00   Prolegomena. Teorija znanja i kulture. Propedeutika

001   Znanost i znanje. Organizacija intelektualnog rada

NOVINA, Marina
Znanost - praeambula fidei [Elektronička građa] / Marina Novina.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Enciklika Fides et ratio, oslonjena na tomističku filozofsku misao, propituje odnos vjere i razuma i ističe nužnost filozofije za specifične teološke discipline. No, misaoni dosezi enciklike sežu puno dalje. Cilj je ovoga rada pokazati da se sve znanosti mogu shvatiti kao praeambula fidei i da je enciklika u cjelini poziv na dijalog, ne samo između filozofije i teologije, već i s drugim znanostima. U tom se smislu, enciklika pokazuje važnom za današnje doba, tzv. STEM doba, jer otkriva važnost svih znanosti i smješta ih u širi kontekst, te ih, ističući autonomiju njihova traganja za istinom, pokazuje neizostavnim sudionicima dijaloga s teologijom i filozofijom. - The encyclical Fides et ratio is based on Thomistic philosophical thought. It questions the relationship between faith and reason and emphasizes the necessity of philosophy for specific theological disciplines. However, in this research we show that the encyclical’s thinking reaches far beyond. The analysis of the text of chapter six has shown that the encyclical emphasizes that (1) faith cannot give up reason, which limits itself from fideism. Also (2) that reason by faith strengthens itself to reach the goals it could not achieve, which represents (a) moving away from rationalism and scientism, and (b) giving reason a dimension of openness to the divine nature, revealing it as a link between nature and the divine nature. However, on the line of Thomistic thought the encyclical adds (1) that there are some truths that can be learned naturally, on the independent path of rational inquiry that does not have to divert from one’s own principles and autonomy, and that (2) the knowledge of these truths necessarily precedes the acceptance of God’s revelation. These truths represent the path of preparation for faith. Furthermore, relying on Aquinas’s metaphysic, psychology and philosophy of mind, the encyclical stresses that grace perfects nature (FR, no. 75) and that there is distinction between two lines of cognition (FR, no. 54). But these two lines of cognition are not mutually exclusive, but complementary and revealing (a) that the search for a natural foundation of meaning is one of the most important points of this encyclical and (b) the necessity of a dialogue between theology and philosophy. However, among the autonomous natural paths of cognition, which are defined by the term »the path of preparation for the faith«, which refers to the medieval term »praeambula fidei« (FR, no. 67), we also recognize the sciences that aim at natural cognition. Thus, the reach of the encyclical is expanded.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 341-357  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Enciklike -- Dijalog -- Ljudska narav -- Teologija -- Znanost
Toma Akvinski


Vidi br.: HA20-00471

Vidi br.: HA20-00003

Vidi br.: HA20-00468

Vidi br.: HA20-00194

Vidi br.: HA20-00005

004   Računalna znanost i tehnologija. Računalstvo. Obrada podataka

FIRDAUS, Firdaus
A review of hybrid indoor positioning systems employing WLAN fingerprinting and image processing [Elektronička građa] / Firdaus Firdaus, Noor Azurati Ahmad, Shamsul Sahibuddin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 114 jed. - Abstract. - Location-based services (LBS) are a significant permissive technology. One of the main components in indoor LBS is the indoor positioning system (IPS). IPS utilizes many existing technologies such as radio frequency, images, acoustic signals, as well as magnetic sensors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, and other sensors that are usually installed in a mobile device. The radio frequency technologies used in IPS are WLAN, Bluetooth, Zig Bee, RFID, frequency modulation, and ultra-wideband. This paper explores studies that have combined WLAN fingerprinting and image processing to build an IPS. The studies on combined WLAN fingerprinting and image processing techniques are divided based on the methods used. The first part explains the studies that have used WLAN fingerprinting to support image positioning. The second part examines works that have used image processing to support WLAN fingerprinting positioning. Then, image processing and WLAN fingerprinting are used in combination to build IPS in the third part. A new concept is proposed at the end for the future development of indoor positioning models based on WLAN fingerprinting and supported by image processing to solve the effect of people presence around users and the user orientation problem.
U: International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems (Online). - ISSN 1847-7003. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 59-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lokacijski bazirani sistemi -- LBS -- IPS -- Obrada slike -- WLAN

Epharmology [Elektronička građa] : a plea for a new science and a new education paradigm / Amir Muzur, Iva Rinčić, Jiwon Shim, Sunyong Byun.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Technological development is characterised by a series of related phenomena – digitalisation, informatisation, robotisation, and globalisation – resulting in continuous and essential adaptations of human brain and behaviour. These adaptations have awaken the interest of numerous disciplines, but their systematic study, actually, is missing. In the present paper, along with the list of several adaptation fields and examples, the establishing of a new science is suggested – epharmology (from the Greek epharmozein = to adapt) which might be able to comprehensively approach the gathering and analysis of data from various observations and sources and, based on discerning between wishful and unwishful adaptations, which could exert influence upon legislation and education reform. - Tehnološki razvitak karakterizira niz povezanih fenomena – digitalizacija, informatizacija, robotizacija i globalizacija – koji rezultiraju stalnim i bitnim prilagodbama ljudskog mozga i ponašanja. Ove prilagodbe bude interes brojnih disciplina, ali njihovo sustavno proučavanje, zapravo, izostaje. U ovome članku se, uz navođenje mnogih područja i primjera prilagodbi, sugerira ustrojavanje nove znanosti – efarmologije (od grč. epharmozein = prilagođavati se) koja bi na sveobuhvatan način pristupila prikupljanju i obradi podataka iz raznih opservacija i studija te temeljem razlučivanja poželjnih od nepoželjnih adaptacija mogla utjecati na zakonodavstvo i reformu obrazovanja.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 39-46  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalizacija -- Efarmologija -- Obrazovanje -- Znanost

Existential, instrumental and cyber spaces as ontological modi of human being [Elektronička građa] / Lubov E. Motorina, Veronica M. Sytnik.
Bibliografske biljške uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Context and relevance of the research: the task of developing a general theoretical basis and methodology of ontological problems of interaction and interrelation of the Internet space and the physical world comes forward with the formation of the virtual computer environment determined both by the presence of a human being in computer network and presence of computer network in the life world of the human being. Virtual reality, even in its current state, is already widely recognized and described in academic sources. There are prospects of its application in medicine, education, professional training, space, military, art, automotive industry, shipbuilding, trade, leisure, consulting assistance to population, administration, and other spheres of management. According to academic forecasts, intensive, large-scale, multidirectional development of virtual computer environment will continue in the 21st century. The purpose of the study is to carry out a systematic analysis of the concepts: existential space, instrumental space and cyberspace in their interrelationship and interaction; to propose the author’s definition of existential space as a methodological construction for the study of its ontological modi: instrumental space and cyberspace; to define the ontological characteristics of instrumental space and cyberspace, their common features (connection) and distinction; to reveal features of existential immersion of a person into virtual computer reality – the process of emotional perception of existence in the information field – an artificially created world of ‘people and things,’ as well as subjective-personal effects accompanying this process. The methodology used: M. Heidegger’s Dasein analytics, D. Ihde’s instrumental realism, systems-based approach, comparative analysis. - Kontekst i važnost istraživanja: sve je teža zadaća način razvitka općih teorijskih osnova i metodologije ontologijskih problema vezanih uz međudjelovanja i međuodnose između internetskog prostora i fizičkog svijeta, otežan uspostavom računalnog virtualnog okružja, određenog kako prisutnošću ljudskog bića u računalnoj mreži tako i prisutnošću računalne mreže u životu ljudskog bića. Virtualna stvarnost već je, čak u svom razvijenom obliku, široko prepoznata i opisana u akademskim vrelima. Već ima prijedloga za njenu primjenu u medicini, odgoju i obrazovanju, profesionalnom uvježbavanju, svemirskoj, vojnoj, umjetničkoj, automobilskoj industriji, brodogradnji, prometu, zabavi, savjetodavnom pomaganju stanovništvu, administraciji i drugim područjima upravljanja. Prema akademskim predviđanjima usmjeren, raznoliko snažan, razvitak virtualnog računalnog okoliša na širokoj osnovi nastavit će se i u 21. stoljeću. Cilj je ovog proučavanja provesti sustavnu analizu pojmova: egzistencijalni prostor, instrumentalni prostor i kibernetički prostor, kao metodologijsku pripravu za njihove ontologijske moduse: instrumentalni prostor i kibernetički prostor; odrediti (definirati) ontološke značajke instrumentalnog prostora i kibernetičkog prostora, njihove zajedničke oznake (povezanost) i razliku; otkriti egzistencijalne crte uronjenosti osobe u računalnu virtualnu stvarnost – proces emocijalnog percipiranja egzistencije u informacijskom polju – u umjetno stvoreni svijet »ljudi i stvari«, kao i subjektivno-osobne učinke koji prate taj proces. Iskorištena metodologija: analitika Tubitka (Dasein) M. Heideggera, instrumentalni realizam D. Ihdea, na sustavima zasnovan pristup, poredbena analiza.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 485-499  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kibernetički prostor -- Egzistencijalni prostor -- Ljudsko biće -- Virtualna stvarnost -- Ontologija -- Tehnologija

GETLIHER, Danijela
Hrvatski ured za DOI i Sustav DOI-HR [Elektronička građa] = Croatian DOI Office and DOI-HR System / Danijela Getliher, Silvana Šehić, Lucija Martinić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 211-212. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je rada prikazati ciljeve i proces uspostave Hrvatskog ureda za DOI Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu, razvoj i svojstva Sustava DOI-HR te dosadašnji rad i postignuća Ureda. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. U radu se deskriptivnom metodom opisuju osnovna svojstva identifikacijskog sustava za DOI, njegove registracijske agencije Crossref i Crossrefovog registracijskog ureda u Republici Hrvatskoj – Hrvatskog ureda za DOI. Uz analizu podataka zabilježenih krajem 2018. godine o tekućim hrvatskim znanstvenim i znanstveno-stručnim časopisima prikazuju se razlozi osnivanja, kao i pogodnosti članstva ostvarenog posredništvom Ureda. Rad obuhvaća prikaz radnog procesa Hrvatskog ureda za DOI, analizu i opis Sustava DOI-HR, njegove strukture, svrhe, funkcionalnosti, modele suradnje i načine dostave metapodataka. Rezultati. U radu je detaljno i pregledno prikazana uspostava nove usluge Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. Ukazuje se na važnost osnivanja Hrvatskog ureda za DOI pri Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu. Opisuje se novi Crossrefov model djelovanja nacionalnog ureda za DOI kojim se ostvaruje značajna financijska ušteda te pružaju ostale pogodnosti za nakladnike koji uslugu koriste posredništvom Hrvatskog ureda za DOI i sustava DOI-HR kao što je usluga provjere izvornosti rada (Similarity Check), tehnička podrška pri dodjeli i registraciji DOI-ja, trajna pohrana registriranih članaka i sveščića, održavanje trajnosti DOI-ja te poluautomatizirano uvrštavanje članaka u Hrvatsku nacionalnu bibliografiju, pohranu i objavu na portalu Digitalne zbirke Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. - The aim of this paper is to present the goals and the process of establishing the Croatian DOI Office as part of the National and University Library in Zagreb, the development and characteristics of the DOI-HR System as well as the work and the accomplished achievements of the Office. Approach/methodology/design. The paper uses the descriptive method to explain the basic characteristics of the DOI identification system, its registration agency the Crossref and the Crossref registration office in the Republic of Croatia – the Croatian DOI Office. Along with the analysis of the statistical data recorded at the end of 2018 on the current Croatian scientific and professional journals, the paper presents the reasons for founding and the benefits of the membership obtained through the mediation of the Office. The paper mainly focuses on the work process and procedures of the Croatian DOI Office, the analyses and description of the DOI-HR System, its structure, purpose, functionalities, collaborations models, and metadata submission methods. Findings. The paper presents in detail the establishment and the activities of the new service of the National and University Library in Zagreb. It shows the necessity of the establishment of the Croatian DOI Office at the Library. The paper describes a new Crossref model operated by the national DOI office that provides significant financial savings and broad range of other benefits for publishers who use the service through the Croatian DOI Office and DOI-HR System, such as Similarity Check services, technical support for assigning and registering DOIs, permanent storage of registered articles and all-rounders, maintenance of permanence of DOI, semi-automatized inclusion of articles in the Croatian National Bibliography and publication on the portal Digitalne zbirke Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu (Digital Collections of the National and University Library in Zagreb).
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 191-212  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Identifikatori -- DOI -- Digital Object Identifier -- Elektronički časopisi
Hrvatski ured za DOI -- Crossref -- Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu


JURIČIĆ, Vedran, inženjer
Karakteristike softvera za vizualizaciju podataka [Elektronička građa] / Vedran Juričić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je definirana vizualizacija podataka, navedena je njezina važnost prvenstveno u znanosti i modernim poslovnim procesima, ali i u ostalim područjima, poput medicine i bankarstva. Analiza, pa tako i vizualizacija, velikih količina podataka danas se obavlja pomoću raznih alata, koji se razlikuju u cijeni, platformi, kvaliteti korisničke podrške, mogućnostima i funkcionalnosti. U radu se analiziraju i uspoređuju karakteristike velikog broja alata za vizualizaciju podataka s ciljem da se pronađu njihove najzastupljenije mogućnosti, odnosno zajednička funkcionalnost većine današnjih alata. Osim navedene analize, u radu se analizira i njihova raspoloživost na platformama i operacijskim sustavima, opcije korisničke podrške, cijena itd. - This paper defines data visualization, its importance primarly in science and modern business processes, but also in other field such as medicine and banking. Analysis and visualization of large amounts of data is done today with a variety of tools, which vary in price, platform, quality of customer support, capabilities and functionality. The paper analyzes and compares the characteristics of a large number of data visualization tools in order to find their most common capabilities, that is, the common functionality of most of today's tools. In addition to this analysis, the paper also analyzes their availability on platforms and operating systems, customer support, pricing etc.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 19-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vizualizacija podataka -- Alati za vizualizaciju podataka -- Softver

AQILAH Bohani, Farah
Multilevel thresholding of brain tumor MRI images [Elektronička građa] : Patch-Levy Bees algorithm versus Harmony Search algorithm / Farah Aqilah Bohani, Ashwaq Qasem, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Khairuddin Omar, Shahnorbanun Sahran, Rizuana Iqbal Hussain, Syaza Sharis. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Abstract. - Image segmentation of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a crucial role among radiologists in terms of diagnosing brain disease. Parts of the brain such as white matter, gray matter and cerebrospinal fluids (CFS), have to be clearly determined by the radiologist during the process of brain abnormalities detection. Manual segmentation is grueling and may be prone to error, which can in turn affect the result of the diagnosis. Nature inspired metaheuristic algorithms such as Harmony Search (HS), which was successfully applied in multilevel thresholding for brain tumor segmentation instead of the Patch-Levy Bees algorithm (PLBA). Even though the PLBA is one powerful multilevel thresholding, it has not been applied to brain tumor segmentation. This paper focuses on a comparative study of the PLBA and HS for brain tumor segmentation. The test dataset consisting of nine images was collected from the Tuanku Muhriz UKM Hospital (HCTM). As for the result, it shows that the PLBA has significantly outperformed HS. The performance of both algorithms is evaluated in terms of solution quality and stability.
U: International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems (Online). - ISSN 1847-7003. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 45-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Magnetska rezonancija -- Mozak -- Algoritam -- Segmentacija slike

REĐEP, Tamara
Realizacija m-učenja primjenom BYOD modela u osnovnoj školi [Elektronička građa] / Tamara Ređep, Tomislav Leček, Tea Pavičić Zajec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Mobilno učenje ili m-učenje omogućuje moderan način podrške procesima učenja putem mobilnih uređaja. Jedan od načina realizacije m-učenja je primjena BYOD modela na nastavi, prema kojem učitelji uglavnom iskazuju negativan stav smatrajući da korištenje mobitela u obrazovanju bitno ne pridonosi kvaliteti nastavnog procesa. Istraživanje za potrebe ovog rada provedeno je u ožujku školske godine 2018./2019., na uzorku od 401 učenika predmetne nastave I. i III. OŠ Varaždin. Cilj je bio ispitati stavove i preferencije učenika osnovnih škola o korištenju mobitela u sklopu nastavnog procesa te postoji li razlika u percepciji učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola o dopuštenju da donose vlastite uređaje za aktivnosti povezane sa školom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da čak 65,69% učenika tvrdi da im je nastava zanimljivija kada smiju koristiti svoj mobilni uređaj, a 70,38% ispitanika želi da više učitelja primjenjuje BYOD model na nastavi. Također, rezultati pokazuju i da se u svojim razmišljanjima o dopuštenju da donose vlastite uređaje za aktivnosti povezane sa školom ne razlikuju značajno od učenika srednjih škola. - Mobile learning or m-learning makes possible the modern ways of learning processes support by using mobile devices. One of the ways of realisation of m-learning is the usage of BYOD model in classroom, towards which teachers mostly show the negative attitude considering that the use of mobile devices in education does not contribute in great deal to the quality of teaching process. The research for the demands of this paper was carried out in March of the school year 2018 /2019 on the sample of 401 students of the subject teaching of 1st and 3rd primary schools Varaždin. The aim was to examine the attitudes and preferences of the primary school students about the use of mobile devices as a part of a teaching process as well as if there is a difference in the perception of primary and secondary school students about the allowance to bring their own devices for the school activities. The results of the research show that even 65,69% of the students claim that the teaching lessons are more interesting when they are allowed to use their mobile device, and 70,83% of them want that their teachers use BYOD model in teaching. In addition, the results show that in their opinion to bring their devices for school activities do not differ in great deal from the opinion of the secondary school students.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 27-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mobilni telefoni -- Bežične mreže -- Učenje -- M-učenje -- Nastava

Space-time code design using quaternions, octonions and other non-associative structures [Elektronička građa] / Garima Srivastava, Rashmi Gupta, Raghvendra Kumar, Dac-Nhuong Le. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract. - There are several non-associative finite dimensional division algebras over different number fields. Their representations in the corresponding matrix algebras preserve additive structure. However, the embedding does not preserve multiplication as matrix multiplication is associative. As such, it gives a generalized matrix representation. Indeed, a non-associative structure provides different platforms for more effective and useful space-time coding satisfying rank criteria, and coding gain criteria for multiple antenna wireless communication. Associative division algebras have dimension restrictions, whereas non-associative division algebras over suitable fields exist in infinitely many dimensions. We illustrate the above program by using octonion algebras.
U: International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems (Online). - ISSN 1847-7003. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 91-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antenski sustavi -- Bežična komunikacija -- Prostorno-vremenska modulacija -- Cayleyeva algebra

JAKOPEC, Tomislav, informatičar
Stavovi učenika o implementaciji kurikuluma informatičkih predmeta u srednje škole [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Jakopec, Ivica Zelić, Dragan Šupe. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 236-238. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - U sklopu projekta ICT Znanstveni laboratorij provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem ispitivanja stavova učenika o implementiranju kurikuluma informatičkih predmeta u srednje škole. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 142 učenika privatnih srednjih škola „Gaudeamus“ i „Pitagora“, od čega 72 učenice i 70 učenika koji su ispunili anketu od 13 pitanja. Analizom rezultata utvrđeno je s jedne strane da u dvjema školama ukupno 78,00 % učenika pohađa nastavu informatike u školi i u velikom se postotku slažu s tvrdnjom da im je informatička pismenost važna za buduće zanimanje, dok s druge strane među njima 53,00 % učenika nije upoznato s kraticom IKT (informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija). Učenici se uglavnom slažu s tvrdnjom da im postojeća nastava informatike nije dovoljna za nastavak obrazovanja. Takvi rezultati navode na zaključak da je potrebno obogatiti sadržaje iz nastavnog predmeta informatika, a za što postoji velik interes među samim učenicima. - As part of the project "ICT Znanstveni laboratorij" a research was carried out to investigate the attitudes of students towards the implementation of the curriculum of IT subjects in secondary schools. The study included 142 (72F, 70M) students of private grammar schools Gaudeamus and Pitagora, who completed the survey which consisted of 13 groups of questions. The results have shown that on the one hand 78% of students attend classes in computer science and a high percentage agrees with the statement that their computer literacy is important for future interest, while the other side as much as 53% of the students are not familiar with the acronym ICT (information and communication technology). A large percentage of students agree with the statement that their existing curriculum in computer science is not sufficient to continue their education in that field. These results suggest that students need to enrich the contents in the subject, for which there is great interest among students. - Im Rahmen des Projekts „ICT Wissenschaftslabor“ wurde eine Untersuchung zur Einstellung der Schüler zur Umsetzung des Lehrplans von Fächern im Bereich der Informationstechnologie in weiterführenden Schulen durchgeführt. Die Studie umfasste 142 Schülerinnen und Schüler (davon 72 Schülerinnen und 70 Schüler) der privaten Gymnasien Gaudeamus und Pitagora, die eine Umfrage mit 13 Fragen ausgefüllt haben. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass auf der einen Seite 78% der Schüler am Informatikunterricht in der Schule teilnimmt und ein hoher Prozentsatz der Aussage zustimmt, dass Informationsliteralität für ihren zukünftigen Beruf wichtig ist. Auf der anderen Seite waren sogar 53% der Schüler mit der Abkürzung IKT (Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie) nicht vertraut. Die Schüler stimmen zum Großteil damit überein, dass der bestehende Informatikunterricht sie nicht zur Fortsetzung ihres Bildungsweges befähigt. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Inhalte im Informatikunterricht angereichert werden sollten, wofür bereits reges Interesse seitens der Schüler besteht.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 227-238  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Informatika -- Srednja škola -- Kurikulum -- Stavovi roditelja -- Stavovi učenika

Survey on entity linking for domain specific with heterogeneous information networks [Elektronička građa] = Istraživanje o povezivanju entiteta za specifične domene s heterogenim informacijskim mrežama / S. Mythrei, S. Singaravelan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Entity linking is a task of extracting information that links the mentioned entity in a collection of text with their similar knowledge base as well as it is the task of allocating unique identity to various entities such as locations, individuals and companies. Knowledgebase (KB) is used to optimize the information collection, organization and for retrieval of information. Heterogeneous information networks (HIN) comprises multiple-type interlinked objects with various types of relationship which are becoming increasingly most popular named bibliographic networks, social media networks as well including the typical relational database data. In HIN, there are various data objects are interconnected through various relations. The entity linkage determines the corresponding entities from unstructured web text, in the existing HIN. This work is the most important and it is the most challenge because of ambiguity and existing limited knowledge. Some HIN could be considered as a domain-specific KB. The current Entity Linking (EL) systems aimed towards corpora which contain heterogeneous as web information and it performs sub-optimally on the domain-specific corpora. The EL systems used one or more general or specific domains of linking such as DBpedia, Wikipedia, Freebase, IMDB, YAGO, Wordnet and MKB. This paper presents a survey on domain-specific entity linking with HIN. This survey describes with a deep understanding of HIN, which includes datasets,types and examples with related concepts. - Povezivanje entiteta je zadatak izvlačenja podataka koji povezuju spomenuti entitet u zbirci teksta sa njihovom sličnom bazom znanja, kao i zadatak dodjeljivanja jedinstvenog identiteta različitim entitetima, kao što su lokacije, pojedinci i tvrtke. Baza znanja (BZ) koristi se za optimizaciju prikupljanja, organizacije i pronalaženja informacija. Heterogene mreže informacija (HMI) obuhvaćaju višestruke međusobno povezane objekte različitih vrsta odnosa koji postaju sve popularniji i nazivaju se bibliografskim mrežama, mrežama društvenih medija, uključujući tipične podatke relacijske baze podataka. U HMI-u postoje razni podaci koji su međusobno povezani kroz različite odnose. Povezanost entiteta određuje odgovarajuće entitete iz nestrukturiranog teksta na webu u postojećem HMI-u. Ovaj je rad najvažniji i najveći izazov zbog nejasnoće i postojećeg ograničenog znanja. Neki se HMI mogu smatrati BZ-om specifičnim za domenu. Trenutni sustav povezivanja entiteta (PE) usmjeren je prema korpusima koji sadrže heterogene informacije kao web informacije i oni djeluju suptimalno na korpusima specifičnim za domenu. PE sustavi koristili su jednu ili više općih ili specifičnih domena povezivanja, kao što su DBpedia, Wikipedia, Freebase, IMDB, YAGO, Wordnet i MKB. U ovom radu predstavljeno je istraživanje o povezivanju entiteta specifičnog za domenu sa HMI-om. Ovo istraživanje opisuje s dubokim razumijevanjem HMI-a, što uključuje skupove podataka, vrste i primjere s povezanim konceptima.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 173-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Heterogena informacijska mreža -- Entiteti -- Baze znanja

DUMANČIĆ, Mario, pedagog
Školski #digitalni eko čuvari [Elektronička građa] : primjer projekta tagirajmo #otpad / Mario Dumančić, Tihana Levar, Mirena Maljković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Osnovna škola Jure Kaštelana iz Zagreba dio je programa Međunarodne Eko-škole zbog čega njezini učenici aktivno promišljaju o načinima kojima mogu doprinijeti zdravijem okolišu svoje četvrti. U razgovoru s učenicima rodila se ideja o projektu “Tagirajmo #otpad”. Cilj projekta je istražiti svoju blisku životnu okolinu te geofotografskim podacima zabilježiti i mapirati spremnike za otpad, reciklažna dvorišta te moguća ilegalna odlagališta otpada. Kao rezultat toga, želi se ponuditi ostalim četvrtima i lokalnim zajednicama pristup geografsko-informacijskom sustavu “#ekokvart“ i tako omogućiti svakom građaninu i gostu Lijepe naše da bilo gdje u Hrvatskoj može saznati gdje odlagati koji otpad, jednostavno koristeći GPS koordinate putem mobilnih uređaja. Zabilježene geofotografske i druge podatke će prikazati kroz geografski informacijski sustav “#ekokvart“. Kroz projekt učenici uče u skladu s novim Kurikulumom koji sve veći naglasak stavlja na međupredmetno provođenje tema poučavajući učenike na holistički način i uključuje učenike u njihovu blisku životnu i društvenu zajednicu kroz gospodarske, ekonomske i društveno osviještene projekte. Naglasak projekta jest na činjenici što će te podatke iznijeti sami učenici, pa će upravo mlade generacije doprinijeti zdravijem okolišu i primjerom će se prema ostatku zajednice očitovati kao eko učitelji. - Jure Kaštelan Elementary School is a part of the International Eco-School program, which is why its students actively reflect on the ways to contribute to their neighbourhood’s healthier environment. The idea of the "Tag #waste" project came up during an interview with the students. The aim of the project is to investigate our close living environment and through geo-photo, data to record and map waste containers, recycling yards and possible illegal waste dumps. As a result, it wants to offer other neighbourhoods and local communities’ access to the geographic information system "#ekokvart", thus enabling every citizen and visitor in Croatia to find locations for waste disposal by category simply by using the GPS coordinates via mobile devices. The geo-photos and other recorded data will be displayed by geographic information system “#ekokvart” [eco neighbourhood]. Through this, project students learn in accordance with the new Curriculum, which places an increasing emphasis on cross-curricular delivery of topics by teaching students in a holistic manner and integrates them into their close life and social community through projects that stimulate economic and social awareness. The emphasis of the project is on the fact that the data will be presented by the students themselves, so it will be the younger generations to contribute to a healthier environment and to set an example to the rest of the community as eco-teachers.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 35-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Eko-škola -- Razvrstavanje otpada -- Mapiranje otpada -- Geofotografski podaci -- GPS koordinate

SINGBO, Odilon-Gbènoukpo
Teološko-antropološka paradigma u rastućoj kulturi umjetnih inteligencija [Elektronička građa] / Odilon-Gbènoukpo Singbo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sve više se na znanstveno-tehničkoj sceni govori o pojavi ili o dolasku nove vrste inteligencije, a to je tzv. umjetna inteligencija koja će navodno nadilaziti ljudsku inteligenciju. Stoga mnogi pokušavaju redefinirati pojam osobe da bi opravdali prisutnost »nove vrste ljudi« među nama. To nameće novu paradigmu u dijaloškom procesu. Riječ je o novoj pojavi koja će zasigurno utjecati na međuljudske odnose i o kojoj Drugi vatikanski koncil implicitno govori u Pastoralnoj konstituciji o Crkvi u suvremenom svijetu Gaudium et spes. Sveta Stolica, osobito papa Franjo, u više navrata je dotaknula ovu tematiku i posljedice koje donosi takav novi oblik dijaloga čovjeka i stroja s posebnim naglaskom na prednost čovjeka pred strojem. Čovjek bi time mogao izbjeći samouništenje te prevlast i nadmoć onoga što je sam stvorio svojim umom i svojim rukama. - On scientific-technological scene more and more are talked about presence or arrival of a new type of intelligence, and that is so-called artificial intelligence that will allegedly overcome the human intelligence. Therefore, many are in pursuit for redefining the term of person to justify the presence of a »new kind of human« among us. Such kind of phenomenon imposes a new paradigm in dialogical process. It is about a new phenomenon that will surely impact on interpersonal relationships, and which the Second Vatican Council is implicitly talking in Pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world Gaudium et spes. The Holy See itself, especially Pope Francis, in several cases touched this theme and consequences that carries such new shape of dialogue between human and the machine with emphasis on advantage of human over the machine. In this way, we will be able to avoid self-destruction, predominance and superiority of what we have created with our own hands.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 47-60  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Emocija -- Etičko vrednovanje -- Umjetna inteligencija -- Svijest -- Teološko promišljanje

VIČIČ Krabonja, Maja
Znamo li koristiti IKT u svrhu podrške uvođenju inovativnog okružja za učenje? [Elektronička građa] / Maja Vičič Krabonja, Magdalena Šverc. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Uvođenje tehnologije u nastavu sve je češće prisutno ne samo u poučavanju već i u učenju. U projektu „Inovativno okružje za učenje uz podršku IKT-a“ cilj je uvođenja tehnologije potpora transformaciji nastave tako da se učenicima u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi pruže mogućnosti za učenje u kojima stječu znanje i razvijaju kompetencije. Učitelji pritom trebaju poznavati alate kojima mogu procijeniti jesu li aktivnosti podržane IKT-om primjerene za postizanje postavljenih ciljeva te omogućuju li transformaciju nastave. U prilogu istražujemo tri modela koji bi učiteljima mogli u tome pomoći. Na temelju analize 68 predanih primjera dobre prakse ustanovili smo da je za učitelje u projektu „Inovativno okružje za učenje uz podršku IKT-a“ najprimjerenija ljestvica RAT, uz kontinuirano preispitivanje dodane vrijednosti koju primijenjena tehnologija donosi u proces poučavanja i učenja. - Introducing ICT to schools is increasingly present not only in teaching but also in the learning process. In the Innovative Learning Environment Supported by ICT project, the goal of introducing technology is to support the transformation of lessons in order to prepare learning opportunities in which students will acquire their knowledge and develop competencies. In doing so, teachers need knowledge and tools to assess whether ICT supported activities are appropriate for achieving the set goals and enable the transformation of lessons. In the paper, we explore three models that could help teachers making these important decisions. Based on the analysis of 68 examples of lessons plans, we propose that the R.A.T. model is the most appropriate for teachers in the 'Innovative ICT-supported learning environment' project. The benefit of the ICT implementation in teaching and learning process should be continuously monitored and evaluated.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 2 ; str. 7-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava -- Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije -- SAMR model

Vidi br.: HA20-00144

Vidi br.: HA20-00138

Vidi br.: HA20-00071

Vidi br.: HA20-00253

Vidi br.: HA20-00254

Vidi br.: HA20-00332

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Vidi br.: HA20-00462

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Vidi br.: HA20-00022

Vidi br.: HA20-00026

Vidi br.: HA20-00193

Vidi br.: HA20-00142

Vidi br.: HA20-00211

005   Menadžment

Vidi br.: HA20-00480

Vidi br.: HA20-00033

007   Teorija komunikacija. Kibernetika

NORSAHPERI, Nor Mohd Haziq
A comparative study of LQR and integral sliding mode control strategies for position tracking control of robotic manipulators [Elektronička građa] / Nor Mohd Haziq Norsahperi, Kumeresan A. Danapalasingam. - Ilustr.
Sadrži i: prilozi na str. 82-83. - Bibliografija: 42 jed. - Abstract. - This paper provides a systematic comparative study of position tracking control of nonlinear robotic manipulators. The main contribution of this study is a comprehensive numerical simulation assessing position tracking performances and energy consumption of integral sliding mode control (ISMC), a linear-quadratic regulator with integral action (LQRT ), and optimal integral sliding mode control (OISMC) under three conditions; namely, Case I) without the coupling effect, Case II) with the coupling effect on Link 1 only, and Case III) with the coupling effect on Link 2 only. The viability of the concept is evaluated based on three performance criteria, i.e., the step-response characteristics, position tracking error, and energy consumption of the aforementioned controllers. Based upon the simulation study, it has been found that OISMC offers performances almost similar to ISMC with more than 90% improvement of tracking performance under several cases compared to LQRT; however, energy consumption is successfully reduced by 3.6% in comparison to ISMC. Energy consumption of OISMC can be further reduced by applying optimization algorithms in tuning the weighting matrices. This paper can be considered significant as a robotic system with high tracking accuracy and low energy consumption is highly demanded to be implemented in smart factories, especially for autonomous systems.
U: International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems (Online). - ISSN 1847-7003. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 73-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Robotski manipulator -- Optimalna kontrola -- LQR regulator -- Linearni kvadratni regulator -- Integralno upravljanje -- Lyapunovljeva metoda

Vidi br.: HA20-00072

01   Bibliografije. Katalozi

NIGOEVIĆ, Magdalena
Biobibliografija Anatolija Kudrjavceva / Magdalena Nigoević, Maja Bezić.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 127-231
Biografija -- Bibliografija
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


02   Knjižničarstvo

KOSIĆ, Sanja, knjižničarka
Analiza uspješnosti kupnje knjiga za fond Sveučilišne knjižnice Rijeka [Elektronička građa] = The efficacy analysis of the University of Rijeka Library's book aquisition / Sanja Kosić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 147-148. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sveučilišna knjižnica Rijeka ima na raspolaganju ograničena sredstva namijenjena kupnji knjižnične građe. Cilj je ovoga rada analizom dostupnih podataka o korištenosti građe nabavljene kupnjom utvrditi u kojem je stupnju ta nabava uspješna, odnosno koliko se kupljena građa zaista i koristi te pokušati identificirati razloge nekorištenja. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. Na temelju izvještaja o posudbi građe generiranih iz knjižničnog programa provedena je analiza korištenosti građe nabavljene kupnjom. Analiza je provedena na omeđenim publikacijama nabavljenim i korištenim u petogodišnjem razdoblju od 2014. do 2018. godine. Rezultati. Rezultati analize pokazali su da se najviše nabavlja domaća građa, da sadržajno građa odgovara područjima koja se izučavaju na Sveučilištu te da je vrlo visok postotak građe koja je kupljena za fond Knjižnice zaista i posuđen od strane korisnika. Ograničenja. Kako Knjižnica kupuje iznimno mali broj serijskih publikacija, analiza je ograničena na kupljene monografije. Praktična primjena. Metodologiju analize može se primijeniti u knjižnicama koje imaju pristup istim ili sličnim izvorima podataka. Primjenjiva je u knjižnicama koje smatraju potrebnim povremeno procjenjivati uspješnost vlastite nabavne politike, a gledano kroz (ne)korištenje nabavljene građe bez obzira na sam način nabave. Također, rezultate analize može se koristiti kao argument u razgovorima s osnivačem i drugim eventualnim financijerima u nastojanju osiguravanja više sredstava za nabavu, odnosno za prilagodbu vlastite nabavne politike ukoliko se procijeni da je to potrebno. Originalnost/vrijednost. Uobičajeno metode vrednovanja knjižničnih zbirki promatraju zbirku, odnosno cjelokupni knjižnični fond kao cjelinu bez obzira na sam način nabave građe. - The University of Rijeka Library has limited financial funds for the acquisition of library materials at their disposal. Based on the existing data on the purchased books usage statistics, this paper aims to determine the efficacy of these acquisitions, that is, if the library users have really borrowed the purchased books. Furthermore, the paper will try to identify the books that were purchased but not borrowed and explore the reasons why they were not borrowed. Approach/methodology/design. Based on the reports of the book loans generated by the library software, the usage analysis of the purchased books has been carried out. The analysis was conducted on the monographs which were purchased and borrowed in the period between 2014 and 2018. Findings. The results show that in the researched period mostly domestic books were purchased. The topics and the content of the acquired books correspond to the study programs of the University of Rijeka. High percentage of the purchased books have been borrowed later by the library users. Research limitations/implications. Since the University of Rijeka Library is purchasing only a small number of serial titles, this analysis is limited to the purchased monographs only. Practical implications. The methodology of the analysis can be applied in libraries that can procure the same or similar data reports. It is applicable in the libraries that consider necessary the evaluation of their own acquisition policies from time to time, taking into consideration the usage data on all acquired materials, regardless of the acquisition methods. The analysis results can be used as an argument in the negotiations with the library founders and any other potential library financiers. They can also be used to revise and adjust library acquisition policies. Originality/value. Usually, the collection evaluation methods are used on the entire collections or the library holdings as the whole, regardless of the acquisition methods.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 131-148  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Knjižnični fond -- Vrednovanje knjižničnog fonda -- Kupnja knjiga
Sveučilišna knjižnica Rijeka


Bibliobusna služba u promicanju Agende UN-a za održivi razvoj - primjeri dobre prakse [Elektronička građa] = Mobile library service in promoting the goals of the UN Agenda for sustainable development - examples of good practice / Nika Čabrić, Tamara Kolić, Davorka Semenić Premec.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je rada prikazati mogućnosti, dosege i dobru praksu rada Bibliobusne službe Knjižnica grada Zagreba u promicanju UN-ove Agende za održivi razvoj 2030. Svojim radom trenutno nastoji doprinijeti sljedećim ciljevima: Cilju 4. – Kvalitetno obrazovanje, Cilju 10. – Smanjenje nejednakosti, Cilju 11. – Održivi gradovi i lokalne zajednice, Cilju 16. – Mir i pravednost, Cilju 17. – Partnerstvo za ciljeve. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. Rad je nastao na temelju kronološkog praćenja primjera dobre prakse nastalih u radu Bibliobusne službe Knjižnica grada Zagreba, a koji doprinose ostvarenju zadanih ciljeve Agende Ujedinjenih naroda za održivi razvoj 2030. Rezultati. Sukladno evaluaciji bibliobusnih stajališta u lipnju, početkom sljedeće školske godine otvaraju se nova te zatvara dio postojećih stajališta za koja je utvrđeno da više nisu potrebna u Gradu Zagrebu i Zagrebačkoj županiji. Reorganizacija se radi s ciljem promicanja jednakopravnosti u pružanju knjižničnih usluga i povećavanja mogućnosti pristupa istima. Misija je omogućiti svima jednak pristup knjižničnoj građi, informacijama i znanju. U 2018. godini Bibliobusna služba obilazi 77 stajališta, od kojih je 55 u Gradu Zagrebu, a 22 u Zagrebačkoj županiji. Ukupan broj članova je 4505, od kojih su 2870 djeca, a 1635 odrasli. Unutar Projekta 65 Plus, programom Knjigom do vrata surađuje se s domovima za starije i nemoćne osobe i individualno posjećuje korisnike. Intenzivirana je i nabava audiovizualne i elektroničke građe koja obuhvaća i prilagođenu građu u DAISY-book-formatu, namijenjenu slijepim i slabovidnim osobama. Društveni značaj. Promicanje jednakopravnosti u pružanju najprilagodljivije knjižnične usluge povećavanjem mogućnosti pristupa istima prema potrebama promjenjivog stanovništva bez obzira na mjesto stanovanja. - The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities, achievements and good practices of the Mobile Library Service of the Zagreb City Libraries that aim to achieve the goals of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030. The Mobile Library Service is included in many activities of the Zagreb City Libraries. Currently, the Mobile Library Service is contributing to the following Agenda objectives: Objective 4 - Quality education, Objective 10 - Reducing inequality, Objective 11 - Sustainable cities and local communities, Objective 16 - Peace and equality, Objective 17 - Partnership for goals. Approach/methodology/design. The paper is based on a chronological follow-up of good practice examples of the Mobile Library Service of the Zagreb City Libraries which contribute to achieving the stated goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Findings. In accordance with the evaluation of the regularly scheduled stops of the Bookmobile Service in June, a number of new stops will be opened at the beginning of the next school year, and some of the existing ones will be closed because the evaluation has shown that they are no longer needed in the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb County. The reorganization is aimed at promoting equality in the provision of library services and enhancing access to them. The mission is to provide everyone with equal access to library materials, information and knowledge. In 2018, the Mobile Library Service visited 77 stops, out of which 55 are in the City of Zagreb and 22 in the Zagreb County. The total number of mobile library members was 4,505, out of which 2,870 were children and 1,635 were adults. Within the Project 65 Plus, in the Book-to-Door program, the library collaborates with the nursing homes and visits the users individually.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 213-226  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bibliobus -- Bibliobusna služba -- Pokretne knjižnice
Knjižnice grada Zagreba


DUIĆ, Mirko
Čitateljski klubovi u narodnim knjižnicama velikih hrvatskih gradova [Elektronička građa] = Book clubs in the public libraries of large Croatian cities / Mirko Duić, Mihaela Anđić. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilog na str. 110-111. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 108-109. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Istražiti prisutnost, obilježja i prakse čitateljskih klubova u narodnim knjižnicama velikih hrvatskih gradova. Također, cilj rada bio je istražiti iskustva i preporuke njihovih voditelja vezano uz uspješan rad čitateljskih klubova. Metodologija. U radu je korištena metoda ankete. Anketirano je jedanaest voditelja čitateljskih klubova u narodnim knjižnicama u Splitu, Rijeci, Osijeku, Zadru i Puli. Rezultati. Neki od uvida stečenih istraživanjem jesu: sastanci u čitateljskim klubovima uglavnom se održavaju jednom mjesečno, traju od jednog do dva sata, a mjesto sastanka najčešće je knjižnica; članovi klubova većinom su žene; u određenim knjižnicama ne postoje čitateljski klubovi za ljude određenih životnih dobi; najčešća aktivnost koja se odvija na sastancima jest rasprava o knjigama, ali su prisutne i razne druge aktivnosti, od susreta s piscima do društvenih igara i crtanja; glavni kriteriji za odabir knjiga za čitanje jesu želje korisnika i dostupnost knjiga; u većini klubova članovi čitaju pretežno stranu literaturu. Praktična primjena. Rad pruža različite uvide koji mogu biti korisni voditeljima čitateljskih klubova, kao i drugim zainteresiranima, da unaprijede ili pokrenu djelatnost čitateljskih klubova. Originalnost/vrijednost. Prikazani su bitni aspekti djelovanja čitateljskih klubova u narodnim knjižnicama velikih hrvatskih gradova. Istražena je tema koja nije često zastupljena u domaćoj literaturi. - Objective. The first objective of this paper was to explore the presence, characteristics and practices of book clubs in the public libraries of large Croatian cities. The second objective was to explore the experiences of book club leaders and their recommendations related to successful activities of book clubs. Methodology. The survey method was used to accomplish the research objectives. Eleven book club leaders in the public libraries of the cities Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Zadar and Pula, were surveyed. Findings. These are some of the research findings: meetings in book clubs are held once a month, they last from one to two hours and the meeting place is usually in the library; the book club members are mostly women; there are certain libraries which do not have a book club for persons of certain ages; the most common activity that takes place in the meetings is book discussion, but other activities are also present from meetings with writers to board games and drawing; the main criteria for selecting books to read are user preferences and availability of books; in majority of reading clubs the members read mostly foreign literature. Practical implications. The paper provides various insights that may be useful to book club leaders, as well as for other interested parties, to improve or initiate book club activities. Originality/value. Essential aspects of the activities of book clubs in the public libraries of the major Croatian cities are presented. A topic that is seldom represented in domestic scientific or professional literature is explored.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 89-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Narodne knjižnice -- Čitanje -- Čitateljski klubovi -- Gradovi

Društvo knjižnica Kapocs / Csilla Vázsonyi. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 114-122
Knjižničarska udruga -- Manjinske knjižnice
Društvo knjižnica Kapocs


ČAČIĆ, Marija, knjižničarka
Društvo knjižničara Slavonije, Baranje i Srijema / Marija Čačić. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 21jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 88-113
Regionalna strukovna udruga knjižničara -- Knjižničarstvo
Društvo knjižničara Slavonije, Baranje i Srijema


DUIĆ, Mirko
Goodreads i savjetovanje čitatelja na primjeru korisnika iz Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] = Goodreads and readers' advisory on the example of Croatian users / Mirko Duić, Maja Mrgić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 62-64. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Goodreads je popularni mrežni portal i društvena mreža fokusirana na knjige i čitanje. Cilj je rada istražiti upotrebu Goodreadsa od strane korisnika iz Hrvatske s fokusom na aktivnosti savjetovanja čitatelja: pisanje i čitanje prikaza knjiga te preporuka za čitanje. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi koje sve izraze korisnici upotrebljavaju u svojim prikazima knjiga na Goodreadsu nastojeći opisati različite vidove privlačnosti knjige. Svrha je rada upoznati stručnu zajednicu s mogućnostima korištenja podataka s portala Goodreads u knjižničnim aktivnostima (savjetovanje čitatelja, izrada kataloga). Također, svrha je rada predstaviti literaturu vezanu uz Goodreads i savjetovanje čitatelja, kao i predstaviti pojam privlačnosti knjige. Metodologija. U radu su korištene metode online ankete i sadržajne analize prikaza knjiga čiji su autori korisnici Goodreadsa iz Hrvatske. Za provedbu sadržajne analize korištena je taksonomija vezana uz pet vidova privlačnosti autorice J. Saricks. Rezultati. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazuju na to da većina ispitanika piše prikaze knjiga koje su pročitali, da gotovo pedeset posto ispitanika dodaje i preporuke za čitanje te da je gotovo svatko od ispitanika barem jednom odabrao knjigu za čitanje na temelju preporuke kojeg drugog korisnika Goodreadsa. Sadržajnom pak analizom prikazanih knjiga utvrđeno je da autori prikaza koriste razne izraze za opis pet vidova privlačnosti knjige. Originalnost/vrijednost. U radu je predstavljena tema koja do sada nije bila zastupljena u domaćoj literaturi, dodatno obogaćena rezultatima provedena istraživanja. Ukazuje se na različite aktivnosti korisnika portala Goodreads, čije bi proučavanje moglo unaprijediti poslovanje knjižnica, a posebno aktivnost savjetovanja čitatelja. - Goodreads is a popular web portal and a social network focused on books and reading. The aim of this paper is to explore the use of Goodreads by the users from Croatia, focusing especially on their readers’ advisory activities: writing and reading book reviews, as well as book recommendations. Furthermore, the aim is to find out which terms the users use in their book reviews published on Goodreads when describing various aspects of book appeal. The purpose of the paper is to acquaint the professional community with the possibilities of the use of data from the portal Goodreads in library activities (readers’ advisory, catalog creation, etc.). Also, the purpose is to present the literature related to Goodreads and readers’ advisory, as well as to present the concept of book appeal. Methodology. Methods used in the research were: online survey and content analysis of book reviews written by the Goodreads users from Croatia. The content analysis was based on the taxonomy related to five aspects of the book appeal described by J. Saricks. Findings. The research findings indicate that the majority of the survey participants write reviews of books which they have read, that in these reviews almost half of the participants are adding book recommendations, and that almost all the participants sometimes choose a book to read based on the recommendations of other Goodreads users. Through the content analysis it was established that the authors of the reviews use different terms for describing five aspects of the book appeal. Originality/value. The paper presents the topic which has not been presented in the domestic literature, and it is additionally enriched with the research results. Various activities of the Goodreads portal users are pointed out, particularly those whose study could improve the library activities, especially the readers’ advisory activity.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 33-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čitanje -- Društveno čitanje -- Savjetovanje čitatelja -- Mrežni portali -- Društvene mreže


BRIŠKI, Marijana
Gradska knjižnica "Juraj Šižgorić" Šibenik od osnutka do 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] = The Public library "Juraj Šižgorić" Šibenik from the foundation to 1980s / Marijana Briški Gudelj.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 128-130. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je rada ukratko prikazati osnivanje i razvoj Gradske knjižnice "Juraj Šižgorić" Šibenik do 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća, ponajviše u kontekstu razvoja hrvatskog knjižničarstva i knjižnica, ali i općih društvenih i političkih prilika. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. U prvom dijelu rada opisane su prilike u Šibeniku tijekom 20. stoljeća, u vrijeme nastanka i razvoja gradske knjižnice. Drugi i treći dio rada prati razvoj Gradske knjižnice "Juraj Šižgorić"’ Šibenik u kontekstu razvoja hrvatskog knjižničarstva, i to od osnutka knjižnice 20-ih godina 20. stoljeća do Drugog svjetskog rata, te u trećem poglavlju od rata prema 80-im godinama. Podaci su prikupljeni iz onodobnog tiska, dostupnog u digitaliziranom obliku upravo zahvaljujući djelatnosti šibenske gradske knjižnice, ali i Sveučilišne knjižnice u Splitu, te iz postojeće literature. Knjižničari Gradske knjižnice “Juraj Šižgorić’’ Šibenik objavili su nekoliko radova o svojoj knjižnici, ali kroz zasebne teme: doprinosi zaslužnih ravnatelja, nastanak i stvaranje zbirki, uloga knjižnice u suvremenom društvenom i kulturnom životu grada. Rezultati. Ovim se radom dobiva uvid u povijesni razvoj Gradske knjižnice “Juraj Šižgorić’’ Šibenik i povezanost s društvenim i kulturnim zbivanjima. Knjižnica se kroz svoju dugu povijest često suočavala s brojim problemima poput nedostatka prostora i financijske potpore, ali je uvijek nastojala držati korak sa suvremenim zahtjevima i potrebama zajednice. Originalnost/vrijednost. Razvoj jedne knjižnice promatran je i u društvenom kontekstu, ali i kroz općeniti razvoj knjižnica u Hrvatskoj. Rad može poslužiti kao osnova za daljnje istraživanje, ali može biti inspiracija i za pisanje pregleda o povijesti drugih knjižnica. - Purpose. The aim of the paper is to briefly present the founding and development of the Public library “Juraj Šižgorić’’ Šibenik from its establishment to 1980s, especially in the context of the development of the Croatian librarianship and libraries, but also of general social and political circumstances. Approach/methodology/design. The first part of the paper describes the circumstances in Šibenik during the 20th century, at the time when the city library was founded and developed. The second and the third parts of the paper present the development of the Public library “Juraj Šižgorić’’ Šibenik in the context of the development of Croatian librarianship, from 1920s to the Second World War, and the third part describes the period from the war to the 1980s. The data were collected from the daily newspapers, available in digitized form, thanks to the digitization activities of the Public Library “Juraj Šižgorić’’ Šibenik, as well as the University Library in Split, and the data from the scientific and professional literature. The librarians from the Public Library “Juraj Šižgorić’’ Šibenik have published several papers about their library on different topics: contributions by deserving directors, creation and development of collections, the role of the library in the contemporary social and cultural life of the city. Findings. This paper gives an insight into the historical development of the Public Library “Juraj Šižgorić’’ Šibenik and its connection with social and cultural life of the city. Throughout its long history, the library has often faced many problems such as lack of space and financial support, but has always strived to keep up with the contemporary demands and needs of the community. Originality/value. The development of the library has been viewed both in the social context and through the general development of libraries in Croatia.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 113-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Narodne knjižnice -- Gradske knjižnice -- Povijest knjižnica
Gradska knjižnica Juraj Šižgorić (Šibenik)


KOLAR Perić, Vesna
Knjižnica ispisana rukom jedne školske knjižničarke i knjižničarke gradske knjižnice / Vesna Kolar Perić, Marijana Tenodi. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 184-204
Školska knjižnica -- Gradska knjižnica

Knjižnice Brodsko-posavske županije 2020. / Mirna Grubanović. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 6 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 311-328
Knjižnični sustav -- Školske knjižnice -- Stanje u knjižnicama

PAŽUR, Ivana
Knjižnični izvori i usluge za mobilne uređaje u visokoškolskim i srodnim knjižnicama [Elektronička građa] = Library resources and services for mobile devices in academic and related libraries / Ivana Pažur. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 27-32. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad utvrđuje zastupljenost knjižničnih izvora i usluga prilagođenih za pristup putem mobilnih uređaja kod visokoškolskih i srodnih knjižnica koje podupiru znanstveni rad i visoko obrazovanje: Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu, sveučilišne knjižnice, općeznanstvene i specijalne knjižnice – instituti i zavodi. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. Postavljena su tri istraživačka pitanja: 1) Koliko su se razmatrane visokoškolske i srodne knjižnice prilagodile korisnicima u smislu dostupnosti knjižničnih izvora i usluga za mobilne uređaje? 2) Koje su vrste knjižničnih izvora i usluga za mobilne uređaje u većoj, a koje u manjoj mjeri zastupljene u razmatranim visokoškolskim i srodnim knjižnicama? 3) Kakve su sličnosti i razlike između pojedinih kategorija razmatranih knjižnica s obzirom na implementiranost analiziranih knjižničnih izvora i usluga za mobilne uređaje? U provedbi istraživanja napravljena je analiza sadržaja 97 knjižničnih mrežnih mjesta prema 10 zadanih kriterija, a prisutnost svakog pojedinog kriterija s manje ili jednako 50 % smatrana je nedovoljnom zastupljenošću. Rezultati. Responzivne mrežne stranice zastupljene su kod 43 % knjižnica. Najzastupljenije su kod sveučilišnih i općeznanstvenih knjižnica (obje kategorije s po 50 %), slijede institutske i zavodske knjižnice (45 %), a najmanje su zastupljene među visokoškolskim knjižnicama (42 %). Samo jedna knjižnica (1 %) ima knjižničnu aplikaciju za mobilne uređaje. Nijedna razmatrana knjižnica nema aplikaciju knjižničnog kataloga za mobilne uređaje, dok 13 % knjižničnih kataloga ima responzivno mrežno sučelje. Knjižnice ne upućuju korisnike na pristup putem mobilnih uređaja bazama znanstvenih informacija i podataka, e-knjigama ili e-časopisima. Komunikaciju s korisnicima pomoću tekstualnih poruka ne nudi nijedna knjižnica. Profil na društvenoj mreži Facebook posjeduje 23 % knjižnica. - This paper establishes the availability of library resources and services adapted for access from mobile devices in academic and related libraries that support scientific work and higher education: The National and University Library in Zagreb and other university libraries, general scientific, and special libraries ˗ institutes. Approach/methodology/design. Three research questions were asked: 1) To what extent have the academic and related libraries adapted to users in terms of the availability of library resources and services on mobile devices? 2) What types of mobile library resources and services are represented to a greater extent and which ones are less represented in the researched academic and related libraries? 3) What are the similarities and differences between the different categories of the researched libraries with regard to the implementation of the analyzed library resources and services for mobile devices? The research was conducted on the sample of 97 library websites according to 10 content criteria, and each criteria with the presence less than or equal to 50% was considered underrepresented. Findings. The responsive web design is present on 43% library websites. It is most prevalent in university and general scientific libraries (both categories with 50% each), followed by institutes libraries (45%), and the least represented among academic libraries (42%). Only one library (1%) has a library mobile application. None of the researched libraries has a mobile catalog application, while 13% of library catalogs have a responsive Web interface. Libraries do not direct users to access online databases, e-books or e-journals from mobile devices. Communication with users via text messaging is not provided by any library. 23% of the libraries have Facebook profiles. The application of new technologies and services (QR, NFC, Beacon, AR) is not mentioned on most of the libraries’ websites and is represented in rare individual cases.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 1-32  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Visokoškolske knjižnice -- Knjižnični izvori -- Mobilni uređaji

HAMBURGER Antalné, Eszter
Mađarske knjižničarske udruge u XXI. stoljeću : povijest djelovanja knjižničarskih udruga u Mađarskoj, povijest i djelovanje Udruge knjžinčara Pečuha i Baranje s posebnim osvrtom na suradnju s knjižničarskom udrugom iz Hrvatske / Eszter Hamburger Antalné.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 16 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 122-142
Mađarske knjižničarske udruge -- Knjižničarska suradnja
Udruga knjžinčara Pečuha i Baranje


Matična služba za knjižnice Virovitičko-podravske županije / Mirjana Kotromanović, Silvija Perić. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 12 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 298-310
Matična knjižnična služba -- Narodne knjižnice -- Pokretne knjižnice

Narodne knjižnice Osječko-baranjske županije : iznevjerena očekivanja? / Ljiljana Krpeljević, Marijana Špoljarić Kizivat. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 5 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 231-247
Narodne knjižnice -- Mreža knjižnica -- Programske aktivnosti

Novi zakon o knjižnicama i knjižničnoj djelatnosti : težnje i postignuća / Tatjana Aparac Jelušić.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 36 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 15-40
Knjižnično zakonodavstvo -- Zakoni o knjižnicama -- Knjižnična djelatnost
AKM zajednica


PETR Balog, Kornelija
Obrazovanje knjižničara i informacijskih stručnjaka u Republici Hrvatskoj s naglaskom na studij informatologije Odsjeka za informacijske zanosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku / Kornelija Petr Balog, Sanjica Faletar Tanacković. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 31 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 57-87
Obrazovanje knjižničara -- Informacijske znanosti -- Studij knjižničarstva

DRAGAŠ, Božica
Prema sudioničkom upravljanju u kulturi [Elektronička građa] : projekt Zelena knjižnica za zeleni Zagreb u svjetlu suradnje s udrugama = Towards participatory governance in culture : the Green Library for Green Zagreb project in the light of cooperation with associations / Božica Dragaš, Snježana Ercegovac. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 173-190. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 166-172. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je članka projekt Zelena knjižnica za zeleni Zagreb Knjižnica grada Zagreba prikazati u svjetlu suradnje s udrugama, kroz prizmu sudioničkog upravljanja u kulturi. Metodologija. U članku se daje pregled suradnje knjižnica s udrugama u kontekstu programa namijenjenih zaštiti okoliša i poticanju održivoga razvoja društva, od pilot-projekta Zelena knjižnica, koji se provodio 2016. godine u jednoj knjižnici mreže, do projekta Zelena knjižnica za zeleni Zagreb, koji se aktualno provodi u dvadeset jednoj knjižnici. Pojam „zelena knjižnica“ u radu se upotrebljava isključivo u značenju knjižničnih programa i usluga usmjerenih na informiranost korisnika o održivom razvoju društva i nužnosti zaštite okoliša te stjecanja znanja i vještina u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete života. Prikaz „zelenih“ programa koji su dosad ostvareni suradnjom knjižnica mreže Knjižnica grada Zagreba i udruga dan je na osnovi objavljenih radova te knjižničnih izvještaja o provedbi projekta. Projekt se provodi od 2017. godine, a s obzirom na to da je izvještajno razdoblje projekta polugodišnje, u članku se daje pregled za razdoblje od siječnja 2017. do lipnja 2019. godine. Rezultati. Pregled dosadašnje suradnje s brojnim udrugama koje se bave zaštitom okoliša i promicanjem vrijednosti održivog razvoja društva pokazuje da se suradnja ostvarila u svim vrstama programskih sadržaja koji se provode u sklopu projekta, a razvidno je također da je suradnja s organizacijama civilnog društva, ugrađena u temelje projekta, jamstvo kvalitete i raznovrsnosti programskih sadržaja te osiguranje mogućnosti da u provedbi projekta aktivno sudjeluje što veći broj sugrađana. - The purpose of the paper is to present the Green Library for Green Zagreb project in the light of cooperation with associations, from the perspective of participatory governance in culture. Approach. The paper provides an overview of the cooperation between libraries and associations, in the context of programs aimed towards environmental protection and encouraging sustainable development, from the Green Library pilot project, implemented in 2016 in one library within the Zagreb City Libraries network, to the Green Library for Green Zagreb project, currently being conducted in 21 libraries. The term “green library” implies library programs and services aimed at informing users about sustainable development and the necessity of environmental protection as well as acquiring knowledge and skills to improve the quality of life. An overview of “green” programs realized so far through the cooperation between libraries of the Zagreb City Libraries network and various associations is based on the published papers and library reports on the conduction of the project, launched in 2017. Considering that the project reports are semi-annual, the paper explores the period from January 2017 to June 2019. Results. The overview of cooperation with many associations that deal with environmental protection and promoting sustainable development values demonstrates that it was established in all kinds of programs within the project. It is also apparent that cooperation with civil society organizations, built in the foundations of the project, guarantees quality and diversity of the programs and ensures that as many citizens as possible actively participate in the project. Originality. Apart from being the first overview of cooperation between Croatian “green” library programs and civil society organizations, the paper also points to the importance of pushing public-civil partnerships towards participatory governance.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 149-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zelena knjižnica
Knjižnice -- Narodne knjižnice -- Kultura -- Suradnja
Knjižnice grada Zagreba


BALOG, Antal
Prema teorijskim ishodištima i primjeni modela rukovođenja u knjižnicama [Elektronička građa] = Towards theoretical backgrounds and application of management models in libraries / Antal Balog. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 86-87. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovoga rada jest uputiti na osnovne teorijske premise rukovođenja, razmotriti i objasniti osnovne aspekte rukovođenja u knjižnicama, funkcije rukovođenja i njihove posebnosti i međuodnose, te ulogu i doprinos stručnih tijela knjižnice u procesima rukovođenja. Također, cilj rada je pridonijeti boljem razumijevanju povezanosti funkcije rukovođenja s funkcijama upravljanja i izvršavanja. Oblikovanje. U uvodnom se dijelu teksta razmatraju osnovni pojmovi rukovođenja na temelju teorijskih modela koje su razvili ekonomski stručnjaci, slijede objašnjenja pojedinih funkcija rukovođenja, kao što su planiranje, odlučivanje, organiziranje, kadrovsko popunjavanje, vođenje i kontrola. U nastavku slijede objašnjenja koja se odnose na sadržaj funkcije rukovođenja knjižnicom te objašnjenja osnovnih kategorija rukovođenja. Završni dio rada bavi se analizom simbioze (ili komplementarnosti) poslovnih i rukovodećih funkcija u knjižnici kao organizaciji i ustanovi uz prikaz osnovnih poslovnih aktivnosti rukovoditelja te očekivane opće vještine rukovoditelja. Rezultati rada ogledaju se u jasnijem razlikovanju procesa funkcije rukovođenja u odnosu na funkcije upravljanja i funkcije izvršavanja te se ukazuje na važnosti usavršavanja rukovodećih praksi u hrvatskim knjižnicama kao ustanovama od posebnog društvenog interesa. Praktična primjena. Sadržaj ovog članka može pridonijeti povećanju kvalitete rada ravnatelja i drugih rukovodilaca u knjižnici povećavajući njihova znanja i kompetencije u području rukovođenja te bolje razumijevanje njihovih nadležnosti i odgovornosti. Društveni značaj ovog članka implicira unapređenje dobre prakse rukovođenja u knjižnicama kao ustanovama koje u svom radu objedinjuju važna društvena područja i imaju značajan utjecaj na kulturu, odgoj, obrazovanje, znanost, informiranje i zabavu te neizravan utjecaj na gospodarstvo, politički sustav, demokraciju itd. - The purpose of this paper is to explore and explain the basic aspects of management in libraries, its functions, peculiarities and interrelations as well as the role and contribution of professional library bodies to the process of management. The additional goal of the paper is to foster a better understanding of the connection between the functions of management with those of governing and execution. Design. The introductory part of the paper explores the fundamental management terms. It is followed by explanations of management functions such as planning, decision making, organizing, personnel recruitment, guidance, and control. This segment is followed by the explanations of the content of library management as well as the basic categories of management. The final part of the paper analyses the symbiosis (or complementarity) of business and management functions in a library as organisation/institution with the discussion about basic business activities. Findings. The paper facilitates better distinction between the function of management and those of management and execution. It also stresses the importance of improvement of the present management practices in Croatian libraries (as institutions of special social interest). Practical implications. The content of this paper can improve the management quality of library directors and other library administrative personnel increasing their level of knowledge and competences in the area of management as well as contributing to better understanding of their responsibility and competence. Social implications. The paper implies the improvement of good practice of management in libraries as institutions that incorporate in their activities important social areas and have significant influence on culture, education, science, information, and entertainment as well as indirect influence on economy, political system, democracy, etc.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 65-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Knjižnice -- Rukovođenje -- Organizacija poslovanja

Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu Vukovasko-srijemske županije / Iva Grković. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 38 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 269-297
Narodne knjižnice -- Školske knjižnice -- Knjižnične usluge

BABIĆ, Ivan, književnik, 1961-
Sesvetski pjesnički maraton [Elektronička građa] : istraživanje zadovoljstva korisnika = Sesvete poetry marathon : users' satisfaction analysis / Ivan Babić, Iva Klak Mršić, Mihael Bily. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 239-246. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 8 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Svrha je rada predstavljanje manifestacije Sesvetskog pjesničkog maratona, koji djeluje već dvanaest godina u sklopu programa Kulturni četvrtak u Sesvetama u Knjižnici Sesvete, Knjižnice grada Zagreba. Pristup. U uvodu su navedeni poticaji za osmišljavanje programa Kulturni četvrtak u Sesvetama, zatim slijedi kronološki prikaz pokretanja manifestacije Sesvetski pjesnički maraton. Posljednjih pet godina, u sklopu Sesvetskog pjesničkog maratona, provodi se anketa kako bi se pratilo zadovoljstvo sudionika sa svrhom kontinuiranog poboljšavanja manifestacije. Rezultati. Rezultati provedene ankete pokazali su da za Sesvetski pjesnički maraton postoji velik interes. Manifestacija se postupno razvijala i mijenjala prema iskazanim potrebama i interesima korisnika te je prepoznata među sudionicima koji se više puta vraćaju. Originalnost. Rad prikazuje analizu potreba korisnika, prednosti i nedostatke knjižničnog programa te prepoznavanje mogućnosti za unapređivanje manifestacije. - The purpose of this paper is to present the event Sesvete Poetry Marathon which has been taking place in the Sesvete Library for the past twelve years as a part of the project Cultural Thursday in Sesvete. Approach. The introduction describes the reasons for developing the project Cultural Thursday in Sesvete. It is followed by the chronological overview and the launching of the event Sesvete Poetry Marathon. For the last five years, as a part of the Sesvete Poetry Marathon, a survey has been conducted to explore the satisfaction of the participants in order to continuously improve the manifestation. Results. The results of the survey have shown that there is a great interest for the Sesvete Poetry Marathon. The manifestation has gradually developed and changed in accordance with the users’ needs and interests and has been recognized among the participants who repeatedly visit the event every year. Originality. This paper presents the users’ needs analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of this specific library service and recognizes the possibilities to improve the manifestation in the future.
U: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1334-6938. - 62 (2019), 2 ; str. 227-246  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Narodne knjižnice -- Vrednovanje knjižnica -- Istraživanje korisnika -- Poezija
Knjižnice grada Zagreba


BANDO, Irena
Specifičnosti školskih knjižnica Osječko-baranjske županije i utjecaj podružnice Osječko-baranjske hrvatske udruge školskih knjižničara na njihov rad / Irena Bando, Sanj Galic. - Graf. prikazi.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 9 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 143-183
Školska knjižnica -- Knjižničari -- Udruga školskih knjižničara

NYIRŐ, Gizella
Školske knjižnice u XXI. stoljeću / Gizella Nyirő. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 4 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 205-215
Školske knjižnice -- Radionice u knjižnici -- Knjižnični programi

MOKRIŠ Marendić, Svjetlana
Visokoškolska knjižnica 21. stoljeća / Svjetlana Mokriš. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 6 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 216-230
Visokoškolska knjižnica -- Hibridna knjižnica -- Arhitektonski koncept visokoškolskih knjižnica

ŠOKICA Šuvaković, Novka
Zakoni i stručno usavršavanje zaposlenih u knjižnično-informacijskoj djelatnosti u Republici Srbiji / Novka Šokica Šuvaković, Marina Šmudla, Marina Đačić.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; Bibliografija: 14 jed.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 41-56
Zakon o bibliotečko-informacionoj delatnosti RS -- Stručni ispiti -- Stručno usavršavanje

Život jedne knjižnice u sjeverno-bačkoj regiji / Eszter Berényi. - Ilustr.
Zbornik radova 5. stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Okrugli stol Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu, Beli Manastir, 6. studenoga 2020.
U: Prvih dvadeset 21. stoljeća u knjižničarstvu. - ISSN . - str. 248-268
Matična knjižnica -- Izazovi knjižničarstva
Gradska knjižnica Subotica


Vidi br.: HA20-00005

050   Serijske publikacije. Periodika

The vision, context and profile of the journal Obnovljeni život [Elektronička građa] : in celebration of the 75th publication year / Tadija Milikić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper sets forth two programmatic texts of the scholarly journal for Philosophy and Religious Studies Obnovljeni Život, written with a half-century interval between each text (1919-1971). Firstly, an insight is given into their commonalities on the level of perspective, structure and content, after which their differences are established, particularly on the intellectual and cultural levels. Following the insights into the programmatic texts as well as the programmatic goals derived from them - which cast a special light on research and provide the guiding principles for the shaping of all articles in the journal, particularly the scholarly and expert articles - an understanding is given of the original contexts within which they appear and implement their programmatic activity. The original contexts link both the programmatic texts and the goals derived from them on the religious and moral levels. However, on the intellectual and cultural levels they establish the difference between the afore-mentioned texts and goals. The final section leads us to conclude that there exists today in the journal Obnovljeni Život a new intellectual and cultural context. Unlike the first two which have already been identified by their modernist (1919) and anthropological points of view (1971), this new original context still needs to be more clearly and more distinctly identified on the intellectual and cultural levels. - Ovaj rad polazi od dva programatska teksta znanstvenoga časopisa za filozofiju i religijske znanosti Obnovljeni Život, koji su napisani u razmaku od pola stoljeća (1919. i 1971.). Najprije se daje uvid u ono što im je zajedničko na perspektivnoj, strukturnoj i sadržajnoj razini, a zatim se utvrđuju njihove razlike, osobito na intelektualnoj i kulturnoj razini. Nakon uvida u programatske tekstove i iz njih proizlazeće programatske ciljeve, koji bacaju svoje posebno svjetlo na istraživanje i upravljaju izradom svih časopisnih radova, a osobito onih znanstvenih i stručnih, daje se uvid u njihove izvorne kontekste, unutar kojih se oni pojavljuju i ostvaruju svoje programatsko djelovanje. Ti izvorni konteksti povezuju oba programatska teksta i iz njih proizlazeće ciljeve na religioznoj i moralnoj razini. Međutim, na onoj intelektualnoj i kulturnoj razini pokazuju razliku između spomenutih tekstova i ciljeva. Završni dio rada upućuje na zaključak da u današnjem časopisu Obnovljeni Život postoji nov izvorni intelektualni i kulturni kontekst. Za razliku od prva dva, koji su već identificirani u modernističkom (1919.) i antropološkom pitanju (1971.), taj novi izvorni kontekst na intelektualnoj i kulturnoj razini još uvijek zahtijeva svoju jasniju i razgovjetniju identifikaciju.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 641-652  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Programatski tekstovi -- Antropološko pitanje -- Modernističko pitanje -- Kontekst

Vidi br.: HA20-00296

06   Organizacije. Udruge. Nagrade

TOMAS, Domagoj
Pododbor Matice hrvatske u Osijeku 1936.-1945. [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Tomas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 214-215. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se opisuju i razlažu nastanak i djelovanje Pododbora Matice hrvatske u Osijeku od njegova osnutka 1936. do prisilnoga gašenja 1945., uzimajući u obzir da su ranije objavljene pregledne sinteze djelovanja Matice hrvatske u Osijeku izostavile to razdoblje iz svoga fokusa, držeći 1961. godinom prvoga osnutka Matičina pododbora (ogranka) u Osijeku. Analiza ima uporište u metodološkoj paradigmi intelektualne povijesti, s kontekstualizacijom protagonista i aktivnosti osječkoga Pododbora Matice hrvatske u široj intelektualnoj mreži grada Osijeka, organizacijske strukture Matice hrvatske i srodnih društava unutar društveno-političke zbilje u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji i Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj te intelektualnih gibanja unutar europskoga prostora toga vremena. Zbog nedostatne količine izvorne građe za kasnije referentno razdoblje, ponajviše prostora zauzima raščlamba prvih dviju godina djelovanja Pododbora Matice hrvatske u Osijeku, dok se nedostatak izvora za razdoblje Nezavisne Države Hrvatske pokušava supstituirati analizom časopisa Hrvatski sjever iz 1944. - The subcommittee of Matica hrvatska in Osijek was founded in 1936 on the initiative of several active members and commissioners of Matica hrvatska in Osijek, among which Franjo Helfrich, Aleksander Hećimović and Matija Kovačić can be singled out. Grammar school teacher Tomislav Pavetić was elected president at the Constitutional Assembly. The membership structure has been analysed on the basis of available member lists. It has been possible to examine the very rich and propulsive cultural activities of the Subcommittee of Matica hrvatska in Osijek which gave it an important position within the framework of the social, cultural and intellectual network of interwar Osijek. The activities include the establishment of specialized divisions within the Subcommittee, meetings of members, public lectures with home and guest participants, the publication of thematic articles in Hrvatski list, the collaboration with related cultural and heritage institutions in the territory of the city of Osijek, the distribution and sale of publications of Matica hrvatska and so on. These activities continued until 1937; but for a serious review of the activities of the Subcommittee in the following years there is a lack of source materials. However, apparently, even according to rather fragmentary sources, the Subcommittee of Matica hrvatska in Osijek continued its work during the time of World War II and the Independent State of Croatia. After Pavetić’s death in 1940 Milan Blažeković became president and many notable members of the Subcommittee took office within the governmental and political apparatus of the newly established state (Stjepan Hefer, Milan Blažeković, Franjo Helfrich, Kamilo Krvarić, Matija Kovačević, Franjo Lukac, Mišo Mazur and Karlo Köhler) while others primarily pursued their professions (Kamilo Firinger and Josip Bösendorfer).
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 189-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matica hrvatska

BABIĆ, Zdenko
Primjena i potencijal koncepta socijalnih inovacija u djelovanju Caritasa u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Zdenko Babić, Tereza Buconić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Socijalne inovacije se smatraju dvostruko inovativnima: u svojim sredstvima i u svojim ciljevima. Mogu se razviti kao nov odnos ili suradnja, novi poslovni model, kao unaprijeđeni način djelovanja ili poboljšani proces unutar organizacije ili, konačno, kao nova socijalna usluga ili proizvod. Kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno za potrebe ovoga rada za cilj je imalo povezati koncept socijalnih inovacija s djelovanjem ustanove Caritasa. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoje primjeri već upotrebljenih socijalnih inovacija u djelovanju Caritasa, ali i stanoviti manjak poznavanja koncepta. Istraživanje je također pokazalo želju kod svih dionika Caritasa za inovativnim djelovanjem u budućnosti. Trenutne najveće prepreke na tom putu su nedostatak stabilnog financiranja, koordinacijske podrške u educiranju kadrova i radu volontera. Ujedno se u tom segmentu nalazi i najveći potencijal za napredak. - Social innovations are doubly innovative: in their means and in their goals. They can develop as new relationships or collaborations, a business model, an developed way of working or improve a process within an organization. Qualitative research, made for the purposes of this paper, has proven the connection of the concept of social innovation and the Caritas institution. It turned out that there are several examples of already applied social innovations in their work. It also showed that concept is partly unknown to the stakeholders, in the core of it’s terminology. The research showed the desire, among all stakeholders, to implement social innovation concept in the future. Currently, the biggest obstacles on this path are present lack of stable funding, coordination support in education and volunteers. It is also the greatest potential for the progress, on which needs to be worked on in the future.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 593-608  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalne inovacije -- Socijalni rizici -- Socijalni programi -- Socijalne službe


Vidi br.: HA20-00521

Vidi br.: HA20-00214

069   Muzeji. Stalne izložbe

Vidi br.: HA20-00465

070   Novine. Tisak. Novinarstvo

Generation Z journalists [Elektronička građa] : what to expect from them in times of media degradation? / Zanei Barcellos, Patricia Gil.
Bibliografija: str. 64-67. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article presents the results of a research-creation project undertaken in Brazil during a period of thirty months to assess how journalists of the so-called Generation Z handle emerging technologies and create specific narratives on converging media platforms. The study included 125 university students on a multi-platform journalistic creation project subject to the methods of Paulo Freire’s theory. The results show that Gen Zers establish writing parameters that avoid complex browsing and are based on a virtual newsroom and multitasking. New journalistic models to be led by the students who participated in the study will probably rely on an organizational setting characterized by horizontal decision-making processes and more flexible, democratic production. Immersed in the context of imminent democratic backsliding in Brazil, research participants defined their news agenda as a form of contesting hegemonic discourses. - Ovaj članak predstavlja rezultate istraživačko-stvaralačkog projekta provedenog u Brazilu u razdoblju od trideset mjeseci čiji je zadatak bio istražiti kako se novinari takozvane generacije Z nose s novim tehnologijama i stvaraju specifične narative na konvergirajućim medijskim platformama. Istraživanje je uključilo 125 studenata u projekt stvaranja sadržaja na različitim platformama, pri čemu su se koristile teorija i metode koje je osmislio Paul Freire. Rezultati pokazuju da generacija Z uspostavlja parametre pisanja kojima izbjegava složeno pretraživanje i koji se temelje na virtualnoj redakciji i multitaskingu. Novi novinarski modeli otkriveni kod studenata koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju vjerojatno će se oslanjati na organizacijsko okruženje čije su karakteristike horizontalno odlučivanje i fleksibilnija, demokratičnija produkcija. U kontekstu trenutnog demokratskog nazadovanja u Brazilu, sudionici istraživanja definirali su svoju informativnu agendu kao oblik borbe protiv hegemonijskog diskursa.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 20 ; str. 50-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Novinarstvo -- Novinari -- Generacija Z -- Transmedijalnost -- Istraživačko-stvaralački projekti -- Virtualne redakcije

Vidi br.: HA20-00140


1(091)   Povijest filozofije

Filozofijska antropologija u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Pavo Barišić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Članak ocrtava povijesni razvoj pitanja o višeznačnoj i zagonetnoj ljudskoj naravi, s posebnim osvrtom na razloge i uvjete zasnivanja moderne filozofijske antropologije. Na toj podlozi daje pregled idejnih začetaka i pravaca antropologijskih istraživanja u Hrvatskoj. U žarištu su pitanja: kada se pojavljuju istraživanja u polju filozofijske antropologije, u kojem se misaonom okružju oblikuju te kakve znanstvene dosege ostvaruju? Prikaz na vidjelo iznosi spoznaju kako filozofijska antropologija u Hrvatskoj dobiva prve konture i vrijedne prinose u sam osvit suvremene obnove te discipline, neposredno nakon njezinih fenomenologijskih i znanstvenih oživljavanja u pothvatima Schelera i Plessnera. Razvoj istraživačke grane raščlanjen je, prema modelu Hansa Lenka, u četiri glavne idejne orijentacije. U okviru antropologije odozgo prikazani su stvaralački prinosi Stjepana Zimmermanna, Vilima Keilbacha, Rajmunda Kuparea, Miljenka Belića, Ante Kusića, Josipa Ćurića, Hrvoja Lasića i Ivana Kopreka. Antropologija odozdo prispodobljena je osvrtom na istraživanja Vere Ehrlich-Stein, Rudija Supeka, Instituta za antropologiju, Pavla Rudana i Darka Polšeka. Za antropologiju iz kulture izložena su misaona postignuća Pavla Vuk-Pavlovića, Vladimira Filipovića, Vjekoslava Mikecina, Esada Ćimića, Nikole Skledara, Branke Brujić, Milana Galovića i Mihaele Girardi-Karšulin. Pod antropologijom iz povijesti ocrtana su djela Predraga Vranickoga, Milana Kangrge, Vanje Sutlića, Gaje Petrovića, Hotimira Burgera, Mislava Kukoča i Raula Raunića. Zaključak sažimlje četiri uvida 1. Filozofijska antropologija nedovoljno je istraženo i malo vrednovano polje, koje predstavlja jedan od najplodnijih misaonih pravaca u 20. stoljeću; 2. Stvaralački prinosi zastupljeni su u sve četiri glavne orijentacije; 3. U okviru istraživanja o čovjeku ostvaren je živ dijalog i plodotvoran susret različitih nazora na svijet. - The paper outlines the historical development of question about ambiguous and mysterious human nature, in particular considering the reasons and conditions for the founding of modern philosophical anthropology. Subsequently, it brings an overview of the conceptual beginnings and directions of anthropological research in Croatia. The focus is on the following questions: When did the investigations begin in the field of philosophical anthropology, in what kind of thinking environments were they shaped and what scientific achievements were reached? The presentation brings to light the cognition that philosophical anthropology in Croatia got its first contours and valuable contributions to the very beginning of the contemporary renewal of this discipline, shortly after its phenomenological and scientific revivals in the ventures of Scheler and Plessner. The development of this research branch is, according to Hans Lankʼs model, divided into four main conceptual orientations. The anthropology from above shows the creative contributions of Stjepan Zimmermann, Vilim Keilbach, Rajmund Kupareo, Miljenko Belić, Ante Kusić, Josip Ćurić, Hrvoje Lasić and Ivan Koprek. The anthropology from below is illustrated by the reference to the research by Vera Ehrlich-Stein, Rudi Supek, the Institute of Anthropology, Pavao Rudan and Darko Polšek. For the anthropology from culture, the philosophical achievements of Pavao Vuk-Pavlović, Vladimir Filipović, Vjekoslav Mikecin, Esad Ćimić, Nikola Skledar, Branka Brujić, Milan Galović and Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin were delineated. Under the anthropology from history, the works of Predrag Vranicki, Milan Kangrga, Vanja Sutlić, Gaja Petrović, Hotimir Burger, Mislava Kukoč and Raul Raunić are outlined. The conclusion summarises four insights. 1. Philosophical anthropology is an under-researched and not enough appreciated field, which represents one of the most fertile currents of thought in the 20th century.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 293-312  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofska antropologija -- Antropologijski pravci -- Čovjek

TOMIĆ, Draženko
Grčko-rimska filozofija u "Povijesti filozofije" Bonifaca Badrova [Elektronička građa] / Draženko Tomić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Bonifac Badrov (Livno, 1896. – Sarajevo, 1974.), filozof neoskolastičkog usmjerenja, u »Povijesti filozofije« (Sarajevo, 1959.), priručniku za studente na Franjevačkoj teologiji u Sarajevu, povijest filozofije definira kao sustavan prikaz rješavanja filozofskih problema u različitim razdobljima i kritičko istraživanje njihove unutarnje dinamike. Sagledavajući ovaj, inače pregledan i informativan, jasno strukturiran, uravnotežen i zacrtanom cilju usmjeren tekst, ne bi valjalo smetnuti s uma da njegova »Povijest filozofije« nije napisana za stručnjake nego za studente sasvim određenog tipa, s punom sviješću da se neki od njih tek upoznaju s ovim filozofijom i da ga sukladno sustavu obrazovanja u teološkim učilištima slušaju usporedo sa skolastičkom filozofijom. Uz to na umu valja imati i autorovu neoskolastičku filozofsku orijentaciju, kao i dometnuti da u ovom djelu religiozni aspekt nije naglašen nego autor tek informira onoliko koliko je potrebno o stavu nekog filozofa o Bogu i božanskom. Rad se bavi grčko-rimskom filozofijom i prema Bradovljevoj strukturi nudi pregled razvoja grčko-rimske filozofije u tri periode s tri temeljna obilježja: kozmološko kod predsokratovaca s izrazitim (materijalističkim) monizmom, evolucionizmom, hilozoizmom, panteizmom, antiintelektualizmom i konačno naturalizmom, metafizičko u razdoblju antike s izraženim subjektivizmom, relativizmom, agnosticizmom (sofisti), etikom i monoteizmom (Sokrat) i dualizmom na svim područjima (Platon) odnosno metafizikom (Aristotel) i konačno etičko u razdoblju helenizma. U radu se u prvom planu nalazi Badrovljeva kritika filozofa ili filozofskih sustava dok su povijesni podaci o istima stavljeni po strani. Za neke filozofe je navedeno gdje se pojavljuju u drugim njegovim djelima. - Bonifac Badrov (Livno, 1896 – Sarajevo, 1974), a Neo-Scholastic philosopher, in his “History of Philosophy” (Sarajevo, 1959), a textbook for students at Franciscan Theology in Sarajevo, defines the scholarly subject of the history of philosophy as a systematic representation of solving philosophical problems in various historic periods and a critical examination of their internal dynamics. Considering this clear and informative, well-structured, balanced and goaloriented text, we should not forget that his “History of Philosophy” was written for very specific type of students, with full awareness that some of these students are encountering philosophy for the first time, and that, complementary to the educational system in theological universities, they are listening to it in parallel with scholastic philosophy. We should also bear in mind the author’s Neo-Scholastic philosophical orientation, and also mention that the religious aspect was not emphasised because the author was merely informing about some philosopher’s position on God and divine. This paper deals with Greek-Roman philosophy, and in accordance with Badrov’s structure it offers a review of the development of Greek-Roman philosophy in three periods with three distinctions: cosmological in Presocratics, emphasising (materialistic) monism, evolutionism, hylozoism, pantheism, anti-intellectualism and finally naturalism, metaphysical in classical antiquity, with an emphasis on subjectivism, relativism, agnosticism (Sophists), ethics and monotheism (Socrates), and dualism in all areas (Plato), that is metaphysics (Aristotle), and finally, ethical in Hellenistic period. The focus of the paper is Badrov’s critique of philosophers and philosophical systems, while historical data is put aside. For some philosophers, other places in Badrov’s other works are mentioned.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 381-392  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Povijest filozofije -- Grčko-rimska filozofija
Badrov, Bonifac


Vidi br.: HA20-00107

11/12   Metafizika. Ontologija. Kozmologija. Estetika

Danilo Pejović [Elektronička građa] : učitelj mišljenja / Mladen Živković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung. - Iako ne jedini, Danilo Pejović pokazao je kako je bilo moguće misliti drugačije, otvarati perspektive, otvarati se budućem, izlazeći iz marksističke kabanice kojom smo gotovo svi bili zaogrnuti. U svojoj osobi utjelovio je izvorni filozofski etos i golemu erudiciju. Snaga njegova mišljenja očituje se u istančanoj analizi predmeta. Očit je njegov literarni talent kojim se nadaje kao virtuoz i umjetnik riječi, mjestimice poetičnoga stila. Pejović s lakoćom govori o najtežim temama filozofije. Svagda piše jasno, poučno i entuzijastično odmjerenim, probranim i profinjenim izričajem, po čemu nadilazi sve naše filozofske pisce. To iščitavamo već u naslovima njegovih knjiga, studija, eseja i članaka koji govore dubinom svoga smisla, sabirući u sebi smisao čitavoga teksta. Pejović dokazuje kako se moglo evoluirati ususret nadolazećem, novom i drugačijem. Naravno, to novo i drugačije nije samim time već tu, ali za otvaranje novih obzorja trebamo ići protiv struje. Opus Danila Pejovića treba uzeti kao smjerokaz koji nas upućuje da se zdušno pozabavimo sami sobom, da pred sobom položimo račun sami sebi o tome kako je s nama bilo, kako jest i kako treba biti. Njegovo promišljanje teme hrvatske nacionalne sudbine, viđeno kroz promišljanje hrvatske baštine, kulture, povijesti, društva i politike, iznijelo je na zavidnoj misaonoj razini angažiranog filozofa s kojim se kod nas malo tko može usporediti. Upravo mu danas za to dugujemo zahvalnost i služi mu na čast kako je pristupio tom tematskom krugu. Nama su ta njegova razmišljanja nezaobilazna i obvezujuća. Mislimo da je upravo sada pravi trenutak za iščitavanje njegova opusa u cjelini, a ovog aspekta osobito. Ovim kratkim osvrtom htjeli smo tek ukazati na njegov doprinos našoj filozofiji i kulturi. Pejović svakako ostaje iznimno aktualan i poticajan. Nadamo se da je ovim radom to dovoljno obrazloženo. - Pejović verkörpert in seiner Person das ursprüngliche philosophische Ethos und die Gelehrsamkeit. Die Stärke seines Denkens spiegelt sich in der verfeinerten Analyse des Themas wider. Sein literarisches Talent ist klar und er fühlt sich wie ein Virtuose und ein Künstler von Worten und Stil, der stellenweise poetisch ist. Er spricht leicht über die schwierigsten Themen der Philosophie. Er besitzt einen klaren, lehrreichen und enthusiastisch angemessenen, verfeinerten und raffinierten Ausdruck, der über alle unsere philosophischen Autoren hinausgeht. Dies wird bereits in den Titeln seiner Bücher, Studien, Aufsätze und Artikel sichtbar, die die Tiefe seiner Bedeutung angeben, und als würde die Bedeutung des gesamten Textes in ihnen selbst liegen. Obwohl nicht der Einzige, zeigte Pejović, dass es möglich war, anders zu denken, neue Perspektiven zu öffnen, sich der Zukunft zu öffnen, indem man aus dem marxistischen Regenmantel herauskommt, in den wir fast alle gehüllt waren. Professor Pejović demonstriert, wie sich die Evolution entwickeln kann, um auf Kommendes, Neues und Andersartiges zu treffen. Natürlich ist das Neue und Andersartige allein dadurch nicht schon hier, aber um neue Horizonte zu eröffnen, müssen wir gegen die Strömung vorgehen. Das Opus von Professor Pejović sollte als eine Richtung verstanden werden, die uns auffordert, mit uns selbst umzugehen, uns vorzustellen, wie es mit uns war, wie es ist und wie es sein sollte. Seine Reflexion über das Thema des kroatischen Nationalschicksals, betrachtet durch die Reflexion über unser Erbe, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte und unsere Gesellschaft und Politik, hat der Fromme auf einer beneidenswerten Denkstufe eines engagierten Philosophen geschaffen, mit dem bei uns wenige zu vergleichen sind. Genau heute verdanken wir es ihm und geben ihm die Ehre, sich diesem thematischen Kreis geöffnet zu haben. Seine Gedanken sind für uns unvermeidlich und verbindlich.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 393-414  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Povijest -- Znanost -- Estetika -- Kultura -- Otvorenost
Pejović, Danilo


Estetika kao izraz etike [Elektronička građa] : uvođenje u istraživanje estetske misli Lava N. Tolstoja / Josip Berdica.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Résumé. - Punih je petnaest godina Lav Nikolajevič Tolstoj (1828. – 1910.) radio na svom jedinom estetskom traktatu Što je umjetnost? (1897. – 1898.) u kojem je zapisao da umjetnost nije pojava neke tajanstvene ideje ili ljepote Boga, ni produkt čovjekove energije ili manifestacija njegovih emocija, već sredstvo za međusobno komuniciranje ljudi, potrebno za život i nagnuće prema dobru svakog čovjeka. Umjetnost je za njega oblik komunikativnog stvaralaštva koje sjedinjuje ljude u istim osjećanjima među kojima se osobito ističe važnost Dobra. Upravo je prenošenje osjećajâ putem simboličkog govora glavna osobina umjetnosti. Cilj je ovoga rada iščitavanje po mnogim mjestima razasutih Tolstojevih stavova o estetici i umjetnosti da bismo došli do vizije po kojoj je umjetnost sasvim osobiti vid ‘potrage-za’, ali i odraz samoga Dobra. Rad je pisan u uvjerenju da obuhvatnije istraživanje Tolstojevih estetskih pogleda može pružiti skroman doprinos ‘rehumanizaciji umjetnosti’. - Pendant plus de quinze ans, Léon N. Tolstoï (1828–1910) a travaillé sur son seul traité esthétique intitulé Qu'est-ce que l’art ? (1897–1898) dans lequel il écrit que l'art n'est ni l'apparition d'une mystérieuse idée ou de la beauté divine, ni le produit de l'énergie de l'homme ou de l'expression de ses émotions, mais un moyen de communication entre hommes, nécessaire à la vie et à l'aspiration vers la bonté de tout humain. Pour lui, l'art est une forme de création communicative qui unit les hommes dans des émotions identiques parmi lesquelles se distingue particulièrement l'importance du Bien. C’est précisément dans le transfert des émotions à l'aide du langage symbolique que repose la principale caractéristique de l'art. L'objectif de ce travail est la lecture des approches de Tolstoï envers l'esthétique et l'art, dispersées dans ses différentes œuvres, afin d'arriver à la vision de l'art en tant que forme particulière d’ « à la recherche de » mais aussi du reflet du Bien. Ce travail est rédigé dans l'idée qu'une recherche plus exhaustive des pensées esthétiques de Tolstoï peut modestement contribuer à la « réhumanisation de l'art ».
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 853-874  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Estetika -- Etika -- Umjetnost -- Dobro
Tolstoj, Lev Nikolaevič


MILENKOVIĆ, Dušan, filozof
Glazbena transkripcija i remiks [Elektronička građa] : primjena estetike glazbe Stephena Daviesa na promišljanje suvremene elektroničke glazbe / Dušan Milenković.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se razmatraju stavovi suvremenog estetičara glazbe Stephena Daviesa o glazbenim transkripcijama kao posebnim oblicima muziciranja u klasičnoj glazbi, a zatim se ovi stavovi primjenjuju na promišljanje remiksiranja, muzičke prakse koja se prvenstveno vezuje za suvremenu elektroničku glazbu. Koristeći teorijske obrasce Daviesove estetike glazbe, u izlaganju ću ukazati na sličnosti između stvaralačkog pristupa transkripciji i remiksu, sličnosti koje se, prije svega, tiču načina na koji se njihovi stvaraoci odnose prema originalnoj kompoziciji na temelju koje se transkribiranje, odnosno remiksanje izvodi. Uspoređivanje između transkripcije i remiksa dodatno se sprovodi u radu razmatranjem različitih uloga koje ispunjavaju ove vrste muzičke djelatnosti u različitim kulturnim kontekstima. - In this paper, I examine the views of contemporary aesthetician of music Stephen Davies about musical transcriptions as special forms of classical music and try to apply his theoretical views to remixing as a musical practice that is primarily related to contemporary electronic music. Using the theoretical approaches of Davies’ aesthetics of music, I point out the similarities between the creative attitudes of a musician in transcribing and remixing, similarities that can be found in the way these musical forms relate to the original composition on which transcriptions or remixes are based. Comparisons between transcription and remix are further investigated by considering the various roles that these musical practices fulfil in various cultural contexts.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 875-892  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Transkripcija -- Remiks -- Klasična glazba -- Elektronička glazba -- Estetika glazbe
Davies, Stephen


Heideggers Radikalisierung der kantischen Lehre von den mathematischen Schemata und der Zeit [Elektronička građa] / Biljana Radovanović, Goran Ružić.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - Das Grundmotiv von Heideggers Interpretation der kantischen theoretischen Philosophie besteht darin, zu zeigen, dass Kants Lehre vom Schematismus und von der Zeit lediglich eine Vorstufe zur Problematik der Temporalität darstellt. In diesem Kontext analysieren wir Heideggers These von der transzendentalen Einbildungskraft als „Quelle“ der Zeit, beziehungsweise die mathematischen Schemata der Zeitreihe und des Zeitinhalts. Der notwendige Zusammenhang dieser Schemata mit den Kategorien der Quantität und Qualität, wie auch mit den Grundsätzen (den synthetischen Urteilen a priori) des reinen Verstandes, die Kant als „Axiome der Anschauung“ und „Antizipationen der Wahrnehmung“ bezeichnet, erhöht die Komplexität unseres interpretativen Vorhabens. Zugleich muss die Einheitlichkeit der Zeit (als formale Anschauung) mit der Einheitlichkeit der ursprünglichen Apperzeption (Strukturen der Eigenwahrnehmung) in Verbindung gebracht werden, ebenso die durch die Sinne wahrgenommene Mannigfaltigkeit mit der Zeit als Form einer rein sinnlichen Anschauung. Die vergleichende Analyse der Ausgaben A und B der Kritik der reinen Vernunft ermöglicht uns, anhand von Heideggers Vorlesungen und Studien die Möglichkeiten einer „ontologisierten“ und phänomenologisch orientierten Interpretation der Grundannahmen der kantischen „Theorie des Erkenntnissubjekts“ innerhalb des kantischen Texts aufzuspüren. - Osnovni motiv Heideggerova tumačenja Kantove teorijske filozofije sastoji se u tome da se pokaže da Kantovo učenje o shematizmu i vremenu predstavlja tek pred-stupanj problematike temporalnosti. U tom kontekstu analizirat ćemo Heideggerovu tezu o transcendentalnoj uobrazilji kao »izvoru« vremena, odnosno matematičke sheme vremenskog niza i vremenskog sadržaja. S obzirom na to da su ove sheme nužnim načinom povezane s kategorijama kvantitete i kvalitete, kao i s načelima (sintetičkim stavovima a priori) čistog razuma koja je Kant formulirao kao »aksiome zrenja« i »anticipacije opažaja«, jasno je da je time naš interpretativni zadatak postao složeniji. Paralelno s navedenim, morali smo dovesti u vezu jedinstvo vremena (kao formalnog zora) s jedinstvom praosnovne apercepcije (strukture samosvijesti), kao i čulno danu mnogostrukost s vremenom kao formom čistog čulnog zora. Usporedna analiza A i B izdanja Kantove Kritike čistog uma omogućila nam je, preko Heideggerovih predavanja i studija, da unutar Kantova teksta sagledamo mogućnosti »ontologizirane« i fenomenološki usmjerene interpretacije i tumačenja osnovnih postavki Kantove »teorije spoznajnog subjekta«. - The basic motive of Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant’s theoretical philosophy consists of an intention to show that Kant’s teaching on schematism and time represents a pre-phase of the problem of temporality. In that context, we will analyse Heidegger’s thesis on transcendental imagination as the “source” of time, that is, of the mathematical schemata of the timeline and the content of time. Considering that these schemata are by necessity connected to the categories of quantity and quality, as well as with principles (synthetic judgments a priori) of pure reason, which Kant formulated as the “axioms of intuition” and “anticipation of perception”, it is clear that this makes our interpretative task more complicated. In parallel, we had to make a connection between the unity of time (as formal intuition) and the unity of fundamental aperception (structure of consciousness), as well as the perceptual multiplicity with the time as the pure form of intuition. Comparative analysis of A and B editions of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason allowed us to, by using Heidegger’s lectures and studies, consider within Kant’s text the possibility of “ontologised” and phenomenologically focused interpretation of fundamental assumptions of Kant’s “theory of knowing subject”. - La raison principale de l’interprétation heideggérienne de la théorie philosophique de Kant réside dans l’intention de montrer que l’enseignement kantien sur le schématisme et le temps ne présente qu’un pré-niveau de la problématique de la temporalité. Dans ce contexte, nous analyserons la thèse heideggérienne de l’imagination transcendantale en tant que la « source » du temps, à savoir les schèmes mathématiques de la succession temporelle et du contenu temporel. Étant donné que ces schèmes sont de manière nécessaire liées aux catégories de la quantité et de la qualité, autant qu’elles le sont aux principes (à travers les jugements synthétiques a priori) de la raison pure que Kant formule en tant qu’ « axiomes de l’intuition » et « anticipations de la perception », il est clair qu’ainsi notre devoir d’interprétation est devenu plus complexe. En parallèle avec ce qui vient d’être mentionné, nous avons été contraints de mettre en lien l’unité du temps (en tant qu’intuition formelle) avec l’unité originelle de l’aperception (structures de la conscience de soi), mais également la multiplicité du donné sensible avec le temps et la forme de l’intuition pure sensible. L’analyse comparative des éditions A et B de la Critique de la raison pure nous a permis, à travers les cours et les études de Heidegger, de considérer à l’intérieur des textes kantiens les possibilités pour une interprétation à tendance « ontologiseante » et phé- noménologique, et d’interpréter les données principales « de la théorie du sujet connaissant ».
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 457-473  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Transcendentalna filozofija -- Shema -- Prostor -- Vrijeme -- Opažaj -- Razum

Kontemplacija i stvaralaštvo u tomističkim promišljanjima [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Knežić, Maja Poljak. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U članku obrađujemo odnos kontemplacije i stvaralaštva u duhu filozofije Tome Akvinskoga. Uz Akvinčeve izvorne tekstove koristimo i tekstove tomističkih filozofa, ponajprije J. Piepera, ali i klasičnih suvremenih tomista poput É. Gilsona i J. Maritaina. Također, u Akvinčevoj maniri, uzimamo u razmatranje i tekstove njegovih prethodnika, posebice velikana antičke misli, Platona i Aristotela. Članak je podijeljen na tri poglavlja: prvo poglavlje tematizira kontemplaciju, drugo poglavlje, kroz usporedbu sa stvaranjem kao Božjim vlastitim činom, tematizira pojam stvaralaštva, a treće poglavlje tematizira sam odnos kontemplacije i stvaralaštva. Analiza pokazuje kako između ovih dviju djelatnosti postoji dvostruka veza: s jedne strane, stvaralaštvo ima svoj početak u kontemplativnom činu samoga stvaraoca, a s druge strane, ono ima svoj ishod u kontemplativnome činu onoga koji se susreće sa stvaralačkim djelom. - The subject of the article is the relationship between contemplation and creation seen through the lens of Thomistic philosophy. For our research, we used not just the original works of Thomas Aquinas, but also the works of Thomistic philosophers, primarily of J. Pieper, but also of classic contemporary Thomistic philosophers – É. Gilson and J. Maritain. Alongside these authors, we also used the works and ideas of Plato and Aristotle who represent the very peak of Greek thought and invaluable inspiration for Aquinas himself. This paper has three chapters: the first focuses on contemplation, and the second focuses on creation bringing it into comparison with creation understood as an act proper of God. The third chapter focuses on the relationship between contemplation and creation. Between these two activities, there is a double connection: on the one hand, creation has its inception in the contemplative act of the creator, and on the other, it also has its outcome in the contemplative act of the one encountering the work of creation.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 777-793  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kontemplacija -- Stvaralaštvo -- Divljenje -- Ljubav -- Užitak
Toma Akvinski


PROPACH, Jan Levin
Leibniz’s worlds [Elektronička građa] : the connection between the best possible world and monadic realm / Jan Levin Propach.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - In this paper, I claim that in Leibniz’s metaphysics, we can use the notion of world in a twofold sense. On the one hand, to refer to highly complex divine thoughts, i.e. the ideal realm, and on the other hand, to refer to a network of living substances with their perceptions and appetitions, i.e. the substantial realm. Firstly, I will clarify the ideal realm in Leibniz’s metaphysics, which consists of three combinatorial levels about the fundamental entities, namely the simple ideas in God’s mind: complex ideas, complete individual notions and possible worlds. The second part is about the individual substances, i.e. the monads. In the third section, finally, I will discuss different ways to think about the connection between the ideal and the monad world. - U ovom radu tvrdim da u Leibnizovoj metafizici možemo koristiti pojam svijet na dva načina. U jednu ruku, tako što se referiramo na visoko kompleksne božanske misli, odnosno na idealnu domenu, a u drugu ruku, za referiranje na mrežu živih supstancija s pripadnim percepcijama i stremljenjima, odnosno na supstancijalnu domenu. Najprije, pojasnit ću idealnu domenu u Leibnizovoj metafizici, koja se sastoji od tri kombinatorne razine o temeljnim entitetima, tj. od jednostavnih ideja u Božjem umu: kompleksne ideje, potpuni individualni pojmovi i mogući svjetovi. Drugi dio bavi se individualnim supstancijama, odnosno monadama. U trećem, konačnom dijelu raspravljam o različitim načinima na koje se može misliti o vezi između idealnog i monadnog svijeta. - In diesem Beitrag unterstelle ich der Leibniz’schen Philosophie eine zweifache Verwendung des Welt-Begriffes. Auf der einen Seite kann der Begriff Welt auf hochkomplexe göttliche Gedanken, also den ideellen Bereich in Leibniz’ Metaphysik, bezogen werden. Auf der anderen Seite kann als Welt der Bereich des lebendigen Seienden, also der individuellen Substanzen und Monaden, bezeichnet werden. Zunächst werde ich den ideellen Bereich, welcher bei Leibniz aus drei durch Kombinationen gebildeten Bereichen besteht, erläutern: Dies sind zunächst die einfachen Ideen, dann die komplexen Ideen, die vollständigen Begriffe und schließlich die möglichen Welten. Anschließend wird der Fokus auf die Monaden und ihre Perzeptionen und Appetitionen gerichtet, bevor in einem letzten Schritt die Verknüpfung beider Bereiche – des ideellen und des monadischen – ausgeleuchtet werden soll. - Mon travail entend éclairer le phénomène de double application du concept de monde qui traverse la philosophie leibnizienne. Ce concept peut en effet désigner à la fois les pensées divines hautement complexes (le domaine idéel dans la métaphysique de Leibniz) et le domaine des êtres vivants, c’est à dire des substances individuelles et des monades. Je vais d’abord développer le domaine idéel qui se laisse structurer en trois dimensions formées par combinassions : les idées simples, les idées complexes, les notions complètes et enfin les mondes possibles. Puis je mettrai le focus sur les monades et leurs perceptions et appétitions. Il faudra dans un dernier temps mettre en lumière les connexions qu’entretiennent le domaine des idées et celui des monades.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 415-431  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svijet -- Metafizika -- Monade
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm


Mogućnost primjene tradicionalnih i suvremenih estetičkih teorija na logičko-matematičke dokaze [Elektronička građa] / Marko Kardum, Sandro Skansi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 757-760. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom radu istražujemo mogućnost primjene tradicionalnih i suvremenih estetičkih teorija na logičko-matematičke dokaze, s ciljem boljeg razumijevanja intuitivnog pojma matematičke ljepote. Ovo je neformalan pojam koji zauzima središnje mjesto u radu logičara i matematičara i može se smatrati njihovom glavnom motivacijom. U ovom radu pokušavamo definirati pojmove vezane uz matematičku ljepotu, odnosno ljepotu u matematičkim dokazima, da bismo postavili temelje za preciznu definiciju matematičke ljepote koju bismo dobili preko detaljnog anketiranja logičara i matematičara, a što bismo proveli u odvojenom radu. Ovaj rad donosi važne rezultate za izradu te ankete. - In this paper, we explore the possibility of applying traditional and modern aesthetical theories to logical and mathematical proofs, with the goal of better understanding the intuitive concept of mathematical beauty. This informal concept takes a central role in the work of logicians and mathematicians and can be thought of as their main motivation. In the present paper, we try to define concepts connected to mathematical beauty or beauty in mathematical proofs, so that we may lay the foundations for a more precise definition of mathematical beauty which would be obtained through a detailed survey among logicians and mathematicians, presented in a future paper. The present paper brings crucial results to be used for constructing the survey.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 741-760  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Logika -- Matematika -- Logičko-matematički dokazi -- Estetika

Newton i božanske reformacije prirode [Elektronička građa] / Goran Rujević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Isaac Newton na kraju svog spisa Optika poseže za pojmom »reformacije sistema« pod kojim podrazumijeva periodičnu intervenciju Boga u postojeći sistem svijeta u svrhu odr­žanja kontinuiranog postojanja prirode sklone propadanju. Oslanjajući se na Holbachovu ideju reda, u ovom radu pružamo interpretaciju Newtonovih povremeno oprečnih tvrdnji o porijeklu i značaju ove reformacije. Naglašavajući sličnosti i razlike između ljudske i božanske spoznaje sistema prirode, dolazimo do uvida da se u Newtonovoj filozofiji prirode mogu prepoznati dvije ideje uređenog sistema: jednostavno uređen mehanički sistem i svrhovito uređen dizajnirani sistem, čija je glavna karakteristika očitovanje prisustva svemoćnog i dobrog Tvorca. Ovi pojmovi pomažu u diferenciranju Newtonova razumijevanja Boga od deističkih, kartezijanskih i Leibnizovih ideja. - At the very end of his treatise Opticks, Isaac Newton mentions a “Reformationˮ of the System of Nature, a periodic divine intervention that sustains the continued existence of nature otherwise prone to decay. With the help of Holbachʼs idea of order, we offer an interpretation of Newtonʼs claims on the origin and importance of this reformation, which sometimes appear to contradict one another. By accentuating similarities and differences between human and divine cognition, we can see how Newton’s philosophy of nature can accommodate two concepts of ordered systems: a simple mechanical system, and a well-designed teleological system that displays the presence of an almighty and benevolent Creator. These concepts help differentiate Newton’s understanding of God from deistic, Cartesian and Leibnizʼs ideas.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 461-472  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Božanska intervencija -- Božanska spoznaja -- Deizam -- Filozofija prirode
Newton, Isaac


Ontologija lijepoga [Elektronička građa] : metafizički postulati plotinovske kalologije / Dušan Ignjatović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Teorija lijepoga igra važnu ulogu u Plotinovoj filozofiji. Ona ima metafizičku, psihološku, etičku i estetičku dimenziju. Neodvojiva je od duhovnog napredovanja i misticizma. Za Plotina, uloga je ljepote u podsjećanju na znanje o idejama. Rezultat toga znanja jest uspon duše istinskoj ljepoti uvježbavanjem u vrlinama i pročišćenjem. Također, njegova estetička teorija, posredstvom lijepoga, traga za krajnjim počelom i teži poistovjećenju s njim. Zato je Plotinova kalologija isto tako važna kao i njegova ontologija. Upravo zbog toga i proširuje značenje onoga lijepog i upućuje na njega u nekoliko svojih eneadskih rasprava (Enn. I. 6., V. 8. i VI. 7.). - The theory of beauty plays an important role in Plotinus’s philosophy. It has metaphysical, psychological, ethical, as well as aesthetical dimension. It is also inseparable from the spiritual ascent and mysticism. For Plotinus, the role of beauty is to recall to us a knowledge of forms. Thus, soul ascends to the true beauty through the practice of virtues and its purification. His aesthetic theory searches for a way to the ultimate principle in terms of beauty, and by doing that it seeks to identify a soul with it. This is why Plotinus’ theory of beauty is as important as his ontology, and why he significantly extends the meaning of the beautiful and refers to it in several books of his Enneads (i.e. I. 6., V. 8. and VI. 7.).
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 893-905  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Estetika -- Ideje -- Ljepota -- Duša -- Jedno -- Estetika -- Ontologija -- Metafizika


Osvrt na Boškovićevo razumijevanje prostora i vremena [Elektronička građa] / Roko Pešić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je dan kratak osvrt na Boškovićevu misao o dvoslojnosti prostora i vremena, (i) stvarnom (aktualnom) prostoru i vremenu te (ii) matematičkom (potencijalnom) prostoru i vremenu, iz pretežito fizikalnog aspekta. U radu su navedeni primjeri moguće korespondencije spomenute Boškovićeve misli s konceptima suvremene fizike. - From a more physicalistic point of view the paper gives a brief overview of Boscovich’s thought about the bilayer of space and time, (i) real (actual) space and time, and (ii) mathematical (potential) space and time, without going into philosophical analysis in detail. The paper provides examples of possible correspondence between Boscovich’s thought and physicalist concepts in modern physics.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 605-616  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prostor -- Vrijeme -- Aktualno -- Potencijalno
Bošković, Ruđer Josip


ČOH, Ćiril
Petrićev zagonetni govor kroz ustroj Peripatetičkih rasprava [Elektronička građa] / Ćiril Čoh. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Članak polazi od pretpostavke da je u Petrićevoj filozofiji sveukupnost analogna filozofiji cjelokupnosti (philosophia universi), odnosno djelu koje ju izlaže. Sve što u sveukupnosti nastaje ima svoje umještanje, chora. Isto tako, u filozofskom djelu sve izloženo mora biti izloženo na svom mjestu. Petrićevo djelo Peripatetičke rasprave promišljeno je ustrojeno brojem svojih dijelova i odnosima među njima. Nije slučajan broj svezaka, broj knjiga u svakome od njih, a ni broj folija u svakom pojedinom svesku. Sve to upućuje na ustroj djela prema Platonovoj crti. Svrha djela je procjena (censura) Aristotelove filozofije spram istinske filozofije, filozofije Platona i prethodnika, njihova učenja o prvim počelima, a prije svega Platonova nepisanog učenja o velikom i malom te jednom. Govor o tome kod istinskih filozofa ne može biti u svemu izravan, nego mora biti zagonetan u onom bitnom. - This paper is based on the assumption that, in Patricius’s philosophy, the totality is analogous to the philosophy of the totality (philosophia universi), that is, to the work that delivers it. Everything that arises in the totality has its emplacement, its chora. Likewise, everything that is provided in the philosophical work must be given in its place. With the number of its parts and the mutual relations between these parts, Patricius’s work Peripatetic Discussions shows us that the work is very carefully structured. The number of volumes, the books and folios within each of them is not incidental. All of this points to the structure of the work according to Plato’s line. The purpose of the work is the assessment (censura) of Aristotle’s philosophy in opposition to true philosophy, that is, philosophy of Plato and his predecessors, their doctrines on the first principles and above all, of Plato’s unwritten doctrine of the Great and Small, and the One. How true philosophers are delivering these doctrines cannot always be direct; rather, it must be enigmatic in what is substantial.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 617-634  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nepisano učenje -- Govor -- Materija
Petrić, Frane -- Platon -- Aristotel


Prirodnofilozofska gledišta Josipa Franje Domina u tezariju De corpore universim (1785., 1786.) [Elektronička građa] / Ivica Martinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: De corpore universim / Josip Franjo Domin ; transkribirao i bilješkama popratio Ivica Martinović. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; izvori: str. 574. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Posljednji đerski i prvi pečuški tezarij Josipa Franje Domina, sastavljeni od 25 teza »iz eksperimentalne fizike«, a naslovljeni De corpore generatim, bili su prvi tezariji što ih je Zagrepčanin tiskao nakon što je objavio raspravu Dissertatio physica de aeris factitii genesi, natura, et utilitatibus (1784.), a izlažu jezgru prirodne filozofije u obliku nauka o ustroju tvari, temeljnim silama u prirodi i općim svojstvima tijelā, zatim mehaniku i nauk o gravitaciji te osnove kemije i astronomije. Tiskani u travnju 1785. i 1786. godine, oni označuju prijelomnicu u Dominovim prirodnofilozofskim gledištima. U đerskom tezariju 1785. Domin prvi put poimence spominje Boškovića i prvi put zadaje tezu o kemiji kao znanosti. Prvi spomen Boškovićeva prezimena podudara se s Dominovom transformacijom iz strogoga boškovićevca, kakav je bio u tezarijima od 1778. do 1784. godine, u prirodnoga fillozofa koji se nastoji izboriti za vlastite uvide. Teza o kemiji kao »znanosti podređenoj eksperimentalnoj fizici« svjedoči pak o utjecaju Dominova kompendija o kemiji plinova, ali je i programatski korak naprijed: »najjednostavnija počela« tijela Zagrepčanin naziva molekulama. U pečuškom tezariju 1786. Domin prvi put dodaje tezu o sili inercije, kamenu kušcu tadašnjih prirodnofilozofskih rasprava. Stoga oznaka »iz eksperimentalne fizike« s naslovnice tezarija ne znači da Domin isključuje prirodnu filozofiju iz svojih razmatranja, štoviše, ne znači da Domin prestaje biti filozofom prirode. Upravo obratno, kao »profesor teorijske i eksperimentalne fizike te mehanike kao i poljoprivrede« Domin se suočava s cijelim prirodnofilozofskim nasljeđem epohe, a glavni su mu sugovornici Newton, Bošković i dva boškovićevca: Leopold Biwald u Grazu i Ivan Krstitelj Horvath u Trnavi, Budimu i Pešti. Svoje stavove Domin ponekad oblikuje prema Boškovićevu tumačenju, ponekad s izričitim odmakom od Boškovića, a ponekad se vraća izvornom Newtonu. - Two exam thesauri De corpore universim by Josip Franjo Domin, composed of 25 theses in the field of “experimental physics”, the last published in Györ in 1785 and the first published in Pecs in 1786, saw light soon after the printing of his treatise Dissertatio physica de aeris factitii genesi, natura, et utilitatibus (1784), and expounded the core of natural philosophy in the form of a doctrine of the structure of matter, fundamental forces in nature, and general properties of physical bodies, then mechanics and doctrine of gravitation, along with the basis of chemistry and astronomy. Being published in April 1785 and April 1786, they represent a turning­point in Domin’s views in natural philosophy. In the 1785 thesaurus, Domin for the first time mentions Bošković by name, and also for the first time proposes a thesis on chemistry as science. The first mention of Bošković’s surname corresponds with Domin’s transformation from a strict Boscovichian, as confirmed in the the sauri from 1778 to 1784, into a natural philosopher who comes forth with his own insights. The thesis on chemistry as “a science subordinated to experimental physics” is the fruit of Domin’s compendium on the chemistry of gases, yet, at the same time, is a programmatic step forward: Domin refers to “the simplest principles” of the bodies as molecules. In the 1786 thesaurus Domin introduces the thesis on inertia, touchstone of the then discussions in the field of natural philosophy. Therefore, “experimental physics” suggested in the thesauri title does not imply that Domin excluded natural philosophy from his considerations. Quite the reverse: as a “professor of theoretical and experimental physics, mechanics, and agriculture”, Domin is challenged by the legacy of the natural philosophy of the epoch, notably by Newton, Bošković and two Boscovichians – Leopold Biwald in Graz and Ivan Krstitelj Horvath in Tyrnau, Buda and Pest.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 525-574  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prirodna filozofija -- Eksperimentalna fizika -- Kemija -- Teorija sila -- Molekula -- Geocentrizam -- Flogiston
Domin, Josip Franjo


Toma Akvinski o transcendentalima u De veritate, q. 1, a. 1 [Elektronička građa] / Predrag Milidrag.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Tekst analizira izvođenje transcendentalnih pojmova Tome Akvinskoga u prvom članku prvog pitanja Raspravljenih pitanja o istini (Questiones disputatae de veritate). Nakon pokazivanja načina na koji je moguće dodavanje biću (ens), detaljno se analiziraju transcendentalni pojmovi res, unum, aliquid, verum i bonum. Pri analizi pojma stvari pokazuje se poseban status bića, naime kao prvotnog, »transcendentalizirajućeg« transcendentala (Cornelio Fabro). U kontekstu verum i bonum, ističe se razlika između istine i dobrog kao transcendentalnih pojmova te istine i dobrog u spoznajnom i etičkom smislu. U zaključku, izdvojena su tri obilježja transcendentala prema stvarnosti (zamjenjivost, identitet i koekstenzivnost s bićem) i tri obilježja prema značenju (uključenost bića, razlikovanje od bića i međusobno razlikovanje te poredak). - The article analyses Aquinas’s derivation of the transcendental notions in the first article of the first question of The Disputed Questions on the Truth. After showing the way for adding to ens, there is a detailed analysis of the notions res, unum, aliquid, verum and bonum. The analysis of the notion of thing has shown the special position of ens as a transcendental, namely as a primary, “transcendentalizing” transcendental (Cornelio Fabro). In the context of verum and bonum, it is pointed to the difference between the true and the good as the transcendental notions and the true and the good in a cognitive and ethical sense. In the end, the three features of transcendentals in Aquinas concerning reality (they are convertible, identical and coextensive with ens) were singled out, as well as the three features concerning their meaning (they include the ens, they differ from ens and each other, and the order among them).
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 427-443  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Transcendentali -- Biće -- Stvar -- Jedno -- Metafizika -- Skolastika
Toma Akvinski


POLJAK, Antonio
Uz metafizičko načelo uzročnosti [Elektronička građa] : Tomino učenje o Božjem stvaranju bića kao učinku najuniverzalnijeg uzroka / Antonio Poljak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ovaj tekst razmatra osnovni aspekt metafizičkog načela uzročnosti, a to je aspekt Božjeg uzrokovanja bitka bića. Zadanom razinom razmatranja metafizičkog načela uzročnosti naglašava se jedinstven pojam, a to je »participacija«. Pojam participacije izlaže sveti Toma Akvinski te njime izražava »višedimenzionalan « odnos Boga kao uzroka prema biću kao njegovu učinku. Učenje o participaciji ističe misao o Bogu kao najuniverzalnijem uzroku zato što je on jedini i prvi princip bitka. On je Stvoritelj, a sve biće jest stvorenje. Bog je sâm subzistirajući bitak po čijoj prvotnoj i čistoj zbiljnosti biće sudjeluje u bitku te na taj način bivstvuje. Stupanj sudjelovanja bića u bitku određen je specifičnom biti bića. Tomino učenje o Bogu kao o svršnom, uzorskom, tvornom i djelatnom uzroku implicira proizvodnju bitka bića, podjelu bitka u rodove i vrste bića, trajno održavanje u bitku te usmjerenost bića posljednjoj svrsi koja je Bog. Osim toga, uzročni odnos Boga i bića uključuje prisutnost božanskog bitka u bićima, ali i prisutnost ideja o bićima u beskonačnom božanskom umu. Već se time dijelom teksta podsjeća na često zanemarivanu platonističku pozadinu Tomina učenja o participaciji. Svojim sadržajem Tomina formulacija načela uzročnosti nadilazi formulacije ovoga načela nastale na temelju činjenice promjenjiva bića. Središnji pojam Tomine metafizike jest bitak. Iz pojma bitka postao je očigledan odgovor na trajno filozofsko pitanje: »Što je to biće?« Biće je stvorenje jer je ono učinak najuniverzalnijeg uzroka – Boga Stvoritelja. - This article examines the fundamental aspect of the metaphysical Principle of causality – the aspect of God causing the being’s Being. By using the assigned level of examination of the metaphysical principle of causality, one emphasizes a unique concept – the concept called »participation«. The concept of participation, as a teaching, was presented by St. Thomas Aquinas, who had expressed a multidimensional relationship aspect of God. God represented the cause, which he directed towards the being, which was represented as the cause’s effect. Thomas teaches that God is the most universal cause because he is the only Creator, and all else except him, are the creation. God alone is the subsisting Being, »his own Being« by whose primary and pure act is for all beings to take part within the Being, which causes them to exist. God’s Being is the foundation for the activity of »the secondary causes«. This degree of participation within the Being, however, is determined by the limiting factor of the Being’s level of presence existing within the created being. This factor is the specific essence of the being. Consequently, this level of presence defines the ontological rank of the perfection of the being. The ontological differentiation of the essence and the Being both existing within the being implies the indifference of the being towards the Being, or non-being. It follows, therefore, that all of a being which is not »its own Being«, simply partakes within the Being. This means it inevitably is caused to exist. Thomas› teaching about God as the final, exemplar, acting and his efficient cause of being implies several points: the production of the being’s Being, the diversification of the Being into genera and species of beings, the permanent sustenance of the being in the Being, and finally the direction of the being towards its final purpose, which is God.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 359-373  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biće -- Bitak -- Bog -- Uzročnost -- Participiranje
Thomas Aquinas, sanctus -- Toma Akvinski


Der Weltbegriff in der neueren kroatischen Philosophie [Elektronička građa] / Pavo Barišić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - Der Aufgang und die Wirkungsgeschichte der Weltfrage in der neueren Philosophie werden in diesem Artikel mit dem Niedergang der metaphysischen Seinsfrage und mit der nihilistischen Krise der Vernunft in Zusammenhang gebracht. Diese Krise des Logos hat ihre Manifestationen vor allem in der Vorherrschaft des wissenschaftlichen Positivismus und in der Vormachtstellung der weltanschaulichen Ideologien gefunden. Im Fokus der Betrachtung befinden sich philosophische Strömungen der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts in Kroatien. Die Darstellung verfolgt vor allem die denkerische Anziehungskraft und gedankliche Einflussnahme des brisanten Themas auf die Herausbildung der pluralistischen Ideenwelt und die erfolgte demokratische Wende. Sie geht von der Frage aus, inwiefern die philosophischen Reflexionen über den Weltbegriff mit der Öffnung der freiheitlich-demokratischen Vorgänge in der Gesellschaft korrespondierten. Die Erforschung der Welt hat sich in verschiedenen philosophischen Strömungen als ein dialogischer und vielperspektivischer Rahmen erwiesen. Er lieferte ganz unterschiedlichen und sogar entgegengesetzten theoretischen Betrachtungsweisen und philosophischen Ausrichtungen den Ansatz zur Erschließung der Deliberation und Auseinandersetzung über die gemeinsamen Bestrebungen. Durch eine umrisshafte philosophiegeschichtliche Darstellung herausragender Weltbegründungsentwürfe werden gedankliche Erträge und die dazugehörenden Veröffentlichungen in drei erkennbaren Hauptwellen von 1953 bis 1962, von 1964 bis 1984 und zuletzt von 1986 bis 1995 ins Licht gerückt. Die begrifflichen Leistungen werden in fünf philosophische Richtungen gegliedert: phänomenologisch axiologische Weltbildung, phänomenologisch-hermeneutische Auslegung der Welt, praxis-marxistische Weltbegründung, wissenschaftlich analytische Weltkonstruktion und universalistisch-integrative Philosophie der Welt. - Uspon i dometi pitanja o svijetu u suvremenoj filozofiji dovode se u ovom članku u svezu sa zalaskom metafizičkoga pitanja o bitku i s nihilističkom krizom uma. Ta kriza logosa manifestirala se, prije svega, u prevladavanju znanstvenoga pozitivizma i prevlasti svjetonazorskih ideologija. U žarištu razmatranja nalaze se filozofske struje druge polovice 20. stoljeća u Hrvatskoj. Prikaz prati u prvom redu političku privlačnost i misaoni utjecaj izazovne teme na oblikovanje pluralističkoga svijeta ideja i demokratski preokret koji je uslijedio. Razmatranje započinje pitanjem kako su filozofska promišljanja o pojmu svijeta odgovarala i poticala otvaranje procesa liberalne demokratizacije u društvu. Istraživanje svijeta pokazalo se dijaloškim i pluriperspektivističkim okvirom u različitim filozofskim strujama. On je dao poticaj i otvorio pristup promišljanju i raspravi o zajedničkim težnjama posve različitim, pa čak i suprotstavljenim teoretskim nazorima i filozofskim strujama. Sažeti filozofijsko-povijesni prikaz istaknutijih modela zasnivanja svijeta iznosi na vidjelo misaone prinose i odgovarajuće publikacije u tri glavna vala koji su prepoznatljivi od 1953. do 1962., od 1964. do 1984., te naposljetku od 1986. do 1995. Pojmovna postignuća razdijeljena su na pet filozofijskih pravaca: fenomenološko-aksiološko oblikovanje svijeta, fenomenološko-hermeneutičko tumačenje svijeta, praksističko- marksističko zasnivanje svijeta, znanstvenoanalitička konstrukcija svijeta i univerzalističko-integrativna filozofija svijeta. Od predstavnika razmatraju se argumentacije Pavla Vuk-Pavlovića, Vladimira Filipovića, Marije Bride, Franje Zenka, Vanje Sutlića, Danila Pejovića, Ante Pažanina, Branke Brujić, Sulejmana Boste, Željka Pavića, Milana Kangrge, Branka Bošnjaka, Gaje Petrovića, Line Veljaka, Ante Čovića, Zdravka Radmana, Mislava Kukoča, Mislava Ježića i autora ovoga članka. - This paper connects the rising and the impact of question about the world in modern philosophy with the decline of the metaphysical question of being and with the nihilistic crisis of mind. This crisis of the logos has found its manifestations above all in the predominance of scientific positivism and the supremacy of world-view-ideologies. In the focus of the examination are philosophical trends of the second half of the 20th century in Croatia. The depiction pursues in the foreground the political attraction and intellectual influence of the controversial topic on the emergence of the pluralistic world of ideas and the democratic turn. It starts with the question of how philosophical reflections on the concept of the world corresponded to the opening up of the liberal democratic processes in society. The exploration of the world has proved to be a dialogical and pluri-perspective framework in various philosophical currents. It gave very different and even opposite theoretical views and philosophical orientations on the approach to the deliberation and debate about the common aspirations. Through a sketchy philosophical-historical account of the outstanding concepts of reasoning about the world, the intellectual output and related publications are brought to light in three recognisable waves from 1953 to 1962, from 1964 to 1984 and most recently from 1986 to 1995. The conceptual achievements were divided into five philosophical directions – phenomenological-axiological world formation, phenomenological hermeneutic interpretation of the world, praxis-Marxist world foundation, scientific-analytical world construction and the universalistic-integrative philosophy of world. - La montée et l’impact de la question mondiale dans la philosophie moderne sont liés dans le présent article au déclin de la question métaphysique de l’être et à la crise nihiliste de la raison. Cette crise du logos s’est surtout manifestée par la prédominance du positivisme scientifique et la dictature des visions du monde idéologiques. Les tendances philosophiques de la seconde moitié du 20e siècle en Croatie sont au centre de nos considérations. Cette présentation se concentre, au premier plan, sur l’attraction politique et sur la manière dont la pensée intellectuelle de ce sujet controversé influence l’élaboration d’un monde d’idées pluralistes, mais également sur le tournant démocratique qui a suivi. Cela commence par la question de savoir comment les réflexions philosophiques sur le concept de monde correspondent à l’ouverture des processus de gouvernance populaire dans la société. L’exploration du monde s’est révélée être un cadre dialogique et pluri perspectiviste dans divers courants philosophiques. Il a encouragé des points de vue théoriques et des orientations philosophiques très différents, voire opposés, et leur a offert une approche pour la réflexion et la discussion sur les aspirations communes. À travers un compte-rendu philosophico-historique des modèles les plus éminents pour concevoir un monde, la production intellectuelle et les publications associées sont mises en lumière en trois grandes vagues identifiables de 1953 à 1962, de 1964 à 1984 et plus récemment de 1986 à 1995. Les acquis conceptuels ont été divisés en cinq directions philosophiques: la formation du monde phénoménologico-axiologique, l’interprétation phénoménologico-herméneutique du monde, le raisonnement sur le monde praxiste-marxiste, la construction du monde analyticoscientifique et la philosophie du monde universaliste intégratrice.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 433-455  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Svijet -- Bitak -- Um -- Pluriperspektivizam -- Pluralizam

LETICA, Marito Mihovil
Znanstveno-tehnički dosezi Boškovićeva metafizičkog prirodoslovlja [Elektronička građa] / Marito Mihovil Letica. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom se radu ističe i argumentira da je Boškovićeva prirodoznanstvena teorija toliko ukorijenjena u metafizici i njome prožeta da se može ustanoviti kako je posrijedi osobiti primjer oštroumnog, domišljenog i dalekosežnog metafizičkog prirodoslovlja. Kritički se osvrćući na neutemeljena osporavanja metafizike i višestoljetne pokušaje njezina nadvladavanja, autor pokazuje da je Bošković metafizičkim mišljenjem u 18. stoljeću dospio do svog pojma jedinstvene privlačno­odbojne sile te proniknuo u strukturu tvari, čime je anticipirao, uz ostalo, teoriju relativnosti i kvantnu fiziku. Premda se Bošković izdašno i uspješno služio kvantitativnim metodama pri rješavanju problemâ iz geodezije, astronomije, optike, građevinske statike, hidrotehnike itd. – najznačajniji dijelovi njegove prirodoznanstvene ostavštine, kojima se transponirao stoljeće ili dva ispred svojega vremena, podržani su geometrijskom intuicijom i provedeni poglavito kvalitativnom metodom, odnosno metafizičkom spekulacijom. Autor k tome objašnjava da se za nastanak i razvoj elektromagnetizma odlučujućim pokazalo opisivanje elektromagnetskih pojava s pomoću Boškovićeve jedinstvene sile i njegove teorije o građi tvari, što je u posve određenom smislu istaknuo ‘otac elektromagnetizma’ James Clerk Maxwell; a do tih prirodoznanstvenih ideja Bošković nije dospio utječući se egzaktnom znanstvenom pristupu, nego metafizički zasnovanom i vođenom ‘ispravnom razmišljanju’. - In this paper it is highlighted and argued that Boscovich’s natural sciences theory is so deeply rooted in metaphysics and pervaded by it, we can maintain that it is a distinctive example of sharp-­witted, clever and far­-reaching metaphysical natural philosophy. Critically engaging with the unsubstantiated denial of metaphysics and several centuries long attempts to overcome it, I demonstrate that by metaphysical thinking Boscovich arrived at his unique notion of attractive­repulsive force and gained insight into the structure of things, by which he anticipated, among other things, the theory of relativity and quantum physics. Although Boscovich greatly and successfully used quantitative methods while solving problems from geodesy, astronomy, optics, civil engineering statistics, hydraulic engineering and other fields – the most important parts of his natural sciences legacy, which made him transpose several centuries, are supported by geometric intuition and carried out mainly by qualitative methods, that is, metaphysical speculation. Also, I explain how for the creation and development of electromagnetism it was crucial to describe electromagnetic phenomena using Boscovich’s unique law of force and his theory of the structure of matter, what was explicitly stated by the ‘father of electromagnetism’ James Clerk Maxwell. Boscovich would have never reached these ideas by the exact scientific method, only by metaphysically founded and guided ‘proper thinking’.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 575-603  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metafizika -- Znanost -- Sila -- Tvar -- Teorija relativnosti -- Kvantna fizika
Bošković, Ruđer Josip


Vidi br.: HA20-00004

Vidi br.: HA20-00469

13   Filozofija uma i filozofija duha. Metafizika duhovnog života. Paranormalno. Okultno

BORIĆ, Marijana
Prelazak astrologije iz sfere znanosti u domenu pučke literature u tekstovima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Borić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Astrologija kao tema prisutna je u radovima niza istaknutih hrvatskih autora u razdoblju od srednjovjekovlja pa sve do 19. stoljeća. Javlja se u različitim oblicima, sadržajima i formi, od zapaženih djela prožetih egzaktnim znanostima i filozofijom do zabavnih tekstova u literaturi pisanoj za puk. Rad govori o novovjekovnim transformacijama i pristupu astrologiji, nakon njezina isključivanja iz sfere znanstvenih i filozofskih koncepcija, što se odražava i u djelima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća. - The paper discusses the astrological texts of Croatian authors produced after the 17th century when astrology left the field of science and philosophy and entered into other genres which were meant for a broader readership. Various forms of astrological contributions are described which were found in the calendar and related literature and, in particular, a few astrological manuscripts written in the Croatian language are analyzed. It is demonstrated that the shift made by astrology from the sphere of science into the field of folk literature did not diminish interest in astrological content. This can be concluded from the example of 18th and 19th century texts. The paper analyzes their content, templates, and domains with a view to better understand the Croatian astrological tradition and its place and definition in the corpus of the Croatian literary heritage. The texts described were not intended for a narrow intellectual stratum, but rather for a wider circle of readers and do not contain explanations on how horoscopes or theoretical astrology are needed to carry on astrological practice. Croatian manuscripts portray and interpret astrological predictions in the way they appear in folk tales printed from the 16th century onward in Western Europe. In Croatian calendars, astrological contributions have been on the rise since the end of the 17th century, as for example in Vitezović’s calendars, which were printed as a series of calendars dating from the second half of the 18th century. The same can be seen in the second part of the Mathematical Handbook of Mate Zorčić Arithmetic which includes an astrological circle. They were also printed in the first half of the 19th century in annual calendars and especially in a centuries–old Croatian calendar, which, due to their popularity, were published several times, and their astrological contributions were transmitted by younger editors also.
U: Obnovljeni život (Online). - ISSN 1849-0182. - 75 (2020), 2 ; str. 179-196  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Astrologija -- Astronomija -- Filozofija -- Astrološki rukopisi -- Pučka literatura
Vitezović, Pavao Ritter -- Kosednar, Josip Franjo -- Maurović, Ivan


14   Filozofski sustavi i gledišta

A few reflexions on God, philosophy, theology, and faith [Elektronička građa] / Davor Pećnjak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In trying to understand God and faith in a proper way, philosophy and theology could be very complementary. I would like to review and examine a few modern challenges and relationships between philosophy, theology and faith, seen also from important hints from history of these disciplines. I shall just take some points I consider as the most interesting. I would suggest that the most important relationship between philosophy and theology is threefold: pure philosophical works arguing for theistic conclusion; philosophical explications of existing theological matters, and there is philosophical theology – mixed philosophical and theological components densely intertwined in texts. I give some examples of problems of interest for both disciplines and what significance the solutions, in general, can have for practical faith. - U nastojanju da se razumije Bog i vjera na pravi način, filozofija i teologija se mogu izuzetno dopunjavati. Htio bih prikazati i ispitati neke suvremene odnose i izazove između filozofije, teologije i vjere koje se mogu promotriti i iz povijesti ovih disciplina. Razmotrit ću neke točke koje smatram najzanimljivijima. Sugerirat ću da je najvažnija veza između filozofije i teologije trodijelna: postoje čisto filozofska djela koja argumentiraju za teistički zaključak; postoje djela koja filozofski ekspliciraju postojeće teološke sadržaje i postoji filozofska teologija – pomiješane filozofske i teološke komponente gusto isprepletene u tekstu. Dajem primjere zanimljivih problema za obje discipline u ovakvim odnosima te razmatram koje značenje rješenja mogu imati za praktičnu vjeru.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 61-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bog -- Katolicizam -- Filozofija -- Teologija -- Vjera

JOLIĆ, Tvrtko
Dvojno njihalo povijesti [Elektronička građa] : filozofija povijesti Pavla Vuk-Pavlovića / Tvrtko Jolić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Vuk-Pavlovićeva filozofija povijesti usko je povezana s njegovim shvaćanjem kulture kao dinamičkog procesa u kojemu se povijesne epohe izmjenjuju ovisno o trenutnoj snazi sukobljenih svjetonazora. Razmatrajući primjere svjetonazorskih sukoba (nominalizam naspram realizma, individualizam naspram kolektivizma, sloboda naspram jednakosti), pokušat ćemo doći do boljeg razumijevanja povijesnog procesa kako ga shvaća Vuk-Pavlović. U radu će se razmotriti uloga koju Vuk-Pavlović pripisuje povijesti i predaji za oblikovanje društvenog života. Iako se ne može reći da je Vuk-Pavlović izložio cjelovito razrađenu teoriju filozofiju povijesti, u radu je pokazano da njegove postavke o naravi povijesnih procesa i čovjekova odnosa prema povijesti pružaju oslonac za dublje razumijevanje dinamike sukoba unutar suvremenih političkih zajednica. - Vuk-Pavlović’s philosophy of history is closely connected with his conception of culture as a dynamical process in which historical epochs alternate depending on the strength of conflicting worldviews. By taking in consideration examples of the conflicted worldviews (nominalism vs realism, individualism vs collectivism, freedom vs equality), we will try to reach a closer understanding of historical processes as understood by Vuk-Pavlović. The paper also discusses the role that Vuk-Pavlović attributes to the history in the shaping of the social life. Although it cannot be said that Vuk-Pavlović presented all details of his philosophy of history, the paper shows that his assumptions about the nature of historical processes and man’s relationship to history provide a basis for a deeper understanding of dynamics within contemporary political communities.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 445-455  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija kulture -- Filozofija povijesti -- Kultura -- Povijest
Vuk-Pavlović, Pavao


From hellholes to hell [Elektronička građa] : on political agency in purgatory / Zoran Kurelić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 20 jed. - Summary. - In this essay the author creates and discusses an interplay of two incommensurable concepts of evil: Hannah Arendt’s radical evil from The Origins of Totalitarianism, and David Lynch’s evil presented artistically as “the bad electricity” in Ronnie Rocket. The first concept is related to Hell which Arendt uses in a few essays and in The Origins... In her opinion the first step towards the pure hell of Auschwitz was made in internment camps for stateless refugees. Giorgio Agamben revisits this idea and shows the link between statelessness and superfluousness. For Arendt the road which started with the inability to solve the refugee problem in Europe ended up in a Hell on Earth created in extermination camps. Agamben believes that spaces of extermination which reappeared on the European continent during the wars in former Yugoslavia demonstrate the grim possibility of recreating Hell in Europe. In his extraordinary script for the unmade film Ronnie Rocket, David Lynch creates a fictional hellhole of a city in which the rulers torture the population with bad electricity. The author discusses these two dramatically different visions of hell in order to show how Arendt’s radical evil when compared to “the bad electricity” can be understood as a production of Hell, and how Lynch’s switching from the bad to good electricity represents a revolutionary change which is simultaneously political and cosmological.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 137-152  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pakao -- Zlo -- Logori -- Ratovi -- Totalitarizam -- Film
Arendt, Hannah -- Lynch, David


OSTOJIĆ, Aleksandar
Giordano Bruno i ars memoriae [Elektronička građa] : između znanosti i magije / Aleksandar Ostojić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Giordano Bruno u filozofijskoj tradiciji nije interpretiran jednoznačno. Analiza tih interpretacija pokazuje da je Bruno tumačen kao začetnik nove znanosti ili pak kao mistik, mag, poklonik hermetičke tradicije. Sukladno tim dvama pogledima, Brunova ars memoriae bit će tumačena kao obična tehnika pamćenja u službi empirijske znanosti ili pak kao okultna magijska vještina. Cilj je ovoga rada otvoriti puteve koji nadilaze spomenutu striktnu podjelu i kojima se može pristupiti Brunu i poimanju njegove metode. Tijekom razdoblja renesanse, koja predstavlja izniman spoj tradicije i onoga novog, magija i znanost ne isključuju se međusobno; u potrazi za znanjem, svaka metoda nalazi svoje prikladno mjesto. Ars memoriae je univerzalna metoda koja dopušta da se znanje sagleda u svojoj mnogostrukosti. U radu ćemo predstaviti neke od ključnih elemenata Brunove filozofije, ispitujući razna tumačenja i perspektive pokazati zašto je Bruno bio razumijevan na način na koji jest i zašto je neophodno pristupati ars memoriae s nastojanjem objedinjavanja znanstvenih i magijskih elemenata. Mnoštvo je mjesta kod Bruna na kojima znanstveno i magijsko ne samo da su međusobno suprotstavljeni nego, nadograđujući se uzajamno, predstavljaju nerazdvojnu cjelinu unutar koje im je upravo znanje ono zajedničko. Stoga, zadatak nije detaljno analizirati samu ars memoriae¸ nego ispitati moguće pristupe toj metodi, o čemu naposljetku i ovisi razumijevanje samog Bruna. - The relationship of tradition towards Bruno is twofold, and the analysis of this relationship will show that Bruno is interpreted either as a pioneer of new science or as a mystic, mage, and follower of hermetic tradition. Following these two viewpoints, Bruno’s ars memoriae will be interpreted either as a mere memory technique in the service of empirical science or as an occult, magical art. This paper aims to open up and analyse the ways by which we can approach and understand Bruno and his method, that goes beyond the mentioned strict division. In the period of Renaissance, which represents an incredible combination of tradition and the new, magic and science do not exclude one another; in search for knowledge, each method finds its proper place. Ars memoriae is precisely that: a universal method that allows knowledge to be understood in its multiplicity. In this paper, we will present some of the key elements of Bruno’s philosophy, by exploring different interpretations and perspectives, and show why Bruno was understood and interpreted in the way in which he was and why is it necessary to access the ars memoriae by striving to unite scientific and magical elements. In Bruno’s thought there are many places where scientific and magical are not only not opposed to each other, but are complementary, and represent an inseparable whole within which knowledge is commonplace both to former and latter. The task, therefore, is not to analyse ars memoriae in detail, but to examine possible approaches to that method. Understanding of Bruno depends upon understanding his method of ars memoriae.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 907-928  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ars memoriae -- Vještina -- Pamćenje -- Magija -- Znanost
Bruno, Giordano


Marković’s critique of Hegel’s logic [Elektronička građa] / Bojan Marotti.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Franjo Marković (1845-1914) was the first professor of philosophy at the restored University of Zagreb (1874). The manuscript of his Logic is kept at the Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and consists of the autograph indexed as XV 37/1 and six lithographed copies (a-f), the most extensive of which is indexed as 2a (approximately 820 pages). The manuscript Logic can be said to consist of two parts: the first is an introduction and the second is entitled The System of Logic. The first part is further divided into seven sections, while the second part includes eleven sections. This article discusses the sixth section of the first (introductory) part, entitled Reasons against Absolute Logic (in 2a pp. 94-119), in which Marković sets out his criticism of Hegel’s logic. First, the manuscript Logic is described, and then, Marković’s two substantial objections to Hegel are considered: first, that it is not possible, starting from one concept (the most abstract one), which would be the beginning of all other concepts, to develop the wholeness of concepts (and at the same time the totality of the whole of everything that is) without the aid of thoughts acquired by perception; and second, that the procedure of absolute logic is in itself »illogical«, i.e. contrary to the irrefutable laws of logic. Finally, it is concluded that Marković’s criticism of Hegel’s logic, which is actually metaphysics, is made exclusively from a logical viewpoint, as he does not accept Hegel’s »transformation« of logic into metaphysics. Marković’s intent to »outline« his (philosophical) position on Hegel is particularly pointed out, since numerous opponents of Hegel’s philosophising, to whom Marković himself belongs, are generally reluctant to deal with Hegel’s philosophy. - Rukopisna Logika Franje pl. Markovića (1845.–1914.), prvoga profesora filozofije na obnovljenome Zagrebačkome sveučilištu (1874.), čuva se u Arhivu Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, i to autograf pod oznakom XV 37/1, a pod oznakom XV 37/2 šest litografiranih primjeraka (a–f), od kojih je najopsežniji onaj s oznakom 2a (obuhvaća oko 820 stranica). Rukopis se Logike, grubo uzevši, sastoji od dvaju dijelova: prvi je uvodni, a drugomu je naslov Sustav logike. Prvi se dio potom dijeli na sedam, a drugi dio na jedanaest odsjeka. U članku se razmatra šesti odsjek prvoga (uvodnoga) dijela pod naslovom Razlozi proti absolutnoj logici (u primjerku 2a str. 94–119), u kojem Marković iznosi svoju kritike Hegelove logike. Pri tome se najprije opisuje sam rukopis Logike, a potom se raspravlja o dvama osnovnim Markovićevim prigovorima Hegelu: prvo, da nije moguće iz jednoga (najapstraktnijega) pojma, koji bi bio početak svih ostalih pojmova, razviti sveukupnost pojmova (te ujedno sveukupnost cjeline svega što jest) bez pomoći opažajnih pomisli; i drugo, da je postupak apsolutne logike sam u sebi »nelogičan«, tj. protivan neoborivim zakonima logike. Na kraju se zaključuje da Marković Hegelovu logiku, koja je zapravo metafizika, kritizira isključivo iz logičkoga obzora, jer ne prihvaća »pretvorbu« logike u metafiziku. Posebno se ističe Markovićeva namjera da se (filozofski) »odredi« prema Hegelu, jer se mnogi protivnici Hegelova filozofiranja, kojima i sam pripada, uglavnom nerado bave Hegelovom filozofijom.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 457-469  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Logika -- Austrijski realizam
Marković, Franjo -- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich


Producing European modernity [Elektronička građa] : mythmaking and (racial) bourgeois-capitalist worldmaking in modern philosophical and literary writings / Hrvoje Cvijanović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 103-105. - Summary. - This paper examines the ways in which modern philosophical and literary accounts have shaped and produced European modernity. The author looks at the myth as such, but especially in the quest, justifications, and narratives provided by Rousseau, Locke, and Daniel Defoe, among all. They are seen as grounding examples of modern mythmaking in which the concept of savagery has been uplifted and opposed to cultivating and civilizational practices, and used as a conceptual axis for articulating ideas of progress, self-preservation, and the state of nature. It is shown that modern bourgeois power of mythmaking through writing cannot be detached from racial bourgeois-capitalist worldmaking, or from the production and reproduction of racial capitalism – a structural and historical nexus of capitalism and racial oppression. The article concludes that by perpetuating myths of rational individuals rationally organizing the world, cultivating the wilderness, and enjoying freedom of production and consumption, European bourgeoisie conceptualized and constructed a fictional framework of modern man set within the mechanism of the modern state and capitalist production, that legitimized the predatory socio-economic practices based on harvesting social and natural resources, the same practices held by global capitalism as well.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 81-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modernizam -- Mitovi -- Filozofsko gledište -- Književnost -- Rasni kapitalizam

Umjetničko stvaranje [Elektronička građa] : od Kantova genija do suvremenih kognitivnih znanosti i umjetničkih praksi / Iris Vidmar Jovanović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Kant je svojom tezom o geniju koji ne zna odakle mu ideje i kako dolazi do njegova stvaralaštva ostavio neizbrisiv trag na promišljanje o umjetnosti i umjetničkome stvaranju, inzistirajući na stavu da ono predstavlja jedinstveni čin za kojega je zaslužan prirodni dar i stoga je specifičan isključivo u domeni umjetnosti, nikako u domeni znanosti. Iako danas znamo da je to pogrešno, mnoge njegove postavke potkrijepljene su suvremenim teorijama kognitivnih znanosti, ali i samim umjetničkim praksama. U ovom će se radu analizirati Kantova teorija lijepe umjetnosti i umjetničkoga stvaranja iz konteksta suvremenih istraživanja o kreativnosti i talentu te pritom pokazati koliko je njegova teorija o lijepoj umjetnosti i umjetničkome stvaranju eksplanatorno bogata, posebno za razumijevanje i promišljanje umjetničkoga stvaranja, umjetničke recepcije i umjetničkih praksi. - With his thesis on the genius who does not know from where their ideas come from and how they create, Kant left an indelible mark on thought concerning art and artistic creation. He insisted that it represents a unique act by natural gift, and thus specific for the domain of art, and specifically not belonging to the domain of science. Although today we know that such a disposition is wrong, many of Kant’s claims are supported in contemporary theories in cognitive science, but also by the artistic practice. In this paper, I will analyse Kant’s theory of beautiful art and artistic creation in the context of contemporary research on creativity and talent and show how much is Kant’s theory on beautiful art and artistic creation rich explanatory, especially for understanding and thinking the artistic creation, artistic reception and artistic practice.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 761-775  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Genij -- Kreativnost -- Umjetnost -- Umjetnička praksa
Kant, Immanuel


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159.9   Psihologija

KOTRLA Topić, Marina
A two-point study of parental perception of digital technology in Croatian preschool children [Elektronička građa] / Marina Kotrla Topić, Marina Perković Kovačević, Ivana Duvnjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 10-13. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - To get a better understanding of the parental perception of digital devices used by preschool children in Croatia, as well as their expectations and mediation strategies, we report the findings from a qualitative study with two measurement points. At the first point, five families with children aged 6 to 7 were interviewed at their homes, where they provided information on how their children engage with new technologies, how such technologies are perceived by different family members and how parents manage their children’s use of digital technology. A year and a half later, the same families were interviewed again, in a similar manner, focusing on the changes which happened in that period, as reported by the parents. Results show that parents find digital technology important and beneficial for children’s cognitive and emotional development, but they fear possible negative consequences of its use. Most often, they use restrictive mediation. A year and a half later, parents also express the need for more educational support when it comes to mediating their children’s interaction with digital technology. - Kako bismo istražili kakva je percepcija digitalne tehnologije od strane roditelja predškolske djece u Hrvatskoj, kakva je roditeljska medijacija dječjih interakcija s digitalnim uređajima, proveli smo kvalitativno istraživanje s dva mjerenja. U prvom istraživanju provedeno je pet dubinskih intervjua s petero roditelja i njihove djece u dobi od 6 i 7 godina na temu upotrebe digitalne tehnologije. U ponovljenom istraživanju, godinu i pol dana kasnije, dubinskim intervjuima s istih pet obitelji, ispitali smo je li i u kojoj mjeri došlo do promjena u navedenim varijablama. Rezultati pokazuju kako roditelji digitalne medije često smatraju važnim za kognitivni i emocionalni razvoj djece, no istovremeno se pribojavaju mogućih negativnih posljedica njihova korištenja. Najčešće primjenjuju restriktivne oblike medijacije. Godinu i pol dana kasnije roditelji sve jasnije ističu kako im je potrebna potpora i daljnja edukacija o tome kako moderirati dječje interakcije s digitalnom tehnologijom.
U: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-7734. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 1-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca predškolske dobi -- Digitalna tehnologija -- Roditeljska percepcija -- Medijacijske strategije

DOKMAN, Tomislav
Defining the term "intelligence" [Elektronička građa] : insight into existing intelligence knowledge = Definiranje pojma "obavještajno" : uvid u postojeće obavještajno znanje / Tomislav Dokman. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - For more than half a century of Intelligence Studies, this field has been characterized by the problem of lack of uniform definition of the term intelligence, a contentious place in the corpus of existing knowledge. The determinant of this is the existence of different types of intelligence, that is, the term is related to the intelligence product or information, the process/cycle in which information is collected, processed, analyzed and disseminated, and to the intelligence producing organization. Furthermore, it is a broad concept that initially developed and presented itself throughout history as exclusive state property, only later to become an equally represented term in other fields, more specifically business, science, sports, etc. Defining the term "intelligence" is important not only for the sake of development of intelligence theory and scientific discipline, but also because of the practical part of "intelligence" which is an essential feature of every state as it provides support for state decision-making process and defining policies in the national security spectrum. The paper analyzes 35 scientific, expert and institutional definitions of the term intelligence using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Qualitative content analysis identified 15 key elements. The quantitative analysis found that the most represented element was "information", followed by "end user/decision maker", followed by "actionable character", "foreign countries" and "knowledge". Based on the elements extracted, a new definition is presented. Intelligence is characterized by actionable knowledge of foreign/other countries that is disseminated towards end users, i.e. decision makers, in the form of information. - Više od pola stoljeća postojanja obavještajnih studija (Intelligence studies) ovo područje karakterizira problem jednoznačnog definiranja pojma obavještajnog koji predstavlja sporno mjesto u korpusu postojećeg znanja. Determinanta toga je postojanje različitih tipova obavještajnog, odnosno pojam se dovodi u vezu s produktom obavještajnog djelovanja ili informacijom, procesom/ciklusom u kojem se prikupljaju, obrađuju, analiziraju i diseminiraju informacije te organizacijom koja proizvodi obavještajno znanje. Nadalje, riječ je o širokom pojmu koji se kroz povijest inicijalno razvijao i predstavljao kao isključivo državno svojstvo, da bi kasnije postao jednako zastupljen pojam u drugim djelatnostima, konkretnije poslovanju, znanosti, sportu i sl. Definiranje pojma „obavještajno“ bitno je ne samo radi razvoja obavještajne teorije i znanstvene discipline nego i zbog praktičnog dijela „obavještajnog“ koji je esencijalno obilježje svake države u vidu potpore donošenju državničkih odluka ali i definiranja politika iz spektra nacionalne sigurnosti. U radu je korištenjem kvantitativne i kvalitativne analize sadržaja analizirano 35 znanstvenih, stručnih te institucijskih definicija pojma obavještajnog. Kvalitativnom sadržajnom analizom identificirano je 15 ključnih elemenata. Kvantitativnom analizom utvrđeno je da je najzastupljeniji element „informacija“, potom „krajnji korisnik/donositelj odluka“, zatim slijede „akcijabilni karakter“, „strane države“ i „znanje“. Na temelju izlučenih elemenata predstavljena je nova definicija. Obavještajno karakterizira akcijabilno znanje o stranim/drugim državama koje se u obliku informacije diseminira prema krajnjim korisnicima, odnosno donositeljima odluka.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 194-204  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obavještajne studije -- Baza podataka -- Definiranje pojma

BRLAS, Siniša
Ispitna tjeskoba kod učenika učeničkih domova u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Siniša Brlas, Ana Imrović, Ivana Martinušić, Tomislav Šokec, Karolina Jukić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Rad razmatra temu problema mentalnog zdravlja, odnosno ispitne tjeskobe kod učenika koji borave u učeničkim domovima i njihovu percepciju od strane profesora odgojitelja. Ispitna tjeskoba uobičajena je pojava u situacijama u kojima je potrebno iskazati znanje ili vještine te se prezentirati pred drugima, osobito kada druge osobe procjenjuju uradak. U niskim ili umjerenim razinama ispitna tjeskoba djeluje poticajno i motivira osobu na ulaganje truda u postignuće, dok u visokim razinama djeluje paralizirajuće i često „zakoči“ osobu što dovodi do izostanka odgovarajućeg uspjeha u ispitnoj situaciji. Ako se situacija u kojoj ispitna tjeskoba značajno onemogući postignuće na ispitu višekratno ponovi, dolazi do nemogućnosti ostvarivanja obrazovnih ciljeva što pojedinca dovodi u stanje frustracije pa i stresa, a to nije dobra prognoza za njegovo mentalno zdravlje. Rezultati provedenog online istraživanja, koje je provedeno u učeničkim domovima diljem Hrvatske, ukazuju da većina učenika doživljava umjerene razine ispitne tjeskobe, ali i da odgajatelji percipiraju veće razine tjeskobe kod učenika nego što oni sami o njima izvještavaju. Također su kvalitativno prikazane najčešće tjelesne i emocionalne promjene kod učenika, misli koje ih prate tijekom ispita te sklonost traženju pomoći od strane odgojitelja. - This paper analyzes the topic of mental health, more specifically the exam anxiety of pupils that stay in student dorms and its perception from the perspective of their professors-educators. Examination anxiety is common in situations when displaying knowledge, skills, or public presentation is present, especially when this is subject to others' evaluation. When low or moderate, exam anxiety can be encouraging and motivating, whereas high levels of exam anxiety may become paralyzing and prevent a successful outcome of the exam. If this situation happens on a recurring basis, it causes the inability for the pupil to achieve educational goals, which in turn becomes frustrating and stressful to them. This can have a negative impact on their mental health. Results of this online research conducted throughout student dorms across Croatia showcase that the majority of pupils go through moderate levels of exam anxiety, and that educators perceive higher levels of anxiety that the pupils reported. Results also showcase the qualitative data about the most common physical and emotional changes pupils go through, thoughts they experience during exams, and their likelihood to look for help from educators. - Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Problem der psychischen Gesundheit, bzw. der Prüfungsangst bei Schülern, die in Schülerwohnheimen wohnen, und ihrer Wahrnehmung durch ihre Lehrer und Erzieher. Prüfungsangst ist eine häufige Erscheinung in Situationen, in denen man seine Kenntnisse oder Fertigkeiten vor anderen zu Beweis stellen und präsentieren muss, besonders wenn die Anderen diese Leistung bewerten. Geringe oder mäßige Prüfungsangst stimuliert und motiviert die Person, sich anzustrengen, während starke Prüfungsangst lähmend wirkt und die Person oft „bremst“, was zu einem Ausbleiben des Erfolgs in der Testsituation führt. Wenn sich die Situation, in der die Prüfungsangst die Durchführung der Prüfung wesentlich erschwert, wiederholt, können die Bildungsziele nicht erreicht werden, was zur Frustration und Stress führt und keine gute Prognose für die psychische Gesundheit darstellt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Online-Studie, die in Schülerwohnheimen in ganz Kroatien durchgeführt wurde, zeigen, dass die meisten Schüler eine mäßige Prüfungsangst erleben, aber auch, dass die pädagogischen Fachkrüfte bei den Schülern ein höheres Maß an Angst wahrnehmen, als diese selbst berichten. Außerdem werden die häufigsten körperlichen und emotionalen Veränderungen der Schüler, die Gedanken, die sie während der Prüfung begleiten und die Neigung, Erzieher um Hilfe zu fragen, qualitativ dargestellt.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 239-250  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ispitna tjeskoba -- Mentalno zdravlje -- Odgojitelji -- Učenici -- Učenički domovi

Odnos petfaktorskog modela ličnosti i školskog uspjeha kod učenika srednjih škola [Elektronička građa] / Doris Matošić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 54-55. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi odnos između petofaktorskog modela ličnosti i uspjeha u školi i vladanja u dvjema vremenskim točkama; na početku 3. (T1) i na kraju 4. razreda srednje škole (T2). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 421 učenika srednje škole u dobi od 16 do 19 godina. Za ispitivanje dimenzija ličnosti korištena je adaptirana verzija Petofaktorskog inventara ličnosti. Školski uspjeh mjeren je ocjenom općeg uspjeha na kraju školske godine, a ocjena vladanja mjerila se na temelju neopravdanih sati. Glavna analiza podataka uključivala je dvije hijerarhijske regresijske analize u svakoj vremenskoj točki. U oba mjerenja rod je značajno doprinio objašnjenju uspjeha u školi i vladanja. Konkretno, učenice su pokazale bolji uspjeh u školi te bolje vladanje u usporedbi s učenicima. Nadalje, u prvome mjerenju, osobe s izraženim dimenzijama ličnosti i otvorenosti prema iskustvu, savjesnosti te manje izraženim neuroticizmom pokazale su bolji uspjeh u školi u usporedi s osobama s manje izraženom otvorenosti prema iskustvu, savjesnosti te više izraženim neuroticizmom. Međutim, petofaktorske dimenzije ličnosti u drugom mjerenju nisu značajno dodatno objasnile uspjeh u školi i vladanje. Rezultati ističu utjecaj pojedinih osobina ličnosti na opći uspjeh i vladanje u srednjoj školi u dvama mjerenjima. - The purpose of the study was to investigate the relation between Big Five personality traits and high school achievement in two time points; at the beginning of the third grade (T1) and at the end of the fourth grade (T2) of high school. The sample included 421 high school students between 16 and 19 years old. The study used adapted version of Big Five Inventory to assess personality traits. High school achievement was measured via students’ grade point average (GPA), and their final behaviour grade that was based on the number of unexcused absences from school. The main analysis included two hierarchical regression analyses conducted in each time point. In both time points, gender showed significant relation with the GPA and final behaviour grade. Specifically, female high school students achieved higher GPA and final behaviour grade comparing to male high school students. Moreover, agreeableness and openness to experience were significant positive predictors of GPA, and neuroticism was a significant negative predictor of GPA in first time point. No personality traits were significantly related to GPA and final behaviour grade in second time point. The results explain the relation between specific personality traits and high school achievement in two time points. - In dieser Studie wurde die Verbindung zwischen den Big Five Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und Schulleistungen am Anfang der dritten Klasse (T1) und am Ende der vierten Klasse (T2) gemessen. 421 Schüler zwischen 16 und 19 Jahren nahmen an der Studie teil. In der Studie wurde eine abgewandelte Version des Big Five Fragebogens verwendet um die Persönlichkeiten der Teilnehmer zu untersuchen. Die Durchschnittsnoten und die Anzahl der unentschuldigten Schultage eines Schülers wurden verwendet um die Schulleistung zu messen. Es wurden zwei hierarchische Regressionsmodelle zu jedem der zwei Zeitpunkte analysiert. An beiden Zeitpunkten wurde ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen der Durchschnittsnote und Fehlzeiten und dem Geschlecht der Schüler*innen festgestellt. Demzufolge hatten Schülerinnen bessere Noten und weniger Fehltage als Schüler. Außerdem, waren Persönlichkeitszüge wie Verträglichkeit und Offenheit für neue Erfahrungen signifikante positive Prädiktoren für bessere Noten. Dahingegen war Neurotizismus bei der ersten Messung ein negativer Prädiktor für bessere Noten. Keines der Persönlichkeitsmerkmale hatte einen signifikanten Zusammenhang mit Fehlzeiten bei der zweiten Messung. Diese Resultate zeigen die Zusammenhänge von spezifischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und Schulleitungen am Anfang der dritten Klasse und am Ende der vierten Klasse.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 45-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srednja škola -- Obrazovanje -- Osobine ličnosti -- Školski uspjeh -- Učenici -- Vladanje

Petrićev argument o cjelovitosti u kontekstu suvremene psihologije [Elektronička građa] / Luka Janeš.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu razmatram Petrićev argument o cjelovitosti iznesen u »Pampsychiji«, najmanje istra­živanoj od četiriju knjiga Nove sveopće filozofije (Nova de universis philosophia, 1591.), u usporedbi s konceptima, metodologijom i pragmatičkim dosezima suvremene znanosti o ljudskoj psihi. Nastojao sam odrediti može li taj argument korespondirati metodološkom instrumentariju suvremene psihologije ili se radi o disjunktivnom, dakle animozitetnom odnosu. Naglasak je na Petrićevoj refleksiji glede »umocentričnosti« duše, pri čemu sam nastojao ukazati na dinamiku i dijalektičnost fenomena psihe kao temeljne odrednice Petrićeve psiho­ontologije te na važnost implementacije takve filozofijske refleksije u okvire sustava mentalnog zdravlja, kao pretpostavke cjelovitog integrativnog pristupa problematici. - In this paper, I consider Patricius’s argument on integrality laid out in “Pampsychia”, least researched book belonging to Nova universis philosophia (1591), in comparison with the notions, methodologies and pragmatic reach of the contemporary science of human psyche. I attempted to determine can the argument correspond to the methodological instrument of psychology or the relation is disjunctive, that is, in animosity. I emphasise Patricius’s reflection on the mindcenteredness of the soul while trying to point at the dynamic and dialectical character of the psyche phenomenon as the fundamental determinant of Patricius’s psycho­ontology and the importance of implementing philosophical reflection into the mental health system framework, as a precondition for the holistic, integrative approach to the problem.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 635-649  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duša -- Biheviorizam -- Pluriperspektivizam -- Fenomenologija -- Kolektivno nesvjesno
Petrić, Frane -- Jung, Carl Gustav


Povezanost teorije kritičkog mišljenja s promišljanjem o odgoju Erazma Roterdamskog [Elektronička građa] / Miro Dundić, Bruno Ćurko.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Erazmo Roterdamski smatrao je da obrazovanje djece treba započeti u ranoj dobi. Da bismo što bolje razumjeli Erazmove teorije o odgoju, u članku se analizira Erazmov pojam eruditio, ali i ostali pojmovi kao što su: ratio, usus i philosophia. Ukazuje se na zanimljivu poveznicu koja se može povući između suvremenog pojma kritičkog mišljenja i Erazmova pojma eruditio. Isto tako, za razumijevanje Erazmova poimanja odgoja (ali i povezanosti njegove teorije sa suvremenim teorijama kritičkog mišljenja) analiziran je Erazmov opis karakteristika dobrog učitelja. Navedeni opis dobrog učitelja, u nekim aspektima, povezuje Erazma sa suvremenim teoretičarima (i praktičarima) kao što su John Dewey i Oscar Brenifier. Erazmo za rano uvježbavanje zaključivanja nudi basne, vježbe jezika i poslovice, kao što je slučaj i kod suvremenih teoretičara i praktičara kritičkog mišljenja te filozofije s djecom. - Desiderius Erasmus considered that the education of children has to start at an early age. To get a better understanding of Erasmus’ theories about the education, this paper analyses the use of his term eruditio, but also the use of terms such as ratio, usus and philosophia. The aim is to point out the interesting link between the contemporary understanding of critical thinking and Erasmus’ concept of eruditio. Furthermore, for a better understanding of his perception of education (but also of the connection of his theory with contemporary theories of critical thinking), we analyse Erasmus’ description of characteristics of a good teacher. Here mentioned description of a good teacher, in some aspects, link Erasmus with contemporary theorists (and practitioners) such as John Dewey and Oscar Brenifier. As early training and practice for the development of a proper inference, Erasmus suggests fables, language exercises and proverbs, which is similar to what contemporary theorists and practitioners of critical thinking and philosophy with children do.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 687-696  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kritičko mišljenje -- Eruditio -- Obrazovanje -- Odgoj -- Poslovice
Erazmo Roterdamski -- Dewey, John


VUK, Martina
Razumijevanje ranjivosti kao sustavnog i preciznog diskursa [Elektronička građa] / Martina Vuk.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kasnomoderna koncepcija moralnosti, kao i sam koncept ljudske osobe, dvoznačan je. S jedne strane suvremeno se poimanje osobe regulira atributima koji ističu osobnu autonomiju i distanciranost od sklonosti ranjivosti; s druge strane povećava se zanimanje za razumijevanje ranjivosti kao sve aktualnije teme. Ranjivost se pokušava razumjeti kao stanje koje čovjeka vraća njegovoj ljudskosti, odnosno sebi samom. Istodobno, u širem se kontekstu koristi kao termin za objašnjenje situacija, stanja ili koncepata koji čak i ne pripadaju poimanju ranjivosti, te se i etimološki razlikuju od samog pojma ranjivosti, poput primjerice grijeha, ljudske patnje ili stanja invalidnosti. Iako je ranjivost neizbježna, jer u čovjekov život ulazi bez njegova pristanka, suvremeni je etičko-moralni sustav s jedne strane poima kao protutežu autonomiji; a s druge strane, zbog toga što su je »iskusili« svi ljudi, često se ranjivost smatra nečim što je samo po sebi evidentno, sve dok se čovjek ne zapita što ona jest. Jer nije uvijek jasno što čovjekovo iskustvo ranjivosti uključuje ili što se razumije pod pojmom ranjivost. - The modern conception of morality, as well as, the concept of human person is twofold. On the one hand it is regulated by attributes that emphasizes personal autonomy regardless of human vulnerability; on the other hand, there is a growing interest towards understanding the notion of vulnerability as a contextual and conceptual issue. Vulnerability is tried to be understood as a state that returns a person to his humanity, that is, to himself. At the same time, in a broader context, it is used as a term to explain situations, conditions or concepts that do not even belong to the domain of vulnerability, and are etymologically different from the concept of vulnerability, such as sin, human suffering or disability. Despite all the efforts of the contemporary culture to eliminate it, vulnerability not merely counterbalances the notion of autonomy, but as an inevitable existential category enters our lives without our consent. Because everyone has »experienced« it, vulnerability is considered as a selfevident phenomenon until we are asked to define it. For this reason, it is not always clear what the experience of vulnerability involves or what we mean by the notion vulnerability.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 577-592  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autonomija -- Invaliditet -- Ranjivost -- Teološka antropologija -- Patnja

BORIĆ Letica, Ivana
Some correlates of risky user behavior and ICT security awareness of secondary school students [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Borić Letica. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract. - The aim of the research was to examine some correlates of security awareness and risky behavior while using information technology. The sample consisted of 206 participants; i.e., 150 female and 56 male students from three secondary schools. The Users’ Information Security Awareness Questionnaire, the Consciousness Subscale and the Self-Control Questionnaire were used. Results showed that there are statistically significant (low to moderate) correlations between some personality traits (self-control and consciousness) and time spent on the Internet, borrowing access data, different risky behaviors, computer maintenance and proper data storage. Adolescents show low levels of security awareness. Parents talk more about privacy and security risks with girls than with boys. Girls show more security awareness than boys but behave equally risky. Those with whom parents talk more about security risks show less risky behavior and more security awareness.
U: International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems (Online). - ISSN 1847-7003. - 10 (2019), 2 ; str. 85-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Informacijske tehnologije -- Rizično ponašanje -- Adolescenti

Zadaci konvergentno-integrativnog i divergentno-eksploratornog mišljenja u osnovnoškolskim udžbenicima [Elektronička građa] : analiza sadržaja / Ivan Alagić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 140-141. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Rad se bavi pitanjem sadržaja školskih udžbenika u pogledu izbora vrsta zadataka i eventualnom utjecaju takvog izbora na razvoj kreativnog mišljenja učenika. Kreativnost kao fenomen i problem poticanja kreativnog razvoja tijekom školovanja bili su predmetom brojnih rasprava i istraživanja u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća. Suvremeni pogledi na kreativnost uzimaju u obzir značajan utjecaj okolinskih činitelja na njezin razvoj. Institucionalni odgoj i obrazovanje i nastava nedvojbeno imaju velik utjecaj na kognitivni razvoj djece. Školski udžbenici kao nastavno pomagalo i dalje su prisutni u suvremenoj nastavi. Problem nedostatka zadataka koji bi od učenika zahtijevali kreativno mišljenje poznat je i istraživan na hrvatskim i stranim uzorcima školskih udžbenika. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja provedena je analiza sadržaja školskih udžbenika četiriju izdavača udžbenika u Republici Hrvatskoj namijenjenih učenicima prvih četiriju razreda. Analizirani su zadaci koji zahtijevaju konvergentno-integrativno i divergentno-eksploratorno mišljenje, a konačan omjer u skladu je s ranijim istraživanjima čime se može zaključiti da količina zadataka divergentno-eksploratornog mišljenja u udžbenicima nije dovoljna kako bi evocirala kreativni potencijal kod učenika. - This study examines textbooks' content and is focused on the types of tasks included and possible impact of task setting on the development of creative thinking in students. Creativity as a phenomenon and problem of fostering creativity during the school education has been a topic of many discussions and research during the second half of the 20th century. Recent perspectives on creativity consider significant influence of environmental factors on its development. Institutionalized education and teaching undoubtedly have significant influence on cognitive development. Textbooks as teaching assets are still present in modern day classes. The lack of tasks that would demand creative thinking from the student is a well-known problem and it was explored both in Croatian and foreign samples. A content analysis was conducted for the purposes of this study. Sample included elementary school textbooks published by four publishers in Croatia appropriated for the first four grades. Tasks included in analysis were those which demand convergent-integrative thinking and divergent-exploratory thinking. Results confirm previous research so it can be concluded that the amount of divergent-exploratory thinking tasks in textbooks is not sufficient to evoke creative potential in students. - Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage des Inhalts von Grundschulbüchern im Hinblick auf die Auswahl der Aufgaben und die eventuellen Effekte auf die kreative Meinungsentwicklung bei Schülern. Das Phänomen der Kreativität und das Problem der Förderung kreativer Entwicklung während der Schulbildung wurden in zahlreichen Diskussionen und Forschungen in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts thematisiert. In den modernen Ansätzen werden die signifikanten Auswirkungen der Umweltfaktoren auf die Entwicklung von Kreativität berücksichtigt. Die institutionelle Bildung und Erziehung hat zweifellos einen großen Einfluss auf die kognitive Entwicklung von Kindern. Schulbücher sind als Lehrmittel auch weiterhin im modernen Unterricht präsent. Das Problem des Mangels an Aufgaben, die das kreative Denken von Schülern fördern würden, ist bekannt und es wurde an kroatischen und ausländischen Schulbücherstichproben erforscht. Für die Zwecke dieser Forschung wurde eine Analyse der Schulbücher von vier kroatischen Verlagen, die für die ersten vier Klassen der Grundschule vorgesehen sind, durchgeführt. Analysiert wurden die Aufgaben, die das konvergente und das divergente Denken forderten. Das endgültige Ergebnis stimmt mit früheren Untersuchungen überein, woraus man die Schlussfolgerung zieht, dass die Menge explorativer Denkaufgaben nicht ausreichend ist, um bei Schülern das kreative Potenzial zu erwecken.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 131-142  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osnovna škola -- Udžbenici -- Kreativnost -- Kognitivni razvoj -- Mišljenje -- Zadaci

Zastupljenost vještina kritičkoga mišljenja u ishodima učenja međupredmetnih tema [Elektronička građa] / Rona Bušljeta Kardum. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Vrijeme u kojem živimo i radimo traži od pojedinca različite kompetencije koje će mu omogućiti kvalitetnije djelovanje u svim aspektima života. Jedna je od tih kompetencija i kritičko mišljenje koje uključuje niz različitih vještina, poput rješavanja problema, donošenja odluka, argumentiranog zaključivanja i vrednovanja na temelju kriterija. Budući da se kritičko mišljenje često smatra jednom od ključnih kompetencija za život i rad u 21. stoljeću, ne čudi činjenica da se važnost razvijanja kritičkog mišljenja naglašava kada je u pitanju odgojno-obrazovno djelovanje. Iako se kod nas vrlo malo pisalo o kritičkom mišljenju u okviru odgojno-obrazovnog procesa, važnost razvoja kritičkog mišljenja u procesu poučavanja i učenja naglašava se u kurikularnim dokumentima. S obzirom na to, cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi, na temelju analize ishoda učenja, koje se vještine kritičkoga mišljenja i u kojoj mjeri potiču međupredmetnim temama. Dobiveni rezultati pokazat će ostvaruju li međupremetne teme jednu od svojih uloga, a to je prihvaćanje i uvažavanje važnosti razvoja kompetencije kritičkog mišljenja u procesu poučavanja i učenja. - The time we live and work in requires different competencies that will enable an individual to act better in all aspects of life. One of these competencies is critical thinking, which includes a number of different skills such as problem solving, decision making, reasoning and evaluation based on criteria. Since critical thinking is often considered to be one of the key competencies for living and working in the 21st century, it is not surprising that the importance of developing critical thinking is emphasized when it comes to education. Although very little has been written about critical thinking in Croatia and within the educational process, the importance of developing critical thinking through the process of teaching and learning is emphasized by curricular documents. Thus, the aim of this paper is, based on the analysis of learning outcomes, detecting whether and to what extent cross-curricular subjects encourage the development of critical thinking. The results obtained will, in one hand, indicate the recognition of the importance of developing the competence of critical thinking in the process of education and, in the other, give some insight into the question of cross-curricular subjects successfully accomplishing their purpose which is, among other things, to encourage the development of competencies for the 21st century. Given the complexity of this topic, further research is mandatory in pursuit of conclusion whether and to what extent cross-curricular topics contribute to the development of critical thinking.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 471-483  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenje -- Kritičko mišljenje -- Kurikulum -- Međupredmetne teme -- Odgoj i obrazovanje

Vidi br.: HA20-00309

Vidi br.: HA20-00468

Vidi br.: HA20-00233

Vidi br.: HA20-00221

Vidi br.: HA20-00227

Vidi br.: HA20-00223

16   Logika. Simbolička logika. Matematička logika. Spoznajna teorija. Epistemologija

Marija Brida i Roman Ingarden [Elektronička građa] : dva fenomenološka "čitanja" Bergsonove koncepcije intuicije / Iris Tićac.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung. - Rad polazi od teze da je upravo fenomenološko iščitavanje Bergsonove koncepcije intuicije omogućilo Mariji Bridi i Romanu Ingardenu jedno diferenciranije tumačenje Bergsonove intuicije i to u jednom vremenu u kojemu je njegova misao bila neopravdano zanemarena. Pritom ni u kom slučaju ne sugeriramo da Brida i Ingarden čitaju Bergsona kao fenomenologa. Oboje nastoje pokazati u čemu se sastoji originalnost Bergsonove filozofije te pokazati relevantnost njegove koncepcije intuicije i za fenomenologijsku misao. Dok Bridu poglavito zanima kako izgleda stvaralaštvo, odnosno problematika stvaralačke slobode te s tim u svezi pored gnoseološkog i antropološko značenje intuicije, Ingarden se usredotočuje na propitivanje gnoseološkog značenja intuicije, odnosno posvećuje se traženju odgovora na upit o tome koje je značenje intuicije za spoznaju uopće. - Wir gehen davon aus, dass die phänomenologische Lektüre von Bergsons Intuitionskonzeption, die Brida und Ingarden unternommen haben, eine differenzierte Auslegung der Bergsonschen Intuition in einer Zeit als sie unberechtigt vernachlässigt wurde, ermöglicht hat. Dabei auf keinen Fall wollen wir suggerieren, dass Brida und Ingarden Bergson als einen Phänomenologen lesen. Beide bemühen sich zu zeigen, worin die Originalität der Philosophie Bergsons besteht und dabei die Relevanz seiner Konzeption der Intuition für das phänomenologische Denken aufzuzeigen. Während Brida hauptsächlich an das Schaffen bzw. die schöpferische Freiheit interessiert ist, d.h außer der gnoseologischen Bedeutung der Intuition auch ihre anthropologische Relevanz, Ingarden ist fokussiert an der Prüfung der gnosologischen Bedeutung der Intuition, bzw. bemüht sich, die Antwort auf die Frage der Bedeutsamkeit der Intuition für die Erkenntnis überhaupt zu finden.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 313-333  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Intuicija -- Intelekt -- Fenomenologija
Bergson, Henri -- Brida, Marija -- Ingarden, Roman


Welt als Phänomen [Elektronička građa] : Anmerkungen zu Husserl, Heidegger und Rombach / Niels Wiedtmann.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - Einen Beitrag über Welt als Phänomen zu schreiben, impliziert die Annahme, dass die Welt überhaupt ein Phänomen im Sinne der philosophischen Phänomenologie ist. Das ist aber gerade in der Phänomenologie selbst nicht unstrittig. Dem husserlschen Verständnis nach kann die Welt nämlich tatsächlich nicht selbst Phänomen sein, weil jedes Phänomen in einem Verweisungszusammenhang, d.h. in einem Horizont erscheint, die Welt selbst aber gerade nicht. Die Welt ist der äußerste Horizont und kann daher nicht über sich hinaus auf einen weiteren Horizont verweisen. Daher ist es keineswegs selbstverständlich zu behaupten, dass die Welt als Phänomen betrachtet werden kann. In meinem Beitrag werde ich nun allerdings noch über die Annahme, dass die Welt ein Phänomen ist, hinausgehen und zu zeigen versuchen, dass sie in Wirklichkeit das Phänomen par excellence ist. In gewisser Weise ist die Welt das einzige Phänomen überhaupt, weil sie nicht nur allem, was in ihr erscheint, seinen besonderen Sinn verleiht, sondern sich dabei zugleich selbst je anders, nämlich diesem besonderen Sinn entsprechend zeigt. Das will ich insbesondere mit Heidegger und Rombach zu zeigen versuchen. Auf diese Weise hoffe ich, zumindest einige Aspekte einer phänomenologischen Analyse von „Welt“ offenzulegen. - Pisati istraživanje o svijetu kao fenomenu implicira pretpostavku da je svijet fenomen u smislu filozofske fenomenologije. To, međutim, nije jednoznačno čak ni unutar same fenomenologije. U duhu husserlovska razumijevanja, svijet ne može biti ili postati fenomen zato što se svaki fenomen referira na relacijski sadržaj, tj. horizont. I dok bilo koji horizont može postati fenomen, zato što se referira na uvijek drugi horizont, svijet to ne može. Svijet je krajnji horizont i time se nema na što referirati. Dakle, nije samorazumljivo da se svijet uopće može uzeti kao fenomen. Međutim, u ovom radu polazim onkraj ove tvrdnje i argumentiram da je svijet fenomen par excellence. Takoreći, svijet je jedini fenomen uopće, ne samo zato što svemu što se u njemu pojavljuje daje poseban smisao nego i zato što se istovremeno sam pokazuje drugačijim, temeljem svojeg posebnog smisla. Pokušat ću navedeno demonstrirati referirajući se posebno na fenomenološke pristupe Heideggera i Rombacha. Čineći to, nadam se da ću ponuditi makar nekoliko aspekata fenomenološke analize »svijeta«. - To write a paper about the world as being a phenomenon implicates the assumption that the world is a phenomenon in the sense of philosophical phenomenology. That, however, is not uncontested even within phenomenology itself. In a Husserlian understanding, the world cannot be or become a phenomenon because any phenomenon refers to a relational context, i.e. to a horizon. While any horizon may become a phenomenon, because it refers to yet another horizon, the world cannot. World is the outmost horizon and, thus, it cannot refer to anything else. Therefore, it is not at all self-evident to claim that the world may be taken as a phenomenon. However, in my paper, I will go even beyond this claim and argue that world is, in fact, the phenomenon par excellence. In a sense, the world is the only phenomenon at all, because it not only gives its special meaning to everything that appears in the world, it itself appears differently, according to this special meaning. I will try to demonstrate this by referring particularly to the phenomenological approaches of Heidegger and Rombach. In the course of doing so, I hope to provide at least a few aspects of a phenomenological analysis of “world”. - Écrire un article sur le monde en tant que phénomène implique l’hypothèse que le monde est un phénomène au sens de la phénoménologie philosophique. Mais cela n’est pas incontesté dans la phénoménologie elle-même. Selon la conception husserlienne, le monde ne peut pas être un phénomène en soi, car chaque phénomène apparaît dans un contexte de référence, c’est-à-dire dans un horizon, mais pas le monde lui-même. Le monde est l’horizon le plus éloigné et ne peut donc pas se référer au-delà de lui-même à un horizon plus large. Il n’est donc pas du tout évident d’affirmer que le monde peut être considéré comme un phénomène. Dans ma contribution, cependant, j’irai au-delà de l’hypothèse selon laquelle le monde est un phénomène et j’essaierai de montrer qu’en réalité, c’est le phénomène par excellence. D’une certaine manière, le monde est le seul phénomène de tous, car non seulement il donne son sens particulier à tout ce qui y apparaît, mais en même temps il se manifeste différemment, selon ce sens particulier. C’est ce que je veux essayer de montrer avec Heidegger et Rombach en particulier. J’espère ainsi révéler au moins quelques aspects d’une analyse phénoménologique du « monde ».
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 399-413  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svijet -- Smisao -- Fenomenologija
Husserl, Edmund -- Heidegger, Martin -- Rombach, Heinrich -- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice


Vidi br.: HA20-00080

Vidi br.: HA20-00068

17   Moralna filozofija. Etika. Praktična filozofija

ETEROVIĆ, Igor, povjesničar
Between sport and bioethics [Elektronička građa] : grounding the philosophy of mountaineering / Igor Eterović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 280-283. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résume. - Mountaineering encompasses a vast number of practices and it is becoming an umbrella term for a set of human outdoor practices. Although categorised as a sport, mountaineering resists to the standard definition of sport and especially to mainstream understanding of sport as a competitive activity. On the other hand, usual ethical questions concerning sports do not cover the vast majority of mountaineering practices, thus calling for a wider normative perspective – a bioethical analysis. It is argued that such an approach could ground the possibility of understanding mountaineering as a peculiar sort of sport, and differentiate its special features by using bioethical analysis. Thus, it is showed that mountaineering is a unique sport, but also that mountaineer shares and promotes a genuine life philosophy exemplifying a truly bioethical worldview. Mountaineer is guided by a unique set of core values encapsulated under something we can and should call the philosophy of mountaineering. - Planinarstvo obuhvaća velik broj aktivnosti, postajući krovni pojam za skup aktivnosti na otvorenom. Iako kategorizirano kao sport, planinarstvo se uvriježenoj definiciji sporta opire, a pogotovo glavnoj struji shvaćanja sporta kao natjecateljske aktivnosti. S druge strane, etička pitanja o sportu ne pokrivaju većinu planinarskih praksi, što za sobom povlači potrebu za širom normativnom perspektivom – bioetičkom analizom. Argumentira se da takav pristup može zasnovati mogućnost razumijevanja planinarstva kao posebne vrste sporta i razlučiti njegova posebna svojstva korištenjem bioetičke analize. Pokazuje se da je planinarstvo jedinstven sport, ali i da planinarstvo udjeljuje i promiče autentičnu filozofiju sporta, oprimjerujući odista bioetički pogled na svijet. Planinar je vođen jedinstvenim skupom sržnih vrijednosti sabranih pod nešto što bismo mogli i trebali zvati filozofijom planinarstva. - Bergsteigen umfasst eine Vielzahl von Praktiken und wird zum Oberbegriff für eine Reihe menschlicher Aktivitäten im Freien. Obwohl Bergsteigen als Sport eingestuft wird, widersetzt es sich der Standarddefinition des Sports und insbesondere der vorherrschenden Richtung im Verständnis des Sports als Wettkampfaktivität. Auf der anderen Seite decken die geläufigen ethischen Fragen in Bezug auf Sport nicht die überwiegende Mehrheit der Bergsteigerpraktiken ab, weshalb eine breitere normative Perspektive erforderlich ist – eine bioethische Analyse. Es wird argumentiert, dass ein solcher Ansatz die Möglichkeit begründen könnte, das Bergsteigen als eine besondere Sportart aufzufassen und seine besonderen Merkmale durch die Verwendung bioethischer Analyse zu differenzieren. Auf diese Weise wird gezeigt, dass Bergsteigen ein einzigartiger Sport ist, aber auch, dass Bergsteiger eine authentische Lebensphilosophie teilen und fördern, die eine fürwahr bioethische Weltanschauung exemplifiziert. Der Bergsteiger lässt sich von einer einzigartigen Reihe von Grundwerten leiten, die unter dem Begriff zusammengefasst sind, den wir Philosophie des Bergsteigens nennen können und sollen. - L’alpinisme comprend un grand nombre de pratiques et est ainsi devenu un terme générique pour un ensemble d’activités en plein air. Bien que l’alpinisme soit catégorisé comme un sport, il résiste à la définition classique de sport en tant que qu’activité de compétition. De plus, les questions habituelles d’éthique concernant le sport ne couvrent pas la grande majorité des pratiques de l’alpinisme, ce qui nous contraint à réfléchir à une perspective normative plus large – une analyse bioéthique. Nous affirmons qu’une telle approche peut permettre de comprendre l’alpinisme comme un genre de sport particulier et de différencier ses caractéristiques particulières en se servant d’une analyse bioéthique. Ainsi, en illustrant un regard sur le monde véritablement bioéthique, nous montrons que l’alpinisme est un sport unique, et que l’alpinisme partage et promeut une authentique vie philosophique. L’alpiniste est guidé par un ensemble unique de valeurs fondamentales rassemblées dans ce que l’on pourrait et ce que l’on devrait appeler une philosophie de l’alpinisme.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 267-284  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Planinarstvo -- Sport -- Bioetika -- Filozofska analiza -- Filozofija planinarstva

ŠKERBIĆ, Matija Mato
Bioethics of sport and its place in the philosophy of sport [Elektronička građa] / Matija Mato Škerbić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 391-393. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - In the Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport (McNamee, Morgan, 2015) for the first time Bioethics of Sport (BES) was included, and therefore officially acknowledged, as a separate field within the Philosophy of Sport. Starting from that fact, I will raise three issues. Firstly, I will propose the definition for the (new) sub-discipline, briefly present its short history, and indicate the connection to the Bioethics as such. Secondly, I will point out the BES thematic scope in the past and present, and show how and why it is too narrow, insufficient and not comprehensive enough. In that regard, relying on Fritz Jahr’s understanding of Bioethics, I will propose the widening of the current scope, and demonstrate that many of the topics were already present in the discourse of the philosophy of sport just were not recognised and considered as bioethical. Thirdly, I will emphasise the issue of the distinction between Ethics and Bioethics of Sport within the Philosophy of Sport. Finally, I will consider some prospects regarding the future of the bioethics of sport. - U Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport (McNamee, Morgan, 2015) Bioetika sporta po prvi je puta uključena, a time i službeno prepoznata, kao posebno područje unutar filozofije sporta. Krenuvši od te činjenice, potičem na tri vrste razmatranja. U prvom dijelu predlažem definiciju za novu pod-disciplinu, sažeto predstavljajući njenu kratku povijest i ukazujući na vezu s bioetikom kao takvom. U drugom dijelu predstavljam prošli i recentni tematski spektar bioetike sporta, pokazujući kako je preuzak odnosno nedovoljno obuhvatan. U tom smislu, oslanjajući se na Fritza Jahra i njegovo shvaćanje bioetike, predlažem proširivanje dosadašnjeg spektra, pokazujući ujedno da je niz tema već obrađeno unutar diskursa filozofije sporta, samo što nisu prepoznate kao bioetičke. U trećem se dijelu posvećujem problemu odnosa i distinkcije između etike i bioetike sporta unutar filozofije sporta. Naposljetku, razmatram neke buduće perspektive bioetike sporta. - Die Bioethik des Sports (BES) wurde erstmals in Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport (McNamee, Morgan, 2015) als eigenständiges Gebiet der Philosophie des Sports aufgenommen und demgemäß offiziell anerkannt. Ausgehend von dieser Tatsache werde ich drei Punkte ansprechen. Zunächst werde ich eine Definition für die (neue) Unterdisziplin vorschlagen, ihre kurze Geschichte knapp vorstellen und auf die Verbindung zur Bioethik als solcher hindeuten. Zweitens werde ich auf das thematische Spektrum der BES in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart aufmerksam machen und zeigen, wie und warum es zu eng, unzulänglich und nicht umfassend genug ist. In diesem Zusammenhang werde ich unter Berufung auf Fritz Jahrs Auffassung der Bioethik die Ausweitung des derzeitigen Geltungsbereichs nahelegen und demonstrieren, dass viele der Themen bereits im Diskurs der Sportphilosophie vertreten waren, jedoch schlicht nicht erkannt und als bioethisch eingestuft wurden. Drittens möchte ich auf die Frage der Unterscheidung zwischen Ethik und Bioethik des Sports innerhalb der Philosophie des Sports Gewicht legen. Abschließend werde ich einige Aussichten in Bezug auf die Zukunft der Bioethik des Sports abhandeln. - Dans le Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport (McNamee, Morgan, 2015) la bioéthique du sport à été pour la première fois introduite, et ainsi officiellement reconnue en tant que champ distinct à l’intérieur de la philosophie du sport. En partant de ce fait, je vais mettre en avant trois considérations. En premier lieu, je vais proposer une définition pour la (nouvelle) sous-discipline en présentant brièvement sa courte histoire et en indiquant son rapport avec la bioéthique comme telle. Dans la deuxième partie, je vais présenter le domaine d’application passé et récent de la bioéthique du sport, en montrant comment et pourquoi il est trop étroit, insuffisant et pas suffisamment englobant. En ce sens, et en m’appuyant sur la conception bio- éthique de Fritz Jahr, je propose d’élargir le domaine d’application actuel en démontrant qu’un certain nombre de thèmes ont déjà été traités au sein du discours philosophique du sport, mais qu’ils n’ont pas été reconnus et considérés comme thèmes bioéthiques. Enfin, je vais mettre en évidence les problèmes liés au rapport et à la distinction entre l’éthique et la bioéthique du sport à l’intérieur de la philosophie du sport. Finalement, je vais examiner quelques perspectives d’avenir de la bioéthique du sport.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 379-394  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioetika -- Sport -- Bioetika sporta -- Filozofija sporta -- Etika sporta

MORGAN, William John
Conceptual analysis and normative inquiry in sport [Elektronička građa] : a cautionary note / William J. Morgan.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - Bernard Suits’s classic definitions of games and sport have been widely credited as important philosophical achievements. I share that laudable view of his definitional work. But in this essay I warn against a growing tendency in the philosophy of sport literature to gloss Suits’s definition of these key concepts as metaphysical achievements as well, as discoveries of the true essences of games and sport. I focus my critical attention on the most recent example of such metaphysical overreach, Colin McGinn’s account of games featured in his recent book, Truth by Analysis: Games, Names, and Philosophy. I argue that McGinn’s metaphysical interpretation of Suits’s conceptual analysis of games and sport is ill conceived and examine the normative fallout of interpreting Suits in this way. - Klasična definicija igre i sporta Bernarda Suitsa uzima se kao značajno filozofsko postignuće. Po pitanju njegova definicijskog rada, slažem se s takvim hvalećim pogledom. No u ovom eseju upozoravam na rastuću tendenciju u literaturi iz filozofije sporta da se Suitsove definicije ovih ključnih koncepcija površno uzimaju i kao metafizičko postignuće, kao otkriće prave biti igre i sporta. Svoju kritičku pozornost usmjeravam na nedavni primjer takvih metafizičkih pretjerivanja, na razmatranje igre Colina McGinna u njegovu djelu Truth by Analysis: Games, Names, and Philosophy. Argumentiram da je McGinnova metafizička interpretacija Suitsove konceptualne analize igre i sporta nevaljala i ispitujem negativne normativne posljedice interpretiranja Suitsa na taj način. - Bernard Suits̕ klassische Definitionen von Spielen und Sport werden weithin als bedeutsame philosophische Errungenschaften anerkannt. Ich teile diesen lobenswerten Standpunkt zu seiner definitorischen Arbeit. In diesem Aufsatz warne ich jedoch vor einer wachsenden Tendenz in der Literatur aus dem Bereich der Sportphilosophie, Suits̕ Definition dieser Schlüsselkonzeptionen auch als metaphysische Errungenschaften, als Entdeckung der wahren Essenzen von Spielen und Sport zu beschönigen. Ich konzentriere meine kritische Aufmerksamkeit auf das jüngste Beispiel für eine solche metaphysische Überanstrengung, auf Colin McGinns Bericht über Spiele, der in seinem kürzlich erschienenen Buch, Truth by Analysis: Games, Names, and Philosophy, vorgestellt wurde. Ich vertrete die Ansicht, dass McGinns metaphysische Interpretation von Suits̕ konzeptueller Analyse der Spiele und des Sports schlecht konzipiert ist und untersuche den normativen Fallout einer auf diese Weise ausgeführten Auslegung Suits’. - Les définitions classiques des jeux et du sport de Bernard Suits ont été largement reconnues comme un acquis important en philosophie. Je partage ce point de vue louable mais dans cet essai je mets en garde contre une tendance croissante dans la littérature philosophique du sport à masquer la définition suit sienne de ces concepts clés par des concepts métaphysiques, et à les considérer comme la découverte de l’essence réelle des jeux et du sport. Je concentre toute mon attention critique sur le plus récent des exemples d’un tel abus métaphysique, sur les considérations de Colin McGinn sur les jeux dans son livre Truth by Analysis: Games, Names, and Philosophy, publié récemment. J’affirme que l’interprétation métaphysique de McGinn de l’analyse conceptuelle des jeux et du sport élaboré par Suits est malavisée et j’examine les conséquences normatives d’une telle interprétation.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 243-252  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konceptualna analiza -- Bit -- Društvena svojstva -- Metafizika

Crkva i obitelj u promicanju zaštite života [Elektronička građa] / Tonči Matulić, Ante Bekavac.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autori u radu iznose analitičko-povijesni pregled zauzimanja Crkve i obitelji u promicanju i zaštiti života. Najprije navode Drugi vatikanski koncil kao izvor koji je dao snažne poticanje za promicanje dostojanstva braka i obitelji i za zaštitu ljudskoga života. U nastavku predstavljaju, a na tragu koncilskih smjernica, nauk postkoncilskih papa sve do naših dana koji su se snažno zauzimali za zaštitu ljudskoga života od začeća do prirodne smrti te za promicanje i očuvanje dostojanstva braka i obitelji, promičući istovremeno vrijednosti koje iz toga proistječu. Ljudski život nepovrediva je vrijednost budući da u kršćanskom razumijevanju čovjeka njegova svetost i dužnost zaštite proizlaze iz činjenice da je stvoren na Božju sliku i priliku (usp. Post 1, 27). Bog je čovjeka stvorio slobodna i pozvao ga je na suradnički odnos u svijetu. Taj odnos upravo je poziv na odgovornost prema ljudskom životu pojedincima i ustanovama koje su dužne štititi i promicati ljudski život.Autori, stoga, u radu ističu važnost navještaja kršćanske vizije braka i obitelji povezane s prenošenjem i zaštitom ljudskog života u crkvenome pastoralnom djelovanju. Naglašavaju da Crkva kao brižna majka u svijest doziva temeljnu istinu o pozivu i poslanju obitelji kao svetištu života, upravo kao istinskome izvoru iz kojega se rađa život i kao školi potpunije čovječnosti. Poziv Crkve i obitelji u suvremenom svijetu jest promicanje kulture života, svetosti i nepovredivosti ljudskoga života u svim njegovim fazama razvoja. Iako je Crkva svjesna brojnih opasnosti koje danas prijete ljudskome životu, ona ipak ne prestaje buditi nadu i pozivati sve na odgovornost u promicanju i zaštiti ljudskog života. - In this work the authors expound on the historical and analytical synapsis of the Church’s advocation of the protection of life. First and foremost, they present the Second Vatican Council as the source which encourages the promotion of the dignity of marriage and family as well as the protection of human life. Next they present, on the basis of Council guidelines, the teaching of postconciliar popes up until and including our times who have strongly advocated for the protection of life from conception until natural death as well as the promotion and protection of the dignity of marriage and family, while at the same time promoting the values which flow from those principles. Human life is an unalienable greatness due do the Christian understanding that mans’ sacredness and right to life proceed from the fact that he is created in God’s image (Gen 1, 27). God created man with a free will and calls him to cooperate with him in the world. That relationship carries with it a call to responsibility toward human life and the institutions set up in order to protect and promote human life. The authors, then, highlight the importance of the proclamation of the Christian view of marriage and family connected with the communication and protection of human life in the pastoral activities of the Church. The authors accent the fact that the Church, as a caring mother, recalls into the conscience the basic truth of the vocation and mission of the family as the shrine of life, as well as the true fount from which life if born, and the true school of fuller humanity. The vocation of the Church as well as the family in our time is the promotion of the culture of life, namely the sanctity and invulnerability of human life in all its phases. Although the Church is aware of the many dangers which threaten life in our modern times, she still does not stop arousing hope, and calling everyone to the promotion and protection of human life.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 129-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brak -- Obitelj -- Crkva -- Kultura smrti -- Kultura života -- Ljudski život -- Ljudsko dostojanstvo -- Svetost života

ZURC, Joca
Ethical aspects of health and wellbeing of young elite athletes [Elektronička građa] : conceptual and normative issues / Joca Zurc.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - Sport and physical activities offer a sensitive environment where the values of humanity, human rights, empathy and fair play come to the fore. However, at the same time the competition nature of sport and the interest of winning at any cost represent a risks of harm, especially for young preadolescent athletes. Therefore, the need arises to identify the main ethical conceptual and normative issues of the top youth sport. Our critical review of possible risk factors and empirical findings of semi structured in-depth interviews with four top-level gymnastics’ coaches showed that achievements of children in sport are the result of multiple factors driven by the main force of the ethics of maximum behind. Gymnasts’ intrinsic motivation, pleasure to sport, persistent hard work, start at early age, and the role of parents are essential for success. However, the morality of the coach as a reflection of society values should be carefully considered in the future. - Sport i fizička aktivnost nude osjetljivo okruženje u kojemu se ističu vrijednosti čovječnosti, ljudskih prava, empatije i ferpleja. Međutim, istovremeno natjecateljska priroda sporta i interes za pobjeđivanje pod svaku cijenu predstavlja rizik štete, posebno za mlade predadolescentske atletičare. Stoga se javlja potreba za utvrđivanjem glavnih etičkih koncepcijskih i normativnih problema u vrhunskom sportu mladih. Naš kritički pregled mogućih faktora rizika i empirijskih pronalazaka u djelomično strukturiranim dubinskim intervjuima s četiri vrhunska trenera gimnastike pokazala su da su uspjesi djece u sportu rezultat višestrukih faktora poticanih glavnom silom etike maksimuma. Intrinzična motivacija gimnastičara, zadovoljstvo bavljenje sportom, ustrajni predan rad, rani početak i uloga roditelja ključni su za uspjeh. Međutim, moralnost trenera kao odražavatelja društvenih vrijednosti trebalo bi ubuduće pomno razmotriti. - Ein Kind gemäß den hohen ethischen Grundsätzen aufzuziehen ist das Ziel jeglicher Erziehung und Erwartung eines jeden Elternteils. Sport und körperliche Aktivitäten bieten ein sensibles Umfeld, in dem die Werte der Menschlichkeit, Menschenrechte, Empathie und des Fair Play in den Vordergrund rücken. Gleichzeitig stellen aber die Wettbewerbsnatur des Sports und das Interesse, um jeden Preis zu gewinnen, ein Schadensrisiko dar, namentlich für junge voradoleszente Sportler. Daher besteht die Notwendigkeit, die wichtigsten ethischen konzeptionellen und normativen Probleme des Spitzensports bei Jugendlichen zu identifizieren. Unsere kritische Überprüfung möglicher Risikofaktoren und der empirischen Befunde der halbstrukturierten Tiefeninterviews mit vier Spitzenturnen-Trainern zeigte, dass die Leistungen von Kindern im Sport das Ergebnis mehrerer Faktoren sind, die von der dahinter liegenden Hauptkraft der Ethik des Maximums getrieben werden. Die intrinsische Motivation der Turner, die Freude am Sport, die anhaltende harte Arbeit, der Start im frühen Alter und die Rolle der Eltern sind ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg. Die Moralität des Trainers als Spiegelbild gesellschaftlicher Werte sollte jedoch in Zukunft sorgfältig abgewogen werden. - Élever un enfant en accord avec des normes éthiques rigoureuses est l’objectif de toute éducation et de chaque parent. Le sport et les activités physiques offrent un environnement sensible où les valeurs humaines, les droits humains, l’empathie et le fair-play sont mis au premier plan. Cependant, la nature compétitive du sport et l’intérêt pour une victoire à n’importe quel prix présentent un risque de préjudice, spécialement pour les jeunes athlètes préadolescents. Ainsi émerge le besoin d’identifier les conceptions éthiques majeures et les problèmes normatifs dans le sport de haut niveau chez les jeunes. Notre examen critique des possibles facteurs à risques et les résultats empiriques des entretiens semi structurés et approfondis réalisés auprès de quatre entraîneurs de gymnastes de haut niveau ont montré que la réussite des enfants dans le sport est le résultat de multiples facteurs qui découlent de la principale force de l’éthique à conduire le sportif à son maximum. La motivation intrinsèque des gymnastes, la plaisir du sport, le travail assidu, les débuts à un âge précoce et le rôle des parents sont essentiels pour le succès. Cependant, la morale de l’entraîneur comme reflet des valeurs de la société devrait à l’avenir être considérée avec soin.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 341-358  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etika sporta -- Sport -- Razvoj talenta -- Djeca -- Sportska gimnastika

Fenomenologija odnosa nacionalnoga i kulturnoga identiteta u hrvatskom društvu [Elektronička građa] / Erik Brezovec.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 425-426. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je rada analizirati fenomenologiju međuodnosa nacionalnoga i kulturnoga identiteta u hrvatskom i prikazati načine na koje ukotvljenost nacionalnog i kulturnog identiteta u hrvatskom društvu generira percepciju pojedinca prema individualnom izričaju hrvatstva. Da bi se uopće moglo govoriti o ovom procesu bitno je definirati odnos kulturnoga i nacionalnoga identiteta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Taj odnos karakterizira dualnost utjecaja. Kulturni identitet bitna je sastavnica izgradnje nacionalnoga, koji određuje smjer kulturalne dinamike. Fenomenološka razina teorijske analize u fokus stavlja internalizaciju identitetskih sastavnica. Kako je svijest uvijek intencionalna, odnosno intendira predmet, valja proučiti načine shvaćanja izgradnje individualnog identiteta kroz zalihe koje se kolektivno pružaju. Takva vrsta konstrukcije, odnosno internalizacija kolektivnih pretpostavki, pretpostavlja relativnu neovisnost aktera u konstrukciji vlastite zbilje – pojedinac je slobodan formirati značenje, ali to značenje stvoreno je unutar određenoga konteksta i okvira. Taj kontekst na sebi svojstven način stvara esenciju znanja danu na raspolaganje. Osnovni problem sa znanjem nacionalnog i kulturnog identiteta jest taj da je to znanje omogućeno u dvije dominantne varijante. Pojedinac svoj identitet konstruira kroz varijantu zalihe znanja, dominantnu (ili dostupnu) kroz njegov život. Takav proces ostvarenja osobe disperzira nacionalni identitet. U fenomenološkom smislu, sama koncepcija Hrvata i hrvatstva na razini pojedinca pluralna je i dvosmisleno definirana. - This paper aims to analyse the phenomenology of the interdependence of national and cultural identity in Croatian society and present how the empowerment of national and cultural identity in the Croatian society generates an individual expression of being Croatian. To be able to speak about this process, it is essential to define the relationship between cultural and national identity in the Republic of Croatia. A duality of influence characterises this relationship. Cultural identity is an essential element of the construction of a national, which determines the direction of cultural dynamics. The phenomenological level of theoretical analysis of the mentioned phenomenon places the internalisation of the identity constituents into the focus. As consciousness is always intentional, or intent on an object, it is necessary to study the ways of understanding the building of an individual’s identity throughout the collectively provided stocks of knowledge. Such type of construction or internalisation of collective assumptions presupposes the relative independence of the actors in the construction of their reality. Relative independence as a term stems from the inability to separate the action from the structural frameworks on issues of identity. An individual is free to form the meaning, but that meaning is created within a particular context and frame. This context inherently creates the essence of available knowledge. The basic problem with the knowledge of national and cultural identity (in the broader sense of the culture) is that this knowledge is enabled in two dominant polar variants. An individual constructs his identity through a variety of knowledge supply, dominant (or accessible) through his life. Such a process of realising a person dispels a national identity. In the phenomenological sense, the very conception of Croats and being Croatian at the individual level is plural and ambiguous.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 415-426  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturni identitet -- Nacionalni identitet -- Nacionalizam -- Zbilja -- Svijest -- Smisao -- Dualnost

From Kant to contemporary ethics of sport [Elektronička građa] / Lev Kreft.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - The paper aims to establish a link between Kant’s ethics and the ethics of sport by connecting the concept of Anthropocene as the contemporary epoch during which natural history is becoming cultural history and the ethics of hope as presented in Kant’s The Critique of Judgement. The crucial moment in Kant’s argument is that choosing culture is the proper way of human progress towards civil society and cosmopolitan unity. Is sport this kind of culture? Can sport become an important moment in the contemporary ethics of hope? The answer is conditionally positive because there are obstacles present. Firstly, one of the reasons is that the modern Olympic sport was inaugurated to keep social conflicts in balance. That this purpose can be achieved suggests that the hierarchical order of excellence involved with sport competition should strengthen social hierarchies. Secondly, sport is one of the most popular and most profitable global entertainments, but it is governed by aristocratic elites with the enormous potential for the abuse of power. Thirdly, global sports organisations have a lot of political power hidden behind the Olympic mantra of the exclusion of politics from the sport. - Radom se nastoji uspostaviti veza između Kantove etike i etike sporta povezivanjem koncepcije anthropocena, kao suvremene epohe tijekom koje prirodna povijest postaje kulturnom povijesti, s etikom nade, kako je predstavljena u Kantovoj Kritici rasudne snage. Ključan je moment Kantova argumenta da je biranje kulture ispravan put ljudskog razvitka prema civilnom društvu i kozmopolitskom jedinstvu. Je li sport takva kultura? Može li sport postati važan moment u suvremenoj etici nade? Odgovor je uvjetno pozitivan jer postoje određene prepreke. Prvo, jedan je od razloga za to inauguriranje olimpijskog sporta u svrhe održavanja ravnoteže u društvenim sukobima. Da je takvo što ostvarivo sugerira nam da bi hijerarhijski poredak izvrsnosti u sportskom natjecanju osnažio društvenu hijerarhiju. Drugo, sport je jedna od najpopularnijih i najprofitabilnijih globalnih zabava, no njime upravlja aristokratska elita s iznimnim potencijalom za zloupotrebu moći. Treće, globalni organizatori sporta imaju mnogo političke moći skrivene iza olimpijske mantre o isključivanju politike iz sporta. - Das Paper zielt darauf ab, eine Verbindung zwischen Kants Ethik und der Ethik des Sports herzustellen, indem es die Konzeption des Anthropozäns als zeitgenössische Epoche, während welcher Naturgeschichte zur kulturellen Geschichte wird, und die Ethik der Hoffnung, wie sie in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft dargestellt wird, miteinander verknüpft. Das entscheidende Moment in Kants Argumentation ist, dass die Wahl der Kultur der richtige Weg des menschlichen Fortschritts zur Zivilgesellschaft und zur kosmopolitischen Einheit ist. Ist Sport eine solche Kultur? Kann Sport zu einem wichtigen Moment in der zeitgenössischen Ethik der Hoffnung werden? Die Antwort ist lediglich unter Vorbehalt positiv, da Hindernisse vorhanden sind. Erstens ist einer der Gründe dafür, dass der moderne olympische Sport ins Leben gerufen wurde, um soziale Konflikte im Gleichgewicht zu halten. Dass dieser Zweck erreicht werden kann, legt nahe, dass die hierarchische Reihenfolge der Spitzenleistungen im Sportwettbewerb die sozialen Hierarchien stärken würde. Zweitens ist Sport eine der beliebtesten und profitabelsten Unterhaltungsformen der Welt, die allerdings von aristokratischen Eliten mit einem enormen Potenzial für Machtmissbrauch beherrscht wird. Drittens haben globale Sportorganisationen hinter dem olympischen Mantra des Ausschlusses der Politik aus dem Sport reichlich politische Macht verborgen. - Cet article tente d’établir un lien entre l’éthique kantienne et l’éthique du sport à travers le concept d’Anthropocène, en tant qu’époque contemporaine au sein de laquelle l’histoire naturelle devient l’histoire culturelle, mais également à travers l’éthique de l’espoir, telle qu’elle est présentée dans la Critique de la faculté de juger de Kant. Le moment charnière de l’argumentation kantienne pose que la culture est le chemin de l’évolution humaine qui mène à la société civile et à l’unité cosmopolitique. Le sport est-il une culture de la sorte ? Le sport peut-il devenir un moment important au sein de l’éthique contemporaine de l’espoir ? La réponse est positive sous réserve d’un ensemble de conditions puisqu’il existe un certain nombre d’obstacles : premièrement, le sport olympique a été inauguré dans le but de maintenir les conflits sociaux en équilibre. Pour qu’un tel projet se réalise, cela suggère que l’ordre hiérarchique d’excellence dans la compétition sportive pourrait renforcer la hiérarchie sociale ; deuxièmement, bien qu’il soit régi par une élite aristocratique qui détient en son sein un énorme potentiel d’abus de pouvoir, le sport est l’un des divertissements mondiaux les plus populaires et profitables ; troisiè- mement, les organisations mondiales du sport possèdent un pouvoir politique qui se dissimule derrière les slogans olympiques qui revendiquent l’exclusion du politique dans le sport.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 253-265  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sport -- Etika nade -- Etika sporta -- Antropocen -- Kozmopolitizam -- Rasuđivanje
Kant, Immanuel


ZAJC Petranović, Matea
Genome editing and selection based on genes associated with sports athletic performance [Elektronička građa] : some bio-ethical issues / Matea Zajc Petranović, Julija Erhardt, Matija Mato Škerbić, Nataša Jermen, Petra Korać.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 335-339. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - In 2003 the final results of the Human Genome Project revealed the details of our genome: a set of information about how human beings look, how we act, feel, think and develop. Soon after, other global collaborations such as the HapMap project and 1000 Genomes Project were conducted. Although the main focus was to investigate the variability in human populations and the possible connections of certain variations to different conditions and diseases, these projects also had a great impact on the understanding of the genetic influence on sports performance. In parallel, improved methods for gene analysis and gene editing were developed. Based on those methods, it became possible to detect candidate genes responsible for different performance phenotypes and develop protocols similar to gene therapies for performance enhancement in athletes. This review covers developments in genetics, the overview of candidate genes associated with athletic performance, and ethical dilemmas related to the modification of genome for sport performance enhancement. - Projekt ljudskoga genoma završen je 2003. godine, a njegovi su rezultati otkrili dotada nepoznate detalje o našem genomu: skupinu informacija o tome kako ljudska bića izgledaju, kako djeluju, osjećaju, misle i razvijaju se. Uskoro su ostvarene i druge međunarodne suradnje poput projekta HapMap i Projekta 1000 genoma. Unatoč tomu što su primarno bili usmjereni na istraživanje varijabilnosti u ljudskoj populaciji, kao i moguće povezanosti različitih varijacija s različitim stanjima i bolestima, ti su projekti također znatno utjecali na razumijevanje utjecaja gena na sportski uspjeh. Usporedno su razvijene poboljšane metode genske analize i genskoga preinačavanja na temelju kojih je postalo moguće utvrditi kandidatske gene odgovorne za različite fenotipe uspješnosti u sportu te razviti protokole slične genskim terapijama za poboljšanje sportskih natjecateljskih performansi sportaša. Ovaj rad daje pregled razvoja u genetici, pregled kandidatskih gena povezanih sa sportskim natjecateljskim performansama te etičke dvojbe vezane uz preinačavanje genoma radi poboljšavanja sportskih natjecateljskih performansi. - Im Jahr 2003 enthüllten die endgültigen Ergebnisse des Humangenomprojekts die Details unseres Genoms: Eine Reihe von Informationen darüber, wie Menschen aussehen, wie wir handeln, fühlen, denken und uns entwickeln. Bald darauf wurden weitere weltweite Kooperationen wie das HapMap-Projekt und das 1000-Genome-Projekt in die Tat umgesetzt. Obgleich das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Variabilität der menschlichen Population und den möglichen Verquickungen bestimmter Variationen mit verschiedenen Zuständen und Krankheiten lag, übten diese Projekte auch eine große Wirkung auf das Verständnis des genetischen Einflusses auf die sportliche Leistung aus. Parallel dazu wurden verbesserte Methoden zur Genanalyse und Genbearbeitung entwickelt. Basierend auf diesen Methoden wurde es machbar, Kandidatengene zu detektieren, die für verschiedene Leistungsphänotypen verantwortlich sind, und Protokolle zu entwickeln, die Gentherapien zur Leistungssteigerung bei Sportlern ähneln. Dieser Aufsatz behandelt Entwicklungen in der Genetik, den Überblick über Kandidatengene im Zusammenhang mit sportlicher Leistung und ethische Dilemmata bezüglich der Modifizierung des Genoms zur Steigerung der sportlichen Leistung. - En 2003, les résultats finaux du Projet génome humain ont révélé les détails sur la structure de notre génome : un ensemble d’informations sur l’apparence physique de l’être humain, sur sa manière d’agir, de sentir, de penser, et de se développer. Peu de temps après, d’autres collaborations mondiales telles que le projet HapMap et le projet 1000 Genomes ont été menées à terme. Axés essentiellement sur la variabilité de la population humaine et sur les possibles liens de certaines variations avec différents états et maladies, ces projets ont toutefois eu un important impact sur notre manière de comprendre l’influence que les gènes exercent sur la performance sportive. En parallèle, des méthodes améliorées pour l’analyse du gène et la modification du gène ont été développées. Il est devenu possible sur la base de ces méthodes de détecter les gènes candidats responsables des différents phénotypes associés à la performance et de développer des protocoles similaires aux thérapies géniques afin d’améliorer les performances chez les athlètes. Cet article passe en revue les développements en génétique, donne un aperçu général des gènes candidats associés à la performance athlétique et des dilemmes éthiques liés à la modification du génome dans le but d’améliorer la performance sportive.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 323-340  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sport -- Sportska uspješnost -- Sekvenciranje gena -- Geni -- Etičke dileme

Neuroethics of sport [Elektronička građa] : neuroenhancement / Julija Erhardt.
Bibliografija: str. 315-320. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résume. - In the pursuit of perfection in a sport arena, with the help of sport science and its accompanying technologies, humans have been pushing up against the limits of their physical body. However, the limits of the human mind have not yet been fully explored. Although a vast majority of sports have a strong component of physical strength and skillfulness, they are tightly interwoven with perceptual and cognitive processes. The perfect performance requires the “perfect brain” and in the quest for excellence athletes are reaching for different means of neuroenhancement. Some of used enhancement methods are subject to doping control, but some of them are (still) out of regulatory boundaries. By integrating neuroscientific knowledge with ethical and social thought, the article will analyze different neuroenhancement approaches of these enhancement methods and related ethical issues. - U potrazi za savršenstvom u sportu, uz pomoć znanosti o sportu i pratećih tehnologija, ljudi pomiču granice svojih tjelesnih sposobnosti. Međutim, granice ljudskog uma još nisu u potpunosti istražene. Iako većina sportova ima snažnu komponentu tjelesne snage i vještine, oni su čvrsto isprepleteni s percepcijom i kognitivnim procesima. Savršena izvedba zahtijeva »savršeni mozak« i u potrazi za izvrsnošću sportaši posežu za različitim načinima neuropoboljšavanja. Neki od korištenih metoda poboljšanja podliježu dopinškoj kontroli, no neki od njih su (još uvijek) izvan regulatornih granica. Integriranjem neuroznanstvenih znanja s etičkom i društvenom misli, članak će analizirati različite primjere neuropoboljšavanja i povezane etičke probleme. - Im Streben nach Perfektion in der Sportarena stießen die Menschen mithilfe der Sportwissenschaft und der dazugehörigen Technologien an die Grenzen ihres physischen Körpers. Die Grenzen des menschlichen Geistes sind jedoch noch nicht vollständig erforscht. Obwohl die große Mehrheit der Sportarten eine starke Komponente der körperlichen Stärke und Geschicklichkeit aufweist, ist sie dicht mit den perzeptiven und kognitiven Prozessen verwoben. Die perfekte Leistung erfordert das „perfekte Gehirn“ und auf der Suche nach Spitzenleistungen greifen die Sportler nach diversen Mitteln des Neuro-Enhancements. Einige der verwendeten Steigerungsmethoden unterliegen der Dopingkontrolle, einige von ihnen sind jedoch (immer noch) außer halb der regulativen Grenzen. Durch die Integration vom neurowissenschaftlichen Wissen mit dem ethischen und sozialen Gedanken analysiert der Artikel unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen dieser Verbesserungsmethoden als auch die damit zusammenhängenden ethischen Fragen. - Étant à la recherche de la perfection dans l’arène sportive, et avec l’aide des sciences du sport et de ses technologies connexes, les hommes repoussent les limites de leurs capacités physiques. Toutefois, les limites de l’esprit humain n’ont pas encore fait l’objet d’une étude approfondie. Même si la majorité des sports requiert une forte composante de force physique et d’habileté, les processus de perception et de cognition y sont étroitement mêlés. La performance parfaite requiert « un cerveau parfait » et dans leur quête de l’excellence les athlètes recourent à différents moyens de neuro-amélioration. Certaines des méthodes d’amélioration utilisées sont soumises à un contrôle de dopage, alors que d’autres n’entrent pas (encore) dans les limites réglementaires. En intégrant la connaissance neuroscientifique à la pensée éthique et sociale, cet article va analyser les différentes approches de neuro amélioration de ces méthodes d’amélioration et les problèmes éthiques qui y sont liés.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 301-321  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sport -- Neuropoboljšavanje -- Neuroetika -- Neurodoping -- Digitalni terapeutici

Percepcija obiteljske komunikacije adolescenata i njihovih roditelja [Elektronička građa] : rezultati preliminarnog istraživanja / Maja Ljubetić, Ina Reić Ercegovac, Anita Mandarić Vukušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Interes znanstvene javnosti ne smanjuje se kada je u pitanju istraživanje kvalitete obiteljskog funkcioniranja, unutar obiteljskih odnosa, komunikacije i ostalih čimbenika koji (ne)omogućuju cjelovit i zdrav razvoj svih članova, a posebice djece i adolescenata. Provedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj ispitati percepciju obiteljske komunikacije i zadovoljstva obitelji od strane adolescenata i njihovih roditelja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 156 sudionika iz 49 obitelji sa šireg područja grada Splita, a provedeno je od listopada do prosinca 2019. godine. U istraživanju su, osim Upitnika demografskih podataka, korišteni Podskala obiteljske komunikacije i Podskala zadovoljstva obitelji iz FACES IV instrumenta. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili značajnu razliku u procjeni kvalitete komunikacije roditelja i adolescenata, pri čemu su je roditelji procijenili višom; nisu utvrđene razlike sudionika u procjeni zadovoljstva obitelji te je utvrđena značajna povezanost između komunikacije i zadovoljstva obitelji. - The interest of the scientific public is not diminished when it comes to the assessment of the quality of family functioning, inter-family relationships, communication and other factors that (do not) allow a complete and healthy development of all members, especially children and adolescents. The conducted research aimed to examine the perception of family communication and family satisfaction of adolescents and their parents. The research involved 156 participants from 49 families from the wider area of the city of Split, and was conducted from October to December of 2019. In addition to the Demographic Questionnaire, the survey used the Family Communication Subscale and the Family Satisfaction Subscale from the FACES IV instrument. The results of this research confirmed a significant difference in self-reported assessment of the quality of communication between parents and adolescents, with parents rating it higher; no differences were found between participants in assessing family satisfaction, and a significant correlation was found between communication and family satisfaction.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 279-293  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Adolescenti -- Komunikacija -- Roditelji -- Obitelj -- Obiteljski odnosi -- Zadovoljstvo

Robert Simon and the morality of strategic fouling [Elektronička građa] / Miroslav Imbrišević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 374-376. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - As sports have become more professional, winning has become more important. This emphasis on results, rather than sporting virtue and winning in style, probably explains the rising incidence of the Strategic Foul. Surprisingly, it has found some apologists among the philosophers of sport. The discussion of the Strategic Foul in the literature has produced subtle distinctions (e.g. Cesar Torres: constitutive skills versus restorative skills) as well as implausible distinctions (e.g. D’Agostino: ‘impermissible’ but ‘acceptable’ behaviour). In this paper I will review Robert Simons' defence of strategic fouling and conclude that his justification is not convincing. - Kako su sportovi postali profesionalniji, tako je pobjeđivanje postalo važnije. Naglasak na rezultatu, a ne na sportskoj vrlini i pobjeđivanju u stilu, vjerojatno objašnjava porast slučajeva strateških prekršaja. Iznenađujuće, među filozofima sporta postoje apologeti strateškog prekršaja. Rasprava o strateškom prekršaju u literaturi proizvela je tankoćutna razlikovanja (npr. Cesar Torres: konstitutivne protiv restorativnih vještina) i nevjerodostojna razlikovanja (npr. D’Agostino: ‘nedopušteno’, ali ‘prihvatljivo’ ponašanje). U ovom radu iznosim pregled obrane strateškog kršenja, autora Roberta Simona, te zaključujem da njegovo opravdanje nije uvjerljivo. - Je professioneller der Sport geworden ist, desto wichtiger wurde das Gewinnen. Diese Betonung der Ergebnisse und nicht der sportlichen Tugend und des Siegens mit Stil erklärt wahrscheinlich die zunehmende Häufigkeit des strategischen Fouls. Überraschenderweise hat das strategische Foulspiel unter Sportphilosophen einige Apologeten gefunden. Die Diskussion über das strategische Foulspiel in der Literatur hat subtile Unterscheidungen (z. B. Cesar Torres: konstitutive Fertigkeiten gegenüber restorativen Fertigkeiten) sowie unglaubwürdige Unterscheidungen (z. B. D’Agostino: ,unzulässiges‘, aber ,akzeptables‘ Verhalten) ergeben. In diesem Artikel bespreche ich Robert Simons Verteidigung des strategischen Foulens und komme zu dem Schluss, dass seine Rechtfertigung nicht überzeugend ist. - Avec la professionnalisation du sport la victoire a pris une importance grandissante. L’accent mis sur le résultat, et non sur la vertu sportive et sur la victoire obtenue avec élégance explique probablement l’incidence croissante des fautes stratégiques. Il est étonnant que parmi des philosophes du sport il existe des apologistes de la faute stratégique. Les débats sur les fautes stratégiques dans la littérature ont aussi bien produit de subtiles distinctions (p.ex. Cesar Torres : compétences constitutives contre compétences réstoratives) que des distinctions non plausibles (p.ex. D’Agostino : comportement ‘inadmissible’, mais ‘acceptable’). Dans cet article, je vais examiner le parti pris de Robert Simon pour la faute stratégique et montrer que sa justification n’est pas convaincante.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 359-377  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strateški prekršaj -- Sport -- Profesionalni sport -- Sportska vrlina
Simon, Robert


Sporting the glass jaw [Elektronička građa] : views on women in sports / Ana Maskalan.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - Sport is still understood as a traditional bastion of masculinity that exalts physical qualities such as strength and speed, and psychological traits such as aggression and perseverance, deeming women’s participation undesirable and unnecessary. Nevertheless, women for decades, in strict separation from men or within so-called “women’s sports”, were achieving results worthy of the attention of even the fiercest sceptics. Because of its nature founded in physicality, sport is still relatively seldom the area of political struggle for gender equality, although female athletes have occasionally done more for positive outcomes of that struggle than is acknowledged. In this paper, I discuss the ambivalent nature of sport contributing, on the one hand, to the essentialisation of genders in their differences and the petrification of power relations between them, and containing, on the other, indications of destruction or at least of corruption of the traditional, hierarchically established gender norms. The paper consists of four parts. In the first introductory part, I explain the reasons for concentrating my discussion on formalised competitive sports and approaches I am using. While emphasising the biopolitical aspects of the subject, I start my analysis with the description of a proclaimed guiding principles of contemporary sports contained in the spirit of Olympism. In the second part, I discuss the ontology of sport contained in the ideas of the founder of the modern Olympic Games Baron Pierre de Coubertin and the consequential factors influencing women ‘s participation in sports. These range from the perception of women’s allegedly debilitating physical and psychological traits, through hypersexualisation of female athletes’ body, or the attitude that it is not feminine enough, to the accusations that female athletes harm their health jeopardising, for example, the basic feminine duty – that of motherhood. - Sport wird nach wie vor als traditionelle Bastion der Männlichkeit verstanden, die körperliche Qualitäten wie Kraft und Geschwindigkeit sowie psychologische Merkmale wie Aggression und Ausdauer hervorhebt und die Beteiligung von Frauen als unerwünscht und unnötig erachtet. Nichtsdestotrotz erzielten Frauen jahrzehntelang in strikter Trennung von Männern oder in sogenannten „Frauensportarten“ Ergebnisse, die selbst die Aufmerksamkeit der schärfsten Skeptiker verdienen. Aufgrund seiner in der Körperlichkeit fundierten Natur ist Sport immer noch relativ selten ein Bereich des politischen Kampfes für die Gleichstellung der Gender, wenngleich Sportlerinnen gelegentlich mehr für positive Ausflüsse dieses Kampfes getan haben, als es anerkannt wird. In diesem Beitrag erörtere ich die zwiespältige Natur des Sports, die einerseits zur Verwesentlichung der Gender in ihren Unterschieden und zur Versteinerung ihrer Machtverhältnisse beiträgt und andererseits Hinweise auf Zerstörung oder zumindest Zerfall der traditionellen, hierarchisch festgelegten Gendernormen enthält. Das + Paper besteht aus vier Teilen. Im ersten einleitenden Teil erkläre ich die Gründe für die Konzentration meiner Diskussion auf formalisierte Leistungssportarten und Ansätze, die ich verwende. Während ich die biopolitischen Aspekte des Themas akzentuiere, beginne ich meine Analyse mit der Schilderung der proklamierten Leitprinzipien des zeitgenössischen Sports, die im Geiste des Olympismus einbegriffen sind. Im zweiten Teil gehe ich auf die Ontologie des Sports ein, die in den Ideen des Begründers der modernen Olympischen Spiele, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, enthalten ist, und auf die sich daraus ergebenden Faktoren, die die Teilnahme von Frauen am Sport beeinflussen. - Le sport est encore considéré comme le bastion traditionnel de la masculinité qui exalte les qualités physiques telles la force et la vitesse, mais également les traits psychologiques telles l’agressivité et la persévérance, où la participation des femmes est jugée indésirable et non nécessaire. Néanmoins, depuis des décennies, dans une stricte séparation des hommes ou dans les sports que l’on appelle « sports féminins », les femmes ont obtenu des résultats qui méritent l’attention du plus féroce des sceptiques. en raison de sa nature qui se fonde sur la corporéité, le sport est encore rarement l’objet de lutte dans le domaine politique pour l’égalité des genres, bien que les sportives féminines ont avec le temps d’avantages contribué dans ce domaine que ce qui leur est attribué. Dans cet article, je discute de la nature ambivalente du sport, d’un côté, de l’essentialisation des genres dans leurs différences et de la pétrification des relations de pouvoir entre eux, de l’autre côté, des indications de destructions qui y sont présentes, ou du moins de corruption, des normes de genre traditionnellement et hiérarchiquement établies. Ce travail est composé de quatre parties. Dans la partie introductive, j’explique les raisons de l’attention portée dans la discussion sur les sports de compétitions qui ont subi une formalisation et les approches dont je me sers. en mettant l’accent sur les aspects biopolitiques du sujet, je commence mon analyse par une description des principes proclamés comme principes directeurs du sport contemporain présents dans l’esprit de l’olympisme. Dans la deuxième partie, j’aborde l’ontologie du sport telle qu’on la trouve dans les idées du fondateur des Jeux olympiques modernes, Baron pierre de Coubertin, et des facteurs indirects qui ont influencé la participation des femmes dans le sport.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 2 ; str. 285-300  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sport -- Žene -- Olimpijski duh -- Rod -- Emancipacija
De Coubertin, Pierre


Vidi br.: HA20-00121

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21/29   Religijski sustavi. Religije i vjere

VIDOVIĆ, Marinko
"Za slobodu nas Krist oslobodi" (Gal 5,1) - [Elektronička građa] : poimanje slobode u Poslanici Galaćanima : (II.: Sloboda kao sloboda od Zakona) / Marinko Vidović.
Nastavak iz br. 1/2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Since the faith, and thus the freedom of the Galatians, is threatened by the attempt to return to the Law of Moses, relying on the biblical narrative of Abraham, Paul speaks of freedom as freedom from the Law of Moses. His basic claim is that the Law is not the beginning of the history of salvation, but Abraham’s faith, which relied on the promise of God. In this sense, the Law was added because of transgressions, because of the infancy of mankind; it was a supervisor in terms of the temporality and certain coercion of its subordinates and it was an enslaving force of which man had to be freed. This freedom was realized by God in Christ, who is the only true Abraham’s Descendant. Those who are in Christ have an Abrahamic relationship with God, a relationship of trust and reliance on the promise, a relationship of freedom which the Law did not serve but endangered it. Freedom is not realized under external compulsion, but by an inward commitment to God’s conduct, carried by his promise. In this part of the paper, in the Epistle to the Galatians we follow Paul’s thinking of the freedom God offers in Christ, which is based on the promise as the path to true freedom in responsibility. With Abraham as a model of God’s treatment of humanity and human response to God’s offer and promise, Paul defines freedom as freedom from the coercion of the Law. - Budući da je vjera, a time i sloboda Galaćana ugrožena pokušajem vraćanja pod Mojsijev zakon, oslanjajući se na biblijsko pripovijedanje o Abrahamu, Pavao progovara o slobodi kao slobodi od Mojsijeva zakona. Temeljna mu je tvrdnja da Zakon nije početak povijesti spasenja nego Abrahamova vjera koja se oslonila na Božje obećanje. U tomu smislu Zakon je bio nadodan radi prekršaja, radi maloljetnosti čovječanstva, bio je nadziratelj u smislu privremenosti i svojevrsne prisile svojih podložnika, bio je zarobljavajuća snaga od koje je trebalo osloboditi čovjeka. Tu je slobodu Bog ostvario u Kristu koji je jedini istinski Potomak Abrahamov. Oni koji su u Kristu ostvaruju abrahamovski odnos s Bogom, odnos povjerenja i oslanjanja na obećanje, odnos slobode kojemu Zakon nije služio nego ga ugrožavao. Sloboda se ne ostvaruje pod izvanjskom prisilom, nego nutarnjim opredjeljenjem za Božje postupanje koje je nošeno njegovim obećanjem. U ovomu dijelu rada slijedimo Pavlovo razmišljanje u Poslanici Galaćanima o slobodi koju Bog nudi u Kristu i koja je oslonjena na obećanje kao put ostvarenja istinske slobode u odgovornosti. S Abrahamom kao modelom Božjega postupanja sa čovječanstvom i ljudskog odgovora na Božju ponudu i obećanje, Pavao određuje slobodu kao slobodu od prisile Zakona.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 397-407  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obećanje -- Prisila -- Sloboda -- Vjera -- Zakon


VIDOVIĆ, Marinko
"Za slobodu nas Krist oslobodi" (Gal 5,1) - poimanje slobode u Poslanici Galaćanima [Elektronička građa] : (I.: sintagma u povijesnom kontekstu poslanice i kristološke vjere) / Marinko Vidović.
Nastavlja se. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polazeći od sintagme »za slobodu nas Krist oslobodi« (Gal 5,1) i stavivši je u kontekst nekih suvremenih poimanja slobode, autor u ovomu radu istražuje Pavlovo poimanje slobode na temelju Poslanice Galaćanima koja je označena kao Magna charta libertatis christianae. U prvoj cjelini rada smješta tu sintagmu u povijesni kontekst nastanka poslanice, iz čega je vidljivo da je njegov govor o slobodi posve određen konkretnim stanjem vjernika u galatskim crkvama, njihovom dilemom vraćanja pod Mojsijev Zakon pod utjecajem nekih vjerovjesnika koji su se ušuljali u crkve Galacije nakon Pavla. I to vrlo konkretno poimanje slobode izrasta ponajprije iz kristološke vjere o Božjem ostvarenju spasenja u Kristu. U tomu smislu može se reći da Pavao spasenjski učinak poruke evanđelja izražava pojmom »oslobođenje«, što je jedinstveno u Novomu zavjetu. - Starting from the syntagma »It is for freedom that Christ has set us free« (Gal. 5: 1) and putting it in the context of some contemporary ideas of freedom, in this paper the author explores Paul’s idea of freedom on the basis of the Epistle to the Galatians, which is designated as Magna Charta Libertatis Christianae. In the first part of the paper he places this syntagma in the historical context of the origin of the Epistle, from which it is evident that his speech on freedom is entirely determined by the specific state of believers in Galatian Churches, by their dilemma of returning to the Law of Moses under the influence of some heralds of faith who sneaked into the Churches of Galatia after Paul. And this very concrete idea of freedom springs up first of all from the Christological faith about God’s realization of salvation in Christ. In this sense, it can be said that Paul expresses the salvific effect of the gospel message by the term «liberation», which is unique in the New Testament.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 115-127  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkve -- Sloboda -- Vjera -- Židovstvo
Paulus, sanctus -- Pavao Apostol


VIDOVIĆ, Marinko
"Za slobodu nas Krist oslobodi" (Gal 5,1) - poimanje slobode u Poslanici Galaćanima [Elektronička građa] : (III.: sloboda kao status ne-robovanja i afirmativno opredjeljenje za) / Marinko Vidović.
Nastavak iz br. 2/2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Pokazavši da se sloboda i Zakon isključuju, Pavao u nastavku Poslanice Galaćanima pokazuje slobodu kao stanje ne-robovanja koje se ne može baštiniti po tijelu, nego koje Bog daruje svojim obećanjem (4,21 – 5,1). To su dva alternativna i nepomirljiva stanja čovječanstva. U argumentaciji toga stanja služi se tipološko-alegorijskim tumačenjem statusa dviju Abrahamovih žena i njihovim načinom rađanja. Slobodu veže uz one koji se oslanjaju na obećanje, uz Izaka koji je prefiguracija Jeruzalema odozgo, a ropstvo uz Hagaru i njezina sina Jišmaela, koja je prefiguracija zemaljskog Jeruzalema navezanoga na Sinajski savez. Tu argumentaciju zaključuje vjeroispovijesnom tvrdnjom da nas je Krist za slobodu oslobodio, ali da ta sloboda nije bez opasnosti, zbog čega se treba u njoj održati. Konkretiziruajući to stanje slobode u poticajnom dijelu Poslanice Galaćanima, slobodu prikazuje kao egzistiranje u Duhu, a njezinu oprečnost kao egzistiranje u tijelu. Sloboda se ostvaruje u oslonjenosti na Boga, u afirmativnom opredjeljenju za njegovo djelo spasenja u Kristu, a njezina je opreka život u udaljenosti od Boga i u oslanjanju na sebe i svoje mogućnosti. Sloboda mu nipošto nije slobodarstvo, nego je izraz služenja Kristovu gospodstvu, posljedica određenosti njegovim spasiteljskim djelom. U zaključku autor sažima rezultate istraživanja, ističući da se Pavlova sloboda ne može shvatiti u negativnom određenju slobode od, nego u pozitivnom određenju slobode za. Takva sloboda određena je uzajamnim služenjem, agapičnom ljubavlju, i najbolje se ostvaruje kao sloboda u slobodi od sebe samih i u otvorenosti drugima iz/u ljubavi. Ona ima i eklezijalnu, ali i kozmičku dimenziju. - Showing that freedom and the Law are mutually exclusive, Paul continues explaining in the Epistle to the Galatians that freedom is a status-state of nonslavery that cannot be inherited through the flesh, but which God bestows on his promise (4:21-5:1). These are two alternative and irreconcilable states of humanity. Paul’s argumentation of these states is based on a typologicalallegorical interpretation of the status of two Abraham’s wives and the ways their children were born. He binds freedom to those who rely on the promise, to Isaac, who is the prefiguration of Jerusalem from above, and slavery to Hagar and her son Ishmael, who is the prefiguration of earthly Jerusalem bound to the Sinai covenant. He concludes this argument with the confessional claim that Christ freed us for freedom, but that freedom is not without danger, which is why we should hold on to it. In concretizing this state of freedom in the stimulating part of the Epistle to the Galatians, he describes freedom as an existence in the Spirit and its opposition as an existence in the body. Freedom is realized in reliance on God, in an affirmative commitment to his work of salvation in Christ, and its opposition is a life away from God, and in reliance on yourself and your own abilities. Freedom is by no means libertarianism to him, but an expression of service to the lordship of Christ, a consequence of being determined by his saving work. In conclusion, the author summarizes the results of the research, pointing out that Paul’s freedom cannot be understood in the negative determination of freedom from, but in the positive determination of freedom for. Such freedom is determined by mutual service, agape love, and is best exercised as freedom in freedom from ourselves and in openness to others out of / in love. It has both an ecclesiastical and a cosmic dimension.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 625-640  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljubav -- Obećanje -- Sloboda -- Tijelo


A biblical theology of the baptism in the Holy Spirit [Elektronička građa] / Marko Juriček. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This article will discuss the issue of the baptisim of the Holy Spirit: what it is, how is it manifested, and what are its fruits. In the introduction, the problem and the questions pertaining to the Holy Spirit baptism are stated together with the thesis that will be tested. The thesis is that the baptism of the Holy Spirit biblically understood is a unique and unrepeatable event universal to all Christians, which happens instantaneously with salvation (when the believer is placed in Christ and joined to his body) and that this baptism is not marked by any immediate and special outward sign. First, this article will present different views on the doctrine of Holy Spirit baptism with historical developments of the views. Then it will deal with biblical data, focusing on all major passages. Special attention will be given to the Book of Acts, and “the second blessing” theology, which is the crux of the doctrine. Then the relation of hermeneutics and experience will also be discussed. Finally, the conclusion and the practical implications of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and biblical admonishments for the Christian life will be given. - Ovaj članak bavit će se krštenjem u Duhu Svetome: što ono zapravo jest, kako se manifestira i koji su njegovi plodovi. U uvodu je prvo iznesena problematika i pitanja koja se vežu uz temu krštenja u Duhu, zajedno s tezom koja će biti testirana. Teza je da je krštenje u Duhu Svetome biblijski najrazumljivije ako se shvati kao jedinstven i neponovljiv događaj, svojstven svim kršćanima, a koji se događa u trenutku spasenja te da ga ne prate nikakvi trenutni i izvanjski znaci. U prvom su dijelu članka prezentirani različiti pogledi na doktrinu krštenja u Duhu Svetome i njihovi povijesni razvoji. Tada se prelazi na analizu biblijskih podataka, a u fokusu su svi glavni odjeljci koji se bave tom temom. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na knjigu Djela apostolskih i teologiju „drugog blagoslova”, koja se nalazi u središtu debate. Zatim se raspravlja o odnosu hermeneutike i iskustva. Konačno, u zaključku daje se praktičan pogled na krštenje u Duhu te biblijski poticaj na kršćanski život.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 37-53  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duh Sveti -- Krštenje -- Biblijska teologija

A sustainable development concept in the light of the Kingdom of God [Elektronička građa] / Dalia Matijević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In searching for answers about the actual relation between two apparently incompatible concepts: the Kingdom of God and the Sustainable Development (SD), we will try to put them side by side and use respective comparative findings, in order to see if they can work together and possibly benefit from each other. The aim is to better understand future perspectives that are opening for the church within the contemporary context. The two concepts considered in this research, the Kingdom of God and SD, are never supposed to be separated. Although coming from different sources, using different languages, and springing out from different socio-political contexts, they tackle the same set of universal issues; both are eagerly anticipated, their fulfilment is of utmost importance, they both call for profound personal and communal transformation, both are powerfully creative and innovative, and both have the capacity to mobilize communities, peoples, and resources. The intersections between the SD and the Kingdom of God create opportunities for the church to practice shalom and to nurture hesed in the world by encouraging inclusiveness, lobbing for social justice, carrying for the poor and marginalized, and extending love and compassion onto the whole of creation, without losing its genuine identity. Within the SD framework, the role of the church is to make sure that nobody is left behind. The church might be the best part of the SD practice by persistently insisting on the same universal set of Kingdom values no matter how circumstances are changing. - Istražujući poveznice između dva naizgled inkompatibilna koncepta, Božjeg kraljevstva i održivog razvoja, pokušat ćemo ih promotriti paralelno, a dobivene rezultate iskoristiti tako da uvidimo mogu li se ova dva koncepta međusobno podržavati. Cilj nam je bolje razumjeti buduće perspektive koje se otvaraju pred Crkvom u suvremenom kontekstu. Dva, ovdje razmatrana koncepta nikad nisu niti trebala biti razdvojena. Iako dolaze iz različitih izvora, koriste drugačiji izričaj te izrastaju iz dva vrlo različita sociopolitička konteksta, oni se ipak bave istim univerzalno važnim pitanjima. Za oba koncepta vrijedi da se željno iščekuje njihovo ostvarenje, oba su od ključne važnosti, oba pozivaju na duboku osobnu i kolektivnu transformaciju, oba pretpostavljaju snažnu afirmaciju kreativnosti i inovativnosti, oba predmnijevaju značajan kapacitet mobiliziranja zajednica, ljudi i dobara. Preklapanja između održivog razvoja i Božjeg kraljevstva omogućavaju Crkvi da u svijetu praktično primjenjuje shalom i njeguje hesed, potičući i razvijajući duh prihvaćanja drugog, dosljedno lobirajući za socijalnu pravednost, brinući se o siromašnima i marginaliziranima te šireći ljubav i suosjećanje na Božje stvorenje u cjelini, ne ovaj put bez gubljenja svoga izvornog identiteta. U kontekstu praktične primjene načela održivog razvoja, uloga je Crkve osigurati da nitko ne bude izostavljen ili zanemaren. Crkva bi, zapravo, mogla biti najbolji dio prakse održivog razvoja, upravo svojim upornim inzistiranjem na istom skupu univerzalnih vrijednosti Božjeg kraljevstva, bez obzira na to kako se mijenjaju okolnosti.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 67-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Božje kraljevstvo -- Održivi razvoj -- Osobna transformacija -- Kolektivna transformacija

Biblijska teologija krštenja u Duhu Svetome [Elektronička građa] / Marko Juriček. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovaj članak bavit će se krštenjem u Duhu Svetome: što ono zapravo jest, kako se manifestira i koji su njegovi plodovi. U uvodu je prvo iznesena problematika i pitanja koja se vežu uz temu krštenja u Duhu, zajedno s tezom koja će biti testirana. Teza je da je krštenje u Duhu Svetome biblijski najrazumljivije ako se shvati kao jedinstven i neponovljiv događaj, svojstven svim kršćanima, a koji se događa u trenutku spasenja te da ga ne prate nikakvi trenutni i izvanjski znaci. U prvom su dijelu članka prezentirani različiti pogledi na doktrinu krštenja u Duhu Svetome i njihovi povijesni razvoji. Tada se prelazi na analizu biblijskih podataka, a u fokusu su svi glavni odjeljci koji se bave tom temom. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na knjigu Djela apostolskih i teologiju „drugog blagoslova”, koja se nalazi u središtu debate. Zatim se raspravlja o odnosu hermeneutike i iskustva. Konačno, u zaključku daje se praktičan pogled na krštenje u Duhu te biblijski poticaj na kršćanski život. - This article will discuss the issue of the baptisim of the Holy Spirit: what it is, how is it manifested, and what are its fruits. In the introduction, the problem and the questions pertaining to the Holy Spirit baptism are stated together with the thesis that will be tested. The thesis is that the baptism of the Holy Spirit biblically understood is a unique and unrepeatable event universal to all Christians, which happens instantaneously with salvation (when the believer is placed in Christ and joined to his body) and that this baptism is not marked by any immediate and special outward sign. First, this article will present different views on the doctrine of Holy Spirit baptism with historical developments of the views. Then it will deal with biblical data, focusing on all major passages. Special attention will be given to the Book of Acts, and “the second blessing” theology, which is the crux of the doctrine. Then the relation of hermeneutics and experience will also be discussed. Finally, the conclusion and the practical implications of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and biblical admonishments for the Christian life will be given.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 35-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duh Sveti -- Krštenje -- Biblijska teologija

Capetownski iskaz o predanju - graditi Kristov mir u podijeljenom i slomljenom svijetu [Elektronička građa] : biblijski pogled na pitanje naroda s posebnim osvrtom na hrvatski kontekst / David Kovačević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovaj članak osvrće se na pojam nacije iz biblijske perspektive analizirajući one naglaske koje ističe Capetownski iskaz o predanju, posebice u poglavlju „Graditi Kristov mir u podijeljenom i slomljenom svijetu“. Poseban osvrt bit će dan na temu nacije i nacionalizma u hrvatskom kontekstu. U prvome dijelu daje se uvod u tri temeljne teorije nacionalizma, u drugome dijelu analizira se svetopisamsko poimanje naroda. Nakon toga pozornost se usmjerava na dokument Capetownski iskaz o predanju i na tematiku izgradnje mira i pravde među narodima, a u zadnjem dijelu nudi se tumačenje odnosa naroda i nacionalizama u hrvatskom kontekstu iz rimokatoličke i evanđeoske perspektive. Cilj i svrha članka je analizirati biblijske i teološke naglaske dokumenta po pitanju nacije, dovesti ih u interakciju s drugim dokumentima i teološkim glasovima, i razumjeti njihovu primjenu unutar hrvatskog konteksta sa svrhom doprinosa evanđeoskom pokretu u Hrvatskoj u njegovoj misiji naviještanja Evanđelja u hrvatskom kontekstu. U članku se zaključuje kako postoje biblijski temelji koji pozitivno vrednuju egzistenciju naroda. Njih treba promatrati pozitivno iz perspektive Božjega stvaralačkog čina, negativno kroz prihvaćanje stvarnosti pada koji je utjecao i na egzistenciju naroda, te pozitivno iz perspektive Božje eshatološke budućnosti gdje i narodi imaju svoje mjesto.Ključne riječi. - This article looks at the notion of the nation from a biblical perspective by analyzing those emphases highlighted by The Cape Town Commitment, especially in its chapter “Building Christ’s Peace in a Divided and Broken World.” Special attention will be given to the topic of nation in the Croatian context. The first chapter gives an introduction to the three fundamental theories of nationalism, the second analyzes the biblical understanding of nations. In the third chapter attention is drawn to The Cape Town Commitment and theme of peacebuilding and justice among nations. In the last chapter the author brings interpretations of the nation and nationalisms in the Croatian context from a Roman Catholic and Evangelical perspective. The purpose of the article is to analyze the biblical and theological emphases of the document concerning the nation, to interact with other documents and theological voices, and to understand their application within the Croatian context in order to contribute to the evangelical movement in Croatia in its mission of proclaiming the gospel in the Croatian context. The article concludes that there are biblical foundations that positively value the existence of nations. They should be viewed positively from the perspective of God’s work of creation, negatively through the acceptance of the reality of the fall that affected the existence of nations, and again positively from the perspective of God’s eschatological future, where nations have their place.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 97-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nacija -- Nacionalnost -- Pomirenje -- Pravda -- Politička moć

GRACIN, Martina, teologinja
Discipleship in the context of judaism in Jesus’ time [Elektronička građa] : part II / Martina Gracin, Ervin Budiselić.
Nastavak iz br. 2/2019. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The usage of the terms “disciple” and “discipleship” are very common among Evangelical Christians and the meanings of these terms seem self-evident. However, although these circles adopted such language, it was already present in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ time. The purpose and the goal of this article is to analyze the concept of discipleship in its original context and see how much the meaning of this term is removed from the meaning that this term has today. This topic we will address in two parts. In the first part, we studied the Old Testament (OT) roots of discipleship and the Jewish educational system in Jesus’ time and analyzed whether Jesus himself, and in what measure, passed through that Jewish educational system and how and in what ways he used this model in the discipleship process of his disciples. In this part of the article, we will address the practice of discipleship in the first Church, and after that offer some guidelines on how to apply Jesus’ concept of discipleship in the Church today. The key focus of this article is the problematic of applying principles of discipleship that were present in the context of Jewish culture, on the Church today, since our analysis reveals that understanding of discipleship today does not correspond entirely to the understanding of that concept in Jesus’ time. Although discipleship then and now contained passing on information, it was more important to follow the rabbi and learn from him in a close relationship. It is concluded that a possible solution for this challenge must be sought first and foremost in the change of thinking about what discipleship truly is (change of focus), and then in the practice through mentoring or working in small groups purposefully expose both sides (both “teachers” and “students”) to the experience of teaching through example. - Upotreba pojmova „učenik“ i „učeništvo“ vrlo je uobičajena u evanđeoskom kršćanstvu, a značenje tih pojmova smatra se samo po sebi razumljivim. Međutim, iako je u tim krugovima došlo do svojevrsnog usvajanja ovih pojmova, oni su već ranije postojali i u židovskoj kulturi Isusova vremena. Svrha i cilj ovog je članka proučiti značenje koncepta učeništva u njegovu originalnom kontekstu i vidjeti koliko to značenje odudara od značenja koje ovi pojmovi imaju danas. Ovu ćemo temu obraditi u dva dijela. U prvome dijelu članka proučili smo starozavjetni korijen koncepta učeništva, sagledali židovski sustav obrazovanja u Isusovu vremenu, razmotrili smo je li i sam Isus, i u kojoj mjeri, prošao židovski sustav obrazovanja te kako i na koji je način primjenjivao taj model u poučavanju svojih učenika. U drugome dijelu članka prvo ćemo razmotriti praksu učeništva u prvoj Crkvi, a nakon toga ponuditi smjernice za primjenu Isusova koncepta učeništva danas u Crkvi. Ključan je fokus ovog članka na problematici prenošenja principa učeništva shvaćenih unutar konteksta židovske kulture na Crkvu danas budući da istraživanje otkriva kako suvremeno razumijevanje tog pojma ne odgovara načinu na koji se shvaćalo učeništvo Isusova doba. Naime, premda je učeništvo i tada sadržavalo prenošenje informacija, važnije od toga je bilo slijediti učitelja (rabina) i učiti od njega u bliskom odnosu. U članku se zaključuje da moguće rješenje za ovaj izazov treba potražiti prvo u promjeni razmišljanja o tome što učeništvo uistinu jest (promjena fokusa), a onda u praksi kroz mentorstvo i male grupe ciljano izložiti obje strane (i „učitelja“ i „učenika“) iskustvu poučavanja primjerom.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 35-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učeništvo -- Rabin -- Talmid -- Mentorstvo

Do you understand what you’re reading? [Elektronička građa] : lasting religious education as a response to the contemporary challenges in reaching the world for Christ / Mario Kushner ; translated by Davor Edelinski.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 17 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The fundamental thought of the Lausanne congresses and The Cape Town Commitment (TCTC) statement as the final product of the third congress, could be summarized by these words: “The Church needs to evangelize the world.” From that battle cry come the challenges of knowing the Gospel and mastering the skills necessary for implementing that plan. This article points out that both challenges can be overcome only through a consistent educational ministry within local fellowships of believers. - Temeljna misao Lausannskih kongresâ i Capetownskog iskaza, kao konačnog proizvoda trećeg kongresa, mogla bi se sažeti riječima “Crkva mora evangelizirati svijet”. Iz toga „borbenog pokliča“ proizlaze izazovi poznavanja Evanđelja i savladavanja vještinâ potrebnih za sprovođenje tog plana. Ovaj članak ističe da je oba izazova moguće savladati jedino kroz dosljednu službu obrazovanja unutar lokalnih zajednica vjernikâ.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 85-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkva -- Obrazovanje -- Evangelizacija -- Poučavanje

Does the Sermon on the Mount include an ecological message? [Elektronička građa] : a contribution to an ecological spirituality / Marian Machinek.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this article is to examine whether the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5–7) can be an inspiration for ecological spirituality. Jesus’ diagnosis of the human attitude (Matt 6:19–34), marked by an immoderate desire to possess and by excessive concern for the future, has not lost anything in its relevance. Changing this attitude might be possible through a renewed look at surrounding nature. The relationship to God will be a key element of Christian ecological spirituality. - Svrha ovoga članka je ispitivanje može li Govor na gori (Mt 5-7) biti inspiracija za ekološku duhovnost. Isusova dijagnoza ljudskog stava (Mt 6,19-34), obilježena neskromnom željom za posjedovanjem i pretjeranom zabrinutošću za budućnost, ni danas nije izgubila ništa u svojoj istinitosti. Promjenu ovog stava omogućio bi obnovljen pogled na okolnu prirodu. Odnos prema Bogu bit će time ključan element kršćanske ekološke duhovnosti.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 609-623  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antropocentrizam -- Egzistencijalna tjeskoba -- Ekologija -- Ekološka duhovnost

The evangelical movement in Austria from 1945 to the present [Elektronička građa] : a critical appraisal / Frank Hinkelmann.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - This essay examines the development of the Evangelical Movement in Austria from 1945 to the present. The history of the Evangelical Movement can be divided into four phases: The beginnings (1945-1961), which can be characterized above all by missionary work among ethnic German refugees of the World War II, a second phase from 1961-1981, which can be described as an internationalization of the Evangelical Movement especially through the work of North American missionaries. During this time new ways of evangelism were sought and also church planting projects were started. A third phase is characterized by a growing confessionalization and institutionalization of the Evangelical Movement. While free church congregation were increasingly taking on denominational contours, the evangelical movement as a whole began to increasingly establish its own institutions. The last phase since 1998 is characterized by the Evangelical Movement breaking out of isolation towards social and political acceptance. - Der Aufsatz untersucht die Entwicklung der Evangelikalen Bewegung in Österreich von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart. Dabei lässt sich die Geschichte der Evangelikalen Bewegung in vier Phasen einteilen: Die Zeit der Anfänge (1945-1961), die sich vor allem durch eine missionarische Arbeit unter volksdeutschen Flüchtlingen des Zweiten Weltkriegs charakterisieren lässt, einer zweiten Phase von 1961-1981, die sich durch eine Internationalisierung der Evangelikalen Bewegung vor allem durch nordamerikanische Missionare beschreiben lässt, in der neue Wege der Evangelisation gesucht und Gemeindegründungsprojekte begonnen werden. Die dritte Phase zeichnet sich durch eine wachsende Konfessionalisierung und Institutionalisierung der Evangelikalen Bewegung aus. Während die freikirchliche Gruppen zunehmend denominationelle Konturen annehmen, bilden sich innerhalb der Evangelikalen Bewegung in ihrer Gesamtheit zunehmend eigene Institutionen heraus. Die letzte Phase seit 1998 ist durch ein Auf- und Ausbrechen der Evangelikalen Bewegung aus einer Isolation hin zu einer gesellschaftlichen und politischen Akzeptanz charakterisiert.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 97-116  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evanđeoski pokret -- Povijesni pregled -- Kritička analiza

Franjevci u Senju [Elektronička građa] : od konventualaca do opservanata / Daniel Patafta. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 154-158. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Franjevački samostan u Senju osnovan je u 13. stoljeću kada upravitelji grada postaju Krčki knezovi, kasnije Frankopani. Franjevci su u to vrijeme nositelji obnove Crkve i njihova prisutnost u gradovima pokazuje da je određena sredina došla do određenog stupnja urbaniteta. S druge strane, franjevci u gradovima predstavljaju element koji pridonosi razvoju gradskog života u svim sferama. U članku se prati razdoblje od osnivanja franjevačkog samostana u Senju do početka 16. stoljeća. Povijest senjskog franjevačkog samostana prikazana je u kontekstu širih crkvenih i društveno-političkih odnosa na europskoj i lokalnoj razini. Utjecaj velikaške obitelji Krčkih knezova/Frankopana na širenje franjevaca i prijelaz pojedinih samostana iz konventualskog života u opservantski, u ovom slučaju samostana u Senju, prikazan je kroz procese na razini opće Crkve koji su se odražavali na prostoru srednje i jugoistočne Europe. Stoga je tema rada prikazati kako se u kontekstu društvenopovijesnih okolnosti dogodio prijelaz iz konventulaizma u opservanciju među senjskim franjevcima. Također je valorizirana uloga Krčkih knezova/Frankopana i njihovo pravo patronata nad mjesnom Crkvom kao temeljnih nositelja društvenog i političkog života na velikom prostoru njihove vlasti u kontekstu feudalnih odnosa srednjovjekovne Hrvatske. Na primjeru samostana u Senju može se vidjeti kako su promjene i procesi kroz tri stoljeća utjecali na ulogu samostana u životu određenog prostora, promjene u samom životu franjevaca koji napuštaju konzervativniji konventualski smjer i prihvaćaju strogo opsluživanje Pravila - opservanciju, utjecaj feudalnih velikaša na crkveni i politički život prostora kojim su vladali, a sve u okviru događanja na općoj europskoj i crkvenoj razini te na prostoru koji je činio neposredno zaleđe njihove državine. Početkom 16. stoljeća i prodorom Osmanlija uništene su sve srednjovjekovne institucije na području frankopanske vlasti. - The Franciscan monastery in Senj was founded in the 13th century when the Counts of Krk, later the Frankopans, became the administrators of the town. In that time the Franciscans were the coordinators of the restoration of the Church and their presence in the towns showed that a certain environment came to a certain degree of urbanity. On the other hand, the Franciscans in towns represented an element which contributed to the development of town life in all circles. The article follows the period from the founding of the Franciscan monastery in Senj up until the beginning of the 16th century. The history of Senj monastery is presented in the context of wider ecclesiastical and socio-political relationships, on the European and local level. The influence of the aristocratic family of the Counts of Krk/Fankopans on the spread of the Franciscans and the transition of individual monasteries from conventual life to the observant life, in this case the monastery in Senj, is shown through processes at the level of the general Church which were reflected in the area of central and southeast Europe. Therefore, the theme of the paper is to show how in the context of the socio-political circumstances there was a transition from conventualism to observation amongst Senj’s Franciscans. Likewise, the role of the Counts of Krk/Frankopans and their right of patronage in the local Church as the fundamental coordinators of the social and political life over the large area of their rule in the context of feudal relations of mediaeval Croatia is valorised. In the example of the monastery in Senj it can be seen how the changes and processes over three centuries influenced the role of the monastery in the life of the defined space, changes in the very life of the Franciscans who abandoned the more conservative conventual direction and accepted the strict servicing of the Rules.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 137-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Franjevci -- Samostan -- Konventualci -- Opservanti -- Osmanlije
Krčki knezovi Frankapani
Bosna Srebrena -- Bosna Hrvatska


HRBUD, Natali
Juraj Dragišić i kršćanski pisci u De natura caelestium spirituum quos angelos vocamus [Elektronička građa] / Natali Hrbud. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U dijalogu De natura caelestium spirituum quos angelos vocamus, objavljenom 1499. godine u Firenci, Juraj Dragišić spominje različite filozofske i teološke autore i njihova djela. Hrvatski znanstvenici u svojim radovima posvećenima Jurju Dragišiću spominju te autore i njihova djela (Martinović, Banić-Pajnić, Ćurko i dr.). Rad ima namjeru posvetiti veću pozornost kršćanskim autorima koje Dragišić koristi u svom dijalogu, po mogućnosti navesti većinu imena te pokazati koje od njih više spominje. Dakle, u radu se spominju i obrađuju, u kontekstu Dragišićeve rasprave o anđelima, uglavnom sljedeći kršćanski autori: Albert Veliki, Ambrozije, Anzelmo, Augustin, Beda, Boecije, Bonaventura, Pseudo-Dionizije Areopagit, Duns Skot, Grgur Nazijanski, Grgur Veliki, Henrik iz Ganda, Ivan Damaščanski, Ivan Zlatousti, Jeronim, Origen i Toma Akvinski. Navedeni se autori mogu podijeliti u dvije skupine: patrističke pisce i srednjovjekovne crkvene pisce. - In dialogue De natura caelestium spirituum quos angelos vocamus, published in 1499 in Florence, Juraj Dragišić mentioned different philosophical and theological authors and their works. Croatian scientists in their papers dedicated to Juraj Dragišić mention these authors and their work (Martinović, Banić-Pajnić, Ćurko i dr.). This paper intends to commit the majority of its attention to Christian authors mentioned by Dragišić in his dialogue, to list most of the referred names and show who does he mention the most. Thus, in this paper in the context of Dragišićʼs discussion on angels, the following authors are cited primarily: Albertus Magnus, Ambrose, Anselm of Canterbury, Augustine of Hippo, Bede, Boethius, Bonaventure, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Duns Scotus, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory the Great, Henry of Ghent, John of Damascus, John Chrysostom, Hieronymus, Origen and Thomas Aquinas. These authors can be divided into two groups: patristic writers and medieval Church writers.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 359-379  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Patristika -- Kršćanstvo -- Skolastika -- Angelologija -- Renesansa -- Srednji vijek
Dragišić, Juraj


Koncept održivog razvoja kroz prizmu Božjeg kraljevstva [Elektronička građa] / Dalia Matijević. - Graf prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Istražujući poveznice između dva naizgled inkompatibilna koncepta, Božjeg kraljevstva i održivog razvoja, pokušat ćemo ih promotriti paralelno, a dobivene rezultate iskoristiti tako da uvidimo mogu li se ova dva koncepta međusobno podržavati. Cilj nam je bolje razumjeti buduće perspektive koje se otvaraju pred Crkvom u suvremenom kontekstu. Dva, ovdje razmatrana koncepta nikad nisu niti trebala biti razdvojena. Iako dolaze iz različitih izvora, koriste drugačiji izričaj te izrastaju iz dva vrlo različita sociopolitička konteksta, oni se ipak bave istim univerzalno važnim pitanjima. Za oba koncepta vrijedi da se željno iščekuje njihovo ostvarenje, oba su od ključne važnosti, oba pozivaju na duboku osobnu i kolektivnu transformaciju, oba pretpostavljaju snažnu afirmaciju kreativnosti i inovativnosti, oba predmnijevaju značajan kapacitet mobiliziranja zajednica, ljudi i dobara. Preklapanja između održivog razvoja i Božjeg kraljevstva omogućavaju Crkvi da u svijetu praktično primjenjuje shalom i njeguje hesed, potičući i razvijajući duh prihvaćanja drugog, dosljedno lobirajući za socijalnu pravednost, brinući se o siromašnima i marginaliziranima te šireći ljubav i suosjećanje na Božje stvorenje u cjelini, ne ovaj put bez gubljenja svoga izvornog identiteta. U kontekstu praktične primjene načela održivog razvoja, uloga je Crkve osigurati da nitko ne bude izostavljen ili zanemaren. Crkva bi, zapravo, mogla biti najbolji dio prakse održivog razvoja, upravo svojim upornim inzistiranjem na istom skupu univerzalnih vrijednosti Božjeg kraljevstva, bez obzira na to kako se mijenjaju okolnosti. - In searching for answers about the actual relation between two apparently incompatible concepts: the Kingdom of God and the Sustainable Development (SD), we will try to put them side by side and use respective comparative findings, in order to see if they can work together and possibly benefit from each other. The aim is to better understand future perspectives that are opening for the church within the contemporary context. The two concepts considered in this research, the Kingdom of God and SD, are never supposed to be separated. Although coming from different sources, using different languages, and springing out from different socio-political contexts, they tackle the same set of universal issues; both are eagerly anticipated, their fulfilment is of utmost importance, they both call for profound personal and communal transformation, both are powerfully creative and innovative, and both have the capacity to mobilize communities, peoples, and resources. The intersections between the SD and the Kingdom of God create opportunities for the church to practice shalom and to nurture hesed in the world by encouraging inclusiveness, lobbing for social justice, carrying for the poor and marginalized, and extending love and compassion onto the whole of creation, without losing its genuine identity. Within the SD framework, the role of the church is to make sure that nobody is left behind. The church might be the best part of the SD practice by persistently insisting on the same universal set of Kingdom values no matter how circumstances are changing.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 67-93  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Božje kraljevstvo -- Održivi razvoj -- Osobna transformacija -- Kolektivna transformacija

BOHALL, Jeremy
Making disciples in Croatia [Elektronička građa] : part II / Jeremy Bohall.
Nastavak iz br. 2/2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 22 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This project explores how the Evangelical Pentecostal Church (EPC) in Croatia is making disciples of Jesus Christ today. The goal is to demonstrate that despite the worldwide and local deficit in effective disciple making, the EPC has the resources and potential to live in obedience to the Great Commission. This has been shown by looking at the historical definition of a disciple, exegeting Matthew 28:16-20, exploring the proper context of disciple-making, and interviewing several members of the EPC. Upon examination, while there are multiple causes for the lack of disciples in Croatia, the primary problem is that of what will be called naive disobedience. It will be argued that local churches in the EPC have not been taught how to properly make disciples. By presenting the importance of teaching, relationships, and practicing the spiritual disciplines, it will be demonstrated that a solution to the lack of disciple-making exists within the EPC. - Ovaj projekt istražuje kako Evanđeoska pentekostna crkva (EPC) danas u Hrvatskoj podiže učenike Isusa Krista. Cilj je pokazati da, unatoč smanjenoj učinkovitosti stvaranja i slanja Kristovih učenika, kako u svijetu tako i na lokalnoj razini, EPC ipak raspolaže znatnim resursima i potencijalom da i nadalje poslušno ispunjava Veliko poslanje. To se ovdje pokazuje kroz razmatranje teksta Matej 28,16-20 i pripadajuće povijesne definicije Kristova učenika, istraživanjem izvornog konteksta učeništva te kroz razgovor s nekoliko članova EPC-a. Kao rezultat ovog istraživanja, prepoznajem nekoliko razloga za značajno smanjen broj novih Kristovih učenika u Hrvatskoj, no kao primarni problem ipak se ističe pojava koju ćemo ovdje biti slobodni nazvati naivna neposlušnost. Ustvrdit ću da lokalne crkve u sustavu EPC-a nisu primjereno poučene kako na pravilan način podizati Kristove učenike. Ukazivanjem na važnost kvalitetnog poučavanja, gradnje odnosa i prakticiranja duhovnih disciplina, namjera mi je pokazati da unutar EPC-a postoji rješenje za problem nedovoljno učinkovitog učeništva.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kristov učenik -- Učeništvo -- Poslušnost -- Veliko poslanje
Evanđeoska pentekostna crkva


Neki ključni vidici selilaštva i izbjeglištva u Svetom pismu [Elektronička građa] / Niko Bilić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kako Biblija gleda na suvremenu europsku temu migracija? Nakon napomene o hodočasničkom značaju Božjega naroda, Abraham (Post 12) upozorava na blagoslivljanje kao svrhu, a odmak od oholosti i nerazumijevanja kao uzrok migracije. Jakovljev primjer ističe povratak (Post 35) koji, nakon osobne lustracije, obnavlja izvorni nacrt čovjeka iz Post 1. Selilaštvo i izbjeglištvo Svete Obitelji pokazuje napokon da se i u tom otkriva način kako prihvatiti Otkupitelja.. - In exploring the biblical approach to the issue of migrants and refugees, this paper first ascertains that the character of the People of God is that of the pilgrim. The examples of Abraham (Gen. 12) and St. Joseph in the New Testament point out the need for spiritual discernment in recognizing a genuine call from God. Thus, the purpose of the migration is to bring blessings to the peoples, and the cause of the migration is the need to leave behind pride and misunderstanding, the biblical tower of Babel. The path of migration taken by Jacob renders his return essential (Gen. 35). His migration is explained as a personal purification process, conversion and reconciliation with God and his brother Esau, which enables Jacob to adopt the original concept from Genesis 1 as God’s creation. The Holy Family in the role of the migrant family highlights the task of the father and his need to protect his family. Their experience ensures that migration is one possible way to accept the Redeemer and to follow in his path.
U: Obnovljeni život (Online). - ISSN 1849-0182. - 75 (2020), 1 ; str. 9-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Migracije -- Sveta Obitelj
Isusovačka služba za izbjeglice


Onkraj nauka kršćanskoga [Elektronička građa] : austrijski katekizam u hrvatskoj književnoj kulturi 18. stoljeća i Kantova misao prosvjetiteljstva / Ivana Mikulić, Željko Senković.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 684-686. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Hrvatska je književna kultura u 18. stoljeću obilježena stilskim pluralizmom, s tim da se najčešće ističe njezin prosvjetiteljski karakter s naglašenom didaktičkom (odgojnom, moralističkom, katoličkom) i utilitarističkom dimenzijom. Austrijski katekizam temeljna je knjiga školskog vjeronauka od 1777. do 1847. godine u cijeloj Habsburškoj Monarhiji te ima važnu ulogu u odgoju djece, ali i cijele obitelji, odnosno društvene zajednice u duhu jozefinističke politike. Navedena tematika razmatra se u perspektivi Immanuela Kanta kojemu je bilo važno istaknuti opasnosti u koje fetišizacija crkvenih normi može voditi te razviti kritičke momente slobode i odgoja. Izostanak prosvjetiteljstva u hrvatskim zemljama Habsburške Monarhije kompleksno je uvjetovan: od religijskog otpora promjenama u društvenom i političkom smislu, do zaostalosti i neobrazovanosti velikog dijela stanovništva, što je odgovaralo hrvatskom plemstvu i kleru. - Croatian literary culture of the 18th century is marked by stylistic pluralism, considering that its Enlightenment character and its didactic (educational, moralistic and Catholic) and utilitaristic dimensions are emphasized the most. Austrian catechism was the fundamental book of school religious education from 1777 until 1847 in the whole Habsburg Monarchy, and it played an important role in the upbringing of children, but also of the entire family and social community in the spirit of Josephine politics. This topic is viewed from the perspective of Immanuel Kant who found it important to emphasise the dangers to which the fetishisation of ecclesiastical norms can lead to, i.e. to hinder the development of critical moments of liberty and upbringing. The absence of Enlightenment period in Croatian countries of the Habsburg Monarchy is complexly conditioned: from religious resistance and changes in a social and political sense to stagnancy and lack of education of a large part of the population, altogether favourable to the Croatian nobility and clergy.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 669-686  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modernizacija -- Austrijski katekizam -- Obitelj -- Odgoj -- Prosvjetiteljstvo -- Kršćanstvo
Kant, Immanuel


BERKOVIĆ, Danijel, teolog
Osobno i privatno u pobožnosti biblijskog psalmista kao pojedinca [Elektronička građa] / Danijel Berković, Dean Slavić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom se radu promišlja korelacija pojmova osobno i privatno u kontekstu osobne i privatne pobožnosti biblijskog psalmista. Elementi antropologije (srce, duša, lice) ovdje zauzimaju prvorazredno mjesto, posebno uvidom u biblijsko korištenje pojmova lice i duša (פנה i נפש) (panah i nefeš), što uvelike korenspodira grčkom pojmu προσοπων (prosopon) – osoba, persona (engl. person). Autori ustrajavaju na distinkciji pojmova osobno i privatno, ali prepoznaju uzajamnost i međuovisnost para: osobno - privatno. Primjereno ovom radu, autori se referiraju i na tekst svetog Pavla u njegovoj Himni ljubavi (1 Kor 13), gdje se zorno ističu aspekti osobnog i privatnog u dvojakoj ulozi, kako pasivnog tako i aktivnog aspekta pojedinca (subjekta). Rasprava rada slijedi mnogogodišnje diskusije i propitkivanja vezane uz distinkciju osobnosti i privatnosti, ali dodaje i svoj obol glede osobe i osobnosti, subjekta i subjektivnosti, ovdje u kontekstu biblijskog psalmista. - The work discusses a correlative relationship between the notions of the personal and the private in the context of biblical psalmist’s piety. Elements of anthropology (heart, soul, face) will obtain considerable importance, particularly the ideas of face and soul (פנה and נפש). These will be corresponding to the Greek idea of προσοπων (prosopon), person. The authors will insist on the distinction between the ideas of personal and private, but they will also recognize the interdependence of these ideas, in recognition that the individual and the societal, are both contributions in the building of the subject as the self. In Paul’s Hymn to Love (1 Cor. 13) the complementary nature between the personal and the private is evident. There we find both passive and active subject’s role claiming this double aspect of the human subject - personal and private. Discussion in this work follows long-term debates over the nature of the subject, its personality, and its privacy.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 53-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psalmist -- Osoba -- Osobno -- Privatno

BERKOVIĆ, Danijel, teolog
The personal and the private in the piety of the biblical psalmist [Elektronička građa] / Danijel Berković, Dean Slavić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The work discusses a correlative relationship between the notions of the personal and the private in the context of biblical psalmist’s piety. Elements of anthropology (heart, soul, face) will obtain considerable importance, particularly the ideas of face and soul (פנה and נפש). These will be corresponding to the Greek idea of προσοπων (prosopon), person. The authors will insist on the distinction between the ideas of personal and private, but they will also recognize the interdependence of these ideas, in recognition that the individual and the societal, are both contributions in the building of the subject as the self. In Paul’s Hymn to Love (1 Cor. 13) the complementary nature between the personal and the private is evident. There we find both passive and active subject’s role claiming this double aspect of the human subject - personal and private. Discussion in this work follows long-term debates over the nature of the subject, its personality, and its privacy. - U ovom se radu promišlja korelacija pojmova osobno i privatno u kontekstu osobne i privatne pobožnosti biblijskog psalmista. Elementi antropologije (srce, duša, lice) ovdje zauzimaju prvorazredno mjesto, posebno uvidom u biblijsko korištenje pojmova lice i duša (פנה i נפש) (panah i nefeš), što uvelike korenspodira grčkom pojmu προσοπων (prosopon) – osoba, persona (engl. person). Autori ustrajavaju na distinkciji pojmova osobno i privatno, ali prepoznaju uzajamnost i međuovisnost para: osobno - privatno. Primjereno ovom radu, autori se referiraju i na tekst svetog Pavla u njegovoj Himni ljubavi (1 Kor 13), gdje se zorno ističu aspekti osobnog i privatnog u dvojakoj ulozi, kako pasivnog tako i aktivnog aspekta pojedinca (subjekta). Rasprava rada slijedi mnogogodišnje diskusije i propitkivanja vezane uz distinkciju osobnosti i privatnosti, ali dodaje i svoj obol glede osobe i osobnosti, subjekta i subjektivnosti, ovdje u kontekstu biblijskog psalmista.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 55-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psalmist -- Osoba -- Osobno -- Privatno

BOHALL, Jeremy
Podizanje Kristovih učenika u Hrvatskoj : [Elektronička građa] : II. dio / Jeremy Bohall ; s engleskog preveo Davor Edelinski.
Nastavak iz br. 2/2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovaj projekt istražuje kako Evanđeoska pentekostna crkva (EPC) danas u Hrvatskoj podiže učenike Isusa Krista. Cilj je pokazati da, unatoč smanjenoj učinkovitosti stvaranja i slanja Kristovih učenika, kako u svijetu tako i na lokalnoj razini, EPC ipak raspolaže znatnim resursima i potencijalom da i nadalje poslušno ispunjava Veliko poslanje. To se ovdje pokazuje kroz razmatranje teksta Matej 28,16-20 i pripadajuće povijesne definicije Kristova učenika, istraživanjem izvornog konteksta učeništva te kroz razgovor s nekoliko članova EPC-a. Kao rezultat ovog istraživanja, prepoznajem nekoliko razloga za značajno smanjen broj novih Kristovih učenika u Hrvatskoj, no kao primarni problem ipak se ističe pojava koju ćemo ovdje biti slobodni nazvati naivna neposlušnost. Ustvrdit ću da lokalne crkve u sustavu EPC-a nisu primjereno poučene kako na pravilan način podizati Kristove učenike. Ukazivanjem na važnost kvalitetnog poučavanja, gradnje odnosa i prakticiranja duhovnih disciplina, namjera mi je pokazati da unutar EPC-a postoji rješenje za problem nedovoljno učinkovitog učeništva. - This project explores how the Evangelical Pentecostal Church (EPC) in Croatia is making disciples of Jesus Christ today. The goal is to demonstrate that despite the worldwide and local deficit in effective disciple making, the EPC has the resources and potential to live in obedience to the Great Commission. This has been shown by looking at the historical definition of a disciple, exegeting Matthew 28:16-20, exploring the proper context of disciple-making, and interviewing several members of the EPC. Upon examination, while there are multiple causes for the lack of disciples in Croatia, the primary problem is that of what will be called naive disobedience. It will be argued that local churches in the EPC have not been taught how to properly make disciples. By presenting the importance of teaching, relationships, and practicing the spiritual disciplines, it will be demonstrated that a solution to the lack of disciple-making exists within the EPC.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kristov učenik -- Učeništvo -- Poslušnost -- Veliko poslanje
Evanđeoska pentekostna crkva


Pojam učeništva u Capetownskom iskazu o predanju : [Elektronička građa] / teološki osvrt / Ervin Budiselić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Dokument Capetownski iskaz o predanju jedan je od važnijih dokumenata evanđeoskog kršćanstva koji sažeto progovara o mnogim temama. Jedna od tih tema je i učeništvo. Članak se osvrće na spomen teme učeništva u dokumentu te u nastavku nudi teološki osvrt na temu sadržaja i važnosti učeništva za današnje evanđeosko kršćanstvo. Nakon uvoda i prvog dijela, u kojem se adresira tema učeništva u Capetownskom iskazu, u nastavku članka nudi se teološki osvrt na temu učeništva. Drugi dio članka nudi raspravu o sadržaju i formi učeništva, dok se u trećem dijelu pojašnjava važnost učeništva, ustvrđujući kako je učeništvo (Mt 28) način ostvarivanja izvornoga stvaralačkog blagoslova obećanog Abrahamu u Postanku 12. U zaključku članka ističe se da, ako želimo ozbiljno uzeti temu učeništva iz Capetownskog iskaza o predanju, onda bismo trebali: a) razumjeti kako učeništvo nije „slobodna aktivnost“, već sredstvo kojim Bog želi proširiti svoj otkupiteljski blagoslov svim narodima; b) u naše crkve i teološke institucije vratiti poučavanje primjerom jer su broj crkvenih ili akademskih aktivnosti dio učeništva, ali ne smiju biti zamjena za pouku primjerom; c) otkupiti pojam „kršćanin“ na način da taj pojam bude rezerviran za one koji su „učenici“. - The Cape Town Commitment: A Confession of Faith and a Call to Action is one of the significant documents of evangelical Christianity that briefly addresses many important topics; one of such topics is discipleship. This article traces the theme of discipleship in the document and offers a theological reflection on the content and form of discipleship for contemporary evangelical Christianity. After the first part where the topic of discipleship is addressed, the article continues to offer a theological reflection on the topic of discipleship. Hence, the second part discusses the content and the form of discipleship. While the third part explains the importance of discipleship arguing that discipleship (Matthew 28) is the channel through which God realizes the return of the original creational blessing that was promised to Abraham in Genesis 12. In the conclusion it is pointed out that if we want to take the topic of discipleship from The Cape Town Commitment seriously, the following is needed: a) to understand that discipleship is not an after-school or extracurricular activity but a channel through which God wants to spread his redemptive blessing to all nations; b) in our local churches and academic institutions we need to return teaching by example, because various church or educational activities are part of the discipleship but they are not a supplement for teaching by example; c) to redeem the term “Christian” in a way that this term is only used for those who are “disciples.”.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 19-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evanđeosko kršćanstvo -- Učeništvo -- Rabin -- Teološka analiza

Postsecularism and contemporary spirituality [Elektronička građa] / Karol Jasiński.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The author of the article attempted to define the character of contemporary, new form of spirituality and show its connections with religion. The appearance of a new kind of spirituality is the result of processes taking place in social life. On the one hand, it is marked by secularization and secularism, on the other, it is desecularization and post-secularism. The analyzes were based on the belief that a new spirituality alone is insufficient in the life of a particular man, but it must find a complement to some religion. The article consists of three parts. In the first one the following phenomena were discussed: secularization, secularism, post-secularism. The second part analyzes the phenomenon of new spirituality. In the third, however, attention was drawn to the issue of religion, the traditional understanding of spirituality and the nature of the relationship between religion and spirituality. - Autor članka je pokušao definirati karakter suvremenog, novog oblika duhovnosti i pokazati njezinu povezanost s religijom. Pojava nove duhovnosti rezultat je procesa koji se odvijaju u društvenom životu. S jedne strane je duhovnost obilježena sekularizacijom i sekularizmom, a s druge strane desekularizacijom i postsekularizmom. U radu se polazi od pretpostavke da nova duhovnost sama po sebi nije dovoljna u čovjekovu životu, već on ima stalnu potrebu njezina nadograđivanja na različitim dimenzijama religije. Članak se sastoji od tri dijela. U prvom dijelu se raspravlja o sljedećim pojavama: sekularizacija, sekularizam, postsekularizam. Drugi dio analizira fenomen nove duhovnosti. U trećem dijelu se pitanje religije pokušava kontekstualizirati kroz tradicionalno razumijevanje duhovnosti, a potom i odrediti kao dio prirodnog, ponekad i paradoksalnog, odnosa religije i duhovnosti.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 5-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhovnost -- Individualizam -- Sekularizacija -- Postsekularizam -- Religija

Prema kontekstualnom proročkom propovijedanju [Elektronička građa] / Filip Grujić ; prevela s engleskog Ivana Balint Feudvarski.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ovaj je tekst rasprava o proročkom propovijedanju definiranom u okviru homiletike. Iznosi teološki i praktičan prikaz ovoga stila propovijedanja, dok aktivno traži način da ga kontekstualizira u hrvatskim okolnostima. Tekst nudi nekoliko odgovora na pitanje: Što je proročko propovijedanje te kako i zašto se ono provodi? Ujedno služi kao izazov i početak rasprave o proročkom propovijedanju u hrvatskom kontekstu. Dok Crkva u okruženju, koje je sve više poslijekršćansko, traži načine komuniciranja Evanđelja sa širom društvenom zajednicom, svjesna da polako gubi svoj povlašteni položaj, čini se važnim ponovno pronaći taj proročki glas koji ljude i institucije moći poziva da se pomire s Bogom i da na ljudska bića počnu gledati kao na svoje bližnje, a ne kao na sredstva. - This text is a discussion about prophetic preaching as defined in the boundaries of homiletics. It offers both a theological and practical presentation of this preaching style actively seeking a way to contextualize it in Croatian setting. It offers some answers to the question: What is prophetic preaching and how and why it is done? It also serves as a challenge and the beginning of the discussion on prophetic preaching in Croatian context. As the Church in a growing post-Christian setting seeks ways to communicate the Gospel with the wider society aware that it is slowly losing its privileged footing it seems important to find again the prophetic voice which calls people and institutions of power to get right with God and see human beings as neighbors and not means.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 73-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proročko propovijedanje -- Homiletika -- Društvena pravda -- Crkva -- Misija -- Pravednost

DA-DON, Kotel
Pripovijest o Davidu i Bat-Šebi prema rabinskoj literaturi [Elektronička građa] / Kotel DaDon.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor uz pomoć rabinske literature analizira jednu od najzanimljivijih pripovijesti iz Biblije, onu o kralju Davidu i Bat-Šebi. Kralj David bio je vladar, duhovni vođa, pjesnik koji je spjevao Psalme, velik poznavatelj Tore, začetnik židovske kraljevske dinastije, a prema židovskoj tradiciji, jedan od njegovih potomaka bit će čak i Mesija. No, prema biblijskoj pripovijesti, očito je da je David teško griješio, počinivši grijeh preljuba i umorstva nedužna čovjeka. Takvi grijesi ne odgovaraju slici koju imamo o njemu. Rad nastoji na temelju rabinske literature objasniti što se zapravo dogodilo u ovoj pripovijesti. Je li kralj David doista tako sagriješio? Nakon uvoda slijedi biblijska pripovijest, a potom tumačenje Mudraca o vezi kralja Davida i Bat-Šebe te rasprava o odnosu Urije i Bat-Šebe i o pitanju preljuba. Slijedi analiza grijeha i kazne te raznih pitanja koja nastaju kao posljedica toga grijeha. U svom istraživanju autor se služi raznovrsnim izvorima rabinske književnosti, koji su nastajali od vremena Talmuda, preko srednjega vijeka sve do modernih vremena. Velik dio te literature prvi se put ovdje objavljuje u autorovu prijevodu s hebrejskoga i aramejskog jezika na hrvatski jezik. - In this article the author analyses one of the most interesting stories in the Bible, the affair of King David and Bat-Sheba according to sources from rabbinic literature. King David was a king, a spiritual lider, composer of Psalms, a great Torah scholar, the progenitor of the Jewish kingly dynasty and, according to the Jewish tradition, even the Messiah is supposed to be his descendant. However, according to the biblical story, David sinned severely. He committed sins of adultery and murder of an innocent, sins that don’t fit his image. The main task of this work is to explain, based on rabbinic literature, what exactly happened. Did king David fall from heavenly hights into a deep pit? The first part of the article consists of a general introduction, followed by a review of the biblical episode. The central part of this article is the Sages’ interpretation of king David and Bat Sheba affair, discussing the relationship between Uriah and Bat Sheba and the question of the adultery, followed by an analysis of the sin and punishment and various questions it raises. The author uses many sources from the rabbinical literature since Talmudic times through the middle Ages until modern times. Much of this literature is translated into Croatian from Hebrew and Aramaic for the first time by the author.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 375-396  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Židovi -- Rabinska literatura -- Književni likovi -- Književna analiza

Razumiješ li to što čitaš? [Elektronička građa] : trajno crkveno obrazovanje kao odgovor na suvremene izazove evangelizacije svijeta / Mario Kushner.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Temeljna misao Lausannskih kongresâ i Capetownskog iskaza, kao konačnog proizvoda trećeg kongresa, mogla bi se sažeti riječima “Crkva mora evangelizirati svijet”. Iz toga „borbenog pokliča“ proizlaze izazovi poznavanja Evanđelja i savladavanja vještinâ potrebnih za sprovođenje tog plana. Ovaj članak ističe da je oba izazova moguće savladati jedino kroz dosljednu službu obrazovanja unutar lokalnih zajednica vjernikâ. - The fundamental thought of the Lausanne congresses and The Cape Town Commitment (TCTC) statement as the final product of the third congress, could be summarized by these words: “The Church needs to evangelize the world.” From that battle cry come the challenges of knowing the Gospel and mastering the skills necessary for implementing that plan. This article points out that both challenges can be overcome only through a consistent educational ministry within local fellowships of believers.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 85-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkva -- Obrazovanje -- Evangelizacija -- Poučavanje

GRACIN, Martina, teologinja
Razumijevanje učeništva u kontekstu židovstva Isusovog vremena [Elektronička građa] : 2. dio / Martina Gracin, Ervin Budiselić.
Nastavak iz br. 2/2019. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Upotreba pojmova „učenik“ i „učeništvo“ vrlo je uobičajena u evanđeoskom kršćanstvu, a značenje tih pojmova smatra se samo po sebi razumljivim. Međutim, iako je u tim krugovima došlo do svojevrsnog usvajanja ovih pojmova, oni su već ranije postojali i u židovskoj kulturi Isusova vremena. Svrha i cilj ovog je članka proučiti značenje koncepta učeništva u njegovu originalnom kontekstu i vidjeti koliko to značenje odudara od značenja koje ovi pojmovi imaju danas. Ovu ćemo temu obraditi u dva dijela. U prvome dijelu članka proučili smo starozavjetni korijen koncepta učeništva, sagledali židovski sustav obrazovanja u Isusovu vremenu, razmotrili smo je li i sam Isus, i u kojoj mjeri, prošao židovski sustav obrazovanja te kako i na koji je način primjenjivao taj model u poučavanju svojih učenika. U drugome dijelu članka prvo ćemo razmotriti praksu učeništva u prvoj Crkvi, a nakon toga ponuditi smjernice za primjenu Isusova koncepta učeništva danas u Crkvi. Ključan je fokus ovog članka na problematici prenošenja principa učeništva shvaćenih unutar konteksta židovske kulture na Crkvu danas budući da istraživanje otkriva kako suvremeno razumijevanje tog pojma ne odgovara načinu na koji se shvaćalo učeništvo Isusova doba. Naime, premda je učeništvo i tada sadržavalo prenošenje informacija, važnije od toga je bilo slijediti učitelja (rabina) i učiti od njega u bliskom odnosu. U članku se zaključuje da moguće rješenje za ovaj izazov treba potražiti prvo u promjeni razmišljanja o tome što učeništvo uistinu jest (promjena fokusa), a onda u praksi kroz mentorstvo i male grupe ciljano izložiti obje strane (i „učitelja“ i „učenika“) iskustvu poučavanja primjerom. - The usage of the terms “disciple” and “discipleship” are very common among Evangelical Christians and the meanings of these terms seem self-evident. However, although these circles adopted such language, it was already present in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ time. The purpose and the goal of this article is to analyze the concept of discipleship in its original context and see how much the meaning of this term is removed from the meaning that this term has today. This topic we will address in two parts. In the first part, we studied the Old Testament (OT) roots of discipleship and the Jewish educational system in Jesus’ time and analyzed whether Jesus himself, and in what measure, passed through that Jewish educational system and how and in what ways he used this model in the discipleship process of his disciples. In this part of the article, we will address the practice of discipleship in the first Church, and after that offer some guidelines on how to apply Jesus’ concept of discipleship in the Church today. The key focus of this article is the problematic of applying principles of discipleship that were present in the context of Jewish culture, on the Church today, since our analysis reveals that understanding of discipleship today does not correspond entirely to the understanding of that concept in Jesus’ time. Although discipleship then and now contained passing on information, it was more important to follow the rabbi and learn from him in a close relationship. It is concluded that a possible solution for this challenge must be sought first and foremost in the change of thinking about what discipleship truly is (change of focus), and then in the practice through mentoring or working in small groups purposefully expose both sides (both “teachers” and “students”) to the experience of teaching through example.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 35-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učeništvo -- Rabin -- Talmid -- Mentorstvo

Religioznost i neke dimenzije psihološke dobrobiti kod mladih [Elektronička građa] / Mira Klarin, Arkadiusz Krasicki. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this research study was to investigate the role of religiosity in the psychological well-being of young people. For that purpose, a research study was conducted among young people of the average age of 20.74 (N=129). The following measurement instruments were applied: Life Satisfaction Scale, Purpose in life Scale, Short Religiosity Scale, and the Scale of Agreement with the Basic Principles of the Bible and the Catholic Church. The results of the conducted study lead to the conclusion that the majority of young people are religious, i.e. that they agree with the basic biblical principles of the teachings of the Catholic Church. The results of the testing with regard to the difference in life satisfaction with reference to the level of agreement with the basic principles of the Bible and the Catholic Church indicate that the young people who agree with those principles to a greater extent are more satisfied with their life. Furthermore, life satisfaction has a positive correlation with the estimation of the purpose in life, religiosity, and the agreement with the basic principles of the Catholic Church. The results of the regression analysis indicate that the purpose in life and the agreement with the basic principles of the Bible and the Catholic Church are significant predictors of life satisfaction. - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istraživanje uloge religioznosti u psihološkoj dobrobiti mladih. U tu svrhu povedeno je istraživanje na mladima prosječne dobi 20,74 godina (N=129). Primijenjeni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Skala zadovoljstva životom, Skala smisla života, Kratka ljestvica religioznosti i Ljestvica slaganja s temeljnim načelima Biblije i Katoličke crkve. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja vode zaključku da je većina mladih religiozna, odnosno da se slaže s temeljnim biblijskim načelima nauka Katoličke crkve. Rezultati testiranja razlike u zadovoljstvu životom s obzirom na stupanj slaganja s temeljnim načelima Biblije i Katoličke crkve pokazuju da su mladi koji se više slažu s tim načelima zadovoljniji životom. Nadalje, zadovoljstvo životom pozitivno je povezano sa procjenom smisla života, religioznošću i slaganjem s temeljnim načelima Katoličke crkve. Rezultati regresijske analize pokazuju da su smisao života i slaganje s temeljnim načelima Biblije i Katoličke crkve značajni prediktori zadovoljstva životom.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 229-243  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Religioznost -- Mladi -- Smisao života -- Zadovoljstvo životom
Katolička crkva


OPREAN, Daniel
The secularization of the church [Elektronička građa] : causes and theological remedies / Daniel G. Oprean.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper is to explore a few factors that contribute to the tendency towards secularization in the evangelical churches in Central and Eastern Europe. It further suggests theological remedies to address the causes of secularization. The thesis of this paper is that there are three causes for the tendency towards secularization. First is the secularization of theological education, second is the crisis of ecclesial identity, and third is the secularization of leadership. The first proposal of this paper is that the remedy for the secularization of theological education is redefining theology as communion, theological education as transformation, and theological formation as discipleship. Second, the remedy for the crisis of ecclesial identity that leads to negative identity markers is the replacement of the external conformation model of Christian life (which leads to social isolation, subculturality, and spiritual abuse) with the internal transformation model, which leads to a healthy spirituality and a meaningful theology of mission. Third and finally, the remedy for the secularization of leadership is the rediscovery of the kenotic model of Christian life and ministry. - Cilj je ovog rada istražiti nekoliko čimbenika koji pridonose tendenciji sekularizacije u evanđeoskim crkvama u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Europi. Nadalje, predlažu se teološka rješenja uzroka sekularizacije. Teza ovog rada jest postojanje triju uzroka za sklonost sekularizaciji. Prvi je sekularizacija teološkog obrazovanja, drugi je kriza identiteta Crkve, a treći je sekularizacija vodstva. Kao prvo rješenje, rješenje sekularizacije teološkog obrazovanja, u ovom se radu predlaže redefiniranje teologije kao zajedništva, teološkog obrazovanja kao preobrazbe, a teološke formacije kao učeništva. Drugo, rješenje krize crkvenog identiteta, koja dovodi do negativnih obilježja identiteta, jest zamjena modela kršćanskog življenja koji se svodi na izvanjsko suobličavanje (što vodi u socijalnu izolaciju, supkulturalnost i duhovno zlostavljanje) modelom unutarnje preobrazbe, koji vodi do zdrave duhovnosti i smislene teologije poslanja. Treće i konačno, rješenje za sekularizaciju vodstva, jest ponovno otkrivanje kenotičkog modela kršćanskog življenja i službe.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 7-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkva -- Sekularizacija -- Teologija -- Edukacija -- Formacija -- Duhovnost

OPREAN, Daniel
Sekularizacija Crkve [Elektronička građa] : uzroci i teološka rješenja / Daniel G. Oprean.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je ovog rada istražiti nekoliko čimbenika koji pridonose tendenciji sekularizacije u evanđeoskim crkvama u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Europi. Nadalje, predlažu se teološka rješenja uzroka sekularizacije. Teza ovog rada jest postojanje triju uzroka za sklonost sekularizaciji. Prvi je sekularizacija teološkog obrazovanja, drugi je kriza identiteta Crkve, a treći je sekularizacija vodstva. Kao prvo rješenje, rješenje sekularizacije teološkog obrazovanja, u ovom se radu predlaže redefiniranje teologije kao zajedništva, teološkog obrazovanja kao preobrazbe, a teološke formacije kao učeništva. Drugo, rješenje krize crkvenog identiteta, koja dovodi do negativnih obilježja identiteta, jest zamjena modela kršćanskog življenja koji se svodi na izvanjsko suobličavanje (što vodi u socijalnu izolaciju, supkulturalnost i duhovno zlostavljanje) modelom unutarnje preobrazbe, koji vodi do zdrave duhovnosti i smislene teologije poslanja. Treće i konačno, rješenje za sekularizaciju vodstva, jest ponovno otkrivanje kenotičkog modela kršćanskog življenja i službe. - The aim of this paper is to explore a few factors that contribute to the tendency towards secularization in the evangelical churches in Central and Eastern Europe. It further suggests theological remedies to address the causes of secularization. The thesis of this paper is that there are three causes for the tendency towards secularization. First is the secularization of theological education, second is the crisis of ecclesial identity, and third is the secularization of leadership. The first proposal of this paper is that the remedy for the secularization of theological education is redefining theology as communion, theological education as transformation, and theological formation as discipleship. Second, the remedy for the crisis of ecclesial identity that leads to negative identity markers is the replacement of the external conformation model of Christian life (which leads to social isolation, subculturality, and spiritual abuse) with the internal transformation model, which leads to a healthy spirituality and a meaningful theology of mission. Third and finally, the remedy for the secularization of leadership is the rediscovery of the kenotic model of Christian life and ministry.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 7-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkva -- Sekularizacija -- Teologija -- Edukacija -- Formacija -- Duhovnost

THELLMAN, Gregory S.
Should the Church love the (God’s) world? [Elektronička građa] : a response to the Cape Town Commitment point seven / Gregory S. Thellman.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper is a response to point seven, sub-points A) and B) of The Cape Town Commitment (TCTC), and attempts to answer the question “is love the proper Christian response to the nonhuman creation, and/or to human nations and culture?” Based on a summary of the concepts of “love” and the “world” in the biblical texts, it is shown that the biblical concept of “love” strongly emphasizes heartfelt and caring commitment for another within human relationships and divine-human relationships. The “world” in scripture can be construed in positive, neutral or negative senses, depending on the term and context, and Christians find themselves both in a fallen creation which awaits liberation and within human nations and cultures in a state of sin and rebellion against God. While the Bible never commands believers to love the nonhuman creation or collective human entities like nations and cultures, Christians may yet appropriate love for God and neighbor through their attentive care of creation and through their contribution to culture in a way that glorifies God. In these ways, Christians may “love” creation and culture, but only in a contingent sense with their foundational love focused on God and neighbor. - Ovaj je rad odgovor na sedmu točku, podtočke A) i B) Capetownskog iskaza o predanju (CIOP), a cilj mu je pokušati odgovoriti na pitanje: “Je li ljubav pravilna kršćanska reakcija na stvorenje izvan ljudskog roda i/ili na ljudske narode i kulturu? Na temelju sažetka koncepcija kao što su ljubav i svijet u biblijskom tekstu, pokazujemo kako biblijska koncepcija ljubavi kategorično ističe duboku i brižnu posvećenost drugoj osobi unutar međuljudskih, odnosno odnosa između Boga i čovjeka. “Svijet” u Svetom pismu može imati pozitivno, neutralno ili negativno značenje, ovisno o pojmu i kontekstu, a kršćani pripadaju i posrnulom stvorenju koje iščekuje oslobođenje, kao i ljudskim narodima u kulturama koje su u grijehu i pobuni protiv Boga. Premda Biblija nigdje ne zapovijeda vjernicima da vole stvorenje izvan ljudskog roda niti kolektivne ljudske entitete kao što su narodi i kulture, kršćani mogu izraziti ljubav prema Bogu i bližnjemu u obliku brige za stvorenje i kao svoj doprinos kulturi na način koji će proslaviti Boga. Tako kršćani mogu “voljeti” stvorenje i kulturu, ali isključivo u zavisnosti od temeljne ljubavi usmjerene na Boga i bližnjega.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 53-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kršćanstvo -- Ljubav -- Svijet -- Kultura

DRAGIĆ, Marko, filolog
Štovanje sv. Josipa u hrvatskoj crkveno-pučkoj baštini [Elektronička građa] / Marko Dragić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se govori o životu sv. Josipa Nazarećanina, muža Djevice Marije i nenaravnoga oca Isusa Krista. Evanđelja ne navode nijednu njegovu riječ, a ono što znamo o njemu sadržano je uglavnom u prva dva poglavlja Matejeva i Lukina evanđelja. Hrvatski sabor je 1687. godine proglasio sv. Josipa zaštitnikom Hrvatskog kraljevstva, a time i cijelog hrvatskog naroda. Zaštitnik je mnogih država, gradova, sveučilišta, bolnica, škola, crkava i drugih institucija. Također je zaštitnik je obitelji, očeva, djece, mladeži, siročadi, djevičanstva i čistoće, zaštitnik dobre smrti, konačišta i onih koji ih traže, putnika i prognanika, drvosječa, kolara, tesara, stolara, radnika i obrtnika, inženjera, doseljenika, umirućih i grobara. Svetkovina Sv. Josipa u hrvatskoj crkveno-pučkoj baštini slavi se pobožnostima, zavjetima, devetnicama, trodnevnicama, procesijama, svetim misama, pučkim slavljima. Za vrijeme turske okupacije hrvatske katoličke djevojke u dobi od 13 do 16 godina vršile su obred križićanja (tetoviranja križeva na rukama i/ili čelu i/ili prsima). Hrvatski katolički mladići križeve su tetovirali na ramenima da bi ih trajno podsjećali na njihovo podrijetlo i vjeru u slučaju da ih Turci odvedu u janjičare. Hrvatski katolički puk i sada od svojih predaka pamti i kazuje usmene lirske pjesme o sv. Josipu. Kao višestrukom zaštitniku narod mu upućuje starinske molitve koje su molile naše davno upokojene pramajke i naši praočevi. Sv. Josipu se vjernici preporučuju u zajedničkim obiteljskim molitvama te u raznim prigodama. - Paper discusses the life of Saint Joseph of Nazareth, Virgin Mary’s husband and Jesus Christ’s non-biological father. Gospels do not cite a single word by him, and what we know about him is mostly contained in the first two chapters of the Gospels by Matthew and Luke. In 1687 Croatian Parliament named St. Joseph the patron of the Kingdom of Croatia, and thus the whole Croatian nation. He is the patron of many countries, towns, universities, hospitals, schools, churches and other institutions. He is also the patron of families, fathers, children, youth, orphans, virginity and purity, patron of good death, shelters and those who are looking for them, travellers and refugees, lumberjacks, wheelmakers, carpenters, woodworkers, workers and artisans, engineers, immigrants, dying people and gravediggers. The feast day of St. Joseph in the Croatian ecclesialfolk heritage is celebrated with devotions, vows, novenas and tridua, processions, holy masses, folk festivities. During the Turkish occupation Croatian Catholic girls aged from 13 to 16 years performed the ritual of križićanje (the tattooing of crosses on hands and/or forehead and/or chest). Croatian Catholic boys tattooed crosses on their shoulders to have a permanent reminder of their heritage and faith when the Turks take them to become janissaries. Croatian Catholic people even nowadays remember and tell oral lyrical poems heard from their ancestors. People make ancient prayers to St. Joseph, the multiple protector, which were prayed by our foremothers and forefathers that passed away long time ago. The believers recommend themselves to St. Joseph in joint family prayers and in different other occasions.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 145-170  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Molitve -- Usmeno pjesništvo -- Vjersko pjesništvo -- Crkveno-pučka baština
Sveti Josip -- Iosephus, sanctus


The topic of discipleship in the Cape Town Commitment [Elektronička građa] : theological review / Ervin Budiselić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The Cape Town Commitment: A Confession of Faith and a Call to Action is one of the significant documents of evangelical Christianity that briefly addresses many important topics; one of such topics is discipleship. This article traces the theme of discipleship in the document and offers a theological reflection on the content and form of discipleship for contemporary evangelical Christianity. After the first part where the topic of discipleship is addressed, the article continues to offer a theological reflection on the topic of discipleship. Hence, the second part discusses the content and the form of discipleship. While the third part explains the importance of discipleship arguing that discipleship (Matthew 28) is the channel through which God realizes the return of the original creational blessing that was promised to Abraham in Genesis 12. In the conclusion it is pointed out that if we want to take the topic of discipleship from The Cape Town Commitment seriously, the following is needed: a) to understand that discipleship is not an after-school or extracurricular activity but a channel through which God wants to spread his redemptive blessing to all nations; b) in our local churches and academic institutions we need to return teaching by example, because various church or educational activities are part of the discipleship but they are not a supplement for teaching by example; c) to redeem the term “Christian” in a way that this term is only used for those who are “disciples.”. - Dokument Capetownski iskaz o predanju jedan je od važnijih dokumenata evanđeoskog kršćanstva koji sažeto progovara o mnogim temama. Jedna od tih tema je i učeništvo. Članak se osvrće na spomen teme učeništva u dokumentu te u nastavku nudi teološki osvrt na temu sadržaja i važnosti učeništva za današnje evanđeosko kršćanstvo. Nakon uvoda i prvog dijela, u kojem se adresira tema učeništva u Capetownskom iskazu, u nastavku članka nudi se teološki osvrt na temu učeništva. Drugi dio članka nudi raspravu o sadržaju i formi učeništva, dok se u trećem dijelu pojašnjava važnost učeništva, ustvrđujući kako je učeništvo (Mt 28) način ostvarivanja izvornoga stvaralačkog blagoslova obećanog Abrahamu u Postanku 12. U zaključku članka ističe se da, ako želimo ozbiljno uzeti temu učeništva iz Capetownskog iskaza o predanju, onda bismo trebali: a) razumjeti kako učeništvo nije „slobodna aktivnost“, već sredstvo kojim Bog želi proširiti svoj otkupiteljski blagoslov svim narodima; b) u naše crkve i teološke institucije vratiti poučavanje primjerom jer su broj crkvenih ili akademskih aktivnosti dio učeništva, ali ne smiju biti zamjena za pouku primjerom; c) otkupiti pojam „kršćanin“ na način da taj pojam bude rezerviran za one koji su „učenici“.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 19-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evanđeosko kršćanstvo -- Učeništvo -- Rabin -- Teološka analiza

Towards contextual prophetic preaching [Elektronička građa] / Filip Grujić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This text is a discussion about prophetic preaching as defined in the boundaries of homiletics. It offers both a theological and practical presentation of this preaching style actively seeking a way to contextualize it in Croatian setting. It offers some answers to the question: What is prophetic preaching and how and why it is done? It also serves as a challenge and the beginning of the discussion on prophetic preaching in Croatian context. As the Church in a growing post-Christian setting seeks ways to communicate the Gospel with the wider society aware that it is slowly losing its privileged footing it seems important to find again the prophetic voice which calls people and institutions of power to get right with God and see human beings as neighbors and not means. - Ovaj je tekst rasprava o proročkom propovijedanju definiranom u okviru homiletike. Iznosi teološki i praktičan prikaz ovoga stila propovijedanja, dok aktivno traži način da ga kontekstualizira u hrvatskim okolnostima. Tekst nudi nekoliko odgovora na pitanje: Što je proročko propovijedanje te kako i zašto se ono provodi? Ujedno služi kao izazov i početak rasprave o proročkom propovijedanju u hrvatskom kontekstu. Dok Crkva u okruženju, koje je sve više poslijekršćansko, traži načine komuniciranja Evanđelja sa širom društvenom zajednicom, svjesna da polako gubi svoj povlašteni položaj, čini se važnim ponovno pronaći taj proročki glas koji ljude i institucije moći poziva da se pomire s Bogom i da na ljudska bića počnu gledati kao na svoje bližnje, a ne kao na sredstva.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 73-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proročko propovijedanje -- Homiletika -- Društvena pravda -- Crkva -- Misija -- Pravednost

THELLMAN, Gregory S.
Treba li Crkva voljeti (Božji) svijet? [Elektronička građa] : odgovor na sedmu točku Capetownskog iskaza o predanju / Gregory S. Thellman ; preveo s engleskog Davor Edelinski.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovaj je rad odgovor na sedmu točku, podtočke A) i B) Capetownskog iskaza o predanju (CIOP), a cilj mu je pokušati odgovoriti na pitanje: “Je li ljubav pravilna kršćanska reakcija na stvorenje izvan ljudskog roda i/ili na ljudske narode i kulturu? Na temelju sažetka koncepcija kao što su ljubav i svijet u biblijskom tekstu, pokazujemo kako biblijska koncepcija ljubavi kategorično ističe duboku i brižnu posvećenost drugoj osobi unutar međuljudskih, odnosno odnosa između Boga i čovjeka. “Svijet” u Svetom pismu može imati pozitivno, neutralno ili negativno značenje, ovisno o pojmu i kontekstu, a kršćani pripadaju i posrnulom stvorenju koje iščekuje oslobođenje, kao i ljudskim narodima u kulturama koje su u grijehu i pobuni protiv Boga. Premda Biblija nigdje ne zapovijeda vjernicima da vole stvorenje izvan ljudskog roda niti kolektivne ljudske entitete kao što su narodi i kulture, kršćani mogu izraziti ljubav prema Bogu i bližnjemu u obliku brige za stvorenje i kao svoj doprinos kulturi na način koji će proslaviti Boga. Tako kršćani mogu “voljeti” stvorenje i kulturu, ali isključivo u zavisnosti od temeljne ljubavi usmjerene na Boga i bližnjega. - This paper is a response to point seven, sub-points A) and B) of The Cape Town Commitment (TCTC), and attempts to answer the question “is love the proper Christian response to the nonhuman creation, and/or to human nations and culture?” Based on a summary of the concepts of “love” and the “world” in the biblical texts, it is shown that the biblical concept of “love” strongly emphasizes heartfelt and caring commitment for another within human relationships and divine-human relationships. The “world” in scripture can be construed in positive, neutral or negative senses, depending on the term and context, and Christians find themselves both in a fallen creation which awaits liberation and within human nations and cultures in a state of sin and rebellion against God. While the Bible never commands believers to love the nonhuman creation or collective human entities like nations and cultures, Christians may yet appropriate love for God and neighbor through their attentive care of creation and through their contribution to culture in a way that glorifies God. In these ways, Christians may “love” creation and culture, but only in a contingent sense with their foundational love focused on God and neighbor.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 1 ; str. 53-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kršćanstvo -- Ljubav -- Svijet -- Kultura

Život, djelovanje i filozofija Josipa Stadlera [Elektronička građa] / Kata Lamešić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se opisuje nacrt života, društvenog, kulturnog i političkog djelovanja te filozofije prvoga vrhbosanskoga nadbiskupa i neoskolastičkoga filozofa Josipa Stadlera (1843-1918). U prvom su dijelu važni biografski podatci iz Stadlerova života. U drugome se dijelu ističe Stadlerov značajan doprinos u društvenom, kulturnom i političkom području u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). Na temelju Stadlerovih filozofskih djela, u trećem se dijelu donosi nacrt Stadlerove neoskolastičke filozofije: spoznajna, ontološka, kozmologijska, teodicejska, psihologijsko-antropološka i etička tematika. Na kraju se ukratko ističe neistraženu, finalističku dimenziju Stadlerove filozofije, koja je postojala u njegovu životu i djelovanju. - In the article the author presents a draft of the first Archbishop of Vrhbosnia and the neo-scholastic philosopher J. Stadler’s life as well as his social, cultural and political activity and philosophy. The first part presents important biographical data of J. Stadler’s life. In the second part the author highlights J. Stadler’s significant social, cultural and political contribution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on Stadler’s philosophical works, in the third part the author gives a draft of his neo-scholastic philosophy: cognitive, cosmological, ontological, theodicy, psychological – anthropological and ethical topics. At the end of the article, the author briefly highlights the unexplored, finalistic dimension of Stadler’s philosophy, which is also present in his life and work.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 171-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveno-kulturno djelovanje -- Političko djelovanje -- Filozofsko gledište -- Biografija
Stadler, Josip


Vidi br.: HA20-00248

Vidi br.: HA20-00309

Vidi br.: HA20-00127

Vidi br.: HA20-00001

Vidi br.: HA20-00249

Vidi br.: HA20-00463

Vidi br.: HA20-00122

Vidi br.: HA20-00013

Vidi br.: HA20-00064

Vidi br.: HA20-00086

Vidi br.: HA20-00239

Vidi br.: HA20-00231

Vidi br.: HA20-00198

Vidi br.: HA20-00041

Vidi br.: HA20-00217

Vidi br.: HA20-00060

Vidi br.: HA20-00123

Vidi br.: HA20-00077

Vidi br.: HA20-00117

Vidi br.: HA20-00215

Vidi br.: HA20-00139

Vidi br.: HA20-00518

Vidi br.: HA20-00307

27   Kršćanstvo

272   Rimokatolička crkva


303   Metode društvenih znanosti

Vidi br.: HA20-00121

Vidi br.: HA20-00092

Vidi br.: HA20-00130

Vidi br.: HA20-00143

304   Društvena pitanja. Društvena praksa. Kulturna praksa

Vidi br.: HA20-00187

305   Rodne studije. Osobe s interdisciplinarne točke gledišta

LUKAŠ, Mirko
Suvremene uloge žene u obitelji iz perspektive studenata istočne Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Mirko Lukaš, Lucija Puhanić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Social changes leave a great impact on the family, it’s structure, factors and their family roles. Modern societies are experiencing the expansion of women in the labour market, which is reflected in their position and role in the family. In addition to the traditional role of housewife, women also take on professional engagement. In addition to her financial contribution, she continues to play the role of mother, care for children and the household in the family. The burden of most household chores remained the task of women as in previous generations. This research aimed to examine the attitudes of Eastern Croatian students about the roles of women in the modern family. The research seeks to answer which women’s roles are dominant in today’s families in relation to the traditional family. 375 students (202 males and 173 females) from the University in Osijek participated in the research. A survey questionnaire was used to conduct the research. Data processing was performed by descriptive statistics, t-tests for independent samples and one-way analysis of variance. The obtained results have the expected attitudes towards the role in regard to gender and field of study. Participants in social, humanities, and agrobiotechnical sciences show more egalitarian attitudes toward women’s roles in the family than other participants. - Društvene promjene ostavljaju velik utjecaj na obitelj, njezinu strukturu, čimbenike i njihove obiteljske uloge. Suvremena društva doživljavaju ekspanziju žena na tržištu rada, što se reflektira na njihov položaj i ulogu u obitelji. Uz tradicionalnu ulogu domaćice žena preuzima i profesionalnu angažiranost. Ona u obitelji uz financijski doprinos i dalje ostvaruje ulogu majke te brine o djeci i domaćinstvu. Teret većine kućanskih poslova ostao je zadaća žene kao i kod ranijih generacija. Ovo istraživanje je imalo za cilj ispitati stavove studenta istočne Hrvatske o ulogama žene u suvremenoj obitelji. Istraživanjem se nastoji odgovoriti koje su ženine uloge dominantne i u današnjim obiteljima u odnosu na tradicionalnu obitelj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 375 studenata (202 sudionika i 173 sudionice) sa Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Za provedbu istraživanja korišten je anketni upitnik. Obrada podataka provedena je deskriptivnom statistikom, t-testovima za nezavisne uzorke te jednosmjernom analizom varijance. Dobiveni rezultati imaju očekivane stavove u odnosu na ulogu s obzirom na spol i područje studija. Sudionici ispitivanja s društvenih, humanističkih te agrobiotehničkih znanosti pokazuju egalitarnije stavove prema ulogama žene u obitelji od ostalih sudionika.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 295-310  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dominantne uloge -- Žene -- Obitelj -- Obiteljska uloga -- Neovisnost -- Tradicionalni stav -- Egalitarizam

314   Demografija

ROTIM, Marija
Izbjeglički centar Gašinci 1992.-1999. [Elektronička građa] / Marija Rotim, Nikolina Vuković. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: prilozi na str. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autorice na temelju neobjavljene arhivske građe, onodobne periodike te relevantne znanstvene literature obrađuju postojanje, rad i ulogu Izbjegličkog centra Gašinci u razdoblju od njegova otvaranja 1992. pa sve do njegovog zatvaranja 1999. Cilj je uočiti humanitarno djelovanje hrvatskih vlasti i različitih humanitarnih organizacija u zbrinjavanju pretežito muslimanskih izbjeglica s teritorija Bosne i Hercegovine u izbjegličkom centru. Rad će obrazložiti razloge i svrhu nastanka gašinačkog centra, prikazati njegov smještajni kapacitet te utvrditi životne uvjete izbjeglica u njemu. Osim toga, funkcioniranje Izbjegličkog centra Gašinci temeljilo se na osiguranju visoke kvalitete društvenog i vjerskog života, što se neophodno odvijalo u komunikaciji i suživotu s Đakovštinom. Rad će stoga prikazati oblike društvenog i vjerskog života, humanitarne organizacije koje su pripomogle realizaciji brojnih projekata, ali isto tako i samom osnutku i funkcioniranju izbjegličkog centra. U konačnici, rad obrađuje potencijalnu eskalaciju etničkih sukoba u centru i Đakovštini zbog hrvatsko-muslimanskog sukoba u Bosni i Hercegovini, određene netrpeljivosti između izbjeglica te smještanje ostalih potrebitih u Gašince. - On the basis of unpublished archival materials, periodicals and the relevant scholarly literature the authors have given an account of the existence, the work and the role of the Gašinci Refugee Centre from its opening in 1992 up until its closing in 1999. The aim has been to note the humanitarian activities of the Croatian government and of various humanitarian organizations in hosting primarily Muslim refugees from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Refugee Centre. This paper elaborates the reasons and the purpose of the establishment of the Centre in Gašinci, presents its accommodation capacities and determines the living conditions of the refugees in the Centre. Furthermore, the functioning of the Gašinci Refugee Centre was based on the assurance of a high quality of social and religious life which was necessarily carried out in communication and coexistence with the Đakovo region. Hence, this paper presents the forms of social and religious life and of humanitarian organizations that supported the implementation of numerous projects as well as the establishment and the functioning of the Refugee Centre. Because of the specific circumstances of politics and the war, the end of the paper discusses the potential escalation of ethnic conflicts in the Centre and the Đakovo region due to Croatian-Muslim conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as to certain animosities between the refugees and other deprived persons in Gašinci in need of accommodation. Seven whole years, from the establishment of the Refugee Camp in Gašinci on May 31, 1992 until its closure on October 18, 1999, more than 30,000 refugees found shelter in Gašinci from the raging war. Most of the refugees in the Gašinci Centre were Muslim refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but there was also a small number of Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina living among them.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 297-319  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prognanici -- Izbjeglice -- Muslimani
Izbjeglički centar Gašinci


LOVAŠ, Eldina
Osječko građanstvo u Upisniku građana od stjecanja slobodnog i kraljevskog statusa do prvog popisa neplemenitog stanovništva (1809.-1814.) [Elektronička građa] / Eldina Lovaš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: prilozi na str. 153-157. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se na temelju podataka evidentiranih u osječkom Upisniku građana analizira osječko građanstvo između 1809. i 1814. godine. U radu se daje kratak opis izvora koji omogućavaju istraživanje osječkih građana, navode se građanska prava koja su zajamčena Poveljom slobodnog i kraljevskog grada Osijeka iz 1809. godine te uvjeti primanja u građanstvo. Analiza podataka temelji se na Upisniku jer taj izvor donosi najviše pojedinačnih podataka o svakom građaninu. Primjenom statističke, komparativne i deskriptivne metode nastoji se prikazati broj, vjerska i „nacionalna“ struktura, bračni status i vrste djelatnosti osječkih građana. Rad obuhvaća razdoblje od 1809., kada je Osijek stekao slobodni i kraljevski status, do 1814. godine, kada je osječko neplemenito stanovništvo prvi put popisano. To je, dakle, prvi popis neplemenitih građana nakon što je Osijek proglašen slobodnim i kraljevskim gradom. - This paper analyses the Osijek citizenry between 1809 and 1814 on the basis of data recorded in the Osijek Registry of Citizens. It provides a short description of sources that facilitate research into the citizens of Osijek; it adduces the civil rights granted by the Charter of the Free Royal City of Osijek from 1809 and the requirements for obtaining citizenship. The data analysis is based on the Registry because this source provides the highest number of individual data on each citizen. By applying statistical, comparative and descriptive methods, an endeavour is made to present the number, the religious and the “national” structure, the marital status and the scope of activities of Osijek citizens. The paper comprises the period from 1809, when Osijek acquired the free royal status, until 1814 when the Osijek non-noble population was recorded for the first time. Hence, this is the first census of commoners after Osijek was proclaimed a free royal city. The proclamation of Osijek as a free royal city created the preconditions for the Osijek population to acquire civic status which resulted in a series of privileges for individuals, including personal freedom, inalienability of properties and non-payment of certain levies. The obtained data on the Osijek citizenry in this paper are the result of the analysis of the Registry of Citizens; the following conclusions can be drawn: in the period between 1809 and 1814, 569 persons complying with the requirements necessary for taking a civic oath were registered. The status of a citizen in terms of rank was acquired more by non-noble individuals, whereas during the period analyzed, not a single son of a citizen or emancipated serf acquired this status. The occupations of Osijek citizens were various. Artisans were the most present, the most dominant being in those trades that produced products of widespread use such as cobblers, tailors and food producers. Most of the artisans were local people.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 129-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Vidi br.: HA20-00110

Vidi br.: HA20-00203

Vidi br.: HA20-00208

Vidi br.: HA20-00204

Vidi br.: HA20-00205

Vidi br.: HA20-00206

Vidi br.: HA20-00207

Vidi br.: HA20-00146

Vidi br.: HA20-00300

316   Sociologija

"Mi, umorne duše" [Elektronička građa] : Werner Sombart kao kritičar moderne kulture / Michael Antolović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Iako je u društvenoj teoriji ostao zapamćen prvenstveno kao autoritativni teoretičar kapitalizma te jedan od ʽočeva osnivača’ sociologije kao znanstvene discipline u Njemačkoj, Werner Sombart (1863. – 1941.) značajnu je pažnju posvećivao kritici moderne kulture koja je koincidirala s njegovim povlačenjem iz aktivnog učešća u političkom životu početkom 20. stoljeća. Nakon neuspjeha njegovih nastojanja da njemačku socijaldemokraciju pridobije za ideje društvene reforme kao i izrazito negativnog utiska koji je na njega načinio susret s modernim industrijskim društvom prilikom posjete Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (1904.), Sombart je sa stanovišta ʽkulturnog pesimizma’ istupao kao kritičar kapitalizma, parlamentarno-demokratskog poretka i masovne kulture. Na stranicama časopisa Der Morgen: Wochenschrift für deutsche Kultur (pokrenutog 1907.), kao i u nekolicini drugih radova, Sombart je na pregnantan način podvrgao oštroj kritici masovnu industrijsku kulturu videći u njoj neposredni izraz duhovnog siromašenja i opće dekadencije kapitalističkog društva. - Although he primarily remained acknowledged as an authoritative theoretician of capitalism and one of the ‘founding fathers’ of sociology as a scientific discipline in Germany, Werner Sombart (1863 – 1941) dedicated a significant amount of attention to the critique of modern culture that coincided with his withdrawal from the active participation in political life during the beginning of the twentieth century. After he failed to motivate German social democracy to carry out a social reform, and following a very negative impression he got in the encounter with modern industrial society while visiting the United States of America (1904), Sombart criticised capitalism, parliamentary-democratic system and mass culture from the standpoint of ‘cultural pessimism’. In the journal Der Morgen: Wochenschrift für deutsche Kultur (started in 1907), and in some other papers, sharply but fruitfully Sombart criticised industrial mass culture. In it, he saw a direct reflection of spiritual poverty and general decadence of the capitalistic society.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 795-810  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kultura -- Politika -- Kapitalizam -- Pesimizam
Sombart, Werner


HAUBOLD, Rebekka
Age-independence for media pedagogy [Elektronička građa] / Rebekka Haubold. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 99-105. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Age is a static socio-demographic dimension, but is it still a useful category for media pedagogy and media competencies? This article is a theoretical examination of the fixation on age in German media pedagogy research and practice. The thesis of this article, therefore, is that this dominant focus on age should be shifted to neglected contexts and ways to discover them. The key point is to distinguish cases in which it makes sense to focus on age groups in media pedagogical research and practice from those in which it is discriminatory and less important than other factors. Therefore, it analyses historical developments that justified concentration on the subject in German media pedagogy and, thus, the overemphasis on age concepts. - Dob je statična sociodemografska dimenzija, no pitanje je je li to još uvijek korisna kategorija za medijsku pedagogiju i medijske kompetencije. Ovaj članak teorijski propituje usredotočenost na dob u istraživanju i praksi njemačke medijske pedagogije. Teza ovog članka jest da se dominantni fokus na dob treba preusmjeriti na zanemarene kontekste i načine kako ih otkriti. Ključna je stvar razlikovati slučajeve u kojima ima smisla usredotočiti se na dobne skupine u medijskim pedagoškim istraživanjima i praksama od onih u kojima je to diskriminatorno i manje važno od ostalih čimbenika. Stoga se analizira povijesni razvoj koji je opravdao koncentraciju na tu temu u njemačkoj medijskoj pedagogiji i prekomjerni naglasak na pojmovima koji se vezuju uz dob.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 20 ; str. 89-106  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijska pedagogija -- Međugeneracijski pristup -- Diskriminacija -- Pismenost

MARINIĆ, Marko, filozof
The correlation of discrimination and violence with life satisfaction, happiness and personal well-being among persons with physical and sensory disabilites [Elektronička građa] / Marko Marinić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje učestalost doživljaja diskriminacije i nasilja među osobama s različitim vrstama invaliditeta, ispitati povezanost ovih tema s pojedinim sociodemografskim obilježjima, a onda i s razinom sreće i zadovoljstva životom, te utvrditi s kojom su od različitih domena osobnoga blagostanja posebice povezani diskriminacija i nasilje. Provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje među osobama s različitim vrstama invaliditeta (N=684) u gradu Zagrebu (Hrvatska). Rezultati pokazuju visok postotak iskustva diskriminacije i nasilja u svim skupinama ispitanika, a posebice među gluhim i nagluhim osobama. I jedna i druga tema u negativnoj su korelaciji s razinom osobne sreće, zadovoljstvom životom te svim domenama osobnoga blagostanja. Pronađena je i povezanost učestalosti ovih iskustava s mlađom životnom dobi, ali i nižim primanjima i lošim ekonomskim statusom. Rezultati upućuju na nužnost multidisciplinarnog i sveobuhvatnog angažmana u smanjivanju diskriminacije i nasilja nad osobama s invaliditetom. - The aim of this paper is to explore the frequency of experiences of discrimination and violence among persons with various types of disabilities, investigate the correlation of these topics with particular sociodemographic characteristics and with the level of happiness and life satisfaction, and identify which one of the various personal well-being domains is particularly connected with discrimination and violence. The empirical study was conducted among 684 persons with various types of disabilities in the city of Zagreb, Croatia. The results indicate a high percentage of experienced discrimination and violence in all groups of respondents, especially the deaf and those hard of hearing. Both topics are negatively correlated with the level of personal happiness, life satisfaction and all domains of personal well-being. It was found that the frequency of these experiences is related to younger age, and to lower income and poor economic status. The results point to the need for a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive engagement on reducing discrimination and violence over persons with disabilities.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 561-575  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Diskriminacija -- Nasilje -- Osobe s invaliditetom -- Sreća -- Blagostanje

KLASNIĆ, Ksenija, sociologinja
Gender socioeconomic inequalities in intimate relationships [Elektronička građa] : introducing the GSEI index / Ksenija Klasnić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 372-374. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Inspired by the materialist feminist theoretical approach, this study starts from an underlying assumption that research of gender socioeconomic inequalities in intimate relationships requires the analysis of specific variables that constitute the socioeconomic status of intimate partners. Based on five indicators relevant for contemporary Croatian society, the GSEI index was constructed and applied to a representative sample of Croatian women in intimate relationships. The results showed significant gender socioeconomic inequalities between intimate partners, mostly in favour of men. The highest level of inequality between intimate partners was discovered with regard to real-estate ownership, whereas the highest level of equality between partners was found in their level of education. Although socioeconomic inequalities between intimate partners in favour of men prevail regardless of the geographic and social context, they are more pronounced in regions with more traditional values, among couples who live in rural areas, and among those who are married (in comparison with those who live in domestic partnership). A recommendation for further research and GSEI index application is to consider which are the relevant indicators for measuring gender socioeconomic inequalities in intimate relationships depending on the wider social context. - Inspirirana materijalističkim feminističkim teorijskim pristupom, ova studija polazi od temeljne pretpostavke da istraživanje rodnih socioekonomskih nejednakosti u intimnim vezama zahtijeva analizu specifičnih varijabli za mjerenje socioekonomskog statusa intimnih partnera. Na temelju pet pokazatelja relevantnih za suvremeno hrvatsko društvo, konstruiran je GSEI indeks i primijenjen na reprezentativnom uzorku žena u intimnim vezama u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati su pokazali značajne rodne socioekonomske nejednakosti među intimnim partnerima, uglavnom u korist muškaraca. Najviša razina nejednakosti među intimnim partnerima utvrđena je u vlasništvu nekretnina, dok je najniža razina nejednakosti među partnerima utvrđena kod razine obrazovanja. Iako socioekonomske nejednakosti među intimnim partnerima u korist muškaraca prevladavaju bez obzira na geografski i društveni kontekst, one su izraženije u regijama s tradicionalnijim vrijednostima, među parovima koji žive u ruralnim područjima i onima koji su u braku (u usporedbi s onima koji žive u izvanbračnim zajednicama). Preporuka za daljnja istraživanja i primjenu GSEI indeksa jest da je potrebno uzeti u obzir koji su relevantni pokazatelji za mjerenje socioekonomskih nejednakosti u intimnim odnosima, ovisno o širem društvenom kontekstu.
U: Revija za sociologiju (Online). - ISSN 1846-7954. - 49 (2019), 3 ; str. 349-375  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekonomske nejednakosti -- Rodne nejednakosti -- Intimne veze -- Socioekonomski status -- GSEI indeks

Generational patterns of digital news consumption [Elektronička građa] : from traditionalists to millennial minimalists / Dina Vozab. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 122-125. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Digital high-choice media environments (Prior, 2007; Van Aelst et al., 2017) lead to fragmented and polarized news consumption. The concept of news repertoires was introduced to analyze media use in a cross-media environment. News repertoires were found to be diverse across countries, to be dependent on age groups, socioeconomic status, and to have effects on political knowledge and participation (Diehl et al., 2018; Edgerly et al., 2018; Strömbäck et al., 2018; Wolfsfeld et al., 2016). The aim of this study is to identify different news repertoires in Croatia and to test the effects of generational belonging and socioeconomic status on the formation of these repertoires. It has been shown over time that age and political interest are more important predictors of increasingly diversified and polarized news consumption (Bergström et al., 2019; Strömbäck et al., 2013). This study discusses the interplay of sociodemographic factors and political interest in driving news consumption across different generations. The analysis is based on data from Reuters Digital News Survey conducted in Croatia in 2018. Latent class analysis is used to identify news repertoires and the covariates which form them. The analysis resulted in identifying five news repertoires: minimalists, digital-born users, traditionalists, commercial media users and eclectics. - Digitalno okruženje visokog izbora (Prior, 2007; Van Aelst i sur., 2017) dovodi do fragmentirane i polarizirane konzumacije vijesti. Pojam informativnih repertoara uveden je kako bi se analizirale medijske upotrebe u krosmedijskom okruženju. Otkriveni su raznoliki informativni repertoari u različitim zemljama, ovisno o dobi i socioekonomskom statusu, koji utječu na političko znanje i participaciju (Diehl i sur., 2018; Edgerly i sur., 2018; Strömbäck i sur., 2018; Wolfsfeld i sur., 2016). Cilj ovog istraživanja jest identificirati različite informativne repertoare u Hrvatskoj i testirati učinke generacijske pripadnosti i socioekonomskog statusa na formiranje tih repertoara. Pokazalo se s vremenom da su dob i politički interes važniji prediktori sve raznolikije i polariziranije konzumacije vijesti (Bergström i sur., 2019; Strömbäck i sur., 2013). Ova studija raspravlja o međuodnosu između sociodemografskih faktora i političkog interesa u oblikovanju konzumacije vijesti među različitim generacijama. Analiza se temelji na podacima iz istraživanja Reuters Digital News Survey provedenog u Hrvatskoj 2018. godine. Analiza latentnih klasa s kovarijatima koji ih oblikuju korištena je za identifikaciju informativnih repertoara. Analiza je rezultirala identifikacijom pet informativnih repertoara: minimalisti, korisnici digitalnih medija, tradicionalisti, korisnici komercijalnih medija i eklektici.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 20 ; str. 107-126  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalni mediji -- Digitalno oglašavanje -- Informativni sadržaji -- Politički interesi -- Generacije

DOVIE, Delali Adjoa
Generational perspective of digital literacy among Ghanaians in the 21st century [Elektronička građa] : wither now? / Delali Adjoa Dovie, Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo, Charles C. Mate-Kole, Helen Nana Mensah, Albert Foli Agbe, Alexander Attiogbe, Gloria Dzokoto. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 149-151. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper investigates the nexus between generations and digital literacy. For the study, simple random sampling was undertaken in selecting 361 respondents, while ten participants were selected through purposive sampling. The authors made use of mixed methods, including the intervju survey method. The data were subjected to bivariate, correlation and thematic analysis. Concerning theresults, younger people turn out to be comparatively more digitally active and more digitally skilled than older people, which is indicative of the fact that there is a generational gap between the two distinct generations in terms of being in a technologically savvy position. This was influenced significantly by the era in which they were born, as each generation comes with its own technological innovations, the phenomena of socialization and social interaction with self-organization as the focus. It is concluded that digital literacy, expositions and exploits are significant in relation to how they shape generational interactions, including the adaptation to digital device utilization in later life. - Rad istražuje vezu između različitih generacija i digitalne pismenosti. Za potrebe istraživanja jednostavnim slučajnim uzorkovanjem odabran je 361 ispitanik, dok je 10 ispitanika odabrano namjernim uzorkovanjem. Autori su koristili mješovite metode, uključujući i metodu ankete. Podaci su podvrgnuti bivarijatnim, korelacijskim i tematskim analizama. Rezultati pokazuju da su mlađe osobe digitalno aktivnije i digitalno vještije u usporedbi sa starijima, što ukazuje na postojanje digitalnog jaza između dvije distinktivne generacije kada je riječ o tehnološkim sposobnostima. Na to značajno utječe razdoblje kada su ispitanici rođeni, s obzirom na to da se svaka generacija susreće sa specifičnim tehnološkim inovacijama, socijalizacijskim obrascima i obrascima samoorganizirajuće socijalne interakcije. Zaključuje se da su digitalno opismenjavanje i prakticiranje digitalne pismenosti značajni za oblikovanje generacijskih interakcija, uključujući i prilagodbu na korištenje digitalnih uređaja u starijoj dobi.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 20 ; str. 127-152  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalna pismenost -- Digitalne vještine -- Socijalizacija -- Generacijski jaz -- Zdravlje

ALIĆ, Sead
Je li moguća revolucija bez religijske reformacije? [Elektronička građa] / Sead Alić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U središte svog propitivanja tekst stavlja Hegelovu Filozofiju povijesti, posebno završne dijelove u kojima se, među ostalim, tvrdi da se ne može očekivati mijenjanje pravnih sloboda bez oslobođenja savjesti te da je pogrešno očekivati uspješnost revolucije ne prethodi li joj religijska reformacija. Hegelove se stavove o reformaciji, revoluciji te povijesti želi kritički promisliti u svjetlu suvremenih religijskih, teoloških, filozofijskih, politologijskih, znanstvenih, ali i kulturoloških teza i istraživanja. Filozofija povijesti se ovdje promatra kao svojevrstan ključ za razumijevanje Hegelove (nerijetko hermetične) filozofijske misli. Istovremeno, želi se njegove sjajne uvide staviti u kontekst suvremenog oživljavanja fenomena religijskog/vjerskog. - The focus of this examination is on Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of History, particularly the final chapters in which, among other things, Hegel posits that no change in legal freedoms can be expected without the liberation of conscience and that it is illusory to expect the revolution to succeed if it is not preceded by religious reformation. It is an attempt to critically rethink Hegel’s views on reformation, revolution and history in the light of modern religious, theological, philosophical, political, scientific and cultural theses and research. The philosophy of history is observed as something of a key to understanding Hegel’s (often hermetic) philosophical ideas. At the same time, his brilliant insights are reimagined in the context of the contemporary revival of the phenomena of religion/faith.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 697-710  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Revolucija -- Reformacija -- Filozofija povijesti -- Hijerarhija -- Teologija nade -- Bog
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich


Kratko proljeće anarhije [Elektronička građa] : Studentski list veljača – lipanj 1978. : marginalije uz raspuštanje uredništva Studentskog lista zbog objavljivanja temata uz desetu obljetnicu studentskih prosvjeda 1968. godine / Enis Zebić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Studentski prosvjedi 1968. bili su traumatska tema za cijelog kasnijeg trajanja jugoslavenskog socijalizma. Prvo, zato što je po prvi puta netko masovno marksističkom frazeologijom osporio isključivi monopol vlasti Saveza komunista, drugo, zato što je 1968. na ulicu iznijela (poznate i bolne!) strukturne probleme sustava, treće, što je vlast represijom i demagogijom eutanazirala studentski pokret i četvrto – što problemi koje su isticali »šezdesetosmaši« nisu razriješeni sve do propasti jugoslavenskog socijalizma, a priličnim dijelom su toj propasti i kumovali. Fenomen šezdesetosme dio je svojevrsne nečiste savjesti jugoslavenske nomenklature i u tom kontekstu treba interpretirati izravnu i meku represiju nad sudionicima i simpatizerima šezdesetosme, uključujući i »slučaj« raspuštanja uredništva zagrebačkog Studentskog lista 1978. godine. - Students’ protests in 1968. were a traumatic topic for the entire later period of Yugoslav socialism. Firstly, because somebody for the first time en masse challenged exclusive monopoly of the Communist Party by using Marxist phraseology. Secondly, because protesters openly spoke, concerning serious and painful structural problems. Thirdly, because authorities euthanized students’ movement with repression and demagogy. Fourthly, because the issues students spoke of were not solved until the collapse of Yugoslav socialism, and to the extent, they contributed to that collapse. The phenomenon of 1968 is part of the certain unclean conscience of the Yugoslav Communist nomenclature, and in this context, we need to understand direct and soft repression over the participants and sympathizers of 1968, including the “case” of the dissolution of the editorial board of the Zagreb Studentski list in 1978.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 651-667  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalizam -- Privredna reforma -- Studenti
Tito, Josip Broz


IVASOVIĆ, Sebastijan
Neprestana povezanost i strah od propuštanja u svakodnevnim interakcijama mladih licem u lice [Elektronička građa] / Sebastijan Ivasović, Ivan Burić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 47-48. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom eksplorativnom istraživanju provedenom u Zagrebu putem promatranja bez sudjelovanja i dubinskih intervjua nastojali su se otkriti učestalost, obrasci i motivi uporabe pametnih telefona za vrijeme druženja mladih pripadnika generacije Z (osobe rođene u periodu kasnih 90-ih godina 20. stoljeća i u prvom desetljeću 21. stoljeća) licem u lice, kako bi se istražila potreba za neprestanom povezanošću mladih i s time povezan strah od propuštanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da mladi za vrijeme druženja licem u lice pametne telefone koriste kako bi premostili pad intenziteta razgovora i generirali nove teme, s varijacijama u dinamici uporabe koja ovisi o veličini grupe i kvaliteti poznanstva članova. Dodatno, istraživanjem je otkriveno da su mladi neprestano povezani po navici – naročito oni koji se nalaze u ljubavnoj vezi. Neprestana je povezanost, u načelu, rezultat dosade i želje za zabavom, a takva povezanost može dovesti do stresa i straha od propuštanja. Taj se strah manifestira u situacijama kada mladi ostaju bez pametnog telefona zbog čega se osjećaju „odsječenima od svijeta“. Također, zbog visokih očekivanja neprestane komunikacijske prisutnosti mladi osjećaju pritisak za brzom komunikacijom, što generira stresne situacije. - The main aim of this explorative research paper was is to discover frequency, patterns, and motives of smartphone usage by Generation Z (people born in the late 1990s or the early 2000s)’ during their face-to-face interaction with a view to exploring the need for constant connection and correlated fear of missing out. For this purpose, the authors of the paper conducted in-depth interviews and an observation in Zagreb. As the results indicate, young people use smartphones during their face-toface interactions in order to bridge the fall of dialogue intensity and generate new topics, while usage dynamics varies in correlation with the size of the group and the quality of friendship. Additionally, it is discovered that youth’s constant connection is a habit – especially for the ones in a love relationship. Constant connection is, in general, the result of boredom and desire for fun, which can lead to stress and a fear of missing out. Such a fear manifests itself in situations when young people lose their smartphones, which makes them feel ”cut off from the world“. Also, due to high communication expectations generated by constant connectedness, young people feel the pressure of quick communication, which leads to stress.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 20 ; str. 31-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pametni telefoni -- Generacija Z -- Mladi -- Povezanost -- Strah od propuštanja

Relationship between users age and visual patterns in digital media [Elektronička građa] = Odnos starosti korisnika i vizualne putanje kod korištenja digitalnih medija / Mario Plenković, Daria Mustić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this paper is to investigate is there a relation between age and the way that people are using digital media content. By developing information and communication technology in the field of media communications, media con-tent users are able to use more visual information of the same content, affecting the success of decoding the message and users can also manipulate part of the visual presentation by adapting the user interface to their visual needs. This puts the user in the position of the designer of the visual content. The information user today partially takes the role of the creator of the visual aspect of the information, so it comes to repositioning in relation the graphic designer - the recipient of the message. The paper examines whether the age of the user has an impact on the visual pattern used in the digital content utilization. The research approach is qualitative and exploratory in nature, as the aim is to develop a model of information consumption for elderlies in digital environment in which the information quality is challenged by the way of user’s visual approach and visual pattern. Through the empirical part of the research, user behavior was investigated in the use of media web content. Although, there are some differences between two users groups divided by age, we can not claim that these differences are connected with age. The research has shown that the primary reason for certain visual pattern is interest for specific theme. Based on conducted theoretical analysis and empirical research it can be concluded that visual communication in a new, converging media environment is experiencing redefinition and enables rapid transition from status information per se to status per nos, but the interest for content is still dominant regulator of specific users navigation trought the content. - Svrha ovog rada je istražiti odnos između dobi i načina na koji ljudi koriste digitalne medijske sadržaje. Razvojem informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u području medijskih komunikacija korisnici medija sadržaja mogu koristiti više vizualnih informacija istog sadržaja, što utječe na uspjeh dekodiranja poruke, a korisnici također mogu manipulirati dijelom vizualne prezentacije prilagodbom korisničkog sučelja njihovim vizualnim potrebama. Time se korisnik postavlja u poziciju dizajnera vizualnog sadržaja. Korisnik informacija danas dijelom preuzima ulogu tvorca vizualnog aspekta informacija, pa dolazi do repozicioniranja u odnosu grafički dizajner - primatelj poruke. U radu se ispituje ima li dob korisnika utjecaj na vizualni obrazac koji se koristi u korištenju digitalnog sadržaja. Istraživački pristup je kvalitativnog i istraživačkog karaktera, a cilj je razviti model konzumiranja informacija za starije osobe u digitalnom okruženju u kojem se kvalitetu podataka dovodi u pitanje korisnikovim vizualnim pristupom i vizualnim obrascem. Empirijskim dijelom istraživanja istraženo je ponašanje korisnika pri korištenju medijskih web sadržaja. Iako postoje neke razlike između dvije korisničke skupine podijeljene prema dobi, ne možemo tvrditi da su te razlike povezane s dobi. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je glavni razlog određenog vizualnog uzorka zanimanje za određenu temu. Na temelju provedene teorijske analize i empirijskog istraživanja može se zaključiti da vizualna komunikacija u novom, konvergiranom medijskom okruženju doživljava redefiniranje i omogućava brzi prijelaz iz statusa per se u status per nos, no zanimanje za sadržaj još uvijek je dominantan regulator navigacije za određene korisnike sadržaja.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 164-172  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vizualna komunikacija -- Digitalni medij -- Dob -- Stariji ljudi -- Eye tracking -- Detekcija usmjerenosti pogleda

LONČAR, Marija
Teorijsko-metodološki aspekti pristupa životne povijesti u sociologiji [Elektronička građa] / Marija Lončar, Zorana Šuljug Vučica, Tea Bubić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 396-397. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Iako su tendencije brojnih istraživača dugi niz godina bile usmjerene prema kvantitativnim metodama i statističkim procedurama te pojedinim kvalitativnim metodama i izvorima podataka, posljednjih godina brojni autori govore o uočenom povećanju interesa prema pristupu životne povijesti. Svoje značajne začetke životna povijest bilježi upravo u sociologiji. Unatoč tomu, područje sociologije u Hrvatskoj i dalje ne pokazuje znatniji interes za raspravom teorijskih i metodoloških aspekata životne povijesti. Ovisno o interesima istraživača, životna povijest može se promatrati kroz različite perspektive, kao teorijsko-metodološki okvir, ali i kao metoda istraživanja. Ona omogućuje načine dubinskog dokumentiranja individualnih priča unutar društvenog konteksta tijekom određenog vremena te je pogodna za istraživanje širokog spektra fenomena što ističe metodološku snagu ovog pristupa. Unatoč tomu, kao i kod drugih kvalitativnih pristupa, i kod životne povijesti pojavljuju se pitanja vezana uz refleksivna razmatranja istraživačkog dizajna, te ostala specifična metodološka i etička pitanja. S druge strane, njezine metodološke i istraživačke prednosti u istraživanjima brojnih društvenih fenomena upućuju na potrebu razmatranja uloge pristupa životne povijesti u suvremenoj sociološkoj metodologiji. - Although for a long time many researchers tended to focus on quantitative methods and statistical procedures, as well as certain qualitative methods and data sources, over the past years numerous authors have been talking about a growing interest in the life history approach. Its significant beginnings are noted in sociology. Nevertheless, the field of sociology in Croatia still shows no significant interest in the theoretical and methodological discussions as well as the use of life history. Depending on the interests of researchers, life history can be observed through different perspectives, as a theoretical and methodological framework, but also as a research method. It allows different ways of in-depth documentation of individual stories within the social context over a certain period and is suitable for exploring a wide spectrum of phenomena, which points to its methodological power. Like other qualitative research methods, the life history approach faces issues related to its reflexive considerations regarding research design, and other specific methodological and ethical issues. On the other hand, its methodological and research benefits in researching various social phenomena indicate the necessity to reconsider the role of the life history approach in contemporary sociological methodology.
U: Revija za sociologiju (Online). - ISSN 1846-7954. - 49 (2019), 3 ; str. 377-398  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Životna povijest -- Sociologija -- Kvalitativna metodologija -- Istraživački pristupi

CALDERÓN Gómez, Daniel
Understanding technological socialization [Elektronička građa] : a socio-generational study of young adults' techno-biographical trajectories in the region of Madrid / Daniel Calderón Gómez. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 26-29. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this article the author takes a socio-generational perspective in order to reconstruct young adults’ biographies of socialization in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the region of Madrid, presenting a Bourdieuan approach which includes two entangled dimensions of this process: material domestication of ICTs in daily activity and distinctive digital literacies internalized as dispositions towards practice. From a sample of thirty in-depth interviews structured by gender, age, education and type of digital accessibility, the author’s analysis results in a typology of four ideal techno-biographical trajectories (‘T1-pro-technology users’, ‘T2-practical users’, ‘T3-mobile users’, ‘T4- professional users’) which represent distinctive forms of appropriation of digital technologies into practice. - U ovom članku autor zauzima sociogeneracijsku perspektivu kako bi rekonstruirao biografije mladih u smislu socijalizacije za korištenje informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) u madridskoj regiji. Pri tome se oslanja na Bourdieuev pristup, koji uključuje dvije povezane dimenzije toga procesa: materijalnu domestikaciju IKT-a u svakodnevnim aktivnostima i distinktivnu digitalnu pismenost internaliziranu kao dispozicije prema praksi. Analiza je, na uzorku od trideset dubinskih (in-depth) intervjua strukturiranom po rodu, dobi, obrazovanju i načinu pristupa digitalnim sadržajima, utvrdila postojanje četiri idealna tehnobiografska puta (T1 – protehnološki korisnici, T2 – praktični korisnici, T3 – mobilni korisnici, T4 – profesionalni korisnici) koji predstavljaju distinktivne oblike usvajanja digitalnih tehnologija u praksi.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 20 ; str. 12-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internet -- Mladi -- Digitalni jaz -- Generacijska analiza

Vidi br.: HA20-00199

Vidi br.: HA20-00130

Vidi br.: HA20-00043

Vidi br.: HA20-00088

Vidi br.: HA20-00431

Vidi br.: HA20-00152

Vidi br.: HA20-00178

32   Politika

KLEPAČ Pogrmilović, Bojana
"Europe will soon be lost to political correctness" [Elektronička građa] : evaluating a discourse of political correctness in the main treaties of the European Union / Bojana Klepač Pogrmilović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 130-136. - Summary. - Political correctness (PC), a contemporary phenomenon imported from the United States, has continuously been targeted as one of the key reasons for current troubles the European Union (EU) is facing. Even more, some predict that PC will be the cause of the eventual demise of Europe. This article investigates the presence of the discourse of PC in the fundamental treaties of the EU to explore whether the EU is in danger of being lost to PC. In the first part, the key traits of the discourse on PC and multiculturalism as a dominant philosophy behind it, are presented. One of the key traits of PC is linguistic engineering that may be labelled as mild or radical. In the second part, the content of the EU treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU are analysed comparing three different versions of the Lisbon Treaty and the Charter, namely English, German, and Croatian. The third part is focused on the analysis of the guidelines: Gender-neutral language in the European Parliament, as the most politically correct official document of the EU. The analysis showed that a change with regards to the employment of the discourse of PC came with the Lisbon Treaty and the Charter and is based on mild linguistic engineering. The change in the EU’s legal discourse arose from a cultural change that occurred in some member states. Mild linguistic engineering should not be seen as a real threat to Europe but may be interpreted as a way of reshaping the EU’s core value of non-discrimination. On the other hand, an (in)attentive slip from mild into radical linguistic engineering may ignite the flourishing of the far-right and anti-EU movements that could lead to a serious destabilization of Europe.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 106-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička korektnost -- Multikulturalizam -- Liberalizam -- Lingvistički inženjering
Europska unija


MIŠKULIN, Ivica, povjesničar
Neprijatelj države iz Okučana [Elektronička građa] : slučaj političkog zatvorenika i emigranta Janjka Sarajlića / Ivica Miškulin. - Fotogr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Oblici i učinkovitost političke opozicije komunističkom režimu u Jugoslaviji, u posljednjem desetljeću njezinog postojanja, još uvijek nam u dobrom dijelu ostaju nepoznanicom. Slučaj Janjka Sarajlića, pojedinca koji se, uslijed zamršene osobne i obiteljske povijesti osuđen na drugorazrednu egzistenciju, drznuo pobuniti, zbog toga prisilno otišao „na privremeni rad u inozemstvu“, potom usudio unijeti u okvir zatvorenog društva nedopuštenu literaturu, zbog čega je uhićen, osuđen te je kaznu služio u nekim od najzloglasnijih kaznionica u državi, a potom se u inozemstvu odlučio aktivno boriti protiv jugoslavenske države, posebno je indikativan za poznavanje problematike nenasilnog otpora komunističkoj Jugoslaviji. Stoga, pored analize djelovanja Janjka Sarajlića, čovjeka o kojemu je tadašnji hrvatski emigrantski tisak naveliko pisao i o čijoj sudbini novodostupno arhivsko gradivo donosi niz podataka, ali je ona svejedno nepoznata, kako u široj javnosti, tako i u uskim okvirima hrvatske historiografije, sljedeće rečenice donose i razmatranja o političkom kriminalu, naravi pravosuđa i zatvorskog sustava te uključenosti emigracije u pokušaje političkih i društvenih promjena u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji. - The case of the political prisoner and émigré Janjko Sarajlić should be treated as a contribution to the knowledge of the variations of the political opposition to the Yugoslav communist regime in the last decade of its existence. Living in poverty, Sarajlić found a way of making a living for himself and his numerous family in West Germany. However, in this state he also experienced a space of freedom, i.e. became acquainted with a different image of the situation in Yugoslavia and accordingly developed a strongly critical attitude toward communism. Subsequently, due to an alleged minor breach of the regulations – bringing prohibited literature into the state - he was accused of having committed a political crime. After the trial he was de facto declared an enemy of the state and was sent to some of the most notorious prisons of communist Croatia (the penal and correctional institutions of Stara Gradiška and Lepoglava). Long-term imprisonment, along with various types of repression, additionally strengthened his hostile attitude toward the regime. Sarajlić’s oppositional activities – possession of prohibited literature, hunger strikes, refusal of work, the writing of petitions and submissions, work for international human rights organizations, membership in Croatian emigrant organizations and his writing efforts – should be evaluated non-violent forms of resistance. In this respect Sarajlić can be defined as an enemy of the state or as a political opponent of the Yugoslav communist regime, who tried to bring about a change in the situation, primarily the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the establishment of an independent Croatian state, through peaceful means. In practice, his forms of struggles failed to achieve his aspirations, i.e. the disintegration of Yugoslavia; however these struggles should not be underestimated.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 241-269  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politički kriminal -- Politički zatvorenici -- Ljudska prava -- Politička emigracija
Sarajlić, Janjko


Vidi br.: HA20-00066

Vidi br.: HA20-00069

321   Oblici političke organizacije. Države kao političke sile

SADŽAKOV, Slobodan
Nacizam i umjetnost [Elektronička građa] / Slobodan Sadžakov, Milivoje Mlađenović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se analizira odnos totalitarizma (posebno u njegovoj nacističkoj verziji) i umjetnosti. Tematiziraju se sljedeća pitanja: mogu li totalitarizam i umjetnost uopće koegzistirati, je li njihov sukob neminovan, može li postojati umjetnost u okviru totalitarističkog poretka i kakva bi ona bila, te je li bilo značajnih umjetničkih djela u nacizmu. U radu je razmatran i odnos nacističke ideologije prema određenim oblastima umjetnosti kao što su kiparstvo, film, književnost i slikarstvo, kao i segmenti nacističke represije u pogledu umjetničkog stvaranja. - This paper is analysing the relationship between totalitarianism (particularly in its Nazi form) and art. The following questions are being thematised: whether totalitarianism and art can actually coexist and whether their conflict is truly inevitable, whether and what kind of art can exist within the totalitarian framework, and, in line with the basic concept of this paper, whether any significant artwork was produced during the Nazism era. This paper also considers the attitude of Nazi ideology towards certain forms of art, such as sculpture, film, literature and painting, as well as the segments of Nazi repression in terms of artistic expression.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 811-825  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Totalitarizam -- Nacizam -- Umjetnost -- Cenzura

323   Unutarnji poslovi. Unutarnja politika

Vidi br.: HA20-00152

Vidi br.: HA20-00521

327   Međunarodni odnosi. Svjetska politika. Međunarodni poslovi. Vanjska politika

BICKL, Thomas
Bridge over troubled waters [Elektronička građa] : the Pelješac project, China, and the implications for good-neighbourly relations and the EU / Thomas Bickl. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 70-78. - Summary. - This single-case study seeks, first, to analyse the Pelješac bridge project’s EU dimension, and the impact on the bilateral relations between Croatia and Bosnia- Herzegovina. The bridge is part of the so-called Road Connection to South Dalmatia, an infrastructure project linking the southern exclave of Croatia with the rest of the country. This article is going to reconstruct the considerable controversy between Sarajevo and Zagreb over the project. Second, this piece of research aims at highlighting the context of the bridge being built by a State-owned Chinese company and why the EU has been paralysed over the question of third-country bidders in national EU-wide public tenders. Lastly, this paper presents a recommendation on how the problem of maritime access to and from the territorial waters of Bosnia-Herzegovina through Croatian internal waters can be solved. The article demonstrates that the three issues of controversy related to the Pelješac bridge project can and must be unbundled to arrive at sustainable solutions for the region as a whole. The method employed in this article is process-tracing covering the period between 1999 and today based on interviews, documents, and secondary literature.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 50-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pelješki most -- Infrastrukturni projekti -- Međunarodni odnosi
Europska unija


KOČAN, Faris
Collective memory and an interpretative approach [Elektronička građa] : the struggle over Kosovo's independence as an ideational background for contemporary Serbia's foreign policy choices / Faris Kočan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 213-217. - Summary. - Contrary to the common understanding that collective memory functions as a driver for fostering domestic peace, stability, a common national identity, and serves as a cornerstone for the realisation of specific national goals, our aim is to show how collective memory is understood as a constitutive element of foreign policy narratives and how memory can influence foreign policy choices (Anderson, 1983; Gillis, 199 4; Hobsbawm and Ranger, 1983; Bodnar, 1992; Schudson, 1993; Dian, 2017). Building on the work of Müller (2002), Bell (2010), Langenbacher and Shain (2010), Resende and Budryte (2014), Dian (2017) and Bachleitner (2018), we will argue that Serbia’s foreign policy choice in 2013 to sign the agreement with Kosovo is best understood with the help of an interpretative approach to foreign policy, as this issue de facto reflected the continuation of the role of sacrifice within Serbian collective memory. A narrative of victimisation was used to efficiently bridge the ‘guilt’ and tie it to the notion of great powers’ intervention. This article also examines the paradox of Serbia’s endeavours to hold on to Kosovo by looking into how the struggle over the nation’s past provides the fundamental ideational background for contemporary foreign policy choices.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 200-217  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kolektivno pamćenje -- Neovisnost -- Vanjskopolitički izbori

The implications of the "New course" strategy [Elektronička građa] / Igor Ivašković.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 237-238. - Summary. - This article examines the political framework of “novi kurs” (“New Course”) from the beginning of the 20th century, its strategic aims and its function within the battle of different visions of a South Slavic state. The evidence shows that the new political direction contributed to the improvement of conflicting relations between Croats and Serbs, but, at the same time, it had a negative impact on the Croatian-Slovenian alliance along the Adriatic coast. In the context of the latter relation, the author analyses the reactions of Slovenians from Trieste and Primorska region who were supposed to be the collaterals due to what seemed to be an agreement between Serbs and Croats. However, although the “New Course” may be seen as long expected consensus between Croats and Serbs, a thorough analysis undermines that thesis. This became evident with the formation of two political factions within the Croatian-Serbian Coalition in which different views on the fundamental geopolitical parameters of the South Slavic state were developed.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 218-238  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geopolitika -- Nacionalno pitanje -- Strateški ciljevi

International medical knowledge transfer as a tool of public diplomacy [Elektronička građa] : the case of Croatia / Nikica Daraboš, Dagmar Radin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 47-49. - Summary. - The international dissemination of expertise in most transition countries is underdeveloped because of a number of developmental and practical challenges. Croatia’s overall educational and innovatory potential for health knowledge transfer remains above average when compared to what has been achieved by other new EU Member States, and it is dominated by public sector research institutes and universities. This unrealized potential could be improved further by enhancing the international dissemination of Croatian medical expertise using public diplomacy. The aim of this paper is to address the way in which the international dissemination of medical expertise in transition countries can serve as a tool of public diplomacy to improve its scope and success, in addition to advancing the scope of the knowledge transfer itself. The case of Croatia is used as an example. An effective communication strategy is an important element of public diplomacy that, by influencing public opinion, provides the necessary precondition for active societal support of the willing participants in the transfer of knowledge. Hence, at the beginning of this paper we present the concept of international knowledge transfer in general, and then proceed to present the example of the transfer of Croatian medical knowledge. The second part of this paper addresses elements of public diplomacy and different communication mechanisms and the potential for the international dissemination of domestic medical expertise, with the primary emphasis on Croatia. Finally, we present an overall analysis and an algorithm of public diplomacy activities that each country in transition can adopt to overcome failures associated with the international dissemination of medical expertise.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 29-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvena zaštita -- Medicina -- Javna diplomacija -- Prijenos znanja

Nacionalizam i globalizam u kvalitativnom posredovanju [Elektronička građa] / Slobodan Vukićević.
Bibliografija: str. 415-416. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - The subject of this paper is the symmetry and asymmetry of nationalism and globalism as a qualitative social relation determined by the logos valences (significance, meaning, and sense) of their structural segments. The aim is to establish symmetrical and asymmetric networks of nationalism and globalism that follow their positive and negative dimensions. Nationalism is, basically, a reflection of the nation that contains all the essential contradictions of the emergence and development of a nation, as well as its historical and metaphysical categorisation. Nationalism as a comprehensive, genetically structured social phenomenon can be socially identified and explained only as a symmetry of its positive and negative components. There is no ‘pure’ nation in an ideal-type form, which reflects only positive nationalism, and neither is there a nation that reflects only negative nationalism. Reducing nationalism only to its negative side prevents the discovery of its positive side. The reflection of nationalism necessarily takes place in a state where the right of citizenship means acquiring a new, higher level of freedom, constituting the only logic of the nation. Thus, the nation, state, and citizen are inseparable subjects of a certain democratic community. Globalism is not a self-reflection of the global but rather a reflection of identity symmetries of individual societies-states, which encompasses a comprehensive exchange of their fundamental human values and interests. The central question is what qualitative contents maintain the dominant symmetry of globalism and its relation to the (in)variability of the essence of social life generation. The answer to this question is not possible without the identification of symmetric networks of nationalism and globalism and their qualitative mediation, in which the state plays a particularly important role.
U: Revija za sociologiju (Online). - ISSN 1846-7954. - 49 (2019), 3 ; str. 399-417  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nacija -- Nacionalizam -- Globalizam -- Društvena dimetrija -- Refleksija

ENTINA, Ekaterina
Russia's foreign policy evolution in the new Balkan landscape [Elektronička građa] / Ekaterina Entina, Alexander Pivovarenko.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 197-199. - Summary. - The article reflects on the issue of the foreign policy strategy of modern Russia in the Balkans region. One of the most significant aspects of this problem is the difference in views between Russia and the West. Authors show how different interpretations of the events in former Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s predetermined the sense of mutual suspicion and mistrust which spread to other regions such as the post-Soviet space. Exploring differences between the Russian and the Western (Euro-Atlantic) views on the current matters, authors draw attention to fundamental differences in terminology: while the Western narrative promotes more narrow geographical and political definitions (such as the Western Balkan Six), traditional Russian experts are more inclined to wider or integral definitions such as “the Balkans” and “Central and Southeast Europe”. Meanwhile none of these terms are applicable for analysis of the current trends such as the growing transit role of the Balkans region and its embedding in the European regional security architecture. Therefore, a new definition is needed to overcome the differences in vision and better understand significant recent developments in the region. Conceptualizing major foreign policy events in Central and Southeast Europe during the last three decades (the 1990s, 2000s and 2010s), authors demonstrate the significance of differences in tools and methods between the Soviet Union and the modern Russia. Permanent need for adaptation to changing political and security context led to inconsistence in Russian Balkan policy in the 1990s. Nevertheless, Russia was able to preserve an integral vision of the region and even to elaborate new transregional constructive projects, which in right political circumstances may promote stability and become beneficial for both Russia and the Euro-Atlantic community.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 179-199  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vanjska politika -- Strategije

329   Političke stranke i pokreti

CIPEK, Tihomir
Civil society and the rise of the radical right in Poland [Elektronička građa] / Tihomir Cipek, Stjepan Lacković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 172-176. - Summary. - The influence of the radical right in the whole of Central Europe not only continues to grow, but has reached its apex by gaining power in Poland and Hungary. Its success is often attributed to two factors: a) the weakness of civil society, and b) economic and social crisis. We shall try to dispute these theses by using the example of Poland. We will defend a thesis that contradicts the usual claim that developed civil society also fosters democracy, and will show that the radical right owes its success precisely to its strength in civil society. This text will also show that there is no direct connection between the radical right and economic crisis, and that the real reason for its success is the dominance over the public discourse. The text is divided into three parts: the first will define the concept of the radical right and give an overview of the theories about its rise; the second part will focus on different explanations of the relationship between civil society and liberal democracy; and the third part will discuss the characteristics and activities of the most important organisations of the Polish radical right and their place in civil society and politics.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 153-176  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Civilno društvo -- Radikalna desnica -- Katolička crkva

Lijevi ekstremizam u Saveznoj Republici Njemačkoj trideset godina nakon ujedinjenja [Elektronička građa] / Damir Velički. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Savezna Republika Njemačka posvećuje, zbog povijesne opterećenosti, vrlo veliku pažnju prevenciji i suzbijanju svih ekstremističkih stremljenja, pa tako i lijevog ekstremizma. Preduvjet za analizu lijevoekstremističkih stremljenja u Njemačkoj je jasno definiranje samog pojma političkog, odnosno lijevog ekstremizma. Nakon toga u radu se, poslije osvrta na ideološke temelje lijevog ekstremizma, analiziraju stranke odnosno organizacije lijevoekstremističkog spektra koje djeluju na području SR Njemačke, njihovo članstvo, akcije, strategije i tematska područja djelovanja, s ciljem utvrđivanja je li lijevi ekstremizam u tom segmentu od njemačkog ujedinjenja do danas u porastu. Analizom se zaključilo da lijevi ekstremizam u SR Njemačkoj, iako nakon ujedinjenja nije niti u jednom trenutku ozbiljnije ugrozio njemačku demokraciju, nije zanemariv. On svojim ukupnim potencijalom u mnogim segmentima opterećuje demokratski poredak SR Njemačke, ali se istovremeno slojevite mjere koje njemačka država provodi radi suzbijanja i prevencije političkog ekstremizma dobro nose s lijevoekstremističkim pojavama. - Due to its historical burden, the Federal Republic of Germany has paid a great deal of attention to prevention and suppression of all extremist aspirations, including the left-wing extremism. The prerequisite for the analysis of the left-wing extremist tendencies in Germany is a clear definition of the very concept of political or left-wing extremism. Subsequently, after an overview of the ideological foundations of the left-wing extremism, the analysis is given of parties i.e. organizations within the left-wing extremist spectrum operating in the Federal Republic of Germany, their membership, actions, strategies and thematic areas of activity, with a goal to determine whether the left-wing extremism in that segment has increased since the German unification to date. The analysis concluded that the left-wing extremism in the Federal Republic of Germany, although, after the unification, has not at any point seriously compromised German democracy, is not negligible. Because of its overall potential, it burdens the democratic order of the Federal Republic of Germany in many segments, but simultaneously the layered measures implemented by the German state with a goal to suppress and prevent political extremism have been coping well with the phenomenon of left-wing extremism.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 19-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lijevi ekstremizam -- Politički ekstremizam -- Ujedinjenje

33   Ekonomija. Ekonomske znanosti

Akter-mreža teorija : alternativni pristup razumijevanju tržišta / Edin Tabak, Damir Kukić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 156-158. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 143-158
Akter-mreža teorija -- Performativnost -- Tržište
Michel Callon


The conditions of critical knowledge on capitalism or : the conflict between the economy and philosophy / Alpar Lošonc.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 161-178
Roba -- Kapitalizam -- Autonomizacija -- Ekonomska refleksija

Constructive methods in economics / Arto Mutanen.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 138-141; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 127-141
Konstruktivna metoda -- Egzaktnost -- Pedagoški pristup -- Znanstveni pristup

GEORGE, Michael, filozof
The distortion of value : the economy and ethical reductionism / Michael George.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 393 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 381-394
Redukcija vrijednosti -- Ekonomija -- Odgoj i obrazovanje

TOMIĆ, Draženko
Ekonomija u filozofskoj misli Kvirina Vasilja : (uz 100. obljetnicu rođenja) / Draženko Tomić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 355-364
Ekonomija -- Kapitalizam -- Socijalizam
Kvirin Vasilj


SUNDAĆ, Dragomir
Ekonomska filozofija : ekološko-socijalno tržni model gospodarstva (nacionlane ekonomije) / Dragomir Sundać, Marko Šundov.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 83-103
Ekološko-socijalno tržno gospodarstvo -- Održivi razvoj -- Kupovna moć potrošaća -- Održiva konkuretnost

Filozofija zabave i ekonomija / Divna Vuksanović, Dragan Ćalović.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 293-294 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 281-294
Zabava -- Industrijska proizvodnja -- Filozofija medija

Filozofija, ekonomija, globalizacija - teze o paradigmatskoj nedovršenosti / Petar Filipić, Nenad Starc.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografiija: str. 26-27. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 17-28
Filozofija -- Ekonomija -- Globalizacija -- Integrativnost

ČOVIĆ, Berislav
Gospodarstvo iz odgovornosti : filozofsko-kritički pristup / Berislav Čović.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 312-315 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 297-316
Gospodarstvo -- Obrazovanje -- Odgovornost -- Socijalno tržišno gospodarstvo

Identitet kao optimalno ekonomiziranje odnosa s Drugim/a / Isuf Berisha.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 49-66
Kosovski identitet -- Glavni Drugi -- Identitetska situacija -- Ekonomija identiteta

In search for difference : gender versus the economic transformation of education / Ana Maskalan, Tomislav Krznar, Siniša Opić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 466-468 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 449-468
Obrazovanje -- Rodna ravnopravnost -- Obrazovna profesija

GVOZDEN, Vladimir
Interactive commodity loop / Vladimir Gvozen.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 122-124. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 107-125
Roba -- Kapitalizam -- Država -- Ekonomija

KELAM, Ivica
Investor to state dispute settlement : a challange for democracy, ethics, the environment, and the rule of law / Ivica Kelam.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 209-224
Trgovački sporazum -- ISDS -- TTP -- TTIP -- CETA
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas


POPOVIĆ, Djordje
Making the world philosophical again / Djordje Popović.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 367-380
Filozofija -- Egzistencija -- Otuđenje
Herbert Marcuse


FINCI, Predrag
O bazi i nadogradnji - kritički pristup / Predrag Finci.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 39-47
Baza -- Nadogradnja -- Umjetnost -- Kriza

One material production or two? / Eva D. Bahovec.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 193-194; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 179-194
Materijalna proizvodnja -- Marksizam -- Feminizam
S. de Beauvoir


Ontološka kriza u tumačenju Roberta Kurza / Matko Meštrović.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: 4 jed. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 253-260
Kapitalizam -- Kriza -- Društvena reprodukcija
Robert Kurz


Problemi metodološkog pristupa u analizi utjecaja religijskih aspekata društva na ekonomski razvoj / Nora Mustać, Tin Horvatinović.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 333-336 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 317-336
Religija -- Ekonomija -- Sukob vjerovanja i nevjerovanja
Mijo Mirković


Proizvodnja sreće ili fabriciranje otuđenja? : filozofija i ekonomija / Aleksej Kišjuhas, Dušan Marinković.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 274-279; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 261-280
Emocije -- Razum -- Emocionalni rad -- Kontrola emocija -- Filozofija emocija

DRAGOJEVIĆ Mijatović, Aneli
Protekcionizam ili slobodna trgovina : aktualnost Zatvorene trgovačke države Johanna Gottlieba Fichtea / Aneli Dragojević Mijatović.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 227-252
Protekcionizam -- Slobodna trgovina
Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- Goerg Friedrich List


The role of (Christian) spirituality in the economy on the light of Laudato si' / Ivan Platovnjak.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 351-353 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 337-354
Laudato si' -- Nova ekonomija -- Kršćanstvo -- Ekonomska duhovnost

Shopping, money, and higher values / Predrag Cicovacki.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: 4 jed. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 29-38
Konzumerizam -- Novac -- Vrijednosti -- Kupovnje -- Oznaci

Socio-ekonomski status i socijalni kapital kao čimbenici obrazovnog uspjeha na visokoškolskoj razini : primjer studenata odgojiteljskog studija / Silvia Rogošić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 446-448 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 431-448
Replikacija istraživanja -- Studenti odgojiteljskog studija -- Socijalni kapital -- Financijski kapital

RACZ, Aleksandar
Što uistinu znači "Eko" u nazivu projekta "Eco golf resort Matalda"-ekološki, ekonomski ili ekocidni? / Aleksandar Racz.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 484-485 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 471-486
Menadžment održivog razvoja -- Golf turizma -- Zagađenje okolišta -- Park prirode

ALIĆ, Sead
Terorizam ekonomije i totalitarizam neslobode / Sead Alić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 80-81; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 67-81
Državni terorizam -- Ekonomija -- Kapital
Karl Marx -- Noam Chomsky


Tržišna cijena bitka - ekonanija / Luka Janeš, Bernard Špoljarić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 206-207; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 195-207
Ekonomija -- Bitak -- Tržište -- Proizvodnja

331   Rad. Zaposlenost. Posao. Ekonomika rada. Organizacija rada

SENČUR Peček, Darja
Ugovorni odnosi u vezi s privremenim agencijskim radom [Elektronička građa] / Darja Senčur Peček, Sandra Laleta, Karla Kotulovski.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 35 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - U radu se obrađuju ugovorni odnosi u vezi s privremenim agencijskim radom, i to posebnosti ugovora o radu između agencije (kao poslodavca) i radnika, ugovorni odnos između agencije i korisnika te faktični odnos između korisnika i agencijskih radnika. Ti su ugovorni odnosi analizirani s aspekta hrvatskoga i slovenskog radnog prava, prava EU-a i dobre prakse nekoliko europskih država. - This article analyses the contractual relationships concerning temporary agency work: specificities of the employment contract between the agency (as an employer) and worker; contractual relationship between agency and the user undertaking and the factual relationship between the user and agency workers. Concerning the employment relationship between the agency and worker, the analysis focuses on the fact that only legal subject that fulfils specific conditions can operate as an agency; further, on the duration of the employment relationship, the workplace, rights and the termination of the employment relationship. Despite the fact that the agency and the user conclude the commercial contract, those contractual parties are limited by the labour law rules that are the object of the analysis in this article. Thirdly, the article deals with the relationship between the agency worker and user, that is not formalized by the conclusion of the contract, but regulated by the labour legislation, that prescribes the workers’ rights and its impact on the user’s stable workers’ rights. The authors analyse the mentioned contractual relationships as regulated in Croatian and Slovenian labour law, as well as by EU law, giving the examples of good practice used in some European countries. - Dieser Beitrag bespricht die Leiharbeitsverhältnisse, und zwar, die Besonderheiten von Arbeitsverträgen zwischen dem Verleiher (als Arbeitgeber) und dem Arbeitnehmer sowie auch das Verhältnis zwischen den Nutzern und den Leiharbeitern. Beim Arbeitsverhältnis zwischen dem Verleiher und dem Arbeitnehmer wird vor allem die Tatsache, dass der Verleiher nur dasjenige Rechtssubjekt sein kann, welches die besonderen Voraussetzungen dafür erfüllt, analysiert. Die Bestimmung der Dauer des Arbeitsverhältnisses, der Ort der Arbeit, die Besonderheiten bezüglich der Rechte sowie auch die Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses werden besprochen. Der Verleiher und der Nutzer schließen einen Vertrag aus dem Bereich des Handelsrechts und trotzdem sind sie durch die in diesem Beitrag analysierten Regeln des Arbeitsrechts beschränkt. Das dritte Verhältnis, das in diesem Beitrag besprochen wird, bezieht sich auf das Verhältnis zwischen den Nutzern und den Leiharbeitern, welches durch die Vertragsschließung nicht formalisiert wird, sondern vom Arbeitsrechtsgesetzgebung sowohl bezüglich der Rechte von Leiharbeitern als auch bezüglich dessen Einflusses auf die Arbeitsverhältnisse der Arbeiter von Nutzern geregelt wird. Diese Vertragsverhältnisse werden aus der Perspektive des kroatischen und des slowenischen Arbeitsrechts sowie auch des EU-Rechtes und der bewährten Verfahren einiger europäischen Staaten analysiert. - Precisamente, si esaminano le particolarità del contratto di lavoro tra l'agenzia (in qualità di datore di lavoro) ed il lavoratore; il rapporto contrattuale tra l'agenzia e l'utente, come anche il rapporto di fatto tra l'utente ed il lavoratore dell'agenzia. Quando si tratta del rapporto di lavoro tra l'agenzia ed il lavoratore si analizza in primo luogo il fatto che si qualifica come agenzia soltanto quel soggetto giuridico che soddisfa dei criteri particolari. Si disamina anche la questione della determinazione della durata del rapporto di lavoro, del luogo in cu vengono compiute le mansioni, le particolarità legate ai diritti derivanti come anche il termine del rapporto di lavoro. L'agenzia e l'utente pur concludendo un contratto di diritto commerciale, incontrano nel loro rapporto limiti derivanti dal diritto del lavoro analizzati nel contributo. Il terzo rapporto che viene analizzato nel contributo è quello tra l'utente ed il lavoratore, rapporto non formalizzato mediante la conclusione di un contratto, bensì regolato dalla legislazione giuslavorista sia sotto il profilo dei diritti dei lavoratori dell'agenzia, sia sotto il profilo della sua influenza sui rapporti di lavoro dei lavoratori dell'utente. Tali rapporti contrattuali si disaminano nei diritti del lavoro croato e sloveno, come anche nel diritto dell'UE e nella good practice di alcuni paesi europei.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1101-1127  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Agencijski rad -- Ugovor o radu -- Ugovor o ustupanju radnika -- Usporedno pravo
Europska unija


Vidi br.: HA20-00233

Vidi br.: HA20-00317

Vidi br.: HA20-00364

Vidi br.: HA20-00413

Vidi br.: HA20-00318

332   Regionalna ekonomika. Teritorijalna ekonomika. Ekonomika stanovanja

MEDIĆ, Milan
Društveni izazovi u primjeni metodologije Lokalnog razvoja vođenog od strane zajednice : (Community led local development) u Hrvatskoj / Milan Medić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 487-508
LEADER -- CLLD -- Lokalni razvoj pod vodstvom zajednice -- Program ruralnog razvoja RH 2014.-20.

KLARIĆ Rodik, Petra
Stambene karijere u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] : od samoupravnog socijalizma do krize financijskog kapitalizma / Petra Rodik, Teo Matković, Josip Pandžić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 345-347. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Visok udio kućevlasništva malo govori o tome na koje načine pojedinci i kućanstva u Hrvatskoj rješavaju svoje stambeno pitanje, a krossekcijski podatci o strukturi stambenih statusa, stambenim politikama te predtranzicijskim istraživanjima stambene opskrbe daju nedostatne odgovore na to pitanje. Oslanjajući se na koncepte stambenog statusa, stambene tranzicije i stambene karijere te na periodizaciju dominantnih sustava stambene opskrbe od 1975. do 2015., u radu adresiramo sljedeća pitanja: prvo, koji su dominantni oblici stambenih tranzicija u Hrvatskoj, drugo, kako su stambene karijere povezane s ishodišnim statusima te treće, koji su dominantni obrasci stambenih karijera u Hrvatskoj. Navedena pitanja potom dovodimo u odnos s obilježjima stambene opskrbe u pojedinim razdobljima te ih, naposljetku, razmatramo iz perspektive međukohortnih razlika. Rad se temelji na analizi retrospektivnih anketnih podataka o stambenim karijerama koristeći metode povijesti događaja (eng. event history) i analize sekvence. Anketiranje je provedeno na nacionalno reprezentativnom uzorku (N=1000) u sklopu IPSOS Pulsovog Omnibus istraživanja u studenome 2016. godine. Analiza je usredotočena na identifikaciju obrazaca stanovanja u Hrvatskoj te na prikaz stambenih karijera pojedinaca u razdoblju socijalizma i postsocijalizma (1975. – 2015.). Kroz cijelo promatrano razdoblje dominira obiteljski tip stambene samoopskrbe, slijede stambene tranzicije s osloncem na tržišnu opskrbu, čiji je broj u porastu, a perzistentno su najmanje zastupljeni, i do razdoblja krize gotovo iščeznuli, socijalizirani modaliteti tranzicija. Stambene tranzicije iz roditeljskog doma počinju kasno, a trajanje jednom otpočetih stambenih statusa, napose onih vlasničkih, vrlo je dugotrajno. Stambene karijere relativno su jednostavne te u većini slučajeva vode vlasništvu kuće ili stana, često kroz ostanak u roditeljskoj nekretnini. - High homeownership level shows little about how individuals and households in Croatia resolve their housing issue, while cross-sectional data on tenure structure, housing policies, and pre-transitional research studies provide insufficient answers to this question. By relying on the concepts of housing tenures, housing transitions, and housing careers, as well as on the periodisation of dominant housing provision structures from 1975 to 2015, this paper addresses the following questions: first, what are the dominant forms of housing transitions in Croatia? Second, how are housing careers connected to the resulting tenures? And third, what are the dominant patterns of housing careers in Croatia? These questions are then related to housing provision characteristics in certain periods and, lastly, considered from the perspective of intercohort differences. This paper is based on an analysis of retrospective survey data on housing careers, which was carried out using event history and sequence analysis methods. The survey was conducted on a national representative sample (N=1000) as part of the IPSOS Puls Omnibus research in November 2016. The analysis is focussed on the identification of housing patterns in Croatia, and the account of individuals’ housing careers during the socialist and post-socialist periods (1975–2015). Throughout the whole period, family-type self-provision of housing was dominant, followed by housing transitions based on market supply that were rising in numbers. Persistently least represented and almost vanquished by the start of the crisis period were socialised transition modalities. Housing transitions from parents’ home started late and the duration of once-started tenures was very long, especially in the case of homeownership. Housing careers are relatively simple and mostly lead to homeownership, often also through staying in a family home.
U: Revija za sociologiju (Online). - ISSN 1846-7954. - 49 (2019), 3 ; str. 319-348  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stambeno pitanje -- Stambena tranzicija -- Stambena karijera

336   Financije. Bankarstvo. Novac

KOTARSKI, Kristijan
Measuring currency power from 2005 to 2018 [Elektronička građa] : greenback still unrivaled or increasingly constrained by its rivals? / Kristijan Kotarski, Alexander C. Tan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 265-268. - Summary. - The main research goal of this paper is to empirically assess the state of US currency power relative to its main rivals in the period between 2005 and 2018. The most novel aspect of our inquiry is the design of three new composite indices called: Monetary Capability Index (MCI), Quality of Governance Index (QGI) and Currency Internationalization Index (CII). We argue that those indices are indispensable in an attempt to empirically measure the concept of currency power, both its underlying material and non-material resources, as well as the degree of their effective exploatation. Based on the conducted analysis it is visible that material resources are a necessary but not sufficient condition to wield and exert currency power which we proxy by currency internationalization. In that regard quality of governance remains indispensable to this effort. Our measurement shows that US currency power remains unshattered by the global financial crisis (GFC) and US dollar is still placed firmly at the top of international monetary and credit hierarchy. In spite of dangers emanating from Trump’s erratic policy, US rivals either face weakening of their currency power in terms of their monetary capability or still lag far behind the US in terms of their quality of governance.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 241-268  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Valute -- Američki dolar -- Monetarna politika -- Indeks kvalitete upravljanja -- Indeks monetarne sposobnosti

Senjska štedionica Senj (1873. – 1948.) [Elektronička građa] / Siniša Lajnert. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 294-296. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor u članku s aspekta povijesti institucija obrađuje ustroj, poslovanje i likvidaciju Senjske štedionice Senj od 1873., kada je štedionica osnovana, pa sve do 1948., kada je završena njezina likvidacija. Poslove štedionice obavljali su glavna skupština dioničara, ravnateljstvo i nadzorni odbor. Usprkos velikim ekonomskim krizama te dvama svjetskim ratovima, Senjska štedionica izbjegla je sudbinu većine novčarskih zavoda koji su poslovali s gubitkom. Bila je jedan od rijetkih zavoda koji nikada nije imao nikakve zaštitne mjere niti mu je ikada bio postavljen povjerenik. Ravnateljstvo štedionice uvijek je polazilo od stajališta da prvenstveno treba očuvati zavod, u čemu se i uspjelo. Štedionica je upornim nastojanjem njezina ravnateljstva i činovništva te poslovnih prijatelja prebrodila sve krize, uglavnom s lakoćom, makar i uz skromni dobitak. Ravnateljstvo je prilagođavalo svoj rad prilikama i vjerno svojim principima, kako bi štedionica što bolje poslužila poslovnom svijetu te uspješno sačuvala stečeno povjerenje poslovnih prijatelja. Neposredno nakon završetka 2. svjetskog rata rad štedionice posve je stao. S obzirom na to da nije postojao niti jedan od uvjeta za daljnji uspješan rad Senjske štedionice i s obzirom na plansku likvidaciju privatnih novčarskih zavoda, u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji je već 1945. godine određena likvidacija zavoda, koja je završena 1948. godine. - In the article, the author, from the aspect of the history of the institution, deals with the business and liquidation of the Senj savings bank from 1873, when the savings bank was founded, all the way to 1948, when its liquidation was completed. The business affairs of the savings bank were carried out by a main assembly of shareholders, a directorate and supervisory board. Despite the large economic crises and two world wars, Senj’s savings bank avoided the fate of the majority the financial institutions that operated with a loss. It was one of the rare institutions which never had any kind safeguards nor was it ever appointed with a commissioner. The directorate of the savings bank always began from the standpoint that the institution should primarily be preserved, which is what it succeeded in. With the sturdy determination of its directorate and clerical service and business friends, the savings bank overcame all crises, generally with ease, if only with a modest profit. The directorate adapted its work to the circumstances and faithfully to its principles, in order for the savings bank to better serve the business world and successfully preserve the gained trust of its business friends. Immediately after World War Two, the work of the savings bank completely stopped. Given that there was not one condition for the further successful work of the Senj savings bank and given the planned liquidation of private financial institutions, in socialist Yugoslavia, the liquidation of institutions was specified as early as 1945, and it was completed in 1948.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 249-296  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Novčarski zavod -- Štedioničko poslovanje -- Dioničari -- Bilanca -- Likvidacija
Senjska štedionica Senj


Vidi br.: HA20-00193

338   Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene

338.48   Turizam

Community participation in the planning of local destination management [Elektronička građa] = Participacija zajednice u planiranju lokalnog destinacijskog menadžmenta / Marko Koščak, Tony O’Rourke, Dinko Bilić.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 3 jed. - In this paper we suggest that modern tourism planning of a destination should include participation from all levels of the community (direct stakeholders, local residents and differing age groups) if the participatory process is to be extensive and universal within the community. We see participatory planning as a critical success factor in seeking to satisfy the requirements of the modern paradigm of sustainability and responsibility in tourism. A community-based approach to tourism development is a prerequisite to sustainability. This focuses on community involvement in the planning and development process, and developing the types of tourism, which generate real social and economic benefits to local communities. Representing the interests and fulfilling the needs of various users is one reason for enabling their participation. Interestingly, children & youth are often overlooked in this regard even though adults may not adequately represent their needs. An important outcome of participatory planning is the process of collective learning that takes place through the underlying process of dialogue. We will refer in the paper to parallel research conducted with colleagues in Slovenia focusing in detail on the role of children & youth in the participatory process of developing sustainable tourism at a local level. This includes a view that planning for sustainable tourism development is an effort to shape the future. Among stakeholders and community participants, children & youth have a significant voice in the future and to a strong degree should have the right to engage in development. The paper seeks to assess the role of participatory structures in planning and development and in the role of children & youth as stakeholders in the planning of local destination management. - U ovom radu polazimo od pretpostavke, kako u suvremenom planiranju turističkog razvoja destinacije treba težiti da su u participativni proces uključene sve razine lokalne zajednice (direktni dionici u turizmu, lokalno stanovništvo kao i različite starosne skupine). Posljednje navedeno jedino osigurava univerzalni i sveobuhvatni participativni proces planiranja u turističkoj destinaciji. Ocjenjujemo, da je participativnost svih dionika kritičan faktor uspjeha za osiguranje održivog i odgovornog turističkog razvoja u destinaciji. Na taj način osiguran je razvoj turizma, koji generira realne socijalne, okolišne i ekonomske koristi za lokalnu zajednicu. Mogućnost za iskaz participacije treba biti omogućena svim dionicima u destinaciji. Interesantno, djeca i mladi često su izostavljeni iz ovog procesa, iako u većini slučajeva odrasla generacija ne može adekvatno izraziti njihov pogled na budući turistički razvoj u destinaciji. Značajan rezultat participativnog procesa je i međusobna komunikacija te izmjena iskustva u procesu planiranja razvoja turističke destinacije. U radu se referiramo i na paralelno istraživanje, koje su izveli kolege iz Slovenije, s fokusom na ulogu djece u participativnom procesu planiranja turističke destinacije. Smatramo da je to od važnog značaja za osiguranje elementa održivosti za budući razvoj u turističkoj destinaciji. Između svih dionika u planiranju razvoja destinacije, djeca i mlada generacija trebaju i moraju imati svoju ulogu i svoj glas, kako bi participativni proces bio cjelovit odnosno sveobuhvatan.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 125-135  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Održivost -- Destinacijski menadžment -- Etički turizam -- Lokalne zajednice -- Turistički razvoj -- Mladi -- Djeca

Importance of storytelling [Elektronička građa] : how to create more resilient cultural heritage? / Mirna Karzen, Damir Demonja.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - A well-told story has always been the cornerstone of good marketing and business, that is, »sales« and products and destinations. Faced with increasing competitiveness and increasingly demanding visitors seeking active nature tourism and integrated facilities, tourism stakeholders face the challenges of designing innovative tourism content that will, above all, »tell the story« and create a full, multisensory experience. Main ingredient of this holistic approach to destination development reflects primarily in the fact that the community is involved into all facets of development. The location turns into a destination once a location is harmonized with the needs of the tourists. Involving visitors in the life of the destination decreases the negative impact tourism might have and creates sustainability.How does this process work in the case of natural disasters or pandemic crises? How can storytelling become an important vehicle for connecting people and creating a disaster resilient cultural heritage? What are the tools in disaster risk management especially when we talk about cultural heritage? The underlying question is also: how do/may social innovation/participatory governance contribute to a more resilient and inclusive, cultural heritage and how can such approaches be improved and applied across Europe?This paper will explain the importance of storytelling in the context of pandemic crises as COVID-19 is, but also other natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods that are due to climate change and manmade influence more frequent than ever. Based on the results of research and examples of good practice (Croatian and European), this paper will identify basic steps and tools that can help both private and public stakeholders create quality product and content. - Dobro ispričana priča oduvijek je bila temelj dobrog marketinga i poslovanja, odnosno »prodaje«, proizvoda i odredišta. Suočeni s povećanjem konkurentnosti i sve zahtjevnijim posjetiteljima koji traže turizam aktivne naravi i integrirane sadržaje, turistički djelatnici suočavaju se s izazovima oblikovanja inovativnih turističkih sadržaja koji će, prije svega, »ispričati priču« i stvoriti cjelovito, višeosjetilno iskustvo. Glavnina ovog holističkog pristupa razvoju destinacije jest ponajprije činjenica da je zajednica uključena u sve aspekte razvoja. Nakon što se lokacija uskladi s potrebama turista, ona postaje destinacija. Uključivanje posjetitelja u život destinacije smanjuje negativan utjecaj koji turizam može imati i stvara održivost. Kako taj proces funkcionira u slučaju prirodnih katastrofa ili pandemijskih kriza? Kako pripovijedanje može postati važno sredstvo povezivanja ljudi i stvaranja kulturne baštine koja traje, koja je s nama i tijekom katastrofa? Koji su alati za upravljanje rizikom od katastrofa, posebno kada je riječ o kulturnoj baštini? Temeljno je pitanje i kako društvene inovacije i sudjelovanje u upravljanju mogu pridonijeti otpornijem i uključujućem kulturnom nasljeđu i kako se takvi pristupi mogu poboljšati i primijeniti u Europi. Ovaj rad tumači važnost pripovijedanja u kontekstu pandemijskih kriza, kao što je COVID-19, ali i drugih prirodnih katastrofa, poput potresa ili poplava koje su zbog klimatskih promjena i utjecaja čovjeka češće nego ikad prije. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja i primjera dobre prakse (hrvatske i europske), ovaj rad identificira osnovne korake i alate koji mogu pomoći privatnim i javnim dionicima u stvaranju kvalitetnih proizvoda i sadržaja.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 653-668  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Integrirani turizam -- Kulturna baština -- Pripovijedanje -- Interpretacija -- Upravljanje rizikom

PAAR, Dalibor
Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit kao vrhunsko edukativno-turističko središte [Elektronička građa] / Dalibor Paar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 116-118. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sjeverni Velebit hrvatski je biser koji u kontekstu obrazovanja 21. stoljeća, zaštite prirode, suočavanja s ugrožavanjem prirode i klimatskim promjenama može postati europski značajan edukativni centar. Osim vrednovanja, zaštite prirode i doprinosa obrazovanju, ovaj pristup može otvoriti nova radna mjesta te podići kvalitetu života lokalne zajednice. Pri tome se povezuju različiti sadržaji – obrazovni, znanstveni, kulturni, športski, zdravstveni i dr. Suvremeno znanstveno (STEM) obrazovanje temeljeno na značajnoj georaznolikosti i bioraznolikosti može se u obliku programa ponuditi dionicima obrazovnoga sustava. Krški fenomeni Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit, posebice njegove duboke jame, jedna su od tema koja ima velike znanstveno-istraživačke i edukativne izazove. - Northern Velebit is a Croatian pearl which in the context of education in the 21st century, nature protection, confronting the endangerment of nature and climatic changes could become a significant European centre. Besides the evaluation, protection of nature and contribution to education from the nursery to lifelong learning, the development in this direction opens new workplaces and raises the quality of life of the local community. The Northern Velebit National Park is a location which in synergy with the infrastructure and logistic elements in Kras, Otočac and Senj, along with the support of European funds, can develop on contemporary educational concepts of the 21st century. Especially the underground of Velebit, in other words, its numerous speleological phenomena, represent an excellent example of why it is necessary to connect the geological, biological and climatic aspects of the protected location. The high level of unexplored karst phenomena of the Northern Velebit National Park and the potentials for new discoveries open the possibilities of generating dynamic educational contents which can be supplemented through continuous collaboration with experts. The discovery of something new until then unknown, unusual and unexpected is something which with the corresponding presentation techniques can awaken interest in the natural sciences in pupils and students, in other words, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission awaken the interest in the education of science and STEM regions.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 105-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Znanstveno obrazovanje -- Geopark -- Georaznolikost -- STEM

Vidi br.: HA20-00252

34   Pravo. Pravna znanost. Pomoćne pravne znanosti

Arbitraža po uzoru na rimsko pravo u graničnom sporu između Lovrana i Mošćenica (1646.) [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Milotić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 43 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - Granični spor između Lovrana i Mošćenica iz 1646. godine poznat je u literaturi, dok je arhivski izvor u kojemu je zabilježen paleografski i filološki odgovarajuće obrađen i vrednovan. Premda je riječ o pravnom aktu, njegova je pravna odrednica nepoznata, što se posebno odnosi na nekoliko instituta, pojmova i izričaja koji svojom preciznošću, određenošću i pravnotehničkom izraženošću odudaraju od mjesnih feudalnih običajnih pravnih shvaćanja toga vremena. K tome, premda su ti pojmovi te izričaji u ispravi dokumentirani na talijanskome, oni su prigodno talijanizirani, a zapravo pripadaju latinskom jeziku. Dodatno, kada se spominju, oni odstupaju od uobičajene srednjovjekovne deskriptivnosti pravnoga jezika i administrativno-funkcionalnog stila kojima obiluje tadašnja pravna diplomatika. Kako sve navedene naznake upućuju na mogućnost da su ključni pojmovi, izričaji i instituti u lovransko-mošćeničkom razgraničenju preuzeti iz rimske pravne tradicije koja je na ovo područje prodirala i posredstvom ius commune te dijelom iz rimsko-kanonskoga procesa, u radu se propituje njihovo pravno podrijetlo te uloga i svrha koja se njihovim korištenjem postizala u konkretnom razgraničenju. U radu se posebna pažnja posvećuje procesnom mehanizmu kojim je riješen granični spor između Lovrana i Mošćenica te mogućnosti da je on oblikovan po uzoru na rimsku arbitražu i donekle na rimsko-kanonski proces. - The boundary dispute between Lovran and Mošćenice of 1646 quite recently received some attention in the literature and was simultaneously adequately elaborated form palaeographic and philological point of view. Despite the fact that it is substantially a legal act, its legal content did not receive adequate attention of the scholars, which may primarily be said with reference to its institutes, terms and expressions whose precision, accuracy and legal technical at first sight most evidently depart from the local feudal legal customs and legal traditions. Moreover, nevertheless that these terms and expressions were written down in Italian language of the time, they evidently represent Italianized version of terms, expression and legal concepts that originally belong to Latin language. Additionally, their mentions in the document at hand have no resemblance to the usual medieval descriptions of the legal phenomena which have a little in common with normative language or to administrativefunctional style of that time which distinctively shaped the legal documents. Because all these indications suggest that the key terms, expressions and institutes pertinent to the boundary dispute between Lovran and Mošćenice (and its resolution) might be borrowed from the Roman legal tradition (which outreached this territory by means of ius commune) and the Romano-canonical process, this paper examines origin, roles and functions which were achieved in practice by their use in this particular legal matter. The paper will specifically explore the procedural mechanism which was employed to reach settlement of the boundary dispute between Lovran and Mošćenice and will additionally provide a deeper insight into the possibility that in this particular case arbitration conceptually based on the Roman law was employed as the means of dispute resolution. - Die Grenzstreitigkeit zwischen Lovran und Mošćenice aus dem Jahr 1646 erfuhr Aufmerksamkeit in der Literatur und wurde auch aus paläographischer und philologischer Sicht untersucht. Obwohl es sich hier um einen Rechtsakt handelt, ist seine rechtliche Bestimmung unbekannt, was insbesondere für einige Rechtsfiguren, Begriffe und Ausdrücke gilt, wessen Genauigkeit, Richtigkeit und rechtstechnische Grundlagen von den örtlichen feudalen und rechtlichen Traditionen dieser Zeit abweichen. Obwohl diese Begriffe in italienischer Sprache dokumentiert wurden, wurden sie eigentlich aus dem Latein übernommen. Diese Begriffe weichen auch von der mittelalterlichen Deskriptivität der Rechtsprache und des administrativfunktionellen Stils der damaligen Rechtsdiplomatik ab. Da alles darauf hinweist, dass die Schlüsselbegriffe und Rechtsfiguren im Kontext der Grenzstreitigkeit zwischen Lovran und Mošćenice aus der römischen Rechtstradition übernommen wurden, die auf dieses Gebiet durch ius commune und teilweise aus dem römischen Kirchenrecht Einfluss übte, werden in diesem Beitrag ihre rechtliche Etymologie und Rolle bei der Benutzung in der genannten Grenzstreitigkeit überprüft. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenkt man in diesem Beitrag dem Prozessmechanismus, durch welchen die Grenzstreitigkeit zwischen Lovran und Mošćenice beigelegt wurde. Ebenfalls wird betont, dass es möglich ist, dass die Streitigkeit das römische Schiedsverfahren und teilweise das römische kanonische Prozess als Vorbild hatte. - La lite sui confini tra Laurana e Moschiena del 1646 è nota nella letteratura: altresì, la fonte d’archivio nella quale è annotata è curata e valutata correttamente da un punto di vista paleografico e filologico. Benché si tratti di un atto giuridico, la sua natura giuridica è sconosciuta: ciò si riferisce soprattutto ad alcuni istituti, nozioni ed espressioni che con la loro precisione, determinazione ed accuratezza giuridica paiono subito sono in contrasto con le usanze feudali giuridiche locali del tempo. In aggiunta, benché tali nozioni ed espressioni nell’atto siano documentate in lingua italiana, è di tutta evidenza come essi siano la versione italianizzata di termini latini. Ancora, quando si menzionano tali nozioni ed espressioni si differenziano rispetto alla comune descrizione del linguaggio giuridico medievale e rispetto allo stile amministrativofunzionale di cui abbondava la diplomazia giuridica del tempo. Posto che tutto indirizza alla possibilità che le nozioni, le espressioni e gli istituti nell’accertamento dei confini tra Laurana e Moschiena vennero tratti dalla tradizione giuridica romana, che si fece strada in questo territorio anche attraverso lo ius commune ed in parte mediante il processo romano-canonico, nel presente contributo si indaga circa la loro provenienza giuridica ed il loro ruolo e scopo che mediante il loro utilizzo venne raggiunto nella lite sui confini. Nel lavoro si presta particolare attenzione al meccanismo processuale con il quale venne risolta la lite tra Laurana e Moschiena, come particolare attenzione viene prestata alla possibilità che lo stesso fosse stato basato sul modello dell’arbitrato romano ed in parte sul processo romano-canonico.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 987-1006  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rimsko pravo -- Arbitraža -- Granični spor

Pravne posljedice provjere putnikovih putnih isprava u zračnim lukama [Elektronička građa] : opravdanost razloga za uskraćivanje ukrcaja na let / Željka Primorac.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1145-1148. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - Autorica se u radu bavi pravnoteorijskom elaboracijom suzbijanja nezakonite migracije putnika u zračnom prijevozu (s naglaskom na državljane trećih zemalja) ukazujući na modalitete i pravne posljedice provođenja provjere valjanosti i vjerodostojnosti putnikovih putnih isprava prema najnovijim rješenjima schengenske pravne stečevine te ocjenjujući ulogu zračnog prijevoznika u zaštiti vanjske granice EU. Autorica ukazuje na nedovoljnu pravnu reguliranost pojmova „neodgovarajuća putna dokumentacija“ i „potrebne putne isprave“ preispitujući pravne učinke posjedovanja i predočenja neodgovarajuće putne dokumentacije kao opravdanog razloga uskraćivanja ukrcaja putnika na let prema rješenjima Uredbe (EU) 261/2004 i tumačenjima predmetne odredbe prema rješenjima Smjernica iz 2016. U tom kontekstu, cilj je rada ukazati na aktualne promjene u pogledu privatnopravne zaštite putnika prema važećim europskopravnim rješenjima, ali i na najnoviji postupak pred Sudom EU-a (slučaj C-584/18) glede tumačenja pojedinih rješenja europskopravnih propisa važećih za ovu problematiku (Uredbe (EU) 261/2004 i Uredbe (EU) 2016/399). Završno se analiziraju obveze zračnog prijevoznika snositi financijske sankcije (novčane kazne) u slučaju prijevoza putnika bez potrebne putne isprave te predlažu rješenja de lege ferenda. - In this paper the author is making an elaborated analysis on the topic of countering illegal migration of air passengers (with the emphasis on third-country nationals) from a legal and theoretical standpoint, pointing out to the methods and legal consequences of verifying the validity and authenticity of passengers’ travel documents according to the latest provisions of Schengen acquis and assessing the role of the air carrier in the protection of the EU's external borders. The author is drawing attention to an insufficient legal definition of the terms “inadequate travel documents” and “necessary travel documents” by examining the legal effects of possession and presentation of inadequate travel documents as a justified reason for denying boarding to passengers pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 261/2004 and the interpretations of the provisions in question in accordance with the Guidelines of 2016. In this context, the aim of this paper is to point out to the current changes regarding the private legal protection of passengers in conformity with the European legal provisions in force, as well as to the latest proceeding before the Court of Justice of the European Union (Case C-584/18) concerning the interpretation of certain provisions of the European regulations relevant to this issue (Regulation (EU) 261/2004 and Regulation (EU) 2016/399). The author concludes with the analysis of the air carriers' obligations to pay financial sanctions (fines) in the case of carriage of passengers without the necessary travel documents and puts forward solutions de lege ferenda. - Dieser Beitrag bespricht die rechtstheoretische Elaboration der Bekämpfung illegaler Migration von Flugzeugpassagieren (wobei besondere Betonung auf Staatsangehörige von Drittländern liegt), indem man auf die Modalitäten und Rechtsfolgen der Kontrolle der Gültigkeit und Glaubwürdigkeit der Reisedokumente von Passagieren gemäß den neuesten Beschlüssen des Schengen-Besitzstandes hinweist und die Rolle des Luftfahrtunternehmens beim Schutz der äußeren Grenzen der EU bewertet. Es wird auf die unzureichende Regulierung der Begriffe „unzureichende Reiseunterlagen“ und „erforderliche Reisedokumente“ hingewiesen, indem man die Rechtswirkungen des Besitzens und des Vorzeigens von unzureichenden Reiseunterlagen als berechtigten Grund für Beförderungsverweigerung gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 261/2004 und den Auslegungen der genannten Verordnung laut Beschlüssen der Leitlinien aus dem Jahr 2016 untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es das Ziel dieses Beitrags, auf aktuelle Änderungen bezüglich des privatrechtlichen Schutzes von Passagieren gemäß den gültigen europäischen Beschlüssen und des neuesten Verfahrens vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (C-584/18) hinsichtlich der Auslegungen mancher europäischen Vorschriften, welche an diese Problematik angewandt werden (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 261/2004 und Verordnung (EU) Nr. 2016/399), hinzuweisen. Abschließend werden die Verpflichtungen des Luftfahrtunternehmens, die Geldstrafen im Falle des Transports der Passagiere ohne erforderliche Reiseunterlagen zu bezahlen, analysiert. Diesbezüglich werden Lösungen de lege ferenda vorgeschlagen. - L'autrice nel contributo si occupa dell'elaborazione teorico-giuridica concernente la lotta alla migrazione illegale dei passeggeri nel trasporto aereo (con l'accento sui cittadini dei paesi terzi), illustrando le modalità e le conseguenze giuridiche derivanti dal controllo della validità ed autenticità dei documenti di viaggio dei viaggiatori alla luce delle più recenti soluzioni derivanti dalle regole di Schengen e valutando il ruolo del trasportatore aereo nella tutela dei confini esterni dell'UE. L'autrice sottolinea la lacunosità della disciplina della nozione di „ inadeguata documentazione di viaggio “e di „documenti di viaggio necessari“, interrogandosi all'uopo sulle conseguenze giuridiche della detenzione e dell'esibizione di documenti di viaggio non adeguati quale motivo giustificato per negare l'imbarco del viaggiatore ai sensi delle soluzioni prospettate dal Regolamento (UE) N. 261/2004 e delle interpretazioni di tale disposizione ai sensi della Direttiva del 2016. In tale contesto, lo scopo del contributo è di rilevare gli attuali cambiamenti nel contesto della tutela giuridica privata dei viaggiatori in forza delle soluzioni giuridiche europee attualmente esistenti, come pure alla luce dei più recenti giudizi dinnanzi alla Corte di Giustizia dell'UE (caso C-584/18) con riferimento all'interpretazione di singole norme europee vigenti in questa materia (Regolamento (UE) 261/2004 e Regolamento (UE) 2016/399). In conclusione, si disaminano gli obblighi del trasportatore aereo di sostenere le sanzioni pecuniarie nel caso di trasporto di un viaggiatore sprovvisto dei necessari documenti di viaggio, proponendo all'uopo delle soluzioni de lege ferenda.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1131-1148  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zračne luke -- Putne isprave -- Provjera putnih isprava -- Nezakonite migracije

POPOVIĆ, Petar, teolog
Prvenstvo prava pred idejama dobra [Elektronička građa] : novi pogled na pravni konstruktivizam Johna Rawlsa / Petar Popović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 31 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - U radu se analizira pojam prava u političkoj koncepciji pravednosti Johna Rawlsa. Nakon analize Rawlsovih relevantnih tekstova koji sadrže određene sastavnice argumenta o pojmu prava kao institucije, pravnog sustava, pravnih normi i pravâ osoba, kao i sekundarne literature o tim tekstovima, istražuje se metajuridičko utemeljenje Rawlsove koncepcije prava. Potom se argumentira kako je Rawlsov argument za prvenstvo ispravnoga pred idejama dobra ključna teza za ispravno shvaćanje njegova pravnoga konstruktivizma. Utvrđuje se kako se u njegovoj misli može s punim pravom govoriti o, tzv. prvenstvu prava pred idejama dobra. Analizira se i Rawlsovo shvaćanje prirodnoga prava. Zaključno se vrednuju rezultati članka s obzirom na pitanje o smještanju Rawlsovog pojma prava u suvremene pravno-filozofske debate. - In the paper, the author analyzes the concept of law in John Rawls’s political conception of justice. After analyzing Rawls’s relevant texts that contain certain elements of the argument for the concept of law as an institution, of the legal system, of legal norms and of the rights, as well as the secondary literature on these texts, the metajuridical foundation of the concept of law is researched. The author then claims that Rawls’s argument for the priority of right over ideas of good is the central thesis for an adequate understanding of his legal constructivism. It is then affirmed that we can legitimately refer to his thought on the subject under the rubric of the priority of the law over the ideas of the good. Rawls’s conception of the natural rights is researched next. The paper concludes with the evaluation of the results of the whole line of analysis, especially with regard to the place of Rawls’s concept of law within the contemporary juridical-philosophical debates. - In diesem Beitrag wird der Begriff des Rechts im Kontext des Begriffs der Gerechtigkeit von John Rawls analysiert. Nach der Analyse von Rawls' Texten, die sich auf den Begriff des Rechts als Institution, Rechtssystem, Rechtsnormen und persönliche Rechte beziehen, sowie auch der Sekundärliteratur über diese Texte, wird die metajuristische Grundlage des Rawls' Begriffs des Rechts untersucht. Es wird behauptet, dass Rawls' Argument, dass Gerechtigkeit den Ideen des Gutes gegenüber Vorrang hat, in Betracht gezogen werden muss, um Rawls‘ Rechtskonstruktivismus richtig zu verstehen. Es wird festgestellt, dass man bezüglich seiner Gedanken mit gutem Recht über den sog. Vorrang des Rechts gegenüber den Ideen des Gutes sprechen kann. Danach wird im Beitrag Rawls' Begriff des Naturrechts analysiert. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse dieses Beitrags bezüglich der Positionierung des Rawls' Begriffs des Rechts in modernen rechtsphilosophischen Debatten bewertet. - In questo lavoro l’autore analizza il concetto del diritto nella concezione politica della giustizia di John Rawls. Dopo aver analizzato i testi rilevanti che contengono alcuni elementi dell’argomento per il concetto del diritto come istituzione, per l’ordine giuridico, per la norma giuridica e per i diritti della persona, come anche le posizioni degli autori che commentano questi testi, si passa alla ricerca del fondamento metagiuridico del diritto. L’argomento poi passa all’affermazione che la tesi di Rawls sulla priorità del giusto sulle idee del bene costituisce la tesi centrale per un’adeguata comprensione del suo costruttivismo legale. Si asserisce che possiamo legittimamente fare riferimento al suo pensiero in merito come la priorità del diritto sulle idee del bene. In seguito si analizza il concetto rawlsiano del diritto naturale. L’articolo si conclude con l’evaluazione dei risultati dell’analisi svolta, soprattutto in rapporto con il posto del concetto del diritto rawlsiano nel quadro del corrispondente dibattito contemporaneo giusfilosofico.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1011-1029  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravo -- Pravni konstruktivizam -- Naravno pravo
Rawls, John


Public financial law in digital economy [Elektronička građa] = Javno financijsko pravo u digitalnoj ekonomiji / Imeda A. Tsindeliani.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Finance has become an active area of the application of these technologies. As a result, the emergence of new institutions and the modernization of the existing ones, based on the new technological breakthrough of humanity, which undoubtedly affect already existing institutions, and which are subject to change under their influence. The aim of this paper is to define the list of unresolved issues in the theory of the financial law that exist in relation to the nature of the technologies used and innovation (“fintech”) in the field of the public finance and the means of legal regulation of the public finance. - Financije su postale aktivno područje primjene ovih tehnologija. Kao rezultat toga, pojavljuju se nove institucije i moderniziraju postojeće, temeljene na novom tehnološkom prodoru čovječanstva, koji nesumnjivo utječe na već postojeće institucije, a koje su pod utjecajem promjena. Cilj ovog rada je definirati popis neriješenih pitanja u teoriji financijskog prava koja postoje u odnosu na prirodu korištenih tehnologija i inovacija („fin-tech“) u području javnih financija i sredstava pravnih reguliranja javnih financija.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 185-193  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javne financije -- Kriptovalute -- Blockchain tehnologija -- Financijsko pravo -- Porezni sustav -- Digitalna ekonomija

HERCEG Pakšić, Barbara
U pravu i o pravu [Elektronička građa] : stanje i perspektive u polju pravo u Republici Hrvatskoj u svjetlu validacijskih normativnih uvjeta / Barbara Herceg Pakšić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - Važnom promjenom evaluacijskih uvjeta koju je donio Pravilnik o uvjetima za izbor u znanstvena zvanja iz 2017., znanstvenici u polju pravo počeli su publiciranje svojih radova promatrati na drukčiji način - kroz bodovanje, novu kategorizaciju i indeksiranost u časopisa za objavu u bazama poput Scopusa ili WoSCC-a. Istodobno, to je zahtijevalo i prilagodbu znanstvenih časopisa istim proklamiranim uvjetima. Time su obilježja hrvatskoga pravnoznanstvenog realiteta kad je riječ o publicistici postala uvjetovana nastojanjima da se podvrgnu standardizaciji i metrici, no istodobno, bez uvažavanja osobitosti koje su inherentne pravu kao disciplini, od čega je temeljna ona o primarnoj nacionalnoj orijentiranosti. Rad donosi normativnu analizu prethodnih i pozitivnih uvjeta vezanih za vrednovanje publiciranih radova u polju pravo kao i rezultate istraživanja dobivenih ispitivanjem pravnih znanstvenika na četiri pravna fakulteta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Spoznaje dobivene istraživanjem donose obilježja prethodnoga modaliteta publiciranja pravnih znanstvenika u Hrvatskoj u svjetlu novih uvjeta te ukazuju kako će navedene promjene utjecati na buduće publiciranje u polju pravu. - By significantly changing the evaluation criteria set out in the Rules on Conditions for Election in Scientific Titles in 2017, law field scientists began to observe the publication of their papers in a way that has not yet been introduced - through scoring, new categorization and indexing in Scopus and WoSCC bases. At the same time, this required the adaptation of scientific journals to the same proclaimed conditions. This is why the characteristics of Croatian legal-scientific reality, in terms of paper publication, have become conditioned by the efforts to undergo standardization and metrics. At the same time this happens without respecting the inherent fundamental characteristic of law as a discipline. One of the basic ones is primarily national orientation. The paper provides a normative analysis of the previous and positive conditions related to the evaluation of the published scientific papers in the field of law, as well as the results of the research obtained by examining law scientists at the four law faculties in the Republic of Croatia. Research findings bring the features of the previous modality of publishing on behalf of legal scientists in Croatia in the light of the new conditions and indicate that the changes presented will affect future publication intention in the field of law. - Nachdem die Bewertungskriterien in den Regeln für die Bedingungen zur Verleihung wissenschaftlicher Titel aus dem Jahr 2017 wesentlich geändert wurden, begannen die Wissenschaftler im Gebiet des Rechts ihre Veröffentlichungen aus einer anderen Perspektive zu beobachten, nämlich durch Punkte, neue Kategorisierung und Indexierung von Zeitschriften in Scopus und WoSCC. Gleichzeitig mussten sich auch wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften an diese Bedingungen anpassen. Dadurch wurde die Rechtswissenschaft hinsichtlich der Veröffentlichungen von Standardisierung und Metrik abhängig geworden, ohne dass man die Eigenschaften des Rechts als Disziplin, insbesondere ihren nationalen Charakter, in Betracht gezogen hat. Dieser Beitrag analysiert die vorherigen Bedingungen für die Bewertung von veröffentlichten Beiträgen im Gebiet des Rechts sowie auch die Ergebnisse der durch die Befragung von Rechtswissenschaftlern an vier juristischen Fakultäten in der Republik Kroatien durchgeführten Forschung. Indem man in diesem Beitrag die Merkmale früherer Bewertungskriterien mit den Merkmalen der neuen Bewertungskriterien vergleicht, weist man darauf hin, wie die dargestellten Änderungen die Zukunft der Veröffentlichungen im Gebiet des Rechts beeinflussen werden. - Il significativo cambiamento dei criteri valutativi introdotto dal Regolamento sui requisiti per l'attribuzione dei titoli scientifici del 2017 ha portato gli studiosi del diritto a considerare la pubblicazione dei propri scritti in maniera diversa – mediante punteggi, mediante una nuova categorizzazione ed indicizzazione nelle riviste inserite in banche dati come Scopus o WoSCC. Al contempo, ciò ha richiesto anche l'adattamento delle riviste scientifiche a tali nuovi requisiti. In tale modo le caratteristiche della realtà scientifico giuridica croata, quando si tratta delle pubblicazioni, è condizionata dai tentativi di standardizzarle, ma al tempo stesso anche condizionate dall'assenza del riconoscimento delle particolarità che riguardano il diritto come disciplina tra le quali in primo luogo quella dell'orientamento nazionale. Il contributo offre un'analisi normativa dei requisiti precedenti e positivi collegati alla valutazione dei lavori pubblicati nel settore del diritto, come pure i risultati delle ricerche ottenuti mediante l'intervista dei giuristi nelle quattro facoltà di diritto nella Repubblica di Croazia. I dati raccolti mediante la ricerca condotta illustrano le caratteristiche delle previe modalità di pubblicazione degli studiosi del diritto in Croazia alla luce dei nuovi requisiti e mostrano come tali cambiamenti influiranno sulle future pubblicazioni nel settore del diritto.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1053-1071  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravo -- Pravna znanost -- Znanstveni radovi -- Kategorizacija radova -- Znanstvenici -- Viša zvanja

Vidi br.: HA20-00030

Vidi br.: HA20-00182

341   Međunarodno pravo

Crime of genocide before the International Court of Justice [Elektronička građa] / Vesna Crnić-Grotić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1048-1049. - Summary ; Sažetak ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - When Mr. Raphael Lemkin invented the term genocide in 1944 he was trying to fill the void in the existing list of international crimes because, in his view, none of them was appropriate to address the terrible mass atrocities of World War II. The mass extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and other groups should have been different from “ordinary” crimes against humanity. His fight led to the adoption of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948. Although the Convention was primarily designed to punish individual perpetrators, States parties can also be held responsible for the same crime. The reference in Article IX of the Convention to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice clearly shows in that direction. However, the first case appearing before that court was the case of Bosnia v. Serbia in 1993 and the Court made its ruling on the merits in 2007. The following ruling concerned the case of Croatia v. Serbia in 2015. Neither of the final rulings established the responsibility of the respondent state for genocide, although the crime had been established in the case of Bosnia. The article will look into the requirements for the genocide to be established and what was the missing link between the crime and the defendant state. - Kada je g. Raphael Lemkin oblikovao naziv genocida 1944. godine, zapravo je pokušavao ispuniti prazninu na postojećem popisu međunarodnih zločina, jer ni jedan, prema njegovu mišljenju, nije bio odgovarajući da opiše strašna masovna zlodjela tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Masovna pogubljenja Židova, Roma/ Cigana, Slavena i drugih skupina trebala su biti različita od „običnih“ zločina protiv čovječnosti. Njegova borba dovela je do prihvaćanja Konvencije UN o zabrani i kažnjavanju zločina genocida 1948. godine. Iako je primarna svrha Konvencija bila kažnjavanje pojedinaca, i države stranke mogu biti odgovorne zbog počinjenja zločina genocida. Odredba članka IX. Konvencije koja predviđa nadležnost Međunarodnog suda u Haagu jasno pokazuje u tom smjeru. Pa ipak, prva parnica pred tim sudom bila je ona između Bosne i Hercegovine protiv Srbije 1993. godine koju je Sud meritorno presudio 2007. Sljedeća presuda odnosila se na predmet Hrvatska protiv Srbije 2015. Ni jedna od konačnih presuda nije utvrdila odgovornost tužene države za zločin genocida iako je Sud utvrdio postojanje genocida u Bosni. Članak će prikazati koje zahtjeve Međunarodni sud smatra potrebni kako bi se utvrdio zločin genocida i koja je to karika potrebna između zločina i tužene države. - Als Raphael Lemkin 1944 den Begriff Völkermord erfand, versuchte er, die Lücke in der bestehenden Liste internationaler Verbrechen zu füllen, da seiner Ansicht nach kein dieser Verbrechen geeignet war, die schrecklichen Massengräueltaten des Zweiten Weltkriegs anzusprechen. Die Massenvernichtung von Juden, Zigeunern, Slawen und anderen Gruppen hätte sich von „gewöhnlichen“ Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit unterscheiden sollen. Sein Kampf führte 1948 zur Verabschiedung des Übereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen zur Verhütung und Bestrafung des Völkermordes. Obwohl das Übereinkommen in erster Linie dazu bestimmt war, einzelne Täter zu bestrafen, können Vertragsstaaten auch für dasselbe Verbrechen zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Der Verweis im Artikel IX des Übereinkommens auf die Zuständigkeit des Internationalen Gerichtshofs zeigt klar in diese Richtung. Die erste Rechtssache, die vor diesem Gericht anhängig wurde, war die Rechtssache Bosnien gegen Serbien im Jahr 1993, und der Gerichtshof entschied 2007 in der Sache. Die nächste Rechtssache betraf die Rechtssache Kroatien gegen Serbien im Jahr 2015. Keine der beiden endgültigen Entscheidungen stellte die Verantwortung des beklagten Staates für den Völkermord fest, obwohl das Verbrechen im Fall von Bosnien festgestellt worden war. Deshalb werden in diesem Beitrag die Voraussetzungen für den Völkermord und die fehlende Verbindung zwischen dem Verbrechen und dem beklagten Staat untersucht. - Quando il sig. Raphael Lemkin nel 1944 forgiò il termine genocidio, in realtà tentò di colmare la lacuna esistente nell'elenco dei crimini internazionali, poiché nemmeno uno, a suo parere, corrispondeva alla descrizione dei terribili crimini di massa commessi durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Lo sterminio di massa degli ebrei, della popolazione rom, degli slavi, come anche di altri gruppi dovevano essere differenti rispetto ai „comuni“ crimini contro l’umanità. La sua lotta condusse all'accoglimento della Convenzione ONU per la prevenzione e la repressione del crimine di genocidio del 1948. Benché lo scopo primario della Convenzione era quello di punire i singoli, anche gli stati contraenti possono essere responsabili per la commissione di crimini di genocidio. Le disposizioni dell'art. IX della Convenzione, il quale prevede la giurisdizione della Corte internazionale dell'Aia, danno un chiaro segnale in tale senso. Tuttavia, la prima controversia dinnanzi a tale Corte fu quella della Bosnia ed Erzegovina contro la Serbia del 1993 nella quale la Corte pervenne ad una decisione sul merito nel 2007. La sentenza successiva si riferì al caso della Croazia contro la Serbia del 2015. Nemmeno una delle sentenze definitive non ha accertato la responsabilità dello stato convenuto in giudizio con l’accusa per il crimine di genocidio benché la Corte abbia accertato l'esistenza del genocidio in Bosnia. Il contributo illustrerà quali requisiti la Corte internazionale reputi necessari al fine di accertare il crimine di genocidio e quale fu il nesso mancante tra il crimine e lo stato convenuto.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1033-1049  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodni sud


Migrantska kriza u Europskoj uniji [Elektronička građa] : izazovi, europska sigurnost i zaštita temeljnih prava / Sanja Bježančević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1245-1248. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - Europska je unija nastala na temeljima ekonomskih integracija, ali je s godinama širila područja svoje nadležnosti. Svoje ovlasti širile su i institucije Europske unije, a promicanje mira i europskih vrijednosti zajedničkih državama članicama te stvaranje prostora slobode, sigurnosti i pravde postali su temeljne vrijednosti i ciljevi Europske unije. Slijedom navedenog, velike su se promjene dogodile na području pravosuđa i unutarnjih poslova, odnosno na području politike azila. Neformalna suradnja sedamdesetih godina prerasla je u institucionalnu, a rezultirala je stvaranjem zajedničke politike azila EU-a. Vrhunac migrantske krize 2015. pokazao je sve nedostatke te politike i ukazao na nužnost reforme dotadašnjega zajedničkog sustava azila. Rad donosi pregled stvaranja zajedničke politike azila EU-a te izazove s kojima se EU susreo zbog najvećega migrantskog vala iz bliskoistočnih zemalja i pokazuje utjecaj migracijskih kretanja prema EU-u posljednjih godina na percepciju njezinih građana o ključnim problemima EU-a. Analizom izvješća o stanju ljudskih prava na području EU-a te odnosom broja podnesenih zahtjeva za azilom u državama članicama EU-a i problemima koje građani EU navode kao ključne dokazuje se pretpostavka da znatni priljev migranata i povećanje broja zahtjeva za azilom u državama članicama utječe na prepoznavanje migracije kao ključnoga problema. - The EU was founded on economic integration, but it has expanded its areas of competence over the years. Institutions of the EU have also expanded their jurisdiction, while the promotion of peace and values common to the member states as well as creation of a space of freedom, security and justice have become fundamental values of the EU. Significant changes occurred also in the field of asylum policy. Informal cooperation in the 1970s has grown into an institutional one and resulted in creation of a common asylum system. The highlights of the migration crisis in 2015 showed all the shortcomings and pointed to the necessity of reforming the existing common asylum system. The paper shows the impact of migration movements towards the EU on the perception of its citizens on the key problems. Analyzing the ratio between the number of asylum applications submitted to the EU and the problems identified as key problems in EU by EU citizens proves the assumption that increase in migrant arrivals and the increase in the number of asylum applications in member states has contributed to the recognition of migration as a key problem. - Die Europäische Union ist aufgrund wirtschaftlicher Integrationen entstanden, aber mit den Jahren hat sie die Bereiche ihrer Zuständigkeit erweitert. Auch die Institutionen der Europäischen Union haben ihre Befugnisse erweitert. Die Förderung des Friedens und der europäischen Werte, die allen Mitgliedsstaaten gemeinsam sind, sowie die Gestaltung eines Raums der Freiheit, Sicherheit und Gerechtigkeit wurden zu den Grundwerten und Zielen der Europäischen Union. Aus diesem Grund kam es zu den wesentlichen Änderungen im Bereich der Justiz und Innenpolitik, beziehungsweise im Bereich der Asylpolitik. Informelle Zusammenarbeit der 70er Jahren wurde zur institutionellen Zusammenarbeit und hatte die gemeinsame Asylpolitik der EU zum Ergebnis. Der Höhepunkt der Migrantenkrise in 2015 hat alle Mängel dieser Politik in den Vordergrund gebracht und hat darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Reform des bisherigen gemeinsamen Asylsystems notwendig ist. In diesem Beitrag wird die Übersicht der Gestaltung der gemeinsamen Asylpolitik der EU sowie die Herausforderungen, mit denen sich die EU infolge der größten Migrantenwelle aus den Ländern des Nahen Ostens konfrontiert sieht, gegeben. Ebenfalls bespricht man in diesem Beitrag den Einfluss der Migrationsbewegungen nach die EU auf die Perzeption der EU-Bürger über die Schlüsselfragen der EU. Durch die Analyse des Zustands der Menschenrechte in der EU und des Verhältnisses zwischen der Nummer der gestellten Asylanträge in den Mitgliedsstaaten der EU und den von EUBürgern angegebenen Schlüsselfragen wird die Hypothese bestätigt, dass der erhöhte Migrantenzufluss und der Zuwachs an Asylanträgen in den Mitgliedsstaaten der EU dazu beibringen, dass die Migration als eine Schlüsselfrage anerkannt wird. - L'Unione europea è sorta sulle basi dell'integrazione europea, allargando però col passare degli anni le proprie competenze. Tali competenze hanno subito un ampliamento anche nelle istituzioni dell'Unione europea; la propagazione della pace e dei valori europei comuni agli Stati membri, come anche la creazione di uno spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia sono divenuti valori e scopi fondanti dell'Unione europea. Conseguentemente, significativi cambiamenti sono intervenuti nell’ambito della giustizia e degli affari interni, ovvero nell’ambito delle politiche di asilo. La cooperazione informale risalente agli anni settanta s’è trasformata in cooperazione istituzionale, risultando nella creazione di politiche d’asilo UE comuni. Il culmine della crisi migratoria del 2015 ha posto in rilievo tutte le lacune di tale politica, mostrando la necessità di riformare il sistema comune di asilo all’epoca esistente. Il lavoro illustra l’iter di creazione delle politiche comuni dell’UE in materia di asilo, come pure le sfide affrontate dall’UE in seguito al più grande flusso migratorio proveniente dai paesi del medio oriente e mostra l’influenza dei flussi migratori verso l’UE sulla percezione dei suoi cittadini con riferimento ai principali problemi dell’UE. Analizzando le relazioni sullo stato dei diritti fondamentali nel territorio dell’UE e considerandole alla luce del numero delle domande di asilo negli Stati membri dell’UE ed alla luce dei problemi che i cittadini dell’UE indicano come cruciali, si dimostra che il significativo flusso migratorio e l’aumento delle domande di asilo negli Stati membri fanno sì che la migrazione venga intesa come un problema centrale.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1231-1248  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Migracije -- Migrantska kriza -- Azil -- Politika azila -- Temeljna prava
Europska unija


The Rijeka draft of a Convention on the liability of operators of nuclear ships [Elektronička građa] : a very late requiem / Jakub Handrlica.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - Sixty years ago, from 20th to 26th September 1959, the Nineteenth Conference of the International Maritime Committee (Comité Maritime International) was held in Rijeka. Facing the challenges arising from contemporary plans to use nuclear power in marine transport (in particular to use nuclear reactors as a source of transport for both civil and military ships), the Conference adopted a draft of a convention that aimed to address the issue of liability of the operators of nuclear ships. The draft convention reflected the fact that liability issues arising from nuclear ships considerably differ from those issues, arising from the operation of land-based nuclear reactors. This draft convention, which became later widely known as “the Rijeka Draft” in legal literature, provided for basic liability principles that were to be applied to operators of nuclear ships. The Rijeka Draft became crucial for the later developments in the field of international nuclear law, in particular for the adoption of the Brussels Convention on the Liability of Nuclear Ships at the Eleventh Session of the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Law in 1962. However, it also influenced the content of several other bi-lateral agreements. The 60th anniversary of the Rijeka Draft allows a good opportunity to revisit the principles provided by the draft convention as well as to revisit the impact of this draft on further development of international nuclear law. - U Rijeci je pred šezdeset godina od 20. do 26. rujna 1959. održana devetnaesta konferencija Međunarodnog pomorskog odbora (Comité Maritime International). Suočavajući se s izazovima proizašlim iz korištenja nuklearne energije u pomorskom prijevozu (posebice vezano uz korištenje nuklearnih reaktora kao izvora prijevoza u putničkim i vojnim brodovima, na konferenciji je usvojen jedan nacrt, čiji je cilj bio dotaći se odgovornosti poduzetnika-brodara nuklearnih brodova. Taj je nacrt reflektirao činjenicu da se odgovornost poduzetnika-brodara nuklearnih brodova znatno razlikuje od odgovornosti koja proizlazi iz nuklearnih reaktora smještenih na čvrstom tlu. Ovaj nacrt, koji je kasnije u pravnoj literaturi postao poznat kao „Riječki nacrt”, predvidio je temeljna načela odgovornosti za poduzetnike-brodare nuklearnih brodova. Odigrao je i veliku ulogu u kasnijem razvoju međunarodnog nuklearnog prava, posebice pri usvajanju briselske Konvencije o odgovornosti poduzetnika-brodara nuklearnih brodova na jedanaestoj sjednici Diplomatske konferencije za pomorsko pravo 1962. godine. Utjecao je i na sadržaj nekih drugih bilateralnih sporazuma. Šezdeseta obljetnica Riječkog nacrta izvrsna je prilika za preispitivanje njegovih načela kao i njegovog utjecaja na daljnji razvoj međunarodnog nuklearnog prava. - Die Neunzehnte Konferenz des Internationalen Seeschifffahrtsausschusses (Comité Maritime International) wurde vor sechzig Jahren vom 20. bis zum 26. September 1959 in Rijeka gehalten. Als Antwort auf die Herausforderungen bezüglich der Nuklearenergienutzung in der Seeschifffahrt (insbesondere bezüglich der Nutzung von Kernreaktoren als Transportquelle für sowohl Passagier- als auch Militärschiffe), nahm die Konferenz einen Entwurf an, mit dem Ziel, die Haftung der Betreiber von Nuklearschiffen anzusprechen. Dieser Entwurf wiederspiegelte die Tatsache, dass die Haftung, die sich aus Nuklearschiffen ergibt, sich von der mit der Betreibung von landgestützten Kernreaktoren verbundenen Haftung wesentlich unterscheidet. Dieser Entwurf, der später auch als „Rijeka-Entwurf“ in der Rechtsliteratur bekannt wurde, hat grundlegende Haftungsgrundsätze für Betreiber der Nuklearschiffe vorgesehen. Der Rijeka-Entwurf spielte eine große Rolle bei späteren Entwicklungen im Bereich des internationalen Nuklearrechtes, insbesondere bei der Annahme des Brüssel-Übereinkommens über die Haftung von Betreiber der Nuklearschiffe auf der Elften Tagung der Diplomatischen Seerechtkonferenz in 1962. Er hat aber auch den Inhalt von einigen anderen bilateralen Übereinkommen beeinflusst. Das sechszigste Jubiläum des Rijeka-Entwurfs bietet die Gelegenheit an, die Grundsätze des Entwurfs sowie auch sein Einfluss auf weitere Entwicklungen des internationalen Nuklearrechts erneut zu überprüfen. - Sessant’anni fa dal 20 al 26 settembre del 1959 si tenne a Fiume la novantesima Conferenza del Comitato marittimo internazionale (Comité Maritime International). Nell’approcciarsi alle sfide derivanti dai piani contemporanei di usare l’energia nucleare nel trasporto marittimo (in particolare di usare i reattori nucleari quale fonte per il trasporto sia di navi civili, che militari), la Conferenza adottò un disegno di convenzione avente lo scopo di porre in rilievo la questione della responsabilità degli operatori di navi nucleari. Il disegno di convenzione manifestò il fatto che le questioni della responsabilità derivanti dalle navi nucleari differiscono considerevolmente rispetto a quelle questioni derivanti dalle operazioni dei reattori nucleari su terraferma. Tale disegno di convenzione, che successivamente divenne noto nella letteratura giuridica come “the Rijeka Draft”, offrì i principi fondamentali in materia di responsabilità che si sarebbero dovuti applicare agli operatori delle navi nucleari. Il “Rijeka Draft” divenne di importanza cruciale per i successivi sviluppi nel campo del diritto nucleare internazionale ed in ispecie per l’adozione della Convenzione di Bruxelles sulla responsabilità delle navi nucleari all’undicesima sessione della conferenza diplomatica sul diritto marittimo nel 1962. Ad ogni modo, esso influenzò anche il contenuto di alcuni altri accordi bilaterali. Il sessantesimo anniversario del “Rijeka Draft” offre una buona opportunità per rivisitare i principi offerti dal disegno di convenzione, come anche per rivisitare l’impatto di questo disegno sul futuro sviluppo del diritto nucleare internazionale.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1153-1170  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nuklearni brodovi -- Nuklearna šteta -- Međunarodno nuklearno pravo -- Pomorsko pravo -- Međunarodno pomorsko pravo -- Načela odgovornosti

Vidi br.: HA20-00199

Vidi br.: HA20-00210

Vidi br.: HA20-00200

342   Javno pravo. Ustavno pravo. Upravno pravo

DŽINIĆ, Marija
Odnos osobnih prava vjernika u Crkvi i temeljnih ljudskih prava [Elektronička građa] / Marija Džinić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 175-177. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Klasifikacija osobnih prava vjernika u Crkvi jedna je od većih novina Zakonika kanonskoga prava iz 1983. godine. Veliki utjecaj na pokretanje toga pitanja imao je, u prvom redu, Drugi vatikanski koncil. Iščitavajući dokumente Koncila, jasno se očituje zahtjev za uvažavanjem ne samo obveza, nego i prava vjernika u Katoličkoj crkvi. Ništa manje doprinosa nije ostavila ni Opća deklaracija o ljudskim pravima, dokument koji u svoj centar stavlja ljudsko dostojanstvo, na koje poziva i nauk Crkve. Analizirajući odnos osobnih prava vjernika u Crkvi te ljudskih prava općenito, autorica pokušava ukazati na međusobne sličnosti i različitosti tih dvaju sustava. - The regulation in the Church of the rights of the Christian faithful is one of the greatest milestones of the Code of Canon Law. The Second Vatican Council had a great effect on the raising of this issue. The documents of the Council speak very clearly about the requirement to respect, not only the obligations of the faithful in the Catholic Church, but also their rights. No less significant was the contribution of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document which focuses on human dignity. The obligation to respect this same dignity is invoked also in the doctrine of the Church. On the basis of an analysis of the relationship between the rights of the Christian faithful and human rights in general, this article endeavours to explain and highlight the similarities and differences between these two systems. Despite the fact that they are grounded in natural law, the rights of the Christian faithful cannot be equated fully with fundamental human rights. Moreover, human rights are based on natural law, while the former arise from their incorporation into the community of the People of God. The Church is aware that human rights today are largely violated in the name of individual freedom. Her mission is to appeal for the respect of those rights, and she is assisted in this task by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is precisely this document that is essential to the process of building a mature and healthy consciousness and morality in accordance with the dignity of each community member.
U: Obnovljeni život (Online). - ISSN 1849-0182. - 75 (2020), 2 ; str. 165-178  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjernici -- Prava vjernika -- Ljudska prava
Drugi vatikanski koncil


Vidi br.: HA20-00239

343/344   Kazneno pravo (opće i posebno)

Attitudes of students of the University of Split towards asylum seekers as a realistic and a symbolic threat in the context of risk society [Elektronička građa] / Vlaho Kovačević, Krunoslav Malenica, Igor Jelaska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this research was to analyze the attitudes of the student population at the University of Split towards asylum seekers as a multidimensional threat to the community in the context of risk society. We have approached the empirical data collection within a multidimensional theoretical framework. The first part of our subject interest is the theoretical direction of reflexive modernity and risk society proposed by Ulrich Beck, while the second part deals with the theoretical explanations regarding the perception of asylum seekers as a threat. In accordance with the research objective, a stratified sample of 286 Croatian students from the University of Split expressed their attitudes toward asylum seekers using a scale. Reliability of the used questionnaire was assessed by using test and retest method. Results indicate that students perceived asylum seekers as a statistically significantly more realistic than a symbolic threat. The respondents thus recognize one, equally important yet diffuse phenomenon showing interest among the respondents for the rational choice but also for respecting the individual’s subjectivity. - Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je analiziranje stavova studentske populacije Sveučilišta u Splitu prema tražiteljima azila kao višedimenzionalnoj prijetnji zajednici u kontekstu društva rizika. Pristupili smo empirijskom prikupljanju podataka unutar višedimenzionalnog teorijskog okvira. Prvi dio našeg interesa tema je teorijskog smjera refleksivne modernosti i društva rizika Ulricha Becka, dok se drugi bavi teorijskim objašnjenjima percepcije tražitelja azila kao prijetnje.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 245-258  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Azilanti -- Studenti -- Stavovi -- Društvo rizika -- Prijetnja
Sveučilište u Splitu


Vidi br.: HA20-00110

Vidi br.: HA20-00378

347   Građansko pravo

Applicable law in matrimonial property regime disputes [Elektronička građa] / Neža Pogorelčnik Vogrinc.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1094-1096. - Summary ; Sažetak ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - The paper presents the regulation of the applicable law as determined in Council Regulation (EU) 2016/1103 of 24 June 2016 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of matrimonial property regimes. It concludes that the new EU arrangement has made it easier for spouses to determine the applicable law and evaluates the suitability of the connecting factors provided by Regulation 2016/1103. The paper also challenges the examination of these connecting factors as of the time of the conclusion of the marriage and assumes that their exclusion under exceptional circumstances is difficult to achieve. It compares the connecting factors with those provided by Slovenian and Croatian private international law in theory, and provides practical examples of the differences resulting from the new European arrangement. The paper further examines the hypothesis that the possibility of agreement on the choice of law will cause many problems in practice, and provides possible solutions. Throughout the paper, the system established by Regulation 2016/1103 is compared with other European regulations and the relevant case law of the CJEU, but the author primarily focuses on the changes in Slovenian and Croatian case law caused by the application of Regulation 2016/1103. - 2016/1103 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima bračnoimovinskih režima. Dolazi se do zaključka da je nova europska Uredba olakšala bračnim drugovima određenje mjerodavnog prava te se vrednuje primjerenost povezujućih čimbenika predviđenih u Uredbi. Rad dovodi u pitanje te povezujuće čimbenike u trenutku zaključenja braka i pretpostavlja da ih je teško isključiti u izvanrednim okolnostima. Ti se čimbenici uspoređuju s onima iz teorije slovenskog i hrvatskog međunarodnog privatnog prava, a u radu se nude praktični primjeri za razlike proizašle iz novog europskog uređenja. U radu se nadalje istražuje hipoteza da će mogućnost sporazuma o izboru mjerodavnog prava u praksi prouzročiti probleme te se za to nude moguća rješenja. U cijelom se radu uspoređuje sustav uveden Uredbom Vijeća (EU) 2016/1103 s drugim europskim uredbama i relevantnom sudskom praksom Suda Europske unije, ali se autorica ponajviše usredotočuje na promjene koje je navedena Uredba donijela u slovensko i hrvatsko pravo. - Dieser Beitrag stellt das in der Verordnung (EU) 2016/1103 des Rates vom 24. Juni 2016 zur Durchführung einer Verstärkten Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Zuständigkeit, des anzuwendenden Rechts und der Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen in Fragen des ehelichen Güterstands festgelegte anzuwendende Recht dar. Man kommt zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass die neue EU-Regelung es den Ehepartnern erleichtert hat, das anzuwendende Recht zu bestimmen, und bewertet die Eignung der in der Verordnung (EU) 2016/1103 vorgesehenen Anknüpfungspunkte. Der Beitrag stellt diese Anknüpfungspunkte zum Zeitpunkt des Abschlusses der Ehe in Frage und geht davon aus, dass deren Ausschließen unter außergewöhnlichen Umständen schwer zu erreichen ist. Der Beitrag vergleicht diese Anknüpfungspunkte mit denen, die in der Theorie des slowenischen und des kroatischen internationalen Privatrechts angeboten werden, und liefert praktische Beispiele für die Unterschiede, die sich aus der neuen europäischen Regelung ergeben. Der Beitrag untersucht ferner die Hypothese, dass die Möglichkeit der Rechtswahlvereinbarung in der Praxis viele Probleme bereiten wird, und stellt dafür mögliche Lösungen dar. Im gesamten Beitrag wird das mit der Verordnung (EU) 2016/1103 eingeführte System mit anderen europäischen Verordnungen und der einschlägigen Rechtsprechung des EuGH verglichen. Die Autorin konzentriert sich jedoch hauptsächlich auf die Änderungen der slowenischen und kroatischen Rechtsprechung, die durch die Anwendung der Verordnung (EU) 2016/1103 verursacht wurden. - Nel lavoro si presenta la disciplina concernente la legge applicabile come dettata dal Regolamento (UE) 2016/1103 del Consiglio, del 24 giugno 2016, che attua la cooperazione rafforzata nel settore della competenza, della legge applicabile, del riconoscimento e dell’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia di regimi patrimoniali tra coniugi. Se ne ricava che le nuove soluzioni europee hanno reso per i coniugi più semplice determinare la legge applicabile. Nel lavoro si valuta altresì la sostenibilità dei criteri di collegamento offerti dal Regolamento 2016/1103. Inoltre mediante l’indagine condotta si tenta la disamina di criteri di collegamento, quali il tempo di conclusione del matrimonio e si conclude come la loro esclusione in circostanze eccezionali sia difficile da realizzare. Nel contributo si paragonano altresì i criteri di collegamento con quelli previsti dal diritto internazionale privato sloveno e da quello croato nella teoria; inoltre, si offrono esempi pratici delle differenze risultanti dalle nuove soluzioni prospettate sul piano europeo. Nel prosieguo si disamina l’ipotesi che la possibilità di accordo circa la scelta della legge applicabile potrebbe causare molte questioni nella prassi e si offrono possibili soluzioni. Nel corso dell’indagine condotta il sistema fissato dal Regolamento 2016/1103 viene comparato con altri regolamenti, come anche con la giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia dell’UE; benché l’autore in primo luogo si concentra sui cambiamenti nella giurisprudenza slovena ed in quella croata occorsi con l’entrata in vigore del Regolamento 2016/1103.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1075-1096  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bračnoimovinski odnosi -- Mjerodavno pravo -- Privatno pravo -- Međunarodno privatno pravo

Dvojbena pravna narav kupnji na pokus [Elektronička građa] : pregled romanističkih teorija o d.19,5,20 pr.-1 (Ulpianus libro 32 ad edictum) / Marko Sukačić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 95 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - (Ulpianus libro 32 ad edictum) te postojeće teorije romanista o pravnom položaju stranaka u navedenim činjeničnim opisima. U prvom se dijelu rada izlaže principij D.19,5,20, gdje Ulpijan citira ranoklasičnog pravnika Labeona i njegov opis kupnje konja na pokus između prodavatelja i akrobatskog jahača desultora, s detaljnom analizom tumačenja relevantnih romanista. Principij je analiziran s obzirom na dominantne teorije u romanistici: teze o odgodnom i/ili raskidnom uvjetu pactum displicentiae, o inominatnom kontraktu te o predugovornim radnjama. Nakon toga slijedi raščlamba Ulpijanovog nastavka u prvom paragrafu D.19,5,20 s citatom Mele, gdje opisuje kupnju mula na pokus koje u periodu testiranja budu ukradene, navodeći Melinu dvojbu te ju uspoređujući s vlastitom. Uzimajući u obzir navedeno, obrađuju se tumačenja romanista o pravnoj naravi odnosa kupca i prodavatelja i stupnju zaključenosti ugovora. Zaključno se daje vlastito stajalište o oba činjenična stanja, pravnoj naravi odnosa između stranaka te konačno o pravnom problemu na koji je Ulpijan ukazivao u citiranim izvorima. - The paper deals with the sale on approval of horses and mules shown in D.19,5,20 pr.- 1 (Ulpianus libro 32 ad edictum) and the existing theories on the legal position of the parties in the source. The first part of the paper sets out principium of D.19,5,20, where Ulpian quotes Labeo, and his description of the sale on approval of horses, concluded between the seller and the acrobatic rider – desultor, with a detailed analysis of the interpretations of relevant romanists. The principium is analyzed with the reference to dominant theories: theses on the suspensive and/or resolutive condition pactum displicentiae, on the innominate contract, and on pre-contractual acts. This is followed by an analysis of Ulpian’s sequel in the first paragraph of D.19,5,20 with a quotation of Mela, where he describes the sale on approval of mules, which are stolen during the test period, with Ulpian’s quote of Mela’s dilemma and of comparison with his own. Next part of the paper contains theories and interpretations of the legal nature of the relationship between the parties and the stage of contract. In conclusion, author presents his own position on the both presented situations, the legal nature of the relationship between the parties, and finally on the legal problem raised by Ulpian in the cited sources. - In diesem Beitrag wird der Probekauf von Pferden und Maultieren, welche in D.19,5,20pr.-1 (Ulpianus libro 32 ad edictum) dargestellt wird, besprochen. Ebenfalls werden romanistische Theorien über die rechtliche Position der Parteien in der genannten Quelle analysiert. Im ersten Teil des Beitrags wird das Principium D.19,5,20 besprochen, wo Ulpian den frühklassizistischen Jurist Labeon und seine Beschreibung des Probekaufs eines Pferds zwischen dem Verkäufer und dem akrobatischen Reiter – desultor zitiert. Diesbezüglich werden die Auslegungen von relevanten Romanisten detailliert analysiert. Das Principium wird unter Bezugnahme vorherrschender Theorien analysiert: Thesen über aufschiebende und / oder auflösende Bedingung pactum displicentiae, über Innominatkontrakte und über vorvertragliche Handlungen. Darauf folgt eine Analyse von Ulpians Fortsetzung im ersten Absatz von D.19,5,20 mit einem Zitat von Mela, in dem er den Verkauf von Maultieren, die während des Testzeitraums gestohlen wurden, beschreibt, und das Dillemma Melas mit seinem eigenen vergleicht. Der nächste Teil des Beitrags enthält Theorien und Interpretationen der rechtlichen Natur der Beziehung zwischen dem Verkäufer und Käufer und der Vertragsstufe. Abschließend erläutert der Autor seine eigene Meinung zu den beiden dargestellten Situationen, der Rechtsnatur der Beziehungen zwischen den Parteien und dem von Ulpian in den zitierten Quellen angesprochenen Rechtsproblem. - Nel lavoro si tratta dell'acquisto a prova di cavalli e mule di cui nel D.19,5,20pr.-1 (Ulpianus libro 32 ad edictum), come anche delle esistenti teorie di diritto romano circa la posizione giuridica delle parti nelle fattispecie descritte. Nella prima parte del contributo si espone il principio D.19,5,20 nel quale Ulpiano cita il giurista del primo periodo classico Labeo e la sua descrizione dell'acquisto a prova del cavallo tra il venditore ed il fantino acrobatico - desultor, con una dettagliata analisi dell'interpretazione degli studiosi romanisti più rilevanti. Il principio è analizzato in base alle predominanti teorie nella romanistica: le tesi sulla condizione sospensiva e/o risolutiva pactum displicentiae, sul contratto innominato e sulle attività precontrattuali. Segue l'analisi della prosecuzione di Ulpiano nel primo paragrafo D.19,5,20 con la citazione di Mela, dove descrive l'acquisto a prova di mule, che nel periodo di prova vennero rubate, riportando il dubbio avanzato da Mela e comparandolo al proprio. Tutto ciò considerato, si disaminano le interpretazioni romaniste circa la natura giuridica del rapporto tra l'acquirente ed il venditore ed il grado di conclusione del contratto. In chiusura si espone il proprio pensiero circa entrambe le fattispecie, la natura giuridica del rapporto tra le parti e finalmente circa la questione giuridica sollevata da Ulpiano nelle fonti citate.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1207-1227  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rimsko pravo -- Kupnja na pokus -- Pactum displicentiae

347.7   Trgovačko pravo. Pravo trgovačkih društava

Vidi br.: HA20-00197

348/349   Crkveno pravo. Posebne grane prava

SMOKVINA, Vanja, pravnik
Suvremeni izazovi u provođenju socijalne politike s posebnim naglaskom na mjere socijalne intervencije [Elektronička građa] / Vanja Smokvina, Magdalena Čunčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zussamenfassung ; Riassunto. - Autori u radu ističu važnost socijalnih intervencija kao mjera socijalne politike u svladavanju izazova suverenoga društva. Naglasak je dan na mjere poput dječjeg doplatka, naknada za roditeljski dopust, subvencioniranje stambenih kredita mladih obitelji te druge mjere pronatalitetne i obiteljske politike ne samo na državnoj, već i na lokalnoj razini. - In this paper the authors give special attention to the measures of social interventions as measures of social policy in line to fight the present challenges of the contemporary society. Special attention is given to the measures of child allowances, parental benefits, state subsidies for residential loans for young families and other measures of pro-natal and family policy not just at the state level but also at local municipality level. - Dieser Beitrag bespricht die Wichtigkeit von sozialen Interventionen als Maßnahmen der Sozialpolitik bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen moderner Gesellschaft. Die Maßnahmen wie Kindergeld, Mutterschaftsgeld, Subventionierung von Wohnungskrediten junger Familien und andere Maßnahmen der Geburten- und Familienpolitik nicht nur auf nationaler sondern auch auf lokaler Ebene werden hervorgehoben. - Nel lavoro gli autori sottolineano l'importanza degli interventi sociali quali misure di politica sociale volte a superare le sfide poste dinnanzi alla società contemporanea. L'accento viene posto su misure quali gli aiuti ai minori, l’indennità per il congedo parentale, le sovvenzioni rivolte alle giovani famiglie per i mutui su immobili, altre misure volte alla natalità, come pure sulle politiche familiari statali e locali.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1846-8314. - 40 (2019), 3 ; str. 1175-1204  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalna politika -- Socijalne investicije
Europska unija


35   Javna uprava. Državni ustroj. Lokalna, regionalna, središnja uprava

Domicilno stanovništvo, migracije i integracija migranata : globalni i europski okviri - hrvatske prilike / Ivan Koprić.
Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu, Zagreb, 28. veljače 2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 35-37.
U: Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu. - ISSN . - str. 21-38
Migranti -- Migracije -- Upravni problemi

VUKOJIČIĆ Tomić, Tijana
Dosadašnja iskustva u radu s ranjivim društvenim skupinama kao osnova pripreme javnih službenika za rad s izbjeglicama i migrantima / Tijana Vukojičić Tomić.
Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu, Zagreb, 28. veljače 2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 134-136 str.
U: Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu. - ISSN . - str. 117-138
Integracija migranata -- Javna politika -- Lokalne zajednice

LALIĆ Novak, Goranka
Javne politike migracije i integracije u Hrvatskoj : izazovi za javnu upravu / Goranka Lalić Novak.
Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu, Zagreb, 28. veljače 2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 67-70 str.
U: Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu. - ISSN . - str. 53-70
Migracije -- Javna politika migracije -- Javna uprava

KLARIĆ, Mirko, pravnik
Kapacitet za integraciju migranata na lokalnoj razini / Mirko Klarić.
Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu, Zagreb, 28. veljače 2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 90-92 str.
U: Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu. - ISSN . - str. 71-92
Migracije -- Integracija migranata -- Lokalna uprava

Koordinacija javnih usluga namijenjenih migrantima kao preduvjet njihove uspješne integracije / Teo Giljević.
Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu, Zagreb, 28. veljače 2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 112-115 str.
U: Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu. - ISSN . - str. 93-116
Javna uprava -- Integracijska politika -- Migranti

Sigurnosni aspekti migracijske politike i izazovi za javnu upravu / Siniša Tatalović.
Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu, Zagreb, 28. veljače 2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 50-52.
U: Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu. - ISSN . - str. 39-52
Migracije -- Sigurnosna politika -- Migranti

Vidi br.: HA20-00514

351.74   Policija

Vidi br.: HA20-00191

355/359   Vojni poslovi. Ratna vještina. Vojna znanost. Obrana. Oružane snage

RUŽIĆ, Slaven
Stradanje nesrpskog civilnog stanovništva na okupiranom području bivše općine Vukovar (1992.-1998.) [Elektronička građa] / Slaven Ružić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor je, na temelju izvornog arhivskog gradiva Republike Srpske Krajine, podataka Uprave za zatočene i nestale Ministarstva hrvatskih branitelja i Državnog odvjetništva Republike Hrvatske, kao i dostupne literature, pokušao ustanoviti broj stradalog (ubijenog) nesrpskog civilnog stanovništva okupirane vukovarske općine u razdoblju od siječnja 1992. do siječnja 1998. godine. Pritom se rukovodio činjenicom da je navedena tematika, neovisno o svojemu značaju, u suvremenoj hrvatskoj historiografiji gotovo posve zanemarena. Tekst, sukladno tome, valja smatrati tek uvodom u buduća, kompleksnija istraživanja problematike vezane uz izravne demografske gubitke domicilnog stanovništva na širem vukovarskom području za trajanja Domovinskog rata. - This text endeavours to determine the number of non-Serbian victims of the war in the occupied Vukovar Municipality in the period from the Sarajevo Peace Agreement on January 2, 1992 until January 15, 1998 when the Croatian Danube region became again a part of the constitutional legal order. The focal point is the manner and the circumstances of the sufferings of non-Serbian victims. The research was primarily based on archival source materials of the Republic of the Serbian Krajina which is kept in the Croatian Memorial Documentation Centre of the Homeland War in Zagreb with an emphasis on the files of the Vukovar Secretariat of the Interior from that period. Available data on the victims kept in the Administration of Detainees and Missing Persons of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans and of the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia have also been consulted, as well available literature of both Croatian and Serbian provenance. In the territory of the (former) Vukovar Municipality, namely from 1992 to 1998 under insufficiently elucidated circumstances, a great number of Croatian civilians (as well as members of local national minorities, mainly Rusyns), who refused to go into exile and remained to live in their homes under the Serbian occupation, were killed. Compared to the events in this territory during 1991 in relation to the Battle of Vukovar, this topic is largely unexplored.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 271-295  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Domovinski rat -- Civilne žrtve -- Srpska okupacija

VOJAK, Danijel
Stradanje Roma u Slavoniji za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata, 1941.-1945. [Elektronička građa] / Danijel Vojak. - Graf. prikaz.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu je analiziran položaj romskog stanovništva na slavonskom području za vrijeme Drugoga svjetskog rata. Istraživanje je bilo usmjereno na analizu politike državnih i lokalnih vlasti prema Romima, koja je uključivala mjere poput njihovog popisivanja, zabrane kretanja i u konačnici njihove sustavne deportacije u jasenovački logor, gdje je znatan dio njih ubijen. Drugi dio odnosi se na analizu odnosa neromskog stanovništva na slavonskom području prema progonu i stradanju njihovih romskih sumještana, unutar kojeg su opisani slučajevi u kojima je dio Slavonaca izravno nastojao spasiti Rome molbama i drugim intervencijama kod ustaških lokalnih i državnih vlasti. - The Roma population had lived in a significant number in the Slavonian region, especially since the 18th century when they inhabited deserted areas after the withdrawal of the Ottomans. Their life in Slavonia was mostly marked by periods of persecution and assimilation, as was the especially case in the second half of the 18th Century during the rule of the Mary Theresa and Joseph II. Such a repressive policy will have its peak during the Second World War with the coming of power of the Ustasa in the Independent State of Croatia. The Roma will be one of the main victims groups of the Ustasha racial politics. At the same time, almost 40% of Roma had lived in Slavonia during the Second World War, and they will be almost all deported to the Jasenovac concentration camp in mid-1942, where most of them had been tortured and killed. The proportions of such Ustasha policies will be particularly visible after the war, when only about fifty Roma were recorded in this area (1948).
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 217-239  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Romi -- Drugi svjetski rat -- Stradanje Roma -- Ratna stradanja

364/365   Socijalna skrb. Sigurnost stanovanja

Vidi br.: HA20-00306

Vidi br.: HA20-00043

Vidi br.: HA20-00223

Vidi br.: HA20-00184

366   Potrošnja. Zaštita potrošača

Vidi br.: HA20-00092

37   Obrazovanje

"Die intrusive Kraft in Klassenräumen" [Elektronička građa] : eine qualitative Untersuchung zu mobilen endgeräten im (fremdsprachlichen) Unterricht am Beispiel Sloweniens = "Intruzivna snaga u učionicama" : kvalitativno istraživanje o mobilnim uređajima u nastavi stranog jezika na primjeru Slovenije / Saša Jazbec.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 20 jed. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - Mobile Endgeräte sind mittlerweile für viele eine Selbstverständlichkeit geworden und bestimmen unterschiedlich intensiv unser Leben. Aber wie bei allen technologischen Entwicklungen sind die Vorteile gegenüber den Nachteilen gründlich abzuwägen. Im Bildungsdiskurs kann diesbezüglich ein Paradox beobachtet werden. Obwohl viel in technologische Neuanschaffungen investiert wird und die Lehrkräfte privat regelmäßig mobile Endgeräte verwenden und sich das Leben ohne Endgeräte kaum mehr vor-stellen können, werden sie dagegen im Unterricht nur sporadisch und nicht systematisch eingesetzt. Um diese paradoxe Lage zu veranschaulichen, wird im Beitrag theoretisch erörtert und empirisch dargestellt, was das Potenzial mobiler Endgeräte im Unterricht ist und was im schulischen Kontext dieses Potenzial eingrenzt. Im theoretischen Teil werden zunächst die grundlegenden Begriffe mobile Endgeräte und Apps sowie die Kategorien von Apps dargestellt. Ferner wird auf das Medium Smartphone und seine potenzielle Wirkungsbreite eingegangen, wie etwa didaktischer Mehrwert, technische Möglichkeiten, Motivationspotenzial. Dazu werden dann noch die Grenzen seiner Wirkung speziell im Bildungsdiskurs präsentiert, wie etwa gesetzliche Regelungen, Datenschutz oder begrenzte technische Ausstattungen von Ler-nenden. Im empirischen Teil wird eine qualita-tive-inhaltliche Analyse von Meinungen einiger interviewter Lehrkräfte in Slowenien zu dem Thema Smartphones im (DaF)-Unterricht dargestellt. Daraus kann man bestimmte Ten-denzen ableiten, die für den fremdsprachlichen Unterricht relevant sind und die in der breiteren Bildungslandschaft diskutiert werden sollten. - Mobilni uređaju dio su naše svakodnevice i određuju naš život na različite načine. Kao i sva tehnološka postignuća i mobilni uređaji donose određene prednosti i nedostatke. Međutim, u obrazovnom diskursu uočava se paradoks. Iako se mnogo ulaže u tehničku opremu učionica te se nastavnici u svojoj svakodnevici koriste mobil-nim uređajima i život si bez njih gotovo ne mogu ni zamislit, mobilni se uređaji vrlo rijetko upotrebljavaju u nastavi. Stoga smo se u ovom radu posvetili proučavanju potencijala mobilnih uređaja na nastavi te čimbenika koji ograničavaju taj potencijal. U teorijskom djelu opisuju se osnovni pojmovi, mobilni uređaji i aplikacije te kategorije aplikacija. Također se raspravlja o didaktičkoj vrijednosti pametnih telefona, njihovim tehničkim mogućnostima i motivacijskom potencijalu. Osim toga, predstavljena su i ograničenja koja se pojavljuju pri uporabi pametnih telefona u školskom okviru poput pravnih propisa, zaštite po-dataka ili ograničene tehničke opremljenosti učenika. Empirijski dio sadrži kvalitativno-sadržajnu analizu mišljenja nekoliko intervjuiranih nastavnika iz Slovenije o temi pametni telefoni u nastavi stranih jezika. Analiza pokazuje određene tendencije koje su relevantne za nastavu stranog jezika, a o kojima bi se trebalo raspravljati i u širem znanstvenom okruženju.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 136-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava stranih jezika -- Mobilni uređaji -- Mobilne aplikacije

Aktivnosti mladih u društvenoj zajednici - mišljenje studenata (budućih učitelja i nastavnika) [Elektronička građa] / Marina Diković, Tina Drenjančević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 97-98. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Sudjelovanje mladih u aktivnostima društvene zajednice jedan je od važnih aspekata aktivnoga građanstva. Razvija se Građanskim odgojem i obrazovanjem koji se u hrvatskom odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu provodi od 2014. kao obvezno područje kojemu je cilj, između ostaloga, usvojiti kompetencije za uključivanje u aktivnosti društvene zajednice. Cilj istraživanja u radu bio je ispitati mišljenje studenata (budućih učitelja i nastavnika) o učeničkom dostizanju ishoda učenja s obzirom na znanje, vještine i stavove na temelju Kurikuluma za međupredmetnu temu Građanski odgoj i obrazovanje za osnovne i srednje škole u Republici Hrvatskoj (10/2019). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 109 studenata Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Za potrebe ovoga istraživanja studenti su podijeljeni u dvije grupe, oni koji su se samoprocijenili kao aktivni i oni koji se smatraju neaktivnima u društvenoj zajednici. Više razlika postoji u mišljenju studenata o dostizanju ishoda učenja s obzirom na znanje, zatim ishoda učenja s obzirom na vještine, ali ne postoje razlike u mišljenju o dostizanju ishoda učenja s obzirom na stavove. Studenti Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti bolje procjenjuju ishode učenja s obzirom na znanje, vještine i stavove. Potrebno je da djeca i mladi prakticiraju aktivno građanstvo kako bi mogli oblikovati stavove kao važan segment građanske kompetencije. - Young people’s participation in community activities is one of the important aspects of the active citizenship. This participation develops within the framework of the Citizenship education and since 2014 was implemented in the Croatian educational system as a mandatory area. The goal, among other goals, is to adopt competences for inclusion in the community activities. The aim of the research in this paper was to examine students' opinions (future teachers) about student achievement of learning outcomes with regard to knowledge, skills and attitudes based on Curriculum of Citizenship EducationforPrimary and Secondary Schools in the Republic of Croatia (10/2019). The research was conducted on a sample of 109 students from Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. For this research, students are divided into two groups, those who have been self-evaluated as active and those who are considered inactive in the community. There are more differences in the students' view of achieving learning outcomes with regard to knowledge, then learning outcomes with regard to skills, but there are no differences in the opinion of achieving learning outcomes with regard to attitudes. Students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences better evaluate learning outcomes with regard to knowledge, skills and attitudes. In order to form attitudes, as an important segment of civic competence, it is necessary that children and young people practice active citizenship. - Die Teilnahme der Jugendlichen an gesellschaftlichen Aktivitäten ist ein wichtiger Aspekte des aktiven Bürgertums. Entfaltet wird sie durch die Bürgerliche Erziehung, die im kroatischen Bildungs- und Erziehungssystem seit 2014 als obligatorisch durchgeführt wird mit dem Ziel, u.a. die Kompetenzen für die Teilnahme an den gesellschaftlichen Aktivitäten zu erwerben. Das Ziel dieser Forschung ist, die Meinungen der Studierenden (angehenden LehrerInnen) über die Errungenschaft der Ergebnisse der Lehre im Bezug auf das Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Stellungnahmen auf Grund des Curriculums der bürgerlichen Erziehung in Grund- und Gesamtschulen in der Republik Kroatien (10/2019) zu befragen. An der Studie haben sich 109 Studierende der Juraj Dobrila Universität Pula beteiligt. Für Forschungszwecke wurden die Studierenden in zwei Gruppen geteilt: einerseits diejenigen, die sich als aktiv im Gemeinwesen einschätzen, andererseits diejenigen, die sich selber eher als inaktiv bewerten. In Bezug auf das Wissen und die Fertigkeiten lassen sich mehrere Unterschiede in den Meinungen der Studierenden über die Errungenschaft der Ergebnisse der Lehre feststellen, aber es gibt keine Unterschiede in den Meinungen über die Errungenschaft der Ergebnisse der Lehre bezüglich der Stellungnahmen. Studierende des Lehramtsstudiums können die Ergebnisse der Lehre in Bezug auf das Wissen, die Fertigkeiten und die Stellungnahmen besser einschätzen. Es ist notwendig, dass Kinder und Jugendliche das aktive Bürgertum praktizieren, um Stellungen nehmen zu können, was ein wichtiges Segment der bürgerlichen Kompetenz ist.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 87-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Građanski odgoj -- Društvena zajednica -- Ishodi učenja -- Studenti -- Mišljenje studenata

BAČLIJA Sušić, Blaženka
Dječje glazbeno stvaralaštvo : stvaralački i autotelični aspekt / Blaženka Bačlija Sušić.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 423-429 ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 411-430
Djeca -- Autotelična aktivnost -- Doživljaj glazbe -- Kreativnost -- Glazbeno-stvaralačke aktivnosti

KOBAL, Martina
The European Parliament ambassador school programme (EPAS) at Gimnazija Nova Gorica, Slovenia [Elektronička građa] = Program "Škola ambasador Europskog parlamenta" u gimnaziji "Nova Gorica", Slovenija / Martina Kobal.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 7 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper will focus on the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme, whose aim is to create a permanently increasing network of schools across the European Union. Gimnazija Nova Gorica became part of the network in 2016, and since then the school has en-gaged with the Slovenian European Parliament Liaison Office, the European Parliament and its Members, and has carried out teaching activities that raise awareness of Europe, European democracy and citizenship at large. This paper will also demonstrate various activities and events organized by Junior Ambassador students at Gimnazija Nova Gorica and their mentors. Not only does the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme enable students to develop critical thinking, teamwork and problem-solving skills, but it also helps participants raise concerns about issues concerning the European Uni-on and develop their ideas for a better Europe in the context of multilingualism and multicultural EU policy. - Članak se usredotočuje na program "Škola ambasador Europskog parlamenta", koja ostvaruje razvijajuću se mrežu škola ambasadorica u Europskoj uniji. Gimnazija Nova Gorica uključuje se u program 2016. godine i sve od tada izvodi obrazovne djelatnosti u stalnoj suradnji sa Uredom Europskog parlamenta u Sloveniji, Europskim parlamentom te njegovim predstavnicima – europskim zastupnicima. Projekt je prije svega namijenjen osvješćivanju mladih o Europi, europskoj parlamentarnoj demokraciji i europskom državljanstvu. Pored toga u članku su predstavljeni različiti događaji i aktivnosti, koje su mladi ambasadori zajedno sa mentoricama organizirali u Gimnaziji Nova Gorica. Program "Škola ambasador Europskog parlamenta" ne samo da učenicima omogućuje razvijanje vještina kritičnog mišljenja, sudjelovanja i rješavanja problema, već i pripomaže k tome, da se učenici suočavaju sa problemima s kojima se Europska unija suočava, te traže rješenja koja bi pripomogla k tome, da bi buduća Europa postala takvom, kakvom si želimo u kontekstu višejezičnosti i višekulturnosti.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 205-209  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Škole -- Školski programi -- Mladi -- Diplomacija -- Aktivno građanstvo -- Višejezičnost
Europska unija -- Europski parlament


KUŠČEVIĆ, Dubravka
Likovno-umjetnička djela u nastavi vjeronauka [Elektronička građa] / Dubravka Kuščević, Marija Brajčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Umjetnički sadržaji u nastavi razvijaju estetske vrijednosti učenika te utječu na njihov doživljaj svijeta. Povezivanje odgojno-obrazovnih, vjeronaučnih i likovnumjetničkih sadržaja zahtijeva cjelovit, integrirani pristup. Korelacija je suvremen pristup nastavi, što podrazumijeva interdisciplinaran i multidisciplinaran koncept u povezivanju nastavnih sadržaja. Suvremeni kurikulum vjeronauka prepoznaje važnost korelacije u nastavi. Uključivanje likovno-umjetničkih djela u nastavu vjeronauka može doprinijeti cjelovitom razvoju učenika te može omogućiti bolje uključivanje učenika u shvaćanje i doživljavanje vjerskih sadržaja. U ovom istraživanju provedenom na 199 učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola željeli smo ispitati percepciju učenika o likovnom djelu u vjeronaučnoj nastavi. Rezultati su pokazali da učenici ponekad na nastavi promatraju umjetnička djela, a stariji učenici više od mlađih vole promatrati umjetnička djela. Likovno-umjetnička djela u nastavi vjeronauka pozitivno utječu na lakše usvajanje vjeronaučnih sadržaja, te na kreativnost i aktivnost učenika na satu. Likovno djelo u vjeronaučnoj nastavi također pozitivno utječe na korelaciju s hrvatskim jezikom i poviješću, što bolje uočavaju stariji učenici. Oni također bolje uočavaju da im promatranje umjetničkih djela pomaže u razumijevanju okoline u kontekstu vjere. - Connecting educational, religious and artistic content requires a comprehensive, integrated approach. Correlation in teaching represents a modern approach to teaching, which implies an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary concept in connecting teaching content. The modern curriculum in religious education recognizes the importance of correlation in teaching. The inclusion of works of art in religious education can contribute to the overall development of pupils and can enable better understanding and perception of religious content. In this study, which involved 199 primary and secondary school pupils, we wanted to examine pupils’ perception of the use of works or art in religious education. The results showed that pupils sometimes observe works of art during classes, and that older pupils prefer to observe works of art in comparison to younger pupils. Works of art used during religious education classes positively influence the adoption of religious content, and affect the creativity and activity of pupils in class. Girls, more so than boys, prefer when they can express themselves creatively in class with the use of a work of art and when they can share ideas and experiences based on artwork. The use of art during religious education positively affects the correlation with the Croatian language and history, especially among older pupils. Older pupils also stated that observing works of art helps them understand the environment in the context of faith.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 531-546  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Likovno-umjetnička djela -- Nastava -- Školski vjeronauk -- Učenici

VRCELJ, Sofija
Neodrživost tradicionalnog obrazovanja u suzbijanju marginalizacije [Elektronička građa] / Sofija Vrcelj, Siniša Kušić, Anita Zovko.
Bibliografija: str. 197-199. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - U radu se analizira marginalizacija s posebnim osvrtom na marginalizaciju u obrazovanju. Iako je (obrazovna) marginalizacija sklizak konstrukt, ona postoji u svim društvima i zahvaća različite skupine ljudi. Tradicionalni pristupi obrazovanju, koji generiraju marginalizaciju, i pored određenih pokušaja pokazali su svu nemoć u njezinom suzbijanju u obrazovanju čime se nameće potreba kreiranja drugačijeg obrazovanja koje će omogućiti osnaživanje marginaliziranih. Na razini škola osnaživanje je proces u kojem sudionici razvijaju kompetencije potrebne za preuzimanje odgovornosti za vlastiti rast i rješavanje vlastitih problema dok je na međunarodnoj i nacionalnoj razini proces i akcije koje daju dopuštenje nastavnicima da prilagode kurikulume i pedagogiju kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe učenika. - The paper analyzes marginalization with special reference to marginalization in education. Although (educational) marginalization is a slippery construct, it exists in all societies and affects different groups of people. Traditional approaches to education that generate marginalization have, despite some attempts, shown all their power to suppress education, which imposes the need to create a different education that will empower the marginalized. At the school level, empowerment is a process in which participants develop the competencies needed to take responsibility for their own growth and solve their own problems, while at the international and national levels, it is a process and actions that allow teachers to adapt curricula and pedagogy to meet students' needs. - In dieser Arbeit wird die Marginalisierung mit besonderem Nachdruck auf den Bereich Bildung analysiert. Obwohl Marginalisierung (in der Bildung) ein vages Konstrukt ist, existiert sie in allen Gesellschaften und umfasst unterschiedliche Personengruppen. Traditionelle Bildungsansätze, durch die Marginalisierung entsteht, erweisen sich, trotz gewisser Versuche, machtlos gegen ihre Bekämpfung im Bereich Bildung, was den Bedarf aufnötigt, eine andere Bildung zu schaffen, welche eine Stärkung der Marginalisierten ermöglichen würde. Diese Stärkung kann auf Schulebene als ein Prozess beschrieben werden, in dem die Teilnehmenden Kompetenzen entwickeln, die sie benötigen, um Verantwortung für eigenen Wachstum und die Lösung eigener Probleme zu übernehmen. Auf internationaler und nationaler Ebene bezieht sich die Stärkung auf den Prozess und die Aktionen, die es Lehrern erlauben Lehrpläne und pädagogische Ansätze anzupassen, damit sie den Bedürfnissen der Schüler entsprechen.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 189-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrazovanje -- Marginalizacija -- Kurikulum

DADIĆ, Katarina
Odgoj i obrazovanje u Plemićkom konviktu u Zagrebu od 1852. do 1914. godine [Elektronička građa] / Katarina Dadić, Vlatko Smiljanić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 533-535. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Temeljem kritičke interpretacije arhivskoga gradiva, novinskih članaka i relevantne literature autori se bave djelovanjem Plemićkoga konvikta u Zagrebu. On nalazi uporište u isusovačkoj odgojno–obrazovnoj tradiciji i utjecajima povijesno– političkih okolnosti od njegove obnove sredinom 19. stoljeća do Prvoga svjetskoga rata. Rad je usredotočen na organizacijske i odgojno–obrazovne postulate djelovanja konvikta, kao i na svakidašnjicu pitomaca u zadanom razdoblju. - Based on the analysis and critical interpretation of archival material, newspaper articles and relevant literature, the authors research the internal organization of the Plemićki konvikt boarding school in Zagreb, which was a secondary school. It is at the foundation of the Jesuit educational tradition and a major influence upon historical– political circumstances since its re–establishment in the mid–19th century until WWI 1914–1918. The paper focuses on organizational and educational postulates of the boarding activities as well as on the everyday life of the boarding school students in the said period. It is important to emphasize that the establishment of the boarding school was supported both by state and local governments. The local nobility did so by setting up a fund for financing the poorer students from out of their financial and material surpluses. Society was in need of young, well–reared and educated individuals, such that all attention with regard to the formation of these children was focused on the boarding school. Its mode of operation and functioning with regard to general educational and theological orientation remained a qualitative educational constant until the beginning of WWI. A strict educational system for the pupils was enforced which would prepare them for an independent life, a cultural demeanor and a major role in society. The overall educational activity of the boarding school does not, however, deviate from established pedagogical norms, nevertheless at the same time, acts in the spirit of new pedagogical tendencies.
U: Obnovljeni život (Online). - ISSN 1849-0182. - 75 (2020), 4 ; str. 521-535  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Školstvo -- Odgoj -- Domska pedagogija -- Povijest odgoja
Isusovci -- Plemićki konvikt u Zagrebu


MALTAR Okun, Tanja
Odgoj za vrednote u školi [Elektronička građa] / Tanja Maltar Okun.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 257-259. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Mladi su u današnje doba materijalizma slabo upoznati s moralnim kategorijama i etičkim vrijednostima pa bi, po svemu sudeći, odgojnu krizu u kojoj se upravo nalazimo uvelike smanjilo promicanje vrijednosti (vrednota) kod mlađih generacija, napose u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama. U članku se raspravlja o samom pojmu vrijednosti te klasifikaciji spomenutog pojma, o mladima danas te značajnoj ulozi učitelja i škole u promicanju vrijednosti. Spomenuta je zadaća škole, a posebice učitelja, zauzimanje vodećih uloga u promicanju općeljudskih vrijednosti koje on ostvaruje posebno planiranim programima i aktivnostima, primjerima koje bira, a ponajviše svojim ponašanjem. Dobar odgojitelj treba djelovati na racionalnu, emocionalnu i voljnu sferu svakog odgajanika kako bi on usvojio navike moralnog ponašanja i djelovanja. Svjesni smo da bez vrijednosno usmjerenih mladih generacija ne možemo očekivati zdravo, savjesno i moralno društvo pa time ni napredak za našu zemlju. - Nowadays, in the age of materialism, young people are insufficiently acquainted with moral categories and ethical values. Therefore, the education crisis we have found ourselves in would be greatly reduced if values were better promoted in younger generations, mostly in educational institutions. The paper discusses the very concept of values and its classification, young people today, and the significance of the role the teachers and school have in promoting values. The task that schools have, and especially teachers, is to take the leading role in promoting universal human values (such as love, liberty, welfare, honesty, sincerity, peace, etc.) through specially designed curricula, activities and examples, but above all, by setting an example by their own behaviour. A good teacher should have impact on the rational and emotional dimension, and willingness of each student, so they could acquire the patterns of moral behaviour and actions. We are well aware that without value-oriented young generations we can neither expect healthy, conscientious and moral society, nor prosperity of our country. - Junge Menschen sind im heutigen Zeitalter des Materialismus nur unzureichend mit moralischen Kategorien und ethischen Werten vertraut. Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach würde die Erziehungskrise, die wir derzeit erleben, durch die Förderung der Werten in jüngeren Generationen, insbesondere in Bildungseinrichtungen, stark gemindert werden. Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Definition und Klassifizierung des Begriffs Werte, mit den jungen Menschen von heute und einer bedeutenden Rolle von Lehrern und Schulen bei der Förderung von Werten. Diese Aufgabe der Schule, insbesondere der Lehrer, besteht darin, die allgemeinen Werte, die er mit speziell geplanten Programmen und Aktivitäten, den von ihm gewählten Entscheidungen und vor allem mit seinem Verhalten erreicht, zu fördern. Ein guter Pädagoge muss zur rationalen, emotionalen und willentlichen Ebene eines jeden Lernenden durchdringen, um ihm die Gewohnheiten moralischen Verhaltens und Handelns nahe zu bringen. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass es ohne eine werteorientierte junge Generation keine gesunde, gewissenhafte und moralische Gesellschaft geben kann und wir damit keinen Fortschritt für unser Land erwarten können.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 251-260  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Škola -- Mladi -- Vrijednosti -- Moralnost

Povezanost zrelosti učenika na upisu u prvi razred i njihova uspjeha na kraju školske godine [Elektronička građa] / Lana Jelinek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 83-84. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Rad se bavi rezultatima ispitivanja djece školskih obveznika, a koje provodi školski pedagog, i njihovih uspjeha na kraju prvog razreda. Na teroijskoj razini govori se o pojmu zrelosti i spremnosti djeteta za polazak u prvi razred. Cilj je bio utvrditi jesu li rezultati Upitnika za procjenu zrelosti za prvi razred povezani sa školskim uspjehom, posebice matematičko predznanje s uspjehom u Matematici i govorno-jezični razvoj s uspjehom u Hrvatskom jeziku te ukupni bodovi upitnika s općim školskim uspjehom na kraju prvog razreda. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 60 učenika koji su 2016./2017. školske godine završili prvi razred, a s kojima je 2015./2016. školske godine obavljena procjena zrelosti za upis u prvi razred. Podaci su se prikupili analizom pedagoške dokumentacije odnosno uvidom u razrednu knjigu (imenik) učenika prvog razreda te uvidom u Upitnike za procjenu zrelosti za upis u prvi razred. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na povezanost spremnosti djeteta kod provođenja ispitivanja školske pedagoginje i njihova uspjeha na kraju školske godine. Rezultati Upitnika važni su kako bi se učitelji i stručna služba upoznali s razvojnim razlikama među učenicima, sposobnostima i predznanjem djece te kako bi se učenici mogli ravnomjerno podijeliti u razredne odjele. - The paper explains the results of the examination of school children, which are carried out by the school counselor, in relation to their success at the end of the first grade. It studies their maturity and readiness to start going to the first class. The goal of this research is to determine if the results of The questionnaire for first grade maturity assessment are connected with school success, especially regarding the connection of prior mathematical knowledge with later mathematical success and the connection of verbal language development with success in Croatian language, as well as total points od the questionnaire with grade results report at the end of the first grade. The research is conducted on the sample of 60 students who finished first grade in 2015/2016 school year, and who passed The questionnaire for first grade maturity assesment in 2015/2016 school year. The data was collected through pedagogical documentation analysis, i.e. through examination of the first grade book (school register) and through The questionnaire for first grade maturity assessment. The results claim that there is a correlation between the child's readiness during the school counselor's assessment protocol and their success at the end of the school year. The results of The questionnaire are important for the school counselor in order to be able to divide the students into classes evenly and to inform the teachers and their advisory services of the development differences between students, their abilities and prior knowledge. - Die Arbeit befasst sich mit den Befragungsergebnissen bei schulpflichtigen Kindern, die der Schulpädagoge durchführt, und ihrem Erfolg am Ende der ersten Klasse. Es wurde geprüft, was man unter der Reife und Bereitschaft des Kindes für den Start in die erste Klasse betrachtet. Das Ziel war es festzustellen, ob die Ergebnisse des Fragebogens für die Schulreife-Einschätzung der ersten Klasse mit dem Schulerfolg zusammenhängen, insbesondere mathematische Vorkenntnisse mit dem Erfolg in Mathematik und Sprachentwicklung mit dem Erfolg in der kroatischen Sprache sowie die Gesamtpunkte des Fragebogens mit Allgemeinschulerfolg am Ende der ersten Klasse. Die Prüfung wurde an einer Stichprobe von 60 Schülern durchgeführt, die 2016/2017 die erste Klasse beendeten und mit denen 2015/2016 die Schulreife-Einschätzung für die Einschreibung in die erste Klasse erledigt wurde. Die Angaben wurden durch Analyse der pädagogischen Dokumentation, beziehungsweise durch die Klassenbucheinsicht der Schüler erster Klasse und durch die Einsicht des Fragebogens zur Reifeeinschätzung für die Einschreibung in die erste Klasse erhoben. Die erzielten Ergebnisse deuten auf den Zusammenhang zwischen der Bereitschaft der Kinder bei der Prüfungsdurchführung der Schulpädagogin und ihrer Erfolge am Schuljahresende. Die Ergebnisse des Fragebogens sind wichtig, um die Schüler gleichmäßig in Klassen einordnen zu können und damit sich die Lehrer und Fachkräfte mit den Entwicklungsunterschieden, Fähigkeiten und Vorkenntnissen der Schüler vertraut machen.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 73-85  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prvi razred -- Učenici -- Školski uspjeh -- Zrelost za školu -- Govorno-jezični razvoj -- Matematičko predznanje

BARTULOVIĆ, Marija, pedagoginja
Prilog razumijevanju pedagoginje [Elektronička građa] : o dispozicijama za pedagogično djelovanje / Marija Bartulović, Barbara Kušević, Ana Širanović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 123-126. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ovaj tekst, kao nastavak našega promišljanja o dispozicijama za pedagogično djelovanje, kritička je refleksija vlastite profesionalne svakodnevice u kojoj detektiramo brojne dileme vezane za svrhu pedagoške profesije. Točke prijepora, poput – biti neutralna ili angažirana, graditi distanciran ili prisan pedagoški odnos, prioritizirati vlastitu ili tuđu dobrobit, odbijati ili prihvaćati sukob kao potencijalni agens promjene – izmještamo iz hodnika, predavaonica i učionica u kojima bivamo te, izlazeći time iz komforne zone nepromišljanja o njima, apostrofiramo ambivalentnu pojavnost dihotomije javno–privatno u skrivenome kurikulumu tih prostora. Promatrajući dispozicije kao za autonomno pedagogično pedagoško djelovanje prediktivna uvjerenja i osobine razvijajućega karaktera, u radu zagovaramo napuštanje shvaćanja pedagoginja kao neutralnih profesionalki apstrahiranih od osobnih uvjerenja, kvaliteta i ograničenja te u fokus stavljamo etičnost, refleksivnost i autentičnost kao temeljne dispozicije za pedagogično djelovanje usmjereno k podupiranju mogućega i transformativnoga u pedagoškome odnosu. Rad zaključujemo promišljanjem odgovornosti studijā pedagogije i samih pedagoginja za kultiviranje opisanih dispozicija. - This text, as a continuation of our reflections on dispositions for pedagogical practice, is a critical reflection on our everyday working life, in which we detect numerous dilemmas related to the goal of the pedagogical profession. We move points of contention – such as being neutral or engaged, building a distanced or close pedagogical relationship, prioritising one’s own benefit or that of others, rejecting or accepting conflict as a potential agent of change – out of the halls and classrooms in which we spend time and, breaching the comfort zone of not thinking about them, accent the apparently ambivalent dichotomy of public and private in the hidden curriculum of these spaces. By conceptualizing dispositions as evolving predictive beliefs and personal traits, the paper advocates abandoning the view of pedagogues as neutral professionals devoid of personal beliefs, qualities, and limitations, instead focusing on ethics, reflexivity, and authenticness as the basic dispositions for pedagogical practice directed towards supporting the possible and transformative in the pedagogical relationship. The paper concludes with a consideration of the responsibility of pedagogy programmes and pedagogues themselves in cultivating the aforementioned dispositions.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 2 ; str. 105-127  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pedagogija -- Pedagoška profesija -- Etičnost -- Refleksivnost -- Autentičnost

SMRTIĆ, Natalija
Psihološki kapital, smislenost posla, zadovoljstvo poslom i dobrobit kod nastavnika u privatnim i državnim školama [Elektronička građa] / Natalija Smrtić, Majda Rijavec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 26-28. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u zadovoljstvu poslom, smislenosti posla, psihološkom kapitalu i dobrobiti kod nastavnika u privatnim i državnim školama. Nadalje, cilj je bio ispitati u kojoj mjeri zadovoljstvo poslom, smislenost posla i psihološki kapital doprinose dobrobiti zaposlenika u privatnim i državnim školama.Sudjelovalo je 152 nastavnika iz državnih te 100 nastavnika iz privatnih škola u Zagrebu. Kao mjerni instrumenti korišteni su skala smislenosti posla, upitnik psihološkog kapitala, skala zadovoljstva životom i skala psihološkog procvata. Globalno zadovoljstvo poslom mjereno je jednom česticom. Rezultati su pokazali da nema razlike između nastavnika u državnim i privatnim škola ni u jednoj ispitivanoj varijabli. Zadovoljstvo poslom pokazalo se kao značajan prediktor životnog zadovoljstva, dok se smislenost posla pokazala kao značajan prediktor psihološkog procvata. Psihološki kapital pozitivno doprinosi i zadovoljstvu životom i psihološkom procvatu. Rezultati istraživanja daju teorijski doprinos razumijevanju faktora dobrobiti nastavnika u državnim i privatnim školama, a mogu doprinijeti i osmišljavanju intervencija za stvaranje pozitivnog okruženja koje tu dobrobit poboljšava. - The aim of the study was to assess differences in job satisfaction, work meaningfulness, psychological capital and well-being in private and public school's teachers. Furthermore, the aim was to asses the contribution of job satisfaction, work meaningfulness and psychological capital to teachers’ well-being in both types of schools. Participants were 152 teachers from public schools and 100 teachers from private schools in Zagreb. The measures included Work Meaningfulness Scale, PsyCap Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale and Flourishing Scale. For measuring global job satisfaction one-item scale was used. Results have shown that there was no statistically significant difference between public and private school's teachers in any of the measured variables. Job satisfaction was significant predictor of life satisfaction, while work meaningfulness was for flourishing. Psychological capital positively contributes to both life satisfaction and flourishing. The results theoretically contribute to understanding factors that contribute to teachers’ well-being in public and private schools and can help in designing interventions for creating a positive environment that will improve teachers’ well-being. - Das Ziel der Untersuchung war, die Unterschiede im Hinblick auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit, die Arbeitsbedeutsamkeit, das psychologische Kapital und das Wohlbefinden bei Lehrern an privaten und staatlichen Schulen festzustellen, sowie den Beitrag der Arbeitszufriedenheit, der Arbeitsbedeutsamkeit und dem psychologischen Kapital zum Wohlbefinden von Lehrern in beiden Schultypen zu untersuchen. 152 Lehrer an staatlichen Schulen und 100 Privatschullehrer beteiligten sich an der Untersuchung. Als Messinstrumente wurden der Fragebogen zum psychologischen Kapital, die Skala zum Sinn der Arbeit, die Skala zur Lebenszufriedenheit und die Skala zum psychologischen Wohlstand verwendet. Die globale Arbeitszufriedenheit wurde mit nur einem Item gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass es in den untersuchten Variablen keinen bedeutsamen Unterschied gibt zwischen Lehrern, die an staatlichen Schulen arbeiten, und Lehrern, die an Privatschulen arbeiten. Die Arbeitszufriedenheit war ein signifikanter Prädiktor für die Lebenszufriedenheit, und die Arbeitsbedeutsamkeit war ein signifikanter Prädiktor für das Wachstum. Das psychologische Kapital trägt positiv der Lebenszufriedenheit und dem Wachstum bei. Die Ergebnisse liefern einen theoretischen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Wohlfahrtsfaktoren für Lehrer in privaten und staatlichen Schulen und können zur Gestaltung von Interventionen beitragen, um ein positives Umfeld zu schaffen, welches das Wohlbefinden verbessert.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 15-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Državne škole -- Privatne škole -- Zadovoljstvo poslom -- Dobrobit -- Psihološki kapital

KNEŽEVIĆ, Mirjana, pedagoginja
Stavovi roditelja i razrednika o oblicima, učincima i teškoćama partnerskih odnosa između obitelji i škole [Elektronička građa] / Mirjana Knežević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 156-157. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Obitelj i odgojno-obrazovne ustanove dominantna su okruženja djeteta i zato je njihovo partnerstvo prijeko potrebno. Dok suradnja podrazumijeva pokušaj zadovoljavanja interesa obiju strana, pojam partnerstva, koji se danas sve više koristi, ističe ravnopravnost strana i toleranciju. U literaturi se ističu određeni učinci toga partnerstva kao što su bolji akademski uspjeh djece, bolji odnos djece prema školi te učiteljima i nastavnicima, osnaživanje obitelji te rasterećenje djece. U empirijskom dijelu cilj je bio utvrditi koji oblik odnosa, tradicionalni ili partnerski, njeguju roditelji i razrednici, vide li prednosti partnerskoga odnosa za djecu, odnosno učenike te ispitati njihove stavove o teškoćama ostvarenja partnerskoga odnosa. Istraživanje na uzorku od 72 roditelja i 18 razrednika provedeno je tijekom rujna i listopada 2017. u Ugostiteljsko-turističkoj školi u Osijeku. Pri provedbi istraživanja koristio se postupak anketiranja. Podatci istraživanja obrađeni su deskriptivnom statistikom, prikazani su grafički i tablično i interpretirani su. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako, unatoč teorijskom zagovaranju partnerskoga odnosa, roditelji i razrednici i dalje prakticiraju tradicionalan odnos iako obje skupine uzorka vide prednosti partnerskoga odnosa za djecu/učenike. Također, razrednici smatraju kako roditelji surađuju sa školom samo kada je to neophodno za daljnje obrazovanje njihova djeteta. Ispitivanjem stavova roditelja i razrednika utvrđeno je kako ne uočavaju teškoće partnerskih odnosa. - Family and educational institutions are dominant environments for children and therefore their partnership is necessary. While their cooperation includes the attempt to satisfy interests of both parties, the term partnership, the use of which is nowadays in increase, emphasizes the equality of both sides and tolerance. In literature relating to this subject, certain effects of that partnership are emphasized, for example, better academic success of children, better attitude of children towards school and their teachers, empowerment of the family and disburdening of children.The goal of the empirical part was to determine the form of interaction, traditional or partnership-oriented, which is cultivated by parents and homeroom teachers. Also, the goal was to see if parents and homeroom teachers realize the advantages of the partnership-oriented interaction for children, namely students, and to examine their attitudes towards difficulties of partnership realization. The research was conducted on 72 parents and 18 homeroom teachers in September and October of 2017 in School of Hospitality and Tourism Management in Osijek. The survey procedure was used in the implementation of the research. The research data were processed using descriptive statistics. The data were shown in graphical and table form, and they were interpreted. The obtained results show that, despite the theoretical advocacy of partnership-oriented interaction, parents and homeroom teachers still practice traditional interaction even though both groups realize the advantages of partnership-oriented interaction for children / students. Also, homeroom teachers believe that parents cooperate with school only when it is absolutely necessary for the further education of their child. By examining attitudes of parents and homeroom teachers it is determined that they do not perceive difficulties encountered in partnership-oriented interaction. - Die Familie und Einrichtungen wie Schulen sind dominante Umfelder des Kindes und deswegen ist ihre Partnerschaft von großer Bedeutung. Während bei einer Zusammenarbeit versucht wird, die Interessen beider Seiten zu befriedigen, geht es bei einer Partnerschaft vielmehr um die Gleichberechtigung und gegenseitige Toleranz. Die Fachliteratur betont gewisse Wirkungen einer solchen Partnerschaft, wie z.B. bessere schulische Leistung der Kinder, eine bessere Beziehung der Schüler zur Schule und zu den Lehrern, ein besseres Verhältnis innerhalb der Familie und die Entlastung der Schüler. Im empirischen Teil war das Ziel festzustellen, ob die Eltern und Klassenlehrer die traditionelle oder die partnerschaftliche Beziehung bevorzugen, ob sie Vorteile der partnerschaftlichen Beziehung für die Kinder, bzw. für die Schüler sehen und welche Einstellungen sie zu den Schwierigkeiten der Verwirklichung einer partnerschaftlichen Beziehung haben. Die Studie wurde im September und Oktober 2017 in der Gastgewerbe- und Tourismusschule in Osijek durchgeführt und es wurden 72 Eltern und 18 Klassenlehrer befragt. Während der Studie wurde die Methode der Umfrage benutzt. Die Daten wurden mit der deskriptiven Statistik ausgewertet, graphisch dargestellt und interpretiert. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die Eltern und Klassenlehrer trotz der theoretischen Befürwortung einer partnerschaftlichen Beziehung, weiterhin die traditionelle Beziehung praktizieren, obwohl beide Seiten die Vorteile einer partnerschaftlichen Beziehung für die Kinder/Schüler sehen. Zudem sind die Klassenlehrer der Meinung, dass die Eltern nur dann mit der Schule zusammenarbeiten möchten, wenn es für die Weiterbildung ihrer Kinder unentbehrlich ist. Durch das Erfragen der Einstellungen beider Seiten wurde festgestellt, dass weder die Eltern noch die Lehrer Schwierigkeiten in der partnerschaftlichen Beziehung sehen.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 143-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Partnerstvo -- Roditelji -- Razrednici -- Učenici

BORIĆ Letica, Ivana
Stavovi studenata razredne nastave o prevenciji vršnjačkog nasilja i procjena vlastitih kompetencija sprječavanja i suočavanja s vršnjačkim nasiljem u školi [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Borić Letica, Ena Pavić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati kakve stavove studenti razredne nastave imaju prema preventivnim programima protiv vršnjačkog nasilja, ulozi škole i učitelja u prevenciji vršnjačkog nasilja te kakvima procjenjuju svoje kompetencije sprječavanja i suočavanja s vršnjačkim nasiljem u školi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 188 studenata posljednja tri godišta studija Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku i Slavonskom Brodu. Za potrebe istraživanja sastavljen je anketni upitnik koji je sadržavao pitanja koja se odnose na: (1) stav o učinkovitosti i važnosti preventivnih programa, (2) stav o ulozi škole u prevenciji vršnjačkog nasilja, (3) stav o ulozi učitelja u prevenciji vršnjačkog nasilja i (4) procjenu vlastitih kompetencija prevencije vršnjačkog nasilja. Rezultati su pokazali kako 56,9% sudionika ima iskustva s preventivnim programima te njihovu učinkovitost ocjenjuju prosječnom ocjenom M=3,68 (sd=0,799). Sudionici smatraju da je prevencija vršnjačkog nasilja vrlo važna, no kako je provedba preventivnih programa srednje učinkovita, smatraju da škola i učitelji imaju važnu ulogu u prevenciji vršnjačkog nasilja, međutim svoje vještine sprječavanja i suočavanja s vršnjačkim nasiljem procjenjuju osrednjima. Dosadašnja istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu za stručnim obrazovanjem učitelja o prevenciji vršnjačkog nasilja. - The aim of this study was to explore attitudes of the students at the Faculty of Education towards bullying prevention programmes, the role of school and teachers in bullying prevention and their assessment of own competences in bullying prevention. Data was collected from 188 students of 3rd year of undergraduate and 1st and 2nd years of graduate study at the Faculty of Education in Osijek and Slavonski Brod. For the purposes of this study a questionnaire was developed regarding (1) attitude towards effectiveness and importance of bullying prevention programmes, (2) attitude towards the role of schools in bullying prevention, (3) attitude towards the role of teachers in bullying prevention and (4) assessment of one's own competences in bullying prevention. The results have showed that 56, 9 % participants have experience with bullying prevention programmes, and they evaluate their effectiveness as moderate. Participants think that bullying prevention programmes are very important, but that their implementation is moderately effective. They believe that schools and teachers have important role in bullying prevention; however, they estimate their own skills in bullying prevention as moderate. Teachers are vital in bullying prevention, so it is necessary to implement continuous education about bullying prevention programmes in their education. - Das Ziel dieser Studie war die Einstellungen von Lehramtsstudenten, zukünftigen Primarstufelehrern, zu Programmen für die Gewaltprävention unter Gleichaltrigen und zur Rolle der Schule und der Lehrperson hierbei zu erforschen, sowie zu hinterfragen, wie die Lehramtsstudenten ihre eigenen Kompetenzen der Gewaltprävention und des Umgangs mit der Gewalt unter gleichaltrigen Schülern im Klassenraum einschätzen. An der Untersuchung nahmen 188 Studenten der letzten drei Generationen der Fakultät für Bildungs- und Erziehungswissenschaften in Osijek und Slavonski Brod teil. Für den Bedarf der Studie wurde ein Fragebogen erstellt mit Fragen in Bezug auf: (1) die Einstellung zur Effizienz und Bedeutung von Präventionsprogrammen, (2) die Einstellung zur Rolle der Schule in der Prävention der Gewalt unter Gleichaltrigen, (3) die Einstellung zur Rolle der Lehrperson in der Prävention der Gewalt unter Gleichaltrigen und (4) die Einschätzung der eigenen Kompetenzen der Prävention von Gewalt unter Gleichaltrigen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 56,9% der Befragten Erfahrung mit Präventionsprogrammen hat und ihre Effizienz mit einer Durchschnittsnote von M=3,68 (SD=0,799) bewertet. Die Befragten erachten die Prävention von Gewalt unter Gleichaltrigen für sehr wichtig. Da jedoch die Durchführung der Präventionsprogramme nur mittelmäßig effizient ist, finden sie, dass Schule und Lehrperson eine große Rolle bei der Prävention der Gewalt unter Gleichaltrigen spielen. Die eigenen Fähigkeiten der Vorbeugung und des Umgangs mit Gewalt unter Gleichaltrigen schätzen sie jedoch als mittelmäßig ein. Bisherige Untersuchungen deuten auf den Bedarf fachlicher Weiterbildung der Lehrer in Hinsicht auf die Prävention von Gewalt unter Gleichaltrigen hin.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 113-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vršnjačko nasilje -- Preventivni programi -- Razredna nastava -- Studenti -- Učitelji

Stavovi učenika i učitelja o vrednovanju i ocjenjivanju u nastavi Glazbene kulture [Elektronička građa] / Amir Begić, Jasna Šulentić Begić, Valentina Šmitpeter. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 98-100. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Vrednovanje i ocjenjivanje u nastavi Glazbene kulture važna je sastavnica odgojno-obrazovnog procesa koja sa sobom nosi razne poteškoće i subjektivnost. U nastavi Glazbene kulture realiziraju se različite glazbene aktivnosti i sadržaji (slušanje glazbe, muzikološki sadržaji, pjevanje, sviranje, stvaralaštvo/glazbene igre/pokret, osnove glazbene pismenosti), koji su više ili manje specifični te se navedeno odražava i na vrednovanje i ocjenjivanje. Navedene aktivnosti i sadržaji u okviru Kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Glazbena kultura za osnovne škole i Glazbena umjetnost za gimnazije (2019) organizirane su u okviru tri domene/nastavna područja: Slušanje i upoznavanje glazbe, Izražavanje glazbom i uz glazbu i Glazba u kontekstu. U radu je prikazano istraživanje provedeno tijekom 2019. godine, a koje je obuhvatilo 269 ispitanika, tj. 30 osnovnoškolskih učitelja Glazbene kulture i 239 učenika osmih razreda. Istraživanje je provedeno u Osječko-baranjskoj i Požeško-slavonskoj županiji te je obuhvatilo učitelje Glazbene kulture i učenike osmih razreda šest osnovnih škola od kojih se četiri nalaze u urbanom, a dvije u ruralnom području. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je doznati stavove učenika i učitelja o vrednovanju i ocjenjivanju u nastavi Glazbene kulture, utvrditi moguću povezanost sociodemografskih varijabla i mišljenja učitelja i učenika te utvrditi na koji se način provodi ocjenjivanje u nastavi Glazbene kulture. Slušanje glazbe i pjevanje su aktivnosti koje se, prema mišljenju i učitelja i učenika, najčešće vrednuju i ocjenjuju u nastavi Glazbene kulture. Ujedno, učitelji u većoj mjeri smatraju da provode individualno i skupno ocjenjivanje nego li to smatraju učenici. Utvrđeno je da učitelji najčešće ocjenjivanje provode tako što tijekom svakog sata prate učenike, skloni su učenike ocijeniti odmah na satu i najčešće usmeno. - Evaluation and grading in the teaching of Music Culture is an important component of the educational process that carries various difficulties and subjectivity with it. In the course of Music Culture, various music activities and contents (music listening, music content, singing, playing, creativity/musical games/movement, basics of musical literacy) are realized, which are more or less specific and also reflect on the evaluation and evaluation. The activities and contents of the Curriculum for the Elementary School Music Culture and High School Musical Arts (2019) curricula are organized within three domains/teaching areas: Listening and learning about music, Expressing music and with music, and Music in context. The research was conducted in 2019 and included 269 respondents, i.e. 30 elementary music teachers and 239 eighth grade students. The survey was conducted in Osijek-Baranja and Pozega-Slavonia counties and it included Music teachers and eighth grade students from six primary schools, four of whom are in urban and two in rural areas. The aim of this research was to find out students’ and teachers’ views on evaluation and assessment and to determine the possible correlation of sociodemographic variables and teachers’ and students’ opinions on evaluation and assessment in Music Culture teaching and to determine how the assessment is conducted in Music Culture teaching. Listening to music and singing are activities that, in the opinion of both teachers and students, are most commonly evaluated and graded in teaching Music Culture. At the same time, teachers are more likely to carry out individual and group assessments than students. Teachers usually conduct their assessment by monitoring students every class, they tend to evaluate students during class and most often orally. Teachers and students think that student should not have the developed musical skills to score excellently in Music Culture.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 2 ; str. 77-101  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava glazbene kulture -- Učitelji glazbe -- Vrednovanje -- Ocjenjivanje -- Glazbene aktivnosti -- Učenici osmog razreda

SOKOL, Marina
Stručni suradnici u glazbenim školama u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Marina Sokol.
Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Predmet je istraživanja broj zaposlenih stručnih suradnika na neodređeno radno vrijeme u glazbenim osnovnim i srednjim školama u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 38 ravnatelja glazbenih škola, od sveukupnog broja od 52 samostalne glazbene osnovne i srednje škole. Ispitivan je postojeći broj zaposlenih stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama, profil stručnog suradnika koji je zaposlen u glazbenoj školi te subjektivna procjena ravnatelja postoji li potreba zapošljavanja stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak kako je u glazbenim školama zaposlen zanemariv postotak stručnih suradnika, a procjena ravnatelja upućuje na činjenicu kako postoji velika potreba za različitim profilima stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama bez obzira radi li se o osnovnoj ili srednjoj glazbenoj školi. Izrazito je važno napomenuti kako se ravnatelji, stručni suradnici, odnosno odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici te učenici i roditelji ne smiju zadovoljiti postojećim stanjem bez obzira na trenutnu situaciju. Cilj je provedenog istraživanja potaknuti više obrazovne instance na akciju zapošljavanja stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama u svrhu unapređenja odgojno-obrazovnog procesa, pružanja pomoći i podrške učenicima u glazbenim osnovnim i srednjim školama, uvažavanja odredbi Državnog pedagoškog standarda te potpunog iskorjenjivanja diskriminacije koja se vrši naspram glazbenih škola u području zapošljavanja stručnih suradnika na neodređeno radno vrijeme. - The subject of this research is the number of employed school counselors in music primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia. 38 headmasters have participated in this research, while the total number of headmasters of music schools is 52. This survey showed the number of employed school counselors in music schools, the profil of the employed school counselors and the headmasters subjective evaluation wheather the need for this kind of experts is needed and wanted in music schools. Results indicate that the number of employed school counselors is exceptionally low, but the headmasters’ assessments indicated that there is a great need for this profile of experts. It is important to emphasize that the headmasters, school counselors, teachers, parents and pupils cannot accept the current number of employed school counselors in music schools. The main objective of this research is to encourage the higher educational jurisdiction to employ school counselors in music schools for the purpose of improvement of the educational process and complete eradication of the discrimitantion which is done against music schools. - Der Gegenstand der Forschung ist die Zahl der an den Schulen unbefristet angestellten Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst in den Musik-Grund- und Mittelschulen in der Republik Kroatien. An der Forschung nahmen 38 Schulleiter der Musikschulen teil, von insgesamt 54 selbstständigen Musik-Grund- und Mittelschulen. Befragt wurde die aktuelle Anzahl und Profil der angestellten Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst in den Musikschulen und die subjektive Einschätzung der Schulleiter, ob an den Musikschulen Bedarf nach Mitarbeitern im pädagogischen Dienst bestehe. Die Ergebnisse weisen daraufhin, dass an den Musikschulen eine unbedeutende Anzahl der Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst angestellt ist, jedoch auch, dass nach Einschätzung der Schulleiter großer Bedarf an pädagogischen Mitarbeitern unterschiedlicher Profile besteht, in Grundschulen und Mittelschulen gleichermaßen. Es ist sehr wichtig zu betonen, dass sich die Schulleiter, die Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst, die Schüler und die Lehrer mit dem bestehenden Zustand nicht zufriedengeben sollten, trotz der momentanen Situation. Das Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, die hohen Bildungsinstanzen zum Anstellen der Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst anzuspornen, mit dem Ziel der Förderung des Erziehungs- und Bildungsprozesses, der Hilfeleistung und der Unterstützung der Schüler in den Musik-Grund- und Mittelschulen, Einhalten des staatlichen pädagogischen Standards und gründlicher Bekämpfung der Diskriminierung, die beim unbefristeten Anstellen der Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst ausgeübt wird.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 181-187  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetničke škole -- Glazbene škole -- Stručni suradnci -- Pedagozi -- Psiholozi -- Edukacijski rehabilitatori -- Knjižničari

Šezdeset godina kontinuiranog rada učeničke zadruge u Osnovnoj školi "Ivan Filipović" u Velikoj Kopanici 1957.-2017. [Elektronička građa] / Emerik Munjiza, Ivan Munjiza. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 224-225. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Autori su istražili i prikazali šezdesetogodišnji kontinuirani rad učeničke zadruge u Osnovnoj školi „Ivan Filipović“ u Velikoj Kopanici. Rad navedene zadruge analiziran je iu kontekstu suvremenog pokreta učeničkog zadrugarstva Hrvatske poslije Drugog svjetskog rata. Rad je strukturiran u tri sadržajne cjeline. U prvoj cjelini raspravlja se o općem i nacionalnom pokretu učeničkog zadrugarstva. U drugoj cjelini analizira se rad navedene školske zadruge između 1957. i 1974. godine. Rad te učeničke zadruge između 1975. i 2017. godine prikazan je u trećoj cjelini.Dosezi, uspjesi pa i ograničenja analizirani su unutar sljedećih sadržajnih kategorija: Opći razvojni put zadruge, Rad u sekcijama i materijalna proizvodnja, Ostali oblici rada u učeničkoj zadruzi, Ustroj učeničke zadruge i motivacijski oblici, Smotre, susreti, posjete i priznanja. Nepobitno je utvrđeno da je ova učenička zadruga u kontinuitetu ispunjavala bitnu odrednicu učeničke zadruge proizvodno-tržišnu orijentaciju. Proizvodno-tržišna orijentacija realizirana je na realnom i lokalnom ugovornom tržištu. Istovremeno ta učenička zadruga permanentno je bila otvorena za školsko-nastavne inovacije. U okviru zadruge realiziran je društveno-korisni i proizvodni rad kao i tečajni oblici nastave koji se odnose na poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Ustrojstvo zadruge i motivacijski oblici osiguravali su potreban učenički interes za rad u njoj, a često puta i više od toga. Istraživanje se temelji na relevantnoj literaturi i na izvornoj arhivskoj školskoj dokumentaciji i dokumentaciji učeničke zadruge. U suvremenoj školskoj i kurikularnoj reformi trebalo bi ozbiljno razmisliti i o mogućnostima koje pruža učenička zadruga u uvođenju života u školu, pripremanju učenika za stvarni život, povezivanju teorije i prakse i različitih mogućnosti u realizaciji izvanučioničke nastave. - The authors have researched and shown the continued work of school copereative in „Ivan Filipović“ primary school Velika Kopanica in the last sixty years. The work has been analysed within the contemporary movement of school cooperative movement of Croatia after the World War II. The work consists of three parts: The general and national cooperative movement is discussed in the first part. The work of this school cooperative between 1957 and 1974 is discussed in the second part. The third part describes the work between 1975 and 2017. Ranges, successes and even restrictions have been analysed within several content-related cathegories: Thre development of this school cooperative in general; Work in sections and material production, The other types of work in school cooperative, The Constitution of school cooperative and motivational patterns, Reviews, encounters, visits and acknoweldgements. It is irrefutably confirmed that this school cooperative has fulffiled a very important guideline of school cooperative –orientation towards production and market. This type of orientation was realised on a real and local contractual market. At the same time, this school cooperative was permanently opened to teaching innovations. Public work and production as well as teaching courses in agricultural production were realised within it. The cooperative construction and motivational forms ensured the interest of students necessary to work in it, and many times even more. This research is based on relevant and original literature from the school archive as well as the literature of the school cooperative. Contemporary school and curricular reforms should seriously consider the possibilities that school cooperative could give a lot in preparing students for real life and connection of theory and practice in various possibilites of outdoor classes’ realisition. - Die Autoren haben die sechzig Jahre lange und fortlaufende Arbeit der Schülergenossenschaft in der Schule „Ivan Filipović“ in Velika Kopanica untersucht und dargestellt. Die Arbeit dieser Genossenschaft wurde im Kontext der gegenwärtigen Bewegung von Schülergenossenschaften in Kroatien nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg analysiert und in drei inhaltliche Einheiten strukturiert dargestellt. Der erste Teil bespricht die allgemeine und nationale Bewegung der Schülergenossenschaften. Im zweiten Teil wird die Arbeit der ausgewählten Schülergenossenschaft zwischen 1957 und 1974 analysiert während im dritten Teil die Jahre zwischen 1975 und 2017 besprochen werden. Die Leistungen, Erfolge, aber auch Einschränkungen wurden innerhalb der folgenden inhaltlichen Kategorien analysiert: allgemeiner Entwicklungsweg der Genossenschaft, Arbeit in den AGs und materielle Produktion, andere Arbeitsformen in der Schülergenossenschaft, die Struktur der Genossenschaft und Motivationsformen, Feste, Begegnungen, Besuche und Anerkennungen. Es konnte unwiderlegbar festgestellt werden, dass diese Schülergenossenschaft kontinuierlich produktions- und marktorientiert war und dass diese Orientierung auf dem realen und lokalen Vertragsmarkt verwirklicht wurde. Gleichzeitig war die Schülergenossenschaft ständig offen für Innovationen im Bereich Bildung und Unterricht. Im Rahmen ihrer Arbeit wurde gemeinnützige Arbeit und Produktion erfüllt, ebenso wie Kurse im Bereich landwirtschaftlicher Produktion durchgeführt. Die Struktur der Genossenschaft und die Motivationsformen haben das nötige Interesse für die Schülerbeteiligung geliefert, und oftmals noch viel mehr. Die Untersuchung gründet auf der relevanten Forschungsliteratur und den originellen Schulunterlagen aus dem Schul- und Genossenschaftsarchiv.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 207-226  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učeničke zadruge -- Proizvodno-tržišna orijentacija -- Ustrojstvo -- Motivacijski oblici -- Povijesni prikaz

NOVAK, Josip, psiholog
Što je bolji prediktor uspjeha iz matematike i fizike - stavovi prema matematici ili kapacitet radnog pamćenja [Elektronička građa] / Josip Novak, Predrag Brođanac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 41-44. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - U istraživanjima se pokazalo kako su stavovi prema matematici značajan prediktor različitih ishoda u matematici, poput angažmana ili postignuća, ali i kasnije akademske izvedbe u matematici i prirodnim predmetima te uspjeha i upornosti u učenju matematike.Međutim, na hrvatskim uzorcima stavovi prema matematici i njihov odnos s uspjehom iz Matematike i Fizike slabo je istražen, kao i uloga radnog pamćenja u navedenome odnosu. Radno pamćenje snažno je povezano s izvedbom u zadacima iz matematike i stoga je od praktične koristi odrediti kakvu ulogu ima u odnosu stavova prema matematici i uspjeha iz Matematike i Fizike. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 178 učenika V. gimnazije u Zagrebu, u kojemu je podjednak omjer spolova. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja pokazuju kako radno pamćenje i Percipirana korisnost matematike nisu značajni prediktori uspjeha iz Matematike i Fizike kada su u regresijsku jednadžbu uključeni i faceti stavova prema matematici, Naklonost prema matematici i Matematičko samopoimanje. Konačan model i zabilježeni medijacijski efekti imaju praktične implikacije i upućuju na daljnja istraživanja odnosa tih konstrukata. - Prior research have shown that attitudes toward mathematics are significant predictors of different outcomes related to mathematics, such as engagement or achievement, but also of later academic performance in mathematics and science, as well as success and persistence in learning of mathematics. However, attitudes toward mathematics and their relationship with achievement in Mathematics and Physics, together with potential role of working memory in the mentioned relationship are under-researched on Croatian samples. Working memory is strongly related to mathematics performance and it is therefore of practical significance to determine its role in relationship between attitudes towards mathematics and achievement in Mathematics and Physics. The research was conducted on a convenient sample which consisted of 178 students from the 5th Gymnasium in Zagreb, which had balanced ratio of sexes. Results of this research suggest that working memory and perceived usefulness of mathematics are not significant predictors of achievement in Mathematics and Physics after Liking Mathematics and Mathematics self-concept were included in the regression equation. The final model and registered mediational effects have practical implications and entice further research on the relationship among these constructs. - Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass die Einstellungen zur Mathematik ein wichtiger Prädiktor unterschiedlicher Ergebnisse im Fach Mathematik sind, z. B. im Hinblick auf das Engagement oder den Lernerfolg, aber auch auf die spätere akademische Leistung in Mathematik und naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern sowie im Hinblick auf den Erfolg und die Zielstrebigkeit beim Mathematiklernen. Allerdings gibt es nur wenige Untersuchungen über die Einstellungen kroatischer Schüler zur Mathematik und ihr Verhältnis zum Lernerfolg in Mathematik und Physik sowie über die Rolle des Arbeitsgedächtnisses in diesem Verhältnis. Das Arbeitsgedächtnis ist stark verbunden mit der Leistung in Mathematikaufgaben. Dementsprechend ist die Bestimmung der Rolle, die die Einstellungen zur Mathematik im Verhältnis zum Lernerfolg in Mathematik und Physik hat, von praktischem Nutzen. Die Untersuchung wurde auf einem entsprechenden Muster von 178 Schülern des V. Gymnasiums in Zagreb durchgeführt, unter denen Schüler beider Geschlechter gleichmäßig vertreten sind. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zeigen, dass das Arbeitsgedächtnis und die wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit von Mathematik keine bedeutenden Prädiktoren des Lernerfolgs in Mathematik und Physik darstellen, wenn in der Regressionsgleichung auch der Aspekt der Neigung zur Mathematik und der Aspekt der Selbsteinschätzung der mathematischen Fertigkeiten als Aspekte der Einstellungen zur Mathematik vertreten sind. Das endgültige Modell und die verzeichneten Mediationseffekte haben praktische Auswirkungen und verweisen auf weitere Untersuchungen des Verhältnisses dieser Konstrukte.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 31-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matematika -- Fizika -- Stavovi učenika -- Radno pamćenje -- Školski uspjeh -- Istraživanje

MLAKER Šušek, Simona
Učenje čitanja i strategije u ranom poučavanju [Elektronička građa] / Simona Mlaker Šušek. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Suvremeno planiranje nastave temelji se na komunikacijskoj nastavi. Naglašava se važnost okoline za učenje u kojoj se formiraju socijalne kompetencije učenika. Te kompetencije počinju se razvijati u ranoj dobi, a na početku školovanja već se izražavaju kao primjetljive osobne karakteristike. U radu se opisuje primjer iz prakse, kako tijekom nastave upotrebljavati različite nastavne strategije za stjecanje novog znanja. U okviru projekta Inovativna pedagoška vježbenica Osnovne škole bratov Polančičev iz Maribora svake godine planiramo, provodimo i evalviramo inovativne pristupe pedagoške prakse. Uvjereni smo da je kod odgojno-obrazovnog rada nužno spajanje teorijskih i praktičkih iskustava. U ovoj školskoj godini osobito smo se usmjerili na učenje čitanja i na strategije u ranom poučavanju. - The modern way to plan the teaching is based on communicative instruction. We stress the impact of the learning environment on the development of students’ social competences. These competences begin to emerge in the early childhood. With the entry into primary school, they are visible as conspicuous personal characterisics. This article presents a practical example on how to use various learning strategies for acquisition of new knowledge. Within the school project Innovative pedagogical work sessions, which takes place each year at our school, we design, implement and evaluate innovative pedagogical approaches to teaching. We believe that educational work requires a combination of theory with practical efforts. In the past school year, we focused on learning how to read and teaching strategies. - Moderne Unterrichtsplanung basiert auf Kommunikationsunterricht. Wir betonen die Wichtigkeit der Lernumgebung, in der die sozialen Kompetenzen der Schüler gestaltet werden. Diese beginnen sich in der frühen Kindheit zu entwickeln, und beim Schuleintritt äußern sie sich schon als bemerkbare Persönlichkeitseigenschaften. Der Artikel beschreibt ein Beispiel aus der Praxis, wie verschiedene Lernstrategien im Unterricht eingesetzt werden können, um neues Wissen zu erlangen. Im Rahmen des Projekts Innovative pädagogische Workshops der Brüder Polančičev Grundschule aus Maribor, planen, implementieren und bewerten wir jedes Jahr innovative Ansätze für die pädagogische Praxis. Wir glauben, dass theoretische und praktische Erfahrungen in der pädagogischen Arbeit miteinander verknüpft werden müssen. Im vergangenen Schuljahr haben wir besonderen Wert auf das Lesenlernen sowie auf die Strategien im Anfangsunterricht gelegt.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 281-290  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenje čitanja -- Rano učenje -- Istraživačko učenje -- Nastavne strategije -- Međuvršnjačka suradnja

Usporedba spoznajnog i emocionalnog aspekta slušanja glazbe u glazbeno-pedagoškom kontekstu osnovne škole [Elektronička građa] / Sabina Vidulin, Marlena Plavšić, Valnea Žauhar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 28-31. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je slušanja glazbe u školi oblikovati kulturno-umjetnički svjetonazor učenica i učenika te doprinijeti njihovom estetskom odgoju. U hrvatskim osnovnim školama realizira se prema tzv. standardnom modelu kojemu je težište na spoznajnoj dimenziji. Kako bi se povećali pozornost, motivacija, slušalačke navike i prihvaćanje umjetničke glazbe, predlaže se spoznajno-emocionalni pristup koji višemodalno povezuje glazbene i izvanglazbene sadržaje. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti utjecaje spoznajno-emocionalnog i standardnog pristupa u nastavi glazbene kulture na spoznajni i emocionalni aspekt slušanja glazbe. Sudjelovalo je 557 učenika i učenica iz 30 petih razreda. Slušali su Hačaturjanovu Maskaradu, Beethovenovu Wellingtonovu pobjedu, Rimski Korsakovljevu Šeherezadu i Fauréovu Pavanu te odgovarali na pitanja vezana za spoznajni i emocionalni aspekt slušanja glazbe. Petnaest razreda imalo je nastavu po standardnom, a 15 razreda po spoznajno emocionalnom pristupu. U spoznajnom aspektu odgovori učenika i učenica uglavnom se nisu razlikovali. U emocionalnom aspektu, u Šeherezadi i Pavani nešto su intenzivnije doživljavane dominantne emocije kada je bio primijenjen spoznajno-emocionalni pristup. - The purpose of music listening in school is to shape students’ world view regarding culture and arts, as well as to contribute to their aesthetic education. Croatian elementary schools use the ‘standard model’, which focuses on the cognitive dimension. In order to increase attention, motivation, listening habits, and acceptance of artistic music, a cognitive-emotional approach is suggested that connects musical and extra-musical content in multiple modalities. The goal of the research is to compare the effects of the cognitive-emotional approach versus the standard approach to music teaching on the cognitive and emotional aspects of music listening. 557 year 5 students from 30 classes participated in the research. They listened to Khachaturian’s Masquerade, Beethoven’s Wellington’s Victory, Rimsky- Korsakov’s Scheherazade, and Fauré’s Pavane, as well as answering questions related to the cognitive and emotional aspects of music listening. Fifteen classrooms used the standard approach, while the other fifteen used the cognitive-emotional approach. Student responses generally did not differ in the cognitive aspect. In the emotional aspect, Scheherazade and Pavane engendered somewhat more intense dominant emotions when the cognitive-emotional approach was used.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 2 ; str. 9-32  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazba -- Slušanje glazbe -- Nastava glazbene kulture -- Standardni pristup -- Spoznajno-emocionalni pristup

Vidi br.: HA20-00080

Vidi br.: HA20-00471

Vidi br.: HA20-00480

Vidi br.: HA20-00003

Vidi br.: HA20-00311

Vidi br.: HA20-00076

Vidi br.: HA20-00134

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Vidi br.: HA20-00166

373   Vrste općeobrazovnih škola. Predškolski odgoj

TADIĆ Komadina, Ljiljana
Analiza zastupljenosti timskoga rada na mrežnim stranicama srednjoškolskih institucija u Istarskoj i Brodsko-posavskoj županiji [Elektronička građa] / Ljiljana Tadić Komadina, Dea Lazić Hasanagić, Luka Pongračić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Timski rad je u današnjem kulturno pluralističkom društvu postao predmetom uspješnoga poslovanja koji se počeo primjenjivati i u odgojno-obrazovnim institucija- ma. Jedan od načina prikazivanja imidža škole je na mrežnim stranica pa se njiho- vom analizom sadržaja može stvoriti slika o pridavanju važnosti provođenja timsko- ga rada u školama. Cilj je ovog rada na temelju mrežnih stranica svih srednjih škola u Istarskoj i Brodsko-posavskoj županiji utvrditi koliko se često objavljuju tekstovi s ključnom riječi „timski rad“, u kojem kontekstu i komu su namijenjeni. Svrha istraži- vanja je prikupiti podatke o zastupljenosti ključnoga pojma „timski rad“ na mrežnim stranicama spomenutih srednjih škola. Rezultati analize dali su odgovor na pitanje je li timski rad postao dio obrazovne politike u srednjim školama. Nažalost, pokazalo se da se timskom radu ne pridaje veći značaj u objavama koje se mogu naći na mrežnim stranicama navedenih škola. - In today's cultural pluralistic society teamwork has become the subject of a successful business so it started to apply in educational institutions also. One way of showing the school image is through school websites. Their analysis of the content can create a picture about contributing the importance of teamwork in schools. The aim of this work is to determine how often, in which context and to whom are intended published texts with the keyword "teamwork" on websites of the highschools in Istrian and Brod-Posavska county. The purpose of the work is collecting the data about representation key word „teamwork“ on websites of mentioned schools. Analysis results gave an answer to the question if the teamwork had became part of the highschools educational policy. Unfortunately, it turned out that highschools do not attach significance to the teamwork on their websites.
U: Metodički obzori (Online). - ISSN 1848-8455. - 14 (2019), 1(26) ; str. 55-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mrežne stranice -- Srednje škole -- Obrazovna politika -- Odgojno-obrazovne institucije -- Timski rad

ŠINDIĆ, Alaksandra
Methodical approach in Catholic religious education in kindergartens in Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Alaksandra Šindić, Dijana Andrić, Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec, Nives Ličen. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this paper, the authors explore the methodical approach in Catholic religious education in kindergartens in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The theoretical framework is represented by the concept of holistic education. It also includes spiritual education, in the case of this study, religious education. The aim of the empirical part of the research is to determine the methodical elements of religious education in preschool institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (types of religious educational activities in religious education of preschool children and their representation, religious climate) and to compare public kindergartens with Catholic kindergartens. The results indicate that practical and spontaneous religious activities are often used in the introduction of children to faith, while artistic activities are moderately used that religious activities are more often realized with the whole group, and average individualization, and that there is no statistically significant difference in the investigated elements of religious education between public and Catholic kindergartens. - U radu se istražuje metodički pristup katoličkom vjerskom odgoju u dječjim vrtićima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Koncept holističkog odgoja teorijski je okvir koji uključuje duhovni odgoj, u ovom istraživanju religijski odgoj. Cilj empirijskog istraživanja je utvrđivanje metodičkih elemenata religijskog odgoja u predškolskim ustanovama Bosne i Hercegovine (vrste odgojno-obrazovnih aktivnosti u religijskom odgoju predškolske djece i njihovu zastupljenost, religijsku klimu) te ih usporediti između javnih i katoličkih vrtića. Rezultati upućuju na to da se često provode praktične i spontane vjerske aktivnosti kada se djeca upoznaju s vjerom, dok su umjetničke aktivnosti osrednje zastupljene; češće se religijske aktivnosti ostvaruju s cijelom grupom, a osrednje se individualizira odgojni rad, te da nema statistički značajne razlike u istraživanim elementima vjerskog odgoja između javnih i katoličkih vrtića.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 87-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predškolski odgoj -- Vrtići -- Katolički vrtići -- Vjerski odgoj -- Predškolska djeca -- Metodički pristup

JURDANA, Vjekoslava
O hrvatskome školstvu u Istri kroz časopisne prinose Viktora Cara Emina [Elektronička građa] / Vjekoslava Jurdana, Mariela Tomičić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Književno stvaralaštvo Viktora Cara Emina (1870. – 1963.) opsežno je i razno- liko, a uključuje tekstove i djela pisana za djecu. U ovome se radu prikazuju odabrani Carevi tekstovi i to iz dva hrvatska dječja časopisa u Istri koja je Car pokrenuo i uređi- vao. Zbog ograničenosti opsega rada ovdje su prikazana i analizirana (samo) dva Ca- reva teksta kao odabrani primjeri koji eksplicitno i slikovito prikazuju problematiku hrvatskoga školstva u Istri. Analiza pokazuje da je Carevo stvaralaštvo za djecu uveli- ke produkt onodobne političke situacije u Istri. Carev se prinos u časopisima pokazuje kao patriotsko-sentimentalan, didaktičan i nacionalno-politički prigodan. U prvome planu nije ostvarenje književnoumjetničke vrijednosti, već politička i aktivistička ulo- ga nacionalnoga osvješćivanja. Carevi tekstovi o školstvu dio su političke borbe za ra- zvoj hrvatskoga školstva u Istri, ali i autorovo obraćanje mladim čitateljima u njihovu vremenu i prostoru. - The literary work of Viktor Car Emin (1870-1963) is extensive and diverse and it includes texts and works written for children. This paper elaborates on Car's selected works from two Croatian magazines in Istria that he initiated and edited. Within this framework, two texts that present the problems of Croatian education in Istria are analyzed in this paper. The analysis shows that Car's literature for children was largely a product of the political situation in Istria at the begining of the 20th century. His offering in the periodicals is proving to be patriotic and sentimental, didactic as well as nationalistic and political. Literary values were not of great importance to the author. On the contrary, political activism and rising of the awareness for one's national identity took the first place in his works. His works on education were a part of the political struggle for development of Croatian education in Istria as well as the author's address to young readers in their time and space.
U: Metodički obzori (Online). - ISSN 1848-8455. - 14 (2019), 1(26) ; str. 39-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost -- Dječja književnost -- Školstvo -- Dječji časopisi -- Hrvatski narodni preporod
Car Emin, Viktor


BRUST Nemet, Maja
Odnos nekih demografskih i razrednih karakteristika te školske klime i socijalne podrške prema stresu učitelja [Elektronička građa] / Maja Brust Nemet, Tena Velki. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Stres učitelja sveprisutan je u školama, a učiteljeve demografske i razredne karakteristike te školska klima i socijalna podrška važni su za percepciju razine stresa. Cilj istraživanja bio je provjera povezanosti razine stresa s demografskim karakteristikama i karakteristikama razreda te sa školskom klimom i socijalnom podrškom kod 311 hrvatskih učitelja razredne nastave. Učitelji su ispunili Skalu za mjerenje izvora nastavničkog stresa, Skalu socijalnih zaliha i Upitnik školske klime te su dali demografske podatke i podatke o razrednom odjelu i školi u kojoj rade. Rezultati su pokazali da demografske karakteristike nisu značajne u odnosu na razinu stresa, ali se od razrednih karakteristika broj učenika u razrednom odjelu pokazao značajnim za doživljaj stresa. Utvrdilo se i da učitelji koji doživljavaju višu razinu ukupnog stresa i višu razinu stresa uzrokovanog radnim opterećenjem i potrebom za profesionalnim priznanjem doživljavaju školsku klimu negativnijom te je viša razina stresa povezana i sa slabijom socijalnom podrškom. - Teacher stress is present in all schools, and teachers’ demographic and class characteristics and school climate as well as social support are important for perceiving stress levels. The aim of the research was to examine the correlation between stress level and demographic and class characteristics, as well as school climate and social support among 311 Croatian classroom teachers. The teachers completed the Sources of teacher stress scale, the Social provisions scale, and the School climate survey, and provided demographic, class and school information. The results showed that demographic characteristics were not significant in relation to the level of stress, but of the class characteristics, the number of students in the class proved significant for the experience of stress. It was also found that teachers who experience higher level of total stress and higher level of stress caused by workload and need for professional recognition experience a more negative school climate, and higher level of stress is also associated with poorer social support.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 501-515  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učitelji -- Razredna nastava -- Stres -- Socijalna podrška -- Školska klima

Prirodoznanstvena pismenost budućih učitelja [Elektronička građa] : temelj kvalitetnoga prirodoslovnoga obrazovanja / Alena Letina. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovome se radu razmatra prirodoznanstvena pismenost učitelja i njegova važ- nost za prirodoslovno obrazovanje. U tu svrhu predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja čiji je cilj bio utvrditi razinu prirodoznanstvene pismenosti studenata prve godine uči- teljskoga studija (N = 140). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je interes studenata za znanost i znanstvena istraživanja zadovoljavajuć. Stavovi prema znanosti su pozi- tivno usmjereni, a informiranost o određenim znanstvenim područjima je djelomična i kao takva ne odgovara razini prirodoznanstvene pismenosti koju bi budući učite- lji trebali imati. Kod studenata se uočava konceptualno nerazumijevanje pojedinih znanstvenih pojmova. Budući da se odgovarajuća razina prirodoznanstvene pisme- nosti učitelja smatra važnom pretpostavkom razvoja prirodoznanstvene pismenosti učenika, na temelju rezultata ovoga istraživanja dane su preporuke za njezin razvoj u okviru programa inicijalnoga formalnog obrazovanja budućih učitelja. - This paper discusses the concept of scientific literacy and its role in effective science teaching. For this purpose, we show the results of empirical research. The main objective of research was to determine the level of scientific literacy of students of the first year on Faculty of Teacher Education (N=140). The results show that the students´ interest for science and scientific research is satisfactory, but their interest in science should continue to develop. The attitudes of students towards science and its role in improving human society are positive, and their awareness of certain scientific fields is partially assessed and does not show the appropriate level of scientific literacy that future teachers should have. Students also shows conceptual misunderstanding of some scientific concepts. Appropriate level of teachers scientific literacy is an important basis for the development of students´ scientific literacy. Based on the results of this study, we recommended the guidelines for its development in programs of teachers´ formal education.
U: Metodički obzori (Online). - ISSN 1848-8455. - 14 (2019), 1(26) ; str. 21-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrazovanje učitelja -- Prirodoznanstvena pismenost -- Učitelji -- Prirodne znanosti -- Prirodoslovno obrazovanje

DOBROTA, Snježana
Stavovi odgojitelja predškolske djece prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću i samoprocjena kompetentnosti za njihovu realizaciju [Elektronička građa] / Snježana Dobrota. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 70-72. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću pripada značajna uloga, s obzirom da bavljenje takvim aktivnostima pridonosi razvoju glazbenih sposobnosti, ali i intelektualnom, socijalnom, emocionalnom i tjelesnom razvoju djeteta. U radu su istraženi stavovi odgojitelja predškolske djece prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću te samoprocjena kompetentnosti za njihovu realizaciju. Rezultati potvrđuju da slušanje glazbe predstavlja značajnu aktivnost slobodnog vremena odgojitelja predškolske djece. Potvrđeno je da odgojitelji kojima se sviđa klasična glazba imaju pozitivnije stavove prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću. Nije uočena povezanost odlazaka na koncerte klasične glazbe, pohađanja dodatne glazbene poduke, pjevanja u zboru ili klapi te godina radnoga staža sa stavovima prema glazbenim aktivnostima. Rezultati istraživanja ne potvrđuju ni povezanost godina radnoga staža sa samoprocjenom kompetencije za realizaciju glazbenih aktivnosti. I, konačno, većina odgojitelja zadovoljna je opremljenošću vrtića instrumentima za djecu te računalima i projektorima, ali ne i instrumentima za odgojitelje. - Musical activities in kindergarten play an important role, especially since engaging in such activities contributes to the development of musical capabilities and intellectual, social, emotional, and physical child development. This research examines the opinions of kindergarten teachers towards musical activities, as well as a self-assessment of their competencies to perform them. The results affirm that listening to music is a significant free time activity for kindergarten teachers. It has also been affirmed that teachers who enjoy classical music have more positive opinions towards musical activities in kindergarten. No connection was noted between opinions towards musical activities and attending classical concerts, additional musical education, singing in choirs or traditional a cappella groups, or years of work experience. The results of this research also did not affirm a connection between years of work experience and self-assessments of competencies to perform musical activities. Finally, the majority of teachers were satisfied with their schools’ stock of children’s instruments, computers, and projectors, but not with instruments for teachers.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 2 ; str. 59-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazbene aktivnosti -- Dječji vrtić -- Odgojitelji -- Kompetentnost -- Stavovi -- Djeca predškolske dobi

KALČIĆ, Davorka
Stavovi roditelja i odgojitelja o implementaciji zavičajnosti u kurikulume ustanova ranog i predškolskog odgoja [Elektronička građa] / Davorka Kalčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 168-170. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Istarska županija 2014. godine započinje proces implementacije zavičajne nastave u kurikulum ustanova ranog i predškolskog odgoja, osnovne i srednje škole. Smisao je procesa implementacije da se sačuvaju zavičajne vrijednosti i svijest o kulturnom identitetu. Cilj je provedenog istraživanja utvrditi podržavaju li roditelji i odgojitelji implementaciju zavičajnosti u kurikulume dječjih vrtića te utvrditi utječe li odgoj i učenje zavičajnih vrijednosti pozitivno na razvoj i očuvanje kulturnog identiteta. U radu se prikazuju empirijski podaci provedeni u dječjim vrtićima „Rapčići“ Žminj i „Grdelin“ Buzet. Anketnim upitnikom ispitani su roditelji djece koja pohađaju dječji vrtić i odgojitelji dječjeg vrtića. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da u ukupnom prosječnom rezultatu stavova roditelja i odgojitelja roditelji procjenjuju važnijim uvođenje zavičajnosti u kurikulume u odnosu na odgojitelje. Odgojitelji se ne razlikuju značajnije u procjeni važnosti implementacije zavičajnosti u kurikulume vrtića, međutim u procjeni važnosti podrške ravnatelja, kolega i lokalne zajednice primijećena je značajna razlika. - The Istrian County has started the process of cultural heritage classes in the curriculum in the early and preschool education, primary and high schools in 2014. The guideline of the implementation process is to preserve the local cultural values and the consciousness of cultural identity. The goal of this research is to assert if the parents and preschool teachers support the implementation of Cultural Heritage in the curriculum of kindergartens. The empirical data collected in the kindergartens, “Rapčići” Žminj and „ Grdelin“ Buzet is shown in this article. With the use of a questionnaire both parents and preschool teachers were questioned whether they support the implementation of Cultural Heritage in the curriculum and whether the education and learning about local cultural values has a positive effect on development and preservation of the cultural identity. - Die Gespanschaft Istrien beginnt im Jahr 2014 mit der Implementierung der Heimatkunde in die Lehrpläne der Kindertages- und Vorschuleinrichtungen, Grund- und Mittelschulen. Der Sinn dieses Prozesses ist, die Heimatwerte und das Bewusstsein über die eigene kulturelle Identität zu bewahren. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, festzustellen, ob Eltern und Erzieher die Durchführung der Heimatkunde in den Kindertageseinrichtungen unterstützen und ob das Lernen über die Heimatwerte einen positiven Einfluss auf die Entwicklung und Erhaltung der kulturellen Identität ausübt. In diesem Beitrag werden die Daten einer empirischen Untersuchung, die in den Kindergärten „Rapčići“ in Žminj und „Grdelin“ in Buzet durchgeführt wurde, dargestellt. Anhand eines Fragebogens haben wir die Eltern und die angestellten Erzieher befragt, und festgestellt, dass sich Eltern eher für die Einführung von Heimatkunde in die Lehrpläne äußern, bzw. diese als wichtiger erachten, als die Erzieher. Es wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied unter den Erziehern in Bezug auf deren Einschätzung der Bedeutung von Heimatwerten in den Lehrplänen von Kindertageseinrichtungen festgestellt. Jedoch stellte sich bei der Einschätzung, wie bedeutend die Unterstützung durch die Kindergartenleitung, die Kollegen und die Gemeinde ist, ein signifikanter Unterschied heraus.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 159-170  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca rane i predškolske dobi -- Predškolske ustanove -- Kulturna baština -- Zavičajne vrijednosti -- Kurikulum -- Odgojitelji -- Roditelji

PECKO, Lidija
Suradničko učenje u nastavi primarnoga obrazovanja [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Pecko. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu su predstavljeni rezultati ispitivanja stavova učitelja o primjeni surad- ničkoga učenja u nastavi primarnoga obrazovanja. Cilj je rada bio ispitati i utvrditi koliko često učitelji primjenjuju suradničko učenje u razrednoj nastavi i koliko se ova strategija učenja pokazala učinkovitom. Od metoda u radu je korištena metoda teo- rijske analize, od tehnika – tehnika anketiranja, a od instrumenata – anketni upitnik za učitelje konstruiran za namjere ovoga istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je suradničko učenje često primjenjivana strategija učenja u okviru svih nastavnih predmeta u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Učitelji najčešće tjedno i dnevno planiraju suradničko učenje u predmetima priroda i društvo te u hrvatskome jeziku, a mjeseč- no najčešće planiranju suradničko učenje iz likovne i glazbene kulture. Preporučuju ranije započeti sa suradničkim učenjem, bolje opremiti školu raznim pomagalima i materijalima te uputiti i roditelje u određene metode, tako da i oni mogu pridonijeti njihovu korištenju u ponavljanju i učenju nastavnoga sadržaja kod kuće. - This paper presents the results of examining teachers' attitudes towards the application of collaborative learning in primary education teaching. The aim of the paper was to examine and determine how often the teachers use collaborative learning in primary education teaching and how efficient this teaching strategy is. The research used the theoretical analysis method, the survey technique and a questionnaire for the teachers, constructed for the purposes of this research. The results of the research show that collaborative learning is frequently used as a teaching strategy in all school subjects in the lower grades of primary education. The teachers mostly plan collaborative learning weakly and daily in the subjects of science and Croatian language, while they plan it monthly in art and music subject. They recommend starting early with the collaborative learning, equipping the school with various tools and materials as well as referring the parents to certain collaborative learning methods. This way, they can also contribute to the use of those methods in reviewing and learning the teaching content at home.
U: Metodički obzori (Online). - ISSN 1848-8455. - 14 (2019), 1(26) ; str. 73-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osnovna škola -- Suradničko učenje -- Razredna nastava -- Učitelji -- Stavovi

TOMIĆ, Anamaria
Uključivanje djece s teškoćama u razvoju u ustanove ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja iz perspektive odgojitelja [Elektronička građa] / Anamaria Tomić, Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, Sanja Šimleša. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 49-51. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - For children with developmental disabilities, inclusion in mainstream kindergartens is considered the most appropriate type of education. To achieve this goal, certain preconditions of education quality must be fulfilled, such as process and structural aspects of early education quality. Staff attitudes on inclusion of children with disabilities, and inclusion in general, are one of the process preconditions. Knowing the main sources of negative attitudes towards children with disabilities, which are one of the biggest challenges in the inclusion process, enables understanding of the nature of attitudes, provides guidance for measuring those attitudes more accurately and improves the inclusion process. The aim of this research was to examine the attitudes of kindergarten teachers on the inclusion process in mainstream kindergartens in the Republic of Croatia, and to analyse how those attitudes depended on teacher age, education level, work experience (and years of work in the profession), size of the place of employment, and experience working with children with developmental disabilities. The research participants were kindergarten teachers (N=333) in 14 kindergartens offering a full-time programme in the Republic of Croatia. Data were collected with the Opinions Relative to Integration of Students with Disabilities (ORI) questionnaire, which had been translated to Croatian and adapted for this population. Most participants had neutral or mildly negative attitudes toward inclusion. More positive attitudes toward inclusion were associated with older age, lower education level, and smaller work environment. These results can be a starting point for further analysis of inclusive issues and the development of lifelong learning programmes for kindergarten teachers in preschool settings. - Kada je riječ o odgoju i obrazovanju djece s teškoćama u razvoju, smatra se optimalnim njihovo uključivanje u redovne programe ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Kako bi se to postiglo, potrebno je zadovoljiti određene preduvjete kvalitete koji se u prvome redu odnose na procesualne i strukturalne aspekte ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Stavovi odgojitelja prema djeci s teškoćama u razvoju i uključivanju u programe dječjih vrtića općenito, svrstavaju se u procesualne čimbenike. Poznavanje izvora negativnih stavova prema djeci s teškoćama u razvoju, koji su jedan od najvećih izazova pri njihovu uključivanju, omogućuje razumijevanje prirode stavova, daje smjernice za njihovo preciznije mjerenje te upućuje na stvaranje promjena u sustavu koje će stvoriti pozitivnije ozračje i kvalitetniji proces uključivanja. Cilj je ovog rada bio ispitati stavove odgojitelja o uključivanju djece s teškoćama u razvoju u redove programe ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj s obzirom na njihovu dob, razinu naobrazbe, godine radnog staža (i godine rada u struci), veličinu mjesta u kojemu su zaposleni te njihova iskustva u radu s djecom s teškoćama u razvoju. Sudionici istraživanja bili su odgojitelji (N = 333) iz četrnaest ustanova ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću upitnika ‘’Mišljenja o integraciji učenika/studenata s invaliditetom’’ (engl. ‘’Opinions Relative to Integration of Students with Disabilities’’, ORI) koji je preveden na hrvatski jezik i prilagođen za ovu populaciju sudionika. Prema rezultatima istraživanja vidljivo je da sudionici općenito imaju neutralne ili blago negativne stavove prema uključivanju. Sudionici starije dobi, srednje i više stručne spreme te oni koji rade u manjim sredinama imaju pozitivnije stavove prema uključivanju.
U: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-7734. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 40-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca s teškoćama u razvoju -- Inkluzija -- Stavovi -- Odgojitelji -- Predškolske ustanove

Vidi br.: HA20-00012

Vidi br.: HA20-00008

Vidi br.: HA20-00014

376   Obrazovanje posebnih skupina osoba. Specijalne škole

Inkluzivno obrazovanje i dimenzija jednakosti u nastavi vjeronauka [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandra Krampač Grljušić, Dalibor Adžić, Aleksandra Gvozdanović Debeljak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Inkluzivna škola rezultat je različitih djelovanja društva. Da bi djeca s teškoćama u razvoju bila uspješno uključena u obrazovnu praksu, važno je razviti svijest djece o prihvaćanju i poštivanju različitosti. Pretraživanjem relevantne literature u radu prikazane su zakonske odredbe vezane uz odgoj i obrazovanje učenika s teškoćama u razvoju, nova i stara paradigma invaliditeta i inkluzivna edukacija s naglaskom na nastavu vjeronauka. Inkluzivno obrazovanje usmjereno je na uvažavanje potreba svakog djeteta. Nova paradigma slijedi Konvenciju o pravima osoba s invaliditetom koja prije svega ističe poštivanje ljudskih prava. Poštivanje, uvažavanje i prihvaćanje različitosti u inkluzivnoj školi temelji su svakog nastavnog predmeta i učitelja. Budući da školski vjeronauk kroz svoj program ističe važnost i jednakost svih ljudi, vjeroučitelj je važan kreator programa nastave vjeronauka koja doprinosi inkluzivnom obrazovanju. - The inclusive school is the result of various activities of the society. In order for children with developmental disabilities to be successfully involved in educational practice, it is important to develop the awareness of children about accepting and respecting diversity. By studying relevant literature, this paper presents legal provisions concerning the education of students with disabilities, the new and the old paradigm of disability and the inclusive education with an emphasis on the teaching of religion. The inclusive education is directed towards respecting the needs of every child. The new paradigm follows the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which first of all emphasizes the respect for human rights. Respect, appreciation and acceptance of diversity in the inclusive school is the foundation of each school subject and teacher. Since the religious education, through its program, emphasizes the importance and equality of all people, the religion teacher is an important creator of the curriculum for religious education that contributes to inclusive education.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 73-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca s teškoćama -- Inkluzija -- Ljudska prava -- Obrazovanje -- Školski vjeronauk

Kvaliteta suradnje učitelja i pomoćnika u nastavi iz perspektive učitelja i pomoćnika [Elektronička građa] / Mateja Marinić, Klara Matejčić, Ljiljana Igrić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Da bi razred bio podržavajuća zajednica u procesu učenja, ona zahtijeva kvalitetnu suradnju učitelja i pomoćnika u nastavi. Brojna istraživanja ukazuju na pozitivne učinke suradnje učitelja i pomoćnika u nastavi unutar redovnog sustava odgoja i obrazovanja. Posebice se naglašava da oni učitelji koji unutar razreda imaju podršku pomoćnika u nastavi osjećaju veće zadovoljstvo u svakodnevnom radu za razliku od onih kod kojih takav oblik podrške izostaje. U predstavljenom se istraživanju na temelju istraživačkih pitanja nastoji dobiti uvid u percepciju učitelja i pomoćnika o načinima njihove suradnje. Također, želi se doznati koji čimbenici doprinose kvaliteti suradnje. Provedeno je istraživanje obuhvatilo učitelje razredne i predmetne nastave (N=40) te pomoćnike u nastavi (N=29) iz sedam osnovnih škola na području Republike Hrvatske. Podaci su prikupljeni fokus grupnim intervjuima te analizirani i obrađeni metodom kvalitativne analize podataka. Rezultati upućuju na specifična područja suradnje učitelja i pomoćnika u nastavi. S obzirom na to da su pomoćnici ti koji najviše vremena provode u neposrednom radu s učenikom, učitelji u njima vide suradnika koji dobro poznaje učenika, njegove sposobnosti i karakteristike. Stoga,na temelju provedenog istraživanja možemo zaključiti kako pomoćnik u nastavi ima neizostavnu ulogu u edukacijskom uključivanju učenika s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama. - For the class to be a supportive community in the learning process, it requires a high level of co-operation between teachers and teaching assistants. It is particularly emphasized that those teachers who are supported by teaching assistants feel greater satisfaction in everyday work than those in whom such support is lacking. The presented research is based on research questions seeking to gain insight into the perception of teachers and teaching assistants on the ways of their cooperation as well as which factors contribute to the quality of cooperation. The conducted research included classroom and subject teachers (N = 40) and teaching assistants (N = 29) from 7 elementary schools in Croatia. The data was collected by focus group interviews and analyzed and processed by qualitative data analysis. The results point to specific areas of cooperation between teachers and teaching assistants. Since the teaching assistants are the ones who spend the most time in direct work with the student, the teachers see them as an associate who knows the pupil well, his abilities and characteristics. Therefore, we can conclude that the teaching assistant has an indispensable role in inclusion of students with special educational needs. - Damit die Klasse zu einer unterstützenden Gemeinschaft im Lernprozess wird, ist es wichtig, dass eine gute Zusammenarbeit im Unterricht zwischen Lehrern und Unterrichtshelfern besteht. Es wird besonders betont, dass jene Lehrer, die eine Unterstützung vom Unterrichtshelfer im Unterricht bekommen eine größere Lust bei der alltäglichen Arbeit verspüren im Unterschied zu denjenigen Lehrern, die eine solche Unterstützung nicht bekommen. In der dargestellten Untersuchung versucht man durch Untersuchungsfragen eine Einsicht in die Perzeption des Lehrers und Unterrichtshelfers zu gewinnen, was die Art und Weise ihrer Zusammenarbeit betrifft. Ebenfalls möchte man erfahren, welche Faktoren zu einer guten Zusammenarbeit beitragen. Die durchgeführte Untersuchung erfasste Grundschullehrer (1.-4. Klasse) und Lehrer, die ein bestimmtes Fach unterrichten (N-40) sowie Unterrichtshelfer (N=29) aus 7 Grundschulen in Kroatien. Die Daten wurden mithilfe von Fokusgruppeninterviews erhoben, analysiert und mittels qualitativer Datenanalyse bearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf spezifische Gebiete der Zusammenarbiet zwischen Lehrern und Unterrichtshelfern hin. Da die Unterrichtshelfer die meiste Zeit in unmittelbarer Zusammenarbeit mit den Schülern verbringen, sehen die Lehrer in ihnen Mitarbeiter, die die Schüler, ihre Fähigkeiten und ihr Wesen kennen. Nach dieser Untersuchung können wir schlussfolgern, dass der Unterrichtshelfer eine sehr wichtige Rolle bei der Einbeziehung von Schülern mit besonderen Erziehungs- und Bildungsbedürfnissendes spielt.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 261-279  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inkluzivno obrazovanje -- Učitelji -- Pomoćnik u nastavi -- Suradničko poučavanje -- Kvalitativno istraživanje

BURIĆ, Mirna
Obilježja neverbalne komunikacije djece sa selektivnim mutizmom - nalikuju li onima u poremećaju iz spektra autizma? [Elektronička građa] = Characteristics of nonverbal communication in children with selective mutism - do they resemble those seen in autism spectrum disorder? / Mirna Burić, Maja Cepanec, Sanja Šimleša. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Selektivni mutizam (SM) rijedak je anksiozni poremećaj, obilježen odsutnošću govora u socijalnim situacijama u kojima se od osobe očekuje da govori, čak i kada ona može govoriti u drugim situacijama. Cilj ovoga rada bio je: ispitati obilježja neverbalne komunikacije djece predškolske i rane školske dobi koja imaju selektivni mutizam, utvrditi i opisati koja su obilježja zajednička djeci sa selektivnim mutizmom i onoj s poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) u situaciji ispitivanja. Osim toga, cilj rada bio je: odrediti razlikovna obilježja djece sa selektivnim mutizmom i one s poremećajem iz spektra autizma u ispitnoj situaciji, radi dobivanja smjernica za lakši postupak dijagnosticiranja selektivnog mutizma. Obilježja neverbalne komunikacije ispitana su Opservacijskim protokolom za dijagnostiku autizma (ADOS-2; Lord i sur., 2012), a u istraživanju je sudjelovalo sedam djevojčica u dobi od 5 do 10 godina. Rezultati pokazuju kako je većina djece sa selektivnim mutizmom imala minimalan kontakt očima (57,1 %) te oskudne izraze lica. Djeca su upotrijebila konvencionalne, informativne i instrumentalne geste prilikom odgovora na pitanja, no opisne geste javile su se u vrlo malom broju. Nadalje, djevojčice su rijetko započinjale socijalne interakcije, davale informacije o sebi ili tražile informacije od ispitivača. Iako su obilježja komunikacije i interakcija djevojčica sa selektivnim mutizmom u ispitnoj situaciji prilično nalikovala obilježjima djece sa PSA-om, postoje ponašanja koja čine razlikovna obilježja navedena dva poremećaja. Odstupanja u neverbalnoj komunikaciji djece sa selektivnim mutizmom prisutna su samo u određenim situacijama. Isto tako, nepostojanje stereotipnih i drugih neuobičajenih ponašanja, upotreba gesta te afektivni socijalni odnosi jasno razlikuju selektivni mutizam i poremećaj iz spektra autizma. - Selective mutism (SM) is a rare anxiety disorder characterized by the failure to speak in specific social situations (e.g., at school), despite speaking normally in other situations (e.g., at home). Numerous studies have shown that children with selective mutism, instead of communicating verbally, often use nonverbal behavioral patterns such as head-nodding, pointing, facial expressions, etc. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of nonverbal communication in preschool and younger school-aged children with selective mutism as well as to identify and describe common features of children with selective mutism and children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the assessment environment. In addition, the aim of this study was to determine the distinctive features of children with selective mutism and children with autism spectrum disorder in a socially challenging situation (assessment) in order to obtain guidelines that will help in differential diagnosis. Seven girls with SM aged between 5 and 10 years were examined using Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2; Lord et al., 2012). The results showed that most of the children with selective mutism had minimal eye contact (57,1%) as well as the lack of facial expressions.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 50-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poremećaji iz autističnog spektra -- Neverbalna komunikacija -- Selektivni mutizam -- Djeca

KUDEK Mirošević, Jasna
Osmišljavanje inkluzivnoga odgojno-obrazovnog procesa [Elektronička građa] : samoprocjena odgojitelja i učitelja / Jasna Kudek Mirošević, Daria Tot, Anka Jurčević Lozančić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - O umijeću, kao i o samoprocjeni stvaranja inkluzivnoga ozračja ovisi koliko će potencijali sudionika odgojno-obrazovnoga procesa biti iskorišteni. Obogaćivanje, nadogradnja i samoevaluacija kompetencija odgojitelja i učitelja, između ostaloga, odnosi se na planiranje, pripremanje, stručno usavršavanje te na strategije poučavanja unutar individualiziranih kurikula usmjerenih na dijete. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruiran je upitnik za odgojitelje i učitelje. Cilj je putem samoprocjene kompetentnosti za stvaranje inkluzivnoga ozračja, planiranje, načine rada s djecom s teškoćama te vrednovanje vlastitoga rada ispitati postoji li kod ispitanika povezanost između razine kompetentnosti i godina radnoga iskustva odgojitelja i učitelja u redovitim odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama (N=502). Postavljena je hipoteza da postoji povezanost između odgojitelja i učitelja s obzirom na godine njihova radnog iskustva u samoprocjeni navedenih kompetentnosti. Rezultati su pokazali povezanost između odgojitelja i učitelja s većim radnim iskustvom u njihovoj višoj samoprocjeni koja se odnosi na dovoljnu zastupljenost organiziranih različitih oblika unaprjeđenja inkluzivne prakse i cjeloživotnoga obrazovanja u vlastitoj odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi, kao i to da se oni s više godina radnoga iskustva smatraju kompetentnijima za planiranje i izradu individualiziranih kurikula. - How the potentials of the participants in the educational process will be used depends both on their competencies and their self-evaluation of creating an inclusive environment. Expanding, upgrading and self-evaluating the competencies of preschool and primary school teachers include, among other things, planning, preparing, professional development and teaching strategies within individualized curricula that are directed at the child. A questionnaire targeted at preschool and primary school teachers was constructed for this purpose. Based on the self-evaluation of the competencies for creating an inclusive environment, planning, teaching disabled children in appropriate ways and that of their work, this research aims to examine whether there is a correlation between preschool and primary school teachers in regular education institutions (N = 502). It has been hypothesised that there is a correlation between preschool and primary school teachers regarding their years of work experience in the self-evaluation of such competencies. The results confirm the correlation between the preschool and primary school teachers with more work experience in their higher self-assessment when it comes to the inclusive practice and lifelong education in their own education facilities, the one which sufficiently includes a variety of organized forms. Besides, the more experienced preschool and primary school teachers consider themselves more competent at planning and developing individualized curricula.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 547-560  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inkluzivni pristup -- Djeca s teškoćama -- Kompetencije -- Samoprocjena kompetencija -- Odgojitelji -- Učitelji -- Stručno usavršavanje


GABAJ, Mateja
Označavanje likova u dječjem pripovjednom diskursu [Elektronička građa] = Referring expressions in the children's narrative discourse / Mateja Gabaj, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Pripovijedanje se u znanstvenoistraživačkom i stručnom logopedskom radu smatra dovoljno prirodnom i neposrednom alatkom jezične procjene, kojom se može vjerodostojno prikazati govornikova uporaba jezika na razini iznad rečenice. Prikladno označavanje i održavanje likova u priči, jedno je od načela kojim dijete treba ovladati kako bi se oblikovanim diskursom osigurala učinkovita komunikacija sa slušateljstvom. U skladu s tim, cilj je ovog rada ispitati označavanje likova u pričama potaknutim slikovnim materijalom iz hrvatske verzije Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN-a). U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 23 djece predškolske i 23 djece rane školske dobi te 23 odraslih ispitanika, koji su trebali na osnovi slikovnih predložaka ispričati priču. Ispitivanje pokazuje da se djeca razlikuju od odraslih načinom ponovnog uvođenja likova s obzirom na sve tri promatrane vrste anafore - imensku, zamjeničku i nultu. U održavanju likova mlađa se djeca razlikuju od odraslih samo uporabom zamjeničke, ali se obje skupine djece razlikuju od odraslih i uporabom nulte anafore. Djeca predškolske dobi najviše odstupaju od točnog označavanja likova u svojim pričama. Ovo ispitivanje upućuje na dobne jezične osobitosti i razvojne promjene u označavanju likova. - In both domains of speech-language pathology – research and professional practice – the narrative is considered a fairly natural and straightforward tool for language assessment, by means of which speaker's language use can be precisely determined beyond the sentence level. Introducing and maintaining characters adequately in a story is only one of the principles that a child needs to acquire by a wellestablished discourse in order to ensure effective communication with the audience. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the ability to refer to characters in stories that were elicited using the Croatian version of Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN). The research involved a group of 23 preschool-age children, a group of 23 early school-age children and 23 adult participants, who were all asked to tell a story based on the stimulus pictures. The analysis revealed that both groups of children differ from adults in the way they reintroduce characters in stories, considering three observed referring expressions – noun phrases, pronouns and null anaphors. In maintaining characters, preschool-aged children differ from adults only in pronoun usage, but both groups of children differ from adults in the number of null anaphors. Preschool-aged children deviate the most from adequate character referencing in their stories. This research points out age-related language features and developmental changes in character referencing.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 40-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pripovijedanje -- Pragmatičke vještine -- Anafora -- Priča -- Likovi -- Djeca

Podrška škole djeci s teškoćama u ponašanju i učenju iz perspektive roditelja i djece [Elektronička građa] / Nivex Koller-Trbović, Anja Mirosavljević, Gabrijela Ratkajec Gašević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 66-68. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper was to describe perceptions and experiences of school support for pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties from the perspective of parents and their children. Interviews were conducted with 33 participants in 10 families at risk. Inductive thematic analysis showed that the key topic was to explain how behaviour and learning difficulties unnoticed by the school progress to behaviour and learning problems and problems in the family environment. The results suggest that family members perceive school as extremely important in their value system, and that schooling is a key topic present throughout childhood, burdening children as well as parents. Behaviour/learning problems are evident from the start of elementary school. To solve such problems, parents seek help first from school experts, and later from experts working in other services. From the parents’ perspective, they find neither understanding nor help, and they feel that they are usually left to cope with problems on their own. Therefore, progression of problems and their spread into non-academic types of problems are evident. In cases where schools ensure some kind of interventions, the perspective of research participants is that they are not matched with the type or intensity of the child’s needs. As experience from the research participants show, calls for help and assistance often come from parents, or even the children themselves. That means that it is unnecessary to motivate parents to participate in interventions, so the lack of school interest in providing support to parents and pupils is surprising. Possible school interventions that are focused on the needs of children with behaviour and learning difficulties are proposed in the discussion. - Cilj je rada opisati doživljaj i iskustvo podrške škole djeci s teškoćama u učenju i ponašanju iz roditeljske i dječje perspektive primjenom obiteljskog intervjua s 10 obitelji u riziku, odnosno 33 sudionika. Induktivna tematska analiza intervjua ukazala je na ključnu temu ‒ kako teškoće u učenju i ponašanju djece na koje škola ne reagira progrediraju u probleme u ponašanju i učenju kao i u probleme u obitelji. U skladu s postavljenim istraživačkim pitanjima dolazi se do spoznaja kako veliku važnost sudionici pripisuju školovanju i školi. Školovanje kroz cijelo djetinjstvo opterećuje i roditelje i djecu. Teškoće su prisutne gotovo od samog početka školovanja i roditelji kontinuirano traže pomoć stručnjaka u školama i u institucijama izvan škole, ali njihov je doživljaj da ne nailaze na razumijevanje i pomoć, već se uglavnom sami nose s tim problemima. Tako dolazi i do progrediranja i širenja problema na druga životna područja osim škole. Ako i postoje određene intervencije koje škola osigurava, one prema doživljaju sudionika najčešće kasne i nisu usklađene s vrstom i intenzitetom potreba djece. Kako pokazuje iskustvo sudionika, poziv za pomoć i suradnju često je dolazio od roditelja, pa čak i od same djece, što znači da nije bilo potrebno motivirati roditelje za sudjelovanje u intervenciji, pa tim prije iznenađuje percepcija nemogućnosti škole da pruži pomoć i podršku tim učenicima i roditeljima. Kroz raspravu o rezultatima proizašlim iz perspektive sudionika ponuđeni su prijedlozi djelovanja škole kako bi se odgovorilo na potrebe djece s teškoćama u ponašanju i učenju.
U: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-7734. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 53-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca s poteškoćama u ponašanju i učenju -- Podrška -- Škola -- Roditelji -- Djeca

HRŽICA, Gordana
Rječnička raznolikost pisanih tekstova osoba s razvojnim jezičnim poremećajem [Elektronička građa] / Gordana Hržica, Sara Košutar, Matea Kramarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 26-29. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Developmental language disorder (DLD) is one of the most common language disorders in preschool and school age, and it also persists later in life. Children with DLD show a range of expressive and/or receptive difficulties in language, including vocabulary acquisition. The goal of this research was to explore the differences between persons with developmental language disorder and persons with typical language development (TLD) in lexical diversity. Earlier research focused on spoken discourse of younger speakers. In the present research, written discourse of speakers covering a broad age range was explored. Twenty participants with DLD and 19 with TLD were selected from the Croatian Corpus of Non-professional Written Language (Kuvač Kraljević, Hržica and Kologranić Belić, in press). They produced narrative language samples based on the Expression, Reception and Recall of Narrative Instrument (ERRNI; Bishop, 2004). To measure lexical diversity, four measures were calculated: the number of different words (NDW) and type-token ratio (TTR) on a restricted number of words, the moving average type-token ration (MATTR) and lexical diversity D on full-length samples. The independent samples t-test was used to compare the two groups. Participants with DLD had significantly lower results on all four measures. This leads to the conclusion that all four measures can differentiate groups of participants with different language status. Persons with DLD showed difficulties in using vocabulary when producing written narratives, which is a demanding language production task. - Razvojni jezični poremećaj (RJP) jedna je od najučestalijih teškoća koja se javlja u jezičnom usvajanju tijekom predškolske i školske dobi, a posljedično se zadržava i u kasnijoj životnoj dobi. Odstupanja u jezičnim sposobnostima osoba s RJP-om mogu se pratiti na svim jezičnim razinama, uključujući i rječnik. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike između osoba s RJP-om i osoba urednoga jezičnog razvoja (UJR) u rječničkoj raznolikosti. Za razliku od ranijih istraživanja koja su ispitivala rječničku raznolikost u govorenome diskursu mlađih osoba, ovim se istraživanjem željelo na uzorku osoba širega raspona kronološke dobi provjeriti je li ova razlika prisutna i u tekstovima koji nastaju kao rezultat pisanoga diskursa. Za istraživanje su iz Hrvatskoga korpusa neprofesionalnoga pisanog jezika (Kuvač Kraljević, Hržica i Kologranić Belić, u tisku) izdvojeni jezični uzorci govornika s RJP-om (n=20) i govornika UJR-a (n=19) uparenih prema spolu i kronološkoj dobi. Jezični su uzorci elicitirani pomoću pripovjednoga slikovnog predloška Priča o plaži koji čini dio testnoga materijala Expression, Reception and Recall of Narrative Instrument (ERRNI; Bishop, 2004). Za svakoga su sudionika izračunate četiri mjere rječničke raznolikosti: broj različitih riječi (NDW) i omjer različnica i pojavnica (TTR), pomični prosječni omjer različnica i pojavnica (MATTR) i indeks leksičke raznolikosti D. Podatci su obrađeni t-testom za nezavisne uzorke. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na statistički značajno nižu razinu rječničke raznolikosti osoba s RJP-om od osoba UJR-a na svim mjerama. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako testirane mjere rječničke raznolikosti mogu razlikovati osobe različitoga jezičnog statusa u zahtjevnim zadatcima pisanoga pripovjednog diskursa.
U: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-7734. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 14-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Razvojni jezični poremećaj -- Jezična raznolikost -- Jezične sposobnosti -- Rječnička raznolikost

Vidi br.: HA20-00238

Vidi br.: HA20-00308

377   Specijalizirana nastava. Strukovno obrazovanje

Značajke učinkovitog stručnog usavršavanja učitelja prirodoslovne grupe predmeta [Elektronička građa] : sustavni pregled literature / Ana Mirosavljević, Branko Bognar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 169-177. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kako bismo utvrdili značajke učinkovitog stručnog usavršavanja učitelja prirodoslovne grupe predmeta, na temelju sustavnog pregleda literature izabrali smo i proveli analizu devet učinkovitih eksperimentalnih i kvazi eksperimentalnih istraživanja. Utvrdili smo kako bi stručno usavršavanje bilo dobro započeti inicijalnim radionicama koje je potrebno nastaviti kroz susrete zajednica učenja za vrijeme ostvarivanja promjena. Uz to je važno osigurati potporu i vođenje učitelja te nastavne materijale za učitelje i učenike. Stručno usavršavanje može biti učinkovito samo ako doprinese boljim učeničkim rezultatima, a to je moguće postići promjenama u nastavi koja bi trebala polaziti od jasno postavljenih ciljeva u skladu s kojima učitelji pripremaju nastavne aktivnosti koje učenike potiču na istraživanje, rješavanje životnih problema, aktivno i suradničko učenje te znanstveno i metakognitivno mišljenje. - In order to affirm the characteristics of efficient professional training of teachers in the natural sciences, on the basis of a systematic overview of the literature, we chose and implemented an analysis of nine efficient experimental and quasi-experimental research designs. We affirmed that professional training should begin with initial workshops, which should continue through meetings of learning cummunities during these changes. Additionally, it is important to ensure support and guidance for teachers, as well as teaching materials for teachers and students. Professional training can be considered efficient only if it contributes to improved academic performance; this can be attained through changes in teaching, which should be founded on clearly established goals in accordance with which teachers may prepare teaching activities that inspire students to research, solve everyday problems, take part in active and cooperative learning, and think scientifically and metacognitively.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 2 ; str. 147-177  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učitelji -- Stručno usavršavanje -- Prirodoslovni predmeti -- Obrazovne promjene -- Pregled literature

378   Visokoškolsko obrazovanje. Sveučilišta. Akademski studij

BABIĆ, Snježana, informatičarka
Važnost razvoja kompetencija za e-učenje kod visokoškolskih nastavnika za primjenu hibridnoga okruženja za učenje [Elektronička građa] / Snježana Babić, Darko Etinger. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Pod utjecajem različitih aspekata visokoškolske ustanove sve više ulažu u razvoj različitih modela e-obrazovanja, među kojima su hibridna okruženja za učenje. Re- zultati prijašnjih istraživanja pokazali su da usvajanje e-učenja kod visokoškolskih nastavnika ovisi o razini njihovih kompetencija za e-učenje. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ukazati na važnost razvoja kompetencija za e-učenje kod visokoškolskih nastavnika za primjenu hibridnih okruženja za učenje kroz prikaz rezultata istraživanja na Fa- kultetu informatike Sveučilišta u Puli. Rezultati istraživanja u ovome radu pokazali su da se visokoškolski nastavnici koji su korisnici e-učenja u najvećoj mjeri samoeducira- ju za e-učenje, raspolažu s visokom razinom IKT znanja i vještina te nemaju dovoljno pedagoških znanja za primjenu hibridnoga okruženja za učenje na naprednijoj razi- ni. Dobivene rezultate mogu upotrijebiti svi oni kojima je interes razvoj e-obrazovanja na visokoškolskim ustanovama i šire. - Under the influence of various aspects, higher education institutions are increasingly investing in the development of different e-learning models, including hybrid learning environments. The results of previous research have shown that the adoption of e-learning by higher education teachers depends on the level of their e-learning competences. The aim of this paper was to highlight the importance of developing higher education teachers e-learning competencies for applying hybrid learning environments, by showing the research results at Faculty of Informatics, University of Pula. The research findings in this paper show that higher education teachers using e-learning are mostly selfeducated for e-learning usage, have a high level of ICT knowledge and skills and do not have enough pedagogical knowledge to apply the hybrid learning environment at a more advanced level. The results can be used by those interested in the development of e-learning in higher education institutions and beyond.
U: Metodički obzori (Online). - ISSN 1848-8455. - 14 (2019), 1(26) ; str. 5-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-učenje -- Visokoškolski nastavnici -- ICT -- Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija -- Pedagoške kompetencije

Vidi br.: HA20-00486

Vidi br.: HA20-00495

Vidi br.: HA20-00490

Vidi br.: HA20-00494

Vidi br.: HA20-00493

Vidi br.: HA20-00292

Vidi br.: HA20-00194

Vidi br.: HA20-00491

Vidi br.: HA20-00482

Vidi br.: HA20-00481

Vidi br.: HA20-00483

Vidi br.: HA20-00499

Vidi br.: HA20-00487

Vidi br.: HA20-00498

39   Kulturna antropologija. Etnografija. Običaji. Tradicija. Način života

Vidi br.: HA20-00125

Vidi br.: HA20-00300

Vidi br.: HA20-00513


Vidi br.: HA20-00246

Vidi br.: HA20-00234

502/504   Ekologija. Očuvanje prirodnih resursa. Opasnosti za okoliš. Zaštita okoliša

ČASNI, Danijel
Ecology in light of the Cape Town Commitment [Elektronička građa] / Danijel Časni.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 115-117. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The creation of the planet Earth together with the flora and fauna culminates with the process of creating man in the image of God. But that image man defiled with sin. This has resulted in the separation of creation from the Creator and the creation of various crises, including ecological crises. Accordingly, the topic of ecology is increasingly relevant in our time, and many representatives of the Protestant and Evangelical Christian Churches throughout history have spoken about the importance of ecology. In our time, that topic was discussed 2010. at the Third Lausanne Congress for the Evangelization of the World in Cape Town. Since the congress gathered a large number of representatives of evangelical churches around the world, the position presented in the form of a document is also a view of ecology from the prism of evangelical Christianity. Since the love of God, among other things, is expressed in the love of God’s creation, this article first analyzes the relationship between theology and ecology. After that, the discussion is about how the biblical record of creation should inform and shape the relationship of evangelical Christians toward the Earth. The third part of the article deals with the issue of “ecological footprint” at the world level but also looks at where is Croatia in all this. The fourth part of the article brings an overview of ecology from the prism of Protestant and evangelical churches, while the fifth part discusses the challenges of today and offers two directions: one is materialistic-humanistic, and the other is Protestant-evangelical. The article concludes that Christians as children of God are called to do the will of the Heavenly Father and to be the example and light in today’s egocentric world. - Stvaranje planeta Zemlje zajedno s biljnim i životinjskim svijetom svoj je vrhunac imao u procesu stvaranja čovjeka na Božju sliku, a koju je čovjek kasnije uprljao grijehom. Rezultiralo je to udaljavanjem stvorenja od Stvoritelja i stvaranjem raznih kriza, pa tako i ekološke krize. Sukladno tomu, tema ekologije sve je aktualnija u našem vremenu, a mnogi predstavnici protestantskih i evanđeoskih kršćanskih crkava tijekom povijesti govorili su o važnosti ekologije. U našem vremenu ta se tematika dotakla na Trećem Lausannskom kongresu za evangelizaciju svijeta koji se održao u Capetownu 2010. Kako je skupu prisustvovao velik broj predstavnika evanđeoskih crkava diljem svijeta, izneseni stav u obliku dokumenta ujedno je i pogled na ekologiju iz prizme evanđeoskog kršćanstva. Budući da se ljubav prema Bogu, među ostalim, izražava u ljubavi prema Božjem stvorenju, u ovome članku prvo se analizira odnos teologije i ekologije. Nakon toga razmatra se na koje bi načine biblijski zapis stvaranja trebao informirati i formirati odnos evanđeoskih kršćana prema Zemlji. Treći dio članka bavi se pitanjem „ekološkog otiska“ na razini svijeta te sagledava gdje se u svemu tome nalazi Hrvatska. Četvrti dio članka donosi pogled na ekologiju iz prizme protestantskih i evanđeoskih crkva, dok se u petom dijelu razmatraju izazovi današnjeg vremena i nude se dva smjera djelovanja: jedan je materijalističko-humanistički, a drugi je protestantsko-evanđeoski. U članku se zaključuje kako su kršćani, kao djeca Božja, pozvani vršiti volju Nebeskog Oca te biti primjerom i svjetlom u egocentričnom svijetu današnjice. Ekološke su krize u neposrednoj korelaciji s krizom morala, ali, jednako tako, sve aktivnosti koje se provode u svrhu očuvanja okoliša, a bez promjene čovjekove biti, k tomu posljedično i njegovih navika, ostvaruju samo kratkoročne rezultate bez temeljitih promjena.
U: Kairos (English ed. Online). - ISSN 1848-2511. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 93-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekologija -- Evanđeosko kršćanstvo -- Zemlja -- Stvaranje

ČASNI, Danijel
Ekologija u svjetlu Capetownskog iskaza o predanju [Elektronička građa] / Danijel Časni.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 115-117. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Stvaranje planeta Zemlje zajedno s biljnim i životinjskim svijetom svoj je vrhunac imao u procesu stvaranja čovjeka na Božju sliku, a koju je čovjek kasnije uprljao grijehom. Rezultiralo je to udaljavanjem stvorenja od Stvoritelja i stvaranjem raznih kriza, pa tako i ekološke krize. Sukladno tomu, tema ekologije sve je aktualnija u našem vremenu, a mnogi predstavnici protestantskih i evanđeoskih kršćanskih crkava tijekom povijesti govorili su o važnosti ekologije. U našem vremenu ta se tematika dotakla na Trećem Lausannskom kongresu za evangelizaciju svijeta koji se održao u Capetownu 2010. Kako je skupu prisustvovao velik broj predstavnika evanđeoskih crkava diljem svijeta, izneseni stav u obliku dokumenta ujedno je i pogled na ekologiju iz prizme evanđeoskog kršćanstva. Budući da se ljubav prema Bogu, među ostalim, izražava u ljubavi prema Božjem stvorenju, u ovome članku prvo se analizira odnos teologije i ekologije. Nakon toga razmatra se na koje bi načine biblijski zapis stvaranja trebao informirati i formirati odnos evanđeoskih kršćana prema Zemlji. Treći dio članka bavi se pitanjem „ekološkog otiska“ na razini svijeta te sagledava gdje se u svemu tome nalazi Hrvatska. Četvrti dio članka donosi pogled na ekologiju iz prizme protestantskih i evanđeoskih crkva, dok se u petom dijelu razmatraju izazovi današnjeg vremena i nude se dva smjera djelovanja: jedan je materijalističko-humanistički, a drugi je protestantsko-evanđeoski. U članku se zaključuje kako su kršćani, kao djeca Božja, pozvani vršiti volju Nebeskog Oca te biti primjerom i svjetlom u egocentričnom svijetu današnjice. - The creation of the planet Earth together with the flora and fauna culminates with the process of creating man in the image of God. But that image man defiled with sin. This has resulted in the separation of creation from the Creator and the creation of various crises, including ecological crises. Accordingly, the topic of ecology is increasingly relevant in our time, and many representatives of the Protestant and Evangelical Christian Churches throughout history have spoken about the importance of ecology. In our time, that topic was discussed 2010. at the Third Lausanne Congress for the Evangelization of the World in Cape Town. Since the congress gathered a large number of representatives of evangelical churches around the world, the position presented in the form of a document is also a view of ecology from the prism of evangelical Christianity. Since the love of God, among other things, is expressed in the love of God’s creation, this article first analyzes the relationship between theology and ecology. After that, the discussion is about how the biblical record of creation should inform and shape the relationship of evangelical Christians toward the Earth. The third part of the article deals with the issue of “ecological footprint” at the world level but also looks at where is Croatia in all this. The fourth part of the article brings an overview of ecology from the prism of Protestant and evangelical churches, while the fifth part discusses the challenges of today and offers two directions: one is materialistic-humanistic, and the other is Protestant-evangelical. The article concludes that Christians as children of God are called to do the will of the Heavenly Father and to be the example and light in today’s egocentric world.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd. Online). - ISSN 1848-2503. - 14 (2020), 2 ; str. 95-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekologija -- Evanđeosko kršćanstvo -- Zemlja -- Stvaranje

Značaj Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit u zaštiti prirode s obzirom na gljive [Elektronička građa] / Neven Matočec, Ivana Kušan, Dušan Mrvoš. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 100-104. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Područje Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit odlikuje visoka raznolikost gljiva. Do danas je u Parku zabilježeno oko 750 vrsta gljiva, od kojih je 20 strogo zaštićeno. Novija istraživanja rezultirala su opisivanjem jednog roda te čak pet novih vrsta gljiva za znanost. U ovome radu posebno se obrađuju gljivlje vrste visokih bioindikatorskih vrijednosti za kvalitetu sustava zaštite prirode, predstavljene u tri skupine: (1) vrste biotrofno vezane za endemske vrste – endemobionti/endemofili, (2) ekološki stenovalentne vrste vezane na izmete životinja te (3) ekološki stenovalentne vrste vezane za stare šume i prašume. Sve su tri grupe pod snažnim utjecajem lokalno-specifičnih klimatskih karakteristika. Prema analiziranim podacima može se reći da je NP Sjeverni Velebit vrlo uspješno dizajniran s obzirom na zaštitu gljiva. Zbog svoje raznolikosti i specifičnosti, NP Sjeverni Velebit može se označiti kao Područje važno za gljive - Important Fungus Area (IFA). - The region of Northern Velebit National Park is characterised by a high diversity of fungi. Around 750 species have been recorded to date, of which 20 are strictly protected while 37 are very rare on the global scale and currently without conservation status in Croatia. Latest intensive mycological research has resulted in the publication of one genus and as many as five species new to science. In this paper are discussed fungal species of high bioindicator values for the quality of the system of nature protection, presented in three groups: biotrophic species linked to endemic species – endemobionts, (2) ecologically stenovalent species linked to the faeces of animals and (3) ecologically stenovalent species linked to old forests and primeval forests. All three groups are under the strong influence of locally specific climatic characteristics. According to the analysed data, it can be said that the Northern Velebit National Park has been successfully designed with regard to the protection of fungi. Due to its diversity and specificity, the Northern Velebit National Park can be designated as an Important Fungus Area (IFA).
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 81-104  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gljive -- Ekologija gljiva -- Zaštita gljiva -- Endemobiont -- Endemofil

Vidi br.: HA20-00265

Vidi br.: HA20-00108

Vidi br.: HA20-00099

Vidi br.: HA20-00268

Vidi br.: HA20-00189

Vidi br.: HA20-00179

Vidi br.: HA20-00382

Vidi br.: HA20-00327

Vidi br.: HA20-00032

51   Matematika

Vidi br.: HA20-00053

52   Astronomija. Astrofizika. Svemirska istraživanja

528   Geodezija

PAAR, Rinaldo
Carl Ritter von Ghega - 2018 surveyor of the year [Elektronička građa] = Carl Ritter von Ghega - geodet godine 2018. / Rinaldo Paar. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Carl Ritter von Ghega was proclaimed 2018 Surveyor of the Year on 21 March 2018. In this paper, we explore how this Austrian of Albanian extraction, born in Venice, played an important role in geodesy and the surveying profession and the honours he got up to the present day. We investigate his background and details of his professional path, education and most important contributions in the areas of surveying and engineering at large. We describe his most significant achievement, that is, the Semmering Railway, which was dismissed at the time as impossible to achieve. In 1998, the Semmering Railway was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Apart from this project, which left a great impression on the engineering profession, von Ghega also developed the Borovnica Viaduct built in the mid-19th century in Slovenia. - Carl Ritter von Ghega 21. ožujka 2018. proglašen je geodetom godine 2018. U ovome se radu elaborira čime je Austrijanac albanskih korijena, rođen u Veneciji, zadužio geodete i geodetsku struku te prema tome koje su mu sve počasti do danas dodijeljene. Istražuje se njegovo porijeklo te detaljno njegov profesionalni put, obrazovanje i najznačajniji doprinosi u području geodezije i inženjerstva uopće. Opisuje se njegovo najznačajnije postignuće – tzv. projekt Semerinške željeznice za koji se u to vrijeme vjerovalo da ga nije moguće realizirati. Semerinška je željeznica 1998. uvrštena na UNESCO-ov popis mjesta svjetske baštine. Osim projekta Semerinške željeznice kojim je zadužio inženjersku struku, elaborira se i vijadukt Borovnica koji je sagrađen sredinom 19. stoljeća u dolini Borovnica u Sloveniji.
U: Kartografija i geoinformacije (Online). - ISSN 1848-0713. - 18 (2019), 32 ; str. 64-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geodezija -- Geodeti -- Život i djelo -- Semerinška željeznica
Ghega, Carl Ritter von


TIKUNOV, Vladimir Sergeevich
Evaluation of tourist activities and destination attraction capacity using geotags [Elektronička građa] = Procjena turističkih aktivnosti i kapaciteta privlačnosti različitih odredišta primjenom geooznaka / Vladimir Sergeevich Tikunov, Vitalii Semenovich Belozerov, Stanislav Olegovich Antipov ; [s engleskog preveo] V. [Valentin] Lapaine. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Tourist location data accessible through social networks is a new source of information which is opening up great opportunities for studying tourism activities. We used tourist geotags from the VKontakte social network to evaluate the attractiveness of tourist destinations around the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Based on the data received from the public profiles of tourists publishing geotags, we analyzed their gender- and age-related structure, seasonal preferences, and geographic origins. The resort of Pyatigorsk was used as a case study to develop a classification of recreational areas for local people and tourists. Women prevailed among those displaying their photos – 64.7%. The two major seasons for attaching photos were spring and summer – 64.8 % of the photos. The specific feature of the Caucasian Mineral Waters viewed as a tourist destination implied the prevalence of intraregional geotags over interregional ones. The major interregional tourist flow came from the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, and Krasnodar. The geotags on photos, therefore, may be used as an alternative source of information when evaluating the tourist activity and attractiveness of these destinations. - Podatci o turističkim odredištima dostupni putem društvenih mreža nov su izvor informacija koji otvara velike mogućnosti proučavanja turističkih aktivnosti. Primjenom turističkih geooznaka iz društvene mreže VKontakte procijenili smo privlačnost turističkih odredišta oko Kavkaskih mineralnih voda. Na temelju podataka iz javnih profila turista koji objavljuju geooznake analizirali smo njihovu spolnu i dobnu strukturu, preferencije vezane uz godišnja doba te geografsko podrijetlo. Na primjeru odmarališta Pjatigorsk razvili smo klasifikaciju područja za rekreaciju za mjesno stanovništvo i turiste. Među osobama koje prikazuju svoje fotografije prevladavaju žene (64,7%). Godišnja doba u kojima se objavljuje najveći broj fotografija su proljeće i ljeto (64,8 % fotografija). Na turističkom odredištu Kavkaskih mineralnih voda geooznake unutar regije prevladavaju nad geooznakama iz drugih regija. Većina turista iz drugih regija dolazi iz Moskve, Sankt Peterburga, Rostova na Donu i Krasnodara. Stoga geooznake na fotografijama možemo primijeniti kao drugi izvor informacija za procjenu turističkih aktivnosti i privlačnosti tih odredišta.
U: Kartografija i geoinformacije (Online). - ISSN 1848-0713. - 18 (2019), 32 ; str. 34-43  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geooznake -- Geoinformacije -- Fotografije -- Turizam -- Turističke destinacije -- Privlačnost

Performance comparison among multi-GNSS single frequency Precise Point Positioning techniques [Elektronička građa] = Usporedba performansi među tehnikama preciznog pozicioniranja s jednofrekvencijskim višestrukim GNSS-om / Anna Innac, Antonio Angrisano, Salvatore Gaglione, Mario Vultaggio, Nicola Crocetto ; [s engleskog preveo] V. [Valentin] Lapaine. - Graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografija: str. 98-99. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a technique able to compute high accuracy positioning anywhere using a single GNSS receiver and without the need for corrections from reference stations. A wide range of possible PPP algorithms, using different correction models and processing strategies, exist for both post-processing and real-time applications. PPP relies on accurate satellite and clock data, with the use of precise carrier-phase measurements. Single Frequency-PPP (SF-PPP) is currently under investigation by the scientific community, owing to its cheap implementation with respect to classical differential positioning and multi-frequency un-differenced techniques. Unfortunately, the carrier-phase observable is ambiguous by an a priori unknown integer number of cycles, called ambiguity, which is difficult to resolve with SF receivers. The aim of this paper was to study the opportunity provided by the use of a multi-GNSS constellation applied to two widespread SF-PPP models, based on different carrier-phase and code observable combinations. The algorithms were tested using static data collection carried out in an open-sky scenario. The results show decimeter level accuracy on the horizontal and vertical components of the position. - Precizno pozicioniranje točke (Precise Point Positioning – PPP) je tehnika koja je u mogućnosti bilo gdje izračunati vrlo precizno pozicioniranje koristeći se jednim prijamnikom GNSS-a bez potrebe za ispravkama referentnih stanica. Postoji širok raspon algoritama za PPP s različitim modelima korekcije i strategije obrade, kako za primjene nakon obrade, tako i za one u stvarnom vremenu. PPP ovisi o točnim podatcima satelita i sata, uz upotrebu preciznih mjerenja faze nosača. Znanstvena zajednica trenutačno ispituje jednofrekvencijski PPP (SF-PPP) zahvaljujući njegovoj jeftinoj primjeni u odnosu na klasično diferencijalno pozicioniranje i višefrekvencijske nediferencirane tehnike. Nažalost, promatrana faza nosača dvosmislena je po apriorno nepoznatom cjelobrojnom broju ciklusa, nazvanom dvosmislenost (ambiguity), što je teško razriješiti s pomoću SF prijamnika. Cilj je ovog rada bio proučiti mogućnost koju daje konstelacija višestrukih GNSS-ova primjenom na dvama široko rasprostranjenim modelima SF-PPP, na temelju različitih faza nosača i opažanih kombinacija kodova. Algoritmi su testirani korištenjem statičkog prikupljanja podataka provedenog u scenariju s otvorenim nebom. Rezultati pokazuju decimetarsku točnost u horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj komponenti položaja.
U: Kartografija i geoinformacije (Online). - ISSN 1848-0713. - 18 (2019), 32 ; str. 80-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Precizno pozicioniranje točke -- PPP algoritam -- Globalni navigacijski satelitski sustavi -- GNSS

Solving big GIS projects on desktop computers [Elektronička građa] = Provođenje velikih projekata u GIS-u na stolnim računalima / Dalibor Bartoněk ; [s engleskog preveo] V. [Valentin] Lapaine. - Graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - We are witnessing great developments in digital information technologies. The situation encroaches on spatial data, which contain both attributive and localization features, and this determines their position unequally within an obligatory coordinate system. These changes have resulted in the rapid growth of digital data, significantly supported by technical advances regarding the devices which produce them. As technology for making spatial data advances, methods and software for big data processing are falling behind. Paradoxically, only about 2% of the total volume of data is actually used. Big data processing often requires high computation performance hardware and software. Only a few users possess the appropriate information infrastructure. The proportion of processed data would improve if big data could be processed by ordinary users. In geographical information systems (GIS), these problems arise when solving projects related to extensive territory or considerable secondary complexity, which require big data processing. This paper focuses on the creation and verification of methods by which it would be possible to process effectively extensive projects in GIS supported by desktop hardware and software. It is a project regarding new quick methods for the functional reduction of the data volume, optimization of processing, edge detection in 3D and automated vectorization. - Svjedočimo velikim razvojnim promjenama u digitalnim informacijskim tehnologijama. Ta situacija zadire u prostorne podatke koji sadrže atributna i lokalizacijska obilježja, a to nejednako određuje njihov položaj unutar obaveznog koordinatnog sustava. Te su promjene uzrokovale ubrzan rast digitalnih podataka, što u velikoj mjeri podržava tehnološki napredak uređaja koji takve podatke stvaraju. Dok se tehnologija dobivanja prostornih podataka razvija, metode i softver za obradu velikih podataka zaostaju. Paradoksalno je da se upotrebljava samo 2% ukupne količine podataka. Obrada velikih podataka često zahtijeva moćan hardver i softver i samo malen broj korisnika posjeduje odgovarajuću informatičku infrastrukturu. Razmjer obrađenih podataka povećao bi se kad bi obični korisnici mogli obrađivati velike podatke. U geografskim informacijskim sustavima (GIS) takvi problemi nastaju pri provođenju projekata koji pokrivaju velik teritorij ili koji imaju značajnu sekundarnu složenost, što zahtijeva obradu velike količine podataka. Ovaj rad ima u žarištu stvaranje i provjeru metoda kojima bi se stolnim računalima i softverom mogli obrađivati podatci dobiveni u velikim GIS-projektima. Riječ je o novim brzim metodama za funkcionalno smanjenje količine podataka, optimizaciju obrade, otkrivanje rubova u tri dimenzije te automatsku vektorizaciju.
U: Kartografija i geoinformacije (Online). - ISSN 1848-0713. - 18 (2019), 32 ; str. 44-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geografski informacijski sustav -- GIS -- Koordinatni sustav -- Digitalne tehnologije -- Projekti -- Računala

Vidi br.: HA20-00516

Vidi br.: HA20-00323

53   Fizika

Vidi br.: HA20-00314

54   Kemija. Kristalografija. Mineralogija

Convexity deficit of benzenoids [Elektronička građa] / Nino Bašić, Sarah J. Berkemer, Jörg Fallmann, Patrick W. Fowler, Thomas Gatter, Tomaž Pisanski, Nancy Retzlaff, Peter F. Stadler, Sara Sabrina Zemljič. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary. - In 2012, a family of benzenoids was introduced by Cruz, Gutman, and Rada, which they called convex benzenoids. In this paper we introduce the convexity deficit, a new topological index intended for benzenoids and, more generally, fusenes. This index measures by how much a given fusene departs from convexity. It is defined in terms of the boundary-edges code. In particular, convex benzenoids are exactly the benzenoids having convexity deficit equal to 0. Quasi-convex benzenoids form the family of non-convex benzenoids that are closest to convex, i.e., they have convexity deficit equal to 1. Finally, we investigate convexity deficit of several important families of benzenoids.
U: Croatica chemica acta (Online). - ISSN 1334-417X. - 92 (2019), 4 ; str. 457-466  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Benzenoidi -- Konveksni benzenoidi -- Kvazikonveksni benzenoidi -- Pseudo-konveksni benzenoidi

Diffusional Electrochemical Catalytic (EC') mechanism featuring chemical reversibility of regenerative reaction-theoretical analysis in cyclic coltammetry [Elektronička građa] / Sofija Petkovska, Rubin Gulaboski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - We consider theoretically a specific electrochemical-catalytic mechanism associated with reversible regenerative chemical reaction, under conditions of cyclic staircase voltammetry (CSV). We suppose scenario in which two electrochemically inactive substrates “S” and “Y”, together with initial electrochemically active reactant Ox are present in voltammetric cell from the beginning of the experiment. Substrate “S” selectively reacts with initial electroactive reactant Ox and creates electroactive “product” Red (+ Y) in a reversible chemical fashion. The initial chemical equilibrium determines the amounts of Ox and Red available for electrode transformation at the beginning of the electrochemical experiment. Under conditions of applied potential, the electrode reaction Ox(aq) + ne– ⇋ Red(aq) occurs, producing flow of electric current. Under such circumstances, the chemical reaction coupled to the electrochemical step causes a regeneration of initial electroactive species during the time-frame of current-measuring segment in CSV. The features of cyclic voltammograms get significantly affected by the kinetics and thermodynamics of reversible regenerative reaction. We elaborate several aspects of this specific electrode mechanism, and we focus on the role of parameters related to chemical step to the features of calculated voltammograms. While we provide a specific set of results of this particular mechanism, we propose methods to get access to relevant kinetic and thermodynamic parameters relevant to regenerative chemical reaction. The results elaborated in this work can be valuable in evaluating kinetics of many drug-drug interactions, but they can be relevant to study interactions of many enzyme-substrate systems, as well.
U: Croatica chemica acta (Online). - ISSN 1334-417X. - 92 (2019), 4 ; str. 495-502  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ciklička voltmetrija -- Katalitička aktivnost -- Interakcija lijekova

POP, Raluca
Interactions of indomethacin with functionalized rhombellanes [Elektronička građa] : a molecular docking study / Raluca Pop, Dušanka Janežič. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract. - The specific properties of carbon-based nanomaterials like fullerenes and graphenes have attracted a continuous interest for their possible use as drug carriers. The functionalization of these nanomaterials can lead to the variation or improvement of the required properties, in order to lead to the design of the most suitable compounds within a specific field. In this regard, the possible use of a new class of nanostructures -the rhombellanes- as nanocarriers is investigated. The aim of the paper is to study the interactions of indomethacin and four analogues with anti-inflammatory activity on 13 rhombellanes (three of them with a hyper-adamantane motif, Ada-rbl, three cube-rhombellane homeomorphs, C-rbl, and seven cube-rhombellane-ether/amine structures). Five compounds with anti-inflammatory activity have been docked to the surface of the rhombellanes; comparisons with the results obtained for fullerene C60 have been performed. The best binding affinities for the indomethacin and its derivatives have been obtained for two types of rhombellanes, Ada-rbl and C-rbl. The indomethacin analogue I4 shows an increased binding affinity for C-rbl.420, similar to the value obtained for C60. Best results have been obtained for rhombellane derivatives characterized by smaller HOMO-LUMO gaps.
U: Croatica chemica acta (Online). - ISSN 1334-417X. - 92 (2019), 4 ; str. 503-509  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Molekularno pristajanje -- Indometacin -- Nanonosači lijekova

DIAS, Jerry Ray
Is phenalenyl aromatic? [Elektronička građa] / Jerry Ray Dias. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary. - The rings phenalenyl are determined using some quantitative aromatic indices to have around 40 % the aromaticity of benzene. The monocation, monoanion, and monoradical of phenalenyl are found to be equally aromatic.
U: Croatica chemica acta (Online). - ISSN 1334-417X. - 92 (2019), 4 ; str. 467-471  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fenalenil -- Aromatičnost -- Energetski učinak

KOMAR, Mario
Screening of natural deep eutectic solvents for green synthesis of 2-methyl-3-substituted quinazolinones and microwave-assisted synthesis of 3-aryl quinazolinones in ethanol [Elektronička građa] / Mario Komar, Maja Molnar, Anastazija Konjarević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary. - In this study, two fast and efficient protocols for green synthesis of 3-substituted quinazolinones were perfomed. A synthesis of 2-methyl-3-substituted quinazolinones was performed in natural deep eutectic solvents, while 3-aryl quinazolinones were obtained by using microwave assisted synthesis. Benzoxazinone, which was used as an intermediate in the synthesis of 2-methyl-3-substituted quinazolinones, was prepared conventionally from anthranilic acid and acetic anhydride. In order to find the most appropriate synthetic path, twenty natural deep eutectic solvents were applied as a solvent in these syntheses. Choline chloride:urea (1 : 2) was found to be the most efficient solvent and was further used in the synthesis of 2-methyl quinazolinone derivatives (2–12). 3-Aryl quinazolinones (13–17), on the other hand, were synthesized in one-pot microwave-assisted reaction of anthranilic acid, different amines and trimethyl orthoformate. All compounds were synthesized in good to excellent yields, characterized by LC-MS/MS spectrometry and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy.
U: Croatica chemica acta (Online). - ISSN 1334-417X. - 92 (2019), 4 ; str. 511-517  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kinazolin -- Etanol -- Mikrovalna pećnica -- Sinteza -- Eutektička otapala

Two stability criteria for benzenoid hydrocarbons and their relation [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Gutman, Izudin Redžepović, Boris Furtula.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - A new, simple, relation is established between the total π-electron energy and the HOMO-LUMO gap, applicable to benzenoid hydrocarbons.
U: Croatica chemica acta (Online). - ISSN 1334-417X. - 92 (2019), 4 ; str. 473-475  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Benzenoidni ugljikovodici -- McClellandova nejednakost -- Oboudijeva nejednakost

Vidi br.: HA20-00402

55   Geologija. Meteorologija. Hidrologija

Biospeleološka istraživanja špilja i jama Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit u 2018. godini [Elektronička građa] / Petra Bregović, Tin Rožman, Jana Bedek, Tvrtko Dražina, Branko Jalžić, Ana Komerički, Marko Lukić, Martina Pavlek. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 59-60. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Projektom Biospeleološka istraživanja i inventarizacija faune u speleološkim objektima Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit u suradnji Javne ustanove "Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit" i Hrvatskog biospeleološkog društva, biospeleološki je istraženo 5 speleoloških objekata: Jama pod Budinom kosicom, Jama u kuku, Sniježnica u Medvjeđoj dolini, Špilja u Štirovači i Terca. U svakom je objektu sakupljana fauna, mjereni su mikroklimatski parametri te su fotodokumentirani ulaz, unutrašnjost objekta i fauna. Detaljno su taksonomski obrađene skupine pauka (Araneae), jednakonožnih rakova (Isopoda), striga (Chilopoda), dvojenoga (Diplopoda), skokuna (Collembola) i kornjaša (Coleoptera). Rezultati ovog istraživanja značajno su doprinijeli poznavanju podzemne faune Parka te su naglasili važnost i potrebu sustavne inventarizacije podzemne faune speleoloških objekata. - Via the project ‘Biospeleological investigations and inventory of the fauna in the speleological structures of the Northern Velebit National Park’ in collaboration with the Northern Velebit National Park public institution and the Croatian Biospeleological Society, five speleological structures have been biospeleologically investigated: The pit below Budina kosica, the pit in Kuk, Sniježnica in Medvjeđa valley, the cave in Štirovača and Terca. In each structure the fauna was collected, the microclimatic parameters were measured and the entrance, underground spaces and fauna were photographed. Groups of spiders (Araneae), crustaceans (Isopoda), centipedes (Chilopoda), millipedes (Diplopoda), springtails (Collembola) and beetles (Coleoptera) were taxonomically processed in detail. In total, 27 taxa were recorded of which 13 are troglobion, i.e. species completely adapted to life underground. Four species were noted in the park for the first time, and one of them is new to science. The range of the measured air temperatures started from 2.9 to 9.8°C and this shows a great diversity of the habitats of the speleological structures of Northern Velebit, which is evident also by the number of recorded species. These results have complemented significantly to the list of the underground fauna of the park, expanded the knowledge of the recorded species and have highlighted the importance of the systematic inventorying of the underground fauna of speleological structures of all dimensions, small and large. Likewise, it has shown that the underground fauna of the Northern Velebit National Park is extremely interesting and worthy of preservation.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-60  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biospeleologija -- Podzemna fauna -- Endemi -- Speleološki objekti

Fractal analysis of seismoacoustic signals of near-surface sedimentary rocks in Kamchatka [Elektronička građa] / Sanjar Imashev, Mikhail Mishchenko, Mikhail Cheshev. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 167-168. - Summary ; Sažetak. - We studied, by the mono- and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), time fluctuations in the dynamics of seismoacoustic data, recorded in Karymshina site, which is located in a seismic area of Kamchatka. We took a series of seismoacoustic responses to the regional seismic events with the mag-nitudes M >4 for the period 2017–2018. The series was divided into three groups (high, medium and low) based on the amplitude of recorded seismoacoustic re-sponse. Background noise segments of the signals demonstrated monofractal behavior similar to white noise by almost constant values of generalized Hurst exponent Hq≈0.5 and very small width of the multifractal spectrum Δa ≈ 0.1. Analysis of the high amplitude seismoacoustic signals with clear P-, S- and coda waves showed that P- and S-waves demonstrate wider multifractal spectrum (ΔaP = 0.37, ΔaS = 0.35) and range of generalized Hurst exponents Hq in com-parison with coda wave, characterized by almost constant Hq and minimal width of multifractal spectrum (ΔaCODA = 0.13). We showed that the properties of the multifractal spectrum could be used in detection of seismic wave arrival, estima-tion its duration and separation of P-, S- and coda waves. Application of the monofractal DFA in a sliding window showed that the acoustic signal transits from monofractal and uncorrelated background noise (Hurst exponent equals to 0.5) into the long-range dependent state during seismic waves arrival, that is helpful in analysis of the signals, particularly in case of low amplitude acous-tic responses, usually demonstrating an unclear waveform. Difference in mul-tifractal spectrum width between the original low amplitude signal and its sur-rogates, obtained by random shuffling showed that the multifractality in the signal is dominantly due to long-range correlations. - U ovom smo radu mono- i multifraktalnom detrendiranom fluktuacijskom analizom (DFA) proučavali vremenske fluktuacije u dinamici seizmoakustičnih podataka zabilježe-nih na postaji Karymshina, koja je smještena u seizmički aktivnom području Kamčatke. U analizi smo koristili niz seizmoakustičnih odziva prilagođenih na regionalne potrese s magnitudama M >4 za razdoblje 2017.–2018. Niz smo podijelili u tri grupe (visoka, sred-nja i niska) na temelju amplitude zabilježenog seizmoakustičnog odziva. Dio mikroseiz-mičkog nemira prisutnog unutar signala iskazuje monofraktalnu strukturu sličnu bijelom šumu s gotovo konstantnim vrijednostima generaliziranog Hurstovog eksponenta Hq ≈ 0,5 i vrlo malom širinom multifraktalnog spektra Δa ≈ 0,1. Analiza seizmoakustičnog signa-la visoke amplitude s jasnim P-, S- i koda valovima pokazala je da P- i S-valovi pokazuju širi multifraktalni spektar (ΔaP = 0,37, ΔaS = 0,35) i raspon generaliziranih Hurstovih eksponenata Hq u usporedbi s koda valovima, koje karakterizira gotovo konstantan Hq i minimalna širina multifraktalnog spektra (ΔaCODA = 0,13). Pokazali smo da se svojstva multifraktalnog spektra mogu upotrijebiti za otkrivanje nailaska seizmičkih valova, pro-cjenu nihovog trajanja i razdvajanje P-, S- i koda valova. Primjena monofraktalne DFA metode na zapise u kliznom prozoru pokazala je da akustički signal prelazi iz monofrak-talnog i nekoreliranog mikroseizmičkog nemira (Hurstov eksponent jednak 0,5) u stanje dugog dometa tijekom dolaska seizmičkih valova, što je korisno u analizi signala, poseb-no u slučaju akustičnih odziva niske amplitude s nejasnim valnim oblikom. Razlika u širini multifraktalnog spektra između izvornog signala niske amplitude i njegovih zam-jenskih oblika, dobivenih nasumičnim odabirom, ukazuje da multifraktalnost u signalu dominantno ovisi o dalekosežnim korelacijama.
U: Geofizika (Online). - ISSN 1846-6346. - 36 (2019), 2 ; str. 153-169  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Seizmika -- Seizmoakustični signali -- Sedimentne stijene -- Fraktalna analiza -- Hurstov eksponent

General overview of the potential effect of extreme temperature change on society and economyin Poland in the 21st century [Elektronička građa] / Joanna Jędruszkiewicz, Joanna Wibig. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 149-152. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This work gives an overview on how the projected changes in the extremes in Poland might impact human health and economy. For that purpose, statisti-cally corrected data from 7 regional climate models were used. A significant increase of extreme hot events (i.e. heat waves, tropical nights) is projected for Central and Southern Poland for the end of the 21st century which might seri-ously affect a society living in large urban areas. Less extreme cold events im-prove thermal comfort in winter. The negative impact of the warming will affect energy systems with higher demand for electricity in summer and agriculture: an earlier beginning of the growing season and flower blooming will enhance the risk of frost damages in spring, whereas excessive heat will reduce yields in summer. Polish tourism should benefit from higher thermal comfort (except for hot July and August in the far future and warming in the winter season bring-ing snow cover depletion in the near future). - Ovaj rad daje pregled kako projicirane promjene ekstrema u Poljskoj mogu utjecati na ljudsko zdravlje i njezino gospodarstvo. U tu svrhu korišteni su statistički korigirani podaci iz 7 regionalnih klimatskih modela. Za srednju i južnu Poljsku predviđa se za kraj 21. stoljeća značajan porast ekstremnih vrućih događaja (tj. toplinskih valova, tropskih noći), što bi moglo ozbiljno utjecati na društvo koje živi u velikim urbanim područjima. Manje ekstremni hladni događaji poboljšavaju toplinsku ugodnost zimi. Negativni utjecaj zagrijavanja utjecat će na energetske sustave s većom potražnjom električne energije ljeti, a u poljoprivredi: raniji početak vegetacijske sezone i cvjetanje cvijeća povećat će rizik od oštećenja od mraza u rano proljeće, dok će pretjerana vrućina smanjiti prinose ljeti. Poljskom turizmu trebala bi pogodovati veća toplinska ugodnost (osim vrućeg srpnja i kolovoza u dalekoj budućnosti te zagrijavanja tijekom zimske sezone u bliskoj budućnosti, što će dovesti do smanjenja snježnog pokrivača).
U: Geofizika (Online). - ISSN 1846-6346. - 36 (2019), 2 ; str. 131-152  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klimatski modeli -- Temperatura -- Temperaturni ekstremi -- Vegetacijska sezona -- Ljudsko zdravlje -- Gospodarstvo

BOČIĆ, Neven
Geomorfološka obilježja Sjevernog Velebita [Elektronička građa] / Neven Bočić, Mladen Pahernik, Sanja Faivre. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 30-36. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se prikazuju geomorfološka obilježja područja sjevernog Velebita s posebnim naglaskom na Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit. Temeljne morfometrijske i morfogenetske analize nekad rađene analogno, načinjene su korištenjem digitalnih tehnologija te nadopunjene novim analizama i terenskim radom. Od općih morfometrijskih metoda korištene su hipsometrija, analiza nagiba padina, analiza vertikalne raščlanjenosti te ekspozicije padina. Morfogenetska analiza temelji se na specifičnim morfometrijskim te terenskim istraživanjima. U okviru morfogeneze analiziran je morfostrukturni reljef, a od egzogenih utjecaja najveća je pažnja posvećena krškim, glaciokrškim i fluviokrškim reljefnim oblicima. Analiza krškog reljefa na području Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit, jednog od temeljnog fenomena Parka, pokazala je da je više od polovice njegove površine (50,66%) predstavljeno krškim depresijama (ponikve i uvale), što govori o izuzetno jakoj i dugotrajnoj denudaciji. Uz krške procese, pojačanoj denudaciji značajno su pridonijeli glacijalni procesi koji su u vrijeme posljednjeg glacijalnog maksimuma znatno preoblikovali krške reljefne oblike i generalno utjecali na geomorfološku evoluciju Sjevernog Velebita. Oledba Sjevernog Velebita, osim na krške reljefne oblike, utjecala je povremeno na intenziviranje fluvijalnih te postojanje limničkih procesa, stoga je poznavanje geomorfoloških obilježja Sjevernog Velebita i Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit od iznimnog značenja, kako za očuvanje georaznolikosti, tako i za njegovu daljnju turističku valorizaciju i promociju. - In the article are presented the geomorphological features of the region of Northern Velebit with a special emphasis on the Northern Velebit National Park. The fundamental morphometric and morphogenetic analyses once done analogously were made with the use of digital technologies and supplemented with new analyses and fieldwork. Of the general morphometric methods, hypsometry, the analysis of the gradient of the slopes, the analysis of the vertical division and the exposure of the slopes were used. The morphogenetic analysis is based on specific morphometric and field investigations. Within the framework of the morphogenesis the morphostructural relief was analysed, and of the exogenous influences, the greatest attention was dedicated to the karstic, glacio-karstic and fluvio-karstic relief forms. The analysis of the karst relief in the Northern Velebit National Park region, one of the fundamental phenomena of the park, showed that more than half of its surface area (50.6%) is represented by karst depressions (sinkholes and valleys) which speaks of an exceptionally powerful and long-lasting denudation. Along with the karst processes, glacial processes which at that time of the last glacial maximum considerably reshaped the karst relief forms and generally influenced the geomorphological evolution of Northern Velebit contributed significantly to the increased denudation. The glaciation of Northern Velebit, apart from the karst reliefs occasionally influenced the intensification of fluvial and the existence of limnic processes. Therefore, the knowledge of the geomorphological features of Northern Velebit and the Northern Velebit National Park is of extreme significance both for the preservation of geodiversity and for its further touristic valorisation and promotion.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 5-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geomorfologija -- Krš -- Glaciokrš -- Reljef

KOLDA, Anamarija
Metabarcoding Cyanobacteria in coastal waters and sediment in central and southern Adriatic Sea [Elektronička građa] / Anamarija Kolda, Zrinka Ljubešić, Ana Gavrilović, Jurica Jug-Dujaković, Kristina Pikelj, Damir Kapetanović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 166-169. - Summary. - Seasonal sampling of the seawater column and sediment in Adriatic coastal areas affected by various anthropogenic activities, primarily aquaculture, was conducted during 2017. In total, 32 samples from two sites (central and southern Adriatic) were analysed by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. This approach was selected to test the possibilities of using metabarcoding in studying marine cyanobacteria, exploring their ecology and potential as an indicator group in anthropologically stressed coastal environments. Additionally, physicochemical water column parameters, sediment granulometry and composition were assessed. Water column revealed a seasonal variation of amplicon sequencing variants (ASVs) closely related to Cyanobium PCC-6307, Prochlorococcus MIT9313 and Synechococcus CC9902, as well as seasonal grouping of physico-chemical parameters in PCA analysis. Sediment analysis uncovered greater community richness of 13 cyanobacterial genera and two uncultured groups. The most abundant in sandy gravels and gravelly sand type of sediments were ASVs closely related to Pleurocapsa PCC-7319 and Xenococcus PCC-7305. Furthermore, identified cyanobacterial ASVs predominantly displayed similarity to isolates from tropical areas (e.g. Neolyngbya, Chroococcidiopsis, Trichodesmium, etc.), which could indicate the tropicalization process already ongoing in the fish fauna of the Adriatic Sea.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 157-169  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Morska voda -- Cijanobakterije -- Ekologija -- Sedimenti

Vidi br.: HA20-00437

Vidi br.: HA20-00314

57   Biološke znanosti. Fizička antropologija. Bioraznolikost

JAKLIČ, Martina
Alien water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) outcompeted native macrophytes and altered the ecological conditions of a Sava oxbow lake (SE Slovenia) [Elektronička građa] / Martina Jaklič, Špela Koren, Nejc Jogan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 41-42. - Summary. - Introduction of an invasive alien macrophyte water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) radically changed the oxbow lake in Prilipe (SE Slovenia) which has thermal springs that enables the winter survival of this tropical invader. About 10 years after the first record of P. stratiotes, the number, abundance and biomass of indigenous and non-indigenous macrophytes as well as different abiotic parameters were measured. In that period, colonized sections (~94% of the oxbow lake) were completely covered with water lettuce, and the only reservoirs of indigenous macrophyte species were the non-colonized areas (6%). Research in 2011 found only a third of the previously recorded indigenous macrophytes, but then only in small section without P. stratiotes. Three of the species that disappeared were on the Red data list. In the colonized section a higher biomass was observed than in the non-colonized section because of high abundance of water lettuce which remained the only macrophyte. Due to the presence of P. stratiotes, the intensity of light penetrating into the depth and water circulation were reduced, as was the oxygen saturation of the water. In addition to the well documented vegetative propagation of P. stratiotes, a well-established and viable seed bank has been detected in the lake sediment and after winter floods also on lake banks. In the future, special attention should be given to the thermal water ecosystems in temperate climates since they can serve as stepping stones and recruitment centres for the establishment and spread of (sub-)tropical invasive species. Facing predicted climate change such local populations of invasive species can act as stepping stones for further dispersal.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 35-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vodena salata -- Pistia stratiotes L. -- Makrofiti -- Ekološki uvjeti -- Termalna jezera -- Tropske vrste

CAR, Ana
Colonization of bacteria and diatoms on an artificial substrate in a marine lake (eastern Adriatic Sea, NE Mediterranean) [Elektronička građa] / Ana Car, Dubravka Hafner, Stijepo Ljubimir, Iris Dupčić Radić, Svjetlana Bobanović-Ćolić, Nenad Jasprica. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 223-225. - Summary. - The initial colonization of bacteria and diatoms on a immersed artificial substrate and the development of diatom assemblages in relation to physico-chemical parameters were investigated on a weekly basis at one station in the marine Lake Mrtvo More, South Croatia, from April to October 2016. According to TRIX trophic index, lake showed different trophic character: (i) oligotrophic (at the beginning and the end of the study), (ii) mesotrophic (the end of June to mid-July), (iii) eutrophic (the end of July to mid-September). Heterotrophic bacteria increased to peak abundances (69,268 cells cm–2) at the beginning of June when the diatoms abundances start to increase. The lake has high diatom species richness (285 diatom taxa within 72 genera), with the highest species diversity index in August. Among diatoms, adnate were the primary colonizers, particularly Cocconeis dirupta W.Gregory var. flexella (Janisch and Rabenhorst) Grunow and Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenberg var. scutellum, while motile taxa joined the fouling communities from July to September. This study showed close relationship between diatom species composition and changes of physico-chemical parameters, particularly the nutrient concentrations.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 212-227  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bacillariophyta -- Heterotrofne bakterije -- Bentos -- Bioraznolikost -- Parametri okoliša

The effect of salinity gradient and heavy metal pollution on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community structure in some Algerian wetlands [Elektronička građa] / Warda Sidhoum, Kheira Bahi, Zohra Fortas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 12-14. - Summary. - Algerian natural wetlands suffer from anthropogenic disturbances due to industrial development and urbanization. This study was designed to draw attention to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) distribution and community assemblages following heavy metal and salinity concentrations in two wetlands subjected to domestic and industrial effluents. Rhizospheric soil and roots of 18 plant species were collected in two wetlands along a decreasing salinity gradient. The results showed that 72.72% of plant species exhibit an association within arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM), and 36.36% a dual association between AM and dark septate endophytes (DSE). A total of 33 AMF morphospecies were distinguished on the basis of morphological criteria dominated by taxa belonging to Glomeraceae and Acaulosporaceae. Soil contamination was investigated by determining metallic trace elements (MTE) (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr and Zn) using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Values of the pollution index revealed wetlands that were particularly polluted by lead. Two˗way ANOVA showed significant variations in metal content among sampling locations and transects. Principal component analysis showed that species richness, and mycorrhizal frequency were slightly affected by MTE. This opens possibilities for their utilization in polluted soil remediation.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 3-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Onečišćenje tla -- Močvare -- Salinitet -- Teški metali -- Mikorizne gljive

STEŠEVIĆ, Danijela
Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn., a new moss species in the bryophyte flora of Montenegro [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Stešević, Branko Anđić, Milica Stanišić-Vujačić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary. - In a vegetation survey conducted in the northeast part of Montenegro, Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn. was collected. This is a new moss species for the bryophyte flora of Montenegro. The species has a wide temperate-tropical distribution, but its populations are rather scattered. In most European countries, the species is included on the relevant national Red Lists and most recently, it was added to the European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts. In order to expand our knowledge of its distribution in Montenegro, and to assess its IUCN threat status, further investigations are needed.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 95-97  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Funariaceae -- Mahovina -- Bioraznolikost

Vidi br.: HA20-00104

Vidi br.: HA20-00045

575   Opća genetika. Opća citogenetika

MUNEERA Parveen, Abdul Bari
Validation of variants using cost effective highresolution melting (HRM) analysis predicted from target re-sequencing in Eucalyptus [Elektronička građa] / Abdul Bari Muneera Parveen, Divya Lakshmanan, Modhumita Ghosh Dasgupta. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 111-113. - Summary. - The advent of next-generation sequencing has facilitated large-scale discovery and mapping of genomic variants for high-throughput genotyping. Several research groups working in tree species are presently employing next generation sequencing (NGS) platforms for marker discovery, since it is a cost effective and time saving strategy. However, most trees lack a chromosome level genome map and validation of variants for downstream application becomes obligatory. The cost associated with identifying potential variants from the enormous amount of sequence data is a major limitation. In the present study, high resolution melting (HRM) analysis was optimized for rapid validation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions or deletions (InDels) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs) predicted from exome sequencing of parents and hybrids of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. ? Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden generated from controlled hybridization. The cost per data point was less than 0.5 USD, providing great flexibility in terms of cost and sensitivity, when compared to other validation methods. The sensitivity of this technology in variant detection can be extended to other applications including Bar-HRM for species authentication and TILLING for detection of mutants.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 105-113  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Eukaliptus -- Genotipizacija -- Sekvenciranje

578/579   Virologija. Mikrobiologija

MOHAMED, Zakaria
Growth inhibition of the toxic cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii by extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields [Elektronička građa] / Zakaria Mohamed, Fadel Ali, Medahat Abdel-Lateef, Asmaa Hosny. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 199-200. - Summary. - This study investigates the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) on the growth and antioxidant defence enzymes of the toxic cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya et Subba Raju. To determine resonance frequency of growth inhibition of C. raciborskii, cells were subjected to ELF square amplitude modulated waves (QAMW) with a range of frequencies (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 Hz) at single intensity of 100 V m–1 for 30 minutes. The results revealed that the highest growth inhibition of Cylindrospermopsis occurred upon exposure to 0.7 Hz QAMW for 30 min. ELF-EMF-exposed cultures exhibited a marked decrease in cell number, chlorophyll-a content and activity of antioxidant enzymes compared to control cultures, and this effect increased with the prolongation of exposure time. Moreover, ELF-EMF induced morphological changes in Cylindrospermopsis cells upon exposure to 0.7 Hz QAMW for 120 min, including shrinking and disintegration of cytoplasmic contents, and thickening of the cell wall. Changes in dielectric properties, as a measure of interaction of cellular constituents (e.g., plasma membrane, cell wall and cytoplasm), with electromagnetic fields were also observed for treated cells. Our results provide a new possibility for using ELF-EMFs to eliminate toxic cyanobacteria from drinking and recreational water sources.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 193-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cijanobakterije -- Elektromagnetska polja -- Inhibicija rasta

Kontaminacija mliječnih proizvoda aflatoksinom M1 [Elektronička građa] / Ines Varga, Božica Solomun Kolanović, Ivana Varenina, Đurđica Božić Luburić, Nina Bilandžić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Aflatoksini su mikotoksini koji nastaju pod utjecajem plijesni iz roda Aspergillus. Nekoliko je vrsta aflatoksina od kojih je najtoksičniji aflatoksin B1 (AFB1). Pod utjecajem povoljnih uvjeta vlage i temperature dolazi do proizvodnje AFB1 na žitaricama, najčešće kukuruzu. Konzumiranjem takve hrane preživači unose u organizam AFB1 koji se potom razgrađuje u aflatoksin M1 (AFM1) i izlučuje u mlijeko. Kontaminirano se mlijeko koristi u procesima proizvodnje mliječnih proizvoda. Zbog prisutnosti aflatoksina u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima, kako bi se zaštitili potrošači sve je veći naglasak na kontroli. EU je propisala najviše dopuštene količine (NDK) za AFM1 u mlijeku od 0,05 μg/kg te u mlijeku za dojenčad od 0,025 μg/ kg. U mliječnim proizvodima nisu propisane NDK vrijednosti za AFM1, ali neke su zemlje definirale vlastite razine. U različitim istraživanjima ispitane su vrijednosti koncentracija AFM1 u mliječnim proizvodima. Utvrđeno je da su u odnosu na mlijeko od kojeg je proizvedeno sirevi imali najviše, a jogurti najniže koncentracije AFM1. Zbog prisutnosti aflatoksina u hrani za životinje, mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima testiraju se različite metode kojima bi se smanjila koncentracija tih toksina. - Aflatoxins are mycotoxins produced by species of the fungal genus Aspergillus. There are several types of aflatoxins, but the most toxic is aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). Different conditions (humidity and temperature) lead to the production of AFB1 on grains, especially maize. When ruminants consume contaminated feed, AFB1 enters into the gastrointestinal tract, is metabolised into aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) and secreted into milk. This contaminated milk is then used in the production of dairy products. Due to the presence of aflatoxin in milk and dairy products, control of these toxins is important for consumer protection. In the EU, the maximum residue level (MRL) of AFM1 in milk is set to 0.05 μg/kg and for infant milk to 0.025 μg/kg. However, there is no EU MRL for AFM1 in dairy products, though some countries have defined national limits. A number of studies have been carried out to determine the concentration of AFM1 in dairy products. Cheeses have the highest and yogurts the lowest concentration of AFM1, lower than the concentration in the milk from which it was produced. Due to the presence of aflatoxin in animal feed, milk and dairy products, various methods have been tested to reduce the concentrations of these toxins.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 547-556  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječni proizvodi -- Aflatoksini -- Aspergillus -- Detoksikacija

Molekularna identifikacija kvasaca iz svježeg mlijeka i tradicionalno proizvedenog svježeg sira [Elektronička građa] / Manuela Zadravec, Vesna Jaki Tkalec, Sanja Furmeg, Maja Kiš, Mario Mitak, Tomislav Mikuš. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kvasci su česti zagađivači mliječnih proizvoda, međutim, koriste se i kao starter kulture za poboljšavanje svojstava finalnog proizvoda. Njihova prisutnost u povećanom broju može prouzročiti nepoželjne promjene mliječnih proizvoda, kao što su neugodan miris, okus i izgled. Klasična identifikacija kvasaca na temelju morfoloških i biokemijskih svojstava spora je i nepouzdana. Cilj rada bio je identificirati kvasce iz 30 uzoraka mlijeka i svježeg sira te ustvrditi pripadaju li izolirani kvasci u poželjne ili nepoželjne vrste, odnosno predstavljaju li potencijalni rizik po zdravlje ljudi. Izolirani kvasci identificirani su sekvenciranjem D1/D2 regije gena 28 S rRNK. Dobivenim sekvencama ustvrđeno je da izolirani kvasci pripadaju vrstama: Kluyveromyces marxianus, Candida tropicalis, Trichosporon coremiiforme, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Trichosporon ovoides, Pichia kudriavzevii, Issatchenkia orientalis, koje se smatraju kvascima zagađenja te Debaryomyces hansenii vrsti koja se može koristiti i kao starter kultura. S obzirom da kvasci nisu termorezistentni mikroorganizmi, trebali bi biti uklonjeni tijekom pasterizacije, no u tradicionalnom načinu proizvodnje sira mlijeko se termički ne obrađuje, stoga je povećan rizik od pojavnosti kvasaca u finalnom proizvodu. Izolirane se vrste vrlo često nalaze i u okolišu i/ili na ljudima, odnosno životinjama. Stoga se nameće zaključak kako se glavnina kontaminacije kvascima događa kao posljedica neadekvatne higijenske prakse. - Yeasts are a common contaminant of dairy products, but they can also be used as a starter culture to improve the characteristics of the final product. Their presence in an increased number causes undesirable changes in dairy products, such as an unpleasant appearance, acrid smell and foul taste. The classical identification of yeasts based on morphological and biochemical properties is slow and unreliable. The aim of this study was to identify isolated yeasts from 30 dairy products, and to determine if they belong to desired or undesirable species. Isolated yeasts were identified by sequencing the D1/D2 domain of the gene 28S rRNA. The obtained sequences determined that the isolated yeasts belong to the species: Kluyveromyces marxianus, Candida tropicalis, Trichosporon coremiiforme, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Trichosporon ovoides, Pichia kudriavzevii, Issatchenkia orientalis, which are considered contaminants, and Debaryomyces hansenii, a species that can be used as a starter culture. Since yeasts are not thermoresistant microorganisms, they should be removed during pasteurization. However, milk is not heat-treated in traditional cheese-making production, thus increasing the risk of yeast in the final product. These isolated species are very often found in the environment and/or on humans and animals therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of yeast contamination occurs as a result of inadequate hygiene.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 605-610  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Sir -- Kvasci -- Molekularna identifikacija

Utjecaj bakteriocina enterokoka na odabrane uzročnike bolesti prenosivih hranom [Elektronička građa] / Nina Vukušić, Nevijo Zdolec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Enterokoki imaju važnu ulogu u fermentaciji hrane te često pokazuju probiotička svojstva. U ovom radu istražen je njihov antimikrobni učinak in vitro prema referentnim sojevima i sojevima izoliranih iz hrane bakterija Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria ivanovii, Listeria innocua, Yersinia enterocolitica i Salmonella Typhimurium. Korištena je agar difuzijska metoda, a nadtalozi neutralizirani i tretirani proteazom. Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 je pokazao snažno inhibicijsko djelovanje prema svim sojevima bakterije roda Listeria, kao i soja Y. enterocolitica O:3. Karakterizacijom inhibitora ustvrđeno je da se radi o tvari proteinske strukture, moguće bakteriocina enterocina čija je aktivnost bila 1280 AU/mL. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja radi potencijalne primjene enterocina kao prirodnog konzervansa u očuvanju održivosti i povećanja mikrobiološke sigurnosti hrane. - Enterococci have an important role in food fermentation and often exhibit probiotic properties. In this paper, their antimicrobial effect was investigated in vitro against the following reference strains and strains isolated from food: Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria ivanovii, Listeria innocua, Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella Typhimurium. The agar diffusion method was used, and the supernatants were neutralized and treated with protease. Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 showed strong inhibitory activity against all strains of Listeria as well as the Y. enterocolitica O:3 strain. The activity of the proteinaceous inhibitor was 1280 AU/mL. Further research should be carried out to assess the potential use of enterocin as a natural preservation agent in food protection.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 139-143  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrana životinjskog podrijetla -- Enterocin -- Enterokoki -- Patogene bakterije

Vidi br.: HA20-00391

58   Botanika

YETIŞEN, Kadriye
A comparative anatomical study of the genus Puschkinia Adams in Turkey [Elektronička građa] / Kadriye Yetişen, Hasan Yıldırım, Canan Özdemir. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary. - In the study, Puschkinia scilloides Adams, P. bilgineri Yıldırım, and P. peshmenii Rix et B. Mathew were compared anatomically. Although the stem vascular bundles were arranged in two rows in P. peshmenii, they can observed in three rows in P. scilloides and P. bilgineri. In addition, some differences were found, such as the metaxylem number in the root, number of vascular bundles in the scape, presence of raphide crystals, and number of protruding epidermis cells at the tip of the leaf. These differences have been found to be taxonomically useful for distinguishing these species. Moreover, similarities and differences between Puschkinia Adams and the taxonomically closely related Scilla L. section Chionodoxa Boiss. and Scilla bifolia L. taxa were also discussed.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 55-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Puschkinia -- Anatomija -- Taksonomija

Astragalus bartinense (Fabaceae), a new species from Turkey [Elektronička građa] / Bilge Tunçkol, Zeki Aytaç, Necmi Aksoy, Ahter Fişne. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary. - Astragalus bartinense is described as a new species from Bartın Province in Northern Anatolia, Turkey. The new species is close to A. depressus L. and A. froedinii Murb., but distinctly differs from A. froedinii in having hairy fruit, long stipules (10–12 mm) and peduncle (10–25 mm). It also differs from A. depressus in having long stipules and a stipitate and glabrous ovary. Taxonomic descriptions, micromorphology of pollen and seed and geographical distribution are presented.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 131-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Astragalus -- Leguminoze -- Mahunarke -- Taksonomija -- Mikromorfologija

YEHIA, Ramy Sayed
Biosynthesis and characterization of iron nanoparticles produced by Thymus vulgaris L. and their antimicrobial activity [Elektronička građa] / Ramy Sayed Yehia, Ali Mohammed Ali. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 119-120. - Summary. - Research in the area of nanoparticles has grown considerably in recent years. Plant leaf extracts provide a platform for nanoparticle synthesis from metal and metal oxides, which is more economical and environmentally friendly than other methods, such as chemical reduction and physical methods. The present study conducted the biosynthesis of iron nanoparticles (FeNPs) using Thymus vulgaris L. (Thyme) leaf aqueous extract. The characterization of FeNPs was carried out by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. UV-vis spectroscopy analysis demonstrated a visible peak around 440 nm. FTIR demonstrated the presence of iron metallic ions. Structural analysis of the nanoparticles by TEM showed agglomerations of spherical shapes. The average size of the synthesized FeNPs was around 40 nm. Regarding application, the ability of the FeNPs to degrade methyl orange was recorded as 95%. They were also examined for potential antimicrobial activity against pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. FeNPs demonstrated high antifungal activity against Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis and Aspergillus flavus, while their antibacterial activity was much weaker compared to commercial antibacterial agent. Thus, FeNPs synthesized using T. vulgaris could play an important role in controlling C. albicans, C. parasilosis and A. flavus and bioremediation of dyes.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 114-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Thymus vulgaris -- Timijan -- Antimikrobno djelovanje -- Dekolorizacija -- Nanočestice -- Željezo

CIRAK, Cuneyt
Chemical and morphological diversity among wild populations of Hypericum aviculariifolium Jaub. et Spach subsp. depilatum (Freyn et Bornm.) N. Robson var. depilatum [Elektronička građa] / Cuneyt Cirak, Aysel Özcan, Emine Yurteri, Dursun Kurt, Fatih Seyis. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 85-86. - Summary. - In this study, the chemical and morphological diversity among eleven wild populations of Hypericum aviculariifolium Jaub. et Spach subsp. depilatum (Freyn et Bornm.) N. Robson var. depilatum, an endemic Turkish species was studied. These populations were investigated for their contents of hypericin, pseudohypericin, hyperforin, the chlorogenic, neochlorogenic, caffeic and 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acids, hyperoside, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, avicularin, 13,118 biapigenin, (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin as well as for their morphological traits, including density of leaf light and dark glands, leaf area, leaf length/width ratio and plant height. The top two-thirds of the plants representing thirty individuals was harvested at full flowering from eleven sites and analyzed for the content of bioactive compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography after being dried at room temperature. Morphological characterization of the wild populations was performed on twenty randomly selected individuals from each plant-growing locality. The content of the tested compounds, except for caffeic acid and avicularin, and some morphological traits, namely, the density of leaf translucent glands and black nodules and leaf area varied significantly with the investigated populations. It was observed that hypericin and pseudohypericin contents were connected positively with leaf black nodule density, but negatively with leaf area and the contents of hyperforin, quercitrin and 13,118-biapigenin were correlated positively with leaf translucent gland density. Data presented here could be useful in determining future targets for further wide-ranging studies on this endemic species as well as in identifying superior germplasm in terms of high chemical content.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 78-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hypericum aviculariifolium -- Hiperforin -- Hipericin -- Kemijska raznolikost -- Morfološka raznolikost -- Fenolne kiseline -- Kvercitrin

ČERNI, Silvija
Citruses in Croatia - cultivation, major virus and viroid threats and challenges [Elektronička građa] / Silvija Černi, Katarina Hančević, Dijana Škorić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 234-235. - Summary. - Although Croatia is not often perceived as a citrus growing country, citrus species have been planted in the Croatian southern coastal part for centuries. Citrus had always been important as a source of vitamins and micronutrients for local consumption, but with the introduction of Satsuma mandarins (Citrus unshiu Marc.) citrus production started its commercial development. The Croatian coast is probably the northernmost commercial citrus growing area globally with several agroecological constraints influencing citrus production. However, Satsuma mandarins, the most cold-tolerant citrus of economic interest, are successfully cultivated resulting in an excellent quality of fruits that easily finds a market niche. Unfortunately, with the import of plant material in the last century, the simultaneous introduction of viral and subviral pathogens occurred. The most important are Citrus tristeza virus and Citrus exocortis viroid. As certain rootstock-scion combinations are tolerant to virus or viroid infections and display no obvious symptoms, these pathogens have been continuously spreading by plant propagation. Molecular and biological analyses revealed the existence of pathotypes not believed to be endemically present in the Mediterranean region. Their high intra-isolate genetic variability and frequent coinfections suggest that this geographical region presents a sort of a biological enclave of potentially threatening pathogens. Their transmission from this agroecological niche to areas where sensitive rootstock-scion combinations are common presents a serious risk to citrus production, especially when global warming and the resulting migration of efficient vector species are considered. Comprehensive pathogen monitoring is important for improving citrus production and the prevention of pathogen transmission.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 228-235  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Citrusi -- Mandarine -- Virusi -- Fitopatologija

STEŠEVIĆ, Danijela
Coastal sand dune vegetation of Velika plaža (Montenegro) [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Stešević, Filip Küzmič, Đorđije Milanović, Milica Stanišić-Vujačić, Urban Šilc. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 53-54. - Summary. - Velika plaža (Ulcinj, Montenegro) is the largest sandy beach along the coast of the eastern Adriatic that still has well-developed sand-dune vegetation. Although the characterization of the flora and vegetation of Velika plaža has been addressed by many authors, knowledge on its vegetation remained poor. We made a phytosociological study of sand beach vegetation comprising both dunal and wetland areas to provide a comprehensive survey of sand dune vegetation and habitat typology of Velika plaža. Based on 149 relevés (both from literature and recent field work), and with numerical classification (Flexible beta) and ordination (Non-metric multidimensional scaling) our results show that the vegetation of Velika plaža is much more diverse than previously known. Altogether, 19 plant communities from 6 vegetation classes were identified. Among them we described two new associations: Cuscuto cesatianae-Phyletum nodiflorae and Onobrychido caput-galli-Vulpietum fasciculatae.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 43-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pješčane plaže -- Vegetacija -- Biljne zajednice -- Klasifikacija -- Sintaksonomija

NGAN Tran, Kim
Comparative transcriptome analysis of high-growth and wild-type strains of Pyropia yezoensis [Elektronička građa] / Kim Ngan Tran, Jong-il Choi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 154-156. - Summary. - Pyropia yezoensis (Ueda) M.S.Hwang et H.G.Choi is a popular edible macro-alga that is found mostly in intertidal zones. It is one of the most economically important seaweed species and has been cultivated extensively in the cold waters of East Asia. Various reports have been published on the isolation and characterization of improved strains of Pyropia. However, there are few studies focusing on the molecular basis underlying these mutant strains. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis of whole transcriptomes of wild-type (PyWT) and high-growth (Py500G) strains of P. yezoensis using next generation RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). After sequencing, a total of 167,110,896 paired-end reads with a length of 151 nucleotides, were obtained. De novo transcriptome assembly and redundancy removal generated 19,441 transcripts. The assembly was annotated in NCBI nr, Swiss-Prot, Pfam, KEGG, GO and KOG databases. To unravel the differences in Py500G and PyWT, we mapped Py500G and PyWT reads to the assembly and calculated the expression levels. In total, there were 454 transcripts that were differentially expressed. Among the differentially expressed transcripts, candidate genes were identified with well-known growth and development functions. This study not only identifies candidate genes responsible for the high-growth phenotype of Py500G, but it also provides more comprehensive genomic data for future research on P. yezoensis.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 148-156  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pyropia yezoensis -- Crvene alge -- Transkriptom -- Analiza sojeva

PARK, Seo-jeong
De novo transcriptome analysis of high growth rate Pyropia yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) mutant with high utilization of nitrogen [Elektronička građa] / Seo-jeong Park, Jong-il Choi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 209-211. - Summary. - Pyropia yezoensis (Ueda) M.S.Hwang et H.G.Choi (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) has potentially high economic value. P. yezoensis has been used as food in East Asian countries for a long time, and, in addition to that its consumption is increasing worldwide owing to the growing interest in healthy seaweed food. A mutant (Py2K) with a high growth rate was developed using gamma rays to increase the production of P. yezoensis. De novo transcriptome analysis was performed to determine the mechanism underlying the high growth rate of this mutant. The transcriptomes from wild-type (PyWT) and mutant (Py2K) strains were assembled, and 167,165 genes were analyzed. A total of 15,979 genes were differentially expressed. Transcriptome analysis of nitrogen pathway revealed the increase in nitrogen availability through the upregulation of nitrate transporter gene (nrt) expression. Activation of nitrogen assimilation and re-assimilation and upregulation in alternative oxidase (aox) gene contributed to the increase in cellular nitrogen availability, thereby affecting the synthesis of phycobiliprotein. As a consequence, the efficiency of photosynthesis and the subsequent growth rate increased, which contributed to the color differences in thalli between PyWT and Py2K.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 201-211  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pyropia yezoensis -- Crvene alge -- RNA-sekvenciranje -- Dušik -- Analiza transkriptoma

Effects of low and high irradiation levels on growth and PSII efficiency in Lemna minor L. [Elektronička građa] / Hrvoje Lepeduš, Željka Vidaković-Cifrek, Iris Šebalj, Jasenka Antunović Dunić, Vera Cesar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 191-192. - Summary. - Plant growth and reproduction depend on light energy that drives photosynthesis. In the present study we compared growth characteristics, photosynthetic pigments content and photosystem II (PSII) performance in Lemna minor L. grown in two different irradiation regimes: low light (LL) – 50 μmolPHOTONS m-2 s-1 and high light (HL) – 500 μmolPHOTONS m-2 s-1. The main goal was to investigate the photosynthetic regulatory mechanisms that ensure adjustment to different light conditions and integrate these observations with the data on plant multiplication and biomass production. For this purpose, we measured chlorophyll (Chls) and carotenoid (Cars) contents and analyzed the energy fluxes through the PSII by saturation pulse method as well as by Chl a transient induction and JIP test. In a comparison of the effect of LL and HL on plant multiplication and fresh biomass, it was shown that the effect on growth was primarily attributed to the biomass reduction in LL while the effect on number of plants was much smaller. Total Chl and Cars contents were decreased in plants exposed to HL which indicated long-term acclimation response to the increased irradiance. Furthermore, the HL plants revealed better capability for the utilization of absorbed light in photosynthesis accompanied by photoprotective adjustment of certain number of PSII reaction centers from active to dissipative mode of functioning. In conclusion, our study showed that duckweed plants had great adjustment potential to different irradiation conditions, which might be of great importance not only under variable light availability but also when simultaneously challenged by some other environmental disturbance (e.g. different pollutants).
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 185-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lemna minor L. -- Vodena leća -- Fotosinteza -- Fotosintetski pigmenti -- Fotosustav II

KARDAVAN Ghabel, Vahideh
Effects of TiO2 nanoparticles and spermine on antioxidant responses of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. to cold stress [Elektronička građa] / Vahideh Kardavan Ghabel, Roya Karamian. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 145-147. - Summary. - Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) is known as an important medicinal plant throughout the world. Glycyrrhizin is one of the most important specialized metabolites produced by licorice. In order to study the effect of TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) and spermine on physiological and biochemical traits of licorice under cold stress conditions, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications. Plants were exposed to optimum temperature (26 ºC) as control and low temperature (4 ºC) as cold stress conditions and also treated with TiO2 NPs (2 and 5 ppm) and spermine (1 mM), separately. Results from physiological and biochemical analyses of the aerial parts of licorice seedlings showed that the growth parameters and the content of photosynthetic pigments decreased in response to low temperature. TiO2 NPs and spermine treatments increased plant resistance to cold stress and decreased the level of oxidative damage by reduction of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) contents. In other hand, TiO2 NPs and spermine caused increase of phenolics, total protein and osmolytes contents under cold stress conditions. An increase in glycyrrhizin content was significantly induced by low temperature, TiO2 NPs and spermine.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 137-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glycyrrhiza glabra -- Sladić -- Glicirizin -- Poliamini -- Niske temperature -- Antioksidativna obrana

SENICA, Mateja
The impact of drying on bioactive compounds of blue honeysuckle berries (Lonicera caerulea var. edulis Turcz. ex Herder) [Elektronička građa] / Mateja Senica, Franci Stampar, Sezai Ercisli, Barbara Sladonja, Danijela Poljuha, Maja Mikulic-Petkovsek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 76-77. - Summary. - Drying fruit is one of the simplest ways to extend the shelf-life of fruit, especially berries. Both higher temperature and time of heating significantly change the contents of some primary and secondary metabolites in honeysuckle fruit. Differences in their contents arising from different heat treatments were determined with the aid of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with mass spectrophotometry (MS). The content of sugars showed a small change with drying, while organic acid contents decreased with a longer drying time. Ascorbic acid was totally degraded, regardless of the time or heating temperature. Different phenolic groups responded differently to heat intensity and time of drying. Flavanols were more sensitive to higher temperature than to duration of heating and they decreased by more than 70% at 75 °C. In contrast, the content of hydroxycinnamic acids, increased with drying by more than 75%, regardless of the time and temperature.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 68-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lonicera caerulea -- Sibirska borovnica -- Sušenje -- Fenoli -- Bioaktivni spojevi

KAYA, Ergun
Influence of dehydration on cryopreservation of Musa spp. germplasm [Elektronička građa] / Ergun Kaya, Fernanda Vidigal Duarte Souza, Janay Almeida dos Santos-Serejo, Selin Galatali. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 104. - Summary. - Cryopreservation is an important technique for the long-term storage of economically important plant germplasm. In this study, an efficient protocol was developed for the long-term conservation of seven economically important Musa taxa: M. acuminata Colla ssp. burmannica N.W. Simmonds, M. acuminata Colla ssp. zebrina (Van Houtte) R.E. Nasution, M. balbisiana Colla, M. basjoo Sieb., M. ornata W. Roxburgh (St. Lavender), M. velutina H. Wendl. et Drude (Velvet Pink Banana), and M. acuminata’ balbisiana. The seeds were dehydrated in a sterile laminar flow cabinet for different exposure times and then they were directly immersed in liquid nitrogen. The critical point was to support the initial germination of cryopreserved seeds and this was achieved by the excision of zygotic embryos after liquid nitrogen treatment that allowed the seed germination. The best moisture content for tolerance to cryopreservation ranged from 15.8% (M. acuminata ssp. zebrina) to 17.1% (M. ornata) and the maximum post-cryopreservation germination rates varied from 86.4% (M. velutina) to 55.0% (M. ornata). All seedlings derived from seeds germinated after cryopreservation were easily rooted and acclimated to greenhouse conditions.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 99-104  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Banana -- Očuvanje -- Dehidracija -- Isušivanje sjemena

Morphology, anatomy, palynology and achene micromorphology of Bellis L. (Asteraceae) species from Turkey [Elektronička građa] / Faruk Karahan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 67. - Summary. - In the present study, the morphological characters, root, stem and leaf anatomy, pollen and achene micromorphology of Bellis L. species (Bellis annua L., B. perennis L. and B. sylvestris Cirillo) distributed in Turkey have been investigated on light and scanning electron microscope. Palynological analysis showed that pollen characters were found as small to medium size, isopolar, radially symmetrical, oblate spheroidal and prolate spheroidal, tricolporate and echinate-perforate ornamentation in the three species. Achene characters were found dark brown to yellow in colour, often cylindrical, compressed, with thickened margin, obovate orobovoid shaped, pappus absent and the coat ornamentations are rectangular with short hairs on the surface. As a result of this study, leaf morphology and some pollen characteristics such as pollen size, shape, perforation and distance between spines were demonstrated to be different among the Bellis species.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 59-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tratinčice -- Bellis L. -- Asteraceae -- Taksonomija

KUNEV, Georgi
Phytosociological study of submontane genistoid scrub communities from the Southeastern Balkans [Elektronička građa] / Georgi Kunev, Rossen Tzonev, Ioannis Tsiripidis, Kalina Pachedjieva. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 182-183. - Summary. - Genista lydia Boiss. is an endemic Balkan-Anatolian species which forms rare communities in the territory of south Bulgaria and northeast Greece. They are spread exclusively on acidic, siliceous substrates. This study presents new data on their distribution, floristic and ecological structure and phytosociological affinities. The research is based on 156 phytosociological relevés. Unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) was employed and a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was performed prior to the syntaxonomical decision. Three new associations and the new alliance Genistion lydiae have been described and classified within the order Lavandulo stoechadis-Hypericetalia olympici Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016 of the class Cisto-Lavanduletea stoechadis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1940. The study has also emphazised the potential threats concerning a decline of the habitat area and proposed some conservation measures.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 170-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Genista lydia -- Grmlje -- Endemske vrste -- Fitosociologija -- Rasprostranjenost

DI Pietro, Romeo
Preliminary characterization of the Quercus pubescens complex in southern Italy using molecular markers [Elektronička građa] / Romeo Di Pietro, Piera Di Marzio, Gaby Antonecchia, Antonio Luca Conte, Paola Fortini. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 23-25. - Summary. - Quercus pubescens s.l. is a group of taxonomically intricate and highly debated deciduous white oaks widely distributed in southern Europe. The Apulia Region occupies the south-easternmost part of the Italian peninsula; the land-use pattern is based on extensive agricultural systems and only 10% is covered by forests that are mainly composed of oak woods. It is the region in Italy showing the highest number of oak species, among which four putative species of the Quercus pubescens group, have been reported in floras and checklists with uncertain taxonomic value because of the overlapping of diagnostic characters. In this paper, we carried out a molecular analysis on natural populations of Q. pubescens s.l. distributed throughout the Apulian region. Individuals from 24 pubescent oak populations were sampled and each tree was genotyped at 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers. Overall, the average expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.629, and the allelic richness (Ar) ranged between 2.130 and 7.187. No differentiation was observed among the populations investigated, and the genetic differentiation coefficient (FST) was 0.036. Gene flow among populations was found to be relatively high (Nm = 6.664). From a taxonomic point of view, the possibility of the coexistence of more than one species among the Apulian pubescent oaks reported in the taxonomic and syntaxonomic literature is not supported by the results of this molecular analysis.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 15-25  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Quercus pubescens -- Hrast medunac -- Genetska raznolikost -- Taksonomija

ALEGRO, Antun L.
Raznolikost i ugroženost travnjaka Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit [Elektronička građa] / Antun Alegro, Vedran Šegota. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 78-79. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Travnjaci Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit većinom nisu primarni tip vegetacije, nego su nastali kao posljedica ljudskog djelovanja krčenjem i paljenjem šuma, ispašom i košnjom. Taj je proces započeo prije više tisućljeća te je kontinuirano održavao ravnotežu između šuma i travnjaka, a rezultirao je većom bioraznolikošću no što bi bila u nedirnutom prirodnom stanju. U drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća tradicionalne sezonske transhumantne vertikalne migracije ljudi i stoke iz Podgorja na velebitske ljetne pašnjake prekinute su kao posljedica snažne depopulacije Podgorja, koje je danas najslabije naseljeno područje u Hrvatskoj. Vegetacijska istraživanja travnjaka unutar Parka tijekom 2009. i 2010. ukazala su na veliku raznolikost travnjaka koji se međusobno razlikuju ovisno o nadmorskoj visini, reljefu terena, značajkama tla, utjecaju vjetra i nekadašnjem načinu upotrebe. Sukcesija, odnosno zarastanje travnjačkih površina drvenastim i grmolikim vrstama zabilježena je na gotovo svim tipovima travnjaka, no intenzitet zarastanja i vrste kojima zarastaju ovise o tipu travnjaka. Sukcesija je značajno sporija na travnjacima vršne zone nego na travnjacima primorske padine zbog kraćega vegetacijskog perioda, oštrije klime, izloženosti buri te prostranijih travnjaka koji sporije zarastaju od manjih, fragmentiranih travnjaka kakve nalazimo na nižim nadmorskim visinama. Očuvanje travnjaka morao bi biti prioritet upravljanja Parkom jer, osim iznimne bioraznolikosti, travnjaci nam ujedno govore i o prošlosti čitava područja, načinu života, privređivanja, kretanja te čine neizostavan i nemjerljivo važan dio prirodne i kulturne baštine. - The grasslands of the Northern Velebit National Park are for the most part not a primary type of vegetation, however, they came about as a consequence of human activity by deforestation, burning, grazing and mowing. This process began several millennia ago and has continuously maintained the balance between the forest and grasslands, and it has resulted in a greater biodiversity than what would have been in the untouched natural state. In the second half of the 20th century, traditional seasonal transhumant vertical migrations of people and livestock from Podgorje to the Velebit summer pastures were discontinued as a consequence of the great depopulation of Podgorje, which today is the least populated region in Croatia. Studies of the vegetation of the grasslands within the park during 2009 and 2010 indicated the large diversity of the grasslands which differ from one another depending on the above sea level altitude, relief of the terrain, features of the soil, influence of the wind and the former usage of the land. Succession, in other words, the encroachment of the grassland areas by woody and shrubby species was noted over almost all types of grassland, however, the intensity of the succesion and also the species which grow depend on the type of grassland. Succession is significantly slower on grasslands in the upper zones than on grasslands of the littoral slopes, due to the shorter vegetation period, the harsher climate, the exposure to the strong bura wind and wider grasslands which under hihger succession pressure than the smaller, fragmented grasslands that we come across at the lower altitudes. The conservation of grasslands would have to be a priority for the park’s management, because besides the exceptional biodiversity, the grasslands also tell us about the history of the whole region, the way of life, the economy and the movements, and makes up an essential and immeasurable important part of both the natural and cultural heritage.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 61-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pašnjaci -- Travnjaci -- Sukcesija bilja -- Transhumanca -- Ispaša

MALA, Xhavit
Sternbergia colchiciflora Waldst. et Kit. (Amaryllidaceae), a new genus and species in the flora of Kosovo [Elektronička građa] / Xhavit Mala, Qenan Maxhuni. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary. - This paper reports Sternbergia colchiciflora Waldst. et Kit. as a new genus and species for the flora of Kosovo. Almost 30 adult individuals of this species were recorded for the first time in southwestern Kosovo during 2015, within the Canyon of the White Drin at Fshajt Bridge. Considering the low number of individuals and very limited distribution, this species should be treated as a critically endangered taxon in Kosovo.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 236-238  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Flora -- Ugrožene vrste -- Bioraznolikost -- Nove vrste

Vidi br.: HA20-00339

Vidi br.: HA20-00269

Vidi br.: HA20-00266

Vidi br.: HA20-00250

59   Zoologija

Vidi br.: HA20-00261

Vidi br.: HA20-00370


60   Biotehnologija. Genetičko inženjerstvo. Produkti kloniranja

Vidi br.: HA20-00437

Vidi br.: HA20-00452

61   Medicinske znanosti

Štamparovi pogledi na zdravstvenu edukaciju učenika u školama, studenata medicine i liječnika [Elektronička građa] / Marica Jandrić-Balen, Ivica Balen. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prosvjetiteljstvo i pučka prosvjeta bili su Štamparova opsesija od mladosti. Uz to, uvijek je pokazivao i veliko zanimanje za zdravstveni odgoj u školama, ali i za nastavu na medicinskim fakultetima te za trajnu edukaciju diplomiranih liječnika. Prvi je put predložen za fakultetskoga nastavnika već 1922. godine, ali je tek osnivanjem Banovine Hrvatske dobio dozvolu za rad na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Tada je već imao 51 godinu. Vrlo brzo, već 1940. postao je dekan Medicinskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu, ali je nažalost tu karijeru prekinuo Drugi svjetski rat. Tijekom rata bio je interniran u Austriji, a nakon rata nastavio je raditi kao fakultetski nastavnik i ravnatelj Škole narodnoga zdravlja, koju je od 1947. godine uključio u fakultetsku dodiplomsku i postdiplomsku nastavu. Od 1952. godine pa do kraja života u ljeto 1958. godine pet puta za redom biran je za dekana Medicinskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu. Osnivač je drugoga medicinskoga fakulteta u Hrvatskoj, onoga u Rijeci 1956. godine. U okviru Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu sredinom pedesetih godina XX. st. otvara Višu školu za medicinske sestre. Uvodi i dvogodišnju školu za bolničare, nakon završenoga osnovnog školovanja. Iako se fakultetskom nastavom bavio samo 15 godina, uglavnom pred kraj života, ipak je pridonio i tom području, prije svega stalnim nastojanjima u afirmaciji preventivne medicine, higijene i socijalne medicine. - Public enlightenment and civic education were Štampar’s obsessions since the beginnings of his career, but he also showed great interest in improving health education in schools as well as in teaching at faculties of medicine and providing long-term education of graduate physicians. He was first recommended for professorship as early as 1922, but it was only after the founding of the Banovina (Banate) of Croatia that he was granted a license for working at the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb. He was 51 at the time. Soon afterwards, in 1940, he became Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb but, unfortunately, World War II interrupted his career. He was interned in Austria during the war and, after its end, continued working as a university professor and director of the School of Public Health. In 1947, he became involved in undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the School of Public Health. From 1952 until his death in summer 1958, he was elected five times in a row as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb. During that time, he founded the second faculty of medicine in Croatia, in Rijeka in 1956. He also opened a college for nurses within the frame of the Faculty of Medicine in the mid-1950s, and introduced a two-year school for nurses, which they attended after completing elementary education. Thus, A. Štampar was effectively involved in faculty teaching for only 15 years, mainly towards the end of his life: two years before World War II and 13 years after it. Nevertheless, his work left a deep trace, above all in the form of constant efforts to affirm preventive medicine, hygiene, and social medicine.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 109-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvena edukacija -- Zdravstveni odgoj
Štampar, Andrija
Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu


Vidi br.: HA20-00151

613   Higijena. Osobno zdravlje i higijena

Rizična ponašanja djece i mladih [Elektronička građa] : javnozdravstvena perspektiva / Mirela Šentija Knežević, Iva Kuculo, Marina Ajduković.
Bibliografija: str. 79-81. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Adolescencija je period u kojem djeca postaju samostalnija te počinju eksperimentirati s novim oblicima ponašanja, što često uključuje i nepoželjna, rizična ponašanja. Takva ponašanja mogu imati posljedice poput lošijeg mentalnog zdravlja, lošijeg akademskog uspjeha, problema sa zakonom, razvojem ovisnosti i slično, što ima negativan utjecaj na zdravlje i uspješnost u kasnijem životu. U ovom radu pokušali smo dati pregled čestih rizičnih ponašanja kod adolescenata (vršnjačkog nasilja i konzumacije cigareta, alkohola i marihuane) iz javnozdravstvene perspektive, s posebnim fokusom na situaciju u Hrvatskoj, te rizičnih i zaštitnih faktora za razvoj ovih oblika ponašanja). - Adolescence is a time when children become more independent and start experimenting with new forms of behaviour, which are often undesirable or risky. Such behaviours can have consequences, such as poor mental health, poor academic performance, legal problems, addiction, and other issues that have a major negative impact on health and success in later life. In this paper we try to give an overview of frequent risk behaviours in adolescents (peer violence and cigarette, alcohol and cannabis consumption) from a public health perspective with a special focus on the situation in Croatia, as well as to mention risk factors and protective factors for the development of these behaviours.
U: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-7734. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 70-81  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Adolescenti -- Rizično ponašanje -- Vršnjačko nasilje -- Alkohol -- Cigarete -- Marihuana

614   Javno zdravstvo. Prevencija nesreća

Analiza rezultata Europskoga zdravstvenoga potrošačkog indeksa od 2014. do 2017. - s posebnim osvrtom na pokazatelje preventive [Elektronička građa] / Boris Lukovnjak.
Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu su, na temelju analize istraživanja koje je pod nazivom Europski zdravstveni potrošački indeks (Euro Health Consumer Index – EHCI) provela renomirana švedska tvrtka Health Consumer Powerhouse, uspoređeni mjerljivi pokazatelji kvalitete i učinkovitosti zdravstvene skrbi u Republici Hrvatskoj s ostalim zemljama Europe. Spomenuta tvrtka svake godine objavljuje novu ediciju EHCI-ja kojom prati kretanja pojedinih pokazatelja ili cjelina pokazatelja u svakoj zemlji. S obzirom na tekovinu Andrije Štampara i njegovih istomišljenika, Hrvatska je u europskim i svjetskim okvirima prepoznata kao pionir postojećega europskog modela primarne zdravstvene zaštite i preventivnih aktivnosti. Zbog nedovoljnih financijskih ulaganja te nesustavnoga pristupa edukaciji populacije, Hrvatska je u spomenutoj analizi najlošije pokazatelje zdravstvene zaštite ostvarila upravo u području preventive. Istaknuti su kao važni i farmakoekonomski učinci ulaganja u prevenciju i primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu jer je općepoznato kako je jedna kuna uložena u preventivu ekvivalentna iznosu od deset kuna uloženih u kurativu. - The key goal of this paper is to compare quality and efficiency indicators of the level of healthcare services in the Republic of Croatia to other EU countries using the ‘Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI)’ analysis, published by the renowned Swedish company Health Powerhouse. The mentioned company publishes a new edition of the EHCI annually, comparing trends of certain indicators or groups of indicators for each country. Due to the great heritage of Prof. Andrija Štampar and his followers, the Republic of Croatia is well-known in Europe and beyond as a pioneer of today’s model of primary healthcare and preventive activities. Unfortunately, according to the EHCI, after years of insufficient funding and an unsupervised education model, the Croatia shows the worst scores precisely in the indicators related to prevention quality. It is also important to mention that the poor results of prevention-based activities have a strong pharmacoeconomic impact; it is widely known that one kuna invested in prevention and primary healthcare is equivalent to 10 kunas invested in hospital treatment.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 149-154  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Primarna zdravstvena zaštita -- Preventivna medicina

Dom narodnoga zdravlja u Osijeku [Elektronička građa] : Štamparova zamisao pretočena u ostvarenje / Zlata Živaković-Kerže. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Velikim zalaganjem Andrije Štampara 1920-ih i 1930-ih došlo je do reorganizacije i unaprjeđivanja zdravstvene službe. Pri tome je golemo značenje imala njegova zamisao o potrebi osnivanja i otvaranja domova zdravlja diljem Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca, tj. potonje Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Otvaranjem Doma narodnoga zdravlja u Osijeku s brojnim službama, napose dispanzerskom i protuepidemijskom, osigurana je u gradu na Dravi bolja zdravstvena zaštita stanovništva. Rad Doma narodnoga zdravlja odvijao se potpuno u skladu s tadašnjim programom socijalne medicine koju je zastupao Štampar, koji je do 1930. u nekoliko navrata boravio u Osijeku. U sastavu novootvorenoga Doma narodnoga zdravlja djelovale su gradska i školska poliklinika, sanitarna inspekcija, anti-TBC i kožno‑venerični dispanzer, antitrahomska i antirabična stanica, dječji dispanzer, zubni odjel i Higijenski zavod, dok su pokusne životinje, potrebne za rad zavodskoga bakteriološkog laboratorija, držane – do izgradnje posebne dvorišne zgrade (1958/59) – u dvorišnoj zgradi koja se nalazila uz zgradu u kojoj je danas Odjel neurologije, dakle u sklopu osječke Opće bolnice. - The great commitment of Andrija Štampar in the 1920s and 1930s paved the way for the reorganisation and improvement of the public health service. His ideas about the necessity of founding and opening public health centres and stations throughout the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) played a very important role in these efforts. The opening of the Public Health Centre in Osijek, which encompassed numerous services including a dispensary and anti-epidemic service, secured a higher quality of healthcare for the local population. The Public Health Centre functioned fully in accordance with the then programme of social medicine advocated by Štampar, who resided in Osijek several times before 1930. The newly opened Public Health Centre included a city and school polyclinic; a sanitary inspection service; an anti-TB, skin, and venereal diseases dispensary; an anti-trachoma and anti-rabies station; a children’s dispensary; a dental department; and a Hygiene Institute, while the experimental animals necessary for the working of the institute’s bacteriological laboratory were kept – until the construction of a dedicated outbuilding (in 1958/59) – in an outbuilding located next to the building housing the Neurology Department today (part of the Osijek General Hospital).
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 75-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvene službe -- Reorganizacija -- Javno zdravstvo -- Zdravstvene prilike -- Povijesni prikaz
Štampar, Andrija


KUIĆ, Ivanka
Javno znanje o tuberkulozi i djelovanje Društva za suzbijanje tuberkuloze u Splitu (1918-1941) [Elektronička građa] / Ivanka Kuić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Tuberkuloza je bila velik zdravstveni problem u Splitu između dvaju svjetskih ratova (1918–1941). U zdravstvenom prosvjećivanju, kao jednoj od preventivnih metoda liječenja te opake bolesti na tragu Štamparovih socijalno-medicinskih ideja, razbijanju predrasuda i senzibiliziranju javnosti za suočavanje s posljedicama bolesti, važnu su ulogu imale znanstvene publikacije, časopisi i lokalne novine. U radu se uspostavlja kontinuitet stvaranja zabilježenoga javnoga znanja, s posebnim osvrtom na ulogu masovnih medija: Novoga doba, važnoga političko-informativnoga dnevnika koji je izlazio od 1918. do 22. travnja 1941., i Jadranskoga dnevnika, koji je izlazio između 1934. i 1938. Oba su dnevnika uspješno obavljala društvenu funkciju informiranja, oblikovanja javnoga mišljenja i širenja znanja, prenoseći svu složenost i nužnost modernizacijskih praksi koje su mijenjale Split i činile ga modernim gradom. Jedna od tih modernizacijskih praksi bila je i borba s tuberkulozom kao ozbiljnim socijalno-medicinskim problemom. - Tuberculosis was a major health problem in Split between the two world wars. Scientific publications, journals, and local newspapers played an important role in health ducation as one of the preventive treatment methods of this nefarious disease, which is based on Štampar’s sociomedical ideas, as well as in shattering prejudices and raising popular awareness of how to face the consequences of the disease. This paper establishes the existence of a continuity in the creation of recorded public knowledge relevant to this topic, with particular reference to the role of mass media such as Novo doba and Jadranski dnevnik. Novo doba was a very important political-informative weekly newspaper published from 1918 until 22 April 1941. Jadranski dnevnik was published from 1934 to 1938. Both papers successfully performed their social function of providing information, shaping public opinion, and spreading knowledge, transferring all the complexity and necessity of modernisation practices that were changing Split and making it into a modern city. Among these modernisation practices was the struggle against tuberculosis as a serious socio-medical problem.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 87-107  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tuberkuloza -- Javno zdravstvo -- Masovni mediji -- Socijalno-medicinske metode
Štampar, Andrija


Povijest zdravstvene skrbi i razvoja zdravstvenih ustanova na hrvatskom prostoru [Elektronička građa] / Vlatka Dugački, Krešimir Regan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 68-73. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se prikazuje pregled povijesti zdravstvene skrbi i razvoja zdravstvenih ustanova na hrvatskom prostoru od prapovijesti do suvremenoga doba. Na temelju relevantne literature i periodika prikazuje se razvoj skrbi za bolesne i nemoćne na ovom prostoru od najranijega doba. Prikazani podatci u ovom radu prilog su istraživanju sustavne povijesti hrvatskoga zdravstvenoga sustava. - This paper presents an overview of the history of healthcare and the development of health institutions in Croatia from prehistory till today. The developments in providing care for the sick and infirm in these lands are described based on relevant literature and periodicals. The presented data is a contribution to the research of the systematic history of the Croatian health system.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 35-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijest zdravstva -- Zdravstvene ustanove

ČEOVIĆ, Stjepan
Refleksija Štamparove javno-zdravstvene djelatnosti na području Slavonskoga Broda [Elektronička građa] / Stjepan Čeović, Ivica Balen. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Aktivnost javnozdravstvene službe u Slavonskom Brodu započinje već u vrijeme Vojne granice, kada je organiziran sanitarni kordon i karantena da bi se spriječilo prenošenje opasnih zaraznih bolesti preko Save. Ipak, razvijenija preventivna djelatnost slijedila je u vrijeme djelovanja Andrije Štampara, jer se osniva Školska poliklinika, održavaju javnozdravstvena predavanja, započinje rad Antituberkuloznoga dispanzera, Ambulante protiv veneričnih bolesti te Stanice protiv bjesnoće. Velik je napredak učinjen 1946. godine osnivanjem Sanitarno-epidemiološke stanice kao zasebne institucije. Pokazala se vrlo uspješnom u suzbijanju poslijeratne epidemije trbušnoga tifusa, eradikaciji malarije i uvođenju masovnoga cijepljenja protiv dječjih zaraznih bolesti. Kroz četrdesetgodišnje razdoblje, u okviru Medicinskoga centra slijedila je izvjesna stagnacija, napose u usporedbi s velikim progresom kliničkih i dijagnostičkih grana medicine. Osnivanjem Županijskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo 1994. godine preventivna djelatnost doživljava znatni razvitak. To se posebno odnosi na praćenje i suzbijanje kroničnih degenerativnih bolesti, malignih tumora, zaštitu školske djece i mladeži, kao i na osvješćivanje sve češće prisutne bolesti ovisnosti u mladoj populaciji. - The activities of the public health service in Slavonski Brod began already at the time of the Military Border, when a cordon sanitaire and quarantine were established to prevent the transmission of dangerous infectious diseases across the Sava River. However, a more developed form of preventive medicine was introduced during the time of Andrija Štampar, involving the establishment of the School Polyclinic, the holding of public health lectures, and the founding of the Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary, the Anti-Venereal Clinic, and the Anti-Rabies Station. A major advance was made in 1946, when the Sanitary-Epidemiological Station was established as a separate institution. It proved very successful in combating the post-war epidemic of abdominal typhus, eradicating malaria, and introducing mass vaccination against children’s infectious diseases. A sort of stagnation followed during the 40-year period within the frame of the Medical Centre, especially when compared to the great progress of clinical and diagnostic medicine. Preventive activity developed significantly after the founding of the County Institute of Public Health in 1994. This is particularly applicable to the monitoring and combating of chronic degenerative diseases, malign tumours, protection of schoolchildren and youths, and increasing attention given to addictive disorders among the younger population.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 119-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvene službe -- Javno zdravstvo
Štampar, Andrija


Štamparova ostavština [Elektronička građa] : osvrt na narodno zdravlje i zdravstvo danas / Josip Buljan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Rad se bavi djelovanjem suvremenoga zdravstvenoga sustava u Hrvatskoj koji je, kao i u Štamparovo doba, neodvojiv od politike, gospodarske snage i organizacije društva. Osvrćući se na socijalno-medicinske probleme današnjice, upozorava se na nedostatak ljudskih i materijalnih resursa u zdravstvu. - The topic of this paper is the functioning of the healthcare system in Croatia today. Like in Štampar’s time, the healthcare system cannot be separated from politics, economic strength, and social organisation. Referring to the socio-medical issues of today, the paper warns about the lack of human and material resources in modern healthcare.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 129-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstveni sustav -- Javno zdravstvo -- Socijalno-medicinski problemi
Štampar, Andrija


Uzroci smrti u parohiji Vojakovac kod Križevaca u periodima od 1900. do 1914., od 1941. do 1945. i od 1949. do 2015. godine [Elektronička građa] / Filip Škiljan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 26 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Vojakovac je središte male parohije koja se nalazi sjeverno od Križevaca na južnim obroncima Kalnika. Pravoslavno stanovništvo je na tome području u većem broju doseljeno tijekom XVI. stoljeća. U radu se donosi pregled demografskoga razvoja parohije Vojakovac te se zaključuje da je broj Srba u parohiji Vojakovac tijekom XX. stoljeća opao zbog stradanja u Drugom svjetskom ratu, zbog iseljavanja u velike gradove, zbog asimilacije i zbog etnomimikrije. Rad donosi informacije o uzrocima umiranja na području parohije Vojakovac u različitim periodima tijekom XX. stoljeća. Podatci se donose na temelju matičnih knjiga umrlih parohije Vojakovac koje se nalaze u Arhivi Srpske pravoslavne crkve Mitropolije zagrebačko-ljubljanske u Zagrebu. Rad se također bavi i običajima prilikom umiranja u Kalničkom prigorju i u Podravini kod Srba i kod Hrvata. - Vojakovac is the centre of a small parish located north of Križevci, on the southern slopes of Kalnik. The Orthodox population settled in that area in larger numbers during the 16th century. The author offers an overview of the demographic development of the parish Vojakovac, and concludes that the number of Serbs in the parish fell during the 20th century due to World War II related deaths, migration to larger urban areas, assimilation, and ethnomimicry. He also presents information on the causes of death in the parish in various periods during the 20th century. This data was drawn from registers of deaths of the parish Vojakovac, which are kept in the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitanate of Zagreb and Ljubljana in Zagreb. The author also examines customs related to death and dying in the foothills of Kalnik and in the Podravina region, among both Serbs and Croats.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 13 (2019), 25 ; str. 11-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srbi -- Demografski razvoj -- Uzroci smrti -- Običaji

Vidi br.: HA20-00293

Vidi br.: HA20-00390

615   Farmakologija. Terapeutika. Toksikologija

Vidi br.: HA20-00257

Vidi br.: HA20-00256

Vidi br.: HA20-00378

616   Patologija. Klinička medicina

ŠIMIĆ Šantić, Ivana
Ispitivanje prediktivne snage Upitnika za samoprocjenu slušanja (USS) kao instrumenta za probir oštećenja sluha stečenog u odrasloj dobi [Elektronička građa] = Testing the predictive power of the Hearing Self-Assessment Questionnaire as an instrument for adult hearing loss screening / Ivana Šimić Šantić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Probirni upitnici na stečeno oštećenje sluha kod odraslih pomažu njegovom ranom otkrivanju i predikciji, te opravdavaju upućivanje na dalje audiološke pretrage. U hrvatskom govornom području jedini takav instrument je Upitnik za samoprocjenu slušanja – USS, čije su pouzdanost, valjanost i probirna svojstva već opisane, međutim – nije provjeren njegov prediktivni potencijal. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi koliki je potencijal USS-a za predikciju postojanja stečenog oštećenja sluha kod odraslih osoba, prema zakonskom kriteriju postojanja oštećenja sluha pri prosječnom pragu čujnosti boljeg uha za govorne frekvencije jednakom ili većem od 25 dB. Zato je primijenjena binarna logistička regresijska analiza s kriterijskom varijablom, koja označava pripadnost grupi čujućih ili slušno oštećenih osoba i s rezultatima USS-a kao kontinuiranim prediktorom. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 124 punoljetne osobe, u dobi od 24 do 88 godina. Statistički značajni rezultati binarne regresijske analize potvrđuju da USS omogućuje visoku točnost predviđanja (ne)postojanja stečenog oštećenja sluha. Visoka vjerojatnost točne klasifikacije ispitanika USS-om, od čak 80,6 %, upućuje na vrijednost samoprocjene kao probirne opcije. Ovakvi rezultati dodatno opravdavaju njegovu kliničku primjenu, odnosno usmjeravanje na specijalistički audiometrijski pregled onih pojedinaca kod kojih postoji statistički opravdan rizik gubitka sluha. - Screening questionnaires on acquired hearing loss in adults allow its early detection and prediction, and justify reference to further audiological examinations. The only such instrument in Croatian language is the Hearing Self-Assessment Questionnaire – HSAQ, whose reliability, validity and screening properties have already been described. However, its predictive potential has not been tested yet. The aim of this paper was to determine the potential of the HSAQ to predict the existence of acquired hearing loss in adults. For this purpose, a binary logistic regression analysis was applied with a criterion variable indicating belonging to a normal hearing group or a group with impaired hearing, with HSAQ scores as a continuous predictor. The study included 124 participants between 24 and 88 years of age. The statistically significant results of the binary regression analysis confirm that the HSAQ has a high accuracy in predicting the (non) existence of acquired hearing loss. The high probability of accurate classification of participants by HSAQ (80.6%) indicates the value of self-assessment as a screening option. These results provide further justification for clinical application of HSAQ, which can be useful in deciding whether adult clients should be referred to audiological evaluation due to reasonable suspicion of hearing loss.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 77-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oštećenje sluha -- Stečeno oštećenje sluha -- Samoprocjena -- Probir -- Predikcija

ZORČEC, Tatjana
Needs and challenges facing parents/caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder [Elektronička građa] : the Southeast European Autism Network survey / Tatjana Zorčec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 38-39. - Abstract. - The Southeast European Autism Network (SEAN) was established to enhance understanding of diagnosis, needs and services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their caregivers in Southeast Europe. Toward this end, a survey was conducted in 2015/2016 with the main aim to understand the diagnostics, services and experiences of families/caregivers affected by ASD in the Southeast European region, including the Republic of Macedonia. The survey was performed using a questionnaire specially designed by the members of the SEAN network, which included the following four domains: demographic/family characteristics, index child characteristics, service encounters and parent/caregiver perceptions. In this article we present the findings from 60 parents/caregivers of children with ASD in the Republic of Macedonia. Although the average ages at first concern (20.1 months, SD 7.0) and at ASD diagnosis (35.3 months, SD 14.3) were comparable to those in US and Western European countries, important needs and challenges need to be addressed related to early diagnosis, interventions and inclusive educational practices. In this study we conducted descriptive analyses and non parametric Spearman correlation analyses to examine whether current age of the child was associated significantly with time-to diagnosis. We also conducted linear regression analysis and the t-test to measure the effects of diagnosis, parental education, time to diagnosis, and current age of the child on impact of the disorder and level of difficulties reported by the parents.
U: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-7734. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 31-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autizam -- Poremećaji iz autističnog spektra -- Djeca -- Njegovatelji -- Udruge
Southeast European Autism Network


Povijest tuberkuloze - od prvih zapisa do otkrića uzročnika [Elektronička građa] : (I. dio) / Željko Cvetnić, Željko Dugac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tuberkuloza je drevna bolest i oduvijek je bila neizostavni dio životne zajednice ljudi. Tijekom povijesti ostavila je duboki pečat ne samo u medicini već je bila širi društveno-socijalni fenomen. Deskriptivna paleopatologija početkom XX. stoljeća počela je opisivati promjene koje su prouzročene tuberkulozom na kostima, a napredak molekularne biologije presudno je doprinio dijagnozi tuberkuloze na drevnim uzorcima. Suvremenim tehnikama molekularne genetike i sekvencioniranjem genoma omogućena je preciznija procjena vremena nastanka mikobakterija. Sadašnje spoznaje govore da uzročnik tuberkuloze vrlo star, stariji od uzročnika kuge, tifusa ili malarije. Najstariji dokaz prisutnosti tuberkuloze u čovjeka pronađen je na kosturima u Izraelu (lokalitet Atlit Yam) (oko 9000 g. pr. Kr.). Postoje mnogi dokazi tuberkuloze na kostima mumija u starom Egiptu (2500 g. pr. Kr.). U klasičnoj Grčkoj postoje opis bolesti koju su nazivali phthisis (ftiza). Ftiza (sušica) je sinonim za kroničnu tuberkulozu pluća, kada se bolesnik u terminalnom stadiju „sasušio“ i izgledao kao „kost i koža“. U srednjem vijeku pojavio se opis skrofule (tuberkulozni adenitis vrata), poznata kao King’s Evil i dugo se vjerovalo da je može izliječiti kraljev dodir. U Hrvatskoj su u groba u Ivankovu nedaleko Vinkovaca okvirno datiranog u XVI. stoljeće otkrivene morfološke promjene s koštanom tuberkulozom - kifotična deformacija. Za nove spoznaje o tuberkulozi svako je zaslužan Teophile Laënnec, francuski liječnik koji je izumio stetoskop i slušanjem tjelesnih zvukova detaljno je opisao različite stadije tuberkuloze temeljene na auskultaciji. Francuski vojni kirurg Jean Antoine Villemin, pokusima je dokazao da je tuberkuloza prenosiva bolest i bio je među pionirima koji su pridonijeli razumijevanju bolesti. Povijest tuberkuloze najsnažnije je obilježio Robert Koch koji je 1882. godine otkrio uzročnika tuberkuloze. - Tuberculosis is an ancient disease and has always been an essential part of the human community. Throughout history, it has left a deep mark not only in medicine, but also as a social phenomenon. Descriptive palaeopathology in the early 17th century began to describe changes caused by bone tuberculosis, and advancements in molecular biology decisively have contributed to the diagnosis of tuberculosis on ancient samples. Modern techniques of molecular genetics and genome sequencing enable a more precise estimate of the time of formation of mycobacteria. Current findings suggest that the tuberculosis agent is very old, older than the agents of the plague, typhoid or malaria. The oldest evidence of tuberculosis in humans was found on skeletons in Israel (Atlit Yam site; about 9000 BC). There is wide evidence of tuberculosis on mummy bones in ancient Egypt (2500 BC). In ancient Greece, there was a description of a disease called phthisis. Phthisis is synonymous with chronic lung tuberculosis, when the patient “dried up” in the terminal stages and resembled “skin and bones”. In the Middle Ages, a description of scrofula (tuberculosis adenitis of the neck), known as King’s evil, appeared to have long been believed to be cured by the king’s touch. In Croatia, morphological changes with bone tuberculosis - a kyphotic deformation - were discovered in graves in Ivankovo near Vinkovci, dating back almost to the 16th century. Teophile Laënnec, the French doctor who invented the stethoscope, gave detailed descriptions of the different stages of ausculation-based tuberculosis. French military surgeon Jean Antoine Villemin conducted a series of experiments to prove that tuberculosis is a contagious disease, and he was among the pioneers who contributed to understanding the disease.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 405-416  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tuberkuloza -- Povijest
Koch, Robert


Povijest tuberkuloze - od tuberkulina do antituberkulotika [Elektronička građa] : (II. dio) / Željko Cvetnić, Željko Dugac.
Nastavak iz br. 4/2020. - Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Otkriće uzročnika tuberkuloze M. tuberculosis 1882. godine bilo je jedno od najvažnijih otkrića u povijesti medicine, osobito u bakteriologiji. Obzirom da uzročnika tuberkuloze nije bilo moguće liječiti, postojali su mnogi pokušaji da se tuberkuloznim bolesnicima pomogne. Njemački liječnik Hermann Brehmer izgradio je prvi sanatorij 1857. godine u Görbersdorfu u Njemačkoj za liječenje i oporavak tuberkuloznih bolesnika. Jedan od osnivača lječilišta za tuberkulozu u Hrvatskoj (Brestovac na Sljemenu) bio je dr. Milivoj Dežman. Godine 1888. talijanski liječnik Carlo Forlanini napravio je prvi umjetni pneumotoraks uzrokujući kolaps pluća i napunio pleuralne šupljine dušikom. Kirurški tretmani tuberkuloze razvijali su se i primjenjivali sve do 1940-tih godina. Znatan iskorak u dijagnosticiranju tuberkuloze bilo je otkriće rentgentskih zraka 1895. godine. Robert Koch je otkrio 1890. godine tuberkulin, koji se nije zadržao kao lijek, ali je postao dijagnostičko sredstvo. Velikom napretku u borbi protiv tuberkuloze doprinijeli su Albert Calmette i njegov suradnik Camille Guérin. Oni su uspjeli razviti BCG (Bacillus Calmette- Guérin) cjepivo protiv tuberkuloze koje je 1921. godine prvi put primijenjeno u bolnici u Parizu. Početkom 1943. godine Jörgen Eric Lehmann otkrio je paraminosalicilnu kiselinu (PAS), a 1944., biokemičar Selman Abraham Waksman i njegovi suradnici razvili su antibiotik streptomicin. Bili su to prvi lijekovi kojima se liječila tuberkuloza. Od sredine 1950-tih kombinaciji streptomicin i PAS dodan je i izoniazid, a kasnije su otkriveni i mnogi drugi lijekovi poput pirazinamida (1954.), a ethambutol i rifampicin uvedeni su u liječenje 1961. i 1963. pa je nastala nova era liječenja tuberkuloze, a mnogi su sanatoriji za tuberkulozu bili zatvoreni. - The discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis in 1882 was one of the most important events in medical history, especially bacteriology. Since the causes of tuberculosis were not treatable, there were various attempts to help tuberculosis patients. The German physician Hermann Brehmer built the first sanatorium in Görbersdorf, Germany in 1857 to treat tuberculosis patients. One of the founders of the tuberculosis sanatorium in Croatia (Brestovac on Mt. Sljeme) was Dr. Milivoj Dezman. In 1888, Italian doctor Carlo Forlanini performed the first artificial pneumothorax, causing lung collapse and filling the pleural cavities with nitrogen. Tuberculosis surgical treatments were developed and applied until the 1940s. A significant step forward in diagnosing tuberculosis was the discovery of the X-ray in 1895. Robert Koch discovered tuberculin in 1890, which initially was not a medicament but a diagnostic agent. Albert Calmette and his aide, Camille Guérin, achieved great progress in combatting tuberculosis. They succeeded in developing BCG (Bacillus Calmette- Guérin), a vaccine against tuberculosis first administered at a Paris hospital in 1921. In early 1943, Jörgen Eric Lehmann discovered paraminosalicylic acid (PAS), and in 1944, biochemist Selman Abraham Waksman and his associates developed the antibiotic streptomycin, the first medicine to treat tuberculosis. In the mid-1950s, an isoniazid was added to the combination of streptomycin and PAS, while and many other medicines such as pyrazinamides were subsequently discovered (1954). Ethambutol and rifampicin were introduced to the treatment protocol in 1961 and 1963, respectively. A new era of treatment for tuberculosis has begun and many tuberculosis sanatoriums have since been closed.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 535-546  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tuberkuloza -- Sanatoriji -- Tuberkulin -- BCG -- Paraaminosalicilna kiselina -- Streptomicin

Povijest tuberkuloze [Elektronička građa] : proširenost tuberkuloze : (III. dio) / Željko Cvetnić. - Graf. prikazi.
Nastavak iz br. 5/2020. - Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tijekom povijesti postojale su teorije o načinu postanka i širenja tuberkuloze. Pret- postavlja se da je M. tuberculosis tijekom po- vijesti ubio više ljudi nego bilo koji drugi pato- geni mikroorganizam. Tuberkuloza je pratitelj ljudskoga roda od prapovijesti do danas. Postoje mnogi arheološki nalazi o tuberkulozi u zemalja diljem Europe stoljeća nakon pada Rimskog carstva. U srednjem vijeku je manje zapisa o tuberkulozi, što ne znači da je ona i nestala. Tijekom XVI. i XVII., stoljeća tuberku- loza je prouzročila gotovo 20 % svih smrtnih slučajeva. Smatra se da je smrtnost sredinom i krajem kasnog XVIII. i početkom XIX. stoljeća porasla, a zatim je počela opadati. Početkom XIX. stoljeća zbog industrijske revolucije i velike migracije ljudi iz ruralnih područja u gradove u potrazi za poslom pogoršavale su situaciju i pridonijele širenju tuberkuloze. Posljedice Prvog i Drugog svjetskog rata početkom i polovicom XX. stoljeća prouzročile su ponovno znatno širenje tuberkuloze. Po- lovicom XX. stoljeća otkriveni su prvi lijekovi protiv tuberkuloze, a kasnije i mnogi drugi te je nastala nova era liječenja i suzbijanja tuber- kuloze. Novi protokol liječenja tuberkuloze, zajedno s BCG-om, u zapadnom svijetu sman- jio je umiranje od tuberkuloze za gotovo 90 %. Tuberkuloza se javlja u svakom dijelu svijeta i postaje najvećim uzrokom smrtnosti odraslih osoba te se svrstava među 10 najvećih uzroka smrti u svijetu. U svijetu godišnje oboli oko 10 milijuna ljudi, više od 1,5 milijun ih umre, a oko 0,5 milijuna je otporno već na prvu liniju lijekova protiv tuberkuloze. Procjenjuje se da je jedna četvrtina (oko 2 milijarde) svjetske populacije zaražena uzročnicima tuberkuloze, a 5 do 15 % njih razboljet će se i razviti aktivnu tuberkulozu. - Throughout history, there were theories about the way it was origin, the spread of tuberculosis. It is assumed that M. tuberculosis has killed more people in human history than any other pathogenic microorganism. Tuberculosis is the companion of the human race from prehistory until today. There are many archaeological evidence of tuberculosis from countries across Europe in the centuries since the fall of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, records of tuberculosis became less frequent, but that did not that it had disappeared. During the XVIth and XVIIth centuries, tuberculosis caused almost 20% of all deaths. Mortality is believed to have risen during the mid - and late XVIIIth and early XIXth century, and then began to decline. At the beginning of the 19th century, the industrial revolution and the large migration of people looking for work from rural areas to towns exacerbated the situation and contributed to the spread of tuberculosis. The consequences of the First and Second World Wars at the beginning and half of the XX century cause a remarkable spread of tuberculosis. In the mid-XX century, the first anti-tuberculosis drugs were discovered, and later many others were discovered, and a new era of treatment and suppression of tuberculosis was created. The new treatment of tuberculosis, together with BCG, in the western world reduced tuberculosis death by nearly 90%. Tuberculosis occurs in every part of the world and remains the greatest cause of adult mortality and ranks among the 10 largest causes of death in the world. In the world, about 10 million people get sick each year, more than 1.5 million die, and about 0.5 million are resistant to the first line of anti- tuberculosis drugs. It is estimated that one fourth (approximately 2 billion) of the world population is infected with the causes of tuberculosis and that approximately 5 to 15% of these people will become ill and develop active tuberculosis.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 645-658  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tuberkuloza -- Povijest -- Proširenost

MILIĆ Babić, Marina
Pravo na palijativnu skrb za djecu u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Marina Milić Babić, Marina Hranj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 89-90. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Palliative care for children means active, complete care on physical, psychological, social and spiritual levels, and it includes collaboration and active work with the family. Palliative care for children lasts during the period of illness and continues after the death of the child in the form of expert assistance to the family in their grief. Such care follows the principles of individual, holistic, transdisciplinary and biopsychosocial-spiritual approaches that come together in promoting the quality of life of a child and his or her family. Numerous legal sources are the starting point for defining palliative care for children as a fundamental human right to health care, as well as for defining basic actions within this fundamental right. The right to palliative care includes rights from different systems, and collaboration and linking of different disciplines are needed in order to meet the needs of the child and his family. The aim of this paper is to present crucial knowledge in the field of palliative care for children and to examine how this right is implemented and legally regulated in the Republic of Croatia. - Palijativna skrb za djecu aktivna je i potpuna briga za dijete koja djeluje na tjelesnoj, psihičkoj, socijalnoj i duhovnoj razini, a također uključuje i suradnju te aktivan rad s obitelji djeteta. Palijativna skrb za djecu svojim trajanjem pokriva razdoblje bolesti, ali i razdoblje nakon smrti djeteta u obliku stručne pomoći obitelji u tugovanju. Ovakva skrb počiva na načelima više teorijskih sadržaja kao što su individualni pristup, holistički pristup, transdisciplinarni pristup, biopsihosocijalno-duhovni model koji se objedinjuju u promicanju kvalitete života djeteta i njegove obitelji. Postoje brojni pravni izvori koji su polazište definiranja palijativne skrbi za djecu kao temeljnog ljudskog prava na zdravstvenu zaštitu. Pravo na palijativnu skrb uključuje prava iz različitih sustava što iziskuje suradnju i povezivanje različitih disciplina s ciljem zadovoljavanja specifičnih potreba djeteta i njegove obitelji. Cilj je rada prikazivanje ključnih spoznaja iz područja palijativne skrb za djecu, upoznavanje s pravnom regulacijom navedenog prava u Republici Hrvatskoj te samim načinima ostvarivanja svih elemenata koji čine pravo na palijativnu skrb za djecu.
U: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-7734. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 82-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Palijativna skrb za djecu -- Obitelj -- Ljudska prava -- Socijalna podrška

MAKSIĆ, Veljko
Pravoslavno svećenstvo Slavonije i Srijema u borbi s kugom tijekom XVIII. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Veljko Maksić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 60-63. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Stanovnik slavonsko-srijemskog područja XVIII. stoljeća imao je nesreću da nekoliko puta svjedoči strahotama epidemije kuge. Promet robe i ljudi kroz pogranično područje, kakvo je bilo ovo slavonsko-srijemsko, za sobom je nosio i rizik prijenosa bolesti. U namjeri sprječavanja širenja epidemija kuge, Habsburška Monarhija je tijekom XVIII. stoljeća izgradila sustav sanitarnog kordona koji je trebao zaustaviti širenje zaraze na granicama države. Unatoč svim mjerama opreza, širenje zaraze preko linije razgraničenja nije uvijek bilo moguće spriječiti. Nepoznavanje uzročnika kuge, kao niti pouzdanog lijeka, stanovništvo zaraženog područja tjeralo je u očajanje pred nemilosrdnošću kuge. Jedini spas stanovništvo je moglo očekivati zazivanjem Boga i nadati se pomoći istoga. Cilj rada je opisati ulogu pravoslavnog svećenstva u okolnostima u kojima se stanovništvo moglo nadati isključivo božjoj pomoći. U radu je najprije objašnjeno shvaćanje epidemije kuge među suvremenicima, to jest tumačenje zaraze kao božje kazne ili djelovanja demona. Na tu cjelinu nastavlja se prikaz duhovne brige svećenstva, izražene kroz molitve. Utjecaj svećenstva na stanovništvo nastojale su iskoristiti svjetovne vlasti, te su tako angažirale pravoslavno svećenstvo u cilju plasiranja i eksplanacije svrsishodnosti pojedinih sanitarnih mjera. Interakcija svećenstva sa stanovništvom u vrijeme haranja kuge zahtijevala je prilagodbu i same svećeničke prakse. Na koncu, prikazana je uloga svećenstva u medicinskoj djelatnosti. - The inhabitants of the Slavonian-Syrmian area in the 18th century had the misfortune to witness the horrors of the plague several times. The goods traffic and people passing through the border area such as the Slavonian-Syrmian were attended by the risk of transmitting disease. In order to prevent the spread of epidemics of the plague, during the 18th century the Habsburg Monarchy built a cordon sanitaire at the state borders to stop the spread of epidemics. Despite all the security measures, it was not always possible to prevent the spread of an epidemic beyond the demarcation line. The population of the infected area was driven into despair by the ruthlessness and unknown etiology of the plague and by the absence of any effective treatment. The only salvation for the population was to invoke God and to hope for his assistance. The goal of the paper is to describe the role of Orthodox priests in circumstances in which the population could hope solely for divine assistance. The initial part of the paper explains the understanding of the plague epidemic among contemporaries, i.e. the interpretation of the epidemic as God’s punishment or the influence of demons; this part is followed by a description of the spiritual care of the clergy expressed through prayer. Secular officials were eager to utilize the influence of the clergy on the populace and used the Orthodox clergy to implement and explain the expediency of certain sanitary measures. The interaction between the clergy and populace during epidemics of the plague required the adjustment of clerical activities. The final part of the paper is concerned with the role of the clergy in medical activities.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kuga -- Pravoslavno svećenstvo

Psihogene disfonije [Elektronička građa] = Psychogenic dysphonias / Ena Tadić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Psihogene disfonije su poremećaji glasa, koji su rezultat psihološke neuravnoteženosti. Većina stručnjaka klasificira ih kao vrstu funkcionalnog poremećaja glasa, iako ima neslaganja i neusklađenosti o tome. Psihogeni poremećaji glasa javljaju se u dva osnovna oblika, kao disfonije kod kojih je kvaliteta glasa narušena, ili kao afonije kada se radi o bezglasju, iako su nevoljne radnje - kašljanje, smijanje ili plakanje - čujne. Psihogene disfonije i afonije karakterizira skup vokalnih teškoća i onih psihosocijalnih. Laringoskopskim pregledom uglavnom se ne uočavaju promjene na glasnicama, no glas je promukao, šuman, uz izraženu napetost gornjeg prsnog dijela, ramena i vrata. Nerijetko se javlja i nepravilno disanje. Psihosocijalna situacija također je narušena. Uzrok ovog poremećaja primarno je psihološke naravi. Dijagnostiku psihogene disfonije i afonije obavlja stručni multidisciplinarni tim - fonijatar, logoped i psiholog. Po potrebi, uključuju se i ostali stručnjaci. Konačna dijagnoza temelji se na mišljenju i procjeni svakog člana tima. Terapija zahtijeva uključenost u logopedsku i psihološku terapiju. Logopedska terapija odnosi se na kombinaciju simptomatske terapije i indirektnih vrsta terapije. Rezultat terapije najviše ovisi o osobi i njezinoj motivaciji za napretkom. - Psychogenic dysphonia refers to voice disorders resulting from a psychological disequilibrium. Most researchers prefer to subsume psychogenic voice disorders under functional voice disorders, although there is little agreement in the nomenclature and classification of those voice disorders. Psychogenic voice disorders can be found in two forms, as dysphonia, when the voice is impaired, or as aphonia, when the person has lost his/her voice, but non-voluntary actions as coughing, laughing or crying are saved. Psychogenic dysphonias and aphonias are defined with variable vocal and psychosocial features. At a laryngoscopic level, visible changes on the larynx are not present, but the voice can sound harsh or hoarse, with noticeable tension of upper body part, shoulders and neck. Irregular breathing can also be detected. Psychosocial situation is also disrupted. Etiology of these voice disorders is primarily of psychological origin. Diagnosis is given by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a phoniatrician, speech therapist and psychologist. If necessary, other experts are invited. Final diagnosis is stated when every expert gives his/her evaluation and opinion. The treatment of psychogenic voice disorders implies both speech therapy and symptom based psychotherapy. Speech therapy includes a combination of symptomatic vocal therapy and use of indirect methods. The outcome of therapy depends significantly on person's motivation for progress.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 59-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Disfonija -- Psihogena disfonija -- Poremećaji glasa -- Multidisciplinarni pristup

Spiritual help for persons suffering from depression [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Platovnjak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Currently, many experts are discussing and examining the impact of spirituality on health. It is no longer arguable to claim that spirituality has a positive effect on a person’s health. Pope Francis highlights that, in the Catholic Church, every person finds a spirituality that can provide healing. The focus of this paper is limited to the impact of spirituality on the health of persons suffering from depression, particularly on the forms of spiritual help found in Christian spirituality. This paper will be presented in three chapters. In the first, the symptoms and causes of depression are examined. In the second chapter, the author explains what constitutes spiritual help for depressed persons and which aspects should receive special attention in order not to do more harm than good. Various forms of spiritual help for depressed persons within Christian spirituality are described in the final chapter. - Trenutno mnogi stručnjaci raspravljaju i ispituju utjecaj duhovnosti na zdravlje. Više se ne može tvrditi da duhovnost ima pozitivan učinak na čovjekovo zdravlje. Papa Franjo ističe da u Katoličkoj crkvi svaka osoba nalazi duhovnost koja može pružiti ozdravljenje. Fokus ovog rada ograničen je na utjecaj duhovnosti na zdravlje osoba koje pate od depresije, posebno na oblike duhovne pomoći koji se nalaze u kršćanskoj duhovnosti. Ovaj rad bit će predstavljen u tri poglavlja. Prvo se ispituju simptomi i uzroci depresije. U drugom poglavlju autor objašnjava što predstavlja duhovnu pomoć depresivnim osobama i na koje bi aspekte trebalo obratiti posebnu pažnju kako ne bi napravili više štete nego koristi. U posljednjem poglavlju opisani su različiti oblici duhovne pomoći za depresivne osobe unutar kršćanske duhovnosti.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 259-277  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Depresija -- Duhovna pomoć -- Kršćanska duhovnost -- Zdravlje

Strah od bolesti i smrti - od variola virusa nekad do COVID-19 danas [Elektronička građa] / Željko Cvetnić.
Bibliografija: 64 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Bolesti su kroz čitavu povijest imale veliki utjecaj na razvoj i prosperitet čovječanstva, pobuđivale su pozornost zbog masovnosti pojave, velike smrtnosti među oboljelima i dalekosežnih posljedica koje su prouzročile. Zbog straha od gubitka zdravlja i nestanka života, bolest i smrt oduvijek su bile čovjekove bitne preokupacije. Velike epidemije su tijekom povijesti odlučivale o sudbini pojedinih naroda, slabile su snagu moćnih i velikih sila, prouzročile glad i bijedu. Epidemije velikih boginja, kuge, malarije, sifilisa, kolere, pjegavog tifusa, lepre i tuberkuloze obilježile su povijesti i bile su stalni pratitelj stradanja, nesreća i patnji ljudi tijekom minulih stoljeća. U XX. stoljeću „španjolska gripa ‒ majka svih pandemija“ obilježila je početak stoljeća, a pred kraj tog stoljeća pojava AIDS-a, svojom pojavom i posljedicama prestrašila je svijet. I u novom tisućljeću bolesti predstavljaju veliku i stalnu prijetnju današnjem društvu i dalje su jedan od najvećih ubojica u svijetu. Danas od zaraznih bolesti godišnje umire približno 15 milijuna ljudi. Pojava pandemije s COVID-19, najveće epidemije u XXI. stoljeću u iznimno kratkom vremenu promijenila je svijet i svijet je na koljenima. Ne mimoilazi ni bogate i svjetski snažne države ni državnike. Taj strah svakako postaje veći i opravdaniji kada Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija napominje da je čovječanstvo u ozbiljnoj i strašnoj opasnosti. Jedno je sigurno, a to je da nas pojava epidemije različitih bolesti potakne na duboko razmišljanje o budućnosti koja u tom slučaju postaje neizvjesna, remeti naše planove, korigira i usporava ciljeve. - Throughout history, diseases have had a major impact on the development and prosperity of humankind. They arouse attention due to their mass occurrence, high mortality rates among the affected, and the far-reaching consequences caused. Due to the fear of loss of health and life, illness and death have always been an essential preoccupation for humans. During the past, great epidemics have decided the fate of individual nations, weakened the strength of large and powerful armies, caused hunger and misery. Epidemics of smallpox, plague, malaria, syphilis, cholera, epidemic typhus, and tuberculosis have marked history and been a constant companion to human suffering over many centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century there was the Spanish flu, called the „mother of all pandemics”, and by the end of the century, the appearance of AIDS frightened the world. It is clear that even in the new millennium, disease poses a strong and constant threat to society and continues to be one of the greatest killers in the world, with approximately 15 million people per year dying of infectious diseases today. The rapid appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic, the largest epidemic in the 21st century, has brought the world to its knees. Even wealthy nations and statesmen have not been bypassed. This fear is certainly becoming more justified with the assessment of the World Health Organization that humanity is in grave and terrible danger. One thing is certain: the occurrence of an epidemic prompts us to think deeply about the future, which quickly becomes uncertain, all plans disrupted, and goals shifted and slowed.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 241-253  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolesti -- Epidemije -- Smrt -- Variola virus -- COVID-19

62   Inženjerstvo. Tehnika. Tehnologija

The development of the spirituality of a technical university’s lecturer in an advanced training system [Elektronička građa] / Svetlana A. Bezklubaya.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Problem koji se razmatra u članku važan je za postindustrijsko društvo koje želi osigurati odgoj profesionalno mjerodavnih i izrazito duhovnih tehničkih stručnjaka (specijalista). Proces humanitarizacije programa naprednog treninga teži porastu duhovnosti fakultetskog osoblja u odgojnoj okolini (okružju, sredini) nekoga tehničkog sveučilišta. Razvitkom odgojiteljeve duhovnosti, u odgoju se prevladava tehničko otuđenje u odnosu na moral. Cilj proučavanja: odrediti način razvitka duhovnosti odgojitelja u sustavu naprednog treninga. Metoda istraživanja: kulturozofijska, koja nam omogućuje pogled na duhovnost kao razvitak osjećaja za tu najvišu kulturnu vrijednost. Budući da je riječ o tehničkom sveučilištu, teorijski dio proučavanja uzima u obzir: multidimenzionalno poimanje duhovnosti; humanizaciju kao srž očitovanja »ljudskog duha« u odgoju, te humanitarizaciju kao put njegova iskazivanja; humanitarizaciju kao čimbenik u razvitku duhovnosti i strategiji pri oblikovanju i u razumijevanju značenja morala u inženjerskoj profesiji; humanitarnu okolinu (okružje) kao temelj duhovnog odgoja, morala i kulturnih osobnih svojstava; dijalog kao imperativ u razvitku duhovnosti. Praktičan dio rada opisuje rezultate autorova uvođenja novog programa s humanitarnom komponentom u Centru za napredne studije znanstvenih i pedagoških radnika Moskovskoga zrakoplovnog instituta (Nacionalnog istraživačkog sveučilišta): humanizacija i humanitarizacija stvaraju visoko duhovno okružje; tehnokratska ograničenost inženjerskog obrazovanja prevladava se interdisciplinarnošću; uočeno je povezivanje svih podsustava duhovnoga u društvu. Poteškoća u realizaciji programa bila je razlika u načinima mišljenja (tehničkog naprama humanitarnom) i u psihologiji nenaviknutoj na primanje informacije. Prevladavanje te spoznajne antinomije vodi dijalogu i razvija duh.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 3 ; str. 517-530  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhovnost -- Humanizacija -- Interdisciplinarnost -- Odgoj -- Kreativnost -- Tehničke znanosti -- Tehnokratizam

620   Ispitivanje materijala. Elektrane. Ekonomika energije

MATOŠEVIĆ, Damir, inženjer
Potencijal rasprostranjenih plutajućih vodenih biljaka rijeke Bosut u proizvodnji bioplina [Elektronička građa] = Potential of widespread floating aquatic plants of Bosut River in biogas production / Damir Matošević, Davor Kralik, Irena Rapčan, Daria Jovičić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi prinos bioplina i metana iz gnojovke s dodatkom tri vrste vodenih biljaka (Spirodela polyrhiza, Azolla caroliniana i Lemna minor). Uzgoj tradicionalno korištenih biljaka (npr. kukuruz, uljana repica) za dobivanje biogoriva zahtijeva obradive površine, dok se vodene biljke, kao alternativa, mogu prikupiti iz prirode, a zbog jednostavne građe, brzine rasta i povoljnog kemijskog sastava mogu se bez pred-tretmana koristiti kao osnovna ili dopunska sirovina u bioplinskim postrojenjima. Četiri uzorka (kontrola i tri vrste vodenih biljaka) u tri ponavljanja povrgnuta su anaerobnoj digestiji. Različite vrste proizvode različite količine bioplina u odnosu na kontrolu (od 504,83 do 881,62 mL g-1 S.T.). Udio dobivenog metana iznosi od 57,96 do 60,63 % u zavisnosti od biljne vrste. Ovo ukazuje na izuzetan potencijal korištenja ovih vrsta za dobivanje bioplina i metana. - The aim of the study is to determine the yield of biogas and methane from slurry with the addition of three species of aquatic plants (Spirodela polyrhiza,Azolla caroliniana and Lemna ninor). Cultivation of traditionally used plants (eg.corn, oilseed rape) to produce biofuels requires arable land, while aquatic plants,as an alternative, can be collected from nature, and due to simple structure, growth rate and favorable chemical composition, they can be used as a primary or supplementary raw material in biogas plants without any pre-treatment. Four samples (control and three aquatic plant species) in three replicates were subjected to anaerobic digestion. Different species produce different amounts of biogas compared to the control (from 504.83 to 881.62 mL g-1 DM). The methane content is from 57.96 to 60.63% depending on the plant species. This indicates the tremendous potential of using these species of aquatic plants to produce biogas and methane.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 2 ; str. 57-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vodene biljke -- Biomasa -- Bioplin -- Metan

621   Strojarstvo. Nuklearna tehnika. Strojevi

An evaluation of the performance of chainsaw lubricants [Elektronička građa] / Alex Orawiec, Levi Suryan, John Parmigiani. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Summary. - Chainsaws require lubrication of the guide bar and saw chain to function properly. Many oils are commercially available to provide this lubrication. Economical and more recently environmental concerns are increasingly compelling consideration of the best type of oil to use. Several published scientific studies provide some guidance, but additional information is needed for operators to make informed and effective choices in lubricating oil selection. The work presented in this paper contributes to providing this guidance by comparing the performance of economy and premium versions of three commonly-used types of lubricating oils: petroleum-based bar-and-chain oil, biodegradable bar-and-chain oil, and petroleum-based motor oil. Testing was conducted on a laboratory chainsaw test apparatus used in prior published scientific studies of chainsaw performance. Testing consisted of free running (i.e. chain traveling about the bar at cutting speed but not cutting) for a prescribed time period, while lubricating oil was applied to the guide bar and saw chain in the usual manner and at typical flow rates. Based on the correlations between wear, friction, and temperature, the mean guide bar temperature was used as the measure of performance of each oil. Results showed that, while each oil type performed adequately, the petroleum-based bar-and-chain oil performed best and the biodegradable-based oil performed worst with the petroleum-based motor oil providing intermediate performance. No consistent correlation was found between either the unit cost of each oil and its performance or the perceived quality of each oil (economy versus premium) of each oil and its performance. Tribological properties of flash point, viscosity, and four-ball wear were measured. A weak correlation was found between flash point values and performance. A possible Stribeck relationship was found for viscosity implying a possible transition from mixed and hydrodynamic lubrication.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 325-332  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Motorne pile -- Trošenje -- Podmazivanje

621.3   Elektrotehnika

BELU, Radian
Regional analysis of wind velocity patterns in complex terrain [Elektronička građa] / Radian Belu, Darko Koračin. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 127-129. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Wind energy is a weather and climate-dependent energy resource with natural spatio-temporal variabilities at time scales ranging from fraction of seconds to seasons and years, while at spatial scales it is strongly affected by the terrain and vegetation. To optimize wind energy systems and maximize the energy extraction, wind measurements on various time scales as well as wind energy forecasts are required and needed. This study focuses on spatio-temporal characteristics of the wind velocity in complex terrain, relevant to wind energy assessment, operation, and grid integration, using data collected at 11 towers ranging from 40 to 80 m tall over a 12-year period in complex terrain of western-central and northern Nevada, USA. The autocorrelation analysis, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) and Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (DCCA) showed strong coherence between the wind speed and direction with slowly decreasing amplitude of the multi-day periodicity with increasing lag periods. Besides pronounced diurnal periodicity at all locations, statistical analysis and DFA also showed significant seasonal and annual periodicities, long-memory persistence with similar characteristics at all sites and towers with a relatively narrow range of the Weibull parameters. The DCCA indicates similar wind patterns at each tower, and strong correlations between measurement sites in spite of separations of about 300 km across the towers’ setup. The northern Nevada area exhibits higher wind resource potential and higher wind persis-tence compared to the western-central region. Overall, the DFA and DCCA results suggest higher degree of complementarity among wind data at measure-ment sites compared to previous standard statistical analysis. - Energija vjetra je energetski resurs ovisan o vremenu i klimi s prirodnim prostorno-vremenskim promjenjivostima koje u vremenskim razmjerima idu od sekundi do sezona i godina, dok su na prostornim razmjerima promjenjivosti snažno uvjetovane složenošću terena i vegetacije. Kako bi se optimizirali sustavi energije vjetra i maksimizirala ekstrak-cija energije, potrebna su mjerenja vjetra u različitim vremenskim razmacima, kao i prognoze energije vjetra. Ova studija se fokusira na prostorno-vremenske karakteristike brzine vjetra u složenom terenu, relevantne za procjenu energije vjetra i integraciju u elektrodistribucijske mreže, koristeći podatke prikupljene na 11 tornjeva s rasponima visina od 40 do 80 m tijekom 12-godišnjeg razdoblja u složenoj topografiji zapadno-središnje i sjeverne Nevade, SAD. Autokorelacijska analiza, analiza poremećaja fluktu-acija (DFA) i višestruka korelacijska analiza (DCCA) pokazale su snažnu koherenciju između brzine i smjera vjetra sa sporo opadajućom amplitudom višednevne periodičnosti s povećanjem razdoblja pomaka. Osim izražene dnevne periodičnosti na svim lokacijama, spektralna analiza i DFA također su pokazale značajne sezonske i godišnje periodičnosti, postojanost dugog pamćenja sa sličnim karakteristikama na svim mjestima i tornjevima s relativno uskim rasponom Weibullovih parametara. DCCA ukazuje na slične uzorke vjetra na svakom tornju i jake korelacije između mjernih mjesta unatoč udaljenostima između tornjeva čak do 300 km. Područje sjeverne Nevade pokazuje veći potencijal vjetra i veću postojanost vjetra u usporedbi sa zapadno-središnjom regijom. Sveukupno, rezul-tati DFA i DCCA ukazuju na veći stupanj komplementarnosti među podacima o vjetru na različitim mjestima u usporedbi s prethodnim standardnim statističkim analizama.
U: Geofizika (Online). - ISSN 1846-6346. - 36 (2019), 2 ; str. 111-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjetar -- Energija vjetra -- Brzina vjetra -- Vjetrovni režim -- Autokorelaciona analiza

622   Rudarstvo

Vidi br.: HA20-00520

623   Vojna tehnika

Vidi br.: HA20-00514

624/625   Građevinarstvo. Građevinsko inženjerstvo i tehnika. Gradnja prometnica

Vidi br.: HA20-00148

629   Tehnika vozila

SANTOS, Diego Weslly Ferreira do Nascimento
Technical, economic, and environmental parameters of excavator-based harvester in function of engine speed and hydraulic pump flow [Elektronička građa] / Diego Weslly Ferreira do Nascimento Santos, Domingos Sárvio Magalhães Valente, Haroldo Carlos Fernandes, Amaury Paulo de Souza, Paulo Roberto Cecon. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 216-217. - Summary. - Excavators-based harvesters are self-propelled forestry tractors that normally operate at maximum engine speed. This results in maximum hydraulic pump flow regardless of operating conditions. The objective of this work was to quantitatively investigate the technical performance, as well was the economic and environmental outcomes, of excavators-based harvester as a function of engine speed and hydraulic pump flow. Machine operations were analyzed in forest stands with an individual average volume of 0.08 or 0.16 m3 tree–1. The machine was operated with engine speeds of 2060, 2000, 1950, or 1900 rpm and hydraulic pump flow rates of 300, 295, or 290 L min–1. This resulted in 12 different excavator-based harvester configurations. With regards to the technical performance of the machine, a study of times and movements, productivity, hourly fuel consumption, and fuel consumption was performed. Economic outcomes were considered in terms of the operational costs, while environmental impact was determined by carbon dioxide and methane emissions. Optimal excavator-based harvester operating conditions with an average volume of 0.08 m3 tree–1 were determined to be with an engine speed of 2000 rpm and a hydraulic pump flow rate of 295 L min–1. With the 0.16 m3 tree–1 volume, the best results were obtained with an engine speed of 2000 rpm and a hydraulic pump flow of 300 L min–1.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 205-218  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumska mehanizacija -- Harvester -- Gorivo -- Brzina motora -- Hidraulička pumpa

Vidi br.: HA20-00012

630   Šumarstvo

ŠUŠNJAR, Marijan
Analiza radnih obilježja šumskih kamionskih skupova za prijevoz drva [Elektronička građa] / Marijan Šušnjar, Marin Bačić, Tomislav Horvat, Zdravko Pandur. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 17-18. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je provedeno istraživanje petnaest različitih šumskih kamionskih skupova za prijevoz drva u vlasništvu poduzeća Hrvatske šume d.o.o. Zagreb, Uprava šuma podružnica Bjelovar. Osnovni podaci koji su korišteni za analizu šumskih kamionskih skupova za prijevoz drva su: prijeđeni kilometri (pun, prazan), ukupna potrošnja goriva, broj dana rada (u radu, u kvaru, ispravni izvan rada), prevezeno drvo, broj tura, starost i tip vozila. Analizom podataka iskazana je potrošnja goriva prema više kriterija, stupanj iskorištenosti i tehničke ispravnosti kamionskih skupova te odnos vožnje s obzirom na relaciju pun – prazan. Na osnovi rezultata istraživanja donosi se preporuka za organizacijska rješenja kamionskoga prijevoza drva i smjernice za unapređenje i modernizaciju tehničkih rješenja na šumskim kamionskim skupovima. - The study was carried out on 15 different forest trucks with trailers (forest truck units) for timber transport owned by the company »Hrvatske šume« d.o.o. Zagreb, Forestry Administration Bjelovar. The basic data used for the analysis of forest truck units are: mileage (full, empty), total fuel consumption, number of working days (in operation, out of order, technically correct but out of operation), quantity of transported timber, number of turns, age and type of vehicles. The data analysis showed the fuel consumption according to several criteria, the utilization rate and technical validity of the forest truck units and the driving relation considering the full/empty ratio. Based on the results of the research, recommendations are made on the organizational solutions of the timber truck transport and guidelines are given for the technical improvement and modernization of forest trucks and trailers.According to the analysis of forest truck units over the one year period, vehicles up to 10 years of age meet the technical requirements. As the age of the vehicles increases, the days of malfunctioned and repaired vehicles will increase significantly.The average fuel consumption value of 54.3 L/100 km of all investigated vehicles is lower than the previous survey results, and the lower consumption of the newest forest truck units stands out. However, unit fuel consumption per volume of transported timber is higher than the results of previous research, even with the newest forest truck rallies. The reason for this may lie in the fact that older vehicles are not equipped with axle load measurement systems and are loaded with smaller timber volumes to meet legal criteria when transporting timber on public roads. Likewise, this information may indicate smaller proportions of full driving. The average percentage of full truck forest rallies of 51% is satisfactory, but better organizational solutions need to be found to increase the share of full truck rides.
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 11-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Šumski kamionski skup -- Prijevoz drva -- Potrošnja goriva -- Tehnička ispravnost

MUSIĆ, Jusuf
Analiza sigurnosti pri radu u šumarstvu Federacije BiH [Elektronička građa] : studij slučaja / Jusuf Musić, Velid Halilović, Ahmet Lojo, Mario Šporčić, Ajdin Đonlagić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 39-40. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ozljede na radu i profesionalne bolesti radnika pouzdan su indikator procjene stanja sigurnosti pri radu. Osnovni je cilj ovoga rada odgovarajuća analiza stanja sigurnosti pri radu u Javnom poduzeću Šumsko-privredno društvo Zeničko-dobojskoga kantona d.o.o. Zavidovići. Predmet su analize bile ozljede na radu, profesionalne i druge bolesti šumarskih radnika u razdoblju od 2006. do 2015. godine. Ozljede su analizirane prema deset pokazatelja. U analiziranom razdoblju zabilježene su 594 ozljede na radu, od čega tri smrtna slučaja. Najviše ozljeda dogodilo se neposrednim izvršiteljima radnih operacija pridobivanja drva (66,3 %), a najrizičnija je profesija sjekač (57,7 %). Predmet rada (drvo i grane) bili su najčešći materijalni uzrok ozljeda (49,3 %), a najčešće su ozlijeđeni ekstremiteti radnika – noge i ruke (70 %). Najveći broj ozljeda zabilježen je početkom radnoga tjedna i dana. Na osnovi broja ozljeda po obujmu izrađenoga drva (314/mil. m3) te indeksa od 60 ozljeda na 1000 zaposlenika stanje sigurnosti pri radu može se ocijeniti kao iznimno nezadovoljavajuće. - Injuries at work and occupational diseases are a reliable indicator for assessing the state of occupational safety. The aim of this paper was to conduct an appropriate analysis of the state of safety at work in JP Šumsko privredno društvo Zeničko-dobojskoga kantona d.o.o. Zavidovići (Public Forest Management Company of Zenica-Doboj Canton ltd. Zavidovići). The subject of analysis were injuries at work, occupational and other diseases of forestry workers in the period 2006-2015. Injuries were analyzed based on 10 different indicators. During the analyzed period, 594 injuries were reported, three of which were fatal. The highest number of accidents was recorded in the harvesting process (66.3%), while the most hazardous occupation was that of timber cutter (57.7%). Wood and branches were the most common material cause of injury (49.3 %), and workers’ extremities (legs and arms) were the most commonly injured body part (70%). The highest number of injuries was recorded at the beginning of the working week and day. According to the number of injuries by the amount of cut wood (314/mil. m3), as well as an index of 60 injuries per 1,000, employees safety at work can be assessed as extremely unsatisfactory.
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 31-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarstvo -- Šumarski radnici -- Ozljede na radu -- Profesionalne bolesti -- Zaštita na radu

SPINELLI, Raffaele
The effect of new silvicultural trends on mental workload of harvester operators [Elektronička građa] / Raffaele Spinelli, Natascia Magagnotti, Eric R. Labelle. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 187-189. - Summary. - Close-to-nature (CTN) forestry offers many advantages, but makes management more complex and generally results in lower harvesting productivity and higher harvesting cost. While the higher harvesting cost of CTN is widely acknowledged, few ever consider the potential impact on operator workload, as the harvesting task becomes more complex. This study aimed to determine the mental workload of harvester operators under two silvicultural regimes: »pure conifer« stand and »mixwood« stand. In total, 13 harvester operators with varying experience levels were monitored for work performance and mental workload when operating a harvester simulator in two virtual stands designed according to the above-mentioned silvicultural regimes. Mental workload was assessed using the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) interview method and heart rate variability measurements, during two 30-minute test sessions performed in the »pure conifer« and the »mixwood« stand, respectively. As expected, operating in a more diversified »mixwood« stand resulted in a marked productivity loss, estimated between 40 and 57%. The study also confirmed the increased aggravation of mental demand, effort and frustration experienced by the operators when passing from the »pure conifer« stand to the »mixwood« stand. Such increase in mental workload was independent of the age and experience of the operators. Results can be used to paint a more holistic picture of CTN forestry and its implications for harvester operators. Besides increasing the number of subjects being monitored, future studies should focus on live forest operations.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 177-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarski radnici -- Harvester -- Mentalno opterećenje -- Produktivnost -- Mehanizirane operacije

Effectiveness of three post-harvest rehabilitation treatments for runoff and sediment reduction on skid trails in the Hyrcanian forests [Elektronička građa] / Meghdad Jourgholami, Masoumeh Ahmadi, Farzam Tavankar, Rodolfo Picchio. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 319-321. - Summary. - Ground-based skidding operations can lead to soil compaction and displacement, which could cause negative effects on forest soil. Hence, some efforts such as forestry best management practices (BMPs) must be implemented in the prone area to mitigate these possible impacts. Several materials and treatments have been adopted to suppress these adverse effects by increasing the ground cover. However, the effects of mulch treatments on runoff and sediment yield are inconclusive with a diverse range of effectiveness. For these reasons, in this research mulch treatments were tested as to determine how the application of organic mulch amendments such as straw and leaf litter and contour-felled logs would alleviate the runoff and sediment yield on machine operating trails and ensure successful hillslope stabilization. The aims of the study were to analyse and compare the effectiveness of leaf litter (LM) and straw mulch (SM) rate and different distances of contour-felled logs (CFL) to mitigate the runoff and sediment yield, and examine the impact of rainfall intensity on effectiveness of litter mulch, straw mulch, and contour-felled logs. Totally, 30 bounded runoff plots in the machine operating trails and four treatments including litter mulch (LMR1: 0.62, LMR2: 1.24, and LMR3: 1.86 kg m-2), straw mulch (SMR1: 0.45, SMR2: 0.92, and SMR3: 1.34 kg m-2), contour-felled logs (CFL10: 10, CFL20: 20, and CFL30: 30 m), and untreated area were established in triplicate with 4 m width and 100 m length. During the study period, the runoff and sediment yield in the untreated trails (U) were 2.36 mm and 11.84 g m-2. Straw (from 41.5 to 60.6%) and litter mulch (from 38.1 to 55.1%), and contour-felled logs treatments (from 70.8 to 88.1%) significantly decreased the runoff, compared to U treatment.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 309-324  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sječa šuma -- Zbijanje tla -- Gubitak tla -- Malčiranje

Effects of soil conservation practices on sediment yield from forest road ditches in northern Iran [Elektronička građa] / Rasoul Khandouzi, Aidin Parsakhoo, Vahedberdi Sheikh, Aliakbar Mohamadali Pourmalekshah. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 306-307. - Summary. - The fine-textured soil in forest road ditches is very susceptible to water erosion especially in rainy seasons in Hyrcanian forest. This study examined the yield of ditch segment-scale sediment after releasing two flow rates of 5 l s-1 and 10 l s-1 in segments treated by riprap (RR), grass cover by Festuca arundinacea L. (GC), compacted cotton geotextile (CG) and wooden wattle by local slash (WW). Sediment sampling from the runoff was carried out at the end of each segment every minute. Runoff flow velocity in different treatments was measured using an electromagnetic flow meter. Sediment concentration and runoff velocity in treatments of RR, GC, CG, WW was significantly lower than that of the control plot (Ctl). Increasing flow rate from 5 l s-1 to 10 l s-1 caused no significant change in sediment concentration (except for Ctl and RR) and runoff velocity (except for Ctl and CG), which means that some water might have penetrated into treated soil by RR, GC and WW and this is not acceptable in forest road maintenance practices. Sediment yield from RR (0.36 g l-1) and Ctl (0.50 g l-1) under the flow rate of 10 l s-1 was significantly higher than that of 5 l s-1 with values of 0.21 g l-1 and 0.38 g l-1, respectively. Minimum amount of sediment concentration was observed for CG (0.20 g l-1) with compacted ditch bed. Moreover, runoff velocity in CG and Ctl under the flow rate of 10 l s-1 was significantly higher than that of 5 l s-1. For a forest road with dimension 30×50 cm, slope of 5%, and clay soil with porosity of 57%, treatments of compacted CG can be used in ditch with low flow rates (5 l s-1) and high flow rate (10 l s-1) because of their high efficiency in reducing sediment yield.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 299-308  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumske ceste -- Pamučni geotekstil -- Erozija tla -- Oborinske vode -- Stabilizacija tla

BADOS, Raquel
Evaluation of a harvester-baler system operating in a rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) shrubland [Elektronička građa] / Raquel Bados, Eduardo Tolosana, Luis Saúl Esteban. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 191-203  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumska biomasa -- Šumski požari -- Krčenje šuma -- Baliranje -- Harvester-baler -- Analiza troškova

Harvesting system suitability as decision support in selection cutting forest management in northwest Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Dane Marčeta, Vladimir Petković, Darko Ljubojević, Igor Potočnik. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 263-265. - Summary. - Planning of forest harvesting operations is one of the key elements of successful forest management. The integration of modern tools and traditional forestry procedures is something that must be done in contemporary forestry. This research investigated the use of multicriteria decision support (AHP) and GIS in choosing the optimal harvesting system for predominantly selection cutting forest management on the example of two Forest Management Units (FMU). Results showed that AHP could be easily integrated into GIS using the extAHP tool and its results could be of help, along with other input data, in choosing the optimal harvesting system. Spatial analysis of raster data in GIS gives a comprehensive insight into the stand and terrain characteristics and shows the relative share of the area proposed for each system. In FMU »Kozara–Mlječanica«, the harvesting system chainsaw-skidder had the highest relative share with 44% of the area, meaning that it is almost the only harvesting system in current use, followed by chainsaw-forwarder (36%), chainsaw-cable yarder (19%), and chainsaw-adapted agriculture tractor (AAT) (1%). The system harvester-forwarder was not used at all, which is understandable considering that FMU »Kozara–Mlječanica« has a higher average slope and higher diameter of trees to be cut than FMU »Prosara«, where harvester-forwarder system accounts for a significant 36% of the area. The dominant system in FMU »Prosara« was chainsaw-forwarder (42%), followed by chainsaw-cable yarder (17%), chainsaw-skidder (4%) and chainsaw-AAT (1%). It should be noted that the presence of chainsaw-skidder system is insignificant. It is replaced by the system chainsaw-forwarder. Traditional harvesting system chainsaw-skidder, which prevails in Bosnia and Herzegovina, should be upgraded with the new technologies and methods. Using tools like multicriteria decision support and GIS could be of great help in that process.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 251-265  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarenje šumama -- Sječa šuma -- Kriteriji odabira -- Rasterska analiza

ANČIĆ, Mario, inženjer šumarstva
Hiperspektralni senzori i primjena u šumarstvu [Elektronička građa] / Mario Ančić, Renata Pernar, Fran Bono Cindrić, Ante Seletković, Jelena Kolić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 75-77. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Od samoga početka razvoja daljinskih istraživanja ljudi su pokušavali stvoriti alat za proučavanje Zemljine površine i dinamičnih pojava na njoj. Napretkom tehnologije najprije za vojne, a potom i za istraživačke potrebe, razvijeni su senzori za prikupljanje podataka snimanjem elektromagnetskoga spektra (multispektralni i hiperspektralni). U trenutku kada su postali dostupni za uporabu u civilnoj zajednici, postale su očigledne potencijalne koristi uporabe hiperspektralnih podataka. Razvoj hiperspektralnih senzora slijedio je razvoj računalne tehnologije i napredak softvera za obradu velikoga broja prikupljenih podatka. Danas se hiperspektralni senzori sve više upotrebljavaju za razne namjene: proučavanje ekosustava, atmosfere, klime, hidrologije, iskorištavanja minerala, načina korištenja zemljišta, zemljišnoga pokrova i vegetacije. Zahvaljujući velikomu broju raznovrsnih informacija koje pružaju, hiperspektralni senzori imaju veliku mogućnost primjene u nadzoru i upravljanja okolišem te pomažu unapređenju upravljanja i donošenju boljih odluka pri ranom definiranju problema. Prva primjena hiperspektralnih senzora u šumarstvu u Hrvatskoj vezana je uz program Europske zajednice iz 2005. godine, kada su provedena prva snimanja linijskim hiperspektralnim senzorom. U sklopu provedenih snimanja izdvojene su prve spektralne krivulje obične jele i bijele imele, na osnovi kojih je prvi put izdvojena vrsta unutar vrste, odnosno pomoću hiperspektralnih snimaka razlučeni su grmovi poluparazitske vrste unutar krošanja domaćina te su definirane procedure za snimanja na velikim površinama. - From the very beginning of the development of remote sensing, humans have been trying to create a tool to study the Earth’s dynamic surface and its phenomena. With the advancement of technology, first for the military and then for research purposes, sensors have been developed to collect data by recording the electromagnetic spectrum (multi and hyperspectral). From the moment they became available for civilian use, the potential benefits of using hyperspectral data became apparent. The development of hyperspectral systems followed the development of computer technologies and the progress of software for processing a large number of collected data.Nowadays, hyperspectral sensors are increasingly being used for various purposes: ecosystem study, atmosphere, climate, hydrology, mineral exploitation, land use, land cover, and vegetation. Thanks to the wide variety of information they provide, hyperspectral sensors have large application potential in environmental monitoring and management. Also, they help to improve management and better decision-making at early problem defining.The first application of hyperspectral sensors in Croatian forestry relates to the European Community program of 2005, when the first imaging with a line hyperspectral scanner was conducted. Within the conducted imaging, the first spectral curves of Silver fir and White berried mistletoe were separated. On the basis of this separation, for the first time, the difference between these two species was established. In other words, hyperspectral imagery was used to distinguish shrubs of semi-parasitic species within the host canopy. Also, procedures for large-area imaging were defined.
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 71-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarstvo -- Daljinska istraživanja -- Hiperspektralni senzori

CABRAL, Oscar Manuel de Jesús Vera
Impact of distance between strip roads on productivity and costs of a forwarder in commercial thinning of Pinus taeda stands [Elektronička građa] / Oscar Manuel de Jesús Vera Cabral, Eduardo da Silva Lopes, Carla Krulikowski Rodrigues, Afonso Figueiredo Filho. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 248-249. - Summary. - Demand for higher value-added wood products stimulates research for new, mainly mechanized, thinning operations in order to increase productivity and reduce production costs. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of distance between strip roads on forwarder productivity and costs of thinning operations in Pinus taeda stands. The study was carried out in 10-year-old Pinus taeda stands located in Parana State, Brazil. Two thinning methods were evaluated: (1) TH5: systematic harvest in every fifth tree row and selective harvest in adjacent rows; and (2) TH7: systematic harvest in every seventh tree row and selective harvest in adjacent rows. Working cycle times, productivity and costs were determined through a time-motion study of the forwarder. The additional variables evaluated were wood assortments (industrial wood and energy wood) and extraction distances (50, 100, 150 and 200 m), and mean values were compared between thinning methods using t tests for independent samples (α=0.05). Loading and unloading elements consumed the most time in the working cycle, with lower participation time in TH7 due to greater availability of logs along the strip roads (higher pile volumes), influencing total cycle time up to the mean distance of 150 m for both assortments. TH7 consequently showed 6% higher productivity, its energy yield was 5.3% lower and its production cost was 3.0% lower.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 243-249  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bor -- Prorjeđivanje stabala -- Transporteri -- Trakaste ceste -- Troškovi proizvodnje

Mobilne aplikacije - korisna inovacija u šumarstvu? [Elektronička građa] / Kruno Lepoglavec, Matija Landekić, Marijana Kanižaj, Hrvoje Nevečerel, Mario Šporčić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Razvojem i napretkom mobilne tehnologije promijenila su se gledišta u prikupljanju, obradi i interpretaciji različitih terenskih podataka u svim strukama, pa tako i u šumarstvu. U obavljanju stručnih šumarskih poslova mobilne aplikacije dosada nisu zamijenile tradicionalne šumarske instrumente i postupke. Međutim, na tržištu se pojavljuje sve veći broj aplikacija koje su namjenski razvijene za šumarstvo ili koje se osim u drugim područjima također mogu koristiti i za obavljanje nekih šumarskih zadaća. S tim u vezi, u ovom se radu daje pregled mobilnih aplikacija koje je moguće primijeniti u šumarstvu. Prikazane aplikacije odabrane su, uz postavljene kriterije, pretraživanjem digitalnih servisa Google Play i App Store. Nakon opisa namjene i načina rada odabranih aplikacija posebno su istaknuta njihova glavna obilježja te pozitivne i negativne strane svake pojedine aplikacije. Cilj je rada procijeniti u kojoj mjeri mobilne aplikacije doista mogu biti korisna inovacija u šumarstvu. Prikazom odabranih aplikacija pružaju se spoznaje o tome je li u šumarstvu moguća profesionalna primjena mobilnih aplikacija. - With the development and advancement of mobile technology, approach to collection, processing and interpretation of various field data in all professions, including forestry, has changed. In performing professional forestry work, mobile applications have not replaced traditional forestry instruments and procedures so far. However, an increasing number of applications are emerging on the market that have been specifically developed for forestry or that, in addition to other areas, can also be used to perform some forestry tasks. In this regard, the paper provides an overview of mobile applications that can be used in forestry. The applications presented in this paper were selected based on set criteria by searching Google Play and App Store digital services. After describing the purpose and mode of operation of the selected applications, their main features were presented with the emphasis on the positive and negative sides of each individual application. The aim of the paper is to assess the extent to which mobile applications can truly be a useful innovation in forestry. The presentation of the selected applications provides insights into whether professional use of mobile applications is possible in forestry.
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 79-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarstvo -- Mobilne aplikacije -- Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija -- ICT -- Inovacije

Multi-product forwarder-based timber extraction [Elektronička građa] : time consumption and productivity analysis of two forwarder models over multiple products and extraction distances / Kayla Gagliardi, Simon Ackerman, Pierre Ackerman. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 241-242. - Summary. - Accurate predictions in forest operations can be used towards effective planning, costing, and maximizing the productivity of machines in mechanised cut-to-length (CTL) harvesting. There is a general and substantial gap in forwarder productivity data available for pine sawtimber in South Africa at present, and as the number of product assortments being harvested increase there is a need for more work to quantify the effects of extracting products of different dimensions. The aim of this study was to calculate the time consumption and productivity of two models of Ponsse forwarders (15 t and 20 t capacity) to consider and compare the effects of multiple variables including machine capabilities, product assortment, load size, extraction distance and fuel consumption. Productivity averaged at 34.08 m3 per productive machine hour excluding delays longer than one minute (PMH1) for the smaller machine, and 55.94 m3/PMH1 for the larger machine. Productivity and average log volume were strongly positively correlated. Regression models were created for each machine where load volume and extraction distance were both significant factors for predicting productivity. Average fuel consumption of the smaller machine was 15.55 l/PMH1 and 0.47 l/m3, and 20.57 l/PMH1 and 0.43 l/m3 for the larger machine. The product with the largest volume was found to require the least fuel per m3. The models developed could aid in predicting system productivity and potentially carbon emissions under similar conditions in a South African context of industrial plantation forestry.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 231-242  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bor -- Pinus patula -- Plantaže -- Sječa drva -- Transporteri -- Potrošnja goriva -- Produktivnost

AIROLDI, Gianfranco
Oil consumption in 4WD farm tractors used in forestry operations [Elektronička građa] / Gianfranco Airoldi, Angela Calvo, Marco Manzone. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 11-13. - Summary. - Farm tractors are still widely used in many forestry operations. Predicting fuel and lubricant costs is difficult because their consumption depends on a number of factors such as hours worked and operations performed. Fuel and lubricant consumption is important since it can have an impact at both the economic and environmental level. Many fuel models have been studied in the last decades, but few studies have focused on oil consumption. The ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) Standard suggested a model for predicting engine oil consumption of farm tractors of the 1980s, which are potentially different from modern tractor engines. In addition, the recent widespread application of semi- and full-power-shift and continuous variable transmissions and the high number of hydraulic applications increased the amount of lubrication oil for transmission and hydraulic systems.For these reasons, we analysed 133 4WD recent model farm tractors used in forest operations with the aim to study:Þ engine, transmission and hydraulic system oil capacitiesÞ engine oil change intervals as recommended by the manufacturers.A new equation for engine oil consumption, as a function of the rated engine power, was first used and statistically analysed. It was similar to the equation developed by other authors (with a mean difference of 28%, decreasing to 11% at the highest engine power), but well below the ASABE model (with an average engine oil consumption three times higher). Another equation of total oil consumption related to the rated engine power was then studied and compared with a recent study. The results showed an average difference of 18%, decreasing to 8% at the highest engine power.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 333-345  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Traktori -- Motorno ulje -- Potrošnja motornog ulja -- Troškovi mehanizacije -- Zaštita okoliša

On the importance of integrating transportation costs into tactical forest harvest scheduling model [Elektronička građa] / Nader Naderializadeh, Kevin A. Crowe, Reino Pulkki. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 275-276. - Summary. - In tactical forest management planning, the decisions required to meet the strategic plan are made, and these include: i) scheduling of spatially explicit harvest-blocks; ii) construction of a road-network required to access these blocks; and iii) transportation costs within the tactical forest planning area (hereafter only referred to as transportation costs) that emerge from the first two decisions. These three decisions are interdependent and should therefore be integrated in any optimization model. At present, this integration is not fully made. This is because: i) the integrated model is NP-hard, and exact solutions are not feasible for large and medium-sized forests; and ii) metaheuristic search algorithms, which can be used on larger forests, have not integrated transportation costs realistically.The economic consequences of not integrating transportation costs into tactical planning models has not been quantified and evaluated by researchers; and the objective of this paper is to fill this gap in knowledge. To this end, an exact solution approach is used to solve and compare two integrated models: i) a model in which transportation costs are included in the objective function, and b) a model in which transportation costs are excluded from the objective function. The models were applied to three forests ranging in area from 6628 to 19,677 ha.Results show that: i) the model which included transportation costs yielded solutions with major reductions in both transportation and total costs; and ii) that, as the forests to which the model was applied tripled in area (from 6628 ha to 19,677 ha), the percent reduction in total costs increased disproportionately – more than fivefold (from 3.9% to 21%). These results are important, for they indicate that the integration of transportation costs into a tactical planning model is of major economic consequence.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 267-276  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarenje šumama -- Sječa šuma -- Troškovi prijevoza -- Strateško planiranje

ZEČIĆ, Željko
Proizvodnost traktora Ecotrac 120V pri privlačenju drva u brdskom području središnje Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Željko Zečić, Ivica Papa, Dinko Vusić, Zlatko Benković, Jurij Marenče. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja proizvodnosti rada skidera Ecotrac 120V na privlačenju drva poludeblovnom metodom iz proredne i dovršne sječine. Terensko je istraživanje provedeno studijem rada i vremena. Razlike u obujmu tovara, brzini vožnji, izvlačenju užeta i privitlavanju te razlike u utrošku vremena pojedinih radnih zahvata na sječini i rada na pomoćnom stovarištu istražene su t-testom. Za radne zahvate za koje je utvrđena značajna razlika između promatranih sječina u daljnjim su izračunima primijenjene individulne prosječne vrijednosti za pojedinu sječinu, dok su kod ostalih radnih zahvata izračunate nove, zajedničke prosječne vrijednosti. Utrošci vremena vožnji izračunati su na temelju prosječne brzine i udaljenosti privlačenja. Utvrđena je značajna razlika između obujma tovara iz proredne i dovršne sječine. Razlike su u utrošku vremena najočitije u skupini radnih zahvata na sječini, a nastaju kao posljedica različite udaljenosti izvlačenja užeta i privitlavanja tovara. Projektirani dnevni učinak u dovršnom je sijeku prosječno 21 % veći nego u prorednoj sječi uz prosječno 26 % niže jedinične troškove. Detaljnom analizom utrošaka vremena pojedinih radnih zahvata utvrđeno je da na razliku u proizvodnosti i troškovima bitan utjecaj imaju sječna gustoća sastojine i prosječan obujam posječenoga stabla. Različita sječna gustoća utječe na različit utrošak vremena rada na sječini i posljedično na ostvarivi dnevni učinak. Na proizvodnost rada skidera uz sječnu gustoću još veći utjecaj ima prosječni obujam posječenoga stabla jer omogućuje formiranje tovara zadovoljavajućega obujma na kratkoj udaljenosti privitlavanja vezivanjem manjega broja komada, često uz upotrebu samo jednoga bubnja vitla. - This paper presents the research results of skidder Ecotrac 120V productivity in thinning and final felling half-length wood skidding. Terrain research was conducted using time and motion study at two worksites. Worksite A is a mixed stand of beech (48.74%), sessile oak (4.47%), hornbeam (21.06%) and linden (15.65%), aged 57 years, in which thinning was done. Harvesting density was 34.07 m3/ha, and mean cutting tree was 0.63 m3. At the worksite B, in the beech (92.03%) stand, aged 111 years, final felling was conducted. Harvesting density was 89.50 m3/ha, and mean cutting tree was 3.51 m3. Based on the data collected, the structure of the total time consumption and average daily output was calculated (Table 1). The analysis of recorded delays provided allowance time (Table 2). Differences between load volumes, travel speeds, line pulling and winching speeds and time consumption of individual felling site and landing work elements were investigated by a t-test (Table 3 and Table 4). For those work elements that showed significant differences between worksites, individual mean values were used for further calculations, while for the others, new common mean values were calculated. Travel time consumption was calculated based on the average speed and pertaining skidding distance. A significant difference (t = -3.571562; p = 0.000519) was found between load volumes of thinning (3.050 m3) and final felling site (3.717 m3). Differences in time consumption (Table 4 and Table 5) are the most obvious in the group of felling site work elements, and they are a consequence of different line pulling/winching distances needed for forming the achieved load volumes. The projected daily output (Fig. 2) of final felling skidding is in average 21% higher than in the thinning skidding with an average 26% lower costs per unit (Fig. 3).
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Traktori -- Privlačenje drva -- Proizvodnost -- Troškovi

ĐUKA, Andreja
Round wood waste and losses [Elektronička građa] : is rationalisation in scaling possible? / Andreja Đuka, Mirna Sertić, Tibor Pentek, Ivica Papa, David Janeš, Tomislav Poršinsky. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 296-297. - Summary. - The term »loss« should be distinguished from the term »waste« commonly used by forestry practitioners to indicate the difference between gross volume (planned production based on official tariffs) and net volume (produced timber volume) of trees. Volume loss in round wood refers to the difference between the actual volume of round wood and the volume determined based on the prescribed method of measurement and calculation. As a result of prescribed scaling methods and calculations, volume losses appear due to 1) used volume equations, 2) prescribed method of measurement (i.e. measurements of length and mid-length diameter) and 3) deduction of double bark thickness. In Croatia, round wood is cross-cut and transported with bark, while logs are measured and sold without bark. In this way, the bark is an unnecessary ballast in production, but has many possible applications such as energy source, in the production of wooden boards in construction, in nurseries and horticulture, etc. The research was conducted on 225 butt-logs of sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) ranging in diameter classes from 27.5 cm to 67.5 cm from even-aged forests in the central part of Croatia. Deduction of double bark thickness caused a higher average loss in the volume when using Huber’s equation at 14% and when using Riecke-Newton’s equation at 13.5%. In both volume estimation methods, the loss due to double bark thickness was slightly reduced exponentially as the diameter of but-logs increased. The determined dependence of the bark thickness on diameter of butt-logs over bark indicates the need for correction of the bark deduction tables that are in operational use in Croatian forestry and are provided by trading practices, and since they are not the result of scientific research, they lead to unfair payment between sellers and buyers of round wood.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 287-298  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvni otpad -- Okruglo drvo -- Drvna građa -- Kora -- Volumen -- Drvni standardi -- Skaliranje

Storage of wood chips [Elektronička građa] : effect of chip size on storage properties / Erik Anerud, Gunnar Larsson, Lars Eliasson. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 284-285. - Summary. - To make forest biomass more competitive, increased efficiency in the handling and supply system is needed, thus producing high-quality fuel at a lower cost. Operating costs can be reduced if the target chip size is increased, as this increases productivity and reduces chipper fuel consumption. However, the chips need to be storedin order to meet fluctuating seasonal demand and maintain high machine utilisation. Due to biomass degradation, storage of comminuted biomass can lead to high energy losses, but can also increase fuel quality, e.g. by reducing moisture content and increasing net calorific value. This study evaluated the effects of storage on dry matter losses and differences in fuel quality of the stored biomass for three target chip sizes and three materials during six months of storage. The results showed that coarse chips had significantly lower moisture content and lower energy losses after storage than fine chips. Overall, changes during storage resulted in an economic loss of 3–4% per oven-dry ton for fine chips, but an economic gain of 2–6% for coarse chips. Thus increased target chip size can increase the competitiveness of forest biomass through decreased production costs and reduced storage costs. It can also ensure higher, more consistent fuel quality.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 277-286  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvna sječka -- Šumska biomasa -- Skladištenje -- Kvaliteta goriva

PAPA, Ivica
Studija primarnoga otvaranja šuma gospodarske jedinice Crno jezero - Marković rudine Šumarije Otočac [Elektronička građa] / Ivica Papa, Tibor Pentek, David Janeš, Enio Valinčić, Andreja Đuka. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 68-69. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Kvalitetno isplanirana i u šumski ekosustav optimalno uklopljena šumska prometna infrastruktura jedan je od osnovnih preduvjeta potrebnih za današnje racionalno gospodarenje šumskim ekosustavom. Ukupna količina šumskih prometnica, njihov razmještaj u prostoru te njihove propisane tehničke značajke moraju biti dostatne za što kvalitetnije upravljanje šumom. Ako je šumska prometna infrastruktura pravilno položena u prostoru, ona omogućuje izvođenje svih zadataka predviđenih šumskogospodarskim planovima na određenom šumskom području, uz minimalne troškove njihove izgradnje i održavanja uz maksimalan učinak. U ovom radu prikazano je sadašnje stanje primarne otvorenosti gospodarske jedinice Crno jezero – Marković rudine te su predložene smjernice njezina daljnjega otvaranja s ciljem dostizanja vrlo dobre primarne relativne otvorenosti. Terenski su podaci obrađeni u računalnim programima ArcGIS 10.4 i QGIS 2.18.20. Ustanovljeno je da klasična otvorenost šuma u toj gospodarskoj jedinici iznosi 13,66 km/1000 ha, što ne udovoljava ni minimalno propisanoj klasičnoj otvorenosti koja za gorsko-planinsko reljefno područje iznosi 15 km/1000 ha. Analizirajući rezultate primarne relativne otvorenosti, zatečeno je vrlo slično stanje kao i kod klasične otvorenosti: primarna relativna otvorenost iznosi 45,05 %, što se smatra nedovoljnom primarnom relativnom otvorenošću. Nadalje, analizirana je postojeća srednja geometrijska udaljenost privlačenja drva za svaki odsjek zasebno te je utvrđeno da taj parametar na razini gospodarske jedinice iznosi 258,74 m. Pomnim planiranjem projektirano je ukupno 53,05 km novih trasa šumskih cesta, što je u konačnici rezultiralo povećanjem klasične otvorenosti šuma na 22,82 km/1000 ha, primarne relativne otvorenosti na 75,8 % te smanjenjem srednje geometrijske udaljenosti privlačenja drva na 140,55 m. - Well planned forest traffic infrastructure, which is optimally integrated into the forest ecosystem, represents one of the basic prerequisites for the rational management of the forest ecosystem. The total amount of forest roads, their location and their specified technical characteristics must be sufficient for the best possible forest management. If the forest traffic infrastructure is properly distributed in the area, it enables all the tasks covered by forest management plans, with minimal costs for their construction and maintenance. This paper presents the current state of primary accessibility of the Management Unit Crno jezero – Marković rudine and gives guidelines to achieve very good primary relative accessibility. The processing of field data was performed with the ArcGIS 10.4 and QGIS 2.18.20 computer programs. It has been established that the classical forest openness in the studied Management Unit was 13.66 km/1000 ha, which does not even meet the minimum specified classical openness, this being 15 km/1000 ha for mountainous/hilly areas. When analysing the results of primary relative openness, a very similar situation was found as in the case of classical openness; the primary relative openness was 45.05 %, which is insufficient. Furthermore, the existing mean geometric distances of timber extraction were analysed separately for each compartment and for the entire managemnt unit, which was 258.74 m. A careful planning resulted in the design of a total of 53.05 km of new forest roads, which ultimately resulted in an increase in the classical forest openness amounting to 22.82 km/1000 ha and an increase in the primary relative openness amounting to 75.8 %, while the mean geometric distance of timber extraction was reduced to 140.55 m.
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 59-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumska prometna infrastruktura -- Šumske ceste -- Tehničke značajke -- Privlačenje drva -- Računalni programi -- ArcGIS

Šume i društvo Slavonske vojne krajine [Elektronička građa] : primjer Brodske pukovnije u drugoj polovici 18. i početkom 19. stoljeća / Mislav Radošević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 125-127. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Habsburška Monarhija je nakon mira u Srijemskim Karlovcima 1699. godine proširila svoju vlast na teritorij između rijeka Drave, Save i Dunava, koji je u 18. stoljeću uređen i podijeljen na civilni i vojni dio, poznate pod nazivima „civilna Slavonija“ (Kraljevstvo Slavonije), koja je bila pod feudalno-kraljevskom upravom, i „vojna Slavonija“ (Slavonska vojna krajina/granica), koja se nalazila pod vojnom i direktnom carskom upravom. Slavonska vojna krajina, koja se protezala Posavinom duž lijeve obale rijeke Save te graničila sa Osmanskim Carstvom prema jugu, bila je bogata aluvijalnim, poplavnim šumama, koje su stavljene pod direktnu carsku zaštitu i nadzor. U svrhu boljeg nadzora i upravljanja šumskim resursima, habsburška administracija je donosila razne uredbe i regulacije tijekom 18. i 19. stoljeća, koje su ostale na snazi, uz veće ili manje izmjene, do industrijalizacije i razvojačenja te ukidanja vojnokrajiškog sustava u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća. Ovo istraživanje se fokusira na utjecaj i učinak tih regulacija i carskih uredbi na odnos između vojnih autoriteta, lokalnog stanovništva i njihovog okoliša u dijelu Slavonske vojne krajine koji se nalazio pod upravom 7. (Brodske) graničarske pukovnije. Osim odnosa, ovo istraživanje daje također analizu mnogih okolišnih i društvenih promjena i njihovih raznih faza razvoja, opisanih kroz povijesne izvore različitih provenijencija nastalih između sredine 18. i sredine 19. stoljeća. - After the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699, the Habsburg Monarchy gained control over territories between the rivers Drava, Sava and Danube, that were split between civilian and military administration in the 18th century, known as Civil Slavonia (The Kingdom of Slavonia) under feudal rule and Military Slavonia (The Slavonian Military Frontier) under military and direct imperial rule. The Slavonian Military Frontier, which was situated in the Posavina region on the river Sava, bordering the Ottoman Empire to the south, was very rich in alluvial, flood plain forests, which were put under imperial protection and control. For the purpose of an improved hold and control of these forest resources, the Habsburg administration brought forth various regulations and imperial decrees during the 18th and 19th century, that lasted, with minor or major changes, until the industrialization and dissolving of the Military Frontier system in the second half of the 19th century. This research focuses on the impact of these regulations on the relationship between the military authorities, local population and their environment in the part of the Slavonian Military Frontier which was under the administration of the 7th Brod Grenzregiment. Besides the relationship, it gives also an analysis of the many environmental and social changes and their stages that were described through various sources in the period between the mid-18th and mid-19th century.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 93-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Okolišne promjene -- Privredno-ekonomske prilike -- Društveno-povijesne prilike

MIYAJIMA, Ricardo Hideaki
Technical-economic analysis of grapple saw [Elektronička građa] : a stochastic approach / Ricardo Hideaki Miyajima, Paulo Torres Fenner, Gislaine Cristina Batistela, Danilo Simões. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 226-229. - Summary. - The processing of Eucalyptus logs is a stage that follows the full tree system in mechanized forest harvesting, commonly performed by grapple saw. Therefore, this activity presents some associated uncertainties, especially regarding technical and silvicultural factors that can affect productivity and production costs. To get around this problem, Monte Carlo simulation can be applied, or rather a technique that allows to measure the probabilities of values from factors that are under conditions of uncertainties, to which probability distributions are attributed. The objective of this study was to apply the Monte Carlo method for determining the probabilistic technical-economical coefficients of log processing using two different grapple saw models. Field data were obtained from an area of forest planted with Eucalyptus, located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the technical analysis, the time study protocol was applied by the method of continuous reading of the operational cycle elements, which resulted in production. As for the estimated cost of programmed hour, the applied methods were recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The incorporation of the uncertainties was carried out by applying the Monte Carlo simulation method, by which 100,000 random values were generated. The results showed that the crane empty movement is the operational element that most impacts the total time for processing the logs; the variables that most influence the productivity are specific to each grapple saw model; the difference of USD 0.04 m3 in production costs was observed between processors with gripping area of 0.58 m2 and 0.85 m2. The Monte Carlo method proved to be an applicable tool for mechanized wood harvesting for presenting a range of probability of occurrences for the operational elements and for the production cost.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 219-229  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sječa šuma -- Eukaliptus -- Troškovi proizvodnje -- Produktivnost -- Monte Carlo metoda

ZEČIĆ, Željko
Učinkovitost skidera Timberjack 240 C pri privlačenju drva u brdskim uvjetima primjenom sortimentne metode [Elektronička građa] / Željko Zečić, Ivan Martinić, Dinko Vusić, Matija Bakarić, Matija Landekić, Davorin Pečnjak. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je istraživan učinak skidera Timberjack 240 C pri privlačenju drvnih sortimenata u dovršnoj i naplodnoj sječi. Terenska su istraživanja provedena na području Šumarije Okučani u odjelu 44a gospodarske jedinice Okučanska brda i na području Šumarije Nova Gradiška u odjelu 74a gospodarske jedinice Južni Psunj. Kod skidera Timberjack 240C u odjelu 44a tijekom 11 dana na radilištu je snimljeno 4406,12 minuta, što iznosi 400,56 minuta na dan odnosno 83,45 % propisanoga radnoga vremena od 480 minuta. Od ukupnoga snimljenoga vremena na efektivno vrijeme otpada 3300,02 minute ili 74,90 %, dok na opće vrijeme otpada 1106,10 minuta ili 25,10 %. Kod skidera Timberjack 240C u odjelu 74a tijekom 9 dana na radilištu je snimljeno 2641,57 minuta, što iznosi 293,51 minutu na dan, odnosno 61,15 % propisanoga radnoga vremena od 480 minuta. Od ukupnoga snimljenoga vremena na efektivno vrijeme otpada 2157,20 minuta ili 81,66 %, dok na opće vrijeme otpada 484,37 minuta ili 18,34 %. Dodatno vrijeme iznosi 16,09 % i 20,37 % efektivnoga vremena. Skider Timberjack 240C pripada skupini visoko učinkovitih strojeva na privlačenju drva, a posebno u oplodnim sječama primjenom poludeblovne i deblovne metode. Za primjenu takva skidera potrebno je prethodno izraditi elaborat radilišta sa svim utjecajnim čimbenicima te neprestano nadzirati tijek rada. Privlačenjem drvnih sortimenata postižu se značajno manji učinci zbog prosječno manjega obujma tovara. - This paper examines the effect of Timberjack 240 C in timber extraction in the final and seeding felling. Field surveys were conducted in the area of Okučani Forest Office, compartmet 44a of the Management Unit »Okučanska brda« and in the area of Nova Gradiška Forest Office, compartment 74a of the Management Unit »Južni Psunj«. For Timberjack 240 C in the compartment 44a, during 11 days, 4406.12 minutes were recorded at the work site, which is 400.56 minutes per day, or 83.45% of the prescribed working time of 480 minutes. Of the total recorded time, the effective time is 3300.02 minutes or 74.90%, while the general time is 1106.10 minutes or 25.10%. For Timberjack 240 C in the compartment 74a, 2641.57 minutes were recorded during 9 days at the work site, which is 293.51 minutes per day, or 61.15% of the prescribed working time of 480 minutes. Of the total recorded time, the effective time is 2157.20 minutes or 81.66%, while the general time is 484.37 minutes or 18.34%. Allowance time is 16.09% and 20.37% of the effective time. Skidder Timberjack 240 C is one of the most efficient machines for timber extraction, and especially for final felling, when using the half-trunk and trunk method. For the application of such skidder, it is necessary to prepare the study site with all the influencing factors and constantly monitor the workflow. In skidding wood assortments, significantly smaller effects are achieved due to a smaller load volume.
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 19-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šumarska mehanizacija -- Privlačenje drvnih sortimenata -- Proizvodnost -- Troškovi

BURSAĆ, Nikola
Utjecaj hormonskih tretiranja na zakorjenjivanje odrvenjelih reznica obične smreke (Picea abies /L./ Karsten) [Elektronička građa] / Nikola Bursać, Ivica Čehulić, Mladen Ivanković, Saša Bogdan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U Hrvatskoj je selekcijom plus stabala u jednoj matičnoj populaciji pokrenuto oplemenjivanje obične smreke kao božićnoga drvca. Idući je cilj toga procesa utrđivanje optimalne procedure kloniranja izabranih plus stabala radi masovne proizvodnje reprodukcijskoga materijala (sadnica). Pretpostavka je da će se takvim načinom stvoriti kvalitetan reprodukcijski materijal koji će se odlikovati stabilnošću ciljnih fenotipskih svojstava. U radu su predstavljeni prvi rezultati istraživanja mogućnosti kloniranja plus stabala obične smreke metodom zakorjenjivanja odrvenjelih reznica. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje uspješnosti primjene raznovrsnih hormonskih tretmana na zakorjenjivanje odrvenjelih reznica starijih (10–12 godina) stabala obične smreke uzetih u ranoproljetnom i kasnojesenskom razdoblju s različitih visinskih etaža krošanja (gornja, srednja i donja trećina krošnje). Provedena su dva eksperimenta. U prvom je po 270 reznica odrezano u rano proljeće iz svake od triju visinskih etaža krošanja, na uzorku od 10 stabala. Po 10 reznica iz svake etaže tretirano je s 27 različitih tretmana (2 tipa hormona × 4 koncentracije otopine × 3 vremena trajanja tretiranja + Clonex + kontrola 1 + kontrola 2). Drugo je istraživanje provedeno na po 80 reznica odrezanih iz donje trećine krošanja od 13 izabranih plus stabala u kasnu jesen. Po 30 reznica tretirano je u trajanju od 10 sekundi sa: (i) hormonom IBA koncentracije 2500 ppm, (ii) hormonom IBA koncentracije 500 ppm. Ostatak od 20 reznica poslužio je kao kontrola. Nakon tretiranja hormonom reznice su pikirane u tzv. »paper pot saća« (sadrže 80 heksagonalnih otvora dubine 15 cm, napunjenih supstratom treset : pijesak u omjeru 3 : 1). - By selecting plus trees in a base population, a breeding process of Norway spruce as Christmas trees was initiated in Croatia. The next stage of the process is the optimization of the cloning procedure of selected plus trees for the mass production of their reproductive material (seedlings). The assumption is that qualitative reproductive material exhibiting stability of targeted phenotypic traits will be created in such a way. The main aim of the research was to determine the success of various hormonal treatments on rotting of hardwood cuttings of older Norway spruce trees (10–12 years). Two experiments were carried out. In the first, 270 cuttings were cut off in early spring from each of the three crown levels (upper, middle and lower third of a crown), on a sample of 10 trees. The cuttings from each level were treated with 24 different treatments (dipped in IBA and NAA hormone solutions of 250, 500, 2500 and 5000 ppm for 10s, 1h and 2h). In addition to these treatments, 10 cuttings from each crown level were treated with a commercial hormone product named Clonex (a gel). Additional 10 cuttings were treated with distilled water for 2h and the remaining 10 were not treated. The last two groups of cuttings served as a control of the success of the analyzed hormonal treatments. Another study was conducted on 80 cuttings cut off in late fall from the lower third of a crown of the 13 selected plus trees. Thirty cuttings were treated for 10s with: (i) 2500 ppm IBA solution, and (ii) 500 ppm IBA solution. The remaining 20 cuttings served as the control. Afterwards, the cuttings were placed in containers filled with peat, sand and perlite substrate. The rooting success, the number of roots per cutting, and the length of the longest developed root were determined later in October.
U: Nova mehanizacija šumarstva (Online). - ISSN 1848-9834. - 40 (2019) ; str. 43-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obična smreka -- Picea abies /L./ Karsten -- Oplemenjivane -- Zakorjenjivanje -- Kloniranje -- Genotipovi

Vidi br.: HA20-00270

Vidi br.: HA20-00289

Vidi br.: HA20-00313

Vidi br.: HA20-00315

631/635   Upravljanje seoskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvom. Poljoprivreda. Agronomija. Hortikultura

TRNINIĆ, Krešimir
Analiza rezultata kontrole na terenu poljoprivrednih gospodarstava s obzirom na sukladnost prema određenim čimbenicima rizika [Elektronička građa] / Krešimir Trninić, Denis Cvitković, Marina Pavlak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Agencija za plaćanja u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i ruralnom razvoju osnovana je Zakonom o osnivanju Agencije za plaćanja u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i ruralnom razvoju kao javna ustanova radi operativne provedbe mjera tržišne i strukturne potpore u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i ruralnom razvoju koja ima za cilj razvoj i održivost poljoprivredne stočarske proizvodnje. Za provođenje tih mjera, po uzoru na legislativu EU, u Hrvatskoj je 2011. godine uspostavljen Integrirani administrativni i kontrolni sustav (IAKS) s ciljem točne identifikacije podnositelja zahtjeva i praćenja rezultata kontrola na terenu. Na odabranim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima kontrola na terenu provodi se temeljem analize rizika i slučajnim odabirom. U ovom radu prikazano je istraživanje i analiza podataka o provedenim kontrolama na terenu od 2011. do 2018. godine. Ukupno je obrađeno i analizirano 17.344 rezultata provedene kontrole na terenu, tj. pregledanih gospodarstva. Analizom podataka o provedenim kontrolama na terenu na gospodarstvima ustvrđeno da je udio nesukladnosti u pregledanom uzorku gospodarstava u 2018. godini bio veći (79,83 %) nego 2011. godine (66,46 %). Statistički značajno manji broj nesukladnosti ustanovljen je tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine. Udio nađenih nesukladnosti u pojedinim županijama kretao se od 37,29 % u Krapinsko-zagorskoj župainji pa do 75,69 % u Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj župaiji. U 12 županija u području centralne i zapadne Hrvatske i Slavonije i Baranje, nađene su nesukladnosti na 50 % do 65 % gospodarstava. Porast nesukladnosti životinja može se objasniti kombinacijom faktora rizika, koja se određuje iznova prije svake kontrolne godine, temeljem analize učinkovitosti faktora rizika iz prošlih godina te uvođenjem praćenja novih parametara vezanih za dobrobit životinja, kratkoćom vremena za prilagodbu i nedostatnom edukacijom poljoprivrednika. - This paper analyses the results of the on-the-spot control measures carried out on livestock production farms by the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development from 2011 to 2018. On-the-spot controls were conducted on holdings selected through risk analysis and by random selection, and the results detected non-compliance. From 2011 to 2018, a total of 17,344 holdings were monitored, with non-compliance detected in 10,231 (58.99%) holdings. A statistically significant lower number of cases of non-compliance were detected during 2015 (48.55%) and 2016 (46.41%) than in 2011 (66.46%), while the most cases were found in 2018 (79.83%). The proportion of noncompliance detected on holdings ranged from 37.29% in Krapina-Zagorje County to 75.69% in Dubrovnik-Neretva County. In 12 counties situated in Central and Western Croatia, and Slavonia and Baranja, which are also areas with higher livestock production, 50% to 65% of non-compliance cases on holdings were found. Based on these results, it is evident that a statistically significant proportion of non-compliance cases were found in years following the introduction of new control parameters and new risk factors. This was reduced in subsequent years, which is in line with the goals of the National and Common Agricultural Policy.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 627-637  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poljoprivredna gospodarstva -- Državna potpora -- Kontrola na terenu

PAJAČ Živković, Ivana
Development of spotted wing drosophila in fruits of two raspberry cultivars [Elektronička građa] = Razvoj octene mušice ploda u plodovima dvije sorte maline / Ivana Pajač Živković, Dana Čirjak, Aleksandar Mešić, Boris Duralija, Darija Lemić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 85-89. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931)) a polyphagous alien invasive species causes economic damages in cultivation of soft fruits all over the word. It is widespread in Croatia and considering that the economic damage occurred in greenhouse cultivation of soft fruit several years ago, new damage in this production can be expected. The pest development was monitored on 50 overripe fruits of cultivars 'Amira' and 'Sugana' cultivated in greenhouses in Zagreb in 2018 to investigate pest preference for these cultivars and to make a risk assessment in raspberry cultivation. Pest presence was recorded on both cultivars at the same time, and D. suzukii was dominant drosophilid species in development. Significantly more drosophilids as well as individuals of D. suzukii were developed on cultivar 'Amira'. On 'Amira' 373 female and 211 male of D. suzukii developed, while on 'Sugana' 253 female and 142 males developed. Average number of pests per fruit on 'Amira' counted 11.68 and on 'Sugana' 7.9. Drosophila suzukii develops in high populations in the greenhouse production of raspberry cultivars, which poses a serious risk for their cultivation in the study site. - Octena mušica ploda (Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931)) polifagna je strana invazivna vrsta koja uzrokuje ekonomske štete u uzgoju jagodastog voća diljem svijeta. Štetnik je rasprostranjen u Hrvatskoj i s obzirom da su ekonomske štete u plasteničkoj proizvodnji jagodastog voća zabilježene prije nekoliko godina, mogu se očekivati nove štete u uzgoju bobičastog voća. Razvoj štetnika praćen je na 50 prezrelih plodova sorata ‘Amira’i ‘Sugana’ uzgajanih u plastenicima tijekom 2018. godine u Zagrebu. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi sortnu preferenciju štetnika kako bi se procijenio rizik od njegove pojave u uzgoju maline. Prisutnost štetnika zabilježena je na obje sorte u isto vrijeme, a vrsta D. suzukii bila je dominantna octena muha u uzorkovanim plodovima. Značajno više octenih muha i vrste D. suzukii razvilo se na sorti ‘Amira’. Na sorti 'Amira' ukupno se razvilo 373 primjeraka ženki i 211 primjeraka mužjaka vrste D. suzukii, dok se na sorti 'Sugana' razvilo 253 primjeraka ženki i 142 primjerka mužjaka. Prosječan broj štetnika po plodu maline na sorti 'Amira' iznosio je 11.68, a na sorti 'Sugana' 7.9. Vrsta D. suzukii razvija se u visokim populacijama u plasteničkom uzgoju maline te predstavlja ozbiljnu opasnost za uzgoj maline na području istraživanja.
U: Pomologia Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9028. - 23 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 77-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Octena mušica ploda -- Maline -- Štetnici -- Drosophila suzukii -- Invazivne vrste -- Ekonomske štete

Drought stress response in winter wheat varieties - changes in leaf proteins and proteolytic activities [Elektronička građa] / Lyudmila Simova-Stoilova, Elisaveta Kirova, Dobrina Pecheva. - Ilustr., graf. prilozi.
Bibliografija: str. 128-130. - Summary. - Radiation mutagenesis has been used in sustainable agriculture as a tool for increasing plant variability and providing new lines for selection. This necessitates a comparison, by using suitable stress markers, of the newly created lines with some well-established varieties, which are stress tolerant or susceptible. Drought is one of the most frequently encountered stresses with deleterious effects on plant performance and crop yield. Winter wheat seedlings (soil cultures at 3–4th leaf stage) from one mutant line (M181/1338K), one drought-tolerant (Guinness) and one sensitive variety (Farmer) were subjected to severe drought stress by water withholding, followed by recovery. Changes in leaf protein profiles, the amount of Rubisco large subunit (RLS), some specific chloroplast proteins such as Rubisco binding protein (RPB), Rubisco activase (RA), the chaperone subunit clpA/C of clp protease, as well as the activities of exo- and endo-proteases were analyzed. At the protein level, some differences were found in the drought response of genotypes – stability of RLS and RBP in M181/1338K and Guinness, diminution of RLS and increase in RBP in Farmer. RA presented strong up-regulation at recovery in Guinness but decreased in content under drought in M181/1338K and Farmer. Increase in ClpA/C level was found in all compared varieties under stress. Strong increase in total proteolytic activity was detected under drought only in Farmer. Inhibitory analysis revealed a predominance of cysteine and serine protease types. Aminopeptidase activities remained higher at recovery in M181/1338K and Farmer. Results are discussed in terms of genotype-linked different stress coping strategies.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 2 ; str. 121-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pšenica -- Suša -- Proteoliza -- Proteini lišća -- Oporavak

VOĆA, Sandra
Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva soka različitih sorti jabuka [Elektronička građa] = Physico chemical properties of juice of different apple varieties / Sandra Voća, Jana Šic Žlabur, Martina Skendrović Babojelić, Mislav Boić, Ante Galić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 143-144. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj rada bio je analizirati i usporediti nutritivnu kvalitetu mutnih, svježe cijeđenih sokova iz plodova četiriju različitih sorti jabuka: 'Idared', 'Jonagold', 'Golden Delicious' i 'Cripps Pink'. S obzirom na analizirani mehanički sastav utvrđeno je da najbolje iskorištenje ploda za dobivanje soka ima sorta 'Idared' (45,51%), zatim slijedi sorta 'Golden Delicious (44,22%), 'Jonaglod' (36,56%) te sorta 'Cripps Pink' (25,75%). Prema rezultatima dobivenim u ovom istraživanju sok sorte 'Golden Delicious' pokazuje najveći omjer TST/UK, zatim sok sorte 'Jonagold', 'Idared', dok je najmanji omjer utvrđen kod soka sorte 'Cripps Pink'. Najveći sadržaj vitamina C (6,75 mg/100g svježeg ploda) kao i najveći sadržaj ukupnih fenola (55,84 mgGAE/100 g svježe tvari) utvrđeni su u soku sorte 'Jonagold' Temeljem dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su plodovi svih istraživanih sorti pogodni za proizvodnju mutnog soka, ali i da mogu biti dobra podloga za proizvodnju ostalih sokova od raznih vrsta voća. - The aim of the study was to analyse and compare the nutritional quality of cloudy, freshly squeezed fruit juices from four different apple cultivars: ‘Idared’, ‘Jonagold’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Cripps Pink’. Considering the analysed mechanical composition, it was determined that the best yield of fruit for juice production has the cultivar 'Idared' (45.51%), followed by the cultivar ‘Golden Delicious’ (44.22%), 'Jonaglod' (36.56%) and the 'Cripps Pink' cultivar (25.75%). According to the results obtained in this study, the juice of the 'Golden Delicious' cultivar shows the highest TST/UK r atio, followed b y t he j uice o f t he 'Jonagold' a nd 'Idared' cultivars, while the lowest ratio was found for the juice of the 'Cripps Pink' cultivar. The highest content of vitamin C was determined in the juice of the cultivar 'Jonagold' (6.75 mg/100 g of fresh fruit) as well as the highest content of total phenols (55.84 mg GAE/100 g of fresh matter). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the fruits of all investigated cultivars are suitable for the production of cloudy juice, but also that they can be a good base for the production of juices from various types of fruit.
U: Pomologia Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9028. - 23 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 133-145  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jabuka -- Sok -- Kemijski sastav -- Fenoli -- Vitamin C

ŠIC Žlabur, Jana
Funkcionalna vrijednost i nutritivni potencijal proizvoda planike (Arbutus unedo L.) [Elektronička građa] = Functional value and nutritional potential of plantain products (Arbutus unedo L.) / Jana Šic Žlabur, Martina Skendrović Babojelić, Ante Galić, Sandra Voća. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 129-132. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi fizikalno-kemijska svojstva, sadržaj bioaktivnih spojeva i nutritivni potencijal dvaju proizvoda planike: džema i vodene infuzije listova. Način pripreme džema varira postupkom pasiranja: nepasirani (NP1) i pasirani džem (P2). Džem tretmana NP1 imao je značajno viši sadržaj ukupne i topljive suhe tvari te višu pH- vrijednost u usporedbi s P2. Također, tretman pasiranja utjecao je i na promjenu boje gotovog proizvoda prilikom čega je za džem P2 utvrđeno svjetlije crveno, a džem NP1 tamnije crveno obojenje. Postupak pasiranja pridonio je povećanju sadržaja pojedinih bioaktivnih spojeva u P 2, p rilikom č ega j e u d žemu t retmana P 2 utvrđen 17% viši sadržaj vitamina C, značajno viši sadržaj polifenolnih spojeva kao i viši antioksidacijski kapacitet u usporedbi s NP1. No, oko 3 puta viši sadržaj β-karotena utvrđen je u NP1 džemu. Također, iz analize vodene infuzije listova vidljiv je visok sadržaj bioaktivnih spojeva, a posebice ukupnih fenola (715,79 mg GAE/100 g svježe tvari). Temeljem svega, može se zaključiti kako oba proizvoda obične planike pokazuju visok nutritivni potencijal i značajnu funkcionalnu vrijednost, a time predstavljaju zdravstveno vrijedne proizvode široke mogućnosti upotrebe. - The aim of this research was to determine the physical and chemical parameters, content of bioactive compounds and nutritional potential of two strawberry tree products: jam and leaves water infusion. The method of jam preparation was varied by straining/mashing: non-strained (NP1) and strained (P2) jam samples. Jam prepared by NP1 treatment had a significantly higher total dry matter content, total soluble solids and pH-value compared to the P2 jam. Also, straining/mashing treatment affected the color change of final product, which in brighter red color was determined for P2 jam, while darker red coloration described NP1 jam. Straining treatment contributed to the increase of the bioactive compounds content in P2, where a 17% higher vitamin C content was determined as well as a higher total polyphenol content and a higher antioxidant capacity compared to the NP1 jam. However, a three-fold higher β-carotene content was determined in NP1 jam. From chemical analysis of leaves water infusion, a high content of bioactive compounds, especially total phenols (715,79 mg GAE/100 g fresh weight), is noticeable. Based on all above-mentioned, it can be concluded that both strawberry tree products show a high nutritional potential and a significant functional value, thus representing health-valuable products with a wide range of uses.
U: Pomologia Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9028. - 23 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 121-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Džem -- Vitamin C -- Fenoli -- Beta-karoten -- Antioksidacijski kapacitet

KOVAČ, Elena
Gospodarske mogućnosti samonikle vrste Salsola soda L. (ošmugalj) [Elektronička građa] = Economic opportunities of wild growing species Salsola soda L. (saltwort) / Elena Kovač, Ivana Vitasović Kosić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Prema sistematici Salsola soda L. ili sodna solnjača spada u porodicu Chenopodiaceae. To je jednogodišnja samonikla vrsta i koristi se kao povrće u Dalmaciji i šire na cijelom Mediteranu. Rasprostranjena je na šljunkovitim i pjeskovitim staništima na otocima i uz obalu Jadranskog mora. Biljka je punog svjetla, pokazatelj ekstremne topline, a uspijeva na staništu visokog saliniteta (halofit). Ugrožena je radi lošeg gospodarenja staništima na kojima se nalazi. Kao hrana Salsola soda L. je niskokalorična i izvor je esencijalnih vitamina. Zelena boja listova pokazuje da posjeduje znatnu količinu vitamina A i K, a kiselkast okus da je bogata vitaminom C. Uvrštena je na popis bilja „Plants for the future“, kao prehrambena namirnica te se koristi i uzgaja diljem Europe, najviše u Italiji, Engleskoj, Grčkoj i sve više u Hrvatskoj duž Jadranske obale. Blisko srodna podvrsta Salsola kali L. ssp. tragus (L.) Nyman, također je zabilježena u Hrvatskoj, a radi velike količine proteina koristi se kao stočna hrana. - According to the systematic Salsola soda L. belongs to the family Chenopodiaceae. It is a wild growing annual plant and it is mostly used as a vegetable in Dalmatia and more widely in the Mediterranean area. It is widespread in gravelly and sandy habitats along the islands and Adriatic coast. This plant needs to be exposed to the full light. It is an indicator of extreme heat, and thrives in a high-salinity (halophyte) habitat. It is endangered due to poor managment of the habitat in which it is widespread. As a food, Salsola soda L. has a low calorie content and it is a source of essential vitamins. The green leaf color indicates that it has a substantial amount of vitamins A and K, and its sour taste suggests that it is rich in vitamin C. It is included in the list of Plants for the Future, as a nutritional plant and itis cultivated throughout Europe, mostly in Italy, England, Greece and even more in the Mediterranean part of Croatia along the Adriatic coast. Closely related subspecies Salsola kali L. ssp. tragus (L.) Nyman, also noted in Croatia, due to the large amount of protein is used as animal feed.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 2 ; str. 81-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Salsola soda -- Samoniklo bilje -- Halofiti -- Stočna hrana -- Ošmugalj

Optimizing irrigation and determining the most sensitive development stage to drought in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in a semi-arid environment [Elektronička građa] / Leila Romdhane, Nicola Dal Ferro, Amor Slama, Leila Radhouane. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 93-94. - Summary. - Rising temperatures and increasing water scarcity, which are already important issues, are expected to intensify in the near future due to global warming. Optimizing irrigation in agriculture is a challenge. Understanding the response of crop development stages to water deficit stress provides an opportunity for optimizing irrigation. Here we studied the response of two barley varieties (Rihane, Martin), to water deficit stress at three development stages (tillering, stem elongation, and heading) by measuring water status and grain yield components in a field experiment in Tunisia. The three stages were selected due to their importance in crop growth and grain development. Water deficit stress was initiated by withholding water for 21 days at the three stages with subsequent re-watering. Water deficit led to a progressive decrease in leaf water potential. In both varieties, heading was the stage most sensitive to water deficit. Leaf water potential measurements indicated that water deficit stress was more severe during heading, which to some extent may have influenced the comparison between growth stages. During heading, the number of ears per plant and weight of a thousand grains were reduced by more than 70% and 50%, respectively compared with stress at tillering. Comparison of yield components showed differences between the two barley varieties only when the water deficit was produced during the tillering stage.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 87-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ječam -- Hordeum vulgare -- Klimatske promjene -- Prinosi -- Navodnjavanje -- Deficit vode

PAJAČ Živković, Ivana
Population dynamics of spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) in orchards in the Zagreb area [Elektronička građa] = Dinamika populacije octene mušice ploda (Drosophila suzukii) u voćnjacima na području Zagreba / Ivana Pajač Živković, Irena Brlić Puškarić, Darija Lemić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 99-102. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The invasive species Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931), the spotted wing drosophila, was first recorded in Croatia in 2010. Since then, it has spread on Croatian territory but its presence has not yet been confirmed in the City of Zagreb. In this research population dynamics of D. suzukii was investigated in three orchards in Zagreb (Maksimir, Jelenovac, Zelenjak) in the period from 20th of March to 27th of November 2017. Feeding traps with apple vinegar were used for catching D. suzukii. The flight began in the period from 27th of June to 11th of July and lasted until 27th of November. The total pest catches were 874 specimens (Jelenovac 187, Maksimir 232 and Zelenjak 455). From September to November there was a continuous flight and a large increase in the number of caught flies, suggesting the presence of more overlapping generations. Besides the host plants, the development of the pest in this area is also enabled by suitable climatic conditions. The present population in the City of Zagreb County poses a danger to fruit producers in the Zagreb County. The results of this research are a contribution to better understanding of the population and the spread of the pest in Croatia. - Invazivna vrsta Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931.), prvi put je zabilježena u Hrvatskoj 2010. godine. Od tada proširila se na području Hrvatske, ali njezina prisutnost još nije potvrđena u gradu Zagrebu. U ovom istraživanju dinamika populacije vrste D. suzukii istraživana je u tri voćnjaka u Zagrebu (Maksimir, Jelenovac, Zelenjak) u razdoblju od 20. ožujka do 27. studenoga 2017. godine. Za praćenje vrste korištene su hranidbene lovke na bazi jabučnog octa. Let štetnika započeo je u razdoblju od 27. lipnja do 11. srpnja i trajao je do 27. studenog 2017. godine. Ukupno su ulovljena 874 primjerka vrste (Jelenovac 187, Maksimir 232 i Zelenjak 455). Od rujna do studenog zabilježen je neprekidni let i velik porast broja ulovljenih muha, što pretpostavlja prisutnost više generacija štetnika na području istraživanja. Osim pogodnih biljaka, domaćina, razvoj šetnika na ovom području omogućen je i povoljnim klimatskim uvjetima. Utvrđena populacija štetnika u gradu Zagrebu predstavlja opasnost za proizvođače voća u Zagrebačkoj županiji. Rezultati istraživanja doprinos su boljem poznavanju populacije i širenju štetnika na području Hrvatske.
U: Pomologia Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9028. - 23 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 91-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Višegodišnji nasadi -- Voćnjaci -- Drosophila suzukii -- Štetnici -- Invazivne vrste

Primjena fizikalnog predtremana abrazije u postupku sušenja šljive [Elektronička građa] = Application of physical pre-treatment of abrasion in the plum drying process / Tvrtko Jelačić, Jana Šic Žlabur, Verica Dragović-Uzelac, Martina Skendrović Babojelić, Ante Galić, Sandra Voća. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Voštana prevlaka površine kožice ploda šljive ključna je prepreka gubitku vode prilikom postupka sušenja te ju je nužno ukloniti. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj primjene različitih predtretmana, kemijskog (primjenom lužine), fizikalnog (primjenom abrazije) i toplinskog (ugrijanom destiliranom vodom) na vrijeme sušenja plodova šljive sorte 'President'. Također, varirani su i ključni parametri svakog pojedinog predtretmana poput temperature otopine prilikom toplinskog (22 i 60 °C), koncentracije (0,5, 1 i 1,5% v/v) i temperature (22 i 60 °C) lužine (KOH) kod kemijskog i vremenskog perioda abrazije (5, 10 i 15 min) kod fizikalnog. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, kemijski predtretman lužinom koncentracije 1 i 1,5% temperature 60 °C bio je najučinkovitiji, vrijeme sušenja iznosilo je svega 27 sati, adok je samo 2 sata dulje (29 h) trajalo sušenje plodova predtretiranih abrazijom u vremenu od 15 min. Temeljem svega, može se zaključiti kako je fizikalni predtretman abrazijom izrazito učinkovit u uklanjanju voštane prevlake, time i u skraćivanju vremena sušenja plodova šljive, a isto tako treba naglasiti kako primjenom abrazivnog predtretmana značajno utječemo na smanjenje onečišćenja okoliša, ali i na zdravlje ljudi, s obzirom da nema ostataka kemijskih sredstava koja nakon primjene treba adekvatno zbrinuti, jer potencijalno mogu negativno utjecati na čovjeka i okoliš. - Wax coating from the surface of the plum fruit skin is a key barrier to water loss during the drying process and it is necessary to remove it. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the impact of the application of different pre-treatments, i.e. chemical (using alkali solution), physical (using abrasion) and thermal (heated distilled water) on the drying time of plum fruits cv. 'President'. Also, the key factors of each pre-treatment varied, such as the temperature of the solution in the thermal pre treatment (22 and 60 °C), the concentration (0.5, 1 and 1.5% v/v) and the temperature (22 and 60 °C) of the alkali solution (KOH) in the chemical and time duration of abrasion (5, 10 and 15 min) in the physical pretreatment, while the influence of each pre-treatment was researched. According to the obtained results, chemical pre-treatment with alkali solution concentration of 1 and 1.5% temperature of 60 °C was most effective in shortening the drying time of plums, lasted only 27 hours, while only 2 hours longer (29 h) lasted the drying of plums pre-treated by abrasion of 15 min. Based on all mentioned, it can be concluded that the physical pre-treatment by abrasion is extremely effective in removing the wax coating thus affecting shortening the drying time of plum fruits, and it should be emphasized that the application of abrasive pretreatment significantly affects the reduction of environmental pollution, but also human health, given that there are no chemical residues that after application should be adequately disposed of, which can affect humans and environment.
U: Pomologia Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9028. - 23 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 147-159  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šljive -- Vrijeme sušenja -- Toplinski tretman -- Fizikalni tretman

The prospects of development of the citrus production in the Neretva valley in the context of contemporary tendencies [Elektronička građa] = Perspektive razvoja hrvatskog agrumarstva u dolini Neretve u kontekstu suvremenih tendencija / Ivana Paladin Soče, Dario Ivić, Mara Marić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 117-120. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In most countries of the world where citrus fruits are grown, including Croatia, several viruses and virus-like agents exist limiting the production and sale of citrus fruits. The most common among them is Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) which causes a decrease in tree fertility and lushness. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the large scale of consequences caused by the CTV in Spain during the 20th century. More than 44 million citrus trees grafted on sour orange (Citrus aurantim L) rootstock sourhad decayed over a period of 10 years due to the intensing spread of CTV. The approaches that addressed the problem of infection of large citrus growing areas in Spain will be presented. Based on the experience in Spain, this paper will show the possibilities of implementing systematic expert measures which would eradicate or minimize the presence of CTV in the area of the Neretva valley, the most important citrus growing area in Croatia. A large number of researches have been carried out on the presence and the outspread of CTV in the Neretva Valley from 2005 to 2019. During this period, the highest percentage of virus outspread was observed in 2006, when CTV was detected in 80% of the collected samples. The virus was regularly detected in the Neretva valley in all the years the research was conducted. The problem of CTV has been present for many years and the pathogen is still spreading, which indicates the need to take some measures to prevent this continuous spreading. Among the most important and effective measures is the control of viral diseases in the propagation materials and the mother blocks and planting virus-free plants in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance on placing reproductive planting material and seedlings intended for fruit production on the market (OG 9/17, 39/20), which contain European Union Directives 2008/90 / EC, 2014/96 / EU, and 2014/98 / EU. - U većini zemalja svijeta gdje se uzgajaju agrumi, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, prisutni su pojedini štetni organizmi koji mogu ograničavati proizvodnju i prodaju agruma. Među njima, najpoznatiji je Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) koji uzrokuje smanjenje rodnosti i bujnosti stabala. Cilj ovog rada je na primjeru Španjolske prikazati velike razmjere posljedica koje je prouzrokovao CTV tijekom 20. stoljeća. Zbog intenzivnog širenja virusa unutar plantažnih nasada u razdoblju od 10 godina propalo je više od 44 milijuna stabala agruma nacijepljenih na podlogu gorke naranče (Citrus aurantim L.). Prikazati će se pristupi kojima su se u Španjolskoj rješavali problemi zaraze velikih uzgojnih područja agruma. Temeljem španjolskih iskustava prikazati će se mogućnosti provođenja sustavnih stručnih mjera na područje doline Neretve, najvažnijeg uzgojnog područja agruma u Hrvatskoj, kojima bi se širenje CTV-a svelo na najmanju moguću mjeru. Na području doline Neretve od 2005. do 2019. godine proveden je veći broj istraživanja prisutnosti i raširenosti CTV-a. Tijekom tog razdoblja, najveći postotak raširenosti virusa zabilježen je 2006. godine, kada je CTV utvrđen u 80 % uzoraka. Virus je redovito utvrđen u dolini Neretve u svim godinama u kojima su istraživanja provedena. Problem CTV-a je prisutan već dugi niz godina i patogen se i dalje širi, što nam ukazuje na potrebu poduzimanja mjera sprječavanja njegovog širenja. Među najvažnijim stručnim mjerama je kontrola prisutnosti virusa u sadnom materijalu i sadnja zdravog sadnog materijala prema odredbama Pravilnika o stavljanju na tržište reprodukcijskog sadnog materijala i sadnica namijenjenih za proizvodnju voća (NN 9/17, 39/20) u kojem su sadržane direktive Europske unije 2008/90/EZ, 2014/96/EU, i 2014/98/EU.
U: Pomologia Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9028. - 23 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 103-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Agrumi -- Citrus tristeza virus -- Eradikacija

Somatic embryogenesis as a tool for virus elimination in Croatian indigenous grapevine cultivars [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Malenica, Mateja Jagić, Bruno Pavletić, Nataša Bauer, Darko Vončina, Goran Zdunić, Dunja Leljak Levanić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 33-34. - Summary. - Most Croatian indigenous grapevine cultivars and vineyards are infected with a few dominant viruses. The goal of this study was to establish somatic embryogenesis as an efficient method for virus elimination from valuable Croatian cultivars and creating a reliable source of healthy plants. Somatic embryogenesis was induced from immature anthers and somatic embryogenesis-derived plantlets for seven indigenous cultivars were successfully regenerated. This procedure led to the elimination of viruses GFLV, GLRaV-1, GLRaV-3 and GFkV that were initially detected in the field-grown cultivars ‘Plavac mali’ and ‘Babica’ with an elimination success of at least 30%. The described method has the potential for production of virus-free rooted plantlets for all economically important cultivars or superior cultivar clones and for the establishment of a steady source of certified virus-free planting material.
U: Acta botanica Croatica (Online). - ISSN 1847-8476. - 79 (2020), 1 ; str. 26-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vinova loza -- Autohtone sorte -- Virusi -- Somatska embriogeneza

Utjecaj sorte lješnjaka na iskorištenje ulja prešanjem pužnom prešom KOMET CA 59 G [Elektronička građa] / Mario Jakobović, Ivica Šnajder, Tomislav Soldo, Tihomir Moslavac, Juraj Kovačević, Jasna Del Vechio. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Cilj rada bio je istražiti postoji li utjecaj sorte lješnjaka na dobivenu količinu hladno prešanog ulja. Istraživanje je vršeno na tri različite sorte: Lambert, Rimski okrugli i Istarski duguljasti. Prešanje je izvedeno pužnom prešom u laboratoriju pri istim parametrima. Prešanjem jezgre lješnjaka dobiveno je ulje s krutim česticama mutnoće i pogača. Najgrublje čestice izdvojene su pretakanjem ulja neposredno nakon prešanja te je ulje ostavljeno da se taloži prirodnim putem 7 dana. Nakon završnih mjerenja rezultati su pokazali da postoje razlike u količini hladno prešanog ulja između ovih triju sorti. - The aim of this study was to investigate whether the hazelnut variety influences the obtained amount of cold pressed oil. The research was conducted on three different varieties: Lambert, Roman round and Istarski dugi. Pressing was performed with a screw press in the laboratory at the same parameters. By pressing the kernel of the hazelnut, an oil with solid particles of turbidity and bread was obtained. The coarsest particles were separated by pouring the oil immediately after pressing and the oil was allowed to settle naturally for 7 days. After the final measurements, the results showed that there are differences in the amount of cold pressed oil between these three varieties. - Das Ziel dieser Studie war es zu untersuchen, ob die Haselnusssorte die erhaltene Menge an kaltgepresstem Öl beeinflusst. Die Untersuchung wurde an drei verschiedenen Sorten durchgeführt: Lambert, Runde Römer und Istrische Lange. Das Pressen wurde mit einer Schneckenpresse im Labor bei gleichen Parametern durchgeführt. Durch das Pressen des Haselnusskerns wurde Öl mit festen Partikeln und der Presskuchen gewonnen. Die gröbsten Partikel wurden durch Umgießen des Öls unmittelbar nach dem Pressen abgetrennt; danach setzte sich das Öl sieben Tage auf natürliche Weise ab. Nach den abschließenden Messungen zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass es Unterschiede in der Menge des kaltgepressten Öls zwischen diesen drei Sorten gibt. - Il presente lavoro di ricerca è stato elaborato con lo scopo di esaminare se la varietà di nocciole influisce sulla quantità dell’olio estratto dalla nocciola sottoposta alla spremitura a freddo. La ricerca è stata condotta su tre diverse varietà di nocciole: Lambert, Tonda Romana e Lunga Istriana. La pressatura è stata effettuata con la pressa dell’olio in un laboratorio utilizzando gli stessi parametri. Con la spremitura dei semi di nocciole si ricava l’olio torbido con particelle solide e la sansa. Le particelle più grandi vengono separate dall’olio in quanto esso viene versato immediatamente dopo la spremitura e lasciato riposare in modo naturale per 7 giorni. Dopo aver eseguito le misurazioni finali, i risultati hanno mostrato le differenze esistenti tra queste tre varietà di nocciole nella quantità dell’olio estratto a freddo. - El fin de este trabajo fue investigar si existe una influencia de la variedad de avellana en la cantidad obtenida del aceite prensado en frío. La investigación fue hecha con tres variedades: el avellano de Lambert, Romano redondo e Istarski duguljasti. El prensado se realizó con una prensa de tornillo en el laboratorio a los mismos parámetros. Al prensar el grano de la avellana se obtuvo un aceite con partículas sólidas y la avellana tostada. Las partículas más gruesas fueron separadas vertiendo el aceite inmediatamente después del prensado y se dejó que el aceite sedimentara naturalmente durante 7 días. Después de las mediciones finales, los resultados mostraron que existen diferencias en la cantidad del aceite prensado en frío entre estas tres variedades.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 6 ; str. 484-490  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lješnjak -- Sorte -- Hladno prešano ulje

KAPUN, Stanko
Značajke nekih mješavina za ukrasni travnjak poslije druge godine rasta [Elektronička građa] = Properties of some mixtures for ornamental lawn after the second year of growth / Stanko Kapun, Anastazija Gselman, Tatjana Čeh, Dominik Horvat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Od svibnja do listopada 2011. godine na području sjevernoistočne Slovenije (Rakičan, 46°65‘21‘‘ s.g.š., 16°19‘13‘‘ v.g.d., 188 m n.v.) izveli smo pokus u kojem smo istraživali značajke tri vrste trava i četiri mješavine trava na srednje intenzivno uzgojenom travnjaku poslije dvije godine rasta. Pokus je bio postavljen u rujnu 2009. godine po metodi slučajnog redosljeda pokusnih jedinica u četiri ponavljanja. Veličina osnovne pokusne jedinice bila je 10 m2. Količina sjemena za sjetvu bila je 250 kg na hektar. Pokus smo gnojili s 200 kg N na ha (u 7 prihrana), 60 kg P2O5 na ha i 120 kg K2O na ha. U pokusu smo ocjenjivali i određivali: boju travnjaka, brzinu rasta, prazna mjesta, gustoću trave, zakorovljenost, otpornost na sušu, otpornost na bolesti, utjacaj vremenskih uvjeta i prinos suhe tvari na ha pojedine mješavine. Analiza rezultata pokusa je pokazala da se mješavina trava 3, sastavljena od trstikaste vlasulje(Festuca arundinacea) – sorta ‚Arid 3‘ (50 %) i dvije sorte engleskog ljulja (Lolium perenne L.) – sorte ‚Panderosa‘ (25 %) i sorte ‚Mondial‘ (25 %) značajno isticala, po ocijenjenim parametrima od ostalih vrsta trava i mješavina trava iz pokusa. - From May to October 2011, a field experiment was conducted in the north eastern Slovenia (Rakičan, 46°65’21’’ N, 16°19’13’’ E, 188 m s.l.), where we studied the properties of three grasses and four grass mixtures appropriate to create a medium- intensive ornamental lawn after the second year of growth. The experiment was designed in September 2009 as randomized blocks with four repetitions. The size of the basic plot was 10 square metres. For sowing 250 kg of seeds per hectare were used. The treatments were fertilized with 200 kg N ha -1 (in seven fertilizations), 60 kg P2O5 ha -1 and 120 kg K2O ha -1.In the experiment, we assessed and evaluated turf colour, growth rate, bare spots, turf density, weeds, drought resistance, and turf resistance to disease, the impact of weather conditions and dry matter yield of each mixture. The results obtained in the experiment indicated that the grass mixture No. 3, composed of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) – cv. ‘Arid 3 (50%) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) – cv. ‘Panderosa’ (25%) and cv. Mondial’ (25%), significantly differed from the remaining grasses and grass mixtures according to the observed parameters.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trave -- Ukrasni travnjaci -- Značajke trava -- Uvjeti za rast

Vidi br.: HA20-00279

Vidi br.: HA20-00285

Vidi br.: HA20-00290

Vidi br.: HA20-00312

636/639   Stočarstvo i uzgoj životinja. Proizvodi domaćih životinja i divljači. Pčelarstvo. Držanje i uzgoj kukaca. Lovstvo. Ribarstvo. Ribogojstvo

Canine mammary cancer [Elektronička građa] : clinical implications with specific focus on the HER-2 gene / Alejandro Clavijo-Maldonado, Enio Ferreira, Carlos Vargas-Hernández, Fredy A. Rivera-Páez.
Bibliografija: 165 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Canine mammary cancer (CMC) is one of the most common neoplasms in intact females in comparison to other species. Several risk factors have been identified, including breed, genetic predisposition, age, reproductive history, hormonal influence, diet, and body condition, in addition to previous lesions to the mammary gland, such as mammary atypical hyperplasia. An understanding of the genetic markers for the disease and a clinical approach are important for establishing a specific therapy that can allow adequate patient survivorship. Overexpression of the HER-2 gene in canines and humans is associated with a poor clinical prognosis, mainly short survivorship, although the clinical relationship is not clear. The incidence of HER-2 in female dogs can range from 29.7% to 38%. However, overexpression of HER-2 is not necessarily associated with malignancy processes of the mammary tissue, although it participates in cellular proliferation. Finally, canines remain one of the most important models for comparative oncology with humans due to the great similarity in the spontaneous presentation and development of cancer, and in the high homology in the amino acid sequence. - Tumor mliječne žlijezde kuja je jedna od najčešćih neoplazija u ženki u usporedbi s drugim vrstama. Ustvrđeno je nekoliko čimbenika rizika uključujući pasminu, genetsku predispoziciju, dob, reproduktivnu anamnezu, hormonalni utjecaj, hranidbu i tjelesnu kondiciju uz prethodne lezije mliječne žlijezde kao što su primjerice atipična hiperplazija mliječne žlijezde. U cilju uspostavljanja specifične terapije koja bi omogućila prihvatljivo vrijeme preživljavanja pacijenata važno je razumijevanje genetskih markera za spomenutu bolest kao i klinički pristup. Prekomjerna ekspresija HER-2 gena u kanida i ljudi povezana je s nepovoljnom kliničkom prognozom, uglavnom s kratkim vremenom preživljavanja, premda nije jasna njihova klinička povezanost. Incidencija HER-2 u kuja može biti u rasponu od 29,7 % do 38 %. Međutim, prekomjerna ekspresija HER-2 nije nužno povezana sa zloćudnim procesima u tkivu mliječne žlijezde, premda ima ulogu u staničnoj proliferaciji. Naposljetku, kanidi su i dalje najvažniji modeli za komparativnu onkologiju u odnosu na ljude zbog velike sličnosti u spontanom izgledu i razvoju tumora kao i u visokoj homologiji u slijedu aminokiselina.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 425-439  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Tumori -- Mliječne žlijezde -- Dijagnostika -- Čimbenici rizika -- HER-2 gen

LIPAR, Marija
Cerebrospinal fluid assessment in dogs with spinal tumors and intervertebral disk herniation [Elektronička građa] / Marija Lipar, Boris Pirkić, Marko Pećin, Berislav Radišić, Ozren Smolec, Jadranka Bubić Špoljar, Branimir Škrlin, Ivana Stolić.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The study presents a retrospective case study. This aim was to determine whether lactate, glucose and total protein in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be used as specific biochemical markers for rapid differential diagnosis between intervertebral disk herniation and spinal tumors. Canine blood (n=9) and cerebrospinal fluid (n=9) were collected for chemistry analysis in nine dogs divided into two groups: intervertebral disk herniation group (IVDHG) (n=6) and spinal tumor group (TG) (n=3). Absorption spectrophotometry was used for quantitative determination of the concentrations of lactate, glucose and total protein in serum and CSF. Lactate concentration in serum and CSF and glucose concentration in CSF were 40-60% higher in subjects in TG compared to the IVDHG group. Serum lactate concentrations in the IVDHG group were 60% lower than physiological values. The results indicate that elevated concentration of glucose, lactate and total proteins in CSF and serum are indicative of a tumor, while a decrease of serum lactate and other parameters within normal range indicate disk herniation. - Ovo istraživanje predstavlja retrospektivnu studiju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustvrditi mogu li laktat, glukoza ili ukupni protein u serumu i cerebrospinalnoj tekućini biti specifični biokemijski markeri u brzoj diferencijalnoj dijagnostici kralježničnog tumora i hernijacije intervertebralnog diska. U istraživanju je korišteno 9 uzoraka pseće krvi i 9 uzoraka pseće cerebrospinalne tekućine koje su biokemijski analizirane. Ukupno 9 je pasa podijeljeno u 2 skupine: hernijacija intervertebralnog diska (IVDHG) (n=6) i skupina vertebralni tumor (TG) (n=3). Za kvantitativno određivanje koncentracija laktata, glukoze i ukupnih proteina u serumu i cerebrospinalnoj tekućini koristila se metoda apsorpcijske spektrofotometrije. Koncentracije laktatata u serumu i cerebrospnalnoj tekućini i glukoze u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini su bile povišene za 40 do 60 % u pasa s tumorom u kralježnici u usporedbi s psima iz skupine s hernijacijom intervertebralnog diska. Serumska koncentracija laktata u pasa s hernijacijom intervertebralnog diska je bila 60 % niža nego fiziološke vrijednosti. Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da povećane koncentracije glukoze, laktata i ukupnih proteina u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini upućuju na tumor u kralježnici, dok, smanjene ili fiziološke vrijednosti laktata i ostalih mjerenih pokazatelja mjerenih u serumu i cerebrospinalnoj tekućini ukazuju na hernijaciju intervertebralnog diska.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 387-392  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Cerebrospinalna tekućina -- Tumori -- Kralježnični tumor -- Hernija diska

Clinical, ultrasound and chromosome findings of testicles in a French bulldog (Canis lupus familiaris) with azoospermia [Elektronička građa] / Salome Agudelo-Yepes, Yundrum Militza Rivillas, Diego Fernando Carrillo-González, Walter D. Cardona-Maya. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This case report describes azoospermia in a French bulldog. The dog, with historical evidence of unsuccessful insemination after both artificial insemination and natural breeding, presented with physiological parameters (testosterone levels and karyotype) within normal ranges. Scrotal palpation and ultrasound of both testicles indicated aplasia of the epididymis and vas deferens. Two seminal samples were examined and no sperm cells were found. In conclusion, before starting an assisted reproduction procedure, it is necessary to perform sperm analysis to determine the reproductive capacity of the dog intended as a stud dog. - Ovaj prikaz slučaja opisuje azoospermiju francuskog buldoga. Pas, s prethodnim anamnestičkim nalazima neuspješne oplodnje, kako nakon umjetnog osjemenjivanja, tako i parenja, imao je fiziološke parametre (razine testosterona i kariotip) unutar normalnih granica. Palpacija skrotuma i ultrazvuk oba testisa ukazali su na aplaziju nuzjaja i sjemenovoda. Ispitana su dva uzorka sjemena i nisu pronađeni spermiji. Zaključno, da bi se odredio reproduktivni kapacitet psa namijenjenog za rasplod, potrebno je prije početka postupka potpomognute oplodnje obaviti analizu sperme.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 317-324  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Francuski buldog -- Neplodnost -- Reprodukcija -- Uzgajivači

POLAK, Tomaž
Comparison of the physico-chemical parameters and sensory properties of selected pasteurized meat products on Slovenian market [Elektronička građa] / Tomaž Polak, Mateja Lušnic Polak, Iva Zahija, Katja Babič, Lea Demšar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Consumers often mix pasteurised meat products from the subgroup of smoked meat with a subgroup of meat products known as canned meat. The aim of this study was therefore to determine their physicochemical parameters and sensory properties of smoked meat and canned meat subgroups of pasteurised meat products on the Slovenian market. Chemical analyses of the content of ash, sodium chloride and phosphates, thiobarbituric acid number (TBA), instrumental measurements of the proximate composition (NIR), colour (CIE L*, a*, b*) and texture (Texture Profile Analysis) as well as the evaluation of sensory properties (Descriptive Analysis Method) were performed on 33 products. The products of smoked meat had a higher content of protein, ash, total phosphates and sodium chloride than the products of canned meat. All products were oxidatively stable (low TBA number). The products of smoked meat were darker (lower L* values) and redder in cross-section (higher a* values), they were tougher, gummier, more difficult to chew, more cohesive and less elastic in texture (Texture Profile Analysis) than the products of canned meat. The panel of experts evaluated the products of both subgroups with a similar average overall impression. Compared to the products of the canned meat, the products of the smoked meat showed worse slice colour uniformity, they contained a higher level of gelatinised connective tissue on the slice, had a worse slice connectivity, the texture of a slice was firmer with coarser fibres, they were saltier, with a less pronounced metallic and rancid aroma and a more pronounced bitter, acidic and odd aroma. Chewiness, gumminess, cohesiveness, hardness and elasticity (texture parameters) loaded strongly on the quality parameters of all products (Factor analysis). Furthermore, linear discriminant analysis confirmed that the products of the subgroups smoked meat and canned meat differ in their physico-chemical and sensory profile. - Potrošači toplinski obrađene mesne proizvode (pasterizacija) iz podskupine dimljenih proizvoda (polutrajni suhomesnati proizvodi od jednog komada mesa), često miješaju s podskupinom polutrajnih proizvoda od komada mesa (“konzerve”). Cilj je ovog rada, stoga, bio utvrditi fizikalno-kemijske značajke i senzorska svojstva proizvoda iz ovih podskupina na slovenskom tržištu. Kemijskim analizama provedenima na 33 proizvoda utvrđeni su udio pepela, soli i fosfata te TBA vrijednost (test tiobarbiturne kiseline) i izvršena instrumentalna mjerenja kemijskog sastava (NIR), boje (CIE L*, a*, b*) i teksture (analiza profila teksture), kao i procjena senzorskih svojstava (metoda opisne analize). Dimljeni mesni proizvodi imali su veći udio bjelančevina, pepela, ukupnih fosfata i soli od konzerviranih mesnih proizvoda. Svi proizvodi bili su oksidativno stabilni (niska TBA vrijednost). Dimljeni mesni proizvodi bili su tamniji (niže vrijednosti L*) i crveniji u presjeku (više vrijednosti a*), žilaviji, ljepljiviji i teži za žvakanje te kohezivnije i manje elastične teksture (analiza teksturnog profila) od polutrajnih proizvoda od komada mesa. Stručna skupina proizvode iz obje podskupine ocijenila je sličnim prosječnim ukupnim dojmom. U usporedbi s polutrajnim mesnim proizvodima, dimljeni mesni proizvodi pokazali su lošiju ujednačenost boje kriški, sadržavali višu razinu želatiniziranog vezivnog tkiva u kriški, imali lošiju povezanost kriške, tekstura kriške bila je čvršća i sadržavala grublja vlakna, bili su slaniji, s manje izraženom aromom metala i užeglosti te izraženijom gorkom, kiselom i neobičnom aromom. Lakoća žvakanja, ljepljivost, kohezivnost, tvrdoća i elastičnost (značajke teksture) kod svih su proizvoda značajno utjecale na značajke kvalitete (faktorska analiza). Osim toga, linearnom analizom različitih potvrđeno je da se proizvodi iz navedemih podskupina razlikuju po svom fizikalno-kemijskim i senzorskom profilu.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 3 ; str. 196-208  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mesni proizvodi -- Toplinska obrada -- Dimljeni mesni proizvodi -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Senzorska svojstva

Coronaviruses - viruses marking the 21st century [Elektronička građa] / Lorena Jemeršić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Coronaviruses are causative agents of respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological infections in mammals and birds. The main characteristic of coronaviruses is a high mutation rate, resulting in possible changes in their pathogenicity, tissue tropism or in their host. Even though they have been known causes of disease for decades, they became interesting in the 21st century due to outbreaks of large epidemics in humans and causing serious economic losses in the animal production sector, primarily the pig industry. The outbreaks of the highest concern emerged in 2002 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ‒ SARS) and in 2012 (Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome ‒ MERS). Both diseases are of animal origin, and manifested with severe pneumonia in humans and a lethality of 11% and 36%, respectively. Today we are confronted with one of the largest epidemics in the history of humankind, the COVID-19 pandemic. It is caused by a variant of the SARS coronavirus and transmitted through person to person contact, with no known animal vector. Until the time of press of this article the infection has been detected in over 4.8 million people and has been the cause of over 320,000 deaths. In Croatia, due to protective measures imposed by the National Civil Protection Headquarters, COVID-19 is still within linear case growth. This review provides insight into known coronavirus infections in animals and humans and shows that novel coronaviruses have already marked the 21st century and likely changed the world, as we know it, forever. - Koronavirusi su uzročnici respiratornih, gastrointestinalnih i neuroloških infekcija u sisavaca i ptica. Značajka je koronavirusa visoka mutacijska stopa koja može rezultirati promjenom patogenosti, tkivnog tropizma i/ili domaćina. Premda su znanstvenoj javnosti poznati već desetljećima, potakli su posebno zanimanje istraživača tek u 21. stoljeću nakon pojave emergentnih koronavirusnih infekcija epidemijskih razmjera u ljudi, ali i životinja, naročito svinja. Najznačajnije su emergentne infekcije u ljudi teški akutni respiratorni sindrom (SARS) koji je obilježio 2002. godinu i srednje-istočni respiratorni sindrom (MERS) koji se pojavio 2012. godine. Obje su infekcije životinjskog podrijetla, a očituju se teškom pneumonijom u ljudi s letalitetom od 11 % (SARS) i 36 % (MERS). Danas smo suočeni s jednom od najvećih epidemija u povijesti čovječanstva, pandemijom COVID-19. Uzročnik je koronavirus, inačica virusa uzročnika SARS, a prenosi se izravno s čovjeka na čovjeka. Nije poznato je li u transmisiji virusa na ljude sudjelovala i životinja. Do dana tiskanja ovog članka je infekcija ustvrđena u više od 4,8 milijuna ljudi sa smrtnim ishodom u preko 320 000 ljudi. U Hrvatskoj je zahvaljujući Nacionalnom stožeru civilne zaštite za COVID-19 i mjerama koji je stožer preporučio i uveo, infekcija još uvijek u granicama mogućnosti pružanja potrebite skrbi. Ovaj članak opisuje koronavirusne infekcije u životinja i ljudi te prikazuje kako su novi sojevi koronavirusa već sada obilježili 21. stoljeće i možda zauvijek promijenili svijet.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 229-239  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Koronavirusi -- Životinje -- Ljudi -- COVID-19

ŠANDOR, Ksenija
Development of an SPE- HPLC-DAD method for the experimental study of florfenicol and florfenicol amine in pig cerebrospinal fluid [Elektronička građa] / Ksenija Šandor, Miroslav Andrišić, Irena Žarković, Eleonora Perak Junaković, Anja Vujnović, Svjetlana Terzić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - A study of florfenicol (FF) and its metabo- lite florfenicol amine (FFA) in pig cerebrospinal fluid was conducted following repeated intramuscular administration of the original (reference) and a generic veterinary medicinal product (VMP) under the same experimental conditions (20 mg FF/kg body weight, 48-hour interval). Both VMPs are solutions for injection containing FF as an active substance in the concentration of 300 mg/mL and have been authorized in Croatia for use in cattle and pigs. In this study, clinically healthy pigs were randomly divided into three groups. The first group was treated with the reference VMP, the second with the generic VMP, while the third served as the control group. Animals were sacrificed at 216, 288 and 384 hours after the first drug administration. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were analysed by the optimized and validated high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector method (HPLC-DAD). The solid-phase extraction (SPE) technique was chosen for sample preparation. The HPLC-DAD method provides good linearity over the concentration range of 0.05 to 5.00 μg/mL for FF and FFA. Limits of detection were 0.0023 μg/mL for FF and 0.0100 μg/mL for FFA. Extraction recoveries of FF were from 86.6% to 111.8%, and of FFA from 91.7% to 98.8%. The SPE-HPLC-DAD method has been demonstrated to be a selective, sensitive and suitable analytical method for the determination of FF and FFA in cerebrospinal fluid. The present study was based on a preliminary study that quantified FF in pig plasma at 216 hours after the first application of reference or generic VMP. However, FF and FFA were not detected in any of the cerebrospinal fluid samples during the experimental period. According to the nature of biological fluids, the SPE-HPLC-DAD method can be suitable for further pharmacokinetic studies of FF in pig plasma and serum after intramuscular administration of VMPs. - Raspodjela florfenikola (FF) i njegovog metabolita florfenikol amina (FFA) u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini svinja istražena je nakon dvokratne primjene u mišić s 48-satnim razmakom originalnog i generičkog veterinarsko-medicinskog proizvoda (VMP) iste terapijske doze (20 mg FF/kg tjelesne mase) u istim uvjetima pokusa. Oba VMP-a imaju odobrenje za stavljanje u promet u Hrvatskoj te su po farmaceutskom obliku otopine za injekcije i sadržavaju 300 mg FF/mL. Pokus je proveden na klinički zdravim svinjama raspoređenim u dvije pokusne i jednu kontrolnu skupinu. Prvoj pokusnoj skupini životinja primijenjen je originalni, drugoj skupini generički lijek, dok je treća skupina bila kontrolna. Žrtvovanje životinja uslijedilo je nakon 216, 288 i 384 sata od prvog davanja VMP-a. Uzorci cerebrospinalne tekućine prikupljeni su u trenutku žrtvovanja i analizirani su optimiranom i validiranom tekućinskokromatografskom metodom uz detekciju UV-detektorom s nizom fotodioda (HPLC-DAD). Obrada uzoraka cerebrospinalne tekućine provedena je ekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi C18 (SPE). Primjenom SPE-HPLC- DAD metode ustvrđeno je da matrica ne utječe na linearnost FF i FFA u radnom području od 0,05 do 5,00 μg/mL te je postignuta granica detekcije od 0,0023 μg/mL za FF i od 0,0100 μg/mL za FFA. Vrijednosti analitičkih povrata kreću se od 86,6 % do 111,8 % za FF, odnosno od 91,7% do 98,8% za FFA. U ovom radu je dokazano da je SPE-HPLC-DAD metoda selektivna, osjetljiva i pouzdana analitička metoda za određivanje FF i FFA u cerebrospi- nalnoj tekućini. S obzirom na rezultate našeg preliminarnog istraživanja FF u plazmi svinja tretiranih originalnim, odnosno generičkim VMP-om, cilj ovog istraživanja bila je i usporedba distribucije FF u uzorcima plazme i cerebrospinalne tekućine svinja nakon 216. sata od primjene VMP-a. Međutim, u uzorcima cerebrospinalne tekućine svinja žrtvovanih u navedenom pokusnom razdoblju nisu detektirani ni FF ni FFA.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 129-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Florfenikol -- Florfenikol amin -- Cerebrospinalna tekućina -- Veterinarsko-medicinski proizvodi

Differences in plasma Anti Müllerian hormone levels and reproductive parameters between two bovine species: Bos indicus and Bubalus bubalis [Elektronička građa] / Jesús A. Berdugo, Ariel M. Tarazona, José de Julián Echeverri, Walter D. Cardona-Maya, Albeiro Lopez-Herrera. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible relationships between reproductive parameters and Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels in two closely related bovine species. AMH levels and the reproductive parameters of 50 water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and 50 Zebu cattle (Bos indicus) of the same age and raised in similar conditions were evaluated. Clinical data were obtained from the farm in specialized designed format, and AMH was measured by ELISA. The results show that Zebu cattle had higher AMH levels than water buffaloes (P<0.0001), while water buffaloes exhibited better reproductive parameters: days open to pregnancy (P<0.0001), parity (P<0.0005), age at first calving (P<0.0001), and intercalving period (P<0.0001). Although both species have different reproductive parameters, no correlations were found between AMH and the reproductive parameters evaluated in either species. Finally, pregnant Zebu cattle and water buffalo showed a tendency to have lower AMH levels than non-pregnant counterparts. The results are paradoxical as the species with lower AMH levels exhibited better reproductive parameters, suggesting that the reproductive parameters within the herd do not depend solely on the ovarian reserve of females. - Cilj je ovog rada bio procijeniti je li moguće ustanoviti povezanost između reproduktivnih parametara i razina anti-Müllerovog hormona (AMH) u dvije blisko srodne vrste goveda. Analizirane su razine AMH i reproduktivni parametri 50 bivola (Bubalus bubalis) i 50 zebu goveda (Bos indicus) iste dobi uzgojenih u sličnim uvjetima. Klinički podatci dobiveni su s farme u posebno osmišljenom pokusu. AMH je određivan pomoću ELISA metode. Rezultati pokazuju da su razine AMH više u goveda nego u bivola (P<0,0001). Bivoli su pokazali bolje reproduktivne parametre: servisno razdoblje (P<0,0001), paritet (P<0,0005), dob kod prvog teljenja (P<0,0001) i međutelidbeno razdoblje (P<0,0001). Premda obje vrste imaju različite reproduktivne parametre, nije ustanovljena povezanost između AMH i analiziranih reproduktivnih parametara niti u jedne od istraživanih vrsta. Zaključno, steone ženke goveda i bivola pokazuju tendenciju manjih razina AMH u usporedbi s nesteonim. Rezultati dobiveni u ovoj studiji su paradoksalni, jer vrste s nižim AMH razinama pokazuju bolje reproduktivne parametre. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da reproduktivni parametri unutar krda ne ovise samo o rezervi jajnih stanica u ženki.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 497-506  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bivoli -- Zebu govedo -- Reproduktivni parametri -- Anti-Müllerov hormon

PEĆIN, Marko
Dijagnostika i kirurško liječenje medijalnog iščašenja ivera u pasa [Elektronička građa] / Marko Pećin, Anja Samardžić, Ozren Smolec, Mario Kreszinger. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Medijalno iščašenje ivera česta je pojava i uzrok šepanja u malih pasmina pasa te ima veliko značenje u veterinarskoj praksi. Međutim, kirurško liječenje lakših slučajeva, osobito I stupnja često se izbjegava i ne smatra bitnim. Konzervativno liječenje ne daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Iščašenje može nastati zbog traume, ali može biti prisutno već pri rođenju što je često povezano s težim deformacijama kostiju. Nasljednog je karaktera. Težina kliničkih znakova ovisi o stupnju iščašenja ivera, a u nekim slučajevima kada nema kliničkih znakova do dijagnoze se dolazi tijekom rutinskog kliničkog pregleda. Osim ortopedskog pregleda, dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju rendgenskog snimanja koje može biti negativno u I ili čak II stupnju iščašenja. Vrsta operativnog zahvata ovisi o stupnju iščašenja, a može se temeljiti na rekonstrukciji mekih tkiva ili kostiju. Najčešće korištene tehnike su zatezanje lateralnog retinakuluma s otpuštanjem medijalnog retinakuluma, produbljivanje trohlearnog kanala, odnosno trohleoplastike i premještanja goljenične kvrge lateralno i čak blago distalno. Kod težih deformacija kostiju primjenjuje se korektivna osteotomija bedrene kosti. Danas postoje i moderne metode liječenja ovog ortopedskog problema kao što je korištenje implantanata ili endoproteza koje povećavaju ili u potpunosti zamjenjuju trohlearni žlijeb. Ove tehnike imaju znatno višu cijenu. Veliku ulogu u liječenju treba dati i postoperativnoj analgeziji te imobilizaciji noge. Rjeđe se događaju veće komplikacije, ali se može javiti ponovno iščašenje ivera, popuštanje implantanata što se smatra najčešćim te lom goljeničke kvrge kao najteža komplikacija. U većini slučajeva prognoza je odlična, noga se vraća normalnoj funkciji, a hromost se ne pojavljuje. - Medial patellar luxation is a common occurrence and the cause of lameness in small dog breeds, and therefore of great significance in veterinary practice. However, surgical treatment of light cases, such as grade I is often avoided and not considered essential. In most cases, conservative treatment is insufficient. Luxations can occure due to trauma or can be present at birth, which is often associated with more severe bone deformations. It is hereditary disease. The severity of clinical signs depends on the degree of patellar luxation, though there may be no clinical signs until diagnosis is made during routine clinical examination. Apart from an orthopaedic examination, the diagnosis is set after radiography which can be negative in grade I or even grade II. The type of surgery depends on the degree of luxation and may be based on soft tissue or bone reconstruction. The most commonly used techniques are overlap of the lateral retinaculum, medial retinaculum release, trochleoplasty and transposition of tibial tuberosity laterally or distally. In severe bone deformations, osteotomy of the femur is applied. There are now modern methods to treat this orthopaedic problem, such as the use of endoprosthetic implants that enhance or substitute the patellar grove completely. An important role in treatment should be given to postoperative analgesia and leg immobilization. There are fewer complications, though there may be a recurrence of patellar luxation and loosening of implants, as the most common complication, or tibial crest fractures as the most severe complication. In most cases, the prognosis is excellent, the leg returns to normal function and lameness does not appear. This paper describes the clinical signs, diagnostic procedures and surgical treatment of medial patellar luxation in dogs with several of the mentioned modern techniques.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 689-698  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Iver -- Iščašenje -- Kirurško liječenje -- Implantati

LJUMA Skupnjak, Lana
Duration of immunity acquired by vaccination with the live attenuated vaccine Avishield IB H120 against infectious bronchitis virus in SPF chickens [Elektronička građa] / Lana Ljuma Skupnjak, Anto Vrdoljak, Nikol Očuršćak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The most effective means of controlling infectious bronchitis in poultry is by vaccination. Live attenuated vaccines based on the H120 strain (Mass serotype) are the most commonly used vaccines. Since vaccination is often performed in the hatchery, long duration of immunity is preferred. Avishield IB H120, a live attenuated vaccine based on the strain H120 is registered across the European Union and other countries, and has a declared immunity period of up to 5 weeks after vaccination. This study presents the results of an additional survey demonstrating protection against challenge with the IBV strain M41 up to 8 weeks after a single vaccination with Avishield IB H120. Seven weeks after vaccination, 94% of chickens vaccinated by spray were protected against the challenge. Eight weeks after vaccination, 80% of spray vaccinated chickens and 75% of orally vaccinated chickens were still protected against the challenge with virulent IBV. - Cijepljenje je najučinkovitiji način kontrole zaraznog bronhitisa u peradi. Najčešće korištena cjepiva su živa atenuirana cjepiva temeljena na soju H120 (pripadaju Mass serotipu). Budući da se cijepljenje često provodi već u valionici, poželjno je dugo trajanje imunosti. Avishield IB H120, živo atenuirano cjepivo koje sadrži cjepni soj H120, registrirano je u brojnim zemljama Europske unije i na drugim tržištima s deklariranim trajanjem imunosti od 5 tjedana nakon cijepljenja. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati dodatne studije gdje smo dokazali zaštitu od izazivačke infekcije s patogenim virusom M41 i 8 tjedana nakon cijepljenja s Avishield IB H120 putem spreja ili vode za piće.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 621-626  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Perad -- Cijepljenje -- Virus zaraznog bronhitisa -- Trajanje imunosti

The effect of rubber mats on lesions and lameness in gilts housed in gestation stalls [Elektronička građa] / Mario Ostović, Sven Menčik, Anamaria Ekert Kabalin, Dražen Matičić, Tajana Trbojević Vukičević, Kristina Matković, Ivana Sabolek, Dalibor Potočnjak, Željko Pavičić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Rubber mats have not yet been widely established in pig production. However, studies mostly focusing on lesions, lameness and behaviours of lactating and group-housed pregnant sows have reported favourable results. To the best of our knowledge, lesions and lameness in sows or gilts housed individually in rubber floor gestation stalls have not been previously investigated. This study was carried out on a commercial pigbreeding farm service unit during a 28-day production cycle in all seasons. Twentyeight gilts were divided into two equal groups, control and experimental groups, and observed for each cycle. The control group was housed in standard gestation stalls with concrete slatted floor, which in the experimental group was covered with an adjusted rubber mat. During each cycle, lesions were scored on days 1, 8, 15 and 28, and lameness on day 1 and upon gilt transfer from the service unit on day 29. Gilts in rubber floor stalls showed significant reduction (P<0.05) in lesions during the cooler period. Conversely, mats had no impact on lameness score in any season. No significant correlations were found between lesions and the percentage of gilts with a particular lameness score. Accordingly, rubber flooring may improve the welfare of gilts in gestation stalls through lower lesion incidence; however, ambient temperature should be taken into consideration when available. - Gumene podne obloge u svinjogojskoj proizvodnji nemaju još primjenu u praksi. Međutim, istraživanja koja su se uglavnom odnosila na ozljede, hromost i ponašanje dojnih i skupno držanih gravidnih krmača polučila su pozitivne rezultate. Prema našim saznanjima, nisu provedena istraživanja pojavnosti ozljeda i hromosti u krmača ili nazimica koje su tijekom gravidnosti držane pojedinačno, u odjeljcima s gumenom podnom oblogom. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je u pripustilištu komercijalne svinjogojske farme tijekom 28-dnevnog proizvodnog ciklusa u svim godišnjim dobima. Svaki ciklus obuhvatio je 28 nazimica podijeljenih u dvije jednake skupine, kontrolnu i pokusnu. Nazimice kontrolne skupine bile su u standardnim odjeljcima za pojedinačno držanje tijekom gravidnosti, s betonskim rešetkastim podom, koji je u pokusnoj skupini nazimica bio prekriven prilagođenom gumenom podnom oblogom. Ozljede su se procjenjivale 1., 8., 15. i 28. dana svakog ciklusa, a hromost 1. dana pojedinog ciklusa i prilikom premještanja nazimica iz pripustilišta (29. dan). U nazimica pokusne skupine utvrđeno je značajno manje (P<0,05) ozljeda u hladnijem razdoblju, dok obloge nisu imale utjecaja na hromost nazimica ni u jednom godišnjem dobu. Nisu ustvrđene značajne povezanosti između ozljeda i udjela nazimica s određenim stupnjem hromosti. Može se zaključiti da gumene podne obloge poboljšavaju dobrobit nazimica držanih u pojedinačnim odjeljcima tijekom gravidnosti, kroz manju učestalost ozljeda; međutim, pri njihovoj primjeni trebaju se uzeti u obzir ambijentalne temperature.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 527-534  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Svinjogojstvo -- Gumena podna obloga -- Ozljede -- Hromost -- Dobrobit životinja

TAVAKOLI, Masoomeh
Effects of dietary vitamin C supplementation on fatty acid profile in breast meat of broiler chickens [Elektronička građa] / Masoomeh Tavakoli, Mehrdad Bouyeh, Alireza Seidavi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - This experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of using three different levels of vitamin C (0, 200 and 400 mg/kg) in diet on fatty acid profiles of breast meat of broilers. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design in 3 treatments and 4 replicates with 10 chickens per pen for 42 days using 120 one-day-old male chickens of commercial Ross 308 strain. Data analysis was performed by SAS statistical software and the comparison of the means with Duncan's multiple-range test at 5% probability level. The results showed that the percentage of saturated fatty acids such as myristic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid decreased by 200 mg/kg vitamin C. Also, the amount of unsaturated fatty acids increased at the same level of vitamin C and the saturated fatty acids were reduced. - Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti koje učinke uvrštavanje tri različite razine vitamina C (0, 200 i 400 mg/kg) u prehranu ima na profil masnih kiselina u mesu prsa brojlera. Istraživanje je provedeno u 3 ciklusa i 4 ponavljanja u trajanju od 42 dana, na potpuno randomiziranom uzorku od 10 pilića po kavezu, ukupno 120 jednodnevnih muških pilića komercijalnog hibrida Ross 308. Analiza podataka provedena je uporabom programa za statističku analizu SAS, dok je usporedba srednjih vrijednost izvršena Duncanovim testom višestrukog raspona uz vjerojatnost pogreške od 5 %. Rezultati su pokazali da se kod dodatka vitamina C razine 200 mg/kg smanjio postotak zasićenih masnih kiselina poput miristinske, palmitinske i stearinske kiseline, pri čemu se količina nezasićenih masnih kiselina povećala, a količina zasićenih masnih kiselina smanjila. - Ziel der Studie war es, die Auswirkungen der Aufnahme von drei verschiedenen Vitamin C-Mengen (0, 200 und 400 mg / kg) in die Ernährung auf das Fettsäureprofil im Broilerbrustfleisch zu bewerten. Die Studie wurde in 3 Zyklen und 4 Wiederholungen in Dauer von 42 Tagen durchgeführt, an einer vollständig randomisierten Probe von 10 Hühnern pro Käfig, insgesamt 120 männliche Hühner im Alter von einem Tag des kommerziellen Hybrids Ross 308. Die Datenanalyse wurde unter Verwendung des statistischen SAS-Analyseprogramms vorgenommen, während der Vergleich der Mittelwerte mit dem Duncan multiplen Vergleichstest mit einer Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von 5% durchgeführt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Zugabe von Vitamin C in einer Menge von 200 mg / kg den Prozentsatz an gesättigten Fettsäuren wie Myristinsäure, Palmitinsäure und Stearinsäure verringert, wobei die Menge an ungesättigten Fettsäuren zunahm und die Menge an gesättigten Fettsäuren abnahm. - El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la adición de tres niveles diferentes de la vitamina C (0, 200 y 400 mg / kg) en la dieta, sobre el perfil de los ácidos grasos en la carne de broiler. El estudio fue realizado en 3 ciclos y 4 réplicas durante 42 días, con una muestra completamente al azar de 10 pollos por jaula, un total de 120 pollos machos de un día de edad del híbrido comercial Ross 308. El análisis de los datos fue realizado utilizando el programa de análisis estadístico SAS, mientras que la comparación de los valores medios se realizó mediante la prueba de rango múltiple de Duncan con una probabilidad de error del 5%. Los resultados mostraron que la adición de la vitamina C a un nivel de 200 mg / kg disminuyó el porcentaje de ácidos grasos saturados como el ácido mirístico, palmítico y esteárico, mientras que la cantidad de los ácidos grasos insaturados aumentó y la cantidad de los ácidos grasos saturados disminuyó. - La ricerca è stata finalizzata alla valutazione dell'impatto dell'inserimento di tre differenti livelli di vitamina C (0, 200 e 400 mg/kg) nel mangime sul profilo degli acidi grassi contenuti nella carne del petto dei polli da carne. La ricerca è stata svolta in 3 cicli e 3 ripetizioni, per la durata di 42 giorni, su un campione completamente randomizzato di 10 pulcini per gabbia, per un totale di 120 pulcini maschi di un giorno del tipo ibrido commerciale Ross 308. L'analisi dei dati è stata condotta con l'impiego del programma d'analisi statistica SAS, mentre la comparazione dei valori medi è stata eseguita con il test di comparazione multipla di Duncan con probabilità d'errore del 5%. I risultati hanno dimostrato che, con l'aggiunta della vitamina C livello 200 mg/kg, la percentuale di acidi grassi saturi come l'acido miristico, l'acido palmitico e l'acido stearico s'è ridotta, mentre è aumentata la quantità di acidi grassi insaturi ed è diminuita quella degli acidi grassi saturi.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 4 ; str. 268-273  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pilići -- Askorbinska kiselina -- Vitamin C -- Masne kiseline

Effects of different levels of fenofibrate on sensory properties and fatty acids profile of breast meat of broilers [Elektronička građa] / Maryam Azizi-Chekosari, Mehrdad Bouyeh, Alireza Seidavi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - The present study was performed to evaluate the effects of different levels of fenofibrate on the characteristics of broiler meat in a completely randomized design with 3 treatments, 4 replicates and 10 oneday- old male Ross 308 strain chicks per replicate for 42 days. Experimental treatments included 3 levels of fenofibrate (0, 50, and 100 mg/kg), which were used in combination with the basal diet. Analysis of the effect of experimental treatments was performed by SAS statistical software and the comparison of the means at 5% probability level with Duncan's multiple-range test. The results showed that consumption of fenofibrate improved the flavor characteristics of breast meat and the flavor of breast meat increased significantly with the application of 100 mg/kg fenofibrate compared to the control (P<0.05). Consumption of fenofibrate increased the percentage of oleic acid and linoleic acid and decreased saturated fatty acids, including palmitic acid and stearic acid in breast meat. - Istraživanjem smo na potpuno randomiziranom uzorku 10 jednodnevnih muških pilića komercijalnog hibrida Ross308, u tri ciklusa i četiri ponavljanja, tijekom 42 dana, procijenili učinak različitih razina fenofibrata na značajke mesa brojlera. Bazalnoj prehrani u pojedinom je ciklusu dodana jedna od tri različite razine fenofibrata (0, 50 i 100 mg/kg). Analiza učinaka provedena je uporabom programa za statističku analizu SAS, dok je usporedba srednjih vrijednost izvršena Duncanovim testom višestrukog raspona uz vjerojatnost pogreške od 5 %. Rezultati ukazuju da dodatak fenofirbrata poboljšava značajke okusa pilećih prsa, pri čemu je dodatak od 100 mg/kg fenofibrata, u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (P<0,05), značajno poboljšao okus pilećih prsa. Dodatak fenofibrata povećao je udio oleinske i linolne kiseline, a smanjio udio zasićenih masnih kiselina, poput palmitinske i stearinske kiseline, u pilećim prsima. - Untersucht wurde die Wirkung verschiedener Fenofibratmengen auf die Eigenschaften von Broilerfleisch an einer vollständig randomisierten Stichprobe von 10 eintägigen männlichen Hühnern des kommerziellen Hybrids Ross308 in 3 Zyklen und 4 Wiederholungen in Dauer von 42 Tagen. In jedem Zyklus wurde der Grundnahrung eine von 3 verschiedenen Fenofibratmengen (0, 50 und 100 mg / kg) zugesetzt. Die Effektanalyse wurde unter Verwendung des statistischen SAS-Analyseprogramms durchgeführt, während der Vergleich der Mittelwerte durch den Duncan-Mehrbereichstest mit einer Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von 5% durchgeführt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Zugabe von Fenofibrat die Geschmackseigenschaften von Hühnerbrust verbessert, wobei die Zugabe von 100 mg / kg Fenofibrat im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (P <0,05) den Geschmack von Hühnerbrust signifikant verbessert. Die Zugabe von Fenofibrat erhöht den Anteil an Olein- und Linolsäure und verringert den Anteil an gesättigten Fettsäuren wie Palmitinsäure und Stearinsäure in der Hühnerbrust. - Questa ricerca è stata svolta su un campione completamente randomizzato di 10 pulcini maschi di un giorno dell’ibrido commerciale Ross 308, in 3 cicli e 4 ripetizioni, durante 42 giorni. Con essa abbiamo valutato l’impatto di differenti livelli di fenofibrato sulle caratteristiche della carne dei polli da carne. Al mangime base in ogni singolo ciclo è stato aggiunto uno dei 3 differenti livelli di fenofibrato (0, 50 e 100 mg/kg). L'analisi dell’impatto è stata condotta con l'impiego del programma d'analisi statistica SAS, mentre la comparazione dei valori medi è stata eseguita con il test di comparazione multipla di Duncan con probabilità d'errore del 5%. I risultati hanno dimostrato che l'aggiunta del fenofibrato migliora le caratteristiche del gusto del petto di pollo, laddove l’aggiunta di 100 mg/kg di fenofibrato, rispetto al gruppo di controllo (P<0,05), ha migliorato significativamente il gusto dei petti di pollo. L’aggiunta del fenofibrato nei petti di pollo ha aumentato la percentuale di acido oleico e linoleico, mentre ha diminuito la presenza di acidi grassi, come l’acido palmitico e stearico. - En una muestra completamente aleatorizada de 10 pollos machos de un día de edad del híbrido comercial Ross 308, en 3 ciclos y 4 repeticiones, durante 42 días evaluamos el efecto de diferentes niveles de fenofibrato en las características de la carne de broiler. A la dieta basal en cada ciclo fue añadido uno de los 3 niveles diferentes de fenofibrato (0, 50 y 100 mg / kg). El análisis del efecto fue realizado utilizando el programa de análisis estadístico SAS, mientras que la comparación de los valores medios se realizó mediante la prueba de rango múltiple de Duncan con una probabilidad de error del 5%. Los resultados indican que la adición de fenofibrato mejoró las características de sabor de la pechuga de pollo, donde la adición de 100 mg / kg de fenofibrato mejoró significativamente el sabor de la pechuga de pollo, en comparación con el grupo de control (P <0,05). La adición de fenofibrato aumentó la proporción de ácido oleico y linoleico, y disminuyó la proporción de ácidos grasos saturados, como el ácido palmítico y esteárico, en la pechuga de pollo.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 5 ; str. 350-356  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Meso -- Piletina -- Pilići -- Oleinska kiselina -- Fibrinska kiselina -- Fenofibrati

Effects of storage duration on haematological parameters of the red eared slider - Trachemys Scripta Elegans [Elektronička građa] / Nejra Hadžimusić, Dunja Rukavina, Vedad Škapur, Lejla Velić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Reptiles, especially turtles, are becoming increasingly popular as pets. The haematological evaluation of turtles is an irreplaceable diagnostic tool in veterinary practice. However, the morphologic distinctiveness of turtle blood limits the use of electronic cell-counting devices, making time-consuming, manual counting techniques and evaluation of blood smears necessary. Many samples are dispatched to a laboratory over long distances, where a delay of 24 h or more may occur. At weekends, this interval may exceed 48 h. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of storage duration at refrigerator temperature (4 °C) on the counts of red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC), and on the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and packed cell volume (PCV) in blood samples from healthy adult red-eared sliders. Blood samples were collected by venipuncture from the occipital venous sinus from six apparently healthy adult red-eared sliders, aged 2 to 4 years. Blood samples were analysed immediately after sampling to obtain the baseline value (BV) of the red blood cell count, white blood cell count and packed cell volume percentage. Blood was stored at 4 °C and the haematological analyses were performed after 24h, 48h and 72h. The results showed the same level of stability for RBC and WBC count, and MCV values during 72 hours of storage at 4 °C and for PCV during 48 hours. Handling of blood samples, and duration of storage of the blood samples can significantly influence the results/values of haematological tests. Consequently, the obtained values of the determined haematological parameters of improperly stored or handled blood samples can give a misleading interpretation of the results on the animal’s health status. - Reptili su, posebno kornjače sve popularniji kao kućni ljubimci. Hematološka procjena kornjača je nezaobilazna dijagnostička metoda u rutinskoj veterinarskoj praksi. Ipak, neke morfološke osobitosti krvi kornjača ograničavaju mogućnost uporabe automatiziranih brojača krvnih stanica te je neophodno koristiti manualne tehnike brojenja i/ili procjenu krvnog razmaza, što zahtijeva znatno više vremena za određivanje hematoloških pokazatelja. Znatan broj uzoraka do laboratorija za obradu stižu s velikih udaljenosti te vrijeme pohrane uzorka prije same obrade može biti i dulje od 24 sata. U dane vikenda, vrijeme do obrade uzorka može biti i dulje od 48 sati. Cilj je našeg istraživanja bio ustanoviti utjecaj vremena skladištenja uzorka krvi crvenouhe kornjače čuvanih na temperaturi u hladnjaku od 4 °C na neke hematološke pokazatelje (eritrocite, leukocite, prosječna zapremina eritrocita, hematokritsku vrijednost). Krv je uzorkovana od šest odraslih, klinički zdravih crvenouhih kornjača venepunkcijom okcipitalnog venskog sinusa. Životinje su bile starosti 2 do 6 godina. Neposredno nakon uzorkovanja, krv je analizirana u cilju dobivanja baznih vrijednosti (BV) ispitivanih pokazatelja. Krv je potom skladištena na temperaturi od 4 °C i isti hematološki pokazatelji su ponovno određivani nakon 24h, 48h i 72h. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju jednaku razinu stabilnosti za vrijednost broja eritrocita i leukocita te vrijednost prosječne zapremine eritrocita tijekom 72h skladištenja na temperaturi u hladnjaku od 4 °C dok je hematokritska vrijednost pri navedenoj temperaturi stabilna do 48h. Iz navedenog smo zaključili da na rezultate hematoloških istraživanja utječe način manipulacije uzorkom, odnosno vrijeme skladištenja krvi.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 639-644  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kornjače -- Hematološki pokazatelji -- Eritrociti

GRDEN, Darko, veterinar
EKG u hrvatskog posavca i lipicanca - frekvencija i ritam [Elektronička građa] / Darko Grden, Jelena Gotić, Iva Šmit, Martina Crnogaj, Nika Brkljača Bottegaro, Karol Šimonji, Dora Ivšić Škoda, Blanka Beer Ljubić, Nada Kučer. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj istraživanja je bio ustvrditi standardne vrijednosti za frekvenciju srčnog rada i učestalost srčanog aritmija u hrvatskog posavca i lipicanca. U istraživanje su bila uključena 82 zdrava konja, različitog spola i dobi, 32 lipicanca i 50 posavaca. Svim je konjima u baznovršnom odvodu snimljen EKG u trajanju od 5 minuta. Iz snimljenog elektrokardiograma je određena srčana frekvencija, ritam i tip eventualne aritmije. Ustvrđena srednja vrijednost frekvencije (±SD) za sve konje uključene u istraživanje je 52,9 (±12,7) otkucaja u minuti, što je znatno više od bilo koje od objavljenih vrijednosti za konje do sada. Ustvrđena je učestalost aritmija od 2,4 %. Visoka frekvencija i niska učestalost srčanih artimija mogu biti pasminska karakteristika, ali mišljenja smo da su ove vrijednosti posljedica neprikladnosti primjene ambulantne elektrokardiografije u konja. Smatramo da je za istraživanje elektrokardiografskih karakteristika konja uvijek potrebno životinjama snimiti 24 satni Holter EKG u uobičajenim uvjetima držanja. - ECG is old but still irreplaceable diagnostic tool in cardiology. It has been used for almost a century and despite of its age still there are no alternative diagnostic tools in sight. It is standardised and routinely used in equine medicine, but lately a question of breed specific references has appeared and new research has been done in order to explore the need for breed specific reference values. No research, up to our knowledge, has been done on Croatian posavac and Lipizan horse ECG. The aim of this study was to determine standard reference values for heart rate and the prevalence of arrhythmias in Lipizzaner and Croatian posavac horse. The study included 82 healthy horses of different age and sex, 32 Lipizzaner and 50 Croatian posavac horses. Electrocardiograms were recorded for duration of 5 minutes in base-apex lead. The heart rate, rhythm and arrhythmia were determined from the recorded ECGs. The mean heart rate (±SD) of all the horses included in this study was 52.9 (±12.7) beats per minute, which is significantly higher than any published for the horses till now. The incidence of arrhythmias was 2.4%. High heart rate and low incidence of heart arrhythmias can be a breed characteristic, but we believe that they are in fact a consequence of ambulatory ECG recording that may not be the best choice for ECG analysis in horses. As reported heart rates in our study were high, much higher than any reported for horses at rest, that is why we believe that proper ECG for analysis in horses should be taken in familiar peaceful environment. We believe that further research into equine ECG it is warranted, this time a 24 hour Holter ECG should be recorded.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 33-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konji -- Lipicanac -- Hrvatski posavac -- EKG -- Aritmija -- Srčana frekvencija

Employment of doctors of veterinary medicine from 2010-2019 [Elektronička građa] / Denis Cvitković, Boris Volarević, Marko Tadić, Selim Pašić, Marina Pavlak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The employment of veterinarians is an indicator of economic development and of the quality of the relationship between humans and nature. Several authors have published reports on the employment of veterinarians. This paper examines the trends in unemployment and employment of veterinarians according to the records of the Croatian Employment Service (CES) in the period from 2010 to 2019. The CES is a public institution of the Republic of Croatia established under the Labour Market Act (Official Gazette 118/18) that plays a key role in regulating supply and demand on the labour market of the Republic of Croatia. The average number of employed veterinarians was higher than the average number of veterinarians registered in the CES records. An average of 181 veterinarians were sought annually, 160 were employed and 143 were registered, indicating that demand surpassed supply. Veterinarians were recruited faster than the average person with a college degree, within 180 days, and very few were in longterm unemployment. Most were employed in the category of young people (up to 30 years of age), and most were employed without any previous work experience. More women than men were employed. Most veterinarians were employed in the City of Zagreb, which reflects the relatively low livestock production and depopulation of rural areas, as the traditionally main and safest source of employment for veterinarians. According to the National Classification of Economic Activities (NKD), veterinarians were employed in almost all groups of activities, allowing for greater employment flexibility and mobility on the labour market. According to the National Classification of Occupations (NKZ), on the other hand, most veterinarians were employed in group 2 (experts and scientists), likely since veterinary medicine is a regulated profession. This also means that several were employed under their qualification levels. - Zapošljavanje veterinara jedan je od pokazatelja smjera razvoja gospodarstva i kvalitete odnosa čovjeka i prirode od koje živi. O zaposlenosti veterinara već su u nekoliko navrata pisali neki autori. U ovome radu željeli smo ustvrditi kakva su kretanja nezaposlenosti i zapošljavanja veterinara prema podatcima iz evidencije Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje (HZZ) u razdoblju od 2010. - 2019. HZZ je javna ustanova u vlasništvu Republike Hrvatske ustrojena Zakonom o tržištu rada (Narodne novine 118/2018) i ima ključnu ulogu u reguliranju ponude i potražnje na tržištu rada Republike Hrvatske. Prosječan broj zapošljavanih veterinara bio je veći od prosječnog broja veterinara registriranih u evidenciji HHZ-a. Godišnje je prosječno tražen 181 veterinar, zapošljavano ih je 160, a prijavljivano 143. Potražnja za veterinarima bila je veća od ponude. Veterinari su se zapošljavali brže od prosjeka zapošljavanja osoba s fakultetskom diplomom, većinom u roku do 180 dana te ih je vrlo mali broj bio u dugotrajnoj nezaposlenosti. Najviše ih je zapošljavano u kategoriji mladih (do 30 godina), a najviše su se zapošljavali oni bez radnog staža. Zapošljavano je više žena nego muškaraca. Najviše ih je zapošljavano u Gradu Zagrebu, što je istovremeno odraz razmjerno niske stočarske proizvodnje i depopulacije ruralnih područja koja su tradicionalno glavni i najsigurniji izvor zapošljavanja za veterinare. Prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji djelatnosti (NKD) veterinari su se zapošljavali u gotovo svim skupinama djelatnosti što im omogućava veću fleksibilnost zapošljavanja i veću mobilnost na tržištu rada. Prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji zanimanja (NKZ), najviše se veterinara zapošljavalo u rodu 2 (stručnjaci i znanstvenici), vjerojatno zato što je veterinarstvo regulirana profesija. To istovremeno znači da ih se mali broj zapošljavao na razinama obrazovanja nižima od stečene.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 393-403  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinari -- Tržište rada -- Zapošljavanje

Enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma in small ruminants in Jordan [Elektronička građa] / Wael Hananeh, Mousa Daradka, Zuhair Bani Ismail, Rami Mukbel, Myassar El-Ekish. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma (ENA) is a viral-associated tumor of the secretory epithelium of the nasal passages of small ruminants. The tumor is locally invasive but not metastatic. Although disease prevalence (up to 15%) and geographic distribution have been reported in the literature throughout most of the world (except Australia and New Zealand), the disease has until now remained unreported in Jordan. In this report, we describe the occurrence, clinical signs, radiographic signs and pathological features of the disease in a series of cases in Awassi sheep (3 cases) and Damascus breed goats (2 cases) for the first time in Jordan. Overall, the affected animals were adults (3-5 years of age), all females, with variable degrees of facial and nasal deformities resulting in difficulty in respiration. Radiographic examination of the skull revealed soft tissue density mass originating in the nasal turbinate and invading the surrounding nasal structures. Cytological examination of fine needle aspirate indicated low-grade carcinoma. All animals were humanely euthanized and the nasal passages were explored. Variable size masses were removed and histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma. - Enzootski nazalni adenokarcinom (ENA) je tumor sekrecijskog epitela nazalnih putova etiološki povezan s virusom u malih preživača. Tumor je lokalno invazivan, ali ne metastazira. Premda postoje izviješća o njegovoj pojavnosti (do 15 %) i geografskoj rasprostranjenosti gotovo u cijelom svijetu (osim Australije i Novog Zelanda), u Jordanu je ostao nezamjećen. U ovom radu opisana je pojavnost, klinički znaci, rendgenološki nalazi i patološke promjene tog tumora u nizu slučajeva u Awassi pamine ovaca (3 slučaja) i pasmine koza damask (2 slučaja) prvi puta u Jordanu. Općenito, životinje s tumorom bile su odrasle (u dobi od 3-5 godina), sve su bile ženke s različitim stupnjevima deformacija lica i nosa, koje su rezultirale otežanim disanjem. Rendgenološkim pregledom lubanje otkrivena je masa mekane gustoće tkiva koja je potjecala iz nazalne školjke, a koja invadira okolne nazalne strukture. Citološkom pretragom aspirata tkiva pomoću tanke igle, otkrivena je niska invazija karcinomom. Sve su životinje eutanazirane sukladno s etičkim normama, a nosni putovi su pregledani. Mase tkiva različite veličine bile su uklonjene, a histopatološka pretraga je potvrdila dijagnozu enzootskog nazalnog adenokarcinoma.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 219-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ovce -- Koze -- Awassi pasmina ovaca -- Damask pasmina koza -- Nazalni tumor -- Retrovirus

Fizikalno kemijska svojstva kakvoće mesa zagorskog purana [Elektronička građa] / Rosana Bregović, Dejan Marenčić, Tatjana Tušek, Tatjana Jelen, Vinko Pintić, Lidija Kozačinski, Željka Cvrtila. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi fizikalno kemijska svojstva kakvoće mesa Zagorskog purana uzgojenog u polu-intenzivnom sustavu tova. Istraživanje je provedeno na 40 jedinki od kojih je 10 bilo svijetlog soja (5 muških i 5 ženskih), 10 sivog soja (5 muških i 5 ženskih), 10 crnog soja (5 muških i 5 ženskih) i 10 brončanog soja (5 muških i 5 ženskih). Soj nije imao značajan utjecaj (P>0,05), za razliku od spola koji je imao značajan utjecaj na fizikalno kemijske parametre kakvoće mesa (P<0,001). Značajno veća vrijednost parametra a* je utvrđena kod purana, dok je značajno veća vrijednost parametra b* utvrđena kod purica (P<0,05). - The aim of this study was to determine physical and chemical properties of meat quality of Zagorje turkeys raised in semi-intensive fattening system. The study was conducted on 40 birds, 10 of which belonging to white breed (5 males and 5 females), 10 to grey breed (5 males and 5 females), 10 to black breed (5 males and 5 females) and 10 to bronze breed (5 males and 5 females). The breed itself produced no significant effect (P>0.05) on physical and chemical parameters of meat quality, unlike sex, which produced a significant effect (P<0.05). - Ziel dieser Studie war es, die physikochemischen Eigenschaften der Fleischqualität von Puten der kroatischen Zagorje-Sorte zu bestimmen, die in einem halbintensiven Mastsystem gezüchtet wurden. Die Studie wurde an 40 Puten durchgeführt, von denen 10 helle Puten (5 männliche und 5 weibliche), 10 graue Puten (5 männliche und 5 weibliche), 10 schwarze Puten (5 männliche und 5 weibliche) und 10 Bronzeputen (5 männliche und 5 weibliche). Die Rasse hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss (P>0,05) auf die physikalisch-chemischen Parameter der Fleischqualität, im Gegensatz zum Geschlecht (P <0,001). Ein signifikant höherer Wert des Parameters a * wurde beim Truthahn ermittelt, während ein signifikant höherer Wert des Parameters b * bei Puten festgelegt wurde (P <0,05). - Il presente studio aveva lo scopo di accertare le proprietà fisico – chimiche della carne di tacchino della regione dello Zagorje proveniente da animali allevati con la tipologia d’allevamento semi – intensivo. La ricerca è stata svolta su 40 esemplari, di cui 10 di razza chiara (5 maschi e 5 femmine), 10 di razza grigia (5 maschi e 5 femmine), 10 di razza nera (5 maschi e 5 femmine) e 10 di razza bronzea (5 maschi e 5 femmine). L’incidenza della razza è risultata irrilevante (P>0,05), al contrario del sesso, il cui impatto sui parametri fisico – chimici relativi alla qualità della carne è risultato significativo (P<0,001). Mentre il valore del parametro a* è risultato molto maggiore nei tacchini di sesso maschile, il valore del parametro b* è risultato molto maggiore nei tacchini di sesso femminile (P<0,05).Proprietà fisico – chimiche riguardanti la qualità della carne di tacchino dello Zagorje. - El fin de este trabajo fue determinar las características físico-químicas de la carne del pavo de Zagorje criado en el sistema de cría semi intensivo. La investigación fue hecha en 40 ejemplares, de los cuales 10 fueron de pavo blanco (5 masculinos y 5 femeninos), 10 de pavos negros (5 masculinos y 5 femeninos) y 10 de pavo bronceado (5 masculinos y 5 femeninos). La estirpe no tuvo una influencia significativa (P>0,05), a diferencia del sexo que tuvo la influencia significativa sobre los parámetros físico-químicos de la calidad de carne (P<0,001). El valor del parámetro a* significativamente mayor fue determinado en los pavos, mientras el valor del parámetro b* significativamente mayor fue determinado en las pavas (P<0,05).
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 1 ; str. 68-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kakvoća mesa -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Pureće meso -- Zagorski puran -- Spol -- Sojevi

ĐURIČIĆ, Dražen, veterinar
Fiziologija rasplođivanja kamelida [Elektronička građa] : anatomija spolnih organa i spolna zrelost : I. dio / Dražen Đuričić, Iva Kilvain, Marko Samardžija. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U prirodnim uvjetima rasplodna učinkovitost kamelida je relativno niska, a fiziologija rasplodnje se razlikuje u usporedbi s drugim domaćim životinjama. Generacijski interval je relativno dug, jer mužjaci kasno spolno sazrijevaju, a ženke imaju produženu gestaciju u odnosu na ostale domaće preživače. Kamelidi su sezonski poliestrične životinje čija je sezona pod utjecajem raznih čimbenika. Tijekom rasplodne sezone primjećuje se stalan razvoj funkcionalnih folikularnih valova. Ženke imaju induciranu ovulaciju, a ovulacija se inducira parenjem. Jednogrbe deve se smatraju spolno zrelima u dobi od dvije godine, ali su rasplodno zrele u dobi s 3 - 4, a mužjaci u dobi od 4 - 5 godina. Alpake dosegnu spolnu zrelost u dobi od 12 - 14 mjeseci te se mogu pripustiti nakon 18 mjeseci, a mužjaci nakon 2 godine. Spolni ciklus u kamelida traje 2 - 3 tjedna, a estrus od 3 do 4 dana. Tijekom estrusa ženka je sposobna za pripust, odnosno umjetno osjemenjivanje, što pokazuje karakterističnim promjenama u ponašanju i izgledu vanjskih spolnih organa. Parenje se odvija u sjedećem stavu. Svaki ejakulat kamelida je malog volumena, ali velike viskoznosti i sadrži nisku koncentraciju spermija. - In natural conditions, the efficiency of breeding in camelids is relatively low. The reproductive physiology of camelids differs to that of other domestic animals. Generation intervals are relatively long as males are slow to sexually mature and females exhibit an extended gestation period in comparison to domestic ruminants. Camelids are seasonally polyoestrous animals whose seasonal reproduction is influenced by various factors. During the season, there is a steady development of functional follicular waves. Females are induced ovulators, where ovulation is induced by copulation. Dromedary camels are considered to be sexually mature at the age of 2 years but are capable of mating at 3 to 4 years, and males at 4 - 5 years. Alpacas are sexually mature within 12 - 14 months or capable of mating within 18 months, and males after 2 years. The sexual cycle lasts from 2 to 3 weeks and oestrus lasts from 3 - 4 days. During oestrus, the female is ready for mating/artificial insemination, and experiences changes in behaviour and characteristic changes to the reproductive organs. Mating is in sternal recumbency. The camelid ejaculate consists of low volume, high viscosity semen containing a low sperm concentration.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 353-362  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kamelidi -- Deve -- Ljame -- Alpake -- Spolna zrelost -- Spolni organi -- Spolni ciklus

ĐURIČIĆ, Dražen, veterinar
Fiziologija rasplođivanja kamelida [Elektronička građa] : biotehnologija rasplodnje, gravidnost i porođaj : II. dio / Dražen Đuričić, Iva Kilvain, Marko Samardžija. - Ilustr.
Nastavak iz br. 4/2020. - Bibliografija: 73 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Iako kamelidi nisu gospodarski značajne životinje i nisu znatno zastupljeni u Hrvatskoj, oni predstavljaju atrakciju pa je sve veći trend uzgoja ovih životinja kao kućnih ljubimaca, posebice južnoameričkih kamelida; ljama i alpaka. U prirodnim uvjetima rasplodna učinkovitost kamelida je relativno niska. Kamelidi su sezonski poliestrične životinje. Ženke imaju induciranu ovulaciju koja je inducirana kopulacijom. Polučivanje sjemena sastoji se od korištenja umjetne vagine (sa suženjem) koja se nalazi unutar drvenog fantoma u sjedećem položaju. Primjena asistirane reproduktivne tehnologije, poput umjetnog osjemenjivanja (UO) i multiple ovulacije i embriotransfera (MOET), proizvodnje zametaka in vitro (sazrijevanje, oplodnja i uzgoj) ili drugih biotehnologija (kloniranje i transgeneza) nisu u široj uporabi kao rutinski uzgojni postupci u kamelida. Tehnologije kao što su UO i MOET se primijenjuju u uzgojnim programima za poboljšanje proizvodnih karakteristika različitih vrsta domaćih životinja. Ove se tehnike ne mogu izravno koristiti u kamelida, jer je fiziologija rasplodnje različita u odnosu na ostale domaće životinje. Danas se za izazivanje multiple ovulacije na jajnicima deve najčešće koristi kombinacija svinjskog FSH (pFSH) i konjskog korionskog gonadotropina (eCG). Bolji je uspjeh koncepcije ako primateljice ovuliraju 24 h nakon davateljica. Primateljice se moraju odabrati iz skupine ženki s folikulom promjera 13 - 17 mm, a kojima se aplicirao GnRH ili hCG 24 h nakon parenja davateljice. Zametci se ispiru transcervikalno 7. dan nakon ovulacije. Nakon odabira zametaka na temelju morfoloških karakteristika, aspiriraju se u pajetu i prenose u pripremljenu primateljicu (6. dan nakon ovulacije), najčešće u lijevi rog maternice. Generacijski interval je relativno dug zbog kasne zrelosti i relativno dugog razdoblja gestacije pri čemu rađaju samo jedno mlado. Gravidnost u deva traje u prosjeku 365-410 dana, u ljama 345±15 dana. - Although camelids are not representedand economically significant animals in Croatia, they represent an attraction and there is a growing trend of breeding these animals as pets, especially the South American camelids, llamas and alpacas. In natural conditions, the reproductive efficiency of camelids is relatively low. Camelids are seasonally polyoestrous animals. Ovulation in the female is induced by copulation. Semen collection consists of the use of an artificial vagina (with stricture) placed in a female wooden dummy in the sitting position. Use of assisted reproductive technologies, such as Artificial Insemination (AI) and Multiple Ovulations and Embryo Transfer (MOET), in vitro (maturation, fertilization, culture) embryo production or other biotechnologies (cloning and transgenesis) are not widely used as routine breeding procedures in camels. AI and MOET are technologies applied in breeding programmes to improve the production characteristics of various domestic animal species. These techniques are not directly applicable in camelids, a the reproductive physiology differs compared to other domestic animals. Today, the most commonly used combination for the multiple ovulation of ovaries in camels is a combination of porcine FSH (pFSH) and equine chorionic gonadothropine (eCG). A better pregnancy rate is achieved with recipients ovulating 24 h after the donor. Recipients must be prepared from a group of females with follicles 13 - 17 mm in diameter, and are injected with GnRH or hCG 24 h after mating with the donor. Embryos are flushed transcervically on day 7 after ovulation. After selecting the embryos based on morphological characteristics, the embryos are aspired in the paillette and transferred to the prepared recipients (on day 6 after ovulation), usually in the left horn of the uterus. The generational interval is relatively long because of the late sexual maturity, long gestation period and they have only one newborn.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 477-486  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kamelidi -- Deve -- Ljame -- Alpake -- Gravidnost -- Porođaj -- Biotehnološki zahvati

MIHALJEVIĆ, Željko, veterinar
Forenzička patologija u prosuđivanju zlostavljanja životinja - usmrćivanje životinja vatrenim oružjem [Elektronička građa] / Željko Mihaljević, Šimun Naletilić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Zlostavljanje životinja je oduvijek poznato kao zločin sam po sebi i predstavlja važan indikator zločinačkog ponašanja počinitelja. Veterinarski patolog je pred sudom važna karika u dokazivanju zločina usmrćivanja životinje vatrenim oružjem. Na Hrvatskom veterinarskom institutu forenzički se prosuđuje najviše usmrćenih konja i pasa. Svaki od ovih slučajeva je iznimno težak i s puno koraka u obradi. U suradnji s državnim odvjetništvom zadaća veterinarskog patologa je da na jasan i nedvojben način opiše što se dogodilo s usmrćenom životinjom. Pri tome materijalni dokazi kao što su: izvješće patologa, projektil, fotografije životinje i ozljeda, dlaka s barutnim česticama, veličina te položaj ulazne i izlazne rane, kao i drugi tragovi imaju presudnu ulogu u sudskom procesu. Ovaj tekst objedinjuje naša iskustva s forenzičkim prosuđivanjem zlostavljanja životinja usmrćivanjem vatrenim oružjem i na logički način pokušava stvoriti sliku o načinu razmišljanja i prikupljanju dokaznog materijala u ovakvim slučajevima. - Animal abuse has always been considered a crime, and is an important indicator of the criminal potential of a person. A veterinary pathologist is an important link in proving the crime of animal death by firearm in court proceedings. At the Croatian Veterinary Institute, killed horses and dogs are most frequently evaluated forensically. Each case is highly complex, with numerous processing steps. In conjunction with the State Attorney’s Office, the task of the veterinary pathologist is to clearly and unambiguously describe what happened to the animal victim. Material evidence such as: pathologist’s report, projectile, photographs, gunpowder particles on fur, insect larvae and other traces play a crucial role in the judicial process. This paper integrates our experiences with forensic judgments of animal abuse by death by firearm and attempts to logically create an overview of the way pathologist consider and gather evidence in those cases.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 207-215  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarska forenzika -- Zlostavljanje životinja -- Vatreno oružje

Genetic diversity of the Colombian Creole donkey in the Department of Sucre [Elektronička građa] / Adrian Medina-Montes, Darwin Hernández-Herrera, Javier Beltrán-Herrera, Donicer Montes-Vergara. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of the Colombian Creole donkey in the Department of Sucre using Random Amplified Microsatellites (RAM) molecular markers. In 100 individuals from the five subregions of the department, DNA was extracted and five RAM primers were amplified by PCR. In all, 291 bands were found, on average 11.96±1.45 per primer, the highest value in CCA (18±2.23) and the lowest in TG and GT (8.8±0.44). CA was the most polymorphic primer (88.09±10.91%) with the highest heterozygosity value (He) (0.376±0.021), while the lowest was GT (0.341±0.076 and 0.101±0.040, respectively). Intrapopulation analysis showed an average of 66.50±1.72 bands, of which 89.86±24.04% were polymorphic. The highest number of bands (63±3.84) was found in the Gulf of Morrosquillo (GO) subpopulation, and the lowest in Mojana (MO) (48±2.88); however, the highest value of polymorphic loci (81.16%) and He (0.335±0.022) were found in the Montes de María (MM) subpopulation, making it the most diverse. The average genetic diversity for the entire population was 0.351±0.021 bands. The population structure analysis showed a 10% variation between subpopulations, with an FST value of 0.17±0.01 (P<0.05). Genetic distances between subpopulations showed that MO and GO were the most distant. The RAM markers are effective in assessing the genetic diversity of the Creole donkey, which has high values of genetic diversity, particularly the MM subpopulation. The genetic revealed structure could be the result of natural geographical barriers between the subregions. - Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti genetsku raznolikost kolumbijskog kreolskog magaraca iz odjela Sucre koristeći molekularne markere tipa RAM-a (engl. Random Amplified Microsatellites). U 100 jedinki iz pet podregija odjela izlučeno je DNK, a pomoću PCR-a amplificirano je pet primera RAM-a. Pronađene su 291 trake, prosječno 11,96±1,45 po primeru, najveća vrijednost u CCA (18±2,23), a najniža u TG i GT (8,8±0,44). Najviši polimorfni primer (88,09±10,91 %) i s najvišim He (engl. heterozygosity value (0,376±0,021) bio je CA, dok je najniži bio GT (0,341±0,076 i 0,101±0,040). Intrapopulacijska analiza pokazala je prosječno 66,50±1,72 pojasa, od kojih je 89,86±24,04 % bilo polimorfno. Subpopulacija Gulf of Morrosquillo (GO) imala je najveći broj opsega (63±3,84), a najmanju je pronašla u Mojana (MO) (48±2,88), međutim, najveću vrijednost polimorfnih lokusa (81,16 %) i He (0,335±0,022) pronašli su u subpopulaciji Montes de María (MM), koja je najraznolikija. Ustvrđena prosječna genetska raznolikost iznosila je 0,351±0,021 za cijelu populaciju. Analiza populacijske strukture pokazala je 10 % odstupanja između subpopulacija, s vrijednosti FST-a od 0,17±0,01 (P<0,05). Genetske udaljenosti između subpopulacija pokazale su da su MO i GO najdalje. RAM markeri učinkoviti su za procjenu genetske raznolikosti kreolskog magaraca, ova kreolska pasmina ima visoke vrijednosti genetske raznolikosti, MM subpopulacija je najraznolikija, pronađena genetska struktura može biti rezultat prirodnih geografskih barijera između podregija.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 611-619  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Magarci -- Ugrožene pasmine -- Genetska raznolikost

NADINIĆ Artuković, Irena
Hepcidin [Elektronička građa] : peptidni hormon, glavni regulator metabolizma željeza / Irena Artuković Nadinić, Renata Barić Rafaj, Ljiljana Bedrica, Marina Pavlak, Marija Lipar, Vladimir Mrljak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 62 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Hepcidin je peptidni hormon i glavni je re- gulator metabolizma željeza. Otkriven je u humanom serumu i urinu 2000. godine i nazvan je LEAP-1 (engl. Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Protein). Nedugo nakon toga znanstvenici su pod vodstvom Tomasa Ganze u potrazi za antimikrobnim peptidima otkrili peptid povezan s upalom i nazvali ga “hepcidin”. Otkrili su da se sintetizira u jetri i da ima antimikrobna svojstva. Najveći broj istraživanja o djelovanju i regulaciji izlučivanja hepcidina učinjen je na mišjim modelima kada je ustanovljeno da se sinteza i izlučivanje hepcidina u miševa povećava u stanjima s povišenim količinama željeza u serumu i upalnim stanjima. Određivanje hepcidina u krvi i ostalim tjelesnim tekućinama određuje se imunološkim testovima s antihepcidinskim protutijelima - ELISA (prema engl. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) i masenom spektrometrijom. Koncentracije hepcidina u serumu određene masenom spektometrijom i koncentracije određene ELISA metodom dobro koreliraju. Imunološki testovi najtočnije mjere niske vrijednosti hepcidina, a masena spektrometrija točnije mjeri aktivnu formu hepcidina. Poremećaji u ekspresiji hepcidina javljaju se kod mnogih bolesti kao što su: anemija prouzročena kroničnim sistemskim bolestima, sideropenične anemije, maligne bolesti, hereditarne hemokromatoze i stanja s neefektivnom eritropoezom. Stoga mjerenje koncentracije hepcidina ima veliko značenje u dijagnostici i liječenju stanja u kojima je narušena ravnoteža željeza u organizmu. Napredak u razumijevanju uloge hepcidina u kontroli homeostaze željeza dovodi do novih mogućnosti liječenja u stanjima sa sniženim ili povišenim razinama željeza u organizmu. Hepcidin je nedavno identificiran kao akutno fazni protein s antimikrobnom i regulatornom funkcijom željeza. Mnogi su istra- živači pokazali interes za razvoj dijagnostičkog testa za mjerenje hepcidina u pasa. - Hepcidin is a peptide hormone and the main regulator of iron metabolism in the body. It was discovered in human serum and urine in 2000 and named liver expressed antimicrobial protein-1 (LEAP-1). Research of antimicrobial peptides in relation to inflammatory response was conducted by Tomas Ganz. He named the protein hepcidin as it is produced by the liver and also has antimicrobial properties. The mouse model has been used in numerous studies on the role of hepcidin and its excretion regulation. It has also been shown that the synthesis of hepcidin is greatly stimulated by inflammation or iron overload. Hepcidin detection in serum and other body fluids is performed by the ELISA assay and mass spectrometry. The hepcidin concentrations in plasma measured by ELISA and by mass spectrometry are in correlation. ELISA assay is the most favourable method for the detection and measurement of hepcidin in low concentrations in fluids, whereas mass spectrometry is a more suitable measurement method for the active form of hepcidin. Chronic anaemia, sideropenic anaemia, malignant diseases, hereditary hemochromatosis, and ineffective erythropoiesis can all disrupt hepcidin secretion. Therefore, hepcidin concentrations may have significant relevance in the diagnosis and treatment of iron imbalance. Improving the knowledge of the role of hepcidin in iron haemostasis can lead to new treatment possibilities in cases of increased or decreased iron concentrations. Hepcidin has recently been identified as an acute phase protein with antimicrobial and iron regulatory roles. Many researchers have contributed to the development of diagnostic testing to assess canine hepcidin concentrations, with research focusing on cloning and sequencing the genes that regulate canine hepcidin production. Phylogenetic studies have revealed that human hepcidin is more similar to canine than murine hepcidin. In dogs, as in humans, hepcidin is predominantly produced in the liver.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 187-198  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hepcidin -- Jetra -- Željezo -- Spektrometrija -- ELISA

PALIĆ, Magdalena
Hypoadrenocorticism in dogs - the Mad Hatter of veterinary internal medicine [Elektronička građa] / Magdalena Palić, Mirna Brkljačić, Ivana Kiš, Martina Crnogaj, Nada Kučer, Marin Torti, Iva Šmit, Filip Kajin, Vesna Matijatko. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Hypoadrenocorticism arises from insufficient adrenal gland function and is also known as Addison’s disease, a rarely occurring disease (0.1%) in dogs. Due to its oscillatory course and overall nonspecific symptoms, it is a diagnostic challenge for clinicians, and is often misdiagnosed or unattended among other differentials. There are two forms of hypoadrenocorticism: primary and secondary. The aim of this study was to analyse the data of dogs suffering from Addison’s disease, treated at the Clinic for Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia and to compare them with data from similar institutions worldwide. The archive of Clinic for Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia was searched to investigate and statistically analyse signalment, clinical and laboratory data, and the duration of symptoms, treatment protocols and outcome of canine hypoadrenocorticism. The study group included 14 dogs (36% male and 64% female) diagnosed with hypoadrenocorticism. All dogs had a history of gastrointestinal symptoms, i.e. vomiting in 100%, diarrhoea in 64% and melena in 7%. Hypovolemic shock was noted in 57%, hypothermia in 64% and bradycardia in 29% of cases. The most frequently observed laboratory abnormalities were an increase in BUN (86%), creatinine (57%) and potassium concentration (79%), and a decrease in sodium (71%), Na/K ratio (86%), cholesterol (21%) and glucose concentration (21%). Duration of symptoms (till ACTH stimulation test performance) was broad, from 2 – 2190 days (median 90±1195.5 days). The outcome was favourable in 100% cases after initiation of adequate treatment. - Pod pojmom hipoadrenokorticizam podrazumijevamo smanjenu funkciju nadbubrežne žlijezde, a sama bolest je poznata i pod nazivom Addisonova bolest. Hipoadrenorticizam je bolest koja se u pasa rijetko javlja s učestalošću od oko 0,1 %. Zbog kombinacije nespecifičnih simptoma i njihova osciliranja predstavlja dijagnostički izazov te se smatra bolešću čija se u veterinarskoj medicini dijagnoza najčešće previdi. Postoji primarni i sekundarni oblik bolesti. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio detaljno analizirati podatke pasa s Addisonovom bolešću zaprimljenih u Kliniku za unutarnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te ih usporediti s podatcima iz sličnih institucija u svijetu. Detaljno su pretraženi podatci arhive klinike, a analizirani su i statistički obrađeni klinički i laboratorijski parametri, vrijeme trajanja simptoma te terapijski protokoli i ishod u pasa s hipoadrenokorticizmom. Istraživanu skupinu činilo je 14 pasa s hipoadrenokorticizmom od kojih 36 % mužjaka i 64 % ženki. U svih pasa zabilježeni su recidivirajući simptomi od strane probavnog sustava, od kojih se u 100 % slučajeva javljalo povraćanje, u 64 % proljev, a u 7 % melena. Klinički je u 57 % pasa uočen hipovolemični šok, u 64 % pasa hipotermija, a u 29 % bradikardija. Od laboratorijskih pretraga najčešća odstupanja bila su povećanje koncentracije ureje (86 %), kreatinina (57 %), hiperkalemija (79 %), hiponatremija (71 %), smanjeni Na/K omjer (86 %), hipoholesterolemija (21 %) te hipoglikemija (21 %). Trajanje simptoma do provedbe ACTH-stimulacijskog testa iznosilo je 2 - 2190 dana (prosječno 90±1195 dana), a nakon uvođenja adekvatne terapije ishod je u svih pasa bio povoljan.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 281-292  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Addisonova bolest -- Nadbubrežna žlijezda -- Hipoadrenokorticizam -- Mineralokortikoidi -- Glukokortikoidi

Impact of hygienic slaughter practices on Salmonella contamination of broiler carcasses in Biskra, Algeria [Elektronička građa] / Nadjah Guergueb, Nadir Allooui, Ilhem Chachoua, Ammar Ayachi, Omar Bennoun, Laila Aoun. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Poultry meat is the primary meat consumed in Algeria, surpassing sheep and beef in the 1980s. However, this product is often at risk of being contaminated by Salmonella. Salmonellosis is a foodborne disease with tens of millions of human cases estimated to occur worldwide, and resulting in more than a hundred thousand deaths per year. According to the World Health Organization, salmonellosis in humans is generally contracted through the consumption of contaminated food of animal origin, including poultry. The main objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors associated with Salmonella contamination of broiler carcasses at the slaughterhouse. Sixty fresh chicken carcasses from six slaughterhouses were subjected to bacteriological analysis in accordance with AFNOR (French Standardization Association) standards. Statistical analyses showed an impact of the hygienic quality of the slaughter process on the likelihood of Salmonella contamination of poultry meat. A correlation (r=0.84) was found between hygienic slaughter practices and Salmonella contamination of chicken carcasses. The average level of TAMB (total aerobic mesophilic bacteria) was high in carcasses positive for Salmonella (t-test = 0.019). Not washing live bird transport crates was associated with an increasing risk of Salmonella contamination carcasses (odds ratio/OR = 28). The mean level of TAMB was higher in the presence of the following risk factors: old and small slaughterhouse, not washing live bird transport crates, manual bleeding, scalding type (soaking), non-renewal of scalding water, no disinfectant in water, no ventilation drying, no sanitary facilities. The identification of risk factors responsible for bacterial contamination of broiler meat is essential to determine the most effective methods of prevention. - Meso peradi je meso koje se najviše konzumira u Alžiru, a nadmašilo je ovčetinu i govedinu 1980-ih. Međutim, ovaj proizvod često nosi rizik od kontaminacije salmonelom. Salmoneloza je bolest koja se širi putem hrane, a procjenjuje se da se godišnje jave desetci milijuna slučajeva zaraženih ljudi diljem svijeta, što rezultira s više od stotinu tisuća smrti godišnje. Prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji, ljudi obično obole od salmoneloze konzumiranjem kontaminirane hrane životinjskog podrijetla, uključujući perad. Glavni cilj ove studije bio je istražiti faktore rizika povezane s kontaminacijom trupova brojlera salmonelom u klaonici. Šezdeset svježih trupova pilića iz šest klaonica podloženo je bakteriološkoj analizi u skladu s AFNOR (francuski Nacionalni institut za norme) standardima. Statističke analize pokazale su učinak kvalitete higijene u postupku klanja na vjerojatnost kontaminacije mesa peradi salmonelom. Ustvrđena je povezanost (r=0,84) između higijenskih praksi klanja i kontaminacije trupova pilića salmonelom. Prosječna razina TAMB (broja aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija) u trupova pozitivnih na salmonelu (t-test=0,019) bila je visoka. Propuštanje pranja sanduka za prijevoz živih ptica povezano je s povećanim rizikom od kontaminacije trupova salmonelom (omjer vjerojatnosti/OV=28). Srednja razina TAMB bila je viša u prisutnosti sljedećih faktora rizika: stare i male klaonice, propuštanje pranja sanduka za prijevoz živih ptica, ručno puštanje krvi, vrsta parenja (namakanje), ne mijenjanje vode za parenje, izostanak dezinfekcijskog sredstva u vodi, sušenje bez ventilacije, izostanak sanitarija. Identifikacija faktora rizika odgovornih za kontaminaciju mesa brojlera bakterijama bitna je za određivanje najučinkovitijih metoda prevencije.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 463-470  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Piletina -- Klaonice -- Higijena -- Salmonella -- Faktori rizika

Infrared thermography in equine practice [Elektronička građa] / Nina Čebulj-Kadunc, Robert Frangež , Peter Kruljc. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Thermography is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging method for the detection of mid to long-wave infrared radiation emitted from the body surface that allows visualization and quantification of changes in skin surface temperature. Within the electromagnetic spectrum, the wavelength of infrared radiation is too large to be detected by the human eye, although it is normally perceived as heat. Electromagnetic heat radiation can be registered with a thermal camera and visualized in the form of a temperature distribution map - a thermogram. The procedure is performed without physical contact with the examined object, including animals. Thermography can be used to determine physiological and pathological changes that induce variations of superficial temperature in a horse. These changes reflect blood flow patterns and the metabolic rate in the horse due to variations in heat production, such as exercise, injury, illness and environmental influence. Thermography has been used to evaluate several different clinical syndromes not only in the diagnosis of inflammation, but also to monitor the progression of healing. Thermography has important applications in research for the detection of illegal performance-enhancing procedures at athletic events and to determine the welfare of horses. Despite several advantages, it is also important to be aware of certain limitations surrounding the practical application of thermography. Therefore, the method should be used in combination with other diagnostic procedures rather than as a replacement. - Termografija je neinvazivna metoda dijagnostičkog oslikavanja za otkrivanje srednjevalnog do dugovalnog infracrvenog zračenja kojeg emitiraju površine tijela, a koje omogućuje prikaz i kvantifikaciju promjena u temperaturi površine kože. Unutar elektromagnetskog spektra, valna duljina infracrvenog zračenja je prevelika da bi ju ljudsko oko otkrilo, premda se obično percipira kao toplina. Zračenje elektromagnetske topline moguće je registrirati termalnom kamerom, a prikazuje se u obliku mape distribucije topline termograma. Postupak se obavlja bez fizičkog kontakta s ispitivanim predmetom, uključujući životinje. Termografiju je moguće rabiti za određivanje fizioloških i patoloških promjena koje prouzroče promjene površinske temperature konja. Te promjene odražavaju obrasce protoka krvi i metaboličku brzinu u konja zbog promjena u proizvodnji topline, poput vježbanja, ozljede, bolesti i utjecaja okoline. Termografija se rabi za procjenu nekoliko različitih kliničkih sindroma, ne samo u dijagnozi upale, već i za praćenje napretka zacjeljivanja. Termografija ima važne primjene u istraživanju za otkrivanje ilegalnih postupaka poboljšanja učinkovitosti na sportskim događanjima i za određivanje dobrobiti konja. Unatoč brojnim prednostima, važna je i svijest o određenim ograničenjima povezanima s praktičnom primjenom termografije. Stoga je ovu metodu potrebno rabiti u kombinaciji s ostalim dijagnostičkim postupcima, a ne kao njihovu zamjenu.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 109-116  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konji -- Termografija -- Termogram

Insekticid fipronil u proizvodima od peradi u Europskoj uniji [Elektronička građa] / Maja Đokić, Marija Sedak, Nina Bilandžić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Fipronil je insekticid širokog spektra djelovanja koji se ubraja u skupinu fenilpirazola. Prvi je insekticid koji je djelovao ciljajući GABA (gama-aminomaslačnu kiselinu) receptor i imao povoljnu selektivnu toksičnost prema insektima, ali ne i sisavcima. U skladu s uredbom (EZ) br. 1107/2009. fipronil nije odobren u sredstvima za zaštitu bilja te je zabranjeno tretiranje životinja namijenjenih za prehranu ljudi u Europskoj uniji (EU). Najveća dopuštena količina (NDK) fipronila ustvrđena je prema Uredbi 396/2005. o maksimalnim razinama ostataka pesticida u i na hrani i hrani za životinje biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla te za jaja i meso peradi iznosi 0,005 mg/kg. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) klasificirala je fipronil kao umjereno opasan pesticid II klase. Konzumiranje malih količina fipronila izaziva mučninu, glavobolju, povraćanje, bol u želucu, slabost i vrtoglavicu. Nakon apsorpcije u ljudi distribuira se u tkiva i oslobađa aktivne metabolite koji se nakupljaju uglavnom u masnom tkivu. Eksperimenti na miševima pokazali su da produljena izloženost visokim dozama fipronila prouzroči rak štitnjače u mužjaka i ženki. Pojava fipronila u jajima u EU zabilježena je 2016. godine u Belgiji. Kao posljedica ustvrđene zlouporabe fipronila na farmama pilića, države članice EU i Europska komisija dogovorile su provedbu ad-hoc monitoringa na ostatke insekticida fipronila i drugih akaricida u jajima i mesu peradi. Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) objavila je izvješće o rezultatima monitoringa te su u ukupnoj količini od 5439 uzoraka jaja i mesa peradi u zemljama članicama EU i Islandu u 742 uzorka (13,6 %) ustvrđene količine veće od zakonski dopuštenih. Većina nesukladnih rezultata odnosila se na fipronil u uzorcima kokošjih jaja i masnog tkiva kokoši nesilica. U uzorcima iz Republike Hrvatske nisu ustvrđeni nesukladni rezultati. - Fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide that belongs to the phenylpyrazole group. It is an insecticide that acts by targeting the GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) receptor and has favourable selective toxicity to insects rather than mammals. Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009, fipronil is not authorized in plant protection products and it is forbidden to treat animals intended for human consumption in the European Union (EU). The maximum permitted residue level (MRL) of fipronil is 0.005 mg/ kg for eggs and poultry, as established under Regulation 396/2005 on maximum levels of pesticide residues in and on food and feed of plant and animal origin. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified fipronil as a mildly dangerous class II pesticide. Consuming small amounts of fipronil causes nausea, headache, vomiting, stomach pain, weakness and dizziness. After absorption in humans, it is distributed into tissues and releases active metabolites that accumulate mainly in adipose tissue. Experiments in mice have shown that prolonged exposure to high doses of fipronil causes thyroid cancer in males and females. The occurrence of fipronil in eggs in the EU was reported in Belgium in 2016. As a consequence of the identified misuse of fipronil found on chicken farms, EU Member States and the European Commission have agreed to carry out ad-hoc monitoring of fipronil insecticides and other acaricides in eggs and poultry meat. In a monitoring report published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), 742 samples (13.6%) of a total of 5439 eggs and poultry samples in EU Member States and Iceland exceeded the legal limits. Most inconsistent results were related to fipronil in chicken eggs and fat of laying hens. No non-compliant results were found in samples from the Republic of Croatia.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 165-174  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Peradarski proizvodi -- Jaja -- Fipronil -- Pesticidi -- Sigurnost hrane
Europska unija


Izolacija bakterijskih patogena kod klinički manifestnih mastitisa mliječnih goveda i njihova antimikrobna osjetljivost u zeničkoj regiji u 2017. godini [Elektronička građa] / Jasmin Burović.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ova studija predstavlja podatke prikupljene iz Veterinarske stanice “Zevet” d.o.o. Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina o zastupljenosti bakterijskih patogena kod klinički prisutnih mastitisa mliječnih goveda i profilima njihove antimikrobne osjetljivosti. Za laboratorijsku izolaciju obrađena su 52 uzorka od kojih su 23 bila bakteriološki pozitivna. Najčešći izolati bili su Staphylococcus aureus u 21,74 % uzoraka i Streptococcus agalactiae u 17,39 % izolira- nih uzoraka, koagulaza-negativni stafilokoki (13,04 %), Klebsiella pneumoniae (13,04 %), Ente- rococcus spp. (8,70 %), Escherichia coli (8,70 %), Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter, Serratia spp. i Yersinia enterocolitica (4,35 %). Najveća antimikrobna otpornost među izolatima primjećena je na benzilpenicilin (56,25 %) i oksitetraciklin (46,15 %) s ukupnom otpornosti na uporabljena antimikrobna sredstava od 25,99 %. Na tri testirana antimikrobna sredstva (neomicin, klindamicin i cefotaksim) izolati nisu pokazali otpornost. Ostali antibiotici na koje je primijećena niska ukupna otpornost su ciprofloksacin (5,56 %) i ofloksacin (6,67 %). Samo jedan izolat nije pokazao nikakvu otpornost na testirane antimikrobike (S. aureus). Najveću otpornost među izolatima pokazao je Enterococcus spp., pokazujući senzibilitet samo za tetracikline. S. aureus je pokazao otpornost na benzilpenicilin i cefaleksin u 60 % slučajeva. Svi izolati S. agalactiae su bili otporni na tetracikline, oksitetracikline i gentamicin. Koagulaza negativni stafilokoki pokazali su otpornost na cefaleksin u dva slučaja i otpornost na benzilpenicilin, eri- tromicin i oksacilin u jednom izolatu. Klebsiella pneumoniae je pokazala otpornost na cefaleksin, amoksicilin i benzilpenicilin u svim ispitivanim izolatima, a pokazala je i otpornost na tetracikline u dva izolata. Svi ostali izolati pokazali su otpornost prema najmanje jednom testiranom antimikrobiku. - This study provides data on the bacterial pathogens present in clinical mastitis of dairy cattle and their antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, collected by the Zevet Veterinary Station in the Zenica region in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 52 samples were taken for laboratory isolation and 23 bacterial pathogens were isolated. The most common isolates were Staphylococcus aureus in 21.74% of samples and Streptococcus agalactiae (17.39%), followed by coagulase negative staphylococci (13.04%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (13.04%), Enterococcus spp. (8.70%), Escherichia coli (8.70%), Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter, Serratia spp. and Yersinia enterocolitica (4.35%). The highest antimicrobial resistance among isolates was observed with tested benzylpenicillin (56.25%) and oxytetracyline (46.15%) with an overall resistance of used medical agents of 25.99%. Three of the tested antimicrobial agents (neomycin, clindamycin and cefotaxim) did not show resistance. Other antibiotics with low total resistance were ciprofloxacin (5.56%) and ofloxacin (6.67%). Only one isolate showed no resistance to the tested antimicrobials (S. aureus). The highest resistance between the isolates was shown by Enterococcus spp., showing sensitivity only to tetracycline. S. aureus showed resistance to benzylpenicillin and cephalexin in 60% of cases. All S. agalactiae isolates were resistant to tetracycline, oxytetracycline and gentamicin. Coagulase negative staphylococci showed resistance to cephalexin in two cases and resistance to benzylpenicillin, erythromycin and oxacillin in one isolate. Klebsiella pneumoniae showed resistance to cephalexin, amoxicillin and benzylpenicillin in all tested isolates, and showed resistance to tetracyclines in two isolates. All other isolates showed resistance to at least one of the antimicrobials tested.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 47-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječna goveda -- Mastitis -- Staphylococcus aureus -- Antimikrobna otpornost

TUMPA, Andrea
Koagulacijske pretrage u veterinarskoj medicini [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Tumpa, Renata Barić Rafaj.
Bibliografija: 69 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Hemostaza je proces zaustavljanja krvarenja. Spontana hemostaza uključuje složene biokemijske mehanizme zgrušavanja krvi, regulirane interakcije između ozlijeđenog tkiva, stijenke krvnih žila i cirkulirajućih trombocita, prokoagulacijskih, antikoagulacijskih te fibrinolitičkih plazmatskih proteina. Proces hemostaze dijelimo na tri faze: primarna, sekundarna te fibrinoliza. Nefunkcionalna primarna hemostaza (trombocitopenija, kao glavni uzrok) za posljedicu ima usporeno i otežano stvaranje trombocitnog ugruška. U slučaju ozljede krv će izlaziti iz krvnih žila nekoliko sekundi ili minuta dok se ne formira stabilan sekundarni hemostatski ugrušak. U slučaju nefunkcionalne sekundarne hemostaze krvarenje se ne primjećuje izravno, već s vremenskim odmakom, najčešće nakon nekoliko minuta. Imajući na umu postajanje različitih faza hemostaze te različite aktivacije koagulacijskih kaskada, razvijene su i različite metode laboratorijskog mjerenja. Ovaj rad navodi i objašnjava koagulacijske pretrage koje se danas primjenjuju u veterinarskoj praksi. Opisana je metoda i svrha svake pretrage uz glavne primjedbe vezane uz uzorkovanje i moguće interferencije. Uzorkovanje krvi za koagulacijske pretrage osjetljivije je od uzorkovanja za ostale pretrage krvi. Nužno je izbjeći aktivaciju trombocita te se iz tog razloga idealnim uzorkovanjem smatra ono kod kojeg je krv vađena bez staze. Većina koagulacijskih pretraga kao uzorak koristi citratnu plazmu siromašnu trombocitima koja se dobiva nakon centrifugiranja (15 minuta na 2000 g) pune krvi vađene uz antikoagulans 3-natrij-citrat-dihidrat (0,11 mol/L). Većina mjerenja osnovnih parametara hemostaze uključuje praćenje stvaranja ugruška (koaguluma), a prati se brzina i sposobnost ili nedostatak sposobnosti grušanja krvi. Danas su metode automatizirane, a vrijeme nastanka ugruška mjeri se elektromehaničkom ili foto-optičkom metodom. - Haemostasis is the process of stopping bleeding. Spontaneous haemostasis includes complex biochemical mechanisms of blood clotting, regulated interactions between injured tissue, blood vessels and circulating thrombocytes, procoagulants, anticoagulants, and fibrinolytic proteins. Haemostasis is divided into three phases: primary haemostasis, secondary haemostasis, and fibrinolysis. Nonfunctional primary haemostasis results in the slow and difficult formation of a platelet clot. In the event of an injury, blood will be released from the blood vessels for a few seconds or minutes until a stable secondary haemostatic clot is formed. In the case of nonfunctional secondary haemostasis, bleeding is not observed immediately, but after a few minutes. Given the different stages of haemostasis and various activation pathways, different laboratory measurement methods have been developed. This study outlines and describes the coagulation tests currently applied in veterinary practice. The method and the purpose of each test are described, along with major remarks regarding sampling and possible interferences. Blood sampling for coagulation tests is more sensitive than sampling for other blood analyses. It is essential to avoid platelet activation and for this reason, ideal sampling would be venepuncture without venous stasis. Most coagulation assays use platelet-poor plasma as a sample. The vast majority of haemostasis measurements include monitoring clot formation (coagulum), i.e. monitoring the speed and ability or lack of ability to form a blood clot. Today, methods are automated and the time of the clot formation is measured by electro-mechanical or photo-optical methods. Additionally, it is possible to measure the activity of enzymes and coagulation inhibitors, and the concentration of individual components of coagulation cascades and fibrinolysis. In these cases, immunochemical methods based on the specific antigen-antibody reaction are used. Thromboelastography is.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 571-588  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarska medicina -- Koagulacijske pretrage -- Hemostaza -- Trombociti -- Trombocitopenija

TERZIĆ, Svjetlana
Konvencija Vijeća Europe o krivotvorenju farmaceutskih proizvoda i sličnim kažnjivim djelima koja uključuju prijetnje javnom zdravlju [Elektronička građa] / Svjetlana Terzić, Ksenija Šandor, Miroslav Andrišić, Irena Žarković, Anja Vujnović, Katja Vretenar Špigelski, Sonja Sinković, Mirta Pehnec, Dominika Fajdić, Eleonora Perak Junaković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Dana 1. siječnja 2020. godine u Republici Hrvatskoj na snagu je stupila Konvencija Vijeća Europe o krivotvorenju farmaceutskih proizvoda i sličnim kažnjivim djelima koja uključuju prijetnje javnom zdravlju (engl. Council of Europe Convention on counterfeiting of medicinal products and similar crimes involving threats to public health). Konvencija je potpisana 3. rujna 2015. godine, a Vlada Republike Hrvatske ju je ratificirala 20. rujna 2019. godine. Konvencija se odnosi i na medicinske proizvode koji se koriste u veterinarskoj medicini. Važnost borbe protiv krivotvorenih lijekova prepoznata je u Hrvatskoj godinama, a Hrvatska je i jedna od brojnih sudionica Interpolovih akcija protiv krivotvorenih lijekova. Prihvaćanjem ove Konvencije otvara se mogućnost učinkovitijeg nadzora nad krivotvorenim lijekovima za primjenu u humanoj i veterinarskoj medicini te bolja međunarodna suradnja. - On 1 January 2020, the Council of Europe Convention on counterfeiting of medicinal products and similar crimes involving threats to public health came into force in Croatia. The Convention was signed on 3 September 2015 and ratified by the Croatian Government on 20 September 2019. Veterinary medicinal products are also covered by this Convention. Although Croatia has long been battling counterfeit medicinal products and participates actively in Interpol campaigns, the ratification of this Convention enables more efficient supervision of counterfeit products for use in medicine and veterinary medicine and leads to better international collaboration.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-4  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Farmaceutski proizvodi -- Krivotvorine -- Konvencije
Vijeće Europe -- Interpol


Korištenje ketogene dijete u onkoloških pacijenata u maloj praksi [Elektronička građa] / Diana Brozić, Helena Hajdin, Nino Maćešić, Marko Samardžija, Hrvoje Valpotić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Istraživanja ukazuju da je metabolizam stanica tumora obilježen promjenama u proizvodnji energije putem oksidativne fosforilacije i fermentacije te se smatra kako je moguće kontrolirati rast i razvoj tumora promjenom energetskog supstrata. Tumorske stanice pokazuju povećanu potrošnju glukoze, čak i u aerobnim uvjetima, što se događa zbog poremećaja u mitohondrijskom staničnom disanju pri čemu pojačana glikoliza predstavlja kompenzatorni odgovor. Stoga bi promjene u prehrani, poput ketogene dijete s visokim udjelom masti, umjerenim udjelom bjelančevina i niskim udjelom ugljikohidrata, koje potiču oksidativni metabolizam mitohondrija, istovremeno limitirajući potrošnju glukoze, predstavljale mogući nutritivni pristup selektivnom metaboličkom stresu tumorskih stanica. Iako je primjena ketogene dijete, kao potporne terapije tumora opetovano dokazana u humanim istraživanjima do danas nije provedeno istraživanje koje bi potvrdilo pozitivne učinke u pasa i mačaka s tumorima. No, korištenje MCT dijete u pasa s epilepsijom dalo je obećavajuće rezultate. Metaboličke specifičnosti prisutne u pasa i mačaka poput učinkovitog iskorištavanja ketogenih tijela od strane perifernih tkiva te prilagodba visokom udjelu masti u obroku, pod uvjetom da je zadovoljen glukoneogenetski kapacitet, ukazuju da postoje temelji za primjenu ketogene dijete u onkoloških pacijenata, no bez istraživanja koje bi navedeno potvrdila nije moguće tvrditi kako je korištenje ketogene dijete bez rizika. Prema trenutnim smjernicama, pri izradi prehrambenog plana kod onkoloških pacijenata ključno je prilagoditi oblik hranidbenog režima svakom pacijentu pojedinačno, uzimajući pritom u obzir kliničku sliku, prognozu i prisutnost ostalih patologija koje će uvjetovati prilagodbu obroka. - Recent studies indicate that the metabolism of tumour cells is characterized by changes in energy production through oxidative phosphorylation and fermentation, and it is presumed that their growth and development can be controlled by altering the energy substrate. Tumour cells have increased glucose consumption, even in aerobic conditions, most likely due to mitochondrial dysfunction, with increased glycolysis as a compensatory response. Therefore, dietary changes, such as a ketogenic high fat, medium protein and low carbohydrate diet, which induces oxidative metabolism while limiting glucose consumption, represents a possible nutritional approach causing selective metabolic stress of tumour cells. Nonetheless, the use of the ketogenic diet in human research has repeatedly proven to have beneficial effects. However, the use of a ketogenic diet in dogs and cats as in nutritional management during treatment or recovery in tumour patients has not been described in the existing veterinary scientific literature. The use of the MCT diet in epileptic dogs provided promising results. Adaptive metabolic mechanisms in cats and dogs through the effective clearance of ketone bodies and fast adaptation to fatty acids as the main energy substrate implies that there is a basis for the use of the ketogenic diet in small animal oncology patients. Nevertheless, without research to support this, it is presumptive to claim that the use of a ketogenic diet is without risk. According to the existing guidelines, the dietary plan for small animal oncology patients should include an individually adapted nutrition plan, with consideration of the clinical symptoms, prognosis, and concurrent pathologies.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 67-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Mačke -- Tumori -- Ketogena dijeta

MAMIĆ, Marija, veterinarka
Liječenje pasa s grudno-slabinskim sindromom [Elektronička građa] / Marija Mamić, Petra Dmitrović, Tajna Kovač, Valentina Plichta, Boris Pirkić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Bolest međukralježničnog diska čest je uzrok ozljede leđne moždine i motorne disfunkcije te se najčešće javlja u grudno-slabinskom segmentu kralježnice. Retrospektivnim istraživanjem u razdoblju od sedam godina obuhvaćena su 104 slučaja pasa s grudno-slabinskim (GS) sindromom liječenih na Klinici za kirurgiju, ortopediju i oftalmologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Većina pasa imala je akutnu kliničku sliku s visokim stupnjem neurološkog deficita. Francuski buldog bio je najčešći hondrodistrofični tip pasmine u koje se javljao GS sindrom dok je njemački ovčar bio najbrojniji u nehondrodistrofičnom tipu pasmine. GS sindrom u većem broju javljao se u muških jedinki. Ekstruzija diska u oba tipa pasmine javljala se u području T12-T13 i T13-L1 međukralježničnog prostora. Podatci o oporavku poznati su za 61,53 % pacijenata od čega je 70,44 % pacijenata postiglo zadovoljavajući oporavak. Nad svim pacijentima u provedenom istraživanju kao operacijska tehnika koristila se bilateralna mini hemilaminektomija izvedena od strane istog operatera. U 30 % pacijenata neovisno o nalazu mijelografije, materijal diska uočen je s obje strane međukralježničnog prostora zbog čega je opravdano razmotriti primjenu bilateralne mini-hemilaminektomije kao metodu izbora pri liječenju pasa s GS sindromom. Ovi rezultati će koristiti u budućim istraživanjima GS sindroma te će doprinijeti u njegovoj dijagnostici i liječenju. - Degenerative intervertebral disc disease is the most common neurological disorder affecting the canine thoracolumbar spine. The clinical records of 104 dogs with thoracolumbar disc disease treated by decompressive surgery at the Clinic of Surgery, Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb during a seven-year period (January 2011 through July 2018) were reviewed. The aim of this study was to compare the chondrodystrophic and nonchondodystrophic type according to breed, sex, age, body weight, extruded disc material site, neurological deficiency and operative findings. Most dogs had an acute clinical picture with a high degree of neurological deficiency. The French Bulldog breed was the most common chondrodystrophic type of breed for thoracolumbar syndrome, while the German Shepherd was the most non-chondrodystrophic type of breed. Thoracolumbar syndrome was more common in males. Disk extrusion in both types of breeds appeared in the T12-T13 and T13-L1 intervertebral space. Recovery data is known for 61.53% of patients, of which 70.44% of patients achieved successful recovery. All dogs were treated by bilateral minihemilaminectomy by the same surgeon. In 30% of patients, irrespective of myelography findings, the disk material was observed on both sides of the intervertebral space, making bilateral mini-hemilaminectomy advisable in the treatment of dogs with breast-syndrome syndrome. These results will be used in future studies of thoracolumbar syndrome, and will also contribute to its diagnosis and treatment.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 276-280  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Grudno-slabinski sindrom -- Bolest međukralježničnog diska -- Bilateralna mini-hemilaminektomija

Maternal microbiome during pregnancy and their impact on the canine microbiome in neonates [Elektronička građa] : a review / Maja Zakošek Pipan, Janko Mrkun. - Fotogr. autora.
Bibliografija: 69 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The long-standing hypothesis that the neonatal microbiome is acquired during and after birth has been challenged by recent studies in humans using advanced molecular technologies, which identified bacteria and bacterial DNA and RNA in amniotic fluid, placenta, and meconium. Similar studies have recently been conducted on canine neonates, giving a description of the gut microbiota of newborn puppies and a comparison of different types of parturition on theirdevelopment. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of microbiome and microbial alterations in the canine gut, vagina and oral cavity throughout pregnancy, and their effects on the microbiome of the placenta and the meconium in neonatal puppies. We further compare the microbiome knowledge gained in the last decade on human neonates and draw parallels with canine pregnancy and the neonatal microbiome. - Dugotrajnu hipotezu da se neonatalni mikrobiom stječe tijekom i nakon rođenja izazvale su nove studije na ljudima koje su identificirale bakterije, bakterijski DNK i RNK u plodnoj vodi, placenti i mekoniju naprednim molekularnim tehnologijama. Isto je nedavno otkriveno i u novorođenih pasa gdje su prve studije opisale crijevnu mikrobiotu novorođenih psića i usporedbu različitih vrsta porođaja na njegov razvoj. U ovom preglednom članku, dajemo sažetak trenutnih spoznaja o mikrobiomu i promjenama mikroorganizama u crijevima, vagini i usnoj šupljini tijekom gravidnosti kuja koje utječu na mikrobiom placente i mekonija novorođenih psića. Nadalje, uspoređujemo saznanja o mikrobiomu stečena tijekom posljednjih deset godina na ljudskoj novorođenčadi i povlačimo paralele s psećom gravidnosti i neonatalnim mikrobiomom.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 593-604  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Neonatologija -- Porođaj -- Štenci -- Mikrobiota

Medonosna pčela (Apis mellifera) u biomonitoringu onečišćenja okoliša [Elektronička građa] / Saša Zavrtnik, Jelena Loborec, Ivana Grčić, Damir Žubčić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Neupitna je iznimno važna uloga koju pčele imaju u prirodi kao oprašivači biljaka i proizvođači određenih nezamjenjivih prirodnih proizvoda. No, u posljednje vrijeme sve se češće pčele spominju kao žrtve onečišćenja okoliša koje predstavlja stvarnu prijetnju njihovom opstanku. Pčele su opnokrilasti kukci koji broje oko 20 000 poznatih vrsta, a nama najpoznatija i najbliža je medonosna pčela, odnosno siva kranjska pčela (Apis mellifera carnica). Pčele su zaslužne za 87,5 % oprašivanja kod biljaka cvjetnjača, što je posebno važno u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, dok se direktna korist od medonosnih pčela očituje i u pčelinjim proizvodima kao što su: med, vosak, propolis, pelud, otrov, matična mliječ. Stoga je ključno otkriti i pratiti na koji način i u kojoj mjeri onečišćivala poput teških metala i pesticida, iz vode, tla i zraka dospijevaju u biljke i njihove produkte kao i u same pčele. Sve se ono što pčele proizvode za sebe i ljudsku uporabu može odraziti na njihovo i na ljudsko zdravlje. Ovdje je potrebno sagledati cjelokupnu povezanost između, uvjetno rečeno, nežive prirode, tvari u vodi, tlu i zraku, s okolišnim uvjetima poput sve izraženije promjene staništa i klimatskih promjena te cjelokupni utjecaj na pčelinje populacije koje su se pokazale kao neprocjenjivi biopokazatelji u biomonitoringu onečišćenja okoliša. - The role of bees in nature as plant pollinators and producers of certain irreplaceable natural products is indisputably crucial. However, recently, bees are increasingly being referred to as victims of environmental contamination, which poses a real threat to their survival. Bees are insects of the order Hymenoptera, with around 20,000 known species. The most common in this region is the honey bee or grey honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica). Bees are responsible for 87.5% pollination of flowering plants, which is especially important in agricultural production, while direct benefits of honey bees are seen in bee products, such as honey, bees wax, propolis, pollen, bee poison, and royal jelly. It is crucial to identify how and to what extent contaminants, such as heavy metals and pesticides from water, soil and air, reach plants and their products, and the bees and their products, since this can affect both bee health and human health. The overall links between inanimate nature, such as substances in water, soil and air, with external conditions, such as changes in habitats and climate changes should be considered, and their impacts on bee populations determined, as they are invaluable bio-indicators for biomonitoring of environmental contamination.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 441-453  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Apis mellifera -- Medonosna pčela -- Med -- Onečišćenje okoliša -- Teški metali -- Pesticidi -- Klimatske promjene

ZELIĆ, Ana, agronomka
Mikroalge kao izvor omega-3 masnih kiselina u hranidbi tovnih pilića [Elektronička građa] / Ana Zelić, Zlata Kralik, Gordana Kralik, Danica Hanžek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Meso peradi značajan je animalni proizvod u prehrani stanovništva. Mišićno tkivo bogato je bjelančevinama i odlikuje se niskim sadržajem masti, te se svrstava u dijetetski proizvod. Mikroalge su bogati izvor omega-3 masnih kiselina, osobito dokozaheksaenske (DHA), i u manjim količinama eikozapentaenske (EPA). Od posebne važnosti za peradarsku industriju su nedavna istraživanja u kojima se biomasa mikroalgi učinkovito koristi u proizvodnji peradarskih proizvoda obogaćenih s polinezasićenim masnim kiselinama dugog lanca (LC-PUFA n-3). Cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati profil masnih kiselina u mikroalgama i istražiti mogućnosti obogaćivanja peradarskog mesa omega-3 masnim kiselinama dodavanjem mikroalgi u smjese za tov pilića. U radu je prikazan pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja o deponiranju omega- 3 PUFA uporabom mikroalgi u hrani tovnih pilića. - Poultry meat is a significant animal product in the diet population. Muscle tissue is rich in protein and is characterized by low fat content, and is classified as a dietary product. Microalgae are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially docosahexaenoic (DHA), and in smaller amounts eicosapentaenoic (EPA). Of particular importance for poultry industry are recent studies in which microalgae biomass is effectively used in the poultry products production that are enriched with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA n-3). The aim of this study is presenting the fatty acid profile in microalgae and exploring the possibilities of enriching the poultry meat with omega-3 fatty acids by adding microalgae to the mixtures for chickens fattening. The paper presents an overview of previous research on the deposition of n-3 PUFA using microalgae in broiler feed. - Geflügelfleisch ist ein wichtiges tierisches Produkt in der Ernährung der Bevölkerung. Das Muskelgewebe ist reich an Eiweiß und fettarm und wird als diätetisches Nahrungsmittel eingestuft. Mikroalgen sind eine reichhaltige Quelle von Omega-3-Fettsäuren, insbesondere von Docosahexaensäure (DHA) und in geringeren Mengen von Eicosapentaensäure (EPA). Von besonderer Bedeutung für die Geflügelindustrie sind neuere Studien, in denen Mikroalgenbiomasse effektiv zur Herstellung von Geflügelprodukten verwendet wird, die mit langkettigen mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren (LC-PUFA n-3) angereichert sind. Ziel dieser Studie war es, das Fettsäureprofil in Mikroalgen aufzuzeigen und die Möglichkeiten der Anreicherung von Geflügelfleisch mit Omega-3-Fettsäuren durch Zugabe von Mikroalgen zu Hühnermastmischungen zu untersuchen. Die Arbeit bietet einen Überblick über bisherige Forschungen zur Ablagerung von mehrfach ungesättigten Omega-3-Säuren infolge der Verwendung von Mikroalgen im Bro lerfutter. - La carne de aves de corral es un producto animal importante en la dieta de la población. El tejido muscular es rico en proteínas y bajo en grasas, y es clasificado como un producto dietético. Las microalgas son una fuente rica de ácidos grasos omega-3, especialmente del docosahexaenoico (DHA), y en pequeñas cantidades del eicosapentaenoico (EPA). De particular importancia para la industria avícola son los estudios recientes en los que la biomasa de microalgas se usa efectivamente en la producción de productos avícolas enriquecidos con ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga (LC-PUFA n-3). El objetivo de este estudio fue mostrar el perfil de ácidos grasos en las microalgas e investigar las posibilidades de enriquecer la carne de aves de corral con los ácidos grasos omega-3 mediante la adición de las microalgas a la mezcla de engorde de pollo. El documento presenta una descripción general de investigaciones anteriores sobre la deposición de las omega-3 PUFA utilizando las microalgas en el pienso para los pollos de engorde. - La carne del pollame come prodotto d’origine animale occupa un posto significativo nell’alimentazione umana. Il tessuto muscolare è ricco di proteine, vanta un basso contenuto di grassi e viene classificato tra i prodotti dietetici. Le microalghe sono una fonte ricca di acidi grassi omega-3, in particolare di acido docosaesaenoico (DHA) e, in quantità minori, di acido eicosapentaenoico (EPA). Particolarmente importanti per l’industria avicola, alcuni recenti studi hanno utilizzato con successo la biomassa di microalghe nella produzione di prodotti avicoli arricchiti con acidi grassi polinsaturi a catena lunga (LCPUFA n -3). Focalizzata la propria attenzione sul profilo degli a cidi g rassi n elle microalghe, la presente ricerca intende verificare la possibilità di arricchire la carne del pollame con acidi grassi omega-3 mediante l’aggiunta di microalghe nel mangime utilizzato per l’ingrasso dei pulcini. Lo studio offre un quadro degli studi finora svolti sull’arricchimento del mangime dei polli da ingrasso con omega-3 PUFA mediante l’uso di microalghe.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 4 ; str. 274-282  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pileće meso -- Mikroalge -- Polinezasićene masne kiseline -- Omega-3 masne kiseline

ZDOLEC, Nevijo
Mikrobiološka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva autohtone trajne kobasice od kokošjeg mesa [Elektronička građa] / Nevijo Zdolec, Marta Kiš, Željka Cvrtila, Tomislav Mikuš, Snježana Kazazić, Jelka Pleadin, Tina Lešić, Lidija Kozačinski, Vesna Dobranić, Hrvoje Mazija. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti mikrobiološka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva novog - proizvoda – trajne kobasice od mesa kokoši. Za proizvodnju kobasica korišteno je mišićje prsa i zabataka nesilica hibrida teških pasmina COBB 500 (n=150) na kraju razdoblja nesenja u dobi od 62 do 65 tjedana. Tijekom 30 dana prije klanja, kokoši su dohranjivane smjesom žitarica te zaklane u odobrenoj klaonici. Otkoštavanje, izrada nadjeva te zrenje je obavljeno na OPG-u tijekom prosinca 2019. do ožujka 2020. godine. U sirovini, nadjevu i gotovom proizvodu određivan je broj aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, bakterija mliječne kiseline, enterokoka, enterobakterija, kvasaca i plijesni, Escherichia coli te prisutnost Salmonella spp. i Listeria monocytogenes. Sojevi bakterija mliječne kiseline i enterokoka (n=16) na kraju zrenja determinirani su pomoću MALDI-TOF spektrometrije masa. Kemijski, određen je udio vode, aktivitet vode, pH, udio NaCl-a, pepela, masti, bjelančevina i hidroksiprolina, sastav masnih kiselina te kolesterol. Patogene bakterije nisu utvrđene, dok je u gotovom proizvodu broj bakterija mliječne kiseline i enterokoka iznosio 7-8 log10 CFU/g odnosno 6 log10 CFU/g, uz prevladavajuće vrste Lactobacillus sakei i Enterococcus faecalis. Prosječni udjeli bjelančevina, kolagena i masti iznosili su 46,28 ± 3,14 %, 1,89 ± 0,21 % i 11,15 ± 0,90 %, a kolesterola 98,9 ± 9,93 mg/100 g. Jednostruko nezasićene masne kiseline (MUFA) bile su zastupljene s 52,81 %, zasićene (SFA) s 34,82 %, a višestruko nezasićene (PUFA) s 12,37 %. Prednosti trajne kobasice od isključivo kokošjeg mesa u odnosu na one drugih vrsta mesa očituju se u većem udjelu bjelančevina, vrlo malom udjelu masti te nutritivno povoljnijem sadržaju i omjeru masnih kiselina. - The aim of present study was to investigate the microbiological and physicochemical properties of a new product - hen meat dry sausages. In the production of sausages, the meat of breasts and thighs of heavy hybride laying hens COBB 500 (n = 150) was used at the end of the laying period at 62-65 weeks of age. Thirty days before slaughter, supplementary cereals were included into the feed mixture. Slaughter was performed in an approved slaughterhouse, while deboning, preparation and ripening of sausage was carried out on family farm from December 2019 to March 2020. The number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, enterococci, enterobacteria, yeasts and molds, Escherichia coli and the presence of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes were determined in the raw material, sausage batter and final products. Lactic acid bacteria and enterococci isolates were randomly selected from final products (n = 16) and identified using MALDI-TOF mass specrometry. Chemically, the water content, water activity, pH, content of salt, ash, fat, protein and hydroxyproline, fatty acid composition and cholesterol were measured. Pathogenic bacteria were not found, while in the final products the number of lactic acid bacteria and enterococci was 7-8 log10 CFU/g and 6 log10 CFU/g, respectively, with the predominant species Lactobacillus sakei and Enterococcus faecalis. The average content of protein, collagen and fat was 46.28 ± 3.14 %, 1.89 ± 0.21 % and 11.15 ± 0.90 %, and cholesterol 98.9 ± 9.93 mg/100g. The content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was 52.81%, saturated fatty acids (SFA) 34.82 %, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 12.37 %. The advantages of this product in comparison to standard red-meat dry sausages are related to higher protein content, very low fat content and nutritionally favorable ratio and content of fatty acids. - Questo studio aveva l’obiettivo di stabilire le proprietà microbiologiche e fisico-chimiche di un nuovo prodotto: la salsiccia secca di carne di gallina. Per produrla ci si è serviti dei muscoli del petto e delle sovracosce delle galline ovaiole di razza ibrida pesante COBB 500 (n=150) tra le 62 e le 65 settimane di vita, al termine del periodo di cova. L’alimentazione delle galline, nei 30 giorni che hanno preceduto la loro macellazione (avvenuta in un impianto autorizzato), è stata arricchita con una miscela di cereali. Le operazioni di disosso, la realizzazione del ripieno e la stagionatura sono avvenuti in un’azienda agricola familiare (OPG) dal dicembre 2019 al mese di marzo 2020. Nella materia prima, nel ripieno e nel prodotto finito è stato stabilito il numero di batteri anaerobi mesofili, di batteri dell’acido lattico, di enterococchi, di enterobatteri, di lieviti e di muffe, di Escherichia coli e la presenza della Salmonella spp. e della Listeria monocytogenes. Gli strati di batteri dell’acido lattico e di enterococchi (n=16), al termine della stagionatura, sono stati determinati mediante lo spettrometro di massa MALDI-TOF. Dal punto di vista chimico, è stata accertata la percentuale d’acqua, l’attività dell’acqua, il pH, la percentuale di NaCl, di cenere, di grasso, di proteine e d’idrossiprolina, oltre alla composizione degli acidi grassi e del colesterolo. E se non è stata rilevata la presenza di batteri patogeni, nel prodotto finito è stato accertato, invece, un numero di batteri dell’acido lattico e di enterococchi pari a 7-8 log10 CFU/g e 6 log10 CFU/g, con una prevalenza di Lactobacillus sakei e di Enterococcus faecalis. L’esame ha evidenziato un tenore medio di proteine, collagene e grassi pari a 46,28 ± 3,14 %, 1,89 ± 0,21 % e 11,15 ± 0,90 %, mentre è stata accertata una quantità media di colesterolo pari a 98,9 ± 9,93 mg/100 g. - El fin de este trabajo fue determinar las propiedades microbiológicas y fisicoquímicas de un producto nuevo - del chorizo de pollo. Para la producción de los chorizos fueron utilizados la pechuga y el contramuslo de gallinas ponedoras de híbridos de razas pesadas COBB 500 (n=150) al final del período de la puesta a edad de 62 a 65 semanas. Durante 30 días previos a la matanza, las gallinas fueron alimentadas con una mezcla de cereales y matadas en un matadero autorizado. El deshuesado, el embutido y la maduración se realizaron en una granja familiar de diciembre de 2019 a marzo de 2020. Fue determinado el número de bacterias mesófilas aerobias, bacterias del ácido láctico, enterococos, enterobacterias, levaduras y mohos, Escherichia coli y la presencia de Salmonella spp. y Listeria monocytogenes en la materia prima, el embutido y el producto final. Las cepas de bacterias del ácido láctico y enterococos (n = 16) al final de la maduración fueron determinadas mediante la espectrometría de masas MALDI-TOF. Químicamente fueron determinados: contenido de agua, actividad de agua, pH, contenido de NaCl, cenizas, grasas proteínas e hidroxiprolina y la composición de ácidos grasos y colesterol. No fueron identificadas bacterias patógenas, mientras el número de bacterias ácido lácticas y enterococos en el producto final fue 7-8 log10 CFU/g, y 6 log10 CFU/g, respectivamente, con las especies predominantes Lactobacillus sakei y Enterococcus faecalis. Las proporciones medias de proteína, colágeno y grasa fueron 46,28 ± 3,14 %, 1,89 ± 0,21% y 11,15 ± 0,90 % y colesterol 98,9 ± 9,93 mg / 100 g. Los ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) estuvieron presentes con 52,81 %, los saturados (SFA) con 34,82 % y los poliinsaturados (PUFA) con 12,37 %.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 5 ; str. 368-377  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kokošje meso -- Trajni mesni proizvodi -- Proces proizvodnje -- Mikroflora -- Kemijski sastav

Mikročipiranje životinja i mogući neželjeni učinci u veterinarskoj medicini [Elektronička građa] / Tihana Josipović, Hrvoje Capak, Lucija Ciglar, Krešimir Martinković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Mikročipiranje se pokazalo najkorisnijom metodom označavanja životinja u veterinarskoj medicini i stočarstvu. Zbog visoke učinkovitosti i jednostavne primjene vrlo brzo je doseglo globalne razmjere. U Republici Hrvatskoj mikročipiranje smiju obavljati samo ovlašteni veterinari koji su dužni slijediti zakonski propisane upute o načinu implantacije. Mikročip je pasivan uređaj i svojom prisutnošću ne šteti organizmu. Od početka njegove uporabe kao uređaja za označavanje životinja, prijavljeno je svega nekoliko slučajeva nuspojava i istraživanja u svrhu proučavanja njegove biokompatibilnosti s organizmom. Među najčešćim neželjenim učincima spominju se pretjerane reakcije organizma, tumori, pogrešna implantacija te migracija kao daleko najzastupljenija pojava. Iako su nuspojave moguće, današnjim napretkom tehnologije, usavršavanjima u području biokompatibilnosti te trajanju mikročipova, njihov rizik sveden je na minimum. Uz sve navedeno, odgovornost veterinara za pravilnu implantaciju ima znatnu ulogu u smanjivanju tog rizika. - Microchipping of animals has proven to be the most useful animal marking technique. Due to its high efficiency and easy application, it quickly reached a global scale. Microchipping in the Republic of Croatia may only be performed by authorized veterinarians who are obliged to abide by the legislation regulating implantation. The microchip is a passive device and its presence causes no harm to the animal. Since its common use as an animal marking technique, only a few studies have reported side effects. Most of the side effects are excessive body reactions, tumours, incorrect implantation and migration. Although side effects are possible, today’s technological advancements in the area of biocompatibility and duration of microchips have reduced the risk of side effects to a minimum. Additionally, the veterinarian’s responsibility for proper implantation also plays a role in reducing this risk.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 325-333  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Životinje -- Mikročipiranje

Mogućnost korištenja alternativnih izvora bjelančevina u hranidbi životinja [Elektronička građa] = The possibility of alternative protein sources use in animal feeding / Ana Matin, Tugomir Majdak, Zlatko Janječić, Mateja Grubor. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Porastom broja stanovnika u svijetu povećava se i potrošnja mesa peradi i jaja, što rezultira i povećanjem peradarske proizvodnje. Za takvu je proizvodnju potrebno osigurati i velike količine hranjivih tvari, među ostalim i bjelančevina, dobrog aminokiselinskog sastava što će podmiriti potrebe brzorastućih hibrida peradi te modernih hibridnih nesilica konzumnih jaja. Uobičajeno se pri tome koristi soja, cijelo zrno odnosno neki od oblika dobivenih njenom preradom. No njena cijena, problemi s transportom, GMO i sl. sve više vode ka istraživanjima o mogućnosti uvođenja alternativnih izvora bjelančevina u hranidbi peradi. Ovdje svakako pripadaju i insekti. Hranidbena vrijednost insekata je vrlo raznolika i to uglavnom zbog velikog broja i varijabilnosti vrsta. Insekti također imaju dobar sastav masnih kiselina te vitamina i pokazalo se da mogu parirati ribljem brašnu, koje je također nekad bilo jedan od glavnih izvora životinjskih bjelančevina u hranidbi životinja, posebice peradi. Ovim se radom daje pregled mogućnosti korištenja alternativnih izvora bjelančevina, odnosno insekata, u hranidbi životinja te istražuje potencijalna upotreba posliježetvene biomase kao novog i inovativnog supstrata za uzgoj jestivih insekata. Posliježetveni ostatci sadrže ogromnu količinu potencijalnog supstrata za hranidbu raznih insekata. Pojedini insekti imaju sposobnost transformirati nutritivno siromašnu posliježetvenu biomasu s niskim udjelom proteina i visokim udjelom antioksidanata i tvrdokornih ugljikohidrata (celuloze i hemiceluloze) u esencijalne hranjive tvari potrebne za njihov rast modulacijom njihove probavne i bazalne diferencijalne ekspresije gena. Konverzija posliježetvene biomase u biomasu insekata za hranu za životinje mogla bi značajno pridonijeti zadovoljavanju budućih potreba na bjelančevinama za hranidbu peradi čiji će se proizvodi koristiti za prehranu sve bržerastuće svjetske populacije. - As the number of inhabitants in the world is increasing, the consumption of poultry meat and eggs is also increasing, resulting in an increase in poultry production. Such production requires the provision of large quantities of nutrients, including protein, with a good amino acid composition that will meet the needs of fast-growing poultry hybrids and modern laying hens hybrids. Usually, soybeans, whole grains or some of the forms obtained by their processing are used. However, its cost, transportation problems, GMOs, etc. are increasingly leading to research into the possibility of introducing alternative protein sources to poultry feeding. Insects certainly belong here. The nutritional value of insects is very diverse, mainly due to the large number and variability of species. Insects also have a high fatty acids and vitamins content and have proved that they can compete with fish meal, which also used to be the main source of animal protein in animal feed, especially poultry. This paper provides an overview of the possibilities of using alternative sources of protein, or insects, in animal nutrition, and explores the potential use of postharvest biomass as a novel and innovative substrate for the edible insects growing. Postharvest residues contain a huge amount of potential substrate for various insects feeding. Certain insects are capable of transforming nutritionally poor postharvest biomass with low protein content and a high antioxidants and dominant carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose) content into essential nutrients necessary for their growth by modulating their digestive basal and differential gene expression. The conversion of postharvest biomass to insect biomass for animal feed could make a significant contribution to meeting future needs in proteins for the poultry feeding, whose products are used to feed rapidly growing world population.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 1 ; str. 23-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hranidba životinja -- Insekti -- Bjelančevine -- Supstrati

TERZIĆ, Svjetlana
Mogućnost primjene neodobrenih veterinarsko-medicinskih proizvoda (off-label use) [Elektronička građa] / Svjetlana Terzić, Miroslav Andrišić, Irena Žarković, Anja Vujnović, Eleonora Perak Junaković, Katja Vretenar Špigelski, Sonja Sinković, Mirta Pehnec, Dominika Fajdić, Ksenija Šandor. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Unatoč brojnim odobrenim veterinarsko-medicinskim proizvodima (VMP) u Republici Hrvatskoj povremeno se javlja potreba za određenim VMP-ima među kojima su posebice oni za pse, mačke ali i konje. Ulaskom RH u Europsku uniju (EU) dostupnost VMP-a se bitno poboljšala, ali još uvijek postoje situacije kada se poseže za neodobrenim lijekovima. Osim njihova nedostatka na tržištu, postoje i drugi razlozi kao primjerice cijena zamjenskih lijekova, očekivanja veće učinkovitosti ili kvalitete humanih lijekova i sl. Europsko i nacionalno zakonodavstvo predvidjelo je nekoliko mogućnosti primjene neodobrenog VMPa u svrhu smanjenja patnje životinja, odnosno u svrhu njihova izlječenja. Tako je jedna od mogućnosti primjena VMP-a koji nije odobren u RH nego u nekoj od država članica EU, ali i izvan EU (treća zemlja), pod određenim uvjetima. Druga je mogućnost primjena VMP-a odobrenog u RH, ali za drugu životinjsku vrstu i treća mogućnost je primjena lijekova za humanu primjenu. U svim navedenim slučajevima primjena VMP-a koji se primjenjuje vrsti ili kategoriji životinja koja nije navedena u odobrenju, u količini i na različiti način od odobrene te za indikaciju koja nije navedena u uputi, smatra se primjenom izvan odobrenja (engl. „off-label use“ ili „extra label use“). U slučaju potrebe primjene neodobrenog VMP-a doktor veterinarske medicine može na osobnu odgovornost, temeljem procjene koristi i rizika, primijeniti neodobreni VMP u skladu s nacionalnim propisima vodeći računa o karenciji u slučaju životinja za hranu. Pri tome je obvezno vođenje evidencije koja mora sadržavati identifikacijske podatke o životinji i vlasniku, sve podatke o primijenjenim ljekovima, uključujući i dozu lijeka te sve provedene postupke (dijagnoza, trajanje liječenja) i karenciju, ako je primjenjiva. - Despite the number of approved veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) in Croatia, there is an occasional need for certain other VMPs, including those for dogs, cats and horses. Availability of VMPs improved significantly with Croatia’s accession to the European Union in 2013, though there are still situations when unauthorized medicines are used. Apart from their lack on the market, there are other reasons for their use, such as the price of substitute medicines, expectations of greater efficacy or quality of human medicines, etc. European and national legislation provides several possibilities for using unapproved VMP to reduce animal suffering or for treatment purposes. One is the possibility to use a VMP that is not approved in Croatia, but is approved in one of the EU Member States or outside the EU (third country) under certain conditions. The second possibility is use of a VMP approved in Croatia, but for a different target species, and the third possibility is the use of these drugs in humans. In all these cases, the use of a VMP in non-target species or category, or in a dosage or route of administration different from that approved, or for an indication not specified on the label is considered off-label use or extra-label use. If required, the veterinarian may administer the unapproved VMP at his own risk, on the basis of a benefit-risk assessment and in accordance with national regulations, taking into account the withdrawal period in the case of food-producing animals. Records on such use must be kept, including identification data about the animal and owner, all data on the administered drugs, including dose, all performed procedures (diagnosis, duration of treatment) and the withdrawal period, if applicable. Since medicines used outside the approved instructions can also have side effects, it is necessary to ensure they are recorded and reported to the competent authorities.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 455-461  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarsko-medicinski proizvodi -- Neodobreni lijekovi -- Primjena

MASIUK, Dmytro
The monitoring and molecular epizootiology of porcine epidemic diarrhea in Ukraine during 2014-2018 [Elektronička građa] / Dmytro Masiuk, Roman Pogranichniy, Viktor Nedzvetsky, Volodymyr Hlebeniuk, Andrii Kokariev, Tetiana Vasylenko, Eleonora Yesina. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The rapid spread of porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) in different countries in a short time while and the significant economic damage caused by it were important reasons for conducting long-term monitoring studies in Ukraine. PED monitoring researches conduct carry out during 2014-2018 using RT-PCR and ELISA showed the presence of infection in 14 (66.67%) of 21 examined regions of Ukraine. For the period 2014- 2018, the proportion of PED cases rate was the lowest in 2017 (1.76%) and the highest in 2016 (48.03%). Over the entire period, the percentage seropositive animals progressively decreased to a seronegative status indicator defined in sows in 2018. The results of determination of the virulence of 40 strains of PED virus from different regions of Ukraine using the RT-PCR method proved the circulation of highly virulent strains. The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the endemic strain of PED virus is included in the cluster of North American strains and the Chinese strains. Important is the fact that it is not included in the group of European low- virulent S-INDEL strains. Thus, the obtained data indicate a high probability that the PED virus was introduced into Ukraine from the territory of the Asian continent or the United States of America (a high probability that the PED virus was translocated from the territory of the Asian continent or the United States of America into Ukraine). - Brzo širenje epidemijskog proljeva svinja (PED) u različitim zemljama tijekom kratkog razdoblja, koje je rezultiralo znatnom ekonomskom štetom, potaknulo je potrebu za dugoročnim studijama praćenja u Ukrajini. Praćenje PED uporabom RT- PCR i ELISA u razdoblju 2014.-2018. godine pokazalo je prisutnost infekcije u 14 (66,67 %) od 21 ispitane regije Ukrajine. Tijekom ovog razdoblja pojavnost slučajeva PED bila je najniža 2017. godine (1,76 %), a najviša 2016. godine (48,03 %), s progresivnim padom postotka seropozitivnih životinja i seronegativnog indikatora statusa definiranog u krmača 2018. godine. Rezultati određivanja virulencije 40 sojeva PED virusa iz različitih regija Ukrajine uporabom RT- PCR metode dokazali su kruženje vrlo virulentnih sojeva. Filogenetska analiza pokazala je da se endemski soj PED virusa grupirao sa sjevernoameričkim i kineskim sojevima. Potrebno je napomenuti da se nije grupirao s europskim S-INDEL sojevima niske virulentnosti. To navodi na zaključak da je PED virus vrlo vjerojatno unesen u Ukrajinu iz Azije ili SAD-a.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 145-154  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Virusne infekcije -- Epidemijski proljev svinja

Morphological indicators of subcutaneous implantation of monofilament mesh [Elektronička građa] / Valiyan Gimranov, Evgeny Skovorodin, Ilnara Abyzgildina, Foat Karimov, Aidar Bagautdinov. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Hernias are a significant, non-infectious animal condition. In productive animals, failure to provide surgical treatment leads to premature rejection and potential loss of their productive longevity. In small pets, this becomes a social problem for pet owners related to the keeping and death of affected animals. The aim of this study was to study the histological parameters of tissues during implantation of monofilament mesh in cattle for periods up to four months. The study was conducted on eight bulls of the Black Motley breed, divided into two groups of four animals. In the first group, four bulls received a subcutaneous implant of hernioplasty mesh made of polypropylene monofilament (Herniamesh S.R.I. Via CiRie 22 / A, San Maruro Torinese, Torino, Italy) in the area of the lateral soft abdominal wall on the right and left sides. In the second group, four bulls received implants in the middle third of the neck to the right and left sides. Thus, the subject of research was 16 wounds with implanted mesh. A sterile piece monofilament mesh, 1x2 cm in size and folded in half along the longitudinal side, was inserted vertically into the formed hypodermic pocket on the right side of the wound, in which it was possible to freely place the specified mesh. During the course of the study, Polycon No. 4 thread with intermittent knotted seams was used, and three sutures were applied. To ensure fixation of the mesh, it was stitched centrally. The material for histological studies was taken by biopsy at one, two, three and four months after implantation. Tissue was embedded in paraffin blocks, and sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin and picrofuchsin according to Van Gieson. The results indicated that after subcutaneous implantation of monofilament mesh in the neck and abdominal wall in cattle, wound healing occurs by primary intention. - Hernije su često, nezarazno stanje životinja. U produktivnih životinja, ukoliko se ne pruži kirurško liječenje, dolazi do preranog odbacivanja ploda i potencijalnog gubitka njihove produktivne dugovječnosti. U malih kućnih ljubimaca ovo je postalo socijalni problem za vlasnike kućnih ljubimaca povezan s čuvanjem i smrću oboljelih životinja. Cilj ove studije bio je proučiti histološke parametre tkiva tijekom implantacije monofilamentne mrežice u goveda za razdoblja do četiri mjeseca. Studija je provedena na osam bikova Black Motley pasmine, podijeljenih u dvije skupine od po četiri životinje. U prvoj skupini, četiri su bika dobila potkožno implantiranu mrežicu za hernioplastiku izrađenu od polipropilenskog monofilamenta (Herniamesh S.R.I. Via CiRie 22/A, San Maruro Torinese, Torino, Italija) na području bočne meke abdominalne stijenke s desne i lijeve strane. U drugoj skupini, četiri su bika dobila implantate u srednjoj trećini vrata na desnoj i lijevoj strani. Time je predmet istraživanja bilo 16 rana s implantiranim mrežicama. Sterilni komad monofilamentne mrežice, 1 x 2 cm veličine i preklopljen na pola duž uzdužne strane, umetnut je okomito u formirani hipodermički džepić s desne strane rane, u koji je bilo moguće slobodno postaviti spomenutu mrežicu. U studiji je rabljena nit polikon br. 4 s isprekidanim čvornim šavovima te su primijenjena tri šava. Kako bi se osiguralo fiksiranje mrežice, ona je središnje zašivena. Materijal za histološke studije uzet je biopsijom jedan, dva, tri i četiri mjeseca nakon implantacije. Tkivo je uronjeno u parafinske blokove, a isječci tkiva obojeni su hematoksilin-eozinom i pikrofuksinom prema Van Giesonu. Rezultati su pokazali da nakon potkožne implantacije monofilamentne mrežice u vrat i abdominalnu stijenku goveda dolazi do liječenja rane prema primarnoj namjeri.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 363-374  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hernija -- Bikovi -- Stanica -- Derma -- Epiderma -- Liječenje -- Implantat

BALIĆ, Davor, veterinar
Najvažnije parazitarne zoonoze i njihovo javno-zdravstveno značenje u zemljama Europe [Elektronička građa] / Davor Balić, Mario Škrivanko. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Godišnje radionice Europskog referentnog laboratorija za parazite (EURLP) smještenog u Višem institutu za zdravlje (Istituto Superiore di Sanita) u Rimu, prilika su za upoznavanje s aktualnim stanjem najvažnijih parazitarnih zoonoza u Europi. Tijekom dvodnevne radionice predstavnici nacionalnih referentnih laboratorija (NRL) usmeno ili posterima izvještavali su o epidemiološkim i epizootiološkim osobitostima parazitarnih zoonoza u njihovim zemljama tijekom protekle godine. Prezentirani podatci uglavnom se odnose na: godišnje preglede registriranih slučajeva oboljelih ljudi, izvore invadiranja, načine širenja i prenošenja invazija, ispitivanja kojima se provjerava prisutnost, otpornost i preživljavanje razvojnih stadija parazita u okolišu kao i na opise neuobičajenih pojava rijetkih invazivnih zoonoza zabilježenih u europskim zemljama. Epizootiološki podatci odnose se na istraživanja, tj. nadzor nad prisutnošću pojedinih vrsta parazita i/ili njihovih razvojnih stadija u domaćim i divljim životinjama te njihovom potencijalnom značenju za zdravlje ljudi. Sumirane podatke i trendove koji se uoče obradom podataka na razini cijele EU prezentiraju predstavnici Europske agencije za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) i Opće uprave za zdravlje i zaštitu potrošača EU (DG SANCO). Osim predstavnika zemalja članica EU na radionicama su prisutni i predstavnici nečlanica EU, poput Islanda, Norveške, Švicarske, Sjeverne Makedonije i Srbije, koji su često uključeni u zajedničke projekte s članicama zemalja EU i/ili žele biti informirani o aktualnostima iz područja parazitarnih zoonoza na području EU. Posebna pozornost pridaje se predavanjima pozvanih parazitologa iz Europe i svijeta koji prezentiraju rezultate i otkrića dugogodišnjeg rada svojih timova o pojedinim parazitozama i njihovom značenju za javno zdravstvo. - The annual workshop of the European Reference Laboratory for Parasites (EURLP) at the Higher Health Institute (Istituto Superiore di Sanita) in Rome, is an opportunity for participants to become better acquainted with the current state concerning the most important parasitic zoonoses in Europe. During the two-day workshop, representatives of national reference laboratories (NRL) give oral or poster presentations on the epidemiological and epizootic particularities of parasitic zoonoses in their countries over the past year. The presented data particularly relate to the annual review of registered cases of affected persons, sources of invasion, manner of spread and transmission of invasion, research to test for the presence, resistance and survival of development stages of parasites in the environment, and descriptions of unusual appearances of rare and invasive zoonoses recorded in European countries. The epizootiology data pertain to research and surveillance of the presence of individual species of parasites and their development stages in hosts and wild animals, and their potential significance for human health. The data at the EU level are processed and summarized and trends extracted by the representatives of the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) and the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANCO). In addition to representatives of EU Member States, representatives of non-EU states also attend the workshops, such as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, North Macedonia and Serbia. These countries are often included in joint projects with EU Member States, and/or wish to be informed of the current trends in the field of parasitic zoonoses within the EU. Special attention is given to lectures by invited speakers in the field of parasitology from Europe and the world. They present their results and discoveries emerging from the work of their teams on individual parasitosis, and their significance for public health.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 559-569  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Paraziti -- Zoonoze -- Ehinokokoza -- Trihineloza -- Opistorhioza -- Javno zdravstvo

JAKI Tkalec, Vesna
Nalaz patogenih bakterija u sirovom mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima s posebnim osvrtom na vrstu Yersinia enterocolitica [Elektronička građa] / Vesna Jaki Tkalec, Sanja Furmeg, Maja Kiš, Jadranka Sokolović, Miroslav Benić, Luka Cvetnić, Željko Pavlinec, Silvio Špičić, Željko Cvetnić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj meki svježi sir se tradicionalno proizvodi po nepisanoj recepturi od sirovog kravljeg mlijeka. Mlijeko predstavlja idealan supstrat za rast i razmnožavanje brojnih mikroorganizama, mnogih uzročnika zoonoza tako i vrste Y. enterocolitica. Tijekom naših istraživanja pretraženo je 159 uzoraka, od toga 109 uzoraka sirovog kravljeg mlijeka i 50 uzoraka svježeg kravljeg sira i vrhnja. Y. enterocolitica izdvojena je iz 2 (1,8 %) uzorka sirovog mlijeka. Od 50 uzoraka mliječnih proizvoda (sir i vrhnje) u 16 (32 %) dokazana je E.coli, u 12 (24 %) uzoraka S. aureus te u 1 (2 %) uzoraka L. innocua. Osim njih u 15 (13,8 %) uzoraka sirovog mlijeka i 24 (48 %) uzoraka svježeg sira i vrhnja izdvojene su enterobakterije, a biokemijski su identificirane vrste: S. marcescens, S. liquefaciens, M. morganii, C. freundii i C. braakii. Bakterije iz roda Salmonella i L. monocytogenes nisu dokazane u istraživanim uzorcima. Nakon provedene biokemijske identifikacije, dva soja identificirana kao vrsta Y. enterocolitica pretraženi su na molekularnoj razini, molekularnom pretragom dobiven je potvrdni rezultat samo kod jednog uzorka, što je usporedivo s rezultatima drugim istraživanja. Zbog zahtjevne identifikacije bakterijske vrste Y. enterocolitica, kombiniranom primjenom uzgojnih i molekularnih metoda dobiju se pouzdaniji i brži rezultati identifikacije. Sirovo mlijeko i vrhnje od sirovog mlijeka izvor su patogenih mikroorganizama (E. coli i S. aureus) i drugih enterobakterija, a našim istraživanjem dokazali smo i patogenu bakterijsku vrstu Y. enterocolitica koja predstavlja potencijalni rizik za zdravlje potrošača i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Y. enterocolitica je znatno otporna na procese u proizvodnji hrane (dezinfekcija, niski pH, salinitet, preživljavanje u hladnijim uvjetima) te u budućnosti zaslužuje veću pažnju i nadzor u proizvodnji hrane. - In northwestern Croatia, soft fresh cheese is produced using traditional, unwritten recipes of raw cow milk. Milk is an ideal substrate for the growth and reproduction of numerous microorganisms, many zoonotic agents and the species Y. enterocolitica. In this study, 159 samples were tested: 109 samples of raw cow milk and 50 samples of fresh cow cheese and cream. Y. enterocolitica was detected in 2 (1.8%) samples of raw milk. E. coli was detected in 16 (32%) of 50 samples of dairy products (cheese and cream). S. aureus was detected in 12 (24%) samples and L. innocua in 1 (2%) sample. Additionally, 15 (13.8%) samples of raw milk and 24 (48%) samples of fresh cheese and cream also harboured enterobacteria, identified biochemically as: S. marcescens, S. liquefaciens, M. morganii, C. freundii and C. braakii. Salmonella and L. monocytogenes were detected in any of the samples. After the biochemical identification, two strains identified as Y. enterocolitica were examined at the molecular level, and the molecular test confirmed the result in only one sample, which is comparable to the results of other studies. Due to the demanding identification of the bacterial species Y. enterocolitica, the combined application of breeding and molecular methods produces more reliable and faster identification results. Raw milk and crude milk cream are a source of pathogenic microorganisms (E. coli and S. aureus) and other enterobacteria, while this study also found the presence of the pathogenic bacterial species Y. enterocolitica, presenting a potential consumer health risk in the Republic of Croatia. Y. enterocolitica is considerably resistant to food production processes (disinfection, low pH, salinity, survival in cold conditions) and deserves greater attention and supervision in food production in the future.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 487-495  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Mliječni proizvodi -- Patogene bakterije -- Yersinia enterocolitica

Neki pokazatelji poslovanja veterinarskih organizacija u svjetlu općih gospodarskih trendova u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Denis Cvitković, Marko Tadić, Selim Pašić, Marina Pavlak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Od početka svjetske gospodarske recesije 2008. godine pa i uoči nje, praćene su promjene gospodarskih pokazatelja u veterinarskim stanicama i ambulantama. Neki autori su u nekoliko navrata pisali o potencijalnim uzrocima i posljedicama krize na poslovanje veterinarskih organizacija. U žarištu interesa bilo je više pokazatelja od kojih su tri praćena u ovom istraživanju. To su: prosječna neto plaća, broj zaposlenih i ukupni prihod. Oni su prikazani za razdoblje od 2003. do 2017. godine. Radi stjecanja jasnijeg uvida u okolnosti u kojima su poslovale, našu smo pažnju proširili i na općenitije pokazatelje gospodarske aktivnosti na razini ukupnog gospodarstva (bruto domaći proizvod, jav- ni dug, zaposlenost, broj i dobna struktura stanovništva, uvoz i izvoz) i poljoprivrede kao bitne odrednice aktivnosti veterinarskih organizacija. Naime, rezultati istraživanja pojedinih autora pokazuju da je recesija više naštetila veterinarstvu negoli ukupnom gospodarstvu pa smo željeli u široj ekonomskoj slici uočiti naznake buduće gospodarske stvarnosti i upozoriti na njih. S obzirom na to da su gospodarski trendovi potaknuti i vođeni potrebama ljudi, demografski podatci mogu pomoći pri otkrivanju makro i mikro trendova. Zato smo u promatranje uključili i demografske pokazatelje. Ukupni prihod i broj zaposlenih u veterinarskim stanicama smanjivali su se, dok su plaće lagano rasle do 2008. a zatim stagnirale. U veteri- narskim ambulantama, za razliku od stanica, svi pokazatelji su rasli, no u godinama nakon početka recesije plaće su uglavnom stagnirale ili lagano padale. U 2017. godini zabilježen je lagani porast neto plaća i u veterinarskim stanicama i u veterinarskim ambulantama. - Changes in economic indicators in veterinary organizations have long been monitored, particularly since the beginning of the global economic recession in 2008. There are a number of reports on the potential causes and consequences of the 2008 crisis on the operations of veterinary organizations, focusing on a number of indicators, three of which are considered here: average net salary, number of employees and total income. These data were collected for the period 2003–2017. To obtain clearer insight into the circumstances of operations, we extended our attention to more general indicators of economic activity at the level of the national economy (gross domestic product, public debt, employment, population and age structure, imports and exports) and agriculture as an important component of veterinary activities. Other studies have shown that the recession did more harm to veterinary medicine than to the general economy, and therefore, we wanted to examine this and warn about the future economic reality in the overall economic picture. Given that economic trends are driven by human needs, demographics can help identify macro and micro trends and therefore demographic indicators were included in the study. Total income and number of employees at larger veterinary organizations declined as wages rose slightly until 2008 and then stagnated. In smaller veterinary practices, all indicators rose, but in the years following the onset of the recession, wages generally stagnated or fell slightly. In 2017, there was a slight increase in net salaries in both types of veterinary organizations. Changes in agricultural and general demographic trends, such as a significant decrease in the number of reproductive animals and milk production, an aging human population and a decrease in the birth rate, together with the strong correlation between debt and population, suggest certain further stagnation or decrease in the economic activity of veterinary organizations.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 155-162  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarske organizacije -- Poslovanje -- Stočarska proizvodnja -- Demografski pokazatelji

Nova generacija sekvenciranja u veterinarskoj medicini [Elektronička građa] : pregled : I. dio / Ksenija Vlahović, Gordana Gregurić Gračner, Marina Pavlak, Daniel Špoljarić, Luka Pajurin, Maja Popović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 80 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Završetkom projekta sekvenciranja ljudskoga genoma, omogućen je znatan napredak u molekularnoj biologiji čime se otvaraju novi viditci, kao i mogućnosti i u veterinarskoj medicini. Nova generacija sekvenciranja predstavlja znatan tehnološki napredak, koji omogućuje velik napredak u poznavanju genoma životinja te sve širu primjenu u različitim područjima veterinarske medicine. U radu su podrobno opisane različite metode novih generacija sekvenciranja, navodeći prednosti i nedostatke svake od platformi, prikazana je i povijest razvoja sekvenciranja kao i njezin daljnji razvoj i buduća primjena. - The completion of the human genome- sequencing project has enabled significant advances in molecular biology, and also opening new perspectives and opportunities in veterinary medicine. Next-generation sequencing represents significant technological progress that allows for vast improvement in the knowledge of the animal genome and its widespread use in various fields of veterinary medicine. This paper provides a detailed description of the different methods of next- generation sequencing, listing the advantages and disadvantages of each platform.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 175-185  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarska medicina -- Molekularna genetika -- Povijest -- Genomi životinja -- DNK -- Sekvenciranje

Nova generacija sekvenciranja u veterinarskoj medicini [Elektronička građa] : pregled : II. dio / Ksenija Vlahović, Gordana Gregurić Gračner, Marina Pavlak, Daniel Špoljarić, Luka Pajurin, Maja Popović.
Nastavak iz br. 2/2020. - Bibliografija: 74 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Nova generacija sekvenciranja predstavlja znatan tehnološki napredak koji omogućuje velik napredak u poznavanju genoma životinja te sve širu primjenu u različitim područjima veterinarske medicine. Danas se napredne tehnologije primjenjuju u sekvenciranju cijelog genoma životinja, sekvenciranju njihovih egzoma, ciljanom sekvenciranju DNK fragmenata i sekvenciranju RNK. Ovaj pregled usmjeren je na trenutačna dostignuća, primjenu i izazove povezane s uporabom naprednih tehnologija sekvenciranja. Prikazana je i primjena tehnologije nove generacije sekvenciranja u genomici životinja kao i njezin daljnji razvoj i buduća primjena. - The next-generation sequencing represents a significant technological progress that allows a vast improvement in animal genome knowledge and its widespread use in various fields of veterinary medicine. Advanced technologies are currently being applied to entire genome sequencing, exosome sequencing and targeted DNA fragments and RNA sequencing in animals. This review focuses on the current achievements, applications and challenges associated with the use of advanced sequencing technologies. The history of next generation sequencing technology in animal genomics, its further development and future applications are presented.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 305-315  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarska medicina -- Molekularna genetika -- Povijest -- Genomi životinja -- DNK -- Sekvenciranje

Nutrient content and fermentation characteristics of ensiled Italian ryegrass and winter cereal mixtures for dairy cows [Elektronička građa] = Sadržaj hranjivih tvari i značajke fermentacije siliranog talijanskog ljulja i zimskih smjesa žitarica za mliječne krave / Worku Alamayehu, Róbert Tóthi, Lȧszlo Kacsala, György Bȧzȧr, Tamȧs Tóth, Szilvia Orosz, Hedvig Fébel. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The interest in new alternative forages in Europe has increased in recent years. The nutritional composition and fermentation characteristics during different stages of ensiling were studied with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and winter cereal mixtures. The trial was carried out on a large-scale farm Galgamenti Agricultural Limited Company, Tura, Hungary. Two different forage mixes were studied: Mixture A (three types of Italian ryegrass 40% + two types of triticale 20%+ two types of oats 20%+ wheat 15%+ barley 5%) and Mixture B (three types of Italian ryegrass 55% + two types of winter oats 45%). Experimental field was 30.600 m2 by the treatments, respectively. The two different forage mixes were sown on 11th September 2017 (Mixture A: 75 kg seed/ha; Mixture B: 75 kg seed/ha) with depth of 2-5 cm. Plant protection treatment was not applied during the growing season. Cutting was carried out in heading stage of triticale by hand at 10 cm stubble height. The fresh Mixture A (dry matter 189 g/kg; crude protein: 161 g/kg DM; NDF: 485 g/kg DM) and the fresh Mixture B (dry matter 195 g/kg; crude protein: 159 g/kg DM; NDF: 519 g/kg DM) were wilted to 28-32% DM (24h) without any movement on the windrow. The wilted forage was picked up by hand and chopped by a forage harvester (John Deere 7300) on concrete surface with theoretical chop length of 9 mm (weight: 800 kg). Wilted and chopped material of 510 g were packed by hand into a glass jars (0.00072 m3 volume, n=5, total no. of minisilos = 15). Five laboratory silos per mixtures were opened on 7, 14 and 90 days after ensiling. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), ether extract (EE), ash, and total sugar of all treatments were determined. Additionally, pH and the concentration of ammonia-N, volatile fatty acids were measured in the ensiled mixtures. - Zanimanje za nova alternativna hraniva u Europi je poraslo zadnjih godina. Hranidbeni sastav i značajke fermentacije u raznim stadijima siliranja istraživani su na talijanskom ljulju (Lolium multiflorum Lam) i zimskim smjesama žitarica. Pokus je obavljen na velikoj farmi Galgamenti Agricultural Ltd. u Turnu u Mađarskoj. Proučavane su dvije različite smjese krmiva: smjesa A (tri vrste talijanskog ljulja 40% + dvije sorte tritikala 20% +dvije sorte zobi 20% + pšenica 15%+ ječam 5%) i smjesa B (tri vrste talijanskog ljulja 55% + dvije sorte zimske zobi 45%). Pokusno polje je iznosilo 30.600 m2 po tretmanu. Dvije različite mješavine krmiva posijane su 11. rujna 2017. godine, (smjesa A:75 kg sjemena/ha; smjesa B:75 kg sjemena/ha) na dubini od 2-5 cm. Zaštita biljaka nije primijenjena u sezoni rasta. Rezanje je obavljeno rukom za vrijeme stvaranja glavica tritikala na visini stabljike od 10 cm. Svježa smjesa A (suha tvar 189 g/kg; sirova bjelančevina: 161 g/kg DM;NDF: 485 g/kg DM) i svježa smjesa B (suha tvar 195 g/kg; sirova bjelančevina 159 g/kg DM;NDF:519 g/kg DM)je venula do 28-32% DM (24h) bez ikakvog micanja na prozoru. Povenulo krmivo je rukom brano i sjeckano kombajnom za krmivo (John Deere 7300)na betonskoj površini s teoretskom sjeckalicom duljine 9 mm (težine 800 kg). Povenuli i narezani materijal od 510 g stavljen je rukom u staklenke (volumena 0, 00072 m3, n=5 ukupni broj minisilosa =15). Otvoreno je pet laboratorijskih silosa po mješavinama 7.,14. i 90. dana nakon siliranja. Određeni su suha tvar DM, sirova bjelančevina CP, sirovo vlakno CF, neutralno deterdžentsko vlakno NDF, kiselo deterdžentsko vlakno ADF, kiseli deterdžentski lignin ADL, ekstrakt etera, pepeo i ukupni šećer u svim tretmanima. Osim toga, u siliranim smjesama izmjereni su pH i koncentracija amonijaka N, hlapive masne kiseline.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 1 ; str. 3-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zimske žitarice -- Talijanski ljulj -- Fermentacija -- Silaža -- Mliječna kiselina -- Mliječne krave

Nutritivna vrijednost svinjskog mesa s aspekta sadržaja i sastava intramuskularne masti [Elektronička građa] / Đuro Senčić, Danijela Samac, Mirjana Baban. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - U radu se ukazuje na udio intramuskularne masti u mesu nekih genotipova svinja, na masnokiselinski sastav intramuskularne masti, odnos omega-6 i omega-3 masnih kiselina u intramuskularnoj masti, te na ulogu polinezasićenih masnih kiselina u organizmu i zaštiti zdravlja ljudi. Kvocijent između polinezasićenih (PUFA) i zasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA/SFA) u svinjskom mesu najčešće je povoljan i kreće se u zdravstveno preporučenim vrijednostima (≥ 0,4). Međutim, omjer n-6/n-3 u ukupnim masnim kiselinama u svinjskom mesu je izrazito u korist n-6, što znači više od nutritivno preporučenih vrijednosti (<4). - The paper focuses on the content of intramuscular fat in the meat of several pig genotypes, the fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat, the ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in intramuscular fat, and the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in human organism and health protection. The ratio of polyunsaturated (PUFA) to saturated fatty acids (PUFA/SFA) in pork is in most cases favourable and within the recommended values (≥ 0.4). However, the share of n-6 in the n-6/n-3 ratio of the total pork fatty acids is significantly higher, exceeding the nutritionally recommended values (<4). - Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem intramuskulären Fettgehalt im Fleisch einiger Schweinegenotypen, der Fettsäurezusammensetzung des intramuskulären Fettes, dem Verhältnis der Omega-6- und Omega-3-Fettsäuren im intramuskulären Fett und der Rolle der mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren für den menschlichen Organismus und den Gesundheitsschutz. Das Verhältnis von mehrfach ungesättigten (PUFA) zu gesättigten Fettsäuren (PUFA/SFA) im Schweinefleisch ist in den meisten Fällen günstig und liegt innerhalb der empfohlenen Werte (≥ 0,4). Der Anteil von n-6 am n-6/n-3-Verhältnis an den Gesamtfettsäuren im Schweinefleisch ist jedoch extrem dominant und liegt über den ernährungsphysiologisch empfohlenen Werten (<4). - Este artículo se centra en el contenido de la grasa intramuscular de algunos genotipos de cerdo, en la composición de los ácidos grasos de la grasa intramuscular, en la proporción de los ácidos grasos omega-6 y omega-3 en la grasa intramuscular, en el rol de los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en el organismo humano y en la protección de la salud de los humanos. La proporción entre los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA) y los ácidos grasos saturados (PUFA/SFA) en la carne de cerdo en general es favorable y está dentro de los valores recomendados (≥ 0,4). No obstante, la proporción n-6/n-3 en total de los ácidos grasos en la carne de cerdo está predominantemente en favor de n-6, lo que excede los valores nutricionalmente recomendados (<4). - Nella ricerca si fa il punto sul contenuto di trigliceridi intramuscolari (o grasso intramuscolare) nella carne di alcuni genotipi di maiale, sulla composizione di acidi grassi dei trigliceridi intramuscolari, sul rapporto tra acidi grassi omega-6 e acidi grassi omega-3 nei trigliceridi intramuscolari e sul ruolo degli acidi grassi polinsaturi nell’organismo e nella tutela della salute umana. Il quoziente tra acidi grassi polinsaturi (PUFA) e acidi grassi saturi (PUFA/SFA) nella carne di maiale è nella maggior parte dei casi positivo ed oscilla entro i valori raccomandati (≥ 0,4). Tuttavia, il rapporto di n-6/n-3 negli acidi grassi totali nella carne di maiale è di molto a favore di n-6, è cioè superiore ai valori nutrizionali raccomandati (<4).
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 2 ; str. 149-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinjsko meso -- Nutritivna vrijednost -- Intramuskularna mast -- Masne kiseline

RUPIĆ, Vlatko
Olive cake in the feeding of fattening rabbits [Elektronička građa] : histopathological changes / Vlatko Rupić, Svjetlana Luterotti, Mato Čačić, Vlatka Romanović, Ivana Čačić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 61 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Nutritive effect of different levels (10% and 20%) of dried olive cake on the body mass, feed conversion ratio and histopathological changes in tissues in conventionally bred Hyla rabbits was investigated. During a 56-day experimental feeding regime, 60 rabbits were divided into a control group and two experimental groups with 20 animals each (10 males and 10 females). Control group received no olive cake, while the first experimental group received 10% and the second experimental group 20% of dried olive cake throughout the whole feeding period. No significant differences in the body mass were found between the groups in the trial. In both experimental groups, feed conversion was better than in the control group. Histopathological tests were performed on a total of 28 rabbits. Histopathological changes observed in the brain, heart and kidneys of rabbits were the consequence of pathological activity of microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi found in all groups. In the rabbits of both experimental groups fed with olive cake, deposition of fat in the heart, liver, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, adrenal gland and pancreas might be explained by the greater amount of fat from olive oil in the meal. Statistically significant was only the fat deposition in the liver, namely, in hepatocytes. Histopathological screening identified pathological action of fungus Cyniclomyces guttulatus in the digestive tract of all rabbit groups which caused inflammation of the mucous membranes (enteritis) of the entire digestive system (from the stomach to the large intestine) and therefore possibly interfered with the absorption of certain nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.). - U radu je prikazan nutritivni utjecaj različitih količina (10% i 20%) osušenih komina maslina na tjelesnu masu, konverziju hrane i histopatološke promjene tkiva konvencionalno uzgojenih kunića Hyla hibrida u tovu. U pokusnom tovu od 56 dana bilo je ukupno 60 kunića koji su bili podijeljeni u tri skupine, kontrolnu i dvije pokusne s po 20 kunića u svakoj skupini (10 muških i 10 ženskih). Kunići kontrolne (C) skupine u obroku nisu dobivali kominu, dok su tijekom cijelog pokusa kunići prve pokusne skupine dobivali 10%, a kunići druge skupine 20% osušenih komina maslina. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u tjelesnim masama između skupina kunića u tovu. U obje pokusne skupine utvrđena je bolja konverzija hrane u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Histopatološkom pretragom 28 kunića utvrđene su histopatološke promjene u mozgu, srcu i bubrezima kunića kao posljedica patološkog djelovanja mikrosporidije Encephalitozoon cuniculi. U kunića obiju pokusnih skupina utvrđena je depozicija masti u srcu, jetri, limfnim čvorovima, štitnoj žlijezdi, nadbubrežnoj žlijezdi i gušterači iz razloga što su u hrani dobivali veću količinu maslinova ulja. Statistički značajno povećanje masti nađeno je samo u jetri, odnosno hepatocitima, ali ne i u drugim organima i žlijezdama. Histopatološkom pretragom utvrđeno je i patološko djelovanje gljivice Cyniclomyces guttulatus u probavnom sustavu svih skupina kunića koje su uzrokovale enteritis u cijelom probavnom sustavu, od želuca do debelog crijeva, čime je bila poremećena resorpcija hranjivih tvari, vitamina, minerala, itd.
U: Stočarstvo (Online). - ISSN 1848-9044. - 73 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 21-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kunići -- Hranidba -- Masline -- Histopatološke promjene

MIKUŠ, Ornella
Optimistični trendovi u sektoru ribarstva [Elektronička građa] / Ornella Mikuš, Erwin Ćuskić, Mateja Jež Rogelj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Većina makroekonomskih pokazatelja za sektor ribarstva u promatranom razdoblju od 2009. do 2018. bilježi uzlazno kretanje. U deset godina uzgoj raste za 20 %, izvoz za 77 %, a vrijednost proizvodnje u posljednjih pet promatranih godina za 30 %. Akvakultura je grana ribarstva s najvećim gospodarskim potencijalom. Pozitivno utječe na zapošljavanje, dohodak, ponudu visokovrijednih namirnica povećane dodane vrijednosti kroz turizam i izvoz, a time i na socioekonomski razvoj otočnih i ruralnih zajednica. - Most macroeconomic indicators for the fisheries sector in the 2009-2018 period records the upward movement. In ten years, cacthes have increased by 20%, export by 77%, and value of production in the last five observed years by 30%. Aquaculture is the branch of fisheries with the highest economic potential. It has a positive impact on employment, income, the supply of high value food products with increased added value through tourism and exports, and thus on the socio-economic development of island and rural communities. - Die meisten makroökonomischen Indikatoren für den Fischereisektor im Beobachtungszeitraum 2009-2018 zeigen einen Aufwärtstrend. In zehn Jahren hat der Anbau um 20%, der Export um 77% und der Produktionswert in den letzten fünf beobachteten Jahren um 30% zugenommen. Die Aquakultur ist der Zweig in der Fischerei mit dem höchsten wirtschaftlichen Potenzial. Sie wirkt sich positiv auf die Beschäftigung, Einkommen, das Angebot hochwertiger Lebensmittel mit erhöhtem Mehrwert durch den Tourismus und die Exporte und somit auf die sozioökonomische Entwicklung der Insel- und Landgemeinden aus. - La mayoría de los indicadores macroeconómicos para el sector pesquero durante el período observado de 2009 a 2018 registra una tendencia al alza. En diez años, la piscicultura aumentó en un 20%, las exportaciones en un 77% y el valor de la producción en un 30% en los últimos cinco años observados. La acuicultura es la parte de la industria pesquera con el mayor potencial económico. Tiene un impacto positivo en el empleo, en los ingresos, en la oferta de los productos alimenticios con alto valor nutritivo y un valor agregado aumentado mediante el turismo y las exportaciones, y por lo tanto en el desarrollo socioeconómico de las comunidades insulares y rurales. - La maggior parte degli indicatori macroeconomici per il settore della pesca nel periodo considerato dal 2009 al 2018 registra una tendenza al rialzo. In dieci anni, l’allevamento ha registrato un aumento del 20%, l’esportazione del 77%, mentre il valore della produzione nell’ultimo quinquennio considerato è cresciuto del 30%. L’acquacultura è il ramo della pesca col maggior potenziale economico. Incide positivamente sull’occupazione, sul reddito, sull’offerta di alimenti di alta qualità dal valore aggiunto accresciuto attraverso il turismo e l’esportazione e, di conseguenza, sullo sviluppo socioeconomico delle comunità isolane e rurali.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 2 ; str. 156-161  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Akvakultura -- Ribarstvo -- Proizvodnja -- Rast proizvodnje

Organic livestock in the Republic of Croatia and Europe [Elektronička građa] = Ekološko stočarstvo u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europi / Zvonko Antunović, Đuro Senčić, Josip Novoselec, Danijela Samac, Željka Klir. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the present study was to analyze the situation in organic livestock farming in Croatia and Europe. In the European countries in the year 2017, around 4.5 million cattle, 5.2 million sheep, 1 million pigs and 50 million poultry were registered in organic farming. The highest share of organically registered domestic animals compared to the total population in Europe and the European Union-28 was in cattle (3.5% and 5.2%) and sheep (3.4% and 5.0%), and the lowest in pigs (0.6% and 0.7%). In Croatia the highest share is in sheep (8.57%) and the lowest in poultry (0.02%) number. The largest increase in recent ten years in the EU has been in the number of poultry (by 103%) and the smallest in the number of pigs (by 47.6%), while the increase was the number of cattle and sheep was around 76% and 74%, respectively. In Croatia organic sheep production increased the most (by 65.0%), while the number of cattle and poultry increased by 62 and 64%, and the smallest increase is in the number of pigs (by 24%). The majority of organic meat of all species of domestic animals is produced in France and in United Kingdom, while organic milk is produced mostly in Germany and France. During the year 2018, most organic beef was produced in the UK and France, organic pork in France and Finland, organic sheep meat in Spain and the UK, organic goat meat in Spain, while most of organic poultry was produced in France and in the UK. A significant increase in the number of livestock in organic farming in Europe and in Croatia indicates an increasing interest in organic livestock farming, not only increase of farmers and processors but also increase of consumers of organic products in European countries. - Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio analizirati situaciju u ekološkom stočarstvu u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europi. U europskim zemljama 2017. u ekološkim uzgojima, evidentirano je oko 4,5 milijuna goveda, 5,2 milijuna ovaca, oko 1 milijun svinja te oko 50 miljuna peradi. Najveći udio ekološki registriranih domaćih životinja u usporedbi s ukupnom populacijom u Europi i EU-28 je za goveda (3,5% i 5,2%) i ovce (3,4% i 5,0%), a najniži za svinje (0,6% i 0,7%). Najviši udio u Republici Hrvatskoj je ovaca (8.57%), a najniži peradi (0,02%). Najveće povećanje u zadnjih deset godina u EU je broja peradi (za 103%), a najmanje broja svinja (za 47,6%), dok je povećanje broja goveda i ovaca bilo oko 76% i 74%. U Republici Hrvatskoj u ekološkim uzgojima najviše je povećan broj ovaca (za oko 65,0%), dok je broj goveda i peradi porastao za oko 62 i 64%, a najmanje je povećan broj svinja (za oko 24%). Najviše je ekološkog mesa svih domaćih životinja proizvedeno u Francuskoj i Velikoj Britaniji, a ekološkog mlijeka u Njemačkoj i Francuskoj. Tijekom 2018. godine proizvedeno je najviše ekološkog goveđeg mesa u Velikoj Britaniji i Francuskoj, ekološkog svinjskog mesa u Francuskoj i Finskoj, ekološkog ovčjeg mesa u Španjolskoj i Velikoj Britaniji, ekološkog kozjeg mesa u Španjolskoj, a ekološkog mesa peradi u Francuskoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Utvrđeno značajno povećanje broja domaćih životinja u ekološkim uzgojima u Europi i u RH ukazuje na sve veći interes za ekološkim stočarstvom ne samo uzgajivača i prerađivača nego i konzumenata ekoloških proizvoda u europskim zemljama.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 2 ; str. 75-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekološko stočarstvo
Europska unija


UROŠEVIĆ, Milivoje, veterinar
Osnovni principi organske proizvodnje u kozarstvu [Elektronička građa] / Milivoje Urošević, Darko Drobnjak, Ersoy Nilda, Petar Stojić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Organska poljoprivreda, kao proizvodna metoda koja je ekološki prihvatljiva i koji se zasniva na prirodnim procesima i uporabi organskih i prirodnih tvari, u Srbiji je sve popularnija. Osim naziva organska u uporabi su i termini ekološka i biološka proizvodnja. Ciljevi organske poljoprivrede su održavanje i povećanje plodnosti zemljišta, suzbijanje erozije zemljišta, očuvanje bioraznolikosti, zaštita prirodnih resursa od zagađenja i proizvodnja hrane visoke nutritivne vrijednosti. Pri organiziranju organske stočarske proizvodnje prednost se daje domaćim (autohtonim) pasminama koje su prilagođene na lokalne uvjete uzgoja i otporne na bolesti. U organskoj proizvodnji, koja je sastavni dio sustava održive poljoprivrede nije dopuštena uporaba sredstava za zaštitu i ishranu koja su sintetičko-kemijskog podrijetla i sintetičkih lijekova, regulatora rasta, hormona i GMO organizama. Pored uobičajenih, klasičnih, načina uzgoja koza posljednjih godina sve se više govori o potrebi promjene ustaljenih načina uzgoja koza i uvođenju “Bio” sustava, odnosno biološki čistog načina uzgoja. Ovim načinom proizvodnje dobivaju se proizvodi koji su slobodni od kemijskih elemenata koji su sastavni dijelovi mnogobrojnih preparata koji se koriste u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji. U organskoj proizvodnji dobrobit životinja ima prioritet. Prije svega životinjama treba osigurati uvjete za njihov rast i razvoj u skladu s prirodnim genetskim potencijalom. To podrazumijeva poštovanje fizioloških i ekoloških potreba životinja i stvaranje uvjeta za izražavanje prirodnih funkcija i ponašanja. Kako bi se počela, a kasnije organizirala ovakva proizvodnja nužno je ispuniti određene uvjete. Jesu li predviđeni uvjeti ispunjeni i odvija li se proizvodnja po principima biološke proizvodnje što potvrđuju odgovarajuće, akreditirane, institucije. Gospodarstva koja ispunjavaju uvjete biološke proizvodnje dobivaju odgovarajući certifikat. - Organic farming, as an ecologically acceptable production method based on natural processes and the use of organic and natural materials, is becoming increasingly popular in Serbia. In addition to “organic”, this type of production is also commonly called “ecological” or “biological”. The objectives of organic agriculture are to maintain and increase fertility of the land, suppress land erosion, conserve biodiversity, protect natural resources from pollution and produce foods of high nutritional value. In organizing organic livestock production, priority is given to native (indigenous) breeds adapted to local growing conditions and resistant to diseases. Organic production, which is an integral part of the sustainable agriculture system, does not permit the use of protective and nutraceuticals of synthetic chemical origin and synthetic drugs, growth regulators, hormones and GMOs. Despite the common, classical means of goat farming, in recent years there has been increasing interest to change typical farming methods to introduce “Bio” systems, i.e. biologically clean farming methods. Such production methods result in products free of the chemicals that are common in numerous substances used in common production methods. Animal welfare is always a high priority in organic production. Primarily, animals should be provided with conditions for growth and development that are in compliance with their genetic potential. This implies respecting their physiological and ecological needs, and ensuring conditions to express their natural functions and behaviour. In order to start and later organize such production, certain conditions must be met. The appropriate, accredited institutions are responsible for ensuring that the required conditions are met and that production is in line with the principles of biological production. Holdings meeting the requirements of biological production receive the appropriate certificate.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 87-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kozarstvo -- Organska proizvodnja

PREVENDAR Crnić, Andreja
Otrovanje kućnih ljubimaca sredstvima koja izazivaju ovisnost - depresori središnjeg živčanog sustava [Elektronička građa] / Andreja Prevendar Crnić, Dora Jović, Jelena Šuran. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Nastavno prethodnim radovima u koji- ma su opisana otrovanja pasa i mačaka hranom i dodatcima hrani: čokoladom, kavom, grožđem, lukom i oraščićima makadamije te ksilitolom i solju u ovom su radu opisana otrovanja sredstvima koja izazivaju ovisnost odnosno nekim depresorima središnjeg živčanog sustava: marihuanom, opioidima, „klupskim“ drogama flunitrazepam i gamahidroksibutirat (GHB). Ilegalni lijekovi ili zloporabne droge su vrlo čest uzrok otrovanja kućnih ljubimaca od kojih su psi najprijemljiviji. Otrovanje nastaje zbog slučajne ingestije, krivog doziranja, ali i zlonamjernih trovanja. Ingestija zloporabnih droga predstavlja dijagnostički, često i etički izazov veterinarima kliničarima, a vlasnici vrlo često nisu uopće svjesni čemu je životinja bila izložena. U ovom radu opisani su toksični učinci najčešćih depresora središnjeg živčanog sustava u kontekstu veterinarske toksikologije - izvori otrovanja, toksičnost, toksikokinetika, mehanizam toksičnog djelovanja, klinički znakovi otrovanja, dijagnostika i liječenje otrovanih životinja. Cilj ovog rada je detaljan opis najčešćih lijekova koji se zloupotrebljuju, klinički protokol te terapija otrovanih životinja u svrhu informiranja vlasnika životinja u smislu preventivnog djelovanja i izbjegavanja rizika kontakta životinja s navedenim lijekovima. - Following previous work in which we described poisoning with food and food additives: chocolate, coffee, grapes, macadamia nuts, onions and garlic, xylitol and salt this paper described the poisoning with the most common central nervous system depressants (marijuana, barbiturates, opioids, “club” drugs-flunitrazepam and Gamma hydroxy- butyrate (GHB)). Exposure to illegal drugs is very common cause of companion animal poi- soning, of which dogs are the most susceptible. The poisoning is due to accidental ingestion, wrong dosage, but also malicious poisoning. Illegal drug ingestion presents both diagnostic and ethical challenge to the clinician and pet owners may not be aware of what the animal was exposed to. This work describes the most common central nervous system depressants in context of veterinary toxicology - sources of poisoning, toxicity, toxicokinetic, mechanism of action-clinical signs of poisoning, diagnostics and treatment of poisoned animals. The aim of this thesis is a detailed description of the most commonly used drugs, clinical protocol and treatment of poisoned animals in order to raise awareness for animal owners in terms of preventive action and avoiding the risk of animal contact with these drugs.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 93-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kućni ljubimci -- Otrovanja -- Ilegalni lijekovi -- Droge -- Depresori središnjeg živčanog sustava

ANDRIŠIĆ, Miroslav
Phenotype analysis of CD3+CD16+ lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of pigs [Elektronička građa] / Miroslav Andrišić, Irena Žarković, Ksenija Šandor, Anja Vujnović, Eleonora Perak Junaković, Hrvoje Valpotić, Krešo Bendelja, Željko Cvetić, Frane Božić, Svjetlana Terzić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The phenotype of porcine peripheral blood T cells and natural killer (NK) cells has been well-studied over the past three decades, though porcine peripheral blood lymphocytes with mixed T/NK-cell phenotype within perforin- and NKp46- positive CD3+ populations have also been identified. Despite the mixed phenotype, both populations showed in vitro NK cell-like major histocompatibility complex-unrestricted cytolysis. In this study, the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 15 crossbreed, 12-week-old pigs of both sexes, were analysed by flow cytometry for the expression of leukocyte surface antigens (cluster of differentiation, CD) that can be found on porcine T cells (CD3, TCR-γδ and CD4), NK cells (CD16) or on both cell populations (CD8α and SLA-DR). We found the presence of a minor population of CD3+CD16+ cells within peripheral blood lymphocytes (2.84%). Peripheral blood CD3+CD16+ lymphocytes consisted of all four subpopulations with respect to the expression of surface antigens CD4 and CD8α; most were CD4-CD8α+ (60.64%) and CD4-CD8α-(36.77%). While the proportion of SLA- DR+ cells within both subpopulations was similar (8.01% of CD3+CD16+CD4-CD8α+ lymphocytes and 7.41% of CD3+CD16+CD4- CD8α- lymphocytes), the proportion of TCR-γδ+ cells was noticeably higher within CD3+CD16+CD4-CD8α+ (43.48%) than CD3+CD16+CD4-CD8α- (16.55%) lymphocytes. When the expression of individual surface antigens was analysed on peripheral blood CD3+CD16+ lymphocytes, most were CD8α+ (62.44%), though some were also TCR- γδ+ (32.56%), SLA-DR+ (7.55%) or CD4+ (2.59%). Expression of CD8α on CD3+CD16+ lymphocytes was not related to co-expression of other surface antigens, though most CD3+CD16+TCR-γδ+ lymphocytes (81.04%) and most CD3+CD16+CD4+ lymphocytes (69.50%) expressed CD8α. Expression of SLA-DR was not related to the co-expression of TCR-γδ or CD8α, or to the co-expression of both antigens (TCR-γδ and CD8α) on CD3+CD16+CD4- lymphocytes. - Fenotip T limfocita i NK stanica (engl. Natural Killer Cells) periferne krvi svinja dobro je istražen tijekom zadnja tri desetljeća. Međutim, unutar subpopulacija limfocita periferne krvi svinja koje iskazuju površinski antigen CD3 i perforin ili receptor NKp46 ustvrđeni su i limfociti s mješovitim fenotipom T limfocita i NK stanica. Unatoč mješovitom fenotipu, obje subpopulacije limfocita su in vitro pokazale citolitički učinak koji nije bio usmjeren na molekule glavnog sustava tkivne podudarnosti, odnosno citolitički učinak sličan NK stanicama. U našem istraživanju protočnom citometrijom analizirani su limfociti periferne krvi od petnaest svinja oba spola, križane pasmine i u dobi dvanaest tjedana, s obzirom na iskazivanje površinskih antigena koji mogu biti prisutni na T limfocitima (CD3, TCR-γδ i CD4), na NK stanicama (CD16) ili na obje navedene populacije stanica svinja (CD8α i SLA-DR). Naše je istraživanje pokazalo da limfociti periferne krvi sadržavaju manji udio subpopulacije koja iskazuje površinske antigene CD3 i CD16 (2,84%). Limfociti periferne krvi s fenotipom CD3+CD16+ sastojali su se od sve četiri subpopulacije s obzirom na iskaziva- nje površinskih antigena CD4 and CD8α, od kojih je većina bila CD4-CD8α+ (60,64%) i CD4- CD8α- (36,77%). Iako je udio stanica koje iskazuju SLA-DR u obje navedene subpopulacije bio sličan (8,01 % od CD3+CD16+CD4-CD8α+ limfocita i 7,41 % od CD3+CD16+CD4-CD8α- limfocita), udio stanica koje iskazuju TCR-γδ je bio primjetno veći u CD3+CD16+CD4-CD8α+ limfocitima (43,48 %), nego u CD3+CD16+CD4- CD8α- limfocitima (16,55 %). Analiza iskazivanja pojedinih površinskih antigena na CD3+CD16+ limfocitima periferne krvi poka- zala je da ih je većina bila CD8α+ (62,44 %), ali također i TCR-γδ+ (32,56 %), SLA-DR+ (7,55 %) i CD4+ (2,59 %). Iskazivanje površinskog antigena CD8α na CD3+CD16+ lim- focitima nije bilo povezano s iskazivanjem drugih površinskih antigena.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 117-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- T-limfociti -- Analiza fenotipa -- NK stanice

DŽAJA, Petar, veterinar
Povijesne crtice iz hrvatskog veterinarstva od srednjeg vijeka do 19. stoljeća s posebnim osvrtom na pojavnost zaraznih bolesti domaćih životinja [Elektronička građa] / Petar Džaja, Sonja Sinković, Magdalena Palić, Krešimir Severin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na današnjem prostoru Republike Hrvatske (RH) na srednjovjekovnim dalmatinskim otocima i u gradovima već od 13. stoljeća postoje zakonski propisi (statuti) koji reguliraju život zajednice, kao i odnos ljudi prema životinjama. U 18. stoljeću kako u Europi tako i na prostorima današnje RH, zarazne bolesti domaćih životinja desetkovale su stočni fond, posebno u govedarstvu. Uz goveđu kugu, bedrenica, metiljavost, bjesnoća, slinavka i šap, sakagija i druge bolesti stvarale su velike probleme stočarstvu koje je bilo važan preduvjet sigurnog opstanka ljudskih zajednica. Od 1770. godine liječnicima je, uz liječenje ljudi, bila obveza i suzbijanje zaraznih bolesti domaćih životinja. U suzbijanju zaraznih bolesti glavnu je ulogu imao podžupan, a u to doba suci su bili upravni činovnici. Stoga su kod pojave zaraznih bolesti domaćih životinja na teren išli veliki i mali sudac, a uz njih je obvezno bio prisutan i liječnik ili kirurg. Od 1771. godine u kotarevima je postavljen komesar, koji je išao na teren i izvješćivao sanitetsku komisiju. Za pojedine zarazne bolesti domaćih životinja upotrebljavali su se nazivi na latinskom jeziku: Lues animalium, Lues pecoris, Lues mali, Lues pecoris grassanti, Pulmonum exsccationis, Contagion, Morbus bovi, Animalium infectionem, Vulkgo metily i drugi, ali najčešće na njemačkom jeziku Viehseuche. - Within the present day territory of the Republic of Croatia, laws have been in place on the central Dalmatian islands and cities since the 13th century regulating daily life in the community and human relations towards animals. In the 18th century, here and elsewhere in Europe, infectious diseases of domestic animals decimated the livestock fund, particularly cattle. Bovine plague, anthrax, fasciolosis, rabies, foot and mouth diseases, malleus and other diseases incurred great damages to animal husbandry, which has been one of the most important preconditions for the survival of human communities. Since 1770, medical doctors were also responsible for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in domestic animals. In this regard, the main role was held by the deputy county prefect, and at that time, judges were government officials. Thus, in cases of a high incidence of infectious animal disease, field inspections were performed by a higher and lower judge, who had to be accompanied by a medical doctor or surgeon. Beginning in 1771, all districts appointed a commissar, who performed field inspections and reported the findings to the sanitary commission. For individual infectious diseases of domestic animal terms in Latin were used, such as: Lues animalium, Lues pecoris, Lues mali, Lues pecoris grassanti, Pulmonum exsccationis, Contagion, Morbus bovi, Animalium infectionem, Vulkgo metily etc. However, German terms were most frequently used, such as Viehseuche.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 335-343  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veterinarstvo -- Povijest -- Zarazne bolesti -- Domaće životinje

Praćenje farmakološki aktivnih tvari u mlijeku u Europskoj uniji [Elektronička građa] / Nina Bilandžić, Ivana Varenina, Božica Solomun Kolanović, Đurđica Božić Luburić, Ines Varga. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 56 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Proizvodnja sigurnog i kvalitetnog mlijeka ključni je aspekt pravilnog javnog zdravstva u Europskoj uniji (EU). Česta uporaba farmakološki aktivnih tvari u kliničkoj praksi na govedarskom farmama uzrokuje pojavu njihovih ostataka u različitim prehrambenim proizvodima uključujući mlijeko. Najčešće korišteni lijekovi u mliječnoj industriji su antibiotici tetraciklini i beta-laktami protiv patogenih uzročnika mastitisa. Primjena veterinarskih lijekova mora biti pažljivo optimizirana kako bi se zaštitilo zdravlje potrošača od mogućih štetnih toksičnih učinaka. Također, veliki problem je i razvoj rezistencije u potrošača koji uzrokuje neuspjeh antibiotskih terapija, posebice protiv opasnih patogenih sojeva mikroorganizama. Danas većina članica EU pokazuje tendenciju povećanja proizvodnje mlijeka. Najveći proizvođači mlijeka u EU su Njemačka, Francuska i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. U Hrvatskoj je u zadnje 3 godine vidljiva tendencija pada proizvodnje mlijeka. Članice EU teže kontroli ostataka farmakološki aktivnih tvari u mlijeku primjenom selektivnih, osjetljivih i preciznih analitičkih metoda. Tekućinska kromatografija povezana s tandemskom masenom spektrometrijom (LC-MS/MS) je najčešće korištena instrumentalna analitička tehnika za određivanje ostataka tih tvari u mlijeku. Danas su razvijene multimetode primijenom LC-MS/ MS koje omogućuju identifikaciju 160 i više spojeva. U svrhu zaštite zdravlja potrošača članice EU provode kontrolu farmakološki aktivnih tvari u mlijeku u okviru nacionalnih planova praćenja njihovih ostataka (NPPR). Kontrola farmakološki aktivnih tvari temelji se na definiranim najvećim dopuštenim količinama ostataka tih tvari (NDK). Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) prikuplja podatke kontrole svih članica EU analiziranih u okviru NPPR te svake godine prilaže zajedničko izvješće. - The production of safe, high quality milk is a key aspect of public health in the European Union (EU). Frequent use of pharmacologically active substances in clinical practice on cattle farms results in the appearance of their residues in a variety of food products, including milk. The most commonly used drugs in the dairy industry are the antibiotics tetracyclines and beta-lactams, used against the pathogenic agents of mastitis. The use of veterinary medicines must be carefully optimized to protect consumers from potential adverse toxic effects. Another major problem is the development of resistance in the consumer that causes the failure of antibiotic therapies, especially against dangerous pathogenic strains of microorganisms. Today, most EU Member States are increasing milk production. The largest milk producers in the EU are Germany, France and the United Kingdom, while over the past 3 years, milk production has been declining in Croatia. EU Member States are seeking to control residues of pharmacologically active substances in milk using selective, sensitive and precise analytical methods. Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is the most commonly used instrumental analytical technique for the determination of residues of these substances in milk. Today, multi-methods have been developed using LC-MS/MS that allow for the identification of 160 or more compounds. In order to protect consumer health, EU Member States carry out controls on pharmacologically active substances in milk as part of their national residue monitoring plans (NRMP). The control of pharmacologically active substances is based on the defined maximum residue levels of those substances (MRL). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) collects control data from all EU Member States analysed under the NRMP and produces a joint report each year.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 19-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Kontrola mlijeka -- Farmakološki aktivne tvari -- Veterinarski lijekovi
Europska unija


Pregled dosadašnjih spoznaja o utjecaju visine stelje na pojavnost kontaktnog dermatitisa u tovnih pilića [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Sabolek, Srebrenka Nejedli, Kristina Matković, Željko Pavičić, Mario Ostović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Kvaliteta stelje je među glavnim čimbenicima o kojima ovise dobrobit i proizvodnost tovnih pilića. Intenzivan rast i razvoj pilića u tovu rezultiraju produljenim razdobljima odmora, što u kombinaciji s lošom kvalitetom stelje pogoduje pojavi kontaktnog dermatitisa na jastučićima nogu, tarzalnim zglobovima i prsima. Kontaktni dermatitis negativno utječe na zdravlje i dobrobit pilića, kvalitetu i zdravstvenu ispravnost mesa te ekonomiku proizvodnje. Glavni uzroci kontaktnog dermatitisa su vlaga i kemijske supstance u stelji koje djeluju nadražujuće, uz mnoštvo čimbenika koji utječu na njegovu pojavnost. S obzirom na utjecaj visine stelje na pojavnost kontaktnog dermatitisa, dosadašnji radovi izvještavaju o različitim, čak oprečnim rezultatima, koji iziskuju daljnja istraživanja. Dodatan naglasak potrebno je staviti na istraživanja utjecaja visine stelje na proizvodnost te kvalitetu i zdravstvenu ispravnost pilećeg mesa. - Litter quality is one of the main factors affecting broiler welfare and productivity. Intense growth and development in broilers result in prolonged period of rest, which in combination with poor litter quality favours the occurence of footpad dermatitis, hock burns and breast blisters. Contact dermatitis negatively affects the broiler health and welfare, meat quality and safety, and production economics. The main causes of contact dermatitis are moisture and irritating chemical substances in the litter, along with a number of factors affecting its occurrence. Regarding the impact of litter depth on the occurence of contact dermatitis, previous studies have found different, even contradictory results, which require a further investigation. Additional emphasis needs to be placed on studies investigating the impact of litter depth on the broiler productivity and meat quality and safety. - Die Einstreuqualität ist einer der Hauptfaktoren, die das Wohlbefinden, die Produktivität und die Fleischqualität von Masthähnchen und -hühnern beeinflussen. Das intensive Wachstum und die Entwicklung von Masthähnchen und -hühnern führen zu einer verlängerten Ruhezeit, was in Kombination mit einer schlechten Einstreuqualität das Auftreten von Kontaktdermatitis auf den Fußballen, den Sprunggelenken und an der Brust begünstigt. Die Kontaktdermatitis wirkt sich negativ auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Masthühner sowie auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Produktion aus. Die Hauptursachen der Kontaktdermatitis sind die Feuchtigkeit und irritierende chemische Substanzen in der Einstreu sowie eine Reihe von Faktoren, die ihr Auftreten beeinflussen. Hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Einstreutiefe auf das Auftreten von Kontaktdermatitis haben verschiedene Studien unterschiedliche, sogar widersprüchliche Ergebnisse gegeben, die weitere Untersuchungen erfordern. Ein zusätzlicher Schwerpunkt muss auf Studien gelegt werden, die den Einfluss der Einstreutiefe auf die Produktivität und Qualität von Hähnchenfleisch untersuchen. - La qualità della lettiera è uno dei principali fattori da cui dipendono il benessere, la resa e la qualità della carne dei polli da ingrasso. La crescita intensa e lo sviluppo dei polli da carne sono favoriti dal prolungamento dei periodi di riposo, il che, se combinato ad una lettiera di scarsa qualità, favorisce il manifestarsi della dermatite da contatto sui cuscinetti plantari, sulle articolazioni tarsali e sul petto. La dermatite da contatto incide negativamente sulla salute e sul benessere dei polli e sull’economia della produzione. Le principali cause della dermatite da contatto sono l’umidità e le sostanze chimiche presenti nella lettiera che hanno un effetto irritante, oltre a numerosi fattori che concorrono al suo manifestarsi. Visto l’impatto della profondità della lettiera sul manifestarsi della dermatite da contatto, differenti studi hanno evidenziato risultati differenti, talvolta persino divergenti, che richiedono un ulteriore approfondimento. Va ulteriormente rimarcata l’importanza delle ricerche volte a studiare l’impatto della profondità della lettiera sulla resa e la qualità della carne di pollo. - La calidad de la cama es uno de los principales factores de los que dependen el bienestar, la productividad y la calidad de la carne de pollo de engorde. El crecimiento y desarrollo intensivo de los pollos de engorde resultan en períodos de descanso prolongados, lo que en combinación con la mala calidad de la cama, favorece la aparición de dermatitis de contacto en las almohadillas plantares, las articulaciones tarso - metatarsianas y el pecho. La dermatitis de contacto afecta negativamente la salud y el bienestar de los pollos y la economía de producción. Las causas principales de la dermatitis de contacto son la humedad y las sustancias químicas de la arena que actúan como irritantes, junto con una multitud de factores que afectan su aparición. Dada la influencia de la altura de la camada en la incidencia de dermatitis de contacto, diferentes estudios han encontrado resultados diferentes, incluso contradictorios, que requieren más investigación. Se debe poner mayor énfasis en la investigación del impacto de la altura de la camada en la productividad y calidad de la carne de pollo.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 5 ; str. 378-385  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tovni pilići -- Kontaktni dermatitis -- Stelja -- Intenzivni uzgoj

VRANIĆ, Marina
Procjena ad libitum konzumacije i in vivo probavljivosti voluminozne krme NIR spektroskopijom [Elektronička građa] = Prediction of forage ad libitum intake and in vivo digestibility by near infrared spectroscopy / Marina Vranić, Krešimir Bošnjak, Siniša Glavanović, Nataša Pukec Pintić, Ivica Vranić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 57 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog rada je prikazati stanje spektroskopije u bliskom infracrvenom području (NIR spektroskopije) kao tehnologije za procjenu ad libitum konzumacije suhe tvari (ST) i organske tvari (OT) te in vivo probavljivosti ST, OT i OT u ST (Dvrijednosti) voluminozne krme. U usporedbi s provedbom skupih, radno zahtjevnih i dugotrajnih bioloških istraživanja radi utvrđivanja ad libitum konzumacije i in vivo probavljivosti voluminozne krme, NIR spektroskopija je brza, fizikalna, nedestruktivna, multianalitička i eklološki prihvatljiva metoda koja može dati precizne i točne rezultate uz minimalnu ili nikakvu pripremu uzoraka. Biološki se parametri teže procjenjuju NIR spektroskopijom u odnosu na kemijske parametre voluminozne krme radi varijacija između životinja, a posljedično pogrešaka u procjeni reakcija životinja na određenu hranidbu i hranu te činjenice da se niti jedan biološki parametar ne može utvrditi u kemijskom laboratoriju s visokom razinom točnosti. Prikazani kalibracijski modeli su prihvatljive razine pouzdanosti procjene ad libitum konzumacije i in vivo probavljivosti voluminozne krme prema utvrđenim koeficijentima determinacije (R2) (0,7-0,9 i 0,47-0,98 slijedom), standardnim greškama kalibracije (SEC) (4,28-6,89 i 0,01-1,69 slijedom), standardnim greškama unakrsne validacije (SECV) (4,53-7,92 i 0,02-2,15 slijedom) te standardnim greškama procjene (SEP) (5,42-9,59 i 0,026-5,7 slijedom). Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje potencijal NIR spektroskopije za procjenu ad libitum konzumacije ST i OT voluminozne krme i in vivo probavljivosti ST, OT i D-vrijednosti voluminozne krme. - The objective of this paper is to present the potential of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR spectroscopy) as a technology for predicting ad libitum intake of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) as well as in vivo digestibility of DM, OM and OM in DM (D-value) in forage. Compared to the expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming biological research methods for determining forage ad libitum intake and in vivo digestibility, NIR spectroscopy is a fast, physical, non-destructive, multianalytic and ecologically acceptable method that can provide precise and accurate results with minimal or no sample preparation. Forage biological parameters are more difficult to predict by NIR spectroscopy than chemical parameters due to variations among animals, consequent errors in animal reactions to certain feeds and food and the fact that no biological parameter can be determined in a chemical laboratory with high accuracy level. The calibration models presented are at acceptable levels of reliability for the prediction of forage ad libitum intake and in vivo digestibility according to the determined coefficients of determination (R2) (0.7-0.9 and 0.47-0.98 respectively), standard errors of calibration (SEC) (4.28-6.89 and 0.01-1.69, respectively), standard errors of cross-validation (SECV) (4.53-7.92 and 0.02-2.15, respectively) and standard errors of prediction (SEP) (5.42-9.59 and 0.026-5.7, respectively). This study confirms the high potential of NIR spectroscopy to predict the ad libitum intake of DM and OM and the in vivo digestibility of DM, OM and D-values in forage.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 2 ; str. 65-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krmiva -- Voluminozna krma -- Ad libitum konzumacija -- In vivo probavljivost -- NIR spektroskopija

Procjena brojnosti, gustoće i pokrovnosti majčine dušice (Thymus pulegioides L.) pašnjaka s područja Velike Crkvine [Elektronička građa] / Luka Pajurin, Daniel Špoljarić, Goran Kiš, Ksenija Vlahović, Marina Pavlak, Silvijo Vince, Vedran Šegota, Branimira Špoljarić, Gordan Mršić, Željka Cvrtila, Lidija Kozačinski, Maja Popović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sustav uzgoja i hranidbe janjadi, odnosno botanički sastav pašnjaka na kojima se janjad uzgaja ima značajan učinak na aromu i sastav janjećeg mesa („efekt teritorija“). Pri tomu znatan doprinos na formiranju arome janjetine imaju terpeni koji se izravno iz biljaka ugrađuju u životinjska tkiva preživača ili nastaju kao rezultat razgradnje klorofila pod utjecajem mikroflore buraga. Stoga je za istraživanja u okviru ovog rada, ali i samog HRZZ projekta “Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa“ (IP-2016-06-3685) od velikog interesa procjena brojnosti, gustoće i pokrovnosti aromatične svojte majčine dušice (Thymus pulegioides L.) s pašnjaka na području Velike Crkvine (Kordun). Rezultati rada pokazuju da na 20 ha površine procijenjenog pašnjaka majčina dušica (Thymus pulegioides L.) ima zamjetnu procjenu učestalosti od 19,2 % ± 4,54 % (95%-tne granice pouzdanosti 10,77 - 27,64 %) i mjerenu gustoću po kvadratnom metru od 0,26±0,09 (95%-tne granice pouzdanosti 0,09 - 0,44), odnosno procijenjenu gustoću od 2,5±0,53 (95%-tne granice pouzdanosti 1,52 - 3,48) stupnja prema Braun-Blanquetu skali s pet stupnjeva od ukupno determiniranih ljekovitih i aromatičnih vrsta krajem lipnja 2019. godine. Nadalje, njezina je pokrovnost procijenjena dronom iznosila 15,8±2,20 (95%-tne granice pouzdanosti 11,71 - 19,89), odnosno pripada 2a i 2b stupnju Braun-Blanquetove devetostupanjske skale. - The breeding and feeding system and botanical composition of pastures where lambs are reared has a significant effect on the aroma composition of the lamb meat (“terroir effect”). Terpenes are directly incorporated from plants into ruminant animal tissues or as a result of chlorophyll decomposition under the influence of rumen microflora, thus significantly contributing to the lamb meat aroma profile. Therefore, as part of the Croatia Scientific Foundation project “Innovative Functional Lamb Products” (IP-2016-06-3685), the abundance, density and coverage of the aromatic taxon of thyme (Thymus pulegioides L.) on pastures near Velika Crkvina (Kordun region) were evaluated in June 2019. The results showed that on 20 ha of the estimated pasture area, thyme (Thymus pulegioides L.) had a noticeable frequency (19.2%±4.54% (95% confidence limit 10.77 - 27.64%), and measured density per square meter of (0.26±0.09 (95% confidence limit 0.09 - 0.44) and 2.5±0.53 degree regarding estimated density of the Brown-Blanquet five-point scale (95% confidence limit 1.52 - 3.48) of the total determined medicinal and aromatic plant species. Furthermore, that thyme coverage estimated by the drone was 15,8±2,20 (95% confidence limit 11.71 - 19.89) falling into category 2a and 2b of 9-deegree Braun-Blanquet scale.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 507-517  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Janjad -- Hranidba -- Majčina dušica -- Janjeće meso -- Efekt teritorija

Quality of the ewes' milk as a raw material in the dairy industry in the Republic of North Macedonia [Elektronička građa] = Kvaliteta ovčjeg mlijeka kao sirovine u mliječnoj industriji u Republici Sjevernoj Makedoniji / Gordana Dimitrovska, Aleksandra Grozdanovska, Vesna Karapetkovska-Hristova, Borche Makarijoski, Katerina Bojkovska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study is based on analyzing physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of ewe milk from three different regions, which is used as a raw material in dairy industry of North Macedonia. All milk samples (n=123) were collected on dairy reception points of dairy industry in Pelagonia region, in a period of six (6) months. The average values for chemical composition of milk were in the range as follows: 6.83±0.22% to 7.68±0.36% for milk fat, 5.52±0.09% to 6.06±0.23% for proteins, 4.62±0.08% to 4.79±0.05% for lactose, 11.16±0.11% to 1.51±0.24% for non-fat dry matter (NFDM), -0.561 to -0.543oC for freezing point and 8.61±0.4 oSH to 8.88±0.47oSH for titrable acidity. The microbiological and hygienic status of examined ewe milk samples was of poor hygienic quality. The average value of the examined samples for somatic cell count ranged from 753.333 cfu/mL to 1.125.000 cfu/mL and the average number of total bacteria count was from 532.444 cfu/mL to 1.986.222 cfu/mL. - Ovaj se rad temelji na analizi fizikalno kemijskih i mikrobioloških značajki ovčjeg mlijeka iz triju različitih dijelova Sjeverne Makedonije koje se upotrebljava kao sirovina u mliječnoj industriji. Svi uzorci mlijeka (n= 123) sakupljani su na sabiralištima mljekarske industrije na području Pelagonije u razdoblju od šest (6) mjeseci. Prosječne vrijednosti kemijskog sastava mlijeka kretale su se u sljedećem rasponu: 6,83±0,22% do 7,68±0,36% za mliječnu kiselinu, 5,52±0,09% do 6,06±0,23% za bjelančevine, 4,62±0,08% do 4,79±0,05% za laktozu, 11,16±0,11 do 11,51±0,24% za nemasnu suhu tvar (NEDM), -0,561 do -0,543 °C za točku smrzavanja i 8,61±0,4 °SH za titrajuću kiselost. Mikrobiološko i higijensko stanje pregledanih uzoraka ovčjeg mlijeka bilo je slabe higijenske kakvoće. Prosječna vrijednost pregledanih uzoraka za broj somatskih stanica kretao se od 753,333 cfu/ml do 1.125,000 cfu/ml, a prosječni broj ukupnih bakterija bio je od 532,444 cfu/ml 1.986,222 cfu/ml .
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 1 ; str. 29-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ovce -- Ovčje mlijeko -- Kakvoća mlijeka -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva

Quality parameters and oxidative stability of lamb during ageing [Elektronička građa] / Iva Zahija, Tomaž Polak, Mateja Lušnic Polak, Mojca Kuhar, Lea Demšar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - The aim was to determine the quality parameters and oxidative stability of colour, lipids and proteins (formation of carbonyls) of vacuum packed lamb at a constant temperature of 2 °C ±1 °C up to 15 days post mortem. The suitability of lamb loin (longissimus lumborum) for ageing and optimal ageing period to obtain optimum sensory properties, especially tenderness and aroma was determined. A sample of 100 g lamb meat contains 23.48 g protein, 69.66 g water and 5.48 g fat. Lamb samples were the most tender after 11 days (both, sensory assessed and instrumentally measured – share force decreased by 61%) and had the best aroma after 15 days post mortem. In the meantime, the lamb became significantly brighter and more saturated (higher L*, a* and b* values), the content of secondary lipid oxidation products increased (1.7 times higher amount of malondialdehyde), and the content of protein carbonyls decreased to the initial value, despite an initial increase observed 11 days post mortem. We found that lamb loin is suitable piece for ageing; the optimal duration of ageing of loins is 15 days post mortem. - Cilj rada bio je odrediti značajke kvalitete i oksidacijsku stabilnost boje, lipida te bjelančevina (stvaranje karbonila) janjetine pakirane u vakuumu, starosti do 15 dana nakon klanja, pri stalnoj temperaturi od 2 °C ± 1 °C. Utvrđivana je primjerenost janjećeg filea (longissimus lumborum) za zrenje te optimalno vrijeme zrenja, a kojima se postižu najbolja senzorička svojstva, posebice mekoća i aroma. Uzorak od 100 g janjetine sadrži 23,48 g bjelančevina, 69,66 g vode i 5,48 g masti. Uzorci janjetine su bili najmekši 11 dana nakon klanja (senzorička procjena i mekoća utvrđena instrumentima – udio sile smanjen je za 61 %), pri čemu je najbolja aroma utvrđena 15 dana nakon klanja. Janjetina je starenjem postala značajno svjetlija i zasićenija (veće vrijednosti L*, a* i b*), povećao se sadržaj sekundarnih produkata oksidacije lipida (1,7 puta veća količina malondialdehida), dok se sadržaj proteinskih karbonila, po početnom povećanju zabilježenom 11 dana nakon klanja, smanjio na početnu vrijednost. U svrhu objektivnije procjene brzine oksidacije bjelančevina u janjetini, valja napomenuti da je sedmodnevno smrzavanje mesa prije analize značajno smanjilo sadržaj proteinskih karbonila (32 %). Utvrđeno je da je janjeći file primjeren za produženo zrenje, pri čemu optimalno trajanje zrenja filea iznosi 15 dana nakon klanja. - Das Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Qualitätsparameter und die oxidative Stabilität von Farbe, Lipiden und Proteinen (Bildung von Carbonylen) von vakuumverpacktem Lammfleisch bei einer konstanten Temperatur von 2 °C ±1 °C bis zu 15 Tage nach der Schlachtung zu bestimmen. Es wurde die Eignung der Lammlende (longissimus lumborum) für die Reifung und die optimale Reifezeit zur Erzielung optimaler sensorischer Eigenschaften, insbesondere der Zartheit und des Aromas bestimmt. Eine Probe von 100 g Lammfleisch enthält 23,48 g Eiweiß, 69,66 g Wasser und 5,48 g Fett. Die Lammfleischproben waren nach 11 Tagen am zartesten (sowohl sensorisch beurteilt als auch instrumentell gemessen - der Anteil nahm um 61% ab) und hatten nach 15 Tagen nach dem Schlachten das beste Aroma. Mit der Reifung wurde das Lammfleisch deutlich heller und gesättigter (höhere L*-, a*- und b*-Werte), der Gehalt an sekundären Lipidoxidationsprodukten stieg an (1,7-mal höhere Menge an Malondialdehyd), und der Gehalt an Proteincarbonylen sank auf den Ausgangswert, trotz eines 11 Tage nach der Schlachtung beobachteten anfänglichen Anstiegs. Für eine realistische Bewertung der Proteinoxidationsrate bei Lammfleisch ist zu beachten, dass ein 7-tägiges Einfrieren des Fleisches vor der Analyse den Proteincarbonylgehalt signifikant reduzierte (32%). Es wurde herausgefunden, dass die Lammlende ein für die Reifung geeignetes Stück ist; die optimale Dauer der Reifung der Lenden beträgt 15 Tage nach dem Schlachten. - Il presente studio aveva lo scopo di determinare le caratteristiche concernenti la qualità e la stabilità ossidativa del colore, dei grassi e delle proteine (formazione di carbonile) della carne d’agnello confezionata sottovuoto a 15 giorni dalla sua macellazione a una temperatura costante di 2 °C ± 1 °C. È stata accertata l’idoneità del filetto d’agnello (longissimus lumborum) all’invecchiamento e la sua durata ottimale cui si attribuiscono i migliori risultati in termini di proprietà sensoriali, tenerezza e aroma. Il campione di 100 g di carne d’agnello contiene 23,48 g di proteine, 69,66 g d’acqua e 5,48 g di grassi. I campioni di carne d’agnello col maggior grado di tenerezza si sono dimostrati quelli dopo 11 giorni dalla macellazione (valutato sensorialmente e misurato con gli strumenti – sforzo di taglio ridotto del 61%), mentre il miglior aroma è risultato quello della carne a 15 giorni dalla macellazione. La carne d’agnello, col passare del tempo, è diventata più chiara e opaca (valori L*, a* e b* più alti), è aumentato il contenuto dei prodotti secondari dell’ossidazione dei lipidi (la quantità di malondialdeide è risultata 1,7 volte superiore), mentre il contenuto di carbonile proteico, dopo un iniziale incremento a 11 giorni dalla macellazione, s’è ridotto al valore iniziale. Ai fini di una valutazione maggiormente aggettiva della velocità di ossidazione delle proteine nella carne d’agnello, va detto che, dopo sette giorni di congelatore prima dell’analisi, il contenuto di carbonili proteici nella carne s’è sensibilmente ridotto (32%). È stato accertato che il filetto d’agnello è idoneo all’invecchiamento, laddove la sua durata ottimale è di 15 giorni dopo la macellazione. - El fin de este estudio fue determinar los parámetros de calidad y estabilidad oxidativa del color, de los lípidos y proteínas (formación de carbonilo) de cordero envasado al vacío hasta 15 días después del sacrificio, a una temperatura constante de 2 ° C ± 1 ° C. Se determinó la idoneidad del filete de cordero (longissimus lumborum) para la crianza y el período óptimo de crianza para obtener las mejores propiedades sensoriales, especialmente ternura y aroma. Una muestra de 100 g de carne de cordero contiene 23,48 g de proteína, 69,66 g de agua y 5,48 g de grasa. Las muestras de cordero tuvieron la mayor ternura 11 días después del sacrificio (tanto evaluadas sensorialmente como medidas instrumentalmente; la proporción de fuerza se redujo en un 61%), con el mejor aroma determinado 15 días después del sacrificio. El cordero se volvió significativamente más brillante y saturado con la edad (valores más altos de L *, a * yb *), el contenido de productos secundarios de oxidación de lípidos aumentó (1,7 veces mayor cantidad de malondialdehído), mientras que el contenido de proteína carbonilo, luego del aumento inicial registrado 11 días después del sacrificio, se ha reducido al valor inicial. Para evaluar de manera más objetiva la tasa de oxidación de proteínas en el cordero, debe tenerse en cuenta que con la congelación de la carne durante siete días antes del análisis se redujo significativamente el contenido de proteína de los carbonilos de proteína (32%). Fue determinado que el filete de cordero era apto para el envejecimiento, siendo la duración óptima del envejecimiento del filete 15 días después del sacrificio.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 5 ; str. 357-367  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Janjetina -- Zrenje -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Senzorna svojstva -- Produkti oksidacije -- Proteinski karbonili

Quality parameters of minced meat and raw formed products on Bosnian and Herzegovinian market [Elektronička građa] / Emina Muftić, Kenan Čaklovica, Dinaida Tahirović, Abdullah Muftić, Faruk Čaklovica. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - The aim of this research was to examine physicochemical parameters of finished and semi-finished meat products: minced meat (beef, pork and mixed meat) and raw formed meat products (ćevapi, patties/burgers and sujuk sausages), and to determine quality parameters of these products on the Bosnia and Herzegovina market. Examined parameters included: protein content, fat, collagen in meat proteins and salt (NaCl). We analysed 282 samples of these products and found deviations with regard to the applicable Ordinance on minced meat and semi-finished and finished meat products of “The Law on Food of Bosnia and Herzegovina” in all parameters, except salt (NaCl). The majority of deviations referred to the content of collagen in meat proteins, with as much as 21.98 % of examined samples in violation of the applicable legislation. - Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati fizikalno-kemijske parametre proizvoda i poluproizvoda od sirovog mesa: mljeveno meso (juneće, svinjsko i miješano) i sirovi oblikovani proizvodi (ćevapi, pljeskavice i sudžukice) i parametre kvalitete ovih proizvoda na bosansko-hercegovačkom tržištu. Ispitivani parametri su: sadržaj proteina, masti, kolagena u proteinima mesa i soli (NaCl). Ispitana su 282 uzorka navedenih proizvoda, te su utvrđena odstupanja u svim parametrima, izuzev soli (NaCl), u odnosu na važeći Pravilnik o usitnjenom mesu, poluproizvodima i proizvodima mesa. Najviše odstupanja je bilo u sadržaju kolagena u proteinima mesa, gdje čak 21,98 % ispitanih uzoraka nije bilo u skladu sa normativima. - Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, die physikalisch-chemischen Parameter von fertigen und halbfertigen Fleischprodukten: Hackfleisch (Rind-, Schweine- und Mischfleisch) und roh geformte Fleischprodukte (Ćevapi, Burger und Würste) sowie die Qualitätsparameter dieser Produkte auf dem bosnischen und herzegowinischen Markt zu untersuchen. Es wurden folgende Parameter untersucht: Gehalt an Proteinen, Fett, Kollagen in Fleischproteinen und Salz (NaCl). Es wurden 282 Proben dieser Produkte analysiert. Bei allen Parametern, mit Ausnahme von Salz (NaCl), wurden in Bezug auf die gültige Verordnung über Hackfleisch und halbfertige und fertige Fleischprodukte Abweichungen festgestellt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen zeigten die meisten Abweichungen beim Kollagengehalt in Fleischproteinen; dabei entsprach sogar 21,98 % der untersuchten Proben nicht der gültigen Gesetzgebung. - El objetivo de este trabajo fue examinar los parámetros fisicoquímicos de los productos cárnicos y de los productos semiacabados de carne cruda: la carne picada (carne de res, de cerdo y carne mixta) y de los productos cárnicos formados crudos (ćevapi, hamburguesas y salchichas) y los parámetros de calidad de estos productos en el mercado de Bosnia y Herzegovina. Los parámetros examinados son: el contenido de proteínas, las grasas, el colágeno en las proteínas de carne y la sal (NaCl). Fueron analizadas 282 muestras de los productos mencionados y hubo desviaciones en todos los parámetros, excepto la sal (NaCl), en relación con el Reglamento vigente sobre la carne picada, los productos cárnicos semiacabados y los productos cárnicos. La mayoría de las desviaciones fue en el contenido del colágeno en las proteínas de carne, donde hasta 21,98% de las muestras fueron incompatibles con la regulación normativa. - Lo scopo della ricerca consisteva nell’esaminare i parametri fisico-chimici dei prodotti finiti e dei semilavorati di carne cruda: carne macinata (di bovino, suino e mista) e prodotti di carne macinata cruda (ćevapi, pljeskavice e sudžukice), oltre ai parametri qualitativi di questi prodotti sul mercato bosniaco-erzegovese. La ricerca ha esaminato i seguenti parametri: contenuto di proteine, di grassi, di collagene nelle proteine della carne e di sale (NaCl). Nei 282 campioni analizzati sono stati accertati scostamenti in tutti i parametri esaminati, ad eccezione del sale (NaCl), rispetto al vigente Regolamento sulla carne macinata, i semilavorati e i prodotti a base di carne. I maggiori scostamenti sono stati riscontrati in ordine al contenuto di collagene nelle proteine della carne, dove ben il 21,98% dei campioni esaminati è risultato non a norma.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 2 ; str. 142-148  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mljeveno meso -- Kvaliteta mesa -- Kolagen -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Mesni proizvodi

Razlikovanje alimentarnog limfoma od upalne bolesti crijeva te utjecaj pasmine i dobi na pojavnost patoloških promjena u probavnom sustavu pasa [Elektronička građa] / Aneta Piplica, Sven Menčik, Andrea Gudan Kurilj, Branka Artuković, Lidija Medven Zagradišnik, Marko Hohšteter. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti korisnost upotrebe imunohistokemijske metode (IHK) zajedno s histopatološkom pretragom u dijagnosticiranju i razlikovanju alimentarnog limfoma (AL) od upalne bolesti crijeva (UBC). U istraživanju su korišteni arhivski histopatološki nalazi i preparati tkiva, parafinski blokovi i stakalca. Prema pripadnosti pasmina podijelili u tri skupine malu, srednju ili veliku skupinu pasa. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost pojedinih patoloških promjena ovisno o skupini pasa, dobi i spolu. Obavljenim istraživanjem zabilježili smo da je srednja vrijednost dobi u skupini malih pasmina pasa iznosila 7,58±3,59 godina, u skupini srednjih pasmina 7,45±3,04 godina te u skupini velikih pasmina 6,58±3,47 godina. Prosječna dob pasa oboljelih od alimentarnog limfoma iznosila je 8,8 godina, za razliku od upalne bolesti crijeva gdje je iznosila 7,0 godina. Unutar sve tri skupine pasa zabilježen je veći broj jedinki muškog spola. Najveći udio biopsiranih uzoraka (70,73 %) analiziran je iz tkiva tankog crijeva; po 8 uzoraka (27,59 %) iz male skupine pasa, 11 uzoraka iz srednje skupine (37,93 %) te po 10 uzoraka iz velike skupine pasa (34,48 %). Udio biopsiranog tkiva želudca bio je nešto niži (24,39 %) dok je tkivo debelog crijeva uzorkovano u samo dva psa (4,88 %). Histopatološkom analizom utvrđeno je 16 slučajeva upalne bolesti crijeva (45,71 %), 7 slučajeva limfoma (20,00 %), 9 slučajeva suspektne upale (25,71 %) te 3 slučaja suspektne upale/limfoma (8,58 %). Nakon provedene IHK metode ustanovljeno je da je u 6 slučajeva dijagnoza donesena histopatološkom evaluacijom potvrđena, u 5 slučajeva je opovrgnuta dok je u 5 slučajeva IHK metoda bila korisna kako bi razlučili AL od UBC. Utvrđene su značajne razlike (P<0,05) između dijagnoze upalne bolesti crijeva te limfoma ustanovljene patohistološkom pretragom te imunohistokemijskom metodom. - The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of immunohistochemistry (IHC) with the histopathological method to diagnose and differentiate alimentary lymphoma (AL) from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Archival histopathological findings and tissue samples, paraffin blocks and slides were used. This study included 35 dogs divided in three groups regarding breed size - small, medium or large - aiming to determine the correlation between certain pathohistological changes depending on breed, age and gender. The average age of dogs in the small breeds group was 7.58±3.59 years, in the medium breeds group was 7.45±3.04 years and in the large breeds group was 6.58±3.47 years. The average age of dogs suffering from AL was 8.8 years, unlike dogs suffering from IBD, with the average age of 7 years. A larger number of males was represented within all three groups. The highest share of biopsy samples (53.65%) involved the analysis of small intestine tissue, with eight samples (33.33%) in all three groups. The portion of the biopsied stomach tissue was somewhat lower (21.95%), while in two breeds (4.87%) colon tissue was sampled. Histopathological analysis determined 16 cases of IBD, seven cases of lymphoma (20.00%), nine cases of suspected inflammation (25.71%) and three cases of suspected inflammation/lymphoma (8.58%). After IHC, the diagnosis determined by histopathological evaluation was confirmed in six cases, rejected in five cases, while in five cases it was useful in distinguishing AL from IBD. Significant differences (P<0.05) were found between the diagnosis of IBD and AL ascertained by pathohistological analysis and the IHC method. T cellular lymphoma was also found to be more common in the small intestine, while B cellular lymphoma was more prevalent in the stomach.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 293-304  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Probavni sustav -- Alimentarni limfom -- Upalna bolest crijeva -- Retrospektivna analiza

VRANIĆ, Marina
Razvoj kalibracija za procjenu hranidbene vrijednosti voluminozne krme bliskom infracrvenom (NIR) spektroskopijom [Elektronička građa] = Developing near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy calibration for the prediction of forage nutritive value / Marina Vranić, Krešimir Bošnjak, Siniša Glavanović, Tomislav Mašek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog stručnog rada je prikazati osnove razvoja kalibracijskih modela za procjenu fizikalnih, kemijskih i/ili bioloških parametara voluminozne krme bliskom infracrvenom spektroskopijom (NIR spektroskopijom). U usporedbi s klasičnim kemijskim metodama, NIR spektroskopija je multianalitička, ekološki potpuno prihvatljiva i brza metoda, jednostavna za primjenu i interpretaciju rezultata. Za korištenje NIR spektroskopije u svrhu procjene hranidbene vrijednosti voluminozne krme, neophodne su razvijene kalibracijske jednadžbe. Uzorci korišteni za razvoj primjenjivih kalibracija moraju biti dovoljno slični da pripadaju istom kalibracijskom setu, ali i dovoljno različiti da pokrivaju očekivane fizikalne, kemijske i/ili biološke varijabilnosti uzoraka nepoznatog kemijskog sastava. Razvoj kalibracija se sastoji od niza aktivnosti od prikupljanja/odabira uzoraka i njihove analize klasičnim kemijskim/fizikalnim i/ili biološkim metodama do predobrade i skeniranja uzoraka, razvoja kalibracijske jednadžbe primjenom neke od regresijskih metoda na spektralne podatke uzoraka, te primjene i kontrole razvijenog kalibracijskog modela procjene. Razvijena kalibracija koja ima stupanj korelacije (R2) što bliži 1.00, nisku standardnu grešku kalibracije (SEC), standardnu grešku unakrsne validacije (SECV) i standardnu grešku procjene (SEP) može se primjenjivati u praksi. Daljnja istraživanja su usmjerena na korištenje mobilne NIR spektroskopije za svakodnevnu primjenu na farmama. - The aim of this article is to present the basics of the development of calibration models for the estimation of the physical, chemical and / or biological parameters of forage by NIR spectroscopy. Compared to conventional chemical methods, NIR spectroscopy is a multianalytical, environmentally friendly and fast method, easy to apply and interpret results. For the use of NIR spectroscopy for the prediciton of the nutritional value of forages, developed calibration equations are necessary. The samples used to develop applicable calibrations must be similar enough to belong to the same calibration set but also sufficiently different to cover the expected physical, chemical and / or biological variability of samples of unknown chemical composition. Calibration development consists of a range of activities from collecting / selecting samples and analyzing them by classical chemical / physical and / or biological methods to pre-processing and scanning, developing a calibration equation and finally applying and controlling the developed calibration prediction model. A developed calibration with a degree of correlation (R2) closer to 1.00, a low standard error of calibration (SEC), a standard error of cross-validation (SECV), and a standard error of prediction (SEP) can be applied in practice. Further research is focused on the use of mobile NIR spectroscopy for daily on-farm application.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 2 ; str. 91-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krmivo -- Voluminozna krma -- NIR spektroskopija -- Kalibracija

Safety culture regarding zoonoses on domestic ruminant farms [Elektronička građa] / Jože Starič, Jaka Jakob Hodnik, Kristina Drusany Starič, Jožica Ježek, Nataša Janev Holcer, Jarkko Leppälä, Risto Rautiainen. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Veterinarians in buiatric practice, alongside veterinary care and animal welfare, are also responsible for protecting assisting personnel and those working on the holding from zoonoses. Therefore, they need to be knowledgeable about common zoonotic diseases of ruminants, in particular, and protection from their contraction. Veterinarians should know which zoonotic diseases are present in their country and neighbouring countries to be prepared to advise. Zoonotic diseases of ruminants often show no typical clinical presentation, so awareness of self-protective behaviour when dealing with animals in the prevention of zoonoses is very important. This article provides a review of the common zoonoses of domestic ruminants in South-East Europe that are transmitted when handling animals, and their manner of transmission to humans. Safety culture in ruminant production relates to employee attitudes and behaviour concerning health and safety, which also has a significant impact on zoonosis prevention. Improving the safety culture among livestock sector workers and worker behaviours that prevent the risk of zoonoses are also discussed. - Veterinari su u buiatričkoj praksi, uz veterinarsku skrb i dobrobit životinja, odgovorni i za zaštitu pomoćnog osoblja i osoblja koje radi na gospodarstvima od zoonoza. Stoga trebaju posjedovati znanje o uobičajenim zoonotskim bolestima preživača, posebno o zaštiti od obolijevanja od takvih bolesti. Veterinari bi trebali znati koje su zoonotske bolesti prisutne u njihovoj, kao i u susjednim zemljama kako bi bili spremni savjetovati osoblje na gospodarstvima. Zoonotske bolesti preživača često ne pokazuju nikakve tipične kliničke znakove, stoga je svijest o ponašanju u svrhu samozaštite kada se radi sa životinjama vrlo bitna u prevenciji zoonoza. Ovaj članak sadrži analizu uobičajenih zoonoza u domaćih preživača u jugoistočnoj Europi koje se prenose radeći sa životinjama te načina njihovog prenošenja na ljude. Osviještenost djelatnika o sigurnosti zaštite od zoonoza u proizvodnji preživača odnosi se na stavove i ponašanje zaposlenika u svezi zdravlja i sigurnosti, što isto tako ima znatan učinak na prevenciju zoonoze. Ujedno se raspravlja o povećanju osviještenosti djelatnika o sigurnosti zaštite od zoonoza među djelatnicima u stočarskom sektoru i ponašanjima radnika koja sprječavaju rizike od zoonoza.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 2 ; str. 199-206  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Životinje -- Farme -- Zaštita zdravlja -- Zaštita na radu -- Zoonoze -- Zarazne bolesti -- Patogeni

JEŽ Rogelj, Mateja
Sektor uzgoja tovne junadi i COVID-19 [Elektronička građa] / Mateja Jež Rogelj, Helena Šiftar, Ornella Mikuš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Tov junadi na području Hrvatske ima dugu tradiciju, ali je posljednjih godina pogođen različitim problemima. Zbog sve lošijeg stanja u sektoru mliječnog govedarstva smanjuje se broj krava, a time i teladi za daljnji tov što utječe na stalni porast uvoza. Većina teladi se uvozi iz Rumunjske (60,52 % u 2019. godini) dok se najveći dio junadi izvozi u Libanon i Italiju. Zbog krize vlasti u Libanonu i zatvaranja talijanskog tržišta uzrokovanog epidemijom COVID-19 sektor tova junadi našao se u problemima. Mjera podrške sektoru, koju je donijelo Ministarstvo poljoprivrede u svibnju 2020. godine, nije postigla željene rezultate jer je potpora namijenjena uzgajivačima tovne junadi smanjila otkupnu cijenu junadi. - A cattle breeding in the territory of the Republic of Croatia has a long tradition, but in recent years it has been affected by various problems. Due to the deteriorating situation in the dairy sector, the number of cows and thus calves for further breeding is decreasing, which affects the constant increase in imports. Most calves are imported from Romania (60.52 % in 2019) while most of the young bulls are exported to Lebanon and Italy. Due to the crisis of the authorities in Lebanon and the closure of the Italian market due to the epidemic COVID-19, the cattle breeding sector found itself in trouble. The measure of support to the sector, adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture in May 2020, did not achieve the desired results because the subsidies intended for beef breeders reduced the purchase price of cattle. - Die Rinderzucht hat in Kroatien eine lange Tradition, war jedoch in den letzten Jahren von verschiedenen Problemen betroffen. Aufgrund der sich verschlechternden Situation im Milchsektor nimmt die Anzahl der Kühe und damit der Mastkälber ab, was sich auf den kontinuierlichen Anstieg der Importe auswirkt. Die meisten Kälber werden aus Rumänien importiert (60,52% im Jahr 2019), während die meisten Kälber in den Libanon und nach Italien exportiert werden. Aufgrund der Regierungskrise im Libanon und der Schließung des italienischen Marktes durch die Epidemie COVID-19 geriet der Viehzuchtsektor in Schwierigkeiten. Die vom Landwirtschaftsministerium im Mai 2020 verabschiedete Maßnahme zur Unterstützung des Sektors erzielte nicht die gewünschten Ergebnisse, da die Unterstützungen für die Mastviehzüchter den Kaufpreis der Rinder senkte. - El engorde de ganado tiene una larga tradición en Croacia, pero en los últimos años se ha visto afectado por varios problemas. Debido a las malas condiciones en el sector de ganado lechero, el número de vacas y terneros de engorde disminuye, lo que afecta el incremento constante de las importaciones. La mayoría de los terneros son importados de Rumania (60.52% en 2019), mientras que la mayoría de los becerros se exportan a Líbano e Italia. Debido a la crisis del gobierno en el Líbano y al cierre del mercado italiano causado por la epidemia del COVID-19, el sector de becerros de engorde se ha encontrado en problemas. La medida de apoyo al sector, adoptada por el Ministerio de Agricultura en mayo de 2020, no logró los resultados deseados porque el apoyo destinado a los criadores de ganado redujo el precio de compra del ganado. - L’ingrasso dei bovini è un’attività che in Croazia ha una lunga tradizione ma che, negli ultimi anni, ha incontrato vari problemi. A causa del progressivo peggioramento della situazione nel settore dei bovini da latte, s’è ridotto il numero delle vacche e, di conseguenza, anche il numero dei vitelli da ingrasso, il che ha determinato la crescita delle importazioni. La maggior parte di vitelli s’importa dalla Romania (60,52% nel 2019), mentre la maggior parte dei bovini s’esporta in Libano e in Italia. Per i problemi politici del Libano e per la chiusura del mercato italiano dovuta alla pandemia da COVID-19, il settore dell’ingrasso di bovini è stato travolto dai problemi. La misura di sostegno al settore, adottata dal Ministero delle Politiche agricole nel 2020, non ha conseguito i risultati sperati perché l’aiuto destinato agli allevatori dei bovini da ingrasso ha determinato la riduzione del prezzo d’acquisto dei bovini.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 4 ; str. 288-294  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Govedo -- Junad -- Tov -- Financijske potpore

Seroprevalence of pathogenic Leptospira serovars in hunting dog in Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Amel Ćutuk, Benjamin Čengić, Lejla Velić, Alenka Dovč, Renata Lindtner Knific, Ermin Šaljić, Pamela Bejdić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Leptospirosis is an acute, subacute and chronical contagious disease of animals and humans. Causative agents of this disease belong to the genus Leptospira, family Leptospiraca. As a disease of wild animals, leptospirosis is widespread through Europe. Certain wild animals (rodents, fox and wild boars) are important reservoirs and highly probable vectors for the spread of infection into domestic animals and humans. During the hunting season, hunting dogs are often in direct or indirect contact with wild animals that could be carriers of this disease, and the possibility of appearance and spreading within this cohort of dogs is very high. The main reasons for this study on the prevalence of Leptospirosis in Bosnia and Herzegovina are the regular contact between hunting dogs and wild animals (carriers), and the lack of dataaboutLeptospirosisinhuntingdogs.In total, 175 serum samples from 15 towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina were tested. Twelve serovars of L. interrogans were used in the microscopic agglutination test. Presence of antibodies of four serovars was confirmed. Prevalence of seropositive dogs was 15.4% (27/175). Most positive dogs had a reaction to the Pomona serovar 51.8% (n=14), while the prevalence of the Sejroe serovar was 33.3%, Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar 11.1% and Bratislava serovar 3.7%. The highest number of positive reactions 55.5% (n=15) was with serum dilution of 1:200. This study showed that most infections in dogs were caused by serovars that are currently not included in commercial vaccines. One of the most efficient preventive measure could be vaccination with the serovars most often found in wild animals, as they appear to be the most common source of the infection. - Leptospiroza je akutna, subakutna i kronična zarazna bolest životinja i ljudi. Uzročnici ove bolesti pripadaju rodu Leptospira, porodici Leptospiraca. Leptospiroza kao bolest divljih životinja široko je rasprostranjena u Europi. Određene divlje životinje (glodavci, lisice i divlje svinje) kao važan rezervoar i vrlo vjerojatan vektor zaraze proširile su bolest na domaće životinje i ljude. Lovački psi tijekom sezone lova često su u direktnom ili indirektnom kontaktu s divljim životinjama koje bi mogle biti nositelji ove bolesti, a mogućnost pojave i širenja unutar kategorije takvih pasa vrlo je velika. Glavni razlozi ove studije o učestalosti leptospiroze na području Bosne i Hercegovine su redoviti kontakti lovačkih pasa i divljih životinja (nositelji) i nedovoljni podatci o prisutnosti leptospiroze u kategoriji lovačkih pasa. Ukupno je istraženo 175 uzoraka seruma iz 15 gradova Bosne i Hercegovine. U mikroskopskom testu aglutinacije korišteno je dvanaest serovara L. Interrogans. Potvrđena je prisutnost antitijela na četiri serovara. Prevalencija seropozitivnih pasa bila je 15,4 % (27/175). Većina pozitivnih pasa imala je reakciju na serovar Pomona 51,8 % (n=14), dok je u serovaru Sejroe prevalencija 33,3 %, serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae 11,1 % i serovar Bratislava 3,7 %. Najveći broj pozitivnih reakcija bio je s razrjeđivanjem seruma od 1:200 ili 55,5 % (n=15). Studije pokazuju da su većinu infekcija u pasa prouzročili serovari koji nisu uključeni u komercijalna cjepiva. Jedna od najučinkovitijih preventivnih mjera mogla bi biti cijepljenje sa serovarovima koji se najčešće nalaze u divljih životinja jer su one najčešći izvor zaraze.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 5 ; str. 519-525  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psi -- Lovački psi -- Leptospiroza -- Serovari -- Prevalencija

Sindrom iscrpljenosti konja [Elektronička građa] / Karla Klobučar, Zoran Vrbanac, Tomislav Bureš, Jelena Gotić, Nika Brkljača Bottegaro. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sindrom iscrpljenosti konja (engl. exhausted horse syndrome, EHS) podrazumijeva multisistemski poremećaj u konja koji kroz duži vremenski period sudjeluju na natjecanjima, posebno pri toplijim vremenskim uvjetima. Zbog pretjeranog tjelesnog napora dolazi do dehidracije, hipovolemije, gubitka elektrolita, poremećaja acido-bazne ravnoteže, gubitka zaliha energije i hipertermije. Klinička slika ovisi o stupnju i brzini javljanja umora u konja te o toleranciji pojedinog konja na tjelesni napor. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju anamneze, kliničkih znakova i rezultata laboratorijskih pretraga. U težim se slučajevima dijagnoza lako postavlja, dok je rano prepoznavanje zbog blagih simptoma i nedostatka objektivnih kliničkih i dijagnostičkih kriterija otežano. Cilj terapije navedenog sindroma je trojak: snižavanje tjelesne temperature, nadoknada izgubljene tekućine i elektrolita te obnova cirkulirajućeg volumena krvi. Prognoza u slučaju blagog sindroma iscrpljenosti je dobra, dok je kod težih slučajeva zbog mogućih komplikacija pa čak i smrti životinje upitna. Sindrom iscrpljenosti konja moguće je prevenirati odabirom pasmine konja koja je pogodna za veću tjelesnu aktivnost, održavanje zdravlja konja redovitim veterinarskim pregledima, umjereno pojačavanje intenziteta treninga te izbjegavanje napornih kondicijskih treninga kroz više uzastopnih dana. Od izrazite je važnosti procjena zdravstvenog stanja konja od strane jahača tijekom cijelog natjecanja. - Exhausted horse syndrome is a multi- systemic disorder in sport horses subjected to long term physical activity, especially during hot weather conditions. Increased physical activity can lead to dehydration, hypovolemia, electrolyte loss, acid-base imbalance, depletion of energy reserves and hyperthermia. The clinical presentation depends on the severity and speed of onset of fatigue, and on the individual tolerance of the horse to exercise intensity. Diagnosis is based on the anamnesis, clinical signs and laboratory findings. In severe cases, the diagnosis is easily established, whilst early recognition in mild cases is difficult due to the subtlety of clinical signs and lack of objective clinical and diagnostic criteria. The treatment goal is comprised of three main approaches: decreasing body temperature, replacing fluids and electrolytes, and restoring circulating blood volume. Prognosis is good in mild cases, while in severe cases, presentation is questionable due to possible complications, with the possibility of a lethal outcome. Prevention of exhausted horse syndrome is possible by choosing the appropriate horse breed for the sport, maintaining horse health through regular veterinary inspection, gradually increasing training intensity, and avoiding demanding conditioning training lasting several days in a row. The rider’s evaluation of horse health through the competition is of great importance.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 79-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konji -- Natjecanje -- Sindrom iscrpljenosti

KOVÁCS, Levente
Subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows - physiological background, risk factors and diagnostic methods [Elektronička građa] / Levente Kovács, László Rózsa, Mátyás Hejel, Walter Baumgartner, Otto Szenci.
Bibliografija: 93 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - According to the latest studies, the prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is around 20% in early and mid- lactation dairy cows, generating annual losses in the United States of approximately USD 500 million to 1 billion. The diagnosis of SARA is still difficult due to lack of pathognomonic clues and the delayed appearance of certain clinical signs. Therefore, SARA remains neglected or even unrecognized in many dairy herds. SARA is characterized by daily episodes of low ruminal pH, when the pH remains in the range of 5.2 to 6 for a prolonged period due to the accumulation of short-chain fatty acids and insufficient rumen buffering. The causes of SARA are related to high-grain diets, such as feeding excessive amounts of non-structural carbohydrates and highly fermentable forages, and insufficient dietary coarse fibre. SARA is associated with the inflammation of several organs and tissues in dairy cows, and its main long-term health and economic consequences are the fluctuation of feed intake, reduced fibre digestion, depression of milk yield and milk fat content, gastrointestinal damage, diarrhoea, laminitis, liver abscesses, and lameness. The aim of this review is to summarize the information available on the physiological aspects, risk factors, prevalence and possible indicators of SARA in dairy cattle. Basedon the existing literature, rumenocentesis and the use of an oral stomach tube are reliable field techniques to detect SARA. Nowadays, improved field techniques allowing the continuous measurement of reticuloruminal pH are also available for better diagnosis of SARA. Wireless indwelling pH probes may become important tools for the continuous measurement of ruminal pH in the coming years. - Prema najnovijim istraživanjima, pojavnost subakutne acidoze buraga (SARA) je oko 20 % u mliječnih krava u ranoj i srednjoj laktaciji, a prouzroči gubitke od približno 500 milijuna do 1 milijarde američkih dolara godišnje u SAD. Dijagnostika SARA je još uvijek problematična zbog nedostatka patognomoničnih karakteristika te kašnjenja pojavnosti određenih kliničkih znakova. Stoga je SARA i dalje zanemarena pa čak i neprepoznata u mnogim stadima mliječnih krava. SARA karakteriziraju dnevne epizode niskog pH buraga, kada se pH vrijednost kreće u rasponu od 5,2 do 6,0 kroz duže vrijeme, zbog nakupljanja nižih masnih kiselina i nedovoljnog puferiranja sadržaja buraga. Uzroci SARA povezani su s obrocima bogatim koncentratima, kao što je pretjerano davanje nestrukturnih ugljikohidrata i visoko probavljive voluminozne krme s nedovoljno grube voluminoze. SARA je povezana i s upalom različitih tkiva i organa u mliječnih krava, a njezine dugotrajne posljedice uključuju promjenjiv unos hrane, smanjenu probavu vlakana, smanjenu proizvodnju mlijeka i mliječne masti, oštećenja probavnog sustava, proljeva, laminitis, apscesi na jetri i šepavost. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je sažeti trenutno dostupne podatke o fiziološkim aspektima, činiteljima rizika, pojavnosti i potencijalnim indikatorima SARA u mliječnih krava. Prema trenutnoj literaturi jedine terenske metode za dijagnostiku SARA uključuju ruminocentezu i korištenje sonde buraga. Danas postoje poboljšane terenske dijagnostičke metode za kontinuirano mjerenje retikoruminalnog pH i lakšu dijagnostiku SARA. Bežične sonde koje kontinuirano mjere pH sadržaja buraga trebale bi postati sve značajnija dijagnostička metoda u skorijoj budućnosti.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 5-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječne krave -- Burag -- Subakutna acidoza buraga -- Dijagnoza -- Ruminocenteza

PAVIĆ, Mirela, veterinarka
Transepithelial glucose transport in the small intestine [Elektronička građa] / Mirela Pavić, Marcela Šperanda, Hrvoje Brzica, Suzana Milinković-Tur, Manuela Grčević, Ivana Prakatur, Ivona Žura Žaja, Marija Ljubojević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 87 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The duodenum, jejunum and ileum are parts of the small intestine and the sites of the terminal stages of enzymatic digestion, and the majority of nutrient, electrolyte and water absorption. The apical, luminal membrane of the enterocyte is built of numerous microvilli that increase the absorptive surface of the cell. Carbohydrates, in the form of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and especially polysaccharides, make up the largest quantitative and energetic part of the diet of most animals, including humans. Galactose, fructose and glucose, the final degradation products of polysaccharide and oligosaccharide enzymatic digestion, can be absorbed by enterocytes either by active transport or by facilitated diffusion. In the small intestine, the transepithelial transport of glucose, the most abundant monosaccharide after carbohydrate digestion and the main source of energy, is performed by a specific membrane transporter located in the brush border membrane of the enterocyte, the sodiumglucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1). While SGLT1 transports glucose across the brush border membrane, a specific basolateral membrane glucose transporter, the sodium-independent glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), transfers glucose out of the enterocyte down the concentration gradient. The sodium-potassium pump (Na/KATPase), as a sodium and potassium ion transporter, is functionally closely related to the sodium-dependent SGLT1. Na/KATPase is responsible for maintaining the electrochemical gradient of sodium ions, as the driving force for glucose transport via SGLT1. Transepithelial transport of glucose in the small intestine and the differentiation of enterocytes occurs relatively early during the foetal period, allowing glucose to be absorbed from ingested amniotic fluid. Nutrient transport is possible along the whole villus-crypt axis during intrauterine development, while transport shifts toward the villus tip in the mature small intestine. - Duodenum, jejunum i ileum dijelovi su tankog crijeva gdje se dovršava enzimatska razgradnja i najveći opseg apsorpcije hranjivih tvari, elektrolita i vode. Apikalna, luminalna stanična membrana enterocita građena je od brojnih mikrovila koji povećavaju apsorpcijsku površinu stanice. Ugljikohidrati, u obliku monosaharida, oligosaharida i posebno polisaharida, čine najveći kvantitativni i energetski dio prehrane većine životinja, ali i ljudi. Galaktozu, fruktozu i glukozu, krajnje produkte enzimatske razgradnje polisaharida i oligosaharida, enterociti mogu apsorbirati aktivnim prijenosom ili olakšanom difuzijom. Transepitelni prijenos glukoze, najzastupljenijeg monosaharida nakon razgradnje ugljikohidrata i glavni izvor energija u tankom se crijevu odvija pomoću specifičnog transmembranskog prijenosnika smještenog u četkastom porubu membrane enterocita, prijenosnika glukoze ovisnog o natriju 1 (engl. sodiumglucose cotransporter 1, SGLT1). Dok SGLT1 prenosi glukozu preko četkastog poruba membrane, specifični prijenosnik smješten na bazolateralnoj membrani, prijenosnik glukoze neovisan o natriju 2 (engl. glucose transporter 2, GLUT2), prenosi glukozu iz enterocita niz koncentracijski gradijent. Natrij-kalijeva pumpa (Na/K-ATPaza), kao prijenosnik iona natrija i kalija, funkcionalno je usko povezana sa SGLT1. Na/K-ATPaza odgovorna je za održavanje elektrokemijskog gradijenta natrijevih iona, koji je pokretačka sila prijenosa glukoze putem SGLT1 prijenosnika. Transepitelni prijenos glukoze u tankom crijevu pojavljuje se relativno rano tijekom fetalnog razdoblja, zajedno s diferencijacijom enterocita, što omogućava apsorpciju glukoze iz progutane amnionske tekućine. Prijenos hranjivih tvari moguć je tijekom intrauterinog razvoja duž cijele dužine crijevne resice, dok se u zrelom tankom crijevu prijenos hranjivih tvari pomiče prema vrhu crijevne resice.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 673-686  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tanko crijevo -- Glukoza -- Apsorpcija glukoze

U sjeni pandemije s COVID-19 [Elektronička građa] : ususret proglašenju Hrvatske slobodnom od bjesnoće / Ivana Lojkić, Ivana Šimić, Nina Krešić, Ivana Lohman Janković, Tomislav Bedeković.
Bibliografija: 42 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Jedan od strateških ciljeva Europske unije (EU) u području zdravlja životinja proglašenje je cjelokupnog prostora EU slobodnim od klasične tzv. „zemaljske“ bjesnoće do 2020. godine. Zahvaljujući uspješnosti oralnog cijepljenja, koje se u Europi provodi još od 1978., većina zemalja zapadne i srednje Europe slobodna je od bjesnoće još od 20.-21.og stoljeća. Zadnji slučaj bjesnoće u Hrvatskoj zabilježen je u proljeće 2014., nakon samo tri godine od početka provedbe nacionalnog programa oralnog cijepljenja protiv bjesnoće. Ono što nam slijedi je dobivanje službenog statusa zemlje slobodne od bjesnoće, a posljedično tome i prijelaz na novu politiku kontrole bjesnoće u zemlji. Međutim, shvaćajući bjesnoću kao globalnu prijetnju zdravlju, a posebice obzirom na prisutnost virusa u šišmiša potreban je njen stalni nadzor. - One of the strategic goals of the European Union (EU) in the field of animal health is to declare the entire EU territory free of classical terrestrial rabies (rabies in non-flying animals) by 2020. Thanks to the success of oral vaccination, implemented in Europe since 1978, most countries in Western and Central Europe have been free of rabies since the beginning of the 21st century. The last case of rabies in Croatia was recorded in the spring of 2014, just three years after the start of implementation of the national oral rabies vaccination programme. The logical next step is obtaining the official status of a rabies-free country, and consequently transitioning to a new rabies control policy in the country. However, understanding rabies as a global threat to health, especially given the presence of the virus in bats, and constant monitoring is still needed.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 417-423  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bjesnoća -- Oralno cijepljenje
Europska unija


ŽGOMBA Maksimović, Ana
Uloga crijevne mikrobiote u održavanju zdravlja svinja [Elektronička građa] / Ana Žgomba Maksimović, Mirna Mrkonjić Fuka, Zoran Luković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 57 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Stabilna crijevna mikrobiota utječe na mnogo načina na održavanje ili poboljšanje zdravlja svinja. Dosadašnja istraživanja su pokazala pozitivan utjecaj crijevne mikrobiote u iskoristivosti hranjivih tvari, poboljšanju morfoloških i fizioloških svojstava gastrointestinalnog (GI) trakta, u sprječavanju prodora patogenih vrsta, a također mikroorganizmi probavila imaju važnu imunološku ulogu. Osim korisnih i poželjnih bakterijskih vrsta, crijevna mikrobiota svinja može uključivati patogene poput Salmonella spp., Clostridia spp. i patogenih sojeva E. coli. U slučaju narušene ravnoteže prirodno prisutnih mikrobnih zajednica, ovi patogeni mogu uzrokovati bolesti svinja te posljedično gubitke u proizvodnji. U prošlosti su za osiguranje stabilne mikrobiote GI trakta preventivno korišteni antibiotici, no od kada je prepoznata štetnost takve prakse sve više se koriste probiotici, prebiotici te različiti aditivi. Za takav pristup, potrebno je poznavati sastav i brojnost mikrobnih zajednica prisutnih u GI traktu svinja kao i identificirati ključne mikroorganizme u prevenciji infekcija i održavanju zdravlja domaćina. Zbog toga je u fokusu znanstvenog interesa definirati i detaljno karakterizirati crijevnu mikrobiotu zdravih jedinki, istražiti međusobne mikrobne interakcije, kao i interakcije s domaćinom, te različite načine osiguravanja stabilne crijevne mikrobiote kako bi se održala vitalnost i zdravlje životinja. - Stable gut microbiota may influence the health and wellbeing of pigs. Results of up-to-date studies have shown a positive effect of gut microbiota on feed efficiency, improvement of morphological and physiological characteristics of gastrointestinal (GI) tract, prevention of breach of pathogenic species, as well as a positive role in immunology. However, besides beneficial bacterial species, gut microbiota of pigs can include pathogens such as Salmonella spp., Clostridia spp. and pathogenic strains of E. coli. When the balance of naturally present microbial communities is disturbed, these pathogens can cause illness of pigs, causing production losses. Antibiotics were used in the past for ensuring a stable gut microbiota, but since damaging effects of such practice were recognized, alternative methods have been considered, such as the use of probiotics and prebiotics. For this approach, it is necessary to know the composition and abundance of microbial communities in GI tract of healthy pigs, as well as to identify the most important microorganisms that have a role in the prevention of infection and maintaining the wellbeing of the host. Therefore, many studies have been focused on defining and detailed characterization of gut microbiota of healthy individuals, to study interactions between microbes as well as microbial interactions with the host. Also, different approaches have been considered to ensure a stable gut microbiota to maintain vitality and health of animals.
U: Stočarstvo (Online). - ISSN 1848-9044. - 73 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 35-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Gastrointestinalni trakt -- Mikrobiota -- Probiotici -- Prebiotici -- Aditivi

MOSLAVAC, Tihomir, inženjer prehrambene tehnologije
Utjecaj dodatka antioksidanasa na oksidacijsku stabilnost masti jazavca [Elektronička građa] / Tihomir Moslavac, Stela Jokić, Drago Šubarić, Krunoslav Aladić, Anastazija Konjarević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Mast jazavca ima ljekovita svojstva koja proizlaze iz načina ishrane jazavca. Životinjska mast podliježe oksidacijskom kvarenju tijekom proizvodnje, skladištenja i toplinske obrade. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj dodatka prirodnih antioksidanasa (ekstrakt ružmarina, ekstrakt kadulje, alfa tokoferol, mješavina tokoferola) i sintetskog antioksidansa propil galata na promjenu oksidacijske stabilnosti masti jazavca. Oksidacijska stabilnost masti jazavca, sa i bez dodanog antioksidansa, ispitivana je primjenom testa održivosti na 98 °C. Rezultati testa prikazani su kao vrijednost peroksidnog broja nakon određenog vremena držanja uzorka pri temperaturi 98 °C. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da dodani antioksidansi uspješno stabiliziraju mast jazavca. Od prirodnih antioksidanasa veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost u masti jazavca ima ekstrakt ružmarina tip Oxy’Less CS. Postigao je veću efikasnost zaštite od oksidacije, u odnosu na druge ispitivane antioksidanse. Sintetski antioksidans propil galat uspješno je povećao stabilnost masti jazavca, ali je manje efikasan od ekstrakta ružmarina i mješavine tokoferola. - Badger fat has healing properties resulting from badgers' diet. Animal fat is subject to oxidative deterioration during production, storage and heat treatment. This study examined the effect of natural antioxidants (rosemary extract, sage extract, alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol blend) and synthetic antioxidant propyl gallate on the oxidative stability of badger fat. The oxidative stability of badger fat, with and without added antioxidant, was evaluated using the sustainability test at 98 °C. The test results were expressed as the peroxide value after keeping the samples for a certain period of time at the temperature of 98 °C. The results of the study showed that applying antioxidants successfully stabilises badger fat. Among natural antioxidants, the rosemary extract type Oxy'Less CS demonstrated higher antioxidant activity in badger fat. Compared to Other tested antioxidants, it was more efficient in achieving a greater protection from oxidation. Although the synthetic antioxidant propyl gallate successfully increased the stability of badger fat, it was less efficient than rosemary extract and tocopherol blends. - Das Dachsfett hat heilende Eigenschaften, die aus der Ernährung von Dachsen resultieren. Tierisches Fett unterliegt bei der Herstellung, Lagerung und Wärmebehandlung einer Oxidation. In dieser Studie wurde die Wirkung natürlicher Antioxidantien (Rosmarinextrakt, Salbei-Extrakt, Alpha-Tocopherol, Mischtocopherolen) und synthetischen Antioxidationsmittels Propylgallat auf die Oxidationsstabilität von Dachsfett untersucht. Die Oxidationsstabilität von Dachsfett, mit und ohne Zusatz von Antioxidationsmittel, wurde mit Hilfe des Nachhaltigkeitstests bei 98°C bewertet. Die Ergebnisse werden als Peroxidzahl-Wert ausgedrückt, nachdem die Proben eine bestimmte Zeit lang bei einer Temperatur von 98°C aufbewahrt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die eingesetzten Antioxidantien das Dachsfett erfolgreich stabilisieren. Von den natürlichen Antioxidantien hat der Rosmarinextrakt vom Typ Oxy'Less CS eine höhere antioxidative Aktivität im Dachsfett. Es hat eine größere Wirksamkeit des Schutzes vor Oxidation im Vergleich zu anderen getesteten Antioxidantien erreicht. Das synthetische Antioxidationsmittel Propylgallat hat die Stabilität des Dachsfetts erfolgreich erhöht, aber weniger wirksam als Rosmarinextrakt und Tocopherol-Mischungen. - Il grasso del tasso ha proprietà curative che derivano dal modo in cui l’animale viene alimentato. Il grasso animale è soggetto all’irrancidimento per ossidazione durante la produzione, l’immagazzinamento e il trattamento termico. In questo studio è stato esaminato l’impatto dell’aggiunta di antiossidanti naturali (estratto di rosmarino, estratto di salvia, alfa-tocoferolo, miscela di tocoferoli) e dell’antiossidante sintetico propile gallato sulla modificazione della stabilità ossidativa del grasso del tasso. La stabilità ossidativa del grasso del tasso, con e senza l’aggiunta d’antiossidanti, è stata esaminata mediante il test di sostenibilità a 98 °C. I risultati del test sono stati espressi come il valore del numero di perossidi dopo che il campione è stato tenuto per un certo tempo alla temperatura di 98° C. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che gli antiossidanti aggiunti stabilizzano efficacemente il grasso del tasso. Tra gli antiossidanti naturali, l’estratto di rosmarino tipo Oxy’Less CS ha fatto riscontrare una maggiore attività antiossidante. Esso ha garantito una protezione antiossidante superiore rispetto agli altri antiossidanti presi in esame. Anche l’antiossidante sintetico propile gallato ha aumentato la stabilità ossidativa del grasso del tasso, ma s’è dimostrato meno efficace dell’estratto di rosmarino e della miscela di tocoferoli. - La grasa de tejón tiene propiedades medicinales como el resultado de la dieta del tejón. La grasa animal está sujeta a la oxidación durante al producción, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento térmico. En este trabajo fue investigado el efecto de los antioxidantes naturales (el extracto de romero, el extracto de salvia, el alfatocoferol, la mezcla de tocoferoles) y del antioxidante sintético galato de propilo sobre la estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de tejón. La estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de tejón, con y sin antioxidante agregado, fue evaluada a través de la prueba de sostenibilidad a 98 °C. Los resultados de la prueba fueron mostrados como el índice de peróxido después de mantener la muestra por un tiempo a la temperatura de 98 °C. Los resultados muestran qu los antioxidantes añadidos estabilizan la grasa del tejón. Entre los antioxidantes naturales, la mayor actividad antioxidante en la grasa del tejón tiene el extracto de romero tipo Oxy’Less CS. Ha logrado una mayor eficiencia de la protección de la oxidación, en comparación con otros antioxidantes probados. El antioxidante sintético, el galato de propilo, ha aumentado la estabilidad de la grasa de tejón, pero fue menos eficaz que el extracto de romero y las mezclas de tocoferoles.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 1 ; str. 46-55  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Životinjska mast -- Jazavac -- Oksidacijska stabilnost -- Antioksidansi -- Test održivosti

MIKUŠ, Tomislav
Utjecaj metoda za omamljivanje i usmrćivanje na kvalitetu mesa riba [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Mikuš, Lidija Kozačinski, Mario Ostović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Iako su uzgajane ribe obuhvaćene Uredbom Vijeća (EZ) br. 1099/2009 o zaštiti životinja u trenutku usmrćivanja, samo je opća odredba iz članka 3. primjenjiva na uzgajane ribe. Cilj ovog rada bio je obuhvatiti i objasniti manje poznate kao i komercijalno upotrebljive metode usmrćivanja i omamljivanja riba i prema podacima iz literature usporediti njihov utjecaj na dobrobit riba i kvalitetu njihovog mesa. Metode su podijeljene na dvije velike skupine prema vremenu potrebnom da omame ili usmrte ribe, a poseban je naglasak stavljen na metode koje preporučuje EFSA. - Farmed fish are covered by Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing, but only the general provision of Article 3 is applicable to farmed fish. The aim of this paper was to include and explain lesser known as well as commercially usable methods of killing and stunning fish and to compare their impact on fish welfare and quality of their meat according to literature data. The methods are divided into two large groups according to the time required to stun or kill the fish, with special emphasis on the methods recommended by EFSA. - Zuchtfische fallen unter die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1099/2009 des Rates über den Schutz von Tieren zum Zeitpunkt der Tötung, aber nur die allgemeine Bestimmung von Artikel 3 ist auf Zuchtfische anwendbar. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, weniger bekannte sowie kommerziell nutzbare Methoden der Tötung und Betäubung von Fischen zu erfassen und zu erläutern und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Wohlbefinden der Fische und die Qualität ihres Fleisches anhand von Literaturdaten zu vergleichen. Die Methoden werden je nach der Zeit, die zur Betäubung oder Tötung der Fische benötigt wird, in zwei große Gruppen unterteilt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den von der EFSA empfohlenen Methoden liegt.. - Aunque los peces de cultivo están cubiertos por el Reglamento (CE) no 1099/2009 del Consejo relativo a la protección de los animales en el momento de la matanza, solo la disposición general del artículo 3 es aplicable a los peces de cultivo. El fin de este trabajo fue integrar y explicar los métodos menos conocidos, al igual que los métodos comercialmente utilizables para matar y aturdir a los peces y comparar su impacto sobre el bienestar de los peces y la calidad de su carne según los datos de la literatura. Los métodos están divididos en dos grandes grupos según el tiempo requerido para aturdir o matar a los peces, con el énfasis en los métodos recomendados por la EFSA. - Sebbene i pesci d’allevamento siano ricompresi nel Regolamento (CE) n. 1099/2009 del Consiglio relativo alla protezione degli animali durante l’abbattimento, soltanto le prescrizioni generali dell’articolo 3 sono applicabili ai pesci d’allevamento. Lo scopo di questo studio consiste nel ricomprendere e illustrare metodi di stordimento e di abbattimento dei pesci, in sé meno conosciuti e commercialmente utilizzabili, in base ai dati disponibili in letteratura, e confrontare il loro impatto sul benessere dei pesci e sulla qualità delle loro carni. I metodi sono stati suddivisi in due grandi gruppi in base al tempo necessario per stordire o abbattere il pesce, con l’accento sui metodi raccomandati dall’EFSA (Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare).
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 3 ; str. 227-233  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ribe -- Omamljivanje -- Usmrćivanje -- Kvaliteta mesa -- Dobrobit

Utjecaj prebiotika, manan-oligosaharida (Actigen TM) na tovne pokazatelje i mortalitet bojlerskih pilića [Elektronička građa] = The influence of the prebiotic mannan-oligosaccharides (Actigen TM) on fattening indicators and mortality of broiler chickens / Jasna Pintar, Zlatko Janječić, Dalibor Bedeković, Ksenija Gazić, Marija Madjeruh, Marija Duvnjak, Goran Kiš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodavanja prebiotika, manan-oligosaharida (ActigenTM) krmnim smjesama na proizvodne rezultate pilića u tovu. U istraživanju je korišteno 300 muških jednodnevnih pilića hibrida Ross 308 koji su slučajnim izborom smješteni u dvije skupine sa šest ponavljanja. Istraživanje je trajalo 38 dana, a podijeljeno je u tri razdoblja. Tijekom istraživanja pilići iz kontrolne skupine hranjeni su 14 dana početnom krmnom smjesom (PPT-1) sa 24,4% SB, 14 dana krmnom smjesom za piliće u porastu (PPT-2) sa 21,0% SB i 10 dana završnom krmnom smjesom ( PPT-3) sa 20,1% SB. Pilići pokusne skupine hranjeni su istim krmnim smjesama, ali s dodatkom ActigenTM-a. U PPT-1 je dodano 800g/t; u PPT-2 400 g/t, a u PPT-3 200 g ActigenTM-a po toni krmne smjese. Prosječne tjelesne mase na kraju istraživanja bile su 2808,86 u kontrolnoj i 2880,42 u pokusnoj skupini, a konverzija krmnih smjesa 1,58 i 1,56 kg za kilogram prirasta. Budući da su tjelesne mase u pokusnoj skupini bile veće za 2,55%, a konverzija niža, može se preporučiti upotreba ActigenTM-a u krmnim smjesama za hranidbu pilića. - The aim of this study was to determine the effect of tha prebiotic mannanoligosaccharides (ActigenTM) in compound feed on production results of broiler chickens. In the study 300 male one-day old chicks hybrid Ross 308, were used randomly placed in two groups of 6 repeats. The research lasted 38 days and was divided into three periods. During the study, chickens from the control group were fed 14 days starter feed mixture (PPT-1) with 24.4% CP, 14 days with feed mixture for growing chickens (PPT-2) with 21.0% CP and 10 days with the final feed mixture (PPT-3) with 20.1% CP. The chickens of the experimental group were fed the same feed mixtures, but with ActigenTM. 800 g/t was added to PPT-1; in PPT-2 400 g/t and 200 g ActigenTM per ton of PPT-3 compound feed. Average body weights at the end of the study were 2808.86 and 2880.42 in the control and experimental group and conversion of compound feed 1.58 and 1.56 kg per kilogram of gain. Since the body weights in the experimental group were higher by 2.55% with lower conversion it could be recommended to use ActigenTM in feed mixtures for broiler chickens.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019) , 2 ; str. 51-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brojlerski pilići -- Prebiotici -- Manan-oligosaharidi -- ActigenTM

Utjecaj sustava držanja i tjelesnih masa crnih slavonskih svinja na mesnatost i kvalitetu mesa [Elektronička građa] = Influence of the keeping system and body weight of the Black Slavonian pigs on meatiness and meat quality / Đuro Senčić, Danijela Samac, Ivan Radić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Istraživanje je provedeno s po 24 svinje iz otvorenoga (ekstenzivnoga) i poluotvorenoga (poluintenzivnoga) sustava, od kojih su 12 muških kastrata i 12 nazimica. Svinje u oba sustava bile su tovljene do 100 kg (n = 12) i 130 kg (n = 12) tjelesne mase. Svinje iz otvorenoga sustava hranjene su na pašnjaku i na strništima, uz minimalno prihranjivanje kukuruzom (150g/dan) tijekom zime, kada nema zelene mase. Svinje iz poluotvorenoga sustava hranjene su po volji obrokom kombiniranim od krmne smjese i zelene lucerne. Krmna smjesa u prvoj fazi tova (30 - 60 kg tjelesne mase) imala je 14% sirovih proteina i 13,37 MJ ME/kg, a u drugoj fazi tova (60 – 130 kg tjelesne mase) imala je 12% sirovih proteina i 13,34 MJ ME/kg. Disekcija ohlađenih (+4°C) desnih svinjskih polovica obavljena je prema modificiranoj metodi Wenigera i sur. (1963.). Prema ovoj modifikaciji nije disecirana glava. Kvaliteta mesa (Muscullus longissimus dorsi) istražena je u pogledu pH vrijednosti, sposobnosti vezanja vode i boje. Mesnatost svinjskih polovica bila je veća kod svinja manjih tjelesnih masa (100 kg) u odnosu na svinje većih tjelesnih masa (130 kg) u oba sustava držanja, ali su te razlike bile značajne (p<0,05) samo u poluotvorenome sustavu. Svinje iz otvorenoga sustava imale su mesnatije polovice u odnosu na svinje iz poluotvorenoga sustava i pri manjim (100 kg) i pri većim (130 kg) tjelesnim masama, ali ne i statistički značajno (p>0,05) (49,23% i 44.99%; 46,56% i 42,82%). Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj sustava držanja i tjelesne mase svinja na neke pokazatelje kvalitete mesa. Meso svinja manje tjelesne mase iz otvorenog sustava imalo je značajno više (p<0,01) sirovih proteina od mesa svinja istih tjelesnih masa u poluotvorenom sustavu, kao i meso svinja veće tjelesne mase u odnosu na meso svinja manje tjelesne mase u poluotvorenome sustavu. - The research was carried out on 24 pigs kept in the outdoor (extensive) and 24 pigs kept in the semi-outdoor (semi-intensive) keeping system. In each group there were 12 barrows and 12 gilts. Pigs in both systems were fattened up to 100kg (n=12) and 130kg (n=12) body weight. The pigs from the indoor system were grazing on pastures and stubble-fields, with minimum addition of corn (150 g/day) during winter, when there is no green forage, whereas the pigs kept in the semi-outdoor system were fed ad libitum a combination of feed mixture and green alfalfa. The feed mixture used in the first fattening phase (30 - 60 kg body weight) contained 14% crude protein and 13.37MJ ME/kg, and in the second phase (60-130kg body weight) it contained 12% crude protein and 13.34MJ ME/kg. Dissection of cooled (+4°C) right half-carcasses was carried out according to modified Weniger et al. method (1963). Meat quality (Muscullus longissimus dorsi) was examined in terms of the pH value, water binding capacity and colour. The pH1 value of meat was determined 45 minutes post mortem and pH2 value 24 hours post mortem, by means of the pH-meter Mettler Toledo. Water binding capacity was determined according to Grau and Hamm (1952), and colour (CIE – L, a and b values) by means of a Minolta CR-410 chroma meter. Statistical processing of research results, variance analysis, was carried out by means of Stat. Soft. Inc. 2012. Meatiness of half-carcasses in both production systems was higher in pigs of lower body weight (100kg), compared to pigs of higher body weight (130kg). However, these differences were significant (p<0.05) only in the pigs kept in the semi-outdoor system. Pigs from the indoor system had meatier carcasses in relation to pigs from the semi-outdoor system both at lower (100 kg) and higher (130 kg) body weights, but it was not statistically significant (p>0.05) (49.23% and 44.99% : 46.56% and 42.82%).
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 1 ; str. 11-15  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Crna slavonska svinja -- Tjelesna masa -- Kvaliteta mesa -- Sustav držanja

SAMARDŽIJA, Marko, veterinar
Varijacije koncentracije 17ß-estradiola i testosterona u teladi različitog spola, dobi, pasmine i farmskog podrijetla [Elektronička građa] / Marko Samardžija, Ines Gulić, Dražen Đuričić, Nina Kudumija, Miroslav Benić, Jelka Pleadin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Fiziološke koncentracije spolnih hormona 17β-estradiola i testosterona varijaju s obzirom na vrstu životinje, dob, spol, pasminu, način držanja, hranidbu, stres i okolišne čimbenike. Navedeni hormoni su nužni za rast i razvoj životinje te njihovu spolnu zrelost i reproduktivnu funkciju. Zbog svog anaboličkog učinka koristili su se u prošlosti u intenzivnoj stočarskoj proizvodnji kao promotori rasta, putem stočne hrane ili u obliku implatanta. No, zbog svojih toksičnih učinaka u životinja i ljudi, uključujući mutagenost, kancerogenost i teratogenost, njihova je uporaba zabranjena u svrhu proizvodnje hrane životinjskog podrijetla. Danas je dopušteno korištenje prirodnih hormona samo u terapeutske svrhe za liječenje poremećaja reprodukcije i gravidnosti. S obzirom na stalni razvoj novih sintetskih tvari koje bi mogle imati anabolički učinak i mogu zlouporabu, nužno je tijekom redovitog provođenja kontrole te poznavanja fizioloških vrijednosti razina ovih hormona. Cilj ovog rada, uzimajući u obzir sve navedeno, bilo je istražiti razine prirodnih hormona 17β-estradiola i testosterona u krvi teladi različitog spola, pasmina, dobi i farmskog podrijetla na području Republike Hrvatske. U tu svrhu s tri različite farme na području Republike Hrvatske nasumično su izabrana 32 teleta različitog spola (5 muških i 27 ženskih), dobi 2 ‒ 5 mjeseci starosti, različitih pasmina i kategorija (13 teladi simentalske pasmine, 2 teladi mesne pasmine, 17 teladi holštajnske pasmine). Prilikom općeg kliničkog pregleda životinje od strane nadležnog veterinara, nisu primijećeni nikakvi znaci bolesti ili stanja koje bi mogle utjecati na razine ovih hormona. Prosječna razina 17β-estradiola iznosila je 28,8±11,0 ng/L. - Physiological levels of the sex hormones 17β-oestradiol and testosterone vary based on animal species, age, sex, breed, rearing technology, nutrition, stress and environmental factors. These hormones are essential for growth and development, and for sexual maturity and reproductive function. Due to their anabolic effects, they have been used as growth promoters in intensive livestock production, applied in feed or as an implant. However, due to their toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic and cancerogenic effects in animals and humans, their use is now banned in food animal production. Today, the use of these natural hormones is permitted exclusively for therapeutic purposes in the treatment of reproductive and pregnancy disorders. Considering the constant development of new synthetic substances that might have anabolic effects and their possible misuse, it is necessary to perform regular controls during the fattening period to determine the physiological values of the levels of these hormones. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to investigate the physiological levels of the natural hormones 17β-oestradiol and testosterone in the blood of calves of different sex, age, breed and farm origin in the Republic of Croatia. For this purpose, 32 calves of both sexes (5 males and 27 females), aged 2-5 months, of different breeds and categories (13 calves of Simmental breed, 2 calves of meat breed and 17 calves of Holstein breed) were randomly selected from three farms for inclusion in this study. During general clinical examination by an authorized veterinarian, no visible clinical changes or conditions were observed that could influence the physiological levels of the investigated hormones. The average level of 17β-oestradiol was 28.83±10.95 ng/L.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 3 ; str. 255-265  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Telad -- Testosteron -- Estradiol -- Fiziološke razine

Važnost selena u hranidbi kokoši nesilica [Elektronička građa] = Importance of selenium in hens feeding / Zlata Kralik, Manuela Grčević, Gordana Kralik, Danica Hanžek.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Selen je esencijalni mikroelement koji ljudi i životinje u organizam unose putem hrane. Uloga selena u organizmu je višestruka zbog njegovog sudjelovanja u nizu biokemijskih procesa. Međutim, vrlo niska razina selena u tlu, a posljedično tome i u krmi, može prouzročiti deficit ovog mikroelementa kod životinja, te kod ljudi. Deficit selena kod životinja može se očitovati kroz mnoge degenerativne promjene, bolest gušterače, slabiju reprodukciju i imunitet te različite mišićne distrofije, a kod ptica uzrokuje pojavu eksudativne dijateze, lošije operjavanje, slabiju proizvodnju, oplođenost i valivost jaja, lošiju kvalitetu konzumnih jaja i slično. Osim deficita koji je učestaliji, kod životinja se može javiti i suficit ovog mikroelementa. Dugoročan unos više razine selena u organizam može uzrokovati trovanje. U hranidbi peradi selen se dodaje u dva oblika, anorganskom ili organskom. Znanstveno je potvrđeno da je apsorpcija selena puno učinkovitija ukoliko se selen u hrani nalazi u organskom obliku. Zbog toga se preporučuje u hranu za perad dodavati selen u obliku seleniziranog kvasca ili, u novije vrijeme, žitarice fortificirane selenom. U raznim istraživanjima dokazano je da meso i jaja s povećanim sadržajem selena predstavljaju novi potencijalni izvor ovog elementa u ljudskoj prehrani te se mogu ponuditi kao obogaćeni proizvodi. Cilj rada je prikazati važnost korištenja selena u hrani kokoši za proizvodnju i kvalitetu jaja, antioksidativnu aktivnost te povećanje sadržaja selena u jajima. - Selenium is an essential trace element that humans and animals must take into the body through food. The role of selenium in the body is multiple due to its participation in a number of biochemical processes. However, a very low level of selenium in the soil, and consequently in feed, may be the cause of selenium deficiency in animals and in humans. Selenium deficiency in animals can be manifested through many degenerative changes, pancreatic disease, worse reproductive and immune responses, and various muscular dystrophy, and in birds it causes exudative diathesis, poorer feathering, lower production, fertilization and hatchability of eggs, poorer quality of table eggs and the like. In addition to the deficiency, which is more common in animals, the surplus of this microelement may also occur. Long-term intake of high levels of selenium into body can cause poisoning. In poultry feeding selenium is added in two forms, inorganic or organic. It is scientifically proven that selenium absorption is much more effective if selenium is in organic form. Therefore it is recommended to add selenium yeast or, more recently, selenium fortified cereals in poultry feed. Various researches have proven that meat and eggs with higher selenium content represent a new potential source of this element in the human diet and can be offered as enriched products. The aim of this paper is to present the importance of selenium on production and egg quality, antioxidant activity and increase of selenium content in eggs.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 61 (2019), 1 ; str. 17-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Selen -- Kokoši nesilice -- Hranidba -- Jaja -- Kvaliteta jaja

BRNIĆ, Dragan, veterinar
Virusni gastroenteritisi u svinja [Elektronička građa] : trenutne spoznaje i izazovi / Dragan Brnić, Ivana Šimić, Alen Kovačević, Nina Krešić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 59 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Virusni gastroenteritisi u svinja predstavljaju kontinuirani izazov za uzgajivače svinja, kako sa stajališta zdravstvenog upravljanja stadom, tako i sa stajališta primjene odgovarajućih biosigurnosnih mjera. U etiologiji se ističu koronavirusi i rotavirusi, a odlikuje ih izlučivanje u visokim koncentracijama, niska infektivna doza, iznimna stabilnost u okolišu i visoka kontagioznost. Uzročnici epizootija s izraženim mortalitetima u sisajuće prasadi (do 100 %) su upravo koronavirusi, poglavito virus epidemijskog proljeva svinja (PEDV) koji je prouzročio znatne gubitke u svinjogojstvu u svijetu, ali i kod nas. Osim PEDV-a, predstavnici koronavirusa koji su značajni patogeni u svinja su i virus transmisivnog gastroenteritisa svinja (TGEV), svinjski deltakoronavirus (PDCoV) te nedavno opisani koronavirus sindroma akutnog proljeva u svinja (SADS-CoV). Iako ubikvitarni, i rotavirusi, a naročito vrsta Rotavirus A (RVA) od ukupno pet vrsta dokazanih u svinja, predstavljaju značajne uzročnike gastroenteritisa u mlađih dobnih kategorija, a poznat je i njihov zoonotski potencijal. Iako koronavirusi koji inficiraju svinje nisu dokazani u čovjeka, smatra se da svinjski deltakoronavirusi možda posjeduju taj potencijal. Primjer SADS-CoV i njegovog prijenosa sa šišmiša na svinje ističe važnost pretraživanja divljih životinja koje su dokazano izvorište bolesti važnih za veterinarsko i humano javno zdravstvo. Patogeneza, klinička slika, obdukcijski i patohistološki nalaz su slični kod svih virusnih gastroenteritisa u svinja te u slučaju pojave vodenastog proljeva žućkasto-bijele boje i povraćanja visokog morbiditeta i mortaliteta naročito u sisajuće prasadi, moramo posumnjati na virusne uzročnike. Upravo je stoga pravovremena dijagnostika ključna kako bi se čim ranije mogle primijeniti odgovarajuće mjere i spriječiti širenje bolesti, a time i smanjiti štete. - Viral gastroenteritis in pigs is a continuous challenge for pig breeders, from the aspects of health management and the implementation of adequate biosecurity measures. The most important pathogens in its aetiology are coronaviruses and rotaviruses, having features such as excretion in high concentrations, low infective dose, extreme environmental stability and high contagiousness. Coronaviruses are the causative agents of important epizootics with high mortalities in nursing piglets (up to 100%), in particular the porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV), which recently caused substantial losses for pig breeders in Croatia and worldwide. Apart from PEDV, notable coronaviruses in pigs are transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) and the recently described swine acute diarrhoea syndrome-coronavirus (SADS-CoV). Rotaviruses are also significant pathogens causing diarrhoea in young pigs, even though they are ubiquitous, with Rotavirus A (RVA) being the most important species among five rotavirus species known to circulate in pigs. Rotaviruses are known to possess a zoonotic potential which is also speculated for porcine deltacoronavirus, nevertheless coronaviruses of pigs have not yet been detected in humans. The example of SADS-CoV transmission from bats to pigs emphasizes the need for surveillance of wild animals known as a source of diseases that present a veterinary and public health threat. The pathogenesis, clinical appearance, autopsy and pathohistological findings are similar for all viral gastroenteritis in pigs. In case of an outbreak of watery and yellowish diarrhoea of high morbidity and mortality, especially in nursing piglets, the suspicion of viral aetiology is warranted. Therefore, early diagnosis is key for the implementation of adequate measures to prevent the disease from spreading and causing substantial losses.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 1 ; str. 53-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svinje -- Gastroenteritis -- Rotavirus -- Koronavirusi -- Biosigurnosne mjere

MIKUŠ, Ornella
Zajednička ribarstvena politika EU kao prilika za hrvatsko ribarstvo [Elektronička građa] / Ornella Mikuš, Erwin Ćuskić, Mateja Jež Rogelj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Zajednička ribarstvena politika EU (ZRP) mora odgovoriti na sve kompleksnija pitanja ribarstva. Održivo gospodarenje ribljim resursima, odgovor na klimatske promjene bez ugrožavanja socioekonomskih prilika ribara uz regionalizaciju i pojednostavljenje implementacije zahtijeva strukturne reforme ribarstvene politike i sektora. Članstvom u EU Hrvatska je dobila priliku značajno povećati iznose potpore ulaganju u ribarstveni sektor uz određene prilagodbe zakonskih propisa i poštivanje ciljeva ZRP-a. Porast potpora i širi spektar mjera može pomoći podizanju konkurentnosti sektora, promicanju održivog ribarstva, poboljšanju socioekonomskih uvjeta za ribare i promicanju plavog rasta. - The EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) must address increasingly complex fisheries issues. Sustainable management of fisheries resources, response to climate change without compromising the socio- economic opportunities of fishermen with regionalization and simplification of implementation requires structural reforms of fisheries policy and the sector. With EU membership, Croatia has been given the opportunity to significantly increase the amount of support for investment in the fisheries sector with certain legislation adjustments and compliance with the objectives of the CFP. An increase in support and a wider range of measures can help raise the sector's competitiveness, promote sustainable fisheries, improve socio-economic conditions for fishermen and promote blue growth. - Die Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP) der EU muss sich mit immer komplexeren Fischereifragen befassen. Die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der Fischereiressourcen, die Reaktion auf den Klimawandel ohne Beeinträchtigung der sozioökonomischen Chancen der Fischer durch Regionalisierung und die Vereinfachung der Umsetzung erfordern strukturelle Reformen der Fischereipolitik und des Sektors. Mit der EU-Mitgliedschaft hat Kroatien die Möglichkeit erhalten, den Umfang der Unterstützung für Investitionen im Fischereisektor mit bestimmten Gesetzesanpassungen und der Einhaltung der Ziele der GFP deutlich zu erhöhen. Eine Aufstockung der Unterstützung und ein breiteres Spektrum von Maßnahmen können dazu beitragen, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Sektors zu erhöhen, eine nachhaltige Fischerei zu fördern, die sozioökonomischen Bedingungen für die Fischer zu verbessern und das blaue Wachstum zu fördern. - La Política Pesquera Común de la UE (PPC) debe abordar los problemas pesqueros cada vez más complejos. La gestión sostenible de los recursos pesqueros, la respuesta al cambio climático sin comprometer las circunstancias socioeconómicas de los pescadores, junto con la regionalización y la simplificación de la implementación, requieren reformas estructurales de la política y del sector pesquero. Con la membresía en la UE, Croacia ha obtenido la oportunidad de aumentar significativamente la intensidad de la ayuda para la inversión en el sector pesquero con ciertos ajustes de la legislación y el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la PPC. El aumento de las ayudas y una gama más amplia de medidas pueden ayudar a aumentar la competitividad del sector, promover la pesca sostenible, mejorar las circunstancias socioeconómicas para los pescadores y promover el Crecimiento Azul. - La politica comune della pesca dell’UE (PCP) deve rispondere a questioni sempre più complesse riguardanti il settore della pesca. La gestione sostenibile delle risorse ittiche, la risposta ai cambiamenti climatici senza minacciare le condizioni socioeconomiche dei pescatori, oltre alla regionalizzazione e alla semplificazione dell’implementazione, richiedono riforme strutturali della politica della pesca e del settore ittico. Con l’adesione all’UE, la Croazia ha avuto l’opportunità di incrementare notevolmente gli importi degli aiuti da investire nel settore della pesca, salvo operare determinati adattamenti della propria legislazione interna e nel rispetto degli obiettivi della politica comune della pesca. L’incremento degli aiuti e il più ampio spettro di misure possono agevolare l’elevazione delle competitività del settore, la promozione della pesca sostenibile, il miglioramento delle condizioni socioeconomiche per i pescatori e la promozione della “crescita blu”.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 3 ; str. 218-226  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ribarstvo -- Politika -- Zakonodavstvo -- Financijske potpore


Vidi br.: HA20-00445

Vidi br.: HA20-00448

Vidi br.: HA20-00446

Vidi br.: HA20-00447

Vidi br.: HA20-00359

Vidi br.: HA20-00407

Vidi br.: HA20-00274

Vidi br.: HA20-00272

Vidi br.: HA20-00430

Vidi br.: HA20-00273

Vidi br.: HA20-00337

636.09   Veterinarska znanost

65   Komunikacijska i prijevozna industrija. Računovodstvo. Poslovno upravljanje. Odnosi s javnošću

Vidi br.: HA20-00184

655   Grafička industrija. Tiskarstvo. Izdavaštvo. Knjižarstvo

Vidi br.: HA20-00511

Vidi br.: HA20-00005

656   Prijevozne i poštanske usluge. Organizacija i kontrola prometa

Dioničarsko društvo Slavonske vicinalne željeznice (1892.-1933.) [Elektronička građa] / Siniša Lajnert. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu autor obrađuje ustroj, poslovanje i likvidaciju Dioničarskog društva slavonske vicinalne željeznice u vremenskom periodu od godine 1892., kada je društvo osnovano, pa sve do godine 1933., kada je završena njegova likvidacija. Sjedište društva u Austro-Ugarskoj Monarhiji bilo je u Budimpešti, da bi se odlukom njegove izvanredne glavne skupštine od 24. svibnja 1923. premjestilo u Zagreb. Pruge društva bile su sljedeće: Osijek-Našice, Našice-Nova Kapela-Batrina, Pleternica-Požega te Požega-Velika. Navedene privatne pruge bile su u državnoj eksploataciji, odnosno upravi. Temeljem sporazuma od 7. veljače 1931., država je otkupila pruge Dioničarskog društva slavonske vicinalne željeznice pa je tako prestao i razlog njegovog postojanja. Društvo je 1932. godine ušlo u proces likvidacije, koji je završio 12. travnja 1933. - This paper presents the structure, business activity and the liquidation of the Slavonian Vicinal Railway in the period from 1892 until 1933 when its liquidation was finalised. The headquarters of the stock company during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was in Budapest and based on the decision of the emergency session of its assembly from 24 May 1923 it transferred to Zagreb. The railway lines of the Company were: Osijek-Našice, Našice-Nova Kapela-Batrina, Pleternica-Požega and Požega-Velika. These railway lines were exploited i.e. managed by the state. During the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy the railway lines of the company were under the jurisdiction of the Traffic Administration in Pecs and in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia they came under the jurisdiction of the Regional Board of the State Railways in Zagreb. Based on the agreement from 7 February 1931 the state bought off the railway lines of the Stock Company of the Slavonian Vicinal Railway and hence the reason for its existence ceased to exist. t. In 1932 the company entered the process of liquidation, the latter ending on 12 April 1933.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 159-188  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Željeznički promet -- Vicinalne željeznice -- Dioničari -- Likvidacija
Dioničarsko društvo slavonske vicinalne željeznice


Temporal patterns of vehicle collisions with roe deer and wild boar in the Dinaric area [Elektronička građa] / Joso Vrkljan, Dubravka Hozjan, Danijela Barić, Damir Ugarković, Krešimir Krapinec. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 356-357. - Summary. - The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC) based on the animal species, and to deepen the knowledge of temporal patterns of vehicle collisions with roe deer and wild boar. The study analyses the data from police reports on vehicle collisions with animals on state roads, by date and time, section of road, and animal species over a 5-year period (2012–2016). These data were analysed to determine the temporal dynamics of vehicle collisions with roe deer and wild boar by month, time of day, and moon phase. On the state roads in the Dinaric area, roe deer are most commonly involved in vehicle collisions (70.1% of all collisions), followed by wild boar (11.0%). Other large species involved in collisions were fallow deer (4.8%), brown bear (1.8%), red deer (0.9%), grey wolf (0.7%), and European mouflon (0.5%), respectively. Most collisions with roe deer occurred in the period April–August, with reduced frequency during autumn and winter. For wild boar, there was no association between month and frequency of collisions. At the annual level, collisions with roe deer were significantly higher during night (37%) and twilight (41%) than during the day (22%). For wild boar, most collisions occurred during twilight (26%) and night (72%), although the difference between these two periods was not statistically significant. For roe deer, collisions had no association with lunar phase, though wild boar collisions during twilight (dawn or dusk) were more common during twilight periods on days with less moonlight. Since vehicle collisions with wildlife showed certain temporal patterns, these should be taken into consideration in developing statistical models of spatial WVC patterns, and also in planning strategies and countermeasures to mitigate WVC issues.
U: Croatian journal of forest engineering (Online). - ISSN 1848-9672. - 41 (2020), 2 ; str. 347-358  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Divljač -- Sudar vozila -- Dinamika sudara -- Mjesečeve faze

658   Poslovni menadžment, upravljanje, administracija. Organizacija poslovanja

Vidi br.: HA20-00392

Vidi br.: HA20-00033

659   Reklama. Informiranje. Odnosi s javnošću

MONTEIRO Machado, Christiane
Stereotypes of old age [Elektronička građa] : views on the elderly in Brazilian advertising / Christiane Monteiro Machado, Jorge Pedro Sousa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 85-87. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Ageing, more than a demographic phenomenon (a consolidated process in Europe, still a recent one in Brazil), is a social construction influenced by the media. Advertising, which simultaneously reflects and contributes to the construction of social values, uses stereotypes as a tool for creating easily identifiable characters. This study aims at identifying aspects explored by advertising messages using stereotypes to portray older people. The sample consists of nineteen pieces selected from more than 4,500 posts on Facebook and Youtube by the ten companies with the largest advertising spending in Brazil from July 2017 to June 2018. Among the 104 pieces that feature elderly people, nineteen did use stereotypes. In twelve of them, positive stereotypes, always related to longlife accumulated experience, while seven included negative traits, such as elderly people losing touch with reality, having difficulties with technology, poor social interaction, physical impairements, or old-fashioned clothing. Negative stereotyping reflects an outdated perspective of the ageing process. - Starenje (proces koji je već duboko zahvatio Europu, a sada i Brazil) više od ostalih demografskih fenomena predstavlja socijalnu konstrukciju koja je pod utjecajem medija. Oglašavanje, koje istovremeno reflektira društvene vrijednosti i doprinosi konstrukciji društvenih vrijednosti, koristi stereotipe kao alat za kreiranje prepoznatljivih likova. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest identificirati aspekte oglašivačkih poruka koje koriste stereotipe u portretiranju starijih ljudi. Uzorak se sastojao od devetnaest jedinica oglasa odabranih između 4,500 objava na Faceebooku i Youtubeu deset kompanija s najvećom potrošnjom na oglašavanje u Brazilu, u razdoblju od srpnja 2017. do lipnja 2018. Od 104 oglasa koji prikazuju starije ljude, 19 je koristilo stereotipe. U njih 12 koristili su se pozitivni stereotipi u smislu životnog iskustva koje dolazi s godinama, dok ih je 7 prikazivalo negativne osobine koje se vezuju uz starost: gubitak osjećaja za stvarnost kod starijih osoba, teškoće s tehnologijom, siromašna socijalna interakcija, fizičke teškoće ili staromodno odijevanje. Negativni stereotipi odražavaju zastarjelu percepciju procesa starenja.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 20 ; str. 69-88  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oglašavanje -- Starenje -- Stereotipi -- Oglašivači

66   Kemijska tehnologija. Kemijska i srodne industrije

Comparison of conventional and novel pre-treatment methods for bioethanol production from fruit and vegetable wastes [Elektronička građa] / Tugba Keskin-Gundogdu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Summary. - In this study, novel and conventional techniques for the production of bioethanol from fruit and vegetable wastes (FVWs) by yeast and bacterial fermentation were investigated experimentally. Different pretreatment techniques (acid, heat, acid/heat, and microwave) for yeast fermentation were compared. Maximum ethanol concentrations of 11.7 and 11.8 g L–1 were observed from acid/heat and microwave pretreatment, respectively, by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. On the other hand, biochar production from FVWs and syngas fermentation from the waste gas of this process were integrated. From waste gas with 12 % CO content, 5.5 g L–1 and 2.5 g L–1 ethanol production was observed by using anaerobic mixed culture and Clostridium ljungdahlii, respectively. The overall results emphasize the potential of bioethanol production from FVWs by economically feasible and environmentally friendly methods.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 4 ; str. 471-483  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioetanol -- Biootpad -- Fermentacija

Effect of Helichrysum italicum on the corrosion of copper in simulated acid rain solution [Elektronička građa] / Zora Pilić, Ivana Martinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary. - The inhibition of copper corrosion by Helichrysum italicum extract (HI) in simulated acid rain was investigated using electrochemical techniques. Results indicate an increase in corrosion inhibition efficiency with the HI extract concentration. The inhibitive process was assumed to occur via adsorption of the extract on the metal surface. The thermodynamic data indicated physical adsorption and followed the Freundlich isotherm. The effect of temperature on the copper corrosion was studied. The value of the activation energy confirmed physisorption of extract molecules on the copper surface. The concentration of Cu ions released into solution, measured by atomic absorption spectrometry, was in accordance with the electrochemical results.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 4 ; str. 449-457  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bakar -- Korozija -- Kisele kiše -- Helichrysum italicum

Effect of postharvest UV-C irradiation as physical elicitor on anti-nutritional factor, B-vitamins and mineral profile of Clerodendrum volubile leaves [Elektronička građa] / Adetuyi F. O., Karigidi K. O., Akintmehinm E. S., Fajembola T. F. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 118-120. - Abstract. - The effect of postharvest UV-C irradiation on the antinutrients (phytate, saponin, tannin), B-vitamins, and mineral profile of Clerodendrum volubile leaves was evaluated. The leaves were cleaned, detached, divided into two parts, one part was irradiated with UV-C lamp at wavelength 210 nm, average dose of 2.217 J/m2 for 20 minutes while the other was left untreated, the two were stored for 24 hours at room temperature. The phytate, saponin, tannin, B vitamins and mineral content of the leaves were analysed after irradiation and storage using standard methods. Mineral and molar ratios were calculated. UV-C irradiation substantially decreased the phytate contents from 18.12 to 9.02 mg/g but increased the tannin contents from 0.68 to 1.42 g/100g and saponin contents from 1.44 to 1.52 g/100g. The phytate and saponin contents reduced in storage but the tannin content increased. The B vitamins reduced after UV-C irradiation and further in storage with the exception of pyridoxine (B6) which increased significantly. The minerals P, Mn, Na, Ca and Mg content increased while K decreased with UV-C irradiation and no effect on the Fe content of white butterfly C. volubile leaves. After UV – C irradiation the mineral ratios Ca : P, Na : K, Ca : Mg, Ca : K and the miliequivalent ratio K : (Ca + Mg) were still within the required standard for their availability for absorption. [Ca][Phytate]/[Zn] molar ratios (0.0003 – 0.0006 mol/kg) were below 0.5 mol/kg the critical value. Irradiating food just like other food processing methods will depend on what the food has to contribute to the total diet.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 14 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 113-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljekovito bilje -- Clerodendrum volubile -- Vitamin B -- Minerali -- UV-C zrake -- Antinutritivni spojevi

Enzymatic kinetics of solvent-free esterification with bio-imprinted lipase [Elektronička građa] / M. Matsumoto, Y. Hasegawa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary. - To avoid the use of compounds that burden the environment, a solvent-free enzymatic reaction was the focus of this study. Investigated were the catalytic activities and kinetics of lipases that were pretreated with carboxylic acids for the solvent-free esterification of propionic acid with isoamyl alcohol. The enhancements of the esterification yields and rates by the bio-imprinting effects of carboxylic acids were observed. We found no inhibition of isoamyl alcohol on the solvent-free enzymatic esterification, and obtained a large imprinting effect under a largely excessive amount of isoamyl alcohol to propionic acid. From the kinetic analysis, the imprinting of lipases mainly enhanced the catalytic reaction rate constant rather than the affinity between lipase and propionic acid compared with untreated lipase. The bio-imprinting treatment of lipase is found to be very effective for the yield and kinetics in solvent-free esterification.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 4 ; str. 495-499  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Esterifikacija -- Lipaza -- Enzimska kinetika

Isolation, kinetics, and performance of a novel phenol degrading strain [Elektronička građa] / Wen Zhang, X. Xia. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary. - Efficient phenol-degrading bacteria is still the key to the biological treatment of phenol-containing wastewater. In this research, a novel phenol-degrading strain N8 was isolated. According to the 16S rDNA identification, it was concluded that the N8 strain was Bacillus sp. IARI-J-20. The wastewater treatment experiments showed that the phenol degrading rate of N8 reached 92.8 % at 24 h with the inoculation amount of 15 %, temperature of 30 °C, pH of 7.2, yeast extract addition of 0.08 %, and initial phenol concentration of 225 mg L–1. Haldane’s model was fit for the growth kinetics of the phenol-degrading strain N8 over a wide range of initial phenol concentrations (50–1200 mg L–1), with kinetic values μmax = 0.33 h−1, Ks = 79.16 mg L–1, and Ki = 122 mg L–1. The yield coefficient reached maximal value when the phenol concentration was 400 mg L–1. When the initial phenol concentration was more than 400 mg L–1, the inhibition effect of phenol became predominant.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 4 ; str. 485-494  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fenoli -- Razgradnja fenola -- Otpadne vode -- Biološki tretman

Klimatske promjene - potencijalna prijetnja još znatnijoj pojavnosti mikotoksina [Elektronička građa] / Jelka Pleadin, Manuela Zadravec, Tina Lešić, Jadranka Frece, Višnja Vasilj, Ksenija Markov. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 63 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća znanstven- ici sve više ukazuju na globalno zagrijavanje, dovodeći klimatske promjene u poveznicu s novom strukturom vrsta plijesni producenata mikotoksina po geografskim područjima svi- jeta. Izraženije klimatske promjene mogu u budućnosti izmijeniti otpornost domaćina i interakciju domaćin-patogen te imati znatan utjecaj na razvoj toksikogenih plijesni i produk- ciju mikotoksina kao njihovih sekundarnih metabolita. Novonastala klimatološka situ- acija izaziva sve veću pozornost i zahtijeva nove dijagnostičke alate, kao i nove spoznaje o biološkim karakteristikama poljoprivrednih kultura koje se uzgajaju i genetici toksikogenih plijesni. Zbog sve povoljnijih klimatskih uvjeta za rast Aspergillus flavus na području Europe, u narednom razdoblju postoji povećani rizik od onečišćenja žitarica izrazito toksičnim aflatok- sinima. Ujedno, profil mikotoksigenih vrsta Fusarium počinje se sve znatnije mijenjati, a posebno je zabrinjavajući porast onečišćenja s F. graminearum u sjevernom i središnjem dije- lu Europe. S obzirom na očigledne klimatske promjene, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja koja uključuju „prediktivne modele“ s više vari- jabli, a koji bi u bliskoj budućnosti omogućili kvalitetni pristup strategiji prevencije kontam- inacije toksikotvornim plijesnima i mikotok- sinima u hrani i hrani za životinje. - Over the last decade, scientists have increasingly pointed to global warming, linking climate change to a new structure of mycotoxin-producing mould species across the world. In the future, more pronounced climate changes may alter host resistance and host-pathogen interaction, and have a significant impact on the development of toxicogenic moulds and the production of mycotoxins as their secondary metabolites. The newly emerging climatological situation is attracting increasing attention, demanding new diagnostic tools and new insights into the biological characteristics of cultivated crops and the genetics of toxicogenicmoulds. In Europe, the climate conditions are highly favourable for the growth of Aspergillus flavus, bringing increased future risk of contamination of cereals with highly toxic aflatoxins. Meanwhile, the profile of mycotoxigenic species of Fusarium is beginning to change significantly, and increased reports of contamination with F. graminearum in northern and central Europe are particularly worrisome. Given the obvious climate change, further research is needed that will include predictive models with several variables, to provide an appropriate future approach to the strategy of preventing contamination by toxic moulds and mycotoxins in food and feed.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 6 ; str. 659-671  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikotoksini -- Plijesni -- Klimatske promjene -- Geografska područja -- Prevencija

Lipase-catalyzed solvent-free synthesis of polyglycerol 10 (PG-10) esters [Elektronička građa] / Yamini Satyawali, Lieve Cawenberghs, Winnie Dejonghe. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - Polyglycerol fatty acid esters, which have been widely used as emulsifiers in food, medicine and cosmetics industries, were the subject of solvent-free enzymatic synthesis in this study. There have been previous reports on enzymatic synthesis of various polyglycerol esters; however, this investigation extends the synthesis to PG-10 esters. The effects of substrate molar ratio, addition of emulsifiers to enhance mixing, and addition of molecular sieves or N2 flushing for water removal, was investigated. The solvent-free synthesis using N2 flushing leads to complete conversion of fatty acid, yielding a completely acid free product. The synthesis is validated for polyglycerol laurate and polyglycerol caprylate, both useful products in the cosmetic industry.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019),4 ; str. 501-509  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lipaza -- Poliglicerol -- Esteri -- Sinteza bez otapala

Oscillatory Flow Bioreactor (OFB) applied in enzymatic hydrolysis at high solid loadings [Elektronička građa] / J. Buchmaier, Christoph Brunner, U. Griesbacher, A. N. Phan, Adam P. Harvey, Rama Krishna Gudiminchi, Bernd Nidetzky, Bettina Muster. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - Within this study, an enzymatic hydrolysis process using α-cellulosic feedstock was performed in a specially designed plug-flow reactor, referred to as an Oscillatory Flow Bioreactor (OFB). The aims of this approach were to achieve intensification in terms of realising a more energy- and resource-efficient enzymatic hydrolysis, as well as to set the basis for continuous processes in such a reactor. The OFB performance was evaluated for high solid loadings of up to 15 %, and compared to the performance of a Stirred Tank Reactor (STR). Experimental results of the OFB operating at an oscillation frequency of 2 Hz and an oscillation amplitude of 10 mm exhibit better conversion efficiencies (+ 6.7 %) than the STR after 24 h, while requiring only 7 % of the STR power density (W m–3). Therefore, the OFB enables efficient, uniform mixing at lower power densities than STRs for applications with high solid loadings.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 4 ; str. 459-470  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioreaktori -- Enzimska hidroliza -- Lignocelulozne sirovine

Simulation and optimization of coal gasification in a moving-bed reactor to produce synthesis gas suitable for methanol production unit [Elektronička građa] / Mehdi Shamsi, Habib Ale Ebrahim, Mohammad Javad Azarhoosh. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - This paper presents process simulation and optimization of coal gasification process in a moving-bed reactor using Pittsburgh No. 8 coal as feed. The system of differential equations for the mass and energy balances was solved using 4th-order Runge-Kutta method and optimized by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) method. The simulation was used to predict solid and gas temperature profile and gas composition along the reactor. The simulation results were compared successfully with experimental data relevant to Westfield plant in Scotland. In addition, the effect of operating parameters such as coal-to-oxygen molar ratio, steam-to-oxygen molar ratio, inlet gas temperature, reactor pressure, and oxygen mole fraction in inlet air on amount of synthesis gas (syngas) production, hydrogen to carbon monoxide molar ratio (HCMR) in produced syngas, and coal conversion was investigated. Finally, the reactor performance was optimized to produce the highest syngas production with a HCMR of two using NSGA-II method.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 4 ; str. 427-435  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metanol -- Sintetski plin -- Reaktor -- Uplinjavanje ugljena -- Simulacija -- Optimizacija

DORLEDO de Faria, Ricardo Adriano
TiO2 sol-gel coating as a transducer substrate for impedimetric immunosensors [Elektronička građa] / Ricardo Adriano Dorledo de Faria, Manuel Houmard, Verônica Aparecida Martins do Rosário, Vanessa de Freitas Cunha Lins, Luiz Guilherme Dias Heneine, Tulio Matencio. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 64 jed. - Summary. - Given the importance of the transducer elements in the performance of sensors for various applications, as well as the growing search for devices that are capable of providing the response in shorter time, in this work, titanium dioxide was examined as a candidate for application in an electrochemical biosensor. A TiO2 coating deposited by sol-gel method on a silicon wafer was obtained with an anatase crystalline structure, as an n-type semiconductor with donor density equal to 2.954 · 1017 cm–3. Its surface was functionalized to be tested as a biosensor to detect snake venom of the Bothrops genera, and each step of the functionalization was investigated using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Cyclic voltammetry. Despite being less sensitive than the reference method ELISA, the TiO2-based biosensor was also capable of detecting the analyte of interest at 20 μg mL–1, revealing an increase in its leakage resistance and phase shift after incubation in this solution. Furthermore, the total time for carrying out the biodetection with the TiO2-coated device (41.24 ± 0.05 min) was estimated to be approximately 80 % shorter than that required by the labelled standard assay, which indicates that TiO2 is a promising electrochemical transducer for biosensing applications.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 4 ; str. 437-447  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Titan dioksid -- Biosenzori -- Pretvarači -- Elektrokemijska impedancijska spektroskopija

663   Industrijska mikrobiologija. Industrijska mikologija. Industrija vrenja. Industrija pića. Industrija opojnih sredstava

LUKIĆ, Katarina, prehrambena biotehnologinja
Influence of non-thermal processing techniques on sulfur dioxide and oxygen concentrations in young and aged wines [Elektronička građa] / Katarina Lukić, Marina Tomašević, Natka Ćurko, Antonio Sivrić, Edi Ružman, Karin Kovačević Ganić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 73-75. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The application of innovative techniques like high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and high power ultrasound (HPU) for food processing and preservation is one of the current topics in food science. In the enological field, these techniques have been identified as alternative methods for wine microbial stabilization and acceleration of wine aging process. Due to lack of available information about their influence on physicochemical characteristics, the aim of this work was to study the effect of HHP and HPU on sulfur dioxide and dissolved oxygen concentrations in red and white wines. The effect was evaluated immediately after the treatment and after 3, 6 and 12 months of aging in bottles. Moreover, the synergistic effect of mentioned techniques along with antioxidants additions (glutathione and SO2) was also evaluated. The results showed that the concentrations of free and total SO2 did not change immediately after HHP treatments, while after HPU processing there was no clear trend in analyzed parameters. As expected, results showed that both, free and total SO2 decreased during storage period of red and white wines. Regarding both applied techniques, slightly higher concentrations of free SO2 were observed in samples treated by HHP after 12 months of storage. Oxygen concentration slightly increased immediately after the treatments, with the highest concentration determined after HPU processing. During aging, its concentrations decreased and were similar or slightly higher than of those determined in untreated samples. Regarding the antioxidants additions, better protective effect was obtained by addition of higher concentration of SO2 than glutathione, since these samples were characterized by lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen. - Primjena inovativnih tehnika kao što su visoki hidrostatski tlak (HHP) i ultrazvuk visokih snaga (HPU) u preradi i konzerviranju hrane jedna je od aktualnih tema u znanosti o hrani. U enološkom području, ove su tehnike prepoznate kao alternativne metode za mikrobiološku stabilizaciju vina i ubrzavanje procesa starenja vina. Uslijed nedostatka dostupnih informacija o utjecaju navedenih tehnika na fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike vina, cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj HHP i HPU tretmana na koncentraciju sumporovog dioksida i otopljenog kisika u crnom i bijelom vinu. Utjecaj ovih tehnika utvrđen je neposredno nakon tretmana te nakon 3, 6 i 12 mjeseci starenja u bocama. Nadalje, ispitan je i sinergistički učinak navedenih tehnika i dodatka antioksidansa (glutation i SO2). Rezultati su pokazali da se koncentracija slobodnog i ukupnog SO2 nije promijenila odmah nakon HHP tretmana, dok nakon obrade HPU nema jasnog trenda u analiziranim parametrima. Kao što je bilo očekivano, koncentracija slobodnog i ukupnog SO2 se smanjila tijekom perioda starenja crnog i bijelog vina. Obzirom na primijenjene tehnike, najveće koncentracije slobodnog SO2 određene su u uzorcima tretiranim HHP-om, posebice nakon 12 mjeseci starenja. Odmah nakon tretmana, koncentracija kisika je lagano porasla, pri čemu je najveća koncentracija utvrđena nakon HPU tretmana. Tijekom starenja utvrđeno je smanjenje koncentracije kisika, čije su vrijednosti bile slične ili neznatno veće od onih utvrđenih u netretiranim uzorcima. Što se tiče dodatka antioksidansa, bolji zaštitni učinak postignut je dodatkom više koncentracije SO2 nego glutationa, obzirom da te uzorke karakteriziraju niže koncentracije otopljenog kisika.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 14 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 65-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vino -- Visoki hidrostatski tlak -- Ultrazvuk visokih snaga -- Fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike -- Sumporov dioksid -- Otopljeni kisik

664   Proizvodnja i konzerviranje krutih prehrambenih proizvoda

MARUŠIĆ, Nives, inženjerka prehrambene tehnologije
The effect of high pressure treatment on the quality of chicken breast meat [Elektronička građa] / Nives Marušić Radovčić, Damir Ježek, Ksenija Markov, Jadranka Frece, Duška Ćurić, Helga Medić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 80-81. - Abstract. - In the present work, the effect of high pressure processing (HPP) (0, 100, 200 and 300 MPa) and different treatment time (5 and 10 minutes) on the moisture uptake, cooking yield, colour and texture, as well as microbial population of chicken breast fillets was investigated. The application of high hydrostatic pressure resulted in a modification of quality parameters of chicken breast meat. By increasing pressure and time of the treatment the moisture uptake was reduced: samples treated with 300 MPa for 10 min had the lowest moisture uptake values. Cooking yield was not affected by HPP treatments. Increased pressure affected the colour by increasing L*, a* and b* values (only HPP treatment of 100 MPa in duration of 5 and 10 minutes did not affect colour of chicken breast meat). Lower pressures (100 and 200 MPa) tenderized, whereas elevated pressure (300 MPa) increased hardness in chicken breast fillets. Higher level of pressure (300 MPa) reduced bacteria count by about 3.0 – 5.3 log (CFU/g), depending on the microorganism and duration of the process.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 14 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 76-81  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Piletina -- Meso -- Sigurnost hrane -- Kvaliteta mesa -- Visokotlačna obrada

OKE, Emmanuel Kehinde
Evaluation and storage studies of sausage roll produced from wheat-tigernut flour blends [Elektronička građa] / Emmanuel Kehinde Oke, Michael Ayodele Idowu, Abiodun Aderoju Adeola, Temitope Omuwumi Abiola, Ibrahim Ololade Adeniji. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 89-90. - Abstract. - This study was carried out to investigate the effects of wheat flour substitution with tigernut flour. Brown variety of tigernut was sorted and dried in a cabinet dryer at 60°C for 72hrs and was processed into flour and blended with wheat flour at different ratios of 100:0; 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40; 50:50, 40:60, 30:70, 20:80, 10:90 respectively. The flour blends were analyzed for proximate composition, functional properties, pasting properties and rheological properties (viscosity). Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and significant means were separated using Duncan multiple range test. Moisture, crude protein, crude fibre, total ash, crude fat and carbohydrate ranged from 4.11 to 10.35%, 4.72 to 12.28%, 2.82 to 9.81%, 0,51 to 0.78%, 0.84 to 15.61% and 50.26 to 73.25% respectively. Significant differences exist in the functional, pasting properties and viscosity of wheat and tigernut flour blends. As the substitution of tigernut flour increases, the hardness, crust and crumb moisture of the sausage increases during storage. The result of this study shows that tigernut has the advantage of improving the crude fat, total ash and crude fibre of the blends. Substitution of tigernut flour to wheat flour had a significant effect on all the functional properties of the flour blends. The pasting properties of wheat and tigernut flour blends were affected thereby leading to decreases in the peak, trough, breakdown, final viscosity, setback and peak time. The viscosity of wheat and tigernut flour blends is relatively too high and this suggests that the flour blends will be useful in production of baked products.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 14 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 82-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oštrik -- Brašno -- Kobasica u tijestu -- Skladištenje

Hlapivi spojevi arome kupreške janjetine [Elektronička građa] / Marina Krvavica, Amir Ganić, Munevera Begić, Jelena Đugum. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Within the project of determining the aroma profiles of various Croatian lamb species, whose main objective was to offer a simple and reliable analytical method that could confirm their authenticity by linking them to a geographical breeding area, an analysis of volatile compounds of the Kupres lamb grown on the Kupres Plateau (BiH), at about 1200 m above sea level, was carried out. The considerable territorial separation (horizontal and vertical) of the Kupres Plateau from the Croatian territories where the study was organised (Lika, Dalmatian hinterland, the islands of Pag and Cres) and the differences in their natural characteristics contribute to the reliability of drawing conclusions about possible lamb biomarkers that could be associated with the floral composition of a geographical breeding area. A total of 66 volatile compounds were isolated by the GC-MS analysis (SPME method) of heat-treated Kupres lamb, of which 14 aldehydes (61.55 % of the total peak area), 10 alcohols (7.78 %), 12 ketones (12.11 %), 8 aliphatic hydrocarbons (1.23 %), 7 aromatic compounds (9.63 %), 3 heterocyclic compounds (0.95 %), 1 furan (1.34 %), 2 acids and 3 esters (3,75 %), 4 terpenes (0.94 %) and 3 sulphur compounds (0.73 %). In relation to Dalmatian, Pag, Lika and Cres lamb, the aroma of Kupres lamb contains 3 volatile compounds (2 ketones and 1 ester) which have not been identified in the mentioned types of lamb. Furthermore, the aroma of Kupres lamb contains notably more C-7 aldehydes (16.24 %), ketones 2,3-octadienone and 2-octanone (9.96 %) and long-chain alkanes (0.71 %), that are reported by other researches as pasture markers, but also a much smaller amount and content of terpenes (0.94 %), that are reported as possible reliable biomarkers of the geographical breeding area. Since terpenes are solely metabolites of plants (dicotyledons contain much more terpenes than monocotyledons), mainly incorporated directly from food into animal tissues, the terpenic profile of. - Dentro del proyecto de determinar los perfiles de aroma de diferentes especies de corderos croatas, cuyo objetivo principal fue ofrecer un método analítico simple y fiable que pudiera confirmar su autenticidad al vincularlos a un área de cría geográfica, fue hecho el análisis de los compuestos volátiles de cordero de Kupres criado en la meseta de Kupres (Bosnia y Herzegovina) a unos 1200 m sobre el nivel del mar. El alejamiento territorial considerable (horizontal y vertical) de la meseta de Kupres de los territorios croatas donde fue hecha la investigación (las regiones de Lika, Dalmatinska zagora y en las islas de Pad y Cres) y las diferencias en sus características naturales contribuyen a la fiabilidad de las conclusiones sobre los posibles biomarcadores de la carne de cordero que podrían asociarse con un área geográfica de cría respecto a la composición floral. El análisis de los compuestos volátiles de carne de cordero tratado térmicamente por la microextracción en fase sólida (SPME) y determinados por la cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS), fueron aislados 66 compuestos en total, de los cuales fueron 14 aldehídos (61,55 & del área de pico total), 10 alcoholes (7,78 &),12 cetonas (12,11 &), 8 hidrocarburos alifáticos (1,23 &), 7 compuestos aromáticos (9,63 &), 3 compuestos heterocíclicos (0,95 &), 1 furano (1,34 &), 2 ácidos y 3 ésteres(3,75 &), 4 terpenos (0,94 &) y 3 compuestos de azufre (0,73 &). En comparación con el cordero de Dalmacia, Pag, Lika o Cres, el cordero de Kupres contiene 3 compuestos volátiles (2 cetonas y 1 éster) no identificados en otros tipos de corderos mencionados. Además, el aroma del cordero de Kupres contiene considerablemente más aldehídos C-7 (16,24 &), cetonas 2,3-octadienona, 2-octanonas (9,96 &) y alcanos de cadena larga (0,71 &), mencionados en otras publicaciones como marcadores de pasturas, pero también la cantidad cons.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 2 ; str. 129-141  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Janjetina -- Kupreška janjetina -- Kupreška pramenka -- Hlapljivi spojevi -- Aroma profil

Inteligentna ambalaža za pakiranje mesa [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Jakobek Barron. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Inteligentna ambalaža je novija vrsta ambalaže koja se razvija s razvojem informacijskih tehnologija. To je ambalaža koja se zasniva na senzorima, indikatorima ili nositeljima podataka koji se stavljaju na tradicionalnu ambalažu, a daju informaciju o proizvodu. Inteligentna ambalaža može se upotrebljavati i kao ambalaža za meso. Istraživanjima se razvijaju indikatori i senzori koji reagiraju na promjenu svježine mesa, promjenu koncentracije plinova (O2 i CO2) unutar ambalaže ili indikatori vremena i temperature. Iako inteligentna ambalaža nije raširena, ima veliki potencijal za razvoj i upotrebu. - Smart packaging is a newer type of packaging, evolving with the development of information technology. Such packaging uses sensors, indicators and data carriers placed on traditional packaging to provide information about the product. Smart packaging can also be used as meat packaging. Researchers are developing indicators and sensors that respond to changes in meat freshness and concentration of gases (O2 and CO2) inside the packaging, as well as record time and temperature. Although smart packaging is not widespread, it has shown great potential for future development and use. - Intelligente Verpackungen sind neuere Verpackungsarten, die sich mit der Entwicklung der Informationstechnologie weiterentwickeln. Es handelt sich um Verpackungen, die auf Sensoren, Indikatoren oder Datenträgern basieren, die auf herkömmlichen Verpackungen angebracht sind und Informationen über das Produkt liefern. Intelligente Verpackungen können auch als Fleischverpackungen verwendet werden. Die Forschung entwickelt Indikatoren und Sensoren, die auf Änderungen der Fleischfrische und der Gaskonzentration (O2 und CO2) in der Verpackung reagieren oder Indikatoren für Zeit und Temperatur. Intelligente Verpackungen sind zwar nicht weit verbreitet, bieten jedoch ein großes Entwicklungs- und Verwendungspotenzial. - El embalaje inteligente es un nuevo tipo de empaque que está evolucionando con el desarrollo de la tecnología de información. Es el empaque basado en sensores, indicadores y soportes de datos colocados en el empaque tradicional y administran la información sobre el producto. El embalaje inteligente puede usarse para el envasado de la carne. Se están desarrollando los indicadores y los sensores que responden a cambios en la frescura de la carne, cambios en la concentración de los gases (O2 y CO2) dentro del empaque o los indicadores del tiempo y de la temperatura. Aunque el uso del embalaje inteligente no está muy extendido, tiene un gran potencial del desarrollo y uso. - L’imballaggio intelligente è un nuovo tipo d’imballaggio, frutto dello sviluppo delle tecnologie informatiche. Si tratta di un imballaggio tradizionale cui vengono aggiunti sensori, indicatori o dispositivi di trasmissione dati che forniscono informazioni sul prodotto. L’imballaggio intelligente può essere impiegato anche per il confezionamento della carne. La ricerca è impegnata nello sviluppo di indicatori e sensori che reagiscano ad ogni minima variazione della freschezza della carne, alle variazioni di concentrazione di determinati gas (O2 e CO2) all’interno dell’imballaggio o nello sviluppo di indicatori tempo-temperatura. Nonostante il suo uso limitato, l’imballaggio intelligente ha un grande potenziale di sviluppo e d’impiego.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 4 ; str. 283-287  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pametna ambalaža -- Senzori -- Indikatori -- Meso

Mikrobna stabilnost kobasičarskih proizvoda sa smanjenim udjelom soli [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Zemljak, Jasmina Ranilović, Andreja Đurica Zuber, Vesna Popijač, Lidija Kozačinski, Josip Madić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog rada je validacija roka trajnosti proizvoda sa smanjenim udjelom soli i korištenjem zamjene za sol, s obzirom na njegovu mikrobiološku stabilnost. Mikrobiološke analize su provedene na Kranjskoj kobasici koja je predstavnik skupine polutrajnih kobasičarskih proizvoda. Kontrolni uzorak je proizvod proizveden prema dosadašnjoj „klasičnoj“ recepturi. Deset pakovina kontrolnog uzorka je analizirano odmah nakon vakuumiranja, zatim sredinom deklariranog roka trajanja (35. dan u roku), na dan isteka roka (45 dana od datuma proizvodnje) i 65. dan od datuma proizvodnje. Svi navedeni uzorci su analizirani i dva dana nakon otvaranja pakovina i čuvanja u hladnjaku na propisanoj temperaturi. Na taj s način validira i način konzumacije proizvoda deklariran na pakovini (nakon otvaranja upotrijebiti u roku 2 dana). Na isti je način ispitana i Kranjska kobasica sa smanjenim udjelom soli. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena pretraga na sljedeće mikroorganizme: aerobne mezofilne bakterije, Enterobacteriaceae, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke/S. aureus, Salmonella spp., bakteriju Listeria monocytogenes i sulfitreducirajuće klostridije. U analizi navedenih pokazatelja korištena je ISO metodologija. Ispitivanje mikrobne stabilnosti proizvoda sa smanjenim udjelom soli, provedeno je kroz 140 mikrobioloških analiza. U uzorcima sa smanjenim udjelom soli te u kontrolnim uzorcima nisu izolirane bakterije roda Salmonella, L. monocytogenes, niti je zabilježen porast ostalih pretraživanih mikroorganizama, osim aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija. Prema dobivenim vrijednostima aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, tri uzorka (4 %) proizvedena prema „klasičnoj“ recepturi daju prihvatljiv rezultat, dok se kod pet uzoraka (7 %) sa smanjenim udjelom soli rezultati analize tumače prihvatljivima prema odredbama propisa. Analiza svih preostalih uzoraka je zadovoljavajuća te nije dobiven niti jedan nezadovoljavajući rezultat. - The objective of this paper was to validate the shelf life of a product with reduced salt content containing a salt substitute, with regards to its microbiological stability. Microbiological analyses were carried out on Kranj sausage (Kranjska kobasa), as a representative of the group of semi-permanent sausage products. The control sample was manufactured according to the “classic” formula. Ten packets of the control sample were analysed immediately after vacuuming, then within the stated expiration period (day 35), on the expiration date (45 days from the date of production) and 65 days from date of production. All samples were also analysed two days after opening the packet and storage of the product in the refrigerator at the prescribed temperature. This also validates the manner of product consumption as declared on the packaging (after opening, use within two days). The version of the Kranj sausage with reduced salt content was also tested in the same manner. The study covered the following microorganisms: aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, positive staphylococci coagulase/S. aureus, Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and sulfite-reducing clostridia. ISO methodology was applied in the analysis. Testing the microbial stability of the reduced salt product was performed on the basis of 140 microbiological analyses. In samples with reduced salt content and in control samples, no bacteria were isolated from the genus Salmonella or Listeria monocytogenes, nor were there any increases in the numbers of other microorganisms, with the exception of aerobic mesophilic bacteria. Three samples (4%) produced according to the “classic” recipe gave an acceptable result for aerobic mesophilic bacteria, while five samples (7%) with reduced salt content were readily acceptable according to the regulations. The analysis of all remaining samples was satisfactory, and no unsatisfactory result was obtained.
U: Veterinarska stanica (Online). - ISSN 1849-1170. - 51 (2020), 4 ; str. 375-385  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kobasice -- Kobasičarski proizvodi -- Sol -- Udio soli -- Mikrobna stabilnost -- Aerobne mezofilne bakterije

Novi trendovi u pakiranju mesa - biopolimeri s inkorporiranim polifenolnim spojevima [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Jakobek Barron. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Ambalaža je je jedan od glavnih čimbenika za održavanje kvalitete namirnica. Zbog sve većih zahtjeva za sigurnost namirnica, veći su zahtjevi i za kvalitetu ambalaže te se ispituju novi ambalažni materijali. Biopolimeri su materijali prirodnog podrijetla koji se mogu upotrebljavati kao ambalažni materijal. Njihova glavna karakteristika je biorazgradivost i ekološka prihvatljivost. U biopolimere se mogu dodati i aktivne tvari koje tada čine biopolimer aktivnom ambalažom. Aktivne tvari mogu biti prirodne tvari kao što su polifenolni spojevi. Biopolimeri s dodanim polifenolnim spojevima ispituju se i za pakiranje mesa i mesnih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada je dati kratak preg. - Packaging is one of the major factors for maintaining the quality of food. Ever greater requirements for the quality of packaging, stemming from increasing demands for food safety, demand the research of new packaging materials. Biopolymers are materials of natural origin that can be used as packaging material. They are primarily characterised by biodegradability and environmental friendliness. Biopolymers can incorporate added active substances, which in turn make such biopolymers active packaging. Active substances may include natural substances, such as polyphenolic compounds. Biopolymers with added polyphenolic compounds are tested as packaging for both meat and meat products. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief overview of biopolymers with added polyphenolic compounds tested for packaging of meat and meat products. - Die Verpackung ist einer der wichtigsten Faktoren für die Aufrechterhaltung der Lebensmittelqualität. Aufgrund steigender Anforderungen an die Lebensmittelsicherheit steigen auch die Anforderungen an die Verpackungsqualität und es werden neue Verpackungsmaterialien getestet. Biopolymere sind Materialien natürlichen Ursprungs, die als Verpackungsmaterial verwendet werden können. Ihr Hauptmerkmal ist die biologische Abbaubarkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit. Biopolymeren können darüber hinaus Wirkstoffe zugesetzt werden, die das Biopolymer dann zu einer aktiven Verpackung machen. Die Wirkstoffe können natürliche Stoffe wie Polyphenolverbindungen sein. Biopolymere mit Polyphenolzusatz werden auch für die Verpackung von Fleisch und Fleischprodukten getestet. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen kurzen Überblick über Biopolymere mit zugesetzten Polyphenolverbindungen zu geben, die für die Verpackung von Fleisch und Fleischprodukten getestet wurden. - L’imballaggio è uno dei principali fattori a garanzia della qualità degli alimenti. Aumentando la necessità di garantire la sicurezza alimentare, aumenta anche la qualità dell’imballaggio e la necessità di trovare nuovi materiali per il confezionamento. I biopolimeri sono materiali d’origine organica che possono essere utilizzati come materiale d’imballaggio. Le loro principali caratteristiche sono la biodegradabilità e l’accettabilità ecologica. E se ai biopolimeri aggiungiamo sostanze organiche, li trasformiamo in imballaggio attivo. I composti fenolici (polifenoli) sono tra le sostanze organiche incorporabili ai biopolimeri. I biopolimeri con composti fenolici (polifenoli) incorporati sono studiati anche per il confezionamento della carne e dei prodotti a base di carne. L’obiettivo di questo studio consiste nel dare un quadro sintetico dei biopolimeri con composti fenolici (polifenoli) incorporati che sono studiati per il confezionamento della carne e dei prodotti a base di carne. - El embalaje es uno de los principales factores para mantener la calidad de los alimentos. Debido a las crecientes demandas de seguridad alimentaria, los requisitos de calidad del empaque están aumentando y se están probando nuevos materiales de empaque. Los biopolímeros son materiales de origen natural que se pueden usar como el material de embalaje. Su característica principal es la biodegradabilidad y el respeto al medio ambiente. A los biopolímeros también se pueden agregar las sustancias activas, que luego hacen del biopolímero el envase activo. Las sustancias activas pueden ser sustancias naturales como los compuestos polifenólicos. Los biopolímeros con compuestos polifenólicos añadidos también se prueban para el envasado de carne y de productos cárnicos. El fin de este trabajo es proporcionar una breve descripción de los biopolímeros con compuestos polifenólicos añadidos, probados para el envasado de carne y de productos cárnicos.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 1 ; str. 75-81  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ambalaža -- Biopolimeri -- Polifenoli -- Škrob -- Meso -- Kitozan -- Celuloza

SALAMI, Khadijat O.
Physicochemical and sensory properties of corn starch custard soured with tamarind, soursop and lime [Elektronička građa] / Khadijat O. Salami, Azeezat A. Olorunlambe, Boluwatife O. Adesina, Femi F. Akinwande, Amina M. Ahmed El-Imam, Samson A. Oyeyinka. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 96-97. - Abstract. - Custard is a convenient food product, similar to ogi in appearance and viscosity, but lacks the sour taste typical of ogi. In this study, extracts (10% w/w) from tamarind, soursop and lime was added to custard samples and the physicochemical and sensory properties of the mixture was analysed. Corn gruel was included as the reference sample. Carbohydrate was the major component of the corn gruel (61.72%) and custard samples (66.27-74.42%). Corn gruel had substantially higher protein content (18.03%) than custard samples (8.03-8.62%). Custard samples were more dispersible in water, showed higher swelling power and significantly higher peak and final viscosities than the corn flour sample. However, the addition of souring agent did not significantly alter the cooking time and pasting temperature of custard. Custard may be soured with lime, tamarind and soursop to improve dispersibility, consistency, appearance, viscosity and sourness without significant changes in the overall acceptability of the product.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 14 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 91-97  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slastice -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Tamarind -- Graviola -- Kukuruzni škrob

MOSLAVAC, Tihomir, inženjer prehrambene tehnologije
Reološke karakteristike majoneze s mješavinom suncokretovog i lanenog ulja [Elektronička građa] / Tihomir Moslavac, Drago Šubarić, Monika Kare, Štefica Grgić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - Mjerenja reoloških karakteristika hrane važna su u prehrambenoj industriji gdje se pomoću reoloških parametara dobije informacija o kvaliteti gotovog proizvoda. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj parametara procesa homogenizacije (brzina rotora, vrijeme homogenizacije) na reološka svojstva majoneze sa 75% uljnom fazom. Za izradu majoneze korištene su dvije vrste biljnih ulja: rafinirano suncokretovo ulje (linolni tip) i hladno prešano laneno ulje. Mehanički proces homogenizacije majoneze proveden je kod različitih brzina rotora i vremena homogenizacije pri sobnoj temperaturi. Majoneza je izrađena na laboratorijskom homogenizatoru (sustav rotor/stator) po tradicionalnoj recepturi bez dodanog konzervansa čime je trajnost proizvoda vremenski ograničena. Mjerenja reoloških svojstava majoneze provedena su na rotacijskom viskozimetru, pri sobnoj temperaturi. Iz dobivenih podataka izračunati su reološki parametri: prividna viskoznost, koeficijent konzistencije i indeks tečenja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da procesni parametri homogenizacije utječu na reološka svojstva majoneze. Porastom brzine rotora i vremena trajanja procesa homogenizacije mijenjaju se reološke karakteristike majoneze. - The measuring of rheological food characteristics in food industry is important because rheological parameters provide information on the quality of final products. This paper examined the effects of homogenisation parameters (rotor speed, homogenisation time) on rheological properties of mayonnaise in which oil phase amounted to 75 %. The mayonnaise was made using two types of vegetable oil: refined sunflower oil (linoleic type) and cold pressed linseed oil. The mechanical process of mayonnaise homogenisation was carried out at various rotor speeds and homogenisation times, at room temperature. The mayonnaise was made using a laboratory homogeniser (rotor/stator system), following a traditional recipe with no added preservatives, which limited the shelf life of the product. The measuring of rheological mayonnaise properties was carried out using a rotary viscometer, at room temperature. The obtained results served as a basis for calculating rheological parameters: apparent viscosity, consistency coefficient and flow behaviour index. The results showed that homogenisation parameters affect the rheological properties of mayonnaise. Greater rotor speed and longer homogenisation altered the rheological properties of mayonnaise. - Messungen der rheologischen Eigenschaften von Lebensmitteln sind wichtig in der Lebensmittelindustrie, weil rheologische Parameter Informationen über die Qualität des Endprodukts liefern. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Homogenisierungsprozessparametern (Rotordrehzahl, Homogenisierungszeit) auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Mayonnaise mit 75% Ölphase untersucht. Zur Herstellung von Mayonnaise wurden zwei Arten von Pflanzenölen verwendet: raffiniertes Sonnenblumenöl (linolischer Typ) und kaltgepresstes Leinöl. Der mechanische Prozess der Mayonnaise-Homogenisierung wurde bei verschiedenen Rotordrehzahlen und Homogenisierungszeiten bei Raumtemperatur durchgeführt. Die Mayonnaise wurde mit einem Labor-Homogenisator (Rotor/Stator-System) nach einem traditionellen Rezept ohne Zusatz von Konservierungsstoffen hergestellt, was die Haltbarkeit des Produkts einschränkt. Die Messungen der rheologischen Eigenschaften von Mayonnaise wurden auf einem Rotationsviskosimeter bei Raumtemperatur durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe dieser Ergebnisse wurden die rheologischen Parameter berechnet: scheinbare Viskosität, Konsistenzkoeffizient und Fließverhaltensindex. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Prozessparameter der Homogenisierung die rheologischen Eigenschaften der Mayonnaise beeinflussen. Eine Erhöhung der Rotordrehzahl und die Dauer des Homogenisierungsprozesses verändern die rheologischen Eigenschaften der Salatmayonnaise. - Las mediciones de las características reológicas de los alimentos son importantes en la industria alimentaria, donde los parámetros reológicos proporcionan las informaciones sobre la calidad del producto final. En este trabajo fue investigada la influencia de los parámetros del proceso de homogeneización (la velocidad del rotor, el tiempo de homogeneización) sobre las características reológicas de la mayonesa con un 75% de fase dispersa. Para hacer mayonesa fueron usados dos tipos de aceites vegetales: el aceite de girasol (tipo linoleico) y el aceite de linaza prensado en frío. El proceso mecánico de homogeneización de mayonesa fue realizado a diferentes velocidades del rotor y a diferentes tiempos de homogeneización a temperatura ambiente. La mayonesa fue elaborada con un homogeneizador de laboratorio (sistema de rotor/estator) según la receta tradicional sin conservantes añadidos, lo que limita la duración del producto. Las mediciones de las características reológicas de la mayonesa se realizaron en un viscosímetro rotativo a temperatura ambiente. Se han calculado los parámetros reológicos de los resultados: la viscosidad aparente, el coeficiente de consistencia e índice de comportamiento de flujo. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que los parámetros del proceso de homogeneización influyen sobre las características reológicas de la mayonesa. Con el aumento de la velocidad del rotor y del tiempo del proceso de homogeneización se alteran las características reológicas de la mayonesa. - Le misurazioni delle caratteristiche reologiche assumono grande importanza nell’industria alimentare dove, grazie ai parametri reologici, s’ottengono informazioni sulla qualità del prodotto finito. In questo studio è stata esaminata l’incidenza dei parametri del processo d’omogeneizzazione (velocità del rotore, tempo di omogeneizzazione) sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese con fase oleosa al 75%. Per la produzione della maionese sono stati utilizzati due tipi di olio vegetale: l’olio di girasole raffinato (ad alto contenuto di acido linoleico, tipo “alto oleico”) e l’olio di lino spremuto a freddo. Il processo meccanico di omogeneizzazione della maionese è stato eseguito a temperatura ambiente, a diverse velocità del rotore e con diversi tempi di omogeneizzazione. La maionese è stata prodotta con l’uso dell’omogeneizzatore da laboratorio (sistema rotore/statore) secondo la ricetta tradizionale e senza l’aggiunta di conservanti, il che ha ridotto la durata del prodotto. Le misurazioni delle caratteristiche reologiche della maionese sono state eseguite con il rotoviscosimetro a temperatura ambiente. Dai risultati ottenuti sono stati calcolati i seguenti parametri reologici: viscosità apparente, coefficiente di consistenza e indice di liquidità. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che i parametri del processo d’omogeneizzazione incidono sulle caratteristiche reologiche della maionese. Aumentando la velocità del rotore e la durata del processo di omogeneizzazione, si modificano le caratteristiche reologiche della maionese.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 3 ; str. 209-217  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Majoneza -- Homogenizacija -- Proces homogenizacije -- Reološka svojstva

Sterigmatocistin [Elektronička građa] : prekursor aflatoksina B1 u hrani i hrani za životinje = Sterigmatocystin : aflatoxin B1 precursor in food and feed / Tina Lešić, Ivana Kmetič, Maja Kiš, Ana Vulić, Nina Kudumija, Manuela Zadravec, Teuta Murati, Jelka Pleadin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 110-112. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Sterigmatocistin je mikotoksin kojeg sintetiziraju uglavnom plijesni iz roda Aspergillus te u manjoj mjeri iz rodova Emericella, Chaetomium, Humicola i Botryotrichum. Ovaj mikotoksin je prekursor u biosintezi aflatoksina, njemu slične kemijske strukture, pa su tako i toksični učinci sterigmatocistina slični onima aflatoksina B1. Sterigmatocistin pokazuje brojne toksične učinke u organizmu, uključujući karcinogeno i mutageno djelovanje, te je i Međunarodna agencija za istraživanje raka (engl. International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC) sterigmatocistin uključila u skupinu 2B potencijalnih karcinogena za ljude. Podaci o prisutnosti sterigmatocistina u hrani i hrani za životinje su ograničeni, te je od strane Europske agencije za sigurnost hrane (eng. European Food Safety Authority, EFSA), s ciljem procjene rizika izloženosti ljudi ovom mikotoksinu, dana preporuka za prikupljanje podataka o njegovoj pojavnosti uz primjenu visokoosjetljivih analitičkih metoda. Sterigmatocistin je do sada pronađen u hrani za životinje, žitaricama, kruhu, orašastim plodovima, zrnima kave, začinima, pivu te siru. Kako bi se spriječila kontaminacija namirnica te negativni učinci sterigmatocistina na zdravlje ljudi i životinja, jedan od ključnih čimbenika predstavlja prevencija rasta toksikotvornih plijesni. - Sterigmatocystin is a mycotoxin mainly produced by fungi of different Aspergillus species and to a lesser extent by others species such as Emericella, Chaetomium, Humicola and Botryotrichum. This mycotoxin is a precursor in aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway, with similar chemical structure, so the toxic effects of sterigmatocystin are similar to those of aflatoxin B1. Sterigmatocystin shows various toxic effects, including carcinogenic and mutagenic effects, thus, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) included sterigmatocystin in a group 2B carcinogen, representing possible human carcinogens. Data about sterigmatocystin occurence in food and feed are limited so the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommended collection of more occurence data by highly sensitive analythical methods to allow assessment of dietary risk exposure. So far sterigmatocystin has been reported to occur in animal feed, grains, bread, nuts, coffee beans, spices, beer and cheese. In order to prevent food contamination and negative effects of sterigmatocystin on human and animal health, one of the key factors represents prevention of growth of toxigenic moulds.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 14 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 105-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sterigmatocistin kontaminacija; toksičnost -- Mikotoksini -- Hrana -- Hrana za životinje -- Toksičnost -- Kontaminacija

Učinak proteina iz uljne pogače lana na rast i produktivnost CHO-E i HEK-293T stanica [Elektronička građa] = Effect of flaxseed oil cake proteins on CHO-E and HEK-293T cell growth and productivity / Marijan Logarušić, Igor Slivac, Kristina Radošević, Višnja Gaurina Srček. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Nastojanje suvremene prehrambene industrije je što učinkovitije iskoristiti organske ostatke nastale preradom sirovina u prodajne proizvode. Primjer takvog organskog ostatka je i uljna pogača, koja zaostaje nakon ekstrakcije ulja iz sjemenki lana, a zbog svog sastava proteina predstavlja potencijalnu sirovinu za primjenu u tehnologiji uzgoja stanica. Stoga je iz uljne pogače lana izoliran proteinski izolat te je ispitan njegov utjecaj na rast CHO-E i HEK-293T staničnih linija, kao i na produktivnost CHO-E stanične linije. Dokazano je da dodatak proteinskog izolata u hranjivi medij u vrlo niskim koncentracijama (0,1 g L-1 i/ili 0,2 g L-1) ima pozitivan učinak na rast obje stanične linije, kao i na produktivnost CHO-E stanične linije. Međutim, dodatak većih koncentracija izolata od navedenih ne utječe pozitivno na rast obje stanične linije, odnosno na njih djeluje inhibitorno. - Many industries are looking for efficient exploitation of organic residues from various domain of agriculture and food manufacturing. An example of such organic residue is the oil cake, which remains after extraction of oil from flaxseeds, and due to its protein composition, is a potential raw material for use in cell culture technology. Therefore, after the isolation of a protein isolate from flaxseed oil cake, its effect on the growth and productivity of the CHO-E cell line as well as on the growth of the unproductive HEK-293T cell line was examined. Addition of protein isolate to the nutrient medium at very low concentrations (0.1 g L-1 and / or 0.2 g L-1) has been shown to have a positive effect on the growth of both cell lines as well as on the productivity of the CHO-E cell line. However, the addition of isolates at concentrations higher than above mentioned exhibits cell growth inhibition.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 14 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 98-104  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lan -- Uljna pogača -- Proteinski izolat -- Rekombinantni protein -- Kulture stanica

Usporedba tradicionalnog i industrijskog kajmaka s aspekta odnosa zakonodavstva [Elektronička građa] / Marija Jukić-Grbavac, Leona Puljić, Jozo Grbavac. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Kajmak je tradicionalni mliječni proizvod specifičnog sastava i senzoričkih svojstava, a njegova je proizvodnja zastupljena u seoskim domaćinstvima i zasniva se na tradicionalnom postupku. Tradicionalna proizvodnja kajmaka vrlo je raznolika po načinu izrade, što rezultira širokim varijacijama sastava, svojstava i kakvoće proizvoda. Pravilnikom o mliječnim proizvodima i starter kulturama („Službeni glasnik BiH“, br. 21/11 i 17/19) u odjeljku „H kajmak“, propisane su osnovne odredbe koje se odnose na proizvod kajmak na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine. Zadatak ovog rada je utvrditi razliku između industrijskog kajmaka i kajmaka proizvedenog prema tradicionalnoj recepturi, u kontroliranim uvjetima proizvodnje, i odgovaraju li proizvodi na tržištu propisanim zakonskim regulativama. Uzorci za senzoričku i kemijsku analizu uzeti su s polica trgovina u Bosni i Hercegovini. Analizirane su tri vrste industrijskog kajmaka, te mladi i zreli kajmak dobiven tradicionalnim postupkom u kontroliranim uvjetima. Svrha ovog testiranja je uvidjeti što se kupcima prezentira pod deklaracijom kajmaka, ocijeniti senzorička svojstva proizvoda, te na temelju dobivenih rezultata svrstati proizvod u određenu skupinu prema kakvoći. U rezultatima istraživanja utvrđeno je da samo jedan od 5 istraživanih uzoraka udovoljava propisanoj zakonskoj legislativi, koja je na snazi u Bosni i Hercegovini. Kajmak je delikatni proizvod i potrebno je posvetiti puno pažnje pri njegovoj izradi, a zaključno pitanje je jesu li zakonski propisi prestrogi ili proizvođači ne pridaju veliku pozornost načinu proizvodnje ovog proizvoda. - Kajmak is a traditional dairy product with a specific composition and sensory properties and its' production is present in rural households and is based on a traditional process. The task of this thesis is to determine the difference between industrial kajmak and kajmak made according to a traditional recipe, under controlled conditions of production, and to see if the products on the market match the legislation. Samples for sensory and chemical analysis were taken from the shelves of the stores in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Three types of industrial kajmak were tested and the unripened and the ripened kajmak was obtained by a traditional process, under controlled conditions. The purpose of this test is to find out what the customers are getting under the kajmak's declaration, to evaluate the sensory properties of the product and, based on the results obtained, to rank the product in a certain group according to its' quality. Only one of the five investigated samples complied with the legally prescribed legislation, which is in force in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kajmak is a delicate product and much attention is required when making it, and the question is whether legal regulations are too strict or manufacturers do not pay much attention to the way this product is produced. - Kajmak ist ein traditionelles Milchprodukt mit einer spezifischen Zusammensetzung und besonderen sensorischen Eigenschaften. Seine Herstellung erfolgt in ländlichen Haushalten und basiert auf einem traditionellen Verfahren. Die traditionelle Herstellung von Kajmak ist in Bezug auf die Art der Zubereitung sehr unterschiedlich, was zu großen Unterschieden in der Zusammensetzung, den Eigenschaften und der Qualität des Produkts führt. In der Verordnung über Milchprodukte und Starterkulturen ("Amtsblatt von Bosnien und Herzegowina", Nr. 21/11 und 17/19) in Abschnitt "H Kajmak" sind die grundlegenden Bestimmungen für Kajmak auf dem Markt von Bosnien und Herzegowina enthalten. Die Aufgabe dieser Arbeit besteht darin, den Unterschied zwischen industriellem Kajmak und Kajmak, der nach einer traditionellen Rezeptur und unter kontrollierten Produktionsbedingungen hergestellt wird, zu bestimmen und zu prüfen, ob die auf dem Markt befindlichen Produkte den gesetzlichen Vorschriften entsprechen. Die Proben für sensorische und chemische Analysen wurden aus den Regalen der Geschäfte in Bosnien und Herzegowina entnommen. Es wurden drei Sorten von industriellem Kajmak getestet sowie der unreife und reife Kajmak, der nach einem traditionellen Verfahren unter kontrollierten Bedingungen hergestellt wurde. Zweck dieser Untersuchung bestand darin, herauszufinden, was den Verbrauchern unter der Deklaration des Produktes angeboten wird, die sensorischen Eigenschaften des Produkts zu bewerten und das Produkt auf der Grundlage der erzielten Ergebnisse in eine bestimmte Gruppe abhängig von seiner Qualität einzuordnen. Nur eine der fünf untersuchten Proben entsprach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, die in Bosnien und Herzegowina in Kraft sind. Kajmak ist ein delikates Produkt, dessen Herstellung viel Aufmerksamkeit erfordert, und es stellt sich die Frage, ob die gesetzlichen Vorschriften zu streng sind oder ob die Hersteller der Art und Weise, wie dieses Produkt. - Kajmak è un prodotto lattiero caseario tradizionale distinto per il suo contenuto specifico e per le sue proprietà sensoriali, la cui produzione si svolge nelle aziende casearie di famiglie rurali rispettando le procedure tradizionali. La produzione tradizionale di Kajmak è molto diversificata riguardo al modo in cui esso viene prodotto, il che rispecchia una grande varietà dei contenuti, delle proprietà e delle qualità del prodotto. Il Regolamento relativo ai prodotti lattiero-caseari e colture starter (Gazzetta ufficiale della Bosnia ed Herzegovina” numero 21/11 e 17/19) nella sezione "H kajmak", prescrive le disposizioni fondamentali relative al prodotto kajmak immesso sul mercato della Bosnia ed Herzegovina. Il compito di questa tesi è quello di determinare la differenza tra il kajmak industriale e il kajmak prodotto secondo una ricetta tradizionale, in condizioni controllate, e determinare se i prodotti immessi sul mercato sono in conformità a quanto prescritto dalle normative legali. I campioni prelevati per l'analisi sensoriale e chimica sono stati prelevati dai prodotti sugli scaffali dei negozi in Bosnia ed Herzegovina. Sono stati analizzati tre tipi di kajmak industriale, il kajmak giovane e il kajmak stagionato, prodotto secondo la procedura tradizionale in condizioni controllate. Lo scopo di questo test è quello di comprendere cosa viene presentato ai consumatori sull'etichetta sotto la denominazione kajmak e di valutare le proprietà sensoriali del prodotto e, in base ai risultati ottenuti, di classificare il prodotto in un determinato gruppo in base alla sua qualità. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che solo uno dei 5 campioni esaminati è conforme a quanto prescritto dalla normativa vigente in Bosnia ed Herzegovina. Il Kajmak è un prodotto delicato e bisogna fare molta attenzione alla sua produzione, quindi si pone la domanda conclusiva se le normative legali siano troppo rigide oppure i produttori non pre. - El kaymak es un producto lácteo tradicional con la composición y las propiedades sensoriales específicas, su producción está presente en los hogares rurales y se basa en un procedimiento tradicional. La producción tradicional del kaymak es muy diversa en la forma de elaboración, lo que da lugar a amplias variaciones en la composición, las propiedades y la calidad del producto. El Reglamento sobre productos lácteos y cultivos iniciales ("Boletín Oficial de Bosnia y Herzegovina", Nº 21/11 y 17/19), en la sección "H kaymak" determina las disposiciones básicas relativas al producto kaymak en el mercado de Bosnia y Herzegovina. El fin de este trabajo fue determinar la diferencia entre el kaymak industrial y el kaymak elaborada según las recetas tradicionales, en condiciones de producción controladas, y si los productos en el mercado cumplen con la normativa legal. Fueron tomadas las muestras para los análisis sensorial y químico de los estantes de las tiendas en Bosnia y Herzegovina. Se analizaron tres tipos del kaymak industrial, así como el kaymak joven y maduro obtenido por el proceso tradicional en condiciones controladas. El propósito de esta prueba fue ver qué es lo que se presenta a los clientes bajo la declaración del kaymak, evaluar las propiedades sensoriales del producto y, en función de los resultados obtenidos, clasificar el producto en un grupo determinado según la calidad. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que solo una de las 5 muestras encuestadas cumple con la legislación prescrita y en vigor en Bosnia y Herzegovina. El kaymak es un producto delicado y se debe prestar mucha atención al hacerlo, y la pregunta final es si las regulaciones legales son demasiado estrictas o los fabricantes no prestan mucha atención a la forma de producción de este producto.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 6 ; str. 491-499  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kajmak -- Autohtoni proizvodi -- Industrijska proizvodnja -- Zakonska regulativa -- Kvaliteta proizvoda

Vidi br.: HA20-00409

Vidi br.: HA20-00361

Vidi br.: HA20-00384

Vidi br.: HA20-00456

Vidi br.: HA20-00383

Vidi br.: HA20-00360

Vidi br.: HA20-00410

Vidi br.: HA20-00366

Vidi br.: HA20-00353

Vidi br.: HA20-00396

Vidi br.: HA20-00375

665   Ulja. Masti. Voskovi. Ljepila. Gume. Smole

LENART, Lidija
Nutritivna svojstva i mikrobiološka ispravnost organski uzgojenih uljarica i orašastih plodova [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Lenart, Tihomir Moslavac, Nina Jager. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Organski uzgojene biljke uljarica i orašasti plodovi te proizvodi njihove prerade su zbog svojih nutritivnih vrijednosti, odličnog okusa i pozitivnih učinaka na zdravlje sve omiljeniji današnjim potrošačima. Mnogi od tih proizvoda se mogu dobiti uz minimalno procesiranje, a budući da nisu termički tretirani, zanimljivo je da imaju vrlo veliki stupanj mikrobiološke čistoće. U ovom radu opisani su proizvodi organski uzgojenih uljarica s obzirom na njihovu nutritivnu i energetsku vrijednost te mikrobiološku ispravnost. Opisana su svojstva ulja i maslaca biljaka uljarica i orašastih plodova te njihovi nusproizvodi, koji se dobivaju postupkom hladnog prešanja. U radu su prikazani i rezultati ispitivanja mikrobiološke ispravnosti navedenih proizvoda te usporedba dobivenih parametara s normama koje propisuje Zakon o higijeni hrane i mikrobiološkim kriterijima za hranu (NN 81/13, 115/18). - Organically grown plants of oilseeds and nuts, and products of their processing, are increasingly popular with today's consumers due to their nutritional value, excellent taste and positive health effects. Many of these products can be obtained with minimal processing, and since they are not thermally treated, it is interesting that they have a very large degree of microbiological purity. This paper describes the products of organically grown oilseeds with regard to their nutritional and energy value and microbiological integrity. The properties of oil and butter of oilseeds and nuts are described, as well as and their by-products, which are obtained by cold pressing process. The paper also presents the results of testing of the microbiological correctness of the products and the comparison of the obtained parameters with the standards prescribed by the Food Hygiene and Microbiological Criteria for Food. - Biologisch angebaute Ölsamenpflanzen und Nüsse sowie Produkte ihrer Verarbeitung erfreuen sich bei den heutigen Verbrauchern aufgrund ihres Nährwerts, ihres ausgezeichneten Geschmacks und ihrer positiven gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen zunehmender Beliebtheit. Viele dieser Produkte können mit minimaler Verarbeitung gewonnen werden. Da sie nicht thermisch behandelt werden, ist es interessant, dass sie einen sehr hohen Grad an mikrobiologischer Reinheit aufweisen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Produkte aus Ölsaaten aus biologischem Anbau im Hinblick auf ihren Nähr- und Energiewert und ihre mikrobiologische Integrität beschrieben. Es werden die Eigenschaften von Öl und Butter von Ölsaaten und Nüssen sowie deren Nebenprodukte, die durch Kaltpressung gewonnen werden, beschrieben. In der Arbeit werden auch die Ergebnisse der Prüfung der mikrobiologischen Integrität der Produkte und der Vergleich der erhaltenen Parameter mit den Normen, die das Gesetz über die Hygiene von Lebensmitteln und die mikrobiologischen Kriterien für Lebensmittel vorschreibt (Amtsblatt Narodne novine 81/2013), dargestellt. - Grazie ai loro valori nutritivi, al delizioso gusto e agli effetti positivi sulla salute, le piante oleaginose e la frutta in guscio coltivate secondo il metodo biologico come anche i prodotti da esse derivati, sono sempre più pregiati tra i consumatori di oggi. Molti di questi prodotti si possono ottenere attraverso le lavorazioni minime e, dato che non vengono trattati termicamente, curiosamente dimostrano un grado di purezza microbiologica molto elevato. Nella presente tesi vengono descritti i prodotti ottenuti dalle piante oleaginose coltivate secondo il metodo biologico con riferimento al loro valore nutritivo ed energetico nonché alla loro sicurezza microbiologica. Sono state descritte le proprietà degli oli e dei burri estratti dalle piante oleaginose e dalla frutta in guscio e dei loro sottoprodotti che si ricavano con la spremitura a freddo. La tesi riporta anche i risultati degli esami della qualità e sicurezza microbiologica dei prodotti ivi indicati, nonché il confronto tra i parametri ottenuti e le norme disposte dalla Legge sull’igiene degli alimenti e sui criteri microbiologici applicabili ai prodotti alimentari (G.U.croata 81/2013). - Las semillas oleaginosas y los frutos secos cultivados orgánicamente y los productos de su procesamiento, son cada vez más populares entre los consumidores debido a su valor nutricional, el sabor excelente y los efectos positivos en la salud. Muchos de estos productos pueden obtenerse con un procesamiento mínimo y, dado que no se tratan térmicamente, es interesante que tengan un grado muy alto de pureza microbiológica. En este trabajo fueron descritos los productos de las semillas oleaginosas cultivadas orgánicamente con respecto a su valor nutricional, energético y seguridad microbiológica. Están descritas las propiedades de los aceites y mantequillas de semillas oleaginosas y frutos secos y sus subproductos, que se obtienen por prensado en frío. El documento también presenta los resultados de las pruebas de la seguridad microbiológica de estos productos y la comparación de los parámetros obtenidos con los estándares prescritos por la Ley de Higiene Alimentaria y las normas microbiológicas para los alimentos (NN 81/2013).
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 6 ; str. 475-483  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hladno prešana ulja -- Uljarice -- Orašasti plodovi -- Organski uzgoj -- Organski namazi -- Organski proteini -- Mikorbiološka ispravnost

Prirodne i industrijske trans masne kiseline - pojavnost i utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje [Elektronička građa] / Tina Lešić, Nada Vahčić, Greta Krešić, Jelka Pleadin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 56 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Riassunto ; Resumen. - Trans masne kiseline (engl. trans fatty acids, TFA) nastaju u manjoj količini prirodno biološkom hidrogenacijom u rumenu životinja preživača, ali mogu nastati i tijekom industrijskog procesa, djelomičnom hidrogenacijom biljnih i ribljih ulja. Podjela na industrijske i prirodne TFA je kompleksna, budući da se ove masti uglavnom sastoje od istih izomera te je količina i distribucija ono što ih razlikuje. Većina TFA koje se mogu naći u prehrambenim proizvodima su izomeri oleinske i trans - oktadecenske kiseline (trans- 18:1). Prema rezultatima većine istraživanja, sve trans masne kiseline imaju nepovoljan učinak na lipoproteine u plazmi, dok su ostali mehanizmi učinka u organizmu nedovoljno istraženi. Povećani unos industrijskih trans masnih kiselina se povezuje se povećanim rizikom od nastanka kardiovaskularnih bolesti te se izbjegavanjem unosa trans masti smanjuje i rizik od vjerojatnosti njihova nastanka. Rizik povezan s prirodnim trans masnim kiselinama i dalje je nejasan, ali učinak, ako postoji, vjerojatno je malen s obzirom na njihovu nisku razinu unosa. Europska komisija je definirala ograničenje razine industrijskih trans masti u hrani do 2 g/100 g masti čime su poduzete mjere za smanjenje njihovog unosa. Kao prikladna zamjena ovih masti u prehrambenim proizvodima, u budućnosti se trebaju pronaći optimalna zdravija rješenja. - Trans fatty acids (TFA) are produced naturally by the biological hydrogenation in the rumen of ruminant animals, but also during the industrial process, by the partial hydrogenation of vegetable and fish oils. The division into industrial and natural TFAs is complex since these fats are mainly composed of the same isomers and the amount and distribution are what differentiate them. Most of the TFA found in food products are oleic and trans-octadecenoic acid isomers (trans-18:1). According to the results of most studies, all TFA have an adverse effect on plasma lipoproteins, while other mechanisms of effect in the human body have been poorly understood. Increased intake of industrial trans fatty acids is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and avoiding the intake of trans fat also reduces the risk of such diseases. The risk associated with natural trans fatty acids is still unclear, but the effect, if any, is probably small considering their low intake levels. According to the European Commission, legislation has been adopted on the restricted level of industrial trans fats in food up to 2 g/100 g fat, so that measures to reduce TFA intake have been taken and their levels in food reduced. To replace these fats in food products, optimal healthier solutions need to be found. - Transfettsäuren (engl. TFA) entstehen in geringer Menge auf natürliche Weise durch die biologische Hydrierung im Pansen von Wiederkäuern, aber auch während des industriellen Prozesses, durch die partielle Hydrierung von Pflanzen- und Fischölen. Die Einteilung in industrielle und natürliche TFAs ist komplex, da diese Fette hauptsächlich aus den gleichen Isomeren bestehen und sich durch die Menge und Verteilung unterscheiden. Die meisten Transfettsäuren, die in Lebensmitteln vorkommen, sind Isomere der Olein- und Trans-Octadecensäure (trans-18: 1). Nach den Ergebnissen der meisten Studien haben alle Transfettsäuren eine nachteilige Wirkung auf die Plasma-Lipoproteine, während andere Wirkungsmechanismen im menschlichen Körper unzureichend untersucht wurden. Eine erhöhte Aufnahme von industriellen Transfettsäuren ist mit einem erhöhten Risiko von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen verbunden; die Vermeidung der Aufnahme von Transfettsäuren reduziert auch das Risiko solcher Erkrankungen. Das mit natürlichen Transfettsäuren verbundene Risiko ist immer noch unklar, aber die Wirkung, wenn überhaupt, ist angesichts der Menge, in der sie in natürlichen Quellen vorhanden sind, wahrscheinlich gering. Die Europäische Kommission hat in ihren Rechtsvorschriften den Gehalt an industriellen Transfettsäuren in Lebensmitteln bis zu 2 g/100 g Fett eingeschränkt, wodurch Maßnahmen zur Verringerung der TFA-Aufnahme ergriffen wurden. Um diese Fette in Nahrungsmitteln zu ersetzen, müssen in Zukunft optimale, gesündere Lösungen gefunden werden. - Gli acidi grassi trans (trans fatty acids, TFA) derivano in minor misura dal processo naturale dell’idrogenazione biologica nel rumine degli animali ruminanti, ma possono venire prodotti anche nel corso del processo industriale dalla parziale idrogenazione degli oli vegetali ed animali. La suddivisione tra TFA industriali e naturali è complessa, giacché si tratta di grassi composti prevalentemente dagli stessi isomeri. Ciò che li distingue è la quantità e la distribuzione. La maggior parte di TFA presenti nei prodotti alimentari sono isomeri dell’acido oleico e trans-ottadecenoico (trans- 18:1). Secondo i risultati della maggior parte delle ricerche svolte in materia, tutti gli acidi grassi trans hanno un impatto negativo sulle lipoproteine nel plasma, mentre gli effetti sugli altri meccanismi dell’organismo umano non sono stati sufficientemente studiati. L’elevata assunzione di acidi grassi trans industriali viene ricollegata al maggior rischio di malattie cardiovascolari. Evitarne l’assunzione riduce la probabilità di riscontrare queste malattie. Il rischio legato agli acidi grassi trans naturali non è ancora stato sufficientemente studiato; in ogni caso il loro impatto, se esiste, è probabilmente minimo considerato il loro basso livello di assunzione nell’organismo umano. La Commissione europea ha stabilito il contenuto massimo ammissibile di acidi grassi trans industriali nei prodotti alimentari in 2 g/100 g di tenore totale di grassi, adottando così misure che riducano la loro assunzione. In futuro è necessario trovare soluzioni ottimali ed innocue per la salute umana che siano in grado di sostituire efficacemente questi grassi nei prodotti alimentari. - Los ácidos grasos trans (inglés trans fatty acids, TFA) están producidos en una pequeña cantidad de forma natural por la hidrogenación biológica en el rumen de los animales rumiantes, pero también durante el proceso industrial, por la hidrogenación parcial de los aceites vegetales y del pescado. La división de los TFA en industriales y naturales es compleja ya que estas grasas están compuestas principalmente de los mismos isómeros, y se diferencian por la cantidad y la distribución. La mayoría de los TFA encontrados en los productos alimenticios son isómeros de ácido oleico y trans-octadecenoico (trans- 18: 1). Según los resultados de la mayoría de los estudios, todos los TFA tienen un efecto adverso sobre las lipoproteínas plasmáticas, mientras que otros mecanismos de efecto en el cuerpo humanos están insuficientemente investigados. El aumento de la ingesta de ácidos grasos trans industriales se asocia con un mayor riesgo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, y se reduce el riesgo de tales enfermedades evitando la ingesta de las grasas trans. El riesgo asociado con los ácidos grasos trans naturales todavía no está claro, pero el efecto, si existe, probablemente es pequeño dada la cantidad baja de la ingesta. La Comisión Europea ha aprobado el nivel de grasas trans industriales en los alimentos de hasta 2 g / 100 g de grasa, tomando de esta manera la medidas para reducir la ingesta de los TFA. Para reemplazar estas grasas en los productos alimenticios, es necesario encontrar soluciones óptimas y más saludables.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020),1 ; str. 56-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trans masti -- Rumenska kiselina -- Masne kiseline -- Hidrogenirana ulja -- Biljna ulja -- Zdravstveni učinak -- Konjugirana linolna kiselina

POLAK, Tomaž
Quality parameters of different oils and fried foods after repeated deep-fat frying [Elektronička građa] / Tomaž Polak, Mateja Lušnic Polak, Iva Zahija, Nežka Lazar, Lea Demšar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Zusammenfassung ; Resumen ; Riassunto. - The aim of present study was to investigate the quality, stability and suitability of different frying oils (coconut, palm, frying mix, rapeseed and sunflower oil), the quality and stability of breaded and fried foods (chicken nuggets) and the applicability and suitability of certain parameters (fat absorption, acid number, peroxide number and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) number, fatty acid composition and acrylamide content) as well as sensory attributes to control the repeated deep-(fat) frying process. Three repeated deep-frying processes affected the hydrolytic and oxidation stability (increase in the peroxide number and TBA number), the sensory properties (darkening of the oil colour, occurrence of odd smell and aroma as well as rancidity in oils) and the fatty acid composition of oil and fried chicken nuggets, and the acrylamide content in the nuggets (from the second deep-frying process onwards). All oils used in study were suitable for deep-frying; in terms of stability, coconut oil (followed by sunflower, palm, frying mix and rapeseed oil) was most suitable; in terms of fatty acid composition, the frying mix, rapeseed and sunflower oil were most suitable; and in terms of acrylamide formation and sensory quality, coconut and palm oil were most suitable. - Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti kvalitetu, stabilnost i prikladnost različitih ulja za prženje (kokosovog i palminog ulja, smjese za prženje, uljane repice i suncokretovog ulja), kakvoću i stabilnost pohane i pržene hrane (pileći medaljoni) te primjenjivost i prikladnost određenih parametara (apsorpcija masti, kiselinski broj, peroksidni broj i vrijednost tiobarbiturne kiseline (TBA), sastav masnih kiselina i sadržaj akrilamida) kao i senzortičkih svojstava u svrhu kontrole ponovljenog postupka prženja u dubokoj masnoći. Tri ponovljena postupka dubokog prženja utjecala su na hidrolitičku i oksidacijsku stabilnost (porast peroksidnog broja i TBA vrijednosti), osjetilna svojstva (pojava tamne boje ulja, neobičnog mirisa i arome kao i užeglost), sastav masnih kiselina ulja i prženih pilećih medaljona te na sadržaj akrilamida u medaljonima (od drugog postupka dubokog prženja pa nadalje). Sva ulja korištena u istraživanju bila su pogodna za duboko prženje. U pogledu stabilnosti, kokosovo ulje (nakon kojeg slijede suncokretovo, palmino, smjesa za prženje i ulje repice) bilo je najprikladnije. Što se tiče sastava masnih kiselina, smjesa za prženje, ulje repice i suncokretovo ulje bili su najprikladniji, dok su u pogledu stvaranja akrilamida i senzoričke kakvoće, najprikladnija bila ulja kokosa i palme. - Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Qualität, Stabilität und Eignung verschiedener Frittieröle (Kokosund Palmöl, Frittiermischungen, Raps- und Sonnenblumenöl), die Qualität und Stabilität von panierten und frittierten Lebensmitteln (Hühnermedaillons) sowie die Anwendbarkeit und Eignung bestimmter Parameter (Fettabsorption, Säurezahl, Peroxidzahl und Wert der Thiobarbitursäure (TBA), Fettsäurezusammensetzung und Acrylamidgehalt) und die sensorischen Eigenschaften zur Kontrolle des wiederholten Frittierprozesses in tiefem Öl zu untersuchen. Drei wiederholte Frittiervorgänge beeinflussten die hydrolytische und oxidative Stabilität (Erhöhung des Peroxidwerts und des TBA-Werts), die sensorischen Eigenschaften (Auftreten einer dunklen Ölfarbe, ungewöhnlicher Geruch und Aroma sowie Ranzigkeit), die Fettsäurezusammensetzung von Öl- und Brathähnchenmedaillons sowie den Acrylamidgehalt in Medaillons (ab dem zweiten Frittiervorgang). Alle in der Studie verwendeten Öle waren zum Frittieren geeignet. In Bezug auf die Stabilität war Kokosöl (gefolgt von Sonnenblumenöl, Palmöl, Frittiermischungen und Rapsöl) am besten geeignet. In Bezug auf die Fettsäurezusammensetzung waren Frittiermischungen, Rapsöl und Sonnenblumenöl am besten geeignet, während in Bezug auf die Acrylamidbildung und sensorische Qualität Kokos- und Palmöle am besten abgeschnitten haben.Ključne riječi. - Questo studio è stato condotto al fine di esaminare la qualità, la stabilità e l’idoneità di differenti tipi d’olio per frittura (olio di cocco e olio di palma, miscele per friggere, olio di colza e olio di semi di girasole), la qualità e la stabilità del cibo impanato e fritto (medaglioni di pollo) e l’applicabilità e l’idoneità di determinati parametri (l’assorbimento dei grassi, il numero di acidi, il numero di perossidi e il numero di acido tiobarbiturico o numero TBA, la composizione degli acidi grassi e il contenuto di acrilamide), oltre che le proprietà sensoriali ai fini del controllo di una frittura profonda (in immersione) ripetuta. Il processo di frittura profonda, ripetuto tre volte, ha inciso sulla stabilità idrolitica e ossidativa (con la crescita del numero di perossidi e del numero TBA), sulle proprietà sensoriali (olio scuro e di odore e aroma insoliti, come di stantio), sulla composizione degli acidi grassi dell’olio e dei medaglioni di pollo e sul contenuto di acrilamide nei medaglioni (dal secondo processo di frittura profonda in poi). Tutti gli oli utilizzati per lo studio erano adatti alla frittura profonda. Dal punto di vista della stabilità, l’olio di cocco (seguito dall’olio di semi di girasole, dall’olio di palma, dalla miscela per frittura e dall’olio di colza) s’è dimostrato il più idoneo. Per quel che riguarda la composizione degli acidi grassi, la miscela per friggere, l’olio di colza e l’olio di semi di girasole hanno evidenziato una maggiore idoneità rispetto agli altri mentre, per quanto riguarda la formazione di acrilamide e per quanto riguarda le proprietà sensoriali, gli oli più adatti si sono dimostrati quelli di cocco e di palma. - El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la calidad, la estabilidad y la idoneidad de diferentes aceites de fritura (aceite de coco y palma, mezclas para freír, el aceite de colza y de girasol), la calidad y la estabilidad de los alimentos empanizados y fritos (los medallones de pollo) y la aplicabilidad y la idoneidad de los parámetros determinados (la absorción de grasas, el índice de acidez, el índice de peróxido y el índice de ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA), la composición de ácidos grasos y el contenido del acrilamida), así como las propiedades sensoriales con el fin de controlar el proceso repetido de fritura profunda. Tres repetidos procesos de fritura profunda afectaron la estabilidad hidrolítica y la estabilidad oxidativa (el aumento del índice de peróxido y el valor de TBA), las propiedades sensoriales (la apariencia de color oscuro del aceite, el olor y el aroma inusuales, así como la rancidez), la composición de ácidos grasos del aceite y de los medallones de pollo frito y el contenido del acrilamida en los medallones (a partir del segundo proceso de fritura). Todos los aceites utilizados en el estudio fueron adecuados para freír. En términos de estabilidad, el aceite de coco (seguido del aceite de girasol, de palma, la mezcla para freír y del aceite de canola) fue el más adecuado. En términos de composición de los ácidos grasos, las mezclas para freír, el aceite de colza y el aceite de girasol fueron los más adecuados, mientras que en términos de formación de acrilamida y calidad sensorial, los aceites de coco y de palma fueron los más adecuados.
U: Meso (Online). - ISSN 1848-8323. - 22 (2020), 6 ; str. 460-474  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ulja -- Duboko prženje -- Kakvoća ulja -- Pržena hrana -- Oksidacijska stabilnost -- Senzorna svojstva -- Masne kiseline -- Akrilamid

Vidi br.: HA20-00421

67/68   Različite industrije, zanati i obrti

ŽUVELA Bošnjak, Franka
Application of microscale combustion calorimeter to characterize protective properties of bovine leather [Elektronička građa] / Franka Žuvela Bošnjak, Sandra Flinčec Grgac, Suzana Mihanović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Summary. - The quality and properties of fire resistance are crucial to the selection of leather for the production of protective fire fighting boots, which has a primarily protective role. During fire extinguishing it is exposed to extremely high and low temperatures, chemicals (acids and alkalis), mechanical loads, etc. The properties of fire resistance were tested on two samples of bovine leather (BL1, BL2). Burn resistance test has been carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical standards for the burn resistance test: HRN EN ISO 15090: 2012, t, 7.3 - Firefighters and rescue services. The mentioned two samples were individually tested according to HRN EN ISO 15025: 2003. The test procedure was carried out by the "Flame Expansion Testing Method". Moreover, in this research used Microscale Combustion Calorimeter (MCC) Govmark, UK because that was designed for produce the maximum heating rate capability similarly the heating rates in fires and give as a lot of flammability parameters. The analysis of physicochemical properties of samples was performed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The surface morphology of the samples was studied using a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM). The measurement of the above samples on MCC was performed according to ASTM D7309. From the obtained HRR results, it is evident that BL1 sample has a better thermal stability than the BL2 sample.
U: Koža i obuća (Online). - ISSN 1849-9767. - 68 (2019), 4 ; str. 14-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Goveđa koža -- Vatrootporni materijali -- MCC analiza -- Mikrokalorimetar

Influence of orientation on mechanical properties in fused deposition modelling [Elektronička građa] / Suzana Kutnjak-Mravlinčić, Ana Pilipović, Damir Godec. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - In the footwear industry, increasing attention is paid to design-shaped heels. But that design involves production of the complicated geometry, personalised heels (i.g. small series), light weight heels and if possible cheap production. Technology that enables and combines that is additive manufacturing (AM). One of AM low budget technology and machine is fused deposition modeling (FDM). In FDM, product is built layer by layer and with different types and density of inside mesh structures which enables complex geometry and low mass. When walking, the heel is loaded from above with compression force of the person's weight, while lateral, heel is loaded with flexural force and impact. Considering the design of the heel itself, it is necessary to orientate the product correctly in the working space of the machine. Orientation further raises the question of mechanical properties on such produced heel. In this paper it is tested flexural properties of two different orientation considering production of the actual heel. Furthermore, the analysis of the processing parameters (layer thickness, infill density and temperature) have been done to determine their influence on the flexural properties in these two orientations.
U: Koža i obuća (Online). - ISSN 1849-9767. - 68 (2019), 4 ; str. 4-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obuća -- 3D printanje -- Potpetice -- Mehanička svojstva -- Taložno očvršćivanje

ŽUVELA Bošnjak, Franka
Primjena mikrokalorimetra za sagorjevanje kod karakterizacije zaštitnih svojstava goveđe kože [Elektronička građa] / Franka Žuvela Bošnjak, Sandra Flinčec Grgac, Suzana Mihanović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak. - Kvaliteta i svojstva otpornosti na gorenje (toplinu i plamen) ključni su za odabir kože pri proizvodnji zaštitnih vatrogasnih čizama. Tijekom gašenja požara koža je izložena ekstremno visokim i/ili niskim temperaturama, kemikalijama (kiselinama i lužinama), mehaničkim opterećenjima i sl. Svojstva otpornosti na gorenje testirana su na dva uzorka goveđe kože (GK1, GK2). Ispitivanje otpornosti na gorenje provedeno je u skladu sa zahtjevima tehničkih standarda za ispitivanje otpornosti na gorenje: HRN EN ISO 15090: 2012, t, 7.3 - Vatrogasne i spasilačke službe. Oba uzorka pojedinačno su testirana u skladu s HRN EN ISO 15025: 2003. Ispitni postupak proveden je "Metodom ispitivanja širenja plamena". Za što preciznije karakteriziranje uzoraka u istraživanju je upotrijebljen mikrokalorimetar za sagorijevanje (MCC), Govmark, Velika Britanija, koji omogućava maksimalnu brzinu zagrijavanja sličnu stopi zagrijavanja u požarima, i mjeri različite parametre koji doprinose karakterizaciji uzorka s obzirom na zapaljivost. Mjerenje navedenih uzoraka na MCC provedeno je u skladu s ASTM D7309. Analiza fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava uzoraka izvedena je pomoću Fourierove transformacijske infracrvene spektroskopije (FT-IR). Površinska morfologija uzoraka proučavana je korištenjem Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM). Na uzorcima nisu vidljive prirodne karakteristike lica kože. Uočene (prikazane) nepravilnosti uzorka VK2 pripisuju se umjetnom licu. Iz dobivenih rezultata HRR vidljivo je da uzorak GK1 ima bolju toplinsku stabilnost od uzorka GK2.
U: Koža i obuća (Online). - ISSN 1849-9767. - 68 (2019), 4 ; str. 18-21  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Goveđa koža -- Vatrootporni materijali -- MCC analiza -- Mikrokalorimetar

Termofiziološka udobnost viskoznih i tencel čarapa [Elektronička građa] / Beti Rogina-Car, Zenun Skenderi, Zlatko Vrljičak. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak. - Projektirane su i izrađene muške čarape u višestruko platirnom desno-lijevom prepletu s viskoznom i tencel pređom finoće 20 tex, multifilamentnom PA 6.6 pređom finoće 156 i 220 dtex i pamučnom pređom finoće 25 tex. Određena je masa, debljina, visina tijela, duljina stopala, polovica opsega tijela i polovica opsega stopala čarape. Određena je termofiziološka udobnost čarapa mjerenjem otpora prolazu topline na termalnom stopalu. Rezultati su pokazali da uzorci čarapa koji u strukturi imaju prstenastu pređu imaju veći otpor prolazu topline u odnosu na uzorke sa rotorskom i aerodinamičkom pređom. Dobivena razlika otpora prolazu topline uzoraka čarapa po tipu bazne pređe je značajna. Najveći otpor prolazu topline imaju viskozne čarape izrađene iz prstenastih pređa uz dodatak grublje pamučne i PA 6.6. pređe, dok najmanji otpor imaju čarape iz tencel rotorske pređe.
U: Koža i obuća (Online). - ISSN 1849-9767. - 68 (2019), 4 ; str. 30-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čarape -- Pletivo -- Udobnost nošenja -- Termalno stopalo

Thermophysiological wear comfort of viscose and tencel socks [Elektronička građa] / Beti Rogina-Car, Zenun Skenderi, Zlatko Vrljičak. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - Men’s socks were designed and manufactured in multiple plated single jersey structure using 20 tex viscose and Tencel yarn, 156 and 220 dtex multifilament PA 6.6 yarn and 25 tex cotton yarn. Sock mass and sock thickness were determined, the height of the sock leg, the length of the sock foot and half of the leg circumference and half of the foot circumference were measured. Thermophysiological sock wear comfort was determined by measuring thermal resistance on the thermal foot manikin. The results revealed that the sock samples containing the ring spun yarn in the structure had higher thermal resistance than the socks containing rotor and air-jet spun yarns. The obtained difference of thermal resistance of the sock samples per type of the basic yarn was significant. The viscose socks made of ring spun yarns with an added coarser cotton yarn and PA 6.6 yarn had the highest thermal resistance, while the lowest thermal resistance was recorded for the Tencel rotor spun yarns.
U: Koža i obuća (Online). - ISSN 1849-9767. - 68 (2019), 4 ; str. 22-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čarape -- Pletivo -- Udobnost nošenja -- Termalno stopalo

Utjecaj orijentacije na mehanička svojstva kod taložnog očvršćivanja [Elektronička građa] / Suzana Kutnjak-Mravlinčić, Ana Pilipović, Damir Godec. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Sažetak. - U industriji obuće, sve je veća pozornost na dizajnerski oblikovane potpetice. Ali taj dizajn uključuje mogućnost proizvodnje složene geometrije, personaliziranih potpetica male mase i ako je moguće jeftinu izradu. Tehnologija koja omogućuje i obuhvaća navedeno je aditivna proizvodnja (e. additive manufacturing - AM). Jedna od AM niskobudžetnih tehnologija i uređaja je postupak taloženog očvršćivanja (e. fused deposition modeling - FDM). U FDMu se proizvod izrađuje sloj po sloj, s različitim oblicima i gustoćom unutrašnjih ispuna što omogućuje izradu složenih geometrija i malu masu. Tijekom hodanja potpetica je opterećena odozgo pritisnom silom same težine osobe, dok je bočno izložena savijanju i udarnom opterećenju. Uzimajući u obzir dizajn same potpetice, potrebno je pravilno orijentirati proizvod u radnom prostoru stroja, jer orijentacija utječe na mehanička svojstva. U ovom su radu provedena ispitivanja savojnih svojstava kod dvije različite orijentacije s obzirom na proizvodnju stvarne potpetice i njene primjene. Nadalje, načinjena je analiza parametara prerade (debljina sloja, gustoća ispune i temperatura ispisa) kako bi se utvrdio njihov utjecaj na savojna svojstva u te dvije orijentacije.
U: Koža i obuća (Online). - ISSN 1849-9767. - 68 (2019), 4 ; str. 9-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obuća -- 3D printanje -- Potpetice -- Mehanička svojstva -- Taložno očvršćivanje


7.0   Teorija umjetnosti

Cultural model of marriage and family, as shown in selected Polish TV series [Elektronička građa] : a pastoral challenge for the Catholic Church / Anna Zellma, Wojsław Czupryński.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Provedena analiza u ovome članku imala je za cilj predstaviti okvir braka i obitelji u poljskim televizijskim serijama te ukazati na pastoralne izazove koji proizlaze iz njih. Primijenjena je metoda kvantitativne analize da bi se naglasile problematike koje se prikazuju u televizijskim serijama. Kriteriji za izbor televizijskih serija bili su moralna pitanja koja serije obrađuju te njihova popularnost među različitim društvenim skupinama u Poljskoj. Kvalitativna analiza pokazala je da poljske televizijske serije promoviraju alternativne oblike braka i obitelji. Oni su veoma udaljeni od katoličkoga modela braka i obitelji. To je omogućilo temelje za donošenje zaključka. Uočeno je tako da se Katolička crkva nalazi pred novim pastoralnim izazovima, a što je posljedica utjecaja koje televizijske serije imaju na stavove i vjerovanja među Poljacima. Prioritet bi stoga morala biti priprema mladih za sakrament braka i odgoj za kršćanski život. Katolička crkva bi trebala biti uključena u stvaranje televizijskih serija koje promiču kršćanski model braka i obitelji. - The analyses conducted in this paper aimed at presenting the standard for the marriage and family, which is created in Polish TV series, and subsequently noting the pastoral challenges arising from them. The quantitative analysis method was applied to stress the issues presented in the TV series. The moral issues dealt with in the series and their popularity in various social groups in Poland were the criteria for choosing the TV series. The qualitative analysis has shown that Polish TV series promotes alternative forms of marriage and family life. They are very different from the Catholic model of marriage and family. This provided grounds for the conclusions. It was observed that the Church is obliged to take up new pastoral challenges as a result of the TV series’ impact of Poles’ views and beliefs. Preparing young people to the sacrament of marriage and education for life in the family should be a priority. The Church should become involved in creating TV series which promote the Christian model of the marriage and family.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 311-323  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brak -- Mediji -- Obitelj -- Pastoralni rad -- Televizijske serije
Katolička crkva


POPOVIĆ, Una, filozofkinja
Martin Heidegger o slikarstvu [Elektronička građa] : Franz Marc i Paul Klee / Una Popović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom se radu razmatra Heideggerovo razumijevanje umjetnosti s obzirom na položaj slikarstva, za koje tvrdimo da ima status ravnopravan pjesništvu. Navedena teza izvedena je polazeći od Heideggerovih komentara o Kleeu, koji pokazuju da smisao slikarstva nije u prikazivanju bivstvujućeg, već u predočavanju zahvaćanja bivstvovanja. Ista se teza analizira s obzirom na kratki Heideggerov komentar Franza Marca iz ranih radova, te se zaključuje da Heideggerova osuda apstraktnog slikarstva nije određena zahtjevom za prikazivanjem nekog bivstvujućeg, odnosno objekta. Konačno, vodeći položaj pjesništva i slikarstva pokazuje se kao naznaka novog razumijevanja slike kod Heideggera, koje povratno postavlja zahtjev za revidiranjem ustaljene interpretacije Heideggerove filozofije umjetnosti. - In this paper, Heidegger’s understanding of art is analysed with regard to the status of painting, for which I claim to be of equal status as poetry. Such claim is derived from Heidegger’s commentaries on Klee, which show that the essence of painting is not a presentation of beings, but the revelation of our grasp of Being. The same idea is analysed considering Heidegger’s short comment on Franz Marc from his early works, with the conclusion that Hedegger’s attack on an abstract painting is not the consequence of demand that painting should present us with some concrete being, some object. Finally, the specific status of poetry and painting indicate the new understanding of the image in Heidegger, which in return demands for the revision of the usual interpretation of Heidegger’s philosophy of art.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 445-460  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikarstvo -- Bivstvo -- Slika -- Riječ
Heidegger, Martin


KARKOVIĆ Takalić, Palma
Potječe li kasnoantički portret muškarca iz Tarsatike? Još jednom o pitanju provenijencije rimskih spomenika iz fundusa Pomorskoga i povijesnoga muzeja Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka i zbirke Lavala Nugenta [Elektronička građa] / Palma Karković Takalić, Kerol Rabar. - Ilustr. ; fotogr.
Prilozi na str. 75-92. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Riassunto ; Abstract. - U radu se raspravlja o provenijenciji kasnoantičkoga muškog portreta, jedinoga primjera rimske kamene portretne plastike u zbirci Pomorskoga i povijesnoga muzeja Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka. S ciljem utvrđivanja njegova podrijetla donosi se kratak pregled povijesti toga muzeja, koji nastaje kao rezultat ujedinjenja dviju muzejskih institucija: riječkoga Musea civica i sušačkoga Gradskog muzeja. Obje su se institucije od utemeljenja 1893., odnosno 1933., nekoliko puta selile do objedinjavanja u Guvernerovoj palači 1948. Ne čudi, stoga, što su brojnim umjetninama današnje zbirke Pomorskoga i povijesnoga muzeja Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka izgubljeni podaci o mjestu, okolnostima nalaza ili donaciji. Pridruženi su joj i neki spomenici koji su pripadali Muzeju Nugent. Taj je muzej funkcionirao između 1843. i sedamdesetih godina 19. stoljeća na Trsatu, a činili su ga rimski spomenici koje je grof Laval Nugent von Westmeath iskopao u talijanskome Minturnu i kupio na tržištima antičkih i drugih umjetnina sjevernoga Jadrana. Dio zbirke je ukinućem toga muzeja prodan Narodnom, danas Arheološkom muzeju u Zagrebu. Iz toga razloga Ante Rendić-Miočević drži da je i riječka kasnoantička glava pripadala Nugentovoj zbirci, odnosno da je pri prodaji rimskih kipova u Zagreb jedina ostala u Rijeci. Analizom i usporedbom svih nama poznatih popisa Nugentovih antičkih spomenika, poput onih E. Wolffa, B. Biasoletta, R. Schneidera i J. Brunšmida, nismo pronašli naš kasnoantički portret. Smatramo, stoga, da bi se njegovo podrijetlo moglo povezati s Tarsatikom s obzirom na intenzivan razvoj toga grada upravo u kasnoantičkom razdoblju. - Nell’articolo si discute sulla provenienza del ritratto romano di uomo fatto in pietra, esemplare unico della collezione del Museo Marittimo e Storico del Litorale Croato di Fiume.Per stabilirne la provenienza, l’articolo propone una breve rassegna della storia del Museo che nasce dall’unione di due istituzioni museali: il Museo civicodi Fiume e il Museo civico di Sušak. Dalla loro fondazione nel 1893 e, rispettivamente, nel 1933, entrambe le istituzioni traslocarono più volte fino ad aggregarsi nel 1948 nel Palazzo del Governatore. Non sorprende quindi che per numerose opere d’arte della collezione odierna del Museo Marittimo e Storico del Litorale Croato di Fiume siano stati smarriti i dati su luogo, circostanze del ritrovamento o donazione. Alla collezione furono aggiunti altri monumenti già appartenenti al Museo Nugent. Tale museo operò nel periodo tra il 1843 e gli anni ’70 del XIX secolo a Tersatto ed era costituito da monumenti romani che il conte Laval Nugent von Westmeath aveva dissotterrato nella località italiana di Minturno o acquistato sul mercato di opere d’arte, antiche ed altre, dell’Adriatico settentrionale. Con la chiusura del museo, una parte della collezione fu venduta all’odierno Museo archeologico di Zagabria. Per questo motivo Ante Rendić-Miočević ritiene che anche il ritratto romano fiumano appartenesse alla collezione di Nugent, ovvero che fu l’unico a rimanere a Fiume in seguito alla vendita delle statue romane a Zagabria. Durante l’analisi e il confronto di tutti gli elenchi di monumenti antichi di proprietà di Nugent a noi conosciuti, tra cui quelli di E. Wolff, B. Biasoletto, R. Schneider e J. Brunšmid, non abbiamo trovato riscontro del nostro ritratto romano. Reputiamo, dunque, che la sua provenienza possa essere ricondotta a Tarsatica, visto lo sviluppo intenso della città proprio nel periodo tardo-antico. - This paper discusses the provenance of the male portrait from late Antiquity, the only example of Roman portrait sculpture in the collection of the Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka (Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka, PPMHP). In order to determine the origin of the portrait, a brief oveview of the history of the museum is given. The Museum was founded after the union of two previous institutions: Museo civico (City Museum) Fiume and Gradski muzej (City Museum) Sušak in 1948. Both museums have moved several times since they have been founded, Museo civico in 1893 and Gradski muzej Sušak in 1933, but they were united within the Governor’s Palace in 1948. Therefore, it is not sur-prising that lots of information about first acquisitions of these two museums (the place of origin, name of the donor, etc.) are now lost. In addition, Gradski muzej Sušak and PPMHP ʼinheritedʼ objects from the Museum Nugent which was founded in 1843 by marshal Laval Nugent von Westmeath (1777-1862). He financed archae-ological excavations in Italian Minturno and he was buying antique and other works of art of the North Adriatic provenance so most of his collection was of Roman origin. After his death, one part of his collection was sold to the todayʼs Arheološki muzej (Archaeological Museum) in Zagreb. Consequently, Ante Rendić-Miočević considers that the late portrait head from Rijeka was part of the Nugent collection, and that after Nugent’s Roman statues were sold to Zagreb, it was the only one left in Rijeka. The analysis and comparison of all known lists of Nugentʼs ancient monu-ments, such as those of E. Wolff, B. Biasoletti, R. Schneider and J. Brunšmid, reveal that our portrait from late Antiquity was not registered. Therefore, the results of this study indicate that the statue could be related to Tarsatica, considering the intense development of that city during the late Antiquity.
U: Histria (Online). - ISSN 1849-5699. - (2019), 9 ; str. 53-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rimski spomenici -- Rimski portreti -- Kipovi
Nugent-Westmeath, Laval -- Nugent, Laval
Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka


ŽUPANIĆ Benić, Marijana
Propitivanje metodologija istraživanja u umjetničkom području u svjetlu odnosa umjetnika kao pojedinca i društva / Marijana Županić Benić, Antonija Balić-Šimrak.
Znanstveni skup 26. Dani Frane Petrića, Cres, 24. - 27. rujna 2017. - Bibliografija: str. 407-408. - Abstract.
U: Filozofija i ekonomija. - ISSN . - str. 395-409
Istraživanje u umjetničkom području -- Svaralački proces -- Umjetnik -- Tržišna ekonomija -- Kulturna politika

Vidi br.: HA20-00215

Vidi br.: HA20-00070

Vidi br.: HA20-00147

72   Arhitektura

Jugoistok Garićkog županata u 13. i 14. stoljeću [Elektronička građa] / Danko Dujmović. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: slikovni prilozi na str. 32-35. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Radom su obrađeni posjedi na području omeđenom današnjim mjestima Garešnica, Dišnik, Velika Bršljanica i Gojlo, i to prvenstveno na temelju reambulacija iz 1256. godine, ali i drugih pisanih izvora. Tu su se između ostalih nalazili i posjedi Sveti Ivan Berivojevih, Dišnik Ruhovih i Desnica Kapitanića. U literaturi se javljaju različite pretpostavke o tome gdje su se nalazili, pa ovaj rad predstavlja novi prilog ubikaciji pojedinih elemenata kulturnog krajolika na navedenom području. - This paper discusses the manors that were situated in the territory surrounded by today’s towns of Garešnica, Dišnik, Velika Bršljanica and Gojlo, particularly on the basis of reambulations from 1256 and of other written sources. Among other possessions there were the manors of Saint John of the Berivoj family, Dišnik of the Ruh family and Desnica of the Kapitanić family. Various hypotheses can be found in literature as to where these places were located; hence, this paper is a new contribution to the precise location of elements of the cultural scenery in the area mentioned. The paper is divided into five chapters. In the first four chapters the manors of Garešnica, Dišnik, Desnica and Gojlo are discussed on the basis of written sources; in accordance with the attached maps a reconstruction of the borders of the manors has been proposed. On the borders of some of the manors, Juraj, the son of Berivoj, was mentioned as a neighbour whose manor has not been located with certainty to date. In this paper the more precise location of this manor is associated with the place named Kapelica near Garešnica. The manor of the Berivoj family adjoined the manor of Descha, which had in the second half of the 13th century been acquired by Count Ruh, and it can be correlated with the area of today’s Dišnik. In the western part of the Berivoj and Ruh manors there were two estates named Desnica, located on today’s little Bršljanica River, in the territory of today’s villages of Veliko Vukovje and Velika Bršljanica. In the eastern part of all the places mentioned there was the manor of Gojlo, owned by the Teteny (de Pukur) family. The Berivoj and Ruh families retained possession of their manors in Kapelica and Dišnik during the 14th century, whereas the manor of Desnica fell into the hands of the Kapitanić (Kapitanfy) family.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 9-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Posjedi -- Srednjovjekovni posjedi

Vidi br.: HA20-00517

78   Glazba. Glazbeni instrumenti i oprema

ŠKOJO, Tihana
Induciranje emocija glazbom s osvrtom na ulogu glazbene poduke [Elektronička građa] / Tihana Škojo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Emocije su kratke i intenzivne reakcije na neki događaj, a sastavljene su od kognitivne komponente, subjektivnoga osjećaja, fiziološke reakcije, ekspresije i tendencije djelovanja. Iako je odnos emocija i glazbe moguće promatrati kroz svaku od iskazanih komponenti, primaran aspekt odnosi se na induciranje emocija kod slušatelja gdje slušanje glazbenih ulomaka različite emocionalne obojenosti, potaknuto različitom glazbenom strukturom, kod slušatelja izaziva emocionalni odgovor uključujući i odgovarajuću fiziološku reakciju. Na temelju istraživanja u radu ukazujemo na složen i višeslojni fenomen doživljavanja emocija glazbom. Sukladno iskustvima prijašnjih istraživanja provedeno je novo istraživanje radi ispitivanja odnosa dobi, glazbenoga obrazovanja i poznavanja glazbenoga ulomka te doživljavanja emocija izazvanih glazbenim djelom. U istraživanju su učenici petoga i sedmoga razreda osnovne škole te prvoga i trećega razreda gimnazije bili izloženi slušanju glazbenih primjera te su uz svaki primjer, odabiranjem jedne od šest osnovnih emocija (sreća, tuga, ljutnja, strah, uzbuđenje i smirenost), na ljestvici od 1 (nimalo) do 5 (izuzetno), iskazivali doživljenu emociju. Rezultati ukazuju na važnost glazbenoga znanja i glazbenoga obrazovanja u doživljavanju glazbe te je ovim istraživanjem aktualizirana potreba za širim i interdisciplinarnim promatranjem slušanja glazbe. - Emotions represent short and intense reactions to a particular event, consisting of a cognitive component, subjective feeling, physiological reaction, expression, and tendency of action. Although the relationship between emotions and music can be observed through each of these components, the primary aspect refers to inducing emotions in the listener, whereby listening to musical excerpts of different emotional coloration, motivated by diverse musical structure, causes an emotional response in the listener, including a proper physiological reaction. Based on the research review, the paper highlights a complex and often contradictory phenomenon of recognizing one’s own emotions, thereby establishing a clear distinction between the emotions that music expresses and the emotions induced in listeners by specific music. Following the experiences of previous studies, a research has been carried out to examine the relationship between age, music education, familiarity with a musical excerpt, and the experience of emotions induced by a musical piece. In the research, participants were exposed to listening to music examples, and with each example, by selecting one of the six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, excitement, and calmness) on a scale from 1 (not emotional) of 5 (extremely emotional) the emotion they experienced. Along with the experienced emotion, the respondents assessed on a scale from 1 (not familiar) to 2 (well-known) their familiarity with a particular piece of music. The students of the fifth and seventh grade of elementary school, first and third grade of grammar school. The research results point to the importance of familiarity and education in experiencing music, and this research has updated the need for widespread and interdisciplinary study of listening to music.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 101-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Emocije -- Glazbeno obrazovanje -- Glazba -- Slušanje glazbe

JURIĆ Janjik, Monika
Monaldijeva klasifikacija glazbe u osmom poglavlju djela Irena, iliti o ljepoti (1599.) [Elektronička građa] / Monika Jurić Janjik.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Dubrovački renesansni filozof i pjesnik Miho Monaldi (1540. – 1592.) u svojoj je estetičkoj raspravi Irena, iliti o ljepoti (Irene, overo della belleza, Venecija, 1599.) glazbenoj problematici posvetio čitavo poglavlje – Dialogo ottavo (fol. 135–153) – da bi predstavio svojevrsnu opću teoriju glazbene umjetnosti. U tom se poglavlju Monaldi detaljno bavio pojedinim aspektima glazbe, a to su: podjela glazbe na različite vrste, intervali, značenje u glazbi, funkcije glazbe, modusi, glazbala, odnos između glazbe i politike, odnos između glazbe i drugih »predmeta sluha« te kriteriji za postizanje »ispravne glazbe«. Radi se, dakle, o prilično velikom broju tema vezanih uz glazbenu problematiku, zbog čega se to Monaldijevo djelo smatra najznačajnijim doprinosom refleksiji o glazbi na hrvatskom području u renesansnome razdoblju. U svojoj klasifikaciji glazbe Monaldi je prednost dao vokalnoj glazbi (u odnosu na instrumentalnu), što je u potpunome skladu s općim renesansnim poimanjem glazbe. - The work Irene, overo della bellezza (Venice, 1599), written by the Renaissance philosopher and poet Michele Monaldi (1540–1592) from Dubrovnik, is considered to be the first aesthetic treatise that originates from Croatia. In that dialogue, Monaldi devoted a whole chapter to music and presented his version of the general theory of it. Monaldi’s thoughts on beauty and music originate primarily from the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. He was mainly theoretically oriented, thus his ideas on music are primarily based on Plato’s philosophical thoughts, and only partially on Aristotle’s. In the greater part of this chapter, Monaldi does not consider the changes that occurred in the field of music in the second half of the 16th century and on the turn of the 17th century. Thus, his ideas on music and art, in general, can be interpreted almost as a purely theoretical model, without any indications of its possible use in practice. Monaldi’s Platonic orientation is also evident in the form of his work, which is the dialogue form modelled after similar dialogues written by Plato. In some aspects of his discussion on music, though not numerous, Monaldi still relies on Aristotle, especially when it comes to functions of music. In his chapter devoted to music (Dialogo ottavo, fol. 135–153) Monaldi rather thoroughly discusses several aspects of music: the divisions of music into different branches, the intervals, the meaning in music, the functions of music, the modes and the instruments, the relationship between music and politics, the relationship between music and other "objects of hearing", as well as criteria necessary to achieve "proper music". Given the fact that Monaldi treated quite a large number of music issues, his work Irene, overo della bellezza is considered to be the most valuable contribution to the reflection on music from Croatia in the Renaissance period.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 347-358  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazba -- Klasifikacija glazbe -- Estetika -- Renesansa
Monaldi, Miho


ŠKOJO, Tihana
Odnos glazbenih preferencija srednjoškolaca, glazbenog obrazovanja i sociodemografskih varijabli [Elektronička građa] / Tihana Škojo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 53-57. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Brojni čimbenici koji utječu na oblikovanje glazbenih preferencija srednjoškolaca upućuju na zahtjevnu ulogu glazbenih pedagoga. Njihov je zadatak da kompetentnim i kreativnim glazbenim poučavanjem navedu učenike da s emocionalno konotacijskog pristupa započnu primjenjivati sintaktičku strategiju slušanja, s razvijenim analitičkim muzikološkim procesima, te postupno razviju glazbeni ukus s kvalitetnim estetskim sustavom vrijednosti. Istražujući odnos sociodemografskih varijabli i glazbenih preferencija učenika prvih i četvrtih razreda gimnazije i strukovne srednje škole potvrđene su razlike u poznavanju i preferencijama utvrđenih glazbenih stilova s obzirom na spol, vrstu škole, dob i školski uspjeh. Kroz dobivene rezultate istraživanja aktualizirana je potreba za uvrštavanjem glazbene poduke u strukovnim školama, obrazovnim institucijama u kojima takvi sadržaji nisu zastupljeni, ali i potreba za programskim proširenjima kako bi mladi u svojoj formativnoj fazi uz izgradnju pozitivnog odnosa prema umjetničkoj glazbi razvijali i otvorenost te toleranciju prema različitim kulturama i supkulturnim fenomenima. - The numerous factors affecting secondary school students’ musical preferences show how difficult the role of music educators is. Their task is to use competent, creative music teaching to lead students away from an emotional, connotative approach towards a syntactic strategy of listening, to develop analytical musicological processes, and to gradually develop their musical tastes with a highquality aesthetic value system. Research into the relationship between socio-demographic variables and musical preferences among students in year 1 and year 4 of gymnasiums and vocational schools has affirmed differences in knowledge of and preferences in attested musical styles according to sex, type of school, age, and academic performance. The results of this research indicate the need to include music instruction in vocational schools, educational institutions that lack music programmes, as well as the need to increase the breadth of existing music programmes so that young people in their formative years, in addition to building a positive relationship towards artistic music, develop openness and tolerance towards various cultures and subcultural phenomena.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 2 ; str. 33-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazba -- Glazbene preferencije -- Adolescenti

ŠULENTIĆ Begić, Jasna
Preferencije učenika prema aktivnostima i sadržajima u nastavi Glazbene kulture [Elektronička građa] / Jasna Šulentić Begić, Amir Begić, Ivana Pušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Od školske godine 2019./2020. nastava Glazbene kulture treba se realizirati prema Kurikulumu nastavnog predmeta Glazbena kultura za osnovne škole i Glazbena umjetnost za gimnazije koji će tijekom tri godine ući u sve razrede osnovne škole. U nastavi se realizira otvoreni kurikulum koji učiteljima omogućuje da učenje i podučavanje prilagođavaju interesima i sposobnostima učenika te vlastitim sklonostima. U okviru rada provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj bio utvrditi preferencije učenika prema različitim aktivnostima i sadržajima u nastavi Glazbene kulture te otkriti postoje li razlike u preferencijama s obzirom na razred, spol učenika te (ne)pohađanje izvannastavne/izvanškolske glazbene aktivnosti. Istraživanje, koje se odvijalo tijekom 2018. godine, obuhvatilo je 280 ispitanika, tj. anketirani su učenici četvrtog, šestog i osmog razreda. Rezultati pokazuju da učenici imaju pozitivan stav prema nastavi Glazbene kulture i da najviše preferiraju pjevanje, a zatim slušanje glazbe i glazbene igre. Međutim, zastupljenost aktivnosti i sadržaja, osim pjevanja, nije proporcionalna učeničkim preferencijama. Preferencije prema glazbenim aktivnostima s obzirom na spol učenika pokazuju kako se pojedine aktivnosti nalaze na istom mjestu i kod učenika i kod učenica. Također, slušanje glazbe više preferiraju učenici koji glazbenu izvannastavnu/izvanškolsku aktivnost nisu polazili ili je ne polaze. Zaključno, smatramo da bi se glazbene preferencije učenika trebale uzeti u obzir prilikom osmišljavanja nastavnih jedinica, izbora glazbe i organiziranja i izvođenja nastave. - From the 2019/20 school year Music Culture classes should be implemented according to the Curriculum of the Music Culture for Primary Schools and Musical Arts for Gymnasium curriculum, which will enter all grades of primary school over the course of three years. The curriculum implements an open curriculum that allows teachers to adapt learning and teaching to students’ interests and abilities and their own preferences. Within the framework of the study, a study was conducted to identify students’ preferences for different activities and content in Music Culture teaching and to find out if there were differences in preferences with regard to class, student gender, and (non)attendance of extracurricular/after-school music activities. The survey, which took place during 2018, included 280 respondents, ie, fourth, sixth and eighth grade students were surveyed. The results show that students have a positive attitude towards teaching Music Culture and that they prefer singing and then listening to music and playing music. However, the representation of activities and content, apart from singing, is not proportional to the students’ preferences. The preferences for music activities according to the gender of students show that certain activities are in the same place for both male and female students. Also, listening to music is preferred by students who did not attend or do not attend music extracurricular/after-school music activities. In conclusion, we believe that students’ musical preferences should be taken into account when designing teaching units, choosing music, and organizing and conducting classes.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 1 ; str. 185-203  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazbena kultura -- Nastava -- Preferencije učenika -- Nastavne aktivnosti -- Nastavni sadržaji -- Otvoreni model nastave

Vidi br.: HA20-00049

Vidi br.: HA20-00235

Vidi br.: HA20-00229

Vidi br.: HA20-00224

Vidi br.: HA20-00225

Vidi br.: HA20-00213

791   Kinematografija. Filmovi

Vidi br.: HA20-00463

Vidi br.: HA20-00066

792   Kazalište

ROGIĆ Musa, Tea
Anatolij Kudrjavcev o književnom Splitu : metafora "vječnoga Splita" i neoromantizam metaknjiževne imaginacije / Tea Rogić Musa.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 115-126
Vječni Split -- Splatinistika -- Književna povijest Splita
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


BEŠKER, Inoslav
Disakrantna groteska Anatolija Kudrjavceva / Inoslav Bešker, Antonela Marić.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 63-76
Groteska -- Ironija
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


NIŽIĆ, Živko
Smrknuti "gledalac sa zadatkom" na splitskim Talijinim poštama : kazališna didakto-kritika Anatolija Kudrjavceva od 1999. do 2002. / Živko Nižić, Sanja Paša.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 6 jed. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 51-62
Didakto-kritika -- Izričajni Olimp -- Kazališna kritika -- Slobodna Dalmacija

796/799   Sport

Model rada - čimbenik uspješnosti poduke plivanja [Elektronička građa] / Dražen Rastovski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 69-70. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - S ciljem utvrđivanja učinkovitosti pojedinih modela poduke neplivača i njihove usporedbe, testirano je 201 dijete populacije između 9 i 11 godina. Uzorak je podijeljen na dva subuzorka, gdje su djeca učila plivati prema istom programu, ali u različitim modelima rada. Prvi je model bio model poduke neplivača u sklopu ljetovanja i to u trajanju od 14 dana, dok je drugi model proveden u okviru škole u prirodi ali u šest dana. Za utvrđivanje učinkovitosti navedenih modela korišten je statistički programski paket STATISTICA verzija 6.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, SAD). Normalnost distribucije pojedinih varijabli provjerena je Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom te je utvrđeno da ne slijede istu. Za usporedbu napretka u skupinama korišten je Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, a za usporedbu među skupinama Mann-Whitney U Test (za usporedbu inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja te razlike između finalnog i inicijalnog mjerenja). Kao statistički značajna korištena je vrijednost P<0,05. Rezultati dobiveni provedenim istraživanjem pokazali su da oba modela pokazuju dobre rezultate i prigodni su za poduku neplivača. Prednost dajemo modelu 1. odnosno poduci neplivača u okviru ljetovanja. Model 2. poduke neplivača u okviru škole u prirodi radi se u šest dana i očito mu nedostaje vremenskog prostora za još kvalitetniju provedbu. Kako je riječ o programima koji se provode u svim sredinama, neobično je bilo važno utvrditi učinkovitost programa te detektirati uspješnosti pojedinih modela. - In order to determine the effectiveness of particular models of teaching non-swimmers, and comparisons of the tested population of 201 children aged 9 to 11 years. The sample was divided into two subgroups, where the children were taught how to swim by the same program, but in a variety of models. The first model was a model of teaching non-swimmers in the summer and for a period of 14 days, while the other model implemented within the school program but in six days. To determine the effectiveness of these models a statistical software package STATISTICA version 6.0 (StatSoft Inc.., Tulsa, OK, USA). To view the distribution of variables were used frequency tables, showing characteristic distribution with arithmetic mean (AM), standard deviation (SD), 95 % confidence interval for AS (95 % CI), median (M), interquartile range (IQR), range and the coefficients of symmetry (Skewness) and flatness (kurtosis) distribution. Normality of distribution of individual variables tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and was found not to follow the same. To compare the progress of the groups used the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, and for comparison between groups by Mann-Whitney U test (for comparison of the initial and final measurements of the difference between the final and initial measurements). As a statistically significant P value was <0.05. After research showed that both programs yielded significant advancements but also found that the type 1 and non-swimmers under the instruction more efficient holiday. - Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Effektivität einzelner Modelle von Nichtschwimmerkursen festzustellen und dieselben zu vergleichen. Dabei wurden 201 Kinder im Alter zwischen 9 und 11 Jahren getestet. Die Stichprobe wurde in zwei Unterstichproben unterteilt, in denen die Kinder nach dem gleichen Programm schwimmen lernten, jedoch nach unterschiedlichen Arbeitsmodellen. Das erste Modell war ein Nichtschwimmerkurs im Rahmen eines 14-tägigen Sommerurlaubs, während das andere Modell im Rahmen eines 6-tägigen Schullandheimaufenthaltes durchgeführt wurde. Um die Effektivität der beschriebenen Modelle festzustellen wurde die Statistik-Software STATISTICA Version 6.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA) benutzt. Die Normalität der Distribution einzelner Variablen wurde mittels Kolmogorow-Smirnow-Test geprüft und es wurde festgestellt, dass sie nicht die gleiche befolgen. Zum Vergleich des Fortschritts in den einzelnen Gruppen wurde der Wilcoxon-Vorzeichen-Rang-Test angewendet, und für den Vergleich zwischen den Gruppen, d.h. zum Vergleich der Anfangs- und Endmessung, sowie des Unterschieds zwischen der Anfangs- und Endmessung, diente der Mann-Whitney-U-Test. Als statistisch signifikanter Wert wurde P<0,05 verwendet. Die Befunde dieser Untersuchung zeigen, dass beide Modelle gute Ergebnisse aufweisen und sich zum Training von Nichtschwimmern eignen. Allerdings ziehen wir Modell 1, bzw. den Nichtschwimmerkurs im Rahmen eines Sommerurlaubs, vor, da es Modell 2 im Rahmen eines 6-tägigen Schullandheimaufenthaltes an Zeit für eine bessere Durchführung mangelt. Da es sich hierbei um Programme handelt, die in allen Regionen durchgeführt werden, war es von großer Bedeutung die Effektivität der Programme und den Erfolg einzelner Modelle zu ermitteln.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 57-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Plivanje -- Neplivači -- Poduka neplivača -- Škola u prirodi -- Modeli rada

ŠKERBIĆ, Matija Mato
Tjelovježba i igranje-igara u četirima konstrukcijama sretnog ljudskog života [Elektronička građa] : Thomas More, Frane Petrić, Tommaso Campanella i Bernard Herbert Suits / Matija Mato Škerbić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Potaknut B. H. Suitsovom konstrukcijom Utopije i ponuđenih rješenja za smislen i sretan život čovjeka, predstavljenom u djelu Skakavac: igre, život i utopija (The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia, 1978.), autor sučeljava, razmatra i kritički vrjednuje ulogu ljudske tjelovježbe i igranja-igara u četirima konstrukcijama sretnog ljudskog življenja iznesena u trima renesansnim filozofskim spisima: O najboljem uređenju države i o novom otoku Utopiji (De optimo reipublicae statu deque nova insula Utopia libelous, 1516.) T. Morea, Sretni grad (La città felice, 1553.) F. Petrića i Grad Sunca. Ideja filozofske države (Civitas Solis. Idea reipublicae philosophicae, 1603.) T. Campanelle, te spomenutom postmodernom spisu B. H. Suitsa. Teza je autora da su u Suitsovu rješenju za sretan i smislen život čovjeka, koji se sastoji u neprestanom igranju-igara ili bavljenju jedino autoteličnim i intrinzično vrijednim aktivnostima, sadržane dokoličarske nakane svih ostalih navedenih konstrukcija. Štoviše, to rješenje ili odgovor, premda konstruirano za suvremena čovjeka, jest rješenje za čovjeka svakog vremena i uvjeta ili okolnosti. - The paper was prompted by B. H. Suitsʼ construction of Utopia and solutions for the meaningful and happy life of every single human, presented in The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia (1978). The author considers, critically evaluates and confronts the role of human physical exercise and game-playing in four constructions of meaningful and happy human life, presented in three Renaissance philosophical writings: De optimo reipublicae statu deque nova insula Utopia libelous (1516) by T. More, La città felice (1553) by F. Patricius, and Civitas Solis. Idea reipublicae philosophicae (1603) by T. Campanella, with the aforementioned B. H. Suitsʼ postmodern writing. The authorʼs thesis is that Suitsʼ solution to human meaningful and full life, which consists in constant game-playing or engaging in only autotelic and intrinsically valuable activities, contains all the leisured intentions of other considered constructions. Moreover, although Suits aims at contemporary humans, it is a solution for all historical periods, conditions or circumstances.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 335-346  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tjelovježba -- Igranje -- Igra -- Sreća -- Renesansna filozofija
Suits, Bernard Herbert


TOMAC, Zvonimir, kineziolog
Utječu li izvannastavne sportske aktivnosti na razvoj motoričkih vještina učenika primarnog obrazovanja? [Elektronička građa] / Zvonimir Tomac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Izvannastavne aktivnosti u osnovnoj školi organiziraju se u svrhu zadovoljenja različitih potreba i interesa učenika i provode se u sedam različitih područja kojima pripada i tjelesno i zdravstveno područje. Izvanškolske sportske aktivnosti realiziraju se izvan škole, obično u sportskim klubovima. Njihov je cilj dodatni utjecaj na razvoj antropoloških obilježja učenika te stjecanje novih teorijskih i praktičnih znanja iz izborne aktivnosti (Caput Jogunica i Barić, 2015). Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utječu li dodatne izvannastavne sportske aktivnosti na razvoj motoričkih vještina djece u razrednoj nastavi. Na uzorku od 55 učenika i učenica 3. i 4. razreda primarnog obrazovanja, koji je podijeljen na dva subuzorka s obzirom na uključenost u sportske programe, primijenjen je mjerni instrument Bruininks-Oseretsky testa (2. izdanje), skraćena inačica, kojim su se procjenjivale motoričke vještine učenika. Rezultati su pokazali kako u većini varijabli nema značajnih razlika između skupina sudionika, ali učenici koji nisu uključeni u dodatne izvannastavne i izvanškolske sportske aktivnosti postižu bolje rezultate u jednoj manipulativnoj vještini (vođenje lopte; Z=2,68, p=0,01) te dvije grube motoričke vještine (sklekovi; Z=281, p=0,00; podizanje trupa Z 2,06, p=0,04). - Extracurricular activities that take place in primary school are organised to satisfy different needs and interests of pupils and are implemented in seven different areas, including sports and health. Extramural sports activities take place outside the school, usually in sports clubs. Both types of activities aim to further influence the anthropological characteristics of the pupils and provide them with new theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of the chosen activity (Caput Jogunica und Barić, 2015). The aim of this study was to determine to what extent the additional extracurricular sports activities influence the development of motor skills of primary school children. We assessed the motor skills of the pupils on a sample of 55 pupils from the 3rd and 4th grade of primary school who were divided into two groups, depending on their participation in sports activities or lack thereof. The measuring instrument used was the Bruininks - Oseretsky Test (shortened version). The results have shown that there are no significant differences between the two groups. However, in one manipulative skill (Z=2.68, p=0.01) and in two gross motor skills (Z=281, p=0.00; Z 2.06, p=0.04) those students who did not participate in additional extracurricular or extramural sports activities achieved better results. - Nicht obligatorische, also freiwillige Aktivitäten, die in der Grundschule außerhalb des Unterrichts stattfinden, werden zum Zwecke der Befriedigung unterschiedlicher Bedürfnisse und Interessen der Schüler organisiert und in sieben verschiedenen Bereichen durchgeführt, zu denen der Bereich Sport und Gesundheit gehört. Außerschulische Sportaktivitäten werden außerhalb der Schule, gewöhnlich in Sportvereinen ausgeübt. Beide Arten von Aktivitäten zielen darauf ab, die anthropologischen Eigenschaften der Schüler zusätzlich zu beeinflussen und ihnen neue theoretische und praktische Kenntnisse im Bereich der gewählten Aktivität zu vermitteln (Caput Jogunica und Barić, 2015). Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es festzustellen, inwiefern die zusätzlichen freiwilligen Sportaktivitäten die Entwicklung der motorischen Fertigkeiten von Grundschulkindern beeinflussen. Anhand einer Stichprobe von 55 Schülerinnen und Schülern der 3. und 4. Grundschulklasse, die in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt wurden – je nachdem, ob sie zusätzlich Sport treiben oder nicht – und des angewandten Messinstruments Bruininks – Oseretsky Test (verkürzte Version), wurden die motorischen Fertigkeiten der Schüler bewertet. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass es zwischen den Teilnehmergruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede gibt. In einer manipulativen Fertigkeit jedoch (Z=2,68, p=0,01) und in zwei grobmotorischen Fertigkeiten (Z=281, p=0,00; Z 2,06, p=0,04) erzielten diejenigen Schüler, die nicht an zusätzlichen freiwilligen und außerschulischen Sportaktivitäten teilnehmen, bessere Ergebnisse.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 123-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Primarno obrazovanje -- Sportske aktivnosti -- Izvannastavne aktivnosti -- Motoričke vještine

Vidi br.: HA20-00090

Vidi br.: HA20-00091

Vidi br.: HA20-00094

Vidi br.: HA20-00084

Vidi br.: HA20-00093

Vidi br.: HA20-00087

Vidi br.: HA20-00083

Vidi br.: HA20-00089

Vidi br.: HA20-00085


80   Filologija. Prozodija. Retorika

Govorništvo - potreba u hrvatskomu odgojno-obrazovnomu sustavu [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Sunara-Jozek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Razvoj tehnologije, s jedne strane, primorava ljude da više komuniciraju, a opet s druge strane ovisnost o računalima i društvenim mrežama ljude fizički udaljava, što mijenja komunikacijske obrasce. Tim su promjenama najviše podložni mladi. Svjedoci smo sve lošijega jezičnoga izražavanja naših osnovnoškolaca pri čemu su teškoće vidljive i u pisanomu i u usmenomu izražavanju (čitanju i govorenju). Cilj je ovoga rada istaknuti razliku između jezične i komunikacijske kompetencije, ukazati na značenje govorništva kao discipline u antičkom razdoblju i danas te prikazati istraživanje o usmenomu izražavanju osnovnoškolaca u Hrvatskoj koje je anketno provedeno pomoću obrasca Google Drive. U anketi je sudjelovalo 438 učitelja osnovnih škola. Cilj istraživanja bio je pokazati da je u 21. stoljeću izuzetno važno uvođenje govorništva u osnovnoškolski odgojno-obrazovni sustav jer su rezultati ankete potvrdili prvu hipotezu da je usmeno izražavanje naših osnovnoškolaca osrednje. Govorništvo je disciplina koja nikako nije zastarjela. U doba globalizacije, prožimanja kultura, migracija (fizičkih ili onih posredstvom različitih tehnologijskih dostignuća) te razvoja medija ona je sve više potrebna. Sve je češća praksa da se govorničke vještine usavršavaju tek kada pojedinac osjeti da mu je to nužno potrebno ili se one uopće ne usavršavaju, pa smo svjedoci mnogobrojnih govorničkih (ne)uspjeha. - Technological development, on the one hand, allows people to communicate more, and yet on the other hand computers and social networks dependency, physically separates people, which changes communication patterns. Young people are the ones who are subject of the changes mentioned before. We are witnessing deterioration in language expression of our primary school pupils, where difficulties are evident in both writing and oral expression (reading and speaking). The aim of this paper is to highlight the difference between language and communication competence, to point out the importance of oratory as a discipline in the ancient period and today, and to present a survey of oral expression of primary school pupils in Croatia which was done through the Google Drive Form. 438 primary school teachers were involved in the survey. The aim of the research was to show that in the 21st century it is extremely important to introduce oratory into the primary school educational system because the survey results confirmed the first hypothesis that the oral expression of our primary school pupils is mediocre. Oratory is a discipline that is by no means outdated. At this time of globalization, intertwining culture, migration (physical or through different technological achievements) and the development of media, this discipline is increasingly needed. More common practice is to improve oratory skills only when an individual feels he needs them or they are not perfected at all, so we are witness to numerous oratory (un)successes. - Durch die stetige Entwicklung der Technologie sind die Menschen einerseits immer mehr auf Kommunikation angewiesen, andererseits werden sie durch Abhängigkeit von Computern und sozialen Netzwerken im wahren Leben immer mehr voneinander entfernt, was wiederum die Kommunikationsmuster beeinflusst. Vor allem junge Menschen sind von diesen Veränderungen betroffen. Wir sind Zeugen eines immer schlechteren sprachlichen Ausdrucks unserer Schüler, wobei sich die Schwierigkeiten im schriftlichen und mündlichen Ausdruck bemerkbar machen (Schreiben und Sprechen). Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es den Unterschied zwischen der Sprach- und Kommunikationskompetenz hervorzuheben, auf die Bedeutung der Rhetorik als Disziplin seit der Antike bis heute hinzuweisen und die Ergebnisse der Studie zum mündlichen Ausdruck von Primar- und Sekundarstufenschülern in Kroatien zu präsentieren. Die Umfrage wurde mittels Google Drive durchgeführt und 438 Lehrer der Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I nahmen teil. Das Ziel der Untersuchung war zu beweisen, dass es im 21. Jahrhundert außerordentlich wichtig ist, Rhetorik in diese Schulstufen einzuführen, da die Ergebnisse die Anfangshypothese bestätigt haben, nämlich dass der mündliche Ausdruck unserer Schüler nur mittelmäßig ist. Die Rhetorik ist keinesfalls eine veraltete Disziplin. Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, des gegenseitigen Durchdringens der Kulturen, der Migration (im Raum oder mittels unterschiedlichen technologischer Leistungen) und der Entwicklung der Medien steigt der Bedarf daran. Immer öfter beginnen Individuen ihre Redekunst erst dann zu verbessern, wenn sie spüren, dass dies zur Notwendigkeit geworden ist, oder aber gibt es viele, die sie gar nicht erst weiterentwickeln, weshalb wir Zeugen zahlreicher rednerischer Misserfolge sind.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 171-180  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Govorništvo -- Jezične kompetencije -- Komunikacijske kompetencije -- Usmeno izražavanje -- Osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje -- Kurikulum

DELCHEVA Dizdarevikj, Jasmina
The power of a story in the function of language literacy [Elektronička građa] / Jasmina Delcheva Dizdarevikj, Vedran Dizdarevikj.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - In this paper we tried to demonstrate the power of a story in the function of language literacy. We are going to build up our argument from the general premises of the cultural psychologist Jerome Bruner dispersed in many of his books, which postulate that our experience of ourselves and the world is structured in a narrative form – like a story. We think that the best way to acquire language literacy is to start from a story and then to proceed to language. Listening to stories (told or read by a teacher) equips students with the skills and attitudes that afterwards enable easier acquisition of pre-reading and reading skills. Such pre-reading skills are making distinction between written and spoken language, recognition of articulation, intonation and diction in language, and understanding that language is always entangled in meaning. The studies have shown that having access to imaginative and properly structured stories adequate for students’ developmental level is very important and beneficial for understanding of how language works. Language and stories are essentially interconnected and one cannot exist without the other and that is why the structure of narratives discloses the structure of language. - Diese Arbeit versucht die Macht der Erzählung als Mittel zur Entwicklung und Förderung der literalen Kompetenz darzustellen. Unsere Argumente bauen auf den allgemeinen Prämissen des Kulturpsychologen Jerome Bruner, die in zahlreichen seiner Schriften vertreten sind und die voraussetzen, dass unsere Selbsterfahrung und die Erfahrung der Welt in narrativer Form – als Erzählung – strukturiert ist. Wir finden, der beste Weg zur Aneignung literaler Kompetenz ist, mit der Erzählung anzufangen und dann zur Sprache überzugehen. Wenn Schüler Erzählungen, die der Lehrer erzählt oder liest, zuhören, entwickeln sie Fertigkeiten und Einstellungen, die ihnen später einen einfacheren frühen Schriftspracherwerb und die Aneignung der Lesefertigkeiten ermöglichen. Diese Vorläuferfertigkeiten des frühen Schriftspracherwerbs machen den Unterschied aus zwischen der geschriebenen und gesprochenen Sprache, des Erkennens der Artikulation, Intonation und Diktion in der Sprache sowie der Erkenntnis, dass Bedeutung der Kern der Sprache ist (dass sie etwas bedeutet). Untersuchungen zeigen, dass der Einsatz phantasievoller und korrekt strukturierter Erzählungen, die dem Entwicklungsstand der Schüler angemessen sind, sehr wichtig und nützlich ist für das Verständnis der Funktionsweise der Sprache. Sprache und Erzählungen sind in ihrem Wesen ineinander verflochten und können ohne des anderen nicht existieren. Deshalb enthüllt und offenbart die Struktur der Narration die Struktur der Sprache. - U ovom radu pokušat ćemo prikazati moć priče u funkciji jezične pismenosti. Izgradit ćemo naš argument iz općih premisa kulturalnoga psihologa Jeromea Brunera zastupljenim u mnogim njegovim knjigama koje pretpostavljaju da je naše iskustvo o nama samima i svijetu strukturirano u narativni oblik – kao priča. Smatramo da je najbolji način za stjecanje jezične pismenosti početi od priče, a zatim prijeći na jezik. Slušanje priča (koje je učitelj ispričao ili pročitao) razvija kod učenika vještine i stavove koji će im kasnije omogućiti lakše stjecanje predčitalačkih i čitalačkih vještina. Takve predčitalačke vještine čine razliku između pisanoga i govornoga jezika, prepoznavanja artikulacije, intonacije i dikcije u jeziku te spoznaje da je značenje bit jezika (da nešto znači). Istraživanja su pokazala da je pristup maštovitim i pravilno strukturiranim pričama koje su primjerene razvojnoj razini učenika vrlo važan i koristan za razumijevanje funkcioniranja jezika. Jezik i priče u svojoj su biti isprepleteni i ne mogu postojati jedno bez drugoga i zato struktura narativa otkriva strukturu jezika.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 201-206  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jezična pismenost -- Čitalačke vještine -- Struktura jezika -- Priča

Upute za dobar govor u odgajanju i obrazovanju [Elektronička građa] : nadahnute Kvintilijanovim i Marulićevim mislima / Jelena Vignjević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovome radu razmišlja se o govoru u djelatnostima odgoja i obrazovanja te o govornim sposobnostima potrebnima odgojitelju, učitelju i nastavniku za uspješno upućivanje djece i mladih ljudi u proces stjecanja znanja, ali i vrlina potrebnih za dobar život i suživot s drugima. Pritom se na odgojiteljev (učiteljev, nastavnikov) govor gleda kao na jedinstvo dviju njegovih nerazdvojnih sastavnica – komunikacijske i retoričke. Ističe se, danas često zanemarena, potreba njegovanja i retoričke sastavnice odgojiteljskoga govora, ne samo komunikacijske. U tom se kontekstu donose izabrani retorički naputci za govor u odgoju i obrazovanju, oprimjereni mislima rimskoga retoričara Kvintilijana te europskoga i hrvatskoga kršćanskoga humanista Marka Marulića. - This paper contemplates the language used in education as well as the linguistic skills that pre-school teachers and teachers need to master so that they may introduce children, pupils and students into the process of knowledge acquisition and, no less importantly, the acquisition of the virtues one needs to have in order to lead a good life and live harmoniously with the individuals in their environment. The language of the (pre-school) teacher is here viewed as consisting of two inseparable components – communicative and rhetorical. The focus is on the need to cherish not only the communicative component of the (pre-school) teacher’s language, but also the rhetorical one as the latter is often neglected in the present day and age. The rhetorical component of the (pre-school) teacher’s language is exceptionally important in the instructional language used by the pre-school teacher or teacher to communicate the taught material to the students as well as in the relational speech used by the (pre-school) teacher in child nurture; i.e. in mediating when working to solve children’s problems and conflicts, in creating positive relations between individuals in an educational establishment, in creating efficient relations with the parents of the children that are being cared for, etc. In the mentioned context this paper delivers good practice guidance for (pre-school) teachers related to the values good language used in education should have. The text is inspired by two canonical European masterpieces: the work of the Roman rhetorician Marcus Fabius Quintilianus Institutio oratoria (1st century) and the work of the European and Croatian Christian humanist Marko Marulić Institutione bene vivendi per exempla sanctorum (16th century). Many parts of the selected works are very much applicable in the education of young people today, even though centuries apart from the circumstances in which those works were created.
U: Nova prisutnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-8676. - 18 (2020), 2 ; str. 325-340  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Govor -- Komunikologija -- Odgojitelj -- Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Retorika

Vidi br.: HA20-00188

81   Lingvistika i jezici

JELIĆ, Gordana
Elliptical constructions in SMS communication / Gordana Jelić, Gordana Vekarić.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: jed. - Sažetak.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 89-102
Kratke poruke -- SMS -- Eliptične konstrukcije -- Jezični varijetet

BRODARIĆ Šegvić, Sara
English-language elements in the chrematonymy od Croatian musical groups / Sara Brodarić Šegvić.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 122-123 str. - Sažetak.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 111-124
Engleski jezik -- Globalizacija -- Krematonimi

MIŠČIN, Evelina
Errors in presentations of medical English students / Evelina Miščin.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 207-208. - Sažetak.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 195-210
Analiza pogrešaka -- Prezentacije -- Medicinski engleski

GALIĆ, Josip, filolog
Frazemi u Brešanovoj drami Predstava 'Hamleta' u selu Mrduša Donja i njezinu prijevodu na istromletački dijalekt / Josip Galić, Magdalena Nigoević.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 151-153 str. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 139-154
Dijalektalna frazeologije -- Novoštokavski ikavski dijalekt -- Istromletački dijalekt

Gacki čakavski govori s područja Otočca – zaštićeno nematerijalno kulturno dobro Republike Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Milan Kranjčević.
Sadrži i: Osnovna literatura o gackoj čakavštini na str. 343-344. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 5 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Gacki čakavski govori na području Gacke starinački su govori te pripadaju čakavskomu narječju. Klasifikacijom spadaju u ikavsko-ekavski dijalekt, a potom se dijele na dvije grupe poddijalekata - rubni i kontinentalni (Kuterevo), a zatim na mjesne govore pojedinih naselja. Gacka čakavština je, povijesno gledano, ostatak nekadašnje prevladavajuće čakavštine na prostoru današnje Gacke, Like i Krbave, ali i mnogo šire. Zbog osmanlijskih prodora u srednjemu vijeku to jezično područje je na crti Vrbas – Neretva potiskivano prema zapadu te je došlo do naseljavanja novoga žiteljstva koje je pripadalo štokavskomu narječju. U suvremenosti je gacka čakavština očuvana u dva areala: na području Otočca i na području Brinja. Ona se oslanja na senjsku, odnosno modruško-ogulinsku čakavštinu i dalje, sve do južnih krajeva Karlovca, odnosno Ozlja. Gacka čakavština je, kao i svi neštokavski govori, ali i mnogo štokavskih, bila potiskivana u prostoru javne komunikacije. Trebalo je podosta napora da se izvorni govornici osmjele i ohrabre njome čim više koristiti. Katedra Čakavskog sabora pokrajine Gacke je i osnovana s ciljem promidžbe i zaštite ove čakavštine. Sve je to nakon dvadesetogodišnjeg djelovanja Katedre rezultiralo 2018. zaštitom Gacke čakavštine s područja Otočca kao nematerijalne kulturne baštine Republike Hrvatske. - The Gacka Chakavian dialects in the region of Gacka are ancient dialects, they belong to the Chakavian dialect, by classification they are part of the Ikavian-Ekavian dialect and are then split into two groups of sub-dialects, marginal and continental (Kuterevo), in order that everything is returned to its source, to the local dialect of individual settlements. Gacka Chakavian is, viewed historical, a remnant of the former prevailing Chakavian dialect not only in the area of today’s Gacka, Lika and Krbava, but also of much further afield. However, due to the Ottoman incursions in the Middle Ages, this linguistic region was on the Vrbas – Neretva line pushed towards the west, the settling occurred of a new population who belonged to the Shtokavian dialect. In modern times Gacka Chakavian is preserved in two areas, in the region of Otočac and the region of Brinje. It relies on the Senj, in other words, Modruš-Ogulin Chakavian and beyond, all the way to the southern ends of Karlovac, in other words, Ozalj. Gacka Chakavian was, like all other X-kavian dialects, as well as many Shtokavian, repressed in the field of public communications. It needed a great deal of effort so that native speakers dared and were encouraged to use it more, and the Chair of the Chakavian Assembly of the Gacka Region was also established with the aim of the promotion and protection of this Chakavian dialect. All of this, after 20 years of the work of the Chair, resulted in the protection of Gacka Chakavian with the region of Otočac as the intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 337-344  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nematerijalna kulturna baština -- Gacka čakavština -- Čakavsko narječje

BAŠIĆ, Ivana, kroatistica
Kojeg su roda likovi u hrvatskim prijevodima Sretnog princa Oscara Wildea? / Ivana Bašić.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 46-47.. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 33-48
Kriterij odabira prijevodnog rješenja -- Individualni i kolektivni čimbenici -- Prevođenje

Kolektivna i individualna značenja u hrvatskome kao J2 govornika albanskog jezika / Ivančica Banković-Mandić.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 175-176. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 167-177
Hrvatski kao J2 -- Albanski kao J2 -- Sociolingvistički profil

Komunikacijska funkcija zoonima u hrvatskom i talijanskom jeziku / Vesna Deželjin.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 162-164 str. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 155-166
Hrvatski jezik -- Zoo-pragmemi -- Apelativna funkcija

O leksiku svetojurskoga govora [Elektronička građa] / Filip Galović. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 335-336. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Govor je Svetoga Jurja štokavski govor te pripada zapadnomu dijalektu, kao i svi govori podvelebitskoga područja, osim čakavskoga govora grada Senja. Senjski je govor, kao govor administrativnoga i kulturnoga središta ovoga prostora, izvršio stanovit utjecaj na svetojurski govor, pa i danas u njemu žive pojedini čakavski nanosi. U radu se iznose najvažnije fonološke i morfološke značajke govora Svetoga Jurja te se posebno osvrće na leksik ovoga štokavskoga govora. - The dialect of Sveti Juraj is a Shtokavian dialect and belongs to the western dialect, just as all the dialects of the sub-Velebit region, except for the Chakavian dialect of the town of Senj. Senj’s dialect is, like the dialect of the administrative and cultural centre of this area, had a certain influence on the dialect of Sveti Juraj, and so even today there are some Chakavian elements in it. In the paper, the most important phonological and morphological traits of the dialect of Sveti Juraj are represented and the lexis of this Shtokavian dialect is especially considered.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 325-336  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Štokavsko narječje -- Novoštokavski ikavski dijalekt -- Dijalektološke značajke -- Leksik

O predodžbenim metaforama u gradbi terminologije / Ivana Špiranec.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 72-73 str. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 63-74
Predodžbena metafora -- Termin -- Mentalna slika

On the usage of the English first person pronoun / Nejla Kalajdžisalihović.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 108-109. - Sažetak.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 103-110
Suvremeni engleski jezik -- Prvo lice jednine -- Funkcionalne riječi

FUMIĆ, Mateja
Onomastički pogled na matične knjige krštenih župe Jablanac (1860. – 1895.) [Elektronička građa] / Mateja Fumić Bistre. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 247-248. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se ekscerpiraju, analiziraju i komentiraju antroponimijski podatci krštenika upisanih u dvjema matičnim knjigama krštenih župe Jablanac u razdoblju od 1860. do 1895. godine, koje su snimljene na mikrofilmove i dostupne na mrežnoj stranici www. familysearch.org. - In the paper extracted, analysed and commented on is the anthroponymic data of the people baptised in two baptismal registry books of the parish of Jablanac in the period from 1860 to 1895, which has been recorded on microfilm and available on the website www.familysearch.org.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 233-248  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Antoponimija -- Onomastika -- Matične knjige

MIKIĆ Čolić, Ana
Polisemija sufiksa u hrvatskom jeziku / Ana Mikić Čolić, Maja Glušac.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 15-17 str. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 3-18
Polisemija -- Tvrba riječi -- Sufiks

HORGA, Damir
Predviđanje u slušnom procesiranju : padeži / Damir Horga, Kristina Cergol.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 29-31 str. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 19-32
Prevođenje -- Govoreni tekst. -- Morfološka struktura

ŠNJARIĆ, Mirjana
Prototipnost općeznanstvenih glagolsko-imeničkih kolokacija njemačkoga, engleskoga i hrvatskoga jezika / Mirjana Šnjarić, Mirjana Borucinsky.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 58-59 str. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 49-62
Općeznanstveni jezik -- Hrvatski jezik -- Glagolsko-imeničke kolokacije

GALIĆ, Marijana
Sinonimski niz za spisateljsku djelatnost u srednjovjekovnim bosanskim i humskim kancelarijama [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Galić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 110-111. - Sažetak ; Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - U radu će se proučavati leksemi koji označavaju pisarsku djelatnost u bosanskim i humskim kancelarijama. Korpus se sastoji od 130 srednjovjekovnih bosansko-humskih tekstova od isprave bana Kulina 1189. godine do povelje braće Vlatkovića 1493. godine. U formulama najčešće datacije pronalazimo uz ime pisara i funkciju koju je obnašao. Tako se u istraživanome korpusu stvorio kompletan sinonimski niz za tu spisateljsku djelatnost. To je: pisarь (pisьcь), dijakь, gramatikь (gramatigь), logofetь, notarь, protovistijarь. Taj je sinonimski niz od polazišne važnosti za daljnje proučavanje ostalih leksema u srednjovjekovnome korpusu. Pisari su ti kojima možemo zahvaliti na izgledu pisma, njegovanju korespondencije, administraciji uopće i jeziku na kojem su isprave pisane. Razvoj pismenosti u bosansko-humskoj kancelariji, korespondencija s dubrovačkom kancelarijom, nastanak i razvoj hrvatske ćirilice ili bosančice sadržaji su koji u posljednje vrijeme zaokupljaju jezikoslovce. Isprave su najbolji odraz kancelarije. One prikazuju pismo, jezik, stil, autore isprava, naručitelje isprava, mjesto gdje su izdane i kome se šalju te mnoge druge podatke. Uvidom u administrativne tekstove bosansko-humske kancelarije otkriva se čitava lepeza različitih leksema. Pisari su i njihovi tekstovi, kao i tlo na kojem su nastale, nepresušna tema ne samo zbog povijesnog značenja i sadržaja nego zbog grafije, jezika i riječi bosansko-humskoga srednjovjekovlja. - This paper will study the lexemes that characterize the activities of scriveners in the Bosnian and Hum offices. The corpus consists of 130 medieval Bosnian-Hum texts, from the document of ban (viceroy) Kulin in 1189 to the charter of the Vlatković brothers in 1493. In formulas, the most common dates are found with the name of the scrivener and the function he performed. Thus, a complete synonymic sequence for the work of scriveners was created in the studied corpus. This sequence is: pisarь (pisьcь), dijakь, gramatikь (gramatigь), logofetь, protovistijarь. This synonymic sequence is of utmost importance for the further study of other lexemes in the medieval corpus. Scriveners are the ones to be thanked for the appearance of writing, the nurturing of correspondence, administration in general, and the language in which the documents were written. The development of literacy in the Bosnian-Hum office, correspondence with the office in Dubrovnik, the emergence and development of the Croatian Cyrillic or Bosančica are the contents that have lately attracted linguists. Documents are the best reflection of the office. They show the letter, the language, the style, the authors of the documents, the contracting authorities, the place where they were issued and to whom they were sent and much more information. An insight into the administrative texts of the Bosnian Hum Office reveals a whole range of different lexemes. The scriveners and their texts, as well as the area in which they were made are an inexhaustible theme not only because of their historical significance and content, but because of the graphics, language and words of the Bosnian-Hum Middle Ages.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 65 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 101-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spisateljski rad -- Pisari -- Leksemi -- Sinonimi -- Bosansko-humske kancelarije

Što je u imenu? Analiza hrvatskih prijevoda imena u Hoffmannovu Janku Raščupanku / Iva Grubišić Ćurić.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 135-136 str. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 125-138
Dječja književnost -- Prevođenje imena -- Prijevodna rješenja

University students' productive knowledge of English collocations / Katica Balenović, Maja Balić Motušić.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 190-192. - Sažetak.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 181-194
Kolokacije -- Produktivno znanje -- Kolokacijska kompetencija

Vokalski prostor kroatofonih govornika francuskog jezika : akustička analiza / Karla Zvonar, Marko Liker, Lidija Orešković Dvorski.
Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 16. do 18. svibnja 2019. u Rijeci. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 221-223. - Abstract.
U: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. - ISSN . - str. 211-223
Vokali -- Francuski jezik -- Akustička analiza

Vidi br.: HA20-00245

811.11   Germanski jezici

811.112   Njemački jezik

Vidi br.: HA20-00507

811.13   Romanski jezici

Profesionalni identitet učitelja francuskoga jezika u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Rea Lujić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 142-146. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Identitet učitelja inoga jezika nedovoljno je istražen koncept na području Republike Hrvatske. Stoga se u ovome radu navedeni koncept ponajprije teorijski razmatra, a potom se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja profesionalnog identiteta učitelja francuskoga jezika u RH. U istraživačkome dijelu rada razmatramo mijenjaju li učitelji francuskog jezika svoj profesionalni identitet ili ne mijenjaju, a ako mijenjaju, u kojoj je to mjeri i koji su razlozi tomu. Rezultati su pokazali kako učitelji svoj učiteljski identitet najčešće mijenjaju sudjelujući na lokalnim stručnim usavršavanjima, a najmanje sudjelovanjem u organiziranim e-tečajevima. Glavnim razlogom za sudjelovanje u aktivnostima stručnoga usavršavanja pokazao se njihov unutarnji poticaj, dok su se glavnim razlogom za nesudjelovanjem pokazali financijski čimbenici. Dulje radno iskustvo, članstvo u Hrvatskoj udruzi profesora francuskoga jezika i obvezni status jezika pokazali su se faktorima koji statistički značajno pozitivno utječu na osjećaj pripadnosti zajednici učitelja francuskoga jezika u Republici Hrvatskoj. - The identity of foreign language teachers is an under-researched concept in Croatia. This paper thus focuses on this concept foremost from a theoretical position, followed by a description of the results of research into the professional identity of French teachers in Croatia. The research considers whether French teachers change their professional identity or not, and if they do, to which extent and for what reasons. The results show that teachers most often change their teaching identity by participating in local professional training courses, and least often by participating in organised e-courses. The main reason for participating in professional training activities proved to be internal motivation, while the main reason for not participating proved to be financial factors. A longer work history, membership in the Croatian Association of French Language Teachers, and status as a compulsory language proved to be statistically significant factors influencing feelings of belonging to the community of French teachers in Croatia.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 2 ; str. 129-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Francuski jezik -- Učitelji francuskog jezika -- Stručno usavršavanje

811.16   Slavenski jezici

811.163.42   Hrvatski jezik

Hrvatska mikrotoponimija u Mađarskoj – u Pomurju, Podravini i u gradišćanskih kajkavaca [Elektronička građa] / Mijo Lončarić, Ernest Barić (Barics Ernö), Karlo Gadányi (Gadányi Károly). - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 75-77. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ovo je prethodno priopćenje o temi, koja je vrlo opsežna i slojevita, o kojoj će trebati izraditi više radova, a najbolje bi bilo izraditi barem 1-2 disertacije. To je hrvatska mikrotoponimijia u Mađarskoj, i to u Pomurju (Županija Zala), u Podravini (Županija Šomođ – Somogy), te mikrotoponimija gradišćanskih kajkavaca, na Nežiderskom / Niuzaljskom jezeru (Neusiedler See, Fertő tó) na sjeverozapadu Mađarske (Đursko-mošonsko-šopronska županija – Győr-Moson-Sopron megye). U Pomurju je desetak sela, od kojih neka imaju većinom hrvatska imena. gdje hrvatski govori pripadaju međimurskom dijalektu, i to donjem (istočnom) poddijalektu. Uz austrijski granicu dva su kajkavska sela (Homok / Umok i Vedešin / Hedešin), koja pripadaju gradišćanskohrvatskom krugu. Bez obzira na porijeklo, već je Ivšić pokazao da je velika sličnost tih govora s međimurskima. To je hrvatska kajkavska mikrotoponimija u Mađarskoj, koje ima nešto i u Podravini, gdje je većinom štokavska. Kad se obrađuje mikrotoponimija pojedinih sela u Podravlju, treba obraditi svu, bez obzira je li kajkavska ili štokavska. - This is a preview to a very extensive and multi-layered matter. Several works should be elaborated on this subject, best of all covered by at least one to two dissertations. It is about the Croatian microtoponymy in Hungary,i.e. in Pomurje (Zala County), in Podravina (Somogy County), and the microtoponymy of the Burgenland Kajkavian-speaking inhabitants living by the Neusiedler/Fertő tó Lake, and in northwest Hungary- Győr-Moson-Sopron County. There are some ten villages in Pomurje where in some the majority have Croatian names, and the Croatian speeches fall into the Međimurean dialect, i.e. into the lower (eastern) subdialect. There are two villages by the Austrian border where Kajkavian is spoken (Homok/Umok and Vedešin/Hedešin), belonging to the Croatian Burgenland circle. Regardless of descent, it has been some time now that Ivšić had demonstrated the great similarity between these tongues in comparison to the Međimurean ones. This is the Kajkavian Croatian microtoponymy in Hungary. There is some in Podravina as well, where it is mainly Shtokavian. When the mycrotoponymy of some Podravlje villages is analysed, all should be considered, regardless of whether it is Kajkavian or Shtokavian.
U: Kaj (Online). - ISSN 1848-7920. - 52 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 59-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Mađarski jezik -- Kajkavsko narječje -- Međimurski dijalekt -- Mikrotoponimija -- Gradišćanski kajkavci

O značenju leksema splićanistika / Anđela Milinović.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 48-50 str. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 37-50
Rječnička natuknica -- Splićanistika/splatinistika -- Značenjski slojevi

Ribarska terminologija u radovima Anatolija Kudrjavceva / Ljerka Šimunković.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 77-85
Ribolov -- Ribički pribor -- Romanizmi
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


Sintaktičke i morfološke osobine atributnih odnosnih rečenica koje utječu na uspješnost njihove proizvodnje [Elektronička građa] = Syntactic and morphological features affecting the production of attributive relative clauses / Tihana Moharić, Gordana Hržica. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Usvajanje odnosnih rečenica, koje su među najsloženijim rečeničnim strukturama, prekretnica je u dječjem jezičnom razvoju, što ih čini predmetom mnogih istraživanja. Posebno su se, unutar različitih teorijskih struja, proučavale atributne odnosne rečenice (pregled, primjerice, Arnon 2011). Sve one ističu više čimbenika koji utječu na sposobnost ovladavanja ovim strukturama. Vjerojatno je najvažniji proučavani čimbenik vrsta atributnih odnosnih rečenica, s obzirom na ulogu odnosne zamjenice u rečenici. Ova se razlika unutar generativističkih teorija objašnjava sintaktičkim pomakom, koji se može dogoditi iz subjektnog ili objektnog položaja. Brojna istraživanja tipološki različitih jezika pokazuju da je za usvajanje i obradu lakši pomak iz subjekta. Međujezična istraživanja ističu i označavanje roda odnosne zamjenice i imenica, koji se, posebice u morfološki bogatijim jezicima, pokazao vrlo značajnim čimbenikom (npr. Belleti i sur. 2012.; Stavrakaki i sur. 2015). Ovim se radom željelo istražiti - utječu li i na koji način sintaktički pomak i morfološka oznaka roda na proizvodnju atributnih odnosnih rečenica i u hrvatskom jeziku. Pretpostavljalo se da će rezultati ići u prilog lakšoj proizvodnji rečenica s pomakom iz subjekta, te rečenica s razlikom u rodu imenica. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 301 dijete starosti 2;0-7;05 godina. Zadatak je bio prema modelu proizvesti 14 umetnutih atributnih odnosnih rečenica. Podaci su prikupljani u sklopu predstandardizacijskog ispitivanja za test jezičnog razumijevanja i proizvodnje Nova Reynell razvojna jezična ljestvica – NRDLS-HR (Kuvač Kraljević i sur. 2019; izdavač: Naklada Slap). Odnosne rečenice s pomakom iz subjekta, djeca su proizvodila značajno bolje od odnosnih rečenica s pomakom iz objekta. Rečenice u kojima se rod imenskih riječi razlikovao, djeca su proizvodila značajno bolje od onih koje su činile imenice jednakog roda. - The acquisition of relative clauses as one of the most complex syntactic structures is an important milestone in language development. Attributive relative clauses have particularly been extensively studied (overview: Arnon 2011). Different theoretical approaches define features relevant for the acquisition and processing of this type of clauses. The most studied feature is the type of clause according to the role of the relative pronoun. In the scope of generative theories, this has been explained by the type of syntactic movement that can occur from the subject or from the object position. Numerous research of typologically different languages have shown that subject relative clauses are acquired earlier and processed easier. Studies on morphologically rich languages have revealed morphological marking as another relevant factor (Belleti et al. 2012; Stavrakaki et al. 2015). The aim of this study was to explore the influence of syntactic movement and the noun phrases gender in the production of attributive relative clauses in Croatian.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 67-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Odnosne rečenice -- Sintaksa -- Jezična proizvodnja -- Morfološko označavanje

Vidi br.: HA20-00485

Vidi br.: HA20-00484

Vidi br.: HA20-00488

82   Književnost

BLEČIĆ, Martina, prevoditeljica
Shakespeareov Jago kao protuprimjer tradicionalnoj definiciji laži [Elektronička građa] / Martina Blečić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je rada propitati tradicionalnu definiciju laži. U radu ne pružam vlastitu definiciju te pojave, ali pokušavam pokazati da je tradicionalna definicija laži, po kojoj je za laganje nužno iskazivanje neistinitih tvrdnji, neadekvatna. Kako bih to učinila, u prvom dijelu predstavljam teoriju Herberta Paula Gricea o razgovornim implikaturama, čije su hotimično neistinite inačice izrijekom isključene iz tradicionalne definicije. U nastavku, pozivajući se na teoriju o zadanim značenjima, odbacujem rašireni stav da se govornik uvijek može ograditi od pragmatički prenesene poruke. Potom, predstavljam standardnu definiciju laži i sagledavam koju ulogu u njoj imaju govornikova namjera i slušateljeva odgovornost. U drugom dijelu, dotadašnje uvide primjenjujem na Shakespeareovu tragediju Otelo. Nakon kratkog predstavljanja odnosa između Otela i Jaga, razlažem tri dramska primjera onoga što smatram lažima ostvarenima razgovornom implikaturom. Takva analiza ima dvojaku ulogu. Prva joj je zadaća pokazati nedostatnost tradicionalne definicije laži kroz tvrdnju da Jago, iako ne izgovara neistine, laže. Druga je zadaća ukazivanje na ograničeni doseg mogućnosti poništavanja pragmatički prenesene poruke; Jagove pragmatičke poruke toliko su snažne da se, iako to pokušava učiniti, od njih ne uspijeva ograditi. - This paper aims to question the traditional definition of lying. I do not present my definition of this phenomenon. Instead, I try to show that the traditional definition – to lie one must utter a false claim – is inadequate. To do that, in the first part of the paper, I present Herbert Paul Grice’s theory of conversational implicatures, which are explicitly excluded from the traditional definition. Next, relying on the theory of default meanings, I reject the widespread idea that the speaker can always distance themselves from a pragmatically conveyed message. Then I present the traditional definition of lying and the role that the intention of the speaker and the responsibility of the hearer play in it. In the second part, I apply the insights gathered by that point to Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello. After a brief presentation of the relation between Othello and Iago, I present three examples of dialogues from the play that I consider to be the cases of lying accomplished with conversational implicatures. This kind of analysis has a dual role. The first one is to show the inadequacy of the traditional definition of lying. Even though Iago does not utter a single false claim, he is lying. The second one to point to the limited scope of the possibility of denying a pragmatically conveyed message. Iago’s pragmatic messages are so strong that he cannot distance himself from them, even when he tries to.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 827-851  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laganje -- Razgovorna implikatura -- Namjera -- Pragmatika
Shakespeare, William -- Grice, Herbert Paul


Vidi br.: HA20-00111

Vidi br.: HA20-00069

Vidi br.: HA20-00497

821   Svjetska književnost

821.16   Slavenske književnosti

BOŠKOVIĆ, Ivan, profesor književnosti
Kudrjavcevljev Mediteran / Ivan Bošković.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: jed. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 87-96
Nostalgija -- Kulturno blago
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


Kulturspezifische Elemente in der mazedonisch-deutschen Übersetzung von Blaže Koneskis Erzählungen „Ljubov“ und „Pesna“ [Elektronička građa] = Kulturnospecifični izrazi u makedonsko-njemačkom prijevodu pripovijesti Blaže Koneskog „Ljubov“ i „Pesna“ / Emilija Bojkovska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 4 jed. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - Im Beitrag wird auf die Darstellung des Kultur-begriffs, der kulturellen Kompetenz des Überset-zers / der Übersetzerin und der translatorischen Verfahren für die kulturspezifischen Elemente anhand von Blaže Koneskis Erzählungen „Љубов / Ljubov“ und „Песна / Pesna“ in ma-zedonischer Sprache sowie deren deutschen Übersetzungen „Liebe“ und „Petres Lied“ die translatorische Übertragung von Sinngehalt (In-halt) und Stil (Ausdruck) untersucht. Folgende kulturspezifische Elemente werden behandelt: maz. Песна / Pesna >dt. Petres Lied, maz. ракија / rakija >dt. Rakija, maz. Богоројца / Bogorojca >dt. Mariä Hilmmelfahrt, maz. оро / oro >dt. Kolo und maz. чардак / čардак >dt. Maisscheune. Die Untersuchung umfasst a) die Bestimmung des kulturellen Subsystems, b) die semantische Zuordnung der kulturspezifi-schen Termini, c) die formale und die referenziel-le Übereinstimmung zwischen Original und Übersetzung (z. B. Expansion, Reduktion) sowie d) den translatorischen Umgang mit der Kultur-spezifik (Verfremdung oder Einbürgerung). Die Autorin kommentiert und argumentiert die über-setzerischen Lösungen und schlägt teilweise eigene Übersetzungsvorschläge vor. - U članku se analizira prevođenje pripovijesti „Љубов / Ljubov“ i „Песна / Pesna“ makedons-kog pisca Blaže Koneskog sa makedonskog na njemački jezik „Liebe“ i „Petres Lied“ fo-kusirajući se na kulturnospecifične izraze. Auto-rica najprije definira pojam kulture i kulturne kompetencije prevoditelja / prevoditeljie i opred-jeli prevodilačke strategije kulturnospecifičnih izraza u kontekstu adekvatnog prenošenja sa-držaja i stila. Analiziraju se slijedeći kulturnos-pecifični izrazi: mak. Песна / Pesna >njem. Petres Lied, mak. ракија / rakija >njem. Rakija, mak. Богоројца / Bogorojca >njem. Mariä Hilmmelfahrt, mak. оро / oro >njem. Kolo i mak. чардак / čардак >njem. Maisscheune. Istraživanje obuhvaća a) određivanje kulturnog subsistema, b) semantičku klasifikaciju kulturnospecifičnih izraza, c) for-malnu i referencijalnu usklađenost između ori-ginala i prijevoda (npr. ekspanzija ili redukcija) i d) prevoditeljsku strategiju kulturno specifičnih izraza (otuđivanje ili naturalizacija). Autorica komentira i argumentira prevoditeljska rješenja te predlaže svoja vlastita prijevodna rješenja.
U: Informatologia (Online). - ISSN 1848-7793. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 148-163  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Makedonska književnost -- Njemački prijevod -- Prevođenje -- Lingvistička analiza
Koneski, Blaže


Mediteranski inventar Anatolija Kudrjavceva / Tonko Maroević.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 9-20
Karakteristični pojmovi
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


LACO, Gordana
Novinski tekstovi Anatolija Kudrjavceva s jezičnoga i stilskoga motrišta / Gordana Laco.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 21-36
Novinarsko-pubilicistička praksa -- Gramatička norma -- Jezičnostilske značajke
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


Vidi br.: HA20-00472

Vidi br.: HA20-00474

Vidi br.: HA20-00473

821.163.42   Hrvatska književnost

ŠUTALO, Goranka
Blagojevićev Pjesnik-putnik (1771) u kontekstu „katoličkoga prosvjetiteljstva“ [Elektronička građa] Goranka Šutalo.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 89-91. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Adam Tadija Blagojević (1745. ili 1746. – nakon 1797.) u hrvatskoj je književnoj historiografiji atribuiran kao najizrazitiji predstavnik jozefinizma u slavonskoj književnosti, što svakako potvrđuje i njegov nevelik književni opus, a ponajprije jedino izvorno autorovo djelo – spjev Pjesnik-putnik, nikoji događaji prvo i posli puta Josipa II. cesara rimsko-nimačkoga u Slavoniju (1771). Unatoč tome što je hrvatska književna historiografija prilično dobro opisala Blagojevićeva djela, čini se da je njihov prosvjetiteljski predznak još uvijek nedovoljno precizno pojašnjen. U radu se stoga Blagojevićev Pjesnik-putnik nastoji promotriti s aspekta katoličkog prosvjetiteljstva, čije se naznake u spjevu mogu primijetiti. - The visit of Joseph II to Slavonia in 1768 was the primary reason why Blagojević wrote his only original work, the poem Pjesnik-putnik (1771), on the basis of which he has been described in Croatian literary historiography as one of the most distinct representatives of Josephinism in Slavonian literature. The first two cantos of Pjesnik-putnik are encomiums on Joseph II and Maria Theresa; in the remaining four cantos, Blagojević discussed and described the social conditions of 18th century Slavonia. In Pjesnik-putnik Blagojević praised Matija Antun Relković and criticized the anonymous friar, i.e. the Slavonian Tamburitza player who unreasonably lashed out at the writer of the Slavonian truths presented in Satir iliti divjem čoviku (Dresden 1762, Osijek 1779), a work which is in literary historiography usually seen as a paradigmatic example of the Croatian (literary) Enlightenment. Blagojević also praised the priest Vid Došen who was the parish administrator in Dubovik near Slavonski Brod and wrote Jeka planine (Mountain’s Echo) (1767); with this poem Došen had defended Relković. In Pjesnik-putnik Blagojević praised Maria Theresa and Joseph II, referred positively to the reforms of Joseph II and presented himself as a supporter of enlightened absolutism and of the policy of the State Church. Even though Croatian historiography has given fairly good reviews of the poem Pjesnik-putnik as well as of Blagojević’s translations, it seems to me that the enlightenment aspect has still not been explained in detail and comes down to a few basic theses - Blagojević is the most outstanding Slavonian representative of Josephinism; his attitudes are somewhat more radical than Relković’s (for instance his very strong criticism of the Franciscans); nevertheless, he is still far from western Illuminism (atheism and deism), hence, his enlightenment is rather “moderate”, referring to domestic circumstances or, in the words of Rafo Bogišić.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 65-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Hrvatsko književno prosvjetiteljstvo -- Katoličko prosvjetiteljstvo -- Terezijanizam -- Jozefinizam
Blagojević, Adam Tadija


Kada Knjiga kupcu govori kako kupac knjigu treba čitati [Elektronička građa] : od prigodno-pohvalnih pjesama do drvoreza u djelu Franje Glavinića i Barne Karnarutića / Saša Potočnjak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Riassunto ; Abstract. - Knjiga propovijedi Manus Christi amoris Franje Glavinića (1585. – 1652.) objavljena je u Veneciji 1625. u izdanju Ivana Salisa. Knjiga se sastoji od pet dijelova kojima prethodi više pjesama Glavinićevih suvremenika: Lucido Mancinelli, Sonetto, Simpliciano da Fiume, Sonetto, Rafael Levaković, Knjiga kupcu govori, Kandid Barbarić, Epigramma te Giovanni Vito Zanchi da Fiume, Madrigale. Dva su pjesnika, Lucido Mancinelli i Rafael Levaković, četrnaest godina poslije objavila također panegiričke pjesničke sastavke, ali u izdanju djela koje je izišlo nakon smrti njegova autora. Riječ je o dosad slabo poznatom drugom izdanju Vazetja Sigeta grada Barne Karnarutića, koje je otisnuto u Veneciji kod Bartolomea Ginammija 1639. godine. Zasad jedini poznati sačuvani primjerak nalazi se u Bibliothèque nationale de France u Parizu. I dok je u Glavinićevu djelu funkcija takvih retoričkih umetaka panegirička (pohvala autora Glavinića), odnosno pragmatična (uvjeriti čitatelja da kupi Glavinićevu knjigu), ali bez jasnijega izvanknjiževnoga konteksta, u slučaju je posmrtnoga Karnarutićeva izdanja riječ o društveno-politički angažiranom pjesništvu s ciljem promicanja protureformacijskih ideja te u kontekstu sve intenzivnijega franjevačkog djelovanja. - La raccolta di omelie Manus Christi amorisdi Franjo Glavinić (1585 – 1652) è stata pubblicata a Venezia per le stampe di Giovanni Salis. Il libro consiste di cinque parti precedute da una serie di poesie di autori contemporanei a Glavinić. Quattordici anni dopo, due tra questi poeti, Lucido Mancinelli e Rafael Levaković, pubblicarono altri componimenti poetici elogiativi (panegirici) in un volume uscito dopo la morte del suo autore. Si tratta della seconda edizione, finora poco conosciuta, di Vazetje Sigeta grada (La presa della città di Szigetvár) di Barne Karnarutić, stampata a Venezia da Bartolomeo Ginammi nel 1639. Per ora l’unico volume conservato di cui siamo a conoscenza è custodito nella Bibliothèque nationale de France a Parigi.E mentre da Glavinić la funzione di tali inserti retorici è elogiativa (l’autore loda Glavinić) ossia pragmatica (convincere il lettore ad acquistare il libro di Gla-vinić), sebbene rimanga fuori da un contesto extraletterario più chiaro, nel casdella pubblicazione postuma di Karnarutić, si tratta di poesia impegnata sul piano sociale-politico con l’obiettivo di promuovere idee controriformiste in un contesto di crescente attività francescana. - The book of sermons Manus Christi amorisby Franjo Glavinić (1585-1652) was pub-lished in Venice in 1625 by Giovanni Salis. The book consists of five sections pre -ceded by several poems Glavinićʼs contemporaries. Fourteen years later, two poets, Lucido Mancinelli and Rafael Levaković, also published panegyric poetic composi-tions, but in the edition of the work that came out after the death of its author. It is a hitherto poorly known second edition of Vazetje Sigeta grada(The conquest of the City of Szigetvár) published by Barne Karnarutić, printed in Venice by Bartolomeo Ginammi in 1639. So far, the only known copy can be found in Bibliothèque natio-nale de France in Paris. While Glavinić uses such rhetorical insertions as panegyrics (praise by the author Glavinić) i.e. pragmatic (persuading the reader to buy Glavinićʼs book), but is void of a clearer extraliterary context, in the case of the posthumous Karnarutić issue it is a socio-politically engaged poetry with the aim of promoting ideas of Catholic Revival within the context of increasing Franciscan activity.
U: Histria (Online). - ISSN 1849-5699. - (2019), 9 ; str. 93-113  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatsko pjesništvo 17. st. -- Prigodnice -- Drvorezbarstvo -- Rekatolizacija
Glavinić, Franjo -- Karnarutić, Barne


Kajkavski svjetogled Božice Jelušić [Elektronička građa] : pjesništvo kao ingeniozno sjećanje / Marijan Varjačić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: pjesme O čupima, dva-tri slova ; Senca na podravskemi puti ; Pregnanci mole Jezuša ; Molitva Jezušu za lehku smrt ; Veter / Božica Jelušić. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U pjesništvu Božice Jelušić estetske vrijednosti neodvojive su od *ethosa; njeno pjevanje upravo je jezik ethosa. Fran Galović, Ivan Golub i Božica Jelušič pjesnički su trolist bitno određen jezikom i zavičajem. Njihovo pjesništvo, međutim, nije zavičajno samo u isključivo sadržajnom nego i u smislu temeljnog iskustva svijeta. Lirika prirode Božice Jelušić bitno je ekološka, u izvornom značenju grčke riječi *oikos = kuća/dom; čovjek je u prirodi pri sebi samom. - The aesthetic values in the poetry of Božica Jelušić are inseparable from *ethos; her canorous poetry is, in fact, the language of ethos. Fran Galović, Ivan Golub, and Božica Jelušić are a threesome of poets essentially defined by language and homeland. However, their poetry is not exclusively native as to content, but also in their basic sense of experiencing the world. Božica Jelušić’s lyrics linked with nature are substantially ecological, in the primary meaning of the Greek word *oikos = house/home; a human in natural environment is at home with himself.
U: Kaj (Online). - ISSN 1848-7920. - 52 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 17-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatsko pjesništvo 20. st. -- Zavičajna književnost -- Zavičaj -- Kajkavska književnost -- Pamćenje -- Sjećanje
Jelušić, Božica


VIDOVIĆ Schreiber, Tea-Tereza
Kampjuni i redikuli splitske umjetničke i usmene književnosti / Tea-Tereza Vidović Schreiber.
Znanstveno-stručni skup o Anatoliju Kudrjavcevu, 26. listopada 2018. Split. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract.
U: Teatar u Splitu i Split u teatru. - ISSN . - str. 97-114
Motiv osobenjaka -- Splitiski humor -- Splitiski književni korpus
Anatolij Kudrjavcev


Vidi br.: HA20-00063

Vidi br.: HA20-00232


902/904   Arheologija

Od lokaliteta do projekta Europske unije [Elektronička građa] : na primjeru Claustra Alpium Iuliarum / Ana Golja. - Fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Riassunto ; Abstract. - Claustra Alpium Iuliarumjedan je od najvećih arhitektonskih kasnoantičkih vojnih pothvata na području današnjih Hrvatske i Slovenije, koji je zbog njegove raspro-stranjenosti kroz šumom obrasla područja dviju država teško zaštititi, očuvati i rabiti u turističke svrhe. Članak na primjeru provedenih projekata Claustra i Clau-stra+ pokazuje kako možemo iskoristiti financiranje iz fondova Europske unije za interdisciplinaran pristup istraživanju, zaštiti i promociji kulturne baštine te razvijati kvalitetan i vjerodostojan kulturni proizvod koji ne narušava baštinu. - Claustra Alpium Iuliarum è una delle maggiori imprese architettoniche militari tardo-antiche che si estende sul territorio delle odierne Croazia e Slovenia e che a causa della sua collocazione su terreni boscosi dei due paesi è molto ardua da tutelare, salvaguardare e sfruttare a scopi turistici. Basandosi sull’esempio dei pro-getti realizzati Claustra e Claustra+, l’articolo illustra le possibilità di fruizione dei finanziamenti provenienti dai fondi UE applicabili attraverso un approccio interdis-ciplinare alla ricerca, alla tutela e alla promozione dei beni culturali e lo sviluppo di un prodotto qualitativo e affidabile che non comprometta il patrimonio culturale. - Claustra Alpium Iuliarumis one of the largest architectural military undertakings in the Late Roman Period in today’s territories of Croatia and Slovenia. Due to its dis-tribution through the dense forest and over the areas of two countries, it is difficult to protect, preserve and use this heritage for tourist purposes. The article upon the example of the implemented projects of Claustra and Claustra+ shows how EU fun-ding can be used for an interdisciplinary approach to research, protect and promote this kind of cultural heritage, and to develop a quality and credible cultural product that does not disturb the heritage.
U: Histria (Online). - ISSN 1849-5699. - (2019), 9 ; str. 37-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrambena arhitektura -- Claustra Alpium Iuliarum -- EU fondovi -- Financiranje -- Kulturna baština -- Turistički potencijal


GLAVAŠ, Vedrana
Transformation of prehistoric to historic landscape [Elektronička građa] : the example of civitas Lopsica / Vedrana Glavaš, Miroslav Glavičić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 134-136. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents a part of the results of years of archaeological research, whose main goal is the study of complex process of Romanisation of peregrine civitates in the area of Velebit Mt. during the first century BC and the first century AD. Civitas Lopsica has been selected as an example of Romanisation, whose center was located at the Gradina hillfort, near present day village of Sveti Juraj, located at the foot of Velebit Mountain near Senj. Lopsica is mentioned in ancient historical sources but it is particularly important that it was mentioned in the list of important Liburnian settlements by Plinius the Elder who referred to it as oppidum. During the first century AD, Lopsica achieved municipal status, which was confirmed by epigraphic evidence. Onomastic analysis shows that the inscriptions mentioned members of the autochthonous Romanised aristocracy, who maintained their acquired positions of authority and were a privileged class in the administrative and economic structure of the municipium. Civitas and the municipium of Lopsica encompassed the coastal region as well as the area that stretched deep into the interior of Velebit Mountain. Combined with the data from earlier studies, recent reviews of terrain and aerial photos have enabled a better overview of the landscape and thus more precise determination of the community boundaries, as well as the way of life in the mountain area that, considering its high karst morphology, seems highly unsuitable for living. The mountain provided great conditions for cattle breeding and the exploitation of forest resources, from which locals could have had significant benefits. The favorable strategic and transportation position and a busy harbor encouraged the development of trade which took place over the mountain passes with Iapodes inland. Changes that occurred in the landscape during the Iron Age and early antiquity can still be seen today. - U radu se prikazuje dio rezultata višegodišnjeg arheološkog istraživanja, čiji je glavni cilj proučavanje kompleksnog procesa romanizacije peregrinskih civitates na prostoru Velebita tijekom 1. st. prije Krista i u 1. st. nakon Krista. Kao primjer romanizacije odabrana je civitas Lopsica, čije se središte nalazilo na Gradini u današnjem podvelebitskom mjestu. Sveti Juraj kod Senja. Lopsica se spominje u antičkim povijesnim vrelima, osobito je važan njezin spomen kod Plinija Starijeg (Naturalis historia III, 139, 140), gdje je u popisu važnijih liburnskih naselja navedena kao oppidum. Lopsica tijekom 1. st. nakon Krista postiže municipalni status, koji je i epigrafski potvrđen. Onomastička analiza pokazuje da su na natpisima navedeni pripadnici romanizirane autohtone aristokracije, koji u upravnoj i gospodarskoj strukturi municipija zadržavaju stečene pozicije vlasti i čine povlašteni sloj. I civitas i municipium Lopsica imali su svoj teritorij, koji je osim priobalja obuhvaćao i prostor koji se duboko prostirao u unutrašnjost Velebita. Uz podatke iz ranijih istraživanja, korištenje suvremenih metoda prospekcije terena, osobito metoda zračne arheologije, omogućilo je preciznije određenje granica zajednice i uvid u organizaciju života na planinskom prostoru koji se, gledajući njegovu izrazito krašku morfologiju, čini krajnje neprikladnim za život. Planina je pružala vrlo dobre uvjete za bavljenje stočarstvom, ali i za eksploataciju šumskih resursa, od čega je lokalno stanovništvo moglo imati značajnu korist. Povoljan strateški i prometni položaj te dobra luka poticali su razvoj trgovine, koja se preko planinskih prijevoja odvijala s japodskom unutrašnjošću. Promjene koje su tijekom željeznog doba i početkom antike nastale u krajoliku, mogu se i danas uočiti.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 119-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Romanizacija -- Peregrinska zajednica -- Municipij

91   Geografija

KERKOVITS, Krisztián
Polyazimuthal map projections [Elektronička građa] = Poliazimutne kartografske projekcije / Krisztián Kerkovits ; [s engleskog preveo] V. [Valentin] Lapaine. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - A polyazimuthal map projection is a mapping that represents parallels as non-concentric full circles on the plane. Polyazimuthal mappings are almost never mentioned in the literature dealing with map projections. However, these projections are flexible; their distortion characteristics are highly mutable. This paper expands the theory of polyazimuthal map projections. Furthermore, this study also shows the derivation for variants of this projection family (e. g. equal-area, orthogonal). The article concludes with some practical applications in the field of low-distortion map projections to demonstrate their advantages. - Poliazimutna kartografska projekcija je preslikavanje paralela kao nekoncentričnih kružnica u ravnini projekcije. Poliazimutna preslikavanja se ne spominju gotovo nigdje u literaturi o kartografskim projekcijama. Međutim, te su projekcije fleksibilne, a njihove distorzije jako promjenljive. Ovaj članak proširuje teoriju poliazimutnih projekcija. Nadalje, ova studija također daje izvod različitih varijanti takvih projekcija (npr. ekvivalentne, ortogonalne). Članak završava s nekoliko praktičnih primjena u području kartografskih projekcija s malim distorzijama kako bi se demonstrirale njihove prednosti.
U: Kartografija i geoinformacije (Online). - ISSN 1848-0713. - 18 (2019), 32 ; str. 18-32  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kartografske projekcije -- Poliazimutne projekcije -- Optimalne projekcije -- Numerička optimizacija

Vidi br.: HA20-00252

92   Biografske studije. Genealogija. Heraldika. Zastave

ŽURA, Slava
Sveta Ema Krška i Trakošćan [Elektronička građa] / Slavica Vrkić Žura. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Car Heinrich II. darovao je u Bambergu dana 16. travnja 1015. godine savinjskom grofu Wilhelmu, starijem sinu svoje nećakinje, koruške kneginje Eme od Friesacha i Zeltschacha, vilu Trakošćan i 30 kraljevskih seoskih gazdinstava te sve što on, car, posjeduje na području Wilhelmove markgrofovije između rijeka Save, Savinje, Sutle i Mirne. Wilhelmova majka Ema rođena je 983. godine na dvorcu Peilenstein (slov. Pilštanj) od oca Elgelberta von Peilensteina i majke Tute. Odrasla je na dvorcu cara (sv.) Heinricha II. i njegove žene (sv.) Kunigunde. Udala se za Wilhelma II. od Friesacha, Zeltschacha i Truxena. Nakon pogibije obojice sinova (1030.) i smrti supruga (1036.) osnovala je veliki broj crkava, podigla ženski benediktinski samostan u Gurku (Krško) te omogućila osnivanje krške biskupije. Veliki dio svojih posjeda poklonila je salzburškom biskupu Baldwinu u svrhu osnivanja benediktinskog samostana u Admontu. Pokopana je u novoj kripti krške katedrale 1174., beatificirana 1287., a kanonizirana 1938. god., iako je proces proglašenja sveticom počeo već sredinom 15. stoljeća. Među dvorcima koje je poklonila krškoj biskupiji nije naveden Trakošćan. Umrla je na Dan sv. Petra i Pavla 29.lipnja, ali joj se blagdan slavi dva dana ranije, 27.lipnja. Zaštitnica je trudnica, slijepih i nepokretnih osoba. Atributi su joj ruža i katedrala, a ponegdje i povelja koju drži u rukama. Svojom sveticom smatraju je Slovenci, Austrijanci i Nijemci. Nakon smrti njezinog supruga Wilhelma II. savinjski markgrof postaje Emin rođak grof Askuin Plain. Njega nasljeđuje sin Starhand I., a Starhanda I. sin Starhand II. koji je imao braću Ulrika, Weriganda i Bernarda. Starhand II. u ratnom pohodu gubi svoju markgrofoviju, a dobiva je Pilgrim Hohenwart. Njegov sin Ginter kratko vrijeme vlada savinjskom markgrofovijom, da bi je ponovo preuzeo Pilgrim. Nakon Pilgrimove smrti car Konrad III. tu markgrofoviju 1149. predaje Otokaru I. Štajerskom. - Emperor Henry II [Heinrich II] gave away Villa Trakoscan and 30 royal estates to Count William [Wilhelm] of Savinja, older son of his niece, the Carinthian Princess Emma of Friesach and Zeltschach, on April 16th, 1015, in Bamberg. The Emperor also gave the Count all that he possessed in William's Margraviate, situated between the rivers Sava, Savinja, Sutla, and Mirna. William's mother Hemma was born in 983 at Peilenstein castle, as the daughter of Engelbert von Peilenstein, and wife Tuta. She was raised in the palace of Emperor Henry II and his wife (Saint) Cunigunde, and was married to William II of Friesach, Zeltschach and Truxen. After both of her sons were murdered (in 1030), and then her husband (in 1036), Hemma founded a large number of churches, the women's Benedictine monastery at Gurk and enabled the founding of the Gurk Diocese. She gave away a large number of her estate properties to the Salzburg Bishop Baldwin for founding the Benedictine monastery at Admont. Hemma’s remains were buried in the new crypt of the Gurk Cathedral in 1174. She was beatified in 1287, and canonised in 1938, although the process of being declared a saint began as far back as the middle of the 15th century. Castle Trakoscan is not mentioned among the castles she gave away to the Gurk Diocese. She died on St Peter's and Paul's day, but her feast day is celebrated two days earlier, on June 27th. Saint Hemma is the patron of pregnant women, the blind, and the immobile. Her attributes are the rose and the cathedral, and sometimes a charter she holds in her hands. Slovenes, Austrians, and Germans venerate her as their saint. After the death of her husband William II, Hemma’s relative, Count Askuin Plain becomes the Savinja Margrave. He is succeeded by his son Starhand I, who is succeeded by Starhand II, whose brothers were Ulrich, Werigand, and Bernard. Starhand II loses his Margraviate to Pilgrim of Hohenwart, following a military campaign.
U: Kaj (Online). - ISSN 1848-7920. - 52 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 121-139  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveta Ema Krška
Krška biskupija


Vidi br.: HA20-00129

Vidi br.: HA20-00492

Vidi br.: HA20-00251

Vidi br.: HA20-00016

93   Povijest

930   Povijesna znanost. Pomoćne povijesne znanosti

Vidi br.: HA20-00065

Vidi br.: HA20-00186

930.85   Kulturna povijest

Vidi br.: HA20-00188

Vidi br.: HA20-00510

930.85(497.5)   Kulturna povijest Hrvatske

Bilježnica ili Kvaderna senjskog kaptola iz 17. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Mile Bogović. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: transliterirani tekst i faksimile Bilježnice na str. 177-230. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 231-232. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U Biskupskom arhivu u Senju nalazi se rukopisna knjiga prihoda Senjskog kaptola iz 17. stoljeća. Pisana je glagoljskom kurzivom i latinicom. Iz knjige se mogu pratiti društvene i crkvene prilike u tom biskupijskom gradu, u vrijeme kada je senjsko-modruški biskup boravio u slobodnom dijelu Modruške biskupije, a Senjska biskupija spala na jednu (senjsku) župu kojom upravlja kaptol. Krajem istoga stoljeća Senju kao biskupijskom središtu porast će važnost jer će se biskup vratiti u nj, a njegova jurisdikcija protegnut će se na široki prostor koji je oslobođen od Turaka. - In the Bishop’s archive in Senj there is a handwritten book of the income of the Senj Chapter from the 17th century. It is written in Glagolitic italic and Latin scripts. In the book can be followed the social and ecclesiastical conditions in this diocesan town at the time when the Senj-Modruš bishop lived in the free part of the Modruš diocese, and the Senj diocese belonged to one (Senj) parish which was governed by the Chapter. At the end of the same century, Senj as a diocesan centre would grow in importance because the bishop returned to it, and his jurisdiction would extend over the wider area which was liberated from the Turks.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 159-232  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Knjiga prihoda -- Biskupski arhiv
Senjski kaptol


Vidi br.: HA20-00515

94   Opća povijest. Povijest pojedinih zemalja i naroda

Vidi br.: HA20-00046

94(497.5)   Povijest Hrvatske

DOMINES Peter, Pio
Pad savezničkog zrakoplova Bristol Beaufightera (NT997) kod Senja u listopadu 1944. godine [Elektronička građa] / Pio Domines Peter. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 322-324. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ključni vojnostrateški položaj i iznimno prometno, gospodarsko i vojno značenje senjske luke glavni su razlozi zbog kojih je Senj tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata pretrpio strahovita zračna bombardiranja njemačkih, a potom i savezničkih zračnih snaga koja su rezultirala ljudskim gubicima i znatnom materijalnom štetom. Od početka 1944. godine, kada savezničko zrakoplovstvo ostvaruje premoć u zraku, pa sve do kraja rata, senjska luka i lučki objekti bili su česta meta savezničkih taktičkih zračnih bombardiranja, ali i poprište ciljanih napada lovaca i lovaca bombardera usmjerenih na manje, specifične i posebno planirane ciljeve. U arhivskim dokumentima zabilježen je veći broj zračnih napada na Senj, a u jednoj od misija savezničkih zračnih snaga 10. listopada 1944. godine djelovanjem protuzračne obrane s njemačkog broda Arpione u senjskoj luci oboren je lovac-bombarder Bristol Beaufighter NT997 iz sastava 19. eskadrile Južnoafričkog ratnog zrakoplovstva (SAAF) koji se srušio u more nedaleko luke. Rasvjetljivanje okolnosti pada i sudbina članova posade analizom ostataka zrakoplova i prikupljenih arhivskih dokumenata glavni su ciljevi ovog rada, koji nastaje u svjetlu 75. obljetnice toga događaja. - The key military strategic position and exceptional transport, economic and military significance of Senj harbour were the reasons why during the Second World War Senj suffered air bombardments by the Germans and subsequently by Allied air forces which resulted in humannlosses and significant material damage. From the beginning of 1944, when Allied air forces gained supremacy in the air, all the way until the end of the war, Senj harbour and the harbour facilities were often targets of Allied tactical aerial bombardments, as well as the scenes of targeted attacks of fighters and fighter-bombers directed at small, specific and specially planned targets. In archive documents a large number of aerial attacks on Senj are noted, and during one mission by Allied air forces, on 10th October 1994, during antiaircraft defence with the German ship Arpione in Senj harbour a Bristol Beaufighter NT997 fighter-bomber from the 19th squadron of the South African Air Force (SAAF) was hit and crashed into the sea not far from the harbour. Illuminating the circumstances of the crash and fate of the members of the crew by analysing the remains of the plane and collected archive documents are the main aim of this paper which came to be upon the 75th anniversary of this event.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 46 (2019), 1 ; str. 297-324  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drugi svjetski rat -- Zračni napadi -- Pad zrakoplova

ŠPREM, Katarina
Rimski kamenolomi i prijevoz kamena u antičkoj Istri [Elektronička građa] / Katarina Šprem. - Ilustr.
Prilozi na str. 30-36. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Riassunto ; Abstract. - Istra se u geomorfološkom smislu kolokvijalno dijeli na Crvenu, Sivu i Bijelu. Crvena Istra proteže se južnim i zapadnim dijelom poluotoka i bogata je, kako zemljom crvenicom, tako i kvalitetnim površinskim naslagama vapnenca. To su prepoznali svojedobno i Rimljani koji su ga vadili iz nekoliko pretpostavljenih antičkih kame-noloma koji se spominju u literaturi. Nove tehnologije omogućuju otkrivanje kame -noloma koji su zarasli u vegetaciju i tako su na prvi pogled teško uočljivi. Svi su kamenolomi ucrtani na kartu u prilogu.Za iskorištavanje kamena vrlo važno je imati i dobre ceste kojim bi se taj kamen dalje prevozio do mjesta na kojem je potreban, kao na primjer za gradnju rustičnih vila ili samih prometnica. Za nešto udaljeniju distribuciju bitne su pak morske luke u kojima su se blokovi kamena mogli ukrcati na brodove. Na kartu su ucrtana dva pretpostavljena pravca pružanja antičkih prometnica čiji točan položaj danas ne znamo. Ucrtane su i sve uvale u kojima su pronađeni ostaci rimskih lučkih uređaja, kao i uvale koje su zbog svojih karakteristika mogle predstavljati pristaništa bez potrebe izgradnje lučkih uređaja. Većina se kamenoloma nalazi u blizini luka, uvala ili pristaništa, ili pak u blizini pretpostavljenoga pružanja antičkih prometnica. - La suddivisione geomorfologica dell’Istria vede la ripartizione in tre zone colloqui-almente dette Istria rossa, grigia e bianca. L’Istria rossa si estende nella zona meri-dionale e occidentale della penisola ed è ricca di terra rossa e strati superficiali di roccia calcarea. Lo riconobbero al tempo anche i Romani che la estraevano da alcune cave antiche la cui esistenza è stata ipotizzata nella letteratura scientifica. Le nuove tecnologie a disposizione permettono di scoprire cave ricoperte da vege-tazione e dunque difficili da scorgere a prima vista. Tutte le cave sono state segnate nella mappa in allegato.Per l’estrazione della pietra è molto importante avere a disposizione delle buone strade per il suo trasporto fino al luogo di consegna, come ad esempio un sito di costruzione di ville rustiche o di strade. Per la distribuzione in zone più lon-tane sono importanti i porti marittimi in cui i blocchi di pietra vengono caricati sulle navi. Sulla carta sono stati inseriti due presunti tracciati di strade antiche la cui esatta posizione oggi è sconosciuta. La mappa riporta anche tutte le insenature in cui sono state ritrovate attrezzature portuali romane e le insenature che grazie alle proprie caratteristiche si sarebbero potute usare come porti senza necessità di costruire attrezzature portuali. La maggior parte delle cave si trova nelle vicinanze di porti, insenature o approdi oppure nelle vicinanze dei possibili tracciati di strade romane. - Istria is colloquially divided into Red Istria, Grey Istria, and White Istria. Red Istria is the south-west part of the peninsula rich in terra rossa and high-quality surface deposits of limestone. The limestone was quarried during the Roman era from seve-ral supposed Roman quarries mentioned in bibliography. However, new technolo-gies, like Airborne Laser Scanning, enable us to discover quarries overgrown with vegetation and therefore more difficult to notice during field surveys. All of these supposed Roman quarries have been mapped. It is also very important to have roads for distribution of stone blocks to their desired location. For farther distribution, ports were needed, where one can load the stone blocks onto ships. The supposed spread of Roman roads in Istria, as well as Roman ports, are mapped. Most of the mapped quarries are located in the vici-nity of bays, coves, or ports where they can be loaded onto ships, or close to the supposed Roman roads.
U: Histria (Online). - ISSN 1849-5699. - (2019), 9 ; str. 13-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antika -- Kamenolomi -- Kamen -- Ceste -- Luke

KLAIĆ, Željko, povjesničar
Skupština u Kozini Političkoga društva Edinost 10. srpnja 1922. i namjera obnove rada Političkoga društva za Hrvate i Slovence u Istri u listopadu 1922. [Elektronička građa] / Željko Klaić. - Fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Riassunto ; Abstract. - Nakon dolaska Istre, Trsta i Goričke u sastav Kraljevine Italije, budući da je sam opstanak hrvatskoga i slovenskoga naroda u tim krajevima došao u pitanje, ostvarenje političke sloge bilo je dominantno pitanje unutar slovenskih i hrvatskih političkih redova. Aktivnost Političkoga društva Edinost iz Trsta kreće prema pokretanju jedinstvenoga političkog djelovanja na prostoru koji se našao pod Italijom. I nakon što su se povezali zbog općenacionalnih interesa, razlike u nazorima između liberala i kršćanskih socijalista su se u jedinstvenom društvu zadržale. I glasilo istarskih kršćanskih socijalista Pučki prijatelj, koje je početkom rujna 1919. ponovno započelo izlaziti, težilo je ostvarenju političke sloge. Uredniku lista preporučeno je 1919. izbjegavati pisanje koje bi izazvalo sukob s nacionalno-liberalnom strujom, a uoči državnih izbora 1921. kršćanski socijalisti podržali su pripadnike te struje kao istarske kandidate. No, bez političkoga i gospodarsko-socijalnoga programa nije bilo moguće uspostaviti snažnu djelotvornu organizaciju. Već su sredinom 1920. gorički svećenici predložili program temeljen na kršćansko-socijalnim načelima. Društvo Edinost bilo je suglasno sa širenjem tih načela, ali ih nije priznalo kao društveni program jer bi takva načela stvarala podjele. Međutim, i Pučki prijatelj započet će izražavati nezadovoljstvo zbog nepostojanja sustavnoga i organiziranoga rada. List je nezadovoljstvo izražavao upravo u vrijeme definitivnoga priključenja Julijske krajine početkom 1921. Italiji, naglašavajući potrebu reorganizacije djelovanja i rada. Nakon državnih izbora u svibnju 1921., socijalni su kršćani javno kritizirali vodstvo Edinosti da je krivo za slabe izborne rezultate u Istri i Trstu, problematizirajući program rada Političkoga društva. Bio je oštar i Pučki prijatelj, kritizirajući i on u prvom redu izborni program. - Dato che in seguito all’annessione dell’Istria, Trieste e Gorizia al Regno d’Italia era stata messa a repentaglio l’esistenza della popolazione croata e slovena di questi territori, la preoccupazione dominante nelle file politiche slovene e croate fu il raggiungimento di un’intesa politica. Gli sforzi della Società politica Edinost di Trieste si mossero verso l’avviamento di un’attività politica unitaria nel territorio assoggettato all’Italia. Pur essendosi raccolte attorno ad un interesse nazionale comune, le visioni dei liberali e dei socialisti cristiani continuarono a differire all’interno della società unificata. Anche il giornale dei socialisti cristiani istriani Pučki prijatelj, che tornò alle stampe agli inizi di settembre 1919, sostenne la realizzazione dell’unità politica. Nel 1919 fu consigliato all’editore del giornale di evitare testi che provocassero scontri con la corrente nazional-liberale e, in vista delle elezioni statali del 1921, i socialisti cristiani appoggiarono i rappresentanti di tale corrente in qualità di candidati istriani. Però, senza un programma economico-sociale, non sarebbe stato possibile stabilire un’organizzazione solida ed efficace. Già verso la metà del 1920 il clero goriziano aveva proposto un programma fondato su principi cristiano-sociali. La società Edinost condivideva la diffusione di tali principi, ma non li riconobbe quale programma della società perché avrebbero creato divergenze. Tuttavia, anche Pučki prijatelj iniziò a manifestare la propria insoddisfazione per l’inesistenza di un’attività sistematica ed organizzata. Il giornale manifestava la propria insoddisfazione proprio nel momento dell’annessione definitiva della Venezia Giulia all’Italia, agli inizi del 1921, enfatizzando la necessità di riorganizzare le attività e l’operato. - After the accession of Istria, Trieste and Gorizia to the Kingdom of Italy, since the very survival of the Croatian and Slovenian people in these parts came into question, the achievement of political harmony was a dominant issue within the Slovenian and Croatian political order. The activity of the Political Society ʻEdinostʼ from Trieste moved towards the inception of a unified political activity in the area that had found itself under Italy. Even after they became allies because of national interests, the differences in views between liberals and Christian socialists persisted in the unified society. The newsletter of the Istrian Christian socialists, Pučki prijatelj (The Peopleʼs Friend), which started being issued again at the beginning of September 1919, was striving for political concord. In 1919, the editor of the newspaper was advised to avoid writing which would initiate a conflict with the national-liberal movement, and on the eve of the 1921 state elections, the Christian socialists supported members of that movement as Istrian candidates. However, without a political and economic-social programme, it was not possible to establish a strong and effective organization. As early as the mid-1920, Gorizian priests proposed a programme based on Christian-social principles. The Society ʻEdinostʼ supported the dissemination of these principles, but did not acknowledge them as a social agenda because such principles would create divisions. However, Pučki prijatelj would also begin expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of systematic and organized work. The newspaper expressed its dissatisfaction at the time of the definitive annexation of the Venezia Giulia in early 1921 to Italy, emphasizing the need to reorganize its activities and work. After the May 1921 state elections, social leaders publicly criticized the leadership of ʻEdinostʼ for poor election results in Istria and Trieste, reprimanding the political agenda of the Political Society.
U: Histria (Online). - ISSN 1849-5699. - (2019), 9 ; str. 115-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Političke prilike -- Tiskovine
Političko društvo za Hrvate i Slovence u Istri -- Političko društvo Edinost


MACUT, Petar
Zapisnici sa sjednica tabora Ustaške mladeži Vukovar (srpanj 1942. - travanj 1943.) [Elektronička građa] / Petar Macut.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor donosi zapisnike sa sjednica tabora Ustaške mladeži u Vukovaru od srpnja 1942. do travnja 1943. godine. U zapisnicima se nalaze podatci o djelovanju lokalne organizacije Ustaške mladeži u Vukovaru u razdoblju nešto kraćem od godine dana iz kojih se može dobiti dojam o intenzitetu, kvaliteti, preferencijama i načinu na koji je tabor, kao osnovna teritorijalna ustrojbena jedinica organizacije Ustaške mladeži, administrirao i vodio mušku i žensku mladež grada Vukovara od 7 do 18 godina. Zapisniku prethodi kraće objašnjenje ustroja i djelovanja Ustaške mladeži, te su dodatnim bilješkama uz tekst objašnjeni neki važniji momenti i informacije koje ovi dokumenti sadrže. - The protocols from the meetings of the Vukovar Ustasha Youth Camp are significant historical sources giving an insight into the activities and operations of the local organization of the Ustasha Youth within the Independent State of Croatia. Even though this involves a rather short period of time, a few months only, it is possible to reconstruct the dynamics of the implementation of directives from the centre (Zagreb Ustasha Youth Command) as well as of the superior Headquarters of the Ustasha Youth Vuk I. The protocols present the scope of work and the problems the local organization of the Vukovar Ustasha Youth Camp had to face in its activities. The publishing of such sources allows us to draw comparisons between the successes as presented in propaganda, which can be read about in numerous newspapers of the Ustasha Youth, and the reality that presented obstacles to local officials of the Ustasha Youth. It is fairly certain that protocols of local organizations of the Ustasha Youth are kept in other archives as well; hence, this is a suggestion for others to publish these protocols and make them available to the interested scholarly community.
U: Scrinia Slavonica (Online). - ISSN 1848-9109. - 19 (2019), 1 ; str. 321-340  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ustaški pokret -- Ustaška mladež -- Zapisnici

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