and poor flavour. In this study, cashew kernels were roasted in a forced airflow-drying oven for 20, 40,and 60 min at 100, 120, 140, and 160°C. The productswere evaluated for volatile flavour compounds and the sensory evaluation of the roasted cashew kernelsat different roasting conditions. The volatile fraction was isolated using the combined steam distillation–extraction procedure and identified by gas chromatography–flame-ionization detection (GC-FID). The consumer acceptability test was carried out by 100 panellists using nine point hedonic scales to assess preferences for like or dislike, colour, taste, texture, flavour,and overall acceptability. It was found that there were significant differences in flavour compounds between the different conditions of roasting. Twenty-nine volatile compounds were identified in both fresh and roasted cashew kernelscomprising five main classes,which consist of 12 hydrocarbons, eight aldehydes, four ketones, three alcohols,and one acid. The volatile compounds(mg/100g) ranged from 5.03x10-2to 1.20 (2-butanone), 7.46x10-6to 1.85 (hexanal), 8.91x10-6to 1.94 (acetone), 6.74x10-1to 2.24 (benzaldehyde). The amount of generated volatile compounds increased astheroasting temperature and time increased. The consumer acceptability test revealed that samples roasted for 40 or 60 min at 140°C produced the most acceptable product in terms of all the measured attributes. The study showed that the roasting conditions produced acceptable cashew kernelsof desirable colour and superior flavour quality that enhance direct and commercial utilization.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Indijski oraščić -- Prženje -- Temperatura -- Okus

Konzerviranje rakova upotrebom sumpornog dioksida i sulfita (E 220 – E 228) [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Stražanac, Andrea Gross-Bošković, Brigita Hengl, Sandra Bašić, Darja Sokolić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Prehrambeni aditivi su tvari poznatog kemijskog sastava, koji se ne konzumiraju kao hrana, niti su tipičan sastojak hrane, bez obzira na prehrambenu vrijednost, već se dodaju hrani sa svrhom poboljšanja tehnološkog učinka i zadržavanja određenih senzorskih svojstava. U aditive koji imaju široku primjenu u prehrambenoj industriji ubrajaju se sumporni dioksid (SO2) i sulfiti (E 220 – E 228). Sumporni dioksid i njegovi derivati dodaju se u hranu sa svrhom inhibiranja i kontrole rasta mikroorganizama, sprječavanja neenzimskog posmeđivanja, inhibiranja reakcija kataliziranih enzimima te kao antioksidansi i sredstva za redukciju. Hrana u koju se dodaju su većinom različite vrste sušenog voća, neke vrste rakova i mekušaca, neke vrste voćnih sokova, pivo, vina i drugi proizvodi. Štetni učinci sumpornog dioksida i sulfita najčešće se povezuju s alergijskim reakcijama iz hrane, stoga je nužno potrošačima pružiti informaciju o njihovom prisustvu u hrani, čak i onda kad se u hrani nalaze u vrlo malim količinama, jer niti tada nije isključena mogućnost alergijske reakcije. Primjena sumpornog dioksida i sulfita kod prerade rakova (škampa, kozica, jastoga) opravdana je njihovim djelovanjem kao konzervansa koji usporavaju rast bakterija i sprječavaju nastanak melanoze, koja se očituje nastankom crnih točki na oklopu rakova uslijed djelovanja enzima polifenol oksidaze. Sumporni dioksid i sulfiti regulirani su Uredbom (EZ) br. 1333/2008 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 16. prosinca 2008. o prehrambenim aditivima koja je izmijenjena Uredbom (EZ) br. 1129/2011 o izmjeni Priloga II. Uredbi 1333/2008 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o popisu Unije prehrambenih aditiva. Međunarodna agencija za istraživanje raka (IARC) svrstala je 1993. godine sumporni dioksid i sulfite u grupu 3, što znači da se ne mogu klasificirati kao karcinogeni za ljude. - Food additives are substances of known chemical composition that are neither consumed as food nor typical food ingredients, regardless of their nutritional value, but are instead added to foodstuffs to perform certain technological functions and retain certain sensory properties of food. Additives that are widely applied in food industry include sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphites (E 220 – E 228). Sulphur dioxide and its derivatives are added to foodstuffs in order to inhibit and control the growth of microorganisms, for the purpose of prevention of non-enzymatic browning and inhibition of enzyme-catalysed reactions, as well as antioxidants and reducing agents.Food to which they are most often added includes various dried fruits, certain species of crabs and molluscs, fruit juices, beer, wine and other products. Since harmful effects of sulphur dioxide and sulphites are most commonly associated with allergic reactions to food, it is, therefore, necessary to inform consumers of their presence in food, even when they are present in very small quantities, because their quantity itself does not exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. The use of sulphur dioxide and sulphites in the processing of crabs (scampi, shrimp, and lobster) is justified by their preservative effect on slowing the growth of bacteria and preventing the formation of melanomas that manifest by the emergence of black spots on crab shell caused by the polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites are regulated by Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1129/2011 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing a Union list of food additives. - Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe sind Stoffe mit einer bekannten chemischen Zusammensetzung, die weder als Nahrung konsumiert werden noch typischer Bestandteilung von Nahrung sind, ungeachtet ihres Nährwerts. Sie werden Lebensmitteln zugegeben, um die technologische Wirkung zu verbessern und bestimmte sensorische Eigenschaften zu erhalten. Zu den Zusatzstoffen, die in der Lebensmittelindustrie weit verbreitet sind, zählen Schwefeldioxid (SO2) und Sulfite (E 220 – E 228). Schwefeldioxid und seine Derivate werden den Lebensmitteln zugegeben, um Mikroorganismen zu inhibieren und ihr Wachstum zu kontrollieren, die nicht-enzymatische Bräunung zu verhindern, die Reaktion von katalysierten Enzymen zu inhibieren und als Antioxidantien und Reduktionsmittel. Lebensmittel, welchen sie zugegeben werden, sind vorwiegend diverse Sorten von Trockenobst, einige Krebs- und Weichtiersorten, einige Fruchtsaftsorten, Bier, Weine und andere Produkte. Die schädlichen Wirkungen von Schwefeldioxid und Sulfiten werden am häufigsten mit allergischen Reaktionen gegenüber Nahrung in Verbindung gebracht. Daher ist es sehr wichtig, die Verbraucher über ihre Anwesenheit in der Nahrung zu informieren, auch dann, wenn es sich um geringe Mengen handelt, weil auch in diesem Fall die Möglichkeit einer allergischen Reaktion nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Die Verwendung von Schwefeldioxid und Sulfiten bei der Behandlung von Krebsen (Scampi, Garnelen, Hummern) ist dadurch gerechtfertigt, dass sie als Konservierungsstoffe wirken, die das Wachstum von Bakterien verlangsamen und die Entstehung von Melanosen verhindern, die sich als schwarze Flecken auf dem Panzer der Krebse äußern und infolge der Wirkung des Enzyms Polyphenoloxidase entstehen.er. - Los aditivos alimentarios son sustancias de la composición química conocida y no son consumidos como alimentos, tampoco son un ingrediente alimentario típico, a pesar del valor nutritivo, sino son añadidos a los alimentos con el fin de mejorar el efecto tecnológico y para el mantenimiento de algunas características sensoriales. El dióxido de azufre (SO2) y los sulfitos (E 220 – E 228) están dentro del grupo de los aditivos con la aplicación amplia en la industria alimentaria. El dióxido de azufre y sus derivados son añadidos a la comida con el fin de inhibir y controlar el crecimiento de los microorganismos, para prevenir el alisado no enzimático, inhibir las reacciones catalizadas de enzimas y como antioxidantes y agentes reductores. Se añaden generalmente en diferentes tipos de fruta seca, algunos tipos de crustáceos y moluscos, algunos tipos de jugos de frutas, cervezas, vinos y otros productos. Los efectos dañosos del dióxido de azufre y de los sulfitos son a menudo asociados con las reacciones alérgicas a la comida y por eso es necesario informar los consumidores de su presencia en la comida, incluso cuando su cantidad es muy pequeña porque la posibilidad de la reacción alérgica no está excluida. La aplicación del dióxido de azufre y de los sulfitos en el procesamiento de los crustáceos (las cigalas, camarones y langostas) está justificada por su efecto conservador que ralentiza el crecimiento bacteriano y previene la formación de melanosis, manifestada por la aparición de manchas negras en la armadura de cangrejos debido a la actividad de la enzima polifenol oxidasa. - Gli additivi alimentari sono sostanze aventi una composizione chimica nota che non sono consumati come alimenti e non sono un ingrediente alimentare tipico, indipendentemente dal loro valore nutrizionale, ma sono aggiunti agli alimenti per migliorare l’efficienza tecnologica e mantenere determinate proprietà sensoriali. L’anidride solforosa (SO2) e i solfiti (E 220 – E 228) sono tra gli additivi che hanno una vasta applicazione nell’industria alimentare. L’anidride solforosa e i suoi derivati sono aggiunti agli alimenti allo scopo di inibire e controllare la crescita di microorganismi, prevenendo l’imbrunimento non enzimatico e inibendo la reazione di enzimi catalizzati e agendo come antiossidanti e agenti riducenti. Gli alimenti cui i suddetti additivi vengono aggiunti sono principalmente diversi tipi di frutta secca, alcuni tipi di crostacei e molluschi, alcuni tipi di succhi di frutta, birra, vino e altri prodotti. Gli effetti dannosi dell'anidride solforosa e del solfito sono per lo più associati a reazioni allergiche da alimenti, pertanto è necessario fornire ai consumatori informazioni sulla loro presenza negli alimenti, anche se presenti nei prodotti alimentari in piccolissime quantità, perché anche allora non è esclusa la possibilità di razione allergica. L’applicazione di anidride solforosa e solfito nella lavorazione dei crostacei (scampi, gamberetti, aragoste) è giustificata dalla loro azione conservante che rallenta la crescita dei batteri e impedisce l’apparizione di melanosi, che si manifesta con la comparsa di macchie nere sulla crosta dei crostacei dovuta all’azione dell’enzima polifenolo-ossidasi.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 3 ; str. 269-278  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prehrambeni aditivi -- Sumporni dioksid -- Sulfiti -- Rakovi -- Alergije

UTAMA, Qabul Dinanta
Lipase-catalyzed interesterification for the synthesis of medium-long-medium (MLM) structured lipids [Elektronička građa] : a review / Qabul Dinanta Utama, Azis Boing Sitanggang, Dede Robiatul Adawiyah, Purwiyatno Hariyadi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 121 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Medium-long-medium (MLM) structured lipids typically contain medium-chain fatty acids (C6-C12) at sn-1,3 and long-chain fatty acids (C14-C24) at sn-2 positions. They have reduced calories and are suitable for the control of obesity, lipid malabsorption and other metabolic disorders. This review focuses on the synthesis of MLM lipids by the enzymatic interesterification. It gives detailed description of biocatalysts, substrates, reactors and synthesis methods, and discusses the use of MLM lipids in food products. The information provided in this review can be considered as the current state-of-the art for developing a future strategy for the synthesis of MLM structured lipids. - Strukturirani lipidi građeni od srednje- i dugolančanih masnih kiselina obično imaju srednjelančane masne kiseline (C6-C12) na poziciji sn-1,3 i dugolančane masne kiseline (C14-C24) na poziciji sn-2. Imaju smanjenu kalorijsku vrijednost i pogodni su za kontrolu pretilosti te sprečavanje malapsorpcije masti i ostalih metaboličkih poremećaja. U fokusu ovog revijalnog prikaza je sinteza lipida iz srednje- i dugolančanih masnih kiselina pomoću enzimske esterifikacije. Obuhvaća detaljan opis biokatalizatora, podloga, reaktora i postupaka sinteze, te raspravu o primjeni tih lipida u proizvodnji prehrambenih proizvoda. Podaci u ovom radu daju pregled trenutnog stanja u području razvoja postupaka sinteze strukturiranih lipida iz srednje- i dugolančanih masnih kiselina.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 305-318  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glicidi -- Lipaza -- Lipidi -- Interesterifikacija -- Masne kiseline

CANEL, Romina Soledad
Microbiological and sensory characteristics of mould-ripened salami under different packaging conditions [Elektronička građa] / Romina Soledad Canel, Sofìa Guerrissi, Mariana Sanchez, Gabriela Mónaco, Federico Laich, Jorge Ricardo Wagner, Viviana Renaud, Vanesa Ludemann. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The preservation of mould-ripened salami was investigated during 48 days at 19-20 °C under different packaging conditions: (i) high barrier film filled with air, 100 % N2 or under vacuum, (ii) biaxially oriented polypropylene film, (iii) microperforated polyethylene film and (iv) unpackaged. Sensory, texture profile, physicochemical and microbiological analyses were performed. Fungal quantification revealed two data groups. In group 1 (consisting of salami in microperforated polyethylene film, biaxially oriented polypropylene film and unpackaged) the conidium viability was relatively constant. In group 2 (salami preserved in high barrier film filled with air, 100 % N2 or under vacuum) the conidium viability decreased due to the absence of oxygen and the high carbon dioxide volume fraction. SEM micrographs showed micromorphological changes in fungal structure; microperforated polyethylene film, biaxially oriented polypropylene film and unpackaged conditions preserved the conidial morphology, while high barrier film filled with air, 100 % N2 or vacuum conditions collapsed the hyphae and most of the conidia. Salami packed in microperforated polyethylene film and biaxially oriented polypropylene film showed the most acceptable organoleptic characteristics and lower hardness and chewiness values after packaging. - U radu je ispitana trajnost kobasica s plemenitom plijesni tijekom 48 dana pri temperaturi od 19 do 20 °C u različitim tipovima pakiranja: (i) filmu izraženih barijernih svojstava punjenom zrakom, 100 %-tnim dušikom ili vakuumom, (ij) biaksijalno orijentiranom polipropilenskom filmu, (iii) mikroperforiranom polietilenskom filmu, te (iv) bez pakiranja. Provedena je analiza senzorskih, fizikalno-kemijskih, mikrobioloških i teksturnih svojstava kobasica. Nakon određivanja broja kolonija plijesni uzorci su kobasica podijeljeni u dvije skupine. U jednoj je skupini (koju čine kobasice pakirane u mikroperforiranom polietilenskom filmu, biaksijalno orijentiranom polipropilenskom filmu i nepakirane kobasice) preživljavanje konidija bilo relativno nepromijenjeno. U drugoj se skupini (kobasice u filmu izraženih barijernih svojstava punjenom zrakom, 100 %-tnim dušikom ili vakuumom) preživljavanje konidija smanjilo zbog nedostatka kisika i visokog volumnog udjela ugljičnog dioksida.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 87-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kobasice -- Plemenita plijesan -- Mikrobiološka svojstva -- Senzorska svojstva -- Pakiranje

Mikotoksini aflatoksini i okratoksini [Elektronička građa] : prijetnja sigurnosti tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda / Jelka Pleadin, Ana Vulić, Irena Perković, Nina Kudumija, Tina Lešić, Maja Kiš, Manuela Zadravec, Mario Mitak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 72 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Tijekom dugotrajnog zrenja površinu trajnih tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda (TMP) uobičajeno obrastaju plijesni. Među njima, toksikotvorne vrste produciraju sekundarne metabolite mikotoksine, koji imaju izrazite štetne posljedice po zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Aflatoksini i okratoksini imaju dokazane karcinogene i mutagene učinke u organizmu, a njihova pojavnost u TMP najčešće je posljedica prekomjernog rasta površinske plijesni. Osim ovim izravnim putem, mikotoksini u TMP mogu biti prisutni i neizravno, putem kontaminirane stočne hrane, čija uporaba na farmskim životinjama rezultira prijenosom (carry-over efektom) u finalne mesne proizvode. Zbog učestalosti kontaminacije važan je razvoj potvrdnih analitičkih metoda za detekciju mikotoksina te primjena metoda za identifikaciju površinskih plijesni. Kako bi se spriječila kontaminacija TMP i mogući štetni učinci po zdravlje potrošača, potrebno je poduzeti sve preventivne radnje i provoditi sustavnu kontrolu ovih kontaminanata. Ovaj rad daje pregled svojstava aflatoksina i okratoksina kao mikotoksina od najvećeg značaja za pojavnost u mesnim proizvodima, plijesni koje ih produciraju te metoda detekcije, prevencije i redukcije kontaminacije TMP. - Mycotoxins aflatoxins and ochratoxins - a threat to the safety of traditional meat products During long-lasting ripening, the surface of dry traditional meat products (TMP) is usually owergrown by moulds. Among them, toxicogenic species produce mycotoxins as secondary metabolites, which have significant adverse effects on human and animal health. Aflatoxins and ochratoxins have proven carcinogenic and mutagenic effects in the body, and their occurrence in TMP is the most common consequence of overexpression of surface moulds. In addition to this direct route, mycotoxins in TMP may also be present indirectly through contaminated animal feed, whose use in farm animals results in carry-over effects in final meat products. Due to the frequency of contamination, development of confirmatory analytical methods for mycotoxin detection and the application of surface moulds identification methods is important. To prevent TMP contamination and possible adverse effects on consumer health, all preventive actions should be taken and systematic control of these contaminants should be undertaken. This paper gives an overview of the properties of aflatoxins and ochratoxins as mycotoxins of the greatest importance for the occurrence of meat products, the moulds which produce tham and the methods of detection, prevention and reduction of TMP contamination. - Mykotoxine Aflatoxine und Ochratoxine - eine Gefahr für die Sicherheit traditioneller Fleischprodukte Während einer langen Reifung wird die Oberfläche traditioneller Dauerfleischprodukte (TMP) normalerweise durch Schimmelpilze befallen. Unter ihnen produzieren toxikogenetische Spezies Mykotoxine als Sekundärmetabolite, die sich sehr nachteilig auf die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier auswirken. Aflatoxine und Ochratoxine haben im Körper nachweislich karzinogene und mutagene Wirkungen; ihr Auftreten in Dauerfleischprodukten ergibt sich am häufigsten aus einem übermäßigen Wachstum von Schimmelpilzen. Neben diesem direkten Weg können Mykotoxine in Dauerfleischprodukten auch indirekt durch kontaminierte Futtermittel vorhanden sein, deren Verwendung bei Nutztieren zu Verschleppungseffekten in Fleischerzeugnissen führt. Aufgrund der Häufigkeit der Kontamination sind die Entwicklung von Analyseverfahren zum Nachweis von Mykotoxinen und die Anwendung von Methoden zur Identifizierung von Oberflächenschimmel von großer Bedeutung. Um eine Fleischkontamination und mögliche nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Verbraucher zu verhindern, sollten alle vorbeugenden Maßnahmen ergriffen und eine systematische Kontrolle dieser Kontaminanten vorgenommen werden. Diese Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Eigenschaften von Aflatoxinen und Ochratoxinen, die als Mykotoxine von größter Bedeutung für das Auftreten in Fleischprodukten sind, die Schimmelpilze, die diese produzieren, sowie die Methoden zum Nachweis, zur Verhinderung und Verringerung der Kontamination von Dauerfleischprodukten. - Micotossine aflatossine e ocratossine – una minaccia alla sicurezza dei tradizionali prodotti a base di carne Nel corso del lungo processo di stagionatura, la superficie dei tradizionali prodotti secchi a base di carne (TPC) viene solitamente ricoperta di muffa. Tra esse, le specie tassicogene producono metaboliti secondari delle micotossine che hanno conseguenze estremamente nocive per la salute dell’uomo e degli animali. Le aflatossine e le ocratossine hanno comprovati effetti cancerogeni e mutageni nell’organismo, e la loro presenza nei TPC è il più delle volte conseguenza dell’eccessiva crescita delle muffe superficiali. Oltre che direttamente, le micotossine possono essere presenti nei TPC anche indirettamente, mediante il mangime contaminato assunto degli animali, il cui impiego in zootecnia comporta la trasmissione (effetto carry-over) nei prodotti finali a base di carne. A causa della frequenza delle contaminazioni, è importante lo sviluppo dei metodi analitici di conferma per la rilevazione delle micotossine e l’applicazione del metodo per l’identificazione delle muffe superficiali. Per prevenire la contaminazione dei TPC e i possibili effetti nocivi per la salute del consumatore, è necessario adottate tutte le misure preventive e eseguire un controllo sistematico di questi agenti contaminanti. Questo studio dà un quadro delle proprietà delle aflatossine e delle ocratossine quali micotossine di maggior rilievo per la loro presenza nei prodotti a base di carne, delle muffe che le producono e dei metodi di rilevazione, prevenzione e riduzione della contaminazione dei TPC. - Micotoxinas aflatoxinas y ocratoxinas – la amenaza para la seguridad de los productos cárnicos tradicionales Durante la larga maduración, la superficie de los productos cárnicos tradicionales crudo-curados (PCT) normalmente está cubierto de molde. Entre ellos, los tipos de molde toxicogénicos producen las micotoxinas como metabolitos secundarios, los cuales tienen efectos sumamente adversos sobre la salud humana y animal. Las aflatoxinas y ocratoxinas tienen efectos carcinogénicos y mutagénicos en el organismo comprobados su manifestación en los PCT en general es la consecuencia del crecimiento excesivo del molde sobre la superficie. Además de esta manera directa, las micotoxinas pueden aparecer en PCT indirectamente a través del pienso contaminado usado para los animales de granja y a través del efecto residual (carry-over effect) en los productos cárnicos finales. Debido a la frecuencia de la contaminación es importante desarrollar los métodos analíticos confirmatorios para la detección de las micotoxinas, y la aplicación de los métodos de identificación de los moldes en la superficie. Para evitar la contaminación de los PCT y posibles efectos nocivos sobre la salud de los consumidores, es necesario tomar medidas de prevención y llevar a cabo un control sistemático de estos contaminantes. Este trabajo da un resumen de las propiedades de las aflatoxinas y ocratoxinas como tipos de micotoxinas de mayor importancia para la manifestación en los productos cárnicos, de los moldes que les producen y de los métodos de detección, de prevención y de reducción de la contaminación de los PCT.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 2 ; str. 186-197  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Tradicionalni mesni proizvodi -- Zdravstvena ispravnost -- Mikotoksini -- Plijesni -- Toksičnost

KURBAKOV, Konstantin A.
Multiplex real-time PCR with HRM for detection of Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus curvatus in food samples [Elektronička građa] / Konstantin A. Kurbakov, Evgenii A. Konorov, Mikhail Y. Minaev, Oksana A. Kuznetsova. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Optimization of fermentation processes requires monitoring the species composition of starter cultures and their growth during fermentation. Most starter cultures contain closely related species. Nowadays, high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis is extensively used for multiplex identification of closely related species. In the present paper, we applied real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with HRM analysis for the detection and differentiation of Lactobacillus sakei and L. curvatus. A primer pair was selected for the site of the rpoA gene of Lactobacillus spp. Eleven starter cultures and fifteen fermented sausages with a known bacterial composition were successfully tested using real-time PCR with HRM analysis with the developed primer pair. - Za optimiranje procesa potrebno je pratiti sastav starter kulture i njezin rast tijekom fermentacije. Većina starter kultura sadržava srodne mikroorganizme. U današnje se vrijeme za identifikaciju većeg broja srodnih vrsta često upotrebljava postupak analize krivulje mekšanja DNK visoke razlučivosti. Stoga je u radu za detekciju i razlikovanje bakterija Lactobacillus sakei i L. curvatus upotrijebljena lančana reakcija polimeraze (PCR) u stvarnom vremenu, te je provedena analiza krivulje mekšanja DNK visoke razlučivosti. Odabran je par početnica za ciljano mjesto vezivanja u genu rpoA, izoliranom iz bakterija roda Lactobacillus spp. S tim je parom početnica uspješno ispitano 1 1 starter kultura i 15 uzoraka fermentiranih kobasica poznatog sastava bakterija.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 97-104  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrana -- Bakterije -- Polimerazna lančana reakcija -- Fermentirane kobasice

MAJETIĆ Germek, Valerija
Natural enrichment of refined rapeseed oil with phenols and chlorophylls from olive leaves of Oblica cultivar [Elektronička građa] / Valerija Majetić Germek, Mihaela Benček, Bojana Lukić, Dalibor Broznić, Olivera Koprivnjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 208-209. - Abstract. - Olive leaves as by-products of olive farming are rich natural source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. In this study, the efficiency of the natural maceration of fresh and steam blanched olive leaves in refined rapeseed oil was investigated, as well as the effect of degree of leaf fragmentation (whole, cut, ground) and maceration time on transfer of bioactive compounds (polyphenols) and pigments (chlorophylls) in oil. In oils obtained by maceration, changes of total phenolic compounds and total chlorophylls were determined spectrophotometrically. The effect of these oil preparation procedures on oil quality indicators was also investigated through free fatty acid content and spectrophotometric indices. The content of total phenols and chlorophylls increased in oils obtained by maceration of fresh and steam blanched olive leaves, and were in statistically significant correlation with leaf fragmentation degree. The highest content of total phenols was achieved in oils with whole fresh leaves (220.4 mg/kg) after seven days of maceration while the chlorophylls transfer to oils was the most efficient when ground steam blanched leaves were macerated for 28 days (79.10 mg/kg). Maceration of olive leaves slightly deteriorated the quality of refined rapeseed oil, equally in oils with fresh and steam blanched olive leaves. This simple preparation procedure can be efficiently used for enrichment of refined oils with natural antioxidants.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 202-209  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Maslinovo lišće -- Ulje uljane repice -- Antioksidacijska svojstva -- Fenoli -- Klorofili

ZIMMER, Manuel
Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for discriminating fruit and vegetable products preserved in glass containers [Elektronička građa] / Manuel Zimmer, Jan Schneider. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 111-112. - Abstract. - Near-infrared (NIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was used in combination with multivariate analytical methods to discriminate between different fruit and vegetable products preserved in glass containers, which are commonly used as receptacles for the pasteurization of fruit and vegetable products. To investigate the samples in this way, i.e. inside the sealed glass containers, is important for this specific application in a food processing facility. In order to adapt digitalization technologies to the pasteurization process, it is necessary to investigate usually consumed products with suitable sensors and data analytics. NIR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analysis is a mighty tool to unravel various issues in food research and industry. Thus, this combination is in the focus of this investigation. It is shown for the first time that the discrimination between five types of preserved food in glass containers is possible by using NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis (including discrimination methods). The performance parameters sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency, are determined for every product group and analyzed in a misclassification table. On average, the results show that 95 % of ca. 2100 observations are correctly classified with partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA).
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 104-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost hrane -- Konzerviranje hrane -- Digitalna slika -- Spektroskopija -- Pasterizacija

IJAROTIMI, Oluwole Steve
Nutritional, functional and sensory properties of gluten-free composite flour produced from plantain (Musa AAB), tigernut tubers (Cyperus esculentus) and defatted soybean cake (Glycine max) [Elektronička građa] / Oluwole Steve Ijarotimi, Timilehin David Oluwajuyitan, Grace Tosin Ogunmola. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 75 jed. - Abstract. - Plantain, tigernut and soycake were processed into flour and blended to obtain PSB (plantain, 64.46; soycake, 35.54%); TNS (tigernut, 59.83; soycake, 40.17%); PTS (plantain, 51.07; tigernut, 11.50; soycake, 37.43%); TNT (100% tigernuts); PLT (100% plantain), and CNT (a commercial flour) samples. The blended samples were evaluated for nutritional, antinutritive, functional and sensory attributes. Data were analysed using statistical package and means were subjected to ANOVA and separated using Duncan New Multiple Range (DNMR) test at p<0.05. Protein content (g/100 g) of experimental dough meals ranged from 16.22 to 29.72, and were significantly (p<0.05) higher than PLT (9.45) and CNT (14.29), while energy values (Kcal/100 g) ranged from 399.63 to 488.86. Phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese concentration in experimental samples were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in PLT, but comparable to CNT. Total amino acids (mg/100 g protein) of experimental food samples ranged from 63.48 to 74.25, and were significantly (p<0.05) higher than CNT (60.91) and PLT (67.3). For saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid, the range values were 14.86-21.29, 55.14-56.56 and 23.14-27.84%, respectively. As far as polyunsaturated/saturatedn ratios are concerned, the values ranged from 1.09 to 1.92, and were higher than CNT (1.40).In conclusion, the study established that composite flour produced from plantain, tigernut and soycake were rich in essential amino acids and fatty acids, low in antinutritional factors and they exhibited good functional properties. Hence, the composite flour samples may be suitable for production of functional bakeries and dough products, particularly for diabetes and coeliac disease.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 1131-1251[!][12 str.]  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brašno -- Bioaktivno kompozitno brašno -- Kemijski sastav -- Osjetilna svojstva

ČUKELJ, Nikolina
Optimization of high intensity ultrasound treatment of proso millet bran to improve physical and nutritional quality [Elektronička građa] / Nikolina Čukelj Mustač, Bojana Voučko, Dubravka Novotni, Saša Drakula, Anamarija Gudelj, Filip Dujmić, Duška Ćurić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Millet is an unexploited cereal with potential in the food industry due to its nutritional value and resistance to harsh climate conditions. Nutritious millet byproducts have a potential application in the development of functional cereal products, but require processing in order to improve their physical and nutritional quality. Therefore, we investigated high intensity ultrasound as a pretreatment to increase the amount of freely available bioactives from proso millet bran. We also analysed the effect of high intensity ultrasound on enzymatic browning, water retention and protein digestibility, which are crucial for the utilization in the bakery and pasta industry. A 15 % millet bran suspension in water was treated with 400-W ultrasound probe for 5, 12.5 or 20 min, with the 60, 80 or 100 % amplitude. High intensity ultrasound treatment with 80 % amplitude for 12.5 min improved most significantly the nutritive value. - Proso je nedovoljno iskorištena žitarica, s obzirom na njegovu hranjivu vrijednost i otpornost na nepovoljne klimatske uvjete. Hranjivi nusproizvodi meljave prosa mogu se upotrijebiti kao sirovine za dobivanje obogaćenih proizvoda od žitarica, no to zahtijeva prethodnu obradu radi poboljšanja fizikalnih svojstava i prehrambene vrijednosti. Stoga smo ispitali mogućnost primjene ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta za prethodnu obradu prosa radi povećanja udjela bioaktivnih sastojaka. Osim toga, ispitali smo utjecaj ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta na enzimsko posmeđivanje, sposobnost upijanja vode, te probavljivost proteina prosa, važnih za uporabu posija u pekarskoj i tjesteničarskoj industriji. Ultrazvučnom sondom od 400 W tretirana je 15 %-tna suspenzija prosenih posija u vodi tijekom 5, 12,5 i 20 minuta pri amplitudi od 60, 80 i 100 %. Tretman prosenih posija ultrazvukom visokog intenziteta tijekom 12,5 minuta pri amplitudi od 80 % imao je najveći utjecaj na nutritivnu vrijednost, te je uzrokovao povećanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti mjerene FRAP testom za 15 % (p<0,05) i udjela slobodnih ukupnih fenolnih spojeva za 16 % (p<0,05). Utjecaj ultrazvuka na povećanje udjela vlakana topljivih u vodi ali netopljivih u etanolu bio je vidljiv samo nakon obrade pri amplitudi od 100 % tijekom 20 minuta, te je ono iznosilo 38 %.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 2 ; str. 183-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proso -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Ultrazvuk visokog intenziteta -- Hranjive vrijednosti -- Fizikalna svojstva

AREMU, Mujidat Omolara
Optimization of the operating variables for the extraction of soy oil in a single screw expeller using a central composite design (CCD) [Elektronička građa] / Mujidat Omolara Aremu, Aonughe Ighofimoni Usenu, Abass Olanrewaju Alade, Dauda Olurotimi Araromi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 220-221. - Summary. - Steam pressure (P) and toasting time (T) were considered under the Central Composite Design (CCD) for the optimization of oil and cake yield, as well as trypsin inhibitor and phosphorus content removal from soybean during the extraction process in the expeller machine. The soy oil was characterized for its acid, iodine, and peroxide values. The obtained optimized experimental condition [Run 11 (2.50 kg/ms2 and 60.00 min)] resulted in 80%, 13 L/100 kg, 0.266 mg/g, and 0.39 mg/g cake yield, oil yield, trypsin inhibitor (TI), and phosphorus concentrations (PC), respectively. The correlation coefficients (R2) of the model equation developed for cake yield, oil yield, TI concentrations, and PC were 0.9922, 0.9545, 0.9747, and 0.6771, respectively. The peroxide, acid, and iodine values of the soy oil extracted were 18 meq O2/kg oil, 1.60 mg KOH/g oil, and 60.40 g/100 g, respectively. The optimisation tools facilitated the efficiency of the expeller in generating better products.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 210-221  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Soja -- Sojino ulje -- Vrijeme prženja -- Ekstrakcija -- Optimizacija

Partial characterization of a low-molecular-mass fraction with cryoprotectant activity from jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) mantle muscle [Elektronička građa] / Andrés Álvarez-Armenta, Elizabeth Carvajal-Millán, Ramón Pacheco-Aguilar, Guillermina García-Sánchez, Enrique Márquez-Ríos, Susana María Scheuren-Acevedo, Juan Carlos Ramírez-Suárez. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Freezing conditions affect fish muscle protein functionality due to its denaturation/aggregation. However, jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) muscle protein functionality remains stable even after freezing, probably due to the presence of low-molecular-mass compounds (LMMC) as cryoprotectants. - Zamrzavanje utječe na funkcionalnost proteina ribe uslijed njihove denaturacije i agregacije. Usprkos tome, funkcionalnost strukturnih proteina Humboldtove lignje (Dosidicus gigas) ostaje ista i nakon zamrzavanja, vjerojatno zbog prisutnosti spojeva male molekularne mase s krioprotektivnim svojstvom. Zbog toga smo pomoću Fourier transformirane infracrvene spekroskopije (FTIR) ispitali frakciju male molekularne mase (<1 kDa) koja je topljiva u vodi, izdvojenu iz plašta Humbodtove lignje. Iz dobivenih spektara određeni su maseni udjeli ukupnih ugljikohidrata, slobodnih monosaharida, slobodnih aminokiselina i amonijevog klorida. Svojstvo krioprotekcije i kriostabilnost proteina kojima pridonose spojevi male molekularne mase ispitani su diferencijalnom pretražnom kalorimetrijom.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 39-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Humboltova lignja -- Mišić lignje -- Miofibrilarni protein -- Monosaharidi -- Slobodne aminokiseline -- Kriostabilnost

Physicochemical and manufacturing cost elements of complementary food formulations from broken fraction of rice cultivars, soybean and sorghum malt [Elektronička građa] / Charles Bristone, Mamudu Halidu Badau, Joseph Uchechi Igwebuike, Nahemiah Danbaba. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 184-186. - Summary. - The broken fractions of rice cultivars improved for yield, grain quality, amylose content and tolerance to common production constraints consisting of FARO 44, FARO 52, NERICA L-34, NERICA L-19 and LOCAL RICE. The rice cultivars, Sorghum malt and soybean were processed. Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of these new African rice cultivars together with their products yield and utilization (value addition) were the main objective of this study. The experimental design for these infant food formulations (5x2x2 factorial design) consisted of those 5 rice cultivars, sorghum malt (0, 5%) and soybeans flour (0, 30%). These formulations together with the raw materials were evaluated for their physicochemical properties. Manufacturing cost of formulations with ratios of rice to soybeans 70:30 with malt were selected and quantified. Results of particle size distributions showed significant (p <0.05) difference. However, 98.38 and 94.90% of raw materials and blends respectively, successfully passed through 600 µm sieve aperture. Mesh 300 and 180 µm were found to retain the highest percentage particles. Functional properties of raw materials and blends were within the recommended range. More importantly, pH values of blends were comparable to infants’ natural milk drinks. Proximate composition of raw materials and blends contain 4.14 to 9.59% moisture, 0.37 to 5.12% ash, 8.25 to 45.35% protein, 0.41 to 20.00% fat and 26.54 to 82.59% carbohydrate. Blends fiber and energy ranged from 1.27 to 4.33 and 362.95 to 388.71 Kcal (1541.92 to 1643.04 KJ) respectively. Formulations with ratios of rice to soybeans 70:30 with malt and those of rice 100% alone with malt were observed suitable as follow-on formulae and for infant(s) with critical protein related ailments, respectively. Net profit generated is more significant than interest rate that could have been obtained from bank saving system.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 174-186  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Riža -- Kultivari riže -- Kvaliteta zrna -- Soja -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Hrana za dojenčad

BANJARE, Indrajeet Singh
Physicochemical properties and oxidative stability of milk fortified with spray-dried whey protein concentrate–iron complex and in vitro bioaccessibility of the added iron [Elektronička građa] / Indrajeet Singh Banjare, Kamal Gandhi, Khushbu Sao, Sumit Arora, Vanita Pandey. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In the present study, spray-dried whey protein concentrate–iron (WPC–Fe) complex was prepared using a laboratory-scale spray drier under the optimized conditions of inlet temperature 180 °C, flow rate 2.66 mL/min and total solids 15 % with the objective to make iron compatible with food products. In order to remove the free iron from the bound iron, standardised method involving centrifugation and ultrafiltration was employed. Further, the retentate was subjected to spray drying to produce WPC–Fe complex. Milk fortified with WPC–Fe complex (γ(iron)=15 mg/L) showed non-significant difference in heat stability, rennet coagulation time, colour estimation, curd tension, viscosity and sensory attributes as compared to control milk. - U ovom je radu proizveden kompleks koncentrata proteina sirutke i željeza postupkom sušenja raspršivanjem u laboratorijskoj sušilici pri optimalnim uvjetima: ulazna temperatura zraka 180 °C, protok 2,66 mL/min i ukupni udjel čvrste tvari 15 %, za uporabu u prehrambenim proizvodima. Standardnim postupkom centrifugiranja i ultrafiltracije uklonjeno je slobodno željezo, zatim je retentat sušen raspršivanjem za dobivanje kompleksa koncentrata proteina sirutke i željeza. Nije bilo bitne razlike u toplinskoj stabilnosti, vremenu koagulacije sirila, boji, tvrdoći gruša, viskoznosti i senzorskim svojstvima mlijeka obogaćenog kompleksom (y(željezo)=15 mg/L) u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom. Biološka dostupnost željeza in vitro i indukcijsko vrijeme bili su nešto veći (p<0,05) u mlijeku obogaćenom kompleksom koncentrata proteina sirutke i željeza nego u onom obogaćenom željezom.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 1 ; str. 48-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Proteini sirutke -- Željezo -- Sušenje raspršivanjem -- Biološka dostupnost -- Oksidacijska stabilnost

ARINOLA, Stephen Olanrewaju
Physicochemical properties of pregelatinized and microwave radiated white and red cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) starches [Elektronička građa] / Stephen Olanrewaju Arinola. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 257-258. - Summary. - The need to explore potentials of pregelatinization and microwave radiation as non laborious and inexpensive processes of starch modification and to promote utilization of cocoyam starch were the reasons behind this study. Starches extracted from white and red varieties of cocoyam were modified using two physical methods: pregelatinization and microwave radiation. Functional and pasting properties of native and modified starches were evaluated using standard methods. Swelling power of the starches (1.70 – 4.10) reduced significantly (p<0.05) with pregelatinization but increased significantly (p<0.05) with microwave radiation. Water absorption capacity (1.00 – 3.20 ml/g), packed bulk density (0.56 – 0.83 g/ml) and loose bulk density (0.46 – 0.64 g/ml) of the starches increased significantly (p<0.05) while least gelation concentration (4.00 - 8.00%) reduced significantly (p<0.05) as a result of modifications. Peak, trough, breakdown, final and setback viscosity of white and red cocoyam native starches were 3687 cP and 4144 cP; 2213 cP and 2519 cP; 1474 cP and 1625 cP; 3595 cP and 4142 cP; 1382 cP and 1623cP respectively. Pregelatinization significantly increased (p<0.05) these pasting viscosity values in white cocoyam starch but reduced them significantly (p<0.05) in red cocoyam starch. Microwave radiation caused a significant increase (p<0.05) in the pasting viscosity values of both white and red cocoyam starches except breakdown viscosity which reduced.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 251-258  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Colocasia esculenta -- Kolokazija -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Škrob

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in four different types of Croatian dry-cured hams [Elektronička građa] / Ivna Poljanec, Nives Marušić Radovčić, Danijel Karolyi, Sandra Petričević, Tanja Bogdanović, Eddy Listeš, Helga Medić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent an important contaminant group in a variety of food products. Since PAHs are commonly present in meat products, this study aimed to determine PAH content in four types of Croatian dry-cured hams (Dalmatian, Drniš, Krk and Istrian) produced by four different processing methods. Determination and quantification of PAHs were performed by High performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD). Out of 15 investigated PAHs, 13 compounds were detected. The total average benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and PAH4 levels obtained from dry-cured hams ranged from 0.05-0.10 µg/kg and 0.41-0.67 µg/kg, respectively. Even though Krk and Istrian dry-cured ham manufacturing processes do not include the smoking phase, no significant differences were found between investigated dry-cured hams in terms of BaP, PAH4, PAH8 and PAH 15 contents. The presence of detected PAHs in non-smoked dry-cured hams could be a result of the addition of spices in the salting phase. BaP and PAH4 contents found in dry-cured ham samples did not exceed the currently legal levels according to the European legislation. - Policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici (PAH-ovi) česti su kontaminanti u prehrambenim proizvodima. S obzirom da mesni proizvodi u značajnoj mjeri mogu biti kontaminirani PAH-ovima, cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti njihov udio u četiri vrste hrvatskih pršuta. Istraživanje je provedeno na Dalmatinskom, Drniškom, Krčkom i Istarskom pršutu, čiji se tehnološki procesi proizvodnje razlikuju. Analiza PAH spojeva provedena je primjenom visokoučinkovite tekućinske kromatografije sa flourescentnom detekcijom (HPLC-FLD). Od 15 istraživanih PAH spojeva, identificirano je i kvantificirano 13 spojeva. Prosječna koncentracija benz(a)pirena (BaP) iznosila je 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, dok su prosječne količine PAH4 spojeva iznosile 0,41-0,67 µg/kg. Unatoč tome što proces proizvodnje Krčkog i Istarskog pršuta ne uključuje fazu dimljenja, nisu određene statistički značajne razlike u udjelima BaP, PAH4, PAH8 i PAH15 spojeva između svih istraživanih pršuta. Kontaminacija PAH-ovima kod nedimljenih pršuta je mogla bi biti posljedica primjene začina u fazi soljenja. Koncentracije PAH spojeva određene u uzrocima hrvatskih vrsta pršuta nisu prekoračile dopuštene razine određene trenutno važećim zakonodavstvom Europske Unije. - Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAH) sind Kontaminate, die in Lebensmitteln häufig erscheinen. Da Fleischprodukte häufig mit polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen kontaminiert sein können, ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit, ihren Anteil in vier Sorten des kroatischen Pršut zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchung wurde am Dalmatiniski, Drniški, Krčki und Istarski Pršut durchgeführt, deren Technologieverfahren sich unterscheiden. Die Analyse der polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe wurde anhand der Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatograhpie mit Fluoreszentdetektor (HPLC-FLD) vorgenommen. Von den 15 untersuchten PAH-Verbindungen wurden 13 Verbindungen identifiziert und quantifiziert. Die durchschnittliche Konzentration von Benz(a)pyren betrug 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, während eine durchschnittliche Menge von PAH4 –Verbindungen 0,41-0,67 µg/kg ermittelt wurde. Obwohl das Herstellungsverfahren des Krčki und Istarski Pršut keine Räucherungsphase umfasst, wurden keine statistisch relevanten Unterschiede bei den Anteilen der BaP-, PAH4-, PAH- und PAH15-Verbindungen bei den untersuchten Pršut festgestellt. Die Kontaminierung mit polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen bei nicht geräucherten Pršut könnte die Folge der Verwendung von Gewürzen in der Salzungsphase sein. Die Konzentration der PAH-Verbindungen, die bei den Proben der kroatischen Pršut -Sorten ermittelt wurde, überschreitet nicht die zulässigen Grenzwerte, die durch die aktuell gültige Gesetzgebung der Europäischen Union vorgeschrieben sind. - Tomando en cuenta que los productos cárnicos pueden estar contaminados en gran medida por los HAP, el fin de este trabajo fue determinar su contenido en cuatro tipos de los jamones croatas. La investigación fue hecha en los jamones de Dalmacia, Drniš, Krk e Istria, con los procesos tecnológicos de producción diferentes. El análisis de los compuestos HAP fue hecho por la cromatografía de líquidos de alta resolución con detección por fluorescencia (HPLC-FLD). Entre los 15 compuestos HAP analizados, 13 fueron identificados. La concentración media del benz(a)pireno (BaP) fue 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, mientras la cantidad media de los compuestos PAH4 fue 0,41-0,67 µg/kg. A pesar de que los procesos de producción de los jamones de Krk y de Istria no incluyen la fase del ahumado, no fueron determinadas las diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el contenido de los compuestos BaP, HAP4, HAP8 y HAP15 en todos los jamones analizados. La contaminación por los PAH de los jamones no ahumados pudo ser la consecuencia del uso de las especies en la fase de salazón. Las concentraciones de los compuestos HAP determinadas en las muestras de los jamones de Croacia no excedieron los niveles determinados por la legislación actual de la Unión Europea. - Gli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (PAH) sono frequenti agenti contaminanti nei prodotti alimentari. Poiché i prodotti a base di carne possono essere significativamente contaminati dagli PAH, questo studio aveva come scopo quello di accertare la loro presenza e la loro percentuale in quattro differenti tipi di prosciutto crudo croato. La ricerca è stata condotta su prosciutti crudi croati differenti (dalmata, di Drniš, dell’isola di Veglia e istriano) i cui processi tecnologici di produzione si differenziano l’uno dall’altro. L’analisi tendente ad accertare la presenza dei composti PAH è stata condotta con la tecnica della cromatografia liquida ad alta prestazione con rivelatori a fluorescenza (HPLC-FLD). Dei 15 PAH oggetto della ricerca, ne sono stati identificati e quantificati ben 13. È stata rilevata una concentrazione media di benzo[a]pirene (BaP) pari a 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, contro una concentrazione media di composti PAH4 pari a 0,41-0,67 µg/kg. Nonostante il fatto che il processo di produzione del prosciutto crudo dell’isola di Veglia e del prosciutto crudo istriano non preveda la fase dell’affumicamento, non sono state accertate differenze statisticamente significative nelle percentuali dei composti BaP, PAH4, PAH8 e PAH15 tra tutti i prosciutti esaminati. La presenza contaminante d’idrocarburi policiclici aromatici nei prosciutti crudi non affumicati potrebbe essere dovuta all’aggiunta di spezie nella fase della salatura. Le concentrazioni di PAH accertate nei campioni dei prosciutti crudi croati esaminati non hanno superato i livelli consentiti previsti dalla legislazione attualmente in vigore nell’Unione Europea.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 5 ; str. 458-468  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Suhomesnati proizvodi -- Pršut -- Policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici -- Benzopiren

ANG, San-San
Production of different mushroom protein hydrolysates as potential flavourings in chicken soup using stem bromelain hydrolysis [Elektronička građa] / San-San Ang, Mohammad Rashedi Ismail-Fitry. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The pleasant taste of edible mushrooms, which is attributed to their high protein content, makes them an attractive source for the production of protein hydrolysates with good taste properties. In the present work, different mushroom protein hydrolysates were produced from shiitake, oyster, bunashimeji and enoki mushrooms using stem bromelain hydrolysis at 0.5 % (m/m) enzyme/substrate ratio at pH=6.5 and 40 °C for 20 h. The produced liquid mushroom protein hydrolysate yielded 0.77–0.92 % crude protein (p>0.05). Bunashimeji mushroom protein hydrolysate was the lightest in colour, while shiitake mushroom protein hydrolysate was the darkest (p0.05), with the highest yield of bunashimeji and the lowest of shiitake mushroom protein hydrolysate. - Jestive su gljive, zbog njihovog ugodnog okusa koji se pripisuje visokom udjelu proteina, privlačna sirovina za proizvodnju hidrolizata proteina. U ovom su radu hidrolizom bromelaina iz stabljike u omjeru enzima i supstrata od 0,5 % (m/m) pri pH=6,5 i 40 °C tijekom 20 h dobiveni hidrolizati proteina sljedećih gljiva: shiitake, bukovače, bunashimeji i enoki. Dobiveni je tekući hidrolizat proteina gljiva sadržavao 0,77-0,92 % sirovih proteina (p>0,05). Hidrolizat proteina gljive bunashimeji bio je najsvjetliji, a onaj gljive shiitake najtamniji (p<0,05). Najveći udjel suhe tvari imao je hidrolizat proteina gljive enoki. Nije opažena bitna razlika u stupnju hidrolize između hidrolizata proteina različitih gljiva (53,52–67,13 %, p>0,05), pri čemu je najviše hidrolizata proizvedeno iz gljive bunashimeji, a najmanje iz gljive shiitake (p<0,05). Testom prihvatljivosti ispitan je utjecaj dodatka hidrolizata proteina različitih gljiva na intenzitet okusa pilećih juha, te je uspoređen s natrijevim glutamatom. Najbolje je ocjene dobila juha koja je sadržavala natrijev glutamat, a juhe s dodatkom hidrolizata proteina gljiva bunashimeji i bukovača imale su bolje ocjene arome, okusa, punoće i ukupne prihvatljivosti od negativne kontrole, koja nije sadržavala ni natrijev glutamat ni hidrolizate proteina gljiva (p<0,05).
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 4 ; str. 472-480  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gljive -- Hidrolizati proteina gljiva -- Bromelain iz stabljike -- Dodaci za aromatiziranje -- Pileća juha

OBAJEMIHI, Obafemi Ibitayo
Response surface methodology assessment of osmotic pre-drying and convective dehydration processes on the anti-oxidant property of Hausa variety of tomato [Elektronička građa] / Obafemi Ibitayo Obajemihi, Joshua Olanrewaju Olaoye, Mayowa Saheed Sanusi, Timothy Denen Akpenpuun, Kayode Muritala Salawu, Adeola Akorede Asipa, Daniel Oluwasegun Dikko. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 193-194. - Abstract. - This study was conducted to determine the effect of osmotic pre-drying treatment on the vitamin C content of Hausa variety of tomato. The tomatoes used were sliced to a uniform diameter of 10 mm, deseeded and then osmotically pre-treated with sugar and honey solution at different osmotic concentrations (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 °Bx), osmotic time (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 min) and osmotic temperature (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 °C). Experimental design was done using the Central Composite Design (CCD) methodology of Design Expert software version 6.0.6. Drying of the samples was done at 65 °C in a cabinet dryer operating mainly on convectional heat transfer. Drying process was completed and terminated when the samples reached their equilibrium moisture content between 3-5% after total drying time of 10 hours. The data obtained were analysed statistically using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis at p≤0.05 significance level. The developed model was significant and has goodness of fit with an R2 value of 71.29% and lack of fit test was insignificant at p≤ 0.05. Optimized process conditions for producing the best quality of tomato product with vitamin C content of 22 mg/100 g were 35.43 °Bx osmotic concentration, 11.10 min osmotic time and 23.86 °C osmotic temperature having a desirability function of 1. These conditions were considered to be advantageous as they were more economical, time and energy saving.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 2 ; str. 187-194  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rajčica -- Sušenje -- Vitamin C -- Osmoza

BANJARE, Indrajeet Singh
Spray-dried whey protein concentrate-iron complex [Elektronička građa] : preparation and physicochemical characterization / Indrajeet Singh Banjare, Kamal Gandhi, Khushbu Sao, Rajan Sharma. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Poor absorption of iron from food and oral iron formulations results in extensive use of high-dose oral iron, which is not tolerated. Disposal of whey, a byproduct of the cheese industry, causes environmental pollution. Whey proteins have the ability to bind significant amount of iron, thereby reducing its chemical reactivity and incompatibility with other components in foods. To make iron compatible with food, it was complexed with whey protein concentrate (WPC). After complexation, centrifugation and ultrafiltration techniques were utilised to eliminate the insoluble and free iron from the solution. To enable the availability of whey protein concentrate–iron (WPC–Fe) complex in the powder form, spray drying technique was used. Optimized spray drying conditions used for the preparation were: inlet temperature 180 °C, flow rate 2.66 mL/min and solution of total solids 15 %. The complex was observed to be stable under different processing conditions. - Slaba apsorpcija željeza iz hrane i oralnih pripravaka dovodi do prekomjerne uporabe oralnih pripravaka s visokom koncentracijom željeza, što nije prihvatljivo. Odvajanjem sirutke, nusprodukta proizvodnje sira, dolazi do zagađivanja okoliša. Proteini sirutke mogu vezati veće količine željeza i time smanjiti njegovu kemijsku reaktivnost i nekompatibilnost s ostalim sastojcima hrane. Kompleksiranjem željeza s koncentratom proteina sirutke i željeza povećala se njegova kompatibilnost s ostalim sastojcima hrane. Nakon toga je centrifugiranjem i ultrafiltracijom uklonjeno slobodno i netopljivo željezo. Radi bolje iskoristivosti željeza pripremeljen je prah kompleksa koncentrata proteina sirutke i željeza postupkom sušenja raspršivanjem. Optimalni uvjeti postupka bili su: ulazna temperatura zraka od 180 °C, protok od 2,66 mL/min i ukupni udjel čvrste tvari u otopini od 15 %. Kompleks je bio stabilan pri različitim uvjetima pripreme.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 331-340  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obogaćivanje hrane -- Proteini sirutke -- Željezo -- Sušenje raspršivanjem -- Biološka dostupnost -- Stabilnost

Structural and techno-functional properties of bovine collagen and its application in hamburgers [Elektronička građa] / Christian Alexandretti, Roberto Verlindo, Guilherme De Souza Hassemer, Alexandra Manzoli, Silvane Souza Roman, Ilizandra Aparecida Fernandes, Geciane Toniazzo Backes, Rogério Luis Cansian, Mônica Beatriz Alvarado Soares, Rodrigo Schwert, Eunice Valduga. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The objective of this work is to characterize two types of bovine collagen (fibre and powder), evaluating its application in mixed hamburger formulations, as well as the quality characteristics of the products. The collagen fibre had a fibrillar structure, molecular mass 100 kDa and greater gel strength (146 315 Pa) and protein content (97.81 %) than the powdered collagen, which had molecular mass from 50 to 100 kDa, greater hydroxyproline content, and a morphological structure with spherical microparticles more amorphous than the collagen fibre. In this study we found that the addition of 1.5 % powdered collagen and 2.5 % flocculated soybean flour and/or 0.75 % powdered collagen and 3.5 % flocculated soybean flour did not deteriorate the technological properties or the sensory attributes of hamburgers. The use of collagen is a promising alternative, since it has functional properties, improves the texture characteristics of a product, and is of low cost. - Svrha je ovoga rada bila opisati dva tipa goveđeg kolagena (vlakna i prah), procijeniti mogućnost njihove primjene u proizvodnji hamburgera od miješanog mesa i ispitati kakvoću dobivenih proizvoda. Kolagenska vlakna imala su fibrilarnu strukturu, molekularnu masu od 100 kDa, te veću čvrstoću gela (146 315 Pa) i udjel proteina (97,81 %) od kolagena u prahu, koji je imao molekularnu masu od 50 do 100 kDa, veći udjel hidroksiprolina i djelomično amorfnu strukturu sa sfernim mikročesticama. Utvrđeno je da se dodatkom 1,5 % kolagena u prahu i 2,5 % flokuliranih sojinih bjelančevina iz sojinog brašna i/ili 0,75 % kolagena u prahu i 3,5 % flokuliranih bjelančevina iz sojinog brašna nisu pogoršale tehnološke i senzorne značajke hamburgera. Kolagen se radi svojih funkcionalnih svojstava može upotrijebiti kao jeftini dodatak smjesi za hamburgere za poboljšanje teksture proizvoda.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 57 (2019), 3 ; str. 369-377  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hamburger -- Kolagen -- Sojino brašno -- Tehnološke značajke -- Čvrstoća gela

MOSLAVAC, Tihomir, inženjer prehrambene tehnologije
Utjecaj dodatka antioksidanasa na oksidacijsku stabilnost goveđeg loja [Elektronička građa] / Tihomir Moslavac, Stela Jokić, Drago Šubarić, Jurislav Babić, Antun Jozinović, Štefica Grgić, Ana Mrgan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Masti se nalaze u sastavu većine namirnica koje se svakodnevno konzumiraju. Goveđi loj je jedna od najsloženijih masti u prirodi. Loj podliježe oksidacijskom kvarenju tijekom proizvodnje, skladištenja i toplinske obrade. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj dodatka prirodnih antioksidanasa (ekstrakt ružmarina tip Oxy’Less CS, tip StabilEnhance, ekstrakt kadulje, alfa tokoferol, mješavina tokoferola) i sintetskih antioksidanasa (PG, BHA) na promjenu oksidacijske stabilnosti goveđeg loja. Oksidacijska stabilnost goveđeg loja, sa i bez dodanog antioksidansa, ispitivana je primjenom testa održivosti na 98 °C. Rezultati testa prikazani su kao vrijednost peroksidnog broja (mmol O2/kg) nakon određenog vremena držanja uzorka pri temperaturi 98 °C. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da primijenjeni antioksidansi uspješno stabiliziraju goveđi loj. Od prirodnih antioksidanasa veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost u goveđem loju ima ekstrakt ružmarina tip Oxy’Less CS. Postigao je veću efikasnost zaštite goveđeg loja od oksidacije, u odnosu na druge ispitivane prirodne antioksidanse. Sintetski antioksidansi propil galat i butilhidroksianisol uspješno su povećali stabilnost goveđeg loja, a veće antioksidacijsko djelovanje pokazuje propil galat. - Influence of antioxidants on oxidative stability of beef tallow Fats are contained in the majority of foods that are consumed daily. Beef tallow is one of the most complex fats found in nature. Tallow is subject to oxidation during the production, storage and heat treatment. This study researched the effect of natural antioxidants (rosemary extract type Oxy’Less CS and type StabilEnhance, sage extract, alpha tocopherol, mixture tocopherol) and synthetic antioxidants (PG, BHA) on the oxidative stability of beef tallow. The oxidative stability of beef tallow, with and without added antioxidant, was evaluated using the sustainability test at 98 oC. The results are expressed as peroxide value (mmol O2/kg) obtained after storing the sample for a certain period of time at the temperature of 98°C. The results showed that applied antioxidants successfully stabilized the beef tallow. Among natural antioxidants, rosemary extract type Oxy'Less CS showed a higher antioxidant activity in beef tallow. In comparison with other tested antioxidants, it achieved greater efficiency in protecting the beef tallow from oxidation. Synthetic antioxidants propyl galate and butylhydroxyanisole successfully increased the stability of beef tallow, whereby propyl galate showed a higher antioxidant activity. - Einfluss von Antioxidantien auf die oxidative Stabilität von Rindertalg Fette sind Bestandteil der meisten Lebensmittel, die täglich konsumiert werden. Rindertalg ist eines der komplexesten Fette in der Natur. Talg oxidiert während der Herstellung, Lagerung und Wärmebehandlung. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Wirkung natürlicher Antioxidantien (Rosmarinextrakt vom Typ Oxy’Less CS und Typ StabilEnhance, Salbei-Extrakt, Alpha-Tocopherol, Tocopherol Gemisch) und synthetischer Antioxidantien (PG, BHA) auf die oxidative Stabilität von Rindertalg untersucht. Die oxidative Stabilität von Rindertalg mit und ohne Zusatz von Antioxidationsmitteln wurde unter Verwendung des Nachhaltigkeitstests bei 98°C geprüft. Die Ergebnisse wurden als Peroxidzahlwert (mmol O2/kg) ausgewiesen, nachdem die Probe einen bestimmten Zeitraum bei einer Temperatur von 98°C gehalten wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die eingesetzten Antioxidantien den Rindertalg erfolgreich stabilisieren. Von den natürlichen Antioxidantien weist der Rosmarinextrakt vom Typ Oxy'Less CS eine höhere antioxidative Aktivität im Rindertalg auf. Im Vergleich zu anderen getesteten Antioxidantien, konnte er den Rindertalg effizienter vor der Oxidation schützen. Synthetische Antioxidationsmittel Propylgallat und Butylhydroxyanisol konnten die Stabilität von Rindertalg erfolgreich erhöhen, wobei Propylgallat eine höhere antioxidative Aktivität aufweist. - Impatto dell’aggiunta di antiossidanti sulla stabilità ossidativa del sego I grassi fanno parte della gran parte dei cibi che consumiamo quotidianamente. Il grasso bovino, o sego, è uno dei grassi più complessi in natura. Il sego è soggetto a deterioramento ossidativo durante la produzione, l’immagazzinamento e il trattamento termico. In questo studio è stato esaminato l’impatto dell’aggiunta di antiossidanti naturali (estratto di rosmarino tipo Oxy’Less CS, tipo StabilEnhance, estratto di salvia, alfa tocoferoli, mix di tocoferoli) e di antiossidanti di sintesi (PG, BHA) sulla stabilità ossidativa del sego. La stabilità ossidativa del sego, co o senza l’aggiunta di antiossidante, è stata esaminata mediante l’applicazione del test di sostenibilità a 98 °C. I risultati del test sono stati illustrati come valore del numero di perossido (mmol O2/kg) dopo un certo tempo in cui il campione è stato tenuto alla temperatura di 98 °C. I risultati dello studio mostrano che l’uso di antiossidanti stabilizza efficacemente il grasso bovino. Tra quelli naturali, la maggior attività antiossidante sul grasso bovino è stata evidenziata dall’estratto di rosmarino tipo Oxy’Less CS che s’è dimostrato più efficace nella protezione del sego dall’ossidazione rispetto agli altri antiossidanti naturali testati. Gli antiossidanti di sintesi, come il propil-gallato e il butilidrossianisolo, hanno efficacemente aumentato la stabilità ossidativa del sego, con una prevalenza in questo senso del propil-gallato. - La influencia de los antioxidantes añadidos sobre la estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de res Las grasas forman parte de la mayoría de los alimentos consumidos diariamente. La grasa de res es una de las grasas más complejas en la naturaleza. La grasa está sujeta al deterioro oxidativo durante la producción, almacenamiento y el tratamiento térmico. En este trabajo fue investigada la influencia de la añadidura de los antioxidantes naturales (el extracto de romero tipo Oxy’Less CS, el tipo StabilEnhance, el extracto de salvia, el alfa-tocoferol, la mezcla de tocoferol) y de los antioxidantes sintéticos (PG, BHA) sobre el cambio de la estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de res. La estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de res, con y sin antioxidantes, fue analizada por la prueba de sostenibilidad a los 98 °C. Los resultados de la prueba fueron expresados por el número de peróxido (mmol O2/kg) después de mantener las muestras a los 98 °C por cierto período de tiempo. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que los antioxidantes aplicados estabilizan satisfactoriamente la grasa de res. Entre los antioxidantes naturales, la mayor actividad antioxidante en la grasa de res tiene el extracto de romero tipo Oxy’Less CS. Alcanzó mayor eficiencia de protección de la grasa de res de la oxidación, en comparación con otros antioxidantes naturales probados. Los antioxidantes sintéticos el galato de propilo y el hidroxibutilanisol aumentaron la estabilidad de la grasa de res y el galato de propilo mostró mayor actividad antioxidante.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 1 ; str. 52-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Goveđi loj -- Oksidacijska stabilnost -- Antioksidansi -- Test održivosti

KEGALJ, Andrijana
Utjecaj dodatka začina na prirodnu mikrofloru „kore“ kaštradine tijekom tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje [Elektronička građa] / Andrijana Kegalj, Danijel Karolyi, Mirna Mrkonjić Fuka, Boro Mioč. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Tradicijski hrvatski suhomesnati proizvod, kaštradina, proizvodi se od ovčjeg ili kozjeg mesa, najčešće isluženih ovaca ili muških kastrata. Sastav prirodne mikroflore svakog tradicijskog proizvoda je specifičan i ima važnu ulogu u razvoju tipičnih senzorskih svojstava samog proizvoda. Za poboljšanje senzorskih karakteristika dodaju se začini koji, osim što doprinose aromi samog proizvoda, imaju i antimikrobno djelovanje. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj dodanih začina (češnjak, ružmarin i lovor) na prirodnu mikrofloru „kore“ kaštradine. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 20 trupova ovaca pasmine travnička pramenka. Nakon 24-satnog hlađenja trupovi su rasječeni na polovice, a sa svake polovice je odvojen but s potkoljenicom i plećka sa podlatkicom. Preostali dio trupa se naziva „kora“. Primijenjene su dvije varijante soljenja mesa: soljenje solju, te soljenje komercijalnom smjesom soli i prirodnih začina (češnjak, lovor i ružmarin). Uzorci „kore“ kaštradine su uzimani prvog (sirovina), sedmog (nakon faze soljenja) te četrnaestog dana (nakon zrenja) tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje. Istraživane su slijedeće skupine mikroorganizama: ukupne aerobne mezofilne bakterije, bakterije mliječne kiseline, enterokoki, mikrokoki, kvasci i plijesni, Staphylococcus aureus, enterobakterije, koliformi, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp. i sulfitreducirajuće klostridije. Istraživani uzorci „kore“ kaštradine, bez obzira na tehnologiju proizvodnje bili su mikrobiološki ispravni. Dodani začini su negativno utjecali na prosječni broj koliforma i ukupnih aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija. S obzirom kako u uzorcima „kore“ kaštradine nisu dokazani patogeni (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp.) nije se mogao utvrditi utjecaj začina na njih. - The traditional Croatian dry-cured meat product, kastradina, is produced from mutton, most often the meat of old ewes or wethers. The composition of natural microflora of each traditional product is specific and plays an important role in the development of its typical sensory characteristics. Spices, that, in addition to contributing to the aroma of the product itself, also have antimicrobial properties, are added to improve the sensory characteristics. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of added spices (garlic, rosemary and laurel) on the natural microflora of the “kora” of kastradina. The study was carried out on 20 carcasses of Travnik Pramenka sheep. After 24-hours of cooling, the carcasses were first cut in halves, upon which the haunch and the shoulder were separated from the half. The remaining part of the carcass is called “kora”. Two types of meat salting were applied: salting using sea salt and salting using the commercial mixture of salt and natural spices (garlic, laurel and rosemary). The “kora” of kastradina was sampled on the 1st (raw meat), 7th (after the salting phase) and 14th (dry product) day of the technological production process. The following groups of microorganisms were examined: total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, enterococci, micrococci, yeasts and moulds, Staphylococcus aureus, enterobacteria, coliforms, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp., and sulfite-reducing clostridia. The examined samples "kora" of kastradina (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp.), were microbiologically correct, regardless of the production technology. Added spices had a negative effect on the average number of coliforms and the total aerobic mesophilic bacteria. Since no pathogens were detected in any of the samples of the “kora” of kastradina, it was not possible to determine the effect of spices on pathogens. - Das traditionelle kroatische Dauerfleischprodukt Kaštradina wird aus Schaf- oder Ziegenfleisch hergestellt, am häufigsten von ausgedienten Schafen oder männlichen Kastraten. Die Zusammensetzung der Mikroflora eines jeden traditionellen Produkts ist spezifisch und spielt bei der Entfaltung der typischen sensorischen Eigenschaften des Produkts eine bedeutende Rolle. Um die sensorischen Eigenschaften zu verbessern, werden Gewürze zugegeben, die nicht nur das Aroma des Produkts verbessern, sondern auch über eine antimikrobielle Wirkung verfügen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Auswirkung der Gewürze (Knoblauch, Rosmarin und Lorbeer) auf die natürliche Mikroflora der Kaštradina-„Rinde“ zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchung umfasste 20 Schafsrümpfe der Sorte Travnička pramenka. Nachdem die Rümpfe 24 Stunden gekühlt wurden, wurden sie in Hälften eingeteilt. Von jeder Hälfte wurden die Haxe mit der Keule und das Schulterblatt mit der Haxe abgetrennt. Der restliche Rumpfteil wird „Rinde“ genannt. Es wurden zwei Pökelungsverfahren angewendet: die Pökelung mit Salz und die Pökelung mit einer kommerziellen Mischung aus Salz und natürlichen Gewürzen (Knoblauch, Lorbeer und Rosmarin). Proben der „Rinde“ wurden am ersten Tag (Rohstoff), am siebten (nach der Pökelungsphase) und am vierzehnten Tag (nach der Reifung) des technologischen Herstellungsprozesses genommen. Die Proben wurden auf folgende Gruppen von Mikroorganismen untersucht: Gesamtanteil der aeroben mesophilen Bakterien, Milchsäurebakterien, Enterokokken und Mykrokokken, Hefen und Pilze, Staphylococus aureus, Enterobakterien, coliforme Bakterien, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp. und sulfitreduzierende Clostridien. Die Proben der „Rinde“ waren, ungeachtet der Herstellungstechnologie, mikrobiologisch einwandfrei. - El producto cárnico crudo-curado tradicional croata, la carne de carnero, se produce de la carne de oveja o de cabra, generalmente de ovejas viejas o carneros castrados. La composición de la microflora natural de cada producto tradicional es específica y tiene una función importante en el desarrollo de las características sensoriales del producto. Para la mejora de las características sensoriales se añaden las especias que, además de contribuir al aroma del producto, también son antimicrobianas. El fin de este trabajo fue investigar la influencia de las especias añadidas (el ajo, el romero y el laurel) sobre la microflora natural de la “kora” de la carne de carnero. La investigación incluyó 20 canales de las ovejas de la raza pramenka de Travnik. Después de 24 horas las canales fueron cortadas en medias canales, y de cada media canal fueron divididos el muslo con el jarrete y la paleta con el antebrazo. El resto de la canal se llama la “kora”. Fueron aplicadas dos variantes del salazón de carne: el salazón por la sal y el salazón por la mezcla comercial de la sal y de las especias naturales (el ajo, el romero y el laurel). Las muestras de la “kora” fueron tomadas el primer (la materia prima), el séptimo (después de la fase de salazón) y el día catorce (después de la maduración) del proceso tecnológico de la producción. Fueron investigados siguientes grupos de microorganismos: bacterias mesófilas aerobias totales, bacterias del ácido láctico, bacterias mesófilas aerobias totales, bacterias del ácido láctico, enterococos, micrococos, levaduras y mohos, Staphylococcus aureus, enterobacterias, coliformes, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp. y clostridios reductores de sulfito. Las muestras investigadas de la carne de carnero, a pesar de la tecnología de la producción, fueron microbiológicamente seguras. - In Croazia c’è un prodotto della tradizione gastronomica chiamato kaštradina che viene fatto essiccando le carni della pecora o del maschio castrato. La composizione della microflora naturale di ogni singolo prodotto tipico è specifica e gioca un ruolo importante nello sviluppo delle proprietà sensoriali tipiche del prodotto in sé. Per migliorare le caratteristiche sensoriali si aggiungono spezie che, oltre ad aromatizzare il prodotto, svolgono anche un’azione antimicrobica. Questo studio aveva lo scopo d’indagare l’impatto delle spezie aggiunte (aglio, rosmarino e alloro) sulla microflora naturale della “kora” della kaštradina. Lo studio ha coinvolto 20 carcasse di ovini di razza pramenka di Travnik. Dopo un raffreddamento durato 24 ore, le carcasse sono state tagliate in due mezzane, e da ogni mezzana sono stati messi da parte il cosciotto con lo stinco e la spalla sino al gomito. La parte residua della carcassa, usata per fare la kaštradina, in gergo di chiama “kora”. La salagione della carne è stata eseguita secondo due modalità: la prima con il sale, la seconda con una miscela in commercio che comprende sia il sale, sia alcune spezie naturali (aglio, alloro e rosmarino). I campioni di “kora” sono stati prelevati il primo giorno (materia prima), il settimo giorno (dopo la fase della salagione) ed il quattordicesimo giorno (dopo la stagionatura) del processo tecnologico di produzione della kaštradina. L’analisi ha riguardato i seguenti gruppi di microrganismi: batteri aerobi mesofili totali, batteri dell’acido lattico, enterococchi, micrococchi, lieviti e muffe, Staphylococus aureus, enterobatteri, coliformi, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp. e clostridi solfito riduttori. I campioni esaminati di “kora”, a prescindere dal processo tecnologico adottato, sono risultati microbiologicamente idonei.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 6 ; str. 575-585  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Suhomesnati proizvodi -- Tradicionalni proizvodi -- Začini -- Prirodna mikroflora -- Kaštradina

CVRTILA Fleck, Željka
Utjecaj hlađenja i zamrzavanja na kakvoću i mikrofloru mesa [Elektronička građa] / Željka Cvrtila, Vesna Dobranić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Hlađenje i zamrzavanje mesa kao metode konzerviranja imaju brojne prednosti u očuvanju svojstava mesa čiji kemijski sastav karakteriziraju visokovrijedne bjelančevine, minerali i vitamini B kompleksa. U usporedbi s ostalim postupcima konzerviranja, hlađenjem i zamrzavanjem se najbolje očuvaju nutritivno vrijedni sastojci mesa. Kakvoća tako konzerviranog mesa prvenstveno ovisi o brzini i temperaturi postupka hlađenja i zamrzavanja, te o kristalima leda koji nastaju tijekom zamrzavanja, njihovom položaju i veličini. Higijenska kakvoća ohlađenog i zamrznutog mesa ovisi prije svega o mikroflori sirovine, ali i o načinu i vremenu pohrane, načinu prijevoza i pravilnom čuvanju mesa u velikoprodajnim i maloprodajnim centrima. U radu se raspravlja o učincima hlađenja i zamrzavanja na kakvoću i mikrofloru mesa. - Effect of cooling and freezing on meat quality and microflora The cooling and freezing of meat, as a preservation method, has many advantages in terms of preserving the properties of meat, whose chemical composition is characterised by high-quality proteins, minerals and B-complex vitamins. Compared to other preservation methods, nutritionally valuable meat ingredients are best preserved by cooling and freezing. The quality of preserved meat primarily depends on the speed and temperature of cooling and freezing process, and on ice crystals that form during freezing, their position and size. The hygienic quality of chilled and frozen meat depends, above all, on microflora in raw meat, but also on the manner and time of storage, the method of transport and the proper storage of meat in wholesale and retail centres. This paper discusses effects of cooling and freezing on meat quality and microflora. - Auswirkung des Kühlens und Einfrierens von Fleisch auf seine Qualität und Mikroflora Das Kühlen und Einfrieren von Fleisch hat als Konservierungsmethode zahlreiche Vorteile beim Erhalt der Eigenschaften von Fleisch, dessen chemische Zusammensetzung durch hochwertige Eiweiße, Mineralstoffe und B-Vitamine gekennzeichnet ist. Im Vergleich zu anderen Konservierungsverfahren werden durch Kühlen und Einfrieren die nutritiv wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe des Fleischs am besten geschützt. Die Qualität des konservierten Fleischs hängt in erster Linie von der Geschwindigkeit und der Temperatur des Kühlens und Einfrierens sowie von den während des Einfrierens entstandenen Eiskristallen, deren Position und Größe ab. Die hygienische Qualität des gekühlten und gefrorenen Fleisches hängt insbesondere von der Mikroflora des Rohstoffes ab, jedoch auch von der Art und Dauer der Lagerung, der Transportweise und der ordnungsgemäßen Lagerung von Fleisch im Groß- und Einzelhandel. In der Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen des Kühlens und Einfrierens auf die Qualität und die Mikroflora von Fleisch erörtert. - L’impatto della refrigerazione e del congelamento sulla qualità e sulla microflora della carne La refrigerazione e il congelamento della carne come metodo di conservazione hanno numerosi vantaggi nella preservazione delle proprietà della carne, la cui composizione chimica è caratterizzata da proteine d’elevata qualità, minerali e vitamine del complesso B. A confronto con gli altri metodi di conservazione, con la refrigerazione e il congelamento si preservano meglio gli elementi a più alto valore nutrizionale della carne. La qualità della carne conservata in questo modo dipende dalla velocità e dalla temperatura del processo di refrigerazione e congelamento e dai cristalli di ghiaccio che si formano durante il congelamento, dalla loro posizione e dalle loro dimensioni. La qualità igienica della carne refrigerata e congelata dipende innanzitutto dalla microflora della materia prima, come anche dalle modalità e dal tempo di stoccaggio, dalle modalità del trasporto e dalla corretta conservazione della carne nei centri di vendita all’ingrosso e al minuto. Nello studio si discute degli effetti della refrigerazione e del congelamento sulla qualità e sulla microflora della carne. - El efecto de la refrigeración y de la congelación sobre la calidad y la microflora de la carne La refrigeración y la congelación son los métodos de la conservación de la carne con numerosas ventajas para la conservación de las características de la carne, cuya composición química está caracterizada por las proteínas de alto valor biológico, minerales y las vitaminas del complejo B. En comparación con otros procedimientos de la conservación, los ingredientes nutritivamente valiosos de la carne se conservan mejor por la refrigeración y la congelación. La calidad de la carne conservada por este método depende principalmente de la velocidad y la temperatura de la refrigeración y de la congelación, y también de los cristales del hielo formados durante la congelación, su posición y su tamaño. La calidad higiénica de la carne refrigerada y congelada depende primero que nada de la microflora de la materia prima y también de la manera y del tiempo del almacenamiento, de la manera del transporte y del mantenimiento adecuado de la carne en los centros de venta mayorista y minorista. En este trabajo se discuten los efectos de la refrigeración y la congelación sobre la calidad y la microflora de la carne.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 1 ; str. 79-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Meso -- Hlađenje mesa -- Zamrzavanje mesa -- Kakvoća mesa -- Mikroflora mesa

MOSLAVAC, Tihomir, inženjer prehrambene tehnologije
Utjecaj sastojaka i homogenizacije na reološka svojstva salatne majoneze s kašom banane [Elektronička građa] / Tihomir Moslavac, Jurislav Babić, Tanja Marković, Ana Mrgan, Anastazija Konjarević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Reološka mjerenja su vrlo važna u prehrambenoj industriji kao sredstvo za fizičku karakterizaciju sirovine prije prerade, za poluproizvode tijekom proizvodnje i za gotovu hranu. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj sastojaka i procesnih parametara homogenizacije na reološka svojstva salatne majoneze s kašom banane. Za izradu salatne majoneze korištene su različite vrste biljnih ulja: suncokretovo ulje, bučino ulje i rižino ulje. Mehanički proces homogenizacije salatne majoneze proveden je pri sobnoj temperaturi. Salatna majoneza sa 65 % uljnom fazom izrađena je po tradicionalnoj recepturi bez dodanog konzervansa čime je trajnost proizvoda vremenski ograničena. Mjerenja reoloških svojstava provedena su na rotacijskom viskozimetru s koncentričnim cilindrima, pri temperaturama 25 °C i 10 °C. Iz dobivenih podataka izračunati su reološki parametri: prividna viskoznost, koeficijent konzistencije i indeks tečenja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da osnovni sastojci utječu na reološka svojstva salatne majoneze s kašom banane. Porastom brzine rotora i vremena trajanja procesa homogenizacije mijenjaju se reološka svojstva salatne majoneze. - Effect of ingredients and homogenisation on rheological properties of salad mayonnaise with banana purée Rheological measurements are an important food industry tool used in the physical characterisation of raw materials prior to processing, as well as in the manufacturing of intermediate and final food products. This paper researches the effect of ingredients and processing parameters during homogenisation on rheological properties of salad mayonnaise with banana purée. Salad mayonnaise was prepared using various vegetable oils: sunflower, pumpkin seed and rice bran oil. The mechanical process of salad mayonnaise homogenisation was carried out at room temperature. The durability of salad mayonnaise in which oil phase amounted to 65 % was limited because it was prepared following the traditional recipe with no added preservatives. The rheological properties were measured using a rotating viscometer consisting of concentric cylinders, at 25 °C and 10 °C. The obtained results served as a basis for calculating rheological parameters: apparent viscosity, consistency coefficient and flow index. Research results demonstrated that basic ingredients affected the rheological properties of salad mayonnaise with banana purée. Greater rotor speed and longer homogenisation altered the rheological properties of salad mayonnaise. - Auswirkung der Zusammensetzung und Homogenisierung auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Salatmayonnaise mit Bananenbrei Rheologische Messungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie sind bedeutende Verfahren für die physische Charakterisierung von Rohstoffen vor der Behandlung, für Halbprodukte während des Herstellungsverfahrens und für Fertigprodukte. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen des Eigelbs, der Milchkomponente, der Kohlenhydratsorte, der Rotorgeschwindigkeit und der Homogenisierungszeit auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften der Salatmayonnaise mit Bananenbrei untersucht. Für die Herstellung von Salatmayonnaise wurden diverse Pflanzenölsorten verwendet: Sonnenblumenöl, Kürbiskernöl und Reisöl. Das mechanische Verfahren der Homogenisierung der Salatmayonnaise wurde bei 10 000 o/min während 3 Minuten bei Raumtemperatur durchgeführt. Die Salatmayonnaise mit 65 % Öl wird nach traditioneller Rezeptur ohne Zugabe von Konservierungsstoffen hergestellt, wodurch die Haltbarkeit des Produkt eingeschränkt ist. Die Messungen der theologischen Eigenschaften wurden in einem Rotationsviskosimeter mit konzentrischen Zylindern, bei Temperaturen von 25 °C und 10 °C durchgeführt. Aus den gewonnenen Parametern wurden die rheologischen Parameter errechnet: Scheinviskosität, Konzistenzkoeffizient und Fließindex. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass die Milchkomponente, das Eigelb und die Kohlenhydratsorte die rheologischen Eigenschaften der Salatmayonnaise mit Bananenbrei beeinflussen. Mit Steigerung der Rotorgeschwindigkeit und der Dauer des Homogenisierungsprozesses ändern sich die rheologischen Eigenschaften der Salatmayonnaise. - Impatto degli ingredienti e dell’omogeneizzazione sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata con purea di banana Le misurazioni reologiche sono molto importanti nell’industria alimentare come strumento per la caratterizzazione fisica delle materie prime prima della loro lavorazione, per i semilavorati nel corso della produzione e per i prodotti alimentali finiti. Questa ricerca ha studiato l’impatto del tuorlo dell’uovo, dei componenti del latte, dei vari tipi di carboidrati, della velocità del rotore e del tempo dell’omogeneizzazione sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata con purea di banana. Per la produzione della maionese da insalata sono state impiegate diverse tipologie di oli vegetali: olio di semi di girasole, olio di semi di zucca e olio di riso. Il processo meccanico di omogeneizzazione della maionese da insalata s’è svolto a temperatura ambiente a 10.000 °/min e nel tempo di 3 minuti. La maionese da insalata con il 65 % di fase oleosa è stata prodotta in base a una ricetta tradizionale che non prevede l’aggiunta di conservanti, da cui discende che la durata del prodotto è limitata. Le misurazioni delle proprietà reologiche sono state eseguite su un rotoviscosimetro a cilindri concentrici alle temperature di 25 °C e 10 °C. Dai dati ottenuti sono stati calcolati i seguenti parametri reologici: viscosità apparente, coefficiente di consistenza e indice di fluidità. I risultati della ricerca mostrano che i componenti del latte, il tuorlo dell’uovo e i vari tipi di carboidrati incidono eccome sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata con purea di banana. Con l’aumento della velocità del rotore e del tempo di durata del processo di omogeneizzazione, mutano anche le proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata. - La influencia de los ingredientes y de la homogeneización sobre las características reológicas de la mayonesa de ensalada con puré de plátano Las medidas reológicas son muy importantes en la industria alimentaria como un medio para la caracterización física de la materia prima antes del procesamiento, para los semiproductos durante la producción y para la comida preparada. En este trabajo fue investigada la influencia de los ingredientes y de los parámetros del proceso de la homogeneización sobre las características reológicas de la mayonesa de ensalada con puré de plátano. Para la preparación de la mayonesa de ensalada fueron usados diferentes tipos de aceites vegetales: el aceite de girasol, el aceite de semillas de calabaza y el aceite de arroz. El proceso mecánico de la homogeneización de la mayonesa de ensalada fue realizado a la temperatura ambiente. La mayonesa de ensalada con la fase dispersa de 65 % fue hecha según la receta tradicional sin conservante añadido, lo que limita la durabilidad del producto. Las mediciones reológicas fueron hechas en el viscosímetro rotacional de cilindros concéntricos, bajo las temperaturas de 25 °C y de 10 °C. De los resultados obtenidos fueron calculados los parámetros reológicos: la viscosidad aparente, el coeficiente de coherencia y el índice de flujo. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que los ingredientes básicos influyen sobre las características reológicas de la mayones de ensalada con puré de plátano. Al aumentar la velocidad de los cilindros y el tiempo de duración del proceso de la homogeneización, cambian las características de la mayonesa de ensalada.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 2 ; str. 170-179  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Majoneza -- Reološka svojstva -- Homogenizacija -- Kkaša banaaša banane

Značaj upotrebe kuhinjske soli [Elektronička građa] / Liza Curman, Vesna Dobranić, Tomislav Mikuš, Željka Cvrtila. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. ; elektronički izvori: 2 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Kuhinjska sol ima važnu ulogu u formiranju okusa i teksture hrane te u osiguranju njezine mikrobiološke stabilnosti. Sol je jedan od najstarijih konzervansa koji se upotrebljava u prehrambenoj industriji, a konzerviranje solju smatra se kemijskim postupkom kojim se postiže dehidracija hrane. Prekomjeran unos kuhinjske soli jedan je od najvažnijih čimbenika koji značajno narušava ljudsko zdravlje. Uobičajen unos soli, što znači i unosi natrija, visok je u razvijenim zemljama i premašuje količine potrebne za normalno funkcioniranje organizma. Procjenjuje se da je u Hrvatskoj prosječan dnevni unos soli od 12-16 g, dok je preporuka Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije do 5 g. - Importance of Kitchen Salt Use Kitchen salt has an important role in forming the taste and texture of the food and in preserving its microbiological stability. Salt is one of the oldest preservatives used in food industry and salt preservation is considered a chemical process for food dehydration. Excessive kitchen salt intake is one of the most important factors significantly impairing human health. The usual salt intake, which means also intake of sodium, in the developed countries is high and exceeds the amounts necessary for normal functioning of the organism. In Croatia, it is estimated that the average daily salt intake is 12-16 g, while the recommendation of the World Health Organisation is <5 gram. - Bedeutung der Verwendung von Speisesalz Speisesalz spielt eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Gestaltung des Geschmacks und der Textur von Lebensmitteln und ist wichtig für den Erhalt der mikrobiologischen Stabilität von Lebensmitteln. Salz zählt zu den ältesten Konservierungsmitteln, die in der Lebensmittelindustrie verwendet werden. Die Konservierung mit Salz wird als ein chemisches Verfahren angesehen, mit welchem eine Dehydrierung von Lebensmitteln erreicht wird. Eine übermäßige Zufuhr von Speisesalz ist einer der bedeutendsten Faktoren, der die menschliche Gesundheit beeinträchtigt. Die durchschnittliche Zufuhr von Salz, bzw. Natrium, ist in den entwickelten Ländern hoch und übersteigt die für ein normales Funktionieren des Körpers notwendige Menge. Laut Einschätzungen beträgt die durchschnittliche Zufuhr von Salz in Kroatien von 12 bis 16 g, während die Weltgesundheitsorganisation eine Zufuhr von <5 Gramm empfiehlt. - Importanza dell’uso del sale da cucina Il sale da cucina svolge un ruolo importante nella formazione del gusto e della consistenza delcibo e nel garantire la sua stabilità microbiologica. Il sale è anche uno dei primi conservanti naturali della storia dell’umanità, abbondantemente utilizzato anche nell’industria alimentare. Con quel processo chimico che avviene con la conservazione mediante il sale da cucina, infatti, si ottiene la disidratazione del cibo. L’eccessivo consumo di sale da cucina, però, è uno dei principali fattori di rischio per la salute umana. Il consumo usuale di sale, e dunque di sodio, nei paesi più sviluppati è alto e supera il fabbisogno necessario per il normale funzionamento dell’organismo umano. Si stima che in Croazia il consumo medio giornaliero di sale si aggiri tra i 12 e i 16 g, mentre la dose giornaliera raccomandata dall’OMS è <5 grammi. - La importancia del uso de la sal común La sal común tiene un papel importante en la formación del sabor y de la textura de los alimentos y también asegura su estabilidad microbiológica. La sal es uno de los conservantes más antiguos usados en la industria alimentaria y la conservación con sal es el proceso químico cuyo resultado es la deshidratación. El consumo excesivo de sal es uno de los factores más importantes que perturba la salud humana. El consumo ordinario de sal, lo que incluye la ingesta de sodio, está muy alto en los países desarrollados y sobrepasa las cantidades necesarias para el funcionamiento normal del organismo. La ingesta media diaria de sal en Croacia está entre 12-16 g, mientras la recomendación de la Organización Mundial de Salud es <5 grama.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 21 (2019), 2 ; str. 198-205  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sol -- Kuhinjska sol -- Konzerviranje hrane

Vidi br.: HA19-01107

Vidi br.: HA19-01104

Vidi br.: HA19-01089

Vidi br.: HA19-01105

Vidi br.: HA19-01096

Vidi br.: HA19-01106

Vidi br.: HA19-01101

665   Ulja. Masti. Voskovi. Ljepila. Gume. Smole

SHENDI, Esmaeil Ghanbari
Chemical characterization and storage stability of extra virgin olive oil extracted from Derik Halhalı cultivar [Elektronička građa] / Esmaeil Ghanbari Shendi, Dilek Sivri Özay, Mücahit Taha Özkaya, Nimeti Feyza Üstünel. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 58. - Abstract. - Turkish olive cultivar known as “Halhalı” that is locally grown in Mardin (Derik) province, situated in the southeast Anatolia, was used for virgin olive oil (VOO) production. Halhalı olive was processed in the “Mobile Olive Oil Processing Unit” (TEM Oliomio 500-2GV, Italy) designed as the first mobile olive mill in Turkey. Some chemical and physical properties (colour, UV absorbance values, free fatty acid content, peroxide value, phenolic and tocopherol profiles) were determined and monitored during one year of storing in the dark at room temperature once in every three months. Results showed that up to the eighth month of storage, free fatty acid content, peroxide and UV-absorption values (K232 and K232 values) did not exceed the limits reported by International Olive Council (IOC) and olive oils were categorized as Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). Colour changed from green to yellow and UV absorbance values altered during storage. Total phenol and vitamin E (α- tocopherol) contents decreased by 18% and 16.38%, respectively. Luteolin and apigenin were the most abundant phenolics and their contents decreased up to 22% and 28% during storing, respectively.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 11 (2019), 1 ; str. 52-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Maslinovo ulje -- Sorte maslina -- Fenoli -- Skladištenje

Vidi br.: HA19-01084

669   Metalurgija

KISS, Imre
Cast iron rolls [Elektronička građa] : an overview on the proper hardness assured by the manufacturing process / Imre Kiss. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract. - The manufacturing process of the rolling rolls, as well as the quality of materials used in casting them, can have an important influence upon the quality and the safety of the exploitation. Our approaches to the issue of quality assurance of the rolling rolls, from the viewpoint of the quality of materials that are featured, can cause duration and safety in the rolling exploitation. This research is required because of the numerous flaws that cause rejection, since the phase of melting of these irons is intended to cast rolls. According to the industrial analysis in the cast iron rolls foundries, the results show that one of the main rejection categories is due to the inadequate hardness of the rolls. One of the parameters that will determine the cast iron’s structure is the chemical composition, and this factor could assure the exploitation properties of each roll in all the stands of rolling mill. In this sense, the paper presents an overview of industrial and laboratory research regarding the assurance of the chemical composition of the irons (with nodular graphite) destined for the half–hard rolls casting, and tries to draw some remarks upon the proper correlations of these irons. This study analyses iron rolls cast in combined moulds (iron chill, for the barrel and moulding sand, for the necks of rolls) and includes charges of rolls from half–hard classes, with definite structure and nodular graphite, obtained in simplex cast processes. It presents, in graphical form, the influence of the chemical composition of these irons on the hardness, measured on the barrel. The proper solution is determined through some mathematical restrictions to the input data that the mathematical modelling is initiated with.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 92-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lijevano željezo -- Kemijski sastav -- Tvrdoća -- Modeliranje

PREMUR, Vitomir
Challenges and possibilities for environmentally sound recycling of ships and composite boats in European union [Elektronička građa] / Vitomir Premur, Aleksandra Anić Vučinić, Ivana Melnjak, Lucija Radetić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Abstract. - In this paper are presented challenges that countries of European Union face when recycling ships and composite boats. European ship owners control over 40 % of the world’s merchant ship fleet, with Greece as the top ship-owning country globally. Nowadays, ship recycling is being regulated and positive progression was made towards it since steel industry belongs in world’s top five and stable market and makes recycling of scrap metals from ships attractive. On the other hand, yachts, sailing boats and small boats are mainly made from composite materials because of their favourable properties, making them great investment, but end-of-life management is more complicated and not quite regulated by the law yet. Unlike commercially oriented ships, which are constantly in move and disposed when the maintenance costs of the vessel start to exceed possible revenue, old boats for recreational and tourism-oriented purposes most rarely move. Hundreds of thousands lie in marinas and are abandoned due to the maintenance costs thus discouraging the owners from keeping it. Hence, a growing number of marinas worldwide will have the problem of boat disposal in a sustainable way in the future. In this paper is given short summary on waste ships and boats management issues.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 35-43  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brodovi -- Recikliranje brodova -- Gospodarenje otpadom -- Zakonodavstvo
Europska unija


Identification of Lüders bands using digital image correlation [Elektronička građa] / Tin Brlić, Dimitri Debruyne, Pascal Lava, Stoja Rešković, Ivan Jandrlić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - This paper presents the characterization of Lüders bands by digital image correlation on niobium microalloyed steel during a static tensile testing. Digital image correlation with the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Lüders bands on the microalloyed steel was proved as a very precise and suitable method for determining the strain amount in the deformation zone. In this research was determined that the strain amount is the highest in the area behind the Lüders band front and the lowest in the area in front of the Lüders band.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 1 ; str. 8-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čelik -- Mikrolegirani čelik -- Naprezanje -- Lüderova linija -- Korelacija digitalne slike

YUAN, Zhipeng
Study on the microstructural evolution of different component alloys consisting of B2-NiSc intermetallics [Elektronička građa] / Zhipeng Yuan, HongBao Cui, Yatao Chang, XueFeng Guo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - Ni-50%Sc and Ni-51%Sc alloy were prepared with a vacuum arc smelting and water cooled copper mold suction-casting machine. The results showed that the two component alloys consisted of the primary phase B2-NiSc and lamellar (Ni2Sc+NiSc)eutectic due to the loss of Sc during melting. Two groups of alloys underwent (970 ℃, 72 h) homogenization heat treatment, and spherical or plate shape Ni2Sc particles were dispersed on the B2-NiSc matrix. With the increase of Sc content from 50% to 51%, the amount of the second phase in the alloy decreases, the microstructure becomes uniform, and the grain gradually changes from long bar to a spherical particle. According to the Jackson boundary theory, the Jackson factor α of B2-NiSc =0.5 <2, so the interface is rough, which explains that the growth pattern of the B2-NiSc phase is a non-faceted growth. It is consistent with the dendritic growth pattern of the B2-NiSc phase, which is observed from the experiment. After a long heat treatment, the number of vacancies decreases and the microstructure became uniform. The loss rate of Sc in rapidly quenched solidification was higher than that after the heat treatment.
U: Engineering review (Online). - ISSN 1849-0433. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 157-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Legure -- Mikrostruktura -- Očvršćivanje

67/68   Različite industrije, zanati i obrti

SIVAKUMAR, Venkatasubramanian
Alternative methods for salt free / less salt short term preservation of hides and skins in leather making for sustainable development [Elektronička građa] : a review / Venkatasubramanian Sivakumar, Resmi Mohan, Chellappa Muralidharan.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Abstract. - During the leather processing, large quantities of the salt as sodium chloride, about 30-50 % (% w/w on raw weight) is applied for short term preservation of hides and skins, which subsequently leaches out from the skins/hides and end up in waste streams. This raises a serious environmental concern as well as total dissolved solids (TDS) problem in the wastewater, for which there is no viable treatment method available. Remediation measures such as Reverse Osmosis (RO) or Ultra Filtration (UF) could only separate salt from these waste streams and end up as salt sludge, which necessitates Secured Land Fill (SLF) for disposal option. There are some concerns for SLF as it requires Land area as well as possible leaching due to highly soluble nature of Sodium chloride. Therefore, there is a pressing need for developing an alternative methods for Salt free / Less salt short term preservation of hides and skins. In this regard, Research and Development work is being carried out worldwide and several reports are available. Therefore, it would be beneficial to review and analyze the salt free alternative preservation methods. Even though, some reviews on this topic has been reported earlier, they have not taken into account the patent literature available on this subject. The present paper reviews various alternative methods for Salt free / Less salt short term preservation of hides and skins, taking into account both patent and other publications on this subject.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 1 ; str. 46-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Koža -- Obrada kože -- Sol -- Zaštita okoliša

Analysis of 3-D body measurements to determine trousers sizes of military combat clothing [Elektronička građa] / Ada Traumann, Teele Peets, Inga Dabolina, Eva Lapkovska. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Abstract. - The aim of this paper was to analyse several measurements of soldiers to provide a reference for trousers sizes of military combat clothing. For sizing and fitting of military clothing, information on the body measurements of the user population is a precondition. More than 400 soldiers in the Estonian and Latvian Defence Forces as well as the military personnel were measured using Human Solution 3-D scanner. It focused on collating basic human body measurement data for the revision of size charts by STANAG 2335. Fit and comfort of trousers mainly relate to the following measurements: waist girth, leg inseam, leg length, and waistband. Present parameters play a significant role in the quality of trousers to ensure the wearer’s mobility in all situations particularly concerning the activities of soldiers. Correlating measurements and existing sizing systems are made to offer recommendations for manufacturers. In addition, this paper helps to provide sizing and fitting criteria of military combat clothing to STANREC document compiled by NATO RTO HFM-266 Group.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 1 ; str. 6-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojna odjeća -- Borbena odjeća -- 3D mjerenje tijela

The anisotropic structure of electro conductive leather studied by Van der Pauw method [Elektronička građa] / Aulon Shabani, Majlinda Hylli, Ilda Kazani, Pëllumb Berberi, Orion Zavalani, Genti Guxho. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract. - Determining the surface resistance of electro conductive refined natural leather materials is in the focus of this paper. Natural leather samples are initially transformed to conductive by applying chemical treatment process known as polymerization. Due to the existence of various techniques for measuring electrical resistance of conductive materials, we are focused on measuring surface resistance by arranging four electrodes in the edges of square leather samples, also known as Van der Pauw method. Improving the results accuracy, we use a multi-variant electrode placement over the sample edges. The result is the average of all results gained for different placements. Moreover, we use this electrode placement technique to analyse the anisotropy of conductive samples. The results of this research provide important knowledge about leather chemical treatment and its electrical proprieties.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 3 ; str. 136-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Koža -- Električna vodljivost -- Električni površinski otpor -- Anizotropija -- Van der Pauw metoda

ABTEW, Mulat Alubel
Customizations of women bullet-proof jacket through 3D design process [Elektronička građa] / Mulat Alubel Abtew, Pascal Bruniaux, François Boussu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract. - In today’s scenario many personnels including police officers, security guards, field journalist etc. made it mandatory to wear ballistic protection garments while on duty. In order to give the required protection, most of the ballistic protecting garment (vests) were developed with higher number of fabic layers.The development of such garment using higher number of layers would also result higher weight and discomfort to the wearer while wearing in every condition throughout the day. However, the ballistic protection garment should be designed considering not only ballistic resistance toward projectile penetration but also reasonably light in weight and flexible to provide comforts. The current study brings a new techniques through 3D design process to develope the women bullet proof jackets on the women adaptive mannequin. The jacket can be worn along with the ballistic vest or can be removed to attain the different protection level at the different duty situations. The jacket can removed in order to increase the comfort and reduce the weight of the protection garment while the personnel is not in very dangerious duty areas. However, the designed jacket can also be wear along with the ballistic vest to give the required protection for the personnel at the very dangerous situations.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 1 ; str. 23-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaštitna odjeća -- Neprobojna odjeća -- 3D projektiranje odjeće -- Računalno projektiranje odjeće

Design and computer construction of structural sleeve forms for women’s clothing [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Marjanović, Slavenka Petrak, Maja Mahnić Naglić, Martinia Ira Glogar. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract. - The paper presents the research of the development process of a unique women’s clothing collection with complex, structural sleeve forms. Using the 2D/3D CAD systems for computer clothing design, 15 models of women’s clothing with structural sleeve forms were constructed and modeled. Textile patterns were also computer-designed, as a preparation for digital printing on cutting parts of a particular clothing models. The computer clothing design included all the segments of the computer 3D prototype development, with the purpose of investigating the possibilities of modeling and 3D simulations of complex sleeve structures, which in the real manufacturing process require additional fixation of cutting parts. The influence of 3D simulation parameters, in correlation with the applied physical and mechanical properties of textile material, was investigated in order to achieve complex 3D forms of simulated clothing models. Color and textile patterns variations of computer-designed 3D models were developed with the purpose of achieving a realistic visualization of the designed clothing collection. Original prototypes were made for two selected models from the collection, with computer-designed textile patterns applied on a model using digital printing technology.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 4 ; str. 183-195  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odjeća -- Visoka moda -- 2D/3D sistem -- Računalno dizajniranje odjeće -- Digitalni tisak

BEDEZ Ute, Tuba
The effect of single and dual-core yarns produced with different core materials on the elasticity and recovery properties of denim fabrics [Elektronička građa] / Tuba Bedez Ute, Huseyin Kadoglu. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract. - Elastic structures are preferred for improving the elasticity and recovery of the fabrics. Bagging, which is a three-dimensional fabric deformation, is an undesirable appearance of fabrics. The lack of dimensional stability or recovery after pressure on the fabrics causes bagging deformation. In recent years, denim manufacturers prefer double-core yarns to cope with the problem of bagging. In this study, various types of weft yarns were produced by using different core materials in different combinations. Double-core and single-core ring-spun yarns (Ne 18, ae 4,4) were used as weft yarns in weaving. Yarn and fabric samples were conditioned under standard atmospheric conditions and measured according to the related test standards. Yarns were tested and evaluated for important physical and mechanical properties such as evenness, imperfections, tenacity, breaking elongation, hairiness and yarn liveness. For denim fabric samples, all tests were performed after 3 consecutive domestic washing processes. Test results showed that there are significant differences between fabric properties depending on the weft yarn characteristics. By using double-core weft yarns in denim fabric production, consumers can have stretch jeans for improving body movement comfort while exhibiting low growth and shrinkage values.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 4 ; str. 174-182  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Traper tkanina -- Pređa -- Pletivo -- Elastičnost

JOKIĆ, Davor, knjižničar
Field classification in dimensions [Elektronička građa] : a case study of textile technology / Davor Jokić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract. - Given the latest research on Dimensions classification, this article discusses the novelty of such classification in the field of textile technology from the standpoint of Croatian scientific career advancement system. New machine learning article based classification system is compared to a traditional journal based classification system brought by the Web of Science and Scopus in terms of evaluation significance. The starting point of assigned category comparison were 13 journals indexed in the Web of Science in just one common category - Materials science, Textiles. Since Scopus does not have a unique category for the textile technology a list of 11 assigned categories was put in the comparison. Lastly, 58 research fields assigned to the articles published in mentioned journals indexed in Dimensions were analyzed for validity. Results show that the unique category of Textiles in Web of Science fully fits the field of textile technology from Croatian point of view. Scopus model with multi category assignment is not so reliable and useful in field evaluation. Lastly, Dimensions with its novel approach failed to validly classify indexed publications.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 3 ; str. 145-153  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tekstilna tehnologija -- Klasifikacija -- Dimenzije -- Bibliometrija

Functional design of medical undershirt with microbial barrier [Elektronička građa] / Beti Rogina-Car, Slavica Bogović. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract. - Underwear is a very important segment for people with sensitive skin and patients with dermatological diseases. Since it is in direct contact with skin, it has an important role in the postoperative period, in which it is used as a function of protection and support of the operative part of the body. The main task of the underwear for this purpose is to protect the skin from harmful effects such as microorganisms and to keep the skin’s condition in remission if no improvement can be achieved. In accordance with the specific requirements, a functional design of a medical undershirt with microbial barrier was proposed. Functional design was carried out based on previously published research. Digitization of the human body was carried out by 3D scanning and based on the cloud of points measures have been taken as well as defined forms of body parts for whom the cutting pattern is being developed. The model is divided into several zones where it is possible for each area to determine the required compression for the support.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 2 ; str. 72-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odjeća -- Računalno dizajniranje odjeće -- Funkcionalni dizajn -- Medicinski tekstil -- Mikrobna barijera

DHAMO, Stefania
Localino T-shirt [Elektronička građa] : the real-time indoor localization in ambient assisted living applications / Stefania Dhamo, Erjula Sinanaj, Stelios A. Mitilineos, Ilda Kazani, Panagiotis Papageorgas, Ilias Skouras, Savvas Vassiliadis. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - In the last decade, smart textiles have become very popular as a concept and have found use in many applications, such as military, electronics, automotive, and medical ones. In the medical area, smart textiles research is focused more on biomonitoring, telemedicine, rehabilitation, sport medicine or home healthcare systems.In this research, the development and localization accuracy measurements of a smart T-shirt are presented, which will be used by elderly people for indoor localization in ambient assisted living applications. The proposed smart T-shirt and the work presented is considered to be applicable in cases of elderly, toddlers or even adults in indoor environments where their continuous real-time localization is critical. This smart T-shirt integrates a localization sensor, namely the Localino sensor, together with a solar panel for energy harvesting when the user is moving outdoors, as well as a battery/power bank that is both connected to the solar panel and the Localino sensor for charging and power supply respectively. Moreover, a mock-up house was deployed, where the Localino platform anchors were deployed at strategic points within the house area. Localino sensor nodes were installed in all the house rooms, from which we obtained the localization accuracy measurements. Furthermore, the localization accuracy was also measured for a selected number of mobile user scenarios, in order to assess the platform accuracy in both static and mobile user cases.Details about the implementation of the T-shirt, the selection and integration of the electronics parts, and the mock-up house, as well as about the localization accuracy measurements results are presented in the paper.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 4 ; str. 196-204  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pametni tekstil -- Lokalizacija -- Senzori

Overview and perspective of nonwoven agrotextile [Elektronička građa] / Paula Marasovic, Dragana Kopitar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Abstract. - Agrotextile belongs to one of the twelve sectors of technical textiles covering textile products with application in agriculture, horticulture, cattle breeding and aquaculture as well in agro engineering. The significance of agrotextiles can be stated substantial all over the world since it has been proven to be very versatile and cost effective materials. Nonwoven agrotextiles are innovative products with special structural performances designed for agricultural applications and practices such as weed control, wind protection, frost cover fabric that is used for adjustment of weather conditions from the sudden changing of temperature and seasonal changes. Furthermore, common application of nonwoven agrotextiles are for reducing the sun radiation as well as thermal protection of plants as shade cloth, furthermore for preventing insect and other pests on crops, preventing soil drainage and sediment creation. All over the world, applications of nonwoven agrotextiles products in agriculture have shown great positive impacts on growth, production and protection of various crops and vegetables. Many studies have been proving that nonwoven agrotextile covers accelerate the growth and development of seedlings as well as their nutritive values. By preventing weed growth and insect protection, the use of herbicides and pesticides are reduced. Agrotextiles made of natural fibres can be considered as a potential candidate for replacing some of today’s popular synthetic agrotextiles which are becoming ecologically less acceptable nowadays. Usage of agrotextiles is one of the growing alternatives in today’s context with respect to the increase in global population thus food quantity and food quality and in the same time growing environmental concern. Sustainable socio-economic development considers natural fibre usage in agrotextile production in all possible areas covered by agrotextile application.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 1 ; str. 32-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Agrotekstil -- Tehnički tekstil -- Zaštita od smrzavanja -- Kemijski sastav

Resistivity behavior of leather after electro-conductive treatment [Elektronička građa] / Aulon Shabani, Majlinda Hylli, Ilda Kazani, Pellumb Berberi. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract. - Measurement of electrical resistance of textile materials, fiber and fabrics included, remains always an engaging task due to sensitivities to interference of multiple factors. Difficulty stands on both finding a method of measurements that fits the requirements of samples to be tested and the most appropriate indicator describing this property. Numerous methods and indicators are used for different sample content and shape (fibers, roving, yarn or fabric, etc.), even when the material tested is the same. Different methods usually use indicators that produce results difficult to compare or to interpret, or do not express intrinsic qualities of their constituent materials. The situation is the same for leather materials. In this paper, we propose a new method, multiple steps method, and a new indicator, electrical resistivity, which takes into consideration compressional properties of leather sample and produce results independent from the amount and form of the sample. Electrical resistivity of conductive leather, as defined below, is shown to be an inherent indicator of bulk conductivity of leather assembly and is not influenced by sample form or the way it is placed within the measuring cell. The method is used for the first time to evaluate changes in electrical resistivity of leather after various chemical processes to make it electro-conductive. The data provide important information about the evolution of electro-conductive properties of leather at different stages of processing, as well as the influence of environmental conditions.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 1 ; str. 15-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Koža -- Električna vodljivost -- Električni otpor

KOVAČEVIĆ, Zorana, tekstilna tehnologinja
Spanish broom (Spartium junceum L.) - feedstock for bioplastic and bioenergy industry [Elektronička građa] / Zorana Kovačević, Vanja Jurišić, Mateja Grubor, Ana Matin, Tajana Krička, Sandra Bischof. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract. - Spanish Broom (Spartium junceum L.) is a Mediterranean plant of various usage possibilities. Its fibres were known since ancient time but in some point of last century, more accurately in 1950s, their production was abandoned due to the negative economic effect. Another drawback was large time consumption, especially during the old tradition method – Spanish Broom maceration in salt water. Nowadays, due to technology development and ecological awareness, it is much easier to produce Spanish Broom fibres of enhanced quality. One of the fibre extraction methods is the one assisted with microwave oven. Demerit of such fibre production is in large residue content after obtaining fibres - approx. 90 % of initial Spanish Broom weight. Due to the need for finding sustainable solutions in the development of new materials, the usage of Spanish Broom fibres in the service of reinforcement for biopolymer poly (lactic acid) (PLA) matrix was investigated. Obtained results target our further research into the direction of Spanish Broom fibres and PLA application in the production of green composites. The aim of this research was to prove that developed product can be categorized under the biodegradable group by investigating its degradation properties using serine endopeptidase enzyme. The results show positive degradation effect while using 50 wt.% (on weight of material) enzyme concentration during a 5-day treatment. Stem residues of Spanish Broom plant derived from salty water and microwave maceration were further investigated for their potential as raw material for second-generation biofuel production. Examination of its energy properties consisted of determination of proximate and ultimate properties of the biomass. The results show low moisture content (6.5 % - 7.5 %), ash content below 5 % and higher values of fixed carbon and volatile matter content of 13.2 % and 75 %, respectively.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 3 ; str. 44-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spartium junceum L. -- Brnistra -- Biomasa -- Biogorivo -- Biorazgradnja

Technologies for the functionalization of textile mats with nanoparticles [Elektronička građa] / Emilia Visileanu, Alexandra Ene, Razvan Scarlat, Laura Chirac, Cornelia Mitran. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Abstract. - Nanotechnology is the science of materials with extremely small dimensions (one nanometer is one billionth meter), but it is a major developing industry with an estimated annual market of about one trillion US dollars by 2017[1]. Nanoparticles are used or evaluated for use in many areas, which is currently demonstrated on the market for over 1,000 nano-products. The impact of nanotechnology extends from its medical, ethical, mental, legal and environmental applications to areas such as engineering, biology, chemistry, computer science, materials science and communications [2-3]. Potential risks include environmental, health and safety issues; transient effects, such as the reallocation of traditional industries as nanotechnology products, are becoming dominant and are a cause for concern for privacy lawyers [4-5]. Textile of 100% cotton, 55% polyester / 45% cotton and 100% polyester, white and dyed, were functionalized by spraying technology on a test device made at UT Dresden after oleofobization with Rucostar EEF6 or Nuva N 2114 and impregnation by applying oleophobic treatment simultaneously with the functionalization with Ag NP. Analysis of the size and form of Ag NP was achieved by using SEM electronic microscopy, TEM and dynamic light scattering (DLS) transmission microscopy. The uniformity, dispersion and migration of Ag NP from the surface of the textile materials for the initial samples compared with those tested for acid / alkaline perspiration, washing and wear (rubbing) revealed by AAS determinations that the acidic sweat test is the most aggressive leading to decreases in the amount of Ag NP of approx. 25% versus untreated sample.The amount of Ag NP deposited on the textile by the two technologies did not differ significantly.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 2 ; str. 79-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tekstil -- Nanočestice -- Funkcionalna odjeća

Textile materials as barriers against electromagnetic radiation [Elektronička građa] / Bosiljka Šaravanja, Krešimir Malarić, Tanja Pušić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract. - The accelerated development of textile products that have shielding properties against electromagnetic (EM) radiation excites the interest of scientists, the textile and clothing industry in the manufacture of woven fabrics, knitted fabrics and clothing with shielding properties. This paper deals with the investigation of the shielding effect of the electroconductive fabric to be used for manufacturing protective clothing consisting of textile and non-textile components. The textile component is a cotton-modacrylic blend, and the non-textile component is an inox yarn inserted into the fabric every 1 cm in the transverse direction of the fabric. The fabric was finished using solvents in the processes of dry and wet cleaning as potential care processes. The measurement results of shielding fabric properties have shown that the degree of shielding is better preserved after 10 cycles of wet cleaning than after dry cleaning.
U: The holistic approach to environment. - ISSN 1848-0071. - 9 (2019), 4 ; str. 70-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektroprevodna tkanina -- Elektromagnetsko zračenje -- Zaštitno djelovanje

JERKOVIĆ, Ivona, tekstilna inženjerka
Thermal properties of PEDOT-compl-PSS sensor yarns and textile reinforced thermoplastic composites [Elektronička građa] / Ivona Jerković, Ana Marija Grancarić, Clément Dufour, François Boussu, Vladan Končar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract. - Smart textile structures such as sensor yarns provide real possibility for in situ structural health monitoring of textile reinforced thermoplastic composites. In this work thermal properties of E-glass/polypropylene (GF/ PP) and E-glass/poly(N,N’-hexamethylene adipamide) (GF/PA66) sensor yarns based on conductive polymer complex [3,4(ethylenedioxy)thiophene]-compl-poly(4-vinylbenzenesulfonic acid) (PEDOT-compl-PSS) and related composites were studied. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), microscale combustion calorimetry (MCC) and limiting oxygen index (LOI) methods were used to detect thermal behaviour of these structures and effect of coatings applied. According to TGA, GF/PP sensor yarn started to decompose at higher temperature, 345 °C, and showed higher pyrolysis residue, 28 %, compared to GF/PA66 sensor yarn that started to decompose at 316 °C and had lower pyrolysis residue, 23 % . The MCC showed that Heat Release Rate peaks of GF/PP sensor yarn, 341 W/g, and GF/PA66 sensor yarn, 348 W/g, occurred at similar Heat Release Temperature, ~ 430 °C. The additional peak, 51 W/g, was detected for GF/PP sensor yarn at 493 °C. Finally, LOI 22 and LOI 23 were detected only for GF/PP and GF/PA66 composites with integrated sensor yarns.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 2 ; str. 66-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pametni tekstil -- Tekstilni senzori -- Termoplastični kompoziti -- Toplinska svojstva

Washable embroidered textile electrodes for long-term electrocardiography monitoring [Elektronička građa] / Amale Ankhili, Shahood uz Zaman, Xuyuan Tao, Cédric Cochrane, Vladan Koncar, David Coulon. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - The improvement of human health condition is an important objective that remains relevant since the origin of human being. Currently, cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death worldwide. For this reason, permanent real-time monitoring of heart activity (Electrocardiogram: ECG), its analysis and alerting of concerned person is a solution to decrease the death toll provoked by heart diseases. ECG signal of medical quality is necessary for permanent monitoring and accurate heart examining. It can be obtained from instrumented underwear only if it is equipped with high quality, flexible textile based electrodes guaranteeing low contact resistance between the skin and them. This work is therefore devoted to the design and test of wearable textile embroidered bands following defined protocol for ECG long-term monitoring. These bands were investigated in three configurations: band without any adding layer to protect lines between electrodes and the connector, band with lines protected by simple yarn, band with lines protected with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). Bands were worn around chest by healthy subjects in a sitting position and ECG signals were acquired by an Arduino-based device and assessed. Washability tests of connected underwear were carried out over 50 washing cycles in a domestic machine and by using a commercial detergent. Influence of encapsulation process on the electrical properties of textile electrodes during repetitive washing process has also been investigated and analyzed. All the ECG signals acquired and recorded have been reviewed by a cardiologist in order to validate their quality required for accurate diagnosis.
U: Textile & leather review (Online). - ISSN 2623-6281. - 2 (2019), 3 ; str. 126-135  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vezena odjeća -- Pametni tekstil -- E-tekstil -- Tekstilne elektrode -- Elektrokardiografija

Vidi br.: HA19-01023

69   Građevinski zanat. Građevinski materijali

SOLONENKO, Irina Petrovna
The equipment for determining the impact of traffic environment on road pavement [Elektronička građa] / Iryna Solonenko. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract. - The article presents the classification of equipment developed by the author for the research of the operational characteristics of road pavement. The equipment was classified according to the following criteria: type of equipment; type of contact element; mode of interaction with the supporting surface; type of fixture of the suspension element; number of contact elements; sample type; type of load. For illustrations, the classification of the most common equipment was carried out. The research was conducted to compare and select the most rational equipment to study the effect of traffic environment on the road pavement. The research was carried out by the multi-criteria analysis. Based on the conducted research, the most rational installations for conducting experiments were determined.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 149-153  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ceste -- Cestovna infrastruktura -- Klasifikacija -- Karakteristike -- Prometn okruženje

Influence of reinforced concrete forming features on mechanical characteristics [Elektronička građa] / Marina Drapaluk. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - The article found that defects in cement and aggregate grains can not only cause stress concentration and contribute to cracking, but also can stop their propagation. It was determined that, in addition to zones with reduced strength, a zone with an increased viscosity can become a brake on the path of a growing crack, having a modulus of elasticity much less than the modulus of elasticity of the base material. The influence of moulding of reinforced concrete structures on its mechanical characteristics was revealed. It can be stated that mineral additives of various nature, regardless of hydraulic activity degree, optimize the deformative properties of cement stone and concrete with practically constant compressive strength.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 2 ; str. 86-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Armirani beton -- Mehaničke karakteristike -- Cementni kamen -- Mineralni aditivi

Proračun prodora klorida u beton [Elektronička građa] = Analysis of chloride penetration in concrete / Anton Bogdanić, Joško Ožbolt. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Na armiranobetonskim konstrukcijama izloženim agresivnom okolišu često nastaju oštećenja uslijed korozije armature izazvane kloridnim ionima. Oštećenja nastaju u obliku pukotina i odlamanja zaštitnog sloja betona uslijed bubrenja produkata korozije, što nepovoljno utječe na nosivost i trajnost konstrukcije. Povrh toga, površina poprečnog presjeka armature smanjuje se istovremeno s procesom degradacije betona. No, oštećenja se javljaju neposredno nakon depasivacije čelika uslijed kritične koncentracije kloridnih iona u blizini armature. Vrijeme koje je potrebno da kritična koncentracija kloridnih iona prodre do armature naziva se faza inicijacije, a osnovni cilj ovog rada je procjena njezinog trajanja. Trajanje faze inicijacije moguće je predvidjeti ukoliko se u obzir uzmu transportni procesi koji se odvijaju kroz zaštitni sloj betona. Najvažniji fizikalni procesi vezani uz fazu inicijacije su transport kapilarne vode, kloridnih iona te topline. Stoga je u okviru ovog rada razvijen 2D numerički model pomoću metode konačnih razlika, koji simulira navedene transportne procese. Primjena modela pokazana je na numeričkom primjeru u kojem je kvadratni poprečni presjek armiranobetonskog stupa izložen agresivnim morskim uvjetima. Proračun je proveden kako bi se istražio utjecaj širine pukotina na trajanje faze inicijacije. Numerički rezultati pokazuju da raspucalost zaštitnog sloja betona značajno smanjuje trajanje faze inicijacije, a samim time i uporabni vijek konstrukcija. - Reinforced concrete structures exposed to aggressive environmental conditions often exhibit damage caused by chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement. The damage occurs in the form of cracking and spalling of the concrete cover due to the expansion of corrosion products, which adversely affects the bearing capacity and durability of structures. Moreover, the cross-sectional area of reinforcement decreases simultaneously with concrete deterioration. However, the damage occurs shortly after steel depassivation caused by critical chloride concentration in the vicinity of the reinforcement. The time necessary for critical chloride concentration to reach the reinforcement is called initiation phase and the main objective of this paper is to estimate its duration. The duration of the initiation phase is possible to predict if transport processes, which take place through the concrete cover, are accounted for. The most important physical processes related to steel depassivation are the transport of capillary water, chloride and heat. Therefore, the development of a 2D is presented in this paper. The model is based on the finite difference method and simulates aforementioned transport processes. The application of the model is shown on a numerical example in which a square cross-section of a reinforced concrete column is exposed to aggressive maritime conditions. The analysis is carried out to investigate the influence of crack width in concrete cover on the duration of the initiation phase. The numerical results show that the cracking of concrete cover significantly reduces the duration of the initiation phase, and, consequently, the service life of structures.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 27-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Armiranobetonske konstrukcije -- Armirani beton -- Korozija -- Transportni procesi -- Metoda konačnih razlika

SOLONENKO, Irina Petrovna
The use of cement concrete pavements for roads, depending on climatic conditions [Elektronička građa] / Iryna Solonenko. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Abstract. - The development of road network infrastructure is an important component of the economic development of the European Union. Updating of the road network contributes to the integration of the economies of countries into a coherent whole. The road network provides the free movement of citizens, the movement of goods and the effective implementation of various services. The increase in the length of the road network leads to an increase in the financial and material costs necessary to ensure its maintenance and repair. One of the ways to reduce costs is by strengthening the physic-mechanical and operational characteristics of the pavement due to the widespread use of cement concrete. The quality of the pavement of cement concrete depends largely on the rational selection of its composition. This allows a significant increase in the durability of road pavement. The purpose of the research was: the development of recommendations for the rational selection of the composition of the road pavement material of cement concrete, aimed at upgrading longevity, and taking into account its frost resistance grade. According to the goal, the following tasks were developed: the analyses of the climatic zones in which the road network of the European Union is located; the development of a research plan, a selection of the response function and influence factors; the study of physico-mechanical and operational characteristics of the researched material of road pavement; on the basis of the obtained data, the calculation of the complex of experimental-statistical models, which describe the physico-mechanical and operational characteristics of the road pavement material; on the basis of experimental statistical models, a method was proposed for selecting the rational compositions of the cement concrete pavement road material depending on the conditions of its application.
U: Tehnički glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-5588. - 13 (2019), 3 ; str. 235-240  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ceste -- Cestovna infrastruktura -- Beton -- Cement -- Klimatski uvjeti

BEDE, Natalija
Utjecaj hibridnih vlakana na mehanička svojstva betona [Elektronička građa] = The effect of hybrid fibers on mechanical properties of concrete / Natalija Bede, Ivan Ušić, Silvija Mrakovčić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom je radu analizirano kako kombinacija različitih vrsta vlakana utječe na mehanička svojstva betona. U tu svrhu korištena su čelična vlakna u kombinaciji s različitim volumnim udjelima polipropilenskih vlakana. Rezultati pokazuju da beton armiran samo čeličnim vlaknima ima najveću tlačnu čvrstoću, dok hibridni mikroarmirani betoni povećanjem udjela polipropilenskih vlakana pokazuju manje tlačne čvrstoće u odnosu na referentni beton. Nasuprot tome, hibridni beton s čeličnim vlaknima i volumnim udjelom polipropilenskih vlakana od 0,1% ima najveću vlačnu čvrstoću savijanjem. - In this paper, the effect of different type of fibers on mechanical properties of concrete was analyzed. For this purpose, steel fibers with different volume fraction of polypropylene fibers are used. The results show that concrete reinforced only with steel fibers gives the highest compressive strength, while the compressive strength of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete decreases with the increase of volume fraction of polypropylene fibers in comparison to the reference concrete. On the other hand, hybrid concrete with combination of steel fibers and 0.1% volume fraction of polypropylene fibers shows the highest bending tensile strength.
U: Zbornik radova (Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci. Online). - ISSN 2584-6159. - 22 (2019), 1 ; str. 11-25  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Beton -- Hibridni mikroarmirani beton -- Mehanička svojstva -- Hibridna vlakna -- Čelična vlakna -- Polipropilenska vlakna -- Tlačna čvrstoća

Vidi br.: HA19-00996

Vidi br.: HA19-01002

Vidi br.: HA19-01003


72   Arhitektura

Vidi br.: HA19-00917

73   Kiparstvo i srodne umjetnosti

Vidi br.: HA19-00893

75   Slikarstvo

Vidi br.: HA19-00900

77   Fotografija i srodni postupci

GRŽINA, Hrvoje
Digitalizacija fotografskih negativa [Elektronička građa] : važnost skrbničkih odluka / Hrvoje Gržina. - Fotogr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 79-82. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se razmatraju mogućnosti digitalizacije fotografskih negativa na različitim podlogama uz poseban naglasak na sveprisutne zablude i pogreške koje taj oblik reformatiranja prate od najranijih trenutaka do danas. U prvom su dijelu pregledno izložene osobitosti samih negativa kao objekata materijalne kulture, o kojima prije početka digitalizacije osobito valja voditi računa, a drugi dio sadržava kritički osvrt na prevođenje fotografske slike obrnutih tonskih vrijednosti u digitalni oblik s ciljem poticanja na razmišljanje o materijalnosti, kontekstu nastanka i podrijetlu značenja fotografija, koji se nepažnjom ili nerazumijevanjem prirode tih objekata vrlo lako mogu nepovratno izgubiti. - The article considers digitization possibilities of photographic negatives on various supports with the special emphasis on the ubiquitous errors and mistakes that accompany that kind of reformatting from the earliest moments until today. The first part clearly explains the particularities of negatives as objects of material culture that have to especially be taken into account before digitization begins. By using polarity as a property of the photographic image, various types of negatives were elaborated, according to their supports photographic processes and function. Hence, for the first time, together with the often mentioned negatives on paper, glass and plastic, which usually have »original« as their added adjective, other photographic forms with an image in negative are also included, such as photograms, negative-prints, negative-copies, internegatives or separation negatives that can also be objects of digitization. The second part of the text contains a critical review of transferring a photographic image of the reversed tonal value in the digitized form with the aim of encouraging the thinking about materiality, context of inception and the origin of photographic meaning which can become irreversibly lost due to carelessness or non-comprehension of the nature of these objects. By reviewing various digitization guidelines, the need is emphasized for a clearly defined point and aims of reformatting negatives into a digitized form according to the expected usage of digitized files i.e. depending if digitized images will be used as visual references in a database, for reproducing or as a »replacement« for an original in the sense of spatial and tonal informational content.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 63-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fotografski negativi -- Digitalizacija -- Reformatiranje

78   Glazba. Glazbeni instrumenti i oprema

Vidi br.: HA19-01067

Vidi br.: HA19-00888

796/799   Sport

Vidi br.: HA19-01242

Vidi br.: HA19-00953


81   Lingvistika i jezici

BARANOV, Viktor A.
K voprosu ob ispol' zovanii statističeskih metodov dlja poiska kollokacij i kolligacij v drevnejših slavjanskih tekstah (na materiale glagoličeskih rukopisej korpusa »Manuskript«) [Elektronička građa] / Viktor А. Baranov. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Ćir. - Sadrži i: prilozi na str. 20-31. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 15-19. - Rezyume ; Sažetak ; Summary. - Работа посвящена вопросам методики поиска цельных сочетаний в коллекции глаголических текстов исторического корпуса Манускрипт: славянское письменное наследие (manuscripts.ru) и оценки их устойчивости. Демонстрируются возможности модуля n-грамм, позволяющие извлекать сочетания, имеющие разное количество компонентов, различную частотность, состоящие из текстовых форм или из лемм. Анализируются биграммы и триграммы, извлеченные с помощью статистической меры Mutual Information и встречающиеся одновременно в нескольких рукописях коллекции. Особое внимание обращается на n-граммы, имеющие высокие статистические значения меры. В соответствии с особенностями меры наибольшие значения имеют редкие в коллекции сочетания. Анализ таких биграмм на основе словоформ позволил выявить устойчивые грамматические конструкции – коллигации. Показывается, что триграммы, состоящие из текстовых форм, являются не только грамматически, но и семантически цельными – коллокациями. - Rad je posvećen pitanjima metodologije pretraživanja i procjene stabilnosti ustaljenih kolokacija u zbirci glagoljskih tekstova povijesnog korpusa Manuskript: slavjanskoe pis’mennoe nasledie ( Rukopis: slavensko pismeno nasljeđe – manuscripts.ru). Prikazane su mogućnosti modula n-gram za ekstrakciju kolokacija – koje se sastoje od riječi i njihovih oblika ili lema – s različitim brojem komponenata i različitom učestalošću. Analiziraju se bigrami i trigrami izdvojeni pomoću statističke mjere uzajamne obavijesti (Mutual Information – MI), koji se pojavljuju istodobno u nekoliko rukopisa ove zbirke. Posebna se pozornost posvećuje n-gramima s visokom statističkom vrijednošću mjere MI. U skladu s obilježjima mjere, najveću vrijednost u zbirci imaju rijetke kombinacije. Analiza takvih rijetkih bigrama na temelju oblika riječi omogućila je identificiranje koherentnih gramatičkih konstrukcija – koligacija. Pokazano je da su trigrami koji se sastoje od tekstualnih oblika, ne samo gramatičke, već i semantičke cjeline – kolokacije. Bigrami s komponentama-lemama su raznoliki – prijedložno-padežne kolokacije s imenicama i povratno-posvojnim zamjenicama te ostale atributivne konstrukcije, glagolsko-imeničke odnosne konstrukcije itd. Pomoću analize ovih skupina pronađene su kako koligacije, tako i kolokacije. Najproduktivniji rezultat bilo je izdvajanje trigrama na temelju lema: većina prvih nekoliko desetaka kombinacija koje imaju maksimalnu vrijednost u skladu sa statističkom mjerom Mutual Information – gramatičke su i semantičke cjeline ili njihovi dijelovi. Donosi se zaključak o učinkovitosti primjene statističkih metoda za ekstrakciju kolokacija i koligacija iz korpusa srednjovjekovnih slavenskih rukopisa. - The paper deals with the questions concerning the methodology used to search for fixed collocations in the collection of Glagolitic texts in the historical corpus Manuscript: Slavic written heritage (manuscripts.ru) and to evaluate their stability. It demonstrates the possibilities of the n-gram module to extract collocations, consisting of words and their textual forms or lemmas, with different numbers of components and different frequency of occurrence. Analyzed are digrams and trigrams extracted using the statistical measure of Mutual Information that occur simultaneously in several manuscripts from the collection. Particular attention is given to n-grams with high statistical MI values. In accordance with the specifics of the measure, the greatest values belong to the collocations that are rare in the collection. The analysis of such digrams based on the word forms has enabled an identification of coherent grammatical structures – colligations. Trigrams consisting of textual forms are shown to be not only grammatical, but also semantic units – collocations. Digrams with components-lemmas have different forms: preposition-noun collocations, preposition-possessive pronoun collocations and other attributive constructions, relative verb-noun constructions, etc. The analysis of these groups identified both colligations and collocations. Extraction of trigrams on the basis of lemmas was the most productive – the greatest part of the first few dozens of collocations with a maximum MI value are grammatical and semantic units or their parts. A conclusion is made about the efficiency of application of statistical methods for the extraction of collocations and colligations from the corpora comprising medieval Slavonic manuscripts. A complex solution of the given problem requires the use of different types of n-grams – two-components and triple-components, based on textual forms and lemmas, with free and fixed component order.
U: Slovo (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1049. - 69 (2019) ; str. 1-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glagoljski rukopisi -- Jezična statistika -- Kolokacije -- Koligacije

VIDOVIĆ, Domagoj, lingvist
Pogled u toponimiju Kotorskoga zaljeva [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Vidović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 120-121. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovome se radu obrađuje petstotinjak toponima u Kotorskome zaljevu. U uvodnome se dijelu članka iznose temeljni povijesni i demografski podatci. U središnjemu se dijelu mjesni toponimi razvrstavaju prema motivaciji i s obzirom na jezično postanje. Motivacijski se toponimija Kotorskoga zaljeva izdvaja po iznadprosječnomu udjelu toponima antroponimskoga postanja te toponima uvjetovanih titularima crkava, među kojima se izdvaja toponim Sutorman (sanctus Romanus), prežitak rane romansko-slavenske simbioze. - The paper deals with around 500 toponyms in the Bay of Kotor. In the introdoctury part of the paper, basic historic and demographic data are given. In the main part, the toponyms are categorised according to motivation and etymology. The Bay of Kotor has an above-average share of toponyms derived from personal names as well as toponyms motivated by church titularies. In this category, the toponym Sutorman (sanctus Romanus) stands out as a relict of the old Romanic and Slavic symbiosis.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 24 ; str. 97-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Toponimi -- Toponimija -- Demografija -- Romani -- Slaveni -- Hrvati

PALIĆ, Ismail
Sekvencijalnost, konsekvencijalnost i asindetizam u subordinaciji [Elektronička građa] / Ismail Palić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 655-657. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U prilogu se raspravlja o semantičko-pragmatičkoj relaciji sekvencijalnosti i konsekvencijalnosti te mogućnostima njihova gramatičkog obilježavanja asindetskim mehanizmom povezivanja klauza u zavisnosloženoj rečenici. Nakon kratkog pregleda literature i stavova iznesenih o tome i drugim srodnim pitanjima te definiranja temeljnih pojmova razmatra se primjenjivost asindetske veze u zavisnosloženim rečenicama s vremenskim, uzročnim, posljedičnim, namjernim i pogodbenim klauzama. - The article has showed that the asyndetic clause linking mechanism in complex sentences is applicable not only in coordination (parataxis) but also in subordination (hypotaxis). Nevertheless, as far as sequentiality and consequentiality are considered, it is confirmed that asyndetism is much less present in subordination compared to coordination. Temporal sequentiality is always asyndetically coded by applying the principle of iconic representation. It means that the order of clauses reflects the order of the sequential discourse parts. In that case we encounter the coordinated sentence structures. The principle of iconic representation is normally applied in the process of asyndetic linking of clauses that are in the semantic relation of consequetiality as well. However, the iconicity principle can also be violated which makes it possible to signalize subordination (cf. Srušio se, pogođen je u glavu). This procedure works only when the basic causative-consecutive semantic relation is included.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 639-657  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Asindetske rečenice -- Asindetska subordinacija

Vidi br.: HA19-01285

Vidi br.: HA19-01287

Vidi br.: HA19-01286

Vidi br.: HA19-01305

Vidi br.: HA19-01299

811.11   Germanski jezici

811.111   Engleski jezik

Vidi br.: HA19-01308

811.112   Njemački jezik

PERIĆ, Marija, lingvistica
Phraseme als Ausdruck der Bewertung in der deutschen und kroatischen Fußballsprache [Elektronička građa] / Marija Perić, Nikolina Miletić, Anita Pavić Pintarić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 229-231. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - In diesem Beitrag wird Bewertung nach den Ansätzen der Bewertungstheorie von Martin und White (2005) am phraseologischen Korpus der Fußballberichte untersucht. Am Material der deutschen und kroatischen Zeitungstexte zu Fußball, die meistens Berichte und Interviews umfassen, wird in beiden Sprachen untersucht, welche Phraseme der Bewertung dienen. Dabei wird unter Bewertung vor allem das Urteil des Verhaltens der Teilnehmer am Fußballspiel verstanden. Folgende Verhaltensweisen werden unterschieden: wie (un)üblich sich jemand verhält, wie (un)fähig jemand ist, wie (un)entschlossen jemand ist, und wie (un)ethisch jemand ist. Es wird auf die Frage eingegangen, ob Phraseme nur im Kontext bewertende Funktion übernehmen, oder ob sie in ihrer Grundbedeutung schon evaluativ sind. - Evaluacija je definirana kao izraz stava ili emocije sudionika. U ovome radu istražuje se evaluacija na frazeološkome korpusu nogometnih izvještaja na njemačkome i hrvatskome jeziku. Pod evaluacijom se pritom podrazumijeva prosudba ponašanja sudionika u nogometnoj igri. Analiza se temelji na sljedećim načinima ponašanja: koliko se (ne)normalno tko ponaša te koliko je tko (ne)sposoban, (ne)odlučan, (ne)iskren i (ne)etičan. Analizom je zaključeno da se frazemi mogu podijeliti na one koji u sebi već sadržavaju evaluativno značenje i one koji takvo značenje mogu dobiti tek u kontekstu, pri čemu je utvrđeno da je broj frazema s evaluativnim značenjem izvan konteksta znatno veći. Što se tiče kategorije suda, u oba se jezika ponajviše procjenjuje sposobnost igrača i trenera te njihovo ponašanje na terenu, tj. evaluira se koliko je tko (ne)sposoban.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 205-231  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemački jezik -- Hrvatski jezik -- Frazemi -- Evaluacija -- Nogomet

811.16   Slavenski jezici

"Nasz wygląd zależy od tego, w jakim lustrze się przejrzymy" - z badań nad stereotypem Polaków / Maria Wacławek, Maria Wtorkowska.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 397-398. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 389-398
Stereotip -- Poljaci -- Lingvistički pogled

ILIEVA, Тatjana
Adverbializacija i prepozicionalizacija na predložni s"četanija v staroslavjanski jezik [Elektronička građa] : narečni i polunarečni izrazi, obrazuvani posredstvom predlozi s"s separativno značenje / Tatjana Ilievа.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 96-101. - Rezyume ; Sažetak ; Summary. - Обект на изследване в статията са наречните и полунаречните съчетания (с непълна лексикализация), образувани чрез сливане в едно словесно цяло на самостойна и служебна дума – предлог в средновековния български език. Изследването е структурирано на класификационен принцип, систематизирайки емпиричния материал според различни критерии – първо в обединения въз основа на участващия при словопроизводството предлог, в рамките на всяко отделно обединение – с оглед на обстоятелството, което означават новообразуваните наречия (за място, време, начин, количество, причина), и най-сетне – на базата на лексико-граматичната принадлежност на мотивиращата дума (съществително, прилагателно, числително, наречие, предлог). Във всеки конкретен случай се анализира пътят на адвербиализацията, проследяват се системните връзки на новообразуваната наречна единица. - Predmet istraživanja u članku su priložni i polupriložni izrazi (s nepotpunom leksikalizacijom), nastali spajanjem prijedloga s punoznačnom riječju u srednjovjekovnom staroslavenskom jeziku. Studija je strukturirana na principu klasifikacije, kategorizirajući empirijski materijal prema različitim kriterijima – prvo u skupinama prema prijedlozima uključenima u tvorbu riječi, unutar svake pojedinačne skupine – prema semantici koju novooblikovani priložni ili polupriložni izraz ima (za mjesto, vrijeme, način, količinu, uzrok) i na kraju – na temelju leksičko-gramatičke pripadnosti motivirajuće riječi (imenica, pridjev, broj, prilog, prijedlog). U svakom se slučaju analizira put popriložnjenja i prate se sustavni odnosi novooblikovane priložne jedinice. - The topic of research in this paper are the adverbial and semi-adverbial phrases (with incomplete lexicalization), which derive from the adhesion of a preposition to a lexical word in the medieval Old Slavonic language. The empirical material is systematized on the basis of prepositions involved in word formation, in view of the adjunct determined by the newly-formed adverbs and on the basis of the lexico-grammatical affiliation of the motivating word. The adverbialization path is analyzed in each case and the systematic relations of the newly-formed adverbial unit are tracked.
U: Slovo (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1049. - (2019), 69 ; str. 71-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Staroslavenski jezik -- Tvorba riječi -- Leksičko-sintaktička tvorba riječi -- Prijedlozi -- Prilozi

GIEL, Karina
Analiza frazeoloških pograšeka u učenju hrvatskoga kao inog jezika na primjeru studenata iz Poljske / Karina Giel.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 90. str. - Abstrakcyjny.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 83-92
Frazeologija -- Analiza pogrešaka -- Frazeodidaktika

Budućnost manjinskih jezika iz književnog očišta Karla-Markusa Gaußa / Filip Kozina.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 225-226. - Abstrakcyjny.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 217-226
Karl-Markus Gauß
Manjinski jezici -- Izumiranje jezika


MOLAS, Jerzy
Chorwackie i polskie kontaminacje leksykalne : struktura i funkcije / Jerzy Molas.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 243-244. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 237-244
Pragmatika jezika -- Kontaminacije leksika -- Stilistika -- Anglicizmi

Emócie a pocity z komparatívneho slovensko-chorvátsko-slovinského hl'adiska / Eva Tibenská.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 346. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 337-346
Komparativna metoda -- Jezične strukture -- Makrosituacija -- Mikrosituacija

Frazeologizmy zawierające komponent czas w językach : polskim, chrowackim i macedońskim / Zofia Dembowska.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 70. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 61-72
Frazeologizmi -- Poljski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik -- Makedonski jezik

KATANIĆ, Margareta
Genitiv u hrvatskom i poljskom jeziku / Margareta Katanić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Abstrakcyjny.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 165-172
Sintaksa -- Padeži -- Genitiv

Ili mi ili oni : (tragovi novogovora na poljskim i hrvatskim izborima) / Danica Ćurković.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 58-59 str. - Abstrakcyjny.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 51-60
Novogovor -- Analiza političkih govora

ČAGALJ, Ivana, lingvistkinja
Ima li jezika nakon groba? : o pesimizmu, stanju i perspektivama hrvatskoga jezika u Slovačkoj / Ivana Čagalj, Anita Skelin Horvat i Aleksandra Ščukanec.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljače 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 40-41 str. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 33-42
Čakavski govori -- Hrvatski jezik -- Hrvatska manjina

ČELIĆ, Željka
Iz čega se pije rakija i votka u hrvatskom i ruskom jeziku? / Željka Čelić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 49 str. - Rezjume.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 43-50
Hrvatski jezik -- Ruski jezik -- Kulturološki aspekt -- Jezična analiza

BARČOT, Branka
Kada crna marica promijeni boju i ime / Branka Barčot i Anita Hrnjak.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljače 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 22-23. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 15-23
Frazemi -- Frazem crna marica -- Analiza jezične jedinice -- Frazemi s bojom

JUKIĆ, Sandra, studentica kroatistike
Kako govornici slavenskih jezika rabe naveske u hrvatskome jeziku? / Sandra Jukić i Bojan Prosenjak.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografija: str. 163. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 151-164
Navesci -- Hrvatski jezik -- Dastiv -- Lokativ -- Genitiv

Kolorystyka ciała człowieka w ujęciu językowym : aspekt semantyczno-kognitywny / Ewa Komorowska.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 202-204. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 193-204
Leksik -- Semantika -- Poljski jezik -- Ruski jezik

Kontrastivna analiza njemačkih, poljskih i hrvatskih frazema / Petra Koljnrekaj.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 190-191. - Abstrakcyjny.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 183-192
Frazeologija -- Somatizam -- Ekvivalencija

Mjesna klauza i prostor u bosanskome jeziku [Elektronička građa] / Mirela Omerović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 636-637. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu će se govoriti o odnosu jezika i prostora i elaboraciji takvog prostornog odnosa na razini zavisnosložene rečenice s mjesnom klauzom. U okviru semantičkih padeža za označavanje prostornih odnosa – lokativa, ablativa, adlativa i perlativa – izdvajaju se određeni podznačenjski tipovi koji se na razini složene rečenice s mjesnom klauzom kodiraju na različite načine. Za razliku od prijedložno-padežnih konstrukcija, u kojima su prostorni odnosi najprije iskazani padežnim značenjima i prijedlozima, na razini složene rečenice ti se prostorni odnosi označavaju uglavnom veznim sredstvima, a potom i antecedentima i postcedentima na koje vezno sredstvo upućuje. Mjesne klauze u složenu rečenicu uvode se odnosnim prilozima, koji svojim leksičkosemantičkim svojstvima iskazuju različite tipove i podtipove prostornih odnosa. Zato mjesna jeste prototipna kad je riječ o prostornim odnosima na razini složene rečenice, ali je i specifična na formalno-gramatičkom planu u odnosu na ostale tipove zavisnih klauza. S tim u vezi, usporedit će se i s atributnom klauzom uvedenom odnosnim prilozima. - The paper will discuss the relationship between a language and space and the elaboration of such spatial relationship at the level of a complex sentence with a spatial clause. Within the semantic cases of the spatial relationships – locative, ablative, adlative and perlative – there are certain submeanings that are encoded at the level of a complex sentence with a spatial clause in different ways. Unlike case-marked prepositonal constructions, in which spatial relations are expressed by case meaning and prepositions, these spatial relationships at the level of a complex sentence are generally indicated by conjuctions, and then by antecedents and postcedents to which the conjunctions refer. The spatial clauses in the complex sentence are introduced by relative adverbs, which express different types and subtypes of spatial relations with their lexical and semantic properties. When we talk about spatial relations at the level of a complex sentence, the spatial clause is a prototype and specific in the formally grammatical plan as compared to the other types of dependent clauses. We will also compare the spatial clauses with relative clauses introduced by relative adverbs.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 619-637  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bosanski jezik -- Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Odnosni prilozi -- Veznici

Mrežno generisanje tekstova na slovenskim jezicima / Branko Tošović.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 372-375. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 367-376
Generator -- Slovenski jezici -- Tekst -- Modeli generacije tekstova

KATUNAR, Daniela
Na sjecištu leksika i gramatike : imensko-prijedložne konstrukcije u hrvatskom i ruskom jeziku / Daniela Katunar i Ivana Simeon.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 180-181. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 173-182
Imensko-prijedložne konstrukcije -- Višerječne jedinice -- Hrvatski jezik -- Ruski jezik

GRČEVIĆ, Martina, slovakistica
O leksikografskoj obradi hrvatsko-slovačkih lažnih prijatelja / Martina Grčević.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 110-111. - Abstraktné.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 103-112
Hrvatski jezik -- Slovački jezik -- Lažni prijatelji -- Međujezična homonimija

GROZDANOVA, Evelina Koleva
O pisanju velikog i malog početnog slova u hrvatskom i bugarskom jeziku / Evelina Grozdanova.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 6 jed. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 113-120
Pravopis -- Veilko slovo -- Pravopis bugarskog jezika

LASIĆ, Josip, kroatist
O terminološkim kolebanjima u poljskoj i hrvatskoj hodonomastici / Josip Lasić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 234-236. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 227-236
Hodomanistika -- Terminologija -- Poljski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik

Odstupanja u izgovoru naglasaka u slavenskih govornika hrvatskoga kao J2 / Ivančica Banković-Mandić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljače 2018. - Bibliografija: str. 11-12. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 1-13
Hrvatski jezik kao J2 -- Naglasci -- Slavenski jezici

Polskie i białoruskie gwary grodzieńskie w ujęciu komparatystycznym / Katarzyna Konczewska.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 214. - Rezjume.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 205-216
Poljski jezik -- Dijalekti -- Bjeloruski jezik

VYKYPĚL, Bohumil
Potenciální nelexikální paleoslovenismy ve staré češtině [Elektronička građa] / Bohumil Vykypěl.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 221-223. - Abstraktní ; Sažetak ; Summary. - V textu se probírají staročeské jazykové elementy z jiných oblastí než lexikum považované v literatuře za pocházející ze staroslověnštiny a zkoumá se, nakolik v nich skutečně můžeme spatřovat paleoslovenismy. Autor dochází k závěru, že do jisté míry pravděpodobný je staroslověnský původ jen u menšiny těchto prvků. - Rad se bavi staročeškim jezičnim elementima koji ne pripadaju leksiku, a smatraju se posuđenicama iz crkvenoslavenskog, pri čemu se istražuje u kojoj ih je mjeri uistinu moguće smatrati paleoslavizmima. Razmatrani se elementi odnose na tvorbu riječi (sufiksi -tel i -telný, prefiksi z- i bez-, složenice, komparativ sa značenjem superlativa), sintaksu (dativ apsolutni, adnominalni dativ, akuzativ umjesto lokativa u izrazu ve jmě ‘in nomine’), morfologiju (sintetska prošla vremena, dvojina, morfološka adaptacija grčkih i latinskih imena), te na fonologiju i pravopis (grčko-latinski fonemski niz VuK, kvačica kao oznaka samoglasničke duljine). Povrh toga se istražuje i fenomen na granici gramatike (u smislu strukturiranja jezičnog sistema) i leksika – sustav nazivanja danā u tjednu. Autor dolazi do zaključka da bi jedino agentivni sufiks -tel mogao biti crkvenoslavenskoga podrijetla. Moguće, ali ne i naročito vjerojatno jest crkvenoslavensko podrijetlo u slučaju -telný, z-, bez-, složenicā, adnominalnog dativa, akuzativa u ve jmě, morfološke adaptacije imenā, prošlih vremena, dvojine i naziva danā u tjednu. - The present paper deals with Old Czech linguistic elements from other parts of the language system than the lexicon which have been regarded as borrowed from Old Church Slavonic: it is examined to what extent we really can consider them palaeoslovenisms. The elements in question belong to word-formation (suffixes -tel and -telný, prefixes z- and bez-, composition, superlative meaning of comparative), syntax (dativus absolutus, adnominal dative, accusative instead of locative in ve jmě ‘in nomine’), morphology (simple past voices, dual number, morphological adaptation of Greek and Latin names) as well as phonology and orthography (Greek-Latin phoneme sequence VuC, breve as vowel length mark). Also investigated is the system of naming the days of the week, a phenomenon on the borderline between grammar (in the sense of the structuring of the language system) and the lexicon. The author concludes that only the agentive suffix ‑tel may be viewed with some probability as being of Old Church Slavonic origin. Possible, but not very probable is the Old Church Slavonic origin in the case of -telný, z-, bez-, the compounds, the adnominal dative, the accusative in ve jmě, the morphological adaptation of names, the past tenses, the dual and the names of the days in the week.
U: Slovo (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1049. - 69 (2019) ; str. 211-224  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Staročeški jezik -- Posuđenice -- Starocrkvenoslavenski jezik -- Neleksički paleoslavizmi

Problémy interpretácie frazém s polysémantickým komponentom : na príklade slovenských a chorvátskych jednotiek s komponentmi z významovej oblasti hudby / Milina Svítková.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 304-305. - Sažetak.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 299-305
Etnofrazeologija -- Interpretacija značenja fražema -- Višeznačnost sastvanica

TIMKO Đitko, Oksana
Refleksi *dj i *tj kao prvi divergentni proces u kasnom praslavenskom jeziku / Oksana Timko Đitko i Julija Jusyp Jakymovič.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 353-352. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 347-356
Jotacija -- Refleks -- Praslavenski period -- Fonetski sustav

Semantička obilježja glagola govorenja u poljskom i hrvatskom kolokvijalnom jeziku / Paulina Pycia-Košćak.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 227-228. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 271-278
Glagoli govorenja -- Semantika -- Poljski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik

Shortening, lengthening, and reconstruction [Elektronička građa] : notes on historical Slavic accentology / Mate Kapović. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 127-133. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The paper is a part of an ongoing discussion on various topics of historical Slavic accentology with Frederik Kortlandt. The topics discussed in the paper are: the reflex of the Proto-Slavic short neo-acute in Kajkavian; the reflex of pretonic and posttonic length in West and South Slavic; the reconstruction of the ending *-ъ in Slavic genitive plural, its accentuation, and the ending -ā in Štokavian and Slovene; the lengthening of the bȏg ‘god’ and kȍkōt ‘rooster’ type in Western South Slavic; the *obőrna ‘defense’ and *čьrnĩna ‘blackness’ type accent and retractions of contractional neo-circumflexes; the reflex of Slavic *ò in Slovak and Czech monosyllables; and the valence theory and Proto-Indo-European origin of Balto-Slavic accentuation. - Ovaj članak predstavlja nastavak rasprave s Frederikom Kortlandtom o raznim temama iz slavenske povijesne akcentologije. U članku je riječ o sljedećim temama: odrazu praslavenskog kratkog neoakuta u kajkavskom; odrazu prednaglasnih i zanaglasnih dužina u zapadnoslavenskom i južnoslavenskom; rekonstrukciji nastavka *-ъ u genitivu množine u slavenskom, o njegovu naglasku te o nastavku -ā u štokavskom i slovenskom; duženju tipa bȏg i kȍkōt u zapadnom južnoslavenskom; o riječima tipa *obőrna ‘obrana’ i *čьrnĩna ‘crnina’ te o retrakcijama kontrakcijskog neocirumfleksa; odrazu *ò u slovačkim i češkim jednosložicama; te o teoriji valentnosti i praindoeuropskom izvoru baltoslavenske akcentuacije.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 75-133  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slavenski jezici -- Indoeuropski jezici -- Akcentuacija -- Povijesna akcentologija -- Neoakut -- Cirkumfleks

Similarities and differences of lexicalization patterns in croatian and slovene : example of the concept of touch / Ida Raffaelli, Iva Borić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 287-288. - Sažetak.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 279-288
Hrvatski jezik -- Leksikalizacjski obrasci -- Slovenski jezik

NIGOEVIĆ, Magdalena
Slavenske zemlje u talijanskim dnevnim novinama La Repubblica : analiza sadržaja / Magdalena Nigoević, Nikolina Vukančić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 252. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 245-255
Slavenske zemlje članice EU-a -- La Repubblica -- Analiza sadržaja

Srodnost i i ini jezici : slavenski kao srodni jezici / Zrinka Jelaska.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 141-150
Srodni jezici -- Ini jezici -- Slavenski jezici

FUDERER, Tetyana
Suvremeno ukrajinsko i hrvatsko sintaktičko nazivlje - poredbeno gledište / Tetyana Fuderer.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografija: str. 79-80. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 73-81
Sintaksa -- Hrvatski jezik -- Ukrajinski jezik

Sytuacja prawna języka chorwackiego jako mniejszościowego w konstytucjach państw byłej Jugosławii / Robert Boņkowski.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 31 str. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 25-32
Države bivše Jugoslavije -- Hrvatska manjina -- Pravna jamstva

UDIER, Sanda Lucija
Što i kako poučavamo kad poučavamo kulturu / Sanda Lucija Udier, Milvia Gulešić Machata.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografija: str. 382. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 377-384
Hravtski kao ini jezik -- Kultura -- Vertikalno-spiralni pristup

TOFOSKA, Stanislava-Staša
Što se hoće, šta se želi, koga se voli : hrvatski i polski ekvivalenti na makedonskiot glagol saka / Stanislava-Staša Tofoska.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 365-366. - Sažetak.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 357-366
Semantika -- Polisemija -- Glagolski predikat

Variability and phraseological pattern from a lexicographic perspective / Joanna Szerszunowicz.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 317-318. - Sbstraktné.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 307-320
Frazeologija -- Leksikografija -- Frazeološki model

Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN jako podstawa badań porównawczych nad leksyką słowiańską / Piotr Żmigrodzki.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 409 str. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 399-409
Poljska leksikografija -- Vokabular -- Komparativna leksikografija

Z badań nad leksyką praslowiańską / Mariola Jakubowicz.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 139. - Rezjume.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 131-140
Leksik -- Praslavenski -- Rekonstrukcija

Za terminologijata i leksikologijata / Katerina Veljanosvska.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Ćir. - Bibliografija: str. 388. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 385-388
Leksologija -- Terminologija -- Leksem -- Pojam

ZAJEDNIČKI korijeni genoma u odabranim slavenskim jezicima i njihova uporaba u frazeologiji i pragmatici / Neda Pintarić, Ewa Komorowska, Slavomira Ribarova, Oksana Timko Đitko, Ana Vasung.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 267-268. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 255-270
Geonimi -- Etimologija -- Frazeologija -- Slavenski jezici

HRDLIČKA, Miroslav
Zašto poljski i hrvatski "glagolski pridjevi radni" nisu ekvivalenti? / Miroslav Hrdlička i Ivana Vidović Bolt.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 128-129. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 121-130
Glagolski pridjev radni -- Particip -- Poljski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik

Vidi br.: HA19-01308

Vidi br.: HA19-01254

Vidi br.: HA19-01264

Vidi br.: HA19-01252

Vidi br.: HA19-00816

811.163.42   Hrvatski jezik

Apofastičke konstrukcije u hrvatskom jeziku na razmeđu retorike i sintakse [Elektronička građa] / Tanja Gradečak, Barbara Kružić, Alma Vančura. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 433-435. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Analizom mnogih retoričkih sredstava može se utvrditi kako je njihova učinkovitost utemeljena na suglasju više jezičnih razina, od fonološke do sintaktičke i da se upravo u njihovoj konstrukcijskoj simboličkoj strukturi, u smislu Langackera (1987), koja povezuje fonološku i značenjsku razinu može naći razlog njihovoj univerzalnosti i uporabnoj vrijednosti otpornoj na protok vremena. Jedna od retoričkih figura koja se analizom političkog i javnog diskursa općenito pojavila kao vrlo uspješna u svojoj retoričkoj funkciji uvjeravanja jest i apofaza ili pretericija (Škarić 2008) jer u formi negacije sadržaja zapravo privlači pozornost slušatelja i stvara koncept koji se, na prvi pogled, želi negirati. Apofastičke se strukture najčešće rabe u svrhu difamacije ili neizravne pohvale osoba ili pojava i oslanjaju se na izazivanje zanimanja slušatelja stvaranjem određenih očekivanja na temelju naočigled negiranog sadržaja. Korpusna analiza tipičnih apofastičkih konstrukcija u hrvatskom jeziku na primjerima iz političkog i medijskog diskursa u korpusu hrWaC pokazala je da se npr. zavisne objektne rečenice nakon glagola govorenja vrlo često rabe kao metoda uvođenja određenog pojma ili sadržaja koji se, površinski gledano, želi negirati suprotnim ili isključnim rečenicama. Tako se pretragom korpusa na slučajnom odabiru 100 rečenica s konstrukcijom Ne želim reći da…, ali/nego/no… utvrdilo da je čak 26 % primjera imalo tipičnu apofastičku funkciju uvođenja određenih tvrdnji zaobilaznim putem, tj. njihovom negacijom: Pritom ne želim reći da ona laže, nego samo to da imamo isključivo njezinu stranu priče. Polazeći od konstrukcijske naravi jezičnih izraza, u radu ćemo detaljno analizirati tipičnu sintaktičku strukturu apofastičkih konstrukcija s fokusom na pretericijske primjere i ulogu složenih rečenica u stvaranju željenih retoričkih i kognitivnih učinaka. - By analysing various rhetorical figures, it may be established that their efficiency is based on the interaction of several linguistic levels, from the phonological to the syntactic one. Precisely their symbolic constructional structure, as proposed by Langacker (1987), which connects the phonological and semantic poles may be the reason for their universality and usage value resistant the passage of time. In our analysis of political and public discourse in general one of the rhetorical figures showed as particularly successful in its rhetorical function of persuasion is apophasis or praeteritio (Šakrić 2008). It has a form of negating the content of the utterance while it actually attracts the attention of the listener by creating the concept which is, at the first glance, to be negated. Apophastic structures are most frequently used with the purpose of defamation or indirect praise of individuals or phenomena and relies on raising the interest of listeners by creating specific expectations on the basis of the obviously negated content. Corpus analysis of typical apophastic constructions in Croatian in examples from political and media discourse in the hrWaC corpus showed that e.g. dependent object clauses after verbs of speaking frequently serve as a method of introducing a specific concept or content, which is, superficially viewed, to be negated by a following contrast or exclusive clause. Our corpus search on a randomly chosen hundred sentences containing the construction “Ne želim reći da…, ali/nego/no…” (‘I don’t want to say that…, but/still/however…’) established that even 26% of examples had a typical apophastic function of introducing specific claims in a roundabout way, i.e. by negating them: Pritom ne želim reći da ona laže, nego samo to da imamo isključivo njezinu stranu priče. By this I don’t want to say that she’s lying, but that we have only her side of the story.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 417-436  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Složene rečenice -- Kognitivna lingvistika -- Retorika -- Sintaksa

Asindetske subordinirane strukture [Elektronička građa] / Lada Badurina, Nikolina Palašić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 261-262. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U prilogu se raspravlja o asindetskim složenim strukturama u hrvatskome jeziku te se nastoji dokazati da one nisu neutralne s obzirom na dihotomiju koordinacija (parataksa) ~ subordinacija (hipotaksa), ali da se tipovi sintaktičke (ne)zavisnosti u njima ostvaruju drukčije negoli u sindetskim surečeničnim vezama. Razmatraju se nadalje one asindetske strukture za koje se može utvrditi da ih odlikuje implicitna subordinacija. Pritom se posebna pozornost poklanja razlozima zahvaljujući kojima se takve strukture u kojima nedostaju uobičajeni signali sintaktičkih odnosa među surečenicama (u našem slučaju subjunktori) smatraju subordiniranima. - Asyndetic structures are particularly interesting with respect to the coordination (parataxis) ~ subordination (hypotaxis) dichotomy: they include those that can be reformulated both as a coordinated and as a complex sentence (e.g. Hladno je, dobro se obuci! – Hladno je pa se dobro obuci! or Budući da je hladno, dobro se obuci!), but also those that can only be reformulated as either a coordinated or a complex sentence (e.g. Nije se posebno trudila, čekala je da se problem riješi sam. – Nije se posebno trudila, nego je čekala da se problem riješi sam, that is, Pomislila sam, kucnuo je čas! – Pomislila sam da je kucnuo čas.). We start from the position that asyndetic structures are not neutral with respect to the abovementioned dichotomy, but that the types of syntactic (in)dependency are realised in them in a different way than in syndetic structures. We focus on those asyndetic structures for which it can be determined that they are characterised by implicit subordination. Special attention is paid to the reasons why such structures that lack the usual signals of syntactic relations between clauses (in our case, subjuncts) are considered to be subordinated.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 249-263  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Složene rečenice -- Asindetska subordinacija -- Parataksa -- Hipotaksa -- Sintaksa

Clitic climbing, the raising-control dichotomy and diaphasic variation in Croatian [Elektronička građa] / Zrinka Kolaković, Edyta Jurkiewicz-Rohrbacher, Björn Hansen. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 520-522. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In the paper, we discuss the phenomenon of clitic climbing (CC) out of infinitive complements in contemporary Croatian. Based on the first theoretical work and some empirical findings on CC in Czech and Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian (BCS) and the observation that differences in CC linked to register have been reported for some languages, we elaborate on the claim that CC varies in respect of both register and the Raising-Control Dichotomy. The following research questions are addressed: Does clitic climbing out of the single infinitive in Croatian depend on the type of complement-taking predicate (CTP) with respect to the Raising-Control Distinction? Does CC appear with equal frequency in standard and colloquial Croatian if the type of CTP verb (Raising vs Control) as a variable remains constant? Our study is based on data for two types of complement-taking predicates: a) Raising (8 different verbs) and b) Subject Control (8 non-reflexive + 8 reflexive verbs). The data was extracted from the Forum subcorpus of hrWaC v2.2 and from the Croatian Language Repository and Croatian National Corpus. Our data suggest that not only the Raising-Control Dichotomy, but also diaphasic variation have an impact on CC from infinitive complements. - Rad je posvećen usponu zanaglasnica iz infinitivnih dopuna u suvremenome hrvatskom jeziku. Autori u obzir uzimaju postojeća teorijska i empirijska istraživanja o usponu zanaglasnica u češkome i bosanskome/hrvatskome/srpskome te zapažanja da u nekim jezicima postoji veza između uspona zanaglasnica i razlike u registrima. U radu se donose odgovori na sljedeća dva istraživačka pitanja: „Postoji li razlika u usponu zanaglasnica iz infinitivne dopune u hrvatskome jeziku između rečenica s glavnim glagolima podizanja i kontrole? Je li uspon zanaglasnica jednako čest u hrvatskome standardnom jeziku i u njegovu razgovornom varijetetu ako se tip glavnoga glagola (podizanje – kontrola) kao čimbenik drži konstantnim?” Istraživanje se temelji na podatcima za dva tipa glavnih predikata: a) podizanje (8 različitih glagola) i b) subjektna kontrola (8 nerefleksivnih + 8 refleksivnih glagola). Analiza se temelji na podatcima iz potkorpusa Forum Hrvatskoga mrežnog korpusa (hrWaC v2.2), Hrvatske jezične riznice i Hrvatskoga nacionalnog korpusa. Na temelju analizirane građe zaključujemo kako na uspon zanaglasnica utječe i razlika među glavnim glagolima (podizanje – kontrola) i varijacija u registru (hrvatski standardni jezik ili razgovorni varijetet).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 505-522  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Zanaglasnice -- Infinitivne dopune -- Sintaksa

Clitics that don't climb [Elektronička građa] / Martina Gračanin-Yuksek.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 414-415. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this article the behavior of clitics in subject- versus object-control infinitival constructions is explained by arguing that the two constructions have different structures. I argue that object-control infinitival constructions are CPs, and are therefore structurally richer than subject-control infinitival constructions, which are TPs and do not involve a CP projection. This results in different behavior of the clititcs in the two configurations. - Hrvatske klitike zauzimaju drugo mjesto u rečenici (Franks i King 2000, Ćavar i Wilder 1994, Halpern 1995, među ostalima). Klitike u zavisnoj rečenici ne podižu se u glavnu, već se njihovo mjesto računa u odnosu na minimalnu surečenicu koja ih sadržava. U infinitivnoj konstrukciji sa subjektnom kontrolom, međutim, zamjeničke se klitike mogu podignuti u glavnu rečenicu, u kojoj zauzimaju drugo mjesto. S druge strane, podizanje klitika nije uvijek dopušteno (Aljović 2004). Na primjer, u infinitivnim konstrukcijama s objektnom kontrolom klitike (osobito dativne klitike) sklonije su ostati u infinitivnoj rečenici. U ovom radu iznijet će se argumenti u prilog tvrdnji da se klitike u ova dva tipa infinitivnih konstrukcija ponašaju različito zbog toga što te dvije konstrukcije imaju različite strukture: infinitivne konstrukcije s objektnom kontrolom imaju kompletnu rečeničnu strukturu (CPs), dok su one sa subjektnom kontrolom vremenski izrazi (TPs).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 401-416  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Klitike -- Infinitivne konstrukcije -- Subjektna kontrola -- Objektna kontrola

Conjugational types in Croatian [Elektronička građa] / Zrinka Jelaska, Tomislava Bošnjak Botica. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 70-72. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper analyses a new classification of verb conjugation types in Croatian, which is based on both their canonical form – the infinitive, which is the non-finite verbal form par excellence, and the basic form – the present, which is on the other end of the finiteness scale. The first chapter provides a brief overview of Croatian conjugational typology, starting from the grammar by B. Kašić (1604) until the most recent grammars by Silić and Pranjković (2005), as well as Jelaska (2015), ranging from one up to twenty-nine categories. The recent typologies within structuralist, generative and cognitive approaches are described in more detail, especially in Jelaska and Bošnjak Botica (2012), where prototype-based categorization is argued for as the most appropriate categorization. The second part of the paper analyses some properties of the present classification into three groups (a, i, e) and ten types within them: the shape, productivity, size, usage and the relations between them. The data consists of 24,400 Croatian verbs, which are categorized into groups, types and subtypes. The first group has only one type as member (verbs such as gledati), the second has three members (verbs such as moliti, vidjeti and trčati), the third has six (verbs like pisati, smijati se, putovati, davati, viknuti, ići). - Hrvatska je morfologija poprilično složena zbog različitih promjena oblika u fleksiji, a te su se promjene nastojale opisati i kategorizirati s različitih pristupa. U prvom se dijelu rada daje kratki pregled hrvatske konjugacijske tipologije počevši od prve hrvatske gramatike B. Kašića (1604.) do posljednje autora J. Silića i I. Pranjkovića (2005.). Iako se broj vrsta kreće od jedne do deset, podrobnijom se raščlambom uočava da se broj tipova penje na 29. U drugom se dijelu rada raščlanjuju neka načela razdiobe na tri skupine (a, e, i) i deset vrsta: brojnost, omjer osnovnih i prefigiranih glagola unutar vrste, posebno proširenost i njezina veza s brojnošću, odnos brojnosti i čestote, npr. broj članova svake vrste u rječniku koji raste od najčešćih 100 do najčešćih 6 tisuća riječi. Građu čini više od 24 000 hrvatskih glagola koji su podijeljeni u skupine, vrste i razrede s različitim stupnjem članstva unutar vrste. Prva se skupina sastoji samo od jednoga člana (glagoli tipa gledati), druga ima tri (glagoli tipa moliti, vidjeti i trčati), a treća šest (glagoli tipa pisati, smijati se, putovati, davati, viknuti i ići).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 47-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Glagoli -- Konjugacije -- Glagolska tipologija

Časopis Naš jezik u kontekstu hrvatskoga jezikoslovlja prve polovice 20. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Borko Baraban, Željko Jozić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 24-26. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se, prvi put u kroatističkom, ali i općelingvističkom kontekstu, usporedno prikazuju tematski i razradbeni okviri dvaju po mnogočemu oprečnih jezikoslovnih časopisa (Naš jezik, Beograd, i Hrvatski jezik, Zagreb) potkraj 30-ih godina prošloga stoljeća u kojima se zrcali težnja jezičnomu unitarizmu beogradskoga časopisa s jedne strane i jezikoslovno utemeljen otpor takvim nastojanjima s hrvatske strane. Jezikoslovni članci objavljeni u Hrvatskom jeziku (1938. – 1939.) i oni u Našem jeziku pokazuju sasvim suprotna opredjeljenja dvaju jezikoslovnih centara. Časopisni su suradnici Hrvatskoga jezika (1938. – 1939.) u svojim radovima nastojali isticati hrvatske posebnosti i tako očuvati prirodan razvoj hrvatskoga književnog jezika (usuprot nasilnomu ujedinjavanju na svim jezičnim razinama), a suradnici Našega jezikau svojim su temama uglavnom težili postizanju čistoće našega jezika (pritom misleći na srpski jezik), a ta je čistoća podrazumijevala odbacivanje brojnih hrvatskih jezičnih posebnosti u cilju postizanja jedinstva. - The paper for the first time in linguistic context compares thematic and detailed frameworks of two of mainly opposite linguistic journals (Naš jezik, Belgrade, and Hrvatski jezik, Zagreb) at the end of the 30ies of the last century, mirroring the linguistic unitaryism of the Belgrade journal on one side and linguistic resistance to such efforts from the Croatian side. The linguistic articles published in Hrvatski jezik (1938–1939) and those in Naš jezik show quite the opposite orientation of the two linguistic centers. The authors of Hrvatski jezik (1938–1939) tried to emphasize particularities of Croatian language in their works trying to preserve the natural development of the Croatian literary language (fighting with Serbian language unification at all levels), while the authors of Naš jezik in their topics mainly sought to achieve purity of our language (actually Serbian), and this purity implied the rejection of numerous Croatian language features in order to achieve unity.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik
Ivšić, Stjepan -- Belić, Aleksandar


HORVAT, Marijana
Dijakronijski pogled na mocijske imenice [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Horvat, Milica Mihaljević. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 41-44. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U članku se analiziraju mocijski odnosi u odabranim hrvatskim gramatikama i rječnicima do objavljivanja Parčićeva rječnika 1901. godine. Propituje se jesu li i na koji način stari hrvatski gramatičari obrađivali mocijske odnose te u kojoj su mjeri mocijski parnjaci zastupljeni u rječnicima. S jedne strane, i gramatike i rječnici ovjeravali su uporabnu situaciju i pisanu praksu, a s druge strane, pokazatelji su autorske inventivnosti u popunjavanju postojećega leksičkoga fonda novim sastavnicama, a takvi su rječotvorni prinosi bili uobičajeni u predstandardizacijskoj fazi hrvatskoga jezika. Stoga su gramatike i rječnici i primjer jezične uporabe i izvor za povijesnojezičnu analizu na svim razinama. U raščlambu su uključene tri gramatike i četiri rječnika. Da bi se dobio što bolji uvid u problematiku, odabrani su rječnici koji se međusobno razlikuju opsegom, vrstom i namjenom. Na temelju zaključaka o poimanju mocijskih odnosa u starijoj hrvatskoj gramatikografiji i leksikografiji uočen je problem povezan sa suvremenom definicijom mocije te ponuđen prijedlog za njezinu doradu, bar kad je riječ o povijesnojezičnim istraživanjima. - The paper analyzes feminine/masculine relations in the selected Croatian grammar books and dictionaries from pre-standard period to the publishing of Parčić’s dictionary in 1901. The aim of the paper is to answer the question in what way were such relations presented by grammarians and to what extent are these nouns present in the dictionaries. On the one hand, the grammar books and dictionaries reflected the usage and written practice of the time, and on the other, they mirror the inventiveness of the authors in filling the existing lexical gaps with new elements formed by compounding and derivation. Such word formation was very characteristic for the pre-standard period of the Croatian language. Thus grammar books and dictionaries are an example of language usage and a source for historical analysis of language on all levels. The corpus for this analysis consists of three grammar books and four dictionaries. In order to gain a better insight into the subject, we selected dictionaries which differ in size, purpose, and kind. On the basis of the analysis of the concept of feminine/masculine relations in older Croatian grammar books and dictionaries, the problem connected with the Croatian terminology of feminine/masculine relations has been noticed and a solution for the revision of the definition for the purpose of language history research has been offered.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 27-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Gramatike -- Rječnici -- Mocija -- Mocijske imenice -- Povijesna gramatikografija -- Povijesna leksikografija

GALIĆ, Josip, filolog
Embedded imperatives in kajkavian dialects of Croatian [Elektronička građa] / Josip Galić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 399-400. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Embedded imperatives are cross-linguistically very rare. They are attested, for instance, in modern languages such as Slovenian and High German and historical languages such as Ancient Greek and Old Scandinavian. In the literature, it has long been established that imperatives can also be embedded in some Kajkavian dialects of Croatian, but to date, this phenomenon has not been thoroughly analyzed. The paper deals with the material collected by field research and analyses it within the framework of Medeiros’ (2015) minimalist approach to embedded imperatives, according to which the embedding of imperatives is possible only in the languages in which imperative morphology does not depend on the directive operator. In the researched Kajkavian dialects, embedded imperatives can occur only in complement clauses, but older texts show that in the written language, embedded imperatives are also possible in relative clauses. Unlike many other languages in which imperatives may be embedded, in the researched Kajkavian dialects, embedding is relatively free. Both true and surrogate imperatives may be embedded, the subject of embedded clauses can be null and overt and does not necessarily have to co-refer to the internal argument of the matrix predicate. - Jezici koji dopuštaju umetanje imperativa vrlo su rijetki. Ta je pojava potvrđena, primjerice, u suvremenim jezicima poput slovenskoga i visokonjemačkoga te povijesnim jezicima poput starogrčkoga i staroskandinavskih. U literaturi je davno utvrđeno da imperativi mogu biti umetnuti i u nekim govorima kajkavskoga narječja hrvatskoga jezika, ali do danas ta pojava nije podrobnije analizirana. U radu se donosi građa prikupljena terenskim istraživanjem te se analizira u okvirima Medeirosova (2015) minimalističkoga pristupa umetnutim imperativima, prema kojem je umetanje imperativa moguće samo u onim jezicima u kojima imperativna morfologija nije ovisna o direktivnome operatoru. U istraženim se kajkavskim govorima umetnuti imperativi ostvaruju samo u dopumbenim rečenicama, no stariji tekstovi pokazuju da je u pisanome jeziku umetanje moguće i u restriktivnim relativnim rečenicama. Za razliku od mnogih drugih jezika u kojima se imperativi mogu umetati, u istraženim je kajkavskim govorima umetanje relativno slobodno. Umetnuti mogu biti i pravi i zamjenski imperativi, subjekt umetnutih rečenica može biti prazan i leksički izražen te ne mora nužno biti koreferentan s unutarnjim argumentom korijenskoga predikata.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 383-400  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Kajkavsko narječje -- Sintaksa -- Imperativ -- Modalnost

Eponimi u jeziku prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti [Elektronička građa] / Snježana Kereković. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 153-154. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Brojni su eponimni nazivi u uporabi u prirodnim i tehničkim znanostima. U radu donosimo kontrastivnu analizu primjera engleskih i hrvatskih eponima koji se upotrebljavaju u tim dvama područjima. Cilj je analize utvrditi razlike između dvaju jezika na ortografskoj, gramatičkoj, sintaktičkoj i semantičkoj razini. Eponime smo prema semantičkome kriteriju podijelili u pet skupina; odabrani su primjeri te klasifikacije također dio kontrastivne analize. - Eponymous terms are frequently used in the language of science and technology. The paper deals with a contrastive analysis of examples of English and Croatian eponymous terms used in the language of science and technology. Most eponyms are persons, real historical figures, after whom a concept, a phenomenon, a process or a discovery is named, however, eponym may be any toponym, i.e. a country or a city, a brand name and even anything bearing a name. The goal of the analysis was to describe the eponymous terms with respect to their orthography, grammar, syntax and semantics and to establish the differences between the two languages. A semantic classification of the eponyms has been proposed and the examples presented in the classification were analysed and compared contributing to the linguistic analysis. The contrastive analysis has shown that in most cases an English eponymous term is also an eponym in Croatian, but there are a few exceptions showing that there are some English eponymous terms that are not eponyms in Croatian and vice versa. Most eponymous terms are of a permanent nature, only the ones that denote devices or products that have become obsolete remain to be used as historical terms. It has been found that in both languages there are pairs of synonyms in which one term is an eponymous term and the other one is a non-eponymous term. It was established that, firstly, such pairs are not always cognitive synonyms but near-synonyms, and secondly, that the meaning of non-eponymous terms is much more transparent than the meaning of eponymous terms. In terms of syntax, the differences between the two languages are naturally substantial as Croatian is a language with an extensive case system and English is a case-poor language.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 135-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Engleski jezik -- Eponimi -- Kontrastivna analiza -- Stručno nazivlje -- Prirodne znanosti -- Tehničke znanosti

LOVRIĆ Jović, Ivana
Fonološke značajke jezika dubrovačkih čestitarskih pjesama s početka 19. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Lovrić Jović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 202. - Sažetak ; Riassunto. - U radu se opisuje fonološka razina jezika kolenda iz 19. stoljeća. Njihov je autor Mato Zamanja, dubrovački vlastelin i potomak Ivana Gundulića. Pisao ih je vrlo mlad i razigran, potpuno odterećen obiteljskoga pjesničkog bremena pa se u njima očekuju elementi pučke parlate razapete u formalnim metričkim zadanostima. Budući da se dubrovački govor iz kolenda promatra u kontekstu dubrovačkoga idioma tijekom vremena i u raznim književnim i neknjiževnim vrstama, jezične se značajke opisuju i komparativnom metodom kad se uspoređuju s rezultatima jezične analize dubrovačkih oporuka iz 17. i 18. st., dubrovačkih frančezarija (18. st.) i Gundulićeva jezika (17. st.). - L’articolo analizza le caratteristiche fonologiche della lingua dei canti natalizi (a Dubrovnik chiamati colende), dagli inizi dell’ottocento. Il loro autore è Matteo Zamagna(1800–1870), nobile raguseo e discendente di Giovanni Gondola. I canti furono composti da Zamagna, diciasettenne giocoso e completamente libero dal peso delle proprie origini della famiglia di illustri ragusei, specialmente nel campo di letteratura, perciò vi era quasi scontata la presenza degli elementi di un linguaggio colloquiale, composti all’interno di una cornice di formalità metrica. Siccome la parlata ragusea viene osservata nel contesto dell’idioma di Dubrovnik nel tempo e in varie specie letterarie e non letterarie, le caratteristiche fonologiche sono descritte dall’analisi comparativa, dunque, confrontano i risultati delle ricerche linguistiche dei testamenti di Dubrovnik (XVII e XVIII sec.), delle francesarie (XVIII sec.) e della lingua di Giovanni Gondola (XVII sec.).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 185-203  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dubrovački govor -- Fonološke značajke -- Kolende -- Komparativna metoda
19. st.


BARBARIĆ, Vuk-Tadija
Funkcija vezničkoga spoja ako li u starohrvatskim pravnim tekstovima [Elektronička građa] / Vuk-Tadija Barbarić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 274-276. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se analizira funkcija vezničkoga spoja ako li na korpusu koji se sastoji od odabranih starohrvatskih pravnih tekstova. Koordinate istraživanja smještaju se prema dosadašnjoj literaturi između suprotnosti i emfatičnosti, što se dalje provjerava. Pokazalo se da je Poljički statut posebno pogodan za analizu te da mnogobrojni primjeri upućuju na to da je osnovna funkcija spoja ako li da uvodi dodatni uvjet. Na kraju se upozorava na to da bi se taj spoj mogao smatrati (pojačajnim) uvjetnim konektorom. - In this paper the author analyses the complex conjunction ako li. Katičić (2002: 303) considers it a special characteristic of the old language and the vernacular that is used to introduce a clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned. A corpus consisting of Old Croatian legal texts is analysed. The choice of the complex conjunction ako li for the analysis is governed by the fact that the conjunction ako alone is a salient feature of these texts. Kuzmić (2009: 436) considers this conjunction a recognizable and important syntactic characteristic of the articles found in Old Croatian statutes. In addition, the selection of examples as well as their analysis focuses primarily on the complex conjunction ako li, as the author suspects that there is still room to define its function more clearly. Maretić (1963: 537) is also in favour of the hypothesis that the element li bears a contrasting meaning, while Pranjković (2012: 37) disagrees, considering this element an intensifier. As it is clearly shown, these hypothesis have their own prominent proponents, and are taken into account seriously in order to establish whether they hold for the period represented by the corpus. It is argued that the main function of ako li is to introduce an additional condition, and that the contrasting meaning is of no real relevance. The author proposes that this complex conjunction could be in fact considered a connector.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 265-277  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Starohrvatski jezik -- Pravni tekstovi -- Veznički spoj -- Intenzifikator

GRANIĆ, Jagoda
Hrvatska "unutarnja" i "vanjska" jezična politika u europskom kontekstu / Jagoda Granić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografija: str. 100-101. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 93-102
Hrvatski jezik -- Jezična politika -- Europski kontekst

Iz sintakse zavisnosloženih rečenica u najstarijim kajkavskim književnim tekstovima [Elektronička građa] : uzročne rečenice / Željka Brlobaš.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bbliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 379-382. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Kajkavski hrvatski književni jezik odlikuje se pojedinim sintaktičkim obilježjima zavisnosloženih rečenica u cijelome razdoblju (od 16. do 19. st.) ili onima koja se razlikuju u prvim književnim tekstovima u odnosu na ostale tekstove do kraja razdoblja. Na temelju najstarijih kajkavskih književnih tekstova druge polovice 16. stoljeća (I. Pergošić, A. Vramec, Listine hrvatske) u radu se analiziraju eksplicitne zavisnosložene rečenice nastale uvrštavanjem na temelju raspodjele i značenja veznika ar i jer uzročnih rečenica. Sintaktička obilježja zavisnosloženih rečenica uvedenih veznicima ar i jer u najstarijim izvorima kajkavskoga hrvatskog književnog jezika uspoređuju se s potvrdama u kajkavskim književnim tekstovima do kraja razdoblja. - The Croatian Kajkavian literary language is characterised by particular syntactic characteristics in complex sentences that are comparable throughout the entire period from the 16th to the 19th century, or which differ between the earliest literary texts and the remaining texts written until the end of the same period. On the basis of the oldest late-16th century Kajkavian literary texts (I. Pergošić, A. Vramec, Listine hrvatske), this paper analyses compound predicate sentences on the basis of the structure and meaning of their conjunctions ar, jer causative sentences. The syntactic characteristics of these types of complex sentences in the oldest Croatian Kajkavian literary language sources are compared with attestations in pre-19th century Kajkavian literary texts.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 365-382  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kajkavski književni jezik -- Književni tekstovi -- Složene rečenice -- Zavisnoložene rečenice, -- Uzročne rečenice -- Veznici

Konektori u spontanome govorenom jeziku [Elektronička građa] / Sara Košutar, Gordana Hržica. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: prilog na str. 182-183. - Bibliografija: str. 178-181. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Načini povezivanja iskaza u organizaciji složenih nadrečeničnih cjelina plodna su tema brojnih jezikoslovnih istraživanja. Pritom je veći naglasak stavljen na proučavanje konektora i/ili diskursnih oznaka u govorenome jeziku jer je mnogim istraživanjima utvrđeno kako su te jezične jedinice vrlo česte upravo u govorenome jezičnom modalitetu (primjerice, O’Keeffe, McCarthy i Carter 2007). Ipak, većina hrvatskih jezikoslovaca usmjerila se na proučavanje kohezivnih veza u pisanome diskursu, dok se nadrečenična sintaksa govorenoga diskursa nije proučavala (primjerice, Velčić 1987, Glovacki-Bernardi 2004). Štoviše, u drugim je jezicima utvrđeno da su pojedini jezični elementi s povezivačkom funkcijom karakterističniji za govorene žanrove te se ne pojavljuju istovremeno u pisanim žanrovima ili nisu zastupljeni u jednakoj mjeri (Biber 2006). Cilj je ovoga rada utvrditi kako se konektorima kao formalnogramatičkim sredstvima uspostavljaju odnosi među iskazima u spontanome govorenom jeziku izvornih hrvatskih govornika. Konektori se shvaćaju kao podskupina diskursnih oznaka te obuhvaćaju jezične elemente površinske strukture čija je primarna funkcija kohezivna. Za potrebe istraživanja izdvojeni su jezični uzorci 30 govornika iz Hrvatskoga korpusa govornog jezika odraslih (Kuvač Kraljević i Hržica 2016, HrAL). Korpus je analiziran pomoću unaprijed zadanoga popisa od 143 konektora prikupljena iz pisanih izvora o hrvatskome jeziku (znanstveni radovi, monografije, gramatike). Sukladno rezultatima u drugim jezicima u hrvatskome se govorenom jeziku pojavljuje manji broj konektora iz pisanih izvora o hrvatskome jeziku te su, s obzirom na formalnojezične razlike između pisanoga i govorenoga diskursa, pronađeni konektori koji nisu zabilježeni u takvim izvorima. - Linking utterances in suprasentential units is fruitful subject in contemporary linguistics. Greater emphasis has been placed on examining connectives and (or) discourse markers in spoken language since recent studies have shown that these language units are more common to spoken language modality (e.g. O’Keeffe, McCarthy and Carter 2007). However, most research in Croatian language focused on examining cohesive ties in written discourse, while the suprasyntax of spoken discourse has not been studied (e.g. Velčić 1987, Glovacki-Bernardi 2004). Furthermore, research in other languages showed that certain linguistic elements fulfilling a connective function are more restricted to spoken genres and they do not appear in written ones (Biber 2006). The aim of this paper was to investigate connectives, considered as formal grammatical devices, in spontaneous spoken language of Croatian native speakers. In the present study, connectives are perceived as a subgroup of discourse markers and they encompass linguistic elements of surface structure whose primary function is cohesive. For the purpose of this research, the language samples of 30 participants were extracted from the Croatian Adult Spoken Language Corpus (Kuvač Kraljević and Hržica 2016; HrAL). The corpus was analysed by using a pre-established list of 143 connectives elicited from various written sources (scientific papers, grammars). Confirming the results from other studies, merely a small number of connectives from written sources appear in Croatian spoken language. Moreover, considering the formal linguistic variations between written and spoken discourse the connectives that are not annotated in linguistic sources were detected. However, contrary to our hypothesis about the high frequency of connectives in spoken language, their distribution in Croatian language sample was lower than expected.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 1 ; str. 157-183  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Govoreni jezik -- Spontani govoreni jezik -- Diskurs -- Konektori -- Konverzacija

MIHALJEVIĆ, Ana, profesorica hrvatskog jezika
Latinski utjecaji na sintaksu zavisnosloženih rečenica u hrvatskoglagoljskim tekstovima [Elektronička građa] / Ana Mihaljević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 595-599. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se analizira utjecaj latinskoga na sintaksu hrvatskoglagoljskih tekstova prevedenih s latinskoga. Pri prevođenju zavisnih rečenica s latinskoga na hrvatski crkvenoslavenski prevoditelji uglavnom doslovno prenose rečenice ne mijenjajući njihovu strukturu. Međutim, dva su glavna problema koja se pojavljuju pri prevođenju. Prvi je problem kako prevesti konjunktiv koji se pojavljuje u velikome broju zavisnih rečenica, a koji nema formalni korespondent u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskome. Drugi je problem kako prevesti pojedine veznike jer se značenja i funkcije pojedinih veznika u latinskome ne podudaraju s pojedinim veznicima u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskom. Pri prevođenju je veznika problem što se u latinskome isti veznik može pojavljivati u raznim vrstama zavisnih rečenica, a u svakome kontekstu u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskom značenjski mu odgovara drugi veznik. Osobito su česte nedoumice pri prevođenju vrlo čestih latinskih veznika ut, cum i quia te katkad hrvatski prevoditelj pogrešno prevodi rečenicu pod utjecajem tipičnoga značenja koji veznik u latinskome ima. U radu se analizira uporaba vremena i veznika u zavisnim rečenicama, odnos izričnih rečenica i konstrukcija s infinitivom i drugi latinski utjecaji u sintaksi zavisnosloženih rečenica. Korpus uključuje biblijske knjige Esteru i Makabejce, apokrife Život Adama i Eve, Nikodemovo evanđelje i Protoevanđelje Jakovljevo, hagiografske tekstove Čtenie s(ve)te Margarite, Čistilište svetoga Patricija i Život Marije Magdalene te brevijarsku službu u čast sv. Anti. - This paper analyses the influence of Latin on the syntax of Croatian Glagolitic texts translated from Latin. While translating dependent sentences from Latin into Croatian Church Slavonic, the translators usually literally translated sentences without changing their structure. However, two major problems occur in such translations. The first is how to translate the conjunctive, which occurs in many dependent sentences and which has no formal equivalent in Croatian Church Slavonic. The second is how to translate certain conjunctions, as the meaning and function of certain Latin conjunctions does not correspond with that of conjunctions in Croatian Church Slavonic. While translating these conjunctions, the same Latin conjunctions can occur in different classes of dependent sentences, and they are translated with different Croatian Church Slavonic conjunctions in different contexts. Problems arise when translating very common Latin conjunctions such as ut, cum, and quia as the translators often use the typical meaning of the Latin conjunction, thus resulting in translation errors. The paper focuses on the usage of tense and conjunctions in dependent clauses, the relationship between declarative sentences and constructions with the infinitive, and some other cases of Latin influence on the syntax of dependent clauses. The corpus includes the apocryphal texts: Vita Adae et Evae, Evangelium Nicodemi, Protoevangelium Jacobi, hagiographies: Lectio B. Margaritae, Tractatus de purgatorio sancti Patricii, Vita Mariae Magdalenae, the Biblical books of Esther and the Maccabees, and the service in honor of st. Anthony.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 571-600  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski crkvenoslavenski jezik -- Latinski jezik -- Sintaksa -- Zavisne rečenice -- Prevođenje

BATINIĆ Angster, Mia
Može li hrvatska anafora svoj biti dalekometna? [Elektronička građa] : odgovor na temelju analize infinitivnih dopuna / Mia Batinić Angster. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 294-296. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se preispituje mogućnost dalekometnosti anafore svoj analizom infinitivnih dopuna. Na temelju kriterija (ne)sposobnosti odobrenja neodređenih niječnih izraza preko infinitiva te uvođenja i infinitivne i finitne dopune predlaže se nova podjela hrvatskih glagola koji uvode infinitivnu dopunu na restrukturirajuće i nerestrukturirajuće. Restrukturiranjem se dalekometnost anafore svoj potvrđuje kao prividna te se odbacuje. - The aim of this paper is to question the locality of the possessive anaphor svoj. In some Slavic languages (possessive) anaphors behave like long-distance anaphors in infinitival clause (cfr. Faltz 1985, Pica 1987, Rappaport 1986, Dotlačil 2005, Reinders- -Machowska 1991). In this paper we tackle the possibility that also Croatian svoj might display long-distance binding in that context. In the analysis we follow the classification of infinitival complements into restructuring and non-restructuring ones: while the former are generated as VP complements, the latter are clause complements (cfr. Rizzi 1976, Wurmbrand 2003, Grano 2015, Landau 2000). On the basis of two criteria – the (im)possibility of licensing negative polarity items and of introducing both infinitival and finite complements – we propose a new classification of Croatian verbs taking infinitival complements which show that svoj cannot be bound outside its governing category.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 279-297  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Anafora -- Infinitiv -- Infinitivne dopune -- Glagoli -- Negacija

O obliku i tipu informacije u jezičnom procesiranju [Elektronička građa] : odabir antecedenta elipse glagolske skupine u hrvatskome / Irina Masnikosa, Mirjana Tonković, Anita Peti-Stantić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 544-547. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U literaturi je pokazano kako se sintaktička struktura, za razliku od značenja iskaza, vrlo kratko zadržava u pamćenju, osobito nakon rečenične granice (Caplan 1972, Jarvella 1971). Unatoč tomu postoje istraživanja koja pokazuju kako sintaktička struktura koja prethodi elipsi glagolske skupine utječe na njezinu obradu i interpretaciju (Hankamer i Sag 1976, Shapiro i Hestvik 1995). Frazier i Clifton (2005) formuliraju hipotezu glavne tvrdnje prema kojoj se novi jezični materijal povezuje s glavnom tvrdnjom prethodne rečenice ako je ona lako dostupna te hipotezu domene koordinacije prema kojoj je u obradi koordinirane strukture dostupna čitava koordinirana struktura ili samo recentna sastavnica. Te su hipoteze eksperimentalno potvrđene u engleskom jeziku ispitivanjem odabira antecedenta eliptičnih rečenica koje otvaraju mogućnost višestruke interpretacije. U ovom su radu hipoteze glavne tvrdnje i domene koordinacije eksperimentalno testirane u hrvatskom jeziku ispitivanjem odabira antecedenta eliptičnih rečenica kojima prethode zavisnosložene (Tina je otišla kući nakon što je popila piće. I Marija je. // Nakon što je popila piće, Tina je otišla kući. I Marija je.) i nezavisnosložene rečenice (Tina je otišla kući i popila piće. I Marija je. // Tina je popila piće i otišla kući. I Marija je.). U ispitivanju je dodatno mjereno i vrijeme reakcije ispitanika. Rezultati eksperimenta pokazuju da su ispitanici, neovisno o vrsti rečenice koja im je prethodila, dominantno birali koordiniranu strukturu kao antecedent elipse. Uz to, u interpretaciji elipse nakon zavisnosloženih rečenica zabilježen je utjecaj glavne tvrdnje, ali i utjecaj recentnosti na odabir antecedenta. - Psycholinguistic research of language processing has provided evidence that memory for the syntactic structure, as opposed to memory of the meaning of the utterance, is short lived, especially across the sentence boundaries (Caplan 1972, Jarvella 1971). However, the syntactic structure of the preceding text influences processing and interpretation of the ellipsis. (Hankamer and Sag 1976, Shapiro and Hestvik 1995). Frazier and Clifton (2005) formulated the (1) Main Assertion Hypothesis (MAH): comprehenders prefer to relate material in a new sentence to the main assertion of the preceding sentence; (2) Conjunction Domain Hypothesis: the processing of conjunction allows either the entire conjoined phrase to be processed or just the closer conjunct. These hypotheses are experimentally confirmed in the study of the interpretation of ambiguous elliptical sentences (Frazier and Clifton 2005). In this paper we experimentaly test the role of the Main Assertion Hypothesis and the Conjunction domain Hypothesis in the interpretation of VP ellipsis in Croatian. The differences in interpretation and reaction times were measured in comprehension task for two-sentenced discourses including complex sentences (e.g. Tina je otišla kući nakon što je popila piće. I Marija je. ‘Tina went home after she had a drink. So did Marija.’) and compound sentences (Tina je otišla kući i popila piće. I Marija je. ‘Tina went home and had a drink. So did Marija.’). Results suggest that the dominant strategy is choosing the cojoined structure as an antecedent of VP ellipsis. However, the effects of the main assertion and clause order are observed in the interpretation of the ellipsis following complex sentences. Results for the preferred interpretation of elliptical sentences that follow compound sentences confirm the Conjunction Domain Hypothesis i.e. the role of the clause order in processing.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 523-547  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Složene rečenice -- Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Nezavisnosložene rečenice -- Elipsa glagolske skupine -- Jezično procesiranje

Podjela i nazivlje zavisnosloženih rečenica u novijim hrvatskim gramatikama [Elektronička građa] / Lana Hudeček, Milica Mihaljević. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 468-470. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovaj je rad potaknut problemima s kojima se susrećemo pri definiranju pojedinih jezikoslovnih naziva u sklopu projekta Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik i studijom Ive Pranjkovića Vrste zavisnosloženih rečenica te se nalazi na tragu te studije, ali se u njemu promišljanju podjela zavisnosloženih rečenica dodaje, te u prvi plan ističe, i terminološki aspekt. U radu se posebno analiziraju ovi problemi u nazivlju zavisnosloženih rečenica: sastavljeno/nesastavljeno pisanje nekih naziva; uporaba domaćega i internacionalnoga nazivlja; nazivi za rečenice u kojima se zavisna surečenica uvrštava na mjesto priložne oznake glavne surečenice: priložne/adverbne/adverbijalne rečenice; nazivi za rečenice u kojima se zavisna surečenica uvrštava na mjesto priložne oznake načina kojom se izriče usporedba: poredbene/usporedne/usporedbene rečenice te odnos tih rečenica prema načinskim rečenicama; nazivi za rečenice u kojima se zavisna surečenica uvrštava na mjesto priložne oznake pogodbe glavne surečenice: pogodbene/uvjetne/kondicionalne rečenice; nazivi apozicijska/apozitivna rečenica te odnos tih rečenica prema atributnim rečenicama. Analiziraju se i različite definicije naziva odnosna/relativna rečenica, objasnidbena rečenica i dopunska rečenica. Cilj je ovoga rada predlaganje podjele zavisnosloženih rečenica u okviru tradicionalne gramatike, u prvome redu u školskim gramatikama i udžbenicima, razrješavanje nekih terminoloških dvojba te poticanje na daljnje promišljanje podjele i nazivlja zavisnosloženih rečenica. - This paper is motivated by the problems, which the authors encountered while defining some linguistic terms within the project Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik as well as by Ivo Pranjković’s paper Vrste zavisnosloženih rečenica (The Types of Dependent Clauses) and follows the direction of that paper. The difference is that in addition to giving an overview of different classifications of dependent sentences the focus of this paper is on terminology. The paper analyses these problems: inconsistency in writing of certain terms (as compounds or as two words), the use of terms of Croatian or international origin, terms for sentences in which the dependent clause is embedded into the main clause in the place of an apposition, terms for sentences in which the dependent clause is embedded in the place of an adverbial modifier: priložne/adverbne/adverbijalne rečenice, terms for sentences in which the dependent clause is embedded in the place of an adverbial modifier of manner which expresses comparison: poredbene/usporedne/usporedbene rečenice and their relation to sentences of manner, terms for sentences in which the subordinate clause is embedded in the place of an adverbial modifier of condition in the main clause: pogodbene/uvjetne/kondicionalne rečenice (conditional sentence); terms apozicijska/apozitivna rečenica (appositive sentence), and their relation to the attributive clause. Different definitions of the terms odnosna/relativna rečenica, objasnidbena rečenica, and dopunska rečenica (relative clause, explanatory clause, embedded clause) are analyzed. The aim of this paper is to suggest a classification of dependent sentences within the framework of traditional grammar, primarily for school grammar books and textbooks, to solve some terminological problems and to encourage further discussion on certain problems of classification and terminology of dependent sentences.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 437-471  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Složene rečenice -- Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Sintaksa -- Terminologija

Polemike o hrvatskom jeziku na stranicama Hrvatske revije u rubrici pisma uredništva (1975. - 1984.) / Vice Šunjić.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 326-327. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 321-329
Pisma uredništva -- Hrvatski koroatisti -- Hrvatska revija

Profesijski nazivi u hrvatskoj e-terminografiji i e-leksikografiji [Elektronička građa] / Lana Hudeček, Milica Mihaljević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i mrežni izvori: str. 93-94. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se analizira zastupljenost i obrada profesijskih naziva u hrvatskim općejezičnim i terminološkim rječnicima. Posebna je pozornost posvećena terminološkoj bazi Struna i e-rječniku Mrežnik. S terminološkoga se stajališta analizira profesijsko nazivlje koje se pojavljuje u nazivlju mnogih struka. Analizira se zastupljenost i obrada takvoga nazivlja u Struni te u terminološkim rječnicima dostupnima na Hrvatskome terminološkom portalu i daje prijedlog obrade profesijskoga nazivlja na primjeru jezikoslovnoga nazivlja. Također se prikazuje kako se takvo nazivlje obrađuje u Hrvatskome mrežnom rječniku – Mrežniku. Na taj se način ujedinjuju rezultati rada na projektu Muško i žensko u hrvatskome jeziku i Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik te prikazuje u čemu je razlika u obradi takvoga nazivlja u općemu i terminološkome rječniku ili bazi. - This paper analyses the occurrence and lexicographic representation of professional nouns and noun phrases in Croatian general and terminological dictionaries. The focus of study are E-dictionaries and terminological databases. The authors determine in which fields such terms occur, whether both members of a feminine-masculine pair are present, and how the terms are defined. They present a model for the compilation of entries of such headwords on the example of linguistic terminology as well as examining how such terms are represented in the Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik. In this way, the results of the work within the frame of the projects Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik and Male and Female in the Croatian Language are combined, and the difference among entries in general e-dictionaries and terminological database is shown.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 24 ; str. 75-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rječnici -- Profesijski nazivi -- E-leksikografija -- E-terminografija

ZORIĆ, Matija
Rečenice s iznimnim padežnim označivanjem i rečenice s implicitnom kontrolom subjekta u hrvatskom jeziku [Elektronička građa] / Matija Zorić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 709-710. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U filološkoj analizi latinskog i grčkog jezika konstrukcije tzv. akuzativa s infinitivom (ACI – lat. accusativus cum infinitivo) i nominativa s infinitivom (NCI – lat. nominativus cum infinitivo) zauzimaju jasno mjesto i obilno su prisutne u korpusima rimske i starogrčke književnosti. Spomenute konstrukcije pojavljuju se i u drugim jezicima, npr. njemačkom i engleskom. Hrvatske (i crkvenoslavenske) konstrukcije ACI i DCI (prema lat. dativus cum infinitivo – dativ s infinitivom) spominju se u radovima Mihaljevića (Mihaljević 2011) i Belaja (Belaj 2015). U ovom se radu istražuju ovjereni tipovi konstrukcija ECM (prema engl. exceptional case marking – iznimno padežno označivanje) i njihova formalna struktura u suvremenom hrvatskom jeziku te prisutnost konstrukcija ECM primarno u tekstovima Hrvatske jezične riznice, tipovi glagola uz koje se u hrvatskom jeziku pojavljuju konstrukcije ACI, NCI i DCI te se uspoređuju razredi glagola uz koje se pojavljuju konstrukcije ACI i NCI u latinskom i hrvatskom jeziku. - This research shows additional possibilities to distinguish control verbs from ECM verbs. The assumption is that verbs show some kind control or ECM properties even in sentences with finite complements. These properties can be used to determine whether their infinitive complements should be recognized as controlled or ECM. The search of the Croatian Language Repository of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics in 2017 and 2018, without categorical or time constraints, resulted in 415 transitive verbs with the object in accusative, 15 verbs governing the dative experiencer and 94 impersonal nominal predicates governing the dative experiencer. A total of 1967651 hits were reviewed. Subordinate subject and object clauses are dominantly finite sentences with the conjunction da: finite sentences with the conjunction da are most common clausal complement of active transitive verbs (214707 or 99.2%), followed by, much less frequently, implicitly controlled infinitival sentences (1644 or 0.76%), and there are marginal instantiations of ECM of accusative with infinitive as well (67 or 0.03%), mostly with the verb vidjeti (to see). Most common clausal complement of passive forms of transitive verbs is a finite sentence with the conjunction da (23064 or 94.3%), while implicitly controlled infinitival sentences are not as common (1394 or 5.7%). Verbs with dative experiencer are also complemented both by finite sentences with the conjunction da (1694 or 61.53%), and by implicitly controlled infinitival sentences (1059 or 38.47%). Croatian language enables ACI, NCI and DCI (as well as genitive with infinitive – GCI) constructions as implicit controls (or pseudo ACI, NCI and DCI), but ECM accusative with infinitive is not frequent. Even though accusative with infinitive ECM category is marginally represented in Croatian language, it is not diachronically stipulated nor limited to old Croatian literature.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 695-711  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Padeži -- Glagoli -- Implicitna kontrola

BELAJ, Branimir
Relacija i supstitucija kao temelj podjele eksplicitno subordiniranih klauzi [Elektronička građa] / Branimir Belaj. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 326-327. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Primjenjujući teorijsko-metodološki okvir kognitivne gramatike (Langacker 1987, 1991, 2008, 2009, Taylor 2002, Belaj i Tanacković Faletar 2014, 2017), ova će rasprava biti posvećena podjeli eksplicitno subordiniranih klauzi. U kognitivnoj gramatici subordinirane se klauze, kao uostalom i u većini ostalih gramatičkih teorija, dijele na relativne, kompletivne i adverbijalne, no ta podjela, barem kada je hrvatski jezik u pitanju, ne obuhvaća sve tipove eksplicitne subordinacije te zahtijeva određenu reviziju. Ovdje će se eksplicitno subordiniranim klauzama pristupiti kao kontinuumu konstrukcija u rasponu od shematičnijih prema specifičnijima te će se na najshematičnijoj razini one podijeliti na relativne i nerelativne, i to iz najmanje dva razloga: prvo, pojam odnosa bez ikakve je sumnje najvažniji pojam svake razine gramatičkoga opisa te je u tom smislu izrazito pogodan kao osnovni kriterij različitih klasifikacija i podjela (npr. vrsta riječi), pa tako i subordiniranih klauzi, i drugo, relativne su rečenice jedinstvene u kategoriji subordiniranih klauzi jer su one jedine klauze u kojima veznik uz opću funkciju povezivanja ima i funkciju supstituiranja, čime se u subordiniranoj klauzi omogućuje razvijanje različitih značenja imanentnih ostalim vrstama (gotovo svih adverbijalnih i kompletivnih), pa takva opća podjela s jedne strane obuhvaća sve tipove subordinacije, a s druge pak strane u skladu s općim kognitivnolingvističkim pristupom kategorizaciji podržava preklapanja njihovih različitih tipova. - Using the theoretical and methodological framework of cognitive grammar (Langacker 1987, 1991, 2008, 2009; Taylor 2002, Belaj i Tanacković Faletar 2014, 2017), this paper will discuss the classification of explicitly subordinate clauses. In cognitive grammar, like in most other grammatical theories, subordinate clauses are further subclassified into relative, completive and adverbial clauses. This classification, however, does not cover all types of explicit subordination and should be somewhat revised. This paper addresses explicit subordinate clauses as a continuum of constructions along the span from more schematic towards more specific ones, with the most schematic ones classified as either relative and non-relative clauses, for two specific reasons. First, the notion of relation is, without a doubt, the most important notion at all levels of grammatical description, and as such it is especially suited to be the basic criterion for different classifications and subdivisions (e.g. of parts of speech), including the classification of subordinate clauses in which a conjunction, in addition to the linking function, also has the substitutive function, which allows the subordinate clause to develop different meanings inherent to other types (almost all adverbial and completive clauses). On the one hand, this type of classification covers all types of subordination, and on the other, it is aligned to the general cognitive linguistic approach to categorization and supports the overlaps that exist between different types of clauses.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 299-328  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Eksplicitna subordinacija -- Složene rečenice -- Surečenice -- Relativne klauze -- Nerelativne klauze

Sintaktička složenost i subordinacija u pisanome diskursu inojezičnih govornika hrvatskoga [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Trtanj, Ana Mikić Čolić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 692-693. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovo se istraživanje usredotočilo na analizu sintaktičke složenosti i subordinacije pisanoga diskursa inojezičnih govornika hrvatskoga jezika. Da bi se opisala sintaktička složenost, u obzir su uzete tradicionalne mjere kojima se ona mjeri: broj T-jedinica, prosječna duljina T-jedinica te postotak točnosti proizvedenih T-jedinica bez odstupanja. Subordinacija je izračunata omjerom broja proizvedenih zavisnosloženih rečenica i broja T-jedinica. Osim toga, u radu su prikazani kvalitativni podatci o vrstama rečenica koje su ispitanici proizveli, udio podvrste u ukupnom broju zavisnosloženih rečenica i udio podvrste u ukupnoj proizvodnji. Podatci su uspoređeni s recentnim istraživanjima u hrvatskom i drugim jezicima u kojima je provedeno slično istraživanje. Istraživanje u ovom radu temelji se na korpusu od 25 sastavaka na zadanu temu, koje su napisali izvorni govornici poljskoga, njemačkoga, španjolskoga, francuskoga, mađarskoga, engleskoga i ruskoga/ukrajinskoga, čije je znanje hrvatskoga na razini B1 prema Zajedničkom europskom referentnom okviru za jezike. Rezultati su pokazali da među ispitanicima postoje individualne razlike kao i da su mjere sintaktičke složenosti dobar pokazatelj sintaktičkoga razvoja inojezičnih govornika. Sintaktički je razvoj ispitanika u skladu s procijenjenom razinom znanja. - This research focuses on the analysis of syntactic complexity and subordination in written discourse of speakers of Croatian as a second and foreign language. In order to describe syntactic complexity, the research takes into account traditional factors in measuring complexity: the number of T-units, the mean length of T-units and the percentage of error-free T-units. Subordination is calculated on the basis of the ratio of the number of produced subordinate clauses and the number of T-units. Furthermore, the paper presents qualitative data on the sentence type produced by the speakers, the proportion of the subtype in the total number of subordinate clauses and the proportion of the subtype in the total production. The obtained data is compared to recent similar studies conducted in the Croatian language and other languages. The research in this paper is based on the corpus of 25 written compositions on the assigned topic written by native speakers of Polish, German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, English, Russian/ /Ukraine whose level of Croatian is at B1 level according to CEFR. The results indicate that there are individual differences between the speakers and that the measures of syntactic complexity are good indicators of syntactic development of second and foreign language speakers. The examinees’ syntactic development is in line with their expected language level.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 675-694  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Sintaktička složenost -- Gramatička kompetencija -- Inojezičnost

Sročnost u jeziku Hrvata u Australiji / Diana Stolac.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme Zagreb, 9. i 10. veljača 2018. - Bibliografija: str. 296-297. - Summary.
U: Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme. - ISSN . - str. 289-298
Hrvatski jezik -- Nasljedni jezik -- Sročnost

ILC, Gašper
Subordinate unless-clauses [Elektronička građa] : Croatian and Slovenian in comparison to English / Gašper Ilc, Irena Zovko Dinković. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 500-503. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The complex subordinator unless (Cr. osim ako; Sl. razen če) introduces subordinate conditional clauses carrying exceptive meaning. It is usually assumed that unless-clauses are akin to (and replaceable by) negative if-conditional clauses, with the choice of one over the other being governed by semantic and pragmatic factors. This paper investigates subordinate unless-clauses in Croatian and Slovenian in comparison to English, primarily with regard to their interpretation, the possibility of expressing hypothetical and factual meanings, and the (non-)occurrence of pleonastic negation. Based on the data collected from referential corpora of Croatian, Slovenian and English we aim to establish not only the similarities that exist regarding unless-clauses across the three languages, but also some significant differences: as opposed to Croatian and Slovenian, English unless-clauses rarely/ /untypically express hypothetical meanings. As for the occurrence of pleonastic negation in unless-clauses, it never appears in English while in Croatian and Slovenian it is common but completely optional, with Slovenian displaying both properties of pleonastic negation – the assignment of the genitive of negation and no licensing of strong NPIs – and Croatian only one (no strong NPI licensing). Even though unless-clauses in both Slavic languages display very similar properties, their distribution with regard to negation is to some extent different: affirmative unless-clauses are more frequent in Slovenian than in Croatian, while the number of those with overt pleonastic negation is significantly smaller. We conclude that unless-clauses are an example par excellence of the fine-grained interplay of syntax, semantics and pragmatics, which primarily mediates the speaker’s communicative needs and intentions. - Složeni veznik osim ako (slov. razen če, engl. unless) uvodi zavisne pogodbene surečenice s isključnim značenjem. Takve se surečenice obično smatraju srodnima (i zamjenjivima) niječnim pogodbenim surečenicama s veznikom ako, a izbor između tih dvaju tipova surečenica ovisi o semantičkim i pragmatičkim čimbenicima. U ovome se radu istražuju zavisne surečenice uvedene veznikom osim ako u hrvatskome i slovenskome u usporedbi s engleskim jezikom, prije svega s obzirom na njihovo tumačenje, mogućnost izražavanja hipotetskoga i činjeničnoga značenja te pojavu pleonastične negacije. Pritom se navode neki od ranijih pristupa, koji su uglavnom bili usmjereni na prirodu izrečenoga uvjeta (pogodbe) ili su željeli utvrditi značenjski doprinos surečenica s osim ako u kvantifikacijskome okružju, u kojemu su ih smatrali ili isključnim operatorom nad skupom kvantifikatora, ili presupozicijski (i pragmatički) motiviranim pojačivačem pogodbenoga uvjeta putem veznika osim ako. Na temelju podataka prikupljenih u referentnim korpusima hrvatskoga, slovenskoga i engleskoga želi se utvrditi ne samo sličnosti koje postoje u tim trima jezicima s obzirom na surečenice s veznikom osim ako nego i neke bitne razlike. Za razliku od hrvatskoga i slovenskoga, engleske surečenice s osim ako (engl. unless) rijetko izražavaju hipotetsko značenje: hrv. Došao bih na predstavljanje knjige, osim ako ne bi bila / ne bude velika gužva., slov. Na predstavitev knjige bi prišel, razen če ne bo / ne bi bilo gneče., engl. *I’d come to the book presentation, unless there’s a huge crowd. Kada je riječ o pojavi pleonastične negacije u takvim surečenicama, ona se u engleskome nikad ne pojavljuje, dok je u hrvatskome i slovenskome uobičajena, ali neobavezna.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 473-504  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Zavisne surečenice -- Pogodbene rečenice -- Pleonastična negacija -- Isključno značenje

Subordinirane strukture s veznikom što [Elektronička građa] / Ivo Pranjković.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 671-673. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U prilogu je riječ o raznolikim subordiniranim strukturama s veznikom što u hrvatskom jeziku. Analiziraju se subordinirane strukture s relativnim što, s eksplikativnim što, s uzročnim što te s veznikom što u sastavu brojnih složenih veznika i/ili vezničkih spojeva kao što su pošto, zato što, zbog toga što, uslijed toga što, zahvaljujući tome što, kao što, osim što, nego što, umjesto što, nakon što, prije nego što, samo što. - This paper deals with various subordinated structures in Croatian that contain the conjunction što. We analyse the following types of subordinated structures: - with a relative što, e.g. Osoba što je upravo ušla nije mi poznata. - with an explicative što, e.g. Dobro ste učinili što ste ih pozvali. - with a causative što, e.g. Žao mi je što se nismo vidjeli. - with the conjunction što as a part of various complex conjunctions such as: pošto, zato što, zbog toga što, uslijed toga što, zahvaljujući tome što, kao što, osim što, nego što, umjesto što, nakon što, prije nego što, samo što.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 659-673  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Subordinirane strukture -- Veznici -- Složeni veznici

Udvajanje dopunjača u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskom jeziku [Elektronička građa] / Milan Mihaljević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 615-617. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U članku se s pomoću kartografskoga modela koji na lijevome rečeničnom rubu umjesto jedinstvene projekcije CP pretpostavlja niz ljestvično poredanih funkcionalnih projekcija opisuje struktura crkvenoslavenskih rečenica s udvojenim da. Autor, kao i svi opisivači udvajanja dopunjača u drugim jezicima, pretpostavlja da je najviša kopija da na položaju glave Force. Razmatrajući obilježja i uvjete pojave udvajanja da, nastoji odrediti na kojem su položaju niže kopije. Zaključuje da je najniža kopija na položaju glave Fin, a posredna kopija u primjerima s utrojenim da na položaju glave Top. U zaključnom se dijelu članka razmatra i međusobni odnos kopija da, tj. je li riječ o različitim leksičkim jedinicama ili o kopijama istoga leksema koji zbog svojih obilježja može biti leksikaliziran na više položaja unutar lijevoga rečeničnog ruba. Navode se prednosti i nedostatci i jednoga i drugoga pristupa, a definitivan odgovor na pitanje koje je objašnjenje bolje ostavljen je budućim istraživanjima. - In Croatian-Glagolitic texts Mihaljević (2003) noted a number of examples in which two or even three occurrences of the Church Slavonic word da correspond to only one occurrence of the Latin ut. In all such examples da has a typical role of a complementizer, i.e. it introduces complement, final or consecutive clauses. According to Slovník jazyka staroslověnského (1967: 453) double-da structures occured already in Old Church Slavonic Codex Suprasliensis. The author describes the structure of these Church Slavonic sentences using the so-called cartographic model, which assumes for sentence periphery to the left of the subject the existence of a number of hierarchically ordered functional projections, instead of a single CP projection. The phenomenon of complementizer doubling is attested and studied in different languages. It is generally assumed that the first instance of the complementizer is in Force, while the position of the second instance is disputable. Some authors assume that optional secondary complementizer is in Fin, while according to others it is in Top. The main goal of the paper is to determine which description is more adequate for Croatian Church Slavonic. The author investigates the conditions for the appearance of doubling, as well as the properties and the distribution of doubled da with respect to the left-peripheral phenomena, and concludes that the lowest copy of da heads FinP. This conclusion is confirmed by the following facts: no left-dislocated constituent can follow the lowest da, the doubling of da is possible only in irreal (subjunctive) contexts, and therefore the verb in the subordinated TP can only be in the present tense, conditional or imperative. Consequently, he assumes that in the triple-da constructions the intermediate copy of da is in Top.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 601-618  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski crkvenoslavenski jezik -- Čestice -- Kartografski model

BLAGUS Bartolec, Goranka
Ustaljeni koligacijski sklopovi u zavisnosloženim rečenicama u hrvatskome jeziku [Elektronička građa] / Goranka Blagus Bartolec.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 343-344. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se opisuju koligacijske strukture u zavisnosloženim rečenicama u funkciji glavne ili zavisne surečenice koje se kao gotove pojavljuju u pisanoj ili govorenoj komunikaciji u hrvatskome jeziku (može se reći da (...), što god tko mislio / mi mislili o tome (...), kad bolje razmislimo / kad se bolje razmisli (...), postoji mogućnost da (...), kad se sve uzme u obzir (...), kao što znamo / znate (...), kako sada stvari stoje (...), ono što najprije upadne u oči jest činjenica da (...) itd. Takve su strukture dosad slabije sustavno opisane, a zbog ustaljenosti sastavnica te zbog učestalosti u upotrebi u određenome sintaktičkom kontekstu, mogu se također smatrati posebnom skupinom čvrstih sveza u hrvatskome jeziku. Na temelju primjera koligacijskih sklopova iz Kolokacijske baze hrvatskoga jezika Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje te potvrda u korpusu hrWaC analizirat će se njihova gramatička i leksička struktura te stilska i upotrebna obilježja s obzirom na komunikacijski kontekst u kojemu se pojavljuju. - Fixed multiword structures in Croatian, characterized by constant components and frequency in use, are only systematically described at the syntagmatic level (collocations, multiword terms and multiword names). Colligations as a fixed structures at the level of sentences are only marginally described in the Croatian language (Blagus Bartolec 2014). In foreign literature, the colligations were first mentioned by Firth (1957), which defined them as the structures with firm grammatical and syntactic dependencies within certain categories of words: “The statement of meaning at the grammatical level is in terms of word and sentence classes or of similar categories and of the inter-relation of those categories in colligations.” Siepmann (2005a) and Hoey (2005) describe colligations as structures based on morphosyntactic correlation of the word. In the recent interpretations, especially from the aspect of language teaching, it is pointed out that colligations express the ability of some words to associate with other words and thus form the fixed grammatical structures (Lackman 2016). The paper will describe the structure of colligations in subordination in the function of the main or subordinate clause that appear in written or spoken communication (može se reći da ‘it can be said that’, što god tko mislio / mi mislili o tome ‘whatever anyone thinks / whatever we think’, kad bolje razmislimo / kad se bolje razmisli ‘when you think about it’, postoji mogućnost da ‘there is a possibility that’, kad se sve uzme u obzir ‘when everything is taken into consideration’, kao što znamo / znate ‘as we know / as you know’, kako sada stvari stoje ‘as things stand now’, ono što najprije upadne u oči jest činjenica da ‘what first gets in eyes is the fact that’ etc.).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 329-345  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Složene rečenice -- Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Koligacije

MATIĆ, Ana, logopedinja
Vezanje relativne rečenice na koordiniranu skupinu u hrvatskome [Elektronička građa] : psiholingvistički pogled / Ana Matić, Jana Willer-Gold, Marijan Palmović, Anita Peti-Stantić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 567-569. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Pitanja o pozadinskim procesima automatske obrade i interpretacije rečenica, odnosno jezično-specifičnim čimbenicima koji uvjetuju te procese, već su dugi niz godina aktualna tema brojnih psiholingvističkih istraživanja. Jedna od struktura koja je doprinijela novijim spoznajama jest relativna rečenica i pitanje procesa u podlozi vezanja relativne rečenice na odgovarajućega antecedenta. S obzirom na to da međusobni odnos imenica u imenskoj skupini može utjecati na obradu rečenice, a s druge je strane upravo utjecaj toga odnosa nedovoljno razjašnjen, u ovome se istraživanju ispituje obrada relativnih rečenica u hrvatskome te preferencije vezanja izvornih govornika na primjerima u kojima je antecedent koordinirana skupina. U skladu s time, dva su glavna cilja rada: 1) ispitati koji element koordinirane imenske skupine modificira relativna rečenica i 2) istražiti koja ograničenja utječu na odabir antecedenta relativne rečenice. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 62 odrasle osobe, izvorni govornici hrvatskoga, a ispitivanje je provedeno dvjema metodama – ispunjavanjem upitnika prosudbe i mjerenjem pokreta očiju tijekom čitanja u stvarnome vremenu. Rezultati upitnika, tj. odabira antecedenta, pokazuju da vezanje relativne rečenice na linearno bližu sastavnicu prevladava nad vezanjem na hijerarhijski višu sastavnicu subjekta glavne rečenice. Podatci dohvaćeni objema metodama dodatno pokazuju da je odabir antecedenta s jedne strane olakšan sročnošću, dok su s druge strane raznovrsnost strategija i višestruka mogućnost interpretacije uzrokom teškoća u obradi. Provedeno istraživanje upućuje na potrebu za ispitivanjem jezično-specifičnih čimbenika koji utječu na odabir i način vezanja relativne rečenice s ciljem širenja spoznaja o jezičnoj obradi općenito, kao i za sustavnim eksperimentalnim istraživanjima različitih fenomena u pojedinačnim jezicima. - The language-specific phenomena underlying automatic sentence processing and interpretation have long been the topic of psycholinguistic investigations. Recent studies on processing relative clauses and the strategies that influence attachment preferences have shed new light on this question. Despite the well-attested observation that the structure of the complex noun phrase preceding the relative clause can influence sentence processing, the effect of the structural relations on attachment preferences still remains unclear. Therefore, current study examines sentence processing and attachment preferences in relative clauses headed by coordinated structure. The two main aims of this study are: 1) to establish attachment preferences and 2) to investigate language-specific constraints affecting these preferences. In total, 62 native adult speakers of Croatian language participated in the study. The study combined offline and an online method; the attachment preference questionnaire and the eye-tracking methodology. The results indicate strong preference towards the linearly closer antecedent (low attachment), as opposed to hierarchically higher (high attachment). The data further indicate that the conjunct agreement facilitates, while the parallel availability of multiple interpretations hinders the processing of relative clauses. These findings support the initiative to study language-specific phenomena that affect attachment preferences as these contribute to broadening our understanding of language processing in general, as well as to experimental investigations of various language-specific phenomena.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 549-570  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rečenična obrada -- Relativna rečenica -- Pokreti očiju -- Psiholingvistika

BREŠAN, Tanja, filologinja
Zavisnosložene rečenice u administrativnome stilu Kraljevine Dalmacije u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Tanja Brešan Ančić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 362-363. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se razmatra status zavisnosloženih rečenica u administrativnome stilu u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća u Kraljevini Dalmaciji. Polazište je istraživanju pretpostavka da će struktura zavisnosloženih rečenica biti određena administrativnom funkcijom tekstova te da će položaj surečenica, naročito kada je riječ o inverziji, imati snažnu ulogu u izgradnji administrativnoga stila. U prvome dijelu rada razmatrat će se vrste zavisnosloženih rečenica s obzirom na način i mjesto njihova uvrštavanja, dok je drugi dio rada posvećen redoslijedu surečenica. Učestala anteponiranost zavisne surečenice ukazuje na činjenicu da je upravo poredak surečenica jedan od načina stvaranja administrativnoga stila. Također, zavisna surečenica u inverziji funkcionira kao vezno sredstvo na tekstnoj razini te doprinosi komunikativnomu dinamizmu. Ujedno, potencira svojevrsnu uniformiranost kao specifičnost administrativne komunikacije. - This paper discusses the status of complex sentences in administrative style in the Kingdom of Dalmatia in the late 19th century. The analysis is based on the decisions of the Ministry of Religion and Education which were published in Dalmatian official gazettes. The starting point for this research is the hypothesis that the structure of complex sentences will be determined by the administrative function of the texts and that certain constructions, especially those related to subordinate clauses positioned initially in sentences will play a strong role in the construction of the administrative style. In the first part of the paper the types of subordinate clauses were considered. We have showed that explicit subordination is more frequent that implicit subordination. The initial assumption that the type and structure of subordinate clauses will have a strong influence on the systematization of the administrative style is also confirmed by the high frequency of conditional and clauses of purpose. The second part of the paper analyses the order of the clauses. High frequency of dependant clauses in the antecedent position among attributive clauses and clauses of purpose suggests that the order of clauses is an important characteristic of the administrative style. Our aim is to consider the types of subordinate clauses that build the administrative style of the late 19th century and the role of clause order in the construction of the administrative text.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 45 (2019), 2 ; str. 347-364  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Administrativni stil -- Složene rečenice -- Zavisnosložene rečenice -- Surečenice -- Subordinacija

Vidi br.: HA19-01242

Vidi br.: HA19-01260

Vidi br.: HA19-01250

Vidi br.: HA19-01263

Vidi br.: HA19-01257

Vidi br.: HA19-01255

Vidi br.: HA19-01261

Vidi br.: HA19-01245

Vidi br.: HA19-01283

Vidi br.: HA19-01262

Vidi br.: HA19-01269

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Vidi br.: HA19-01275

Vidi br.: HA19-01249

Vidi br.: HA19-01251

Vidi br.: HA19-01274

Vidi br.: HA19-01253

82   Književnost

821   Svjetska književnost

821.11   Germanske književnosti

821.111   Engleska književnost. Književnosti engleskog jezičnog izraza

New Age vizija duhovnog razvoja čovjeka i svijeta u djelu Celestinsko proročanstvo Jamesa Redfielda [Elektronička građa] = New Age vision of spiritual development of man and world in James Redfield’s book “The Celestine Prophecy” / Ivan Macut.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak je podijeljen u dva dijela. U prvom dijelu članka govori se o knjizi Celestinsko proročanstvo u kojoj James Redfield kroz devet uvida predlaže svoju viziju duhovnog razvoja čovjeka i svijeta. U drugom dijelu članka pokušali smo sistematizirati njegov prijedlog u nekoliko glavnih elemenata te smo na koncu rada ponudili jedan kritički (pozitivni i negativni) osvrt ukazujući na problematične tvrdnje i postavke te ograničeno znanje o kršćanstvu koje iz Redfieldova pisanja izlazi na površinu. - The article is divided into two parts. The fi rst part of the article deals with the book “The Celestine Prophecy”, in which James Redfi eld suggests his vision of spiritual development of man and the world through nine insights. In the second part of the article, we have tried to systematize his proposal into several key elements; at the end of the paper we have offered a critical (positive and negative) review, pointing to the problematic claims and tenets as well as the limited knowledge of Christianity emerging from Redfi eld’s writing.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 59 (2019), 1 ; str. 22-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhovni razvoj -- New age -- Američka književnost 20. st.
Redfield, James


821.16   Slavenske književnosti

821.163.42   Hrvatska književnost

Apokrif Usnuće Bogorodice u hrvatskoglagoljskoj književnosti [Elektronička građa] : (II) : usporedna jezikoslovna i tekstološka analiza zborničkih tekstova / Milica Mikecin.
Nastavak iz br. (68)/2018. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: Prijeslovi hrvatskoglagoljskih tekstova apokrifa Usnuće Bogorodice iz Vinodolskog i Grškovićevog zbornika na str. 154-166. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 167-169. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Više zbornika neliturgijskih tekstova hrvatske srednjovjekovne književnosti sadrži apokrif o Bogorodičinoj smrti i uznesenju. Dok je u jednima to prijepis prijevodne prerade grčkoga teksta Pseudo-Ivana apostola i evanđelista, koji pripada betlehemskoj predaji apokrifa (Vinodolski zbornik, 15. st. i Grškovićev zbornik, 16. st.), drugi sadrže prijepis prijevodne prerade latinskoga prijevoda grčkoga Pseudo-Melitonova teksta, koji pripada palminoj predaji (Fatevićev zbornik duhovnog štiva, 1617. i latinički zbornik Codex Varia Variorum br. 39, 17. st.). Usporednom jezikoslovnom i tekstološkom analizom najstarijega sačuvanog hrvatskoglagoljskog teksta betlehemske predaje iz Pazinskih fragmenata (14. st.) i Vinodolskoga zbornika u odnosu na grčki izvornik, zatim usporednom analizom teksta iz Vinodolskoga zbornika i njemu srodnoga teksta iz Grškovićeva zbornika te naposljetku usporednom analizom tekstova iz Fatevićeva zbornika i Codex Varia Variorum 39 utvrđuju se osobitosti jezika svih četiriju zborničkih tekstova na svim jezičnim razinama s obzirom na udio staroslavenskih jezičnih elemenata i elemenata narodnoga govornoga jezika. Na primjeru apokrifa o uznesenju Bogorodice u hrvatskoj srednjovjekovnoj glagoljičkoj i latiničkoj književnosti prati se povijesni razvoj jezika od hrvatskostaroslavenskoga preko starijega i mlađega hrvatsko-staroslavenskoga do hrvatskoga narodnoga jezika sa staroslavenskim elementima. Rad donosi i transliterirano izdanje tekstova iz Vinodolskoga zbornika i iz Grškovićeva zbornika. - Several non-liturgical texts in Croatian medieval literature contain the apocryphon on Virgin Mary’s death and assumption. In some of them it is the transcript of the rewritten Croatian-Church Slavonic translation of the Greek text of Pseudo-John the Apostle and Evangelist, which belongs to the Bethlehem manuscript tradition of the apocryphon (Vinodol Miscellany, 15th century, and Gršković Miscellany, 16th century), while the others contain the transcript of the rewritten Croatian-Church Slavonic translation of the Latin translation of the Greek text of Pseudo-Meliton, which belongs to the Palm tradition (Fatević Miscellany, 1617, and Latin Codex Varia Variorum 39, 17th century). A comparative linguistic and textological analysis of the oldest preserved Croatian Glagolitic text of the Bethlehem tradition from the Pazin Fragments (14th century) and the text from the Vinodol Miscellany in relationship to the Greek original, further a comparative analysis of the text from the Vinodol Miscellany and the cognate text from the Gršković Miscellany, and finally a comparative analysis of the texts from the Fatević Miscellany and the Codex Varia Variorum 39 show the main features of the language of all four miscellany texts on all linguistic levels regarding the impact of the Old Church Slavonic linguistic elements and the elements of the Croatian vernacular. Using the example of the apocryphon of Mary’s assumption in Croatian medieval Glagolitic and Latin literature, the paper explores the historical development of the language from the Croatian Church Slavonic, older and newer Croatian-Church Slavonic to the Croatian vernacular language with Old Church Slavonic elements. The paper also provides a transliterated edition of the texts from the Vinodol Miscellany and Gršković Miscellany.
U: Slovo (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1049. - 69 (2019) ; str. 103-170  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatskoglagoljska književnost -- Hrvatskostaroslavenski jezik -- Hrvatsko-staroslavenski jezik -- Čakavski jezik -- Jezikoslovna analiza -- Tekstološka analiza

Intertekstualnost drame K svitanju Side Košutić i Pjesma nad pjesmama kao prototekst [Elektronička građa] / Kornelija Kuvač-Levačić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Drama K svitanju (1927.) jedan je od prvih objavljenih tekstova dugo zanemarivane hrvatske spisateljice Side Košutić (1902. - 1965.). Uglavnom se klasificirala kao simbolička drama ili dijaloški poetski tekst, no sustavne analize zapravo nikada nisu bile provedene budući da se kritika uglavnom bavila njezinim romanima i lirskim pjesmama, kao dominantnima u njezinu opusu. U drami je nagoviještena tema sukoba oca i kćeri (s elementima upisivanja traumatičnog tjelesnog iskustva protagonistkinje), koji će književnica kroz čitavo svoje daljnje stvaranje u različitim žanrovima reinterpretirati i povezivati s mistikom trpljenja i žrtve u novozavjetnom ključu, što će činiti jezgru ontološkoga konstrukta u njezinim tekstovima. Zbog izrazite simbolizacije i alegorizacije dramskog diskursa te uključivanja fantastičnoga modusa, tekst je ondašnjoj publici ostao ponešto hermetičan, no pomnije čitanje otkriva poveznice s europskim klasicima (Tagore, Sofoklo, Shakespeare). Ipak, središnji dio ovoga istraživanja bit će usmjeren na dominantne elemente (tematsko-motivske, u simboličkom imaginariju i u strukturi teksta) koji ukazuju na biblijsku Pjesmu nad pjesmama kao mogući prototekst. Ispitat će se povezanost glavnih temata u drami s tematima unutar prototeksta te će ih se protumačiti u skladu s ontološkim konstruktom mistične borbe svjetla i tame, dobra i zla u pojedinačnim ljudskim sudbinama i svijetu, koji je Sida Košutić ovim ranim književnim tekstom tek započela graditi. Cilj je istraživanja dokazati elemente koji ukazuju na dramu Side Košutić kao citatni, imanentno dijaloški tekst u odnosu prema prototekstu, čime se omogućuje njegova integracija u opće razvojne tendencije hrvatske dramske književnosti prvih desetljeća 20. stoljeća i pokazuje da i dramski dio opusa Side Košutić, premda malen, može naći svoje relevantno mjesto u nacionalnom kanonu. - The drama “K Svitanju” (“At Daybreak”), 1927, is one of the first published texts of a long-time ignored Croatian writer Sida Košutić (1902-1965). It used to be classified as a symbolist drama or a dialogical poetic text, but a more systematic analysis has never been carried out, as critics have mostly dealt with her novels and lyrical poems, as dominant in her works. The implied theme of the drama is a conflict between father and daughter (with the elements of recording the main protagonist’s traumatic bodily experience), which the writer will keep reinterpreting in different genres through all her further literary creation, connecting it with the mysticism of suffering and sacrifice in the New Testament key, which will be the core of the ontological construct in her texts. Because of the marked symbolization and allegorization of the drama discourse and also the inclusion of a fantastic mode, the text was somewhat hermetic to that–time audience; but a closer reading reveals correlations to European classics (Tagore, Sophocles, Shakespeare). However, the central part of this research will be directed to the dominant elements (thematic-motive, in symbolic imagery and in the text structure) which point to the biblical Song of Songs as a possible prototext. The correlation between the main themes of the drama and the themes of the prototext will be examined and interpreted in accordance with the ontological construct of a mystical struggle between light and darkness, good and evil in certain human destinies and in the world, which Sida Košutić was just about to start building with this early literary text.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 1 ; str. 17-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost -- Drame -- Prototekst -- Intertekstualnost
Košutić, Sida


Lukan kao protagonist [Elektronička građa] : Ognjište kao romansa / Dean Slavić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Lukan iz Budakova ‘Ognjišta’ zadovoljava veći dio kriterija koje pred vodećeg junaka postavljaju Mieke Bal, Lynette Porter i William Faulkner. Učenost mu svakako nedostaje, a djelovanje prema vlastitim uvjerenjima biva dvojbenim i upravo stoga poticajnim problemom. Lukan se žrtvuje ako je potrebno, inteligentan je i mijenja strategiju u hodu, razvija se i stalo mu je do obitelji. Glede Faulknerovih zahtjeva on jest sućutan i ustrajan, a ima i elemente požrtvovnosti. Bitno je međutim što je ovaj lik nazočan u cijelom tijeku fabule romana i što on zadaje smrtni udarac antagonistu. S njegova stajališta ‘Ognjište’ prelazi iz tragedije u obredni tekst i konačno u romansu. Roman u potpunosti slijedi ustroj koji je moguće izvesti na temelju Fryeovih obilježja ovoga žanra u ‘Anatomiji kritike’. Lukan kao glavni junak spašava svoje ognjište pomoću Anere, onda je u svoju zadrugu prepisao i Blažićeve unuke, na kraju romana ubija neprijatelja, a selo Sveti Rok ostaje nerazoreno. Ne nedostaje ni mlada koju kao junak romanse mora na kraju zadobiti: više je puta naviješteno da bi to mogla biti upravo Blažićeva udovica Manda. Konačno, Lukan u sebi sažima obilježja cijeloga niza Budakovih junaka pa biva seljak, svećenik i ratnik, a spaja i elemente muških i ženskih likova iz svoje sredine. - Lukan fulfils most of the criteria set by Mieke Bal, Lynette Porter and William Faulkner pertaining to the hero of a literary work of art. He is certainly not a learned man, and acting according to his own convictions is ambiguous and therefore a very fruitful problem. Lukan does sacrifice himself when necessary; he is intelligent and knows how to change strategy en route; he is developing and is very careful regarding his family. In the scope of Faulkner’s conditions Lukan is compassionate, possesses perseverance and is able to sacrifice. It is important that the character is present during the entire development of the plot in the novel and he is the one who delivers the final blow to the enemy. From his point of view, Ognjište transfers from tragedy to ritual text and finishes in the genre of romance. The novel is a genuine romance as described by Frye in his Anatomy of Criticism. Lukan is the leading hero who saves his hearth, i.e. his family with the help of Anera, then he transfers his opponent’s grandchildren to his collective; in the end he murders the antagonist Blažić. The village of Saint Rocco remains indestructible. The bride, who should be won over by the victor, does not fail to appear. She is exactly Blažić’s widow Manda.
U: Crkva u svijetu (Online). - ISSN 1848-9656. - 54 (2019), 4 ; str. 547-569  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Roman -- Lukan -- Obilježja junaka -- Romansa
Budak, Mile



92   Biografske studije. Genealogija. Heraldika. Zastave

"Rođen sam u Kašćergi...". Autobiografsko-kroničarski zapis Antuna Hrvatina (1875. - 1913.) [Elektronička građa] / Jasna Mrkonjić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Riassunto. - Osobni fond Antuna Hrvatina (HR-DAPA-904 Antun Hrvatin: 1905/1937 [1945/1946]) pisana je ostavština mještanina sela Kašćerga i naselja Ukotići, nastala u rasponu od pedesetak godina u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća. U tom se fondu nalaze dvije njegove bilježnice u koje je unosio zapise o svojoj osobnoj povijesti i povijesti Kašćerge. Autobiografsko-kroničarski zapisi prve bilježnice (HR-DAPA-904/1.1. Kronika (1891-1913)), koji obuhvaćaju razdoblje od 1875. do 1913. godine, temom su ovoga članka. Riječ je, dakle, o pismenom i u svoje vrijeme uglednom seljaku, koji u prijelomnom trenutku svoga života, postavši udovcem i samohranim roditeljem višečlane obitelji, u manjoj mjeri progovara o svom i životu svoje obitelji te puno detaljnije o zbivanjima važnim za život seoske zajednice kojoj je pripadao. Njegovo početno autobiografsko pripovijedanje, potaknuto osobnim životnim gubitkom, smrću supruge, koji je očigledno obilježio i zaključio jedno životno razdoblje, biva upotpunjeno kroničarskim svjedočenjem i bilježenjem zbivanja koja su se doticala šire zajednice čiji je on bio sužitelj i suvremenik. Javno se djelovanje Antuna Hrvatina nije odvijalo obnašanjem istaknutih/značajnih funkcija u političkom, društvenom, vjerskom, gospodarskom ili bilo kojem drugom aspektu života Kašćerge. Premda je imao zaduženje oko vođenja aktivnosti u svezi s izgradnjom dijela ceste Kašćerga – Zamask, u okviru svoga društvenog angažmana, te usto i zaduženje crkvenoga ključara, on nije bio osoba čije je djelovanje ostavilo traga u stručnoj ili znanstvenoj literaturi koja je obrađivala modernu povijest Istre. Objavljivanjem dijela njegove ostavštine, ponuđena je i otvorena mogućnost povjesničarima, osobito onima koji se bave poviješću seoskih zajednica odnosno mikropoviješću, da vrednovanjem individualnoga i pojedinačnog analiziraju kompleksne odnose istarskoga društva s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća. - The Personal Fonds of Antun Hrvatin (HR-DAPA-904 Antun Hrvatin: 1905/1937 [1945/1946]) consists of personal papers of a resident of the village of Kašćerga and the village of Ukotići, created over a period of about fifty years in the first half of the 20th century. This Fonds contains two of his notebooks in which he kept records of his personal history and that of Kašćerga. Autobiographical and chronicle records of the first notebook (HR-DAPA-904/1.1. Kronika (1891-1913)), covering the period from 1875 to 1913, are the subject of this article.He was therefore a literate and in his time a prominent villager who, at a crucial moment in his life, after becoming a widower and a single parent of a family with many children, speaks to a lesser extent about his and his family’s life and much more in detail about the events relevant to the life of the rural community he belonged to. His initial autobiographical narrative, fuelled by personal loss, the death of his wife, which evidently marked and concluded one period of his life, is completed by witnessing and recording events that concerned the wider community of which he was a member and contemporary. Antun Hrvatin’s public activity did not consist in the exercise of prominent/significant functions in the political, social, religious, economic, or any other aspects of the life of Kašćerga. Although he was in charge of managing the activities related to the construction of a part of the Kašćerga to Zamask road, as part of his social engagement, and was also a church doorkeeper, he was not a person whose activities left a mark in the professional or scientific literatures that covered the modern history of Istria. - Il fondo personale di Antun Hrvatin (HR-DAPA-904 Antun Hrvatin:1905/1937 [1945/1946]) rappresenta il patrimonio scritto di un abitante del villaggio di Caschierga e dell’abitato Ukotići, creato nell’arco di una cinquantina d’anni nella prima metà del 20˚ secolo. Il fondo comprende due suoi quaderni nei quali annotava dati relativi al suo passato personale e alla storia di Caschierga. Le annotazioni autobiografiche e di cronaca del primo quaderno (HR-DAPA-904/1.1. Cronaca (1891-1913)) che comprendono il periodo dal 1875 al 1913, sono l’argomento di questo articolo. Si tratta dunque di un abitante alfabetizzato del villaggio e a sua volta stimato, che, nel momento cruciale della propria vita, quando divenne vedovo e rimase l’unico genitore ai propri figli, comincia a parlare della propria vita e della sua famiglia, in una piccola parte, e parla invece nel modo più dettagliato degli avvenimenti importanti per la vita della comunità rurale a cui apparteneva. Il suo racconto autobiografico iniziale, motivato dalla sua perdita personale, la morte della moglie, che evidentemente ha segnato e chiuso un periodo della sua vita, viene accompagnato da testimonianze della cronaca e annotazioni di avvenimenti che riguardavano una comunità più grande di cui faceva parte e di cui era contemporaneo. L’attività pubblica di Antun Hrvatin non consisteva nello svolgere cariche di rilievo/importanti nell’ambito politico, sociale, religioso, economico o in qualsiasi altro aspetto della vita di Caschierga. Anche se era incaricato di gestire le attività riguardanti la costruzione di una parte della strada Caschierga-Zamasco, nell’ambito della sua attività sociale, oltre ad essere il custode della chiave di chiesa, non era una persona che ha lasciato traccia nella letteratura tecnica o scientifica che tratta la storia moderna dell’Istria.
U: Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva (Online). - ISSN 1849-1472. - 26 (2019) ; str. 113-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rodoslovlje -- Osobni arhivski fond -- Kronika -- Rodoslovlje
Hrvatin, Antun


GRDINIĆ, Iva, arhivistica
O autobiografskim zapisima Antuna Hrvatina, Ivana Aničića i Katarine Šćuka-Kukec iz fondova Državnog arhiva u Pazinu [Elektronička građa] / Iva Grdinić, Jasna Mrkonjić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 8 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Riassunto. - Ovaj smo rad pripremile kako bi poslužio kao uvodni tekst tri članka koja slijede u ovom broju Vjesnika istarskog arhiva, a naslova su: »Rodjen sam u Kašćergi…. Autobiografsko kroničarski zapis Antuna Hrvatina (1875. – 1913.)«, »Pisma Ivana Aničića (Zlovečere) Antunu Flegi (1910. – 1913.)« i »Righe na duši pravom arhivu«. U ta su tri članka pored uvodnih objašnjena uvršteni prijepisi autobiografsko-kroničarskih zapisa te preslici fotografija, tiskovina i fragmenata nastalih mahom u prva dva desetljeća 20. stoljeća i pohranjenih u dva osobna fonda (HR-DAPA-904 Antun Hrvatin: 1905/1937 [1945/1946] i HRDAPA- 925 Katarina Šćuka Kukec: 1905/1989) i Zbirci pisama DAPA (HR-DAPA-899/7 Zbirka Pisama (1824/1913). Pisma Ivana Aničića Antunu Flegi (1910/1913)). Riječ je o ostavštinama Antuna Flege i Katarine Šćuka-Kukec, koji su ih osobno predali u pohranu ondašnjem Historijskom arhivu u Pazinu, odnosno DAPA, te o pisanoj ostavštini Antuna Hrvatina koju su mu unuci kao nasljedstvo predali Historijskom arhivu u Pazinu. Nakon uvoda se u radu objašnjava zajednički kontekst navedenog gradiva s obzirom na različite stvaratelje te značaj tih primopredaja i u arhivskom i u osobnom kontekstu. Sve tri biografski kontekstualizirane primopredaje jasno pokazuju kako je DAPA u slučajevima preuzimanja takvih ostavština »malih ljudi« preuzeo ne samo dužnosti skrbnika njihove materijalne ostavštine, nego je zadobio i povjerenje takvih stvaratelja ili njihovih nasljednika kao pouzdan čuvar i posrednik osobnih životnih priča. - We have prepared this paper to serve as an introductory text for the three articles that follow in this issue of the Vjesnika istarskog arhiva (Istrian Archives Gazette), entitled “I was born in Kašćerga ... Autobiographical and chronicle records of Antun Hrvatin (1875 - 1913)”; “Letters of Ivan Aničić (Zlovečera) to Antun Flego (1910 – 1913); and “‘Righe’” (Lines) Entrusted to the Real Archives”. In addition to the introductory articles, these three articles include transcripts of autobiographical and chronicle records as well as copies of photographs, printed material and fragments created mostly in the first two decades of the 20th century and stored in two personal fonds (HR-DAPA-904 Antun Hrvatin: 1905/1937 [1945/1946] and HR-DAPA-925 Katarina Šćuk Kukec: 1905/1989) and the DAPA Letter Collection (HR-DAPA-899/7 Letter Collection (1824/1913). Letters of Ivan Aničić to Antun Flego (1910/1913)). These are the legacies of Antun Flege and Katarina Schuk-Kukec, who personally handed them over to the Historical Archives in Pazin, or DAPA, and the personal papers of Antun Hrvatin, handed over to Historic Archives in Pazin by his grandchildren as inheritance. After the introduction, the paper explains the common context of the material with regard to the different creators and the importance of these bequests both in archival and personal context. All three biographically contextualized handovers clearly show that, in the case of taking over such personal papers created by “small people”, DAPA not only assumed the duties of curator of their material legacy, but also gained the trust of such creators or their heirs as a reliable keeper and medium of personal life stories. - Abbiamo preparato il presente lavoro perché potesse servire quale testo introduttivo ai tre articoli che seguono in questo volume del Bollettino dell’archivio istriano dai titoli: „Sono nato a Caschierga...“. Annotazioni autobiografiche e di cronaca di Antun Hrvatin (1875-1913)“, „Le lettere di Ivan Aničić (Zlovečera) ad Antun Flego (1910-1913)“ e „Righe affidate al vero archivio“. In questi tre articoli, oltre allle spiegazioni introduttive, sono inserite le trascrizioni delle annotazioni autobiografiche e di cronaca e copie di fotografie, materiale stampato e frammenti prodotti prevalentemente nei primi due decenni del 20˚ secolo e conservati nei due fondi personali (HR-DAPA-904 Antun Hrvatin: 1905/1937[1945/1946] e HR-DAPA-925 Katarina Šćuka Kukec:1905/1989) e nella Raccolta di lettere DAPA (HR-DAPA-899/7 Raccolta di lettere (1824/1913), Le lettere di Ivan Aničić ad Antun Flego (1910/1913).Si tratta del patrimonio personale che Antun Flego e Katarina Šćuka-Kukec hanno consegnato personalmente all’Archivio storico di Pisino (all’epoca), cioè all’Archivio di Stato di Pisino e del patrimonio scritto di Antun Hrvatin che i suoi nipoti hanno consegnato all’Archivio storico di Pisino. All’introduzione al testo segue la spiegazione del contesto comune del citato materiale dato che i produttori erano diversi e l’importanza della loro consegna, sia nel contesto dell’archiviazione sia nel contesto personale. Tutte e tre le consegne, biograficamente contestualizzate Tutte e tre le consegne, biograficamente contestualizzate, dimostrano chiaramente che l’Archivio di Stato di Pisino, nel caso dell’accettazione di tali patrimoni di „gente comune“, ha accettato non solo l’obbligo di essere curatore della loro eredità materiale ma ha anche ottenuto la fiducia di questi produttori o dei loro sucessori in quanto custode affidabile e mediatore delle storie personali di vita.
U: Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva (Online). - ISSN 1849-1472. - 26 (2019) ; str. 105-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korespondencija -- Osobni arhivski fondovi
Hrvatin, Antun -- Aničić, Ivan -- Šćuka-Kukec, Katarina
Državni arhiv u Pazinu


Vidi br.: HA19-01320

Vidi br.: HA19-01326

93   Povijest

930   Povijesna znanost. Pomoćne povijesne znanosti

GRDINIĆ, Iva, arhivistica
"Righe" na duši pravom arhivu [Elektronička građa] / Iva Grdinić, Jasna Mrkonjić. - Ilustr.
Sadrži i: Pismo Katarine Šćuka-Kukec Historijskom arhivu u Pazinu 1989 ; preslike fotografija na str. 220-222. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Riassunto. - Osobni fond Pazinjanke Katarine Šćuka-Kukec (HR-DAPA-925 Katarina Šćuka Kukec: 1905/1989) ostavština je koja je nastala između 1905. i 1918. godine. U tom se fondu, pored slikovnoga i tiskanog materijala te osobnih dokumenata, nalaze i četiri vrlo osobno intonirana pisma. Uzevši u obzir činjenicu da je stvarateljica Fonda, Katarina Šćuka-Kukec, ostavila svoj zapis bez namjere da bude predočen očima javnosti, ovom su prigodom izostavljana ta četiri osobno intonirana pisma. Riječ je, dakle, o stvarateljici koja u svom životnom vijeku nije javno djelovala pa tako ni na području recepcije ne pripada skupu vrednovanih i/ili ovjerovljenih autora. U tom je kontekstu i sadržaj Fonda oslobođen bilo kakvih pretenzija da se svidi eventualnoj/potencijalnoj čitalačkoj publici. No, taj je sadržaj, osobito njegov slikovni dio, po svojoj intenciji u najvećoj mjeri neutralno i objektivno svjedočanstvo o dijelu povijesti školstva u Pazinu početkom 20. stoljeća. Dopis koji je uputila DAPA-i i dio slikovnoga gradiva stoga je i objavljen u ovom članku. - The personal fonds of Katarina Šćuka-Kukec (HR-DAPA-925 Katarina Šćuka-Kukec: 1905/1989) is the personal papers of an inhabitant of Pazin. The papers originated between 1905 and 1918. In addition to the pictorial and printed material and personal documents, this fonds also contains four very personal letters. Considering the fact that the creator of the fond, Katarina Šćuk-Kukec, left her record without any intention for it to be presented to the public eye, these four letters bearing a very personal tone were omitted on this occasion. The creator never acted publicly in her lifetime, and thus does not belong to a set of appraised and/or certified authors in the area of reception. In this context, the content of the fonds is also free from any pretence of appealing to the possible/potential readership. However, this content, especially its pictorial part, is by its very intention a largely neutral and objective testimony to a part of the history of education in Pazin in the early 20th century. The letter sent by DAPA and some of the pictorial material was therefore published in this article. - Il fondo personale di Katarina Šćuka-Kukec (HR-DAPA-925 Katarina Šćuka Kukec: 1905/1989) rappresenta il patrimonio di una pisinese, creato tra il 1905 e il 1918. Oltre alle immagini e fotografie, al materiale stampato e ai documenti personali, nel fondo ci sono quattro lettere molto intime e personali. Prendendo in considerazione il fatto che la creatrice del fondo, Katarina Šćuka-Kukec, ha lasciato le sue testimonianze senza l’intento di presentarle agli occhi del pubblico, in quest’occasione sono ommesse le quattro lettere intime e personali. Si tratta, dunque, di una creatrice che durante la sua vita non ha agito pubblicamente e per questo non appartiene al gruppo di autori valutati e/o accreditati. In tale contesto neanche il contenuto del fondo non pretende di dover piacere ad un eventuale/ potenziale pubblico dei lettori. Tuttavia però, il suo contenuto, soprattutto la parte contenente fotografie e immagini, è una testimonianza, in gran parte neutrale e oggettiva, di una parte della storia dell’istruzione a Pisino all’inizio del 20˚ secolo. La lettera inviata dall’Archivio di Stato di Pisino e una parte del materiale costituita da fotografie e immagini è per questo motivo stata pubblicata in questo testo.
U: Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva (Online). - ISSN 1849-1472. - 26 (2019) ; str. 217-224  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osobna ostavština
Šćuka-Kukec, Katarina
Hrvatska gimnazija u Pazinu


ŽAJA, Lana
Izrada višerazinskog opisa izvornoga arhivskog gradiva za potrebe stvaranja Fonda HR-HDA-2023, sukladno stručnim međunarodnim standardima ISAD(G) i ISAAR(CPF) [Elektronička građa] / Lana Žaja. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 66-67. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Riassunto. - Članak opisuje izradu opisa izvornoga arhivskog gradiva Republičkog sekretarijata za poljoprivredu, prehrambenu industriju i šumarstvo i Republičkog komiteta za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo u gospodarstvenoj oblasti od 1971. do 1990. godine, sukladno međunarodnim normama za opis dokumentacije od trenutka preuzimanja iste do konačnog pohranjivanja tematskih cjelina u za to propisane uvjete (Fond HR-HDA 2023). Istraživanje povijesti navedenih institucija s opisom ustroja i sadržaja službenih dokumentacijskih cjelina izvornoga arhivskoga gradiva, neophodno je za izradu višerazinskog opisa od općeg ka posebnome, sukladno Općim međunarodnim normama za opis arhivskoga gradiva ISAD(G) i ISAAR(CPF). Smisao opisa i organiziranja poslovne dokumentacije Komiteta je bio stvaranje Fonda HR-HDA 2023 kao vrijednog povijesnog izvora informacija iz arhivskog gradiva i službenih podataka za različita istraživanja, iz područja povijesti, gospodarskog razvitka i istraživanja različitih političkih i ekonomskih prilika na području bivše SFRJ. Uz navedene međunarodne norme temeljne smjernice sređivanja fonda vođene su stručnim arhivističkim načelom provenijencije ili podrijetla. - The article presents the development of a description of the original archival material of the Republic Secretariat of Agriculture, Food Industry and Forestry and the Republic Committee for Agriculture and Forestry in the economic field from 1971 to 1990, according to the archival scientific approach of describing the documentation from the moment of its acquisition until the final storage of thematic units in adequate conditions (Fonds HR-HDA-2023). A study of the history of these institutions, with a description of the structure and content of the official documentation units of the original archives, is necessary to produce a multilevel top-down description, in accordance with the General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF). The purpose of describing and organizing the Committee's business documentation was to create the HR-HDA-2023 Fonds as a valuable historical source of information from archives and official data for various researches in the field of history and economic development and research of different political and economic circumstances in the territory of the former SFRY. In this sense, the aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the creation of a comprehensive fonds which presents a framework of complex structures of organized thematic areas, and thus provides an additional quality source for scientific research and provides a representative example for the production of a professional paper as a preparation for taking the professional exam to acquire the professional title - archivist. - L'articolo riporta la redazione della descrizione del materiale archivistico originale del Segretariato della Repubblica per l'agricoltura, l'industria alimentare e le politiche forestali e del Comitato della Repubblica per l'agricoltura e le politiche forestali nell'ambito dell'economia dal 1971 al 1990, conforme all'approccio archivistico scientifico della descrizione della documentazione dal momento della sua raccolta fino all'archiviazione definitiva delle unità tematiche in condizioni stabilite (Fondo HR-HDA-2023). Le ricerche relative alla storia delle istituzioni citate, con la descrizione dell'organizzazione e del contenuto delle ufficiali unità di documenti del materiale archivistico originale, è indispensabile per la redazione della descrizione multilivello, dal generale al particolare, in conformità alle normative generali internazionali per la descrizione del materiale archivistico ISAD(G) e ISAAR(CPF). L'obiettivo della descrizione e dell'organizzazione della documentazione commerciale del Comitato era quello di creare il Fondo HR-HDA-2023 come un' importante fonte storica di informazioni provenienti dal materiale archivistico e dai dati ufficiali per poter servire a varie ricerche nell'ambito della storia e lo sviluppo economico e per le ricerche relative alla situazione politica ed economica nel territorio della ex Repubblica socialista federale di Jugoslavia. In questo senso, l'obiettivo del presente lavoro è offrire la possibilità di capire la creazione di un ampio fondo presentando il quadro delle strutture complesse degli ambiti tematici organizzati e, allo stesso tempo, rappresenta un'ulteriore fonte di qualità per le ricerche scientifiche e offre un esempio positivo della redazione di un lavoro tecnico come preparazione all'esame per il titolo di archivista.
U: Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva (Online). - ISSN 1849-1472. - 26 (2019) ; str. 47-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhivistika -- Arhivsko gradivo -- Poslovna dokumentacija
Republički sekretarijat za poljoprivredu, prehrambenu industriju i šumarstvo SRH -- Republički komitet za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo SRH -- Hrvatski državnih arhiv


GRDINIĆ, Iva, arhivistica
Pisma Ivana Aničića (Zlovečere) Antunu Flegi (1910. – 1913.) [Elektronička građa] / Iva Grdinić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 212-213. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Riassunto. - »Đačka korespondencija« Ivana Aničića Antonu Flegi (1910. – 1913.) predstavlja vrijedan povijesni izvor ne samo za proučavanje povijesti Hrvatske gimnazije u Pazinu nego i u kontekstu širih socioloških, društvenih i političkih procesa u Pazinu, Istri i Primorju te Zagrebu pri kraju prvoga desetljeća 20. stoljeća. Prva sadržajna cjelina u pismima, koja se odnosi na vrijeme do mature Ivana Aničića, donosi nove spoznaje i dosad neobjavljivane podatke o aktivnostima đačkoga društva Naprijed i izdavanju istoimenoga đačkog lista Hrvatske gimnazije u Pazinu. Pisma sadržavaju preglede đačkih javnih predavanja, održavanih po uzoru na predavanja koja su učitelji gimnazije održavali u Hrvatskoj čitaonici, prenose informacije o trvenjima unutar učiteljskoga zbora te u tom kontekstu živopisno portretiraju i pojedine profesore, ali i društveni život Pazina, u kojem su Gimnazija i njezini profesori zasluženo zauzimali središnje mjesto. Druga sadržajna cjelina pisama predstavlja dopunski izvor o djelovanju Hrvatsko- slovenskog akademskog društva »Istra« te »ABC kluba« (ABC društvo hrvatskih sveučilištaraca za poučavanje nepismenih) donosi niz podataka o edukacijskim projektima i aktivnostima Društva, sveučilišnom i društveno-političkom angažmanu (posebno u svezi s borbom za reciprocitet zagrebačkoga sveučilišta u odnosu na bečko, ali i uvid u sudjelovanje istarskih studenata u aktivnostima radikalne studentske organizacije Jugoslavenske napredne omladine) te unutarnjim podjelama članstva na liburnijski i istarski. Kako je Ivan Aničić pripadnik đačke i studentske generacije koja je u književnopovijesnom kontekstu s kraja hrvatske moderne (1892. – 1914.) nazvana generacijom »Mladih«, objavljena pisma neposredno i sinkronijski smještaju malu istarsku zajednicu i u europski kontekst. - The “Student Correspondence” of Ivan Aničić to Anton Flego (1910-1913) is a valuable historical source not only for the study of the history of the Croatian Grammar School in Pazin, but also in the context of wider sociological, social and political processes in Pazin, Istria, the Littoral and Zagreb in the late 1910s. The first section in the letters, which refers to the time until Ivan Aničić’s maturity exam, brings new insights and previously unpublished data on the activities of the Pupils Association “Naprijed” (Forward) and the publication of the student newspaper of the same name of the Croatian Grammar School in Pazin. The letters contain reviews of student public lectures, modeled on lectures delivered by high school teachers in the Croatian Reading Room, relay information on friction within the Teachers Board, and in this context they vividly portray individual professors but also the social life of Pazin, where the Grammar School and its teachers deservedly occupied the central position. The second section of the letters is a complementary source on the activities of the Croatian-Slovenian Academic Society “Istria” and the “ABC Club” (ABC Society of Croatian University Student for the Teaching of the Illiterate) providing an array of information on educational projects and activities of the Society, the university and social-political engagement (especially regarding the struggle for reciprocity of the University of Zagreb in relation to the University of Vienna, but also an insight into the participation of Istrian students in the activities of the radical student organization of the Yugoslav Progressive Youth) as well as the internal divisions of the members into Liburnians and Istrians. - La “corrispondenza studentesca“ di Ivan Aničić ad Antun Flego (1910 - 1913) rappresenta un’importante fonte storica, non solo per lo studio della storia del Ginnasio croato di Pisino ma anche nel contesto più ampio dei processi sociologici, sociali e politici di Pisino, dell’Istria e Litorale e di Zagabria verso la fine del primo decennio del 20˚ secolo. La prima parte nelle lettere che si riferisce al periodo antecedente la maturità di Ivan Aničić, per quanto riguarda il contenuto, riporta nuove conoscenze e dati fino ad allora non pubblicati sulle attività della società studentesca “Naprijed“ e sulla pubblicazione dell’omonima rivista studentesca del Ginnasio croato di Pisino. Le lettere contengono una raccolta di lezioni pubbliche di studenti, tenute sul modello delle lezioni che gli insegnanti del ginnasio tenevano nella Sala di lettura croata, trasmettono informazioni sui dissidi nel corpo insegnanti e in tale contesto ritraono in modo interessante alcuni professori ma anche la vita sociale di Pisino di cui il Ginnasio e i suoi professori occupavano meritevolmente la parte centrale. La seconda parte delle lettere rappresenta una fonte supplementare relativa alle attività della Società accademica croato-slovena “Istra“ e del “ABC klub“ (ABC società dei giovani universitari per l’insegnamento degli analfabeti) e riporta una serie di dati sui progetti educativi e sulle attività della Società, sul coinvolgimento universitario e politico-sociale (in particolare relativo alla lotta per la reciprocità dell’università di Zagabria in relazione a quella di Vienna, nonché mette in luce la partecipazione degli studenti istriani nelle attività dell’organizzazione radicale studentesca -Gioventù progressiva Jugoslava) e sulla divisione interna dei membri in quelli della Liburnia e dell’Istria.
U: Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva (Online). - ISSN 1849-1472. - 26 (2019) ; str. 145-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korespondecija -- Školstvo -- Društveni život
Aničić, Ivan -- Flego, Antun
Hrvatska gimnazija u Pazinu -- Đačko društvo Naprijed -- Hrvatsko-slovensko akademsko društvo Istra


Prikupljanje, obrada i korištenje arhivskoga gradiva 9. (kninskog) korpusa Jugoslavenske narodne armije u Hrvatskom memorijalno-dokumentacijskom centru domovinskog rata u Zagrebu [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Brigović, Josipa Caričić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U Hrvatskom memorijalno-dokumentacijskom centru Domovinskog rata u Zagrebu čuva se arhivski fond 9. korpus Jugoslavenske narodne armije, obima pedeset i osam kutija (5,8 dužnih metara) gradiva nastaloga od 1972. do 1992. godine. Fond izvorno nije činio jednu organsku cjelinu, nego je nastao izdvajanjem gradiva korpusa iz više dokumentacijskih cjelina tijekom višegodišnjega razdoblja. Uslijed toga, fond je arhivistički obrađivan u tri faze te je završen u lipnju 2018. godine. Izrađeno je obavijesno pomagalo (sumarni inventar). Gradivo je javno i dostupno svim korisnicima koji Hrvatskomu memorijalno-dokumentacijskomu centru Domovinskoga rata podnesu zahtjev za uvid u sadržaj i pretraživanje fonda. Gradivo je autentično, dobro očuvano i vjerodostojno. Navedeni fond ima veliku informacijsku vrijednost te je iznimno važan povijesni izvor za proučavanje Domovinskog rata na području sjeverne Dalmacije i južne Like od 1991. do 1992., za proučavanje izbijanja rata u Bosni i Hercegovini u proljeće 1992., kao i za razumijevanje uloge Jugoslavenske narodne armije u raspletu jugoslavenske krize. - The Croatian Memorial Documentation Center of Homeland War in Zagreb stores archival fonds of the 9th (Knin’s) Corps of the Yugoslav People’s Army, the total of fifty eight boxes (5,8 linear meters) of archives, confiscated by the Croatian forces after the Storm operation in August 1995 in the liberated territory of the Republic of Croatia. Originally the fonds was not an organic whole, but was created by the exclusion of the corps’ archives from various and unarranged documentation wholes which from December 2005 to March 2018 were handed over to the Center as deposit by the Croatian State Archives, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia, State Archives in Zadar, Military Security and Intelligence Agency, Lika-Senj Police Administration and several private holders. To a significant extent, that slowed down and made its arrangement harder, while causing numerous difficulties for the Center’s employees during the fonds’ archival processing. Because of that, fonds was arranged in three phases during several years and it was finished in June 2018. A finding aid was created for the fonds (summary inventory) kept at the Division for Conventional Records of the Center. The fonds’ records, dating from 1972 to 1992, are divided into sixteen series with associated sub-series. They are written in Serbian (or so called Serbo-Croatian), in Latin or Cyrillic script. The fonds mostly contains original documents, written on paper, cardboard or transparency. It also contains smaller amount of photographs and negatives. The records are authentic, well-kept and credible, representing the large part but not the entire documentation created by the activity of its creator.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 107-126  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhivsko gradivo -- Arhivski fondovi -- Dostupnost gradiva -- Informacijska vrijednost -- Specijalizirani arhiv -- Domovinski rat
9. korpus Jugoslavenske narodne armije


Sumarni inventar fonda HR-DAPA-474 Narodni odbor Općine Grožnjan (Comitato popolare comunale Grisignana) [1951] 1952-1955 [Elektronička građa] / Vedran Dukovski. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Riassunto. - Narodni odbor općine Grožnjan djeluje u razdoblju 1952. – 1955., kao upravno tijelo unutar svoje nadležnosti. Kao izvršni organ vlasti osiguravao je i provodio nesmetan razvoj privrede, komunalnih poslova, trgovine, financija, zdravstvene, socijalne skrbi, sudstva itd. Unutar NOO-a djelovala je i matičarska služba koje je vodila evidencije stanovništva. Izvršni odbor NOO-a na svojim je sjednicama raspravljao o aktualnim pitanjima i problemima te je donosio rješenja i odluke koji su omogućavali daljnji razvoj zajednice. Promjenom zakona i prestankom postojanja NOO-a Grožnjan, gradivo fonda preuzeo je sljednik, NOO Buje. Od NOO-a Buje preuzela ga je Skupština općine Buje, od koje ga je, pak, 1977. preuzeo Historijski arhiv – Pazin, danas Državni arhiv u Pazinu. Arhivistička obrada fonda napravljena je 2018. godine. Gradivo fonda podijeljeno je u 10 serija: Zapisnici i materijali izvršnih, pomoćnih i nadzornih tijela NOO-a, Opće administrativno poslovanje, Unutrašnji poslovi, Vojni odjel, Pravosuđe, Ured za statistiku i evidenciju, Prosvjeta i kultura, Narodno zdravlje i socijalna politika, Privreda i komunalni poslovi i Financije. - The People’s Committee of the Municipality of Grožnjan operated from 1952 to 1955 as an administrative body within its jurisdiction. As an executive body, it ensured and implemented the smooth development of the economy, municipal tasks, commerce, finance, health, social care, judiciary, etc. The People’s Committee comprised also a registry service that kept population records. At its sessions, the Executive Board of the People’s Committee discussed current issues and problems and passed resolutions and decisions that allowed for further development of the community. Following the change of the law and the termination of the existence of the People’s Committee of the Municipality of Grožnjan, the archives of the Fonds was taken over by the successor, the People’s Committee of the Municipality of Buje. It was then taken over from the People’s Committee of the Municipality of Buje by the Municipal Assembly of Buje, from which, in 1977, it was taken over by the Historical Archives of Pazin, today’s State Archives in Pazin. The archival processing of the Fonds was made in 2018. The material of the Fonds is divided into 10 series: Minutes and materials of executive, support and supervisory bodies of the People’s Committee, General administrative operations, Internal affairs, Military department, Judiciary, Statistics and records office, Education and culture, National health and social policy, Economy and municipal affairs and Finance. - Il Comitato popolare comunale di Grisignana opera nel periodo dal 1952 al 1955 come organo amministrativo nell’ambito delle sue competenze. In quanto organo del potere esecutivo assicurava ed eseguiva la continuità nello sviluppo dell’economia, lavori comunali, commercio, finanze, servizi sanitari e sociali, magistratura, ecc. Inoltre, all’interno del Comitato popolare comunale operava l’ufficio anagrafe che registrava dati relativi alla popolazione. Il comitato esecutivo del Comitato popolare comunale nelle proprie sedute discuteva di questioni e problemi attuali e adottava decisioni che permettevano lo sviluppo ulteriore della comunità. Con il cambiamento della legge e la cessazione del Comitato popolare comunale di Grisignana, il materiale del Fondo è passato al successore, al Comitato popolare di Buie. Dal Comitato popolare comunale di Buie poi all’Assemblea del comune di Buie da cui in seguito, nel 1977, è passato all’Archivio storico – Pazin/Pisino, oggi Archivio di Stato di Pisino. Il trattamento archivistico del Fondo è stato effettuato nel 2018. Il materiale del Fondo è diviso in 10 serie: Verbali e materiali degli organi esecutivi, ausiliari e di vigilanza del Comitato popolare comunale, Attività amministrativa generale, Affari interni, Dipartimento militare, Magistratura, Ufficio per la statistica e le registrazioni, Istruzione e cultura, Sanità popolare e politiche sociali, Economia e lavori comunali e Finanze.
U: Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva (Online). - ISSN 1849-1472. - 26 (2019) ; str. 17-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhivski fond -- Sumarni inventar -- Stanovništvo
Narodni odbor općine Grožnjan


NOVAK, Miroslav, arhivist
Teorijski i praktični aspekti upravljanja relacijama u suvremenoj arhivskoj teoriji i praksi [Elektronička građa] / Miroslav Novak, preveo Borut Gulič. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 59-60. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Arhivski stručnjaci u svojem radu definiraju i koriste se mnoštvom relacija na različite načine. U konkretnim situacijama različito ih razumiju i različito primjenjuju. Od usvajanja prvoga međunarodnog arhivskog standarda ISAD(G), pojam relacije sustavno je ugrađen u opis arhivskih entiteta i zato ga svi koji se bave opisom moraju razumjeti u skladu sa svrhom standarda. U prilogu su predstavljeni teorijski okviri uporabe relacija u različitim kontekstima, koji se temelje na arhivskim standardima. Relacije su kvantitativno definirane, prije svega među krovnim arhivskim entitetima. Sve veća složenost upravljanja krovnim arhivskim entitetima zahtijeva razmjerno veći intelektualni napor arhivskih stručnjaka u odnosu na nestandardizirana rješenja u opisu arhivskih entiteta. U tom će kontekstu biti potrebno razmišljati o rješenjima koje poznajemo pod nazivom umjetna inteligencija. - Archivists define and manage relations during the archival professional processes in different ways. Consequently, they understand them differently and in specific situations they implement them in different ways. Since the adoption of the first international archival standard ISAD(G), the concept of relations (i.e. relationships) has been systematically incorporated into the description of archival entities. Today’s archivists involved in the archival description must understand and implement them in accordance with the purpose of existing standards. The standards present basic practical framework for the use of relations in different environments. At the same time, quantitative relations are created mainly between archival top entities. As a consequence of increased number of relations, the com-plexity of the management of archival top-level entities arises. All that requires a relatively higher intellectual effort of archivists in comparison with non-stan-dardized solutions for description of archival materials. However, when evaluat-ing the actual strength of the archival profession, it is necessary to consider many relative factors and the related values. It includes the ability of managing and formalizing the relations between the top level archival entities, but also between their low level versions, and relates to the wholeness of archival descriptions. These abilities are dependent of the technology, archival information system, known theory and practice, archival individual experiences etc. By establishing different types of relations between archival entities, we can detect and define the extent of the intellectual work of archivists. It has not been negligible in the past. However, the standardization of the archival description only increased it.
U: Arhivski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-3143. - 62 (2019) ; str. 47-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhivsko gradivo -- Arhivska teorija -- Arhivska praksa -- Arhivski informacijski sustav -- Umjetna inteligencija

Vidi br.: HA19-00864

Vidi br.: HA19-00894

Vidi br.: HA19-01319

930.85   Kulturna povijest

LEMIĆ, Vlatka
Tematski portali Znameniti.hr i EminentPeople.eu - izazovi i perspektive virtualnoga umrežavanja digitalnih repozitorija [Elektronička građa] / Vlatka Lemić, Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Kulturnom i znanstvenom sektoru informacijsko je doba donijelo nove izazove, ali i nove mogućnosti, kako za razvoj tako i za prezentaciju svojih primarnih djelatnosti, zahvaljujući brojnim inovativnim tehnologijama i metodama. Još važnije, otvorilo im je nove mogućnosti umrežavanja putem međuinstitucionalnih i multidisciplinarnih suradničkih projekata, temeljenih na povezivanju istovrsnih potreba, napora i ideja. Cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti i problematizirati mogućnosti suradnje u virtualnom okruženju između srodnih ustanova, okupljenih oko zajedničkoga projekta razvoja suradničkoga portala tematski vezanoga uz znamenite i zaslužne osobe. Projekt ćemo predstaviti kroz njegove tri temeljne razvojne faze: od samoga začetka ideje i pokretanja nacionalnoga pilot-projekta Znameniti i zaslužni Hrvati koji je rezultirao stvaranjem portala Znameniti.hr, preko jednogodišnjega europskog projekta koji je financirao konzorcij DARIAH-ERIC, omogućivši uspostavu regionalne suradnje i kreiranja portala na domeni EminentPeople.eu, do pripreme novoga međunarodnog projekta kroz razmatranja europske perspektive ovoga portala. - Thanks to numerous innovative technologies and methods, the Information Age has brought new challenges, but also new opportunities, to the cultural and scientific sector, for both the development and the presentation of its primary activities. More importantly, it paved the way for new networking possibilities through inter-institutional and multidisciplinary collaborative projects, based on linking together analogous needs, efforts, and ideas. The goal of this paper is to present and examine the opportunities for cooperation in a virtual environment between related institutions, gathered around a common project involving the development of a collaborative portal about eminent and meritorious persons. We shall present the project through three basic phases of development: the inception of the idea and the launching of the national pilot project ‘Znameniti i zaslužni Hrvati’ (Eminent Croats) that resulted in the creation of the portal Znameniti.hr; the one-year European project funded by the DARIAH–ERIC consortium that enabled the establishment of regional cooperation and the creating of the portal EminentPeople.eu; and the preparation of a new international project considering the European perspectives of this portal.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 24 ; str. 173-189  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalni repozitoriji -- Digitalizacija -- Znamenite osobe -- Institucijska suradnja -- Kulturna baština

94   Opća povijest. Povijest pojedinih zemalja i naroda

94(497.5)   Povijest Hrvatske

SALAJ, Branko
Udbin dosje kao povijesni izvor - slučaj Vujičić [Elektronička građa] / Branko Salaj. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U početku svibnja 1941. skupina mladih ustaša pri Ustaškom stanu u Karlovcu uhitila je i ubila trojicu Srba. Afera, poznata i kao slučaj Vujičić (prema Milanu Vujičiću, najpoznatijoj žrtvi, odvjetniku i političaru) svojedobno je zataškana, no u historiografiji i publicistici ostavila je dubljega traga od nekih većih zlodjela. U proljeće 1947. Jugoslaviji je izručen Vladimir Židovec, diplomat Nezavisne Države Hrvatske (NDH), koji je u doba zločina bio tajnik karlovačkoga Ustaškog stana. On je podvrgnut intenzivnoj istrazi u kojoj je ponudio i svoju suradnju. U poduljem i višestruko upitnom svjedočenju on je kao inicijatora zločina teretio svojega lokalnog suparnika, predsjednika Stana Antu Nikšića, koji je i sâm završio u diplomatskoj službi NDH, ali je neko vrijeme bio i ministar unutarnjih poslova. Unatoč raznim dvojbenim pojedinostima istrage, na tezi prema kojoj je Nikšić potaknuo ubojstvo svojega osobnog prijatelja Vujičića ustraje se već desetljećima. Kao navodno neprijeporna činjenica našla je put u leksikografsku literaturu, a i poslužila u poopćenim kontekstualizacijama. U članku se stoga na osnovu nekih novih saznanja nastoji ponovno razmotriti cijeli slučaj, ne radi konačnoga odgovora, već kako bi se upozorilo na nužnost suzdržanijih interpretacija, kad se one odnose na materijale koji su imali zadovoljiti potrebe tajnih službi. - In early May 1941, three Serbs were killed by a group of young Ustasha militiamen assigned to the local headquarters of the Ustasha movement in the Croatian city of Karlovac. The affair, known as »the Vujičić case« after its best known victim, attorney and politician Milan Vujičić, was hushed up at that time, but the case left a deeper imprint on historical studies than some of the larger atrocities committed during the period. The case was reopened in early 1947, upon the extradition of Vladimir Židovec to Yugoslavia. Židovec was the secretary of the local Ustaša HQ at the time of the crime, and afterwards a diplomat in the Independent State of Croatia (ISC). Subjected to harsh interrogation by the Yugoslav Udba secret police, Židovec offered to collaborate and authored a lengthy but tainted testimony. He claimed that his antagonist and formal local superior Ante Nikšić, afterwards an ISC diplomat and minister of the interior, initiated the crime. In spite of various important deficiencies of the inquiry, the thesis that Nikšić had instigated the murder of his personal friend Vujičić has been reiterated over the years. It has been incorporated into reference manuals as a proven fact, and has even been contextualized on a larger scale. This article therefore strives to reconsider the case on the basis of some new elements. While offering no final answers, it points to various incongruences of the present interpretation.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 24 ; str. 123-152  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tajne službe -- Povijest
Vujičić, Milan -- Nikšić, Ante -- Židovec, Vladimir
